##VIDEO ID:XLXTEEsW-VE## all right I'll call the meeting order for the council meeting Monday August 19th 2024 please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one name under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh roll call the mayor is absent tonight so I'll be filling in for him it is not an official coup yet but give it time first thing on the agenda is approve the agenda with with any additions or delet s to the agenda motion to approve have a motion to approve do I have a second second have a second any discussion ask the question I I I I agenda approved approval of minutes of the Monday August 5th 2024 regular city council meeting I'll make that motion I have one motion to approve I have a second second have a second any discussion ask the question I I I I motion carries second to approve the minutes of the Monday August 12th 2024 Committee of the whole meeting move to approve I have a motion to approve second have a second to approve any discussion ask a question he hi hi hi motion carries next on the agenda is adopt the resolution approving transfer payment of claims and account payable we have transfers to the 401 permitted Improvement fund of 30 333333 from fund 601 water and from fund 603 sewer of the same amount of 33,333 33 we have transfers to fund 403 reserve for Capital outlay from water funds 601 of $1,693 and from fund 603 sewer of $ 5,874 25 per total transfer amount of $87,200 accounts payable claims for the city of International Falls of $61 15,470 41 and international false Public Library board claims of 3,781 and 787 for total counts payable claims of 619 $254 128 do I have a motion to accept so move I have a motion to accept the claims do I have a second second I have a second to accept any discussion ask a question I I I I motion carries is there anybody from the audience who wish to address a council that isn't on the agenda all right there will be another chance at the end of the meeting so to business consider appointment to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority board uh we have uh Richard De Benedict applied to be on the housing Redevelopment Authority board he is only one I believe is that correct P that is correct that's the only one we received and I spoke with the mayor and he did not have any additional so I'll accept a motion to uh I'll make a motion okay we have a motion we have a second second we have a second any discussion no discussion I'll ask a question right no I I Richard De Benedict is now a member of the housing Redevelopment Authority board under new business approv purchase of property located at 2232 2 Avenue East partial number 92-105 d11 Betty you want to sure give some information or an update I can um we have been working with kutasa in relation to that property located at the 22322 Avenue East um we had B back and forth a couple of times on a proposal from them we countered and then they came back and um at this time they are accepting our counter final proposal of the $5,000 for this property in which um we have discussions on housing our police department at this location and we had given them 30 days so so um I believe at this time it's a matter of you guys finalizing and um accepting that they did accept your final offer and then we can have the City attorney has already drafted and worked on the uh quick claim deed for that to move forward and I see Chelsea is online if she has any additional information to add I don't have anything additional I just know I think they wanted September 30th um so I don't know if that needs to be part of the motion or if we're doing a different date maybe make that part of the motion for whenever we're closing yes thank you Chelsea that is correct because we that one time they had spoke about an earlier the sooner the better for a closing and I did reach out to them and then she indicated no that they would prefer the September 30th to allow them finalize things at the property as well so yes effective date would be a September 30th closing right I'll uh accept the motion if there's one to purchase I'll make that motion second we have a motion in a second and just reiterate and they will have till September 30th for the closing so they can get all their stuff out and whatnot everybody's good with that M any you more discussion yeah I think included in a motion it should be said that the $5,000 was appropriate to them for moving expenses that's what we agreed on at that meeting that's what the motion said at that time yeah all right we good adding that to the motion y I'm good with that all right any other discussion uh yeah it is if that even though it's September 30th is it okay that we start looking and and chief can start and you start looking at what we need to do to get them in there yes they have offered to actually I think Chief already has a set of keys and they've given him permission to go in and look at the property a little more and start discussions on what we need to do there are things that need to be done immediately for some uh Renovations and um roof repairs and things so yes they have allowed us to to do start on those items correct yeah because I can they are moved out of there so they just have stuck I believe so if there's no more discussion um I will ask a question I I I now abstain because I am on the board of kutasa motion carries next on the agenda is approve 2025 Integrity employee benefits renewal do I have a motion that's anybody had a chance to look at it discussion Petty do you have anything to add on this NOP nothing of substantial um just that this is for life insurance that we purchase on behalf of our employees and then they have the option to purchase additional life insurance and long-term disability insurance um as pay own and as indicated the rates did not change from last year so this is I have