##VIDEO ID:hXxXKsEUZEI## all right we'll get this meeting of the city council uh to order for Monday September 16th if you could all join me in pledging allegiance to the flag PL alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you everybody our first item on the agenda is to well actually all members of the council are present our first item on the agenda is to approve the agenda we do have uh one additional uh one addition and it is a claim that came in from the north cooch area Sanitary District um so and that is 8,748 so the chair would entertain a motion to approve the agenda with that uh additional account payable I'll make a motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second second second by councelor Wagner any discussion hearing none call the question I I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 we'll go to the minutes of Tuesday September 3rd 2024 chair would entertain a motion to approve those move to approve we have a motion by councelor Buller do we have a second second second by councelor wigner any discussion hearing none call the question I I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 go to the minutes of our committee of the whole meeting uh of September 9th chair would entertain a motion to approve those I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second I'll move we have a second by counselor Kaylor any discussion hearing none call the question hi hi hi hi I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 Z we go to payments and claims and the approval of uh accounts payable um as I said before we did have a change on this one so um going to the 401 permanent Improvement project or per permanent Improvement is $66,667 66 and that's coming evenly out of the com out evenly out of the 601 water and the 603 sewer in the amount of $3 33,333 33 going to the 403 reserve for capital outlay is $2,572 that's coming from the 601 water in the amount of $1 4,693 and0 and the 603 sewer fund of5 8742 for a total transfers of $87,200 191 uh accounts payable International Falls claims is $67,200 187 International Library board claims of $763 4 for a total accounts payable of $835,000 claims I'll move we have a motion by councelor Kaylor a second second by councelor Buller any discussion or questions hearing none call the question I I I and I'll vote Yes motion carries 0 next we'll go to the audience is there anyone uh in the audience that would like to bring something forward that is not on the agenda hearing none there will also be an opportunity later in the meeting we'll go to um opening bids and quotes we have a recommendation to reject the only bid for the 6 Street LSL Water Service replacement project on Fifth and 6th Street uh chair would entertain a motion to deny that that quote so we have a motion by councelor Buller do we have a second second second by councelor wigner any discussion hearing none call a question hi hi hi I and I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 next we have a bid uh for demolition of a property located at 1710 4th Avenue West chair would entertain a motion to approve that I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second second second by councelor Wagner I any discussion please mayor we need to open those bids they were sealed bids for the 1710 4th Avenue West okay sorry I I was going for the low bid but yes please got there yet my apologies I should no problem so we have three bids that were received I will be opening them in the order in which they were received okay our first bid is from Travis Thompson for 1710 4th Avenue West for Demolition and that amount is $489 and he has indicated that all um details would be taken care of in in accordance with the the quote bid number two is from Steve Willam construction for 1710 4th Avenue West signing that all the indication all the documents or um requirements would be met $4,250 the third bid was was received from J&J constru Contracting LLC signing off that they would um acknowledge and um remove accordingly that bid was $6,900 okay so if if I'm correct which we've always taken the low quote councelor Holden and councelor Wegner the low bid was from Steve boam for 4,250 is that the the you guys are will yeah y so we have a motion and the second uh any discussion I have one please just addition um the owner of this property uh contacted me today this um property was signed by agreement to repair remove um the deadline for that was August 26th she did call me today and wanted more time I um simply said I would pass on that request um if you have questions of me or anything I can try answer those but she asked for more time I I just informed her it wasn't likely okay any any additional thoughts on that I think the request have been made back when the due date was not waitting until now I mean we're really at the point where where we've already put out and now the city's expended more funds for for this project so all right so we have a motion in a second it would be my my my belief that we move forward with uh with the Demolition yeah um so unless anyone wants to amend the motion or to take it off the table I'll call the question I I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 Z all right we'll go down to uh new business uh the first thing on here is from Bethany Tupper and uh I just want to give a little background go ahead and take take a seat I just want to give some background on uh on what has transpired and how we got to this point um at our last city council meeting and you can see it in the minutes that uh we just approved we had a gentleman from uh our community came up