##VIDEO ID:PuQLYAQ9DtM## all right let's go ahead and call this meeting of the asan city council of the order if we can all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance please doing a roll call we have all council members present do we have any public comment this evening if you could just state your name and address for the record there I don't think so I'll talk let me know if you he Paul berley 308 Whiskey Road Apartment 102 yeah I'm back can I say anything so anyway um I heard you guys talk about this last month and I was just going to reiterate I was planning on coming up this month anyway and just talking about I think that U you guys done a good job appointing a lot of City councilmen I'd like to see the the mayor race be an election when I was on city council the City attorney called all of us and said that nobody the mayor what he does is run the meetings and I forget the other things but I think the mayor is the face of the city and I think that people are approaching me and saying you know I don't know if they still know what think I'm on City but they said we should be electing a mayor and I somewhat agree with that I was thinking that even before people started approaching me on that and U you know not that you guys haven't done a good job of appointing people but I think people want to elect their mayor that's my feeling feeling I get and I think if anyone up here any of you guys have an Ambitions to to run from Air I would totally support that I mean you know you did good in the primary and Luke you did good in your first race and Steve always does good with num there wasn't any yeah there wasn't any did I was appointed oh okay that's right I can't remember anybody any anyway if I was a bet man I would bet Jimmy's going to win this is a republican dominated area supported Jimmy in every race but his first one I was the only one that voted against himm the first time well because I didn't know you Jimmy I realized that it didn't take long for me to realize I made a mistake and for and I did vote for the other guy Leroy he's a personal friend of mine only reason I but anyway there's a matter for the anyway and so I would just encourage you um I know that it cost money but I think that it was up to me I would I would say it's worth it if you divide it up over how many people would vot I don't know roughly $350 cents per resident to do a special election okay yep I knew you guys knew I knew you guys talked about this last month I learned that today that you talk about last month I was coming up here anyway on to whether you talk about I just encourage you to say I'm Pro and I think I mean we're just speaking you know if something were to happen we don't know if it's going to so I mean that's the first the first unknown but the reason we were even discussing it at all was that I we I think I think everybody up here was in favor of a special election versus appointing it was the reason we discussed it last month was basically that if we wanted to change it to skip the primary it needed to be discussed and it needed to be decided on you know then or you know later which that that came to about when that was in the committee of meeting but that came to three 3 to two basically with um two of us wanting to to skip the primary and the other three not so so that's I applaud your guys' wisdom I I would I would appreciate a election for the mayor yeah all right thank you very much yeah thanks Paul any other public comment this evening all right we'll move on to adopting the agenda here if there's any modifications or yes good evening mayor and Council I do want to point out that I did pass out supplementary memo for item K3 and then item number L2 which was previously a consent item has been brought up to the business item and that was for a resolution to approve quote and entering into contract with sun mechanical for plumbing and hbac services I'll make a motion to approve With The Changes mentioned second I have a motion from councilman Merill and a second from councilman line and all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign that motion carries five zero we have a few proclamations here let's see we've got uh the month of October as pregnancy and infant loss Awareness Month and awareness month and I'll go ahead and just read that Proclamation here so whereas pregnancy and infant loss is such a common occurrence one that is usually not recognized and whereas many Isanti parents and families have suffered a miscarriage a still birth or a death of an infant during delivery or shortly after birth and whereas this devastating tragedy often occurs suddenly without warning and as a result of miscarriage still birth pre-term birth sudden infant death syndrome accident or other causes or complications and whereas isan wishes to acknowledge the profound grief experienced by families who suffer the death of a baby and whereas asan wishes to acknowledge the existence of babies and infants that die far too young whereas even the shortest lives are still valuable and the grief of those who mourn the loss of these lives should not be trivialized and whereas the 50 day of October is recognized in parts of the United States and in many other jurisdictions around the world as a day of remembrance and awareness of pregnancy and infant loss and whereas the tragedy of pregnancy and infant loss which exacts a terrible emotional toll may be preventable in some instances and whereas increased awareness of the causes and impacts surrounding prancy and in infant lost may lead to Greater understanding support and resources in communities across Isanti and whereas a month of remembrance honors the lives of children taken far too soon and supports grieving parents grandparents siblings and other family members whose lives are forever altered by the Heartbreak of losing a child and whereas those parents and families require support and understanding during their time of grief and whereas promoting