##VIDEO ID:hLDh1hZTGCw## e e e e e e e e e welcome to the final budget hearing on Wednesday September 18th 2024 it is now 501 at this time now that we've called the meeting to order I ask you to please rise we'll have a moment of silence and an invocation by commissioner darl law and I'll lead us in the pledge of allegiance of our great nation please pray with me our heavenly father we thank you for this wonderful day in this wonderful state in this wonderful county father we thank you for giv giving us the opportunity to be commissioned in doing our jobs your word tells us in Proverbs 21 the wise store up Choice food and olive oil but fools gulp theirs down in other words friends it's wise to plan for the future and save money rather than spend it on everything that we have here in the present father we say all of this in your son's name amen thank you please join with me in a pledge of leading to the greatest nation on Earth the United States of of America home of the freed because of the Brave I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you all welcome everyone and now we'll turn it over to the County Administrator Mr Vice chairman members of the board to present the 2024 2025 budget overview the budget for the upcoming year is 524 m719 1875 which represents a decrease of $17.9 million over the amended 2324 budget uh additionally Mr uh Mr Mr Vice chair and board members it ALS but it does represent a $7,810 increase over last year's originally adopted budget just a couple highlights members of the board and c community or tax roll increase was 10.3% countywide 10% for the unincorporated area uh please keep in mind this is the first year of our environmentally sensitive land acquisition bonds uh Public Safety Remains the county number one priority one number one priority at $45.78 per of the total budget which is allocated to law enforcement emergency services and fire rescue Sheriff's budget is 78.9 million and emergency services and fire rescue 66.8 in the county continues Department with the school district 50/50 to fund school resource officers to protect our children the compensation study total implantation cost is roughly 8.7 million the retirement rate increase not including our constitutional officers is 1.2 million countywide uh this year we are realizing oped Savings of about little more than a half million dollars of which the plan is now fully funded we also have a $1.1 million increase countywide including constitutional officers for our workers compensation and in terms of full-time positions the county will be adding 37 full-time positions and our constitution officers 1.9 for a total increase of 38.9 positions Mr Mr Vice chair members of the board the general fund uh the proposed millich is 3.54 75 which represents a 7.77% increase or above the roll back rate of 32918 the proposed budget is145 M83 4,24 Mr Vice chair opening up for public comments considering any proposed changes to the budget make we will need motions to both approve the military rate and adopt the milit resolution and make a motion to approve the dollar amount and adopt the budget resolution turn back to the board thank you County Administrator um there any any input here from the board Mr chair yes hearing N I have to ask the public is there any comment from the public yes sir two microph phones choose one I'll choose this one commissioner thank you Commissioners uh on behalf of the taxpayers association I simply want to communicate that this budget carries our full support I know we communicated this in a letter about a month and a half ago but I just want to thank the collaboration uh specifically administrator to canich commission chair Adams and uh Kathy Copeland for meeting with our association's board and really going over the budget we just want to thank the collaboration of this commission we find this budget um impressively accounts for the fact that this government's undergoing inflation just like the rest of our our country and the rest of our citizens we were still able to keep the aggregate millage consistent in spite of as you mentioned the environmental land acquisition bonds and so I just want to thank this commission for the continued collaboration you know this community works together this works well when we all work together um and so I just want to thank the administrator thank the commission thank commission CH Adams I know she can't be here this evening um and thank the staff for all their hard work and diligence over the summer we appreciate you this community appreciates the work that this staff and this commission have done on the budget I just want to end by saying congratulations and welcome to our new County attorney this community is very glad to have you and I know all of us feel the same way commissioner thank you very much thank you is there anyone else a fact to follow you were about ready to make a motion sure chair motion approved proposed millit rate of 3.54 75 and 7.77% above roll back rate of 3.2 918 second we have a motion by Commission commissioner L seconded by commissioner Mo any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously 40 with commissioner chair Adams absent chair also moved a proposed budget of 1,400 one 145,146 4 to the general fund second we have a motion by by commissioner L second by commissioner Moss any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries 401 again thank you Mr Mr Vice chair now we'll move on to the mstu or the municipal service tax budget the proposed millich is 1.1 156 Mills which is 7.24% above the roll back rate of 1.07 29 Ms the proposed budget is 54,3 68,5 Mr Vice chair you need to open up for public comment consider any proposed changes to the budget and then we'll need a motion for both to approve the military R adopt the mil military resolution and another motion to approve the dollar amount and adopt the budget resolution return to the board any comment from the board moving to the public is there any comment seeing done chairman make the motion we approve the mstu proposed Mage at 1.1 156 it's 7.24% above the roll back rate of 1.07 29 second that's a motion by commissioner Herman second by commissioner Moss any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously 4 Z make a motion that we accept the proposed budget of $54 m368 54 m368 $135 to the mstu second I have a motion by commission Erman second and by myself any further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carried unanimously 4 z Mr Vice chair members of the board the next is our transportation fund the proposed budget is25 , $881,000 $881,000 need open it for public comments considering any proposed change to the budget Mr Vice chair you'll need to make a motion a motion will be need to approve the dollar amount and adopt the budget resolution return to the board thank you we have any comment from the board we have any comment from the public seeing none chairman motion to approve transport Transportation fund the proposed budget is$ 2,881 721 second I have a motion by commissioner Lis second by myself any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries 4 z Mr Vice chair members of the board the next budget is our Emergency Services District fund the proposed millich is 23531 Mills which is 7. 