##VIDEO ID:tkCEDvaJtCk## e e e e e e e e e go all right go ahead and call the preliminary budget hearing to order we're going to start with a moment of Silent reflection for our First Responders and members of the Armed Forces that'll be followed by an invocation by the Reverend Dr Crystal Bol followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner darl lore if everybody would please rise gracious Sweet Holy Spirit in all your beauty and All Your Glory by all the names we know you to be mother god father God Lord God we give thanks for the opportunity to come before you today and invoke your presence in this meeting and I ask that you keep us reminded that that today though it is not a holiday it is a holy day in the hearts and minds of many people let us continue to remember those who live their lives and give their lives for our safety and our security and as we go about the business tonight of dealing with the financials of this County let us do so with the Consciousness that there are those who have given their lives that we might have peace in our activities tonight let peace Prevail let Harmony Prevail let kindness and compassion Prevail these blessings and all the goodness that can be imagined I ask to come into this room and bless each of us with the Affairs of the evening and with the Affairs of our personal and private lives and so it is amen please join me in the pledge of Al IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all all right we are going to start out with a budget overview by the County Administrator good evening Madam chair members of the board for the 2024 2025 uh budget uh the current budget proposed is $524.58 decrease of $17.9 million over the current year amended budget for the uh for the the increase is $17.8 million as compared to the adopted budget at the beginning of last fiscal year uh just some highlights are the tax roll increases 10.3% for the county countywide and 10.10% in the unincorporated area uh this is the first year of our environment Al lands or sensitive lands acquisition Bond Ser 2024 millich uh is 0.639 uh this budget does reflect our priority commitment to Public Safety 145. 7 million or 28% of the total budget is allocated to law enforcement emergency services and fire Sheriff's Office is $8.9 million Emergency Services fire is $ 66.8 million this budget also continues to provide funding for our school resource officers for our children at 50/50 split with the school District on behalf of the dedicated employees I want to thank you for the implementation of the classification compensation study I know the employees are grateful and the total cost to implement the compensation study is 8.68 million to update the board yesterday you ratified the iaf uh contract for their their increase as well as you authorize approve the non-exempt and exempt the implementation of the comp plan for the non-exempt and exempt and today I'm happy to report that we met earlier to met earlier with Teamsters and we anticipate a vote by the union prior to the county uh next regular meeting of which they are in verbal agreement with the contract the general fund the proposed mil is 3.54 75 Mills which is 7.77% above the roll back rate of 32918 the proposed budget is $45,881 4 Madam chair now it's time to open up for public comments consider any proposed changes to the tenative budget and we'll also need a motion for both to adopt the tenative Mill and to adopt the the attended to budget all right Commissioners any comments on this anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what is your pleasure is that a a motion to adopt the tenative millage rate of 3.2 918 that was a motion everybody's got a microphone awesome all right is there a second second all right we have a motion on the SEC second on the tenative millage all in favor opposed motion carries now we need a motion on the actual budget amount commissioner flesher I know you're primed no you're not going to help me out motion to approve the proposal Bud amount 145 M83 4,24 thank you I'll be happy to second that all in favor opposed motion carries Madam chair the next uh item is the municipal service taxing unit the proposed milch is 1.56 Mills which represents 7.24% above the roll back rate of 1.07 29 the proposed budget is 54,3 8,135 36835817 [Music] rate of 1.07 29 correction Madam chair that would be 1.56 oh I'm sorry oh yeah yeah I was reading the wrong number I corrected motion approve MST proposed millage is 1.56 and a 7.24% above roll back rate of the 1.07 29 thank you second all right we have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carries mam chair motion to approve mstu total amount of budget the proposed budget is 54 M 36835817 21 uh you'll need to open it for public comments consider any propos changes to the tenant budget and make a motion to adopt the tenant budget Commissioners do you have any questions on the transportation fund anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what is your pleasure move chair motion to approve the proposed budget for a transportation fund which is 2,881 721 second thank you all in favor I opposed motion carries next is the Emergency Services District yes Madam chair the proposed bill for the emergency service district is 2.35 31 Mills or 7.31 per above the roll back rate of 21928 Ms the proposed budget is 66.8 million 824 334 Madam chair you need to open this for public comment considering proposed changes to the tenative budget and make a motion for both to adopt the tenative millage and a motion to the for the tenative budget thank you Commissioners any questions anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what is your pleasure chair yes sir motion to uh approve the Emergency Services District millage rate of 2.3 531 and which is 7. 31% above the rback rate of 21928 second have a motion a second all in favor opposed motion carries now need a motion to adopt the tenative budget motion to approve uh the proposed budget which is 66 million 82433 thank you we have a motion a second all in favor I opposed motion carries with that we'll move on to the land acquisition bonds 2024 Madam chair this is for the voter approved debt and this is related to the first TR of the $50 million of land acquisition bonds this is for the 2024 series the proposed millich is 0.639 Mills the proposed budget is $1,778 madam chair you'll need to open it for public comments considering the proposed changes to the tenant budget and a motion to adopt the tenative budget and a motion to adopt the the tenative Mill and then a motion to adopt the tenative budget return to chair thank you Commissioners any questions anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what is your pleasure a motion to approve land acquisition bonds 2024 with a proposed millage is point6 39 thank you we have a motion a second all in favor opposed motion carries with that we'll need a motion to adopt the tenative budget Madam chair motion to approve the proposed budget for the land acquisition Bond 2024 at 1,778,112 Mills which is 7.40% of above the current 5.68 N1 rollback rate thank you all right with that we will move on to the IND County or the solid waste disposal District yes