awareness of the challenges faced by those parents and families as a positive means of establishing establishing support and understanding and whereas recognizing pregnancy and if and loss Awareness remembrance month would enable the people of isan to consider how as individuals and communities they can meet the needs of a bereaved mothers fathers and family members and to work to prevent the causes of these deaths and now therefore I James Gordon mayor of the city of isan do hereby Proclaim October as prancy and infant loss Awareness Month in the city of isan and encourage parents caregivers and all residents to become educated in opportunities to prevent pregnancy and infant loss and support berei families when prevention is not possible it's also breast cancer awareness month so I'll read that Proclamation here whereas breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women across every racial and ethnic group in Minnesota and whereas naturally more than 200,000 women and an unknown number of men are living with metastatic breast cancer a devastating stage of breast cancer that occurs when cancer spreads beyond the breast to other parts of the body including the bones lungs liver and brain and whereas due in part to a lack of awareness men are generally diagnosed with breast breast cancer at a later stage than women which affects prognosis and treatment and whereas currently no cure exists for metastatic breast cancer and many of those with metastatic breast cancer pursu treatment with the goal of extending the best quality of life possible and whereas through research and advocacy advances have been made in the fight against against breast cancer including an increased rate of early detection and a high five-year relative survival of nearly 93% in Minnesota and whereas the month of October is a des designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote education and awareness as well as to honor those who have lost their lives to breast cancer and support those currently fighting it now therefore I James Gordon mayor by San to hereby Proclaim October 2024 as breast cancer awareness month and it's also manufacturing month so this will be our last proclamation of the evening here whereas the manufacturing industry is a critically important part of Minnesota's diverse economy and whereas Manufacturing contributed $ 57.2 billion to Minnesota's economy in 2023 representing 12% of the state's gross domestic product and whereas manufactured exports brought $22.5 billion into the Minnesota economy in 2023 and whereas workers took home $25.7 billion in wages from Minnesota manufacturing jobs in 2023 the second largest total payroll among private sector Industries and whereas Manufacturing in Minnesota pays an average annual wage of $79,000 which is 10% higher than the state's overall average private sector wage and whereas manufacturing provides more than $325,800 highly skilled well-paying jobs which significantly contribute to Minnesota's high standard of living and economic vitality and whereas there are roughly 25 manufacturing companies in isan making a wide range of products that improve life create Solutions and bring joy here in isan throughout Minnesota and around the world and whereas more than 350 people are employed in manufacturing jobs in isan now therefore I James Gordon mayor of isan do hereby Proclaim October as 20 2024 as manufacturing month all right looking to approve the city council meeting minutes we have the um meeting minutes from the 17th of September for committee of the whole and we have the uh meeting uh minutes from the city council meeting that same evening on September 17th did I say 17th on the first one M okay motion to approve second I have a motion to approve from councilman lundine and a second from councilman heeman all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5-0 for announcements we have our city offices closed on October 14th in observance of Columbus Day we have our committee of the whole meeting on Tuesday October 15th at 5:00 p.m. Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday October 15th at 6 p.m. City Council on Tuesday the 15th at 700 p.m. and our park and wreck board meeting on Tuesday the 22nd at 6: p.m. do we have any Council committee reports I do have one brief one um the Dairy Queen here in town has done a couple fundraisers for the school district and that's been great they've uh donated quite a bit of money uh I believe the first time it was around $2,800 and they had another event on September 26th I haven't heard how much they uh gathered to donate to the schools but I think it's great that a local business is giving back to the ice handy schools um and then at the uh Chamber of Commerce meeting uh the last meeting was about AI I thought thought there was some interesting stuff there um specifically the chat chat GPT and I wasn't Stephie was there and I wasn't sure if we did that as a city to use to write up you know job descriptions and stuff like that because I I tried a couple um little queries on there and it worked pretty good for actually coming up with job descriptions I wasn't sure if that was something we used um but I thought that was interesting had fire district meeting here a couple weeks ago they had some storing damage out on Station 3 from which is surprising when you look at that house that was kitty corner from that ripped everything down and all those trees and everything and there's the small amount of damage that was done to the station was pretty um Miracle you know especially when that thing stands out like a sore thumb out there um plinary budget with them it looks very promising I don't want to get into detail on it until we actually set it but looks very promising better than it normally is so um other than that there really wasn't a lot else there all right I think Jeff was in that building at Station 3 when the storm came through you on your way home from work or something and you had to