##VIDEO ID:DF8dQOn5fe0## oob 2424 thankful for this for all Ser Grant counil govern interest issues of our times the ability to work together Harmony even when disagreement a sense of the Ws of flag States indice uh Madam clerk if you can call the role please mayor Foley here vice mayor Carol here council member alwat here council member Smith here council member Altieri here let the record show all members are present all right item two agenda reordering deletions or emergency additions uh the town manager will have one request uh to move an item up uh from from item nine and are there any other requests from Council before we do that okay um Mr harping you want to move item 9 e up to 9B yes Mr Mayor okay uh is there a motion to approve the agenda as amended so all in favor all right thank you very much uh we'll start item number three uh we have a presentation on sea turtle and artificial light information in the County's habitat conservation program presentation uh we're looking forward to this uh noticed in the in the media today since we're entering Turtle season that there was some very nice coverage of uh sea turtle rescues and the things that are being done to make sure that uh we coexist in what was of course their habitat before it was ours so uh with that please take it away good morning members of the council my name is Quinton Bergman I am the IND River County's uh Coastal resource manager uh today we have a great presentation for you from our uh sea turtle Environmental Specialist Jess studinski um she's been with the county for about six years or six months I she took the role that I previously held as the sea turtle Environmental Specialist so um without further Ado thank you good morning everybody uh Jess tuzinski as Quinton said um grateful to be with you all today to talk about sea turtles artificial lighting and the County's habitat conservation plan as many of you may know we have seven species of sea turtles globally three of those species are common nesters here in Indian River County that's the loggerhead the leatherback and the green sea turtle all species of sea turtle are listed as either threatened or endangered species and our nesting season here in Indian River County starts March 1st every year and runs through the end of October so about a week left of our nesting season for 2024 so during that time during ing season we have hundreds of females coming ashore to lay eggs on the beach so this typically happens at night a female will come ashore deposit eggs in the sand she'll cover that nest and head back to the water these females will lay multiple clutches of eggs per nesting season typically at like a two week interval and they don't nest every year because it's a huge energetic expense they usually will take a year or sometimes up to 5 years off in between nesting Seasons once those eggs are deposited they will incub inate in the sand for about 55 days hopefully that clutch of eggs will hatch those hatchlings will come to the surface and then hopefully make their way down to the water um and it's important to note that sea turtles are highly visual animals and part of that Trek to the water they're using visual cues to find that ocean from The Nest site um statistics show that about 1 in 1,000 to one in 10,000 C turtles will actually make it to reproductive age which is about 20 to 30 years of age so each one of these females in the population is incredibly valuable so Indian River County hosts some of the highest density nesting in the State of Florida which is fantastic back in 2004 20 years ago the county was issued an incidental take permit from the US fishion Wildlife service a requirement of that ITP was the development of a habitat conservation plan or an hcp and the goal of that hcp was to improve the productivity of our beaches here in Indian River County as sea turtle nesting habitat and the hcp is made up of four components or pillars and those are listed on the screen there the first one was the development and implementation of a sea turtle conservation program or monitoring program the second was an artificial light Management program which we're going to talk about a little bit today thirdly was the development of a predator control plan and then fourthly was to expand upon our education and Outreach programs within the county so sea turtle monitoring all 22 miles of our beaches here in the county are monitored on a daily basis from March through October each year um the the boundaries of monitoring start at Sebastian Inlet and go down to the St Lucy County Line and that's broken down into six different Management areas monitoring is primarily performed by two groups there's a small section of beach that's covered by Disney's conservation team but the bulk of the monitoring is performed by um our consultant the County's consultant ecological Associates or eai so every morning many of you may have seen ATVs out on the beach at Sunrise these are the surveyors looking to document all of the nesting activity from the night prior they are marking with stakes and flagging a subset of sea turtle nests with the intent to monitor those nests through their incubation period And then after those nests have hatched they will go in and excavate or inventory those contents to determine how successful those nests were so that's happening every day uh during the nesting season and all of that data is handed over to uh Indian River County and this is what we we get from those efforts so this is all of our nesting activity our total number of nests that we've documented on our beaches here in the county since the implementation of our hcp in 2005 each one of these lines on the screen is representative of a different species so the Top Line the black one is loggerhead sea turtles which are our most prevalent or abundant species in the county that middle line is for green sea turtles and the bottom line is for for leather back sea turtles and you can see that since 2005 all of our Nest numbers are continuing to increase which is fantastic news for us here those red stars that you're seeing indicate the highest nesting year on record for each species so as many folks know last year 2023 broke a lot of Records not just in the county but Statewide it was a record-breaking year for both loggerheads and green sea turtles and the year before it was a record-breaking year for leatherback sea turtles um importantly we know that sea turtles aren't nesting every single year as I said they usually take multiple years off between nesting Seasons so what you typically see is a very high year followed by maybe an average or below average year and that's what we are trending to see so far this year in 2024 I think most people when we hear the word average um maybe it doesn't sound as As Nice or is good but average is an okay year and expected and so for 2024 we've got about a week left in our nesting season and these numbers are pretty much totals for the year but we're average for leatherbacks we're average for loggerheads and we're slightly below average for greens this year and in total still over 8,000 nests on our 22 miles of beach which is incredible um I'll also just note that these tables are updated weekly and they can be found on the County's website Indian River dot.gov so as we know there are numerous Global and local threats to sea turtles um many of which are on the screen here here in Indian River County we're often dealing with uh predation or maybe impacts from domestic dogs there might be impacts from other nesting Turtles on the beach entanglement in fishing gear or interactions with vessels um but the one I want to chat about today is light pollution so artificial lighting and Wildlife artificial lighting is technically defined as um light that's emanating from a man-made Source or structure so as these turtl nests have continued to increase in our County so too has Coastal development and I should note that's not just here in our County that's throughout the State of Florida and with increased development you typically see an increase in artificial Lighting in coastal areas as well those sea turtles are very visual animals and artificial lighting can alter their behavior artificial lighting can generally have one of three impacts on Wildlife it can attract Wildlife which basically puts them in an area where they shouldn't be that's the case of sea turtles where often they're attracted to a light and they might end up in somebody's pool in their backyard or maybe on a roadway where they're susceptible to a vehicle strike um it can also artificial liting could also repel animals which prevents an animal from being in the habitat that it needs it's actually a form of habitat loss or thirdly it can alter the patterns of sea turtles whether that's I'm sorry the patterns of animals whether that's sleeping patterns or reproductive patterns or other behaviors so we know based on studies that sea turtles are attracted to short wavelengths which are your bright white lights and they're less disturbed by long wavelengths which are your your oranges and red uh lights or wavelengths you can see the visible light spectrum there on the screen and those wavelengths that are longer are turtle friendly lights less impacted lights to see turtles so what are the impacts artificial lightning can impact Turtles at different life stages um first focus on nesting females so these Turtles are coming ashore to Nest typically at night and let's say a female comes ashore comes out of the water and sees a bright light on the beach that in and of itself can be enough to deter that female from uh doing her nesting attempt she can go back into the water and will have to find another suitable location to Nest lighting can also impact Turtles at almost any stage in the nesting process so what this might look like is a turtle will come ashore the nesting process can take multiple hours depending on the species she could be digging her egg chamber about to deposit her eggs and maybe there's folks walking on the beach with flashlights or bright cell phones she can abandon that nesting attempt go back to the water and that would result in what we call a false crawl or an unsuccessful nesting attempt and we see evidence of this on the beach in the morning on our surveys we can follow her track and see exactly what uh what she did and often times we might see the human footprints around the nest side or it might be very obvious that there's a light source nearby that may have abandoned that nesting attempt so that's nesting females but there's also potential for lighting to impact hatchlings which is the bulk of what we see here in Indian River County so there are about a 100 eggs in each clutch of a a sea turtle nest these these hatchlings all hatch at once they come to the surface of the sand and their goal is to move towards the brightest Horizon so on a natural Beach think about the you know nice Dune profile behind a nest and nice Dune vegetation creates a pretty dark silhouette behind a nest site and the brightest Horizon would be the reflection of the moon or the stars on the ocean surface but often what you see instead is something like this instead of all of your hatchling tracks kind of starting at the nest site and funneling perfectly down to the water line instead you see hatchling tracks kind of all over the place they're Meandering down the beach maybe going back towards the Dune instead of the water they might be doing some circles that's what we call a disorientation event and we see evidence of this again during those morning surveys so disorientation events can be yeah for 2022 that outlier year where the disorientation events were double what they normally are yeah so on average we're seeing around 80 disorientation events per year in Indian River County um I don't know what was going on in 2022 my best guess would be that it was a low nesting year and so our rate of detection was higher so 2023 as you remember was record-breaking last year and our surveyors you know some days are spending 10 plus hours on the beach just trying to finish their morning survey often time disorientation events are really hard to detect because only a small sample only about 10% of our total nests on the beach are marked with those stakes and flagging tape so you can imagine a surveyor zooming down the beach on an ATV trying to keep track of everything that's going on on that beach oftentimes disorientation events go unreported so that would be my guess um but any it's important to note that any delay on the beach for sea turtles can result in them becoming dehydrated exhausted uh increasing their rate of predation and ultimately that animal can perish um so as I mentioned about 80 disorientation events that we're seeing every year in Indian River County our surveyors are documenting these and Reporting them to FWC which is the state agency that monitors this um in Florida so what are we doing about artificial light management this is a component two in our habitat conservation Plan and there's a few things that our hcp requires the first is a preseason lighting letter that goes out before nesting season each year uh to all of our beachfront property owners in unincorporated Indian River County so this is essentially a letter that says hey everyone get ready we're about to go into sea turtle nessing season our lighting ordinance is about to go into effect here's what you can do to make sure you're compliant with our lighting ordinance um so that's step one step two is our HTP requires the county to perform two annual lighting surveys each year so the county has a contract again with eai ecological Associates to go out and perform these lighting surveys annually and what that looks like is a lighting specialist will go out on an ATV at night and they will document um any light that is out of compliance with the County's lighting ordinance once they get back they will put that in a report form like you can see on the screen here