e e e e e e e e e e e e fleser are you [Music] ready welcome we're going to go ahead and call the special call meeting to order we're going to start with a moment of Silent reflection for our first respond ERS and members of the Armed Forces followed by an invocation by myself followed by The Pledge by our County Administrator if everybody will please rise and join us dear Lord as we come together today asking for guidance wisdom and support as we begin this meeting help us to engage in meaningful discussions that allow us to grow closer as a community bless our efforts with clear Insight our deliberations with wisdom and our work with Clarity and accuracy continue to remind us that all we do here today all that we accomplish is for the greater good of our community and our fellow citizens May our personal faiths give us the strength to act honestly and well in all matters before us amen am Amen aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice all right like to welcome everybody today uh to start our meeting we're going to have our County attorney give us a rules of conduct dissertation I guess I don't know what the word thank you madam chair today is a workshop a workshop is an informal meeting where the count where the community at large the interested citizens the uh staff of the county that is over here uh off to my right and the board of County Commissioners has the opportunity to learn learn this is going to be a learning experience we have two podiums there for you please alternate the podiums everybody will have the opportunity to be heard today please stay on point and try not to be repetitious the board will be asking questions of Staff staff will be informing things to the board none of the proposals proposers are going to submit any type of presentations today or anything like that so please please remind yourself please remember that we're at a professional meeting and conduct yourselves accordingly and we welcome you it's a great turnout um if you could all take a look at your cell phones and silence them that would be appreciated carry on thank you um and again I'd like to welcome everybody uh just to kind of go over the structure of today's meeting we are going to have presentation by staff and then the Commissioners acting as a solid waste disposal District board will um ask any questions or comments and then we'll open it up um to the public for your questions and comments so with that I will turn it over to Mr meta good afternoon Commissioners hon schuma managing director for the solid waste disposal District um so glad to see the turnout um and U I'm happy to be here part participating the process so again this is a the special call meeting for the solid waste and recyclables collection Services uh franchise uh we issued an RFP uh and uh here we go so in in the words of a of a mentor of mine um he he always said this he said be a garbage can and not a garbage can so start with that um your turn uh good one good one so to today's purpose um we want to present all the options being considered for garbage Recycling and yard waste and bulk collection uh the services start October 1 2025 so we're we're certainly way ahead of schedule uh the the purpose is to obtain public input today again no board decisions today no impact on customer Convenience Centers I wanted to set the stage again on that that the decision of our franchise collection does not uh have any direct correlation with our customer Convenience centers or blue Cyprus um so hopefully seeing the audience here today everybody got a postcard uh we sent out over 87,000 postcards uh inviting the public to participate um and so so when it comes to recycling all residents indan R County are affected uh because our franchise hauler does provide Recycling and looking at this future franchise contract our hauler uh will be providing recycling pickup for all residents in indan County uh for garbage yard waste and bulk trash This only affects residents of unincorporated indan County so I wanted to kind of be clear on that um again the postcard uh I've got some comments back that this was very confusing so uh you know some comments here in there some people called and and they wanted to understand so so I'm glad that again the intent was to let the public know that there's a process in place and and we had a special call meeting today so one of the one of the highlights of of this card that I want to kind of touch on to set the stage for today is you know what is Subscription Service what is universal service this is something that that has come up a lot so the current program we have in unincorporated Indian county is Subscription Service it's where individual residents opt in um to have the franchise hauler provide garbage yard waste and bulk services and the customer directly pays the hauler uh the current rate is 1116 per month or about $334 per quarter so on the postcard option one and three is what represents Subscription Service what is universal service Universal service is where all residents uh and unincorporated in Nera County uh would be opted in and the franch franchise would provide the services to everyone inside underc corporate indianer County the solid waste disposal District would collect the cost for these Services via the non adorm assessment and we would directly pay the franchise hauler on a monthly basis so again this is option two and four of the postcard then the other two options you know relate to yard was services so currently we have where residents who subscribe they they use their own uh you know provided cans or carts for putting yard waist in they also place it place it on the curb um that's the current system and again that's option one and two is where customers provide their own containers for yard was service the possible carted yard was service that that we've got for option three and four is where residents would receive 96 gallon cart uh right here in the this green cart is the 966 gallon cart the gray is the 64 gallon cart and the blue is a 35 gallon cart um so so this 96 gallon card is what we're talking about for for yard way service um the benefit to the customer is is a lower price uh as the haulers no longer having one or two additional workers on the back of the truck uh reducing their cost or liability and and and increasing their efficiency uh and only those customers with excessive yard waste would pay pay the extra cost for that so again we'll go into a little more detail on those uh as well so again that's to kind of explain uh some of the things that were on the on the card I'm going to go over sort of the objectives and timeline uh our current collection system and the service options in a little more detail and then uh we have uh Bethany uh with ker Consulting she's going to go over the industry impacts uh some and then Jennifer's our purchasing manager is going to come in talk about some of the results to date and then we'll open it up to the squid board and then ultimately to the public so overall objectives of of the RP um and I'll back up a little bit you know for over 40 to 50 years in Indian County uh you know started with I think uh Andy sanitation or whatnot uh just a a truck and a couple guys picking up picking up trash um and over the years we had franchise agreements with two service haulers uh and these franchise agreements kind of just renewed over and over again uh and then for the first time in the history of IND County uh we we back in uh 2014 15 initiated a request for proposal process and again our current franchise was for 10 years it's coming coming to the end at September 30 2025 and and that's why we initiated uh again a similar process to what we did almost nine 10 years ago overall it's to meet the service needs and desires of our community we want to ensure high quality service improve efficiency improve the recycling program and again manage cost um as you'll hear a little bit later costs are increasing and and we want to be able to manage those as best as we can and I and we feel that through this competitive procurement process um and and what we're going to talk about is simultaneous negotiations uh we're able to meet all these objectives and again manage cost for for our community going over the timeline so we we started this back in November of 2022 uh we provided an update to the board in July of 23 and um an additional update back in October 23 where we updated our scoring and then we released the RFP back in November of 2023 uh originally the proposals were due in January uh but we received over I think 170 questions uh we responded to all the questions from the potential vendors uh we extended the due date to February and and again um and and currently we are here at the first public meeting uh today uh going forward we we're looking at at least two additional meetings uh again it'll be the direction of the board as to how slow our fast we move this uh we're looking at a second public meeting uh sometime next month uh probably three to four weeks from now uh where we'll we'll come back uh for for some decisions by the board um and then finally uh after some negotiations we're looking at a contract award in May of June of 2024 uh we feel that this still provides ample time to the potential haulers 15 to 16 months before start uh to uh if they need to order trucks hire more employees uh obtain new carts and uh again way ahead of schedule from the October 1 2025 started I know this is a busy slide but one of the things over the last eight nine 10 years that that we've heard about about the current service and and uh feedback from our community what we we took all that to heart and so in developing this RFP uh we we started looking at what could we do to sort of improve uh this next 10 potentially a 10-year contract one of the things that we have right now is an on call Bulk service so residents that subscribe for service are are able to put out their couch they put out um their white goods their refrigerators and and things like that uh no construction materials but anything that's not sort of attached or can't fit in your cart can can generally be considered uh bulk items and and and the the hauler has up to four days to pick up that item and so what we've noticed from input from residents and what's really happened in HOAs is HOAs have elected to basically tell all their residents in an HOA we're going to select the fourth Saturday of the month for bulk and everybody put puts out their bulk and the truck goes through the neighborhood and picks everybody up and and what we we've seen that working really well for our community and so in this new franchise agreement we basically have asked the haulers to provide routed bulk service so there'll be a truck Monday through Friday if you will a dedicated for bulk pickup residents would know what their day bulk pickup day is that's the day for them to put it out a truck will be routed to pick pick pick pick up those items again looking at trying to keep our community clean uh you know throughout throughout the week um multif Family Service uh is is included in all four service options one of the things that's unique about this franchise is currently bulk is not available to multifam so that's an enhancement to this RFP process there are a lot of apartments or condos where where you may have a turnover uh and they don't have an option for bulk what we've done in this franchise uh process is to allow multifam to also receive bulk Service uh We've also encouraged increasing commercial recycling uh it's it's very important uh to to kind of get our businesses to start Recycling and so we we put in some requirements and for goals for for our haulers to to to help us assist with that we've also seen throughout our community dirt roads um substandard roads dead end roads and so one of the requirements in this RFP was for the haulers to consider our community uh and provide vehicles that could service some of those types of roads I think was very important from hearing from the public that you know they're going too fast on my dirt road or the big vehicles you know our roads can't handle some of these big heavy vehicles our bridge is very narrow so we've taken a lot of that input and and put that a requirement that they need to basically um service some of these roads with smaller vehicles uh We've continued to enhance government recycling I think it's so important for us to lead by example in our community we want businesses to recycle and and that's great but we need to do the same and we we have done a great job recycling at at at all of our government uh facilities and also uh County Parks uh we have locked recycling carts at at a lot of our our County Parks and we've seen a great participation in that we've also required community cleanups and special events that the holler would participate in um the other uh comment that we've received over the years is about you know residents calling a you know calling the huler uh getting somebody on the phone that is potentially not not here locally uh you know out of state for example and sometimes long weit uh times or whole times or if they get an answer the the customer the the call Representative may not know exactly what what's going on in our community at the time um not all the time but we've we've heard complaints about that so one of the requirements in this RFP is we want a call center that's located in our County we want we want employees answering phone calls that live here work work here uh to be able to make sure that our community uh residents are getting the answers they need also when it comes to uh administrative charges for non-compliance for misp pickups for spills leaks so on and so forth we've increased those charges we want our holler to know that that if they're not complying with our contract that we're we're