stop off there took shelter yeah didn't know I was going to be in the middle of it yeah but you're right Steve that house across the street just got I mean not the house I guess but the barn and the woods yeah it was crazy uh any other Council committee reports all right we'll go ahead and move on to our first business item K1 an ordinance to amend chapter 245 peders solicitors and transient merchants and food mobile food units good evening mayor and Council so at the committee of the whole on August 20th it was discussed to have a further discussion mod chapter 245 in reference specifically to the distance from the Food Service building into a restaurant um and how it's calculated for a food truck unit um this was further discussed with uh some recommendations from staff at the September 17th city council meeting or Committee of the whole meeting and those changes are before you this ordinance has been posted for the required 10 days and the language is as what was presented at that September 17th meeting and I will read the following changes this is in section 24526 under locations starting with letter b mobile food units cannot be located within 500 feet from the perimeter of any pre-approved Festival sporting event or Civic event unless license is issued for the Mobile Food unit to be part of the F festival or event C mobile food units cannot be located within 200 fet of an entrance to a brick-and mortar restaurant unless the license is issued in conjunction with or the Mobile Food unit is operating pursuant to an exception for any pre-approved event Festival sporting event or Civic event or to The Brick Mort restaurant is closed and not doing business during the hours of the Mobile Food unit's operation for purposes of this provision distances shall be measured from the primary entrance of the restaurant and the primary entrance is a door along the street where the restaurant is physically addressed for purposes of this provision distances of a restaurant within a multi-tenant facility or strip mall will be measured from the primary entrance of the restaurant business and then d a copy of the written permission from any restaurant owner if the Mobile Food unit is requ requested to be located within 200 ft of a restaurant must be included with the license application thank you any discussion on this I I was thinking to myself I and I hadn't thought about this before when we had had talked about adding this or or doing this but 500 ft from a festival so let's say you've got somebody that sets up like that taco taxi is set up and then Nick and Drews want to do some kind of a special event you know the intention of saying 500 ft is so you don't have food trucks coming in and piggybacking on special events without being a part of the special event right but I could see that potentially creating an unwanted consequence that if if there's something set up on more of a permanent basis that just happens to be there well then are they going to have to move if either within 500 ft of a special event you know what I mean unless they get permission from the person putting on on the special event I mean yeah so the special event would have to allow them to be a mobile food unit where they're established if it's within the 500 feet yeah so that doesn't seem that doesn't seem like what we're trying to accomplish you know what I mean I don't know I just it probably would never come up but I just the thought occurred to me that well boy what if what if you were set up like that then that would be different I think it's reasonable I know the farmers market they had out food truck set up right across the street at the MCO um they eventually asked to come over to the market on Fridays but in the future it could be oh you're saying uh like the mini donut stand that was across the street at the gas station yeah I mean they were okay with it but maybe but he had been setting up there prior I mean yeah right so and we'll only know if someone calls and complains about it so Nick and Drews if they're going to have a private event they're I mean I have to put W on words in the mouth but they're probably not going to call and complain about a truck that's been sitting there no but yeah you're leaving the possibility open that that situation could could happen you know what I mean would that be something that we would all discuss as when you know a special event permit comes in that's something that we'd all have to discuss correct mhm well not necessarily I guess right that especially EV permit is stating that they don't need to get a mobile food unit license because they will be part of the event as long as the event holder is carrying the liability for them and then it's prohibiting other people as the mayor stated to piggy back on that where I mean there are events that make money off of vendors to help sustain their event so it's to prohibit that from happening unless they're a part of it I mean in theory we could have someone setting up on Rodeo days just just shy of the rodeo grounds you know mhm we don't you know we don't want that either I would I wouldn't think I mean I believe in free market but M I think 500 feet is fine yeah I mean I I don't know I don't know if it could be cleaned up to but I mean you get what I'm saying is it yeah and then but how do you you can't really Define that you know like okay if the mini donut guy goes to the gas station on a somewhat regular basis and it just happens that that's a day that he's going to be there anyway then you know what I'm saying and that's like if it is a Friday right now then he wouldn't be allowed to go to that gas station on a Friday when The Firs Market is going technically then right well let me let me say this a lot of businesses what they do is it would be more on the business owner the gas station because I've found out they like to lease out to these food trucks so um it I don't think it would go against a food truck as much as a business another thing to