##VIDEO ID:OcGB6ucPAnI## e e e e e e ch e e e e e e e e e e e e e e start momentarily we're just waiting on mark for a minute e e e e e e e e e e e e e the meeting to order please Marney would you call the role please council member Mark Greg here council member Elizabeth Doolan here council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney here and mayor buddy Pender here we have a quorum all right AJ okay uh I've asked AJ to lead us in the pledge to the five of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we're going to have a quick prayer and we will get rolling here Lord thank you for this awesome day that you have made today let us rejoice and be glad in it and uh we ask that you would lead and guide and direct each and every one of us uh through this budget process meeting this evening this budget hearing we ask your blessing upon all that are here all that are uh if they are watching from home or Zoom or whatever uh we just thank you for all the beauty here for the beautiful uh the rain we've been and just the just all the the natural the nature and the Wonder here in Alam marada just thank you and we ask blessings uh over all those that are here and we ask this in your name amen amen okay how Council how about uh deletions or emergency additions anybody have any oh actually I I do have a question um I don't know if this is an emergency Edition or not but I'd like to throw it out there do we have does this group um have any interest in weighing in on the Public's um issue that the county will be deciding on because if we have an interest then we should do that sooner than later okay what public can you explain us Public Public public in right I know it's it's um it's I think a lot of people I know are really concerned about the impact on Isa marata and I wondered if the body this body has an interest in in putting forth an opinion yeah I'm happy I'm happy to discuss it um as long as it's okay to discuss it at a budget hearing um yeah I don't know I I don't I don't know or um it's it it's it's time sensitive because I think that the meeting is on the 11th is that right the the county meeting is on the 11th and our next meeting is the 10th oh the 10th you know I think it'd be better to talk about on the 10th a normal council meeting because this is a budget hearing Mark's got a point um well um if I mean it's the county I mean we can weigh in whatever however we want but you know I mean we yeah it's just as a statement I I would say that it it's uh I would like the public to to be aware and have an opportunity to speak on it if that's what the council because it is you're right this is a kind of a not just a Village Wide but it impacts a lot of people on both sides of the uh tavanir Creek Bridge and folks may want to say their piece about it pro or con and if we put it on the agenda for Tuesday at least give some people a little time to rev up but if you want to have a few words amongst ourselves tonight I'm I can do both I'm happy with both yeah I mean I if if if I don't want to put this Council in a position to like you know make anyone uncomfortable about making a statement but you know that's what we're here for so if we wanted to maybe put it on the agenda and have yeah like the idea of having public weighin and then create I don't know would it be a resolution or something that we would forward to the county Henry you have any opinion yeah whatever you want to do it's I I don't want to extend this meeting quite frankly yeah that's I I think it's I think it's improper a budget hearing uh Elizabeth I that's fine yeah so are we in agreement we'd like to hear it on the Tuesday meeting it would be it would the request would be to wave this um thing we have about um not putting anything on the agenda within 8 days of the council meeting so we're within seven days this is just a discussion okay that you want to talk about so that should be if you want to bring that up at before the meeting and say that this is what you want to talk about then we can do that well but actually just just as a I mean we I just have this go head R yeah um I think there's room in our agenda typically for emergency additions and given the timeline and involved in the County's action uh that qualifies under those circumstances uh otherwise yes when council members are requesting things be added to the agenda there's a couple of filters that go on that the first one is the 8-day threshold so if we're eight days ahead and then secondarily it's it's how much workload is needed because if it's a a request with a substantial workload then we actually have to bring that to council with direction to proceed before uh that action is undertaken but this is not this wouldn't be an agenda item at at a regular meeting this is just discussion that she wants to talk about let I'm sorry no no you go um I just wanted to say that if there is an expectation for a resolution to be prepared with a particular policy statement it would be helpful tonight to have Council provide Direction on what you want to see said in that resolution so that the one we bring forward forward for September 10th accurately reflects council's sentiment um if we're just going to have a motion and a declaratory statement of sorts at September 10th and no resolution then we can wait till the 10th so resolution we should discuss it right now and provide some direction um less formal action at on September 10th where we as staff can follow up and and write a a you know a message or or a public letter to the county we can do that without having to discuss it tonight as long as come to 10th we understand what council's position is so can I can I can I reprocess that by saying we can have a a brief discussion about it tonight and if it's the will of the council to consider a resolution next Tuesday that would then give you adequate time to J up a resolution Pro or con or whatever we're going to say correct okay I'm I forgotten about our emergency um exception there so with that being the case I'm happy to discuss it tonight okay vice mayor you want to chime you're okay all right okay all right so when do we want to discuss or I would say that you should discuss it now before we open the public hearing on the budget items that way there's no it doesn't bleed into the budget hearing um that those will be separate in distinct items thank you John okay go ahead Elizabeth you got the floor well um I'm sure we've all been following this issue with