going to find them uh for non-compliance uh the other added benefit we've done is real-time vehicle location requirements so when we get a call about a misp pickup or whatnot we'll be staff will have access to information about where their vehicle is located uh sometimes you know we we always tell folks to have your your garbage or recycling carts out by 6:00 a.m. you know uh I know some HOAs have restrictions about putting it the night before but we always say Have It Out by 6: a.m. don't wait to hear the sound of the truck the trucks are very quiet these days uh to to know when to go put out your cart because what tends to happen is somebody will wait till 10:00 to put a cart out and the truck had already been by by 8:00 but with realtime you know vehicle location information staff will be able to look that up and see what time the vehicle was through their community and then we've also added supplemental Services um what I mean by supplemental Services is if the customer wants something special they can request it through the hauler and the customer that's requesting would pay that extra cost directly to the huler even if if we consider the possible Universal service these supplemental services are not included in Universal so for example uh car cleaning or additional carts or excessive bulk waste or yard waste if a particular customer has those items they can request a hauler to pick up um additional uh yard waste uh if it doesn't fit for example in the cart they can request that service but the only only the customer requesting that service would pay for that extra cost um so um so again these are just added features or benefit benefits that we've included in this RFP to allow our residents to have more more options going to go into our current uh you know curbside collection program um we have a solid waste franchise area and a recycling franchise area when it comes to this new RFP the solid waste uh franchise area basically includes all unincorporated IND n County as well as IND univers Shores um the program itself currently we have once a week garbage once a week yard waste and as I mentioned we have on call bu uh pickup uh we have over 70% participation currently in the subscription program and what we're looking at the change being it's going to go to a weak uh routed pickup for bulk that's the only change but what we put out there is close to 50,000 uh households uh that that would be uh included in this Solid Waste franchise area again recycling is incl included uh for all residents of of IND County and uh we're looking at a customer count about over 70,000 for that and again it's once a week recycling service and it's included in the landfill uh annual assessment I want to mention that to so folks understand we'll we'll present some numbers where recycling cost is included but I want to factor out right now that recycling is part of the landfill fee that's on the tax bill and what that landfill fee includes I think it's around $50 a year right now it covers predominantly three things it covers basically when the hauler picks up uh garbage and picks up yard waste when the trucks come into our facility there is no charge to to the hauler for for that material we're collecting the disposal of the garbage and the processing of yard waste on that landfill fee cost through the tax program uh so there is there is we're collecting it from all improved uh Residential Properties same thing with commercial for garbage uh where all the commercial garbage that gets picked up in unincorporated County or throughout the county actually comes to the landfill there's no charge to the hauler because we're covering that cost in the assessment the for for um the landfill fee also includes the use of the customer Convenience Centers so that's where we're recovering our cost for operating and maintaining the customer Convenience Centers and the last part is the recycling cost so about $2.94 uh uh a month right now uh out of $150 that portion of the recycling is covered in the in the landfill fee last thing I'll touch on is the municipalities uh you know we we've uh basically reached out to all our Municipal Partners uh city of Sebastian just recently entered into a new franchise so so they're not participating with us city of ver Beach provides their own solid waste collection services so they're not uh participating with us however the town of Indi Shores is actively participating in this uh RFP uh We've included their customer counts whatever the decision the board of County Commissioners reached uh basically with our interlocal agreement with the town they would exercise the same option the same cost same service uh to to their residents uh city of felir is currently using our our piggyback claws uh and they may consider doing that in the future town of orid is also uh potentially going to be considered uh using our payback laws and we encourage them to do so with that I'm going to turn it over to Bethany jeel uh to talk about industry impacts thank you want don't you get afternoon Commissioners in the community um I'm Bethany juel gray I work with Kesler Consulting and I've been the consultant assisting in this procurement process for collection services and hu invited me to speak with everyone provide a little bit of what's happening in the industry today how the procurement process was um hopefully shaped to address some of that and also to minimize some of the cost increases that could potentially um come as a result of this so today's industry impacts um currently your system is for automated collection um this improves safety efficiency um insurance needs um there's a driver that stays in the truck tips your cart into the truck um and it's really we're seeing that there's even a cost improvement over manual systems today so um the committee decided to keep with the swid decided to keep with the tend towards automated collection um there's a an issue of Labor shortages um we all know that in the postco world there's been some issues with labor so the RFP requested detailed information from proposers on how they'll recruit train and retain the employees the selection committee is continuing the evaluations on this and diving pretty deeply into the proposals that were received um to address some of the manufacturing delays hamu spoke to this earlier um the procurement process was launched very early on and there is plenty of time um to address that you know to make sure that on day one of the commencement of services everybody's ready to rock and roll trucks are in place people are trained and service performance can be at a high standard for everyone um technology advances as we all know with our smartphones and the world of even AI That's emerging right now there's a lot of advancement that are happening quickly there's a lot of safety improvements that have happened cameras on trucks routing software efficiencies and the service and performance software that hantu spoke to earlier those have all been integrated into this RFP process um and while it may appear that like oh new technology is going to cost more in a lot of ways we're seeing across the industry these are efficiencies that are standard across the board and are not increasing costs but there are costs that are increasing so what are some of those things and why why are we seeing cost increase well I we all know costs have increased in a lot of things all of our services um labor wages and benefits have been one of it Truck and Equipment costs fuel costs inflation a lot of these factors we see in a different Services Even in our grocery stores um so and I think hu hit on this you know the county has a very low and competitive rate for right now that is almost a contract that's 10 years old so it'll you know there are cost increases that will come up we did some comparison with other communities and I always like to express caution when you compare your system to another Community system and what that price result might be um once a week collection of garbage once a week collection of recycling once a week collection of yard waste May not be the same um even within some of the municipalities here we have twice a week collection of garbage or it's every other week collection of recycling so while there's not an Apples to Apples comparison in this chart you can see the um unincorporated Indian River County and the felsmere who is currently under this existing contract um is at a very low rate um there are increases out there and I think it's important to note that um swis staff in this process and and even the selection committee is considering those costs and what they're doing um price is of importance to them so what are these RFP options that are being evaluated um this is the postcard that everyone received in the hamu referenced earlier um we wanted and he kind of went into this a bit but we wanted to really help to simplify this for everyone so that you can understand as you share your um public comment during this period um and Commissioners as you ask questions as well that we can really kind of simplify what are these four different options um subscription as hamu said that's my choice as a resident um choice to utilize The Collection services and I pay the vendor the hauler directly it's build directly with me and it is your current system what is universal um and the it's important to note the reason that Universal was considered here really as a measure of minimizing cost increases and to figure out what what those impacts could be um and as hamach you mentioned you know all residential units of single family and multif family would receive collection Services under a universal system and an annual solid waste collection assessment will be created and I think it's also important to note here that this is just for the unincorporated Indian River County residents this is not related to your recycling that as hamu tried to describe before is provided countywide and then the yard waste is it your current system which is non-c carded um you put out your yard waste on the curb and it's collected or does it become carded um in addition to Aesthetics we have seen in some proposals come that you know carted yard waste can be a cheaper option and again it's linking back to that automated system where there's the ability to come collect your cart tip it there's not the need for a helper on the back of the truck to you know lift your guard waist up put it in or a Apple truck that has to lift your um waste up and put it into the truck so there can be some cost efficiencies there we're definitely deeply diving and evaluating that um with the selection committee now and it's really if there is a minimal cost increase understanding your interest in that today um is there an interest in having carded yard waste and now I think Jennifer is going to come and describe some of the RFP process and results to date hi good afternoon I'm Jennifer Heyde I'm the County's purchasing manager um wanted to touch on the process that we've gone through so far and and what our current status is um in response to the RFP we received five uh responsive proposals which is um from what Bethy has told us is is actually pretty great for the way the industry is right now so that's that's great for us um the selection committee be began its review of the proposals um on Fe February 22nd and had their first meeting on March 8th to kind of identify an initial ranking per service option and these rankings were each independently reached by each Committee Member solely based on their own interpretation and understanding of the information as presented in the RFP as you can imagine this is a very complex um RFP there's a lot of data that we need to dig through and each person has a may have a different area of expertise and understanding it so the initial ranking is considered very very preliminary but it does give us a starting point um after review the committee developed 64 questions related to the proposals so um requests for clarification were sent out to all five uh proposers on March 14th and the responses we expect back um by the end of the day tomorrow once we get those responses back we'll provide that information to the committee they'll review it again and then we'll reconvene for additional discussions um and throughout the process going forward reranking by the committee members is authorized and appropriate all the way through the process um ultimately the selection committee is going to bring final rankings and recommended service options to the board for your consideration and then upon your direction negotiations with the top ranked proposers will begin and ultimately a final agreement will be brought before the board um just so everybody hasn't an idea of the uh criteria sorry um we had four primary criteria that the committee were scoring the uh proposals on qualifications technical participation growth strategy and financial this is not a bid it's not solely based on price it's best on finding the best uh solution for the county and on the bottom we've listed uh the members that were uh approved by the County Administrator who are the uh selection committee members it's uh Sean liskey the utilities director Kristen Daniels who's the budget director Heather Christmas um from town of Indian River Shores Haman Shima the managing director and Ron Jones who's the swid um assistant managing director and so just to show the initial ranking that was developed you can kind of see um the rank down the column one through five and you can see there is variance among the different options so um the rankings varied based on uh the service option presented next we'll get to the good part that everybody wants to see um again this is very very preliminary numbers and we do expect these to change um and once we go through review of the proposals and