##VIDEO ID:y7qab8wUwYI## all right let's go ahead and call this meeting of the isan city council the order if you can all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance please to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible Li and justice for all right looks like we've got uh before roll call we need to swear in a new council member new well sort of sort of new from from appointed to elected please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States stes the Constitution of the state of Minnesota and and to discharge Faithfully the duties and tocharge Faithfully of council member of the city of isan City OFA to the best of my judgment and [Applause] ability congratulations Jeff um doing a roll call we have all members present do we have any public comment this evening hearing none we'll move on to adopting our agenda mayor and Council we did have an addition uh request to add business item L3 which is board commission attendance discussion I had a question on that though and and is that something we can discuss given the notice was given to us I mean tonight if you're asking if any action could be taken to remove someone I would say maybe not likely but if a discussion on attendance in general that okay all right all right so I I'll look for a motion then to adopt the agenda With The Changes motion to adopt second I have a motion from councilman Merill and a second from councilman lundine all in favor say I I all oppos say sign that motion carries 5 Z let's see moving on to approval of the city council meeting minutes from November 6th 2024 and the canvas board meeting from November 12th 2024 motion to approve second I have a motion to approve from councilman Merill and a second from councilman hren all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 for announcements we' have canceled the Park and Recreation board meeting for Tuesday November 26th and our city offices are closed Thursday November 28th and Friday November 29th in observance of Thanksgiving we have the city council meeting coming up on Tuesday December 3rd at 7 p.m. and we have the Eda meeting Tuesday December 3rd immediately following the city council meeting do we have any Council committee reports I I had a BMX uh meeting couple weeks ago and we were talking about the uh rental agreement and everything so slowly moving along but we're moving along um I think they have to have another meeting with staff so we're working on it I attended the cihs uh school board meeting and it was relatively uneventful um I have had some concerned uh I guess messages about stuff at the Arts and Science Academy so next month I plan to attend their meetings um I know we talked about I'm going to kind of rotate between the two School uh board meetings um in Chamber of Commerce meets tomorrow morning so next meeting I'll have an update on that if there's anything pertinent any other Council committee reports District meets tomorrow night so okay all right we'll move on to our first item of business then L1 resolution to consider awarding a quote for the RFP to tighten and replace the bolted connections on the interior roof of the Isanti indoor arena good evening mayor and Council two quotes were received by the deadline on October 21st of 2024 um staff is recommending awarding the responsible low bidder Min Art Construction LLC with a bid of $41,500 um will also provide a 5year warranty on the workmanship I believe the contractor is here um if you have any questions so Chase did you have any yeah come on up I know he's got some questions if he could just state your name and address for the record there Chase Miner owner and operator minor construction of LLC uh address 31649 Palm Street of Cambridge thank you I do have a couple questions regarding the contract and the timeline I received a calendar from Stephanie and the only problem I see with the calendar is there's no dates or there's no times on any of it so and I'm trying to complete this job within a month and I don't know if practice is at one o'clock or 7 o'clock at night and so I just want to clarify some of those um I I do want to clarify that we did speak with the city attorney and he did recommend closing for the duration of the project um which is unfortunate but just for liability issues if anything were to happen on the track or anything dropped would help with your liability as well as the city is if somebody were to get injured um in any way so that was that would make my job a lot easier and might speed up how fast you can do it I don't have to work around another person's schedule and we should be in and out of there quicker and faster like how long are you thinking um well I I originally planned one month um of 50 hour weeks so that's 200 working hours now depending on whether or not I can get that done or make you know work longer days that's going to change how pass hopefully three weeks I think we've we've got folks from R River BMX here too I I guess I'd like to hear on you know can't be good to say yeah let's close for three weeks right yeah I mean my biggest question is I mean when is practice on Tuesdays okay no that that doesn't affect me at all it's just there's no times on my calendar here what's coaching Clinic basic okay and then can I work during coaching Clinic okay um Wednesday's rental I would say the City attorney would greatly disagree with allowing work to happen while it was open and I know that was discussed previously that we would not be able to be open during that time frame um just for liability purposes they don't I mean he recommended not even being open at all during this time frame so definitely not when work is being could there could there be a compromise on just