a motion have a motion second I have a motion in a second any more discussion I'll ask a question hi hi I I motion carries next is pro approved resolution setting in hearing on proposed assessment of the cost of of improvement for pinous Paving of fth Avenue West between 9th Street and 20th Street and the hearing date is set for September 16th at 5:00 p.m. 2024 in the city hall do I have a motion I'll make that motion I have a motion do I have a second second I have a second any further discussion right ask a question hi hi I I motion carries next on the agenda Public Works recommendation approve advertising for Sixth Street Le service Water Service replacement project Ted Jason you the I got something thank you Council um this is part of the grant well it is it's a project where we got grant funding from the Minesota Department of Health to replace lead service lines from the curb stand into the house um we've got 27 houses between Fifth Street and 6th Street that uh we're uh going to include in this project um we're going to put the project out for for bid starting the 23rd I believe um and then the project will be done by the end of the season in 20125 um it's kind of been a long time coming with trying to develop a spec for for a project as unique as this normally Public Works doesn't work on private property so we need need to hire a contractor that um is basically going to do the water and the Sewer Lateral if it's in the same trench um up until about 5T from the house but then they're going to have to have a plumber on staff that takes it from 5T in to the house um due to the fact with dealing with the plumbing coat and whatnot so it's it's going to be interesting it's it's going to be a trial um we've we've got considerably more money but this is going to kind of be the to see how the prices come in because it's it it's going to be unique so um so this is the first time we ever done this but yep and this is 100 but for a good health cause yes yes yes it is yes it is but I will say that you know lead levels in our water have never been an issue okay but this is this is part of uh President Biden's infrastructure bill that came out a few years back okay um a 5-year program of trying to get you know the label of the program is get the lead out it's to eliminate all lead services so fifth and sixth was picked due to the fact that we got brand new water made so we know we've got copper to the curb stand so the damage to the street is going to be minimal it's going to be from the curb and we still think we you know depending on where the curb stand Falls you know we may lose a little bit of curve but we're not actually digging the street up whereas um seven Street stre 9th Street right we've got old water M we've got lead from from the main to the curb stand so we're trying to make those as part of a project where we're replacing the whole street because we have to get into the street so um I would encourage the public we're at less than 10 20% of people allowing us to inspect um you know this money is only going to be there so long and and right now they're covering 100% of the cost to the home owner so I would highly recommend anybody you know simple as taking a picture with a cell phone and sending it to us um you know because if they're not on the list and we run out of money it's you know the program is going to go away so um you know it's not very often you get a free water line and possibly a free Sewer Lateral if it's in the same trench so um I would I would strongly encourage the people to call the number on the the door hangers we're doing the letters we've sent out and and the stuff on the website so all right good any further questions there was some discussion about the sewer laterals whether the uh sewer is hooked into that and having to put a sum pump in is there any anything having to do a some pump along with that the homeowner has to do what what we're looking at doing right now is if the laterals in the same trench as the lead water line the city is going to do the investigation as part of the replacement of the Sewer Lateral um and then we're hoping to put some language in um you know because we have to do a contract with each individual homeowner right and and we're we're working on that contract right now you'll probably see that come back to you um one of the things we're we're looking at doing is trying to secure some mpca financing for the homeowner um because I don't want to make this about some pumps but if we're replacing the lateral and we find out that the homeowner is not in compliance with the sewer ordinance they're either going to have to pay to add the sump pump or we're going to have to start charging $100 a month until they do um so we're still trying to work that paperwork out um it's still not going to really stop anything that we're doing with with putting the the project out for bids but you know like we talked at Public Works you're going to see that come in front of you again um with some of the requirements of what the home has to do so thank you yep anything else all right I'll ask a question I'll make the motion oh yeah we better have a motion first I'll make the motion all right thank you second first we have a second now I'll ask a question I already said I I hi I I motion carries thanks Ted thanks Jason all right next we have legislation and land use committee recommendation approved 2024 license application for Timber Pins bowling center Andrea Howard for on sale Liquor on sale Sunday restaurant bowling alley and pool tables do I have a motion I have a motion to have a second a second have a second any other discussion I just like that I'm glad to see that somebody else is taken up the timber pins who have a bowling alley and when all the people talk to me all the time that we need something for the kids to do or we