negotiations with uh the vendors we end up negotiating with so you can kind of see the the increases that are expected as compared to our current cost of 1410 but please remember that that monthly cost of $14.10 is 9 years old so there's uh definitely reasons as Bethany explained for uh why why the numbers are going up and just please note the percent increase in the range of proposals um the percents were rounded so the math is not quite as down to the penny on that table um and just as a reminder for the procurement process the K of silence is in effect that means a haulers and their agents aren't to be Conta contacting uh anybody in the county including the commissioner um and swid outside of my office purchasing were happy to um answer questions um and that also does impact the town of Indian Rivers Shores because they are a party to this solicitation as well and with that that concludes staff's presentation turn it over to the board for questions and comments thank you Jennifer all right Commissioners questions comments concerns you want to start Madam chair just for the audience's uh involvement and participation and we already have been reminded that our recycling essentially we're already being build for that with respect to our our trim notices I did have one question about the universal uh hu on what are the um we expect savings with universal and we're not making that decision today obviously um what are the surrounding counties doing so compared to Indi County if you look uh to the north Bard is universal service um St Lucy county is universal service I believe Martin County's Universal service um and I think even going to the West uh they're also Universal service so we are we are surrounded by uh Universal service and uh and if you look within Indian River County uh the town of indan univ Shores they have a sort of a universal ordinance uh all their residents are required to have garbage service uh city of Vera Beach um believe also has Universal Service uh town of orchid also has Universal service and Sebastian recently also went to Universal service so it's really uh unincorporate inder County and the City of felir that that are currently subscription based have any of those counties uh experienced when I don't know when they went Universal uh less legal dumping in their communities certainly I think the opportunity for residents to have garbage picked up at their house the the more convenient that we can make it um I think promotes sort of less illegal dumping whatnot sometimes we see uh when our customer Convenience centers are closed for folks that don't subscribe or when the landfill is closed again five days out of the year uh we tend to see that somebody's taken the time to drive all the way through one of our facilities and it's closed and they decid to go ahead and leave it outside our gate um so we we see that otherwise they may go and and go to a vacant lot and and place it there so uh I I do believe that Universal service will will help uh reduce illegal dumping in terms of you know providing right at the source an opportunity for residents to to properly dispose of their trash um and and the savings to the taxpayer would be that the county would pay hauler once a month uh from abum dollars and the residents would not have to pay every quarter either electronically or by mail so that savings would reduce the accounting practices for the hauler essentially and hopefully return the dollars back to us generally that's what we see in the industry and that's what we've seen on the preliminary pricing is that if you look at the the one chart that Jennifer put up uh the lowest sort of initial preliminary pricing was uh uh was for Universal service a non- carded Universal service thank thank you um M once once again uh could you remind us the percentage of Subscription Service currently the most accurate that we have based on the information we have from our monthly reports or what now we're looking at over 70% of of residents within elen Incorporated univer County that subscribe for service as we've seen our community grow uh a lot of residents that come from other communities they they already have Universal service so so they're happy to have garbage picked up in front of their house uh we see a lot of HOAs going to to sort of uh you know there's an encouragement that if everybody within the HOA has garbage service the HOA currently would get like a 10% discount so so there is a there's a process in place and a lot of HOAs have taken advantage of of that savings to to have Universal service for for all their residents chair thetion I show hand how many how many in in attendance are subscribers they can't hear you somebody can how many in the in attendance are subscribers to uh waste pickup yeah you know well congratulations it looks like you're a reflective of our uh Community estimates uh about 70% uh that's uh very well done and Well Done by you all too um with that uh it doesn't change the discussion I just wanted to know the the number on that uh Miss Hyde uh mentioned something and I realized that we can't uh give exact numbers as we're going through the process and nor can we really discuss it um but uh those are the best case estimates and they were also uh we were advised that there will be a change um could you prognosticate a little bit about any possibility or what your feeling is on a change should we go in One Direction or stay with subscription um I just want to clarify the numbers that we show we hope are the worst case scenario because we will that's what I wanted to know okay and I'll let you worst case scenario so we'll have a better indication on what what view of savings but it won't be until after the decision that's a difficult decision as well yes Commissioners our our direction that we're going on now and and what we we we recommend uh again we're like Jennifer mentioned there's a lot of questions that we've asked uh of the haulers uh we're we're looking to get clarifications back tomorrow uh we're going to continue with the selection committee to evaluate all the proposals continue with our ranking and Beyond today in about three to four weeks our goal is as a selection committee um is to come back to the board with a recommendation of one of the four options options and along with whichever recommendation you know if you select our recommendation or if you go with one of the other options we will still give you a ranking of all five firms so and and ask you that to to make a decision on one of the four options whichever option you choose we will then recommend that you allow us to negotiate with the top two or three firms for the option that you select and then a month or later we will come back after negotiations there'll be a separate negotiation team uh selected by the County Administrator at that time we'll be able to come back with a recommendation for award uh to the the best company uh with the best price uh for for for for you to award the contract to regardless of a size of container or subscription as opposed to Universal uh could you remind the impact on any of the convenience centers again yes for the record uh this franchise agreement is only for the collection of solid waste yard waste bulk waste within unincorporated Indian County and for the pickup of recycling throughout Indian nor County it is not this contract has no oversight or cost related to the customer Convenience centers that is a separate contract that we have uh with a you know with a vendor right now um and that that contract is also expiring September 30 2025 but we are we have uh initiated an separate RFP process uh to renew or to uh basically have a a new updated agreement for those customer Convenience Centers and the landfill uh but this this process currently has no impact on that contract so the decisions you make with any of the four options will not uh and I I'll simply say we are not not closing any of the convenience centers we're not uh reducing services at the any of customer Convenience Centers um that this selection of what whichever option you choose will not impact any of any of those services and it still will have the capacity to be able to reduce the price of waste pickup service this RP yes as based on the the sort of the procurement process and what we've see I mean we we have five qualified companies that that have submitted responsive proposals based on the preliminary pricing they vary as as I think you saw in one of the slides here uh there's a there's a big range on what they've submitted for pricing and on the various options we believe this pricing to be preliminary um and ultimately we want to try to get you the lowest cost possible for whichever option the board ultimately you know selects and finally uh as we have have a subsequent public hearing uh would we be able to get closer to a fine tuning of the numbers impact on the citizens inated area yes the financial impact yes the next board meeting um and and the staff's recommendation or selection committee's recommendation is going to be based on the current pricing that we've received to date so numbers that you have uh on on the slide where I'll just pick option one you know it's $246 uh that's the lowest price that we have right now for if you will maintaining subscription service with the change being to a weekly pick up for bulk um that's the most comparable you know correlation that we have so from going from 1410 to 2416 is is sort of the lowest price for that option um we could we could expect when we come back to you next month that that's the price we we we are not uh asking any of the proposals or vendors to come back with with a different price so between today and next month that's the price that you'll see again uh the you know these four lowest prices that you see that's what you'll see again in terms of that however we we as a selection committee still need to evaluate uh you know get answers back back we're still evaluating all the proposals and we'll have a final recommendation for you uh as to which which is the the best company the best price um who has the you know our our job as a selection committee is to make sure that they were responsive that they're they're qualified that they have the resources the number of trucks the number of employees that they basically have answered all of our questions and and met all of our requirements of the RFP um so we'll we'll do our we'll continue to our job and bring bring you back a recommendation next month but it will be based on this current pricing um once the board selects the option then the following meeting is when we will have completed our negotiations with the goal of of getting you uh more uh reduced price uh compared to where we are now thank you much no commissioner a thank you madam chairman let's talk about the recycling a little bit I don't know if a lot of people understand that we're already doing countywide Recycling and it's already in the tax bill correct that's correct so so essentially we have Universal recycling throughout Indian County um you know uh when years ago when I when I started and joined s about 17 years ago we we had the 18 gallon uh you know bins and and that residents had uh back when I started uh the the truck driver would get out he had seven compartments on the truck he would get up and pick up the bin and he would put metal in here and glass you know three different type of glass that he would separate out in in front of front of each person's house I was a very cumbersome process um from there you know we we we shifted to dual stream where we made life a little easier the trucks only had two compartments so he would take the paper bin and put it on one side then he would take the the mix bin if you will with the glass aluminum and throw it on the other side of the compartment and then fast forward to 2015 the current franchise agreement we're in we went to single stream we went to the carted recycling program we saw participation increase um and and and the tonnages that we were basically pulling out of the landfill in terms of recyc recycling uh continue to increase uh over these last 10 years so we're doing great but at the same time there's challenges with with recycling as well uh in terms of contamination and I can address that a little bit more if you like but but um so it's a great program the carded recycling uh system that we have we want to maintain that but the way we cover that because we provide it to all residents of Indian County it's currently included as part of the landfill fee on the tax bill so so it's everybody in the county gets get a recycle bin so contamination has been a problem by people putting garbage in their recycle carts is that that that's correct so folks that do not subscribe for service uh certainly not trying to encourage anybody to do this please don't uh but the folks that don't subscribe they they have a a a recycling cart everybody should have a recycling cart and the folks that don't subscribe that don't go to the convenience centers that don't come to the landfill they they uh unfortunately put their garbage in that recycling cart because they know the truck is coming once a week to put uh you know to pick up that cart the driver doesn't have an x-ray machine the lid is closed the driver can't see what's inside so the driver will pick it up now albe it uh staff does a does an amazing job going out and doing audits uh several times a month uh to to various communities we get phone calls from residents which we love that says hey my neighbors is putting garbage in their recycling cart you know please go come check it out our staff goes there uh we'll warn them we'll provide some warning some education uh you know this this this is this recycling carts are recycling only uh and worst case scenario we've actually had to pull