that report gets passed along to the county um which goes to our code enforcement officers and then they can work with befront property owners to bring all those lights into compliance so that's the second component and then the third component that the hcp requires again are those documenting those disorientation events that surveyors are seeing on the beach every morning in the field Jessica just before you move off this slide why do the preseason lighting letters only go out to the unincorporated County uh unincorporated county is all that's specified in our hcp all 22 miles of beach in the county are covered under a lighting ordinance it just might not be uh Indian River County's lighting ordinance all of our local municipalities have their own separate ordinance as well that might have their own specific requirements okay but it would seem to make sense to me you sent it out the all I mean we're IND River Shores as part of the county bu Beach is part of the County oring uh so may maybe something to think about maybe you can't do it I don't know yeah great food for that I'm not sure why uh we focus just on un unincorporated Indian River County but I know that frequently throughout the nesting season the county works with property owners all across the county to help address lighting issues too so good food for thought for sure um aside from our hcp requirements uh I'll also just just mention that the county also has uh nourishment project requirements or permit requirements for our beach nourishment or sand placement projects which I'll just highlight here again those permit requirements for for nourishment projects require two lighting surveys for the nesting season following construction um and then a summary report of those surveys and any corrective actions are then sent to FWC and D our regulatory agency we've got hcp requirements and then permit requirements for specific projects that the county works on excuse me do yes does the county or uh other agencies perform so we're about to do a major nourish Beach nourishment um does the county do a survey before the beach nourishment event and then after the beach nourishment event to determine the potential ill effects of nourishment upon false crawls and and it's not a disorientation issue I think it's more of a migration issue yeah so Quinton please correct me if I'm wrong but there are uh different requirements depending on where you're working so if a nurse project let's say was happening in unincorporated County because we have the HCB requirement to do lighting surveys twice a year an annually we would have the before and after um for certain areas like the sector 4 project that's upcoming I believe we did not have a lighting survey last year but we will have one because it's required on the permit for this project specifically go ahead yeah exactly that our our construction permits don't require that we do a pre-season or pre nourishment lighting survey um however um because of our hcp we do have that ability in some some areas um for this sector 4 project coming up we were not required to do that um however we do have the nesting data so you mentioned false crawls we do have the data on false crawls just not on the lighting ordinances and there there are monitoring there are certain monitoring beaches within for instance sector 4 right how many monitoring sectors are there within the sector um so as far as Beach nourishment we have eight management sectors that's for Coastal erosion um for the hcp and the habitat conservation for the Habit habitat conservation plan we have Management areas they don't necessarily align the Management areas for the hcp more align with jur jurisdictional boundaries while the man the sectors for Beach renourishment do a lot more on the coastal processes yeah and one of the Management areas outlined in our hcp is Indian Rivers Shores which makes up about 25% of the nesting in the county which is pretty incredible okay so what can we do about artificial lighting of all of the threats uh globally and locally I do feel like artificial lighting is the one that's most tangible um the best option for sea turtles is obviously no lights but recognizing that's not always a practical solution to our needs uh it's better to ask yourself uh what's the purpose of the light is it for safety reasons are we trying to write uh light a walkway or a crossover is it for Aesthetics to show off your property or maybe you're Landscaping is it for compliance uh regardless of the purpose of the light there's usually a wildli friendly option available um I'll just highlight a few what we call Golden rules that the county supports these are put out by FWC uh to make sure lighting is wildlife friendly the first rule uh of which is keep it low and low refers to mounting the light fixture as low to the ground as possible so you can see in these photos here all of these light fixtures are mounted very low and it's just lighting the area where the light is intended to be it's not lighting the surrounding uh area or the atmosphere above so you can see how dark it is kind of above that Railway there and it's just lighting the pathway uh where the light is desired so keeping it low is the first Golden Rule the second rule is to keep it long and long refers to a long wavelength which we briefly talked about already but again those sea turtles are less affected by long wavelengths and FWC classifies Turtle friendly lighting is lighting that's 560 nanometers or greater um often times when you buy products it will have the wav length on the product label so 560 or greater is considered to be Turtle friendly so keeping it long refers to a long wavelength and then finally to keep it shielded um keeping it shielded means that you can't actually see the light source ating from that fixture and it's also allowing The Shield is allowing that light to be directed downward again where you want that light to be and not wasting the energy to go up into the atmosphere so you can see on a lot of these pictures here you can see that there's light emanating from there but you can't actually see the bulb or the source of the light um which is helpful to anything on the beach so not be able to see that light source so what we say is a general rule of thumb or takeaway is that if light from an artificial source is visible to a person standing on a beach that light is likely to cause problems for the sea turtles that Nest there so if you can see a light source from the beach that will likely cause problems for sea turtles nesting there as well there's a plenty of fantastic resources available out there I'm just going to mention two today and the QR codes are are also there if you're interested in checking these out they can be found on myfwc.com but back in I believe 2015 FWC developed a a model lighting ordinance for marine turtle protection so as I mentioned um all 22 miles are covered uh under a sea turtle protection ordinance during the nesting season here in the county but uh if anyone is interested in revising or U you know editing their ordinance uh in any way this is essentially a template that FWC developed that local municipalities can reference to make sure that uh their ordinance is effective for marine turtle protection so that's available it's a fantastic resource and the other one I'll mention today is FWC also has a a wonderful certified Wildlife lighting program so this is a pretty rigorous program where uh manufacturers can basically uh propose that their fixture uh go through this Wildlife lighting program FWC reviews it and if it's approved it will get listed on their website so you can go to the website and let's say you're looking for a a wallmounted light or a pole light or a baller or whatever the situation might be to meet your needs you can click on that link and it'll take you to a really comprehensive document of all fixtures that FWC has approved to be certified Wildlife friendly and it has all the specs in there it has the uh product information manufacturer Etc so it's basically like an online shopping guide uh that FWC has to make sure that your your fixtures are Wildlife friendly which is a fantastic option as well and then finally I just wanted to highlight um obviously the town of Indian River Shores has a sea turtle protection ordinance and just across the street here you can see the beach with with all of those points on that map and each one of those points is a a sea turtle crawl from this nesting season I think this one was from end of August or early September so there's even more uh dots that should be on that map by this time but just want to demonstrate how valuable and important our nesting beaches are in Indian River County specifically in the town of Indian River Shores super highdensity nesting and anything we can do to to better uh to keep our our nesting habitat productive is is in our interest and with that I'm happy to uh answer any question questions that folks may have all right are there any questions from Council starting with um council member Smith how do we deal I mean it seems to me the the major light major source of light that's cast on the beach isn't so much landscape lighting and walkway lighting but the lights from the buildings themselves the lights that come out through the windows yeah my memory is that there's some sort of code requirement for tinted glass or green GRE glass is it is that to what extent is that um used throughout say Indian River Shores yeah or the county yep you're corrected that most of our uh lighting issues that we see are actually from interior lighting and there's kind of two uh solutions to interior lighting well three really you can remove the light source you can close your your blinds curtains or drapes at night um or you can have window tinting um FWC recommends a 45 % visual light transmittance for window tinting I don't know what percentage of our residents in the county or specifically in the town that have that um and I'm not sure what the cost is off the top of my head but it is a a recommendation I also don't know the ease with which uh window tinting can be put on winds after the fact do you know yeah but it's um it's a viable solution and one that's known to work to help reduce uh impacts on nesting sea turtles but but is it a required it's not it's not a requirement no I don't know I should also mention um I can't speak directly to the the town's code but uh uh from the unincorporated ordinance it is not a requirement um it's an option to be compliant okay thanks yeah B mayor Carol no questions but I would like to compliment you on your presentation it was excellent very informative and you did a great job thank you appreciate it council member Alward no questions um okay so I have a c-spot run kind of question here um uh the other items have been covered uh ay by the rest of council so um without sand obviously there's no nesting um we're going through a uh an effort to try to get our our sector for designated as critically eroded U that will enable us to tap into some resources that will allow for for you know greater sand locations and depositions so in my true to true to form cpot run style if if there were AOS of events that um reduced the available nesting areas do those Turtles go to the next available area or um or is there a preference for them to stay in the same location yeah so it depends I mean it in Indian River County there is still suitable nesting locations if you know if a female goes to nest and there's you know a seaw wall there and the water is already going up to the seaw wall obviously she won't Nest there she'll find another location um it just depends on the female but you're right in that these turtles need sand to nest and as our beaches continue to um erode obviously the turtles don't know if they've laid a clutch you know 30 days ago that the that location May erode in the future especially if there's you know storm impacts like this recent hurricane that we had so I guess the short answer would be like we need the sand so the turtles can Nest there um and study so we for each one of these sand placement projects that we do we have our control and reference areas in relation to to sea turtle nesting so we have the success of how well those nests have done in the project area and then how well they've done in the nearby controller reference area and our recent studies show that the nests are actually more successful the productivity is better or better in the renourished areas and the control areas which is a a fantastic sign since we're continuing to pursue these sand placement projects but that's good news but to your point if we lose nesting habitat these females will have to go elsewhere whether that's North whether that's South um but but considering Indian River county is such a high density nesting area that's a lot of females to to move around yeah that was that was the thrust of my my question which is that there there probably has to be some saturation point where you know only so many females can feel comfortable going and nesting in a location well thank you uh very much for outstanding presentation um of of the uh the quality I I rated a 10 plus because you know we really um I learned an awful lot and uh it was in digestible form um normally we wait for members of the public to make comments um later in the program is there anybody here that would would like to ask some questions or is interested in uh any aspects of the presentation if so you don't have to wait till item 14 you can you can come forward and speak now or ask a question question now yes sir question can can you approach can you approach the podium and uh just state your name I'm just curious about the uh the can you state your sir can you state your name and you know my name is Joe serno okay good to meet you all all right just wondering about the leather back why there's not that many of them compared to the loggerhead you know just curious it's a great question it's because