##VIDEO ID:mEU1MdVGtIw## e e e e e e e e e all right is everybody ready to go yes mam chair go ahead and call the meeting to order we're going to start with a moment of Silent reflection for First Responders and members of the Armed Forces followed by an invocation by Pastor Chris uh drenan From Grace Baptist Church that will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by myself everybody would please rise let's pray our gracious father we thank you for this day that you've given us you've given us life health and strength that we can come together to do the duties that you have set before us we thank you that you continue to care for us and provide for us Lord we do come to you with grate uh with prayers Upon Our Hearts for those in the uh upcoming storm we pray for your protection watch care over our fellow Floridians and Lord that you would have mercy and compassion upon them and upon us as well Lord we pray for our First Responders as they are in the midst of the storm helping and taking care of folks for the linemen that will provide the electricity and all those who will be involved in the cleanup we pray for our nation Lord we pray that you would help us in the midst of turmoil and chaos and uh Lord that you would just provide leadership for us we pray for this uh uh commission and uh for their meeting today that you'll give wisdom and guidance and the matters before them and Lord that they would lead us in truth and righteousness Lord that we would just see our County uh continue to thrive and um Lord we just pray that you will work in a mighty way and so watch over and protect us we pray and ask these things in Jesus name Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right commissioners before we get started I just have a few few um storm related announcements I want to go over um as you guys know hurricane Milton is very large and Ever Changing in our area so um I thought it would be good to give everybody kind of an update um the County Administrator signed the state of emergency for Indian River County effective at 5:00 p.m. last night the EOC um will go to essential crew activation at 2 p.m. today and full activation on Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. um there is an information line available for the public with any questions they may have and that's 1 800 226 4,000 general population shelters will open at 2 p.m. today they are located at Oslo Middle School Sebastian River Middle School felir elementary and Freshman Learning Center which is also our pet friendly shelter that information is also on our website tomorrow um at 8:30 a.m. the special need shelter located at Treasure Coast Elementary will be open um the landfill is open today and the felir and Oslo customer Convenience centers are open um Wednesday and Thursday all Convenience Centers and the landfill will be closed um Residential Waste and Recycling will be suspended Residential Waste and Recycling is running as normal today um the uh fee has been waved at the landfill the W fee has been waved due to Hurricane melon to facilitate pre-storm debris removal so if you are removing debris please please take that down we've suspended that um once we get through the storm the landfill will will reopen and Rosland gford and winter beach Convenience Centers will be open and we will resume um residential and recycling Service as quickly as possible with a 1-day delay in service the last thing for everybody at 1:30 today there will be a press conference at the EOC and um the sound has been adjusted and addressed so everybody will be able to to hear that so I know there were some concerns uh with the one yesterday so that has been fixed 1:30 we'll have more information um so please tune in to that press conference but I did want to give that update uh for the residents and for the commissioner so if there's no questions on that we will move on to our agenda Commissioners are there any additions or deletions to the agenda no madame chair move approval second all right we have a motion and second all in favor by opposed motion carries with that we will move on to proclamations and presentations we have a presentation or Proclamation declaring the month of October is National Domestic Violence awareness month this will be presented by commissioner flesher to Jennifer Fox and oh come on down and and the crew we have a team you're all welcome to come welcome on down thank you madam shair and appreciate the opportunity this is one of those proclamations that I wish we did not have to uh present uh but uh the challenge exists and that's why the team is here and that's why we're we're doing this presentation um you know a few of us have been involved with domestic violence for many years on on the right side of domestic violence um so we know a lot of a lot of things uh of signs and symptoms and you know when we contact individuals uh it's not always the the black eye it's not always the the swollen cheeks it's not always what's apparent what we see so I'm in in hopes that you would share some of the signs and symptoms that other people can help because it's everyone's business because the victim of of domestic violence does not is not compelled to reach out for help until often times it's too late or at the end of this tragic Trail so I just hope that you had some information for individuals that so they can help each other sure and through the process uh with that I'll uh present the proclamation declaring the month of October 2024 as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month whereas domestic violence is a pervasive issue that transcends all ethnic racial and socioeconomic boundaries it is a pattern of behavior involving physical emotional sexual and economic abuse perpetrated by an intimate partner and whereas domestic violence is a crime with far-reaching consequences affecting victims of all genders sexual orientations and socioeconomic backgrounds and whereas the home a place intended for the sanctuary is often the sight of domestic violence making it a hidden crime and devastating impact on individuals families and communities and whereas October is designated as National Domestic Violence awareness month to raise awareness about this critical issue encourage uh prevent prevention efforts and support survivors and whereas it is essential to acknowledge the courage of survivors who break the cycle of abuse and seek help and to commend the dedicated professionals who provide the support and the services to victims in River county is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all residents and working collaboratively for the community of with partners and to prevent domestic violence and provide support to survivors now therefore be a proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of any River County Florida that we recognize October as domestic violence awareness month and express our sincere appreciation for those committed to promoting peace and preventing domestic violence in our community duly adopted this 8th day of October 2024 and it is hereby signed by all five County Commissioners good morning good morning so uh thank you for allowing us to do this today so I'm Jennifer Fox the CEO of safe space we are the uh State Certified Domestic Violence Center on the Treasure Coast and on behalf of safe space we do want to thank you for apping October as domestic violence Awareness Month as you can imagine this month we've got our team out doing a lot of work um to make sure that people know that domestic violence exists that it's happening in Indian River County and that we want to make sure that people understand where they can go for help if they need it so that's a lot of the work that we're doing this month especially I mean we're doing this all year of course but we're averaging about 250 crisis phone calls every month on our crisis line and those are just the people who are reaching out for help of course sometimes that's friends and family sometimes it's the person themselves so that number is available for anybody if they just need some help um figure out what to do next what