people's recycling carts because they're just not participating in the program what happens when you mix garbage with recycling when it goes to the processing facility in St Lucy County it it just uh ruins ruins the the program there they're they have contaminated baales they cannot sell U you know a contaminated uh a bail of cardboard if you will it'll get rejected so uh so it really hurts the whole recycling program when we have sort of pockets if you will of folks that are putting garbage in their recycling CS so so if we went to Universe rage this should technically help that contamination process that's CU those people that are currently doing it whether it's a rental house maybe or something like that would would would have the the gray garbage cart to put their garbage that's correct I think with universal service the the holler would provide a great garbage cart uh to all residents of unincorporated Indian County and um and and hopefully again it does take education because uh as sulak and Jill our recycling team will tell you there's a lot of wish cycling going on and so people will say I'd like to recycle this and they wish it's Rec recable and they'll put it in the recycling cart so there is continuous education that's required to make sure residents know what is recyclable what is not we have a wonderful app called Carter's Corner uh you know it's you can download it on on uh on your phone uh and ask ask the question is this recyclable and I'll actually tell you if it is or not so we we're doing a lot to educate and and we continue have to educate uh we're out in the schools and and in the community educating folks about what's what's proper recycling okay my next question is on the on the yard on the yard waste carts I still do all my own yard work and everything stuff like that I've got a ton of a palms and most of you probably know what those are in my yard and they can be 8 10 foot in length depending on the AR Palm I lay them out currently right now in a nice little order the driver picks it up they picked it up this morning and and and they they haul it off with a Twan operation like we were saying in that yard cart it either I'm going have to break them or or put them in that yard cart with them sticking out three or four foot above the above the green cart is that something that if there's a lot of them you put out and you get the you call them and the bulk load come is that an additional charge is that additional charge for that due because I can't fed them all in the cart sure no uh I'm going to put up a slide here real quick I think we have one at the end right there so uh we had staff uh go up to bravard County where they have carted yard waste uh this is uh these are pictures of carted yard waste up in Bard County uh as you kind of see um you know there are you know vegetation sticking outside of the cart uh they were able to witness that all of these carts were emptied by the automated truck system without any issues or problems uh residents again uh had multiple carts our franchise agreement initially provides one 96 gallon cart residents that would you know uh require two or three carts or whatnot you know they would be able to purchase carts uh additional carts for that um and and again it's a one-time purchase of an additional cart the overall monthly cost would not change uh for the pickup but you would if you they require more yard waste carts they would be able to buy them so that's one way to sort of handle additional yard waste if it doesn't fit in the cart and what happens right now with the yard waste cost is I I to be honest um I don't really put out a lot of yard waste it doesn't go out every week uh once in a blue moon I'll have some stuff so right now the yard waste cost is passed on to all subscription customers if you will right people that use it or don't use it still sort of pay the same rate with this new program the carded yard waste you know either subscription or Universal they the customer decides that one card is enough if they want additional carts they can purchase additional carts at a one-time cost however if they have excessive yard waste the excessive yard waste uh we have an as an optional service supplemental service so whether it's subscription or Universal if the customer has extra yard waste the what we've uh included in here all the haulers have included at least two what we call claw trucks that that's required in this franchise agreement so that the claw truck the the driver picking up the cart would realize that the customer has excessive yard waste um maybe there's a communication or a phone call uh to to the to the resident uh and and the services provided with with a claw truck to pick up that excessive yard waste but that additional cost is is directly born by that customer so that cost is not passed on to everybody else so if you have excessive yard wish you would get a separate bill for that collection uh for that one time it's not a recurring cost it's if you need it you request it and you'll get you'll pay directly for that for that service for now okay reserving the right to come back commissioner M thank you madam chair um I have a question and uh several comments actually based on emails that I've already received from some members of the community so thank you for already participating um the question had to do with uh Universal service and snowbirds so how would that be handled would they could they opt out seasonally how would that work no great question great question unfortunately no uh Universal Ser service is is going to be uh implemented through the tax bill um so once the trim notices go out once the tax bill goes out if Universal service is implemented then that cost would be on the tax bill to all unincorporated Indian County residents and um you know there is no um sort of um uh vacation hold or seasonal hold or anything like that that that would be applicable uh because we we wouldn't be able to individually you know reach out to the the property appraiser and the tax collector and say okay we need to reduce this cost for three months for this customer only uh it's unfortunately uh there is no way to implement that that type of program okay thank you then it was interesting to me there were comments uh on both sides of this 96 gallon cart issue so some people said it was not large enough if you have a large yard you're taking maintaining a large yard or for large families it's not large enough and then there were other people who said that the 96 gallon cart was too large and too unwieldy because they like to walk around the yard to do their gardening and they don't want to be dragging this huge thing and plus I said it'll get heavy I I don't I don't do gardening myself but I understand that it would get heavy if you have to drag it around the yard so just and we'll we'll hear from all of you and by the way thank you and I'm happy that all of you are here but so that leaves me you know hearing both sides of this of the 96 gallon cart uh issue it leaves me thinking that perhaps um you know customer provided uh carts you you know might be the way to go but I'm I'm certainly interested to hear what all of you have to say on that and finally um this and this has to do with uh cost being cost conscious and I am and I think you know all of my colleagues are but uh this was from uh one individual who wrote in that uh homeown for this person homeowners insurance uh went from $11,000 to $4,000 and just increased I'm sorry this was the increase homeowners insurance increased from $1,000 to $4,000 in just 3 years groceries doubled and and I'm I'm quoting this exactly what the person wrote even if only $112 a month it can just cannot have that cannot afford that kind of increase in expenses and this is a direct quote it's not Paradise anymore when we can't afford to live here so you know that's that person wrote that that was the the clo that was a closer that was a closing line um and just to State again I think you know I'm certainly costc conscious and I think we all are so um thank you again for being here and look forward to hearing from you more comments questions thank you m m okay yes if I may just address real quick on the on the carts um so we we do start with a 96 gallon cart but as you see in front of you there are three card size options so customers we basically have a provision in our in our franchise agreement going forward that there's a 90-day period um that you know customers would be able to request a a free exchange to a smaller cart if they would like or you know so again you know we've generally seen that folks um uh like the you know again with yard waste if they're doing a lot of yard waste if they have a big yard uh we felt that you know we should start with a 96 gallon cart uh a lot of people again use multiple cans to to put out yard Wass so that was our initial you know intent was to provide a big cart but they would have an option to exchange that for a smaller size cart if they will M so I just want to clarify that thank you for clarifying just couple of quick questions the um the figures that you gave us are th they are per quarter or per month those are per month per per month per month okay and do you have an idea of what percentage of the recycling cans are contaminated on a weekly basis if you know over 55% over 55% have contamination in them yes wow that is a problem is is there can you estimate a cost associated with that contamination I I will say that sorry you thought you were not going to have to come up this is Su Flack our lovely recycling Extravaganza I will say so in the process of recycling our our material goes to St Lucy County to our murf materials recovery facility down there where it is sorted and bailed and sold um and it is comingled with five other counties so the good news is our county has probably the lowest contamination rate of all the other material that's coming in there so we are doing a good job of recycling um so right now we are not suffering any costs with our material we're not getting any turned away because if our loads were coming in very very contaminated they would certainly turn us away but when when you have a contaminated cart are we talking about like somebody throws in bags from the grocery store and that's it or are we talking about the 55% of the entire cart is trash if I may I seen everything in those carts except for ex-husbands and I might have seen those too so bowling balls uh garbage bags hot water heaters hot water tubs bicycles axes door knobs food clothing wal wall carpeting aluminum siding gutters yeah thank you because it's metal doesn't mean it's recyclable very good than thank thank you to be netive and and we we are we are not going to go out for an hour for ex spouses period bill would shut that down quickly very quickly um hamu I have a few questions to follow up on the yard waste container conversation um if we did not do carded yard waste and people were allowed to put their yard waste in their own containers there's still a finite amount of containers that one can put out on the road that would be picked up without having to call for bulk or something like that CU I think we had an email that said I could easily fill up 8 to 10 of my own containers um I even at even with non- carded that would not be allowed that's correct so we have a a weekly limit of four cubic yards currently uh for the subscription program if we were to remain uh in in terms of non-card whether it's subscription or Universal if it was non- carded program we would we would still have that four cubic yard per week requirement uh so the the hauler again it's it's tough to judge what a you know 4 cubic uh yard is but but the hauler would basically if it's excessive they would pick up about four cubic yards and leave the rest there um so uh that then again there could be a bulk waste pickup or whatnot uh you know directly between the customer and and the hauler and if somebody needed more than say one 196 gallon cart to accommodate um their landscape material or yard waste they can contact UM the hauler and they would be provided those to a point and then they could buy additional ones right I I think currently we have a limit of like four additional carts or four four total carts uh you know per customer um again you know we're trying to improve efficiency and whatnot uh we certainly don't want people buying 10 you yard waste carts uh so uh again the idea is that there is a reduction of cost because the hauler doesn't have extra employees in the back there's less you know you know improved safety less liability uh they're able to keep the uh the driver in the in the vehicle and and and quickly and efficiently pick that up uh so there is a a point of sort of no return if you will so so we do do have some requirements or Provisions in there about limiting the number of carts uh right now um and but but the the overall idea is that they can request if it's excessive they can keep it outside of the cart and they could request an excessive bulk pickup okay thank you and then one of the other um comments and emails that we've gotten is you know we just want to leave we just want to leave it how it is so can you speak to that my understanding is we can't just leave it how it is because the contract is expiring we have to go through this process so we have to come up with a new contract correct that's correct yeah our we have a County ordinance that says our franchise Agreements are limited to 10 years Max so we we we have to go through this process again we've started this early enough to allow input from residents time for the County Commission to have all the information you need to to make a decision early enough uh before the contract expires uh I think think we've uh you know it's been a great procurement process so far uh to to have