they're uh they're more endangered than loggerheads there's just not as many of them out there in in our Waters okay they in danger due to Predators or just uh a a slew of threats uh leatherbacks are the the largest of our our sea turtle species and they are impacted by uh climate change by vessel strikes by Fisheries interactions by uh loss of nesting habitat all of the same reasons that our other Turtles are um but they are critically IND danger there's just yeah and in terms of yes level of threat the leather back sea turtles are are most endangered on the Spectrum at least for the turtles that we have here in Indian River County great yeah really really cool to see and it's fantastic this is kind of the northern range of leatherbacks as well here in Indian River County the bulk of nesting is just south of us kind of in the Palm Beach County area so if you go down there you will see a higher uh population of leatherbacks there but still same situation in comparison to our loggerheads which are threatened in our greens which are endangered there's just not as many leather backs as there are for other species yeah yeah anybody else from the public like to make a comment or ask a question about the presentation all right good um so there are at least two followup items in my mind that we can we can take from this which is the council member outwater's Point U maybe we could look into some kind of coordination for you know mailing early in the season to our to our residents with the county uh to to let U unless that's underway already I see you jumping up and my question so please no that was that was a great comment by uh Mr I here um jurisdictional boundaries do dictating the separation of the ordinances so our ordinance the County's ordinance does not apply for the residents that live inside of IND Shores however we are happy to coordinate with with your staff and your code enforcement to to help deliver any sort of of pre-season lighting letter um in that letter we also typically will will throw in some other good information as well so we're happy to share that letter with your staff and and have that that group effort all right I I think that's a good item to follow up on um councilman aler do you want to yeah I just uh in terms of this discussion and what was brought up about sand and nesting and so forth and this may be an unfair question I'll ask a Quinton anyway uh he's he's used to that for me at the beach insurers preservation meeting do you know if FD when they look at whether to make a sector to beach the critically erot a designation do they take the Marine uh Turtle nesting activity into account as one of their criteria that's that's a great question so does d uh consider marine turtle nesting activity when they they uh make a determination on critically eroded areas um that's a great question I I I would imagine that's going to be a better question asked of d I do not know that answer um if I had to uh guess I know that marine turtle activity is handled by FWC as Wildlife Commission and D is the one uh giving out and dedicating areas that are critically eroded great excellent question um the second item uh potentially to follow up on um going to council member Al's uh query about uh lighting ambient lighting emanating from the buildings um you know the least burdensome alternative is always education and um maybe as part of that uh letter sent out we can uh remind people that during T Turtle nesting season it's very simple for them to just if they don't have the protective glass that they can they can just close their blinds um and in that way they avoid people in future years sitting up here like us saying well do we have to now actually mandate people to go to the expense of uh having to put that in it's a very simple fix if people just are educated and cooperate so maybe we can write that down before anybody forgets uh when we send the letters out next year uh Mr Mayor if I may yes um I don't know if we have the last slide available um Heather the very last one uh the sea turtle lighting survey results should just be a tab on at the very end uh yeah it'll look like that hether should be very loud there you go um uh Mr Mayor if I may um the uh town has um since the reconstitution and enhancement of the code enforcement uh activities here uh we've gotten a lot more involved in uh formal sea turtle lighting survey activity uh this year and want to thank our County Partners For You Know helping us out a lot uh we did an internal uh staff generated uh sea turtle lighting survey as noted in um uh in May uh we sent uh letters course respondence followup we then determined that uh the best course of action would be to use the uh um uh eai the Count's vendor uh for consistency to do our own sea turtle lighting surveys so we've done uh three during this Turtle nesting season and you can see that the uh number of sites in violation um decreased greatly and I I think your your point very well taken Mr Mayor and that once uh while we did not this year do preseason letters uh we we plan on it and they'll be very consistent with with the county letter so everything is similar but once uh the the people in town that we contacted and gave them the educational material and stuff we got great compliance uh very quickly um so with the exception of um uh the things that we've already done we will go ahead and Institute the pre Turtle uh nesting season sort of informational educational letter uh sounds sounds terrific thank you very much uh yeah and I you know we we all know our residents uh they all want to help and if we just let them know know what we're asking of them uh we usually have a very very high uh compliance Factor nobody wants to site anybody for a violation that's the The Last Resort so what did how do you always put it uh educate uh encourage and enforce all right all right thank you very much uh if there's nothing else we're good good thank you for your time thank you for all your good work thanks thank you you all right excuse me mayor um I'm not sure if we would like to have one of the gentlemen come up and talk about sector 4 or should we wait till my report later on um I think we would wait to your report later on because this agenda item was specifically geared toward the turtle presentation this is just a presentation so thank you very much council member Smith uh all right item four do we have any comments from the public regarding agenda items not just general issues but anything on agenda items all right seeing none we will move to the consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda um we have some items requiring roll call votes so let's have a roll call vote on this hi vice mayor Carol hi council member aater hi council member Smith hi council member aleri hi let the record show the motion passes unanimously all right and I know that all of these were denoted as approval but the interlocal agreement I kind of thought may require roll call vote which is why I did it so all right thanks um mayor's report item 6A staff Commendation on Hurricane Milton I think with hurricane Milton we also have to include the ef3 tornado that doesn't have a name um in in a phrase we were extremely lucky uh if you take a look at either on the ground or an aerial survey uh the tornado exited when I walked it off about 25 yards south of our town border of town border line uh we were literally um tens of yards to hundreds of yards away from being in the path of of the uh of the tornado so uh we were extremely lucky our neighbors to the South were not as lucky uh there was some significant damage um you know from bahiamar through behind the Village Market um the first Commendation goes out to our Public Safety department and our town manager um who was working in concert with them uh while we we fared much much better than our neighbors to the South um within minutes of the ef3 tornado uh hitting I was notified by by Mr harpring that U he and our Public Safety officers were responding to assist uh those in need uh outside our jurisdiction in the city of Ero Beach because we were the closest on on site um we were the quickest to respond respond and uh obviously the the city of Viro Beach was um was dealing with much greater damage throughout throughout their municipality so it's a commodation on um on individuals uh but a commodation on the department as well because they all worked in concert and uh we all owe great Deb of gratitude uh for those for those helping our neighbors in um to the South and um it's comforting to know that if it were us there would be that quick response effective response as well uh we can all really pray and and thank God for our blessings that uh there was no loss of life and really no serious injury uh even in that area to the south of the town but uh job well done to all of [Applause] you and if you could please pass that on to the uh bulk of the department who's not here I know they all played a significant role in that um further the Commendation um uh Mr Haring I I want to you know say on my personal opinion and I hope uh Council Echoes this uh the communications were outstanding uh keeping Council you know fully aware of the situation on the ground and what was happening um is not just important it's essential and then the communications to the community in Indian River Shores was also outstanding um I think uh I think education is is um uh a premium in um letting people know that the situation is under control if they do have an issue where they can where they can turn to for help uh that's not something that happened uh the day of the tragedy it happened uh the days leading up to it and so excellent job in communicating um I think it it it calmed some some folks that U actually it just avoided Panic U this is a situation that could have lent itself to panic very easily we've not seen an event like this we've had hurricanes but we've SE an ef3 tornado to my knowledge in the State of Florida at least for the last 100 years when they've been you know keeping this data um so job well done on the administrative staff and that also includes Janice Lucy Heather the whole the whole group if I'm missing names um please let me know um lastly I was deeply impressed lastly on this topic um I was I was deeply impressed with how we helped our own you know you made sure that if any of our for a need that lived outside our jurisdiction um there were resources available to them from us and uh that's that's a job well done that's the kind of ethic we want uh from our employees we help each other so great job on that um it also approved the value of inter agency agreements so you know it was we we get these things and we approve them and we say are we ever going to use these um when are we ever going to need a fire truck from this jurisdiction or that jurisdiction well it goes to show you we on the giving end um someday going forward we may be on the receiving end so um great job and keeping on top of that um I don't know I don't know why my my mind went here but after uh we got the report that there were no significant structural uh damage to uh buildings in the town um and there was no serious threat to um to to life or health in our in our town um my mind immediately went to the the whole discussion had last month about reserves you know we were we were debating whether or not you know we should give a fairly modest refund to people on a mill rate uh I think the average I calculated was a little bit less than $100 maybe a little bit more than $100 uh or to put to bank I believe it a little over $600,000 in reserves so um here's my conclusion and it's my conclusion only you know but for a quarter of a mile that's $600,000 wouldn't even been enough to cover so we have to continue to look at this we're going to we're going to have more of these events not fewer of them most likely going forward so um I think better safe than sorry was uh was good and um that's that's that's money well well put in the bank for peace of mind right um all right uh the next item uh the speed limit um I don't know if anybody's here to talk about the speed limit change from Fred Turk going south of 35 miles per hour hour um I I will say that the the comments I've got are overwhelmingly in favor of it um I will say this the comments overwhelmingly in favor of it are the people that live from Fred Turk to the south portion of town where the speed limit has been lowered um I did receive a couple of comments saying why do we do that uh there's always you know heavy traffic there anyway so I did ask well in one instance if there's heavy traffic what difference does the speed limit make because you're going Bumper to Bumper in season anyway um it's it's not our jurisdiction um fot sets the speed limit on that road but I think it's fair to say that the town supports the reduction in in that speed limit to 35 we did have a fatality and a loss of life life incident U this calendar year there um whether that speed limit reduction would have prevented that is up for Up For Debate you really can't say but um uh at least the feedback I'm getting is it's um it's positive um it's positive particularly since it looks like we're at an impass at least for the time being on installing a sidewalk down uh down below um near the 7-Eleven um our next meeting well just Mr Mayor on on that point that is getting that speed Lev lower is a crucial factor for them to move forward on getting the the crosswalk great about that so okay well Mark Shaw and I are going to get it done all right thank you we appreciate that and Brian yesterday I was coming down A1A and there was a gentleman Crossing um a couple of cars ahead of me and he he definitely wouldn't have made it I mean he he was not aware and he probably would have been hit if the speed limit been a little bit higher great thank you council member Smith thank you council member Alat it's um so we can understand then that that reduction limit is a step on the way to putting a sidewalk in there