consider just perspective is not every event has to get a special event permit so let's say for example the VFW had an event that was fully contained and it was a full full out Festival but they are not overflowing out to the public right away they do not need to get a special event permit so if they did not want to carry the liability for their food trucks any and all food trucks could go there they don't have an approved special event permit so not all events that businesses put on would be a special event you also have to think I mean if the residents speak by making their purchase at the mini donut shop that's set up across the street that means the residents want it so I mean you kind of let the market speak on that and I I don't yeah I don't know it's a tough one that's what I'm saying is May maybe just I could see it creating more problems than it actually I mean not many people going to go and but I mean it happens at the state fair you see when you're parking and stuff you know I mean there's all kinds of people set up and you know outside the fair yeah yeah but we did have it at one of our City events we did have vendors that paid to have a vendor spot at one of our City events that had the fireworks and we did have a vendor set out set up far farther away but within Bluebird Park that was not a paying vendor not saying that we created this for that example but that does happen but I also think if they were setting up in Bluebird Park they should have had the city's permission that would that have been to me it would have been a red flag to start with they shouldn't have been setting up a vendor vendor truck in one of our city parks period without City's permission plain and simple we did make them move and then they moved to this the RightWay then they left Park and went out on iceing Parkway yeah yeah I mean I guess you could just make it a shorter distance too but I maybe maybe make it 200 feet just like the restaurants I have no problem with that 200 ft isn't really much but I don't know what do you guys think maybe it's nothing to even be worried about but I just I just when I was reading it I was thinking yeah what what about that so do we have to repost it yes we would have to repost it and bring it back to another council meeting we could just keep it the way it is and if if that issue arises in the future we we can readdress it then since we would have to redo it anyway I don't see if there I don't see an issue with it I'll clarify the we do have to repost it for the 10 days so we would have to to post notice but if we go with this and then change it later we do pay for a codifier to codify our code so I would recommend that if you think you might want to change it based off an another scenario that we would just wait and revise it when you I think it just leave it as it is it's at 500t just leave it the way it is I don't think I it it just clarifies more things that's all and it would require the person that has the special event to make a complaint correct so if if Nick and Drew say is having an event and they don't care about the taco truck we're never going to hear about it because they don't care so it's and I don't think they're people are going to go to Nick Andrews because they special event he might get a few stragglers but yeah right I don't I honestly I don't think that's I but it does concern me with when we have an event set up and you got a truck parking in our Parks right that that's an xn that should never be allowed so is that in city ordinance now that they can't park in our Parks or is that something that we should add to this well that it is in there that they have to be part of a special event permit but then they they can park in the right away but not in the Park parking lot you get on that Parkway that ain't there ain't a lot of room to get byy cars on that thing to start with they shouldn't be allowed to put it on that right away in that on that street that's pretty narrow anyway and I think that would be a parking they were also asked to move from there so what's that were asked to move again so just I mean they're just trying to ride on a free ride I get that but you know they could have paid to have a vending spot sitting there and they probably would have made their money anyway instead of moving back and forth that was a lot of screwing around to do that personally those I mean that's not like a FIV minute deal just throw on the hitch and drive you got to secure everything to move [Music] it now I think I think just leave it the way it is leave it to 500 and be done with it okay and if it there's an issue then I guess we'll have to address that issue as it comes I could be persuaded either way on it yeah it's probably like I said it's probably not that big a deal but it's I could just see a situation where it becomes a problem you know what I mean but but only if somebody complains right you know and the odds are if it's somebody that's set up on a regular basis probably not going to get complained about going you know they're going to be there yeah so but it does give us the ability if yeah all right I could be talked into that yeah motion to approve I'll second I have a motion to approve from councilman lundine and a second from councilman heeman all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z moving on to K2 the resolution to approve a conditional use permit and variance for St Elizabeth and Satan Catholic Church good evening mayor and Council um St Elizabeth and Satan Catholic Church submitted a conditional use permit and a variance request for um a dynamic sign to replace their existing sign at the corner of Heritage Boulevard and Whiskey Road um the church is zoned are one single family residential and therefore requires a conditional use permit for dynamic sign as is required in all zoning districts um but a variance is also required for the size of their sign um this did go to the Planning Commission at the previous meeting on September 