and said that he's been walking around the community and um he had just had surgery and he is struggling to be able to walk on our city sidewalks the issue that he's having is the cars were over um the sidewalks and he had to go into the street to do that um there was no uh direction that was given at that particular council meeting uh by the city council uh however uh after that conversation our police force uh did Issue tickets for that particular um ordinance violation it's not only a a city ordinance violation it's uh also a State ordinance uh violation um I didn't know anything about that until I got the phone calls about it on Wednesday morning I believe uh I did reach out to the city administrator I also had spoke with our police chief and we decided we were just going to have a conversation about it and we were going to bring um the information to the committee of the whole which we had last week at that conversation um it was my belief that we would be able to um wave those those parking tickets uh because it was a unique situation we had not enforced that uh in the past when we had the conversation with the committee of the whole with the city council and hearing from the police chief and the city administrator the problem is if we we were to alleviate those those those tickets the situation ends up coming up that you know what about the people that got a regular parking ticket the first time that someone got a parking ticket they didn't know that we had calendar parking so um we've had a we've had conversations at the council level and we understand that it uh it is not something that has historically been ticketed for however it is it is on our books and it is also a state law um um and so it's the decision of the council that we are not going to alleviate those tickets it was my intention to do so I wanted to do so but then understanding more information from our police chief the city administrator and uh listening to the the folks on on our city council that has uh not been the decision that we've made um with that being said there was additional conversation today about a unique situation um at our Public Safety Committee uh regarding um a specific issue that we have with uh with a parking ordinance so with that background and I'm definitely going to let anyone that wants to speak speak on this particular issue but it is on the agenda for Bethany Tupper to speak uh before the council please come forward and again there is nothing to be worried about we're just people yeah well people that make big decisions um go ahead and sit on man please can I ask you s your name and address for the record yes my name for those who don't know my name is Bethany tuer I live at 13d Street here in International Falls I purchased that home about 5 years ago and have now just started receiving the issue that we are talking about um so okay so oh my God sorry you guys make me nervous thank you um I live here in International Falls I would like to bring this issue up to about parking tickets in specifically my neighborhood my neighborhood was built over 100 years ago here in International Falls when that was built there was no sidewalk my my driveway I would assume was in code at that time um I cannot park in my driveway without parking on the sidewalk yes I can park my car in my garage but my pickup truck does not fit um there is calendar parking on the Avenue but I have right now issues of construction going on at bakus the construction workers are parking in the Avenue and on the main highway on third yes they are disappearing now because they are coming to the end of their job hence there is parking up now but the other issue that I have on the Avenue is there is a an apartment complex across the street from me they use the calendar parking I don't have enough room to park my two vehicles on calendar parking with the alley and the stop sign and the fire hydrant and with all the other people that go back and forth I do not want to park halfway down the block with a 2-year-old who does not intellectually understand not crossing the road not running into the road um I ask that we come up with a compromise because I understand when you're wrong you're wrong I get that but it's hard when you don't have options so I have photo of when I come home on my night shift from 6:00 a.m. where am I going to park there's no parking I got to park in my driveway or in my garage it's summertime I didn't want to park in my garage we use it for other things I mean I figured i' pay for it right but I just am asking for some kind of compromise because if things just keep going up and up with you know taxes and house stuff and my house was 100 years over 100 years old there's stuff to fix you know I can't afford living paycheck to paycheck and paying $40 a day to park like I pay a crap ton of taxes I should be able to park in my driveway and yes I get it I I use the sidewalks daily with my child I'm sorry I would like some kind of compromise because it's only right and and there should be an exception to to some kind of rule I mean I get it if your house was built 3 years ago like you got a different codes but I can't change I'm not going to knock down my house and change understood and and your specific issue is the one that did come up at at uh the um public safety meeting today do you want to uh enhance on that a little bit Yeah so we spoke on it today and we um as far as the driveway that there not a whole lot we can do there right and I'm not going to pay to to to you know enhance that I'd lose my yard the calendar parking and possibly some other ideas are maybe some