##VIDEO ID:6V_mtHVyWSE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we're going to call this meeting to order good evening welcome everybody here Mar would you call the role please council member Mark Greg here council member Elizabeth jolen council member Henry rosenal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney here and mayor buddy Pender here we have a quorum all righty I've asked Peter to uh lead us in the pledge not even up yet of the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all all righty we're going to have a quick prayer and we'll get rolling here all righty Lord we thank you for this awesome day that you have made let us rejoice and be glad in it and we just thank you for all the beauty here the the green trees the rain the ocean the bay just all the natural beauty the the wildlife that's here and uh we we ask a special blessing over everybody that's here those that are even watching on Zoom but uh lead us and guide us and direct us in all that we do tonight that we would bring honor and glory and praise to your name here in Alam marada and uh that we would be unified that we would be a unified community and uh we just thank you for this awesome day again and we ask this in your name amen amen okay Council uh requests for deletions or emergency additions Mark Henry no Elizabeth vice mayor guess it's me I am I guess pulling tab 19 and 20 is now the time to do that Jennifer sure so and I'd like to move it to a Time specific is that right yes um in order to avoid additional advertis in costs and stuff she'd like to continue to a date time and place certain okay which I believe you said you would like December December would be fine thank you uh the 12th okay December the 12th anything else um yes um I've also have a request that I'm started to look into uh uh legal for us for the uh the village and the first thing we need to decide is if we want an in-house or a out attorney like we have and I realize that that's a totally different a lot of work to do so I want to table the request for an RFP for the attorneys until the new Council comes on as there's going to be at least three if not four new members so I would like to table that is now the time to do that and does it is everybody okay with that I'm okay with it I I don't I would prefer not to I think this um that a lot of work has been done um since your request and I would prefer to see it move forward it sound sounds like it's already been it's underway so I'd like to see it move forward well obious it's not really underway yet and again to put it out an RFP we have to decide if we're looking for an inhouse or an out and so there're two totally different so I I I think I heard John mentioned when this came up at the last meeting before I left early um that uh um if he is to be considered as one of the bidders on the RFP then we would need to retain an outside Law Firm to draft the RP because it would be a conflict for him to do that so between now and then it might be a good idea to search for One just a suggestion I won't be here I do still move to table it until the new Council because it's going to affect the new people on Council and I think it's only fair do we have a second do we need to vote on it John or take have a l of consensus I mean you could do either way but there's a motion that's been made a motion do I hear a second to to table this for weissa are you I'm just here huh I'm just listening it wasn't my motion to begin with all right all right so I I'll second that motion then I'll go ahead and second it Marne would you call the role please vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes mayor buddy Pender yes council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth no and council member Henry Rosenthal no the motion passes 3-2 on the deferral on the quaser judicial items we would need a motion for that too um that that was the request from vice mayor Mahoney it would be a motion to defer tabs 19 and 20 19 and 20 to the Village council meeting on scheduled on December 12th starting at 5:30 in this same location is that the first one for the new Council or second one yes second one yes okay yeah do we need to make a motion on that yeah based upon the I make the motion you can make the motion you and you can vote on it because it's a it's just strictly a uh scheduling motion is this just the one item this is this is Sharon's item yeah she she has two items but but they're all they're you know Sister items right so we're dealing with both of them at the same time yes yeah so is is just to be can you help me understand it's the applicant is asking it's the applicant is asking to remove it correct yes so we still need to move to we still need a motion there even though she just asked to remove it yes correct because it it didn't um the request didn't come in there's a 10day um s sorry 7-Day deadline um where it's an automatic um deferral after that it's it's done by motion okay all right do I hear a second to uh to move it I'm just curious does Sharon get to vote on this yes procedural okay do I hear a second I'll second it okay all right so Marne we have a motion in a second call the rooll please vice mayor Sharon Mahony yes council member Elizabeth jolen council member Mark Greg yes council member Henry Rosenthal yes and mayor buddy Pender yes the motion passes 5 to zero thank you okay can I say one thing real quick I would like to let everybody know how wonderful our fire chief Terry Abel is that I've been working with theater to see about the dust from the pipeline and there has been uh quite a few issues and we needed water last night and at 10:00 we called Terry and said we need a fire Tru we need water on on the Dirt Pile and he got out of bed and got it done so I thank you the Dolphins thank you and you're a wonderful person for the commity Community thank you Terry thank you [Applause] Terry and I think the aqueduct thanks you uh too big times all right okay yes just to piggyback on what vice mayor said I thought people might want to know I think our fire chief is being recognized tomorrow by the County Commission as an honorable uh honorary conch is that right Chief AEL yes yes so I thought you all might want to know that Co well I yeah I I think he's married to one I think he is too so it's a con through marriage oh he married in okay where is that going to be Chief come up to the mic and tell us where it's going to be please and hey there you can tell us about the 911 service tomorrow too I believe at station 20 yes 9 45 correct so yes everyone please if you're out and about and you have the availability tomorrow morning at the start is 9:45 prompt we'll be having a 911 ceremony for the 23rd uh Memorial of it uh at station 20 81850 please come on out uh we'll have the mayor speaking uh house representative Mooney and of course Pastor Hammond will be doing our invocation so if you're available and you're around please come on out and uh I will be at the Murray Nelson I yes at 9 for my honorary con certificate so oh we can't go cuz we got to be down there I'm I'm I'm going to try to double down but you never know I drive fast take chances okay thank you don't break the speed limit though yeah okay okay anything else from the council before we move on so we're going to move on to reports presentations and announcements and I believe the first thing and Elizabeth if you would like to I mean I I I'll gladly read these but a you because you you sure I'm I'll beuty okay well I'm willing to let you if you like to read them okay all right okay oh okay I would gladly so I am going to read the proclamation of September 23rd through the 29th 2024 as National diaper need awareness week all right so if you bear with me I'm going to try to see and read and and then I'd like to have the representatives come forward please all right Proclamation National diaper need awareness week September of 2024 whereas diaper need the condition of not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers to keep babies and toddlers clean dry healthy can adversely affect the health of well health and well-being of children and their families and whereas National surveys and research studies report that nearly one in two families struggles with diaper need and 48% of families delay changing diapers changing a diaper to extend the available Supply and whereas a daily or weekly supply of diapers is generally generally an eligibility requirement for babies and toddlers to participate in child care programs and quality Early Education programs that enable children to thrive and parents to work and whereas many parents struggling with diaper need report missing an average of five days of work each month due to an insufficient supply of diapers and whereas without enough diapers babies and toddlers risk infections and healthy problems that may require medical attention resulting in medical cost and parents may be prevented from it accessing Child Care needed to go to work or to school thereby destabilizing the family's economic prospects and well-being and whereas the people of Al Mara recognized that diaper need is a public health issue and addressing diaper need can lead to Economic Opportunity for the state's families and communities and imp improved health for children thus ensuring all children and families to have access to the basic necessities required to thrive and reach their full potential and whereas I marada is proud to be home to be trusted communitybased organizations including the Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition and Miami day Miami diaper bank that recognized the importance of diapers in ensuring health and providing economic stability for families and thus distribute diapers to families through various channels and whereas the though their important work of addressing diaper need the Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition and their partnership with the Miami diaper Bank play a critical role in supporting families improving infant health and well-being and advancing our local and state economy growth now therefore I mayor Joseph B Pender 3 by the virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of alamara Village of the islands do hereby proclaim the week of September 23rd through September 29th as n National diaper need Awareness Week in alamara village of alamara Village of Island thank the aforementioned Coalition diaper Bank their staff volunteers and donors for their courageous service during the crisis and encourag the citizens of alam marada to donate generously to the Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition diaper Banks diaper drives and support those organizations that collect and distribute diapers to families struggling with diaper need so that all of alam Mara's children and families can Thrive and reach their full potential in witness thereof I have here to set my hand hand and the official seal of alrod of the village of islands thank you very much come on up and we need they want to get a picture so okay okay okay now we're going to move on to tab two and I think we have some people here from uh for the senior citizen week from The Joy Center do we have some people here I don't who wants to uh would like to come to the mic or all of y'all that are here can come and uh receive I'm going to read your Proclamation right now yep right there yep I