##VIDEO ID:2ToIAM9yts0## e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone are we're ready to start the meeting Marne would you please call the role council member Steve fredman here council member Deb Gillis here Council M buddy Pender here vice mayor Don Horton here and mayor Sharon Mahoney here we have a Corum thank you um I here we have Pastor uh Bruce from Coral a church would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Al to of the United States of America and to the for which stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you well we've been sitting up here having the discussion should we do a prayer or not do a prayer so since we have Tony Hammond here I'm going to go ask him to please let's do a prayer this time and uh I appreciate it greatly Tony welcome well thank you and Council welcome on board I didn't get a chance to greet all of you last time so welcome let's bow together father thank you so much for tonight thank you for this Council we thank you for the work that they'll do and we look forward to it we pray your blessing over this meeting and all that is discussed and uh give us sound minds and clear heads and we ask these things in your precious and holy name amen amen thank you sir okay so any emergency deltion or additions from the council Deb I add discuss microphone sorry we have an addition to the Sewer uh in um discussion item for the concerning sewers where is that on the what number uh it's under mayor council Communications it's six I VI I6 do you want to discuss or do you want to pull it there there's nothing there there's nothing there I'd like a short very short discussion okay D Gillis anyone else Don I'm good Steve yeah um I think we have a lot of people in the room that are going to want to talk on one of these items can we move that item up to as soon as possible so that people that came from a long way away can don't have to stay the whole time we just had that discussion we already had that discussion and we've already moved a bunch of people around um uh can I get some guidance from you Mr manager that what we talked about moving it are you referring to the rogo discussion I I'm sorry yeah 10B 10 yeah um well I wanted to clarify in pursuance to the conversation I have with mayor Mahoney that the vast majority of the items on the agenda are on consent so there's only two items on regular agenda and it would be at the council's pleasure whether you wanted to move the the second one up to the first one and first one to second but it's it doesn't it's it looks like there's a lot ahead of it but it's really on consent assuming all of those consent items stay on consent so it's not going to be that long is basically what he's saying so so they say all right very good anybody else with anything Madame mayor yes sir if I may can I add just a quick request for an executive session during during the attorney manager discussion item yes it'll be 15 seconds or less I'm going to time you got it okay so nobody else okay um first I want to say a couple things I want to thank my council members for putting me in this position I don't know if I'm happy or upset or whatever but I will do my best and I thank everybody for your trust in me um I would like to see this Council come together as one and respect each other and when you want to speak if you would raise your hand I will acknowledge you and do remember when you're speaking there's four other people up here who also want to speak and for the audience I would appreciate the same respect back to us and uh we'll see how it goes but I'm really looking for some good Harmony in this new Council so I thank you um before we get started I want to thank Judy Hall I don't know if she's here or not for the phenomenal phenomenal job she did in Winterfest and I don't know if everybody was here a big hand for Judy you always do phenomenal job and it's my pleasure to work with you so thank you thank you um Terry Abel where's our chief here he is uh we are doing kids in the Upper Keys who are not going to have a lot of stuff at Christmas we're still collecting toys for them so if you would like to bring us an unwrapped gift please do you can drop it off at to the fire station and we would greatly appreciate your help so I thank everybody for that as well Shar yes uh do are they collecting on the um parade on Saturday night also absolutely ma'am thank you so on the 15th when they go around caroling they're going to be pulling a little cart behind them for gifts so please remember that uh everybody deserves a really nice Christmas so I thank you um before we start the reports and presentations I'd like to U two women who are here tonight who are extremely important people uh representative Lauren melow would you please stand up and June Smith Lauren Melo is uh the reason we are looking at a fireboat and uh I appreciate what you're doing for the keys I'm sure everybody else is and I'd like to give her just a couple minutes to explain the program how it works and the fact that we are forever grateful to you thank you very much mayor uh good evening everyone for the record representative Lauren melow I represent District 82 uh which is Eastern Coler and all of Hendry County um I want to start by saying that your representative uh Jim Mooney uh had given me his Blessing when I moved forward uh this past session in 24 and filed four different Appropriations for the Florida Keys um Jun Smith will follow uh Jun Smith is a close family friend uh she was also a constituent prior to redistricting um and out of tra tragedy within her own family uh has kind of been the Crusader of uh medical fire rescue boats here uh in the Florida Keys um I was born and raised in Naples um my parents were married in Big Pine I spent a lot of time in the Florida Keys growing up uh primarily in Marathon um and was in a boating accident when I was 17 years old in Naples uh at that time we did not have any fire rescue boats we have a great program in CER now in Lee and also in Marco Island when uh the Smith family came to me and spoke to me about the Florida Keys not having a program and not having any advanced life support on the water I met with several of my fire chiefs that run their Marine programs in CER and Lee County uh representative Mooney helped me facilitate meetings down here in the keys um I attended multiple meetings where we brought all the fire chiefs uh and fire Personnel together to discuss the program uh what it took to get the program in place uh and then I agreed to run the appropriations of 1.2 million to fund those boats after we did the research and discovered uh a brand new boat uh that you could put in the water was 200,000 I asked for 300,000 for each location to make sure that we covered any incidentals and that maybe weren't in the purchase of the boat um so that there would not be a burden of any resources from any of the communities the four communities that we selected in the keys um I've had you all come to my office in Tallahassee and this is just I want to talk up here and educate everyone um so that we don't have any issues uh two of the Appropriations were fully funded one of them was for Isa marada that appropriation was vetoed here at the local level um through the governor's office so as you can imagine that was a shock to me after I worked very hard to put this program in place to run the appropriation um I actually even put the the Appropriations for the Florida Keys above my own County um and the needs of my own County so I was shocked when that happened and my presence being here is just to facilitate communication if you all have any questions or concerns about the program I'm happy to address those uh I'm happy to give you even my cell phone number if you want to call me um to discuss offline or or if you even want to come to my office in the capital and discuss it with me I'm happy to do that uh I will I have given the Smith family uh my commitment that I will run the appropriation again next year in the 25 session um so I'm hoping to have your support uh so that we don't have another challenge like we had this past session and with that I'm happy to take any questions Council go ahead uh I I was sitting out there in the audience the night that there was a - vote to so how why was the why was this vat That was supposed to come to alamada vetoed uh council member I really don't know that I did actually attend one of your meetings um when I believe Chief Abel came and asked for that vote and I was on the call and I did address this Council I I don't have any answers for you other than the governor's office told me that it was vetoed at the local level outside of that I unfortunately I I don't know which is why I just want to be here this evening um prior to me getting started again and running the football down the field um I I just want to make sure if there are concerns I address them well thank you very much I hope that we can look into the situation and see whatever happened me I it was that I recall it was a five of vot and I was pretty excited about it I many years ago was on the first dive team for the volunteer fire and ambulance with tavanir and been a great supporter of of of our fire department and our rescue department and and I think it's absolutely necessary in this in our town uh and are worthy so thank you for all the work you're doing for us councilman Pender uh representative uh Melo I'd like to say thank you very much for what you did actually one of your marine guys came here and told us the whole program uh months back I don't know if it was this year or last year was before we voted on it and explained the whole situation and the need of saving lives okay and one life matters so I want to say thank you and anything we can do I'm only one of five but I I feel we voted we did vote 50 on this I don't it's mysterious I've called tasse until I'm blew in the face trying to find out what went on and I have a very good idea what happened but it wasn't right okay when we voted 0 and and somebody in our staff somebody called tassi and said we didn't need it that's what I've been told so I think it's wrong that when we voted 5 so I'm just like I want the community to know that I feel I feel very bad here here's a mother of a young lady that lost her daughter over this and we voted 50 and and somehow somewhere something somebody is not right so I hope this year that people will stand up that we'll stand and we will make it right and thank you for your service and your continued service and working with Jim and and the others on this thank you you're welcome thank you and uh you know you have my support and you know we've talked about this and we will carry that football together down the field next year you have my W Deb I also looked into and I knew we had a 5 actually we had two 5 votes and I was quite surprised to find out that it got vetoed um I think it's a necessary thing we've seen lots of we we're the skinny little island of ground and we have so much that goes on in the water and that's where we push our our people our locals our tourists everything so I am I'm very sorry and apologize to the all the work that you did to try to help us and it got vetoed I'm sorry thank you thank you very much I'd like if um Miss June would come up please and I want to say that I have the great honor of getting to know both of these ladies and I am very proud to say Jun January 19th at the Laurel live I'll be doing another one of my famous fundraisers to raise money for Terry for the training and the needs we have for the boat for all marada so I'm hoping everybody will come out support it donate something for me for the auction and I want to raise a lot of money because this is a wonderful woman and I I'm very pleased that we have got to be friends hi my name is June Smith um uh ended up here uh back in 2017 we lost our daughter in a boating accident and took a little bit of time to figure out a lot with grief and dealing but I realized that I knew that day you were completely helpless we called 911 we begged for help and Don in kudjo it was 5:30 and there was nobody that could physically help us in any Department all four Department nobody had no way to get us uh we begged I never listened to 911s but we tried several times to beg for help and then a tobo person got us there but I can't quite understand how here in a boating community something goes wrong you're your own doctor you're your own Advocate you're your own way back to Shore and you're not getting medical help till you touch land so to me it just since then every time I've heard of an accident I feel I know exactly Their Fear their hopelessness and they won't get help until you touch land so it's just and there's been several several more accidents in the last seven years so it just scares me that it is a bent Community there's water everywhere and it seems odd that there's nothing on the water to help anybody no matter what if it's a heartache heart attack a broken arm anything you're not getting help till you can touch land you can ask me questions I don't know what else to say does anybody want to say anything and no thank you so very much and I look forward to spending time with you in January and support our fundraiser it's a great cause and these are great women I thank you guys so much for coming thank you for putting this together for January really appre it thank you thank you Miss Smith thank you very much okay let's move on to reports presentations and announcements where's my good friend Richard Clark I don't be hiding it's Richard Clark to talk to us about freebie how are you oh I'm doing well thank you I learned my lesson when I was in your jobs to keep my back to the wall um so I just wanted to come briefly tonight um you know May I appreciate the invitation uh um we obviously are running a somewhat similar service only really the most similar thing about it is that it's on demand um ours runs much differently really because we have an entirely different set of factors in stock and Key West than we have here in a marada and I expect when we build out the other three locate of three Geo fenced areas they'll also operate entirely different from my marada and Key West because kargo is different from Big Pine is different from Marathon just the way it's going to be so um as you know in the past few months we have had uh new leadership at our um at the county we have a new County Administrator um and um she and I have talked about a Litany of things we're doing from a transportation perspective this being one of them and so what um Rob and I talked endlessly back and forth about how this process should really work the most important thing for for your city manager for my County manager and my five elected bosses um they they want to see me uh work directly with Rob and they want to see us put something together that they can see vote approve bring to you so that you can see vote approve amend whatever but you know um we've got some pragmatists on there and they're like look what if we put this together and they don't like it and I was like well that makes perfect sense we should let us do our due diligence that's what staff is for so uh we are going to do that we are going to go through I just that's we wanted to put that on the screen for you guys to see kind of how we're going to do it um we we'll take some formal votes if you will just so it's on the record that this is what we're going to do um at the end of the day uh our attorneys and your attorneys will have to figure out the interlocal agreement the best thing I heard was that we do take a little bit of Tavern ear which is unincorporated which really makes things easier for us so um on a on a bigger scale uh we I've been working with fdot on um some inner Island Ferry feasibility work the fdot has agreed they're going to work with me I think they're going to fund it for me so um for $500,000 worth of effort I marada is clearly one of our you know this would be a home run I don't know that we have the infrastructure here but um the idea would be Key West Marathon a marada um for inter island ferry only walk up no cars so um we're going to be looking at that this year we're we just started our bus stop study um that's going to be really really in-depth um you'll see a lot on that effort as we build it's not just what it looks like where it is how it is it's really where are people using these things and where are we hailing and where do we need the safety and how do we comply with fdot rules um and then last but certainly not least we have reconstituted our transportation Coordination Committee that committee two years ago uh put together a list of 183 projects and they put everything that people requested on that list um they then brought the elected officials together they prioritized um based on how many people said this is what we should do um so it was very meritocratic it was very Democratic um and the top 12 things they fdot did all of them that's where our top 12 priorities um of the 183 75 of the 183 have been addressed either in the 5-year work plan or um been done and now I'm grabbing the remainder that just had the newest five-year work plan come out I'm going to mirror that but what we're going to come up with with your help is um a new list and the best thing about that list is when fdot does it it's 100% paid by fdot so before we start pursuing grants or start making 5050 obligations let's see how much fdot um is going to pick up what we really need especially on overseas so I know that was fast I I know you've got a lot of folks here in the room I didn't want to believe it but I'll happily ask answer any question that I can I'm raising my hand for a question um it's my understanding that tonight you are looking for of us to say yes move forward is that correct that's what we would like just on the record I don't need a formal but okay so is everybody okay with everything moving forward with this yes so Steve yeah I'm okay with it but I Sharon I like to say something okay I'm just are you okay I'm good all right go ahead okay hey uh Richard I I just wanted to say thank you and I had a couple of your good friends that uh from up North uh really very make made a very good record ktie wilds and may Dylan rum so I just wanted to that because they they said man you are you know this guy knows what he's doing he's really good at what he does and everything so they gave you I I I did a little due diligence they better say good things I know where all of their bodies are buried so anyways thanks Richard does anybody have any questions Deb the presentation that you just had on the wall I'd like a a hard copy of that or an email copy sure of course okay okay so anything else anyone so we're good great no I'm looking forward going through the process fantastic we'll put our nose we'll get it done as quickly as we can thank you so much thanks for coming up hey I like that shirt too thank you okay so we're going to move on to uh John is this where you want to say uh request for guidance um yeah it's different than this but I can um what I had asked to be added on before but I can do that really quickly now too if you like sure um pursuant to Florida statute 28611 uh subsection 8A governing public meetings I as the attorney for Isam Mara Village violence wish to advise The Village during this public meeting that I desire desire advice concerning the litigation of Thomas Yates versus Isam marata Village of violence at all in the Circuit Court of the 16th judicial circuit in in for Monroe County Florida case number 2024 CA 479 P I would ask that we hold an executive session on either January 7th or January 9th I will coordinate with the the clerk who will coordinate with everyone's schedules for the the scheduling uh attending the session will be the mayor and council members Village manager myself John qu and special Council Eric St and bla udus so it's January 7th or January 9th or January 9th and we'll plan to do it before the council meeting um since you all will already be here and then that way we can flow in is everybody good with that do you have anything Deb well I just had a question because I saw somewhere uh that uh you were wanting I thought it was the manager wanting a I don't know whether it's called an executive session concerning bargaining agreement that was on the seventh also yeah that's why I said either the 7th or the 9th originally it was going to be the 7th but I was advised that there um about the bargaining session so it'll be one of those two days we'll coordinate which one which day and um um you know we'll fig yeah we'll get it figured out that way we that way we don't have you here all day just let us Steve anything yeah no okay I think January 7 was fine now I guess we're doing another one maybe on the night yeah exactly and we'll coordinate it and get it set up yeah um the other two issues are um uh were requests for guidance on uh mediation participants um there