need a bowling alley while we have somebody here willing to start up a bowl and ell so it'll be nice to if you want it go use it as they say sh some support yep if there's no other discussion I will ask a question I I I I motion carries all right Committee of the whole recommendations approve certificate of local government approval for nonprofit organizations reing nesg funds from the state recipients Betty do you want got a little information sir um we were contacted by um the um director of servants for shelter Ariana Daniels and she's been working with her contact at the state this was a document that has been Overlook that they need on file for them to continue to getting their funding um um from the state it does not um make or qualify us to continue to support them in any manner it's just asking um us to verify that they are acting in the capacity of an emergency shelter um and do and are doing those activities within our community um and so that's what we have before us is um to authorize signing this document and so she can get it back to the the state for the her file all right we have a motion so move second have a motion in a second any more discussion ask a question I I I I motion carries next budget and finance committee recommendation consider first reading of order this series to amend section 2-9 salaries of Mayor and Council an ordinance amending the code of ordinances section 2-9 salaries of the mayor and councel the city council of the city of International Falls Minnesota does ordain as Falls the court of ordinances section 2-9 salaries of Mayor and counselor of the city of International Falls is here amended to read as follows Sal salaries of Mayor and counselor the monthly salary of the mayor and counselors shall include additional pay on a per meeting basis for each special council meeting or other meetings of any Advisory Board committee commission rep public entity to which such member is appointed by the mayor and city council as a representative of the city the per meeting pay shall be paid monthly upon certification in a moment as follows per meeting $55 half day meeting $75 full day meeting $150 meeting paid for attendance at International Falls Economic Development Authority regular and special meetings shall be paid from the Authority's budget for Minnesota statue 469 d95 sub division 4 do I have a motion I'll make that motion do I have a second second do we have any discussion yes but there's only one change and it's just the uh per meeting and that's 4550 it's a $10 increase just to be clear everything else is the same go ahead then and for further clarification this um would not take effect until January 1st of 2025 it it cannot take effect until after the next general election within our city so it will be January 1 of 25 that this increase of the $10 in the per meeting rate only um will be effective if it if it passes a second reading and then following the publication process right thank you I see that part now I'll have some question hi hi hi no motion carries 3 to one reports of all boards committees and department heads reports of the administrator you have anything Betty um I have nothing additional at this time no thank you okay uh City attorney do you have anything for us tonight I have nothing additional thank you all right Chief you have anything to add other than your report I'd just like to make a comment about the police department and the sheriff's department at the having rooftop donut at Duncans on Friday I would say that our little town raised a good amount of money compared you look at some of the bigger cities and stuff we think International Falls raise like 800 almost $850 in 4 hours so that's really good it says a lot about the officers getting out there and the community that's all that was great department has anything all right reports of mayor council about committees and Boards anybody have anything from their boards and committees no we had s board meeting on Wednesday and uh some things will'll be discussing there we we had uh just from the last reports we we we had a special meeting and had a report from our uh from our pond a pond deep desludging I say what it is our ponds are filling up with so much sludge that two years ago we went ahead with a with a uh a bug program through this uh company and over two years now they just did the analysis on it and we are able to store over 14 million more gallons in there from what these bugs have done in the last two years yeah in the three ponds out there so it's it's been effective and and it's been come up again I think we're we're going to go with it for another two years for to see when we don't expect those results as great but at least uh it's been so good then after that go maybe on a maintenance program but but it depending compared to what it would cost to go out there and didn't dredge it dredge the whole thing last that much I mean for $75,000 for two years we did it so 14 million gallons more capacity in those two funds just because of the so very successful yes we had a public safety meeting today and uh went very well we went discussed a lot of things with the ambulance fire trucks the new building for the PD and where we're headed with all that so it's very good meeting I just Ted do we have any update on the bantra cool and I don't have anything since the last meeting to report on anything not believe uh there's correspond in your oh audience open form anybody have anything to add at this time all right correspondents from the league of Minnesota cities uh the County Board of Commissioners and the public library to read at your leisure uh reminder city offices closed and observance of Labor Day on Monday September 2nd so the next regular council meeting will be September 3rd at 5:30 the counc Chambers if there's nothing else meeting is adjourned