five companies interested in in working in indianer County it's been great again they've asked a lot of questions we've answered uh all those questions and uh so it's been a great process so far I'm really happy about the process I'm happy about this meeting today and to to see all the residents here um I know people are going to have different opinions about what direction we're heading but that that's the whole point of today is is to get that input um but but yes the the franchise agreement is expiring and in terms of the future you know what I say is I think you've heard some C the costs are rising they're they're higher we're one of the lowest costs right now they're they're they're the the costs are higher all around us if you will we're seeing the pricing that we provided to you on that one slide I I want to emphasize this this is the cost starting October 1 2025 so I I I you know I know there's people that probably do trading or Futures Trading or what not I don't know what the price of fuel is going to be in October 2025 or the the cost of eggs or milk in October 2025 but we've asked these five haulers to provide pricing starting October 1 2025 so um so it is a little bit of a sort of future cast for them as well to make sure that they they can cover all their cost to provide that service uh so it is it is certainly higher than where we are now but again it is a projected number for the future thank you I yeah I can't even project what some of those numbers are going to be for tomorrow much less years from now so um my last question before we kind of open it up to the public because um the other Commissioners have asked great questions that mirrored mine related to the dirt roads and some of our further away um communities how um you know I'm thinking about way out of eha Junction you know we go all the way out to blue cypress and yha how are those Communities going to be served specifically um I know at Blue Cyprus they don't have um door Todo recycling service because that Community the roads are so small so they kind of bring it outside and it's collected at one point I guess more of like an an HOA even though they're not how are we going to handle that and then some of the further away ranches and and those types of things sure now great question so one of the things that uh again we've been hearing that throughout the eight n years uh CU once we implemented sort of the you know the carted recycling program we delivered a recycling cart to every resident in the county and even to the rural areas right so these trucks have been going up and down the roads when we had the 18 gallon program people would come to our offices or several locations to get those 18 gallon bins and and so a lot of people didn't even have the the recycling uh bins right when we went to carted recycling we passed out those carts to every resident in the county and so so a lot of those folks over the last nine years have have you know expressed concern about heavy trucks going on dirt roads going too fast and so on and so forth so so we've taken those concerns to Heart we've made it a requirement that the substandard roads uh ultimately it' be the Public Works director that would uh basically designate if you will for the county what's considered a substandard road um narrow Bridges um and and so with that provision in this you know request we we basically required uh the haulers to provide smaller vehicles that can handle uh handle those uh you know those services and and so far what we can see is they they they've responded so okay good awesome all right Commissioners any other questions or comments at this time no all right then I am going to go ahead and open it up to the public but real quick just to give some rules and parameters there are two microphones so you guys can queue up behind each one um when you get there please state your name and address for the record and there is a lot of people and everybody is welcome to comment but I would ask that if your comment is the exact same as somebody else's comment maybe you just concur with them um or that type of thing just so the people that have different comments might have the time to do that so welcome I don't know who's going to we'll let Mr Outwater first come on up Sir okay uh for the record Bob Outwater Town council member town of indine River Shores uh just a question based on oh I'm sorry the uh discussion that uh occurred I get the sense we don't have we're going with a fixed price uh contract and not having an inflation adjustment clause and if if we are going with fixed price contract have you considered an inflation adjustment Clause I think you'll get a better initial lower price on the on the contract provided that you can agree to a price index that is a third-party one that's fair that cannot be manipulated by the vendor duy noted no um so if I understand the question correctly in ter terms of the the the the current pricing we have is as of October 1 2025 we didn't want to request a 2023 24 price and then not knowing what the CPI index is going to be over the next two periods uh we we didn't want to have that adjustment uh going on this base price however the franchise agreement does include a CPI adjustment annually thereafter thank youone just sit there and answer questions okay welcome name and address for the record name Tim Franklin 6404 55th Square um thank you for this meeting and hearing us um just a couple of things question regarding uh the rooted bulk uh proposed system I'm concerned about the efficiency of that system uh 55th square is a nice round neighborhood I walk every day there's about 70 homes in the four years that we've lived there I've seen things out maybe three times so if we go to a rooted system where once every five days or once a month they come around aren't we going to have a lot of trucks on the road picking up nothing and you've got fuel costs you've got Manpower costs you got equipment costs so I'm concerned about the efficiency there I I don't know what's going on in the rest of the county I can only speak to what's going on in our neighborhood and it just seems like there's not a lot of call for the bulk pickup okay um regarding the yard waste um I love the idea of the large cans but they can't be the end all and Beall again um uh if if you need more than one I'd suggest to people if we do go to this route just get the cart from the person next to you that has a lawn service that carts the stuff away don't buy one yourself good idea uh with that in mind though what about when we have hurricanes yard waste pickup now during hurricanes um we've had we've had times where we're in winter beach and apparently we're on the end of the pickup uh whatever the schedule is and in times of hurricanes like that sometimes it'll be two three more than three weeks before we have a pickup there's a lot of stuff there's no way that we're going to be able to do it in these carts that that's yeah that's a different contract but I'll let uh hamu speak to that so um I guess one of the advantages that we as staff see with carted yard waste is that you know typically after storms the board usually enacts a hurricane debris contractor with claw trucks that come throughout and do sweeps throughout our community that contractor would be responsible for the the yard waste pickup but one of the advantages that we feel with parted yard waste we could do is uh we could allow residents to put their garbage in in those yard waste carts and that way with automated service we could sort of improve post storm cleanup of garbage uh we we see a lot of uh uh lines at our customer Convenience Centers uh you know uh after a storm uh if if we could reduce those lines reduce the impact of the convenience centers by by allowing residents to to use their carded uh you know yard waste if you will allow them for a week or so to go ahead and place garbage in there we'd have the automated trucks go by and quickly pick up uh garbage excessive garbage I guess after a storm uh but but the claw truck services throughout from our storm debris contractors there would be the ones picking up uh the storm debris so for clarification purposes um after a storm the current garbage hauler is not the person that comes around and picks up your yard debris it's a separate contract with the claw trucks so that's one of the reasons it takes so long with the carted service what ham was saying is we would have the opportunity to also utilize the hauler to help get some of that out quicker so we would actually have kind of two contractors working on some of that debris and garbage pickup okay thank you very much and then finally just uh my own personal preference I'd like to see us go to to a universal system everybody generates garbage whether you're subscribing or not you're generating garbage that's going someplace we may as well have it handled properly thank you thank you next name and address hi Mary Pitman 63116 Street I've been here since 206 um there's a problem with yard trash where it's not getting picked up um and I I'm not sure why but I thought I'd bring it to somebody's attention for example um on the corner of 7th Avenue and 16th Street and on 7th Avenue I think it's because because it belongs to a business and I don't know if the businesses are responsible but there's one pile there that has to have been there for a minimum of a year okay 17th 7th Street and 16th you said 17th 7th Street and 7th Avenue and 16th Street 7th Avenue and 16th okay you probably need to contract because I bet there's varmints and critters living in there so that's the city of buau beach yeah that that would it appears uh by the address you get would be the city of ver Beach And to clarify if you have uh if you have subscription service now you have yard waste pickup if you do not have Subscription Service the yard waste does not get picked up so that could be another scenario for I think I'm actually on the other side of my street is the city of Vero Beach and I'm the county possible well we can look at it we wrote the address down we can look at it um but you are correct businesses are different than residential um this particular contract that we're talking about is residential specific so it's not for businesses businesses you want to touch on that real quick sure so it does include commercial garbage pickup for businesses within unincorporated County so that is a service we have now and our businesses would continue to receive uh pickup there you go there's also yard trash um like you've got the street here and a house facing that way and a house facing this way and somebody has decided to put the yard trash like right on the line between the two okay it doesn't get picked up there's grass growing up over it okay we can we can um have somebody look into that um so actually I think kachu is going to give you his card and we did write down the address but if you want to shoot us an email with the details we'll see what's going on and what we can do to address it okay thank you and I'm for Universal okay too thank you very much hi welcome hi uh my name is Nick biano I'm here representing the CIT Springs Masters Association located at uh CIT Springs Boulevard between Fifth Street and Oslo Road a community consisting of seven Villages and five 50 homes uh my comments will be two things one I can't imagine us having three Barrels in our garages uh and and two cars uh we have a rule in our community that you don't put your containers out until the day of delivery or the night before the delivery and uh they have to be removed uh and the day after the uh delivery and you cannot store them on your properties you have to put them in the garages now this is almost impossible uh to have two cars we don't have tremendous garages and uh so that would be a burden to our community my second comment is that U hopefully whoever you choose to be our our supplier that you at least collect a bond for our communities because as you know HOAs we have to pay for our roads uh not you the county and we've had experience with Waste Management just recently again two times in four months dropping hydraulic fluid all over our roads and uh right now we're in possible litigation with them because your bond that you collect we can't hit it when I called the county about them destroying Fifth Street Southwest with this hydraulic fluid they would thank me for it and said well we have a bond can take care of our roads but you have to be on your own and so the supplier that you have have some checking that you can make sure that that they destroy private property that we have a mechanism to uh to recour on on that point okay thank you very much thank you very much we appreciate your input hi welcome name and address for the record Martin stiger 318 Sebastian Crossings Boulevard Sebastian Florida I like to start off by is saying thank you to the board for having this hearing to giving the the people an opportunity to speak out and uh so that you can get their feelings and their their situations to get the feedback that I think is necessary for you to make the right decision I can understand you have the Specialists here to tell us about all their cost and everything going up and needless to say everybody else is feeling the Pains of going up myself there's only my wife and myself in our in my household right now and uh the recycling uh I appreciated that because I PID for it through the county and uh I've utilized it since I moved here now everywhere I move moved from I've been here like 16 years now and I started off with one Community there was no garbage uh pickup available there so for like 3 or four years while I was there I had to take it all to the recycle Center then I moved to another location which is a new community and that was in '08 and there weren't enough houses there for garbage