##VIDEO ID:r9bQFNS4YcQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e um everybody ready G to give the clerk second oh okay waiting got whistle yeah all right we'll go ahead and call the meeting to order we're going to start the meeting with a moment of Silent reflection for our First Responders and members of the Armed Forces that'll be followed by an invocation by Minister Jack White of the gford Church of Christ followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner darl lore if everybody would please rise let us pray dearly father we come to you this morning with bow heads and Humble Hearts we thank you dear heavenly father for waking us up this morning in a right frame of mind we know dear heavenly father it was not anything that we have done so great that you have allowed us to be here this day but we know it is because of your grace and your mercy that you have allowed us to be in this place this morning we understand according to John 3:16 for you so loved the world that you gave your only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life we come also de heavly father asking you to continue to bless this nation continue to bless us as a people of America that we would come together one United together in peace in love and harmony we ask dear heavenly father that you continue to bless our men and women of the Armed Forces protect them from seen and unseen dangers at all times and we also ask that you continue to protect and bless our men and women those who serve in public safety those who serve as as EMTs those who serve as firefighters and those who serve as Law Enforcement Officers we ask that you continue to be with them and continue to be with their families and bless them also and also bless our men and women in the medical field we thank you for them and we hope and pray that you continue to bless them that they may be able to do their job and Aid Us in every way that you see that we need to have the kind of love and the kind of heess that we need to our fleshly bodies we pray just now de father for the members of this County those who are in leadership give them wisdom understanding that they may guide and lead in such a way would not hinder anyone from serving you and we ask heavenly father bless not only them but bless their families because we know that the time they that that they put in to be here and even when they are not here they're still serving we ask that you continue to bless them and we as a people that we come together always this prayer we so humbly ask in your dear son's name Jesus Christ let us all together say amen amen please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible Li andice for all right Commissioners the first item on our agenda is the oath of office for um the board of County Commissioners which will be uh done by The Honorable and amazing judge Nicole mens of the 19th judici Judicial Circuit um and we will do that in alphabetical order so I guess I will go first come on Madam chair congratulations on your reelection it's my honor to admin this oath if you would raise your right hand and then repeat after me I state your name I Susan Adams will support protect and defend will support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the state under the constitution of the state and that I will well and faithfully and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of Indian River County Board of county commissioner perform the duties of Indian River County Board of county commissioner congratulations thank you thank you commissioner man congratulations sir on your reelection it's my honor if you'll raise your right hand and then repeat after me I do I state your name Joseph H Herman do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support protect and and defend that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution to hold office under the constitution of the State of the State and that I will well and Faithfully perform that I will will and Faithfully perform the duties of Indian River County or Board of County Commissioners the duties of any River County Board of County Commissioners [Applause] congratulations commissioner Moss congratulations to you as well please join I state your name I Laura moss do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support protect and defend that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and the government of the United States the Constitution and the government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the state to hold office under the constitution of the state and that I will well and Faithfully perform and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of Indian River County Board of County Commissioners the duties of Indie murver County Board of County Commissioners congratulations thank you so much yes thank you all keep up the good work thank you commissioner irman wants to take a quick pause for a few pictures so 5 seconds or five a few minutes e e all right next item on the agenda is the election of the board chair and vice chair so I will turn it over to the attorney nominating Susan Adams for a host of reasons which I'll be happy to explain I'm going to open open the floor for nominations now are there nominations chair of the commission nominating uh Susan Adams for chair of the commission um we're for the community we are in the midst of a um a series if you will of long range studies and projects and I think having that continuity over time uh would serve us well in addition to that for those who didn't know we are embarking upon our Centennial year what better way to commemorate that than to have someone who was born in this County and last but hardly least Fran Adams and Susan Adams to my knowledge are the only mother and daughter County Commission team or Duo if you will in the entire state so they are theoric and I think that would be a wonderful way no I pointed I pointed to both of you not to not to your mother uh I think that I think that'd be a wonderful way to uh kick off if you will uh the Centennial so we have a motion for Susan Adams's chair is there a second and it dies for lack of second is there another nomination for chair of Madam counsel I'd like to nominate commissioner Vice chairman fler for the the chairmanship and in that I say thank you commissioner Adams for a job well done we have a motion for commissioner Fletcher as chair is there a second second are there any other nominations do I have a motion to close the floor to nominations move is there a second all those in favor opposed four to one that is the chair the clo the floor is closed to nominations so we have one um nomination for chair which is commissioner Joseph flesher all those in favor all all those opposed opposed and commissioner Fletcher congratulations thank you that's a and now I'm going to open the floor to motion motions for vice chair is there a motion for is there a nomination for vice chair sure I'd be happy to nominate um commissioner Moss I'll second it we have a motion and second for commissioner Moss to serve as Vice chair are there any other nominations commissioner Daryl La is there a second second we have a motion in a second for commissioner lore to serve is there a motion to close the floor for nominations for vice chair so moved all those in favor F the floor is now closed to nominations we have a nomination of commissioner Moss for vice chair all those in favor all those opposed I so the motion fails we have a nomination for commissioner lore to serve as Vice chair all those in favor all those opposed and that motion carries congratulations commissioner congratulations thank you [Applause] well thank you counselor and uh I want to thank uh commissioner lore thank commission Adam commission Erman I I have to say that it's a pleasure working with you and with that commissioner Adams Madame chair for the last time for now oh you're the chair now I know but I've SLI one in uh I want you to know that each commission year is confronted with unique challenges unknowns some difficult some not so difficult but I want you to know you did so in great fashion so I want to thank you for a great year thank you and congratulations because the best day is the day you get the gavel and the second best day is the day you hand over the gavel very true so thank you uh we got a meeting to run uh with that uh we have any additions deletions to the agenda um there is an item uh item number four 4 that's uh written on the agenda we're going to move that to 10 A3 that's the swearing resoning 99701 36- 9695 7 uh which is scheduled advertised and at this time in addition uh we want to add a uh debris collection regarding hurricane Milton uh and that will be at 15 B1 and then I'd like to uh move uh at the request uh item 9 a b c and d the Constitutional presentations uh directly following the approval of this agenda and that would be just prior to the proclamation and presentation or Major League Baseball Mr chair move as amend second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor opposed motion carried we will now move on to uh what was previous to 9 9A which is a supervisor elections annual fiscal report and we have none other than listle Swan thank you madam supervisor oh well thank you and congratulations commissioner flesher on the chairmanship and commissioner lore um I'm lesie Swan the supervisor of elections and I would like to begin by thanking you all for your unwavering support during the past fiscal year this year being a presidential election cycle my team conducted three elections in a 9-month period from the Municipal elections last November to the presidential preference Primary in March and the primary election in August during this last fiscal year we were also finalizing preparations for the November presidential election have that I'd like to thank commissioner flesher and commissioner lore for service for servicing um serving as our canvasing board members uh serving in this capacity is a huge time commitment and they did a fantastic job and due to the support of the County Commissioners our team streamlined the voting process we utiliz new zebra barcode ID scanners which allowed for incredibly fast reads of barcodes on driver's licenses for voter check-in we rolled out our new Edge tablet electronic Pole books and countywide we deployed uh election day ballot on demand printers which allowed the voter check in and um to check in and receive their ballot at one station our county has grown substantially and implementing new tools to streamline the voting process allowed for efficiency in the voting process and I just want to express my sincere appreciation to the board for generously allocating the funds that enable the supervisor of elections office to conduct transparent trouble-free and successful elections and I would be remissed if I did not thank my staff people don't realize they work late into the night on weekends it is a lot of time they're away from their families and dedicate to their jobs here and with that I am returning $31,800 so thank you again for all of your support thank [Applause] you I have a motion to accept move second I have a motion in a second any further discussion that you this one do you mind if I just take a minute uh my name is Lita jeni and I'm a resident of Indian River County for decades uh and as a member of the community and a representative of the democratic party uh I want I attended all the candid in board meetings and nobody knows what really goes on behind the scenes and I was a poll worker I watched the poll I was a poll Watcher in various locations and I watched the poll workers and Leslie's team in motion and I want to thank her her team and the canvasing board because um uh lesli Swan and Judge Robin Stone and commissioner Joe Fletcher and U uh Daryl lore were there and I want to thank everybody here for making the process so smooth when everything goes good nobody knows what goes on behind the scenes uh we watch the counting the corrections uh the curing everything and it went at 2:00 in the morning I was there for all of them and I want to thank the whole team thank you very much and our community we're very lucky that uh I belong to a group where we all came in together anybody that worked in the polling system for the Democrats came in all the time and there were problems in other places no problems in ours if there were glitches Leslie swor was wonderful her team was available to when we said something about it can this happen why did this person leave I I just want to tell you they worked to rectify it uh and so that both parties were happy and I want to thank the Republic my counterparts are the Republican from the Republican uh party because everybody was very congenial which goes for the county and the way the county is run so thank you very much thank you we have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carried thank you all right next item is the none other than the clerk of the court and controller with an annual fiscal report and that'll be Brian Butler good morning good morning Commissioners oh what a big check like superviser Swan we thank the County commission for your support of our office over the past year we also want to thank the county staff we work very closely as you know with almost every County department and we have a great working relationship and our office couldn't do its job if the county didn't assist us in doing that and so we're very happy I I feel a little like Santa has come early this year uh this is the largest check that we have returned to the county since 2006 uh that's quite a stocking stuffer for you um this represents the excess Revenue primarily from our official records and passport offices as you know we don't receive any taxpayer for running either the passport office or the official records office we run those offices like a business our Revenue comes from the fees that are generated from recording deeds and mortgages and noses of commencement so when real estate sales and construction increase so does our Revenue when those things decrease so does our revenue and talking to my fellow clerks around the state last year was a bad year for many of them on the recording side uh some offices saw 40% % reduction in Revenue but we defied that Trend here in Indian River County we actually saw a 7.6% increase in revenue on the recording side at the same time we had a 13.3% reduction in our expenses um along with the passport office we increased some efficiencies that resulted in a 127% increase in our Revenue so we're very pleased with how that turned out and the result of that of course is that we have this refund check to the county I do want to thank the incredible staff at the com controller's office and the clerk finance division this is Irene hos she's our supervisor of the clerk accounting department she's the one who actually handles all those invoices and the checks that we send to the county every month for the fees that you get from Courtside Services um but because of the work that they did as well as the employees in the recording department and the passport office we're very proud to be able to present this check to you today for 5879 930 don't spin it all in one place well I know that Jeff Bon did uh bring a large check as well not quite as large in size but uh you've got it covered uh what we yet to see we have two constitutionals that will be at a later date so but so far that's that's the top check thank you thank you mot we have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carries thank you we accept and we have the honorable Sheriff of Indie River County it's still it's still the biggest check I'm not going to give you as much as he gave you what you want a few minutes to yeah absolutely yes I appreciate it thank you for your support uh you know obviously were just coming through an election and one of the things I bragged about the entire time was that uh I've always had five vote from you guys and I certainly appreciate that support and the partnership it really means a lot so I'm here today uh to return $149,800 5 so it's not quite what uh clerk has for you but uh it's something and uh we certainly appreciate that support and all that you guys have done for us to help us with the budget we'll be back again this year to see you some more so um certainly thank you and um we're happy to give it back thanks good thank you you also bring safety to us I we yes absolutely and I didn't bring a big check with me I I I I don't do that I love that that you guys do that and I'm sure that Carol Jean uh when she comes will be the top winner with the check sorry Ryan but I'm sure she will have the largest check because seems like she does every year right so we know it's legit what's that Amy's here so we know it's legit you're correct Amy is in the back so she's got me on the on the straight and narrow with this $1 49,83664 real quick with you guys if that's okay uh with the three of us that are here can we do that real quick check was bigger Maybe you [Applause] guys so we have a very brief presentation um uh as you guys are aware we've had some individual conversations um last year uh the legislature passed a law that allows the school district to place cameras am I moving too fast are you yes this is going to be you guys are moving this somewhere else no that's fine the sheriff is going to present the uh aluminate presentation ultimate ultimate so um they passed a a law allowing uh School schools to place cameras on school buses uh to capture those who are in violation going around the school buses that's a conversation that Dr Moore is having with this company that's about to up and speak to you um I'm having conversation with them about placing cameras inside of our school zones um we've had them do an independent study uh that will give a presentation about that and what speeding looks like inside of school zones ultimately for me uh my goal here is to free up resources and Manpower when people know that they would receive a citation uh through the mail if they're speeding in school zones that allows me to have deputies working in other capacities and other places as we currently man our school zone we have motor units traffic units Zone deputies that sit in those school zones every single day and issue citations and warnings and stops and so uh if we had the system that they're proposing we would no longer have to uh be in those speeding zones throughout the day and so we believe it's a good use of Technology uh as well as a good use of tax dollars because as they're going to tell you uh there's no cost to the county to implement this system the only thing that I would that that I would need from you guys is a uh ordinance a County ordinance uh pass to allow us to issue those citations so I'm going to ask Alum uh ultimate to come up and give their presentation thank you for your time on this thank you sh thank you so much good morning um I'd like to thank Sheriff flowers and thank the board for your time this morning um Sheriff flowers did a great job of giving a highle overview of what the programs themselves um look like wait for the presentation to pop up here all right excellent as he mentioned um two laws were put in place just a brief history going back in July of 2023 a law was put in place to allow for automated enforcement for both speeding in school zones and um school bus stop arm violations um some of the details of the law itself citations are only issued for egregious speeding of 10 plus miles hour over the speed limit so we're not talking 5 3 four um you must be going at least 10 plus over the posted speed limit um these systems are only going to be operational from the time the flashing lights turn on in the morning through the end of the flashing light period at the end of the school day and while students are present it is a $100 civil penalty no points assessed on a driving record um those fines are actually divided up by law $60 goes back to the county $5 goes back to the county for the crossing guard program for recruitment retention $12 to the local school system $3 to the FDLE and then $20 to the state um one key piece of the law here in Florida if a violator does not pay in 30 days it does convert to a uniform traffic citation and would follow normal procedure school bus stop arm I'm not going to get as deep into the law itself but um it did come out at the same time showing a commitment from the state legislature to increase safety within and around school zones for SCH school children and parents as they go to and foro um just a little bit of where we've been since and where we've come since July of 2023 so we were actually the first to implement a program here in Florida we operate in 10 states in total um what that means is we have the most experience having an active program here in the State of Florida um we've done everything from putting the cameras in place to working with the state to get through the final piece of a program with payment conversion to utc's uh we're working currently with the state on the reporting that's required by law so we are a step ahead and quite experienced considering relatively Florida is a new state to allow this this type of enforcement so where are we today here in the county uh speed studies were conducted the sheriff uh referenced that uh we conducted there were speed studies conducted at six schools here in the county these numbers the number in the middle there that's bold that's going to represent the average number of speeders per day through the school zone for these schools so at Oslo middle school there were 209 um folks driving 10 plus miles per hour over the speed limit during one school day um gford Middle School came in at 41 Citrus Elementary School had 400 violators traveling 10 plus miles per hour through the school zone in one day Dodgertown Elementary had 87 Indian River AC actually had a pretty um pretty impressive number not that 13 people traveling at that speed is not a danger but um they came in at 13 and then Vero Beach Elementary School had 108 people violating the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour in one school day just to give you an idea of what that means in total of those six schools during that one school day 858 folks traveled through that school zone at a egregiously high speed limit over the the posted limit so how do these programs work yes it's automated enforcement it involves cameras it involves technology but at the end of the day the tried and true method of education is still one of the if not the most important pieces of this program this isn't a case where cameras are put in a school zone and it's like hey gotcha cameras are now in the school zone and you got tickets and now you'll stop speeding we work in tandem with the county to implement a public information and awareness campaign is going to start from day one um as we start to put the program in place and this is truly the biggest key to the program be success being successful it's about changing dangerous driving behaviors and this piece is more important than the tickets that are received by folks that are violating when they go through the zone so we actually have as the slide a little bit ago we've with all our partners we've shown to be top in Florida with our ability to partner with the county partner with local media and make sure everybody in the county is aware this program is coming before it actually gets here the law does require a 30-day period of um warning which we provide so you'll get warning notices sent out no fines are included with that so on top of this campaign that we'll work to put together with you guys folks will have the 30 days where they just get a warning in the mail as opposed to a fine before the cameras are actually issuing fines um when a violation is captured someone speeds through a school zone we're going to capture that viol viation securely transfer it um we have a team the original step will be AI That's going to weed out and make sure all the basic components are there for a violation then we're going to have two humans review that before it's sent back to the Sheriff's Department for a final review uh the law does require the Sheriff's Office review that and approve that violation and make sure everything is in place for for a violation once uh the Sheriff's Office reviews and approves we will send out this the violation to the Violator and the Violator will have access to our violator portal we have a customer service team that'll be dedicated to the county they can uh they'll have a 1 1800 number um and frankly we can customize that to the County's needs and how they prefer the customer service pieces done