know there's some others you all are welcome to come all right proc ation National senior citizens month September of 2024 whereas older Americans are significant members of our society investing their wisdom and experience to help enrich and strengthen our community and whereas the joy just older you think Center has acted as a catalyst for mobilizing the creativity the energy vitality and commitment of older residents of the Upper Keys and whereas the joy Center has been a community partner in ensuring that our most uh vulnerable citizens people aged 50 and older many with underlying medical conditions were able to stay safe connected with their community and less likely to experience pandemic related loneliness and isolation and whereas the joy Center affirms the dignity selfworth and Independence of older persons by facilitating their decisions and actions tapping their experiences skills and knowledge and enabling their continued contributions to our community and I'm I'm going to stop right there man I want to say actually I I call it growing Bolder not older okay we need to be growing Boulder and uh we we uh at the Florida League of Mayors we actually we had a guy that spoke on that and there was people in their 90s that were doing swim meets uh one lady sold her uh her did a reverse mortgage on her house uh the guy she outlived the guy that bought her mortgage she lived to be 122 years old all right so uh and you know some of these people like the man that barefoot water ski they call him Mr banana and uh he was 93 and he was bedridden all right but he told his wife that he wanted to get out and barefoot water ski one more time all right and you know what he did it we saw the video of him skiing in Winter Haven okay so I just wanted to throw down in there because it was a very very touching uh thing that the Florida League of Mayors board of directors put on for us about growing Boulder all right and I'll finish reading this we we're still kicking just not quite as high what's that we're still kicking but just not quite as high okay okay now therefore I mayor Joseph Bender 3 by the virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of alamada Village of the islands do hereby Proclaim September 2024 as National Senior Center Senior Center month and call upon all the village Citizens Council Members and officials to recognize the special contributions of the joy Center and the two days of activities they provide at The New Plantation Key Community Center with the goal of a full-time 5ed day a week Joy Center to enhance the well-being of the older citizens of our community in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and the official seal of alamada Village of islands and uh I will sign it and come present it Rob if you want to come get a picture sure like for you to receive it please y'all want to come up Sor it's okay no no it's okay it's okay he doesn't show me one of Jerry thank you for what you [Applause] do thank you so much welcome a lot reading Mr Mr Mayor as a newly member of the 65 and up Club I just wondered is there any relation between the first presentation about diapers and then the second one about being SE I just find that timing to be a bit too coincidental there yeah me yeah man you're not kidding man okay so we got let me just make sure we got his here okay Proclamation okay uh so with that being said we're going to now move to uh open public comment Marne do we have any speakers we do we have several um we're starting with Barry Ray hi I'm Barry Ray from Isa marata it's wonderful to see a meeting start with so much joy good job good job to everybody it's rather nice so um I want to bring up something that uh I've spoken with a couple of council members about the other day I was walking through the Park here like I do most days and the lightning alarm went off and my Applause to Maria they've got a new lightning system in so better safety here but the problem was that nothing changed kids kept playing coaches kept coaching and then you realize where would they go anyway they have no place to go under a tree not advisable so what I one of the things I do with my job I design things that serve survive lightning and still keep working right the systems I design have to work outside they're all solar powered they're independent powered and they get hit by lightning now and then and they have to survive well we can build shelters that do the same thing they're called Faraday cages right by putting a metal roof on it and grounding that properly and then isolating the slab at the bottom they're protected and it also doubles as a shade shelter which I several parents had mentioned to me over the last couple of years that be nice to have some more shade out here so what I would like to propose is that before we get you know entrenched in the master plan and all of that that we take this on as a very important and uh safety Factor Public Safety factor in our village I coach kids all the time and I felt very vulnerable when I looked out there and they had no place to go even though the lightning alarm was going off now I talked to Maria about advising them you need to go somewhere you know you don't sit there and keep playing you know but that's a different issue that's that's an advisory issue but we do need these shelters and I would ask that we refer this over to the parks committee and ask them to expedite some planning I'm more than willing to talk to them about what's needed um just need the invite when their next meeting is and everything but I would ask that you guys would direct them to move forward on this postas and that we provide a sufficient number of shelters provide protection for our children that are out there playing coaching our parents that are watching the game they can have some shade and it can the facilities once they're built they'll serve a lot four shelters probably under 100 Grand honestly just for shelters like this that have no sides and just have a cement slab it's not very expensive but uh I'll let the construction people quote that to us thank you that's all I came for tonight I do have more good things shortly and I hope to bring those up but in another method have a great meeting I need to run to an art opening down at our library so if you get a chance go see Mar uh Marcia britto's uh environmental display on her art at the ISA marada Library thank you much good evening next up is Joe zch thank you 25 years in village of Island it's still going strong interesting about the tribute we've just done to senior citizens why don't we listen to them I'm a senior citizen does anyone listen to me no we have senior citizens here who are retired CEOs all kinds of bright people and nobody cares and they're free why don't you take a look at some of those senior citizens anyway I start off with my comments today are quite simple first of all uh there is a note from our village manager very nicely done he and he said that the 10 of the village of 2.8 was passed would result in a 10% increase in revenue and only a doll five increase in taxes annually for immediate and assessed single family homes what's immediate assessed family home getting only a dollar tax increase we're missing something there now it might be a typo sir but but what's the median assessed Village home hair is it a million dollars he only got a buck increase very good okay now the other thing is some of my remarks are maybe a little nasty but they're not they're nothing personal just business you're running a business not a village it's a business okay and some of you people are business people so first of all I asked at my last meeting here you had 15 trucks sitting out there what did they do nobody looked at me nobody said anything does anyone know what those 15 trucks do you know who signs them out who pays the gas bill who pays the insurance bill three of them got replaced with brand new trucks for another reason what was that no idea no answer what are they doing okay five yse I said to our fin Finance what five y she said I know what it is does anyone thought about five Ys our village manager began to question some of the things last week why why why congratulations it's very powerful technique and for example I was reading over the village manager supposed to be the console supposed to create the budget and you're supposed to manage it have you created the budget for him to manage or are you reacting to his budget question it's a procedural okay and let's see the last thing I wanted to say was that um us old guys have been around the horn why' you take advantage of it okay why not it's free okay you pay your lobby is $100,000 a year and nobody asks him didn't do anything so take advantage of us old guys we've been there we've been through the wars we've been taken to task by some really bright people so take advantage of it and by the way we're old and crotchety and we're free bye thank you Joe all right Marty anybody who's next next up is Van Cadenhead good evening counil I'm van Caden head and I'm one of those older youth that they were talking about and whenever anybody asks me boxers or briefs I always say depends I I'd like to uh uh comment on a place I went to last night at the coral is church was a presentation by uh John Rizzo from the Weather Service in Key West and he made a very strong case for for uh hurricane prediction and and uh made the the uh there was a discussion after about the amount of bass that we should be asking for to increase the population of Mundo County and uh my impression was that we should not be asking for any bass we should be trying to limit uh any building that we do here to Redevelopment and not new development and because if if we were to he was talking about rapid intensification of Storms and and Irma was one of those uh we had uh people coming from Key West trying to get to the Georgia Line and all the way up the turnpike people were running out of gas there was no hotel rooms and we were just by the grace of God Alone that we didn't have that hurricane come right over the turnpike because it would have left all those vulnerable people out in the wind and uh you hear stories about uh Refuge of Last Resort well um they they don't tell you about the Refuge of Last Resort until 6 hours before the hurricane hits which is not really doing a heck of a lot of good and and uh having uh a place to go uh a lot of people shelter in place that's another pale phrase because Sheltering in place I mean if you're living in a in a house that's below the flood plane that's not going to help you a whole lot and there's no place for you to go if if suddenly the intensification goes from a tropical storm possibly hurricane uh category one all of a sudden into a three or a four um there's just too many people here and not enough ways to get them out we got one road that goes out us one and it you only talk about the discussion about Monroe County evacuation in emergency you don't talk about what happens at the County Line North because Miami Dade County has let their growth get out from under them and there's 8,000 new affordable housing units being built right behind the Last Chance Saloon at Florida city where do you think all those people are going to be when the hurricane hits they're not going be sitting home Sheltering in place they're going to be trying to get to the Georgia line along