public coming in and there is certainly um room for public input there's still time for that I I I think it would be a detriment to um uh the community to to to um vote for that and I would love to see a statement from this town um expressing that now I would also just so there's my opinion um I would look forward to this being on the agenda for the public to weigh in at the next meeting to affirm or deny this conversation right that that this conclusion that we draw tonight so yeah I would like to express to the the county that we are not interested in seeing that um happen well well in the past uh before the ladies joined us on the council we had a couple of resolutions I remember one in particular where the council passed a unanimous resolution to oppose the development of the commercial place near the airbase and Homestead um and to change the zoning up there in the agricultural area just on the edge of the biscane national park and I think we had a couple other things that we opposed that were environmentally oriented and they were outside our our jurisdiction so I feel comfortable in us if we wanted to make a statement Pro or con about that supporting or denying so um I I have a lot of concerns about it I mean that's there's a lot of traffic up there they put that new light there that goes in right by Harry Harris that's just a short distance away the neighbors I mean if this this is not our backyard I mean this is in our backyard it's not in our our jurisdiction but if that were to happen here and it would be near my house I would say no I I wouldn't I wouldn't like that near my house um I appreciate everybody wanting more shopping opportunities and options there especially given some of the limitations now in that area um so I'd like to hear some public input on this if we can put it on the agenda next Tuesday but um I I I if I were on the County Commission I would vote no for that okay Henry I don't really care to discuss it tonight if you want to advertise it for the next meeting and have the public speak to it that's fine with me but not tonight thank you okay thank you Sharon huh I don't think we need more traffic there so I'm opposed to it as well so all right I'm I'm going to go with what Henry saying that I think we need to just put it on the meeting uh on the 10th and we can discuss it then okay yep okay so could we um with respect to everyone's time because we have three people who are opposed to it could we ask our staff if they have time whoever that would be to create something for us to review and hear public comment if there is not if we hear some if we hear opposition to our our opposition um then we can drop it but at least we have enough time for the staff and public to weigh in so to give direction to the staff to have a have a resolution ready uh to oppose the I'm not sure the exact action to the approval of the project at that location or something with a little more detail in there mile marker 92 Publix whatever sure um we can prepare a resolution that expresses opposition to that project on the grounds of traffic and other community impacts then we can place that on the September 10th agenda and we'll have public comment at that time and the board can then vote whether to proceed in issuing it or not uh we we'll accept whatever Council Direction there is that evening okay all right anybody else have anything for under deletions or additions I just want to speak to public comment I'm just going to leave it up to you okay to if you feel it's necessary throughout the meeting it's your baby okay okay all right all right all right if you Henry if you there's something you want to bring up bring it up to me yeah no I don't have anything think in particular but we just went through a meeting where public comment was activated in the middle of the meeting to satisfy the situation okay assuming we will not have the situation at night we don't have to address it but if we do I'm going to leave it up to you to make the call okay you got it young you got it okay um okay uh so there is no reports or presentations or announcements scheduled so that brings up public comment Marne do we have any public comment uh somebody signed up for public comment tonight yes we do uh Joe zimac followed by Jill zaborski okay well good evening I'm back now I want you to know there's nothing personal what I'm going to say it's only about business and we are a business we pleas remember that by the way thank you manager Cole for your weekly or monthly update and your reference to go back to 2.65 millage versus the three why not I ask you to implement the Toyota Way asking five yse and budget requirements our new Finance director must understand the five y if you haven't then there's a book over in the library called the Toyota way on how to run a billion doll worldwide organization with five wise and ask you to take a look at it and maybe instruct the committee on how to do it basically if you don't see it go to YouTube it's all on there too I'm sure the finance director will help you all also I'd like to have you look at zero based budgeting you've heard me say this before the finance director do you know what zerob based budgeting is okay why are we do to budget 10% more than last year go back to zero based budgeting may have to justify what you want to spend not the same as last year look at zero based budgeting where each department starts with zero and must determine and understand the value keyword value of hwise of the budget request remember this is nothing personal just business okay Island Rod of Village Vehicles part of budget I have here U some photos which I'll pass out for a record I took last night please take them somebody's got to pay for those Vehicles there are 14 of them parked out there four new Chevy ck1 1500s and 10 Ford F-150s who manages the use of those V 14 Vehicles who are they assigned to and why what's the business usage of those Vehicles each day is there a vehicle sign out sheet and accountability of the usage who provides the gas and the credit card to fuel them we have 70 employees in the village give or take and 14 Vehicles that's four people per vehicle I don't understand that lastly please do not consider this time the replacement of the IC vehicles or internal combustion vehicles with uh hybrid electric I passed out to the Village manager that basically there's a fire hazard way we of designed and way they are existing in our current level of