is a mediation scheduled in the mark Greg um land use challenge that is scheduled for I believe it's January 8th um there was a mediation scheduled in the barley matter um the the in relation to the right of way down on the uh the intersection of daon Avenue in avocado that's since been postponed but we we're we had it on the schedule anyway might as well talk about it um in mediation there is uh mediation is a confidential process uh it's it's required by in the Greg matter by Statute in The Barley matter by court order um the parties are required to go through the process it's it is what it sounds like we get together um there's a mediator they decide on uh you know parties decide to see if they can reach an agreement but it's different when it comes to a local government because we can't agree to anything in a in a mediation it has to come back before the Council to be um decided by a majority of the council in an open public meeting um but the mediation itself does need to occur in a confidential setting meaning not in a public meeting so because of that we can't have all five of you together because you can't you can't mesh a confidential private mediation with Florida Sunshine Law so what you know Rob and I are looking for is we'd like to have um you one person from the council um it can be a different person for each one it can be the same it doesn't really matter but one person to serve as a representative with Rob um in the mediation um that way if there is anything to bring back you mean my my belief is I think it's better to have a council member there because if if one council member is supporting you know bringing it back at least you know one person supports it um as opposed to just you know Rob and I thinking you might um and then we don't know um at the end of like I said ultimately three of the five of you would need to approve it anyway so whether one supports it or not isn't determinative but it's at least one it's better better than zero so our request is is um is if you all can come to a uh you know give us direction as who you would like to appoint to um serve as the village representative from Council um during those again like I said the mark Greg one is currently scheduled for January 8th uh here at Village Hall um and uh The Barley one is to be determined so whoever it is we obviously we'll work with his or her schedule um when uh coordinating it and so when do you need that person the well the Greg one we would it would be best to do either tonight or Thursday okay um I mean theoretically we could do it on um on the 7th when our next meeting is but the mediators tend to like to know who the participants are and and it would be better to to let the mediator know in advance so tonight would be ideal or wait since he's not here nominate buddy okay it's Buddy so he gets for stepping out there you go I guess we should wait till he gets back so can we come back to this then I don't know what he's doing yeah let's come back to yes it's not okay yeah so either that or we can just volun told him right now I think we should there he is he you're voluntary congratulations congratulations congratulations buddy we're really happy for you know you know that's what happens when you believe okay um citizen advisory committee wait did you tell me what he's Vol think he serious you really okay buddy do you want to be the a person in the mediation with Mark Greg yes thank you I don't mind doing to Mary barley but I not to Mark Grant okay I I I i' don't really but I I'll I'll do it if I need to yeah I'll do it if you want I don't care I've been in mediations before you want to do it want to do it let her I doesn't matter I'll do it you want to flip a coin yeah which one of you all we're doing is reporting back to the council what happened I'm good with it okay all I'll let Buddy do it so buddy for for Mark Greg and then um vice mayor Horton for um The Barley matter yes okay that's good okay thank you thank okay now moving on to Citizens advisory committee Greg dully with the uh land acquisition I thank you very much good evening Council and mayor Mahoney thank you for your time my name is Greg dly and I serve as the chair for the land acquisition committee uh it's my second term and we put forth an action plan to you guys that we'd like you to look over um and understand this you know we understand that we're a committee and our purpose is to uh advise and councel or or present information to you and you guys ultimately make that decision so know that as you go through that um the committee has put together a letter that they've asked me to read to you um and I'd like to do that now that's okay uh one the committee support for the land acquisition action plan the alada land acquisition advisory committee wishes to express its strong support to the proposed land acquisition action plan this plan was developed with extensive committee input stakeholder involvement and with staff expertise we are confident this plan will serve as a useful tool and guidance document for R's land acquisition program moving forward we extend our appreciation to the council for its leadership and prioritizing its initiative and for allocating funds to safeguard Isam br's unique natural assets the program's success rests on the council's dedication on environmental preservation which ensures the island Mara remains a Haven for diverse ecosystems and Wildlife The Glenn property number two the Glenn property acquisition and naming uh the following Village acquisition of the Glenn family's property near Venetian Shores and Founders Park the committee is proposing naming the property the following names have been suggested for the council's consideration and we had listed Glenn The Glenn preserve Glenn family Wildlife Preserve cotton key preserve Sunset Park preserve uh each name represents some historical or ecological significance of the property importantly this property offers diverse habitats such as Mangrove forests hardwood hammocks Inland ponds and Prime habitat for waiting birds and crocodiles alike the committee proposes holding a ribbon cutting ceremony we' like to schedule uh the ceremony o the first quarter of 2025 to celebrate the property's acquisition and naming this event would honor the Glenn's family contribution it would formally introduce the site to the public uh number three proposal for a less than fee land acquisition program to maximize the reach of the council's budget allocation for land acquisition the committee seeks the council's guidance on developing a less than fee land acquisition program familiar to to the successful model implemented by Monro County such a program would allow Isam marada to acquire conservation e easements rather than than full property ownership which would expand conservation efforts cost effectively maintain private ownership while ensuring Environmental Protection and potentially reduce takings claims or lawsuits recognizing the County's success with this approach the committee proposes inviting the Monroe County representatives to present their program at a future council meeting this presentation provide valuable insights into the structure funding and outcomes of the moro's less than fee program and offer a foundation for adapting this model to our community needs uh the committee asks that the council direct staff to conduct an inventory into the parcels that less than Fe opportunities would be available within the village of alamada however I think that's already been completed um and then we thank the council for its continued support and look forward to working together in advance while land acquisition goals Council any questions for Mr Dolly no I don't have the question but I want to say thank you Greg for what you do and your time and everything what you guys are doing thank you you are are we going to pick a name tonight for them or is that future you know when did you I guess it would be before the ceremony to have the name and yeah no pressure on you guys and it it those are four names that the committee came up with um they're not written in stone they we just thought they were good ideas so I agree if you guys have other suggestions you know that's fine as well have a suggestion Deb which one you like like anybody well I don't know it's um maybe somebody else can give me a little bit more insight on it but the one of the Glenn names seems obvious to me um and if we want to keep it simple that would be the Glenn preserve uh but the family was involved so I guess I don't really have a choice there yeah I agree with you though anybody else have a thought no between Glenn and Glen family Wildlife Preserve Glen preserve EAS Glen family preserve Glen family preserve Glenn preserve yeah just two names or three names he's saying Glenn family or oh you saying Glenn family I was just thinking Glenn preserve yeah well I'm just saying because it was the family they were all there see what you started and we paid that was supposed to be the easy one I know we have time Mo I think I think we have time we'll figure it out you guys can discuss have anything else for him this evening no Greg thank you very much thank you very very much if I could just add one thing um the just so you know with with the land acquisition plan we basically run under the County's program so all the properties that are identified are part of the Florida forever program um we are asking that maybe a couple of other properties be added to that um or at least be presented to the county to to either allow them or not allow them um so all the funding for this comes from the county it's not coming out of the the The Village's budget so is is that something we're going to talk about on Tab n probably but I just want to make sure I've got stuff for Peter on that we'll just wait till then thank you if you pull it from the consent agenda it's not on the consent I don't believe Greg is that you said that comes from some funding from the Florida forever um it's a program that's that's through the county so what we since we don't have a budget to buy our own land and um we've restricted ourselves to just focusing on those properties so the count is acquiring them and they have the process and the funds and everything allocated um all we're doing is instead of letting the county decide which properties in the village they want to Target we're kind of shortening the list and maybe you know I'm saying hey you know we feel that these we're not going to get them all so if we had a if we had a list of 30 of them like these are the top 10 that we suggest so we're really make a suggestion to the C to please focus on these properties first so County receives money from that act that would be able to purchase those that you recommend yes right I I just want to point out that some something that's very important to talk about when we go to Tallahassee with our representative to because I believe they're trying to get that in perpetuity and I don't think it is yet I think we that gets renewed annually uh but I think that's something that we need to um Lobby to get in perpetuity so it's a no-brainer because of the great things that that money goes for but but that's also Greg that's part of the Monroe County land Authority correct right that's it cuz that's what Christine Hurley ran yes yes sir right okay yep okay so concerning the uh less than fee I'd like to at least request that we get some kind of presentation and and consider adopting it in is Mor our goal for that program again it's it's a county program and our goal really is to kind of minimize maybe possible potential takings claims going forward um it's a program where if a resident has two properties you know property a and property B and property a is their residents and perhaps property B uh it could be a joining across the street or whatever um but they have no intention of developing it maybe they Park their trailers there or what have you um it's a volunteer program so nobody's mandated to do it um I think we identified like 103 properties within the Village um and it's a way to go to them and say listen if you have no intention of developing that property um what the county has structured so I don't know what we would do um they off from depending on what they determine they base the land determination on the what they're assessed for so some of them maybe sess for 65,000 or 50,000 but the maximum for the County's program is 100,000 and essentially we would approach those people and say if you're not having intentions of developing that property that additional property um ideally we get them to merge it and that would be great but if if they don't agree to that or if the village can't make them do that um we would offer them some type of compensation up to $100,000 they would maintain ownership of that additional property but they would give up any future rights and it would be deed restricted going forward that they could not be developed so but they could still use it as an accessory structure for a shed or a garage or a pool or something like that correct correct right correct yeah so they still have full use of the property they're just signing over saying that starting now and forever and ever this this property will be deed restricted cannot be developed and the funds would come out of what grg well in the past the council has given us a million dollars in our budget for the land acquisition committee so we were perhaps if the if we did some more due diligence once we have the county come in here and propose their program and we KCK you know work out the finite details we would propose perhaps using those funds for that because the grant scheme of things we can't buy too many properties with with a million bucks in right 103 properties is a 10 10 million 300,000 exposure so let's go find a money the County's money and sustainability money and those kind of things that's that's that's the reason I would like to at least explore the program for alamada so that we have one more tool in our toolbox to um eliminate uh the need for allocations 100% yeah all four okay thank you thank you thank you much got it um Madame mayor just on on the back to the Glenn item I think I can um maybe make it a little easier we did have an agreement with them that that talked about naming of The Preserve and it said that the it didn't talk about the specific name but it did say the Glenn family shall be referenced in the naming of The Preserve so I would recommend we use family in it it it doesn't say we have to but I think that's a stricter reading of the agreement that's fine if that's in the agreement that solves that yeah sorry I had to pull the agreement up sorry took do you need a motion or just an agreement um I why don't we I would do it as a motion so that we can formalize it so that it's it's done do I have a motion you want to do the motion uh I'll do the motion that we uh go with the naming of the Glenn family preserve do I second okay Marne would you call the role please vice mayor Don Horton yes council member Deb Gillis yes council member Steve fredman yes council member buddy Pender yes and mayor Sharon Mahoney yes mayor motion passes 5 Z thank you okay than all right Marne I think the next one is you yes thank you you're welcome um so I wanted to get this on the agenda to get um the new Council thinking about um appointments so at the April um 11th 2023 meeting Council adopted ordinance 2305 concerning committee appointments um then on September 7th uh and September 28th appointments were made for two-year terms to all of our committees um then on June excuse me June 11th of 2024 three members of the LPA had their terms extended to accomplish staggering as required by the ordinance so prior to 2023 the clerk's office handled the annual appointment process that was done each May um after the um ordinance was adopted the village manager's office took it over and U moved the application process onto to the employment portal um so and then that Village manager and his assistant both left and and um interim V uh Village manager Brian Cook did the presentation at the September 2023 appointment process so um I put this on the agenda to keep the process moving um I don't have ownership of the processes so you know I'm happy to take suggestions just wanted to get youall thinking about how we can um uh do the appointments moving forward um so I have several suggestions um you can change them uh approve them whatever you'd like um so the before the ordinance was changed we did have 10 people on most committees so we're kind of looking at keeping that at 10 um happy to take a different number um I do recall us having a conversation sometime last year about maybe changing them to seven but we really didn't do that so you know it's just kind of as we have a new Council coming in you know what priorities sorry can I make a suggestion how about if you send us in an email the Committees who's well well let me just finish please the Committees and um the vacancies and to start seeing if anybody uh what places we're looking to fill and put that out there and then yeah I know I saw that but I'm just saying maybe we should put it out there now to the public so they can apply if they want to we do have opening uh we do have the um openings right now for LPA um Nearshore I think land acquisition Workforce affordable and Workforce phable thank you Don yes so those the it is open on the employment paral right now and currently we only have one application that's been filled uh out but Stephanie Rodriguez of Rob's office is going to be doing a push on our social media and our website to um promote the program more okay okay Rob can you include that in your manager letter the next next week too please yes sir thank you I also I think I suggested that you know if we could reach out and find either the newspaper that maybe would do a PSA or the radio or I I I think we just need to advertise it as thoroughly as possible I I agree okay Steve do you have anything buddy NOP okay so is that a start for you that sure yes absolutely um what we would like to do though um before we move on is in addition to our village committees we do have a few partner organizations that um are looking for Representatives um currently um buddy is the has been the representative for these first three which is the Florida Keys Transportation Coordinating Committee which as Mr Clark is mentioned is going to be meeting more often so probably expect monthly meetings with the uh Target date of June to present something to F do so you know our participation would probably be more than it has been in the past on that so um it would be a good idea to appoint some a council member to that um we also have uh the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary advisory Council which meets uh B monthly the Florida Keys National Marine wall quality Protection Program steering committee which meets roughly quarterly and a new committee that we are applying to which is the international Council for local environment initiatives um so our sustainability um program manager Lista Panzer is applying for that and Jennifer can tell you what's needed for um our representative it's more commonly known as iiy it's a National Organization um that we would like to be a member of they um help municipality or communities and municipalities with sustainable issues and Alyssa would like to join uh as part of the appliation they're requesting a member of the council be the lead elected official so um we included it in this group Alyssa will be the primary contact and go to all the events and you know and be the one to do all the work it would just be sort of the primary contact for I think for any technical assistance or any funding that we might request from them in the future so it's more of just a name that we need at this time there's no work needed at this time does anybody want want to volunteer for that I you know in the past you've always showed interest in the Florida Keys Transportation I was I was going to say maybe we should uh reach out to you if we're personally interested in something and see how that goes I mean I I am interested in the transportation yeah that's I would ask Sharon to uh do that since she's been working on that with Richard okay I I worked on it years ago it was very very informative yeah do you want you okay with me I think you should yeah okay then I'll do do you want any of the the Noah stuff or um you want to think about it I would consider maybe the sanctuary Lea on or what about the water things Ste that possibly kind just have to see what the schedule is on those yeah as I said um I do I do number four what's number four number four the international environmental uh don would like to do the international Council oh great and so what does that leave us go ahead any anybody debie you got to get something for you the water quality is that Mr Freeman the sanctuary water quality or Sanctuary advisory