maybe the weekends The Rum River BMX is allowed to do their thing if minor it's not going to be working there I think that's probably I won't yeah I won't be working there any weekends un unless time needs to allow it if um if I'm running a tight schedule I mean we can have that approved and what what does a normal weekend race day look for you is it 8 am. to [Music] okay so I guess I would be okay with um allowing rum BMX to do their thing on the weekends and then not during the week I I think that's probably the reasonable compromise and I mean I don't see how the attorney could have a problem with people in there when he's not working so that's that's my two cents on it we would have to make sure that um we include some sort of clause about equipment storage um and also making sure that R Rover BM BMX is not allowing anyone on that equipment or what they're going to do we want to make sure the track is cleaned up um so we have no liability if there's a bolt that's on the track that were injur someone we don't want to be held responsible for that um or other items that we're unaware of Loctite get stripped I'm not sure just absolutely um I did have a concern on equipment storage and I know that I'm responsible for moving bleachers out of the way that would be excuse me sorry the city would take the responsibility of moving the bleachers if it's necessary the city will move the bleachers yes y okay well that takes care of that why was the contract wrong on that the contract did say the city would make the move this move the bleachers but when we discussed it um we missed spoke in our conversation but it was it is in the original RFP as well that the the city will be removing removing the bleachers so we'll have to um the bleachers will have to get reinspected before use is allowed so if they're needed to be moved back in that would be something we have to consider unless they can we did discuss at our meeting that they could bring in chairs for the during that time frame um if you guys were going to consider allowing it to be opened does r does r Riv BMX need the bleachers during the week or just on the weekends okay I don't I don't recall how big the bleachers were but I can't imagine I mean I can work with you and if I got to do that section on a Monday moved out get moved back hopefully on a Friday I don't know how quick the city can have that happen but I'm willing to do that I don't have to have it you know the breachers out for three weeks how many how many people are at the events during during the weekend on the average we can can you have the the kids that are using a track before the events on Saturdays and Sundays walk the track from front to back and make sure the construction coup didn't miss any nuts or bolts or sharp pieces of metal or whatever may fall from the ceiling he get he could he can get a rolling magnet that just rolls on the track and it can pick up any metal so that's not uncommon on any construction site um these nuts are not small no they're not no I know but it's still it's it's it's something you could miss trck me and I do want to I guess the building official is here so we could have him weigh in how he feels about the opening of the track on the weekends too just that's sorry to put you on the spot but [Music] so that was another question I had why who pays for you to be there every day and why is that is that something that you would like to pursue than Andy can you come up to the microphone thank you you want you want to sit in this chair too sorry that's okay thank you for the question mayor and Council and we did staff and I did talk about a couple of different scenarios about how to uh provide that oversight is a permit required and how much help do we need to provide for that and I settled on um being basically the officing there I mean there's plenty of tables and chairs so I can do my office with my computer essentially anywhere that I am so we're not going to incur the city and the contractor or BMX is not going to incur any additional costs in that regard simply I decided to office there instead of my office in St Francis during this project just to make sure that there's no more incomes okay awesome thank you I guess for me I if I was a contractor and I had the building official wanting to sit there the whole time I would feel a weird type of way about it it's like a it's like we we're hiring somebody but then we're not trusting that that it just feels a little I'm not sure how to feel about that I don't see it that way okay if I might we're a partnership you know I'm not there to knuckle down on anybody and I think me doing this work without compensation should demonstrate that you're right yeah I'm I'm fine with it okay um originally the original contract the RFP made it sound like I had a request time with him to make sure I can work under certain hours and it doesn't sound like that's it so okay with BMX track requiring and wanting um evening practices and coaching Clinic all in the evening I should be able to work around all that okay so it's really not a concern for me okay yeah I just wanted to make sure because that was something that seemed a little off but now it makes sense now that you say that I was like who's paying for that okay another question I had was the permit because in this in a sense the city's acting as a general contractor and they're subcontracting it out so that was another question as if I had to pull permits for this job to be completed with the building official being if I might may and this is more repair not new construction so permit isn't necessarily applicable but since this is such an odd situation I wanted to make sure to be available to to make sure that we