great okay terrific glad to know that uh November we will have an organizational meeting uh just alerting the public that uh that's an annual meeting that we have uh it's not uh the third or rather the last Thursday of the month as usual because of Thanksgiving so we will be having it on November is it 14th November 14th will be our organizational meeting for the year uh and um we will be um um at that point um seating a new member of council Mr Daye who's in the audience here and uh we will be uh saying goodbye to council member Smith who um I was going to save this until after the town manager review but I think it's an appropriate point now to to say uh council member Smith this is always bittersweet because it's been an honor and a pleasure to work with you over the past four years um that's the bitter part knowing that you're not going to be here we're not going to have your your Sage advice your talent your wisdom particularly all the hard work you did on Beach and Shores um but also on on all of the other issues that um we benefited greatly and the residents of the Town benefited greatly from having you um having you do your hard work and opine on on issues of importance to our community um the only sweet part I can think of is that with the removal of the Sunshine Law we're we're now able to actually have a drink talk um maybe play around to golf together and socialize uh for those of you who don't know we're we're pretty much prohibited under best practices from having any social interaction with uh with fellow members of council I know it's a stupid rule it's not ours somebody else made it in Tallahasse um but you know it's been I can't say enough um I can't say enough to and thanking you personally for the support you've given me and the rest of the staff of town um over the past several years it's just been um it's just been fantastic so uh I look forward also to having the the unbridled informal uh advice that you can give as a former council member um that's been done in the past and you know that's that's another criticism I have of it is that um you know sometimes if we were uh if we were able to talk more freely about issues um you have insights that you know often times maybe we would have thought wow I wish we could have talked about that when we were actually making a decision on that but here we are so um we have a token of our appreciation from Council in the town that we're going to give you and then I'm going to let everybody else uh everybody else talk about their service with you so why don't you why don't we take it just jump right on in we don't need to have a formality here it's beautiful oh thank you so much before everybody jumps in um I can't wait for the unbridled discussions I've really I've really had to hold back so many times but but you all have just been wonderful to me um it's just been a pleasure um we don't get paid for this work but it was almost like that I I just wanted to do it because of how much I learned and how great the people were that I worked with and was exposed to so many things that I never would have been exposed to before so for that I thank all of you thank all of you for supporting me and um I'll miss the meetings so thank you thank you we will miss you uh and she's been a dear friend of mine for all of that time she was also instrument encouraging me to raise my hand and participate um in Town Council and um we haven't been able to talk about issues for the last two years but we' we have on occasion had dinner together um uh she she I've been enjoyed sitting side by side with you on the de and I've enjoyed our time together and thank you very very much for all you've done for me and for this community it's been really very rewarding I've also been friends with Mary Alice for 30 years or so and um one of the things that I uh take great pride in and very thankful for is uh playing um probably a minor role but a role nevertheless in recruiting ing Mary Alice to come on Counsel and spending uh literally hours with her on the phone talking about the responsibilities associated with uh with the position and I knew Mary Alice prior to those conversations socially and through golf but as a result of those conversations it was a great uh um uh insight to me uh how effective she was going to be on Council because the breadth and depth of the questions that she asked really took me to task um and uh forced me to Think Through uh my own responsibilities so U it's been wonderful serving with you um um over the course of the last four years Mary Alis and I have a routine Believe It or Not In addition to uh coming to Council meetings together and that is we see each other in the John's Island Fitness Center at about 9:50 each Monday morning while I'm stretching after a workout and she's going through the tail ends of her Pilates routine and uh going forward I'll be able to say to her something in more than morning Mary alisar you it's been great working with you well Mar Mary Alice you correctly point out that you don't do this for the money it's for public service and giving back to the community and I used to tell my team that Superior decision making requires many different perspectives I agree with the vice mayor you brought perspectives that I didn't think about in terms of of different issues and and good questions and I I think you help make us a better uh uh councel uh Team people don't understand you sp we have this meeting generally last about three hours but you have you have other meetings you have committee meetings you have to learn the numbers and and so forth and it it takes a lot of time and uh we'll we'll miss those perspectives so uh thank you for your service to to all of us uh thank you Mr Mayor just on behalf of Staff um I'd like to let Council know to of course I know Sam and Jim will be prepared but um we have heard um council member Smith unbridled uh thoughts and opinions on a variety of things in the office and we appreciate that and it's always made us all better and uh kept us moving forward and we're just grateful to have had the opportunity to uh to to serve you uh and help you serve the community which you have done in an exemplary Manner and we're uh just wishing the best and hope we keep seeing you in the office than thank you [Applause] thank uh Public Safety has a tradition for an outgoing council member so we have a white helmet and the fire service white helmet is reserved for chief officers so on behalf of the men and women of the public safety department we'd like to present you with one of our official fire helmets with a council member t [Applause] got put it on let's see and just remember Mary Alis next time there is a fire alarm we expect to see you on the front all right so after the council meeting if Council can stick around we're just going to take a picture or two of Mary Ellis in the fire helmet with us uh with us standing by her so uh thank you for this it's beautiful you're you're very welcome U very welcome all right thank you all right moving on uh to item 6B uh Town manager review um we'll start from uh Mary Allison move from Mary Ellis down down the deis um I I will say this that um this this will be a um you know a the formal review but I I think most council members and I know I do uh we give Jim a review probably more often than he wants on a daily or at least weekly basis but uh let's do this as the formality so Mary Alice if you could kindly uh begin with your review of our town manager Mr har okay so um Jim has been a a wonderful help to me the entire time that I've been on the council and he's never made me feel silly or stupid if I've asked some questions so yesterday we met and I had um some observations of my time with Jim and I'm going to try to keep it kind of simple um but I think that Jim is excellent in communication he's clear and concise which we just talked about after the um the tornado event um um he's well prepared for unforeseen events which I think we've just experienced with the recent tornado event um he has created a new and and healthy team for our town so much different from when I first joined four years ago to how it is now he's moved away from the way things used to be U to a more forward thinking process in the organization and he's taken just a dynamic path forward with our Personnel um just some of the changes Janice um our town clerk reporting to him the consent agenda streamlining our meetings and numerous other things that I I I can't even remember at this point um then um we talked about the future since I won't be here and um I know I'll be unbridled later but um we talked about uh simplifying and improving some of our government rules and ex and I mean and things that we've always done because we've always done them um I've asked him to look at some of our committees and how necessary some of the Committees are like the pension the planning and uh the financial committees and do we really need all of those inputs just because that's what we've always done um I've asked him to tackle the issue of offseason meetings um which I think were a detriment to me and I think a detriment to the recruitment of future council members um I've asked them to look ahead you know 5 years ahead to let's see how where Public Safety is it's such an important part of our town and let's not be afraid Jim to be afraid to ask for money to fulfill these these wants and needs to keep Indian River Shores just as self-sufficient as it was obviously in this past tornado and then lastly although we love Jim and we love all the staff you know I've asked him to think about succession planning and and where we will be in the next five years so um I I couldn't be more proud of of working with you and just talking about what a great job you've done so thank you Jim um I've I've worked with Jim now for two years I've been on the council for two years um Jim's job is 247 I mean he he is there not only for the town but all of the members of the C Council 247 we have his cell phone number he has ours um I've reached out to him on numerous occasions on weekends he's always there um his management skills are wonderful um he what does a great job with uh with the team here um to marry Alice's Point um he doesn't just think about today and tomorrow and this week and next month he thinks about where's this town going to be 5 years from now uh and that's what we need so um only complimentary things Jim I like you thought you've done a great job for the two years that I've known you so thank you very much thank you um I Echo everything uh Mary Alis said about the specific issues and I it reminded me that um you may not remember this but during the interview process when we were looking for a u a new town manager three years ago coming up on four in March um I um somehow stumbled into the the portion of the conversation about um what does it take you know to kind of get rid of somebody and um I think u i I'll paraphrase it but um you said basically um the fireable offence is saying that's the way we've always done things um and that was that's my rule number one if if you're confronting a question an issue and an improvement and the answer you get back is well that's the way we've always done things uh you have to really wonder whether or not that that person still fits within the organization or any Organization for that matter beyond that um I don't make to meet make you sound um terribly mean or over likee as a as a manager because I know that um your preference is to work with people um and um in that role you are a customer service guy to the people in the town you don't you don't look at yourself as a government official a bureaucrat dealing with uh citizens you look at yourself as dealing with customers and that's a wonderfully healthy way to look at how to interact with a town particularly one of this size um so keep up that good work the um the other thing I will say is that um without belaboring the point that Mary Alice made which is you know the Personnel changes that have been welcome uh I think we've got a wonderfully functioning group but you also took inventory within the town and decided you know who's who's capable of kind of filling a role here that we need before hiring a consultant spending money going outside the town and doing those things hiring search groups and stuff like that and I don't want to embarrass uh a number of people in the town by singling them out but we have some folks that are performing roles that they just didn't perform four years ago and their critical roles whether they be uh code enforcement public Works we're we're accomplishing so much more than we did in years past with the same and in some instances less staff um so keep up the good work I know you know that in your heart you believe there's always room for improvement but when you get someone like me saying nothing comes to mind uh that that means that that means that I haven't identified yet what we need to work on and that's good that means you're not working on past problems you're you're ready willing and capable of confronting the future issues that we're going to have moving ahead I would just say that um on the financial side we used to incorporate a financial discussion into this another major major Improvement that really was recommended by you was let's not do this each year you know let let's have you evaluated with the rest of the Town staff so basically your increase is is matched to whatever the town staff's increase is on on a budget basis so that we're not fumbling around for for dollars and cents and um while it's efficient and while it's easier for us because we don't have to fill out forms and then guess what every other council member is going to put down as a number for your raise uh because we're not allowed to talk to each other except in public and that gets a little awkward um what it does is it it shows me that you're saying you're very content to be measured not just by your performance by the performance