Council um the they're both different go ahead there're two different committees they're different but go ahead and take both sure I'll take both okay thank you so much thank you just the I'm not sure what the county rules are particularly on the transportation Comm committee um in terms of how the appointment gets made just to make sure that we cover our bases um you know Rob Rob and I were talking and think it would be best to make a motion to normally Madame mayor you could just appoint but I don't want the county then to come back and say wait we need something more formal because of the the process that's required for our so I would suggest that we make a motion to uh confirm these uh at least that appointment uh if not all just to just to cover our bases in case okay I I'll make a motion that uh Sharon is the person for the transportation committee I'll second it do you do we want to include just all of them at the same time let's just wrap it into one yeah I mean it doesn't hurt to to all so maybe Mary can read back what the appointments were there you go okay we're going to vote on Marney can read the names and then we can uh vote on it so I make a motion for all of them from Sharon to Steve to Don okay so that would be um mayor Mahoney for the Florida Keys Transportation Coordinating Committee through Monroe County uh council member fredman for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary advisory Council and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary water quality Protection Program steering committee and vice mayor Horton for the International Community Council for local environmental initiatives and we have a motion by councilman Pender and a second by vice mayor Horton so you want to call the RO call the role okay all right council member Pender yes vice mayor Horton yes council member fedman yes council member Gillis yes and mayor Mahoney yes that motion passes 5 to zero thank you much moving to mayor council communication I know Deb wanted to say something but can I jump ahead of you with something real quick of course um I would like to um figure out how we go about uh having the staff organized uh something about food trucks we do not have anything on food trucks right now and I know there is there are people here who have concerns about where food trucks can go where they can't and we don't do we do we have any uh regulations we used they um uh so there are some State restrictions on regulations but they are treated as restaurants in the village um there so uh they are allowed in the same locations that restaurants would be allowed uh so they're treated as such and have historically B so I'm seeing a head Shakeen no in the audience so how do we go about well he's also representing a food truck in ch in the village so act code violation okay so we we do have then something on food trucks see I was he's saying no still okay go ahead de so we used to have one and it got preempted by the state is this correct correct me if I say wrong here uh and that we worked on one uh but it never did get finalized as to what we were going to do uh with the fact that the state's preemption and I don't know whether that was at the previous Council or while I was still on Council before I don't remember how many years ago it was but I know that there was something in the works there was a pilot program no there was a pilot program and when it expired Council before Deb the pilot program was but then when that expired because of the fact that uh pre-emption yeah there was something else worked on so there's some history in the books is I guess is what I'm saying to go by but what I'm hearing him say is we don't we can't have it that we're governed by the state of Florida well you can have certain things there's there there we can and and but just I mean from my perspective and From planning's perspective we do have something doesn't mean we can't modify it or we can't change it but um if you look at the definition of a restaurant in our code u a fire truck or fire truck a food truck Falls within that if the fire truck is serving food I guess they fall with it too all right so but it doesn't mean we can't again within the bounds of what the state statute allows it doesn't mean we can't you know if you'd like bring something else back before you want to consider a an amendment to does anybody have an appetite for that a food get it does anybody have I think I think it ought to be looked at because I I know that there's a a problem with one of the churches exactly so are we all good with that to give direction to see sure okay okay so can we put that on the list yep okay okay Deb you ready to go with your uh I am if I'm next yes so uh we all during the campaign talked about sewers and we all know that we've had um depend on how you want to count them six or eight uh s line breaks and um I served on the council when we put the original sewer lines and work together and during this time when we're trying to negotiate and figure out how to settle our problem with kilargo I would like to sit as the council advis not advisory um leant just sit in on those meetings to try to help spur them to completion is that common right Rob or how does that work well those are the the meetings are involving the engineering firms karo's uh management The Village management uh the next step in the process actually is there's supposed to be a modeling report that was worked on both by ke lgo's staff and our engineering staff and I'm waiting for that it's supposed to be due December 13th uh once we get to see that report we're going to take a look at it reconvene with kilargo and see if there's agreement on which exact type of improvements are necessary to uh get this project finally moving forward uh we'll also have a meeting coming up with d on the same issue so we want to make sure that we have a clear path forward and that we expedite that to our full stability as to uh a member of council sitting in on that one of the things that we did um early on in this process was try to focus in on as few as number of people as possible because what had happened in the past is we ended up with attorneys and members of the kilargo Wastewater district and other people getting involved in that conversation and it ended up with people sniping at one another and really digging in their heels and we tried to actually Retreat from that position to get the the staff and the engineers to talk to one another face to face and drop the the the legal as aspects of it who's required under which contract the threats of litigation that were going on in the whole nine yards um so um I I don't have an objection necessarily to one of our council members getting involved but I think um that that also leads us back down the path where we were before I took this up a few months back trying to make sure that we reach consensus and actually move forward with the improvements the part of the reason why I'd like to sit there is I know most of those people not all of them because some of them have changed from before and think I have a a a good enough relationship with them that I can help spur it on not cause problem uh to to get down to the cause uh make sure the D doesn't do any kind of um consent order against us uh to get kilargo and us on the same page as to what we need to do um why the breaks are happening all of that I I just think I have a lot of background in it and and know a lot of those people um that's part of the reason why I wanted to get involved how about I contact Peter rosasco and and get his pulse on that question too because I suspect if if I bring a council member in he may want maybe not um to bring in somebody from the Karo wastewater treatment districts Council but I I think a good Next Step would be for me at least to check with Peter and say hey Peter like to comment mayor when you get a chance go ahead may you done Rob goad sure um Deb I was there and even they got into with Mr Quick I think the engineers I was there okay Brian from the county was there and I mean John can tell you I'm very good friends with the chairman of the board of that okay I I don't I I have no problem with you doing it if that's what you want to do but even him their own chairman is you know it was we had to let the engineers work it out and it got elevated so much that both their attorney and our attorney got into it Mr rasco made some comments and things so I I don't know and I was in the Wastewater business I know him I did the plan up there I know that I don't think Deb that that's I know all the people as well but this is somebody like AJ we we have an engineer that works with them that we have hired and that's I know David okay and and they that's where the problem came okay between the two Engineers okay we can as a as a council you can or I can't we can't I couldn't voice my opinion okay you can voice your opinion but it's got to come back here for us to make a decision so anyway anyways um that I just wanted to throw my two cents in CU it got very nasty that day with Mr Quick and their attorney had to jump in Mr Quick jumped in and it was not a very night it wasn't um it's it's just the sheer fact that it's been going on for so long and the fact that I I also know those I you you were doing the building and I was doing the approvals and stuff uh through Council um I just I just think maybe I might be able to bring some calmness to it and listen you know we need to come together maybe not maybe not I don't want to get into it with them I want to resolve it that's all okay go ahead Rob how about if I check with AJ again on the status of that report see where Ed from the kargo Wastewater district is at with respect to what their sense of agreement is and report back and if you believe that there still value in participating following us getting that way and we're on the cusp of getting it I mean we're looking at December 13th was the target I initially received from them um then we can make another call at that point and and I'd be and I'll still follow up with Peter and say hey look if we can't get this resolved very soon pursu to that report I'll I'll meet with you about uh a couple other things that could be possibly going on okay okay sound good sound good I guess okay so we're good that John do you have anything else for um for you for Village attorney communication okay me all right then we're going to move to General Public comment this is uh something that has to do with nothing on the tabs so Marne who do we have okay first up we have Ty Harris good evening Council my name is Ty Harris the law firm of Tai Harris PA 110 Plantation Shores Drive Island marado Florida uh two things thank you so much for the direction to staff to work on the food truck Ordinance one thing when I heard restaurants being mentioned I just want to say that our code's very unique in that restaurants aren't defined by your kitchen facilities it's defined by the way you serve food so some food trucks may qualify as restaurants and some food trucks wouldn't it also struck me that we have food trucks all the time in Founders Park which is Zone Public public semi-public and we allow them through special event but special event permits don't really give you authority to not follow the code so we need to clean this up I appreciate the direction and I think we'll have an ordinance that everybody will be able to work with second I know there's going to be a lot of discussion about rogo and I'm not up here to say you should use 250 rogo units that's absolutely not what I'm saying what I'm trying to tell you is you want to control as many as you can control because if you only take 104.25 it would be very naive to believe that the county won't take the ones that we don't take and just use them in the county so just like with Island silver and spice when the decision was made to buy that property that decision was made because we were concerned about the 13,000 daily trips assigned to that location and Henry Rosenthal sat right there and went we need to control it wasn't about use it was about we need to control that we think there's a you know traffic issues on on that part of upper m Tay by owning that property we controlled those 13,000 trips so the same rationale should be applied to this whether how many we want to use use but control as many as you can control don't let the county control them because you're not going to have another opportunity to do it and with that I really appreciate the opportunity to give my thoughts on both those subjects thank you very much thank you Mr Harris Marne next up is Van Cadenhead good evening Council um that item was of course uh Tab 10 and uh Mr Harris was allowed to speak to it and nobody interrupted him so I uh I'm if it was me I would have been interrupted um I have here the communications from the people in the village about have 10 and I want to talk about the specifics of Tab 10 when Tab 10 comes up what I want to talk to now is the method of of conveying the thoughts of the Village from both sides you know his buddy likes to say what's good for the goose is good for the gander and and it's true because um uh I have uh these things uh start off this message is from an untrusted sender you have not previously corresponded with this sender report suspicious now this there's there's dozens of these and it it all says the same thing from an external sender report suspicious uh I have one here from uh Eddie Whitman I mean I went to high school in Coral Shores in the 50s with Eddie Whitman and if he's an untrusted uh suspicious sender then somebody is an invasive exotic that's uh that's making up making this up and and I I I resent the fact that it's prejudicial uh at the at the top of the at you know you've probably got it in your in your uh uh package um but it both sides are are are slagged except for Brian Schmidt now Brian Schmidt is a real estate agent so that's pretty suspicious right there if you ask me he has a very long long uh and indepth uh presentation to you and there's nothing at all about him being uh flagged in any way or his report is not suspicious and he's obviously a trusted sender now I got uh uh Barbara Pender uh Henry Pender's wife wrote with with Henry which is Buddy's brother and uh the report it says report suspicious this message is from an untrusted sender now to classify someone as an untrusted sender after he's lived in the town for his whole life I just don't feel that's that's proper and I and I resent it I think it's pre prejudicial and and uh this is on both sides of the coin I mean you're doing this for the people that are pro uh development you're doing this for the people that are anti-development and and who uh makes that judgment who who decides uh this this to me smacks of fascism I really don't like it at all and I don't think it's American I don't think it it should be proper thank you to to keep doing this so uh thank you I'll see you on Tab 10 folks thank you good night no you're not supposed to I I think it has to do with our computer system I don't think it has anything to do I was just yeah do you mind because I knew when he was saying it it has nothing to do with the person has to do with the computer I know th this any email that comes from outside of the village email will say that I know it's a standard cyber security thing now on all emails because email is the way the bad guys get in somebody clicks something so it's just an extra warning system it's part of our cyber security grants that we get from the state I knew that but just it's just so much fun letting listening to van with yeah it's nothing that's it's it's against anybody for any reason it's just a standard C anybody that comes from n onara email we'll get that thank you very much Deb did you want to say something well the question the question really arises is why are some of them flagged and and others are not if it if if you're in the address book of the person you're sending to then it will not be flagged okay so if you're in the address book in Outlook it won't be flagged if you're not in the address book it'll flag it if it comes from m.l. us it will not be flagged thank you thank you thank you Miss next up is Roland Moore ran Moore lower Matt uh I want to give you a report an update on uh Henry Rosenthal for those in the room who may not know this sad story about Henry who of course used to sit right here as our former councilman Henry is uh has been has had a a terrible fall and has been in the hospital I believe he's in uh in Homestead and I wanted to ask the council if they would be willing to send a not a note of sympathy to Henry after all he has done with us and let him know how much we in Isa marada appreciate him and wish him uh to to get well soon thank you thank you Roland can we do something like that Rob sure we'll get that done Absol okay thank you Roland for bringing appreciate it greatly thank like rob you know can we do something in the next day or so please okay just a simple get well card or something understood Marne next is Reverend Bruce Havens good evening mayor council members thank you I am Bruce Havens pastor at coral isles Church Mar marker 90 I live just down the street on Ren Street um we're always looking for ways to serve the community as a church um one of my concerns that I was running into was seeing students from crawl Shores going down the highway and crossing over um to get food and things during the day and after school and things like that and nobody loves a roller dog more than me occasionally but uh you know seeing them cross those roads can be kind of scary and uh we've had a number of food trucks who have uh approached us trying to ask if they could use our property so I'm speaking in favor of developing an ordinance that defines what can and can't be done um we're excited to have the opportunity to serve the community and um the the students from um Coral Shores are already running across the street very small Street Ren Street to get a great taco so I hope that that works out and we can continue to serve them and serve the community in that way so hopefully you'll be able to work that out soon thank you thank you very much Marney okay I may have this first name wrong but uh tamory Ruiz I may have the last name wrong as well she's coming up so you said it good enough good evening everyone my name is tamari Ruiz I'm the owner of tacos halisco I thank you for having me here tonight and um I would like to on behalf of tacos alisco kindly request that the village adopt the food truck ordinance and thank you for your time thank you very much she could have brought us some [Laughter] tacos Marne next is Joe wishm Joe wishm Plantation key mayor and council members it was very disappointing to see the direction of this new council at its very first meeting after hearing all the campaign promises to get the public more included in all the decisions and to help protect our delicate ecosystem the very first two things that were on the agenda were to try to make citizens representing associations and organizations more difficult to receive a mere two extra minutes at public comment by requesting written letters at every single meeting for approval really Mr Horton I saw you especially speak for the full five minutes and as uh and another item was revisiting future bass allocations which was discussed and voted on by previous Council I am still challenging the legality of that despite Mr Quick's explanation that it was a new Council and did not have to follow the old rules that states it can only be brought by a council member who voted on The Winning Side that would have been Mr Pender or mayor Mahoney also the fact that Mr Horton wasn't even yet to be put on the council he was still not a council member and only an ordinary citizen how can an ordinary citizen start getting agendas on the uh on the calendar another campaign promise was to address vacation rentals on Thursday this item is on the agenda it was also addressed by previous council members under the fronting of US1 and we don't want to get into that again because that was a whole another discussion it was voted on and denied were all the campaign promises just lip service to try to get votes or will you stand up for what you have pledged instead of revisiting agenda items discussed and voted on by previous councils maybe you should concentrate on existing issues like Village owned properties the fills development of a strategic Plan before you start asking for more and more permits traffic sewer Workforce housing TDC funding legislative priorities there's lots of things that'll keep you very busy just to name a few plenty of work for you to do before worrying about what previous Council has done and more development this is only your second meeting and most of all we have heard about this is permits tdrs vacation rentals work towards representing our good quality of life and quiet enjoyment of Life the last thing I would