are the next steps um we have really noticed a big uptick about 25% increase in calls from law enforcement and DCF children Child Protection over the last three or four months and we are kind of expecting this trend to continue so we are really trying to figure out what's going on what's Happening is law enforcement getting better at at giving us the calls giving the referrals or is there more happening in our area so we're just keeping an eye on it and trying to watch what's going on and see how we can best help um safe Space is really known for its emergency shelter but we do provide a lot of other wraparound services and I think that's important for people to recognize as well so each person that works with us has a a personal Advocate that's dedicated to them helping them with safety plans finding safe housing helping them um we've got peer support groups that they can attend um they can help with counseling finding those basic needs that they need um we also have our highly trained legal team that helps with injunctions for protections and other advice uh we have collocated Advocates working directly with child protection and then we've got an advocate who works specifically on financial education helping get a budget put together understanding credit and then helping them find opportun for increased education if they want that so if we don't offer a service we're really trying to work with the Community Partners to make sure that everybody's got that Community safety net wraparound Services throughout the whole Community um we do have a really great relationship and really thankful for the sheriff and uh Sheriff's Department here in Indian River County the victim Advocates work really closely with safe space it's been a great relationship and we're excited to continue that I've been in this position for just over a year now and what one of the things I hear quite a bit is that people that need our services don't know that safe space exists and so the next couple of years our real uh goal is to increase our impact and that includes things like Community Education which will improve include that prevention work um increasing our staffing and advocacy capacity we want to make sure we've got Advocates ready for the increased volume and we also want to help build those those um really trusting and lasting relationships with Community Partners and other uh Community leaders so I'll be reaching out to each of you in the next few months here I'd like to have some conversations with Commissioners as well um but we will be doing more awareness events in this area as well as some fundraising events um I I did want to mention that this is the first time in 12 years we will not be doing the walk a mile and her shoes campaign um instead we'll this month we're having our second annual amethyst Gala which will be at the Toro Club October 18th um so if anybody has any questions about safe space or any of the um ways to become involved in the movement or want to donate we can you can always visit our website at safespace fl.org and we'll we'll get back to you as soon as we can so um thank you again for uh your support and for uh proclaiming October as domestic violence awareness month well thank you uh once again uh there is a a high cost in doing this operations uh for safe space uh and you accept donations uh there is a lot of different things that that are in need SES and just materials to uh keep on moving forward to helping those who are victims of domestic violence yeah so uh how can people people help that are watching or listening of of course money always is very helpful uh we do in kind donations of course are helpful as well so we basic needs we go through quickly right the shampoo conditioners basic needs for people in the shelter and people that may not need shelter but they still need our help um so those types of things are great Linens for the the um beds towels we go through things pillows anything that you might need in your home we have at the shelter and then people need that when they're relocating or you know moving into their own home so those types of things are really important diapers of course things for babies and and young kids are important too those are the main basic need things and then you know we need of course bigger things we need new bunk beds we need new dressers um but uh those types of things and then just becoming involved and and understanding and learning more about what domestic violence is and when it happens you know is happening in our area and just kind of being that sounding board for someone people aren't always ready to leave right away there's a lot of reasons why people will stay and so we just want to be that support and that person that can listen and and help them when they're ready to leave so if people want to donate how how do they do that best way would be to either give us a call and our front desk person knows where to direct those um oh what is our actual 223 2399 come tell I don't know the number 772223 2399 is our administrative B yeah um and also just the website will direct you at safespace fl.org yeah wonderful make sure that those who want to help can help thank you we're going to take a photo too so move over there's a line in the Flor that's middle got to shift over little all right thank you again thank you all right our next Proclamation is a presentation of proclamation designating October 2024 is manufacturing month in Indian County this will be read by myself and presented to Halen and other members of the chamber welcome two of us all right this is a proclamation designating October 2024 is manufacturing month in Indian County Florida whereas the national manufacturing Institute has designated October 4th 2024 as national manufacturing day a kickoff to manufacturing month recognizing the manufacturing industry is vital to the economic health of our County the State of Florida and our entire country and whereas manufacturing is one of the cornerstones of our local economy helping to sustain our quality of life while fostering a solid and diverse tax base in indan county and whereas manufacturing month is a tremendous opportunity to shift Perceptions in a positive direction regarding this industry while diversifying and bolstering our local economy and whereas manufacturing provides 2,700 High wage and high skilled jobs in indu County with 146 manufacturing firms paying an average annual wage of $6,700 higher than our current average wage of $543 2017 this equates to over 162 mli million in paychecks circulating throughout our local economy each year by the manufacturing industry alone and whereas we join the IND Indian River County Chamber of Commerce the Treasure Coast manufacturers Association our school district our business community and many volunteers and supporting our manufacturing boot camp program which introduces high school students and young adults to potential careers in manufacturing thus strengthening our Workforce Pipeline and whereas all residents are encouraged to take time to acknowledge Indi County manufacturers and their employees for the positive economic impact they have in our County the State of Florida and our nation now therefore be it proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of IND no County Florida that the month of October 2024 be designated as manufacturing month in Indian County adopted this 8th day of October 2024 and signed by all five County Commissioners Helen it's good to see you do you want to tell us a little a little bit about what you guys have going on for manufacturing month this year um sure sure thank you um for the record Helen Castle time I'm the economic development vice president with the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce and thank you for giving us a few minutes on your agenda this morning um this as far as events go this is it this is it so but we do have other events um scheduled probably later in the year um tours for our c counselors and our teachers at the high schools but that probably won't be until early next year so more to come on that but um I would like