pickup but we had the recycling so and I used to so for almost 15 years now I've been taking my garbage to the recycling because nobody would come and pick it up until the finished the the community got finished then they started picking up garbage now the town of Sebastian has didn't give us the opportunity for the feed the feedback and they went ahead and made it a universal pickup now in Sebastian which like I said ever since I came here nobody would pick it up and all of a sudden now they're they're saying you have to pay for this now I'm on a a set income my wife and I are basically living almost on our security social security and they added to my expenses every month $20 extra for services that I never used never wanted and the other service that I get from the county I utilized and that worked out great I I would take my garbage and drop it off I I don't have to go shopping on the way there I would go into recycling take my my garbage Ste it was like no problem now it's like $20 extra a month I don't know where it's going to come from I mean it's like I I'm over 80 years old now and I I I go to get a job nobody wants to hire me but it's it's it's sad to think that I don't think they take in consideration the the people like myself that are on limited incomes also I got a garbage field big as that one over there recycling bucket it takes three weeks for me to get enough recycling in there to make it worthwhile to put it out by the Cur I fig figure no sense a truck stopping for one week Supply is like just much only in a can so it takes about 3 weeks before I said okay I'll put it out by the curb for them to pick up so it's uh like I said I'm thankful that you've at least taken the time to give us an opportunity to talk and uh unfortunately my Town Council didn't do that they went ahead actually they went ahead and made a decision before they even had a public hearing which really upset me and it's to the point where I wish I could talk to somebody to find out if that's illegal for them to do they didn't have more multiple offers they only said they only had one offer they didn't prove and show any proof that they made multiple offers or had requested it or answered right and that's one of the reasons why we started this process so early so we could get multiple offer and provide the opportunity for the for the residents input but I just want to touch on something thing that you said earlier about having a very large cart and not needing that size hamu if if somebody is given a 90 what is it they get first a 64 64 for recycling uh certainly the small 35 gallon card would be available to you we can swap your current recycling for something smaller yeah so you can size up or size down to get the right size for you cuz you could probably fit in the 96 gallon cart yourself well I had the the big turn it into jacuzzi tub I've had the big one now for eight nine years now I I had the same one and like I said it takes about two three weeks before I even bring it out because we don't have that much there's only two of us and even the garbage even the garbage it's like I I use uh shopping bags you know for my garbage basically and I when I'm going past go like I said they go to the store I drop it off it's like hasn't been any problem but now my my budget on top of all the other increases that we've had in the last couple years it's like crazy it's something that I hadn't prepared for it seemed like I'm going to I'm I'm outliving my income you know it's like you raise a very good point we have heard from some of our other residents that are on limited income and that's something that we'll be taking into consideration so thank you very much but definitely give hamu a call and we can see about at least the recycling cart maybe getting you the right size that you need okay yeah but thank you forcing forcing it upon people that don't really need it or want it I understand thank you so much yes ma'am welcome name and address hi Virginia Shellhammer and um my husband I actually own three properties in in River County um one in beer Lake States and two in Rosland uh one of the addresses in Rosland is 8255 25th Place um my main reason for being here is the yard waste proposed change um Rosland and even my property in verica states have very established oak trees I can't I can't rake I can rake in one day and fill that they fall more than one day so you're talking about me having to go to the customer Convenience Center which I have done for the last 30 years and I think it's a great option however North County it really would appear and my and is probably a separate issue but just because if you go to this fixed container people are going to have that extra I live a mile from the from the convenience center I've always taken my extra there I've never put it out on the road I can barely get in there today it is on a regular basis the yard waste and even the even the regular garbage is closed because there is no room and I'm not talking about once a week and and I'm not talking about going in the morning and then being able to go back in the afternoon and it being resolved that's just not always the case and you know that's an issue I think if you go to the fixed waste that fixed yard waste that you would create that additional problem the alternative is is for you know the new communities they don't have the established trees I'm pretty sure that we want Indian River County to continue to have these gorgeous Oak hammocks that we do have and for these large you know Majestic trees not to be removed moved but if you make it cost ineffective for them to be on our property to maintain ourselves just like Mr irman said we maintain our own property if I pay somebody then maybe in their price they're going to add you know and if I ask them to take it away they're obviously going to charge more with increased crisis I don't understand why we can't stay with where we are there especially in the unincorporated parts of Indian River County where there are more established Oak Tre Tre and trees that were have more Falling Leaves branches everything just on a regular day not a hurricane got it okay and I'm sure winter beach is the same area they have gorgeous oak trees there as well as the gentleman you know spoke about earlier so that's just a major area of concern for us as you consider which yard waste plan you're going to choose look at the area that you're actually going to be servicing you know if I can't imagine anybody not wanting to go down Indian River Drive In on North County or down Rosen Road and not have the gorgeous trees that we have that protect that protect our River and help hold you know the banks in you know we need those trees and I just wanted to express my concern about that I appreciate that and I think that um as we move out of whatever decision is made in this process will shape some of the conversations around the contract for the convenience centers because you know based on what comes out of this process retooling them or or rehabbing them or restructuring them to be more responsive to the community's needs will probably be part of that process so I appreciate your input for this process and the process that'll follow afterwards terrific just a side note since you mentioned that um in Indian on in North County I'm I'm positive that on a regular basis people from Bard County are dumping into our Convenience Center yeah you know maybe you could I would pay $5 a year for a pass that I put in my in my car or you know like when you go in the pickup line to school you get your little tag you know with your name and your number on it you know we have to do something to control Bard County from using our resources for free and I see Miss Burr behind you she's out at blue cypress and she has the same problem with Oola so she is why she's waving and and thumbs uping you yes and I've lived in other states where they they have that you had to show your driver's license we'll be looking at all those different options sure thank you so much welcome name and address sure Dennis hadex and I live at uh reside 105 woodst way Sebastian um which also has the mandator mandatory uh collection services and um honestly it works very well I was a subscriber before so it was a super easy transition uh for for myself um you know I just I'm going to approach it a little bit different um I'm a community manager uh for one of the communi that are out on A1A uh it's called Windsor and um so Windsor and waste management we had collaborated with a solution for collection Services M you you participated with that as well and it was fantastic um so really what I wanted to share with you was that so the commun our community The Windsor Community I do not reside there I reside in Sebastian not beo um clarification on that um is so the community that we have there we have a valet ser for collection right so we have carts that are towed behind electric golf carts one for Waste one for recycling it's all collected comes back to a central location and then there's a compactor that's at the location so one is for waste and one is for recycling so it's it's a huge huge effort of sustainability but to give some credit due waste management came out for us and I know you're not speaking about any haulers but I would I think you should have that Insight visit after visit after visit different times for this collaboration to make it happen um was it required from them it absolutely was not um but they did they helped s s Source vendors for us um it was just it was a great experience um and they do a great job for us so I wanted to share it with you folks thank you I appreciate that I have a valet service for my y um garbage too but his name is James Henry and he's 13 years old so a little different welcome sir good afternoon my name is William Griffin I live at 8466 96 Court up in vle for you don't know it's V States the problem I have with any of this is when you're mandating someone to take a service they don't need you're pushing towards socialism you guys are all Republicans supposedly why would you want to push things on people who don't need it say you you only live there 6 months a year you going to pay the whole bill for 6 months a year when you're a snowbird there's things you're not thinking of when you want to mandate something all right I'll gladly pay a higher price of my subscription a little bit you know if if their cost is going up I expect everything to go up but to mandate somebody have something done is just totally wrong thank you thank you I appreciate your comments welcome sir name's Dave Jones 4 611 Ashley Lake Circle um I'm subscription I just assume stay that way I'd like to know how long the contract is that we're negotiating with these carriers or the new contract that we're working on Hamachi you want to speak to that sure so the new franchise agreement would have an initial term of five years after the five years the board accounting Commissioners has the sole discretion of renewing it for an additional three years after that first eight-year term both parties would uh have to jointly agree to extend it for two more years okay so it's a base of five with a potential of a total of 10 years thank you um the other thing is uh with the subscription you're pulling 70% of the population if you go with the universal they're picking up approximately 40% more business business Revenue by getting the 30% that that are not that are subscribers right now that price doesn't look to be reflected in the subscription price versus the universal price there's only a dollar or two difference it looks like and it looks like it should be a whole lot more because they're getting a whole lot more business and they're not having to put out much more to take care of that business so I'd like that to be thought of okay thank you so much for those thoughts we appreciate that welcome hi hi I'm Barbara Burr and I'm out at Blue Cypress Lake um we do not have any type of service like this where we're at um I guess you would consider us a small convenience sitter or a transfer station and um I'm just here to say that our hauler does a great job for us out there um it represents our community um our County Park um and I know people get discouraged when they talk about people coming from out of County to dispose of their garbage I personally would rather see them disposing it in one of those big large containers then on the side of our beautiful Indian River County Roads um I don't know if you're familiar with blue Cypress Lake um we have um a great amount of Tourism that comes out there um and we have a beautiful Park and um I know that this whole franchise agreement um is not uh going to be connected to um like the the centers here and um just just for the record our um little village started off as a fish camp out there and um we do not have have enough room on our roads to even be able to bring a small truck to provide us this door Todo service many of our homes you walk out and the road is right there um we don't have curbside we don't have ride away so um these cans would literally be sitting out in the middle of our road um it would be a traffic Hazard a safety hazard um you would not be able to get around the cans um again how would the huler uh be able to maneuver our down our roads all of our roads are dead in um and there are no turnaround areas um basically we're just surrounded by swamp out there and um we just I just wanted to to to make a notation um for any of the Commissioners I welcome anybody uh to come out there I'd be happy to meet with you um I've done that over the years with our our County people just really trying to work with a great program and and I'm just really proud of the service that we have out there right now and I thank everybody for that thank you Miss bur we appreciate what you do