##VIDEO ID:vJJsP--TK7s## all right we'll go ahead and call this meeting of the isan city council the order if we can all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance please United States ofer doing a roll call we have everyone present this evening do we have any public comment if you could just state your name and address for the record there Bill okay is this yep it's on okay my name is Bill stickles I actually reside in uh Cambridge but I am also the editor of the sanago County Star newspaper um everybody's talking about yesterday's vote but there was another vote that took place over the summer and uh the results of which uh was revealed about a month or so ago and that's the asan shago county Stars uh Readers Choice Awards and um as we have in the past um I'm here to present a couple certificates for some of the uh results that came about it uh this year was a record setting uh uh vote for ours for us um we had 6,500 nominations in May and just short of 55,000 votes cast uh during July uh that was for about 140 categories or so um so it was absolutely outstanding uh turnout for that um and as a result of it uh the CD of Isanti did get a few uh winners and finalists out of it um biggest of which was the Isanti liquor store um that came out with several different ones um it was a winner in best liquor store plus best wine selection and it was a fine list for best beer selection best customer service oh and best customer service from local bus from a local business um then in addition to that uh Bluebird Park was a finalist for best local park so I have the certificates and window clings here for you as along with h an additional copy of the best of results for all of the different categories in case somebody has not able to see those okay awesome thank you Bill I appreciate that thank you to to everybody that voted in that and it's a good thing Keith isn't here we' have to raise the roof up for his head getting so big so it's funny that the camri lier store usually gets the best wine selection do they yeah yeah uh we got we're just very fortunate to have some great help over there and and they've done an awesome job so um and of course the park and the public works and everybody works really hard on that as well so cool well thank you uh any other public comment this evening all right hearing none we'll move on to adopting our agenda was there any modifications good evening mayor and Council we do have one modification this is to add business item K4 titled council member request for 22 Broadway Street Northwest business discussion and you should be seeing those on your agenda um in on your iPads soon if not there already motion to approve With The Changes second I have a motion to approve with the changes and from councilman Merill and a second from councilman hren all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z let's see moving on to approving our city council meeting minutes from October 15th 2024 and uh let's see well actually we have the committee of the whole meeting minutes and the city council meeting minutes from that same date second I have a motion to approve from councilman line and a second from councilman heeman all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 0 for announcements our city offices will be closed on November 11th in observance of Veterans Day our canvasing board meeting will be Tuesday November 12th at 6:00 p.m. uh Committee of the whole meeting Tuesday November 19th at 5:00 p.m. our Planning Commission meeting will be Tuesday November 19th at 6: p.m. and our city council meeting is also Tuesday the 19th at 7: p.m. do we have any Council committee reports I do have one uh so obviously yesterday was election day I was an election judge here I was actually pretty fun I was really happy to see how many new voters came out the amount of people that said they've never voted before and didn't know what to do was awesome um I think each Precinct had roughly 200 new registers registered voters um that registered on the day of which was shocking to see um I think each district had or Precinct had somewhere around 1400 votes so you know 2,800 votes with 400 new registrations and a lot of people actually that were registered that didn't realize they were probably I'd say twice that number that they didn't think they registered but then they checked on our on a registration sheet and they were there and they've never voted before so I I I was really really happy to see that our communities um was really invested in that election and I think the uh results showed that so uh thanks for everybody for showing up and good job for everybody that was an election judge yesterday and the city staff did a great job so it went it went about as smooth as it could have gone so yeah it's a lot of work we appreciate everything you guys do to make that run smoothly so and all the election judges as well so it was a marathon that's for sure imagine yeah I'm sure um this doesn't really have anything to do with any committees but when you brought up Veterans Day I thought of something I was at Pearl Harbor 10 I don't know 10 8 10 years ago on Veterans Day that was the most sombering place I've ever been in my entire life and I've been to Pearl Harbor before that and I do want to say that I want to thank all our veterans up and down all around past present future with us not with us for their sacrifice to allow us to do our voting and it's uh I don't I don't I I take that pretty dear near to my heart and uh I want to thank all those people but I just wanted to add that that was I've seen a lot of thing different things but that was one of the most sombering days I've ever had in my life well well said Steve and uh yeah I mean a lot of a lot of people paid a lot of a lot of blood and sweat and tears to to allow us to do what we did