of your team and that speaks volumes about your leadership so keep up the good work uh we're all going to have challenges going forward um sounds like we may have a few more now that Mary Alice can be unbridled and tell us exactly what we need to work on but um those will be welcome welcome challenges and we look forward to hearing the information and working on them thank you Jim uh Jim and I spent some time together yesterday afternoon and I'd like to go over a few of the points that uh we discussed I made and we discussed um first um congratulations on your multiple accomplishments uh the past 12 months or so um uh you did uh from my perspective the work of two or three people um uh over the course of the of the last 12 months um the first thing I'd like to uh the next thing I'd like to uh say is that to compliment you on the staff that you've assembled uh how professional they are um and um how um the staff is made up of um what I would call high quality performers and um at the same time uh you've done a very effective job of dealing with non performers um uh the mayor made a point about uh customer service um my phrase for that is Service delivery management um and I know from U several uh instances over the course of the last 12 months how prompt courteous and accurate your responses have been to not only questions that I put forward but questions that I have forwarded to you from members of the from residents in the uh in the town um and I think that um your responses and the way you've handled yourself uh uh you you've truly demonstrated an appreciation for the unique culture uh in in the town uh you've been terrific in anticipating uh issues that the town uh must deal with um and uh as it relates to the various policies that uh We've we've U um that you put forward um I've always found that uh your proposals have been uh extremely informative always very accurate um um and um I think you've worked extraordinarily efficiently and effectively with Council to make those policies uh come to life um planning um uh uh it's it's been said and I would reiterate that uh you've you've always presented clear and effective and um um understandable agendas budgets you've managed the allocation of Financial Resources well and um U I would also reiterate what others have said that uh you've demonstrated a capacity for superb written and oral Communications um I think you fostered U uh ethical behaviors uh amongst uh members of the staff you've demonstrated Integrity in the way that you've conducted yourself um you've demonstrated an ability to be adaptable and to cope with unanticipated and potentially stressful situations most recently with with Milton and the tornadoes that uh uh damaged the area south of town and um uh even though uh I can't I can no longer find it I know that once upon a time we did have a mission statement um and I recall uh from it uh certain points but uh I think that you have done a fantastic job of demonstrating the town's values um uh and objectives and last but not least I think you've also demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement um it's been great working with you uh over the course of the last several months and I would say that relative to where we are today compared with um the way things were six years ago when Brian and I started on Council Elon Musk would be jealous of how many light years ahead we are so congratulations on that vice mayor appreciate very much okay uh similar to the vice mayor I met with uh with Jim for you know roughly an hour earlier in the week and uh I gave him a sheet of paper looking at six different criteria with a performance scale one doesn't does not meet expectations three meets expectations five exceeds expectation I'll go through you very quickly it's like one and a half pages and I want to spend because some of the points were reiterated by my uh colleagues relationships with Council uh I gave him four we talked about the messages on the breaking events very well done communication packet and and realize well these are Jim's things he ownes them but at the same time he put together a team that brings these fruition as he pointed out to me he doesn't do it himself so uh so all things good uh there in terms of uh message so forth one thing I did ask him as an area Improvement is that uh in my opinion too many times department heads are absent for Council meetings and if Council wants to talk to them they don't have the opportunity he recognized that he going to do a a better uh job on that uh fiscal management I rang a four uh he and Heather a really good track in the annual budget going after grants personnel management uh a five I mean really built a good team in the in the office there uh over in uh the public safety uh Mr Bryant in public uh Works does a does a fantastic job under managing the organization uh one last thing I want to say on personnel management is important to me because haven't been here a long time the as rate in public safety department is much more acceptable than it was uh year years ago so that's a that's a real big positive there under managing the organization of five some of these overlap with the personnel management again public works Town Clerk the code enforcement process being improved uh there I think is is really good it's being done on a systematic bases it's not just a oneof which it I felt like it used to be years ago uh we're spending the money on the capital infrastructure projects nobody wants to spend money but at the same time these are things that have to be done to to just improve our operation and also Harden the uh the campus to a to a storm and and we're making really good progress on the cyber security side which I frankly was pretty pretty concerned about so a five there relations with the public we talked about that uh before a lot uh five uh on that and then relations with uh other governments so he came up with the idea working with the county on piggybacking and a newly negotiated trash hauling project I was at a home Property Owners Association meeting in my uh my community and I had uh I brought up you know what the new rates are going to be down the line compared to what we're paying on the Republic Services the first time in my admittedly somewhat limited career as a public service that somebody came up and gave me a high five so that doesn't happen too too often uh there I mean the work on the Dune restoration you know I it's been a been a long fight since 2015 we're almost at the finish line but we in terms of critical eroded we got the same for the doing replenishment that's something that's always bugged the hell out of me that we we couldn't do that and and the anchor limitation agreement working that out with the county so for all those things I I think you've you've done a really excellent job in the last year and I Echo the comments of my colleagues so thank you for the work you did um this is always dangerous but if you want to do a self-appraisal you can otherwise you can just thank you we you can move on thank you I just would like to Mr Mayor um certainly uh recognize it's a privilege to serve the people of the town uh the council members and to work with uh the amazing staff that we have right now uh and just to Echo and amplify uh that we I think the town and the citizens are very fortunate to have the the team assembled that we have here uh watching out for their best interests uh in a fiscally responsible way uh but uh again it's a just a great team we've assembled but most importantly I think the council has been very supportive of the actions and the things that we've wanted to do and um thank you all right looking forward to 2025 then uh the problem with achieving a high bar is you know the bar gets a little higher now so um we look forward to all the challenges we have going forward all right council member items is there uh any any issue that the council m wants to bring up at this point that hasn't been brought up already no okay well do you want me to talk about sector 4 now or later yes well we can do that um see I don't we can do that now while we have these folks here if that's what you're waiting for um otherwise it's going to be at the end of the meeting so I mean do you want to do you want to have a presentation first Quint to come up and just then we'll see he's the best yeah would be happy to talk about sector four while we're here great great opportunity um because we are about to kick off the project um we uh have had a couple press releases again for the record Quinton Bergman Coastal resource manager for Indian River County um sector 4 uh long time coming happy that it's we're finally here so November 1st we're going to expect a couple of truck truck Hall truck loads of sand and then uh November 4th it's going to be full swing so just to uh recap sector four is a beach management segment in Indian County one of our eight it is approximately 3 miles long it starts somewhere on the north side of John's Island and extends all the way down to Mariner Village um the project was put out to bid and the county recently just accept the County Commissioners just accepted and awarded that bid to Dickerson infrastructure for about $6.6 million the Project's going to haul in 135,000 cubic yards of sand from an Upland Min source so this is not a dredge project this is an Upland mine s project um this project is also permitted to install Dune plants we have four different species primarily Sea Oats uh we're talking about about 150,000 plants that are going to be installed on top of the Dune um that's going to be a great component uh funding for this project uh 6.6 million is quite a bit of money uh we're getting assistance grant assistance from Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Environmental Management or Emergency Management sorry um and then we also we just got some good news we do qualify for the leftover money in the Florida's hurricane Ian and Nicole re restoration reimbursement grant program that's a mouthful um that one is a first come first serve basis so we're we're doing what we can to make sure we get that funding uh available so and then the the local funds are provided by Indian River County through our tourist uh uh tourist development tax um with that I'm happy to answer any questions that council members have yeah so Quinton just um let's get back to the Upland signed and sand and the trucks coming over the bridges I just want everybody to be prepared for people from town asking questions so just walk us through how many trucks what time do they start yeah do they go back and forth several times happy to great question and I will start off too that uh uh your staff and I Jim uh Mr Haring we met on earli this week and we had a great conversation about Communications and messaging so we are in lops lock step there so there's going to be a lot of good communication coming out uh here soon uh as far as the trucks go the contractor has indicated that they're going to utilize a subcontractor to to provide the trucks he's looking about about 25 trucks on The Daily and those are going those trucks are going to make multiple rounds so the mine is located uh just over the the county line in Fort Pierce uh indrio Road in 95 that the truckers are pro most likely we can expect them to take the the path of lease resistance that seems to be right now up through the across Barber Bridge or or maybe the 17th bridge and up through the city of virau beach to our three access points we have three permanent access points one is starting in the north is Turtle Trail beach park that's our property we can utilize that one pretty easily um we also have agreement with a property owner inside of John's Island as well as John's Island Property Owners Association so we're going to utilize a vacant parcel there and then the last one we uh agreed upon with with the town's help is to utilize Beach comr so the contractor has those options it's up to him on on how to use those those are the means and methods that's going to be depicted by the contractor um what we can anticipate is a possible closure of those those two public parks um Beach comr and turtle Trail if the contractor decides to move in there it is in the contract that they do have they have site restoration as well answer all the anything else will they use more more than one access point at a time or possibly if they do it'll have to be approved they'll have to ask us for permission to utilize two at the same time okay I'm good you're good um Mr harping and I had a communication yesterday we have some residents asking about the traffic issues on A1A and um you pointed out that you know sometime after November 1st we would have this so I think um probably a good idea to have an information blurb set ready to go so if inquiries come in from staff they can let them know precisely what is happening what these trucks are there for and why they're where they're doing it the the FPL repair trucks and the AT&T trucks we we really can't control or provide very accurate information on that but um if we get that information out um hopefully as part of a separate email to to our and then have staff know how to how to respond to that I think that would be helpful and Mr Mayor we're going to uh we plan on and have coordinated uh with our friends of the county on language uh for um for this communication um so we're going to be putting it in our newsletter we're going to be putting it on our website but the town is also going to send out um to our residents on our mailing list all of our residents a standalone card that has all the information we're going to be posting so uh everyone should have it and staff will be prepared to address that additionally Public Safety is aware are the the trucking issues public works so um we just really appreciate the cooperation with the county all right thank you very much uh couple of comments I'll also make too is that in for this work we do have some blackout periods which