here locally so they'll have access to go and see all the evidence the entire packet review it and at that point they can choose hey you know I'm going pay my fine or they could choose to refute it if they want it is notable that um automated speed violations are very low they're not ch very high that percentage stays in the low single digit percents um we also provide a robust financial reporting system that will show you where every violation is along the steps of the process and additionally we provide a mobile Court terminal that doesn't require connectivity so you can actually download all the evidence packages when folks challenge their violations and have access to that as um as you're reviewing any challenges and then we're going to provide backend reporting data reporting everything you could possibly um possibly want to gather from the systems about how vehicles are traveling through your school zones um program differences some things we do just highlights of the program so the speed studies that are conducted are completely independent they're not done by us um so basically the data is collected and that's what I'm presenting to you here today uh we have no fee to terminate a contract so there's no risk not just financially but um if for some reason you put a program in place you decide hey this isn't for us here in Indian River um we can part you can part ways and there's no fee no penalty um we do have some the most flexible system technology in our industry um we are fully committed to safety so we can offer Standalone alprs as part of the program as well um there's no taxpayer cost I'll get a little more in depth at the end of the presentation here on that no hidden cost and uh we do all of our own work we're us-based all of our employees are us-based customer service when you call when folks call they're going to be speaking to someone at our office here on the East Coast uh additionally your data is never going anywhere outside of the us it's going to be protected and housed right here in the US so no taxpayer cost just to dig in on that a little more these are violator funded programs so the violators are going to pay for the technology that's issuing the violation the um how that works is we'll take the cost of the program out of the violation funds collected and the rest will come back to the county as prescribed by the state law the way the contract is set up if your violations go to zero you still owe nothing that's a risk that's clearly written in the contract cost neutrality is part of the contract and the county will never owe a taxpayer dime for the program and that is a high level review and the only item that I would I would ask you to talk about I don't know if you have the data in front of you but um the speeds that they were traveling uh when they did study in the individual zones do you have that off the top of your head by chance sure so meaning what how fast were the vehicles that were they were all going at least 11 miles per hour over the speed limit every single one 9 something at Citrus oh yes yes so we did um the top was 93 I want to say off the top of my head but it was in the low 90s Somebody went through a school zone that was active so really uh I wanted to I wanted to bring him here to you know give you the presentation and if you guys have any questions uh obviously we'll have more conversations in indidual about this I'm not I don't have an Ask today for this I just wanted you guys to hear his presentation and if there's anything you guys wanted to ask he's here for you thank you you have any questions I didn't how do you get paid so the violations when the violations are collected we'll take our fees out of the violations that are collected and whatever's left over we go back to the county okay I got a fee of that $100 that I paid because I sped in schools on how much how much do you get um yeah $100 is Define meaning or how much goes back to us as a vendor it's going to the way the pricing the fee structure set up it's going to range anywhere from 13 to U it's it's a range because you get a certain amount of included volume in the fee structure but anywhere from 13 to 15 will come back to us but it's going to be kind of a sliding scale and cost less if volume is higher okay so okay so you collect the fee it it comes back to us who does it get paid to does it get paid to the clerk's office Brian can you help me out here with that I'm not putting you on the spot but how would that down slide how would the money come back to the county I don't have it in this the one I had here can we go back up on the presentation real quick he had the breakdown in there we can go back to it to the law itself there you go under the $100 uh penalty there it me back up leave it right out of that $100 I don't see you getting paid anything that's correct we're going to take the $60 that goes back to the municipality our payment for our fees would come out of that okay how much of that comes out of that $60 it's going to vary on volume okay how do who where does the money come to does it come to your office so the money will be collected and um depending on the piece yes the counties would come back to the clerk's office is typically how it's set up um the the others would be collected and then distributed some of the department the Department of Law Enforcement $20 to the state they're actually submitted to the Florida Department of Revenue and they so they have a web- based terminal on their side that people go in and make their credit card payment on for $100 for the violation and one of the pieces that he didn't talk about was let's say you're not the driver somebody else is the driver you can assign it on the website to whoever the driver is that vehicle your son's driving the car your wife's driving the car your cousin's driving the car they pay pay that $100 fine on a monthly basis this company cuts a check a portion of it goes to the county a portion of it goes to the school district a portion of it goes wherever it needs to go based on Florida law they send the checks out at the end of the month now of Revenue that's all I got for statute says it goes to revenue M Mr chair chairman flesher just thank you just to be clear um these uh tickets don't get submitted to the clerk of court I mean so basically the county would be setting up its own administrative system to deal with them and it's conceivable that an interlocal could happen with the clerk of court to do that but unlike regular traffic tickets these would not get deposited with the court right because it's an ordinance you guys would have to pass an ordinance to allow this to happen and that's the way the statute we have to provide for a hearing officer correct that's on my side not according to the statute not according to the statute sir respectfully oh my side is the approval of it when it comes through the eyes that we put on it correct you guys fight it yes you guys if you if there was somebody to fight there is a taxpayer expense yes on that side of it I have we have to provide an adjudicator and an environment for them to challenge it in absolutely code enforcement violation correct so there would have to be a panel and an adjudicator somebody would have to hear that that's up yep sure yes um I think it's not intended to be a money-making operation it's to protect the safety of our children and that should be a primary concern uh for all of us at I guess a very minimal cost and I know we're having a back and forth discussion now about the finances but it will be minimal uh taxpayer cost for us locally in order to protect our children I mean we're spending almost $3 million a year on seesac to help them in school um I think we need to protect them when they're in the school zone and especially when it's a minimal cost and thank you for bringing this to our attention well on on the other hand uh it is a bit of a cash cow uh there are cameras in other jurisdictions for other reasons and they still exist today and the same people are driving through them and that's my concern here see this nothing more magical nothing more magical in the school zone than flashing blue lights behind a violator it sends a message it provides the element of Safety and Security and defines are far more substantial and very few people very few people get hit a second time is is at the minimal level and furthermore with the cameras there um you know as as we we may be somewhat of a transient as people moving in to our community they're not cognizant of the cameras so we'll be just collecting the cash and distributing the cash and you'll make some money and uh it'll be it be distributed but the children will not be as safe as they are having a patrol vehicle in the vicinity of the school so just on that note the data what we see when the programs are put in place from that Benchmark data that we looked at today we see a 90 to 95% decrease in school zones from that number to six months into a program being in place we actually see a large chunk of that um very soon in the program just out of Florida specifically where the law is pretty new it's relatively new from September to October um just to give you an idea of the one month difference we had a 43 3% decrease on already decreased Benchmark numbers with all of our active accounts when you combine the data so what you'll see is a 90 to 95% uh uh reduction in your Speeders right out of the gates within the first six months of the program and to be clear if these cameras were to be installed it's not like we would not be in school zones anymore we would still be around the school zones it would just mean less Manpower if I set one set of lights out there right now I've got two three motorcycles that work this particular Zone on this day I've got Patrol guys that are in their zones that are working those this is another way for us another deterrent effect essentially that could help us uh do our job so we're not going to go away law enforcement is still there it's an enhancer for us it's an additional tool in our toolbox so yeah I don't think the cameras is a replacement for a patrol vehicle no never but it's it helps it's an additional an additional tool so I worry a little bit about the and you and I had this conversation I worry a little bit about the the backlash of of Big Brothers watching kind of thing absolutely then it and then what's next is it red light cameras is it is it is it gunshot detectors on you know on telephone poles and areas I mean kind of kind of what's next and so so I kind of worry about the the public sment of that a little bit but that's not a deal breaker for me but I just um almost think if we did this we would do it on our own no offense to you I I think it's a great way for for you to make a Liv and make money but but you know we're going to find somebody for speeding in our zones and it's it's part of the funding is going back to to a private business that installed the camera and I just I just don't know I don't know if we I mean I'm all for protecting the kids I've always been that way I got my own granddaughter that goes to school and I'm all for protecting the kids I did it you know for all my life protecting people and I understand your Manpower issue but I I just think a I think a presence in the in the school zones at school zone time is still maybe I'm old school still the way that way to go I just I just don't see enough to convince me that we need to make an ordinance and going through this and and move forward to do this I don't see I the statistics show that people speed yeah I've probably sped through a school zone and not paid attention myself but but um I just I I can't support it right now Sheriff I I'm sorry about that I just can't support it I'll be submitting my budget with additional deputies to cover this issue thanks all right guys have a good one thank you thank you for the presentation okay it it happens yeah uh thank you for that the next item on the agenda is uh a presentation for the Jackie Robinson complex we'll introduce uh Deputy County Administrator Michael zto well thank you Mr chairman and congratulations on this special occasion to all the Commissioners and our officers uh on behalf of the over thousand and women employed by Indian River County I want to say we are truly grateful for your leadership and with that I have a presentation to follow um from the updates on the Jackie Robinson training center and our partnership with Major League Baseball I I want to say the theme of this presentation is progress in motion it's a celebration of the progress we've made over the past U year since you've been updated um on our Miss and um I can say um I'm proud of the efforts of our staff and the collaboration with major league baseball and particularly the local Representatives here at the training center um the center the Jackie Robinson Training Center is truly the Crown Jewel uh and Lead economic driver of sports tourism in this County and um this presentation is a reflection of where we're going um and I want to thank you very much in advance so with that I want to introduce our friend and partner Miss Rachelle madreal Major League Baseball thank you Mike I appreciate it thank you Commissioners and congratulations to several of you for your re-election and I appreciate all the support that you have provided us for many years now uh we're certainly been building and building on what we're doing down the street here and without your support it wouldn't be possible so appreciate all the collab ation to date and I'm just excited like Mike said uh to share with you what we've done so far kind of a little recap and what's to come for 2025 all right so I just want to take a moment to kind of reflect on some of the facility improvements that we've shared over the last year or so um with you and as well as talk about some of the ones we've been able to accomplished this past year so just to recap building 42 of course a gem down at our facility on Street it opened in 2021 it's a 38,600 ft indoor training facility and has um seen many many uses over the last three years so very excited um to have been able to build that facility it has batting cages classrooms and of course a Turf infield um that has served us well certainly in the Florida weather in the summer hman Stadium of course we've done a series of Renovations over the last few years since 2019 to the stadium um really preparing ourselves for the kind of next wave of events that we are looking forward to bringing into our County uh we've done uh rebuild of the Press Box out there um added some Ada accessibility up to The Concourse with a new Ada ramp new elevator to the Press Box design all new Stadium seats for the 6200 uh seat Stadium we built brand new dugouts over the last two years um we've improved the concession stand um as well as all of the restroom structures have been completely renovated we added increased safety with new wall pads out there as well as enhanced the technology uh throughout the facility as well with a new AV system um speaker system as well as new it infrastructure then on to some of the things that we were able to accomplish with your support in 2024 so one of the exciting improvements is to the lighting we had some outdated U musco lighting old fluorescent lights um lighting the field out there we're able to upgrade goes to LEDs in May of this year so one of the other exciting features of the new technology is we're now able to add some light shows some kind of neat effects that you'd see at some of the major league ballparks um these days and so that really has added to the entertainment Factor we're able to uh display for some of our larger events also this is something that we collaborated with you all on was to rebuild our executive building our former executive building into kind of a new vision which we now call building five and and so I'm excited to announce that we were able to complete and open that facility Labor Day this year so kind of a recap on the vision with building five we used to have this as you can see in the first picture old one-story building that um really had some structural challenges needed a new roof the batting cages that it consisted of were really in rough shape um and so thanks to your support in a collaboration with Major League Baseball we were able to kind of come up with a new design which is now a two-story building um replacing the old bad and canges with new on the first floor as well as creating a second story with an observation balcony new meeting space some offices for some groups that we bring in as well as some other features that I'll talk about in a second so what is building five why is it named five so that is in celebration of Jackie Robinson's year in the Negro Leagues that was the number that he wore with the Kansas City monarchs that year so as I mentioned there's some new meeting space some classroom space we have a new kind of modern quad meeting room design on the second floor that is very flexible that's kind of always the theme on anything that we redesign at the facility is being able to use it for the max amount of different types of groups and clients that we host and so you can divide it into four spaces into two spaces or use it as one large meeting space we also Incorporated a brand new state-of-the-art AV package uh we also uh got rid of the old concessions trailer that some of you may recall in our Central field area and we're able to upgrade and create in part of this building five project project a new concessions window so that's not all encompassing in the new space we also added public restroom access from that building so uh the public doesn't need to go into any of our interior spaces to have restroom access and like I mentioned we built the new batting cages um that have the latest in greatest in that area we've also been working on some field enhancements besides homman Stadium we also have two of our primary fields in the central part of our campus that's near all of our kind of core infrastructure buildings that we've really taken attention to so a couple of years ago on the right hand side you'll see here field determination that is the first field that we turned into an artificial turf field obviously again I mentioned the the elements that we deal with in the summer when some of the heat of our programming uh is taking place so it's really important that we're able to keep the kids on the field when we're SE investing so much money to bring them in from across the country and the world to train here um and so we completed this new state-of-the-art Turf system um on that field in 22 it really is state-of-the-art and that it's it's not your traditional sand and rubber field it has organic infill and so that allows the turf to be about 30 degrees cooler than your traditional Turf system so that is kind of the Cadillac of turf systems that we put in two years ago and then we uh focused our attention on the other large baseball field across the way in the central part of Campus field teamwork and we just finished a project in January of 2024 converting that field also to artificial Turf um and this one's a little bit unique in that the entire field is Turf and so the mound and Home Plate areas are also Turf which is really important because it allows us flexibility to not only host baseball in that field but also softball and other sports like soccer and Lacrosse that we bring in quite frequently during the year as well so it's a flat Turf mound area and we bring in a professional Major League level Turf Mound when we do play baseball it's a very heavy Mound and we put on that field to also use it of course for our core with baseball action and then with that project we had a central Bullpen area with six uh Bullpen mounds and home plates that we replace 100% completely um with artificial turf except for of course the Mounds themselves are clay area but it's a brand new it's kind of a central Feature Part of Campus so it's really important for us to upgrade um not only looks but also um the functionality of that space the old space really didn't have types of observation areas that were now seeing a trend for in the sport behind the pitching Mounds behind the catchers and so forth so like I said that was completed earlier this year and then a major Focus has of course been to our bread and butter which is the fact that our facility offers the on-site housing in the 89 Villas that that are uh on the property and so over the course of several years with your assistance we've been able to complete multiple phases of renovations to the facilities they were built in 1972 so as you can imagine there's been a lot of love that has been needed to be invested in those uh but we are happy to report that we' have completed the Final Phase which was replacing the furniture and fixtures earlier this year um so invite you obviously to come tour the facility if you're interested to see the latest upgrades but it's been really um fabulous to see now how our clients react when we bring them into the new and improved Villas um we also were able with your support to finish a plumbing infrastructure project not not always a fun project to uh to engage in that our clients see but it was very necessary of course like I said the Villas being from 1972 really needed some of um the infrastructure to be improved and so we completed that in the summer of this year and as I mentioned in previous discussions we also spent a lot of attention on the exterior improvements of the Villas we replaced all the sight lighting we replaced the roofs exterior painting stone veneer modernizing everything again to attract additional clients moving forward one other project that we completed back in January of this year was upgrading our East cages we actually they took a tumble in a storm last year and so we decided to upgrade the area with new Turf um higher quality netting new hitting mats and so forth so we took it down to its foundation and completely rebuild them from scratch um beyond that so that was a nice Improvement for our two back fields we also focused our attention this year on the administration building and are just about to complete a final round of Renovations there we replaced all the the flooring inside the second floor we replaced the upper metal roof and also uh repainted the entire exterior structure with a new paint scheme getting rid of an outdated salmon color and new awnings we also are in the process of finalizing the new balcony stairs those are one almost 100% complete and will be by the end of the year so now on to what's coming next and uh what's in progress and what's coming in 2025 and Beyond um so right now we've just engaged in some interior improvements to the conference center it's a it's a building that's Again part of that Central core of Campus one area that still needs our attention so we just started that this week we're doing some cosmetic upgrades some new flooring painting ceiling things like that also going to be introducing some new branding elements um display of uh illuminated 30 major league club logos so be a nice feature kind of walkway for our guests as well as a feature wall um dedicated to all of our MLB develops uh uh a who have come through all of our MLB youth programming and who have made their Major League debuts to date so there'll be an a wall honoring all of those um young athletes who have come through our programming and the other thing that we are about to embark on this week is replacement and extending our safety netting at hman Stadium as has been the trend throughout Major League Baseball um it's been very important for us to increase safety at homman stadium and so we're going to be taking down the old back stop netting structure and extending the safety netting all the way down the line so that every seat in the state stadium is behind the protective netting moving forward so that should be completed by the end of the year into early January we also been focusing our attentions on working on a concept for dining room renovation that will be coming within the next two years um that would involve renovating the existing space as well as producing an addition to increase our capacity in the dining room because we have a good problem that we've been dealing with which our capacity is limited in there and our programming is growing and so we do need additional space for the additional athletes we've been serving and we also have our West batting cages which is adjacent to the administration building that is a structure that needs attention and so we've been working on a concept as well for that uh for a future replacement and then excited to share with you some 2025 events