yesterday and we're we're very blessed to live in I think the greatest country on Earth so all right any other Council committee reports all right we'll move on to our first business item K1 resolution to consider approving conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot for custombuilt trailers good evening mayor council um tabin slot LC applied for conditional use permit to allow allow for an open sales lot for custom trailers at 702 East dual Boulevard um they did apply for and were approved for a zoning text amendment to allow for this at the September 17th um meeting and now this is just the formality of moving forward with that conditional use permit motion to approve second I have a motion to approve from councilman Merill and a second from councilman lundine all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z so that's that's done now that be the very last time you will see that unless you zoning changes and then I thought we was already all done meeting two Planning Commission meetings two Council meetings seems like eight and one concept plan I think they came in with too yeah yeah okay moving on to K2 resolution to consider clarifying the allowance of outdoor storage containers as a permitted accessory use in the Parks and open space overlay district and so this was originally brought forward to the committee of the whole at the October 15th 2024 meeting um by mayor Gordon um the San fire firefighter Rodeo Association is confirming their ability to replace the existing storage container unit and add an additional storage container to the site for necessary storage to host the rodeo event this resolution is just to clarify that the city council interprets the language under permitted accessory uses other uses accessory and incidental parks open space and Recreation to include the outside storage containers motion to approve second I have a motion to approve from councilman hean and a second from councilman lundine all in favor say hi I'll oppose same sign that motion carries 5 one question I had on that it I know it says in there that they'll still be required to get any permits if necessary but do they need a permit at all for doing what they want to do now currently or no they're doing currently but just building permits if they're doing electric or anything that does require electric if they're building a storage shed or something like that okay I just wanted to cover all of our bases yeah that's what I thought too I just wanted to make sure so okay thank you uh moving on to K3 resolution to consider approving the First Amendment to the development agreement for Fairway green North Third Edition good evening again the city council approved the development agreement with JPB land um LLC for for Fairway greens North Third Edition on September 17th of this year um the miscellaneous Provisions identified um describes the square footage requirements of the allowed single family structures as meeting the R1 single family residential minimum of 720 Square ft for garages as outlined for the zoning District in the zoning ordinance um after further review and this was similar for the previous editions as well um JPB land is requesting to adjust that garage size minimum down to 400 square fet not all of the houses will have that but due to the different models they offer for affordability and um just livability um sizes of square foot and what's allowed to fit on that lot um this is their request to do a blanket square footage they do have a representative here who can speak more to that and the different available options that they have for um all of the Lots I believe it's it's quite a few options for homes and many of them have much larger garages um 400 square feet would be the minimum and this is something that we've done in the first and second edition already yeah this seems like a little bit of a big change it's not it's the same exact thing we did on the first two okay I guess I don't remember those two that specific change on those I got a problem with it I think it's we got to you know growth is a double-edged sword you don't have growth you don't bring industry you don't bring industry you don't bring growth you know growth brings more infrastructure work blah blah blah but that also Cuts tax base if we did it already on the previous I don't see why we shouldn't allow it to go forward sorry the main issue is that on some of the sites the gar larger garage size doesn't fit because of the narrowness of the lot so with the housing style and that's really one of the main reasons why it's not that they necessarily want to have a smaller garage yes it helps with affordability but so does the narrow lot size so it's really SP for specific models there are some garages I believe that have 900 square foot garages also for the their place and they have I don't know if you want to cinda's here she can speak to the housing plans that they have if you would like her to but sure many you guys have any questions or butan I'm fine with it so I make a motion to approve I'll second I have a motion to approve from councilman line and a second from councilman hean all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z thank thank you not that we didn't want to talk to you but I figure why if we if we can get the yes right away let's do it right all right uh K4 council member request to discuss 22 Broadway Street Southwest was this uh L it was this so I brought this one up um I had a business owner uh in town asked me a few months ago about this and there was seemed to be a little bit of miscommunication on the type of business that he was conducting out of that that facility um so basically he does detailing with window tint on the side and for some reason the city staff classified him as a body shop now a body shop has a lot more restrictions because