permitting permit system possibility uh Chief Kosik will be is looking into that with the city administrator going forward right to to maybe help a and and that's what I had suggested was I mean at this point I'd be willing to even pay for stupid little stickers that go on my car that say I can park there because at $40 a day even if they were $100 a a sticker I'm saving money because you know then what happens when winter comes you know then I'm blocking the main street so that's causing you know major issues for everybody in town who's driving you can't you know the snowbanks and then the Avenue and then the what do you want to call it the alley like I we can't find anywhere to put the damn stone now and and we we struggle with parking in our community all over in fact uh we have uh all of the new apartments that are being put together above our main street there's nowhere to park for those so we need to come up with Parking Solutions and and we totally get it please I just thought can can you can you just state your name and uh for the record and address Brett Christensen 1300 1st Avenue just out of curiosity does anybody up here actually have a sidewalk that goes through the driveway I do not no so you have off street parking I have on street parking on street parking yeah so nobody here actually understands oh I I completely understand because with her situation my situation I literally had two bumpers of each one of my vehicles on a sidewalk you did not have to physically move to go through my sidewalk and I got two parking tickets on it and to say I was not very happy about it would be an understatement um one of them is a personal truck one of them is a work truck the police officer literally had to go onto my property to write those tickets property that I pay taxes on um I do apologize that my that there is a sidewalk there it also it's a sidewalk that I maintain I maintain it in the summer I maintain it in the winter um I guess I don't really understand what we're supposed to do if we have a driveway that has a sidewalk going through it that's I buil I I bought the house like that it's never been an issue up until last week there are plenty of laws that local law enforcement does not enforce in this town that are way more criminal than a sidewalk being built through your driveway so my general concern is is for the people who don't have sidewalks going through their driveway those of the people we're trying to talk to and get through them that we need to be able to you she should not have to park and use calendar parking because there's a sidewalk going through her driveway she pays taxes on that driveway she pays taxes on everything as do I I don't maybe have the same issue she does I sent pictures to the city council lady we've already had that discussion but for the people that have to park on that sidewalk I just I guess I personally don't see the massive issue with having to walk around that if if one gentleman had surgery and had a problem with it I'm sorry hundreds of thousands of people have surgeries but for us to have to sit here and take time out of our day to discuss this because one guy had a problem walking around vehicles and and so and and number one not falling on to peers I understand exactly what you're saying saying the uh the conversation that uh that myself and chief kic had had too though is if it gets out once the conversation comes to the city council and it's in the newspaper that we have a person that um can't use utilize our sidewalks and now if we don't do something about that it's showing that our police are not doing their job so it's a catch 22 of of the situation but I do understand what you're saying the other thing that came up in in our uh discussions about this specific issue is most of the curb cuts that we have uh that allow you to utilize your garage is to be able to get into the garage and then mine is short yeah yours is short mine is short by about 3 ft fair enough and please uh can you state your name and so my name is Marissa Ross I live at 607th Street and we have the same issue we've been parking the same way since we bought the house for 4 and 1/2 years ago and we didn't receive tickets up until last week and we don't think we should have to put our truck that does not fit in our garage in the street is that really what we want to do is put more vehicles in the streets for snow removal and then when I called about it I was told over and over that it's because sidewalk safety and again I get it somebody had surgery I work at surgery I understand what people need to be doing after their surgeries our neighbor had a total hip replacement and he was out walking and not once did our vehicles or anyone else's Vehicles really bother him but if side walk safety is really what we're talking about okay then why is not snow removal enforced because I'm somebody who walks when it's nice out but yet that's never enforced to the point where you can walk safely the sidewalks in town they're also damaged and buckled to where you can't even safely push a stroller um there's missing pieces of sidewalks um and then I just don't understand why all of a sudden we're picking on this this is something like I said we've been living there 4 and a half years we are I my husband and I we came from out of state we're not even from here we chose to move here a young family into this town that you know you guys want to bring that in here but all you're doing is we will not stay there if we really cannot park in our driveway we will leave thank you you have something Cheryl Christensen 6046 street so every Sunday the