##VIDEO ID:a5HGde1u7_Y## so we're ready all right we call the special meeting of the international Pauls Economic Development Authority to order roll call all Commissioners are present except commissioner droba new business consider K Anderson feif for proposal to provide construction management services for the Voyager National Park headquarters repping project Ted BR call thank you Commissioners uh this is the fee for uh kuss Anderson to put the contract together and manage the project for the roofing re-roofing project and um repairs um due to the roof leaking ad voyers National Park okay do I have a motion oh you do you have something I'll make the motion all right have a motion second have a second right any discussion I got a problem with doing this just because of what the work that Carl Anderson's done at the airport that we're still in litigation over and in court over so I just have a issue with kuss Anderson being involved with another project when we're in litigation with him over there yet on the Leaky Roof M on the Leaky Roof yeah so yeah go ahead and I don't know what's going on with the airport I could just honestly say with some of the contractor issues I've had um and whatnot um I have been very impressed with the work that Carl serson has done for the city on my end um I I don't know what where I'd be without them to be able to run these projects and the one thing about it is is they're not actually doing the work right they're putting the contract together and they're the ones holding the contractor accountable to make sure that the contractor does the work the way they're supposed to that's and that happen well I and I'm saying it has with with the work I've done okay that's you know I'm I'm not familiar with what's going on with the airport and what are these deadlines that are on this proposal is that they've been met haven't they already mhm so is it done yep roof is done already well no the we still got some repairs to do so do we have this proposal proposal before they even started I I had the proposal before it started but with the quarterly meetings with the Eda I couldn't get it in front of you well how do it look the new Ro good good I right to be honest with you compared to the two projects with the one contractor with the with the new contractor that we approved at the last it was day and night difference very professional and and they got it done I mean we still got some work to do but well the contractor that did the airport terminal building it wouldn't be the same one that be do that was doing this okay so car Anderson's is just managing the yep job I know I was disappointed in the terminal building too I mean that was when you have a building that nice and you attend a Keda meeting and they got buckets out in the conference around this and I get I just I'm not familiar with what the issues are out there so you know I I could say I'm I'm happy I'm satisfied I'm you know I think they've done a great job and we've already had them doing stuff other than this project y this year out there cuz I've signed I don't know how many once I figured out I got contracts to sign but but I figured out that that deal well so any more comments on the all right I'll ask a question no all right no I so now what do we do votes guess what didn't we approve the roof to be rebuilt yep yep so I mean I don't know this is a top of what we approved or was it in there no you approved you approved the 163,00 when we accepted the the quotes for the roof and this is this is actually an amendment to the original contract with the drainage project that's still been ongoing for two years out there oh why this one because it so it's not part of the 163 nope it's their their side of the 163 is $16,728 so it's additional to the 163 mhm I guess being on the airport commission I just I it just to me it wouldn't doesn't look good to be in litigation with the company that we're going to give more work to but it's already been done so I guess I'll have to change mys just because it's already done but I it's not a good yes but I yes we'll keep moving forward with all right I'll vote Yes too but I was disappointed in how it turned out at the turn the building um I agree that we all were disappointed with that but we do have it done and we haven't had problems with them out at since for 10 years out that um 14 however long it's been too out there all right well then two votes for change motion carries thank you y holding opportunities Ted bro car so as part of the Le Minnesota City's conference that I was invited to last year by the city administrator um part of some of the um talks that I had had or sat in on was talking about adding infrastructure for housing which is is which is something we've struggled with for a long time is housing is an issue we're you know without annexing and expanding outside the city boundaries where else could we look at doing housing within the city to try and spur some new development and as some of the um presentations that um I have sat through there were some there there's different Pockets there's there's lowincome housing there's Workforce housing there's market rate housing and I'm finding out that as you go through this process is there's a lot of work you have to put out in front before you can just go and apply for the money and the problem is a lot of times we're behind when when when a funding opportunity comes up we're so far behind that by the time we get our information