that are on the horizon last year we introduced it our first ticketed event that we've held in a while the Andre Dawson classic in February and this year we have now increased to three ticketed events that we'll be introducing to the public so first is again the return of division one baseball with the Andre Dawson Classics so this is coming back for the second year in a row this is an MLB HBCU tournament that we put on um it'll be February 21st to the 23rd and we're increasing the number of teams this year bouncing off a last year's success from six teams to eight teams so very excited to bring on um year two of that again the two Friday night games just like last year will be broadcasted live on MLB Network and then the second event that we're bringing in uh will be big 10 baseball so this is new for us this is another level division one baseball this is going to be a three- game series at hman stadium in early March between um University of Michigan and the University of Illinois so very excited to bring this kind of caliber baseball to our backyard and I think this will be a great event for the community to be able to participate in and then of course the infamous Jackie Robinson Day game um last time we hosted this was 2019 and of course we have been focusing our efforts like I mentioned on all the improvements the Stadium to be able to host bigger events like this in the future and so I'm very happy and proud to announce that we are bringing the B game back on April 15 2025 so I think the community is going to be very excited about that um we appreciate everyone's patience and and bringing this back we wanted to do it the right way as we would call it um and so as I mentioned it will take place this April it is an official of Florida State League minor league game as it has been in the past the host team will be the Palm Beach Cardinals as the home team and they'll be playing the Clear Water Threshers and so we will be announcing of course ticket sales and more information going into the new year but very excited to share this with all of you and then just a couple highlights on some community events that we've been hosting at the facility in case you're not aware we've been hosting two annual playball events um I know some of you have been out to those it's a free event for Community for kids ages 4 to 10 really just to try to introduce them to the sports of baseball and softball and get them engaged and excited about you know participating in Sports so that's been a great partnership with the school district to bring those kids in and do that every Jackie Robinson day and during our Nike RBI World Series in August and then this past weekend we brought in a new event which was a partnership with our MLB players Alumni Association so we just held a free clinic last Saturday for kids 6 to 16 it's a little bit higher level of play and they were able to get instruction from eight former major league players uh for a couple of hours that morning so it was really great the kids really loved it um they got autographs from the players and they got a lot of tips and tricks and some advice from from some of the uh the legends of our game and a few other highlights we've been hosting for four years straight now the Middle School baseball and softball playoffs and intend to continue to do that for many years to come we're the host facility for the Vero Beach RBI program and so they use our facility for practices and games that have been since the onset and we just uh offered them an office space this year uh for at our facility which has been great and then we've been engaging in a a Rich partnership with the Vero Beach High School those kids get to play at our facility when they their practices get rained out at their own facilities now that we have all these Turf areas we've been able to really um help them out when they're in need and then they've also provided support back sometimes we need athletes to volunteer for some of the different programming sometimes during an Umpire camp or something that we're hosting and they've been really good about engaging in that and then of course this year back in may we were able to host your second annual all hazards disaster preparedness Expo in building 42 so a great use of that space Beyond just Athletics and uh Our intention is to continue to build the non-athletic programming that we use that building for and then of course in the unfortunate situation in a aftermath of hurricane Milton we were happy to be able to assist in some relief efforts uh we were able to partner with the United Way to utilize our facility uh the vills in particular to host some of the victims especially of the tornadoes from that storm um provided them meals in the dining room some shower facilities so was great to be able to use the facility in that capacity um we did enter into agreement with fpnl as well it's not really well known but they had reached out about utilizing building 42 um to host their uh linemen post storm to be able to take rests and breaks um while they were doing post storm relief they didn't end up using the facility because of their strategy had changed a little bit but it really did set the stage for future collaboration with that group and then our MLB breakthrough series who were in town for a perfect T perfect game tournament a little bit south of here um after the St form they volunteered at Round Island to do a beach cleanup so some of our staff got involved uh my kids as well um so it was a lot of fun a good effort and a good teaching opportunity for those athletes to be involved in the community and then a few notes on some growth and expansion of some events that we had um 2024 was really a turning point for us I think I think the word has really gotten out nationally and internationally about what this facility is um with all the coverage that we receive at the major league level and Beyond um it really has shown in the numbers and so we o we host an annual spring training program for high school and colleges and so the year prior we had 118 different high schools and colleges from all across North America and Canada come join us for a week or so a training and that increased 135 teams this year which is a record for us and so looking forward to another successful rendition of that in 2025 President's day as well our previous record was about 70 teams for that tournament that we host and we're at 83 teams this year and most of those teams are coming from out of state of course a lot from the Northeast and and Central that want to get out of the the winter weather during that time of year and then we've got some new clients and events that we're bringing in this year um going into 2025 and so or that we hosted in 2024 um and like I mentioned in 2025 bringing back the Andre Dawson classic uh we held the first ever NCAA umpire Camp that's the first one the NCA NCAA has ever put on period never mind at our facility and so we were kind of the test the pilot for them and now they're looking at using our facility for other referee and umpire camps for their other sports besides baseball which is great uh we brought in the University of Minnesota softball Division One softball back in January we have another division one program coming in this January we hosted a club from South Africa just expanding our International reach which has always been something that this facility has been known for and right now we're hosting Major League Fishing if you can believe it so we'll do a little bit of everything um and kudos to the sports commission for bringing us U that connection but that was another kind of way to Branch out and use the facility I mentioned flexibility is name of the game and so those folks are here right now so again I just want to thank you for all the support it really has been an amazing partnership over the last five and a half almost six years since major Le baseball took over the facility uh really is a priv privilege to operate it um and so I hope we're doing right by you and looking forward to the growth that's that's on the horizon so thank you thank you relle wow um and uh Commissioners let me close by saying uh all the improvements that you've seen today are squarely within the four corners of the amended and restated facility lease agreement and funded and budgeted um and it's it's been wonderful because every time they've had a challenge or wanted to manage a project themselves or fund a project they've done it uh on their end and without coming to the county for additional uh funding um I will leave a place shoulder with you that uh in the presentation you saw the West batting cage building that is one project that we our staff just missed in collaborating and forming the original agreement so that will come back as a as a um Capital Improvement that we will have to budget for but other than that we have checked all the boxes and we continue now to work in a collaborative and Cooperative relationship and um Full Speed Ahead thank you thank you thank you very much thank you [Applause] all right well with that uh the next item is approval of the minutes uh for the regular meeting of September 10th 2024 we have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carried unanimously thank you on to informational item uh we have I I'll tell you what we have the the purchase order authorization but overwhelmingly as we were we were just overwhelmed by what is happening at Jackie Jackie Robinson complex the event calendar is so full and Rob robust it's three pages long our Recreation uh Department uh is utilizing the facil uh so greatly uh and there are many holiday experiences I have to refer everybody to the website uh I don't think you want to hear uh three and a half pages of events that are happening until January 1 so but please look at that we also have another event that's uh uh being hosted uh uh here uh um with the Pelican Island autan Society tree and plant recovery Workshop uh in reference to the the loss of vegetation and trees uh sustained uh during uh hurricane Milton and there is uh an exciting uh series commissioner Moss would you like to talk a little bit about it um yes thank you um as you may know um my district that's the Beachside District 5 and also uh commissioner Lord's District Four were the hardest hit with regard to tornadoes we we all were affected by the Hurricanes um everyone is welcome to this though I just wanted to be sure that trees uh were not chopped down unnecessarily um city of Vera Beach for those who might not know had suspended their uh tree uh permit you don't need a permit right now to cut down trees so I didn't want people to cut down things that were you know had an opportunity to regenerate and this pan this panel will address that they'll talk about identifying uh trees your own trees and plants that might have the opportunity to come back to to regenerate and you know when you look around if you've been to that area the trees look like they're in a State of Shock and I think we all were but they still look like they're in a State of shock but that doesn't mean they won't come back the the key is patients to give them a few months but there'll be more details I welcome everyone it's uh it's free admission it's being held at riverhouse and that's uh this Thursday from 6:00 to 8 and there will be free trees available uh Live Oak uh Cyprus and mahogany Dr Baker said he was going to bring all three so please feel free to join us and thank you Mr chair thank you all right uh the next item we'll move on to the consent agenda is there anything that anybody wishes to pull from the consent agenda chair pull 8 a 8 a alpha anything else is there any item that the public would like to get there Mr um move uh consent as as amended that's a motion by commission Adams by commission irman any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carried unanimously we'll move back on uh commissioner L you pulled item A8 a alpha I did thank you madam chair boy it's going to take I don't know what's going on over here um okay get them under control thank you chairman and I uh I bring this up for discussion uh and as you know this body approved the the the RFP procedure a few months ago um but I think it's it's interesting and it's timely in that the discussions we've had most recently not only with the e but the urban service boundary um if I could and I had discussions with the administrator yesterday uh if if I could ask him to kind of explain how this process uh dovetails into timing L with the USB uh program that I think Chris is here Chris may know a little bit more Mr administrate yes Mr Vice chair uh so the economic development strategic action plan the county lasted one in 2014 and it was adopted in I think early 20 15 uh we did uh discuss this with the the County's economic development committee and there was the data was so old and it would it just needed to be we actually went out and and sought the opportunity could we update that existing plan the firm was out of business and no other firm's going to come in and just take over so so we did um look at it and we brought budget it in the put in the budget for the board consideration and this project will develop an economic development plan that would enable the county to identify one evaluate you know and analyze its internal economy uh as it relates to not just internally but also what's what's what's happening outside and then be able to determine what are the appropriate mixes in terms of what the what industry should we be you know focusing our efforts you know based on our our existing Workforce are there opportunities to grow our Workforce are there with that being the case you know what needs to happen for that but at at at the end of the day it develops a plan uh that enables us to control the the future growth of our industrial base and our economic you know uh our commercial but just our local economy uh absent having that I mean for instance in the old plan uh even prior to that plan being adopted was the CVS distribution uh Center was identified as you know it's like hey we should be doing distribution and but nothing really occurred over those last 10 years or so uh so it just this needs to I be updated to identify what are the specific Industries and businesses that the the county working in collaboration with the chamber should be directing their efforts toward so we're not just what they used to call in the old days is smoke smoke smoke uh Smoke Stack chasing chasing any and every business possible we need to be identifying and we're going after those businesses that compliment and bring value to our community bring high value added jobs jobs that will provide benefits and things of that nature uh so this will lay out a plan to do that uh it is heavy intensive on the front end in terms of stakeholder engagement uh not unlike the previous one and then uh what they'll is they'll put together uh after the stakeholder and interviews they'll do their analysis uh they'll look at their the investment they're going to evaluate our uh Economic Development incentives uh some of the incentives that are currently existing uh that we have identified are no longer they they're no longer in I mean we don't have an Enterprise Zone anymore I mean that the state removed that program a Suns saided it a while ago so it's time to update and then this the state does have a uh a qti or qualified targeted industry list we just need one specific to us so this will develop a plan there'll be a draft it we'll come back before the board and where I say what it would where where it kind of fills in one of the elements in our comprehensive plan is an economic development element and that this will ultimately result in some changes and as as we talked about the comprehensive plan updating it that but then even as we mentioned at the last USB meeting the notion that the Oslo Road interchange is opening understanding what is the appropriate mix of uh businesses industries that we want to Target our efforts on then we can be more strategic in targeting them on those specifically not unlike what the chamber is doing with they're uh with they're doing and and we just saw a perfect example how we've enhanced our Sports tourism and we have such a crown jewel but and what the chamber is doing as it relates to uh it's tourist development in terms of targeting look evaluating the market and targeting after certain sectors right and additionally we have uh a position that's being advertised as we speak uh can you tell the board what that position will do and how it parallels this study certainly well this study is very important to that position uh one first and foremost we get that position hired they're going to be the primary project lead on this study from a staff St standpoint but right now the County's already undertaking some of the economic development functions in terms of prop uh processing you know our jobs you know jobs Grant programs and working with the chamber uh the chamber formerly had two individuals staff members that were uh functioning and provide they served as our what we call our formal Economic Development organization well not last year but the year before well last year they actually pulled it out a second the second in position and this year they're hiring you know for Helen's replacement so they're only going to have one person versus the two and I I would submit to you that with since we are doing a number of of things internal within the county to support the chamber and and in concert or collaboration that's why we put the economic development position in the count couny thing plus it gives us more Authority or more control rather because we're the ones that are going to be responsible for implementing this fan this plan and it's not just the chamber it's working with our Workforce you know providers working for our local business Community responding to requests for informations as it relates to you know business if there's an RFI out there for like Hey we're looking to locate this business making sure it fits what we want to do maybe even working with the chamber going out to Industry trade shows to ID for those industries that we have identified and bringing them back into our community I understand that and just so the public knows each commissioner has uh a few subcommittees and commissioner Adams is is on this and and I think rightly so um Mr Adams do you have any comments about what your subcommittee decided um we supported moving through moving forward with this process um as part of the the RFP and as part of putting together this plan um the economic development committee will be included in those conversations um and different key people in the community just trying to get a feel for what we have and what we want and the resources available the partners um from a worker perspective as well as um an industry perspective so we had a good conversation um EDC was supportive I do have a question though um this RFP was the timeline that's given was set to commence on October 1st that's what the timeline is is based on so that would have it wrapped up in June of 2025 so does that mean we'll probably back that time frame up now to August I was going to say we probably could get the kickoff done November December November might be pushing it since we're got one week away from the Thanksgiving so if we can get the kickoff done in December uh we could be looking potenti around the August time frame okay so it's basically a 9mon project depending on when it starts yes ma'am and then um there there will be I think the problem with the plan that was done in 2014 was that there the decisions and some of the policies and and different things that were suggested were never brought I think from EDC to the commission for implementation um so I would just like to reiterate this time I would I would like to move those from the plan into kind of policy decision so we can yes make it worthwhile and and work on it but I would say commissioner L because I know this area has been um important to you is that Oslo interchange was a a big part of the conversation at EDC um about this plan as well and making sure that was included chair Mr chairman um also I I think it's refreshing because the Dynamics of the workforce and the recruiting efforts have changed obviously since uh not only 14 but this thing called covid and some other things and uh and I I guess Chris our our new employee will will report to you in some fashion but I would ask that it may not have to be a a quarterly update to the board but maybe individual updates on the progress of this study uh I think that would be refreshing as well uh and I'm excited that uh whatever comes of this we'll be able to incorporate it in the other plans that we have going on so that chairman I move approval second take the second it's been a long time since you've been able to do that so right rightfully so no I just uh at at this point uh we have a motion in a second uh I I I agree with what was said um I I will say this uh $140,000 in Endeavor uh just to clarify uh we're paying for transportation expenses as well that's the visit the site visits and I guess the the local impact and that's not to exceed $150,000 so that's a $10,000 uh addition Mr chair that is correct just want to confirm it that there's a cap on it of $150,000 that is correct Mr chair I just say you know I inquired about that as well and uh currently U I'm told we don't have the capacity at this time and with Chris's new employee let's hope that uh this will be the final study and that in five or six years we can do these studies internally is my hope and desire for a lot of studies throughout the county and that and that weighs on it too there not having the the ample Staffing to be able to do that uh I did have a concern this is a firm from Texas uh economics is not an empirical science any Economist will tell you that okay so they have a a group coming in from Texas uh I should to do a fine job but I rather have it more localized and even internalized with staff so but at this time we don't have ample Staffing okay anything else all in favor I opposed motion carried unanimously I think at this time I just saw the message there we're going to take a five minute recess what e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's you know Country Kitchen That's Country Kitchen Thursdays there is that is that like an industry we have Aid and I thought it out minute warning you later tonight later tonight meeting will now be called back to order thank you the next item is a public hearing hearing item 1081 which is a public hearing on an ordinance amending the code of Indie River County code section 102.1 sub1 and 102.4 uh it was duly noticed and publicly advertised and uh that uh we have the applicant to uh we did receive a a letter uh of intent uh by MB uh which states please consider this a formal request for continuance of this chair no Mr chair I think I think we're on the that's the resoning that's A3 that's A3 oh that's a A3 10 A1 well the right number is on here okay all right well we'll make sure the agenda is uh duly noted and appro rely reflected thank you thank you councelor this item is a public hearing for an ordinance amending the county code sections 102011 and 102.4 and this is um this is to amend the commission rules of meeting rules and procedures yes yes Council yes and so uh basically we we had quite a long discussion about this where I went over this ordinance at the last meeting but just very briefly this would um update your meeting procedures to um allow for meetings on the last Tuesday of the month it would revise um your departmental matters under your order of business to give your updated departments your new departments an opportunity to present matters and it also modifies public comment procedures to provide a a portion of the meeting at the beginning of the meeting that allows for public comment on agenda items and one for public comment for non-agenda Rel items at the end of the meeting um the purpose is to make your public comment matters comply with State Statute and also be of right in other words people would not have to apply to come speak with you which I think May may be the perception now so that's a summary of the changes anticipated by this ordinance um I recommend that the board conduct a public hearing on the ordinance take comment from interested persons and approve the ordinance amending in Indian River County code sections 102011 and 102.4 thank you counselor yes and this this removes the uh the necessity to make a request for public speaking and uh it is open to fully open to the public at the beginning of the meeting uh during the uh