they deal with harsh chemicals you know paint solvents and all that stuff that pollutes the air the EPA is really cracked down on that um but for detailing and tint those chemicals aren't used it's it's more of lighter chemicals um baby shampoo Windex stuff like that um we have two um detailing businesses in town one of which is a brick and mortar store uh approximately two blocks down the street and they're allowed to operate so I'm not really sure uh what the holdup with this is and he got a decent assist order um so he can't work out of there legally anymore and I don't think that's right I just saw that on the I was catching up on some old emails and saw it on the admin updates and I actually had put a note on my sheet here to ask about that so um what what is the deal with that I mean is he being classified correctly and it's not being classified correctly it sounds like a staff told him that he needed to come in and we just had to change the ordinance which we would have which would happily do and I'm sure if we need to do that we will but unfortunately in the B1 District we don't have any any allowance for any motor vehicle anything well I can tell you right now that about 3 or four years ago there was a detail shop in there and that was never an issue so that there's been detail shops in and out of that specific building for the last 20 years um under my purview it's always been an art place so I can't speak to it was there previously but it is not allowed within our zoning ordinance um so I actually printed off you thank you um it is not that I did when I spoke with the um business owner we I did let them know that it just wasn't an allowed use within the district district and that the right steps would just be to amend the zoning that we did have a recreational vehicle repair that was allowed within this District under conditional use and so I didn't see it being a problem but that we needed to make a zoning Amendment because the only things that are allowed are under conditional uses right now and their motor vehicle rental facility with accessory open sales lot a motor vehicle sales facility um a household maintenance and small engine repair facility as well as the um I believe a recreational vehicle um repair facility also which is within the district and those are all conditional uses this District itself is very specific in um that it's it's promotion of like allow of creating a central business district feel and a focal point both culturally and historically on the city of isan um and it's just a more limiting district and so I it is not in my authority to allow something that isn't in this ordinance so I couldn't say under my purview that yes I can allow this so I just gave them the steps I really do feel it's my job as a zoning administrator not to permit people or not to not permit people to come here but to really help them figure out how they can work within our zoning or ordinance to be allowed to do what they need to do and I stand behind that very strongly I like to help businesses do what they want to do here and I was really trying to help you do that before and so it's not my this is not the ideal situation I don't think but it's really my job to enforce a zoning ordinance and to make sure that um we are upholding this for these reasons that are within the comprehensive plan and within this so and after speaking with them and knowing that they did were made clear the steps um and if they had any questions that they could contact me it just was my next step in the process so not that I don't think it should go there or don't think it can go there it's really not my decision it's yours um but just it is your decision to make and not mine so I I would have to say that I don't think when you explain this stuff to the average person I don't think it's clear Point Blank um I tried to answer questions for them too um and I it's not clear even to me for me if you have a business just down the street that has literally has a commercial detail shop and it's on the same street just down the street how can you say that just because this is zoned differently I don't think that's fair that's discrimination it shouldn't matter what what district it's in or anything like that also if you look at wouldn't letter r personal service establishments I mean he's officing offering a personal service to people so how do you decipher it's kind of subjective that would be outlined within ordinance number 550 so we can look that up but um there are very just specific and I it's just not my I just don't have the authority to allow things within the city without your approval and I think that's the way it should be it's why you guys are the elected officials and I'm just trying to uphold what you guys or councils before you have put forth in this ordinance can can we give them temporary um Authority until we decide how to change this ordinance that was what I wanted tonight because I don't think he should have to stop working when he's paying rent on that building and he got he I think he got mixed information from um a previous staff member that's no longer here and I think there was some confusion there um and I just don't think it's necessarily fair to penalize someone for something that I think is point blank ridiculous I mean you want businesses in town but then you're penalizing businesses that are here and that are providing a service that residents want so well Stephanie's not doing anything the code is all the the government Hoops it's just BS yeah but I mean obviously you know somewhere the things got Lost in Translation but um but yeah I mean that personal Ser I was looking for how could we classify it so I mean that personal service establishments do you have a definition on that or I mean could that fall under that category or and I don't disagree