to thank you for uh for joining us and recognizing the importance of manufacturing here in Indian River County um we joined hundreds of other Chambers of Commerce across Florida across the country highlighting the positive impact that this industry has on our local communities um in Indian River County as you may know we have a diverse range of manufacturing here from airplanes to orange juice from boats to beer manufacturing is entwined in our everyday lives and it's an essential part of our economy and and this is a big and today's manufacturing environment is highly technical it includes robotics automated Machinery screen Technologies it's not that dark and dirty atmosphere that we all pick picture from like the early 1940s and 50s it's way different today so we want everyone n area to know how manufacturing drives our local economy it helps to balance out that three-legged stool that we have agriculture tourism and Industry economic diversification is key so thank you again for joining us in recognizing manufacturing month in Indian River County and I do have one of our um manufacturing Bo boot camp committee members um Terry Gro who's with Career Source research Coast she's with me here today I did have other people who were going to be here today but they're at home getting ready for the storm that's very understandable H absolutely no worry absolutely so anyway so thank you very much for joining us in this important recognition we really appreciate it thank you thank you for what you guys do with Manufacturing in the county yeah take your own picture it's locked okay thank you thank ma'am building thank you te best team in the state that's what it's not hard to do this year all right our next uh Proclamation or our next is presentation of proclamation recognizing the month of October 2024 a cyber security Awareness Month in Indian River County this will be presented by commissioner e to the IT department welcome guys we appreciate what you guys are doing to keep us secure thank you madam chairman appreciate you letting me read this because you know I'm my most of us up here I think we're all just so computer savvy it it's scary right totally we are definitely not the high maintenance department for the it guys I I love this cyber stuff but I hate this cyber stuff so let me have a conversation for just a second to say that passwords rule my life I have a book this thick of all my passwords I'm learning how to get better of using you're not supposed to write them down that's not a cyber secure there's no way I can remember them all and I'm not used to using putting all the my eggs in one basket so they're they're at home in in a safe place and nobody probably could read them anyways but Rachel's I understand how important how important it is in security because in this day and age now with with everything we do online and everything we do in our computer servers everything I mean all the way from United States government down to somebody's house how important it is and and what's going on I'm sure that that U I'm sure that commissioner lore and commissioner fleser you never ever thought about cyber crimes you couldn't spell the word hardly I'm sure I know I couldn't who would ever thought but but it's a real thing in this country and it's so important I mean youed to read every day the headlines of companies agencies government agencies being held for ransom and their stuff I mean it could happen here and and I think with with with our County staff I think they're doing a great job and when I hear the same with the constitutionals but it's so very frustrating but yet it's so very much a part of our life and so very needed and and we definitely appreciate what what yall do and what all the Cyber professionals that are in the business for for for good and not as cyber criminals I appreciate what they do so with that I'm going to read the proclamation it's a proclamation recognizing the month of October 2024 as cyber security Awareness Month in any River County Florida whereas cyber security awareness month was established in 2004 through a collaborative effort between the United States Department of Homeland Security and the national cyber security Alliance to ensure that every American has the resources they need to stay safer and more secure online and whereas the rapid development of technology has greatly benefited our County providing countless opportunities for Communication business and Innovation and with the increasing use of digital tools and systems comes the ever growing risk of cyber threats including data breaches identity theft and cyber attacks which can have serious and far-reaching consequences for individuals organizations and communities and whereas cyber security awareness is essential to safeguarding sensitive information protecting privacy and ensuring the security of the County's digital infrastructure and a concerted effort is needed to educate and Empower all citizens business and government entities to take proactive steps toward preventing cyber threats by implementing sound security practices and adopting modern cyber security measures whereas the United States Department of Homeland Security and the national cyber security Alliance have designated October as National cyber security awareness month to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security for all individuals and whereas by increasing awareness of cyber security practices such as using secure authentication methods recognizing fishing scams securing networks we can collectively reduce the risk of cyber threats and promote a safe more secure digital environment now therefore it be a proclaimed by the board of County commissioners of any River County Florida that the month of October 2024 be designated as cyber security Awareness Month in in River County and the board encourages all citizens to take action in improving cyber security preparedness and resilience adopted this 8th day of October 2024 and signed by all five County Commissioners again bre Zach thanks for all y'all do for us for the county it's most appreciative and and uh you know it's a shame that we have to fight the worst criminals in the world somebody that's definitely premeditated the cyber security and all that stuff but again I appreciate what yall do and thank you very much thank you want to give us any tidbits on cyber security and not hiding your um passwords under your keyboard that's number one definitely don't hide passwords under keyboards keeping it in a book actually at home isn't actually all that insecure either but don't tell people where you keep that book to keep it to yourself um but yes we're we're always constantly working thank you everyone for allowing us to come up here and talk for a few minutes and uh making the proclamation obviously we're always working very hard in it to keep everybody safe um but it's a it's a tough job to keep everyone educated and that's the most important part is having everybody aware of the challenges that are out there um you know all everyone here is aware of the types of campaigns that we have going on regularly and continuously we're always working hard to improve uh we're very very thankful that this year we are able to double our cyber security team from one person to two so the the commission is very much taking uh cyber security seriously and we're very thankful for that and we're always working hard to improve everything we're going through exercises regularly in audits Rachel works very hard on on keeping everything up to date as well as following up on everybody making sure that anything that is needed uh is on a needed basis and not granted to anybody frequently and we do audits of our own systems keeping them secure uh but the biggest challenge of course for the Greater Community of in River county is education and knowing and recognizing part of the Proclamation is uh recognizing fishing scams and perhaps that's the the thing that is plaguing most people uh you would think that the the most lucrative scheme out there would be to attack governments and ransomwares but it's actually