with everybody else so I'm just saying uh with your growth uh let's wrap it up yes sir with your with your growth uh projections I hope you keep that in mind when you vote on building projects thank you very much U Marne we have anybody else yep next up is Tom rafanello thank you Tom rafanello Isa marada uh number one I was very impressed with Joe styck and what he had to say I'm closer to 80 than I am to 75 and a lot of us have done a lot of different things that fit right into what you're doing so it would be wise to talk to people that have done it and then some before I want to address something kind of a simple precept that I Ed throughout a management career in 11 different cities and that was managing for the greater good not for the greater money you're going to make not for the greater things you can do for your friends for the greater good which means sometimes a little personal sacrifice on your own part I used to meet with my people send a q&as with them talk about different different rules or different things I was going to impose or federal regulations that I was told to impose I would talk about it with them uh I would answer their questions as best as I could and I would try and and have them share the priorities and get into ownership with what we're doing it's it's a big part of transparency it leads to this for the life of me I can't understand why You' have been so Draconian about keeping public comment away from these meetings do you know who they are they're the people that put you there if they're a real pain in the ass then get another job I just can't believe that you're not trying to get more people to talk about different things rather than less if somebody abuses it shut them down but you can't make good informed decisions without knowing what they're thinking and what they want to say if they don't have ownership it's going to be a failure you know don't discourage them restore it you've got time you got a few months left where you can do that uh we took some rules from the county and you see how well the County's doing they're not doing very well don't imitate people that you don't want us to to take care advantage of they're just they're not making it if you i' you've got several months I'd like to see you take advantage of it but another thing that we used to say and I still say that if you're not part of the solution you're part of a problem so think about that when you're making decisions I have one more thing that really peaked me and I I'm I'm with Elizabeth on this I would vigorous I had three attorneys that worked for me in Miami so I've had them before I know that three attorneys could give you three different opinions and if you don't give them explicit instruction then they're going to run you so I think that we should do an RFP we should do it immediately and we should have an in-house attorney and I have nothing against this gentleman I think he's a fine gentleman and he works to the best of his ability but we spent $755,000 let's wrap it up please yeah okay let me get this point across we spent $755,000 on legal and the US Supreme Court Justice makes 300,000 we're not doing a good job at managing the attorney I'd like to see you do a better job uh I got tons of things I want to talk about but not today I thank you very much for your time thank you Marty do we have anybody else yes we have Mr wishm on Zoom okay go ahead Mr richm yes can you hear me yes we can yes Joe wishme Plantation key Mr Mayor and Council I would like to discuss a brief history of Council meetings and schedules Council meetings used to be held on the second and fourth Thursday of the month then you change it to once a month could not understand why due to the length of the meetings but after finally realizing that the meetings were overwhelming and very long Council voted to go back to two meetings a month we thought that was a great idea unfortunately you decided to make them only two days apart in retrospect this puts your staff council members and the public under tremendous stress trying to put together agenda packets Council to read and research packets and the public trying to do the same thing with meetings only two days apart in the last five months for example two meetings had over a thousand pages that would be April and August one of them over 800 pages that would be in June putting due diligence and understanding and that many pages puts an undue burden on all individuals involved I believe that it would be in the best interest of everyone if you went back to the meetings spread apart like used to be even when there are shorter meetings like may only 500 pages July 9th on 174 pages and then cancelling the 11th meeting because well we didn't have anything left it seems that longlasting and lingering issues fail to be on the agenda or discuss for example when was the last time you discussed items like oh I don't know strategic planning new Council training details what are you going to give them how are you going to go about it tdrs the draft was expected on September the 12th but it's not even on the agenda the noise ordinance we even had a workshop on that one the fills well that's self-explanatory just to name a few the Thursday meetings are listed as land use Council meetings doesn't that mean that Tuesday meetings should be for all other items and all items include involving land should be on Thursdays please use all of yours and our time appropriately and get things that are lingering addressed I am looking forward to the interviews for the comprehensive Plan update this will be a major decision that will affect us all for the next 20 years let's take our time and do it correctly thank you very much thank you Mar anybody else no sir that's it okay public comment is now closed so we will move on to uh citizen advisory committee reports Diane your first good evening Council Diane Harbaugh Nearshore water committee um our committee met on July 30th and we have a new um staff member that's at our meetings now her name is Alyssa and and she's was very knowledgeable Pete was there as well and we welcome her to our committee the committee heard public comment during um regarding the proposed Sunset Drive vessel exclusion Zone during our public comment period at the beginning of our meeting um then we went on to our agenda there was no report from the sheriff's department because we had just gone through the change um of of the sheriff's departments but we are look forward to seeing them at our next meeting the committee heard an update from the staff on the Founders Park brew project the improvements have started and look like they're going very well actually um the and they're expected to be completed by the end of the year the committee rece Revisited the idea of additional moing ball installation to accommodate intermediate to heavy recreational use at out along the break wall but need to research this area further and discuss a proposal before making any recommendations to the council the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary rulle making is expected to wrap up later this fall that would be 2024 keep your fingers crossed um and the committee discussed the temporary regulations for Coral restoration and Nursery areas that have been proposed by Noah um due to the potential Marine um Heatwave that we were having at that time we discussed the status of Whale Harbor channel the idle speed zone at Whale Harbor and the south channel uh this is a private property owner issue and they are willing to place signs up there um they'll need to Source the signs and we are willing to help them get the correct signs to put up there but that is going to be a private owner solution uh we also discussed there is some m missing signage in the idle speed zone um going out of Whale Harbor Channel and that is um all done by the county so we are going to contact the County and see if they can help get those put back in we heard an update on the Taver Creek slow speed zone that would take that all the way to the end of Taver Creek on the Bayside and um the extension proposal is in the permitting process with FWC at this time and looks like that's going to go through uh we discussed the Boating impacts to the Papa Joe's area if you sit at the brand new Papa Joe's Bar and look at that beautiful sunset you're looking directly over a flat and a lot of people don't realize that that's very shallow water there um but there is a planned installation of some bird steak poles in that area and then Alysa uh informed us that there's signage going up through the state because that's lignum B State Park area where that where that water is so they're actually going to put signage up so it kind of gets us off the hook and we'll see how that works out um the committee discussed the proposed new vessel exclusion Zone at Sunset Drive Beach the majority of the committee voted to recommend that the council does not consider a new vessel exclusion Zone at Sunset Drive and instead focuses on longterm planning and management for all Nearshore areas in Alam marada and what that means is we would like to see this placed on your agenda probably after the first of the year with the new Council in place to talk about what's we just can't keep squeezing that balloon as I said it the last one we really need to try to come to a solution um and we'd like to see Council put that on the agenda and that concludes my report Council does anybody have any questions for Diane no but um do we want to put this on the after Action Report The Vessel exclusion Zone I think that's pretty great recommendation it is as thank you Peter Diane thank you for your report thank you very much thank you for your time okay okay all right so let's see all right so we're going to move on then to mayor Council Communications and Henry uh you're up about discussing the welcome to alamada [Music] sign a number of years ago it was very obvious to me that why people came here and some people just came back every year for for one reason was the fish in those years very few fishermen brought their families like they do today they usually came by themselves they came amount of dollars had a good time at night had a good time during the day and we were noted as the fishing capital of the world sports fishing capital of the world and I walked around and I asked a few people besides the ones that were fishing have you ever heard of that and they said no so I said to myself it's about time that we make note of that it's not determined when you come into alamada or leave from each area so I put up a sign I put up a Sign by the Chesapeake Motel between the old road and US1 it said welcome to alamad the sports fishing capital of the world and on the back I think it said don't forget your keys that was right there where the old road came right on the highway right we're cross from Publix's now right I remember it I had it lit at night in fact there it is I put a a roof on it it and I was there for a number of years I guess the storm took it out quite frankly I don't recall but since I'm kind of limited as to my days here on in this chair this is one of the things that I took note of I think I would like to have it replaced and uh I would like to have the support of the council and the staff to do that so if you agree with me I appreciate your thinking about it and that's my presentation okay