out there thank you welcome name and address uh Moses Vando 88 I mean see don't don't even know where I live uh 8366 95th Avenue verer Lake States my uh comment or question is that is that any easier way to contact whoever is going to be uh granted this uh Grant because where I'm getting at is the past couple holidays we forget I forget and I've been living there for over 20 something years and I put my trash out and I said why didn't pick it up then I'm starting to call and then I go through this little game that I go I call it a game I actually go through about four or six different numbers before I get the right number can you make it easier or can you even put it on the calendar for absent people like me that forget that the day of the holiday that is supposed to be you picked up the next day because there's a lot of people not only me my next door neighbor we put our our trash out there thinking of that but just a FL a friendly reminder of a week before get our emails telephone numbers and remind the courtesy that we will not be picking up trash so we won't have our trash out there especially over the holidays M you uh if possible if could that be done I know right now it's we listed on our website and um we do try to send it out like in our quarterly updates and stuff like that one of the things that is included in this RFP is a local call center so um you're not you know calling out of state um and getting rerouted but it would there would be a local office to call with some of those questions and concerns but of course we always um welcome feedback on how we can better get information out to the public so I appreciate those comments yeah because right now I have uh Waste Management India River County Waste managed holler waste managed County well waste managed garbage and recycling service these are all and I go through the little game I don't know know why I don't remember it and why I don't write it down but that's my problem I guess I have a hard time remembering where I'm I'm supposed to be on a regular basis without an alarm on my phone God forbid I lose my phone so I understand what you're saying okay and um we'll take that into consideration I appreciate that definitely making sure everybody knows when to have it out is a good thing yes thank you all right thank you so much welcome ma'am hi I'm Judy Youngerman 225 21st Avenue and I have a question about the difference between the subscription and the recy and the universal okay I couldn't see all those little numbers up there but it kind of looked to me like my subscription will go from $34.88 to $75 a quarter but I couldn't see what the universal would be but that would go on my tax bill and then it would kind of be deductible so that kind of sounds like a good idea [Laughter] I like the way you think there but um so the numbers that were put up there were kind of a range um you are correct that that lowest number for subscription would equate to about $75 a quarter I'm not exactly sure about the deductibility of property taxes well but if it's on your bill I mean my taxes I put that on my is it the second home investment no it's my primary my taxes are that would probably be a question for your accountant I'm not sure if it is that would be fantastic but I don't want to say that it is because I don't know enough about that to know okay and what was what was the universal what would that be like quarterly sure so sub subscription the lowest price we have for like the option one right now it would be 7248 a quarter um Universal uh again with customer provided carts would be 6738 so that's the difference in price if you will right now again we want to caution that this is preliminary pricing we we expect that once the board makes a decision on which option that we're going to we're going to do our best to attempt to get lower pricing than this okay now you said customer provided carts I thought with universal you would still get something like this so even with with uh Universal there's two options you could have Universal with customer provided carts which is option two or option four uh which would be Universal with carted yard waste so he's talking about hold on okay he's talking about the carts for yard waste so for Universal you would still get a recycling cart and a garbage cart the difference in pricing relates to whether you also get a cart for your yard waist or you use your own okay well I would like to vote against that big green cart okay because it's too big for my garage okay I have to take it out and I don't put that much yard waste out so duy noted thank you so much that does thank you um so for yard waste they can also downsize they can yes all three sizes would be available okay or not at all or not at all I mean if the customer does not want the cart we can certainly right you know work that out I mean although again folks right now subscribe for you know service yard waste is included and they may not put out yard waste every week um but the cost is in that subscription service so if we go subscription you know um with carded yard waste um the cost would be included whether or not the customer puts the cart out or the customer wants to give the cart back uh they would have that option but the cost would still be in the price uh again for subscription or Universal okay commissioner Madam chair yeah it said but the third time we've heard about the size of the Cs and we get it um is the last time that we rolled it out when the waste uh service went to container containerized pickup the one siiz cart was delivered and within I believe it about 6 weeks after everyone had gotten used to what size or what their preference was or one time change was made so that can be done with any of the cards um I I have the big one there's only two of us it happens uh it sometimes it gets filled and sometimes it doesn't you're absolutely right but uh the change will be made and but we have to get roll out the carts so that everybody has the availability for service but it'll be swiftly changed uh at a date that's prescribed fantastic yes ma'am welcome name and address for the record thank you uh Marie teranova 1016 Indian River Drive in the city of Sebastian I concur with everybody who's against this mandated trash pickup and I just want to give you my perspective I'm a single person mostly a vegetarian I don't have hardly any trash and my trash bag is one Public's bag a week that I take to work and put in the dumpster I am I totally resent being forced to pay something I don't need and I've lived there over 20 years never needed a garbage trash bag okay thank you so and I haven't even paid the bill and I'm not going to pay it let the leate fees pile up I'll never pay for that I don't need it okay thank you so much we appreciate your perspective welcome hi my name is Katherine wagel I live at 80601 142nd Street in Sebastian uh and like commissioner Ean I do all my own yard work and I also have very little grass it's almost all Shrubbery and trees so I do generate a lot I normally in the course of a week we'll have five 35 trash cans and a lot of times I don't have enough trash cans for what the work the stuff I have in the yard um at any rate I'm a subscription uh whatever you call me I'm I'm a subscriber okay and I you know that that's not really my problem I generate very little yard uh recyclables very little garbage but this is my my major concern the first question I have is uh you talk about excess yard waste and you said four cubic feet or four feet Cub four cubic yards four cubic yards how many cubic yards will fit in one of those cans good question that's no four cubic yards in my opinion that's much lucky if it's two one one yeah okay commissioner flesher says one cubic yard yeah okay so I'm I'm obviously going to need I know in terms of gallons I know I've got 35 gallon cans and it would take two of those do 35 gallon cans F you do 5 35 gallon cans five 35 gallon cans yeah okay but you know again I can live with most anything my biggest problem with these would be moving them with weight because I also live on the river and I have substantial grade and pulling those things up around the yard could be difficult which means I would probably wind up resorting to my usual 35 gallon cans and a Wheelhorse and a 35 gallon can loaded is about all that I can move up the grade and then I have the additional task of transferring which also makes for a lot of foot pounds of work I'm no no physicist but I do know enough that lifting one pound one yard is a foot pound you're doing better than me you're doing better than me with no I I just wanted to bring up you know some of the issues for you to consider I I don't expect that my particular needs are going to be the most important needs for the community but um no that's about it I just wanted to make some general comments thank you thank you thank you so much we appreciate it yes sir welcome name and address for the record Rod Richie 636 36 Avenue virau Beach I've been a resident three different locations in virau for 50 years so I've seen all of the changes as far as the trash pickup and and uh I think the modernization of the trucks uh with the automatic pickup is is a terrific uh Innovation uh I know Manpower is a it's a different world if the phone can't do it or automation can't do it there lot of young people don't know how to do it uh I'm concerned with the U the yard waste I live on an acre for the past 30 years and uh between Republic and and then uh Waste Management if you follow the rules you put out your stuff in a container or stacked U and don't take advantage of it it works pretty good and I think you need to be concerned with u maybe the devil's advocate of of that yard waste going down the road because there's just certain aspects that I see that containers and a machine lifting it up uh not practical uh in a lot of ways uh never mind stormwise or anything just on a basic you know everyday and uh I've been to Bard County and driving around and seeing cans you know with pom frons you know sticking out that they put them out standing up but you know a nice windy day they don't end up that way so uh I would just say um you know look at the good and the bad of everything and concentrate on the bad the the good always seems to work out pretty easy at least that's what I tell my 39-year-old daughter anyway thank you that is that is good advice thank you so much yes ma'am welcome thank you hello everyone my name is Margo sadikovic I live at 7575 four Street Southwest in Vero Beach and actually um I was here in the meeting when I've heard first time about it and honestly it shocked me um and I'm very disappointed that for this huge big deal of this contract I don't know how many people here that less than 50 and we're talking about huge changes in the county that's really a big deal um you also mentioned that you will be mailing another cards with the email addresses that know this is the only one even a bigger disappointment because I don't understand um a lot of things how is it going to benefit County this contract are is County making any money from that um because it definitely doesn't benefit us and um everyone is talking about the sizes of these cans and the sizes of their garages but I think we should talk about more and see bigger picture uh What in reality it is we're talking about long-term contract but talking about extension of this contract increasing in the price in you know putting all that in the real estate pay tax where how about the snowbirds why they should be buildt for something that they're not here full-time what about land and vacant lots are they going to be assessed for that as well what about Investors who who the expenses ah you making the not good for you the investors who um renting their properties and the tenants are paying for all the utilities including the trash so it's it's really um much bigger picture than it shows and there is a lot more behind it in the future that we don't see um I can tell you strong and honestly I'm here to represent every farmer in these country and these country are mostly Cowboys and I am a cowgirl I have a different hat today because I'm working but I'm usually in the boots and the blue jeans we do not have have a waste we use all the food the left over for compost because we grow things we have animals I have cows um we burn our um um the the leftovers from the trees or after the hurricane um all these yard waste because the ash it's absolutely amazing um fertilization for the plants so we don't need that have you thought about us because like in the CID nobody could put the mask on our faces there's no cowboys you know the horns of the Cowboys are so big we will be against of every rules every restrictions and I love that guy who said that we're going to a socialism I came from it I don't want to see that again that's why I came in America to have a freedom to have a choice I don't want anyone to force me I had enough in Soviet Union so and also people mention about that um these gentlemen said that um the options that you will be choosing I hope not you I hope everyone will be choosing I hope right so that is a Public's choice not the Commissioners is that correct no Commissioners the Commissioners seriously guys well we represent the public and that's why we're getting your input so we can make those decisions but I totally appreciate your comments I think that um we will definitely add them to the list and take them into consideration I I can tell you one thing that the farmers will not stop if that is the way you will be approving if you will approve that we will not stop we will constantly we'll be applying to remove that and one of the biggest problems again that um besides that we don't need any of these Services um why should we pay also I would like you to think about the snowbirds