17th and was recommended for approval the findings of fact and conclusion are included in the packet if you have any questions motion to approve second third I have a motion to approve from councilman lundine and I have a second from councilman Merill I think all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 moving on to K3 the resolution to consider purchasing two shade structures at Rum River Meadows Park evening again um at the September 24th Parks and Recreation board meeting the board had a discussion regarding shade options for R River Meadows Park this was also discussed at the um August meeting as well um requesting more information um they are requesting to purchase two single post pyamid Canever um shade structures that are 10t long by 10 ft wide and 8 ft tall um with an inground post um the city currently has a stage shade structure that resembles this at the I community garden um which I believe was purchased about 10 years ago in 2014 correct that's what we said the other day um and looks like knew I actually have a picture of that Luke you didn't specify what size pels were uh 4x4 16t I goal these for the 5x five okay that's fair it's going to be a little more money but I mhm I was just doing a rough this is a much better it's much better value so if how many times could you buy this again and just replace it versus so I did the math on this you know I looked at these Shades and they they seem nice and all but if the fact that City the Public Works still has to install them it's and they're you know $6,000 a piece you go on Amazon you can get a shade that's actually bigger for 57 bucks um and I know a lot of people use them to you know shade their car uh I think they probably look less obtrusive than these things do um so then I just did the rough math on 4x4 green treat 16t they're roughly 40 bucks each um you need four of them and then you need a screw eye for each post so that's roughly 20 bucks um now you could go 5x5 or 6x6 and you're talking you know an extra 80 bucks um so you'd have a total cost of approximately let's just Round Up to 300 bucks per shade versus that $6,000 per shade that we were quoted um now I've seen a lot of these they last roughly 5 years sitting outside um so even if you replace it every 5 years for 60 bucks that's you know kind of a no-brainer obviously there's probably a higher chance of it getting damaged in storms but for 60 bucks you're not really in anything so yeah that's why I brought this up because I think I think more homeowners would lean towards this more cost- effective approach and I think that's how we should govern our city yeah well I mean once you have the post there I mean all you're going to really change is this the the actual shade the canopy yeah like you said I mean we're talking $12,000 for something you can do for 300 bucks it's i' say we I I'm not opposed to giving it a shot and see what it's like yeah me I'm sure I'm sure this is nice and I'm sure it will last longer but like you said I mean how many times can you replace it for so yeah you you could replace it let's see what's the math on that about 100 times the only difference is there's one pulse versus three more to run I was going to say the one thing we need to consider is the size of the shade area might need to be larger I I was going to accessibility then so that I think we should do larger to the area a 10 by so this one here for 56 5699 is 10x 13 I personally don't think that's big enough I think the 13 by 19 A2 would be better and that's only 99 n bucks so you have almost twice this the shade you know so well the one that we were looking at for for the 10 by 10 10 by 10 yeah but it has one post so it's it's easier to access right yeah no I do those do those come down in the winter the shades or do they stay up on the existing one the existing one stays up year round you have discussed the potential of taking it down but it's held up really well okay and hasn't had much feeding or anything so we down leaving it up okay so one one con to these is you'd have to take them down in the winter these you would do because that one's tapered so the snow load will come off where the snow is just going to s that right but if you're you think about it in the Parks people aren't really going in the shaded areas in the parks in the winter time and they like the sun in the winter usually so they'd have to come down but like I said I I'm not opposed to giving that a shot and would we want to do blue because it's the city color or green because it's more natural is it a preference on that but then you're going to have four posts sitting in there in the winter time I suppose that kind of look funny but they're pretty common a lot of people I see installing these over their driveways yeah so I think people just come to expect it could staff choose according to the color of the playground structures sure and fading I would like to see the location of these moved um I hope these loc the location you have on the map is the set location for one the one is too close to the volleyball net and I can see it getting hammered a lot and I think we should move them both out to the front that would be my my opinion so one on the right one on the left the park board did recommend putting them in these locations they did think it would be nice to use if you were playing volleyball so that it was accessible for the volleyball players and maybe would encourage more use over there because it is so sunny and there's no shade um and then they were chosen to be on the uh sorry east and south sides instead of like for sure they didn't want it to be on the north side of the park for shading that makes sense but then we should move it as maybe even a tad onto the playground I'm not sure what this structure is um to the east of it but maybe have it overla a playground just a tad part of it or or get it as close to the playground as possible and away from a net and we could move it to the South still to be