calendar parking is not enforced by any police officers and you cannot drive up and down 6th Street or 6th Avenue while church is going on when there's a wedding when there's a funeral a baptism a potluck nobody gets a ticket and you can only get one car going one way and everybody else has to wait until you pass and then they come through so do we have to call up here and make a formal complaint for that I'm assuming there's calendar parking is an ordinance a law that's supposed to be enforced so why are these people all getting a pass but you can't park in your driveway on property you own and you pay taxes on and those sidewalks went through long after those places were built and those driveways are put in so if you're going to say we have to enforce it cuz it's a law there's all kinds of traffic laws you guys are enforcing every single day every Sunday every time someone gets married there's a funeral so you going to come out and start ticketing all the church goers every Sunday up and down every Avenue and street is that going to happen because if I have to file a a formal complaint so that happens I will because this is ridiculous exactly what she's talking about right there and you can only one car file but yeah I'm supposed to put another one out there well like right now there's a football game going on in front of back either event there and that night that we received tickets directly across the street where two vehicles parked the wrong side all night long but yet that was ignored but my vehicles in my driveway were not well and I have a question cuz if we're Park if we're we're getting tickets at night mind you that's like what 3:00 a.m. to 6 mine was time 2 a.m. right no offense you shouldn't be walking out that late unless you're drunk or causing problems if we're going to start Park during the day would make more sense to get the ticket cuz you're in your driveway during the day people are out walking during the day MH right why am I getting it at 3:00 in the morning no one should be out walking well and and so do you guys have anything else to add because I'd like to have the the police chief come up and speak one more one more just little it's minor um 3:00 in the morning 2:00 in the morning I don't I can think I can speak for everybody when I said we don't want anybody whether it's a law enforcement officer somebody just walking through my driveway on our lawn we don't want you on our property at 3:00 in the morning whether it's issuing a parking ticket in our driveway that's not okay I don't go to other people's houses at 3:00 in the morning I did not go to that law enforcement officer's guy at 3:00 in the morning and stand in his driveway while his family is sleeping while his kids are sleeping it's not okay as far as a vehicle being parked on the side of of calendar parking I don't want my vehicle on on calendar parking I don't want it on the street I don't it's it's it's much more of a safety hazard if some guy who's drunk at 3:00 in the morning goes and blindsides my truck and now I have to make an insurance claim when it could have been safely tucked in my driveway because there's a sidewalk there that is my driveway we should be able to utilize it all of us should be able to okay thank you h on Diane SMY 9036 Street and 9th Avenue um my garage sits on 9th Avenue and I lived on 9th Avenue probably several years so I'm an Oldtimer I'd say totally sitting on 9th Avenue about 44 years um so anyway I understand laws I understand calendar parking I've had a number of tickets especially when I lived in my old house on Sixth or 9th Avenue um but those laws they're posted the signs clearly State no parking even numbered days no parking odd number of days and anyone coming from out of town or that's new to town should see them that's what they're there for um in regards to the sidewalk issue changes have been made over the years when my garage was built probably um million years ago it the sidewalk was in a different spot 9th Avenue has been widened um I I have no problem parking elsewhere or partway into my garage during the day but I'd like to I would have liked to have known about this in advance and there's such a thing as newspapers radio television it should be out there for people to know in advance and I really don't appreciate the double talk council is saying oh the police officers and the police officer saying oh the council ordered us it's just it's not right and as for these people here who don't have options my sympathies and my agreement that some exceptions some permits be issued for them okay thank you all the the problem the sheriff's department also parks on the sidewalk just saying so if we're going to issue it to the public it's also going to be for the government as well just saying are blers going into the sidewalk too all right thank you all I'm going to have the chief come up and speak thank you guys hello everyone so Chief before we get going I I want to be very clear did anybody on our city council direct you to have your officers um file these or do these tickets uh I spoke to Betty about the following day okay about the concerns raised at the council meeting okay but no one on the council and we didn't know anything about the tickets going out correct uh no okay thank you I just wanted to be be clear on that because was just as shocked getting the phone calls the next day as everybody else was so um again please uh would you like to and first of all I don't think you should be shocked I think it was the indication that if there was a problem we should have dealt with it whether or not that was verbal at the