uh you know just making a cold phone call to a person who's willing to believe that you work for Microsoft and selling them services that they don't ever actually receive so education and recognition are by far the most important parts of cyber security and obviously the technical sides of it we take care of and that's not necessarily easy either but the there are far more non-cyber security people than there are cybercity people so we're all constantly working to work together we want to make things both easy and secure uh because if something's not easy then it's very easy to make it not secure um like I said writing down passwords that can be bad but if it's in a book at your house it's not so bad if it's on your monitor at work it's not so great the sticky note that's not that's not good practice right so but we do want to make things easy so that you don't resort to that our users don't resort to tasks like that so we're always working harder and we're always open to uh any type of suggestions or requests asks um critiques anything that we could do to make things both easier and more secure typically if we can do both at the same time that's the best but thank you everyone thank you so much thank you I got an authentication code exclamation Jimmy thank you guys thank you all right Commissioners fast next item is approval of the minutes for the budget Workshop of July 10th the special call meeting of August 8th and the utility rate study Workshop of August 22nd Madam chair move approval all three all right I'll be happy to second that motion and a second all in favor opposed motion carries with that we'll move on to information item or no there are no information items we'll move on to the consent I know that was very quick wasn't it we'll move on to the consent would anybody like to pull anything from the consent yes commissioner Moss um a g h i the three g g h h i and I three in a row okay anybody else anybody from the public wishing to pull anything all right seeing n Commissioners Madam chair move approval as amended second all right we have a motion and a second all in favor opposed motion carries with that we will move on commissioner Moss 8G okay um and thank you actually this whole group uh is about the same topic and that's sellow Revenue um HG uh reflects the contract with singular and that is valued at $84 ,000 annually it's a 10-year agreement uh the previous contract expired March of this year um 8h is Metro PCS that's 59 $9,400 annually uh that commenced in 2005 and this is the first amendment and 8i is T-Mobile and that represents $58,800 annually that commenced in 2004 the second amendment was in 2017 and this is the third amendment so um really I have I guess two basic questions I'm looking to understand um how the um how the revenue is determined who negotiates this and um you know how how it's determined over time because these these contracts began at different times and also the the length of time that the contract runs um you know it seems to vary qu quite a bit in fact I'm not even sure of the length of time of the the the first one appears to be a 10-year agreement that's AG which is singular um ADH Metro PCS this is the first amendment I'm not sure how long it goes and 8i which is T-Mobile is a third amendment so I'm just looking to understand it better yes ma'am and Chris X County attorney or assistant County attorney these nego Agreements are negotiated with a contractor named steep steel and there's professionals and experts in the this field and so they have a standard and unfortunately I don't have the information of exactly what he uses but we use his expertise to negotiate all the towers and he does all of them in the county and he's been in the business I believe it's over 20 years they make sure that they ma match what is the current rate for the individual Towers like each Tower is different based upon the height and the availability I know I don't know if Zach understands that better than I do but based upon the range that they can get out of it and the number of connections they can make based upon it for instance the gford tower which is the T-Mobile one currently has to have less equipment on it because it's in need of structural repair they've actually included in that contract $100,000 towards the repair and reconstruction of that Tower so they can include more equipment so we can actually add more Towers or more connections to that Tower as well and so it's negotiated through the industry standards of based up on the area and what the carriers are getting from other areas around us so is is there then a set schedule for you know based on um however many connections the tower enables that's what the price is or is each one negotiated separately how much how much negotiation is there I guess that's that's what I'm wondering each one's negotiated differently and it it's based upon the context I know the name man's name is James Kennedy who we is our contact for he is the owner of steep steel he negotiates with him constantly he's talking with him and some of these the agreements weren't actually up yet but it was time for us to get more money than we are currently getting they agreed to it and they went back and forth and part of that negotiation is currently speaking of the gford tower again an agreement that's not on here is the Verizon agreement which is not due yet he negotiated with him $150,000 towards that upgrade to the gford Tower and help repair it and so he's he's constantly working I speak to him couple times a week about different Towers these were the flat first ones to get finalized it's just a constant market rate based to one the market rate plus the value of the land and all those things that get in involved in it I don't know the exact numbers of it because that's why we hire him and let him deal with that but it is a con a consistent effort that he has speaking with the tower companies and they were all on these they've been in contact with him weekly to make sure if they needed any more information for us or anything like that and we can get more if you would like it I can we' be happy to contact them individually and have them send more of the details of how he negotiates with them well you you feel confident that we're maximizing the revenue from these towers that's you know that that's my concern that we're maximizing the revenue yes ma'am I do based on my conversations with Mr Kennedy as well as some of the upcoming ones and knowing what he's doing for those I can he's explained it to me and he we've spent hours on the phone in the past couple months going over the upcoming ones and I do feel confident that he's done everything he can do to get the maximum value for the county he's even said said sometimes it's not worth renewing them if there's something he said there's a couple and we need to look at other options he's not in it for the money I he's making money obviously but he's not getting more money by talking to me more he has he's taking care of us and it seems like a very valuable relationship with him all right well thank thank you for the explanation um I'll move to approve them then uh 8 G 8 H and 8 I all right I'll be happy go ahead commissioner flesher um we'll second all three so we have a motion by commissioner Moss for 8 g h and I with the second by commissioner flesher if there's no further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries thank you all right with that we will move on to our public hearing the public hearing is an ordinance of Indian River County Florida amending the zoning ordinance and the accompanying zoning map for approximately 7.97 Acres from CG General commercial District to Med Medical District welcome good morning Chris Balter Planning Development Services director this is quasi judicial is it okay hold on we got to go through our checklist all right commissioners before we open the public hearing I'm going to ask everybody to disclose any expart Communications site visits or independent investigations commissioner Moss no none commissioner Airman none for me none that I'm aware of mam CH none