can corners and see any difficulties that might be there it is a weird deal isn't it it is and Chase did buy a uh torque wrench that will map out every single bolt and the torque spec on every bolt nut so that's that is in the contract that'll provide a digital spreadsheet of every single bolt that's tight okay so we'll know that it's all tight sure awesome and I suppose I probably should have everybody Chase I got you but uh state your name and address for the record I suppose and yes thank you mayor and Council Andy Sher with rum Consultants thank you Tim dolasinski 101 I Sandy Parkway thank you guys uh yeah so so if I'm understanding correctly you're going to kind of hang out you're going to do the work we're going to do the work kind of in the off days that would normally be practice and there won't be anybody there from Monday through Friday essentially or Monday through Thursday or what do you when you say weekend what do you mean by weekend and the the best possible outcome would be if they were working during the day we could still operate at night and weekends you know our our biggest concern was loss of income for an entire month being a nonprofit and also to that that's going to take a huge chunk out of our track points which you know to we're always working to be the number one track in the country so is is there a time of year that's like the offseason per se for you guys or there really is no off season is there summer and December 15th through the 31st are really I mean the December 31st to the or 15th to the 31st is the only time that we're not operating at all you know that's typically when we do our track rebuild stuff like that you know there's nothing going on there but a couple of us they doing you know clean up and getting ready for the next season how do that work for your schedule that time frame not very well I plan to be in there January February but I mean it sounds like um most your weekends we correct okay yeah I mean if if something comes up and there's something going on where you know it's just not possible we can cancel an event that day you know as long as the City attorney is going to be okay with that you know obviously we want to work with everybody on this and still be able to operate is our main goal and we did discuss at the staff level um the need to wave some of the rent rental fees for any amount percentage of time that was required for a closure yeah as far as I'm concerned the leases you know they give us money and they have access to a building and to the extent that they don't have access on certain days they need to be PR discounted yeah just automatic not a not an is that out of no he's just talking about the rent coming from Rum River BMX to the city that that is on us we if we can't provide the building they can't can't make them pay rent on the day they can't use it so yeah fortunately your bid was competitive so or good so it helps with some of that stuff at the city level so I appreciate the the fair bid on that awesome any other questions guys sounds like we've got a a plan I mean I think I would just ask that you guys all kind of get together with with r River BMX and and all of you guys just make sure we're communicating with each other so we don't step on anybody's toes and you know primarily we don't want to put you R River be MX out you know any more than we absolutely have to so a lot of a lot of people are counting on you guys being there every night and you know it's we don't want to do that so we will schedule a um preconstruction meeting with City staff um Mr Shader and rummer BMX will let you know as soon as we set that date and we'll all be there to um make sure that we're on the same page and moving forward at the right pace tell Joe we're sorry Sor never yeah all right I said we still need a motion I guess unless you guys have any other discussion or well we could discuss after the motion too but motion to approve the bill estimate second I have a motion to approve from councilman lundine and a second from councilman Merill all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 5 Z thanks for coming in there guys yeah all right the next one's L2 resolution to consider very many of them declaring a vacancy on the city council temporarily fill the vacant isan City Council seat by appointment and call for a special election yes so with the canvasing of the results that we had last week on November 12th uh we do and will have a vacancy on our Council as well um so mayor Gordon will be um with this resolution creating a vacancy at the of the city council with a date of um resigning from his seat December 31st of 20124 that does leave two years or more remaining of his term so by city code we do have a special election the special election dates are before you within the resolution as well as an interim appointment timeline because the vacancy will be left for a gap of time uh statute doesn't say when and for how long you have to have an interim appointment but you do have to fill with an interim appointment um so the dates before you for that um and that will occur pretty quickly follow the city code procedure and process which we've done in the past um does fill for the interm SE by December 17th the special election we may have a a primary um with that so we do account for those dates and the election would actually special election would take place in August of 25 thank you and I just if you guys don't mind I just wanted to say a few words but I uh ever since coming on the council here and Steve was here of course for that Luke was here actually too yep when I seat appointed in 2019 I just uh I've enjoyed every minute of my time serving in in this role and and as a councilman