do we do we have one up at Taver Creek now when you come in there was one there but not like the one he did no it just ISS welcome to alado that's all it says okay yeah okay all right do what is your pleasure do you want an answer right now yes okay public comment okay can you take public he I I mean I guess we can it's not normally we don't under um village man I mean mayor council communication all right man I think you just got approved i' like to step in behind Henry and and bolster his argument because for one thing when Isa marada was just on upper mumi key when I was growing up that sign was iconic when you came over the Whale Harbor Bridge that's what you saw when the highway split right there and U it said it was friendly it said don't forget your keys and it had a picture of keys in the back so that everybody leaving on the back side of that sign could read don't forget your keys immediately upon the incorporation of Isa marada the sign went up to tavanir Creek and said nothing about the sport fishing capital of the world and on the back of the sign it said catch you later now to me that's a distinctly unfriendly uh emotion to put to see people on their way out of town catch you later I mean that that you could take that as a fishing uh language or you could take it as uh a policing language catch you later come to ISA marada uh on vacation leave on probation that's not the that's not the kind of of a attitude that I think Isa marada should project to the visitors here and so I hope you listen to what Henry said I would really like to see that sign back lit and with with a friendly message on the back don't forget your keys not catch you later thank you thank you man all right all right anybody else in here want to speak since we open public comment anybody want to speak on it okay public comments now closed Henry I I will say a few things when you know when I saw that sign I think of Dick pop coming here to fish I think of Ted Williams okay I think of all the people fishing with Cecil Keith Jimmy Albright Dick Williams Joe poror Raleigh hollenbach uh Jack Brothers um and you know Mr H that owned alar yacht Basin um I mean the twitchell's that was part of the reason why Miss twitchell built chica so her girlfriends could come here as a club and go fishing so um offshore and back country uh you can see Cynthia and Carl's pictures in there where you walk to the to the bathroom still today there would a lot of pictures of Jimmy Albright and uh Cecil and um but I'm I'll I'd back you up on it but I you know I think it's a great thing I got two uh I don't know how if we could do it but we could even we could even around you know because I've seen some signs that have the like rocks at the bottom and and planers and stuff but I don't know if we could put some older Queen conx you know cuz this was a a whole fishing Community whether it's conking or lobstering or turtling or sponging whatever it was Alam marada you know it hey the the the matumbi club was congressmen senators and we had presidents come here uh they're they're the first one ever brought power to our community we the guys from uh DC so all right okay so I think uh do we need to take a vote on it John or just give a consensus or I think a consensus is fine if you want to take a formal vote you can but I think you know Rob is is hearing the direction and I assume he will start exploring the location to make you know make sure to see if we I based on where I think it is it's across from the reefside Stables right like that area or is it further north was across right across public I mean the only that's where you saw it because see before it used to be that was upper mumi but that's alamada this was Plantation key we didn't it wasn't all the village the only reason I just say you know obviously Rob will look into and staff will look into you know making sure where we can put it and working with if we have to work with f dot we will but I mean unless Rob do you feel you need a a formal motion on it no I'm fine we have Direction and uh we'll see where we can place it with the least conflict with f do so we don't end up with uh clear Zone infractions and things of that nature and we'll get pricing for a sign and and councilman Rosenthal if you could forward me a copy of that picture just so I'll have that as well that would be great great okay thank you sir I'll just to move the meeting on I'll say thank you and we'll we'll move forward you're keeping the keys the keys Henry alada that's right oh my goodness yep okay so let's see I do have a comment coming up next um directed to the manager I would like to have a two second update as to where we are on the fills okay so we're going to move on to that right now Henry and he can do this is so we're moving on to Village attorney Village manager Communications right and it says there are none no items but he's asking for one okay sure um I'll go ahead and provide a brief update uh the Phils is still in discussions between staff uh the D and fot uh as it stands right now we've recently submitted our uh permit revisions to reflect that uh the D is looking to manage the site at the Indian Key Bridge to provide for a kayak launch uh sounds like fot is is supportive of that and uh the village is not standing in the way of that of course because uh we no longer are renewing our lease with the D because of the constraints surrounding our continuing management of that and there is a f do lease that does expire at the end of September however it continues until its successor agreement is is instituted and fot has expressed that they'd like to work through the permit request before we modify uh the lease because the lease has terms and conditions that relate to the spaces we're seeking to abandon so we're right in the middle of that I spoke with fot as recently as last week and actually today even just to double check and make sure we're on the same path and if there's any change in that I'll update Council thank you thanks Henry any Council anybody else have any questions for John or for Rob Cole okay so with that being said that's uh taken care of let's move on to the consent agenda John yep we're into the consent portion of the agenda these items are of a routine nature and council members have reviewed these items in advance and sought the advice of Staff as they felt necessary there'll be one vote on the consent items which today are tabs 4 through 15 in your uh agenda book if anyone would like to pull an item from consent he or she should state so now Council I don't care to pull anything but I have to make the comment throughout the consent agenda it continually says that the waiver of competitive building uh bidding is not effective and I just have a problem with that we should have bidding on absolutely everything if it's prohibited at least you could put in there we tried nobody applied etc etc but what the way it's written in here is we just didn't decide to do it I just feel that any opportunity that we can have to write a letter just for competitive bidding it should be done on everything so I just want to make that comment I don't know how many items there are that have been nullified but there's two on this page there's three on this page they're throughout the whole consent agenda just for the sake of comment well with a resolution is actually you're going to be tab 16 I I I just have a problem with okaying something and then you then you're going to talk about it later on with the tab that seems to be S backwards to me so if you want to do it that way I listen I'm only here for a few more weeks have fun but I just have a question as to the way the system is right now you're voting to a approve everything and then you're going to talk about it later doesn't seem the right direction so if I'm wrong I'm open for comment that's for sure but I have have to make that comment I'm on my way out I have to talk about everything I can very quickly so that's that's where I am see so right anyway I just I have to make that comment because we should every opportunity put it out you have you don't you never know I mean my private practice I've asked asked questions and I thought no nobody's going to pay attention to that inste of a good the gu W up choosing he was the last guy it happens so anyway I just I have to make that make that comment I hope I didn't extend the meeting because well everybody wants to get out of here early tonight you're fine Henry but anyway all right anybody other Council have anything they'd like to say about it before I open public comment go ahead I just wanted just a point of clarification tab 16 is not on the consent agenda that's that's going to be considered separately and independent resolution yeah it's a resolution separate from consent and then Rob also asked me while I was speaking to to uh just confirm that that for any waivers of competitive bidding obviously we look to confirm that it is in compliance okay with the local code and state law and and federal law to the extent it applies all right so uh public comment is now open do we have any public comment Marnie for consent agenda no one has signed up for this no one signed up okay Council we have any further discussion or do do I hear a motion move to approve do I hear a second all right we Marne we have a motion in a second uh would you call the roll please council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes and mayor buddy Pender yes the motion passes 5 to zero okay John help me we are now on the uh six which is a resolution correct yes yep 16 um it's a resolution of the Village Council of is mar Village of violence Florida approving a one-year renewal of the agreement for professional State lobbying Services between gray Robinson PA and Isam Mara Village of islands authorizing Village officials to implement the terms and conditions of the Professional Services agreement authorize and Village manager to expend budgeted funds authoriz and Village manager to execute the Professional Services agreement providing for a waiver of competitive viding and providing for an effective date and um uh the folks from Gray Rob are here as well Joseph yeah okay uh public comment is open do we have anybody Marne yes van Caden head okay van Caden head again um this underlines what Henry just said and Henry's been asking uh what has gray Robinson done for us lately and uh they said well you didn't give us an agenda of anything you wanted well I hope that's going to be corrected from the staff and I hope we're going to give them an agenda of things that we'd like them to address and and once again my my trepidation is the fact that gray Robinson is so big all over the State of Florida and they also represent big sugar and to me big sugar and the keys are at odds as far as interests so it seems to be a conflict of interest because I mean I I imagine there's there's one section of their office that deals with big sugar and there's certain lawyers in in their office that deal with Monro County but it's just it's like having the fox in charge of the chicken coop I would really like to see someone from South Florida uh that has uh interests and and Connections in Tallahassee work for us and and not have to split their their time between big sugar and Monroe County because big sugar and Monro County are in a conflict that's not likely to to uh cease anytime