council meeting I think it was pretty implicit in the way the thing went I would agree with the chief it was implied I I don't think we're parsing words here I think we all share responsibility in absolutely and I I talked to the officer and told him to look for the infractions but I think we should avoid saying we had nothing to do with this it was just the police department is the case and I want to make that clear our officers did exactly as they were advised to they look for any infractions and road as needed and that directive came from me I hope that yeah absolutely and again I'm not trying to push it directly on you it's just the the conversation it seemed like it was coming out that the city council had given the inference I I I made from from speaking with City administrator was that this was a problem you guys want to dealt with and we dealt with it so that that was how we came to be in this position okay yeah so Council we we had a conversation about it where where do we want to go with this do we want to move forward with this was a a Learning lesson and it it cost 20 bucks is how do we want to handle it we've had uh we had a conversation at the committee of the whole meeting regarding oh please I would just like to say and I apologize up front because I I kind of just I'm going to just speak plainly kind of do that our officers are being put in an impossible situation if you want calendar parking enforce all year round as well as the sidewalk or that's enforced all year round and we need like and truthfully they had valid points it this has to be a complaint driven process in some ways like you also had a good point if people can't walk safely down a sidewalk and that's brought to our attention that's a public safety issue we have to address so now we have to think are we and we brought this up the public safety meaning do we choose lesser two evils and allow these exemptions with calendar parking which is a city ordinance rather than say we're not going to enforce State statutes right and and as we're having these basic conversations in beths was one of the cases we brought up I think that bears some conversation about being more lenient in the city ordinances where we can to allow these circumstances and and I feel for everyone who came up here I I I not I've gotten parking tickets and I from many different cities and I I don't appreciate them when I get them I'm going be honest with you it's one of the things but I I I think it's very easy for the council to hear a complaint and then tell us and not maybe not this Council prior once to say do your job and get out there and do this all the time and our officers do it and bear the brunt of that and that's my job to bear that brunt but I don't think our officers exactly as they are told they're just put in these difficult situations where like you said what what are they going to do they they they were told to do something they did it and so I I I think the bigger conversation is is maybe looking for some more Len see in uh exemptions with permits with the city ordinances rather than picking the sidewalk we're not going to do that being a state statute I in my opinion it would be more prudent to look at the city ordinances and maybe look for some lency there so well said well said Mike so is that something that the Public Safety Committee is willing to continue having some more dialogue and conversation along with public works yeah yeah we plan on having more discussion on it so all right doesn't happen overnight but right but we got to discuss it I think City administrator do you have anything to add nothing additional okay please I think it'd be good to get it into public safety but then once you guys come up with something bring it to us at public work so we can that's what we planned on doing we talked about that today and that's what we have no okay thanks thank you Chief Sir did you want to add something I have a question I was before are they going to continue now to put out them tickets I I would say at this point yes okay my understanding we can't park the driveway can we park on the boulevard I I don't know where you're your I I would advise I would advise I feel awkward talking to all of you so if I parked all over the boulevard I would park where you can in the street and if you have concerns and you a valid one about about the Sunday parking Sunday then then calls and and we I but this was a complaint driven process I know I mean I don't want to be that person I'm you and choose I I I totally agree the problem we live in the where we have to decide how we want the street as far as the the sidewalk driveway thing goes AR you saying that's a state yeah that's a state you guys anything that right right that's why I parking on the street you can attest this you're more than welcome to come and talk to me anytime you want and you come in and if you don't want to call in a formal complaint you come talk to me I just I just don't I just I'm bed because like we're piing and choosing what we're for and I don't want to be the person who calls up just to be Petty and say all right come and tick it on the church because well I would say and I don't say but in a way we are picking and choosing because you don't want 100% enforcement have to pick the things and here here's here's 100% everything or you don't enforce but we historically using a discretionary Powers the concerns come up the community will address and trying to do that the everyone Happ as far as parking on the boulevard there's campers par on the boulev everywhere is that can you do that can you store your car can you I