as well and uh it's it's been an honor to serve the people of isan and we've got I think the greatest staff in all of the state I mean you guys nothing gets done without you guys and and we we're really really lucky as a council to have you guys here and and thank you for everything you guys have done for for me and and it's been a huge help along the way of you know doing this job for sure so uh and this Council I mean you guys are are researched and and you spend time thinking about what you're going to do most of the time you think about what you're going to say before you say something most of the time but not always uh but I think it's been incredible the amount of things that we've been able to accomplish um as a council and and I'm not going anywhere so you know I'm just a phone call away if there's ever anything I can do for you and and I'll be serving you know just in a different a different capacity and uh but still serving the residents of isan so um so anyway just wanted to say thank you to all of you guys and to the staff and to the residents of isan and and U appreciate appreciate the opportunity so I remember mayor Gordon the day you walked in and applied to fill that bank seat and you were actually unanimously picked to fill no no I wasn't I wasn't Paul Bley voted against me was he yeah that's I can't remember Paul you never know what Paul's going to do so um well what was even funnier is I him and I ended up voting a on a lot of things together well he voted for Leroy actually so you can't blame him for that well you never know what was gonna come out of him but uh yeah it's uh diverse counil always has been yeah yeah we've had a lot of fun and done a lot of good things it has been great you're yeah it's going to be some big shoes to fill so in that mayor seat yeah well I'll make the motion for this one uh let's see so we probably could approve all this together I would assume huh so I'll make a motion to declare the vacancy uh and uh to do a temporary appointment and to call for a special election motion yep second yeah Jeff said it I have a motion from myself to declare the vacancy a temporary appointment in a special election I have a second from councilman hren all in favor say I I all oppos same sign that motion carries 5 Z you don't make very many motions that was a powerful one no I figured I could do that one uh and then we had uh in addition to the agenda was L3 which was attendance at planning meeting is what we want to call that one I guess yeah so board and commission attendance uh was requested to be discussed I'd like to just share in chapter eight of city code we do have um the what it constitute an absence and how that affects the Border commission for both Planning Commission and the park board so I'll read both of those if you would like uh for Planning Commission it states absence from any three meetings in a 12-month period unless excused in advance by the chair constitutes a vacancy and then goes on to say how you'd fill it and for park and wreck board it states no more than three absences of any kind whether excused or unexcused shall be permitted in a 12-month period AB for more than three meetings constitutes a vacancy so my question is you said that the the um chair of the board has to approve of that absence correct that's for Planning Commission correct and did you know about any of these absences beforehand has there been more than three that you haven't known about depends on how you define beforehand I guess I mean and and I'm not great about checking my messages either and so I mean it's um you know I mean I found out tonight prior to the meeting when when we were notified so uh but that doesn't mean I i' I'd have to go check my email I guess and see if there was something that came in prior to that but that really doesn't Define how far in advance notice has to be given and so um so I would say that that that notice would definitely cover that absence I would say right according to the way it's written there that has been the Precedence that we've been using for all people on the Planning Commission and the park board I I I agree with you Luke to that he was told once before once before it was before you were here oh yeah that it's he's got to start attending in all fairness he has been notifying of of it but I still think we need to have that conversation with him before we proceed any further with it I think we need he needs to attend the next meeting for all fairness he needs to attend the next meeting he needs to be notified of that so we can have that conversation with him I I think we've been fair enough with it at least he's notifying them he's notifying somebody if I know I'm going to be later I'm not going to make it I will call Miss Wood and I will also call the mayor and there's and unfortunately what I do with her living 3:00 comes if I'm not done I ain't making that's that's why this 5:00 meetings are tough for me this time of year it's really bad so but I will notify both parties if I can um that's me maybe he needs to address the fact that he needs to notify the chair before he notifies whatever but I think all fairness I think he needs to have that be told to him again he's not here to defend himself and I don't think that's fair to do it to anybody unless they're here to defend themselves I guess I would I don't disagree with you trust me I don't disagree with you but I think in all fairness he should be here for that so why are those two I guess I wouldn't rather see that the two the the planning and the parks and the Eda all have the same policy why is it that the Planning Commission is a different policy than the others even though it's the same appointment a Planning