next to the volleyball court I guess just there's more space there to the front of the playground so it's closer to the other one but still sure at least out of the line of fire that's and I know last month we had talked about a potential shade structure for the um New amenities at Blueberry parking is roughly 30,000 could we consider something like this for that as well if the cost is is you know 300 to 400 bucks I was just going to say yeah where where else do you want shade structures it just seems so that shade structure was for over the playground equipment yeah I mean this could be over they have all sorts of different sizes of these I believe 40 by that was very large and okay very tall but you could do two of them I've seen a lot of people where they they have two of them next to each other so you have believe it I mean it's like 18 to 20 feet tall so oh okay yeah because it has to go over the entire struct playground structure okay so um there were two play shade structures added but they we've already moved forward with purchase right included with that ones that are Canever like this one I believe two or three within that oh there was two within that mhm on the outside exterior of that play area okay guess I didn't think we voted on that yeah we did there was there was some other amenities they wanted to add and those are the got it I voted no on it either way so I'd like to see a more permanent solution to this too I'd really like to see a couple trees going here I mean that that Park's going to be around hopefully for another 50 years I'm sure we'll upgrade the equipment between now and then but um if we're going to invest you'd be surprised I listen to it till 10:30 almost every night but they're in there we we need some trees and we also need trees over by we did plant two new trees in this park this year there is two trees we have money in our Park budget annually believe roughly $6,000 for new trees every year so we've been adding them to Bluebird as well as this park and all the parks where we think there's but you get nothing you got to realize chipping away there's three lots at that Park we bought lots on both sides of that Park so I big area there it's a nice area today before this council meeting I was actually talking to a apple um tree farmer and I was thinking that would be kind of fun for for us to have apple trees in our Parks I don't know if that's a is that against the rules shade though really well no but but I suppose you could trim them up and I don't know Great Park tree since it's hard to mow after you have apples we'd have to put a lot of wood chips underneath them as well and you got to go clean up the apples and you're going to have bees and you're going to you're just that's nature I mean it's a park I I didn't know if that was something that we'd ever considered you get something get a kid out there that is allergic to bees and you give a reason for bees to be there you be surprised how many I've been stung so many times with apple trees in the yard because of it and they're not always the bees you want either I guess I I mean I have two apple trees and I've never got stung and it's usually just honeybees but I I don't know and we have a lot of apples down but I just thought it was kind of an interesting idea because kids like apples I mean everybody that's an interesting idea yeah I'd be a dead set against apple trees or fruit trees in a park you're just going to ask for trouble could you put that over by the community community guard gens try it maybe draw some bees in pollinators all right so shade structures what are you guys thinking here want to go go two of the uh the larger 13 by 19 and half and yeah I think so yes yep it's 11 or 12 120th of the price so yeah but I do recommend to go with 6x6 po I don't have any problem with that I was just doing a real quick and I think you should the eyeballs should not just be Leed into them I think they should be drilled through bolt and washer nut and washer and lock nut on it so that they can pivot because if there it could it just might make it last longer yep that would be my suggestion should we give them an amount not to spend over I mean or just say it is what it is let's just go with these and and be done with it okay a motion to approve with Luke's shades with 6x6 post and going to the 13 by 19 and a half second I have a motion from councilman lundine and a second from councilman Merill all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z nice job on that Luke thank you yeah uh let's see so moving on to K4 consider recommend recommendation from Parks and Recreation board for naming Fairway greens North Park as you are aware we've been discussing the Parkland that was dedicated from Fairway greens north um development and officially it does not have a name we call it Fairway greens North Park because that's the development it's in but um we do need to discuss having an official name Fairway greens North Park is very b m so not that it's not the right name but just considering that um so we really want to know what we do have an A naming policy for naming parks and park features and that is included within the packet um and it really does give us a good steep outline um for asking for citizen input or hosting a contest um and then it will also have to be filtered through the policy um which does require it to be named according to any of the natural features or the location of the park so within the city I guess we'd like to know what you would advise moving forward and what you'd like to see for the naming of this park I like the idea of having a contest to have somebody name too so long as it fits within the city's standards I mean that's I mean we all have to be concerned what naming it but I I think naming it having a contest for naming it and maybe give a gift certificate to something or whatever for it or something maybe they could cut the ribbon yep that'd be cool I think uh it might be a good time