together of what we want to do the deadline's already passed and um I've talked at length about public works I've talked to it about here is that I've sat down with Bolton and mink and we've we've picked out three different scenarios three parts of town that we think we could expand or improve on utilities to try and spur some form of housing um and um hold the mink staff are online to kind of lay out a presentation of what they feel we need to do to be able to get into that housing game um I've sat down with one private developer or one private property owner um that is that is interested um in expanding or building homes on their property um there's there's opportunity in another area for um manufactur Ed homes not mobile homes but manufactured homes so we looked at an area that was already platted that's tax forfeited property about whether we would want to add a block or two of utilities and Roads and try and qualify for funding to help us with the utilities plus to help with um the housing on that side another part is 9th Street um with um the plann or you know the the planning that we have going on for the road reconstruction is to try and you know if we go through and we replace all the utilities um and rebuild the road with some of the vacant lots that are along there um whether we can spur or get help to put those Utilities in to offer up those areas for housing um so that's kind of the three scenarios that you're going to see um it's just the start but we have a lot of work we have to do to be a able to try and apply for some of this funding and this I would say is the is the first step so I will hand it off does anybody have any questions of me to begin with nope so go ahead thank you Ted good evening uh thanks for accommodating the hybrid uh approach Sarah and I will be online I wanted to acknowledge our teammate Jason fisers in the room he's our client services manager and Engineering adviser on this project as well helped us put this together and think through a more technical infrastructure components um so we're here like Ted said to really help you get housing in the ground a lot of communities we work in um have a housing crisis of all kinds however we believe that we can work with you to customize a solution because a one- siiz fitall does not work in every community so we we come in with the data come in with the analysis we look at the sites very closely and then we look at what is buildable what is not and what actually fits on that site so we're going to go through the presentation briefly we can um take questions as we're talking please feel free to to interject if you if you wish but Sarah and I are going to share this um a PowerPoint and um before we get into that we'd like to just introduce ourselves very briefly and Sarah did you want to start by introducing yourself sure um good evening everybody thanks again for having us my name is Sarah Swedberg um I'm one of our planners on our team I've worked a lot in Greater Minnesota and that's um always exciting to get back to uh more Northern Minnesota areas uh where I grew up so um thank you for having us again uh working on all sorts of projects related to housing whether it's housing studies or um having lots of conversations with cities about some of these kind more site specific developments as we learn more and prepare more for some of these housing funding opportunities that are coming from the state yeah thanks Sarah so I'm WEA howenstein I'm a senior planner out of the Mano office with Bolton and mink I have about 25 years experience both in government and on the private side believe it or not I've actually built many many uh subdivisions because I'm also an architect so I always like to test our planners with real life uh challenges and questions so I'm the grounding force on the team and about two years ago I had the pleasure working uh with the city of International Falls to um uh create the housing location study I'm sure some of you have gone on the website that is similar to this story map where it indicates what sites are available for developers right so that they they can just pull up whether there's um U infrastructure if there's sidewalks if it's in a flood plane or a wetland so that's the kind of stuff that we did back then so this really brings it to the next step and we'll focus on these three additional sites and um that's what we are going to go through through our presentation we may ask you to scroll simply because we cannot necessarily see where you are at so forgive us for directing you but we may ask you to uh scroll to a specific location so we'll first start with site assessment data collection and market analysis hopefully you can see that heading and what we would like to do is uh propose an alicart menu where we're like this is what we think you should do but we will certainly modify our proposal to uh based on your direction uh so this is not set in stone it is just our expertise being offered to you um we'd like to look at these three sites in with all of their uniqueness everything from their infrastructure capacities how close is the infrastructure what would it take what are the roads like um where are the services as well often times as engineers and planners we only look at infrastructure but we forget about where are the services uh that will um provide EMS fire police so uh we'll look at that as well we also take a GIS analysis where we look at the literally we create a constraints map