soon so I think we should definitely put out an RFP just like Henry said and get three uh three people to step up to be the lobbyist and see what they're what they can offer gray Robinson has been you know a good firm they've done a lot of good for us but by the same token I think they've been underutilized because of uh failure of the the council the council has not given them uh various uh uh goals to address in the course of a year so that's why we've not been able to pull the trigger on a lot of things we could have so that's that's my comment and thank you very much Marney do we have anybody else no sir okay public comment is now closed Mr Cole I would like to thank you personally for working with Ryan and Joseph I know you've given me many reports as I assume that he has to each one of us but uh Mr Cole has definitely uh been in contact with our lobbyist and and trying to do what what Henry had asked for but if anybody else like to speak I know go ahead go ahead I was just curious if we could hear from you about how you um are working with the group sure uh first of all a point of clarification in checking with gray Robinson just as a matter of fact they do not represent big sugar so I think that comment has been made at public comment a couple of different times so I just want to clear the the record on that matter uh with respect to my interactions with gray Robinson and Ryan and his team uh they've been very uh uh very accessible to me um a recent example of having reached out to them was when uh Florida state parks announced that they they were going to be developing some of the parks here in Florida with golf courses and uh pickle ball and other kinds of recreational uses that are valuable to communities and the State of Florida but uh do not belong in some of our natural areas of the state park so uh that's just one recent example and uh there's other things that we uh engage with Ryan and his team on a semi-routine basis if I were to guesstimate you know just in the last 30 days or how to at least you know four to five different things that I've reached out to Ryan and and even when he's traveling um on vacation he is still responding and and getting his team engaged on questions that uh require support up in Tallahassee and I I would rate his team is highly effective having worked with lobbyists in larger communities including both uh at the state level and in in Washington DC and so my experience with this team is at least on par and I would arguably State it's better than some of the uh obious that I've worked with in the past so it's a great team and I would highly recommend continuing our relationship with them okay thank you Mr SC go ahead elizabe so have you Advanced the legislative priorities that we were working on I guess in was it July or August July we have not Advanced legislative priorities because we're waiting for the budget to be completed at which point we're going to as we might have uh as I believe we did mention at that time what we'll do is we'll take our budget and the capital projects that are approved in it and speak to Ryan and his team as well as our team in DC to see what grant opportunities are available the other thing we were waiting on is for some of our Community Partners to finish their legislative agendas so that we could see what they're looking at for the upcoming legislative session and try to express support for some of their uh key initiatives that relate to uh those that were shared by The Village Council so once those pieces come together we'll have a final document and that would be transmitted to gray Robinson and a some cut sheets that really speak in very brief fashion to our key priorities that we're looking to particularly find funding support for either uh directed funding from our state legislators or grant program so uh that's still to come but we're coming up on the cusp of when those things should be ready to advance thank you for uh reminding folks of that it's an important task anybody else have anything you say that there's a member here from Gray Robinson there's two members there why don't they give us a presentation well uh Mr Cole I mean they they will gladly talk yeah I can't criticize you if you don't tell me something you know so so hey Ryan before you talk I just want to say that you know both you guys Joseph showed me his picture of his eight-month-old daughter man okay so congratulations guy you know new Papa you know it's all your travels and everything both of you I know you guys got kids so anyway appreciate thank you for coming appreciate the time U and councilman we don't have a formal presentation happy to answer questions as they arise uh Joseph salsberg Ryan Matthews gray Robinson uh I think we both have had the pleasure of representing the village for roughly around eight years now Joseph is located in Miami um so he is somewhat local regionally local I guess I would call him I am in fact in the Tallahassee office um and again I think that Mr Cole has already discussed there has been a con consistent pattern of communication that has been established uh quite frankly that hasn't always been the case right and so we've discussed that um in some of your individual time in Tallahassee uh in the past but I feel very optimistic about the again frequency of communication that we have had with Mr Cole again my my my advisement to you all is that please utilize us not only with the legislature but also with the executive agencies in Tallahassee um Mr Cole has reached out to us about the fills the conversations that you've had with do and D because we can engage with those offices in Tallahassee um and so again that the the legislative Workshop that you all had in June um we stand ready and willing to implement your desires and the new council's desires um as you move forward both from an executive agency and legislative standpoint just to give you an idea um the legislature will be in Tallahassee for committee weeks in December the House and Senate have individual committee weeks in the first two weeks of of December there will be about four subsequent other meetings leading up to the March 2025 start of the legislative session so there is still time um to implement that legislative agenda that you all have worked on um and we stand really ready and willing to do so and Ryan give give give us a little history because you used to be on the other side you were the Secretary of D under I believe Rick Scott right I was yes so give us a little history real quick about when you or personal history um and I'll let Joseph talk a little bit about his his work history so um I actually started in advocacy under Municipal associations I worked for the Florida League of cities for about six years um both in their in their general council's office and their legislative advocacy platform I worked for the Florida League of cities um I then moved on to D where I was the director of the office of water policy overseeing the water management districts I was a deputy secretary of regulatory program so all air water and waste permits that came in through the state and then I was interim Secretary of DP for about 5 months during uh the tenure of governor Scott then left Private Practice um have worked in a niche local government lobbying firm people Smith and Matthews which held a contract with the village of Al marada um and then we merge with greay Robinson about three years ago so thank you Ryan Joseph you want to give us so so you could tell he's the subject matter expertise um Joseph solsberg I'm with gray Robinson's Miami and Tallahassee office and I've represented Al Mara Village of is every single day of my career since I graduated law school in 2015 and it's uh something that's very special professionally and personally as somebody who came down here as often as possible for Miami growing up um I grew up in Miami I ran political campaigns for members of the legislative delegation out of Miami in the 2010 cycle predominantly um and including then a special election in 2011 for uh for what would become a future speaker of the house instead of going to lobbying at that time I decided to go to law school at Florida State even though I'm a hurricane and I worked in the legis as a staff attorney although I was not yet an attorney I worked uh as committee staff so I obviously had the politic political connections uh got to understand the mechanics uh of of the fora house in the legislature meet the legislative staff which are some of the best government staff I've ever dealt with in my entire career or at the State of Florida um and then was lobbying on contract my third year of law school and I graduated um fortunately all of those individuals that had helped run their campaigns were in uh various degrees of leadership including Regulatory Affairs chair Appropriations chair which benefited this body at that time and and future speakers and then I split my practice uh also between that and uh Municipal representation so um that's a little bit about me mostly the political side the legal side but you know Ryan and I are very different we work very well together uh because we're not the same we're ying and yang so thank you go ahead Henry you can over the last four years I've been trying to to get along with you guys and I ask you questions but you don't give me the right answers okay in the past you said you were not representing sugar if it wasn't last year it was the year before I gave you the name in your organization who was representing sugar I assume that is not not the case any longer I hope you tell me that is not the case but I followed up and you did have somebody representing sugar the other problem that I have is we're paying you $108,000 a year what have you done for us and not the automatic stuff that the state decides to give us money for such as clean water and Peter will justify all that but what have you gone to bat for us and said we we did this for you that's my question for the last four years you probably won't have to worry about it next year but I have to say it again this year what have you done to justify the $108,000 I'd be happy to answer it councilman so this last legislative session in 2024 The Village did not get any Appropriations there was a $300,000 appropriation for a fireboat that was vetoed by the governor in the 2023 legis islative session The Village received half a million dollars in legislative Appropriations um and so in addition to what you talk about in terms of key stewardship funding which is roughly $20 million per year which again I understand we've had this conversation before that you don't see as unique to the Village of alada uh in 2023 there was half a million dollars delivered to the Village um those are the things that we are willing and ready to work on for you in the 2025 legislative session um if when staff and Mr Cole have projects um not only in Grants but from a legislative appropriation standpoint representative Mooney and Senator Anna Maria Rodriguez have been very big champions for the village of Al marada we have worked with them to bring money back to the Village no I understand that but I want to see you be creative earn the 108 quite frankly just being there and going along with the tide so to speak doesn't separate you from the rest and I just want to see is I want you to come in here and say well we came up