actual agenda item uh most certainly the the public will be invited uh at the chair's discretion chair's discretion yes continue and then at the end of the meeting we'll be able to uh have any other comments that are non-reflective of the agenda that people would like to speak out on exactly okay any comment from the board to approve no I have to open up a public hearing thank you at this time we'll open up the public hearing and accept comment there's two microphones you don't have to share having given ample opportunity for anyone to speak we'll now close the public hearing CH move we have a motion by Vice chair second it and seconded by commissioner Moss any further discussion all in favor opposed motion carried unanimously thank you next item is a public hearing amending and restating developers agreement between Providence Point buau Beach LLC and inie River County and the appropriate staff report is attached good morning Council good morning Commissioners Susan PR Deputy County attorney for Indian County um we have attached here a memorandum explaining and laying out the attached restated and amended developers agreement between in over County and Providence Point ver Beach LLC for off-site traffic improvements and right of way dedication um this agreement originally came in front of the board of County Commissioners back in 2014 since then the applicants and the owner of the property has approached the county and asked that the um agreement be amended to reflect some of the items that the county actually went ahead and did and performed themselves such as put up traffic lights and some of the road work that's been done across 58th Avenue um staff has gone back and forth with the developer to make sure that we have included all of the items um so and this is the result of the back and forth negotiation between County staff and the applicant is the attached restated and amended developers agreement between the county and Providence Point today is the first of two um public hearings that need to be held so I'm not asking that the board accept this developers agreement today that would be asked at the next public hearing on December 3rd um but because it's the first of two public hearings um this is the information I would ask that the board go ahead and after this presentation if you have any questions for me and then open the public hearing for any com public any comment from the public close and then have us come back on December the 3D for the second public hearing I know that the owner is here today I think oh there they are I'm sorry I know they were out in the lobby I think they're here now um if you do have questions for them as well but um I'm free for any questions if you have any everyone has their own microphone no questions from the board okay thank you thank you councelor it's time we can open up public hearing somebody say see none give an ample opportunity close the public hearing thank you counselor please thank you now I simply asked the board to um recommend that we return on December the 3D for the second public hearing as pursuant to Florida statute 163 3229 subsection 1 so at that point in time the board can consider adoption of this um restated and amended developers agreement we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor opposed motion carries unanimously thank you counselor thank you Commissioners now the next item is item A3 and that is the consideration for an ordinance for in River County Florida amending the zoning ordinance and the accompanying zoning map for approximately 7.97 acres and CG and General commercial District to M Meed Medical District 99701 36- 96 957 it is quasit judicial in nature and we will not be rolling out the Quasi judicial patternization as uh the applicant mbv uh has sent us corresponded saying please consider this a formal request for a continuance of this matter from November 19th 2024 the board of County Commission to January 14th 2025 meeting there was some unforeseen circumstances and the applicant has requested this continuance and we will go ahead and uh please the board we will accept their request and file for a Time certain date certain date certain for January 14th do you have any nope you there in case they have a question correct anybody have any questions on that we'll submit the documentation to the clerk and uh well do we have a motion to approve the continuance have motion by Vice chairman law seconded by commission Adams any further discussion so continued all in favor opposed motion carried unanimously thank you we have uh public discussion items we have requests to speak from president Lance lenford who has uh just had to depart to go to another meeting if he returns back we will afford him the opportunity to speak if he does before the conclusion of the meeting uh the next item is a request to speak by Bill Rigby on Federal and State funding procurement laws good morning Mr Rigby good morning first of all I like to congratulate the to uh Commissioners for retaining seats and also also congratulate you Mr chairman for them collecting you selecting you as chairman uh this morning before I begin before I begin to speak I would like to say this to the uh Madam clerk first of all uh I like to say that I'm here first of all on the application of the law secondly I'm here under the US Constitution 43 allowing me to speak and give my opinion without any interruption or retaliation and let me Begin by saying this morning before I begin to speak the last time I was here I was not allowed my three minutes to speak I was cut off and was stated that uh uh tired of me coming here the same thing also that I'm not going anywhere with this so I've decided I prayed long thought about it real hard and prayed over it for quite some time about this and what I'm going to say is this I would like to know the rules in this chamber before I before I began my speech I would like to know the rules in the chamber first of all and maybe I'm not understanding something or maybe I'm missing something in this chamber I thought that when I come up here and speak that I am allowed my three minutes to speak regardless of what topic that I'm speaking of of how many times that I come and speak that I'm still allowed those three minutes if there's a rule in this chamber that are not allowing me to speak my opinion or whatever please tell me before I begin my my my speech because I do not want to be brutally interrupt when I began to speak please can someone tell me the rules cuz I certainly want to abide by the rules in this chamber and I certainly want to abide by the Roberts rule of law and I certainly want to abide by whatever other ordinance ordinance rules that you have in this chamber Mr rby this is your chance to speak you've made a request to speak you will be afforded the opportunity to speak and I just want to correct the record you were given the opportunity to speak and you just burned up a couple of minutes just explaining all of this but uh we'll we'll just start with what do you need to say today okay here's what I got to say today and thank you commission fleser here's what I have to say today is that I've decided on this issue right here is that I'm not going to go any further with this issue but what I am going to do with this issue is that I'm going to seek further information on this issue because since that I'm going nowhere with this I'm going to say that hey I'm going to this particular issue here what I've been dealing for almost two months and haven't got nowhere with it I'm just going to uh with this here issue here I'm going to do other things because I hav still have not gotten all the information that I need to do to say what I need to say and since I have not got gotten all the information on this issue this issue right here I'm going to leave it long and then I will come back later on with something else because I see that I'm not getting anywhere with this issue so since I'm not getting anywhere of this issue and uh I rather move on to something else but this issue here I'm going to move on to some other things with it thanks for you allowing me to speak this morning and I appreciate your time thank you Mr rby yes have you made formal requests or informal request in any way shape or form yes sir for information and was it satisfied okay I'm glad you said that commissioner I want to make sure that you're getting the information you need no I do not okay I don't have it and I went up again this morning to get some information and uh I have some information from uh the S director uh who Macho Mr Macho I have some information from him but the information that I requested I have not received it no sir I have not received any of the information that I want now they have given me information that they want to give me but the information that I want I have not get gotten that information please sir please if you need to rearticulate it and the attorney's office will be happy to ensure that you have any information that you're requesting that we have available able that is responsive to your request and Mr rig I know that you've made more than one public records request directly to my office and we have provided you with documents and you did make another request this morning we certainly happy to work with you to get what you want well thank you uh in a timely fashion well thank you for that I did go back up this morning and make another request for the information that I want but can I ask a question just that's a question if I'm asking for information that I want and you don't have that information then where do I go I'm asking for information that you don't have we can only provide information that we have we're responsible and legally bound to ensure that if there is information that's responsive in accordance with 119 of public information if you if you make a request and that information is available we're bound to deliver to you there is other requirements uh depending upon the type and scope that you have but our attorney's office is happy to respond we have somebody dedicated to ensure that information gets out well after this I'm going to take my seat commissioner colle I thank you for explaining that me so eloquently but what I'm saying here is that there I'm not a lawyer let let me say that I'm not a lawyer but I did take some courses in law school and law as being an attorney but I I didn't finish whatever that was but I do know this as an attorney there are procedures that you must follow that's and that's the first thing that they teach you in law school is procedures so in those procedures I'm just asking for procedurally something that I cannot get and that's what I'm concerned about is the procedures that I'm asking for and I can't get it but there are procedures that you must follow in whatever I'm asking for and so those procedures to me are been violated to me and first of all it violates my civil rights it violates my my position as to uh uh the uh Information Act of Freedom of Information Act it violates all of that I'm just asking for something that's it procedures again if the information is responsive to a request we have a a fine general counsel who happens to be certified in local government operations as well and will ensure and very familiar with 119 as as I was too and did it for many years with the sheriff's office I assure you that that is being done for you in a timely fashion thank you all right thank you Mr chairman thank you next item we have uh a public notice item counselor uh exactly um the voters did approve uh authorizing the Indian River commission to um impose an additional sense scent of tourist development tax I will be bringing you an ordinance to your December 3rd meeting to do so and I'm just going to go ahead and read the title to that ordinance an ordinance of the board of County commissioners of Indian River County Florida amending parts of section 210.11 10.03 authorized uses of Revenue of chapter 210 tourist development tax of the code of Indian River County Florida in order to add an additional scent of tourist development tax and providing for codification severability repeal of conflicting provisions and an effective date thank you councelor yes I may I just want to say to all yall in the previous board uh thank you for your support on this when I brought this to the board we moved it on we got we didn't we do it in as timely as Alik because we missed the legis the July 1st of last year vote but the uh voters of Vy County you know resly supported 60 to 40% and it allow us uh probably a mill million plus dollars extra for for tourist develop for tourist development money to go for what we need it for especially Beach renourishment and things like that so I just want to say thank you everybody again and I look forward to moving forward and formally approving this in the next few meetings thank you a little bit of a game delay but we will be playing ball thank you all right next item is in Planning Development Services item 12 H1 which is the discussion and status update on the GID neighborhood plan morning once again hello once again good afternoon Mr chair and County Commissioners Chris Balter planning and development services director um I do have a presentation a gier gford neighborhood plan status update on the plan in front of you or on the PowerPoint in front of you you will actually see the plan area that's described in the gford neighborhood plan it's West Central and East a little bit of background on how we got here today so in 1999 uh the board and County Commissioners at the time created a task force to identify any issues that existed in gford along with concerns in July 2000 the tax Force brought forth recommendations to the board of County Commissioners um and at that time the board of County Commissioners uh move forward to create a plan the original gford neighborhood plan uh was presented on September 17 2002 and was approved uh in May 2013 the board of County Commission directed staff to take an analysis and evaluate the plan and what had been done thus far and also to do an updated plan so in 2014 staff presented a uh updated gford neighborhood plan to the board and it was approved um this was all done in coordination with the progressive civic league of gford and also the gford residents and for the 2014 uh update it was a culmination of 11 public meetings uh numerous County staff and agencies were involved in that and developing the plan and implementating excuse me implementing the action plan there were six workshops and over 297 attendees with all of the written cards the G neighborhood plan contained 15 objectives and 82 actions each objective has specic specific action items each action item addresses the who what and when each action includes a due date the gford neighborhood plan objective and action items include policies which is communication housing and economic development infrastructure which is uh streets sidewalks Parks Etc projects and the uh gford neighborhood related projects are also included into the cie so the current status update it's broken into three statuses recurring SL ongoing action items large scale action items that are incomplete and the proposal of an entirely New Plan update so the reoccurring action items so the nature of the actions are educational workshops meeting with specific groups housing fairs maintenance of roadways and drainage facilities there's also uh distribution list for communication the current status on that when we evaluated and looked at it is some of the actions are consistently completed and others have been discontinued due to staff changes in limited resources staff's recommendation for the recurring actions is uh departments and responsible parties should revisit all recurring and ongoing action items evaluate the need and frequency of monthly quarterly and annually and resume activities immediately as needed the large scale action items so there's a lot of big large scale action items that were completed the 45th Street Main Street beautification which was US1 to 43rd Avenue sidewalks and drainage improvements parks playground improvements Street lighting and also modifications to the Land Development regulations the pending projects that are are large scale is action item 7.3 it's the 45th Street sidewalk extension from 43rd to 58th 7.4 the sidewalks on 41st and 49th Street in action items 8.5 and 8.6 improvements on 32nd and 35th Avenue so action 7.3 a status up update on this so the sidewalk from US1 to 43rd Avenue is has been completed 43rd to 58 has has not been constructed due to rightaway issues the county explored culting the drainage Canal along 45th Street um and that was the major cost in the project um that is due because there is not significant RightWay so it would have to take culing the actual Canal to be able to build the sidewalk so what we did instead the fdot added it to its 5-year work plan uh in 2023 the no identified the project as a number one priority in their adopted list of priority projects um and the fdot agreed to it um they're going to start the feasibility study and design to begin in 2025 2026 the project scope includes the complete Street reconstruction sidewalks bike Lanes bus stop improvements and then a turn lane Improvement at 58th the estimated cost as of today is 20 million we know that it goes up every year that it's not completed action 7.4 sidewalks on 41st and 49th Street the status update on that is 41st Street one mile of sidewalk is needed between 38th Avenue to US1 49th Street is a 7 miles of sidewalk is needed from fire station 12 to US1 the future plans so it's identified as the top priorities in the M's bike plan uh master plan and it's eligible for funding through the Moo's Transportation alternative program and the actual project application for submitt is due by March 1st for the uh funding timeline action items 8.5 and 8.6 32nd and 35th Avenue improvements status update on those both Avenues are unpaved without formal rights of Way Road cuts the actual Road cut across multiple private properties and there is insufficient width for a standard RightWay so the next steps staff and the uh Progressive League should coordinate with the property owners to gain right of way and explore alternative solutions for saviz travel ways and the proposal for the new gford neighborhood Plan update so the rationale behind it is it's been over 10 years since the last update has been performed uh it needs to align with the current Community conditions and also the needs and priorities of the community and the injectives are to incorporate all relevant reoccurring and large scale action items that have not been completed identify new action items throughout Community engagement and ensure that the plan is comprehensive and future oriented so the recommendations staff recommends that the board of County Commissioners consider uh the provided Gord neighborhood plan status update and direct staff to proceed with the following initiatives all reoccurring SL ongoing action items shall be Revisited by each respective department or responsible party uh shall revisit all recurring ongoing action items evaluate the need and occurrence time frame and immediately resume as needed and staff for the recommendation number two staff shall continue to work on completing the large scale action items that have not yet been completed and for three staff shall initiate the process for an updated GF gford neighborhood plan to ensure alignment with current Community needs and priorities the update will include item a all remaining large scale projects and reoccurring ongoing action items that are require attention B new issues and goals identified throughout Community engagement ensuring the updated plan is comprehensive implementable and future oriented and C collaborate collaborating with the progressive civic league of gford residents and other stakeholders to identify emerging needs and opportunities in the gford area thank you I'll be happy to answer any questions the board may have anybody have any questions well the reason why uh we brought this back was because there was uh a little bit of a delay which was enhanced to more of a delay when we had objections and hurdles over right of way issues that were were foreseen but once we hit those um I felt that we treated this as a tcid reminder to do a project as opposed to a commitment to a community that we had well established for many years uh that was the concern uh I believe you address that but when you said well we're going to be revisiting Revis visiting is a soft word what's the strength and the commitment to get the job done that's my question sure so for the action items that were described the only one that we cannot provide a determinant answer on is the actual roads that are not in right of ways we can't force somebody to give us those right of ways on their private property so that's the one that we have to work with the progressive civic league and the residents and the county as a whole to be able to get those those are action items 8.5 and 8.6 the rest are all programmed to be done um through dot for the big project and then through uh the other one can be funded through trip which is going to happen so those two have funding cycles and they will be moving forward it's the only one that we don't have a def answer on yet is the last one which is so you're going to apply the the no and other staff tools that were not previously applied correct that's that's encouraging the other thing was that uh well we we can look at the Old Dixie sidewalk and um personally uh I called upon the progressive League because we had a a very large challenge with getting the right of way from a few uh for the sidewalks for a few of the owners I want you to know that they did still a job and for a project of that scope to deal with a few individuals I it worked very well not taking away from it however this project has many moving parts that we can be be Reliant upon ask for the assistance of the progressive league and their context and their communication but I think we have to go beyond that um only and complement it because it is quite a few paral owners and and I think the original uh the the neighborhood plan uh when it was uh rediscussed we had said that well the progressive League will take care of that I I I it's very nice to have the assistance the support it got the job done most certainly on Old Dixie but I don't think we uh can be totally riant upon their uh benevolent resources as well I think we're going to have to do a little bit more with it than in the past of course and that's why I actually put it into the recommendation that it would be staff and the progressive civic league working together to try to get the right aways for the project I mean that's about as best as we can do I mean I can't force them to give us right away so and and Ju Just one one other thing is you you mentioned that this the the one project has been projected at a $20 million impact MH uh when it was first discussed it was a $10 million pro project so this is I just this is what delay caution and uh not an ability to challenge the lack of the available resources that we may or may not have had I know that uh the project was halted because we had great difficulty and now you have the burden Chris I'm sorry but uh I just wanted to show the the impact it it it's doubled oh yeah I mean and $10 million is I quite a bit of money yes Mr Vice chair Mr chair Chris could could you go back a few slides to the highlights of the accomplishments and and I bring that up for not only the board but for the audience in that um I'm currently working on a project in Oslo Park many of you know about that uh before me commissioner O'Brien was working on it and it's uh about 10 years old already um so Chris some of these U Can you go to the part about the the success that we've had so the spec I can tell you the specific objectives uh we had a list of them there was a list of what's been accomplished yeah the list of what we've accomplished and right those are the big dollar right a couple questions uh sure Chris were were these outside of the 2014 neighborhood plan or were these within those are within within so do you have a time on when these were accomplished from 14 to 24 I'm guessing but any specific times I think that would be important because we have to know no one wants to hear it but we have to understand patience uh not only when we're dealing uh with fot and others but more importantly the the collective funding that we have um so if these have been conducted within the last decade um again you may not want to hear this but that is a sign of success when it comes to government be