like to bring up was it was very disturbing how a staff member can overrule 50 votes twice by the council I hope that is looked into and we find out what happen thank you Joe you Marne next up is Elena Davis Elina Davis Plantation key congratulations to the new Council I appreciate your time and all your efforts in this next two years and I also want to congratulate Mr Cole on the much more congenial atmosphere of the Village Council meetings since his hiring as Village manager I appreciate it after watching the November Village council meeting I do have some questions this is not about the discussion of how many rogo units The Village wants this is about why it's on the agenda after the previous Council had already made the decision I would like to know if Mr Horton went to staff and asked that it be put on the agenda prior to being seated as a coun CC IL member is this against protocol we need to adhere to the process that is in place no special favors should be allowed our government needs to operate in the sunshine this leads me to an item that councilman fredman mentioned a couple of months ago regarding Mr Yates and the change in the health insurance policies of Village staff without Village Council being informed or voting on this matter everything should be discussed openly so that there is never a semblance of impropriety only then can our Village Council truly represent all the residents of Isa marada thank you thank you very much Miss Marney there's no one else thank you okay public comment is now closed all right uh I believe this did you want to say something okay consent agenda yep uh yes we are in the consent portion of the agenda these items are of a routine nature and council members have reviewed these items in advance and sought the advice of Staff as they felt necessary there'll be one vote on the consent items which today are items uh Tab 4 through 8 uh if anyone would like to pull an item from consent he or she should state so now Council anybody y Okay so I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented I'll second it thank you and we will have to have public comment before the vote though okay so we'll go ahead and open public comment Marne um Mr wishme would like to speak come on up yes Joe wishm Plantation key first I all I would like to thank this Council for resurfacing of the pickle ball and basketball courts while we appreciate this long overdue Improvement I would like to emphasize how crowded the three pickle boards pickle ball courts get you can even hear them out there now I hope that pickle ball lines would also be included on the basketball court as they are now even though they are very difficult to use especially if there's any wind whatsoever sharing with the montauri schools and dealing with hitting the balls into the traffic it was dis discussed to put pickle ball lines on some of the tennis courts this was started and then abandoned I don't know why I rarely see the tennis courts near full whereas the pickle ball courts especially in the morning are overflowing maybe take attendance for pickle ball and Tennis Courts to see which gets the most use and then take the appropriate action or just add more pickle ball courts Upper mumbi and kilargo courts are always busy and this would be as well so I would hope that you would reconsider at least lining the tennis courts so that we have more pickle ball courts available thank you thank you very much anyone else Marney um no except that Mr rafanello wanted to speak on the last item and I had mistaken another item that he wanted speak on and that was my fault my writing was vague my name is Tom rafanello I'm a resident of Isa Morada I welcome the new Council and I wish you guys the best of luck uh I am the President of the Isam marada Community Alliance and have been for the last year and a half you might not recognize me cuz I left the horns and the tail at home but the ISA marata Community Alliance our mission is to inform and educate our residents to all the events and issues in Isa marada and we do that through the newsletter which has over 3,000 readers at this point try it and you'll like it take a look at it very informative and it says a lot of different things some people you know I've heard different things about the A and if anybody's got to complain about it you can see me here you could see me at home you could pick out a spot of your own liking but if you got some if you got a complaint be man or woman enough to tell me to my face and we'll go from there I don't play those games with you guys if I got something to say to you I say it and I like the same respect the newsletter is something that I think everybody should read because there are really good things about events here and the issues and we sometimes Believe It or Not don't agree with the decisions that you make but descent is the founding block of this country and you'll continue we will continue to disent if you make bad decisions decisions we don't agree with I want to commend Alina Davis and Joe because they said a lot of things I was going to say there's a lot of things that go on that where we lose confidence in how you operate when you're doing things and getting favoritism uh getting something on the agenda when you're not even on the council you know that's Kitty stuff and some of the other things that go on don't do it you got a really fresh start here I don't care what you did in the past you made some mistakes some of you have been on Council you you're almost on your second decade you need to get it down and we need to work at this you know you know what we don't know we don't know who has a legitimate takings claim we've asked for numbers don't get much on it we need to find out if you know share it because we're making decisions on rogos they're going to create false claims and to go from the 104 to 250 is an insulting thing to do to the residents of vam marada every survey that's taken every interview that I did and I spoke to hundreds of people not one person said they wanted more development they wanted a better way to live and they wanted things calm down here some balance Redevelopment and if all you ran on it you know show me the money then you got to do it uh those types of things those 250 rogos will eventually penalize The Village it'll create claims we shouldn't have to have and again I'll say it again how many legitimate taking claims do we have now we've got staffs we've been talking about this since Hector was a pup somebody needs to do something about it bad decisions you know sometimes you make bad decisions we made bad decision years back about converting over 200 affordable housings to Market you we don't want to make bad decisions like that again this is very important time time for Isa marada put your commercial hat off and put your public servant hat on and take care of the residents take a look at that board anytime you're not sure about what you want to do because that's what you swore to oppose uphold thank you very much I appreciate it thank you Tom Marne anybody else no ma'am okay I one thing just a back to the consent agreement just a quick statement that uh Mr wishme reminded me that you know we have a uh a a major Park plan that's coming around we've having workshops so some of your suggestions they can be used for how those courts might be used um or utilized in the future uh uh the the whole park so I think you touching on that was a good reminder that we still are in that process where we can make some some of those better changes okay thank you very much and public comment is now closed I had a a motion in a second Marne do you want to call the rooll okay did you please refresh me on who made the motion I made the motion and I second it thank you okay uh council member Deb Gillis yes council member buddy Pender yes council member Steve fredman yes vice mayor Don Horton yes and mayor Sharon Mahoney yes that motion passes five to zero okay all right that brings us to tab nine yes tab N is a resolution of the Village Council of is Mara Village of violence Florida approving an adopting The Village's land acquisition action plan and providing for an effective date okay Peter you want to come on up okay good evening Council so The Village's comprehensive plan does state that the village should maintain a land acquisition action plan which is to be developed by the land acquisition citizens advisory committee in collaboration with the village staff so this action plan is it's intended to give guidance to the Village Council it's intended to give recom recommendations to the Village Council on practices for the purchase or the acquisition of private vacant Parcels within the village uh while also retiring development rights and protecting the private property of those Property Owners U so that has been completed it has been drafted that's what you have before you this evening I again re reate that reiterate that is a draft and it's just offered to to give guidance to the council um there are some other things within this action plan other than just the the steps and the framework for acquiring land uh some supplemental information including The Village's current acquisition list that was developed by staff and the committee it has already been approved by the Village Council the former Village Council uh that list contains about 70 Parcels containing desirable Upland habitat so again in our con comprehensive plan we are required to maintain this list uh again it's been approved by the Village Council it's also been transmitted to the Monroe County Land Authority uh whom we now have an interlocal agreement with so the land Authority has our list uh they are searching the MLS uh multiple listing service um routinely to see if any of these properties come up for sale because of course that would just be a willing you know seller program um so that list does also contain the properties that are on the Florida forever list within the village uh the action plan also contains a list of all of the publicly owned property in the village that's already been acquired majority of that is owned by the village and um the state the state owns quite a bit of property in the village so also in that action plan is a list of additional properties we would like to see added to the Florida forever list so the committee along with Village staff have been analyzing properties in the village and we're going to suggest to the state to add some properties onto this list just the property owners would have to agree though just to let you know they have to agree to allow their properties to put on this list I had some some questions about that uh there also is a quick description of The Village's partnership with the Monroe County Land Authority uh in that action plan again we do an interlocal agreement with the county Monroe County Land Authority they act as the the agent for the village dur during any acquisition it's a extremely beneficial uh to the Village both TimeWise and financially and finally there's also all the listings of the comprehend po comprehensive plan policies regarding land acquisition is also in the action plan so again this is just meant to be guidance there is absolutely nothing that bounds the council uh to any type of land acquisition by approving this uh document uh it is absolutely open to editing to comments suggestions that's why we're bringing it before you now you know we're looking for that uh if you all think it's perfect as it is you know we are looking for an approval on adoption of the action plan tonight and any questions concerns we can address them now or at a later time well first I want to tell you you did a phenomenal job very detailed very good so I thank you for the effort you put into this okay thank I will also thank Rebecca Jatan the land use consultant who also assisted with this yes in conjunction with um the committee Council any questions so so Peter what what about like the the turtle you know the hammock down there the turtle property okay that's fct right Florida communities trust correct don't they do we have property still in here that we could get you know because they buy property all over the state and then like us we manage it sure so the fct is still an active Florida communities trust program is still an active program with the state and their land acquisition program so it's something where thinking about we actually have been discussing a possible proposal for a property on Lower M ofy with fct funds it's um only comes up once a year the application process so we've missed it for this year um it's a lengthy application process we've done it before sure we tried to acquire that property on Sunshine Boulevard with fct uh funds were denied but um that's certainly an option yes okay cuz I know they got a lot of money I mean I heard something the other day and that you know they got a lot of money and if it's a good cause it's good thing the money's there so there is a recreation component with the fct too so conservation Recreation for the public right like the got to be open and yeah right yep Don do you have a question Peter thank you it's sure great document but some couple of things that I kind of wanted to go over um first off you under the budget impact you say that there's no budget impact associated with the adoption of this resolution but at the same time uh land acquiring land and maintaining public land there is a b a budget impact in the long run so um perhaps this ought to say that there's no immediate budget impact but at the same time there is ultimately going to be a budget impact on the taxpayers of alamada um it may just be maintaining the land it may be making sure the no invasive Exotics are growing on the land and going and visiting I know you do that all the time um but we still have uh contracts with maintenance contractors that actually we pay out of our taxpayers Monies to do that right so there is a budget impact it's just not an immediate budget impact right I agreed any type of land acquisition with management is going are going to come fees costs some type of budget impact so that that is true with the wording in this Council communication this is just approval of the plan it's a requirement in our comprehensive plan so we are fulfilling an obligation uh within the plan this was a direction we got from the previous Council so I see where you're coming from you know if land were to be acquired there would be a budget impact but with the approval of this plan right there's no immediate budget impact that's correct right okay um also in the in the I I guess the fifth whereas um you've got that uh we'll continue coordinate with regional state federal and private not for profit programs but we also need to coordinate with the taxpayers or the stakeholders in alada right that's a good point we will we will include that in the resolution um if you like also I was looking at um on here lots to look at uh page 38 starting on 38 um of the report we could pull this open if there's going to be pull this up if there's going to be an open discussion on this we are somewhat prepared I believe so if Council want I just want just wanted to mention that we don't have to bring it up if we need to look at it when we when we're going here and we're talking about the potential of no budget impact but we we start on uh on on page 38 of the financing outright acquisition and in 1 2 3 4 five six of these items that are listed in here I I see the word tax and it scares me when they start seeing the word tax because that's the taxpayers of Isam Rada right that that may be impacted so that just brings us back to there could be some impact on the citizens of alam that's a good point that I will note though that again it's in our comprehensive plan that within this plan we explore taxes that's why there's that wording of exploring taxes that's the direction in that comprehensive plan but understood may I add on to that also let me finish if I can then you just jump right in there okay so so also there was a study done in 2018 and and that study identified 25 um upper the upper area the middle area and the lower area of Isam marada and it identified 25 pieces of property that was in a you know conservation priorities in a high priority and we ended up with more and I noticed that some of those properties that were on there were actually developed properties uh there was some development there was one in lower matumbi that's U immediately adjacent to a residential unit uh it has a cleared Beach area it's scarified in certain areas and it would um it has a dock on it um a pile supported marginal dock so that's not something that we'd want to require necessarily but it's something that maybe would we would seek to get Florida for be on to Florida forever is that what the idea is sure that's a possibility and there should not be any developed properties on that list in terms of structures doc uh the committee staff felt that that did not necessitate development of the point that we still wouldn't try to acquire it even with the building that's on the beach as well I don't I didn't know of a building I don't know what type of build if there's a new structure or a building on a property it's new we'll evaluate that and uh update the list so we're going to update this list every year but if there is one maybe you could you could touch base and let me know which property has a building on it now all right that's that's yeah okay go ahead oh I was just I was just going to make a comment about the taxes here several of the taxes are not additional taxes they're existing taxes uh like tourism development tax and the gas tax those are already in existence taxes and it's just how the the funds could be utilized correct that's right and yes that's absolutely true the county does utilize um the half cent tourist impact tax for land acquisition and they also designate the um local infrastructure sales s tax for land acquisition but the forms of Taxation for exemptions and the advalorium taxes and the title transfer taxes and the excise taxes are not so yeah there's there's there's a combination there's a document that has seven things that say taxes we need to pay attention to that but Peter for for the the general public I mean I think they all know when we buy something it actually comes off the tax roll so it does you know it's not we're nobody's paying taxes on that anymore so it it in essence it does raise the the the taxes because you're not you don't have as many people paying into the the tax roll but anyway sure I think we're doing it's I mean what you're doing as far as trying to find ways to acquire taxes or property and take them off of the roles it's just like what was said earlier in public comment it it helps get those away from the potential takings claims and uh and we need I mean we've got what what do we have about 17 7 how what do we have 1,700 Acres or something like that of of land that's correct just look a little under y 1,700 that we that that Isam itself is right yeah it's either State local or feds right awesome Steve do you want to say anything okay anybody else councel no thank you very much Peter apprciate thank you thank you Peter U we'll go ahe and open public comment I don't have anyone signed up for this okay so then council do we hear a motion I I'd like for it to come back with some of those modifications on the warehouses and part of your resolution can can we do that Peter would you be comfortable with that or would you would rather do you want to suggest to enumerate them right now so I have the change noted about the resolution are there other change if there's other changes that want to be made within the plan itself certainly we can change them and bring this bring a revised draft no I I think that'll work that's good enough for now that's fine the change to the resolution yes sir so I make a motion to accept this and and can we change that resolution at this point yeah it would be a motion to approve the resolution with the addition of uh language in the fifth wouse Clause to include Village stakeholders thank you okay I'd make that Mo all right do I have a second I'll second okay Marney would you please call the role vice mayor Don Horton yes council member Deb gilis yes council member Steve fman yes council member buddy Pender yes and mayor Sharon Mahone yes the motion passes 5 to zero okay moving on to Tab 10 Tab 10 is a resolution of the Village Council of V Mar Village of violence Florida providing a recommendation to the Monroe County Board of County Commission regarding the number of additional residential building permit allocations The Village would like to receive and potential future allocations repealing resolution number 24-10 d122 providing for transmittal of this resolution to certain people within the county Miss Jennifer is this you um technically but I don't really have anything new to add um you know you had asked um for this to be moved