with this idea it was our idea we pushed for it and you got it that's what I'm looking for so so Henry I want to say something Ryan because Ryan you you've called me many times okay since I've been elected in 2020 and even when I've came to Orlando or Tallahassee and you said there's a half a billion dollars sitting there what requests do you guys do you have shovel ready projects you've called our our one of some of our former staff that's no longer with us and they told you we didn't have any shovel ready projects okay that wasn't his fault that's our fault that we don't didn't have that so he can't help us if we're not willing to help our own self okay now he's there for us and you know I call Ryan all the time and say Ryan what you know what about this project what about that now Mr Kohl's had a lot more communication with him but it upsets me when I had dinner with him one night and he said there's a half a billion dollars there but you guys have no you have nothing going in you have no shovel ready projects okay okay that's not his fault that's our fault because we if you don't ask you can't receive I'll concede that to you you're absolutely right that's our fault the manager before this gentleman right here the county comes to these guys they have proposals Henry I know exactly what you're talking about the county does every year the county have we ever done that no so so I think if if I could um I think you're right we we've really failed on that and and it's been made clear To Us by this group that that as an organization we have failed on that yet we continue to pay pay this group and yet I think that there's a change um as you recall we went to Tallahassee Mark and I were there we came back we had conversations with Mr Cole he understands how to work with the lobbyist and what I'm hearing Mr Cole say is that he is in the process of creating a legislative agenda I don't know what else I mean unless we think he's lying which I don't think he is I think we are on the right track but good point to say we have we have failed but I don't think that it's really fair to accuse these gentlemen of of of of not doing a job and coming up with projects for us I mean that is that's on us so I'm excited to think that we are um moving in the right direction under the leadership of Mr Cole and it my sense is that this group is quite responsive had you not interrupted me I was about to say the very same thing just for just for your information okay I appreciate that okay that's fine so that's where we are the other thing that I think of periodically unless we change the method and we get on back on the stick which I feel with this manager it'll get done but I've always had a problem because the same thing that the county uses you for Key West uses you for is repetition for what we're going to use you for why couldn't we just sit back and save 108 and when we need something for one particular reason we pay for that would that be justified most so in my mind councilman if you'll allow me um again when there are those unique projects that the village has put forward such as 20203 uh where there were half a million dollars worth of projects that were brought back that is going to differentiate you from Key West from Monroe County to your earlier Point Monroe County and the City of Key West establish a legislative agenda and then go given Direction so as an attorney and as a lobbyist I can't act on behalf of my client without their consent you know that right so again I think you would be hardpressed to find someone legitimately that would be ready at the waiting who would be successful for you who would say on Tuesday I need you to go ahead and start this process when it is a year-long process okay so if anything our discussion has proven to be eventful we're we're we will well some of these folks I don't know you're not here I'm not here uh approvement in the future I feel that's going to take place so having said that next time you see me I'll be sitting over there okay with I look forward to seeing you whether there or over here understand that your time is up so thank you very much for taking the time to show up I appreciate that and I'm done okay go ahead I I just like to say something um in the four years that I've been here this time you know we we have to accept the blame at at this Das for not properly um asking for things and putting those that that's all on us as we've said but I think it one thing that is very much um underappreciated for what you do for us is on the defense side and you know you've called us in the middle of the legislative session and said hey this thing's coming up what's your position on there you know there's all these legislative preemptions that try to take away our power you guys are whispering in our hey watch this one do this one let us talk to this one we had a difficulty when we were trying to get the swim Zone legislation passed and uh you were instrumental in rescuing that from the jaws of death those are not money things those are protection things and I know a lot of the things that you've done you want to highlight some of those that's fine I mentioned the swim Zone but it's sad that no one really sees that and appreciates that the other thing is that there are five municipalities plus Monroe County in the area of critical State concern that we're in here and your firm is kind of a specialized RAR there's only a handful if that many that know this that understand what it means and and you know Henry was was trying to piggyback on some of the benefits that you provide to those others but we're all unique all of the municipalities but we all share a general situation common things and so your expertise in that is instrumental in uh you know the protection side the defense side and then asking for things so we got shot down by the governor that's not your fault so but you got us there you know you got us to the finish line so we thank you for that but I just wish more people would be appreciative of your protective side you know you are a shield and a sword so if you want to say a few words on that be my guest thank you well councilman thank you um I I do think the swim zone is a perfect example because this was an amendment to a piece of legislation that happened what was it three sessions ago at this point 2021 2021 um that really occurred in about week seven of a week n legislative session it it proceeded um and was placed onto another piece of legislation that was on the floor um of the House of Representatives and representative Mooney um was instrumental in working with what is now the future speaker come November of this year um to help alleviate that issue um but again it is those crisises that occur during a 60-day legislative session which is part of the issue of a part-time legislature um the fact that again an emergency can arrive in week four of legislative session we are there beforehand to help with your elected representatives in Tallahassee to tell your story um to tell your needs we can only do that based upon a give and take conversation with you all um the communication has never been an issue right that we we have consistently communicated with the village for a number of years uh but when it comes to those priorities we are now seeing what was you know lacking in the last quite frankly 12 to 14 months well thank you and that speaker you mentioned is going to Danny Perez correct yes sir who you guys have a good relationship with very good Joseph grew up with speaker Perez um for for a many number of years um so we look forward to his leadership yeah only thing I'll add too is uh keep in mind your 2011 um the your vacation rental ordinance that is protected in statute by 2011 is targeted every single year make no mistake that is the Boogeyman and it takes a lot of effort to say hey area of critical State concern or pre- 2011 has to be carved out and I just thought about that Councilman Greg because you talked about the policy side which really can't be quantifiable but it's really quality you know policy wins or losses and someone uh mentioned that you know there's automatic funds those stewardship funds are not automatic you got to keep your foot on those or somebody's going to jerk them out from under you and that's your job you do that every year for usure of each presiding officer every two years that's right that's right anybody else have any I just want to say that um I um look look forward to the next two years up here working with you gentlemen and giving you projects and with the exception of where you went to school cuz I'm a cuz I'm a gator okay I want I think you guys do a great job and don't bring up that game okay all right but thank you very much for what you do for us and I agree with what has been said that uh you do a lot behind the scenes and I know that so thank you thank you all right with that said do uh there's no more further discussion do I hear a motion I move for approval I'll second it all right Marne we have a motion in a second would you call the role please council member Mark Greg yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Henry rosenfall yes and mayor buddy Pender yes that motion passes 5 to zero thank you Ryan and Joseph see you all soon thank you Mr Cole's going to have a a book this we're going to have a book this time okay we're going to Joseph and I will be happy to be back before the start of the legislative session we'll meet with each of you individually we'll go over it we'll discuss tactics Etc happy to do that we'll do some sports fishion okay thank you thanks guys all right safe travels okay John we're moving on to tab 17 tab 17 is a resolution of the Village Council of isamar Village of violence Florida approving change order number one to the agreement between Isam Village of Island and ASAP Inc related to the green turtle hammock preserve Basin Improvement project authorizing a village officials to implement the terms and conditions of change order number one authorizing Village manager to expend budgeted funds and providing for an effective date Peter hey good evening Council so uh ASAP Incorporated just completed the green turtle hammock Basin Improvement project that entailed the stabilization of the shoreline the entire shoreline uh in circling the Basin there have been heavily eroded and degraded uh and that entailed the rip wrap and also seaw Walling and bulkheading and they also installed a new kayak launch for us uh so the project turned out really nice they just finished up uh we're super happy with it however during the construction uh they realized the contractors and our Engineers with CP realized that the current dock that's within the Basin there it's an old wooden dock that it was structurally becoming compromised uh crumbling a little bit it has wooden 4x4 pilings that were beginning to erode or um yeah Road at the water line at the sediment line Sorry U so we asked ASAP what it would take uh should we look into replacing this we asked them for an estimate for that uh we feel they gave us a very reasonable estimate uh the current dock within the Basin this is the only place where a boat can currently Mo or dock right now we do have boats that come in to use The Preserve and we do expect even more boats to come in once the cilian project is done another another uh reason we believe this is a good idea is because