with Luke the detailed shop they're actually not really using harsh harsh chemicals and when you tin Windows like you said it's Windex it's you know if if he's not have any complaints from his neighbors or anything I mean I got more people calling me complaining about people starting our low cars and motorcycles trust me and that and there again I don't disagree with them on that point for being upset but if they're all within legal there's something you can do about it but then again that neighbor should be respectful to the other neighbors m i don't disagree with Luke I think I personally I think we should just grant him the permission to move forward and we'll just have to figure out how we can change the leg legal guard jargon on here I think the that would be the best moving forward I do think if it was a misunderstanding and not um like we've had in the past other businesses for instance tattoo parlor who didn't follow the rules and we made them cease IND disce this is a similar situation and under my you know I spoke with them told them what they needed to do and so that's why this happened it was the same direction as that incident so um if it was a miscommunication and and that's what the council wants to move forward with we you guys have the authority to Grant temporary allowance of something um until but I think we should set the standards in a timeline for what that looks like for them to make the amendment because it's really just opening the gate for anybody to come in with anything that you might like anything that you might not want here like literally anything so that's the downfall and it could be something like an adult use that you don't want and so so I mean look it's just opening the gates for things like that to happen when you when you're allowing things that aren't in your zoning district and those are the reasons we have it it's not to prevent businesses like this that could very well be there in there and that's not what I ever told them I just said these are the steps that we have to take to make sure it is you know permitted in this District yeah I mean I think it's a it's a great spot for for that business plus he repainted it and it looks way better I mean it's kind of it was kind of a dump back there before so yeah no I think it's I think awesome so um but how about under that five that personal service establishments I mean what is that defined as and could that just fit under that I'm not finding my ordinance I did look at the there is an ordinance for detailing um I have the the number I don't know if Josie had a chance to look into that at all it was kind of short notice but and before I sent out the letter I did already look up the N I looked for every way to fit this in the code I always do that I'm always on the business's side that's my other hat that I wear all the time I always want to be Pro business so so it wasn't so the code for this is actually not that one because it's would be under the higher amount which is why I put Auto Body because I think if you put a larger allowance for things if you decide to add things on in the future you're already permitted to do them so hence the auto body and um repair because autog glass replacement and repair is it its own nics code which is what window tinting technically falls under and that's 81122 and so um I think if you know which way you're going to grow let's do it all at one time so I mean that's where you bring up that autog glass repair they come to your flipping house and change your window that's I mean to me that's kind of a you see you can't tell anybody you can't have somebody come repair my windshield in my yard I'm not give me a break also the storage there's a lot of other things with the location but I just I I I I think that I don't disagree with you I think we need to word it correctly so that we don't get things that we don't want to have here but we don't want to hinder somebody from doing something like this I mean you know he could do an oil changing station and for all we know is they're dumping down the storm dream and that's what we don't want and I think that's why we limit I I understand where she's coming from but I think we should my recommendation is let's get him going back working doing his thing because there's not a lot of people that do detailing or window tinting second of all let's give us ourselves some time to readjust this to make sure we word it correctly so we don't have to be brought back on a continuous basis MH I think more of you every one of you up here has to heard me say I do not turn down reasonable requests MH and I don't so sorry um a personal service establishment just so Weare is an establishment providing Services which of are recurring and personal in nature to individuals such as Barber Shop beauty salon Sho repair seam St tailor of that sort still personal service if you're getting your car detailed once a month it's no different how she's determining that definition is but you know it was just like over where I live where semler wanted to have his real estate or his office set up temporarily I honestly didn't have a problem with it specifically for items that are personal to you so like on your person that's I that's what I thought it would be but it does not include even a massage establishment copy center repair shop or for anything yeah okay so all right well yeah what do we need to do to get these guys uh back open and get them a temporary at least temporarily permitted and then we'll get these changes made and get it all finalized but all it does is take a action by you guys to allow I would say set a certain date for that and um we'd want to see I mean the sooner the better for the amendment to be made and we can discuss that tomorrow too um and what those next steps are and figure out where that needs to go