to this evening's meeting the only thing I'll note that I noted last time is that we have to get an answer back to the county by tomorrow so um if there's a decision to be made it needs to be made this evening um should we go ahead and open public comment or before the council has a discussion sure I think so thanks Marty would you open public comment thanks sure first up is Van Caden head well we get to put the cart before the horse again um I would like to hear the reasons that you think 250 is better than 104.25 or whatever that was decided by the previous Council now everybody in the village uh breathed a sigh of relief when when uh we went down from 250 which was recommended by the planning department and there were a whole lot of reasons why they came up with 250 and a lot of the uh the information that they used to come up with that number was proved to be facius was proved to be uh uh Dust in the Wind was proved to be uh not not sustainable as as a concrete fact and and the other Council spent hours coming up with 104 and and as been pointed out by a couple of previous speakers earlier uh Mr Horton before he was even seated as a councilman uh influenced the the putting the res rehearing of this and resending the previous uh resolution and you people gave him the waiver that it takes legally to to uh discuss it uh within a six-month period in other words the people of alam marada were expecting to have at least six months uh of breathing room and Mr Horton being the uh concrete Coalition spokesperson uh has has uh decided that we need need the 250 and we oh well we're not going to use the 250 we just want to have the control of the 250 well listen you got three out of five you're going to find a way to use all 250 or for leverage or for whatever you're going to use them for and and I think uh 104 was was decided on as as a reasonable number and over a 12 1/2 year period and all the the stipulations that were made and the and the arguments that were made have just blown into the wind it just the like like the people that made those decisions were stupid and and that's not right uh the concrete Coalition should not be driving the bus that drives Isam marada into hell because that's what's happening we're getting too much traffic we're getting too much strain on the infrastructure we have dead reefs we have no fish we have uh the situ ation is not uh in keeping with our mission statement as Mr rapanello pointed to on the wall no it's it's to you want to increase the the hurricane evacuation time you want to move the gold poost to allow this more uh construction and and it's just reprehensible I mean it's just a a stab in the back a spit in the face uh uh behind the scenes uh maneuvering thank you very much and and uh I I read all those uh uh uh comments uh earlier or you know I referenced all those comments earlier and a lot of people are really really not happy with this uh uh resending the previous uh recommendation just on the basis of the of the concrete Coalition thank you next up is Rick barado good afternoon my name is Rick Berto I live in Taver mom worker 93 I um the president of the Taver Community Association and a member of the Florida Keys rogo Coalition our Coalition has spent a lot of time and effort throughout Monroe County providing input and analysis on the rogo issue as I speak to you here today some of my colleagues are in Marathon speaking to that Council on the very same topic on Saturday the Coalition staff forwarded to each of you a letter with comments on the vacant parcel analysis by your village staff I'd rather not articulate all of those thoughts but request as an alternative that you enter our letter into your record of this meeting today I've given the clerk a copy earlier and I can provide anybody else that wants one with one as well than one person I have um I would also ask if it has not been done that your planning director address uh addressed the points that AR that are in our letter you and the public you represent deserve to know this information and understand it while formulating into decision to ask for more rogo allocations I think it's it's incredibly important and and Van Caden had said it that we all recognize that our environment is Not Without Limits we should all be very concerned about the effects of future development the impact of previous developments can be seen in our Nearshore Waters the quality of our reefs congestion uh and the demands on our infrastructure we all need to work together to bring Common Sense solutions to the table the staff's request of at least 250 allocations which is an addition to the 26 you have remaining from the 2012 allocation is an excess of 2 32 buildable lots lots in their analysis so it makes no sense to a large extent we believe this request is built around the underlying assumption that the village could potentially lose all takings claims that could be made by the owners of these properties that simply is not true and I think all of you know it many of these Lots were purchased after the adoption of the rogo system in 1992 and quite a few were purchased after the 2012 allotment additionally a number of the Lots on the village list are in zoning districts that permit commercial uses these Lots present very little chance if any the tak's claim will succeed the the county agreed with that analysis and eliminated all commercially zoned Lots from his buildable Lots list the village should do the same there are additional reasons that some of these Lots should be removed from the buildable list and that information is in our letter and to give you an example you heard earlier here Mr dully and Mr Frieza talk about the the Florida forever program we identified 24 properties that are on your list for for for forever Florida acquisition they're also on your buildable list and you heard Mr Deli say these are lots that have people have no intention at all of developing so why would they be on your list of buildable Lots in closing we ask that you reject the staff request for 250 additional allocations it is based on false assumptions we ask that you consider the information we have provided and remove those lots that simply do not belong on the list of buildable Lots you should approve a more realistic number that aligns with The Village's true need lastly we s we suggest the commission specify that whatever number you arrive at that that number be reduced by any of the allocations you receive from the 220 already requested based on the 2023 evacuation model thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to you thank you Marney next up is Captain Ed Davidson for the record I am captain Ed Davidson uh chairman of the Florida key citizens Coalition founded H over 40 years ago during which period for many years Mr Horton uh I've been honored with five minute speech time I'd like to know how many minutes I have to convey public issues in this forum today four four minutes and 34 so you have the five rogo numbers are being sought as though there were no consequences but there are dire impacts that are being deliberately ignored um for obvious economic reasons I have here a sworn deposition under oath by the state's leading evacuation expert with 25 years at the regional planning Council this testimony occurred in the Florida Keys um during the challenge the citizens challenge to the 1300 extra rogo permits that governor Scott granted while he was um in the process of running for Senate this dude is Richard Ogburn be happy to provide this court transcript to any of you who need some interesting reading um I'm just going to quote you some verbatim statements here's the first one my first assignment Mr Ogburn as a regional planning Council was to coordinate the review of the morl county comprehensive plan which I did for the full 25 years I was with the council I was involved in comprehensive plan review not only for Monro County but for other jurisdictions in the south Florida region again quotes all of the results of the 2010 study included the estimated clearance times for Monroe County that were based on Monroe participating in a regional evacuation my own uh editorial comment um Monroe county is the only County out of 67 in the state that has a an illusory single County evacuation uh model everybody else has dual or triple multiple adjacent County evacuations which is the realism we we pretend that while we're all fleeing for our lives from a Century Class hurricane uh that when we get to Homestead the roads are empty literally empty not a single person from homestead to West Palm Beach is counted in the single County evacuation model uh which he objected to under oath man County model runs at some level represent an artificial run dur quote because they essentially are Monro County owning evacuation in the Statewide Regional evacuation study program all of our planning scenarios were Regional scenarios that means not just one County was evacuating the moro County runs we did where Monro County only runs which means basically there's no interference encountered by Miami Dade County Miami Dade County evacuates when when Monroe County reaches the continent and that is not a realistic assumptions but it is the one that was used by the department in the county and then he was asked directly by the lawyer and is any of the traffic from date County included in the calculation of the Monroe County clearance time the answer no then he was asked how long would it take to evacuate the Florida Keys If you considered it traffic those evacuees will encounter before they hit the entrance to the floor to Turnpike his answer my recollection is that the 2014 update we did we were looking at Regional clearance times in the neighborhood of the high 30s uh I think that probably means 37 or 38 hours and that a follow on statement again verbatim there are additional factors that are not accounted for in the main evacuation scenario the high vacancy rate that is used in that scenario under today's activities with vacation rentals and Airbnb use it's reasonable to assume there is a larger number of people occupying what were considered vacant units in the model that's sworn testimony under oath by the state's leading evacuation model the guy that ran all the key stuff from the beginning for 25 years we then retained his successor and he said the same things and estimated the updated evacuation time isn't 39 to 49 hours and the county in fact has Regal minutes county has a regional that they don't talk about 23.5 hours you check these are all legal have some liabili thank you mne next up is Tom rafanello do I get to go again what I was going to speak to and I I appreciate what Captain Ed said and and what rich said but it's a tremendous responsibility the and if we don't do this correctly there could be tragedy here because your first responsibility is the safety of your residents and not giving them a viable evacuation plan has some liability to it it's something that should go right to the top of your list as far as the development goes Redevelopment is the key you you take 250 more you're going to create a problem that the taxpayers are going to pay for and so are a residence and so is the lifestyle here so take this seriously and and think about what you're supposed to do I appreciate it thanks thank you you Marne next up is Joe wishm yes Joe wishm Plantation key again I would like to renew my objections to the legality about even rehearing this about the bass allocations I think that should be addressed before anything else I don't understand why this is such a priority since the previous Council heard and voted on 10 14.75 permits with the land acquisition plan including the purchase of lands to remove them from the possible development and other studies done about takings from development lots more are not needed at this time 300 early evacuation units 40 new County permits 10 14.75 permits that we did request plus the additional permits that we still have are more than enough the plan developed 20 years ago said that buildout would be reached when the current permits are gone what happened did IAM marada all of a sudden grow and get more land with almost 350 new permits why should we request more in the future if more are needed then apply for them then I also remember when Pete Bachelor was uh elected to council he was a consultant and represented many people and getting permits so that there would be no conflict of interest he relinquished all of his clients I believe that Mr Horton has spoken in the past many many times about the exact same thing so maybe he should either consider doing the same thing or at least may maybe recuse himself from any votes concerning permits or development doing this would eliminate any conflict regarding personal gain for him or his clients which is illegal while sitting on Council any council members with such backgrounds many possible TV tdrs or other development rights should be recused please put these issues to rest and concentrate on campaign promises to protect our environment and control development look at and remember our village statement to protect our quality of life and quiet enjoyment of life you were elected to protect these I am sorry to sound so negative but these issues are very personal and important to me and many many other citizens please make sure you keep us in mind thank you thank you mney next is Joan Fulmer uh I'm Joan Fulmer I'm a resident of V marada actually for 42 years now and uh first I want to thank the council for serving it is a sacrifice providing we're fulfilling that mission that's on the wall I also want to thank everyone who is tuning in spending their time here I do care about the quality of life that's why I'm still here I came for a visit and I forgot to go home and this is home for me my whole adult life has been spent here and uh I don't need to repeat all the great reasons for conserving our properties I I see no reason at all to reverse the previous council's decision to keep the uh B passes at 104 point something or other no reason at all uh there are a lot of educated people who have researched this the cards are on the table thank you for your consideration I speak not just for myself but many residents long term of this community thank you thank you very much Marne next is SU Sue Miller speaking for the alamara Community Alliance I am disappointed that you didn't trust the efforts of the prior council did you see the results of the numerous surveys did you see the numbers and the facts that were diligently researched you surely know what residents think yes there are businesses that will always believe more is better for their profits but what about the residents you represent why did the village and the county work so hard to give the residents a voice don't ignore the goals of our comp plan we have numerous reasons to limit growth our carrying capacity overload our environment that is struggling horribly horribly our evacuation numbers intended to protect us the day-to-day traffic nighttime noise that impacts our quality of life nowhere in our comp plan is the cost of takings a parameter for establishing growth limits the staff did an analysis of buildable lots and the prior Council determined how many would likely have a valid takings claim very few they even exaggerated the number to get to 104.7 75 for their magic request number our comp plan provided a TDR process that was specifically intended and I quote to redistribute existing residential units to achieve planned densities and retire development rights without increasing the overall amount of development you now suggest every vacant lot should get a bass allocation eliminating the value of every TDR in the Village some of you are suggesting there should be more allocations than there are vacant buildable Lots just in case based on what a fear without facts to back it up Scare Tactics to outrageously that will be outrageously expensive to taxpayers what is outrageously expensive to taxpayers is the existing cost of living here and the future infrastructure improvements that will be needed a new pipeline will take years at $10 million per mile reverse osmosis and desalinization plants because South Florida aquafer is not adequate for all the huge population growth of not only Monroe County but Miami and Broward County and Palm Beach as well the cost of providing a Workforce for the most basic of services cost of educating our youth buying a $2.75 million property in the heart of town a $4 million Church a$ 1.8 million doll machada property taking them off the tax rolls and letting them sit idle the cost of a dying envirment that has been the major draw for past and future generations of residents and the major draw for our critical tourist industry you all may say that you were elected Ed by a significant majority but who among you made it clear that you would not support this type of additional growth without facts needed to support it why is more okay it is not thank you thank you sue Marne next up is Harold dton good evening Council thank you all very much for your service and your time uh somebody up here needs to speak up for the rights of property owners now I don't have a dog in this fight I don't own any vacant Lots okay I own my house in um upper mat and and thrill the and I love living here I love the people I love the quality of life but I can tell you if I owned a vacant lot and I've got special interests and people coming in from outside of our community trying to tell me that I can't build on it you know what I'm going to sue you and I'm going to sue you for everything you're worth okay it's not right but let's look at some statistics here according to what I was able to find online there are 6,511 taxable properties we are talking about building on 250 vacant okay that's 96.2% is already built we talk about infrastructure do you really think that the infrastructure we have can't handle 3.8% more I'll guarantee I've already talked to the electric company they can easily our sewer system yes we have problems that's being addressed and the water is already being dealt with it is the taxpayers here not necessarily the voters but the taxpayers here that are going to pay for the consequences of your decisions and we as far as I'm concerned the village should control as many bass units as they can for the simple reason that if we don't control it guess what guys the county is going to take them all right they're going to go somewhere so again for the taxpayers of this community please get as many bass units as you can get control them you don't have to use them or you can D them out over 50 years but get them and control them thank you thank you Marney there's no one else okay uh public comment is now closed uh Council she said no I mean all right Council who wants to start no I'll start um I think Dr Dalton summed up many things that I wanted to say this is about taxes it's about property rights um it's about taking it's not about it's not about building um we as a we as a council we as a community can make a decision that is logical on uh how many permits we issue per quarter and how many permits we issue per year and we're in the middle of rewriting our comprehensive plan and that comprehensive plan with the cooperation of all of the community everyone in our town not not people from Sugarloaf or Summerland or kargo or Big Pine Key but but people that live in alado have a chance at making that decision I do believe that the last Council made a mistake um and I I think that maybe there just wasn't enough thought that night to come to a decision on what could actually happen and I've told you in another meeting of two takings claims but there are actually more that has happened in alamada uh that has come to light uh since that first night um so for somebody to get up at this Podium and say takings claims are not going to happen we we we settled the the the outcome of those settlements maybe sometimes aren't thoroughly explained um and everybody thinks that this all went away um but we've had takings claims at a local hotel um and maybe there's a different word for it than takings maybe it's a another legal term John rather than a Bert Harris act there's other forms of takings type claims um but they happened in a hotel that resulted in the hotel being able to in a settlement expand exponentially in numbers of units it happened at seab breze uh and there was a settlement that happened out of that it happened at the Glenn property it happened at the soj property and it goes on and on so it it's not it's not a matter of let's build more and I can you know I guess people can throw words like concrete Coalition at me and it doesn't bother me I've made my living hard hard and honest in this town as a homebuilder and without being a home builder lots of people wouldn't have homes and um and I don't think I've had one person that's not my friend by the time I ended up finishing building their home and