a do is also part uh a component within the current management plan for the property and then finally and maybe most importantly we already do right now currently have both the federal and the state permits in hand to work within this water body so that that's huge for us uh we are going to have to replace this stock someday it's old it's wooden it's failing so if we're going to replace it because of those items I just laid out uh now would be the time to do it if and ASAP is still somewhat mobilized there they're very familiar they just finished the work so we kind of tie right into what they were doing uh the top of it would be the top of the new dock would be composite decking to match what we just did so uh for those reasons we are recommending that we do move forward and remove the existing dock construct a new dock using ASAP and it would just be a change order because we have a agreement so you'd be approving the change order with this resolution and we are recommending moving forward with it thank you Peter is there more money involved did I miss something so that's a good question so yes the cost sorry I didn't mention the cost to that so the estimate that was given to us by ASAP was $339,950 uh again for an 8T X 20ft dock that's an extremely reasonable and fair estimate so the the the project the main project was fully Grant funded however we did not account for this so this cost would be uh come out of the Parks and Recreation impact fee that's our um suggestion or potentially the the local government uh infrastructure sales Sur tax is another option to fund this okay Council anybody have any other questions for Peter okay all right thank you Peter uh public comment we have any public comment Marney no we do not okay public comment is now closed uh do I hear a motion to approve move for approval hear a second second second all right so we have a motion Marne and a second by coun uh Elizabeth Jolan and uh would you call the rooll please coun she did she council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes and mayor buddy Pender yes that motion passes 5 to Z all right tab 18 actually we we have a tab X that was added at the request to council um last week where is it okay yeah it's uh tab X is a resolution of the Village Council of alam Village of violence Florida expressing opposition to the development currently being proposed on a portion of property located at 92501 Overseas Highway kargo at approximately mile marker 92.5 currently having partiel identification number 8949 - 0000000000 providing for transmittal of this resolution to certain people within the state and County all right thank you John for correcting me on that if I turn my paper out I saw it uh is there any public comment for this tab no there is not okay public comment is now closed Council any uh discussion on this okay go ahead um yeah so just this is really for Rob so just real quick if if we if um this were to pass would that be forwarded today or tomorrow morning to whom to whom would that be forwarded and well I would have to check with the county to see uh the appropriate referral but I would certainly give it to the County Administrator and then I would check with Jennifer to see okay who at the county is handling the case and provide it with to them as well yeah I I in the resolution there's a list of people to proposed to provide it to it was um uh the mayor and all the members of the BCC uh County Clerk the incoming County Administrator Christine Hurley the acting County you see okay thank you thank you you're welcome um and that would have to be done tomorrow assuming at morning right yeah I mean the the agenda item it's scheduled to be heard tomorrow yeah so would anticipate even if it's not fully signed that it should be forwarded over or we could if it's approved as is um honestly we could just you know hand sign it here tonight so it's ready to go okay vice mayor um I've had some time to reflect on this and um I am going to say no because I don't think it's our place as a governing body to tell another uh governing body how to handle their business I myself am not a big fan of this Public's going in but that's me as a person saying this I'm I don't think it's our place to tell the the people sitting on the council for Monroe County or the commission um choices to make and um so I'm no longer in favor of sending this I'm sorry I speak I I feel the same as the vice mayor I I I was supportive of this in general in principle I should say at the last meeting I made some remarks in that direction but again upon reflection um just a few short months ago we were in a crisis and this County stepped up and provided us not with one not two but three interim managers and they function more as a partner than as uh you know an adversary and you know the old Golden Rule of do unto others I wouldn't want them to tell us how to vote on something now we have passed resolutions in the past opposing other government's actions those were in primarily Dade County or with the Water Management District that's a different ball game um I don't see the county as an outside adversary those others maybe they are um and just in principle it would be disrespectful to them because they have been very very respectful and helpful to us so if I think that each of us has an option to appear and speak individually if that's our choice and to express our thoughts and opinions if that's our desire but I don't know that it's the right thing to do for this body and I would not be able to support this resolution well I'm going to I'm going to get off of Public's but I'm going to say you know what we've been talking about affordable Workforce housing and and they got 86 housing going in there the County's already got the units they don't need them from us they already got them so to me that's Workforce housing that's somebody putting their money where their mouth is and we sit around I don't know you know how many years we've talked about doing Workforce housing in Mar and it it doesn't seem to be happening alls we do is we talk about it we want to do it we want to start a fund and you know so I I can't go along with it either and the other one reason is because uh I see Judy sitting right there Judy called about she couldn't get lighted expanding uh generators lights for the Christmas festival remember Judy I made one phone call to the county in 10 minutes I was able call Judy back and said for our Christmas festival the night of the Christmas parade and they delivered them set them up and came on Monday and took them down Sunday or Monday I can't remember what it was but they backed us up and and and on many other occasions we've asked for favors for things and you know what we need to be working together that's the way I feel I didn't want the public in Alam marada on upper mumbi I personally didn't go in there for a year until after it opened but because it to me I grew up not we had to go to Homestead or to Marathon to go shopping so but anyways I will say this I man I commend him for doing the 86 affordable not affordable excuse me Workforce housing because we desperately need it and and and I'm going to back up to Hurricane irmer for a minute because I found out that the that HUD was trying to get they were willing to help with funding and permits because I worked in cudjo then I was working for the aqueduct as an underground utility contractor and HUD had actually had contacted several of us about finding someplace to build some big uh Workforce housing uh and it was I don't even know what the number was it was in the thousands that they not all one place but in different locations because we need Workforce housing Amazon's getting ready to employe a thousand people in Homestead and they're going to have benefits they're going to be very well paid and they're also going to cover the if if you have a child that's going to college from what I heard they will cover the tuition and and entirety okay as long as the the grades are being made so where are all those people that are coming here now and all of a sudden when Amazon opens up where are we going to get our people from that that come from from I did it I I ran two vans from Florida city and Homestead to after Hurricane Irma to try to get our jobs completed and it cost us a lot of extra money to have Vans running people back and forth from from Florida city and Homestead so uh you know our firefighters our team teachers our police officers they need a place to live you know and this is in the county this isn't in the village so I've said my piece uh Henry it's it's it's yours really you got the floor thank you very much I just have one comment to make it took me well over a year to talk to Publix as to what they can do for us and eventually I got to the highers ups and with the help of our attorney and Public's attorney they came out with a bag to save the plastic bags from being thrown in the water they ordered a thousand of them they didn't charge for them they gave them away the other day I was in there and they have bags again doesn't happen to have our emblem on it which is not that big a deal but I made it that way the last time and once again the bags are to save our fishing from those plastic bags so that's something they did I worked on it for a while eventually he got through and I have to say thank you and uh that's that's my only I want to commend you for doing staying on it being proactive and you got it done and I after you made that happen and I went in there and thanked all of them you know for for for what they did but it was you that you know stayed the course thank you so um so anyways with that being said uh do I hear a motion uh for this or I move to approve okay do I hear a second what's the motion please this motion is to approve the tab to approve the the resolution to send it to the county opposing their project we're telling public we don't we're telling the county we don't like it we don't want it do I hear a second going once going twice three times how much time we need John before motion dies motion didn't carry fails for a second yeah if nobody's willing to say all right okay so we don't need to go anywhere well I mean we I deal with it I I mean since it's an agenda item you can have a motion to um uh reject the the resolution do I hear a motion to deny this then I'll make a motion to deny it do I hear a second second okay Marne we have a motion to deny this um John is that right that I want to make sure we're right here we're going to deny this tab X yeah the yeah the resolution yes okay all right um we have a motion in a second to deny uh so Marney call the r please vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan no council member Henry Rosenthal yes and mayor buddy Pender yes the motion passes 4 to one okay okay so now we are on John what what are we on we're to our last item of uh our last action item which is an ordinance on second reading uh this is an ordinance of Isam Mara Village of violence Florida amending Chapter 30 Land Development regulations article 7 environmental regulations division 2 Docks and Shoreline uses section 30-1 1542 of the village code providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date thank you Council um this resolution is before you this evening for our second reading uh you approved this resolution on first re or this ordinance I'm