I think we're all going to appreciate right around the holidays so you can expect about one week around Thanksgiving no no Trucking no hauling no work there and about two weeks around the the Christmas to New Year's period and um if I may I do have a response for uh council member altwater on the D turtle habitat question if I may the uh according to 62b uh Florida rule it is mentioned that uh Upland development recreational interest wildlife habitat or important cultural resources are threatened or lost are also considered thank you yeah great thank you perect anything anything further thank you no um Mr harping do you need do you need County staff here for the rest of the meeting you're welcome to stay I'm just I don't I don't know that you want you want you want to take the exit stage left okay gotcha all right thank you very much all right we're going to move to item 8 a uh under discussion with possible or I'm sorry uh is that an add-on yeah I'm sorry my my mistake yes okay 78 okay so we had Aion perance the town and coun heard pers run if you look on first are Pages directly of consult report F comp f they per unforunately weid funds sorry forgot to do it are very ill ill liquid funds and I I'll mention that in a second so uh looking on the next page if you look at the uh uh uh gray gray bars uh that is the range that the investment committee decides in terms of how they're going to all the uh the assets so that committee or that board consists of two members from Public Safety two members that are appointed by the town and the fifth member which is elected by by the uh other four the black line indicates the center of the range and then the gray in indicates the uh the range which is permissible where they don't have to do do anything so you can see the uh the green Mark there is where we Curr currently understand because stocks have performed so well that has moved above the line but it's still with inside the policy lines so okay now let's get the hard Heart Of The Matter uh here the total fund uh performance up at the the top which is in the a a section if you look at one year uh the fund because stocks have done so well is up 22.45% but versus its Benchmark it's still underperformed by uh 1 0 2% over three years it's underp by 1.78% versus The Benchmark and then negative 3.3% the good news is by going to these index funds that underperformance has been uh narrowed now if you go to boxby Manning and Napier uh they have uh substantially underperformed their Benchmark over last year if you look across here uh even though they were up 19.3 7% versus the index they underperformed by 8.39% now there could be swings from one year to the next but they've underperformed in three years and five years the committee made it the board rather made the decision on Tuesday to sell out of that fund and buy a Index Fund which matches the Russell one value index advantage of that is well you lose the chance for outperformance you also lose the chance for underperformance and the fee goes down from 0.45% I believe to about 0.5 uh 0.05% so and you can see the Fidelity 500 Index Fund because large cap stocks have done well on the cbox was up 36% on the on on the year uh flipping to the next page uh D and E are different types of uh bond funds and they they have performed well so there's really not too much to uh talk about here now this is my Bugaboo that I've talked about before these real estate funds they're in Standalone accounts which directly buy they might be uh apartment complexes uh commercial Office Buildings and and so forth and the These funds have been a real drag on the performance of the overall pension fund results in not only the uh town taxpayers to contribute more but the public safety personnel having to uh contribute more so if you so that's box F if you go to the next page I'm going to just give you a little bit more uh detail here so um well actually let's let's let's go one more page if you could please Heather yeah no okay so if you go to the next page these are the estimated annual fees that each of these subcomponents charge uh the the fund and they obviously recommend a dra cause a drag on performance look at the bottom InterContinental real estate and the principal real estate they charge 1.10% substantially higher than any other investment well for the privilege of paying that fee we're getting lousy performance so if you flip back to the next page you'll see that uh box after there you will see that the over one year they under they had a negative 8.25% and 3 years they were still negative but here's the kicker and I've brought this up before instead of owning in a liquid fund they could have bought bought a real estate investment Index Fund now last year was up 34.2% they can really swing back and forth but if you look at the three-year performance of the Vanguard read fund if you bought a Fidelity refund it would be the same thing it had a 2.5% return annualized over three years versus almost a -2% for these funds that we pay these these high fees on so the board is trying to take money out of those funds here's the problem everybody else is trying to do it so those funds own properties the only way they get cash flow to uh fund redemptions they have to sell a building they'll try to sell an office building right now when people are St still not coming back to work uh if you look at uh warehouses which have done pretty well drive down I95 particularly south of the uh county line St Lucy County there are so many warehouses being put up that things are being flooded with that so forth so two years ago in 2022 they TR they tried to redeem out of their uh $1.8 million investment in real estate they tried to redeem a lousy $300,000 out of that because every everybody else is doing that only 15 to 20% of that order has been filled you can't get out it's it's like the roach Hotel you go in but you can't can't get out this is why that board in the future really has to think about doing anything from a uh an ill liquid s because you just get trapped in the in these things if they had gotten out and put in anything else the performance would have been so much uh uh uh better so hopefully they've learned their lesson there was some talk that the consultant was thinking about putting them in the no liquid infrastructure fund I'm going that has dropped off the side that comes up again I'm going to bring up these things so you know overall from a total fund perspective it was it was an okay year certainly better than some of the some of the other years but you know this this has direct impact on the uh on the paychecks of our Rank and file public safety department uh that said uh I would say the uh the performance of the of the members now they're much more engaged than they were uh two or three years ago and so that's that's a positive so I'd be happy to take any uh any questions so any questions for Mr aler all right okay okay yes and I'm sorry you're just um comments from the public are usually the end but you know if if you'd like to do that that's that's fine no no come on up now you can we let the county guys go we might as well good morning my name is Roseanne salaro and I'd like to know what percent funded is this plan uh we don't have the uh the current numbers uh last year was what like uh was 105 no was about n it was about 97% uh funded so we're if I had to make guests given the performance of the stock market and this is just don't hold me to it I bet we might be at 110% thank you and one other thing I'll point at that and this is this Council wants to make sure that the pension fund is is funded properly not like most governments in this country not only are we fully funded on the pension fund but in addition the there's a fund called an OPB fun which basically funds retiree Health uh contributions were substantially over overfunded if you look at the amount of overfunding with with both of these combined I think you can probably count on two hands in this country how many people are in that situation so you know we believe in our commitment to public safety personnel and as well as the rest of the town's Personnel thank you thank you thank you councilman eler and um I propo to this Mr Haring and I had a conversation a couple of days ago a few conversations the past couple of weeks but um with all the noise about other issues in this election cycle the one that seems to have been um orphaned is is the discussion of uh underfunding of pension plans throughout U throughout the country um it'll come back and there are some states some municipalities in the Northeast in particular and the Midwest and we don't have to call them out they're they're they're uh they're they're in crisis mode uh couple of bad performance years and they're going to be under their statutory minimum so um I think uh to your point councilman our uh our um our participants in these plans have to understand and if they don't we we are remiss in not letting them understand the benefit of having a well-funded fully funded um Pension Plan and the potential disastrous effects it could have on their benefits when it comes time to take those benefits if uh if anything were to happen to that system so that's that's a responsibility I know this Council long before any of us up here were here took very very seriously there was that old um old saying what are we a pension plan with a town built around it or something like that um uh it's it's probably one of the most um important UH responsibilities we have that being said because of the current statutory structure of this we have very limited abil to make meaningful change uh we can make suggestions but we don't have a majority of uh of the pension board it's U you know statutorily defined as two picked by um two picked by the public safety department two- picked by us and then a tiebreaker um you know kind of sounds like how teams were picked for kickball back in the day um but um the best we can do is to continue to use the um the Keen Insight of people who were in this industry before notably Mr aler and vice mayor Carol um you and I are lawyers we we understand enough to be dangerous Mary Alice was was in that but um all we can do is exercise persuasive Authority and continue to um to try to bring forward to them the you know the tangible impact this has on on what they pay out and what they will get going forward so uh with that thank you for your hard work on this I know you pay very close attention to it and it's greatly appreciated and I apologize for missing 75 um 7B I it wasn't wasn't on my agenda item I wasn't wasn't trying to skip it on purpose thank you for your report all right okay uh there's no 7 C on a on an agenda that I have is there so let's move to item 8A um discussion with possible to probable action ordinance number 575 amendment to article six the code of ordinances the planning zoning and variance board um second reading before I ask Mr Sweeney to read that um this is an example of what council member Smith was bringing up you know going through and identifying areas in our in our mandates in our ordinance mandates that no longer makes sense and falls into that because we always did a category so uh take it with that thank you mayor amending and repealing the code of ordinances of the town of Indian River Shores Florida as follows article four planning zoning and Varian providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for scribers errors and providing for an effective date as mentioned this is the second reading are there any questions or comments from Council as it is a second reading if there are no further comments uh may have a motion and a second to approve so second uh roll call vote please mayor Carol mayor I'm sorry mayor Foley hi vice mayor Carol hi council member aler I counc member Smith council member Altier let the record show the motion passes unanimously all right resolution number 24-17 which is a non-ed valum assessment for solid waste uh before uh we'll let Mr harpin get in on this um this in my reading and understanding is a a purely ministerial act on our part uh basically to um adopt a procedure for the assessment of our Solid Waste costs throughout our municipality that's correct really there's no um it's pretty straightforward in that it just is going to authorize the uh uh what had been referred to as universal uh billing or collection um so it's the authorization to have that assessment um for solid waste as opposed to what we do now which is the direct billing from the vendor all right um any questions or comments from Council Mr Mayor if I may quickly read the title yes thank you Mr Mayor this is resolution number 2417 a resolution of the Town Shores in River County Florida electing to use the uniform method of collecting a non-ad arm special assessment to be levied within the Incorporated area of the town of Indian Shores stating the need for such Levy providing for administrative actions providing for conflicts providing for scribers errors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you are there any questions from Council or comments Mr alare uh from a procedural perspective does the town have to do anything or is that the property uh uh Assessor's job in terms of putting a role the tax Ro or non borm role together um Mr mayor council um Council I order this is the first step of essentially three steps this is sort of the enacting resolution allowing us to do it after the first of the year um sometime in the spring that will lead us to our second resolution where we will have the defined amounts expected per unit um and then as we approach the budgeting season late June July and finalize those we then will finalize that but you also see in here and I believe it's uh on the uh third section I'm sorry uh fourth section administrative actions and measures um it starts to let the property appraiser tax collector and also the State of Florida know that we will be utilizing that process we will work in conjunction with them