yeah come on up Cruz so if you can just state your name and address for the record there please yeah I am Cruz bman I'm the owner of precision 1010 and detail right here driveway Street um now that you say it's it's it's a weird thing to say but like the person thing you said um recently actually just last week I Ted three people's Vehicles because they had a skin disease because the Sun beats on their skin it reacts to them in a poor way there they've been medically treated for it and it still doesn't help so I've had to do stuff like that yeah but and with detailing I think you said that legally I could run up I can run Auto Sales out there yes you can do Auto Sales under conditional use yeah un conditional yes but most Auto places I see around here that sell cars detail their own cars in that same area a lot of them do it on that that's not in this language yet though respectfully true it's true I'm just I'm just speaking the truth but it also requires a conditional use permit which is a public hearing process we personally have not talked I I've talked with Jordan I've gotten your number she might have transferred me to you and I you know maybe we did sorry maybe we did once but I it was very unclear of what I had to do to go through this you had you or Jordan whoever it may have been had sent me an email but I read through it and I was so dumbfounded of what I actually had to do for my next step to go through this process to get cleared to come here and work and at that time I told you guys that it's kind of like I I asked for permission to temporarily do it and you totally just threw it under the bus and said that's not possible you said I was doing an auto body service which I can understand yes but anything I do in there has nothing to do regarding Auto Body I don't flush body filler down there I don't spray chemicals in the air I don't do any of that all of my detailing process and all of my tint products are all water-based solvents they're safe for everything if anything they're cleaning the drains so it's it's hard for me to understand why I now all of a sudden am here today it's it's it's I'm not doing anything bad which I understand yes I probably needed to go a proper way about it but it's so confusing to get through that proper way that I didn't know and I kind of messed up by having to sign a lease that I wasn't ready for it's just it's difficult to understand what you guys want me to go through to get allowance to be there and I'm doing nothing but technically helping I'm detailing people's cars there's been four or five times that I had to walk across to the PSAL surface and jump start their cars so they can deliver your guys's mail I've also actually just put a bit into detail all of the mail cars like I am I'm doing nothing hurtful over there I'm just I go there every day at six o'clock in the morning and I leave at 7 o'clock at night my money put food on the table for me and my girlfriend and I go home that's all I do I just it's just hard for me to understand the way you guys lay it out that I have to go through to be approved and he's not the only person I've heard that from we somehow we need to make stuff more clear for small business especially because all this language and even me as Council like I read some of this stuff I'm like what the heck does that even mean and I'm I'm in it you know so I there's got to be a way that we can clean up stuff I've been saying that with the rfps I've been saying that with business stuff ever since I got on here and this is just a perfect example of it's just too confusing you know you need a conditional use permit you got to do with this amendment like all these words that businesses don't deal with so I guess I would be in favor of voting on something to just do the conditional use permit that we have to do or whatever just to keep it simple for him um get it moving fast and that's that's what I'm hoping for tonight because I know he's an asset to our community right there so Cru right yes well we're glad to have you in town and we're glad to have you doing business in town and so I think there's just some some I'm not sure communication wise you know somewhere somewhere along the line you know we missed each other on on understanding what we were going to get done so um but we want to make it we want to get you open and that's what we're talking about right now so for the temporary allowance you said we need a date that we give that temporary allowance through so how much time do you think we need to get all of that stuff done and then in the meantime he'll be I would just say for an application so if we just set a date for the application and then from that point on we work through it together okay because then it's in our hands okay so yeah I mean let's just say uh I don't know what uh you want to pick a day I mean by then yes well I mean just him to submit an application I think is the right way to set a date for him and so in order for it to go to Planning Commission we already will meet it by sorry yeah the 15th we'll need it by of November yes okay reasonable to fill out something by then we just need you to fill out an application for us to make yeah for us to make the change on our stuff and then we'll change we'll we'll work I think the council's pretty much on board to get it changed for you so okay and then in the meantime then you can operate under this temporary allowance so you can open tomorrow if yeah absolutely yeah yeah no and it happens I mean it's it's it's not if you're not used to dealing with this stuff it it can be overwhelming and uh it's not not a problem so the fee is $375 fii an amendment because of the public hearing notice requirements we have to mail out to everybody within 350 ft unless we want it to be further um or um we also need to P publish it in the paper for