so we look at things that are unbuildable to figure out what is left so that we can lay out the actual Housing Development so at the end of this you will actually get a conceptual layout but it will be um still a very um real um concept of what the housing would look like we look at soil types depos graphy and things like that as well so that is really our GIS analysis that looks at uh physical um qualities also um we look at the information that uh requires approval so what kind of zoning is it what are the steps how shovel ready is this because that's truly what the developers want right they they don't time as money they want to go straight to building permit absolutely if you keep scrolling down we want to just highlight the three sites that we've been talking with Ted about and Ted did a great job setting you all up with understanding of um what what we're looking at doing and who some of these sites might serve so the first site is kind of on the east side of town we think it is potentially suitable for that kind of factory assembled house like Ted was was mentioning um we would Envision these to meet a lower income household um single level probably homes um this is located over on what would be Fifth Fifth Avenue East um we're looking at probably about two blocks of area to start with um as mentioned this is some tax forfeited area um and just to give you a better idea that that factory assembled house is is truly that it's those homes that are built um inside a factory setting so not necessarily A or not a mobile home um but assembled in that factory setting brought to site and finished they on site and we're seeing some cost Savings in the development of those houses by approaching uh that construction a little bit differently than a traditional on-site stick built home if you keep scrolling site two um that we're exploring is what we'll call Shorewood um so south of that Shorewood Drive and crab tree Boulevard area um the property owner um has been speaking with Ted and has expressed some willingness to collaborate it's currently privately owned which just means we're we're approaching uh looking at this site a little bit differently and have to keep in mind that we've got additional partners that we want to be working with as we're thinking about this particular site there was a preliminary plat uh developed for this site but it was never finalized so we would need to go through that process again and then site number three is Ninth Street which Ted mentioned um currently a project underway um we think this is a really great opportunity for some of that infill development so how we can fit uh houses in between or amongst where existing homes are um we know that there's some tax forfeited Parcels we know that there's some blighted properties some properties that um might have opportunity for renovation lots of lots of kind of varied approaches to how this project might come come out to be um this is also an opportunity to explore some really unique Housing Solutions so things like boxable and icon um with the understanding that these unique Housing Solutions have to keep in mind of course the the cold weather climate um in northern Minnesota and making sure that those are appropriate appropriately built for that climate um but this is also an opportunity for um some kind of test piloting if you will right as we're working on this infrastructure project we'll have that those realtime numbers and understanding of how this infrastructure project has played out um and utilize that understanding to inform the development of sites one and two um or be planning for the development of of that infrastructure so another a unique opportunity uh with that ongoing project on the on the plate the next section um is our market analysis section something important of course when we're thinking about these sites is we want to keep in mind the local context the local Trends the supply and demand of course um we're seeing a little bit of softening perhaps in the housing market um but still certainly a crisis and a top priority for many many cities throughout both the state and the country um and so we just want to make sure we're always keeping that Community context in mind if you keep scrolling uh public Outreach and concept development a different approach that we like to take with all of our housing work whether it's a full housing study or something like this when we're developing sites is we want to make sure that we're communicating early and often with public as well as uh stakeholders that might have specific interest in Housing Development um through this project we would propose developing a Communications plan um and making sure that we've got some unique opportunities for people to learn more about these different sites and to provide input and insight as local residents and as stakeholders into the process I think there's a lot of different opportunities for um you know engaging with of course like real estate agents and some of those kind of people but it's also an opportunity Just For Education about different types of Housing and prob trying to destigmatize um what what we like to call attainable housing so housing that can be um people that can afford housing at all different income levels um and thinking about how these different unique sites might serve folks's different needs on the right side of this particular slide you'll see this unique input ID tool if you hit the continue button on that