I'm proud of that so you can throw the words at me as much as you want but it's not going to matter because I know my honesty and my Integrity I know that I care about the people in I I came here on vacation 47 years ago and I haven't left just like Joanie said I I didn't want to go back anywhere I quit fighting oil fires in Texas and I came here and I went back to building houses it's about taxes it's about property rights it's about takings claims and for somebody to stand up here and say taking claims aren't going to happen it's silly so what I'm thinking about what I'm hoping that we do is we ask for as many as as it would be satisfactory to this Council and to the citizens I do not think 104 is is a rational amount a reasonable amount and maybe 250 is way too much but that's what our planning director had suggested but the but to not have those in our bank so to speak or or as an insurance policy if we are allowed to get them is absolutely foolish because we will not have anything to negotiate with when it comes to takings claims and all the innuendo and speculation and Hyper that wants to be thrown out there the fact of the matter is nobody H that I haven't heard one report when somebody wanted to evacuate that they couldn't I haven't heard I haven't heard respected Industries like Mo marine or iare who are topof the line when it comes to our our Coral infrastructure down here say that building single family houses have have is the reason for killing the reath I have heard them say time and time again that it's because our offshore waters are heating up um it's because we have Coral bleaching diseases it's not because somebody has built a house now could you say that somebody built a house and uh went out there and did something stupid on a wreath yeah but that's going to happen but it's not because we had a bank of houses that we could stop taking claims um I hear about all of the destruction and and and and damage to our Nearshore Waters but I will tell you if you talk to the scientists even talk to Peter with the work that we're doing in Alana all we're doing is improving our Nearshore waters on a daily basis we work as hard as we can and we need to do that we're filling canals we're putting in culs we're making flow through we're we're monitoring and checking the benthos and the and the seagrasses in those canals that we're filling in and we're seeing wonderful things happen what we're doing today is cleaning up the sins of the past back in the day when you thought it was okay to just dig a hole and put in a Cess pit or when your septic tank started backing out you beat out the bottom of your septic tank so that it didn't overflow the next time what we're doing is cleaning up the sins of the past when they thought it was okay to dig uh canals 25 ft deep when the entrance to that Canal was 4T deep and we're working on that on a daily basis we have we have gone to extreme Heights at trying to take care of our Nearshore Waters with storm water management plans on these postage siiz Tamp Lots where we make people put in storm water retention on their on their U on their property we uh we do require restoration plans on on our uh when when plants are are removed uh we do require payment when the in lie of when they can't plant more plants on their property so we continue to improve our environment and these things that are being thrown out about we don't care because of all that is is act just not fact it it is not fact that our infrastructure is strained when we have our own Aqueduct when we have our own um um uh uh fke when we have the kilargo Wastewater Authority telling us we don't have a problem if you if you if you were to have more we don't have a problem so so my recommendation is to have an insurance policy I am not saying use them all I'm saying as a community we decide how we're going to use them I am telling you that if if we we put it in our comprehensive plan that we can only issue four permits a quarter for the next 40 years I'm good with that I'm great with that I think that's as a community that's what we need to do but I haven't heard any of these groups that are on this list here say that they're willing to start paying our taxes in Isam marada when we start losing takings claims and maybe we win takings claims and maybe that's a six figure I mean what do we what do we always say when two people are fighting who's the winner it's the attorneys so you're going to have one attorney saying that they're going to beat us and you're going to have another attorney that say they're going to defend us and we've got great attorneys there's no doubt about it but they don't come free and they're not going to work for us for free and I wouldn't expect them to so I I look at this as an insurance policy I look at it as money in the bank and I am not the one to say we should spend it all I'm saying that the community should make that decision and then there's the argument of well we don't trust future councils well I'll tell you that if we lock it into our comprehensive plan it has to go through at least a year if not more of public hearings to be able to change something like what we would be changing if we tried to change the amount of of of allocations and I would tell you that there is no doubt about it under the area of State critical concern once as a community we lock ourselves into a certain number per quarter per year there is no way the state is going to let us um increase that number they it would have to go in front of the South Florida Regional planning Council it would have to go in front of the the the the community at least three if not four times in public hearings for another Council to be able to change something that big and then the state would have to review it and the do or whatever they call the doe whatever they call themselves now I still call them the DCA and they've always been the DCA to me and those guys are not going to let us just change our minds so that's another it's hyperboy it is it is just not fact driven and people that say those things are saying them because they do not understand that entire process so I believe that the wise thing for us to do is to Simply ask for more permits and as a community as a community we decide how it locks into our comprehensive plan and how many we issue I'm not saying build them all I don't want to do that I want us to be active with Peter and I want us to get to the county and I want us to find people in the state that will give us the money but just as I said on that last tab when it starts buying property and it's coming on your taxes if it's coming out of your tax dollars then increase in my taxes so we I think that as a council we need to be very upfront and very honest with our taxpayers and not go do something and then they go hm why does my taxes go up um I watched Marathon go roll over the P or roll back the past three years and I wonder why Alam marada can't but then we go and we buy all of this property on the taxpayer dime and we settle the takings claim and we act like we did a really great thing but we spent a lot of money on the on the Glenn property that wasn't just because we wanted to go acquire piece of property that was because we settled to taking something so I'm the bad guy I don't mean to be the bad guy I just don't want to see my taxes or your taxes go up and then you fuss at me because your taxes went up that's all wow and I don't see anybody that's come in here from other places that tells me they're going to start paying our taxes I don't see that I don't see them coming in here and saying that they're going to pay our lawsuit yeah so what I'm asking is is we take a number that is acceptable to five people that sit up here and we go to the state and say this is acceptable to us we hope that we give them but I'm telling you the traffic is another issue that is not our when Marathon has 2,499 more Transit uses south of us when Key West is begging people to drive all the way down there to go do the Duvall crawl that's on us us and we don't want to expand that road going in downtown alamada we want to keep our community way it is so we just need to recognize that there's got to be other ways for us as a community to figure out how we can fix our internal Transit problems while we're letting those people flush themselves down south because the people down south are not going to pay our taxes for us so what I'm saying is get as many as we can Bank them stop these takings claims so that our taxes go up because some of us that pay taxes in this room and some of those that pay taxes it's just like Harold said the business owners don't get that floor to save our homes exemption they don't Homestead their property the people that rent to people that live and work down here that don't own but rent at what's going to happen to their rent and We complain about the rent all the time but the taxes go up the rent goes up too because they don't get the 3% floor to save our owns either so it it's not a bad thing it's a logical thing is what I'm is all I'm saying that's all done and I'll show up you're sure yeah I think so maybe for now yeah okay Steve buddy Deb go ahead I'm hanging out I want to see what everybody I know what I'm going to wait I hear some of you guys well I'll go ahead okay go ahead um yeah I knew this was going to happen where there was going to be a a lot of uh information thrown about that's factual misleading what have you and so I I wanted to um uh keep my thoughts straight um and so I prepared something to to read so I apologize for reading um but I think it's important to hear this and really it's just the four other people that need to hear this but this is absolutely for the public too because um when we launched our campaign in August we vowed to protect our Waters and guard against overdevelopment that is why I oppose this effort to more than double the building permits for Isam marada ask anyone in Isam marada they will tell you that we are already overdeveloped just like Sheriff Ramsey said when he was here in the last meeting about how our road is already um overused used they will tell you that we've already poured too much concrete already overstressed our Waters and already damaged our ecosystems we've known this since 1992 when Monroe County adopted rogo rate of growth ordinances in response to the building boom during the 1980s Ro rogo exists because the Florida keys are designated as a county of critical environmental concern with natural re resources that need to be protected and to ensure residents can evacuate within 24 hours in the event of a hurricane the attempt to overturn the previous council's decision to request an additional 10 14.75 building permit allocation system allocations B pass for Isa marada by more than doubling the building permits to 250 endangers our Waters and our quality of life since the last council meeting I have asked our city manager and staff dozens of questions and reviewed hundreds of pages of documents and find absolutely no justification for sparking a construction boom in our village just because we can 20 2025 is supposed to be the year that we finally update our comprehensive plan after a quarter of a century so that we can start planning our work and working our plan I stand with this council's previous decision that was backed by Buddy Pender and Sharon Mahoney mayor Mahoney excuse me for 4.75 building permits and I reject this attempt to more than double them de Mike yeah I hear you M's your mic's not on your M's not that's what I meant by mik say Mike's not here Mike's not here Mike's not here okay next Mike um Okay so I I I'm in agreement with some of what Don says maybe lots of what's Don's saying but it it is about protecting our it is about protecting our resources it is it is also about protecting our residents from unforeseen um taxes and that that figure is impossible to quantify because of the fact that we don't know how many somebody says how many is there going to be what's it going to cost until you get there you're not going to know you have to speculate and when you speculate you you always at least when I do it in my business expenses you you estimate high and income low and then you pray for it to be the opposite and you work for it to be the opposite so reasons that I think we need to increase that figure and I I put 250 but I'm negotiable on 250 uh infrastructure we've heard from our own Engineers we've heard from the utilities all the utilities that we can handle this that there is no problem with the infrastructure is it aging do does it need repair work of course it does everything has to have uh a time frame where it um gets updated and should they have done things sooner than later probably but the infrastructure is fine in what we have and what they say that we can handle um environment that's another big concern we have regulations in place that will protect the environment uh we currently uh have percentage on clearing on setbacks on buffers on mitigations for replacement of of vegetation we've putting storm we're getting much more serious about the storm water now that we've had the sewer in place for a while uh we've been working on um the canals which is related to storm water but it's of restoring the canals to where it should be we've we're doing these and we have the opportunity in the new comp plan to strengthen those if we don't think they're strong enough right if we can we can I don't know increase the buffers or whatever there's there's lots of things that we can do to protect the environment even further and we do need to protect our environment that is what we survive on and then we come to property rights or constitutional issues whichever way you want to word this this is a property right State um if you own a piece of property and you have if you bought it under speculation that may be a little different um but until until those cases come forward we won't know whether they can be won or lost uh we don't know whether they'll even qualify to um make a takings claim and I use that word taking means pretty openly whether it's bird Harris or some of the other forms I use that as a broad term okay just so people don't want to pick on me oh no that's a bird Harris case okay it's a very broad term I use it as um if we State you can't use your property and and then there could be taking issues um the there's arguments that can be made uh on both sides of the takings whether or not we lose or win um and and it is so true it doesn't matter whether we lose or win there's the expenses of the lawyers there's it doesn't matter whether we lose or win we're going to have expenses okay and so therefore you know to what extent if we if we lose we still may have to buy the property or do something for that that homeowner do something we have no allocations we sure can't do it that way so the the odds are we have to buy the property is that an absolute no because we don't know the absolutes until we get there but if we don't have as as Don is calling it an insurance backup a backup system we have limited choices on how to resolve those cases um it's just so hard to speculate what that money will be and I don't want that on my tax bill that that can be a very expensive tax bill to be buying properties and or paying the lawyers probably both for for resolving cases and we don't know how many cases will come forth maybe everybody's happy exactly the way they are who knows but we don't know this on the list of properties vacant properties there was the unification of lots section and we had slightly over a 100 103 I think it was on that list um I also asked several questions those 100 Lots uh slightly over 100 were about uh 57 million million dollar worth of property now not all of those will be taking cases not all of those will um come forward as takings not all of those will want unity and unity is a up to the individual if they don't want to UNIF unify their properties you can't make them it is a voluntary thing it's a voluntary thing to do that the County used $100 $100,000 uh as enticement to get voluntary um unification I did very simple math 100 time 100 that's $10 million that that's saying that everybody would take that unification that's not going to happen I know that but at the same time there's going to PE be people that goes no I want an allocation I want allocation I want to build on that property I want to sell it it's all mine now but I want to sell that other property to my kids I want them to build on that I you know there's a hundred possibilities of what it is but if you took that $100,000 right there is 10 million dollar where and is that tomorrow's figure is that going to be on our bill the very first year absolutely not it would be spread over time but it's still $10 million that has to come from somewhere and if those cases ended up in court and we had to buy them they're the opposite well not the opposite it it goes on to say that they're actually worth $57 million if we had to buy them all which we're not going to have to buy them all we are not it is not I'm not trying to do but it is out there and who on that list there's there's a a a few not many half a dozen that are worth more than a million dollars who would take $100,000 for a million dollar piece of property they get to use it you're right they still have use of it but that's not a very good return on investment unless you didn't plan on doing anything anyway you're just taking the million $100,000 so you could build a garage or a pool or something but we have to have the money and something to get there and if they don't want to do that then what are we going to do we have no allocations to give them talking about the Florida forever program there are about 24 properties on that list currently it takes a willing seller we have seen in the past in front of this Council Florida forever making offers and the people say no they don't accept that offer because Florida forever has a limited amount of funds if the village is willing to it maybe not saying the whole truth here but if the Willing is if if Florida forever is willing to pay this amount and the village is willing to make up the difference between what the owner wants it may be purchased it could be purchasable I'm I'm not sure that that's even legal for us in our comp plan but somewhere if the will if the owner is not willing to sell you can't force him to sell so you have three choices in that case we either buy the property with the funds from the village we give them an allocation or we take them to court and we pay at least the attorney fees even if we win a takings case we're going to pay the attorney fees if you go through all the all the categories I just picked two they're all similar you you have you have choices in those categories of where you you can you can settle it without putting money on a tax bill by having an allocation available you can incentivize it but you need money to do do that there's just many many things that you need to do in order to preserve what we're doing um I also believe that we can spread out whatever the the amounts that we get and if you spread them out and you're only giving out eight a year that's you this sounds really nasty but if you put eight more cars on the road this year you're not going to see the difference 8 + 8+ 8 plus 8 20 years down the road you'll see the difference but each year we improve in what we do and how we do things the evacuation is true also um I really don't know what the magic number about uh uh 24 hours was uh but I suspect they they did something to come up and say well we need a day to clear uh the people we need to allow them a whole day a whole day is 24 hours I personally think they could have very easily said well we need 20 hours or we need 26 hours or we need 28 hours but they picked something that seemed in their mind as things that people would understand which was 24 hours if we if we change the evacuation which I don't I don't know whether the state would agree to any of this this is going to be up to the state um is 2 hours that much different in getting people out of here it's it's just you move up in instead of 24 hours ahead of time I'm going to tell you 26 hours that you need to leave we need to get everybody out of here in 26 hours do we need to build them all no do we need to allocate them into the right categories yes I think some of these however many we decide need to be allocated into uh administrative relief and that is a category that needs to be asked for by the state separately than the standard allocations because they are their own different and I can't explain it all uh because I'm not the lawyers but they they there's an ownership difference in uh administrative Rel relief versus a standard allocation um so you can't take a standard and just say I'm going to put it into administrative relief you have to have it or have the state assign it to that those administrative reliefs will help guard