the public hear can we just change the code um it is a state statute so we do not get to change that let's change the district name then we can't every amendment to zoning code requires all of these steps but then he wouldn't have to pay for it we would have to pay it if we amended our building code we we shouldn't have a business owner having to pay for something like this that should have been allowed in the first place okay he he just wants to get the process through all right I just don't think it's fair I would but I'd like to see this get brought back to Cow and maybe look at um getting some simplified guidelines for small businesses to be able to do business in town because it is really confusing and maybe we can simplify the process in the future and make it easier yeah yeah we can always do better you know I mean it's go ahead I was going to say mayor and councel if we could if you could take a vote for this action to uh lift the cease and JIS order until November 16th giving the applicant proper time to get that into Miss Hill signed by that deadline so we can move process with that through the December Planning Commission meeting I think that would be appropriate I motion to lift the ceas and disorder given until the 15th you said 16th until the 16th 16th get the application in and so he can get back into business second I have a motion from councilman line and a second from councilman Merl all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z so so yeah you guys are good to go as far as getting open we just need to get that application by the 15th of November and uh okay she'll print you out one she'll hook you up okay thanks for coming in guys yeah you bet yeah thanks guys and good luck over um and then we'll you guys will bring that back to planning and stuff then on the 19th is the plan okay well that'll it'll be actually on the planning of the 17th in uh in December December and you guys shouldn't have to come to that again if you don't want to so not want to worry too much about it what's it they probably should it's best that they are but the Planning Commission we do have the other members so they may want to hear from the applicant okay okay sounds good thanks guys uh let me get back here to where we're at all right so moving on to the uh consent agenda I did want to mention I'm I'm excited to see josica Swanson coming on board here for um for our full-time Park and wreck coordinator I think she's going to do a great job she had done some work I think just intern work and stuff over the summer right so cor she was actually our part-time Parks assistant okay awesome yeah I think that'll be a great fit and then I don't know Luke did you I bet you had I bet you had something on your notes I want to say thanks for the donation from Security Bank and Trust Co I was going to say the same yep that's great that we're getting donations for that so I think it's I think it's going to be a really good event this winter yeah I'm very excited for it myself I haven't been there yet because I refused to pay the money for it so that 12 bucks but it's going to get a lot of people people there so mhm yeah $1,000 from Security Bank and Trust for illuminate I an is pretty pretty nice so any other thoughts or discussion on our consent agenda then motion to approve second I have a motion to approve the consent agenda from councilman lundine and a second from councilman heeman all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z anything else oh uh did you want to ask that question uh that fee that fee can we wave the fee yeah uh Steve is wondering if we can wave the fee on the changing the the zoning ordinance and stuff like that and adding that language to it I mean it's I mean that's can we we wave it I mean that's your decision as Council if we wanted to do that for him or not I I just don't want to set a precedent trust me I don't want to set a precedent but I think he's been kind of put through the ringer a little bit already I think there was a mix up miscommunication and yeah and he he reached out to me with a bunch of questions and I tried to I even I tried to help him with this I'm like I don't know what's going on and I last I heard he was waiting to hear back from somebody so I I just I just if he's how long has he been shut down for I don't think he's been shut down at all we just we just received the the notice possibly on Friday or maybe early this week I'd have to look and see the date of that letter when he got it it was mailed at the end of last week I think on Friday so I'm not sure what day he got it he actually hasn't gotten it yet but oh I I brought it up because I saw it I was like that's ridiculous are you serious well I just I just think that if it's the building I'm thinking of it is it's the old fire yeah it looks so much better now they painted it and trying to upgrade it and to me one thing you have to realize areas are zoned for certain reasons for certain situations so zoning is a tricky thing you can't just go into a residential zoning and allow everybody to do things in my head when you start talking about a business doing detailing I know of three places in tell them to do detailing out of their garage correct and I'm not I'm not rocking that board it's not my business to rock rocket the neighbors aren't complaining so I ain't complaining I don't hear any complaints I don't care he's doing a business he's doing it right I don't see why we need to hinder this I just think it yes there's a lot of things my 14 years on this Council there's been so many things that have changed in zoning and doing things this way and that way a lot of times my better solution to this problem is if you want to if you want to do something even though it's against the zoning come in we can always make that decision without changing zoning without