much like we already do for our other regular adal process we have to give them the RO and confirm all of that so and counil brow there's no um uh administrative uh burden or effort on our part because the property praiser uh the tax collector already has the roles for the town residents I just wanted to make sure okay thank you yeah if anything there's less of an administrative burden because we won't be having people calling up saying I got double bill for my um for my account um one question um actually one com comment is that uh people are still able to have their own account with Republic Services should they decide to retain that account for things outside the scope of the new caring contract so for long hauls um um renting a uh a dumpster and things of that nature so uh people the residents should know that they can they can keep their Republic account if they want uh they just won't be required to bill for that so all right um this will not require a second reading so any other questions or not we'll take a roll call vote mayor FY I vice mayor Carol I council member aler I council member Smith Council Altieri let the record show the motion passes unanimously all right terrific uh moving from item eight to item nine uh we have um uh we have two officials that's why we made the uh the change building official report statistics uh will be up next um I understand you guys are in training in a seminar and took yesu doing some training today and tomorrow uh good morning Mr Mayor vice mayor and members of council um in addition to the September submitted report I do not have any further information to discuss with councel but I'll open it up for questions any any residents uh contact you with concern of structural damage as a result of the storms or we no sir still lucky in terms of the we're still lucky so far I'll I'll keep the town manager posted if I hear anything and then another uh another quick question um the structural Integrity Reserve studies uh by Statute have to start coming in at the end of uh end of the year correct anybody filed those yet or are they not the structural Integrity studies wait until the L yes sir they are I've been receiving Milestone inspections per the letter that I sent out and based on the CEOs of the buildings themselves but nothing to do with structural Integrity studies as of yet okay all right that's all I have thank you great thank you for once again dealing with an unfunded mandate you know things we're required to Handley legislature tells us to don't give us any money to do it right great thank you sir anything else from Mr H I have a question sure okay Mr aler how many of those reports are or how many buildings are quote required to do those those type of studies that you expect to eventually get for the Milestone inspection reports yeah inside the confin approximately 35 off the top of my head yes sir okay right we have a rolling spreadsheet that we have on files so when they come in we go ahead and log the reports but approximately 35 from what I can remember and like anything else there they're a public record correct I'm sorry like every everything else they are a public record correct yes sir they are yeah yes sir thank you great thank you thank you Mr hel all right we um we move code enforcement up to item 9B Mr Mike CR good morning sorry Sergeant Mike CR um other than what was provided in the packet for code enforcement I have no other updates um any questions concerns any additional work um you see from code enforcement as a result of the storms that's going to be U requiring more of your time as as of now no same with Mr held all right thank you anything from Council Mr alwat uh election signs I see they're starting to uh Sprout up pretty well what do you what what are you guys saying on that so uh up and down A1A a person named Kennedy who's running for an office have you seen that much of I haven't um just what was brought to my attention I believe it was yesterday or day before um I believe Larry grabbed those okay all right let's just thank you okay thanks any um so yeah we do need to be diligent because if one person sees a sign whether it's an election sign or not and obviously this has no reference to any you know any particular party it's it's you know content neutral which is required by the Constitution um and even Joe's mosquito service can't put up signs in that's correct so um you know and I've also seen some popping up and you've done an excellent job of uh um I'm sure they're trying to be helpful but contractors you know advertising services for yard and debris clean up and things like that so uh thank you for being diligent on that thank you right anything else all right um let's move to the town Treasurer report good morning um I've provided you my report um I'm available for any questions that you might have regarding us is there anything for Heather no the only item I have to update is we did get the August the firefighter supplemental revenue for the pension plan and it was $887,000 Prior year it was $40,000 this is the extra money that we get from their trust fund so it's it's random every year how much we get from that fund right I I do have one question since nobody else does and it's um it's on the uh ambulance reimbursement write off um I didn't go back and check but it looked to me to be higher than in previous years is that because we haven't made the collections yet from the first party providers or yeah oh for the ambulance um the fact that we haven't collected the monies on that yes that is because of the change healthare that they haven't built it so it hasn't been built and that's why we are currently in the process of trying to get a new provider because they had gotten um change Health Care back in February had gotten hit by a Cyber attack and basically it froze their system and will we will we eventually get that or we will with the new provider they can go back um I'm going to have to do some write off because of timing on it but we should be a majority to be able to get the majority of the funds with through because most of our money comes from Medicare so we will get reimbursed it's just it's timeing we got to get set up with the new vendor and then they have to go back and see what's been buil and reconcile and get those Billings to Medicare so that they can get the money okay understood thank you very much any anybody else no all right right thank you uh thank you uh Public Safety Chief good morning um in addition to my my standard um information I provide on a monthly basis I would like to bring you up to dat on a couple of other items um we had the uh complaint about the traffic issues in front of John's Island and the people the contractors coming in at 7:30 and creating the log jams there with the help of John's Island security we passed out some flyers uh to to all the contractors that were coming through whether were they were construction or yard maintenance or whatever the case might be um they've all been provided that we have uh we gave them a drop dead date of when we were going to start traffic enforcement in that area um started off with just warnings initially and now we've gone to the enforcement side of it um that has worked out very well for us if you notice come through there um prior to the 7:30 opening time you will not see anybody Park in the in the turn Lanes or in the uh in the medium of the the RightWay on A1A now so we've clean that that area up and we're happy with the support that we've got from John's Island with the notification of the contractors um the um construction of the facility next door that's going well um high praises for the contractor that that was selected by the town the communication has been tremendous um we know we can advance every every place that they're going to be everything that they're going to be doing um been very happy with uh with our Cooper internal cooperation with them and our Communications with them so that's going on very well um the uh uh We've you mayor mentioned earlier the speed limit reduction sign from from here south uh from Fred Fred Turk South um we have gone through the uh the education process on that we've put up this the signs and uh the blinking signs to make sure everybody's aware of that and we will slowly be moving into the enforcement phase of that making sure that we enforce that 35 mph speed limit and finally I'd like to bring up uh the the response to uh to the recent hurricane event that that occurred uh with with the town uh first and foremost um the uh uh to to my team to the to the folks that I work with day in and day out uh just a tremendous job that that they did we did bring some additional Staffing on online um prior of the storm and during that but um they they were out there they were involved um they they they made a difference to a lot of people not only in our in our community but also those just to the to the south of us and I'm very proud of the job that they did and all the services that they provided not only to this community but to the city of Viro Beach um thanks to my boss I tried to keep him informed the best that I could um sometimes to uh bring him up to speed as to what we're doing and sometimes to ask for forgiveness um but um uh it's uh I I fortunately for both of us we have worked together for many years together um uh in different roles um understand how each other work um and um it has paid off dividends when this when this event came through and it worked out very well for both of us I'll be happy to answer any questions but once again my my team just did my guys did a great job and and I could be prder of them so happy to answer any questions yeah as did you any uh any questions or comments so yeah it was you know from my perspective um and you guys have been doing this for a career where you know um we're unpaid public servants up here doing it as a volunteer um the communication and coordination uh with the county and intergovernmental never went better and um you know it was it was gratifying to see that so thank you uh thank you for bringing to Bear those personal resources and relationships should we need them in the future it's comforting to know they're there so thank you very much well thank you all right um Chief one more thing I'm sorry um I know you gu you guys bear the brunt of complaints about speed limit reductions and stuff like that but are are people generally you know are they understanding about it that the residents of the town I'm not talking about you know trucks zooming through I mean no no mostly after we explain the pro what has happened and that number one the town does not regulate that speed limit but it is a state function and a state highway um that usually calms it down quickly right there but um we haven't had any anybody really being irate um in in following those types of complaints with us terrific and you know to councilman alward's point I I think it's a good idea to let people know I didn't understand that this is a good step on the way to installing the uh the crosswalk that's very helpful information because we have overwhelming support for that so I think if our residents know well if you want the crosswalk in there here's here's one step along the way that actually helps I I think it I think it was a good idea anyway uh given what happened last year and um seeing people try to Race Across A1A and flip-flops which is not a good idea I've tried it U not a good idea try to run across the street um so I think maybe adding that to you know kind of letting any residents that complain about that know that this is one step on the way to the crosswalk may be helpful thank you very much appreciate it yes I'd just like to note that Captain Shaw was interviewed by quoted in 32963 on that very Point uh it's in the I think it's last week's edition of 32963 so uh the word is leaking out there well done by the way thank you um public works department Mr Bryant good morning Council um in addition to my report I don't have anything else to report on uh we are I am one one thing I am reporting on um I'm trying to keep on the city about the project going on with the ji Pipeline and keeping their job site cleaned up and well barricaded um um I did meet with somebody yesterday and they are following up with my request on it terrific thank you anything for Mr Brian do you know when they'll be done that that line coming to John's Island so the project end date is looking at Spring of 2025 so that all that area out by Fred Turk and all around there that'll be till the spring yes ma'am terrific anything else Mr aler what's the condition of the anchor that they damaged what's going on with that so right now it just looks like there's a little bit of spoils coming off of from the where they where the where the drill rig went through um I think that we it actually went through the anchor no no no no no no where're they passed by the outside edge of it um me and Mr Haring actually reviewed it the other day and we're looking at you know I'll let you speak on the historical side of it but um possibly restoring or having something done to help prolong the life of it I think that's going to cost at least a million dollars don't you think apparently they're not aware charge the city of Euro Beach they're not aware of our own anchoring limitations well we'll we'll we'll monitor the cost on that and U you know I I think you may be a little light on the estimate but we'll see thank you very much and thank you again um know you did an awful lot of overtime work and you know appreciate it so yes sir thank you thank you uh town clerk town clerk has no report this month all set all right thank you Town attorney Mr Sweeney Mr Mayor uh I don't have anything uh on any of the legal fronts to report but I'd like to take opportunity as um C Charter officer to just very quickly thank council member Smith um again thank you for your Insight your depth of understanding and and maybe most importantly your kindness for my