um and then I will need you guys to confirm that the Commissioners that you guys have an open mind and are able to base your decision on the evidence presented in applicable law commissioner Moss Canon sh Canon will Canon will J all right at this time we're going to open the public hearing anybody that's going to be um providing information will you please stand to be sworn in by the clerk do you swear or firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right with that we will move on to staff's presentation welcome Chris good morning um the applicant is actually asked to continue this case oh to the Tuesday November 19th 9:00 a.m. County Commission meeting okay Madam chair that's I'm glad that you did open the public hearing because that would be needed anyways for us to open and then to continue for the next commission meeting so thank you for doing that all right well my questions were not wasted then so that is fabulous all right Commissioners a request is to continue the meeting so what we would need at this time would just be a motion to continue until October 19th Madam chair move move to continue oh November 19th I'm sorry November 19th at 9:00 a.m. fantastic second we have have a motion and a second all in favor I opposed motion carries all right our next item is a request to speak by Mr Wooten regarding metal detectors and planned lawful concealed carry harassment at the firefighters County Fair welcome good morning commissioner um my name is Robert W I live in unincorporated uh Indian River County just north of felir and uh as a retired military officer I like you sworo to support and defend the Constitution and that's why I'm here asking for some support today on the evening of the 19th of September at the Indian River County Youth livestock and Horticultural meeting a discussion was held regarding the firefighters Fair their plan includes harassing law-abiding citizens that choose to lawfully carry at the fair their plan includes metal detectors at the entrance and baggage checks if a concealed carry weapon is found then the person with the weapon would be taken to a temp where deputies will do an immediate background check even if they hold a valid concealed carry weapons permit if the B background check is successful then the person is allowed to enter the fair and that's why I say it's harassment what are we trying to stop uh the 4 participants will have to raise funds to pay for metal detector on the barn Gate entrance uh if the participants don't come up with the funds to pay for the uh rental of the metal detector and the pay the security guard then we've been informed that we'll all have to go through the main entrance and uh everyone here who's had their own children show at the fair know that uh it would be ludicrous to have to drag all your animal feed and all the crockpots and everything that everybody does every night at the fair this uh planned action violates Florida statute 7933 which deals with fire and law PR preemption at the state level and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution um anyone who 's see here uh the fair does not qualify as a place where you're not allowed to carry under 79033 this facility is and I didn't walk through a metal detector to get in here so I don't know why I would have to do it at the fair I request the County Commission a resolution codifying the right to fully concealed carry at the county on any County owned property my hope it's such a simple plainly worded resolution which squash this a legal plan that has been uh hatched to to do this at the fair if passing through metal detectors and bag checks are required to gain access to aair I will seek a court ordered injunction to stop these actions which could cost our County funds for my attorney fees and damages if I'm successful in accordance with 79 033 subsection F furthermore public employees acting under the color of law statute 7933 subsection 3E are subject to employment termination our firefighters and deputies should be put on notice regarding the violations of 79 033 and not jeopardize their careers over a clearly illegal Endeavor we all know that Concealed Carry has occurred at the fair for decades and I don't think any of us can remember an issue where a law full Abiding Citizen caed any problems thank you for your time thank you all right our next item is a request to speak from Mr Rigby regarding federal and state funding welcome Mr rby good morning good morning my name is p B I reside at 8465 59th Avenue or B of Florida I'm here this morning to before you this morning on the fairness I come before let me let me start over I come this morning before this commission today in the spirit of fairness and the unified application of the law I won't go into the US Constitution 4 two this morning I'm just going to start right off off in my presentation in 1992 an interlocal agreement was signed and through that two Hall of us negotiated to collect Recycling and trash in in River County I'm going through thec but I'm going get to my point what I'm here for today one recycle collection service or integrated into the County's Revenue stream state and federal laws and Ure that Minority own business and and uh this able veteran own business benefit from same Revenue as other holders however I stand here to bring attention to a Critic issue in River County by as admission at by claim it does not actually participate in awarding contracts to minority own of disabled veterans businesses and their collection services at this time I request this commission to write a to write such a statement if the claim is accurate I would be more than willing to send that statement to the state and federal agency that provide grants and funding these operations Madame chair I'm bring something to your attention again I think I stated about three three weeks ago I'm bringing it back to your attention again you have stated conf confid uh confidently that the RSP contract with waste management is sound I respectfully ask if you and this commission would stand by statement by statement if you do that in need of an exclamation as why this RSP was purposely excluded illegal requirements for minority to own and disable own business to participate in these contract federal and state Grant language request these inclusion and excluding the them goes against the laws and principles of fairness the interlocal agreement signed in 1992 could last for 30 years or more at that time the county initially agreed to negotiate with Waste Management which was Harris and Treasure Coast which was Republic I'm not sure since these uh there are no minutes but it appears this agreement intends to keep those hallers as the only hallers under disagreement but the recycling was added and the same afforded these holds must be afforded to minority own and disable veteran own business but 30 years or more through negotiations there are two companies had no legal no legal right to monopolize the recycling collection program however the county created a barrier to entry and these companies that are barriers to entry receive greater profit margin than those that do not have barriers to enter to entry I want to address an issue going back in time a little bit till I get to my issue I'm going get to my issue in a few minutes I'm going back in time a little bit I want to address an issue with the city of basan with treasure Co which is now Republic and Wast and and Harris Capital sanitation was was uh unjustly barred from operating there for reason that I believe that was discriminatory while Treasure Coast Republic was allowed to place a commercial container illegally Capital lost funding and went through three City Sebastian manager before Mr Menor received removed him from the premises this action shows that the county is the custodial of this contract and not waste management or Treasure Coast our Republic we reviewed this issue with multiple city managers before finally address it yet the citizen Bas still owes Capital sanitation money for illegal acts and I'm ow compensation from the recycling uh recycling Pro uh collection program