costing everybody a lot of money doesn't take nothing to come in these doors I'm a firm believer if you want to say something you want to be part of something come in here and sit just like every one of us have to do when we're elected officials we're here doing this if you want to bring in come in it's not that hard to do if you want something bad enough you'll find the time to make it happen yep I did that's where I feel huh I did tell him that but he was waiting to hear back and then he never heard back and he still should have just just it's sometimes I thought they were going to figure it out in the office before I'm an impatient person myself I'm going to come in if I don't get an answer when I I when I call somebody I'm calling you for a reason I'm not calling to see what you had for lunch you know what I mean so I'm an impatient person if you don't answer my call I'm coming to see see you cuz I don't have that too much time to fiddle fart around so that's why I've always said if you want to if you want to do something you're always best to come in and ask to see it the change for one example none of you were on the council at this time there's a guy that wanted to change a fence over here and he had to have this stupid L-shaped fence and it made no sense why he had to have that just let him have it I mean let's just be realistic it's not harming anything you want to weigh the fee I personally would go ahead if I could make a comment on that um I I do just want to share we had a recent business who just went through a very similar process which was for a conditional use permit to be permitted in a zoning District uh to allow for outdoor trailer sales for custom he did it the right way and look how many months that went on it it didn't go on very long it was three months at least well this will also be very similar not quite three months but statute sets this the timing of when we have to do Public Notices public hearing and to go through Planning Commission if we didn't have a Planning Commission board then it I mean it has to go through the steps of having the public hearing I'm not saying I'm for or against waving fees but I would recommend that if Council wants to look and revisit fees as a whole or conditional uses or permitted uses as a whole that we do that at a meeting instead of giving one to someone and not to someone else who just had a very very similar um request I mean I think it is a lot to charge somebody too when they're just trying to open a business I mean you know I mean that's more than what the state charges for a health license for a restaurant you know what I mean so it is a pretty substantial thing just because they happen to want to do business in an area that we don't permit so I'm fine waving this fee if you guys are on board with that but I would say let's add it to the Future to the next Committee of the whole meeting and discuss lower maybe that we should try to do away with this or lower it or do something else so so if that's if that's the precedent we want to start to set from going forward then I'm I'm fine with waving this fee and then um and then taking a look at how how we should go forward with that but I mean maybe there's other businesses on Main Street that are handcuffed by this and maybe that's not what why nothing's happened with them in years think about that too just too many Hoops makes it too difficult so yeah I'm I'm okay with that yeah okay do I have a motion for waving the fee and I'll motion wave the go ahead hold on one second if we could make a motion to amend the previous um motion to include waving the fee I'll make a motion to amend the previous motion and adding waveing the fee second so I have a motion to amend the previous motion and add the waving of the fee from councilman line and a second from councilman Merill all in favor say I I all oppos same sign that motion carries 5 and then if you can add it to Committee of the whole we'll take a look at that so um yeah I mean you know none of us have had to go through the process of actually seeing it and if nobody ever brings it to our attention that hey mean we see I guess on the list but you know it's not something you think about until you actually go to do it so so yeah I've heard multiple complaints about all this Z we don't do this kind of thing that often but you know like if it's that big of a fee I can see why it would be you know and I get Stephanie's point I mean we got we got to pay for meiling yeah absolutely but you also want to be a business friendly City M and sometimes we have to eat some of these fees ourselves agree to make that business want to come here yeah the more business we bring here the better off it's going to fit everybody's needs unfortunately and mayor Gordon you are more aware of this it's the health department we can't control what the health department wants right yeah there's all kinds of other fees that they get that uh you know a lot of businesses get are out of our control St Paul today renewing my comp card my Plumbing license and I seen and I I'm not going to say the name of the company but the guy has liquor license on sale off sale entertainment his licensing was close to $5,000 to do business that's just his license in St Paul very bear this a lot of this in mind we're not like that here but that I think the liquor license was $800 aan just for the year and now that's not counting his insurance it's not counting everything else on top of that that he's got to pay that's just to be able to sell it mhm and that's why those cities are dying and we don't want that here they're not dying trust me they're not dying motion to adjourn second I have a motion to adjourn from councilman hren and a second from councilman lundine all in favor say I I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z we are adjourned