for a Facebook poll or something like that I know I've been talking about it and I don't know if that's that's where you're going to get the most interaction I think is Facebook but are we thinking we would want to request names from the public and have a deadline and then from there um depending on how many we have pick the top four or five and then have a you know have a survey from those names is that what you that' be an ideal way of doing it sounds good to me we could we make a post on Facebook saying that they can enter their their their entry into the comment section so it's easy for people to participate like say we make a post on Facebook and all we have to do is comment what they think the name should be and then it's it's entered in cu then you're going to get people that are willing to do it it's easy to type two words and hit send versus having to fill out a hole the only hard issue with that is then it's hard to define a winner well no we'd have to choose from it or do like a poll from but a lot of people could potentially say no I want this name yeah that name yeah and then they will put the same name in so then how do we pick who no I'm saying to just gather names to begin with so say if you have 50 people that comment well now you have 50 names and you might be you know there's some that are just going to automatically not be in and then you have say 15 that make it past that cut and then you can choose you know or we can choose or the people can choose in a poll which one is the best because I don't know how you'd gather names otherwise we could um just create a form that they could link to from Facebook where they just log in like we did with our last survey and just have them enter their name so we know their information so then we could choose a winner of the contest from Facebook it'll be hard to choose a winner unless we're only going to pick the first person who says it who could potentially the next p you know so that's what I'm just thinking okay I like I like that approach it just might be easier to gather the right information do you think we'll get enough participation if we do it that way we had quite a good response actually from our surveys so I think we'll be okay mayor and Council we've done other naming contests for other Park amenities Legacy Park is a great example schools chose um and so it was specifically reach out to different classes pick the names of the different Outlook areas and that was successfully done and the school really enjoyed the collaboration um I can't remember exactly what grade it was but maybe fourth grade or something um but that was really well it was a great Community to get together because obviously the kids in town are doing it and they got to go out there and be present when we were putting signs up so I think that was a great opportunity as well so we can reach out to the schools to see if they want to do something as well as open it up to the public like both ideas M yeah I think that's the direction we should go how do you decide between a school entry and a public entry though don't matter it's going to be a name okay I think that the teachers could come up with something creative and within their classroom they could pick one name and the teacher can put that name in there so then they'd all get recognition for it but it's tied to that teachers name so I think there's definitely a way to make that possible okay okay I like make motion to do that second need a motion for that or no I don't see any resolution here or anything so we don't have a resolution but we'll still take action okay for it all right all right I have a motion to uh create a contest for naming the Fairway greens North Park from councilman lundine and I think I had a second from councilman Merill there so all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 oh let's see uh K5 resolution to award the quote and entering into contract with some mechanical for plumbing and HVAC services so the city has a contract currently with this vendor Sun mechanical and that is for plumbing services the contract is nearing an end it is expiring at the end of November so staff did put out an RFP to solicit proposals from qualified um contractors to supply these services to the city we only received one proposal and that proposal was from Sun mechanical the information is provided um within you within the packet for the cost for each of the services the rates um during business hours outside business hours and they also have agreed to again maintain the certific certification to maintain for our rpcs that need to be tested every five years and also other back fow preventers as necessary they need to be tested every year and rebuilt every five thank you just just just to clarify that because if he's only coming once every five years to test him that's wrong yes I just wanted to clarify that so I I asked to bring this out of the consent agenda because I I just think that a lot of these companies are overcharging especially for The Apprentice hourly rate Steve you might have a different opinion on it but I don't disagree with the prorip hour yeah that's too high that but that's what it's going to be it most companies build out the same rate for an apprentice as they do a Forman an journeyman they're going to build it out St straight across that rate I'm going to be honest with you that's pretty cheap I I disagree I mean I don't yeah you call somebody to come out to your house and it's $500 just for them to show up that's cheap yeah and you got nobody else throwing their name in there yeah that's because our RFP process is too complicated for contractors to even be interested in working if you're a contractor going to do things with cities or any municipality government state whatever that is that RFP is no different than it is doing a commercial job somewhere I'm going to tell you that right now that's not what contractors are telling me about it the contractors that you're dealing