31% above the roll back rate of 2.1 928 Ms the proposed budget is 66,800 34 Mr Vice chair you'll need to open up for public comments consider any proposed changes to the budget and will'll need motions to approve the military and adopt the mill resolution and secondly a motion to approve the dollar amount and adopt the budget resolution return to the board cover from the board any comment from the attending public seeing none Mo motion that we approve the Emergency Services District budget propos millage of 2. 3531 which is 7.31 per above the roll back rate of 21928 second and that's a motion by commissioner a second by commissioner Moss any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries 40 chairman I make a motion we accept the proposed budget of 66,800 second that's a motion by commission Erman second and by myself any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously 4 z Mr Vice chair members of the board the next item is our land acquisition bonds our 2024 land acquisition bonds are related to the voter approved debt to acquire environmentally sensitive land the proposed Milich rate is for the first $25 million of bond bonds the proposed Milich is 0.639 Ms and the proposed budget is $1,778 N2 Mr Vice share you'll need to open up for public comments consider any proposed changes to the budget and will require making a motion to approve the military and adopt the military resolution and a motion to approve the dollar amount and adopt the budget resolution return to the board any comments on the board and coming from the public seeing none move to approve the land acquisition bonds proposed millage at 0.639 second that's any motion by commissioner Mo second by commissioner lore any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries 40 move to approve the land acquisition bonds 2024 proposed budget of of 1,778,112 which is 7.40% above the 5.68 N1 roll back rate Mr chair Mr Vice chair members of the board the next is our Solid Waste Disposal District uh of which we need to announce the proposed charges and budget budget for the year so the there's $18.75 per Residential Waste generation unit or $163.3 per house $688 80 per commercial waste generation unit $403 for Readiness to use fee and the overall budget for the year is$ 27,485 249 Mr Vice chair you'll need to receive the open for public comments considering the proposed amendments make a motion to adopt the resolution to approve the non-ad arm residential and Commercial waste waste generation unit charges and Readiness to use fees and we'll also need a motion to adopt the budget resolution thank you return to the board any comment from the board any comment from the public seeing none Commissioners approve to Solid Waste dis disposal District an in 20242 for Budget changes are [Music] $18.75 per Residential Waste generation unit or $633 per house $688 per commercial waste generated unit uh $403 Readiness to use fee uh 27 proposed budget of 27,455 249 budget and that is in the form of a motion chair second any further discussion do we need to do them separately we have to do them separately but we'll include that as stated and then we will ask for the second motion thank you thank you good clarification that's a motion by uh commissioner law seconded by myself any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously 4 Z Item two want take crack out got to read the budget line oh I'm sorry I make a motion to approve the budget Solid Waste district for 27 m495 249 second that's a motion by commission Erman second by commissioner Moss any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries 40 unanimously Mr Vice chairman members of the board the next section of budget is our non-ad valorum assessments uh the first of which is the vir Lake estate's msbu which is a per partial acre at $50 East gford stormwater msbu per partial acre is $10 and North County Water assessment per partiel $290 53 Mr Vice chair of the Nexus street light districts of which I'll will return this portion over to the board to announce the charges and I I trust that commissioner Moss would like to I would I'd be happy to um that's gford and that's $21 uh per acre Laurel Wood at $44 per acre Rock Ridge at $3 per acre buau Highlands at $47 per acre porpus point at $7 per acre Laurel Court at $48 per acre J Linda $55 per acre V Shores $34 per acre exora Park $32 per acre Royal Point Siana $51 per acre Rosland $3 per per acre Whispering PS $25 per acre moing $9 per acre Walker Glen $20 per acre Glendale Lakes $40 per acre floralton Beach $45 per acre West Faso $18 per acre Oceanside is per per lot charge and that's $51 Oso Park is also a parw charge at $20 thank you Mr Mr Vice chair you'll need to receive comments from the public consider any proposed amendments and calculate revised charge and we'll need a motion to adopt the resolution to approve the non-ad valorum assessment charges return to the board checking with the board is there any other comment before we go to the public hearing none is there anything from the public regarding all these charges see none did that war assessments as R second I have any motion by commissioner Erman seconded by commissioner Moss I know you did any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries 40 unanimously Mr Vice chair members of the board last item the board's consideration this evening is the non-ad dollar budgets uh will announce the 2024 2025 proposed budgets by fund special Revenue funds $28 m860 $86,400 th000 Capital project funds $41 M 372,117 Enterprise funds $78 m271 180 internal service funds 53,5 34,9 37 Mr Vice chair members of the board you'll need to receive comments from the public considering proposed amendments and make a motion to adopt the budget resolution turn return to the board thank you C County Administrator is any other comments from the board are there any comments from our attending public chairman motion to approve the adopt budget resolution not adum dollar budget second that's a motion by commissioner L second it by myself and any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries 40 unanimously well the next item is uh adjournment before we do that Mr chair just want to thank a couple people uh one I want to thank our om Department uh Kristen and her staff want to thank Ruth for 19 years of service this is her last budget and we appreciate all that you've done on behalf of the county want to thank our department head and Constitution officers for their uh fiscal discipline and the work they put into developing a budget to meet the needs of our community I also want to thank all of our employees for all that they do to provide services and support our residents the customers the public and I want to thank the board for your leadership Direction and guidance during this budget process and thank our new County attor being here today and I wanted to do the same I wanted to thank the public for attending uh but uh I we have to thank this staff you've done an incredible job as you do every year thank you so much and R special thank you outstanding seeing none Mr Vice chairman yes please you like to recognize our County Attorney at our first meeting yes uh County attorney thank you this was your first meeting yes I didn't even trip on my way down the stairs they're generally a little lengthier than this one okay I'll keep that in mind I'm very happy to be here thank but we're very happy to have you on the board thank you anything further seeing done all the appropriate documentation will be signed and this budget is concluded thank you [Music]