um if we would like to have a um people who will be even retiring in the future and um investors vant land as I mentioned and the Lots um and um longer term an understanding of this contract and increase on this price uh gentleman mentioned from Sebastian that it works well for him I agree absolutely someone who permanently lives in in a house single family home because condos they don't need um increase on that correct they have a dumpsters uh some um subdivisions with the town homes they have dumpsters um that's somehow needs to be also considered but uh um what is the maximum um population of Indian River County who is going to benefit that um I think um mostly it's not and I really really um I am against that all the farmers behind me against that investors and snowbirds I very positive on that thank you thank you so much I appreciate that yes sir one one quick question okay um on the question of the cost of these containers who has to do we pay extra for different size containers or or the containers automatically are included in the for that the the initial card cost is part of the contract uh the first exchange is free so there is no cost to go to a different size container if you want an additional cart if you're if one cart is not enough and you want an additional cart there is a one-time cost to to to the hauler to to obtain a new cart but your monthly cost would not change so what is the cost for an extra one in other words it it varies right now we don't have final pricing right now I want to say currently the Cur franchise I believe it's $60 for a cart but that's that's already figured into the bid that's part that those question answers to that question not an extra charge correct unless you get an extra container unless you get an extra one cor and they're going to give us three containers they depending on what option the board goes with yes all right thank you very much depends hi welcome hi thank you John shank from 495 23rd Avenue lwood unincorporated um I have to say we've come a long way I I remember in the 70s you could have put a body in the convenience center at 2: a.m. sure would agree with me thank you uh although you know I wouldn't know anything about that uh anyway um I currently have the subscription I think it's working I think anything close to what we have is great even even if it's part of the taxes you know uh I I can see that uh that card is going to be a problem for me I have a small lot but Big Trees you know but but if I can buy another one so what you know and as far as the convenience centers are going I think they're fantastic uh the only thing I would recommend with the garbage carts is that I clean mine out some of my neighbors don't they can put easily put a couple hundred flies into the air I think maybe we ought to consider every once in a while the county going through and just giving them a spray like they do in other in some other towns you know just to just to keep that Vector of infection down and I I know you know I've called before and I say hey do you guys have any way to clean it even if you could take it to a convenience center and just you know pop it in automated cleaner that'd be great I think that the new RFP does include supplemental services and one of those services that you could pay for um separately would be cart cleaning oh yeah but my point is you know if I I pay for it or I clean mine and my neighbor doesn't we still have the same they just go over there you know and do their fly thing or mosquito thing or whatever you know rats you're buzzing around I get it much thank you so much I appreciate it you go yes sir one quick question I live in Sebastian uhhuh now uh Waste Management has been sending me a bill yes they dropped off a container I don't know months ago I haven't used it I called the town up and asked them if I could bring the garbage field there cuz I don't didn't request it and is the count County going to be taking up the garbage now and I pay Sebastian separately and then the county or so for you you live in the city of Sebastian the city of Sebastian has their own contract with their own hauler so for you the only thing that we would take care of would be your recycling um so any questions you have related to garbage specifically would have to go through the town of the city of Sebastian but if you have a recycling cart because I know you mentioned that earlier that's too big we could help facilitate getting you a smaller one if you so desired but only for recycling and you pick up the yard waste too no in Sebastian Sebastian picks up the yard or their contractor picks up the yard waste thank you you're welcome welcome welcome hi my name is Jeff Brower I live at 1851 14th Avenue and I clean garbage cans for a living fantastic for real um I'm up here to talk to you about some of the services that I hope is considered when you review the new contracts the age of the trucks the age of the trucks need to be considered right now I believe in indan River County we probably have the oldest decrepit trucks throughout the state of Florida because of the rate we're paying everybody talks about hydraulic fluid on the roads yeah hydraulic lines break but every day I'm out cleaning bins I see broken down waste management trucks because they're so old Sebastian they got a new contract all of a sudden three new trucks appeared I was like okay that's how it works I guess that's how it's going to work um standardized routes periodically I send out surveys to all my customers I serve over 700 customers a month to clean their bins one of the questions I asked them what do you think of the service 38% of of the questionnaires they sent out came back I don't like the fact that they come in whether it's garbage or recycle they get it at 6 o' or 6:30 7 7:30 8:00 and then my other Camp my other B sits out there all day until they finally show up at 5:30 six sometimes 6 30 um there's no reason in this day and age with the electronics that there should be standardized routes you should be able to have a garbage and a recycle truck side loader work together start at the beginning of their daily route and ended their daily route right now I can't increase my business because I can only clean so much because of the way it's so mismatched one starts here one starts there well I have clean both bins I can't clean them until they're both empty because I'm not a Sanitation Company so this these are things that need to be looked at in the new in the new uh contract um because the people of any County they they deserve an Excellence of service and uh right now they're not getting that that's about all I have to say other than sorry Laura for the multitudes of emails I sent you couple a little while ago I've missed you lately thank you so much for your input all right anybody else from the public coming up ma'am my name is Marjorie Royal I live at 3925 62nd Avenue that's about four blocks west of the sheriff's office that gives you an indication and then at the end of the street you turn off 62nd Avenue and go to the end of the street um now what do I want to know um I want to tell you that I was trying to take one of the carts out the recycling cart which is bigger than this um two years ago I took it out and I fell um I went to the hospital did the did the rehab all the stuff you do when you fall when you get old and uh my H my son picked me up made sure that I got there and it was all before because of the part it was too big for me so forth and so on this this size cart would be much better so I think maybe you have some things that but I'm wondering about the size carts of the other two if you have this size for garbage and and yes ma'am okay great what size is that called 35 gallon so what it's called yes ma'am I live alone now because I've lost my husband I've lost my son on f fendol fenol um they say that's not in this County but believe me it's being sold in this County um and um they um I don't know what I was going to say I can't if you need a if while you're Gathering your thoughts if you need a smaller C you can give us a call and we can help facilitate okay can you give me that number because I don't have that number I Hamachi will give you his card and um you can reach out sorry hamu do you have enough cards hold on we're getting it for you can you give me the number of the man that said they he cleaned the carts or the garbage I tell you what yeah we we can't really do that but he knows where you are and it's on the back of his shirt on the back his shirt got do a stand up thank you I guarantee you he'll be over licky split all right thank you so much we appreciate your input yes sir welcome hopefully last one my name is Steven Hughes 7805 First Street Southwest I live out towards the dump and you've answered most of my questions and I appreciate that and uh what I'd like to uh I didn't understand whether the transfer stations were going to stay open yes absolutely I I encourage that because over the years we've seen many many people dumping things out there after hours and things like that from uh boat in the road no trailer uh trailers later on uh mattresses trees cut up uh blocking the roads and my personal favorite was a six foot shark you know so uh just wanted to encourage you to well not only do you find interesting things at the transfer stations but I'm from felsmere and that's where you go to find out who's doing what in town and all the hot gossip so we got to leave them open for that reason alone yeah yeah thank you we appreciate your comments yes ma'am okay Marie again um just to be crystal clear I'm in the city of Sebastian yes ma'am so the county waste management contract has nothing to do with me correct that's correct well I've called the city manager's office several times and the secretary told me it was the county the only thing that we if you were in the city limits of the city of Sebastian the only thing that we do for you is the recycling okay so the garbage collection is a contract that the city of Sebastian has with waste management and we as the county have nothing to do with that okay so even though it's Waste Management it's two different contracts it's two different contract you have nothing to do with it correct and their contract that they signed without taking a vote from the residents correct thank you you're welcome all right anybody body else they meet tonight at 6 o' they meet tonight at city of Sebastian it's about else I think they're allowed to speak so Debbie Perez um 6165 1 Street Southwest I just want to address this gentleman here um because we're subscription service we cannot run the garbage and recycling routes simultaneously because we pick up one home on subscription have to go three or four homes so that's the only reason it can't be standardized did you understand so because we're subscription garbage service we canot run the garbage truck and recycling truck at the same time because not everybody has garbage service everybody has recycled no but you could start the same area well maybe this is a conversation that could happen offline after the meeting just to keep us all moving forward all right anybody else from the public Commissioners any other questions comments or concerns before I it to Hamachi for a wrapup did Sue make a video or something like a Carter's Corner JY video to wrap up this Workshop that would I feel like you missed an opportunity there so but yeah we have I have to wear it next time going to dress up as to bring Carter in you want to go over the are you going to go over the next steps or yes okay sorry commission no you're good so Commissioners again thank you for this opportunity for the special call meeting uh thank you to the public that that attended I think uh we heard a lot of great input um so the next step is to get your uh you know we said no decisions but we would certainly like your input on this is would you like to have the next meeting at the regular board meeting on April 23rd 2024 again uh the selection committee would be coming to you with a recommendation on on one of the four options um or would you like to have another special call meeting like this uh on on Wednesday April 24th Commissioners do you have a preference M chairman I think probably a special call meeting would be in order I mean up to the turnout we had today I'm sure we may even have more out I I got to admit I was wrong about the turnout today I didn't think it would be as many people that were here earlier I'm glad to see it but I would say it's probably going to take up about the same amount of time as today it's just my opinion I'm good either way what every Wier side is a I would defer to the group whichever you prefer the only thing I'll point out is on the morning of the 24th we do have an ah Haack meeting at 9: so it would have to be we'll work with the County Administrator to make sure we look at all of your schedules and try to pick a time does that work for you gentlemen on my other side here that's special call meeting okay yeah again we wanted to do it about four weeks from now just to give everybody an opportunity to kind of understand the process and whatnot uh we as staff I know this was a big presentation at the beginning but we will be going over more things than just residential one thing I didn't mention about residential is we do have back door service for folks that need it that service would continue with the new franchise okay um but we would be talking about multif family talk more about Commercial Services and so on and so forth and other other provisions of the contract fantastic all right well anything ladies no well I appreciate everybody from the public being here thank you for your input please stay engaged in the process and as soon as we have a time for our next meeting we'll let you know and with that we stand adjourned