quite Frank with you uh from the start of a of an idea to the completion of a project doesn't happen overnight uh having said that I do believe uh chairman that you've certainly revitalized this and rightfully so um and I do know uh the friends with the progressive League that we can work together and move forward again on this and we we'll take a snapshot of November 19th 2024 and uh I have all the The Hope and the faith in the in the world on this project but just to illustrate that these are significant things that have happened uh in a decade and not as fast as we would like them but I have confidence that with Chris and his new role uh and the relationship with the with the civic league that uh we can accomplish these now you know 8.5 and 86 keep in mind that when we start talking about uh those improvements Mr chair you've got uh private property you've got uh that in and of itself 18 months in and of itself if our property owners agreed so having said that I think that uh although there's frustration uh we have made some progress versus not at all so that's all I have for now Mr chair and agreed uh progress has been made I'm just saying that some of the hurdles uh became brick walls right and uh at that point I it it sounds like uh Chris is going to start taking the mortar out of those bricks and and being able to see through this Mission it's going to be a little more costly and we'll have be Reliant upon a relationship uh we we did get some things done as a matter of fact one of the delays where we we now are dealing with u in a very appealing manner with FD is through the no we were able to get an enhanced project and we benefits that we would not have been able to provide with the original Direction so that delay is actually well embraced and I'm I'm going to ask our members of our our Progressive League to comment on that too and also Mr chair when you when you are able to move a project up the list of of uh of recency to bring it up next that's that's huge because we've got people all over the county wanting their particular projects moved up to list and we've been successful with that so that that's also a success I just wanted to answer commissioner lore's question as well uh the actual 45th beautification was done was completed in 2019 and then for the actual uh Canal piping the original plan was to just do a sidewalk so yes the project has morphed into a much greater project however it'll be uh better facilitated with fdot and have a much better project than the county trying to acquire away and also uh pipe the canal and then do just the sidewalk and with fdot funding correct with FD fundings that's the other bonus for thank you you're welcome yes the only thing I would add I one I want to thank Chris and I want to thank the members of the progressive Sig gford when we've met and as I reviewed the plan the one thing that I would say is very detailed a lot of items but the one thing hindsight's 2020 is the one thing that was never identified is the the path forward in terms of funding there was never any funding discussion in the gford neighborhood plan so as we look to update the new plan we will seek to Endeavor to try to identify funding streams and time frames because there's just time frames put out there but there was never any you know like this grant this grant or general fund or whatever the case might be you know there was never any funding plan so I think you know to the credit of the of the staff that you know that precedes Chris and I is they continueed to find any way possible uh Brian with the with the no and trying to find a way to fund projects where the plan didn't call for any specific funding stream whatsoever thank you any other further comments from the board not i' in invite any members of the public uh thanks Joe good morning my name is Jo L I live at 4570 57th Avenue uh Gilford Florida and uh I'm going to start out uh first of all um after the last meeting um we um I fin I received a uh correspondence from uh John and in uh on that correspondence he he stated pursuant to the board's direction to bring back an update concerning the gford neighborhood plan I'm hoping we can meet to discuss the implementation of the plan outstanding projects and how to move forward by this email I am requesting Tina to schedule an appointment with each of you Nancy bunt Chris Balter and me myself I'm saying that to say this not really to bash him but this is what we've been hearing for the 10 years we've been we we constantly was told this we were told that but it never occurred uh so we have any confidence when it come to statements that the county give us because it never comes out to be actually what what what is stated and uh I wasn't surprised that that did not happen but uh I want to make sure I let it be known and let it be known that uh we were looking forward to it but it never happened but that's typical the responses that we get when we discuss whatever we discuss we can never get things to we can never get to follow through uh and uh Mr what was what was the date of that email he sent it to each one of you too it's uh September the 10th he ceded to each one of you by this thank you and uh and but but I but I never did but we never did receive any type of in invitation to uh to uh do those things I and Mr adet um I I want you to know that during that time I spoke with you at least three times to check and see where it was at and I spoke to the County Administrator three times as well during that time but it was more than requested it it was more than just to make the point that uh it's normal for us it's normal it's and it shouldn't be but uh and it won't be so and the next thing I wanted to talk about we talk about over those years we we've been given a lot of different excuses for like I I made a comment one time about if you help to pass the op optional sales tax we're going to get it done back what I said those things happen but anyway excuses I got two excuses that I want to talk about uh the first one is too expensive and and you all mention it uh Chris mentioned about the $20 million as opposed to the $10 million we know all projects are expensive so don't give us the excuse that is expensive all projects are expensive the county Pro the county procrastinated and the prices changed and uh it says it it won't be the same it it won't be the same price loan and and we all know that if you procrastinate and like we said the 10 million as opposed to the 20 million the county procrastinated and the price went from 10 million to now 20 million but don't give us the excuse because it's the county fault we should have done it when they were supposed to do it the next thing I want to make a comment on on the excuse was uh downturn in the economy but there has never been a downturn in our tax bills over those years we constantly invested our money into into the tax coffers so even though there was a doubt that that was an excuse but our tax bills continue to come during those years so and I want to mention uh I'm going to go into we talked a little bit about finances I got two documents here one is uh Capital Improvement element it talks about uh comprehensive plan and I also I went on on the U in County website and it it says Gord neighborhood plan schedule of Capital Improvements we talking about money and uh up under the uh even though we know that the uh FDL is going to be taken care of the uh 7.3 but 7.3 up on the uh the capital Improvement element and I mentioned before there was um 14 million $400,000 and the states that come from optional sales tax in the in the design and Engineering of of that project it was $200,000 right away so look back like to me certain projects there are some funding that's put into uh an account to assist with right away and in that RightWay account it states two $2,400,000 and construction up under up under the uh comprehensive plan it says $1,800,000 now and last time we was here and I mentioned it commissioner Fletcher said that the money went back back into the Coffer and I assume that that's the case but the my total price of those figures that I just mentioned is 2,700,000 28,800 th000 associated with 7.3 all right and now I went into now 7.4 is the next one that's the uh sidewalk on uh 41st and 49th Avenue that was that is supposed to be done in 2024 when I printed out the uh gford neighborhood plan schedule of Capital Improvements 7.4 it states $5,000 from a grant $450,000 gas tax $500,000 a grant now we didn't write this the county wrote this and that's a total for me that's a total of a million dollars so we talking about no funding or whatever low funding or whatever but there is some money unless you all going to tell me that all these documents are are not true there are these there are some monies that are that that that has been geared toward these projects and I'm assuming that that money probably going to go back into the coffee as well I just want to bring no thing up to your uh appointment now 8.6 it talks about um 32nd Avenue back back to the com comprehensive plan 8.6 on this it states it talks about Paving that and we've already talked about the the uh the uh the property owners and stuff but it states in here for 8.6 the funding is included in the road resurfacing account now like I said we didn't write this you going to tell me that these things are not true I I I have no choice but to accept but I wanted to bring to your attention the the uh what I've been reading on on these uh different things now 8.5 it says you talk about the progressive civil League assisting in right away we we talked about this yes we we assisted with right away issues previously but we don't think that uh the PCL should be involved with right away issues because first of all I may not know or we may not know the person who owns the property and the second reason is this is a business decision for those people so and and the county does RightWay issues all the time so this this is what the county does so uh we don't think we think we're being put in a bad that position when we are asked to go and ask somebody to give up the uh their front I don't have any problem with my front but some people may have a problem and I'm sure they're not the person to discuss with the person and uh they're going to agree okay Joe they may not even know me so I want to make that a point too and I'm going to finish up right here it appears there is an effort to stall the process of the original agreement by beginning all over the original plan speaks for itself and the needs of the community and we are determined to continue our efforts in this area we have been discussing the GF nebor neighborhood plan over 10 plus years and from this day forward we would like we we all we all about implementation and notification if you start a new plan I it for for us we like I said we tired of discussing being told one thing and it never occurs if it gets to the point and you agree for the new plan we need the plan to be factual timely and uh notified of each and everything that's going to be done and being done in a timely manner because we've gone through this for 10 plus years and a bunch of talking but now we about action thank [Applause] you Freddy wol Fork 459 57 having new East Florida my comments are very short because I've been on this journey for quite some time waiting for the G griet neighborhood plan to to unfold when I sat there today this morning when they gave overview of Jackie Robertson uh Arena it was fantastic FC seeing plans implementation results if they can do that at doger town uh Jackie Robinson uh complex we should be able to do the same thing within the county whether it's G Oslo buau sebas and wherever I heard a lot of talk about rideway when I look at 66 Avenue I see beautiful widening and Grand areas being coming in but some houses were weren't there in those locations that are no longer there they were removed and I'm sure the people didn't just turn their propit over as right away guilts so I haven't heard anyone talk about yet compensation for even the the people on the North Gord road carer if they had some compensation they may be more apt to want to give up of their property so I don't know whether there's Monies to take care compensating them or not those two instances do Town improvements Financial improvements but never hear anything about financial compensation on for Field Street finally I just want to see the prog progress move F further we've been stalemate for 10 years I know you see documentation the short some improvements have been accomplished but there one that keeps serving as a thorn in ourside is that fortif Field Street Improvement to give sidewalks and winding up that street that's a dangerous C quarter it's dangerous and right now our population is getting older and older so they're not driving as much they either riding the bicycles or either walking but they can't do that on 45th Street because it's so narrow even new children on the sidewalk area not the sidewalk area on the side or walking in the street itself so I'm giving you a overview of things that you probably already seen for yourself I'm asking you to please put put into action that that plan so it can be called the past GI neighborhood plan and not the present plan we can do it uh we're here to assist where we can but the progressive civic league is not equi to be a Surveying Company when they go out and get right away for any project so we that we get like they said in one commercial let's get her done and that's all I'm asking to do with fairness let's get her done thank [Music] [Applause] you good Morning Anthony Brown 4159 57 Court Vero Beach Florida first and foremost uh I want to acknowledge Chris and his staff for their work but I also would be remiss if I did not mention I know that Chris and his staff were put under constraints they were given guidelines uh they was given a blueprint in which to follow with that being said uh I still like to say thank you to Chris I met Chris and I think he has a a awesome heart there's a misinformation first of all it was brought 2014 10 years no no no uh-uh 22 years 22 years in 2013 at a progressive civic league meeting we had a blow up because we were frustrated we were angry we were sad we were mad because the gford neighborhood plan was going nowhere that's when we got involved and we went to the planning department and the planning department was asked where's the GI neighborhood plan we're told it's on the Shelf what do you mean by that the planner turned around pointed and said I said it's on the Shelf why should we do it when they don't know what they want this is conversation that's you need to be aware of when you're looking at us and and trying to figure out why we're persistent why we're upset Joe gave you foundational information the money part I'm going to give you history you talk about the 32nd Avenue project where that 8.6 8.5 Joe ladies and gentlemen when Farmers home gave you that money for the septic you didn't make any concerns about 37 32nd have in its proximity and his closeness or his landlock or his other stuff that's now become relevant some of this verbiage that is being used in this document is problematic because it was n Rel relevant when you got the money now it's relevant and it caused me to say stall tactic get out of jail free it's a word that's constantly used in this document New Plan update people people really I mean I'm slow but I ain't that slow we're not that slow you're saying why could we say a new plan when you have not lived up the covenants of the plan that you agreed to to in 2002 and 2014 is to say oh we're going to do uh surgery on you Mr Brown but we only going to do partial surgery and then we going to come back later after we reassess it you have an impoverished underresourced community of color who have been patiently waiting for you to do your due diligence Joe mention we did not do the document that is called the GI of neighborhood plan did we commission the fles that was not ours I I I was concerned I is not this board's and maybe it's a question for the attorney are your decisions binding to the next board undoubtedly they should be because you did a document so to get out of J a free card don't work it's it's it's about doing what you told us you were going to do not you specifically but those who sat where you were sitting and now we say oops it cost too much farmer's Home gave money for the septic talking about 32nd Avenue if you go back and read it I remember John telling us in a private meeting uh that the impact PES for those people in that area is going to be $155,000 each but farmer's Home gave you the money to do the project and I think if you go check it up I may be a matter for the attorney that in those the verbiage in those documents stated that if you put a manhole in a street you were to pave it I mean I used to think it was a curse but uh this brain of mine constantly regurgitates stuff and don't let it go anywhere commissioner Fletcher know I was I was hanging around during those days I was in some of the rooms I know what was said and what was done but now we sitting in 2024 22 years later some of the people who fought for us to get all of these advances along gone uh Joe's father Mr Buddy Joe he often say I just hope I'm alive when it happens boy if we go for what we're being told in this document don't think so I want to just use an example you're using 41st 45th Street going west of 43rd we're talking about the canals now commissioner Fletcher you and I going to have a a Memory Lane it was going to be done when the concrete plant was going to be built in gford oh yeah somebody pull up the documents the concrete plant has said they would do the infrastructure Hallelujah I was in school that day and I paid attention but it was a concrete plant was being put in an impoverish Community where one person signed the document to do it so when the concrete plant so did the infrastructure but if you logistically look at it on the north side of 45th west of 43rd there's a drainage cover I'm just saying you know I went to school a couple of days and I took some architectural drafting if you covered and put drainage pipes in that cover and slid things over a little or you could have a awesome sidewalk but we are saying we're going to give it a DOT I look at the giord neighborhood plan and I look at 38th on 41st 38 to US1 as Freddy was saying a dangerous piece of Highway a dangerous piece of highway but I asked the question and only commissioner flesh could answer why when we did all that other work we stopped at 38th rhetorical you know I a just saying it I so everybody can understand we're not slow we were paying attention that all of a sudden but then again I think maybe it was the new Sheriff's building being built maybe it was that uh goal line and the Emergency Operations Center maybe it was utilities being built maybe it was cuz I remember standing on the corner of 45th and 43rd talking to a news reporter from the Miami har Mr Brown aren't you excited about the Gord Road improvements I said no she said what you mean I I was standing facing the the West I said gford is behind me that's not the Gord Road improvements if you're in Tallahasse and you're in Washington DC and you're sitting there you say oh wow what's good for Gord wasn't it was for go line supervisor elections Emergency Operations utilities Landfield all of those people benefited from that not Gord because when you got to 38th you stopped and you didn't take it any further if we go along I'm I'm I'm a little more pessimistic than Joe and Freddy I've been doing this since I was 12 years old I'm 71 my days are numbered 22 years I've been waiting for this entity to do and live up to something it told us and our community it was going to do then we Revisited and I've been waiting 10 years for it to happen and now I sit here today and we're going to do a new plan we're going to do this we're going to do that Miss Moss don't you think you'd be tired by now I'm not putting you on the spot but I'm just saying I think it's definitely time you know today starting my second term um I went the whole first term and this was never on the agenda and it doesn't have to do with the staff sitting here they weren't here um that's only something that chair can answer he's the only one who's been here the entire time so I don't can't answer why it was not on the agenda I'm just saying my entire first term you're correct it should have been Commission on the agenda my first term and then we might be farther along at this point and then you wouldn't have you know a $10 million part going to $20 million project all your points are very well taken well what I'm saying is not to put thank you very much it's not that it wasn't on the agenda it was in the hands of of Staff yes the administration well it should have been and it was in hands of it should have been on the agenda it should have been no it should not have thank you very much uh it was in the hands of the project coordinator it was in the hands of the Public Works director it was in the hands of the County Administrator at the time and it was stalled but it was stalled because of many reasons that were brought up some Justified some not but I think the biggest one is that it was held back once we hit a stumbling block the two major issues were held back when we hit a stumbling back about right of way and they said well it it's up to the progressive League to find the right of way which I don't agree with okay y but putting it on the agenda has nothing to do with getting the job done the job was in the hands of the team if I could interject M Moss I was there I'm not going to put it on the agenda see I I use the analogy of the tortoise and the giraffe the giraffe see the clean pristine upper viw yep the toris see the nasty filthy underview we were the tortoise we were in the we saw what was going on we had and I and and most of you know he was my hero we had Bob salar and we had Peter O'Brien when you brought it to him and it was real he was going to fight for we got to call it like this it was not necessarily but if Commission of Lord passes down something to be done on another level it ain't his fault if it don't get done because there can be obstruction it's all through the process there were obstructionists and and and I want to put this out there so it'll become and we as geodan we know it ladies and gentlemen in the State of Florida there are only two places Gord Florida and Del that are beachfront property in the black neighborhoods that's beening nucleus around this ever since I was a little boy so pull off the fantasy I said about gentrification with half a million dollar homes built around us Gilford has Stood Still That 2.7 miles that is beach front property that has been the major obstacles uh Mr idet said something something the other time we were here he said I guess that person who told us it ain't happening was telling the truth he did not sit up there the person that told us that did not sit up there MH but he was a power broker MH commissioner L was the sheriff of this County he was over 6 700 people just because he wanted it up here don't mean it happened down if you roll at the 50,000 ft level you get an understanding of the intricacies associated with how things move we watch this train wreck and now here we are November 19th 2024 and we're having the same conversation by implementation having meetings we can do this we can do this I'm tired I don't want no more meetings I wanted to come in here today I wanted to get that document that said effective January the 1st we're going to do this this or this effective January the 1st we're not going to hold a progressive civic league accountable for getting any right ways we're going to go out there and do our due diligence and do what we should have done 10 years ago we know that with do they got to do surveys they got to do this they got to do that 41st I'll be dead and gone I mean let's keep it real all of this is to say stall tactics we going to patronize and I don't really like that word until this go away but we're not going away I'm proud of the people that showed up and I'm proud of the listening audience because now they understand we're not making something out of nothing this is real to us this has been going on it hasn't happened and from what I'm hearing with what was presented once again I'm not b f it's not on Chris Chris was given instructions to do what Chris did I'm saying from that group of people up there somebody got a crack the whip thank you for this few times but ladies and gentlemen I'm tired of waiting and we may have to seek Alternatives but we as a community are tired of waiting thank you