popup window it'll show you what this input ID tool it's a proprietary tool that we have been using in some of our projects that allow people to interact online and provide feedback in that way so as you'll see people can pick a different a type of comment that they want to leave so whether they're a resident a business U maybe they're a recreational user in this particular case for this project example and then all of the dots that you see of those symbols on the map are people that have put in specific comments to those areas throughout the city in this case of Fargo West Fargo area um and they're leaving comments about different areas in town where they have transportation issues or other such things or maybe something that they really like that's happening in town and then other users when they're submitting comments can also provide and and reply back to them almost like a like a Facebook comment feed or something like that where they can interact with each other um on those comments so somebody might agree that they've had the same experience or somebody might disagree and say I've had a completely different experience at this say intersection or site or different kind of need like that so we like to Showcase that tool as an additional add-on opportunity um should the city be interested in in something a little bit more techy oh where are you're muted sorry I had to do that right of course so I apologize so in a way we are doing the market analysis often times developers look for that we are frontloading that for them for these specific sites and by doing the public Outreach we we are telling them what the community really wants to see as a housing product so um we find that that's a a really important step in getting to the point where if you scroll down you will see the um the lay out so once we do the analysis of the site of the infrastructure capacities then we are able to actually lay out the design so to speak and again these are not full permit drawings they're not architectural and Engineering that uh drawings that you can go for permit for these are still conceptual but they give us enough information to be able to do a performa at the level that the grants uh require us to be able to determine how many housing units at what income level and what pricing points at what rental and what type and how are they laid out and so that's the level of detail that the grants need in order to qualify uh for those funds so that is the kind of sketch that we would be producing by working with planning GIS engineering and getting into that level of analysis of course we will look at uh density and uh all of the zoning rules uh that you have in place to be um to be able to get through the entitlement Ling entitlement process um in an efficient way and as you scroll a little past that It All Leads to costing calculations right because these are all wonderful drawings and ideas but if we don't have uh the reality of costs and considerations then um again it becomes um uh unrealistic to to qualify for these grants um but if we do have these preliminary quantities and costs and details we we can uh look at a variety of Grants grants not just federal state but also philanthropic private and so there's um an array out there that Sarah will touch upon in a minute but we will provide preliminary costs to be able to calculate the con a general construction of infrastructure uh roads sewer water utilities and then bundle that with the actual housing costs and then show how that aligns with the demographic and the market needs and demands great and the question always on people's mind is how are we going to pay for these projects and and keep them moving along so um we want to keep our funding source opportunities top of Mind as we're thinking about these different sites and we're also thinking about the products of what this project would would result in um there there is a number of new housing programs that the state uh Minnesota housing in particular created as part of the 20 or the legislature created out of Minnesota housing in the 2023 session um some of these programs include the Greater Minnesota housing infrastructure grant that one I think is particularly top of mind for lots of cities because for a long time in Greater Minnesota we've talked about how can we afford to build more infrastructure for housing especially single family housing right and new new platted land um so that one everybody's keeping a really close eye on there's also an opportunity for what uh the state has called tier 2 cities to receive some additional funding to help with uh housing costs so that might be um Project based it might be um actual development based but there's some opportunity for smaller cities that that haven't received other dollars such as International Falls um to apply for some additional grant funding in that way um we also know that there's the manufactured home community redevelopment program um which again would blend itself most to site uh site one um but might might be applicable elsewhere um these funding sources will be considered as concepts of course are identified and developed um we we're working closely with the state to have continued conversation and making sure that we as a we as a team um alongside our funding team internally understand these different opportunities so that we can help the city's navigate these these new programs that are underway and being created we know that there's a lot of