Commission and the park board do have the same policy or no oh that's not what Josie just read so I guess for me I would rather just see that we change it because I don't I don't think it's fair or right for anybody to just miss every meeting and just say oh I'm not going to be there tonight and just miss in in Forever you know that's kind of what's happened he's been to maybe four meetings in the last two years five maybe if that I mean that's he's missed probably 10 and I don't think that's I don't think that's right there's somebody in the city that would probably like to have that seat and actually contribute to the city so I think I guess if we're not going to just terminate that right now I think that we should make the um policies match so that we don't have absence issues period I think he has had two on excuted absences he he only needs two right I think it was three three total but yes but the other boards don't have that you you can have three total in excused or unexcused and I don't know why the for some reason the Planning Commission is different than that and I don't like that well at a minimum we should change that yeah I mean it is if you just say before every meeting that you're not going to be there and covers you I mean if you don't you're not able to be here that often and you're not able to participate and you're not able to contribute then that's doing a disservice to corre to the residents for sure so yeah I mean I we probably should look at changing changing those rules and maybe updating that to you know allow for some Grace but at the same time you know we have to be here on somewhat of a regular basis at the very least Miss what is there something that states that it has to be excused in Planning Commission not that I'm aware but we can definitely look into that um I think we should answer a question of why there the two are different and Planning Commission Park wck I can't answer that either I I think that's just how it was said at the time that it was established and maybe it wasn't realized that there were differences we can pull up the Eda and see what that language States and try to be consistent among them I mean they're all representing the city and I mean we want them to be here like you say and but we do understand that there's reasons why people can't be here as well so but I think three excused or unexcused absences and in a total of 12 months is plenty because the Planning Commission doesn't even meet every month so say if there's nine meetings a year or less I mean you you can miss 33% and you're still good and if there's some extenuating circumstance like say I had to go out of town and take care of my aunt or something well I don't think counil would have a problem with that but when it's a repeated issue and we've talked about this for like a year on and off and it seems like every time it's like well he he called in he called in and I I just don't think it's right so we we're going to have to I didn't realize also that the the rules were different for each had I known that I would have pushed for this a long time ago well maybe we bring that to Committee of the whole and take a closer look at it can we take any action tonight on Council to say we want the the the language changed and from here on forward that the the absences count that way we're not pushing this back for the next two months and then he misses another three meetings I mean I would like to review state statute too to make sure that we're not you know going away from what is required of us because all of the pl Park Board the Planning Commission the Eda all have different laws from the St state level that's what I was going to suggest when they the next meeting next council meeting we should be have at on the agenda and they should have that information by them yeah and it does look like we can we definitely will do that um but no we would not be able to take action because it is within city code we have to do an ordinance Amendment um to be able to deviate from that from the Eda bylaws I believe it reads uh absence from any commissioner from any three meetings and a 12- Monon period unless excused in advance by the chair constitutes a vacancy so that one also has only unexcused so but we can definitely look into State Statute and see okay I just don't understand why he wants to be on why he wants a seat and he never shows it just doesn't make sense it really bothers me because there's people in our community that want to get involved and I we can't keep kicking the can down the road on this he's gotten enough Grace so all righty all right any other uh discussion on that otherwise we can look at the consent agenda here and I'd like to thank an Family Dental and uh Minnesota equipment for The Graces donation to luminate isan absolutely I would didto that and I think it's great to see that more and more businesses are getting involved and I think people are really excited about the free attendance this year um it was paid for by the taxpayers in the first place and I think it should have been free in the first place so it's really good see that uh businesses are seeing the value in it and hopefully they'll get uh good Returns on their investment so anything else make a motion to accept the consent agenda second I have a motion to accept the consent agenda from councilman lundine and a second from councilman Merill all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries five zero and I'll look for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second I have a motion to to adjourn from councilman lundine and a second from councilman hren all in favor say I I all oppose same sign that motion carries 0 if you want to take uh maybe a