for your time thank you anyone else nobody wants to you want to follow Tony Irving cartri 4275 31st Avenue what Tony Brown said just then I would say like he say Chris gave was giv orders to do such and such things Chris seemed like a young fellow to me I don't know how old he is nothing but at the same time Chris need to fight back against his orders because he's not there to set the recommendation of what you all say he's supposed to be here for the G community so he's supposed to come in the gfer and get the orders and go back and fight you all and just like what Tony Bryan said before y'all up here in the panel Miss MOS said that this our second term and Peter O'Brien uh West day and all of them was up there they started something you all come in and [Music] say it was this person that person that person if you took the job you took on the responsibility of continuing what they had started I mean they talking about gford at the same time the same mess is going on in W baso the riverfront property I mean ocean front property and all this stuff right here we was told plenty of Lies back in 2002 about the road when he said that 66 looked it like this when I first come from Texas I come back here y'all said the number one project in the county was ocelo Road number two project in the county was 510 from 6 to6 to 512 I said some things Wy Davis and all of them I think FR Adam was the chair lady at the time they said that there was no way they'll do this and do that then do told us we'll start a project from 58 going west all of a sudden when y do got they finally approving all that mess okay we going to start the project from 512 and go east I mean these the lies that we've been getting I mean whatever happened to all the money that what bomber was in office Trump was in office B was in office now Trump about to go in office again all the infrastructure money and stuff where is it going is it coming to Florida or is it going to other places CU d a coming in your a county go like to say this whole count is out a standstill to me y'all mentioned drainage several time y'all meeting up here tonight when that hurricane come through here every damn drain field was full people hous was flooded somebody should have been fired because sitting at your desk way to se project if you an engineer in the drainage you could ride by and see what will happen in the future when we get another rainstorm like that there's no equipment working other day I saw something digging up a little dirt here a little dirt there listen that that ain't going to stop the next big hurricane come to stop us from flooding people's houses flooded people yards flooded that's all I got to say thank you good morning thank you I didn't think I was going to talk but my name is Barbara Lipton I live at 760 23rd Place Southwest and I moved to Vero Beach from the Detroit suburbs in 1997 I was at the meetings in 1999 I was at the meetings in 2002 I actually worked at the Humane Society on on 41st Street when I first moved here in 1997 98 99 I was involved with um what was happening when the Humane Society was wanting to purchase uh build a new building on that property and then purchased other property um due to hazardous waste on that property I was there I heard those meetings so I'm going to go back to the question I think it was Tony Brown asked at the very beginning when a group of Commissioners commit to doing a project any project and then they're off of the board is the board required to follow through on their agreement or is that agreement just go up into smoke any agreement with any group of people are they committed to honor the agreement the board has voted on when it's a new board legal and lawful agreement made I'm asking the lawyer yes the legal yes legally are they required to follow through are you talking about a specific contract or like a program like a plan like the giord neighborhood plan like this okay for clarification or anything that they agree to would you like resp please counselor um well certainly is an adopted plan it's an adopted policy it appears to me um Tech technically one board can't bind a future board normally to appropriate money uh but the plan was adopted it was never revoked so it's in place and to that extent it's a policy of the county thank you [Applause] anyone else thank you for that the last comment um that's that's why we're here because this was set aside this was set aside with not this staff the previous staff and it was then became buried it was like a subcutaneous that's what it was looking like something that happened it wasn't viewed at as a commitment an agreement an understanding a directive it was looked at as something we talked about H we can't accomplish it and that's how we opened this there were hurdles I do have faith and confidence that Chris is going to as I said earlier pull away the mortar and lower the bricks and get over the wall I would like to know more on how we're going to accomplish that and what direction so we're going to bring this back again okay and we're going to have more discussion continued discussion because the last go around and I wasn't here in 2002 but I was here for the 2014 and I remember the commitment very clearly and I feel when we make a commitment we honor the commitment and I'll say something else commissioner uh the the former commissioner Adams Fran Adams made a commitment and she had retired and four years had lapsed and the discussion was brought up and and I emphatically said that if commissioner Fran Adams made that commitment then we have to honor it so I don't know if you got the the answer you wanted to get there was this a legal contract that was funded no it's a commitment and you have to have the faith that we're going to honor the commitment the fact that we have not had public hearing and public meetings on a continual basis on this journey is irrelevant what is more important is that staff is moving in that direction and when they come into an area where they can't comply or move forward we need to be made aware of it it's called communication we need direct communication which we will have in hand I know you saw some changes today and some not not changes but I assure you if we don't have the communication you will see more changes clearly I'm committed to you it's going to happen we brought this up we've had conversation with many members of the community some members of the community inclusive of the uh naac p and the progressive League have come to this meeting and spoke to this board this is what we're doing we're responding and we're going to respond and you are going to see a result because this is coming back and we're going to have a little performance appraisal of the progress so there'll be no more ambiguity no more delay game or let's put it on the Shelf let's just put another stack of bricks on the wall to make the wall we're taking down the wall and we're going to get the job done right Chris little mum of yes commissioner um the only thing that I asked from the gford community as well as the progressive civic league is to understand I understand that the past has shaped the perception for today but the only thing that I can focus on is the future so i' would ask that they don't Define what has happened in the past for this future of us moving forward I look forward to working on the project obviously I'm very committed to it I've been very committed to it since I started here three years ago um I look forward to it and that's I have to say one other thing was discussed when we said we going to uh we're starting this we're not starting at Ground Zero we're starting somewhere correct so what was in the recommendations was actually moving forward still on what's already outstanding and if you choose for us to move forward on creating a new plan giving us the direction to start that process uh what has already been discussed in the recommendations was restarting all reoccurring meetings immediately mediately and then also continuing on the large scale items that are still outstanding I have a question I yes um so you're not creating a new plan so much as you are adding more steps to this plan more action items since many of the items have been accomplished so at the re smaller items have sure so at the recommended me recommendation of Staff we have recommended to you guys to actually do a new plan there are there are uh five outstanding items out of the 82 77 have been completed with the new plan we'd also like to incorporate those five items and still work on them as ongoing items till we so not extending this current plan basically putting this current plan to bed and starting a whole new plan I there seems to be some con concern about a new plan versus extended plan and I just want to make sure we're using the right wording so I want to well we got to get the job done right okay so we have to look at the commitment that was delayed delayed and then put to bed it it's got to be not only woken up we got to go through breakfast lunch and dinner and get a full meal here and get the job done so my perception is you want to add anything else to the gift neighborhood plan you want to have we could have meetings and we could do the charet again that that's great but let's get what we committed to do let's get it done what is the challenge not to get what we've left vacant now tal there were commitments that were in 2021 that were not done that were delayed to 2024 that are not being done which which one of those action items let's move them done what are the two action items that have to be done that are grossly delayed so the two action items that were in the PowerPoint are currently programmed one's programmed by fdot so that's already that will be completed um through their process it's funded for their design in 2025 26 the other one is through for grant funding for the trip for uh the Mo's trip program so those two things are in the works in the work correct and the last items are the actual Road right of way for 30 32nd 35th yep so I guess my I guess my whole question is that is going to end up being what is the what is the plan to get the right of ways the plan is similar to are we asking people to donate the right of ways because I think the Commissioners need to be clear that half of the reason this hasn't happened is because the commission hasn't wanted to prioritize funding in this area so are we asking them to donate the property and and is that why we're having the progressive civic league help us so we like similar to what we did with Beach projects or is the commission being asked to put money towards RightWay acquisition as the previous plan it was done as donation so it's up to you all if you'd like to allocate funding for actual right of way okay I just I just think we need to be clear because two of the there's there's four outstanding items two are in the works to be done but the other two involve right of way so that's really not going to move forward we can go out and ask and see what happens but I think that's what we've been doing for the past 10 years and if not we are right back here and it's a board decision on how it moves forward one of the things that that was the the big delay was that we do the county does not pay for right of way for sidewalk the county pays for right of way for roadway expansion and that got hung up and that's why those two got stalled too also two of the property owners on on the property uh on that that roadway said they do not want it enhanced because they did not want to increase traffic they did not want this to be considered a pass through we spoke with them they do not want to have it done the fact that an individual does not want it done means that it doesn't die it's that person one person if one person doesn't want it doesn't end the project it's just like petition Paving 66 and 2/3 everybody else has to participate it's the same thing that should have been done that needs to be funded and again it's a question of the board we we don't fund for sidewalks but we fund for asphalt for roadways so I have we have never funded for a sidewalk project I have a question because you're more aware of this area and this program than I am the two roads that haven't been paved those are solely Paving the roads though those don't include sidewalks or is that a sidewalk project as well that's not a sidewalk project nope it's just roads but there was there was projected curving was in not I believe so because we did drainage and we put in the the the person hole manhole manhole manhole I don't I don't I don't know what to say you can call it a manhole that's and then drainage and that was all supported and then we were looking at Curbing and this was going back a few years so which requires a sidewalk the curbing requires a sidewalk once you put curbing in you need a walkway uh because then you have curbing to Grass correct it would be correct but there's the issue would be there has to be a creative solution for this actual roadway because it's on private property and it we don't have the right aways for the actual roadway um we'd have to look into a creative solution so that being said we have to also have a funding mechanism to do the road and Al and if we choose to get the right of way which is not just for sidewalks it's actually for the road on private property we'd have to get said uh right away now at as the previous PL Direction it was by donation base if we allocate funding we can then pay for right of way uh through the process but that's up to the board so my my based on what you said commissioner flesher if there's one because I think that the everybody needs to understand that we have tried apparently to get some of the right of way there's a couple of property owners that do not want to give that right of way which is completely their right and I understand it sounds like this is a road that's similar to community um Road in felsmere where the property actually everybody owns to the middle of the road and they've just kind of created a road over time through it but but if they do if the property owner does not want to donate property then we have to go through the imminent domain process correct we can um that's one process through it we can offer them an actual price for the right of way and the final option which we don't like to go for is imminent domain okay so I just there's it's not going to be quick but no it's going to be quick because the amount of RightWay that we need is is limited is it not this is not and I understand 66th Avenue which we was referred to today began in two 2006 I was here it took that long it's not finished obviously if you see the Mounds it's it's far more North now but we paid for that right away and it was painful some people did volunteer their right of way in exchange for other things ponding sites or whatever but for the most part we pay daily it's 2024 we're almost done with 2024 and we're not done with that project yet so that took quite a long time I don't think that this project is anywhere near that you know you could basically fit that roadway inside this building we can't get it done I does this is this a road that has to meet the um the greenbook standards it would have to meet County standards County standards so what's because we're not just talking about me getting some millings and going and and Milling my driveway I mean we're putting in what's funding and where would we fund that correct and I can't I can't speak on the design of the road because that's not my expertise um that would have to be the actual Public Works Department okay well I just think for the Commissioners these are questions that you guys need to start thinking about because when it comes back that there's some decisions to be made about how to make this project happen I think the reason it hasn't happened in the past is because decisions haven't been made and we we're going to have to figure out a funding source and the right of way or this the other two are working forward so that Mak that's what's lingering is is really a solution to these two roads and then the plan commissioner flesher if I understanding correctly is to create the next the next plan that might address other ongoing things is that what I understood from you yes but not like 2.0 but you know what I mean let let's not start 2.0 until we finish the two okay okay I just want to make sure let's get the job done and and so now I'm I'm looking at a yield to the uh County Administrator hello do we have funding available to be able to if this so this board so pleases just to to ask staff to determine the funding and get it accomplished like bring it back next meeting I don't know if it'll be next meeting but we can certainly back in December 17th because we need to get down I need to meet with Chris and if we take the five projects that are outstanding and then meet would get understand the cost and then turn around and bring get with OMB make sure we can identify funding sources agenda items for next meeting are due tomorrow do we have a design or is there a tenative design for those roadways hanging out anywhere no so we would have to put something together to have a better understanding of cost okay and to my knowledge there's never been any not even conceptual design so could I think at this point we we could look at 32nd and 35th and you're saying you want to do it in January meeting come back have staff come back with a cost analysis I could get with public work work to see if we can get put together a conceptual design inhouse to at least to give us a back of the envelope C you know estimate of what we believe it would cost yes I think that would be better would there'd be more information to be able to present okay and at that point we could possibly imok some funding we have roadway funding and startu getting the job done yeah I heard the other comment about the uh the roadway surfacing uh but this is not roadway surfacing this is building a new road so I mean I just which requires four different compounds and yeah fund I'm not sure I mean somebody may have said that in the past but I don't believe that's a viable funding source because that's for surfacing the existing roadways right that's throwing a layer of asphalt that's just few inches thick yeah we roadway is a very compound process but a small Road correct and we already have the drainage there right there is some drainage in the air I don't know if we have to the extent of what's required by County standards we'd have to do an assessment on on the actual existing conditions so what what do you think is a reasonable time to bring this back then I think we get you maybe AI could come up here and tell us if if his staff can conceptually put together at least a back of the envelope calculation so we would have some idea of what the potential costs are for you know as it relates to 32nd Avenue between 40 North the 43rd and 35th Avenue North the 45th Because unless this is AR rused we have things on the books on these two projects we should have and unless it was totally ignored and the brick wall got too high and it was just shelv prior to your arrival a uh but if it was just sheld then that's un that's almost an unreasonable expectation but if it was looked at and we got to that point where we can't do it there's got to be something on the books for design already no good afternoon Commissioners Ari Javit the new Public Works director for the county uh my understanding for this project is that there's been discussions but there hasn't been any design done or any of that inform inform to back to John's uh comment that we would at least need few weeks you know if you want to do some cost estimates and some engineering design to be able to you know Pro provide some options to the commission for your consideration and approval so what's a what would be a reasonable time I would say at least give uh give me a month with the staff especially you know we're going into holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas you know to be able to come back and give you the information we can certainly expedite that but we would definitely need some some information I may have to send my surveyors out there to you know exactly State the the limits and to be able to design something we can look at multiple different options something that can be quick and dirty and some option could be where we're looking El maybe into putting a sidewalk and aage that might be a little bit more elaborate but if it's just Paving that could be you know something more simple and can be done quickly so that's for 32nd and 35th yes sir both of them at least for the 32nd and 35th this week in January we can do that yes again just like I second meeting in January that would be appropriate we will try to expedite and beat that timeline but at least you know give me this much time to be able to go back and look through everything and make sure we provide you with options that are doable and practical so don't so we don't keep going through the circles then we can check on the financial resource and get it together and we will have the action plan yes sir that sounds doable that's fine I just wanted to make sure that we left this meeting without just pushing it down the road and Flowery talk I mean we just need to have some kind of something and if we're GNA if you guys can bring something back and we can have a more detailed discussion about how we move forward at some point we got to get to the decision making parts of this whole thing so if that meets everybody's schedule I mean that's fine with me me sounds good we will be coming back with more information and in the me in that interim is it possible to have an update on who we've talked to about rideway and where the sticking points might be so we have a further understanding it's not just going to be the cost of the road it might be the cost of the rideway does that make sense yes ma'am we I can look into it and and get back to you with additional information and just for me I would say that I this is I understand there's we're asking a lot in a short period of time so I'm not I'm just looking for preliminary let's wrap our head around what we're kind of talking about numbers not like this is how much it's going to be and once you have to do an actual design it might probably will grow so yes ma'am these will be more planning and conceptual level information thank you something along the lines of we're up against nine individuals who we need to right away from we can estimate the cost and the road rock and roll blah blah blah yes sir I I don't think it's as as big as 66 Avenue was quite small com in comparison but it's still there is a lot of leg work so I I appreciate that there is just like I said we'll be back for with additional information for you I'm H I'm happy to entertain the motion direct staff to do exactly that thank you sir would you miss chairman would you like to do that now or because I have a couple questions on the sidewalks and stuff like that on the RightWay but if if you if you want to if you need if you want a motion for what you just said I'd be happy to make that motion okay well commissioner law just said so moved so if you want to Second it I can hear and then we can do that and uh if you want to talk about the sidewalks uh we can do that right now whatever you want to do I'll I'll talk about it right now then so with directing what I've heard here today and what I've heard in past since my four years since I've been here is a lot of lot of blame lot of what it happened I find it absolutely troubling that it's been 22 years and this hasn't moved forward maybe like it should there's a lot of things on the sheet that have been done there's a lot of things some things that haven't been done the most important things that looks like are the things that that haven't been done I agree with commissioner Moss it wasn't nothing was brought to the board but I'll I'll rephrase that by saying nothing was brought by staff to the board and I agree with you commissioner fleser I think it was in our former public works director's hands and it just kind of got lost in the shuffle because I had in the four years I've been here I had a couple of conversations with then County Administrator Jason Brown about it and things were getting done some of the small things I think they put the some of the drainage in Canal the Culvert up there by closer to us one and things like that but I think overall yeah I think we dro the ball a little bit on this on this whole project and I don't always agree to to the one lady's recommendation about whether we have to do what what previous Commissioners do I think we have to honor that if we want to