competition or we expect there to be a lot of competition for some of these funds um and our best advice as we've been talking to the state and and with other cities is to be doing this work that we're talking about tonight to be developing sites and to be understanding that proforma level work so that when these Grant programs become available um you're prepared and have a competitive Grant application that can be added into the pool I think the more that we show that demand um to the legislature I would expect you know we would hope that that might see continued funding as well for some of these newer programs especially that infrastructure development program all of this would wrap up um if you scroll to the very bottom into of course the the report that summarizes this work and the documentation um um again we've talked about how that Ninth Street project is a bit of a pilot project that allows us to understand real time how that infrastructure project um goes and and apply that knowledge to these other sites as well um and I will pass it back to Moira to wrap us up yeah so um we want to really just hear your thoughts and questions again this is just us uh proposing some ideas uh hoping to get your direction to customize things and really get you to a point where as we go through the analysis and the development of the concepts and looking at what grants match up with those with those ideas that the community really wants to see working with the developers and the owners of the land uh together as a team in finding um the right identification of product with funding source to get houses built and this is not just about building infrastructure but because we need the infr structure to sustain development not just housing but uh everything that comes with it however uh we ultimately understand that the priority is to get houses to go vertical and be built in your community so with that we'll take any questions anybody have any questions at this time can I just make a comment yeah go ahead um I've been talking about this since 2017 um the way normally development in the city has went is a developer puts the infrastructure in and turns it over to the city we can't do that anymore we can't get anybody to do that anymore so in 2017 2018 we talked a lot about the city needs to get involved with putting the infrastructure in now they bring up a very good point you can put in all the infrastructure you want but you want the houses built I'm not a housing person but every time somebody comes to me about wanting to build houses they ask you know can you help with the infra I'm focused on the roads and the infrastructure um I feel that we we scaled this to a point where it's manageable you know we didn't go and pick 12 city blocks you know a huge area you know it's got to be manageable um but and since 2017 this with what came out in the legislature in 2023 is the first time I've ever heard money in there for infrastructure and that's what piqu my interest because that's what I've been asked is you know and I invited Mr Nevan in here and maybe he can maybe he's got some questions but he has called me several times wanting to know about can you put infrastructure in there and I can barely Parry replace the infrastructure we need to now so we need help to be able to put to add more is and I you know I don't like the idea that we can't replace a bad water line but we're putting in new ones and and I just think that you know trying to I call it a game play the funding game is um and there's there's money that the state has put out there and they really don't know how it's going to look yet but I think we're in a good position that if we go down this road we're going to have a very good opportunity on on being able to have a legitimate shot at getting funding to help us with infrastructure and housing Paul you got anything that yeah you know we have the meeting as a housing collaborative after the county and City both funded count stud and a lot of good information came out of that to get some good numbers and some real AC it but where do you go from here and that's where we we've been admiring the problem and you know it's it's good to see like Navy School apartments and some of the stuff down town but we hear a lot from Rob past Clinic single family homes single family homes and how do you get to I went to a a housing Summit in Grand rap earlier this year and they're right it's a very competitive going after this new money that's available over billion in theid but every community that Grand Rapids okay talk about what they're doing they're prepping they're doing exactly what they in order to to make a competitive bid for those dollars you have to have a plan that's based on real numbers and sites that are buildable and all of the other prerequisites that these guys are talking about and unless you position yourself I think we're going to continue on this path with just you know admiring being able to really move forward again across a whole spectrum of housing we're going to have they're talking about 9th Street infil uh East would be those manufactur home and Sh crab would be the single family the whole umbrella so you've got the whole host of housing Hees in one plan which I think is really smart too because we we need all the housing that have been dist appr coach so um I I think it's a it's a good investment and helps you get closer to rather than just sitting and admiring the problem um being able to leverage