the uh court cases the people that have checked off all the boxes have been waiting in line um and we can create some new boxes to add in that line but they've checked off all the boxes they've been waiting they they done everything that they were supposed to do and now they're sitting there going now what you're going to tell me after all these years I can't do anything so I'd like to negotiate this out and and come up with a figure that protects us [Music] from uh a lot of money being put on our taxes and raising the tax bills and yet also protect of our environment okay buddy no you go ahead go ahead all right I'll I'll be short and sweet I promise um I got a couple things to say that I I have a major problem like I'm going to say Dr uh Dalton said a lot of key things here you know I've been thinking about when when my family came here and how you know they didn't stop other people they they weren't stopping others that want to come and live here and you know I I don't I don't really care if people laugh or whatever but you know what platted Lots were platted right up there in Randall Adam subdivision in 1927 okay that meant they have a right to build and I got family members that have my Grandpa bought lots in the 50s and you know what they can't even our family members can't even get permits is that right for the the kids the parents have died the grandparents have died but the kids and the grandkids and the great grandkids can't even they got a beautiful piece of property but they can't get a permit is that fair I don't think it's right and I mean people coming in our town and want to tell us you got and like Don said they're not going to pay our taxes when we have hugee legal bills to pay okay and it is going to be a legal nightmare I don't care what people say all right and and Steve I I just want to talk to you for a minute you brought up the Nearshore water qualities I don't know if everybody in this room knows that there is things there is organizations out there right now the village actually has one hired called Rez that's doing a feasibility study and it's it's called living shorelines all right I know all about it i' I've gone to these classes I've gone to these mitigation Bank things and conservation plays it is huge what they're doing okay um smart growth why we can plan I'll tell you what Don said we can put stuff in our comp plan maybe it is 25 30 years 40 years 50 years we don't have to give all these things out but you know what it' be better for us to have them than not have them because it's an option and I don't think it's fair that we have people that have constitutional rights and they've owned a piece of property for 30 years 40 years and they can't even bu it's been in the family that long maybe 50 years and they can't build on it they can't get a permit I know the feeling I waited 7 years for a permit when the village first came into existence you know this is just not it's not right I'm not saying I want to see Al R and and people want to say traffic traffic goes to Key West it goes to Marathon it goes south of here it just happens it is our town but you know there is constant conferences and new stuff new technology of cities all over Florida that are actually be becoming very proactive and and and you know what I think some of these people that are telling us that we can't do this they ought to go to some of these towns and look what they're doing you know I I I went to the uh last year got invited up to when I was on my own time up in Flagler County and I went to the northeast Florida Florida Regional Planning Commission graduation and I see where they took different things they increased the some of the density threefold but they did Workforce housing they got it done they came up with something there's a way to get it done but you know Mr rapanello talked about Redevelopment well we got people coming in here that want to redevelop marinas and do things and create Workforce housing but they can't because every people come in here and say we can't do it or the people in Venetian Shores want to complain but that Marine has been there 60 years and it got condemned because it was dilapidated and and you know what the guy got tired of fighting and there was workers in this community he was giving it to local contractors he's going to he's going to build a restaurant that was already there rebuild it make it nicer he was starting an app that was going to have a boat go to wherever you live in the village and take you from Port Antigua or tavanir creek or where take you to the restaurant eat so it's it's traffic off the road but you know what it got shot down and he got tired him and his partner got tired and said hey forget it they're selling the the units the hotel units or motel units as tdrs you know and he was do this was going to be for locals it was right there at Snake Creek and I used to go there even when the place was pretty bad okay but they had good food I don't know if they had drugs running through the place or what but okay I remember when Mr Kelly owned that and they had dolphin tournaments out of there and it was local people and everybody knew everybody and it was it was a good time so I'm going to stop but this thing with living shorelines and stuff if people look the whole states got we got issues from where people I just came out of a a league of cities meeting where they're talking about the herbicides and then I said in another meeting somewhere else but about the I was it was actually in Georgetown South of Waka putham County it's called Mighty Rivers recovery the St John's river because of all the herbicides even our own state is spraying these invasives and and spraying them with herbicides and you got St John's river Keepers that's going out there putting putting Eel Grass so it'll grow they fence it and they put it in but people they're trying to work they're trying to they're they're doing something it's it's a long process but you know come on I mean we're in the future here and I I'm what I'm thinking about more than anything is is is our future the future Generations my grandsons my my great grandkids and yours but you know what I mean this is a thankless position because I don't care what we do good up here people want to come and say you can't do this you can't do that hey I'm I'm a I'm a founding family member of alam and I don't care who do like me to say that but my family got a homestead here in 1883 in 1887 and the Russell family did too my cousin Richie is still pulling traps stone crab traps crawfish traps he's been doing it riching I dove Tropicals off of chica we used to go sell him to Mr neelon where the little the little liquor store is right there I don't even know what the name of it is by the library and then we go down to Mr pets and eat but you know what I'm saying it's I I don't know man Alam marado is a very tight-knit community and you know what it's I I I say the the saying is I got miners people built all kinds of went in and built all kinds of stuff here and now they don't have any more permits but they want to they want to try to hurt the people that do that are trying to get a permit I think of one Sharon You Know M uh Mr Black the young guy Richard black you know he's a fishing guide here and and he kept going on and on he' called me his wife had called me all these young people that that want to live in our community and work in our community and hire employees in our community but how can they even how can they ever do something when we we can't even give them a permit they have the money to do it there're they've saved their money and they want to live here and raise their family here and be a they want to contribute to society so I know I get emotional I'm going to shut up because I ain't going to say anymore but you know what we don't have even if we took these things cuz if we don't take them the County's going to get them so so they're going to go in the county they're going to go in Monroe County whether we want them to or not they're going to go to the county all right so why not take them why not set something up that we can dish these out in a in a very uh uh a smart growth way where our kids and our grandkids and great grandkids at least have a chance and and and family members that are dying and leaving these to their grandkids and their great grandkids who want to be here but never could afford to be here but now they got a piece of property that without a permit would sell for 400,000 that's what some of these lots are selling for right now $400,000 without a permit so um that's all I got to say short sweep okay um I um have a couple questions I'd like just to ask because for various reasons I spent most of yesterday and last night on the phone with people in Tallahassee and I had the ability to talk to several Representatives um in the Department of Commerce and other places and I don't know Monroe county is getting 220 allotments that's it where the 250 has come from everybody up there is telling me there's no 250 being given out so I don't know where this number has come from because I was told there isn't let me just finish I know you're dying to jump in but um they also said that um uh because Florida in general is being so overbuilt that you can ask for permits at any time there is no time limit on these permits I don't know where this deadline of yesterday came for tomorrow came from and I'm getting this from people in Tallahassee who deal with this so I'm I'm confused because here again we have misinformation and everybody's jumping into this without really knowing the facts and um we can ask for more permits at any time but what they're going to give permits out in the future is going to be when we present a plan how are they going to be used where are they going to go to are they going to be for Workforce housing are they going to be uh for re renovation they're not going to just hand us permits without knowing a plan that's and I I talked like I said several people yesterday and last night who said none of this is true and that we can ask for more permits at any time so where does this time crunch come from I'm I'm confused and also if we don't take them let's just say there is 250 marathon's not going to get them and either is kilargo I was told so so I think we need to stop panicking and deal with the facts and again I think the people in Tallahassee pretty much better be on target since they're representing us and deal with this every day so I'm tending I'm believing what they had to say to me last night and that um the 250 we're not going to get so I don't know what everybody's talking about we're going to get 220 for all Monroe County we're supposed to get 40 out of that then it's up to us to present some type of plan on why we need more where they're going to go to and how we're going to use them and then they'll be doled out according to plans and needs so unless I'm missing something here if somebody wants to correct me I spent hours on the phone dealing with this yesterday back and forth and last night so tell me what you guys know different that these people aren't correct be happy to address some of those questions for you madam mayor um so I'm going to start with the timeline first because I'm going to go a little bit backwards so the timeline comes from it's a I think a self-imposed timeline by Monroe County um they created um back at let me back up last October when the Department of Commerce did their newest hurricane evacuation modeling um and presented that to all the jurisdiction within Monroe County the managers at the time um at that time we had an interim manager um got together and reviewed it and decided that Monroe County would take the lead on any discussion regarding future bass allocations or rogo allocations so Monroe County um took the lead and has it created a timeline for the countywide discussion and the countywide decision-making process their decision-making process for any requests to Tallahassee is culminating this month so they're at their um commission meeting board of County Commissioners meeting this month that request is culminating this month so it's a self-imposed deadline based on those factors do I think that we we could potentially ask for T Tallahassee for additional allocations at a later date m likely but it to go along with the county discussion this was our self-imposed deadline to get them our recommendation for what Isa marada needs so they could figure that into their conversation so that's the that's the timeline does that answer your question on that that answers one of them but then then so I am sort of correct in what they told me last night that this is just what Monroe County wants there is no guarantee some each area is getting 250 that is not true well there's each area is not necessarily asking for 250 well okay so we are so let's let's go back to the fact that we are sort of putting again the cart in front of the horse don't you think it would be smart business-wise to come up with a plan on how they're going to be used where they're going to be used what our actual needs are I'm listening to everybody here tonight talk about merging Lots Florida forever and everything we have spent zero amount of time really formulating what would work what we have and what we need it seems like just take them just take them I'm I don't agree with that I just don't I think it'd be smart for us to get a plan first figure out what we have we can always ask the State of Florida for more we and I also was told last night that they're not going to give us any more because we already have some in the bank he said to me last night it's like having a bag of Halloween candy we still have candy in the bag they're not going to give us any more candy till these these candies are gone that's what I was told per word last night from somebody in the Commerce department and again I'm just saying that I think we are like jumping into something like there's some ticking Time Bomb without thinking the smart way to manage what we need and that is just my opinion I agree with Steve in a lot of ways that we are ripping apart what the last council did without coming up with a plan it just because we're GNA do it but let's let's do this smart let's have a plan that that's my opinion because we can always ask for more so so M mayor i' like to ask Jennifer a question Mike that's that's fun um I talk to Deo myself all right I know Miss Meredith iy Barbara pal you know the the people up there uh and I ask her about because there's some people made some statements about our town and about the density of our town I was told that alamada was the most rural town in in the in the Florida Keys we had more green space and I I I told them that I remember most of the green space in alamada but she said well the village has even more now we do we we do we absolutely do and and then I think about you know I I hear all these stories and I think about Mr Arie bolini that started live wildly with the Florida Wildlife Corridor he's contributed $42 million to buying land for for the animals in Florida you know what I personally talk to him and he says I got to tell you a story mayor Pender when I was at an event that he was at that he sponsored and I forget how much money he gave out of that event he said I want to tell you where this all came from he said I came to alrod and spent a couple weeks I got on my bicycle and I rode around I went to the state parks the lignum VY Indian key all the you know different parks that where and the man said you know he said I looked at all the green space that alamada had and he said hm he said I thought about this and he says if Alam a little town of alam was 6,000 people can do this what an example and he started live wildly and now the man has contributed over $40 million to for to the wildlife Court are helping buying property and protecting the wildlife in our state and and it's why so many people want to come here for the experience why they come here we're the fishing capital of the world where you know for the the panther for the bobcat for and it's protecting them but and now they're trying to get with some of the the homeowner or the property owners to where they can try they can tie this uh River to Sea Loop or you guys have probably heard where they're taking the the old railroad tracks and they it's called rails the trails where you can go ride for 250 miles but but it's and and and if you ever had the opportunity to see the movie that they did o20 uh it's amazing it's totally amazing uh and and that's why people want to come here that we're for fishing for for viewing whether it's the manatees or the crocodiles or alligators but you know I I find it interesting that here's a man that was made his money in I I believe in the it business and he took and now he's launched this whole thing who I believe they were just here in lingy in October because he does so many great things everywhere in the state of Florida and you know it's all about the the wildlife and the experiences and stuff so you know but when I call tasse and I ask questions it it's you know that that we're one of the most rural is they said now Key West is a whole different story that's what I was told but you know and and most everybody I talk to tasse he loves coming to alamada uh the majority of them I mean I talked to a senator last week a new Senator that's from Maran County and you know he's they come here and stay in alamada some of them stay all summer he's got him and his friends and um I don't know I must be missing but everybody all the different people when I went up there for Florida Keys days I I didn't go to you know I saw Jim Mooney and Anna Maria but you know I went I went and saw the Speaker of the House Paul rener okay the the the protim speaker Chuck Clemens every one of them had something special to say about Alam marada and how much they love Alam marada and I know people are sitting there thinking what has this got to do with I don't know how many permits they want to give us but I I'm just saying Shar if it's if the number's 100 if it's 200 if it's whatever I I I don't know but but I know they are very workable and but but Jennifer can you help me understand where we got this number from that the the the 250 the 250 so that was if you remember originally back when we had the original presentation back in October uh under the previous Council that number was derived from the number of vacant Parcels on the vacant parcel list plus the uh 54 on the uh queue for the bass list which brought you to 232 and then I put in 18 for like a cushion to cover us for any human error so that's building on every vacant lot basically to come to 250 and that was before analysis of whether those were even buildable lots and again we're getting a new comp plan we're getting all this stuff don't you think we should do our due diligence and figure things out and see what's on the floor I know you guys are chomping at the let me finish um did I just think that we're over I don't know I just think it's sort of silly that if we can get permits at any time and ask for them and show a plan we're more a more likely to get them and B it shows that we are thinking about our growth down here just to grab them and Bank them and sit on them to me is sort of like I don't know it just doesn't make any sense to me and I'm sorry so no it's go ahead thanks all right so I mean we are a divided Community we've always been a divided Community but we usually do it with respect and uh the email that came back somebody mentioned those at the podium and I think there was 26 people that wrote in and said they supported us getting more and I think there were 24 that said they didn't support that shows the division I don't agree with those numbers what's that I don't I didn't find that to what did you count um not 26 and 24 what would did you count um I don't cuz that's what I counted so I mean you're more than welcome to they're they're here in give that to you later yourself but that's what I counted and what did you count Shar I didn't count but continue what you're saying so we can um there was also a comment that was made about Florida forever being on a list and those are unbuildable just because you're on the Florida forever list does not make your property unbuildable you can still sell it you still build them it just means that it's available for or somebody has listed it on the forever if if Florida forever wants if it if it's a able to be purchased that it is a possible conservation pieces of property um the 24-hour timeline was made in the 80s uh we've got huge technology since then um they're very accurate uh at uh judging where a hurricane is going to be and they're even very accurate at seeing this quick intensification on these hurricanes now um so for technology that we had in the 80s when we didn't even have these to compare the technology then or how they came up with some models when we didn't