I would highly suggest you having that conversation with the chief oneon-one because you don't know if that's an ordinance or not I I do know that it's it's an ordinance but with that being said I don't know because they may be getting a ticket they could be getting it mailed to them I I don't know those specifics because they're parking there for you know they're long people par I was get20 tiet and they shouldn't be parked anywhere more than that's that's maybe that's all right so uh everyone you covered it pretty good you're talking about that camp on the boulevard block down from the temporary police station they're all yeah and when you come that Al you got in there so you don't get hit by car and nothing's been done about that but why can't we park on the Boulevard and that those are going to have to be the conversations you have with you and I can you're more than welcome to come and talk to me anytime you want I can talk to you about any situation you want all right yeah talk to you tell you where it's at to you right now well see and now we'll address we'll address it Tom we'll look at we'll look at it was been a motor parked up on sth Street alongside the street all summer long and they were supposed to move the we I people talk to it's still there today was on the right side of the street tomorrow it's to be on the other side of the street it's going to be right no parking on OD days we never got a ticket All Summer Long Park M on the street he may have I I I know I sent officers over and he may have gotten a ticket and I can check on that but we'll look at it all right app all right thank you guys we and again we are going to continue to see what we can do with parking because it's not it's not just an issue that we have now it it's issues that we're having with uh with the downtown area it's issues with all over the community so uh we're we're going to continue continue to look and assess that with uh the public safety and public works thank you well for it to bring up winter time we actually like Mike Wallace has already fixed all of that no I'm just kidding we uh we do have uh um last year we actually started the process and we outlined all of the the sidewalks that that talk to me afterwards CU it's a longer conversation well I have a little guy that does Street D okay so that's a Bigg concern sidewalk ding okay so the problem walking on the sidewalk down initially when we got the tickets we were told you can't use the sidewalks walking around your vehicles at the they're hanging over the driveway a little bit people aren't in the street they're in the boulevard but when there's so much snow piled up everywhere you can't walk in the boulevard you have to walk in the street so that's a bigger concern than this that we've decided to you know tell everybody to can't park on their driveway and I will follow up with you we actually have a a a we have a a program to address that and it it's it's in its infancy CU we we started this process two years ago and the first thing that we tried to do and this is why I wanted to try to get those uh parking tickets uh removed for the folks because we needed to outline that we were going to be enforcing the snow uh snow removal on on sidewalks I do have a copy of that program and I'll drop it off at your place well CH started yep well okay thank you all right we're going to move on to second item on the agenda adopt a resolution approving the application for 1 to 4 day permit for on sale liquor at St Thomas aquaintance Church for a community dinner fund fundraiser for St Thomas school on November 2nd 2024 chair would entertain a motion to approve that I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second second we have a second by councelor wigner discussion hearing none call the question I I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 Z next we'll go to the airport Improvement program uh project 327 4346 2024 chair would entertain a motion to approve that excuse me so move we have a motion by councelor Wagner second second by councelor Fuller discussion hearing none call the question all right I I I all vote Yes motion carries 5 Z next we have an approval and authorization uh for um execution and of a maintenance contract for service with Hamilton Medical for two ventilators for the ambulance service Chief thank you mayor um the contract is as written in front of you uh the big distinction I want to make with everybody as I'm well aware that we signed a uh a contract with Striker to do all our stuff these are literally the only two pieces of equipment that are not owned or man manufactured by Striker so they do need annual maintenance to be compliant these are the ventilators that uh if somebody is innovated and we're breathing for them that's the device that does it so these are very critical pieces of equipment and they require annual maintenance that's why you're seeing a maintenance contract outside of our ALS 360 so do we not have four of them or do we only have two in ambulance we only have two okay is there a reason why we don't have four uh they're not a often used piece of equipment and they're fairly expensive so the maintenance that goes along with them is $1,500 a piece and the I think the last time we bought them they're around $115,000 a piece to purchase uh we have the two that we rotate through one always stays in the first out 911 rig and then we have a second one available for train transfers uh I would say even during Co the call to have two ventilators was we we never used two at the same time that I can recall ever but don't make me say that again uh uh anyway