these State funds knowing the cost of infrastructure that only the cost of block of sewer and water and and roadway and it's it's especially up here it's cost prohibitive to a lot of developers to get into that game so um I'm I'm again I've admiring this for a long time I app the city in Eda for at least get to this point looking at it because um I I don't think anything's going to measurably happen without some sort of investment like this 15 these folks have done it all over the the region so um they've been there and they've done it thanks anybody else any questions for the ladies and go ahead one one part I didn't see maybe I missed it is uh we looked at housing for elderly M the one level maybe the is that in is that you know what I'm part right and so that's why I tried to to emphasize is I'm I I don't want to be the housing person okay yep you know I think there's spots to do a large complex like that what I'm looking at is the infrastructure side of it okay and there are Financial opportunities that if somebody wants to do multif family housing there is funding for us to add infrastructure to it but this was to add blocks you know it's it's to add a block add two blocks of infrastructure and try and help spur some houses being built that's that's the way I guess I would look at how I looked at it good place to start you know it it's but the multif family housing commissioner Wagner I really haven't that hasn't been my focus because you know most of the places that feel would qualify for something like that has got the infrastructure very close compared to actually building a road with water and sewer and storm sewer and Street lighting if that makes sense yeah and on that for the I could say uh seniors that but that could be like a single level home even not even like the condominiums or whatever yeah or what but even myself when I finally drove down down by 9th Street one day and I looked at it myself you know this might be a good place for some little tiny houses or whatever right there on that box cuz it's amazing I went on that tour in duth that same LMC of what those little look like and what they have going on in there you know and they talk about from northern Minnesota while these are built on duth and they have a whole village of them you know was that the tour that you got asked to leave the bus right I think I can drop the bus yeah well that's because I got there first and we didn't sign up I didn't know that was a rule but but we saw but there were and some other things that make it different with zoning make work so well if I don't if we don't have any more questions we thank you for your time and your information and we'll be in touch thanks for having us thanks thank you thank you thank you but I I would just like to say keep telling like we've been I say since the last time I was on the council housing was a thing and this year we've been talking since we got there and I think we to even though we appointed somebody to the HRA today but I think we're at the point now though too where we I think we know we're going to have to do some of this lifting ourselves to get some of this going and I would think a plan like this would be a good idea any questions for me I don't have any more questions for you anybody else have questions Chad so is this a we've already paid for this thing or no no okay no this is a proposal do we want to this oh okay that's where I was wondering where it was going Y how soon do you got an all that do we better as as the indicated that's why I was raising my head as they indicated kind of an all aart situation as they moved through it however like it says some have to be connected with other pieces of it as a whole it looks like about $59,000 um and that's why we brought it to the Eda Ted asked to have it here Eda has some funding available um we are going to be looking at 2025 budgets with uh Emma next um so it's something that if you guys want to sit on a little bit and think about it and if they have any questions for Ted or Jason or Mora or Sarah we can definitely come back with that or if there's something any of you'd like to move forward today um that's kind of in your guys' court as an Eda so and that is what we're moving on where is my moving on to next is consider the 2025 Eda budget so thanks Paul than you Paul unless you guys want to talk more about this do we want a little time more time to think on it or do do we want to think on it more yeah Emma come on up yeah you want me to go through it Budd or you yeah no come on up and we can I'll talk about it together so what so Eda budget um in the past you can kind of see the line items that we've previously appropriated Monies to um the KP funds are consistently the same would you say um so 225 um and it's essentially would you say in and an out they say 2 225s no I'm not an expert on but no that's okay the KDP funds for the 225 they they come in in two halves 11250 each half the way the county appropriates those funding in the past um we've used them for the chamber helping fund the chamber um last year um the the committee agreed to fund the 4th of July at 16,000 out of out of this line item so that's out of those dollars as well um 5,000 of that went to um an additional 5,000 was budgeted for the chamber that advertising program the brochure that they just put out um so that's what those funds were for you know those revenues were used for then we also have the land um lands and Forest sale of property