sorry this ordinance on first reading at your August 8th meeting this is the uh Shoreline setback uh to allow Tiki Hut Tiki Huts to be built on docks parallel to the Shoreline on canals and man-made basins um this was the product of the variance that was before you several months ago um and the solution to the several number of uh existing Tiki Huts that potentially would need to be rebuilt if they were damaged or destroyed and so this is was our solution to that so this is again second reading after your first reading um on August 8th and I'm here to answer any additional questions you may have okay okay all right hold on one second I'm getting because I knew I'm looking at at I'm saying it says Mahoney okay I got it now okay all right sorry all right thank you Jennifer uh any public comment Marney no sir all right councel any communication any anything we want to discuss okay Mo for approval all right do I hear a second yeah I'll second it all right Marne we have a motion in second would you call the role please council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes and mayor buddy Pender yes that motion passes 5 to zero okay and John we tabled Sharon's 19 and 20 right that's where I was getting a little confused there sorry about that all right what else where we at now so before we adjourn I got two things okay go ahead do you have thing I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that our Thursday night meeting begins at 4:30 not 5:30 be advised or you'll wind up late like me the other days 4:30 was that change when did when did that change uh I think we said we wanted to get started early but if you'll look in the back of this packet just behind that chartreuse pink page you'll see the agenda you'll see the first page and it says Thursday 4:30 p.m. be there or B Square soad for reminding this Mark when the council wanted to interview all of the candidates for the comprehensive plan at that meeting you asked for it to be scheduled at 4:30 that night wow thank we didk you thank you Mark for reminding us you beta um that Elizabeth yeah that was one of my issues because but but that solves my problem and then um just real quick on the after action report I know we're not there but can I just say something about that in case you were going to skip over it so um I just wonder if we're still using that as a tool I know that for example um Diane got up and asked she made the recommendation about looking at the comprehensive vessel exclusion Zone but on the after action report it's actually just about Co speech so so I want to kind of get a handle on whether we're still using it seems like some of those things are a little bit outdated on the report are we still using that as a tool we talked about that very topic today and the need to update some of them that are a little bit out of date so yes it is still being used as a tool with respect to the exclusion Zone item I'm sure Pete is going to go back and update that to be something that is more akin to what we heard this evening and and and continue to track as we move forward on those various assignments the thing is that that was a suggestion by the committee but it wasn't really discussed among this group it was just a suggestion so do we need to have that conversation sorry so Diane go ahead um as far as what staff would do is we would bring that back as part of a conversation that would take place with Council and not immediately begin to implement it so um go ahead with the com with that line of question I just want to add that that we weren't like automatically assuming that's our Direction because it was a a committee report but weaving it in in a way that we have to have a touchstone on it in the future so I'm a little confused by what you just said but I think that the process is you get a you get a a suggestion from the committee we hear it and then we say yeah we want you to pursue it and then you bring it back is that fair fair okay so we heard this suggestion from Diane that uh their committee talked about the vessel exclusion Zone at Sunset Beach Sunset Drive Beach and they said no we don't want to the committee said we don't want to look at that space specifically and just close that beach we want you to look we want the village to look at a comprehensive solution for the entire Coastline right they don't want to create another balloon right from what just happened at Fort Antigua marlin so so the question I would have I mean and I and I think what we're trying to do is acknowledge and appreciate the work of these committees so the question I would have to you is do we want to ask staff to put this on the after action report and at some Future Point bring this conversation back to us as looking at it holistically looking at our entire Coastline because otherwise it's going to be gone and it's just going to be forgotten so that is a question for you all would we like to give that direction here okay anybody else did you understand the am I making myself clear would you like me to say that I think we could benefit from having a review of the entire shoreline yeah okay okay I I'll agree with that okay Henry let's let's do it what Henry doesn't seem to be the interest in time you know how long this is going to take everything takes time I understand that but the problem facing the homeowners is right now not a year from now well so am I right about that yeah yes can I just comment on that of course so one of the reasons that we utilize our committees is is to go out and and analyze some of these conversations in in depth and so what I heard Diane say is I think what I heard her say was that they had that discussion and they said rather than create another a bigger problem which which really has happened we closed Port Antigua and now we have this problem over here as soon as we Pro close this area there's going to be another problem in front of your front yard or my front yard um so they have analyzed this and this is their suggestion so there's no decision tonight except to say do we want to acknowledge their work and and ask for this to to just be entertained at a future point I mean heck it might take a year Mr Cole um just real quick I think that our staff Works closely with the volunteer committees including the Nearshore advisory committee and my direction to Pete would be to let's take a look at the request come back with a recommendation that uh reflects both the committee's interest and our professional staff's viewpoints and perspectives on next steps and what we can and can't do so in in brief response yeah that that could be something that says what's going on on the entire shoreline and how do we deal with the microcosm of this particular beach at the same time let staff opine on that after having discussed the matter with the with the advisory counsil and and see where we go from there but uh it's not a definitive answer but it's a conversation that needs to take place and inform uh council's future consideration of the topic using both professional staff and the volunteers thank you Mr Cole anything else tonight's the presidential debate 9 o' Channel 10 bring your popcorn and watch the fireworks so Henry do I hear a motion for adjournment no you don't no no you know if you want to deal with these individually it's going to take forever and ever and we're going to talk about every short line around the whole city that's going to take forever and the people that are having the problem that won't be addressed for a long time so that's that's where I have the problem now if you if if I'm wrong I'm wrong but I think we I get what you're saying okay what you're saying is I think because this is so bad on Sunset yes I think I an agree that we need to look at the whole whole everything but why can't we be looking at the whole everything and unfortunately cut me right off take and take care of take care of the one right now 100% I agree with you so can we sort of do two things at once like juggle I I think that might be possible and as far as I'm aware Pete is continuing to investigate the one that we already have an assignment to pursue so there's nothing in this conversation I've heard yet that precludes continuing progress on that specific Beach while at the same time engaging on the question of what do we do more broadly because of the squeezing the balloon phenomenon and that's a thing that I think requires a little bit more staff consideration uh discussion with the volunteers and reaching consensus we deal with this particular problem he's he's going to you're going to bring back to us prior direction from Council was for staff to at least take a look at that particular Beach and begin investigating how we might go about um addressing that issue and I think Pete came and he did a presentation if he's still here I'm not sure um he's not here to come back and speak about it again but but he did relate a lot of information to council at that time and we can come back with an additional update to see you know where we're at at present but uh know where they might go next they might come in where you're going to sapadilla drive in that big Basin that Alonzo cine du they might come in there and just tie up you know how many boats you know like like like like when I went to Salt Spring Run man I came in there on a pontoon boat and there was 300 boats I thought I was at all of sand bar at the headring we can promise the people that are having the problem on Sunset Drive that it will it'll be taken care of but not until everything is done we're not going to put it off put it off for all that length of time I get what you're saying you get what I'm saying Henry you know I was just teasing you that's where you live that's your D live that's right that's exactly right go ahead I have something after the the manager thank you I just want to make sure that it's clear uh I would not want to promise the people on Sunset Drive that we can solve the problem at this point because that was part of what staff presented on last time was they had a to take a look at some of the complexities of the regulatory environment including the bottom and all the permitting and the costs associated with it so it was a commitment to investigate not to solve but with a hope of being able to solve perfect what I wanted to say is that we missed an opportunity with our lobbyists uh if we had thought of this we could have asked them how they could help us at the legislative level to perhaps expand our jurisdiction out past the 1300 foot limit that we have now or to strengthen what we have within the 1300 foot limit we are seeing an increasing frequency of conflicts along improved shorelines not the unimproved ones it is unlikely that that is going to diminish in the near future or a far future so uh I will leave it to the vice mayor in her role in November and thereafter to guide the council and speak to the lobbyists and save our Village from the pirates that could be done now too I mean it's not like you're not in communication with them right we mean that dire you know call them when he they those guys are flying going back to Miami and flying out give them a call Buddy tell them save us save our butts you got their cell number too yes sir that's a good call okay okay I move for adjournment you now you move for ajour Henry you sure all right are we good y okay all right thank you e