the they they take up a little bit of space in the ambulance um the vent circuits and everything that go along with that it's just a I mean it's a piece of equipment we could look at adding on to but truth be told I don't know that it's a pertinent prudent purchase so other than uh the first out for 911 service is there uh any designation that you would know that you need a ventilator for a call this is kind of outside what you're I'm just trying to understand it for a transfer not for a transfer for a uh for a a call for service would you know depends how the Call Comes in how it's dispatched okay I I would the the two you most have to go first have the ventilators in them yep and then if we get called for a transfer that we know it's going out town we know it's a respiratory distress respiratory failure uh anything that would indicate possibility of event then that would be sent in the transfer rig Perfect all right uh chair would entertain a motion to approve n please this for two years or one year one year two units for one year okay thank you chair would I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second second second by councelor Wagner discussion hearing none call a question I hi I I I'll vote Yes motion carries thank you you all right next we have a uh resolution for a hearing on proposed assessment of the um cost of improvement for bituminous Paving of 9th Avenue between 9th Avenue East between 19th Street East and 20th Street East chair would entertain a motion to approve some move a motion by councelor Buller we have a second second second by councelor Holden and so then uh with this we'll have a public hearing um on October 7th we'll send out all the proper necessary information we'll advertise it we'll make sure that folks know that we're having a meeting for that we have a motion and a second do you have anything to add uh that's correct all right we have a motion and a second call the question I I I I and all vote Yes motion carries 5 z uh approve the recommendation of the selection committee to hire Rice Lake construction as the construction manager at risk semar for the water plant rehab rehabilitation project chair would entertain a motion to approve that I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor bowler do we have a second I'll second we have a second by councelor Kaylor discussion hearing none call the question I I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries go to the public works committee recommendations approve the purchase of a step manufacturing 3.0 cy4 ton diesel dump style premix heater it's a pothole patching machine from fun 402 the street Capital outlay chair would entertain a motion to make that purchase so move we have a motion from councelor Buller second and a second by councelor Holden discussion hearing none call a question I I I I'll vote Yes motion carries 5 Z why isn't Ted here he likes to talk there oh that makes sense okay all right we'll go to the uh Committee of the whole recommendations approve advertising and hiring for three part-time seasonal parks and Facilities assistant positions basically this is for uh Carri Park aren chair would entertain a motion to approve I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second I'll second second by councelor Kaylor discussion hearing none call the question I I I I I'll V yes motion carries 5 Z next we have the approval for the draft confine spaces policy and procedures chair would entertain a motion to approve that so Move Motion by councelor Buller we have a second I'll second second by councelor Kay discussion hearing none call the question I I I I all vote Yes motion carries 5 Z next approve the caddy Business Technologies proposal uh for the Telecom and e911 solutions chair would entertain a motion to approve that I'll make that motion you have a mtion motion by councelor Holden we have a second second second by councelor Wagner discussion hearing none call the question I I I I and I'll vote Yes motion carries approve the Professional Services of kuss Anderson to provide a facility condition assessment uh for the property located at 2232 2 Avenue East chair would entertain motion to approve that go ahead second right at the same time wow I'm going to go with we're going to go with Wagner with a second from uh Mr bowler that was really good guys always good un yeah we have a motion in a second any discussion yeah please yeah I would just like this is for the possible new law police station cor right correct and whatever the findings are and this may not be the time but i' just like to mention it that um that I think we should limit the yearly cost if possible to as close as what the yearly rent was proposed for us to be part of the law the cooing Count's law enforcement Center's new DeVille over there whatever that was around $100,000 if possible okay um well and once we do the well I just wanted to make that that this we're just not fair enough I just want a whole bunch of unless something okay we come across some money okay please this is if I'm correct this is a review to get you guys in there basically and then they'll look at other things Chief do you want to come up please going for that's the main the main focus is to get them in there yeah you probably going to simpy you I'm not an expert on this stuff but um my understanding is yeah they're going to go through yeah from the pavement and work their way in and come up with a strategic plan for what we need immediately versus 5 years 10 years present it to you guys the same as the carry Park project and and go from there okay all right so we have a motion in a