as you can see over the years that kind of varies depending upon um their land sales and Timber sales and the wood and all of that we get an appropriation of percentage of those funds um so we usually budget you know usually budget similar to that 225 in that line item and that one varies um and the did the Rainy River they have not asked for funding this year so we have not put anything into there correct and um so it's kind of discussion on what the two revenues are the 225 both of those and then what you guys are going to approve as expenses are you agreeing to approve a the same or different amount for the 4th of July for 2025 that would be something you guys would need to let us know what you would like to do there I think we should continue y oh was that was that Fourth of July yeah I know but was that enough well isn't there money from something else too for that or no for the 4th of July yeah I thought he had some there was leftovers from last year and I think they're sitting at about that's what it was $5,000 in a balance from the 2023 wa yeah I did if you needed more was going but no I think that would do cuz I one of the things we started and I'd like to keep us doing little bit of a m but people have really enjoyed the last two concerts we have put on I have great comments again on the concert and the whole fourth of July celebration and being downtown as much as I was doing whatever it was and it was good so we're good with that yeah then uh I'd also like to give $110,000 from this to the museum from our Eda money so was it going to be out of this fund or was it going to be out of the 208 because I think I tentatively put it in the 28 208 fund and I have to remember why because it mirrored the funding that we did I know who was it going to think about that 208 is um maybe that's not the appropriate place but I put it there because it was picking up where something else left off I have all my do you have a full budget with you a budget you have a full budget book it's got a stack it's the uh uh red book money we gave for the KCTV somewhere here maybe that's that was where for the transmitter something yeah yeah yes that was in here but it's not going to show up because this was back in June I think what that was we expended that later than that okay didn't we no no the communications the 14260 is that is that it I think that's the K I was wondering yes I believe that is yes for this year you put a little little KCT over there we can yep it's hard to know because it's not like my spreadsheet and depending on what the budget note if it didn't import what are the expensive side of that see that's just the in andout for the um the vnp building yeah yeah the 208 is more of an in and and out and managing 20 want the 809 for the for the 5,000 um 5,000 of the 15 of the museum yes that should be coming out of this 809 for our city Economic Development correct and where is that best and do you want to come out of the same place that the RCC Servants of shelter yeah something like that yes most appropriate yeah I and I'd like to hit them to Le I don't know if did we agree to give I can't remember to give out of the general fund money to the museum yes also yes there was 10,000 out the, then I'd like to give another 10,000 out of here to for 20 for the year okay so you're looking to do instead of the original 15 that you discussed you want to do 20 so you want to do 10 and 10 I do yeah that's just me 10 out of here 10 out of the Jil yeah so I think for one they do go around do marketing for the town and we are kind of uh borrowing their land more than we thought talking to dead so you know there's a good faith gesture maybe too all right but that's just me okay I'll give you my vote yeah yeah I'm okay with it all right so we don't know yet if uh Randy river is going to they are not believe they would and he was even kind of if I remember apprehensive last year B they just kind of told him to ask any but that's going to be zero then pardon me the 30 yeah we're the 30 um was 30,200 y yep in the yellow cuz we gave servces transfers permanent they haven't come yet either no and I don't no and last year late in the game and I looked up to see what that funding request actually said last year and it was 10,000 and I believe that they classified it as it remember it didn't say one time but it alluded to that yeah it wasn't one time they asked as a one time but a lot of people asked as a one time I realized but they did it was posted to emergency to they were hoping to get some Grant funds which is what we did tonight you know to the emergency shelter part of the Grant and is why they're looking for that documentation cuz I think they're going to look for some for right so that line item then we'd just be budgeting the 10,000 for the museum M correct and then the other 10 out of the general correct and then back to as assume where we had previously done the chamber um the books it that'll be zero I would assume yep yeah and I don't know if my temperature will change cuz they're going to be coming to talk about ice box days and crazy crazy days days which I you know I can see possibly because it is a ice box days is a huge Community event crazy days I have a totally different feeling on icebox days I could somewhat get behind from a Economic Development perspective for promoting the area externally because it is a more of a festival but and and one thing this city already does is provide uh $20,000 for yeah