time um serving you uh it has been my pleasure to work for and with you while I've been the town attorney and I wish you nothing but the best as you become a private citizen and get to return to that aspect of your life in the town of Indore so thank you that's it Mr Mayor thank you Mr mayor council um just want to do a brief uh summary and point out a couple things that that weren't mentioned uh probably based done some humility by our uh our staff regarding the uh the hurricane uh Milton response just Echo what you said Mr Mayor Town's very very fortunate we we were all there we saw you know we saw what happened um but a couple things that I I do want to amplify it have to do with the uh the preparation and the experience of our Personnel uh some of the foresight in um uh in getting a front end loader and and having it on lease for a period of time so we could actually use it we're available to use it and it made a it made a big difference uh during the response to the storm um certainly we know that uh a lot of the advanced work in in scheduling in public safety includes things like uh getting extra food getting extra water because we're manned here 247 uh and thinking about things like that um also um in our public work side um Larry and his team were out uh looking at the various sites that were not necessarily under our control but to ensure that you know the debris and the other things that are out there were uh were going to be addressed and I'll I'll I'll mention the the site out here uh in a minute but that was a that was a major issue and and great compliments to to our Public Works and to our building department on that uh our building department personel went out they did uh pre-site visits at all of the active construction sites um then our preliminary response uh Public Safety you know we do our um our damage assessment preliminarily then our building official and our uh our code enforcement officer go out and do uh more detailed damage uh assessment evaluations and termine if there's anything there on any of our previous substantial damage uh uh sites and homes that we have in our flood zones which we have a list of and they do um so there's just a lot that goes on regarding that and and there's uh there's really I can't compliment highly enough all of our department heads and their staffs uh along the lines um and you know people working at home Jan is putting out newsletters and getting out information for us um it was um uh it was very gratifying uh to work with such a great team uh during the response on behalf of the uh on behalf of the town do want to note U one thing that you may or may not have been aware of as as the response uh you know went on um uh there was some flooding in in in certain areas and our Public Safety folks went out with pumps and you know tried to clear those roads and and do some of that work which again you may not hear about uh as much uh Public Safety also went out we did a survey of the U of the waterways around town um there actually are some uh grants and there's a process right now for uh uh removal of debris uh or other other items outside of the anchoring limitation area or abandoned vessel piece fortunately we're in very very good shape uh in the town there's nothing that was observed in the uh in the the waterborne evaluation as it were uh so we're in we're in pretty good shape there uh really I think the I mean the damage that we saw in town was just the side of the 7-Eleven and the in the little Arch Archway just a little nothing substantive um I will note that uh as with every one of these items uh there are uh Lessons Learned uh from them and I just want to assure the council that uh myself and the department heads uh meet and talk and we have met and we have talked about uh what happened uh what did we do um you know how could we potentially um you know do anything better or any Lessons Learned so that's an important part of the experience Associated um associated with this I don't want to belabor the um the Doom project because uh Quinton covered it uh excellently uh we're not entirely sure the timing or the duration of any closures of beach comr we're just going to monitor that on a day-to-day basis um we've ordered some signs uh to put uh at basically at the at the A1A Beach comr um intersection here but then also down there one of the things that we're concerned about obviously is even though the contractor has people uh you know for safety measures associated with the equipment there's just a lot going on and it's and it's happening fast so uh we are we are monitoring that and keeping a very close eye on that um just quickly as to the uh as to the pipeline work I want to um compliment um our building official Fred held and and Jake Mike CR and our uh Public Works director uh Larry Bryant they've been they've been on the contractors they've been out there they've been really on top of them uh getting onto the city because it's it's a city project and um I I just want to specifically compliment Larry on some of his Communications that he had with uh last week to to make some things happen out here because it was an issue they the anchor was actually knocked down uh by back they put it back up and in regards to that um Janice was able to pull up some uh some history for us on the anchor of what we had um uh but uh as some things you know never come to mind this brought to mind the fact that we should probably get somebody out here uh I've reached out to the college locally they have archaeology uh Department have some of their folks come up take a look at it and let us know what they think in terms of uh long-term stability and maintenance for where it is right now um so that's uh that's it on the anchor other than that um uh Mar anything else just one question did they did they not see the anchor that's all I I I can't account for that because it's pretty it's pretty big and it sticks out so I don't know what happened places else reports ORS is and preferences generally the location the the alterate you know yes Mr Mayor so all those would be submitted back to our Clerk and would be I assume would be the appropriate sort of Clearing House to kind of get an idea and then we could streamline if there were some you know uh race for a particular position so to speak so don't think discuss Utilities Commission once again do not have a quorum so there's nothing better than prep preparing for a meeting going over there and sitting in the re Beach council chambers and find out you don't have a meeting so you know I you know that's is that two or three in a row now I think it might be three this year you think you're coming back not necessarily in a row really really rankles me okay so and you that is a problem of buau Beach city council because the way they appoint members to commissions is each council person picks one for themselves so they're not doing their job and it was brought up you know that the clerk has to contact those folks but frankly Mr Mayor I think that just shows you what council thinks of the value of those well well I I agree councilman aler and before I say something I regret because um uh several years in here has made me learn when not to say things I'm going to regret um I do want to think about this because an integral part of the what's left of the franchise agreement includes uh the Utility Commission meeting so that it's a forum where you know we have participation and U if there's if there's a um um let's call it a again I'm struggling to not say something I'm going to regret let's let's call it a uh a negligent appointment of people that consistently results in the lack of a quorum um that's aach of the reach of the franchise agreement and I'd like Mr Sweeney to give that some thought uh see what recourse we have um in the first instance it's probably going to be to you know make a demand on the you know city of Viro Beach Council to make sure that their people show up for the meetings or you know what do do what every other uh collegial Committee in the state state has which is an internal rule that if you if you miss two in a row you're out and then they have to appoint another member um so before I get myself fur exercise on this I trust um I trust your work something up and circulated among Council so that we can have a look at it before it goes out maybe approve it at the November meeting and send it on its way well and do you have any ideas further Mr well to your point they have made the decision let me step back for a second for people who don't don't follow this as part of the construction new water plant they're going to they're going to fund it completely with debt even though they've been sucking money money out of this Utility Fund forever and putting it back in their general fund to keep their taxes down so they're going to fund it almost entirely with debt so they have a process to select a bond uh underwriter and that has an impact on the Rays because it's going to be involving the fees that they charge uh that the underwriter charges the interest rates that might be paid on those you would think based on the ordinance since it tax cost and so forth that can that will come in front of Utilities Commission meeting no it's coming uh it's coming in front of the finance commission meeting now I don't know whether they did it on purpose because they you know they think I'm going to raise objection just for people know I worked in the bond business from 1978 to 2014 and uh I I I I managed the largest Municipal Bond Investment Group on the planet and uh when I left Vanguard uh team Iran was responsible for $750 billion in Assets in 2014 so I know a little bit about the bond market and they they move this over to the finance commission so I have to watch for that meeting unfortunately I have to do uh do some uh personal travel my luck they'll they'll out of there but if if I can get in that meeting um you know I I I I think their their process for scoring is complet is quite a bit off but should have come in front of Utilities Commission meeting I think clearly uh on that because it impacts cost and they they shoved it over there so it's just once once again the disrespect that comes out of the city of Viro Beach toward the town okay so um were you taking notes on that all right and and you can work with me and uh individually in councilman Alat and anybody else who wants to participate um we'll put something together we don't technically have to approve it at the meeting now that I think about it but um I think it's a good signpost to at least set that as a date to U by November 14th let's try to have something that we're all comfortable with to go out um all right um item number 13 call to audience we have some we have some members of the public here anybody wish to uh make a comment on anything at all having to do with the town or not not having to do with the town good morning again my name is Roseanne salaro I am the President of the board of Park shores of Vero Beach Condominium Association which is located on the south end of Park Shores right across from Fred Turk first I want to thank you all for your service thank you for the Emergency Response service thank you for the public safety service being a member on a board sometimes it's a thankless job um I'm here to talk about the lift stations along A1A that service all of the communities all of our communities um in the aftermath of Milton hurricane Milton we had power outages Park sure suffered a couple of days a couple of three days of a power power outage and the lift station was not working which caused sewage to back up in our streets to run into our storm water drainage system which runs into our pond and also caused our homeowners um not to be able to flush their toilets so so we have a few questions um I believe our lift station that serves Park Shores is number 69 which we heard was a chronic condition um but our questions are these do all the lift stations have backup generators and if if not is it possible to get a backup generator on each one so that when the power goes out the generator kicks in and number two is if this isn't your jurisdiction can you please direct us to to whose jurisdiction this is and can Indian River Shores represent the community in trying to resolve this situation um we did have a truck come out and they did apply lime to the streets that were affected um the lime is still there so I don't know when they're going to come back out I'm not even sure who came out but when they're going to come back out to power wash the streets so those are our two questions can we get generators and if you're not the proper people to speak to who is and can you intervene on our behalf thank you um Miss loros so you direct your questions to town manager we'll we'll take it up with him and we will uh get back to you in due course we will uh we will let you know that okay now would you like my phone number so someone can contact me certainly but if you direct the questions to Mr Haring just oh after this meeting yeah very good thank you so much just so you we're we're not oblivious of the problem we're aware of it um and you know timing is everything if we talked to them last week as they're trying to put the city of zuro beach back together again and in South Beach we're probably not going to have um you know the same kind of reception we'll have if we deal with this you know administratively in course to course I know they did put uh temporary generators in some of the lift stations but your your question questions are very well well taken and there ought to be a plan in place and uh while it's not our jurisdiction because it's not our water utility we're under a franchise agreement and there are minimum standards that they have to comply with so rest assured we will work on that with you thank you very much for your time thank you um anybody else if there's nothing further going once going twice we are adjourned until November 14th thank you good thank you