for the past 20 years plus I would like to know why the county allowed this to continue and did nothing to rectify the situation while taking such rapid action in other cases number one like the Liberty Park CDD project while develop was just given seven days to present a plan over a 14-year project you approved that furthermore the county allowed the health department to break our lease to which they were even they were not even part of the lease days a hope which was locked us out several times and this I'm not trying to interrupt you Mr rby but there's a lot of issues included in this and I thought you were talking about Federal I'm going get to Federal funding okay I'm going to get to that okay this I'm going I said in my meeting in thise I was going to go back a little bit and then come back to where I need to all this is entwined it together okay if you if she bear with me I'm all over the place you but I'm going to come to the place trust me I am okay now there's no paperwork stating that there was a problem but you use your power to break the law I'm move I'm getting I'm moving to what I where I need to be at now okay but West B Progressive leave has been out the business for almost two years under pretense of the health department County county commissioner but yet GIF is allowed to have candidate at their County building and they don't have to have paid have to have paid insurance or anything now I'm going to get to the valid point of where I need to be at the RFP that you created is both illegal and invalid by including the recycl collection service in the RFP this interl agreement you are legally obligated to ensure not merely encourage but to participate participation by minority owned veterans and Veteran owned business this need to be corrected immediately and we should benefit from every commercial container program residential and other fund tiing now here's the meat of my meeting I would like to know not to know I would like to for all federal funding and state funding that the county has received I don't want I don't want every funding I want to know the uh I'm going to say the paperwork that they send to the state and federal government of how that these Federal programs are operated I know that some programs are not operated in the event for that it it says language in it for minority or small veteran owned businesses but they do have something in these grants that we don't know what in the hell is going on with all of these grants that we're getting that you're getting we don't know so I'm I'm asking this commission if I got a paid for it I don't mind paying for it but we would like to know what each department that have that receive federal government from federal and state government money from each department we would like to see that methodology and we would also like to see what are they sending to the federal and state government for those contractual agreements okay so that would be a public records request and we'll be happy to have that put into uh Foya and we can get you a cost estimate for getting all that information to you m Mr Ry ma' Susan PR Deputy County attorney if you stop by my office at the end of this meeting I'm very happy to help you with your request I would do that here's my last thing that I'm going to say I'm going take my seat now you do have a recycling program I right and in that recycling program if I uh and I'm reading from I'm reading from and I'm take my seat when I say this I'm reading for guidelines for Grant compliance now this what it says and I'm going take my seat it says all Universal trash commercial and natural gas and natural gas production collections include an RFP for recycling services in that case the contract policy should allow disabled veterans and minority own business to participate um here the county always tell us that you encourage participation that's a major word that we hear all the time that well we encourage participation I think the last time that I was in one of the meeting that's what it said it always say encourage but this says that if you're receiving which of the recycl program do receive state and fellow funds because the last time I was here I heard the SW director says that he just got a grant for $52,000 from the state if my recollection serves me correctly so I'm saying here is that if the recycling program that you're re receiving Federal Federal and State dollars for here's what it says vetes and minor own business should receive funding from all revenue strings so I'm asking is that why are we not receiving Revenue new fundings from these from these projects and and if it says that we're supposed to receive it then why are we not receiving it what is the what what is the problem what is what's going on I don't know what I'm saying myself it's discriminatory practice and I know you don't like to hear that word I is it is it because that when uh we come before you the an is always no for whatever it is but I look at other things when people come up here you don't say no for 20 two years past and present Commissioners have always told us no and you don't have to believe me go back and check the record it's always no we just want to know why what have we done for everybody for everything we coming for you it's a no and and sometimes when I come up here I'm going to say this I'm take my seat all I see sometime is what Moses and pharaoh and I see David and go you that you harden your hearts and and and not look at the totality of the situation but just tell us no and then you say encourage participation but I will be back again because all right ma'am I said I'll be back again because I know you feel today that I'm jumping all over the board but I'm not I I did this today because I wanted these some to be part of the records okay all right but I will be back again thank you so much Mr rgy we look forward to seeing you again all right with that we will move on to county attorney's matters um first item is resolution for a special assessment providing for the replacement of coverts for Waters Edge Phase 2 subdivision yes ma'am good morning again we are here asking for that resolution for the special assessment for the Waters Edge plat two which is The Waters Edge Phase 2 subdivision and if you recall in June the commission approved a contract with Tim Rose Contracting to replace the culverts and part of this it starts back in really 2006 when the subdivision was started and then the county agreed to take over the roads from they were private roads and we agreed to take them over however that did not include any of the drainage or any of the other sections of the plat that were included on that since then unfortunately as metal pipes do they've corroded and they've started falling in and they're going to have problems and so the county has agreed after speaking with the homeowners association over course of I believe looking back over the course of three or four years maybe even a little longer than that to they've agreed to pay the Lion Share of the cost they got an estimate that was 1.3 million the county has agreed to cover $820 some, that with the residents being responsible for $537,475 Reserve account for the residents and actually the count is covering $100,000 in their portion as well we are asking that the commission this morning approve the first of three special assessment hearing notices or resolutions that we need to have in order to complete this the first one would then require us to have an equalizing board to see if anybody should pay a little less or a little more the current cost as estimated is $417 per year per house per lot and that would be over 15 years which would pay the total that each homeowner would owe is 6,5 6,255 52 the um the next hearing would be a hearing in which they allowed to come in and ask for lessening because maybe a property is smaller property something of that that's with the equalizing board and then we would come back again as soon as the contract is over and then hopefully we don't use those Reserve accounts and they can all get a refund and everybody pay less including the