with don't deal with these other ones let me tell you something I've dealt with a lot of commercial projects it's not that difficult trust me it's not when you got to spend months reading a book on your on your uh yell your uh now it's a sliping my mind but when you bid a project you have certain guidelines that you have to follow and doing Plumbing I have to look in the building section to make sure none of my Plumbing is carved in there and that happens so let me tell you something it is not you're dealing with somebody that's just dealing doing with something with a homeowner or a quick service that's nothing this is nothing compared to anything different RFP process is no different than what it was would be for any other job that you do anywhere else okay well every every contractor that I send any of this stuff to they say our process is clunky so I mean I I've said that since I got on I can I totally understand when they're saying that and it's costing us more money no it doesn't it does because the people that are going to give us reasonable prices don't even want to deal with all the BS of most people are going to charge more than 10% I saw the markup is good that's not much but that's part of our requirement I used to do it when I had my own business it isn't that bad it is not that bad it's not as bad as you think the lead it out to be if you don't want to take the time to go through it that's your problem if you want the business then you need to do it if you don't want to do it I'm sorry how bad you want to do the work but I'm going to tell you right now most companies don't charge less for an apprentice as they do a normal journeyman most companies will not and I don't think that the hourly rate is all that bad actually I mean These Guys these guys I mean they're they charge a lot I mean and it's only gotten worse over the last three years yeah and it's it's time for us to say no more I mean people are people are sick of paying this stuff and you're 10 their taxes but I don't I don't think they're unreasonable is my point I do think they're unreasonable an apprentice has paid what 40 to 50 bucks an hour tops and you got almost a $100 mark up an hour there you know and I don't think it's reasonable you have to pay for workman's you have to pay for an insurance there is more money and then plus they have to cover all their social security I know there's just because you see that that isn't there's more involved in it trust me there's too much government tax involved with it that's and and you're not feeding onto this onto this tax burden what with these businesses people going to change that is this a one-year contract this is a three-year contract they're locking that number in for three years we have and it does have the ability because it is a professional service to be extended annually as op fit by the council and that would be put onto a January resolution we do our other contracts um but we do find that that is in the best interest of the city to have the cost weighed out um and get these guaranteed prices instead of every year we see inflators and we have done some contracts in the past that weren't out three years we've also done some that are five which are also more challenging to get but it is nice to know exactly what you're paying but you got to realize this is just for service servicing when they go to replace furnaces and AC's and everything else they have just as much right to bid it as anybody else does that gets those projects get build out this is if Josie said all of a sudden toilet's floating over you got to call somebody that's what they do that's what their job title is but when it's a bid out job process to replace furnaces and AC's and everything else that's a different story for single units we have gone with our contracted we do the same with electrical as well um but for big projects that are part of e project we do bid that out sure or will or getos I think some Mechanicals they're a good company I'll make a motion to approve second I have a motion to approve from councilman heeman and a second from councilman lundine all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign I can we have some discussion on this is it possible that we go out for another bid because I don't like the fact we're accepting a bid without any competition on it that defeats the whole point of an RFP and if we're just accepting this with any without any competition I mean I don't think that's right for us we had it open how long first of all the motion carries 4 to one uh how long do we have this open for for uh the bid process I mean so we had posted it public notice on August 8th that did go into the paper on August 15th and we accepted proposals until September 16th so a month from when it went into the paper five weeks from when it was posted on our website yeah that's plenty of time I mean I guess I would like to see more comp trust me this pricing is not it's it's very very reasonable so I mean I hire plumbers for all sorts of stuff and it it's it's reasonable all right uh moving on to the consent agenda do we have I I did want to uh mention thank you to little Sprout daycare uh or child care center for the donation to uh to illuminate isan and then Julia uh looks she must have I know she had some Ambitions at the DNR I think or something like that but I don't know if that's where she's hading but I hate to see her go so she's done a great job and we appreciate all of her help since she's been been here so anything else otherwise I'll look for a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda second I have a motion from councilman Merill and I think I had a second from councilman lundine first he actually said it first uh councilman hren first all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5-0 and then we are going to go into a closed session that'll be uh for the city administrators annual performance review pursuant to Minnesota statutes 13 d05 subdivision 3A