Madam chair our next budget Solid Waste Disposal District at which we need to announce the proposed charges and the budget the proposed charges are $18.75 per Residential Waste generation unit or $163.3 per house uh $68 80 per commercial waste generation unit $403 for Readiness use to fee and the 2024 2025 budget is 27,485 249 Madam chair you'll need to receive comments from the public considering any proposed amendments and then a motion for the adoption of the tenative non-ad assessment rates and a motion to adopt the tenative budget thank you Commissioners are there any questions anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what is your pleasure move to approve excuse me the in River County Board of County Commissioners sitting a solid waste disposal District board the $18.75 per waste res excuse me Residential Waste generation unit which will be $163 133% per house uh which is an 8% increase from current to year and $688 per commercial waste generation unit which is 8% increase from current year and Readiness to use fee at $403 which is a 99.63% increase from current year thank you we have a motion on a second all in favor opposed motion carries with that we'll need a motion to adopt the tenative budget Madam chair motion to adopt the ten budget of $28,495 2249 second all right we have a motion and a second all in favor I opposed motion carries with that we will move on to the non adalum assessments Madam chair the first three non- adalum assessments assessments are the ver leak Estates msbu the per parcel per acre charge is is $50 uh the East gford stormwater mspu the per parcel acre charges assessment is $10 and the north county water assessment per parcel is $290 53 thank you commission Madam chair will return the return it to you for the street light district portions of non-ad and board assessments non-ad assessments to the board to announce the new charges fantastic and I will be happy to read them tonight since everybody is being so quiet on the Motions we have gford at $21 per parcel acre Laurelwood at $44 per parcel acre Rock Ridge at $3 per parcel acre Bureau Highlands at $47 per parcel acre porpus point at $7 per parcel acre Laurel core at $48 per parcel acre Tiara Linda at $55 per parcel acre buo Shores at $34 per parcel acre exora park at $32 per parcel acre Royal Point Siana at $51 per parcel acre Rosland at $3 per parcel acre Whispering Pines at $25 per parcel acre moing at $9 per parcel acre Walker's Glenn at $20 per parcel acre Glendale Lakes at $40 per parcel acre floralton Beach at $45 per parcel acre West wabaso at $18 per parcel acre Oceanside at $51 per lot and Oslo park at $20 per lot Commissioners is there any questions comments or concerns on that anybody from the public seeing none M chair motion to approve the tenative charges as affably described by the chair second thank you all in favor I opposed motion carries with that we will go on to the non-ad valorum dollar budgets Madam chair the proposed or the 2024 2025 budget for the non-ad LA dolls for special Revenue funds is 28,869 14 for other Debt Service funds 500,000 capital projects funds 4,372 109 for uh dollars Enterprise funds is 78 m270 8 the internal service funds is 53534 937 Madam chair would like to announce that the Clean Water Coalition sent a letter and requested it be read into the record I'll do that very quickly dear Commissioners on behalf of the Clean Water Coalition v r County we want to extend our heart F appreciation of recent decisions made in support the community's desire for a healthy environment recent hires of additional personnel and natural resources to Pro Department along with progress toward the acquisition of public land indicates a strong commitment to the environment including the new Lagoon we're especially happy to see the renewed commitment to the fund Lagoon projects in the current proposed 20 proposed budget we applaud the County's effort including the decision to allocate at least 20% of the 1% sales tax to these critical initiatives for the past 5 years the results have been undeniable with more than 20 million $29 million generated for lagon projects we believe that it's important to continue this momentum into the future because restoring 50 years of damaging impact on the lag will not be completed quickly we therefore urge Commissioners to formally recommit 20% or more of the optional sales tax to Lagoon projects for at least another 5 Years thank you for for being champions of the engineer of Lagoon sincerely Judy orcut president clean water Coalition Madam and we'll provide a copy of that to the clerk yes for the record okay and so now you would need to receive comments from the public considering proposed amendment and make a motion adopt the attentative budgets fantastic Commissioners any questions anybody from the public seeing none Commissioners what what is your pleasure move to approve the non-ad valorum dollar budgets special Revenue funds at 28,869 14 other Debt Service funds at 500,000 C project funds at 41 million 372,117 eight, 270,000 937 thank you we have a motion and a second all in favor I opposed motion carries at this time I'd like to announce that the final budget hearing will be held at 5:01 p.m. on Wednesday September 18th 2024 at the County Administration Building A commission Chambers 180127 Street Bureau Beach Florida 329 96 Madam chair yes ma'am could we please just check the very first thing that we voted on the um ADV valorum funds the the millage rate is someone able to check the record on that because I'm I'm not sure if we uh it went by a little fast and was it the 35475 or the 32918 I don't think the entire sentence was read uh the the proposed military is 35475 and that's 7.7% above the roll back rate of 32918 yeah that's fine I'm just not sure what happened in the record that's all but yes I'm not not questioning you have a record of the no we don't have okay go back to that griss do who made the motion right commissioner Earman made the motion okay I'm trying to figure out which one it is here it have been the first motion um I did I forgot to announce it she corrected I don't think I got I got the second one the budget part I didn't get the tentative one with the I got the sheriff or former sheriff or okay chairman seconded the second one commissioner moss do you want the motion remade so there's clarification is that what you're asking we might as well I think okay well it didn't fall within the same format as the commissioner Airman do you want to remake your motion on the millage rate I'll make a motion to accept a prog millage 35475 or 7.77% above the roll back rate of 3. 2918 thank you and okay commissioner second that's fine all in favor I motion or all opposed I'll make a motion Mo motion carries did you get the budget amount though or not yeah I got the budget you got the budget amount just not the millage so we're thank you I think that covers everything all right Commissioners anything else for the good of the order no you got to make get the announcement we got the announcement item number 10 is Big adjourn all right are you ready fire it up are you sure I mean we can hang out a little bit longer I can stretch it out all right and