county that's the goal and that's one of the reasons the County Commission agreed to get the contract get everything set in place before actually getting the special assessment so cost didn't go up because we all know the longer weight never goes down and on that we got an update yesterday from Rose Contracting that the covers were ordered this summer they will be here beginning of December and so they plan on getting work getting to work just before that so they can set up and have everything ready and get get it done as soon as possible so that's that's the most current contractor information we have on that all right Commissioners questions comments concerns Madam chair I just want to thank Chris and uh and Susan this has been a process it's been well over two years and uh it evolved around sink holes that were at the beginning of the uh the entrance of the of the sub division so it's it's glad to see some progress finally being made thank you fantastic yes commissioner Moss is this setting is this setting a precedent of any kind I think there are probably other places with this concern my understanding is it's not it's already precedent it's been set because there are many times where we'll agree to help work on Paving roads roads that have potholes and those things and we usually cover between 60 and 66% of the cost and that's just kind of the pattern that's been happening so it's not anything new it's and that's unfortunately for the residents to pay for that it would be thousands of dollars a year and it might not ever be able to do it or be crippling for them with already high taxes and already high well not taxes but already high insurance and everything else they have to pay and so it's a it's pretty standard practice from my understanding from looking at the recent history is we do it all the time for roads where it may be a private road we agree to take it over and agree to cover a good portion of the cost to make it palatable because everybody already has so many expenses that we're if we're able to help offset those we try to well then is there something something we should do in the future to prevent it um coming to this point I don't know that there's anything we could do because they're private roads and so we we don't know to take over or we don't know to help until somebody comes to us and says we need help or we're willing to give the roads over to the county I know in the past there's been this in 2006 the county agreed to take over the roads as long as the original subdivision agreed to fix everything that was wrong with them at the time and then the county was approve the county took approval of those and then maintenance from there forward but that did only include the roads not the colberts and the easement because those do over in River Farms water district canals and so that's an entirely different section of the plat and permitting and everything we have to do to work within River Farms thank you yes ma'am yes that's proud of so yeah just that is that is a precedent and it is as far as answering if we can do anything they are privately maintained roads so we really don't before they come to us we really don't have anything to do with that um just until you know they ask if if they do make an Ask as Chris alluded to past president has always been we make them bring up the roads to county code prior to us accepting to take the maintenance so and that's been kind of what it's been for the past I don't know you said 06 even maybe perhaps before then so I think it's just keeping with it all right other questions comments or concerns and once again this is one of uh three presentations or hearings and we will have an opportunity to hear from the citizens as well at the next meeting yes and the next one is has to be publicly noticed for that purpose so they can come in in the individual land owner can come in and make a case for why they should pay less I they could make a case for paying more but I don't expect that to be anybody's intention notification and all that's close to December and that's when the project will it'll be started and they're they're planning on phasing it so they can do it all at the same time as opposed to moving equipment they wanted to have all the equipment and materials in process and in place because unfortunately those the Box coverts take at least 120 days and I think it's taking 140 or so is what the projected is right now so thank you yes sir all right so we we need a motion to approve the the resolution resolution first resolu move approval for the resolution all right we have a motion in a second all in favor I oppose OS motion carries all right thank you so much all right Commissioners this brings us to our last item which is my item which is a proposed Proclamation policy um we have as you guys know when we cut back on meetings we've had a lot of proclamations that were jamming into smaller meeting times which is takes up a lot of time at the beginning of the meeting not that proclamations aren't worthy I I don't mean that but I know there's been some frustration on everybody's part and our policy doesn't really spell out time frames and things like that so in an effort to kind of incorporate some of the comments that I've heard I have included in here what our current policy is and then um a proposed tweaking of that policy um I got some input from Martin and St Lucy County and what they do um Bard County actually doesn't do proclamations at all so that was kind of interesting um so generally not I'll just kind of Hit the bigger changes it kind of lays out what our process would be um it does require that the request must have contact information the titles and names of the people that will be accepting the proclamation um and those types of things that way when we are posting that we have that information that's been a little bit of a struggle um it also ask them to create or give us a sample Proclamation or a similar Proclamation issued by somebody else um we have been asked in the past to basically um find all the information and create proclamations for people which is very onerous on staff when we are not the experts in that field of what they're trying to Proclaim um It also says that proclamations may be read at the board or may be read somewhere else or may just be mailed um it lists what proclamations can be issued for um pretty much the same stuff that we do now I think the biggest change would be proclamations can be issued for an Indian R County employee retiring with 25 or more years of service and then um most of the counties also had a certificate of recognition which is created in this new policy um and that is for things that are very important that we want to recognize as a group but maybe doesn't rise to the level of um being read at a meeting but that we want to acknowledge um so for that that would be in denu County Employees retiring with less than 25 years of service and constitutional office employee retirements of any tenure um and some other charitable fundraising campaigns I know we get proclamations for those and that type of thing so it also lays out that Proclamation requests need to be to us a minimum of 30 days before they're being requested um and that they need to allow seven business days for that request to be reviewed because what happens now is we'll get a request for a proclamation like 3 days before the agenda deadline um and you know when we're trying to it does lay out in here that we try to limit them to three proclamations per meeting um that can cause some problems so I think most people know when their Proclamation needs to be this just kind of lays out the expectation to get it to us in a timely fashion so we can go ahead and process it I am completely open to any input questions or concerns on that and what I would like is whatever we decide to ask the County Attorney to put it into proper form um legal and grammatical because my form is not necessarily that so it matches whatever our normal form for policies is so with that I will what do you guys think thoughts comments changes no changes we're happy with