have these um is is kind of silly um things have expanded our knowledge our abilities to track to understand um you know I I we do I think we do need to kind have in order to properly develop a comprehensive plan and how we're going to issue permits however they are and I'm going to go back to saying it is needs to be a community thing we could give extra points for people that that build houses that are less than 2,000 square ft we can give extra points for people that promise that they're going to Homestead their property for five years uh um and and we can require people that want to build these mega mansions to go through a conditional use process so that we can make sure that they've got more parking or they pay more on their sewers assessments um there there's so many things but we if we don't we don't know what we don't know and we've got to start with something and you're right we could ask Tallahassee all day long that we what we would like to have um but there's and there's no guarantee they're going to give them to us but if we don't have them and people um start giving us these takings claims um we're going to be in trouble we're going to be in trouble trouble and it's the taxpayers that are going to pay that's so I'm okay with us taking them and and saying what is a number that everybody could kind of agree on and putting them and saying we cannot touch them use them or think about touching them until our comprehensive plan is written and we voted on the comprehensive plan and we know but there's no but if the number needs to come there's no them there is no 250 that is what we're going to ask for okay so then why are we asked by the county to come up with a number why is Marathon struggling with the same thing that we're struggling with tonight to come up with a number to give to the county for the county to should be a number that is reasonable and makes sense and not just reaching for something that to build on every lot I I don't agree with I'm sorry I but you see that's the hope that we don't have to the hope is I'm standing by what I had to say and what I'm saying is we should come up with a plan we should be smart about this we should take what the council ahead of us already suggested and then do our homework do you know that the majority of people actually all of the people I spoke to had no idea that the previous Council had approved one permit per quarter for the next 12 years no one knew that well I know a lot of people who know that and I even in Tallahassee they said that's ridiculous you need to do at least two or three and that way that's what y'all approved I I I'm let me finish if we did uh two or three and then we lower what we already have because they're not going to give us anything until we're done I was told that several times last night so maybe instead of talking to the people in town and stuff we should do our homework a little better and talk to the experts I did talk to that person I did to I talk to that person I talked to that person too I don't think so that person's not from here I don't know who you're talking about I guess okay well I talked to a person okay that told me what I was hearing you say okay so maybe they maybe it's a different person but he has the same story okay and and actually the 200 and well first of all the timeline was a self-imposed timeline because we wanted to partner with the county and you know it's it's always true you you do better in strength and numbers we don't have um the the staff no offense to our staff but we don't have the staff to put the right paperwork together to come back 2 years from now now and ask for whatever that number is that we think we want what do you mean you don't have right staff no I don't no not we don't have enough stuff we don't have she's looking at your strange she's got one person her okay I don't think it takes well okay I I think this strengthen numbers with the county uh I've I've seen this in other subjects you we just do much better in in strengthen numbers and if we're all on the same page we don't have to be exactly on the same page we can Bank ours but we need we need to be unified now you talk about Marathon making that decision you want to hear something that I think is kind of crazy they're talking about a thousand units thousand he's saying no oh the last report I saw was well I didn't see what actually went to council tonight so I know not get any we might not get any you're right we might not even get the 220 for the county that's not a guarantee no it's not but if if the county can get 200 we've or 220 we've been 40 promised kind of 40 out of that the others which would be over and above the 220 and the the 250 that we're talking you take 40 off that so now we're talking 2 220 uh 210 I can't do the math tonight if you those anything over and above the 220 at the county level is going to take legislative change that's not going to happen overnight I would expect it to be a probably a couple year process maybe longer but if you don't think about it ahead of time and I was told that we had 26 allocations I even called Jennifer late in the day and said where did 26 allocations come from the only thing that I can come up with that we have 26 allocations that we have not used is three of them that we've carried over and um is all three of them in 25 or is one of them in 25 and two and 26 the other way around okay so we have those three and then we have 23 administrative reliefs that we have they those are earmarked for um litigation you can't just pass those out they're earmarked for litigation so I actually sat down and thought about let's see how many years would I want to spread them out it's not a tonight discussion because that we need to give a flat figure to the county but I did think about that huh you've already given a figure to the count we need we're we're not we're discussing whether we're going to give a different figure forgive me please continue thank you we need to make that discussion and it wasn't about how many in this category and how many in that category and how many years because that is part of the comp hensive plan it was what do we think that we need to get there but in order in my mind to get there I did that exercise at least in my mind of what what I would like to do so I think that with all of this that we we you're right we do need a plan but if we're going to partner we we don't have time to do a detailed plan because if we go up there by ourselves I've been up there by myself Isam marada by ourselves it's very hard to get a lot done you need the the strength and numbers we are a rural Town we're considered a rural Town nobody really wants to change any of that I don't think we're going to have any big con construction Bloom boom and it's not based off of residential if we do it would be others it would be commercial if we have it so I guess [Music] um what did I forget why Deb's trying to think about that can I ask Jennifer a question help yourself Jenifer what do you recommend here what what do you can you give was a little bit of uh wisdom here I mean my recommendation from October is still my recommendation I mean the previous Council voted on something else um I had no issue with that vote as well so you know if if you're struggling with what to do I I guess I would say you know there's no harm in keeping the previous vote the way it was to Mayor Mahoney's point you know we can always revisit this conversation after we finish the comp plan Amendment uh update and any other you know we are the department is going to be working on administrative relief plan and affordable housing plan and all different plans that the council has tasked us with doing so when we finish all of those if the council wants us to revisit some of this conversation we can have further conversations with Tallahassee we're happy to do that as well so um you know my recommendation from a professional point of view still stands at 250 but if I'm fine with the 104.25 that the council recomend or voted on in October and you know if we wanted to just keep that vote intact I'm happy to move on with that as well and Jennifer that 105 also included a buffer did it not um I wasn't 100% clear on the math on how they came up with the 104.25 so Mark came up Councilman Greg came up with that number so it was a little confusing to me but sure sure well if if it's confusing to you then it's not surprising that it's confusing to all of us um I think that um I think that the 250 is is a great number um if if I were the planning director to make sure that all bases are are covered right but it's to me not an accurate analysis for us to have information to be provided with that information to make sound policy decisions so I haven't received any sort of analysis from from legal of whether they recommend it and I would think that if legal would um have any sort of um hesitation on takings or lawsuits that that they would have informed us of that I think and I am not a lawyer that if we have 250 and we don't give them out I think that invites more lawsuits if I build a if I have a property and I know that that that you have the permits and you're not going to give it to me I'm going to sue as far as I understand anybody that's bought property prior to 1993 which are only 79 Parcels out of about 275 um they so we don't know if some of those are in the queue or or if they're not or if they're adjoined to another parcel that are already deemed unbuildable um I I also think that um we we I think that the takings claims lawsuits uh uh as was presented very well by your colleague Miss Gonzalez that um 99.9% of anything that she's come across has basically gone away anybody that's bought property after 1992 or 93 went into that knowing that there is no guarantee that they're going to get a permit and so that's I think one of the reasons why a lot of people think that those takings cases aren't going to be as so as serious as some up here might think they might be so I don't feel comfortable making policy without accurate deep analysis on these numbers and all I keep hearing is there's no magic number we don't know so how are we supposed to give good policy I just I just want to clarify that our analysis is accurate so unless you can show me where it's not ACC accurate I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply inaccurate I meant not totally uh fully realized in terms of um all of the Nuance that were talking about buildable not buildable time frame when they were purchased um that's well all all the Lots on the list are buildable they are all buildable there's more and and and to add to that um the the planning staff is the one that would give us Direction on that and um and the Miss Gonzalez's presentation um didn't necessarily say that how many of those were settled out of court um so they they weren't they weren't all the way through the court system but just like I just got through telling you of five others that never actually made it all the way through Court they were settled out of court they costed The Village a lot of money and and the soldiering case is one of those that you're referring to soldiering case was one of those yeah and that that wasn't even related to B pass that was a that was a zoning situation oh so why is it that they got two free B passes and then on top of that they got four extra points on the other four so they were able to create six lots and then get four B passes uh actually Six B passes right so you think that that didn't cost the village uh I I don't think it cost the village in the way that you're implying it does same thing with there was no way that I was implying anything other than there's a cost to the Village there's a cost to the taxpayers and they won their lawsuit y so to Simply sit here and say these people are not going to win their lawsuits is just not factual because soour won seab breze won the other ones that that I mentioned won that was Carefree Dave the corporation was Carefree that came against the village and cenic won and they won yeah so I mean so again what brought this up was the recommendation from our planning director who went through and did an analysis it's a correct analysis and no if we have the numbers they're not going to sue us because we didn't get sued once for not issuing a permit when we were following our guidelines under rogo and under bass at rogo going into effect on June 10th of 1992 I was there the day we issued the first rogo permit I was the building official of the county and came here and did the same thing in the village after we got through doing the moratorium so I've seen them happen and we didn't get sued because because we followed our guidelines and we had those in the bank and we stuck to our guns and we issued the number of permits that we said that we were going to issue even after we incorporated we took the average number that we had always issued in Isam marada and we grabbed those from the county the county took those and we're issuing the Upper Keys and Isam got its number and we we stuck to our guns we said we were going to issue whatever it was 26 permits a year and we stuck to our guns and we went all the way through and we did not get a lawsuit because we said you you're not following the rogo guidelines B pass guidelines so okay so what are we going to do I I think the idea of getting 250 permits and saying that we don't have to use them all I think is that's a builder is going to build a fisherman's going to fish right but they can't build if it's in our law so how about we do this how about we find a middle ground and we and we agree that we set them aside in some legal form of a moratorium that we cannot use them until our comprehensive plan is completely adopted and this Village gets to weigh in the citizens not people from Big Pine key or Su Sugarloaf or Summerland or kilargo who's not going to be affected by this but we as the citizens of alamada get to work hard and diligent on our compreh you know I remember when the hotel years and the Realtors and the rental agents and and the citizens all came together and wrote a very good doable viable um vacation rental ordinance and and and it is working and Isam R is busting people left and right that are doing it illegally and people are going to do it illegally you know people fish out of season they take Lobster out of season they do all of these things that they're going to do illegally but they get caught and the same thing is going to happen with the the vacation rental stuff but but the community came together and they wrote a very good viable plan and I think the same thing I know the same thing is going to happen because we care about our community that we're going to write a very good doable comprehensive plan we've got a young man that's not going to give us cookie cutter something safe that's going to go through the state we've got a a young man that's going to do something that's very good for this community with our community involvement and I have faith in this community and and I have faith in the the councils that come behind us um because it's going to be embodied in our comp plan so I I guess I I'm you know it's I'm not falling on the sword for something but I'm saying that the so many people I talked to had no idea that it was one permit per quarter and and we're you know we we're really not stuck with that we're still in the middle of a moratorium we're not issuing any permits right now I hope Thursday that we can come to some agreement on folks that have been stuck in limbo for so long because that's not right to do this to the community so I'll make a motion that we go for 200 permits if that's the number that this that that we can throw out there to the state and and and just say I don't want to use them I want them to be in our comp plan and I want us to use them smart so I make a motion that we change that 104 Point whatever it was to 200 uh allocations if we can get them from the state I stand by 105 that more than covers the buildable Lots he made a motion he made a motion to continue the conversation it's a different motion than the resolution okay stop please he made a motion is there a second if there's not a second okay now that so so now we got a second okay so we have a second do we want to call the roll or do you want okay but I do want to make a comment about the second we do have that that peace meal and I would like to figure out whether that's 20 25 25 or whether it's I 19 9.75 or whatever just so we can round it off and I'm not sure make that utilize but yeah we're coming up with arbitrary numbers again okay Mar well I can what is is there a point yes we have 75 so so we need the do you want 19925 yeah that's fine 1992 Mar you call the role please before you just be clear that's okay with the second yes thank you yes I was the one was trying to suggest that so make thank you okay vice mayor Don Horton yes council member Deb Gillis yes council member Steve fredman I stand against overdevelop and I uh do not want to more than double the amount of potential permits given my vot is no council member buddy Pender yes and vice mayor or excuse me mayor Sharon Mahoney no that motion passes three to two Okay um I guess we move on to tab 11 yes tab 11 is in the motion section um I know that uh Marne had passed out a uh an updated uh tab 11 um uh should have been on your uh uh seats because we we just got word uh as to when Florida Keys day would be um but tab 11 is um would be a motion to approve the 2025 regular and land use council meeting calendar and again these um these dates are set by resolution um and they reflect the the uh the directives under the resolution okay so I don't think there's any public comment this is for us or is there just yeah there's no public comment this is just scheduling okay all right so uh do you guys want to take some time and and look at the calendar or do and bring it back on Thursday or do we want to make a decision now yeah I like your idea Sharon we can do this on Thursday that's okay I I had accept for the fact that they've added keys dayss in I had already decided on dates but well I care are you comfortable with do you have dates no I I'm trying to run a me I haven't even looked at this yeah me I got to look at my schedule it's in March is at the beginning 13 yeah so you realistically you'd fly up on the 12th um because they have an opening reception on the 12th and then the 13th be the day and then you fly back the evening of the 13th or the morning of the 14th on way in March how is it in March because always in no it's in January they alternate it depends on um based on Election so some years the session is earlier in the year and some years the session is later in the year uh this happens to be one that it's later in the year so everybody look at your sheet on we'll do it at the start of the meeting on Thursday give you the dates and uh anything else okay I have one question on that did you say that because of the way the scheduling is they'd fly you'd fly on the 12th to get to the meetings on the 13th well you wouldn't have to but if you want to be at the opening reception on the 12th you would need to fly up on the 12 but I mean it's it's obviously the opening session is the opening reception they they have a reception for for everyone to kick off Keys day um your elected officials will be there the other from the state as well as other elected officials okay so it starts on the 12th yeah so technically it starts the evening at the 12th but the the day itself is the 13th you would need the travel time regardless yeah that's right you would need the travel time regardless to get to yeah exactly yeah I mean realistically you would need to fly up on the 12th unless there's like a 3:00 a.m. flight and you're an early riser and I don't think there's that early of a flight okay and I have I didn't think you'd want to talk to us about when our meetings are but if you want to I mean if you're deferring it I would encourage you to do public comment then I mean it's up to you when you want to do it but if you're not going to consider it now you coming Thursday you can do it Thursday so you something to think about okay okay on the new on the new schedule it talks about November the 11th being Veterans Day on the old schedule we needed to move that but now it looks like that we don't that you you've already uh not scheduled the meeting for the 11th or that still I think we still need to move yeah that's open to you or if you want you can combine them both into onto the 13th or you could move the 11th to another day uh I mean it's really at the pleasure of the council because just there's a couple of you know uh courts based on the current schedule but you know it's up to you all how you want to handle it okay well then I'll are you going to take are we no we weren't you paying attention no I was Thursday okay so meeting's adjourned at least I'm honest do we really have are we do we e for