Technology on hybrid and electric vehicles in the last 100,000 vehicles have been looked at either hybrid or EV been 25 fires with EVS 1530 fires per vehicle with gasoline power 3,00 475 vehicles that are hybrid now the fire department's not here but if you don't know it takes 10,000 gallons of water to put out a hybrid or electric vehicle vehicle fire this technology is not ready for prime time here in isada I passed out to our village uh manager two magazines one on electric vehicles written in English the other on what's going on with fires also a couple of pictures here I printed from there showing the fires that occur if you don't manage those Vehicles don't keep them separated and don't do it right so we're not quite ready for that prime time is not ready for EVS thank you thank you Joe Joe thank you Jill zaborski Plantation key um I watched the kilargo wastewater treatment district meeting and it is deeply concerning um every holiday weekend or so it seems ilam rada's um flow causes Brakes in a sewer pipe around my marker 92 and um the general manager of the kilago Wastewater District referred to it as the eighth time that pipe has broken that in that place and I understand today he talked about it being the ninth time regardless it's nine times too many and um the problem is they believe that isada does not operate its Wastewater properly that we operate it like an onoff um circuit breaker box because that's easy it's a flip of a switch and they say repeatedly it is not the way to to control the flow despite that IA continues to operate as usual and causes them tremendous problems they Valu us as their largest customer and we treat them like the proverbial waste their their their treating um it's embarrassing our employees should know what they promised and they should follow through on what they promised we have promised that we would go out for engineering design and drawings they don't receive them we make promises we don't keep they are really really upset and if this is true then I think that we need to be a better customer I mean it's mortifying to hear 2 hours of meeting basically lambasting Island marada because our waste depart Wastewater department is incompetent and we have to do better we simply have to do better and if we need to hire wer engineering who I understand was an option way back in the day when we were designing our system if they are available if they are competent then we need to look at Alternatives but but you know we might be dropped as a customer for good reason and then what are we going to do with our sewage thanks thank you Jill uh Marne anybody else want to speak yes we have Mr wishme on Zoom okay okay go ahead Mr wishme yes Joe wishm Plantation Keith Mr Mayor and councel I know dealing with the budget is long and difficult in dealing with hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents some things may start to blend together keeping public economy and best interest in mind should be your number one priority with that in mind again I would congratulate this Council on a proposed millage rate of 2.65 I would also like to remind you that at that rate it is still a 4.5% increase over our roll back rate which is 2.52 Ms with that increase combined with taxable value of 729 million do plus the 40% in the Hurricane fund that we discussed at our last uh Workshop instead of the 25% like the county and all there should be sufficient funds to cover the proposed budget I don't know why some of you are so opposed to competitive bidding on many issues from Wastewater to legal and even vendors all we want is the best value for our hard-earned money that should always be number one priority regarding charitable donations made available by Council I do not agree that using taxpayer money is the right thing to do we the taxpayers may or may not agree with some of the organizations sometimes even the council can't agree on on certain things if a poll was taken and everyone agrees then that would be a charity to give the money to I remember Councilman Greg saying a week ago or so that you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a millionaire in our community and those Charities should be approaching those people for the money that way those people would make sure that the Charities they care about actually get the money that they want to donate and remember we also need to start looking for money for the new land acquisition fund this would be a good start thank you very much okay Marty anybody else no sir that's it public comment is now closed all right Rob I believe you're up so we can if we want to go ahead and do this uh thing here um I I I just would like to say something when we start this I I I have to listen to what he just said because I've had people call me and I after we do this we'd already this has all been done but I to me I don't think that this is our position I believe that the taxpayers should have a right to give the money to the 501c3 that they choose theirself instead of us giving the money away for them okay unless there's a bunch of people that come forward that would like to say we want the village to continue this I I I don't think this is um I know we already made the promise but I I don't I don't think it should be us I think we should let the taxpayers do it and he had a great idea there just a minute ago about you know that's money that could be going into the mitigation fun for planting trees or whatever all right uh mark would you have any any comment about that that I I'm just saying you you talk you've been talking about trees and stuff and I'm saying every little bit helps so that I'm only one of five so that's just my personal opinion okay and if anybody else want to say anything before we get on this vice mayor I think the council as a whole should maybe decide where to take this in the future I agree with you I don't think it's our position to decide we all have different feelings on things different charities I myself run a charity and I've never asked for the village to fund us at all yet we've taken care of the village animals for years so um I think it's a personal decision who you want to donate your U money to and I don't think five people who are put here for not to decide on Charities for other reasons should have a say so that's just my opinion so Henry I agree with what you just said um I think we make the decision for us right now and not deal with the future with the next uh Council they can