how it is this looks good what do you guys Madam chair it does uh would this also give us the flexibility for like an impromptu Proclamation that something significant happen we could slide that in yes for sure um it does mirror our current Proclamation and state in several different places that basically proclamations are issued at the discretion of the chair so the chair always has the ability to deviate or insert if something HP like if something happened um tomorrow commissioner flesher you know saved saved the world then we could definitely put in a proc it is possible I don't think I don't doubt that you couldn't do it I mean I I I'm waiting then this team we could do it but it would give us that flexibility yes sir and also if there's greater than three that come in it's the chair's uh authority to discern which three are red right it does say t typically the BCC considers no more than three proclamations per meeting the number of issued proclamations considered will be at the discretion of the chair so it gives that flexibility I just tried to kind of lay it out so we had a base but still allow so we're not being you know ogres or anything recognition still can be recognized here well proclamations would be issued so proclamations would be as far as Employee Retirement is that what you're talking about like if somebody has 24 years of service do I mean do they get a recognition here in front of they would get a certificate of recognition here in front of us yes no come to certificate of recognitions would not NE would not be read at the at the meeting okay they would be sent you know but again it's at the discretion of the chair so let's see where it's in here I'm sorry um and that was just let's see individual accomplishments of local significance um letters of recognition blah blah blah where did I put it in here I mean that we that's open for y'all's discussion my thought was letters of recognition is a good way to um congratulate things that that are worthy of congratulatory of congratulations for sure but it would help kind of there's going to have to be a line somewhere no I agree but I think I think some things would you know somebody does something heroic or whatever somebody you know well acts of heroism we there and they want to be recognized they should probably be recognized before the board just like the the Little League the won this St Championship I mean you know they should they don't necessarily deserve maybe I don't know well you're putting it in Proclamation but a recognition would probably be prop well if you want to move acts of heroism which is under certificate of recognition to proclamations we can certainly do that would you is that what you're indicating yeah yeah I mean okay you yeah I would I would agree because so we'll move acts acts of heroism to Proclamation and uh special honors which is underneath that and extraordinary achievements so I don't know those those three well there is commemoration under Proclamation commemoration of a special of specific accomplishments time periods or events that impacts a large number of ending River County residents is already included under proclamations okay I'm looking at a certificate of recognition or congratulatory letter may be issued for the following it's on page 394 acts of heroism special honors and recognition and celebration of extraordinary achievements so those are the three if if what I was intending there was like Eagle Scouts that is a that is a special honor or an extraordinary achievement but we don't typically do a proclamation at a meeting for those that would be something that might be more appropriate for um a certificate of recognition that than the chair takes to those um I see to those ceremonies I was thinking more of with a an act of heroism or special honors if someone saves someone's life for example okay well I can certainly understand that so that would be an act of heroism and we have done those as proclamations or presentations here so we can move that okay okay I think historically uh you know we've done countless Eagle Scout presentations there I I can't recall the last time we've done one here it's done at the ceremony ceremony and uh perhaps uh there is a lot more room for that as well recently did one at at a church and it was well received and they weren't looking for the public acclamation uh there are some proclamations that we want to have publicly acclaimed like today for example uh I I think in the spirit of awareness so like the idea of that Latitude MH for sure and I my my goal was with creating a certificate of recognition it's not just like a certificate of award like it could be a nice certificate similar to a proclamation and form but it's something that would then be not necessarily read here but taken somewhere else to those events and we get requests for those and it kind of keeps proclamations under things that are read here and then certificates of recognition um it's not that it's a on a lower level it just gives us another option to kind of help streamline the process mam chair uh thank you for uh looking in several different directions with this and and uh collaborating to a uh a point where we do have a far better definition for the proclamations once again when we shifted down to two meetings uh I think there was times where we had six and seven at at a clip and I don't think public needs to have an hour and a half presentation proclamations although each one is very important in its own right it gets abundantly apparent that it's about Proclamation just you know personally I mean I I don't mind it because I think it generates Goodwill um and also strengthen sense of community so so I know it's gone um a little over long at times I Me Maybe each of us could make an effort to you know to streamline our comments but I I think the individuals uh the individual proclamations that recognize different events and different organizations I I think I just I think it adds to the richness of the community well and those things would still be included in proclamations and the goal again is not to right now the only option that people have have for any kind of board recognition is a proclamation so this creates multiple Avenues to um achieve recognition from the board and it gives us flexibility if there is something going on in the community that we want like commissioner lore and the and the Little League guys um or whatever to have the ability to do that um and kind of lay that out so it's not that we don't want to recognize and I want everybody to be clear that was not the goal the goal was to give us more flexibility and options and how we are able to recognize those things and it would not really impact what we are currently proclaiming but give other avenues for the same level of of um recognition Okay mam chair move approval with word smithing by the attorney's office thank you thank you we have a motion by commissioner lure with a second by commissioner flesher if there's no further discussion yes you move you're going to move we'll move acts of extraordinary achievements on acts of hero acts of heroism yes and it's still up to the discretion of the chairman if you want somebody to come to the meeting or something like correct all right all in favor opposed motion carries and before um we recess I just want to remind everybody that there is a 130 press conference uh regarding hurricane Milton shelter general population shelters will open today at 2: um special needs shelter will open tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. uh please stay tuned to our website there is a link for status updates and information regarding hurricane Milton and um you know now is the time to prepare and if you are uh if you do lose power need a generator please practice generator safety operating that in a well ventilated area and um you know people do not need to be out doing crazy things in hurricanes please just everybody be safe and um exercise good decision- making please prepare take heed and be safe correct all right if there's nothing else for the good of the order we stand a Jed