second any other discussion hearing none call the question I I I I all vote Yes motion carries you want to just stay next we have the set the hearing date of uh Monday October 7th at 5:30 to take public comment regarding portable recording devices or body warn cameras for the police department uh chair would entertain a motion I'll make that motion we have a motion by councelor Holden do we have a second a second second by councelor buler any questions for chief Vasa Chief do you have anything to add about the body cameras or anything other Chief I'm sorry mik Chief I was actually G to say you can contact UM Chief kri yeah yeah yeah I provided the 11 I almost fell over backwards I did LA s for you guys have the same first name he doesn't need they can call me good memory it's short anyway he threw me off you guys have the same first name I get that lot anyway um the most important part of this is that we're we're opening up for the statute um public input and they can do that via email which is provided here and I'll also be putting in our social media as well as mail regular mail and they can mail that to me at um our Backus address both of which I'll put on our Facebook and um also other media and I got on the radio last week also how did Mike Wallace do on that he uh he has had a family emergency so he and uh and to be totally honest I let him off the hook I let him sweat it out a couple days he turn beat red right now but just I just want to add again that know that we're at a meeting and that this is a good step forward for the Department for the public and the officers and the department in the city yeah I agree Perfect all right so we have a motion in a second second uh Chief manasa do you have anything to add good yeah all right so I'll call the question I I hi I I'll vote Yes I'm sorry Chief you just saved your public comments you don't have to write or call or nothing you got them in right here you're good M thanks Mike thank you mik all right uh will any other business for the council all right we'll go to reports of the admin ministrator uh attorney department heads we'll start with uh City administrator thank you mayor and councel just a reminder as we are getting in the thick of things with the um election season the campaign signs lots of campaign signs going up which is great to see um we have a city ordinance section 1120 for signs um and that regulates them that you have to have permission from your property owner that you're putting them on they have to be back out of the right of way um also state statute indicates the same thing and that um dictates the um highways and right of ways you know can't be placing them on um utility poles or on trees or you can't be painting or drawing on you know different things either there's there's definitely rules and regulations all the candidates receive the information when they uh sign up so just a reminder because there's lots of signs going up good to see but um they need to be we have gotten some complaints as well correct that is why I'm bringing it up just want to be clear you know and and with that the the state um Department of Transportation the county the city we all have authority to remove signs that are in the right of way without notification um so if the signs come up gone they they will be placed here at City Hall and the candidates will be able to pick them up here because it's um we are getting questions and so we are you know um addressing those as they're coming in so I should be reading that folder of stuff he gave me well and you can keep them by the way that will save me some trips and I personally have gotten a complaint about one of my signs so I went and I I moved it the and I'm not not making any excuses but sometimes candidates have signs available and individuals put up signs and don't have the information from those packets um so whatever if you see your own science go put them where they should be oh no I'm GNA sa me some trips on November [Laughter] 6 okay um we go to City attorney I don't have anything additional oh sad pretty quiet over here really mhm oh okay then department heads anybody in your packet you have the police monthly report for August fire and rescue EMS monthly report for August uh reports to the mayor council committees boards and commissions anybody have anything to bring forward I would just like to remind everybody about the uh candidate form next Wednesday the 25th at 6:00 and on the 26th the uh grand opening of uh or public opening gr of the bakus Backus not back it's AB building I'd show up because I think uh commissioner roach is going to give a little talk that they right are you they didn't tell you yeah but come see what's going on and we proven in good work and everything that's all I have perfect anybody else have anything we got a sewer meeting tomorrow yes exciting yeah well always all right we will uh go to audience if there's anyone in the audience that would like to bring anything forward all right we'll in correspondence we have uh information in your packet from the uh voyagers National Park chosen uh by the park trust and National Park Service as a 2024 Challenge cost share awarde the cin County Board of Commissioners minutes from August 20th their uh meeting agenda from SE September 10th and International Falls Public Library uh meeting information for September 11th um reminders that there is going to be a public hearing on 9th Avenue East project that's going to be on Monday um October 7th and our next regular city council meeting is also at uh Monday October 7th at 5:30 with nothing else before us this meeting is ajour