fireworks for ice box Bas in addition to all of the extensive amounts of Labor that we provide it's $20,000 it's not 20,000 for both then for Fourth of July yeah that's everything I think they only they only spent like about two grand good that's a nice wrong number on fireworks for the ice box event but because I still have so but we can worry about them next week maybe we'll before that some but not together of course but or no Daisy chains but cuz I whatever so we this will look different than what we have it could look different right now you've only got $26,000 in expenditures and you have 45 in Revenue I like that right keep a little I wish the servants people would come and ask for money to pain pretty good can we hire somebody to paint the build got money I got a problem I'll take money out of my own pocket to have that place toally bad M do oh I know I are you on that board I'm learning what board's that servant of shelter you on that one I am not on that one but we're kind of intertwin I but good guess well that's kind of right in my wheel holes yeah yeah yeah I am in koutas pretty close okay what else will the kutasa building purchase be out of the general or does do we need to about something for this um actually the the chief talked about having money in reserves that he was going to be using for vehicles that he doesn't so he said he could use it out of that as well okay yeah so and no I don't think this would be the place to take that out would to begin with but yeah that would be stretching the say I probably wouldn't just from the perspective of ownership dealing with yeah no we'll get it so yeah well Happ y yeah I we should have made that part of the motion I I missed that apologize so anything else on the budgets that you guys have questions on or you need to discuss Emma do you have anything else I don't think so Eda is usually pretty pretty soft explanatory then before we go go ahead oh I was just going to say does I I don't fully understand the 208 809 does this board also have to approve the 208 Eda or is that separate that is does that fall under the city's Authority falls under the city not under this Eda okay okay then yep I think then plugging these numbers in and depending on what they want to do as far as the presentation we just did from the Bolton and mink people about the housing aside from that um I would just need to know like do we have to have them approve a Budget prior to the preliminary budget being approved by the city as a whole say that again who approve what does this board have to approve a final on the 809 before the end of September when the city approves the preliminary as a whole yes they would if Chang from what this is today yes and it's all going to depend on what the chamber comes asking right so we got to squeeze it in there yeah okay so we probably have to I mean you can meet with the chamber as a committee of the whole but it's something that's going to probably you know be budgeted out of here so do one more meeting before the final and we can and we can just do like today and throw it I was going to say we just throw it on the day that we have the uh special meeting before the speci to approve the preliminary then one thing so what are we what do we before we the presentation where we want to think on it a little bit then come back and talk about it the plan I I think it's something we need we should seriously consider because some we have done like Paul said we've done enough talking about we need to do housing do something about housing like I said I think we're probably going to be on our own without the infrastructure we're not going to get any housing and without that plan we're not going to get somebody that can write us grants for we need to get out there and do that right now because otherwise without that infrastructure without that infrastructure we will not have housing yeah if we get the infrastructure there then we going to be interested do we want to move that tonight then go ahead with the 59,000 I'll make motion to do it I have a motion do I have a second second I have a second any more discussion and are you talking the agreement as a whole yeah y because you can take parts to be budgeted from um fund 809 yep I would say we might as well do it all if we're going to have them do it but and it has and I think I think it's just kind of a the tip of a little of Iceberg of a smus board of areas at different and we got to start and once we get that going and find out which area that most people want we can start researching and try and find some more area for that type of housing whether it's the the pre-built or whether it's the ones that stick built or whether it's the small lots of to you know just um all right we just need to get I will all right I'll take I'll take the motion the motion then is for the total of 59,000 is um go with their plan to essentially that with given that then we would just basically be taking 40,000 out of reserves we'd have 45,000 in roughly income um and then you know that's assuming obviously you're not pulling anything from the chamber at this point in time yep okay so I'll ask a question I I I I motion carries we'll start getting into the house business maybe and we'd be putting that under Professional Services yes yep sure sounds good to me all right meting the journ all right better oh nice nice better I got to go eat I'm hungry oh I got a I'll miss a lot of the elk meeting it's all right Duty C you mean