change it we change it because I don't always agree with my forefathers did up here I used to work here they don't always make the right decisions in my opinion and the same with the federal government in the Tallahassee they don't always make the right decisions so I don't always agree with my forefathers even in the job that I sit and there'll probably be a generation that comes after me I didn't agree with commissioner said back in 2024 I I don't know but that's that's here and or there the blame game's over with it's time to move on it's time to get these things done as to what we can do and what we can afford my question for for Joe Tony and Freddy would be what is the number one priority what is the or the top three things that you want to see done is the sidewalk is that 35th in the road are those the top priority things because this would be an ongoing project with a lot of these things a lot of these things have been done what is what is the what is the what is the projects that you say are the like we got to do those today well for my community I like where commissioner Adams and commissioner Fletch went give us something and I think that 302 is to say we're going to move and it doesn't have to be and I just whispered to Chris and hopefully uh the Public Works guy come go and walk with us and you'll get a better understanding there's no need for no curbs there's no need for no sidewalk it and and in here is a power house if she hasn't left she's sitting right there Ernestine Williams she can go take you where they did that Su the the sewage there are some plans somewhere where they laid out the sewage but you got a Powerhouse sitting in the room that somebody can whisper if she can remember what was those plans consistent of it would give you a blueprint on how to go in there and navigate that property what you to answer you is give us something that we can sink our teeth in give us something that our community can say we haven't been forgotten the other two projects but anyway right now 302 would be uh um you know cuz I was despondent until commissioner Adams and commissioner Fletcher start talking I was about to say man I'm tired of this because there was nothing that I could grasp and if if you can get in there and do 30 second then you are showing us that it's real and we not so quick going to run and do it a new plan and we going to do this and con do the covenants that was in the original plan and then you'll make a community feel good cuz right now we were very despondent uh we was you know where do we go now but thank you uh commissioner Adams and fleser for bringing up the possibility of doing something well that's where I was going with it but they were doing such a good job I was going with it well that's I mean 302 would be an impetus for us to move forward to regain some credibility uh a whole lot it would do a whole lot of stuff and for our community and with we do this the dot is working on the sidewalk all the way to 58 they're working on that that'll happen their records pretty good about getting stuff done like that so I just want to make sure that basically that we're doing we we need to move on what what what we what's been promised and what what was in this plan and this document right here we need to but we do I do agree with Chris Balter that we need to go through this plan look at it again what's been ongoing what's been completed or what's been completed could be moved off to the side and we need to make sure that we're prioritized and constantly what we need to do and what gets done I do not think the gford progressive Le should be involved in right away acquisition if we need to buy right away to do these roads we buy right away just like we do everything else sidewalks are a different thing yeah but that can but that can be done so I agree with my fellow Commissioners it's time to it's time to quit talking it's time to move on I'm I'm we need to move on we need to get it done I'm like the C guy get her done and if you want some background and and and Commissioners we pick at him Freddy and I do the institution of knowledge about this GI of neighborhood plan that's a walking encyclopedia right there he can spew it out because it's been his baby and when you say what is done what hasn't he somewhere here in the closet he has the uh report cards that some of you don't even know about cuz there was report cards given he got all of that all of that institutional knowledge is with the president of the progressive civic league and once again Commissioners thank you but 30 second if you can get that ball rolling let's get it done so 302 uh being a priority we're looking at the other two projects specifically the one with fdot involved that's already gone through the five year the threee okay here we go now I smell asphalt we've we've already done that I want you to know I consider the same thing for this project on 32nd we've already gone through the five the three and the one because the fdot project is anticipated for 2026 2027 finalization if that's correct right and if that's the case this will be well done before we get near that yeah so the fdot project is the Brian Freeman n staff director um that's the 40 Fifth Street project which originally was a sidewalk and that's actually going to be a complete street so we're going to re reconstruct the road with sidewalks on both sides bike Lanes on both sides I think fds also wants to look at doing maybe a shared use path as an alternative um where that sidewalks and bicyclist could use that facility together um so it it's programed for Fe a feasibility study and design beginning in FY 2526 and then the um that will determine how much rideway may be needed if there's any rideway needed in addition to the canal rideway which is on the south side we may need some from the north side also and then so they'll program the funding for the rideway once they know how much rideway is needed and the construction funding would follow that so at this point it's it's not funded for construction but the uh once once we have that design complete and we know what you know is to be constructed and what RightWay is needed for it then those you know it will be uh programmed you know after that it is the no's number one priority so every year when fdot updates their fiveyear work program for projects in Indian River County and they look at the no's priority list that has you know County Road 510 is on it has um US1 Aviation Boulevard 82nd Avenue at the top of that list there's eight projects on there number one is the 45th Street project so we've given direction to do that that's where we want you know the project we want funded first all right thank you all right so we have a motion a second direct staff to come back uh on the uh 32nd and 35th um La last week in January we should have all that information to be able to make a directive decision and move forward is that your yes sir motion and that's your second okay anything further all in favor opposed motion carried unanimously thank you I see the chair SP yeah take another five minute recess e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e your meeting going to be long one minute warning good afternoon Commissioners meeting we call back to order and with next item is Utility Services item 12 J1 which is the adoption of the in River County Department of utility Services wa Wastewater water and reuse water utility construction standards December 20124 good morning good afternoon good afternoon Commissioners and sorry for jumping and gun there um yes it's a very big document it uh contains quite a bit um but the the last time the standards was updated was in uh um May 21st of 20 9 since then there has been regulatory changes uh new design standards recommendations enhancements and manufacturers U products and so on that so it was very necessary for us to update the standard uh so in on September 13 2022 the board authorized moving forward with that project to update the construction standards for the utilities uh Department uh what the standard does is to ensure design and construction consistency and to deliver Optimum levels of service that includes cost quality reliability and safety of our utility assets uh the standards also provide administrative and procedures such as permit in and how to address unique circumstances that might require deviation from the standards um there are over 250 ch changes that were made a list of the changes was attached to the staff report uh but some key ones are the top key ones would be the lift station design where we um we changed it from an inground design to an above ground design it's more efficient and and and reduces the cost of our standard lift stations another one was to improve the electrical grounding uh by requiring a grounding ring around each lift station and that is to comply with new National electrical code standards um and we also made some improvements and the requirements for submitting record drawings for the utility assets as well uh so the other changes were primarily editorial uh formatting changes uh CAD template design uh and better clarification and requirements of the details as well uh so a draft of the standards was was posted online for 30 days to allow for public comments that period ran from September 9th 2024 um to October 7th 2024 and we also emailed uh a notification to over 2,000 registered recipients on the site as well so during that period no public comments were received uh so we're asking you to approve the adoption of the standards of on upon your approval the new standards will become effective uh December 2024 and um and that will become our new 2024 uh construction standards thank you I'll answer any questions thank you do we have any questions of sta so we all had the opportunity to review the backup and we understand that we move moving forward with enhanced standards consistent fair and firm throughout the county yes the standards do apply to not only irc's own projects but to projects done by developers throughout the county so we can have consistent products there any member of the public that wish to speak uh regarding the standards if not commission move and we have a motion by Vice chairman L seconded by commission Adams any further discussion all in favor I opposed motion carries unanimously thank you thank you next item is a current County attorney matters uh which is the Kolkata uh Drive Dock guidance on potential changes counselor counselor good afternoon Commissioners Susan PR Deputy County attorney on behalf of Indian county attorney's office um so I prepared a memorandum that you have attached here to um for today's item for the Kuta Drive docks these docks uh have been an issue that has been handled by our office since 1985 and I know just a couple years ago um former County attorney uh Dylan rold brought this back and I think was 2021 or 2022 um to have an updated lease agreement or license agreement I'm sorry um which are attached here to um and the transferable license agreement since the implementation of that new license agreement there has been a couple issues that have uh come to light um in the license agreement for looking at number eight it talks about uh the county will make annual inspections of the doc facility under the license agreement um it again talk talks about um inspections for repair in paragraph 9 that needs to be done within 60 days for them to apply for a permit and to get that repaired if any repairs need to be done to mili and all that other good stuff and this is the lensey um Also it talks about um installation of electricity and all that stuff or water in paragraphs 10 and 11 um and then number 13 it's on the lensey to do their inspection on an annual basis there's also um a section I'm sorry um in paragraph 8 there's a section or a sentence in there that says that you know a person can call in and make a complaint essentially someone would go out and make an inspection of the dock um and determine whether it needs to be repaired or not um all of these items have kind of come up we've had a couple complaints in the attorney's office uh try to communicate with staff and see well who would be the adequate staff member to go out and make these and I'm hearing from planning that they can't do it because they are not building inspectors and then I'm hearing from building that they have um inspection fees that would probably need to be paid they have for normal inspections they're roughly around $75 um for inspection fees of items um and given that they're an Enterprise fund that's kind of like the fee that they have if our staff does it if it's outside people it costs us more um so the questions have Arisen as to who should be making these inspections um which department um as well as if they're wanting if we can amend the agreement to make it that if there's a complaint um that's brought in or a need for an inspection plus our annual inspection if that fee is to be included or is it to be taken out of the new updated fee which not every doc has most of them are still at the I think it's like $100 a year and I think maybe only two or three have gone up to the $2,000 a year fee so these were all questions that were posed to me about the dock agreement and some of the issues um in particular from a a couple of the residents there um as well as the last issue is whether or not um we should give each individual dock an actual address um because I'm being told by the building Department that when a doct does require repairs and they need to go through and get a building permit that they need to have an address of the area in which they're being you know they're having these permits being pulled for um and technically each dock doesn't have their own address so if they're pulling a repair permit it's for the entire um area and I can show you Kim do you have the aerial um so essentially it's this entire if you go through 1 through 19 and that's just our how we track it in our office we've labeled them 1 to 19 just so we can track so we'll have for example license agreement for Doc one they don't have a a property um address associated with it so that was the other issue that was brought up to me by building and having these uh the lenses comply with some of the requirements in the license agreement and the um issues that they're seeing when it comes to getting permits so I'm coming to seek guidance from the board on who all you would like to have uh be in charge of this how you all would like to um see some of these issues resolved if you're open to having fees if you're open to giving them each individual addresses um and moving forward well it may affect the property appra um or they need to have some kind of if they're they need to have some kind of distinguishing characteristic or Mark or name or 13 A2 or whatever something I would propose this Kolkata Drive Kata Drive Dock slip one two 3 four 5 six 7even 8 nine Del way to 19 and a sign put up on a on the Pence post on the dock or somehow has to be identified as what slip it is that and the owner of the the slip you go there's people who have invested and have done a good job and there are people that have not done such a favorable job right in maintenance and there's a waiting list and there's also property owners that join it it's it's far more complicated and we've been riding through this and getting through some of the objections but councel I I I appreciate you uh bringing this uh forward because we have to resolve it and the way to resolve it is to assign addresses or assign numerics to it and that's attached to an owner and the other complication that you brought forward that was well this department is qualified to inspect but do we have to have a fee uh look where're the where're the County government and that's that's leased out property I I I think that we could provide inspections to get the work done and default I don't think it's code enforcement that you're right code enforcement is not qualified to look at structure so why not do we provide the individuals to go out there and do either an annual inspection on each and every Dock and say this one's deficient it needs to be done what I I I don't see the complication on why we can't have a function to enforce but with qualified individuals on an annual basis look most of the docks don't deteriorate in three weeks I I have I was just going to say at most businesses are required to have their backflow prevent her yes um inspected every year so you have to get a plumber that has the ability to do that come out pay them the fee to inspect it and then submit that to in my case the city I'm sure it's the same for the county and everything else so I don't see why we don't just treat it the same way they have to find somebody that's licensed to inspect docs to come out and inspect it at whatever time frame that we decide um I don't think that should be that difficult but I do have some concerns in the fact that under your item one following concerns arose regarding the above language and you talk about how um there's no addresses Associated so they can't obtain building permits as they need but then in number two the building department says that they only do inspections in relation to building permits and these agreements do not fit in that category so are they getting a building permit and but the building department can't inspect them but they can only inspect it for the permit but they can't go out and just inspect even though it's a permittable thing it doesn't sounds like they're just not wanting to go do it maybe they don't have the people to do it but I would think it would be just as easy thank you madam chairman but there you say I embrace that idea I embrace that idea of having them have to submit an an annual inspection report Mr chairman I would I would tell you that this is not rocket science no these docks are not the docks at Quail Valley they're not the docks at at Sebastian Marina Captain HMS or anywhere these are fairly small docks able to accompany up to a 20 to 23ft boat they're not very big but they're highly coveted docks space so if the people want to have their boat there on County property they need to follow byy our rules as for having an address I would submit Kolkata Drive boat dock slips with a number on it would be a would be would be an address the annual inspection I have no reservation about our building department providing those inspections because if the building department can go out and inspect a home or they can go out and inspect a condominium or whatever a dock should be fairly simple of this size this is kind of like inspecting a shed or less I mean you can tell if the dock is worthy or not simply by looking at it stepping on looking the boards electric there's probably no more than one electrical outlet there that's run you know by elect one electrical line I I I don't think it's uh a big deal for our building department which department where review the inspection report submitted by the county that is required every 5 years they get from independent inspectors they review those all the time I I don't think this is a big reach for our for our staff and for our building department unless the county administor can tell me otherwise but I'm for saying that we do these things that we're talking about and our building department handle the inspections on the dock you and because we have hang in conduit that's close to the water and that's why we need the building department to be able to inspect it and a qualified inspector there are hazardous conditions that develop I realize there's small Docks but they they wood with galvanized and stainless steel U attachments and and there's some conduit involved they do it all the time on a house yeah it it doesn't take much but it it should be geared towards our the building building department because we set the standards okay and if we think we need to raise the rent fees and to cover it we'll raise the rent fees have where we can do that I mean commissioner Mo um thank you Mr chair um did the building department say that they could not do this they didn't say that they couldn't do it they the question was more or less the fee because the when they go out to inspect items it's normally what happens is that you submit a permit and you know you pay your fee and that inspect that permit fee covers whatever it is that the inspection fee is in this case there is no fee Associated because if someone calls in and has a complaint or for the annual inspection the question is where does the fee you know to cover that because they're the Enterprise from then um that was kind of why I was coming here for direction from the board to see how you all would like to do that would you like us to include it that's coming out from the the new fee but there's only a couple that have that new fee or are we going to be asking um to set up an inspection fee for that you know $75 doc inspection fee was the amount I think that they threw out at me was roughly 75 for the annual for them to go out and check for the licy to have um so these are the questions that we had for yall to nothing has been inspected up to this point in time I believe that something has been inspected back in 2021 I don't know about recently um but I know they're supposed to go get their annual inspections and this is this has been part of the question as to who's supposed to do that um and when is it due these are some of the items that we're trying to work out especially given that this last uh license agreement was created in 2022 and it's 2024 so so how are we addressing currently um as as the chair pointed out there some of these docks can create dangerous situations and and you know that there's one uh existing uh Mr Bass you know has had correspondence uh with us both regarding one of these docks and it's been dangerous or in dangerous condition for quite a long period of time so are we going to address that it it should be addressed and and um all I can do is relay the information to staff I don't I cannot give them direction as to who is supposed to address it um I don't have the authority to do that so I can only give them and say hey we're supposed to be inspecting these on an you know on an annual basis or when a complaint arises and at that point then they look at me and say well who is supposed to be doing the inspecting and so that's why I'm kind of asking the board well I would like some direction from y'all and who should be doing this and how how we should address some of the fees and whatnot because that's notc seems logical from what everyone's saying it should be the the building staff that seems okay exactly we set the standards logical yes so Mr chair can I ask a question asking my own first Madam counsel how do we deal with code enforcement don't we have building inspectors that go out and inspect dangerous we don't so structures condemned yeah I mean or we have a building code issue that is a CO is a code complaint how don't they go out and inspect them or from my understanding is that if it comes in as a code complaint then they work with the building department to go out and do whatever inspections and they don't charge a fee for that right from my not that I'm aware of normally local governments don't they work with their don't charge fees for that but I'm just curious I wouldn't think so the only the only thing I would think that would be a smidget different would be if the person did get fine for that those costs basically would be recouped through whatever fine where here there's not that fine for those costs to be recouped that's the only thing I could think of that would make it distinguishable but other than that I I agree so but there is there is an annual fee yes lease agreement right correct and what what is that number for the majority of them it's $100 for roughly about two of them it's $2,000 okay you just answered the question okay you have to we have to raise that to include an inspection by a a certified qualified building engineer or official that can address the issue and red tag it if it's got to be red tagged that's it okay I I don't know I it it doesn't doesn't make great sense I mean $100 a year uh you know that means you own a boat I I don't own a boat so I have nowh to put it I don't need to but some that do you need a place to park it and dock it and go out fishing with your family or whatever you do on a boat well if that's the case I don't think $200 is unreasonable that would cover the expense of the inspection and we don't have to wait for a report from an independent we're doing it and that's the cost of doing business I mean still I think $200 is a ridiculously low number to have a dock like I said boats are a little expensive Joe you own a boat yeah a little pricey right Y and then maintenance so it's I can only afford a kayak I don't even have an inflatable rent own a boat own a swimming pool they'll both but SK into your wallet it just me $100 I me I heard the laughter too I mean that that's ridiculous you're getting a nice environment for $100 that you don't take care of and now we have to chase you and there's people waiting desperately to get on to these docks yes thank you um a couple things we need to obviously think about the independent inspection is I'm an advocate of that because it's our property it's our liability exposure the second is I wasn't here at the time but when this did come up uh and we come back to this waiting list so by assigning a particular dock to a particular home that could be a problem if you recall uh the complaints were coming in on particular dock that was in disrepair and some may say that uh the complainant wanted that dock removed for his particular family to procure another dock in that location so now we have to clarify uh first and foremost this this waiting list and Susan I'll tell you is my recollection is right the real only time this comes up is when there's a sale of a home these homes do not sell that sell that frequently uh but I don't think we can assign a dock to a particular home because now you're including you know potential wouldn't be out of dorum but assignment of a property you get this dock well there's not enough docks for the amount of homes so some homes may not want a dock right so now you have a situation where what are we going to call these docks are we going to I don't think you can relate it to a to a particular house now you know with respect to the inspection sure and that has to be an objective I think that has to be in house because you know you may find a particular dock inspector that's favorable for you but again these come in when these complaints come in when the docks are in disrepair that's how we typically get these complaints and there's sometimes a motive on somebody complaining on somebody else's dock I went went out to to the docks with a couple of the owners and were perspective owners and you know they were quick to point out the the ch ches that exist in the docks um I know another commissioner mentioned you know contact U I've seen it and it there are some rough ones how long is the lease for at $100 a year the old leases they are until they change hands and and that was part of the difficulty back in 2022 was that we can't can't impose new stuff on people that are still under the old lease so it's only when they change hands that we can get this new lease and that's why I wanted to try to bring it to the board so I could get guidance and update it with anything that it needed so that way once something does change hands again we can make sure that it's updated and kind of dealt with anything that may not have been foreseen at the time that it was um updated in 2022 one other issue that was not foreseen is there's a particular parcel um of property that was purchased that had a a a dock and now the person that purchased that now has two docks instead of just one and there's no um prohibition against that in the against having more than one dock in the license agreements or in anything that we've done um so to uh the dislike of the other people on the waiting list this person now has two docks while there are many that are still on the waiting list but I can't stop that or do anything because there's nothing in writing that says otherwise so that's another issue as well you might have two boats no no vote for me so we can't change the lease but we can change the fee the grandfather the others are grandfather the so we we're done with that so the inspections could not apply to them basically what I'm asking for is for anybody moving forward I'm trying to fix it so if anyone else if any other property Chang I'm sorry if any other property Chang ches hands from that point forward or from this point forward whatever we change it that those properties would fall under this new lease or the new license agreement if you will um that would have those other fees or those other items in them the ones that have the $2,000 they do have the annual inspections requirement they have the every five year they have to have the third party person come out they have the complaint issue that if someone issues a complaint the county has to go out there and look at it I'm seeking clarification on those as to which department should that come from and from the money that we already get on those at $2,000 should that money be used to pay the inspection fee for uh the building department on those the ones that are $100 a year clearly um they have different sets and uh rules that go along with them and they basically just change hands once you know the property it goes back on to the lists available or if the person that's purchasing the property wants to continue they then have to to execute the updated lease and that that lease is not generationally transferable correct no it's only transferable if the person who purchases the property chooses to enter into it and they have to do it within 90 days they have to find the insurance uh the liability insurance that would cover the dock and protect us as well as pay one time $5,000 transfer fee and then the annual $2,000 fee and who mon who monitors the so-called waiting list um it would be our office and that's by I guess first come or or the longest wait on the list is the top of the list correct and that only happens generally with the sale of a particular property correct is the $100 people required to get an inspection yearly under that one I don't believe so that's part of the problem that we had in part of why they brought the new ones if my uh uh sorry if my memory serves me correct so how do we resolve the a decaying stock that's being in disrepair that's the owner was paying $100 that is part of why wanted to double check here I think we could also look at I mean it could be brought up as a code matter but if it's brought up as a code matter it's uh we technically are the Property Owners so it gets interesting um they are the violators we could still work it that way but um it it's just a little funky when it comes to holding people responsible when it comes to that one I have a question yes a victim of of a weak lease agreement the original one yes yeah okay I don't I don't understand if we are giving them the benefit of allowing something to do something that they otherwise couldn't if not for our allowing it and they aren't holding it to the standards of safety and general good maintenance why we can't revoke it that was part of why I know in 2022 that they made the changes was because we didn't really have the teeth so that was some of the teeth that was put in in the 2022 so I do think that it was definitely much needed so those teeth are now in there it's just that there's a couple things that needed some tweaking that weren't it just needed time to kind of shake out but I thought I understood that you couldn't we can't do anything about this dock that's in disrepair because it's grandfathered in under the old contract yes but I don't understand why I don't understand why we have to continue to allow it to happen if I mean it's I just don't understand how we can have nothing like we just have to sit here and take it and let them have a crappy dock that's a health hazard well the docks probably have deteriorated because of the lack of annual inspections right but the property Whoever has a lease on this particular dock is obviously not keeping it up and maintaining it and so at the end of the day I don't feel feel like they're meeting their requirements under any existing contract whether it has the teeth or not because they obviously don't care about it so why can't we just revoke it and we do have a building department that is something that I can look into further um but until I have someone inspect it and tell me this is this and we need to do this I my hands are a little bit tied so can we ask the building department to go out and inspect it and if something that needs to be condemned we just treat it as a condemnation and move forward and revoke it and move on to the next person on the list that may want to maintain it it would have to be some type of due process right then but we' be condemning our own property due our own property due process we can do due process through a code process we can certainly look we'll look at that what I was the best approach since we have these corre bad contracts but we will do it okay I just want to get it resolved cuz I know it's something that's been hanging out there since 2 since before 22 and it keeps coming up and it's like we should be able to do something since technically it's our we're allowing them to do it so and it's our property yes and we should do it you're home well that's what I'm saying and then like you can't do anything about it that's and you can't yeah what do you have the security deposit we can we go through the eviction process that's a good idea then you have due process 30 days 30 sounds like we're working on Parallel tracks we're creating a new regulation but we have to fix the old regulation but tiptoe around it because therefore it exists and and and I'm just trying to bring the new regulation trying to kind of sift through some of the stuff that we've seen problems with so that we can prevent them with the new properties that come on board that's kind of where I'm at so just trying to make sure that we kind of get ahead of our hate to say ahead of ourselves but ahead of the problems that could possibly come if we continue on this track that's all Mr chairman on the new regulation I'll make a motion to say we need to put we I agree we need to put some sort of address on it tied to that who lease agreement whether it's slip one slip two slip three okay that would be the first part the next part would be which department is in charge to perform inspections I would tell you it would be the building department which department of the county would need to sign off on the installation of electricity and or water services to the dock the building department which department will review inspection reports submitted to the county that is required every five years the building department and may I ask that all you is that all you need for the new one may I ask one other question I I'm sorry I seem to have forgotten to put on here is are we going to allow somebody to have more than one dock in the future no no so I will amend or put something in there that limits it so that's the motion so I'll make a motion for those things and what she just said okay thank you that's my motion on the new Mr chair I would recommend that staff get a hold of all parties of interest in the Kolkata area with every dock every homeowner uh notify them we'll have some type of meeting in 2025 here's the rules we've been putting up with this for 30 40 years going forward and clearly outline this waiting list this inspection who's included who's not uh and then that way forward in 2025 Kolkata is handled for the rest of who knows but right now we're peac mealing we're doing this we're doing that and still there's confusion but we can't extinguish the existing lease correct currently no we if they have an existing leas there's not a time limit on those they just kind of go on so unless they do something to viate agreements and here's here's your dock correct and we have no ability to raise the value sure we do once the term comes to an end it's it's kind of when is the term though that's the problem there is noow term thing so Mr if it becomes a public public safety hazard can we revoke the lease because I was down that road a few weeks ago and there's more than one dock that's a problem okay so what what is our recour legal recourse can ioke it when it's a public safety hazard I'm not sure about that I think we can go at least through the code provisions and go that way yeah I can research it further for you commissioner Moss we talk to um find Florida Inland navigational District because they're charged with with uh Public Safety you know along the coastline that's not a that's not in their mission their mission is the channel okay yeah that's not all right thank you do we have what we need to move forward I think so I think I had my motion I was waiting for or a motion I was waiting for a second I don't know and then and then more mentioned okay I'll second it no I oh okay restate your motions so it's restate my motion restate my motion move staff recommendation that since there are no address associated with the indivual docs that we add the uh slip number to the lease agreement to notify that that person is slip 18 or some orever how you need to do it okay for the addresses okay other words if John Smith lives on Buckingham at Trail and he has a slip there he owns slip 19 that would be that would be the address associated with for us to correspond with that person but for the inspection we're just inspecting doc 19 slip 19 we're not expecting his house ever how you want to handle that but I think that's the only way you can do it right okay they currently have slip numbers one two whatever it is I'm sorry would address I mean you wanted an address with it that would be the address of this boat slip would be John Smith on two Buckingham and trails 19 I I think that was the problem that building was having was it was associating back to someone's house and it's not their house cuz there's no address they want can it just be Kata Drive slip one slip two slip three I mean I feel like we're making this way more difficult than it needs to isn't it geoc code to a specific location so we could put an address on there file that address and then put 1 2 3 4 5 6 yes that is one option was that what you'd like to do commissioner thank you every location geoc can geoc code to an address just go through the yes is which department is in charge to perform inspections any River County building department which department the county would sign off in the inhalation of electricity and water services to the dock the building department which department were review the inspections reports submitted by the county is required every 5 years the building department and then add what did you you brought up about I don't know I brought up a lot of about two docks about owning two docks oh no owning two docks okay no two docks thank you just for discussion with our our new division that's going to be handling internal facilities for the administrator would this be part of their role since it's kind of a County facility I can discuss that with Anthony I mean it Building Division is under the building facility service and services department so right I just well we don't if we assign it to the department then we'll figure out how to get it done if we don't assign it to one then it's the other one's fault I think um Everybody whether they are in this room or not just needs to understand that we would like to see this done and it's not rocket science and we just need to figure out a way to do it and I'm feeling everybody's getting frustrated with continuing this conversation understood so first is there so we have a motion and we have a second any further discussion you a second second second any further discussion council is clear yes it's clear I will make those amendments and um move forward and I will bring back the finalized amended version for your approval thank you all in favor opposed motion carries unanimously thank you Commissioners you know if we were going to get through that you know there's nothing else on the agenda are you sure well we can still sit here and sing kumay does anybody want to stay a little longer I'm getting a door Das there a s add on well we yes we do have the swi 15 hamu B1 is hamu here me it's me come on down standing between me and lunch we have to talk good afternoon commissioner Zan sha managing director of solid waste disposal District um so this item is related to the debris contractor series uh they've been working about 29 days if you will uh and uh they they're 49% complete as as of yesterday um the challenges come in is a lot of lot of their resources a lot of their subcontractors are going to other areas it's uh it's become very challenging uh to recruit folks here uh what's happening other communities are offering a higher uh you know compensation a DOT uh contract that's paying 1498 per cubic yard uh compared to you know our rate of U 970 981 981 per cubic card so uh the purpose of this agenda item is to kind of bring this to your attention we do have an opportunity to to match the dot rate um provide some additional incentive and compensation to expedite the cleanup in our in our community um County Administrator you know has outlined the agenda item uh we're looking at about 131,000 91 more dollars uh that we would maybe need to take out of our emergency general fund um there's some discussion in here about different scenarios in terms of uh you know whether this would be eligible for compensation or not from FEMA uh if we look at this as a sort of a a separate authorization to our contractor to incentivize them we feel feel that we can expedite the cleanup we're approaching the Thanksgiving Day holidays we're approaching Christmas holidays it would we're about halfway done it could take another 30 days at the course we're in um so if we uh go ahead and and provide this incentive uh we feel that we can stick to our original schedule which is about six weeks uh we could probably knock this out in about another two weeks uh so staff is recommending um believe it the way you have it as option number three is to authorize a separate authorization uh to to ensure a timely debris you know collection uh we would still make a you know good faith argument to FEMA to try to support this additional compensation um but it you know ultimately we're looking to expedite the clean up in our community County admin and I and Nat's here as well to answer any questions you may have well hopefully uh the uh this hopefully there's an understanding with FEMA uh because the state has created this and we now have pulled away many of the individuals that would be serving our community encouraging it with 50% but if we take that option and separate so that we know we get reimbursed for that and I want to be clear at this point the amount of debris that's out there and specifically in some communities in in the north North County and and South County where there's lines down the street and I realized there might be extra stuff going on there's some extra tree trimming now because we're waiting it's building let's get it done so if we add another contract to it we'll have this done just in a couple of weeks we're looking at two more weeks yes that we could um they have Crews standing by is just trying to attract them with the additional compensation to match what dos you know and and other communities have match the dot rate so it's just for the collection only all other contract rates would stay the same this is only for this cleanup effort our contract would revert back to the original fees um but this is and hopefully this is our last storm of the year for us but um that that's the concern there's a safety concern with pile still being out there uh concerned with other storm systems that could come up and and you know cause drainage issues so um um we certainly recommend the support of the board to to match the this additional fee and and expedite the clean up in our community and understanding there's a risk uh we that we will not get reimbursed for this it's always but that's always the case with FEMA every storm every everything I mean look at what we did in Rockridge okay so it happens but I I don't think we should weigh in the balance that for the public safety and Welfare of of the citizens let's let's get it done I don't know Mr chair I would also um the root of this is a is a contract that we entered in months ago in preparation for a storm like we do every year at the time uh no one was thinking about Helen Andor Milton at $981 that was the contract that the contractor agreed to right so now at 49% of the job J and I guess amatu he will or she will be paid at 981 for 49% of this goes forward at me I have a fundamental problem with uh a company agreed to do something for a county at a set rate I don't believe anything in the contract said extenuating circumstances where our subcontractors are going elsewhere to make more money uh and I don't know that we see this or recognize this in any other contracts that we have having said that this is somewhat exent circumstances I would I would suggest I don't know of any uh major phone calls or complaints that that we've had with respect to piles of debris in certain areas I do know that the convenience centers are are actively busy with homeowners taking this upon them themselves self included um you I I just think we have to be very careful slippery slope when you have something in writing that says $981 a square yard uh and because of Economics their subs are going elsewhere so now the vendor comes to us and says hey if you want it done in a timely fashion we're going to have to raise the rates uh it doesn't smell right but I understand this is a oneoff so to speak yes and I agree with that that's why we got to get the job done but then looking at this uh and in speaking with our Council uh perhaps maybe the contract needs to be written a little differently with with a claw back again nobody could have predicted that be a uh major storms on the west coast and and our coast and then now they're traveling to North Carolina the other area in North Carolina because they were in centralized by the state who raised the rate and they got exactly what they needed and we got abandoned but there's nothing in the contract that states they got to stay here do the work there's no standards uh I I think uh if if in the future the contract needs to be a little more Ironclad to prevent this now that we know that it could occur but we also just have to get the job done correct but you also correct if I'm wrong but the the particular contractor also has many other contracts within specific counties of the state they they do and and they they're not saying they're walking away from this contract they would continue to work here at the 981 rate but it may take another 30 days at at at the the the subcontractors they have you know some of their subcontractors are trying to leave and go to other places for the higher money so they they've come they presented the issue to us they're they're they're not abandoning our contract defaulting our contract they're here to work but they're just in indicating that at the rate that they have the contracts that they have that it could take another 30 days but if they can get this additional matching compensation that other communities are offering then they can also attract uh you know more subcontractors and help us clean up our community quicker pulling them back sounds like their help's getting paid more and going somewhere else and the lack of help and I I agree with you it feels like there's a gun to my head on this but but I I don't tell you we can't go much past December 1st with this because there are people complaining there are un social media they're on other stuff I've heard it from a few and um I just don't know if we have any Antion more than a few yeah well don't we have any option M Roy your spot on WE to see the next contract hey counselor [Laughter] if this option selected the we're asking the board to wave the purchasing policy requirements and authorize the County Administrator to approve and execute an emergency purchase order so we can get going recation second any further discussion all in favor oos motion passes thank you sir all right all right with that we have uh a lot to be thankful for and congratulations to all our newly reelected and uh well with that everybody have a a very happy and safe Thanksgiving remember the convenience locations will not be open that next day so store appropriately and uh we'll visit you back uh on Saturday we'll be available but uh that's it Happy Thanksgiving chairman I I said it briefly but I want to again reiterate fabulous job that our chairman did this past year and the things she dealt with and the graceful manner in which she handled herself and the representative thank you but I'm off the hook now and you are on it so looking forward to a good year well thank you thank you all right seeing nothing further for the greater good this meeting is jour