do whatever they want but I'm in agreement there and there and that should carry the evening okay Mark I can count to three but I still have a right to speak I'm looking at the sheet that we're looking at if y'all want to see it maybe it's on the table over there this is our the results of our voting on this and the total that we're to give out is $62,000 and that's a lot of money you could you could almost buy a nice car with that but when you look at the top three or four uh the the community Ministry at the First Baptist Church the good health clinic and iare and then the Florida Keys sh Children's Shelter and then there's uh Keys ahac these and the Healthy Start these are programs that affects people's survival their life These are these are these are really base services to help people get through life and and if this community of millionaires that's worth how much are we worth in our assessment $6.5 billion dollar we can't shell out 62,000 for people in need at the bottom of the economic ladder shame on us shame on us Mark I personally give money to the Baptist Church because I think it's a great thing but is it you know maybe some of the our residents that we represent feel like they should it should be going to a different 501c3 well that's why we're here you know they feel that way but you know we look at things from a different this is a different perspective when they're looking this way that's one thing but when we're looking out here and I mean this literally as well as figuratively we're looking at the effects on the whole community that $62,000 will go a long way to relieve suffering and problems for a whole lot of people that really really really need it and we've talked about cutting the budget because Henry said people really need some help I think the vice mayor also agreed with that and I I I still I feel that sense too but I mean you know this is of all the things to cut out couldn't we find something else my goodness I I give up if I was going to stay I'd give up my Village council salary and put it all in here okay what about trees mark Cuz you want I I love trees as you've heard me complain about you know wrecking them in the past um if you're going if you're suggesting that we're going to take this $62,000 and go out and plant trees in a hammock obviously I would love that but knowing that someone is has a disease and illness and injury and they're suffering because we're cheap skates and we we're afraid that the Public's going to yell at us for helping somebody I'm I'm happy to take that abuse if they want to do that bring it on but I'm going to smile when I see people feeling well and doing getting back to work in the community because it's a lot of folks that do hard labor and work with their hands and not in their backs rather than with their brains and and but some of them do I mean it can happen to anybody but I'm sorry I have strong feelings about this I'm with you okay all right Elizabeth yeah I mean we it's it's such a great time to talk about this because we've got the budget right in front of us and we can see that we're spending like $80,000 to um repave or maybe it's 65,000 to repave the pickle ball courts we're we're spending $105,000 on holiday lights and people can't eat I mean oh my God so you know what might be and and I think it brings up an interesting conversation about what what is government for there's a philosophical conversation here who do we want to help and it would be an interesting exercise to be very intentional about how we spend our money I I mean it goes on and on when we look at nothing personal the extraneous things I mean we're spending $500,000 on a playground I I I mean and and that's assuming that all the parents in town have the extra time to bring their kids to the playground when actually maybe they have a second job and they're trying to put food on the table I mean it's it's a philosophical difference that it sounds like we're having um I um what what might be interesting is to tighten up the um the restrictions or the um how we give money and and that might make this more palatable for someone but I I would defy any um village resident to go to the First Baptist Church and look at their food bank and say yeah this is such wasted money or or go to the health clinic and say no wow you know forget it we do not want to put put money here so yeah I I that's all all right so Rob you got it uh just to confirm what I'm hearing is a consensus from Council three of five indicating that we should remove the charitable contribution portion of the budget when we come back for the next budget hearing uh if that's no no I was saying that we've already this has all been promised they came thing the yeah in the future the new Council can look at this 25 26 knows who's going to be up here so in the new Council that's all this is actually a policy we have this isn't we don't this it's something we do it was passed by resolution thank you for saying that we're not going to go back on this but you can't you would have to change the policy for next year to be clear is are we on agreement well shouldn't the next Council make that decision I mean we shouldn't handcuff them here that's not right I wouldn't like that you wouldn't either no one would that's what I said right okay you know I've been I've been in a habit on a couple occasions to give startup money to a couple organizations one was I care if I remember correctly and I gave him $50,000 there was another organization that I proposed $50,000 the dental van okay right and these are all Health Care organizations but somewhere along the line they have to grab the problem themselves I mean that's just just the way I feel I mean we are I won't get into it now but we're $2 million short of the budget right now and there's all kinds of ways to cut it I want to give you a compliment or uh lady that's handling the finances um the way the way you wrote Lisa the way you want it way way you wrote it up you deserve a compliment believe me so to me I think it should be dealt with now if we're going to if we're going to impose something on the next Council I think we should impose it on ourselves and if you made promises or whatever it is we can't keep those promises we just can't do that there's a lot of stuff in that budget that we cannot do so I mean if you want to pass it I guess you're going to be without my vote because I'm I just filled out the paperwork do not fund for everybody I'm not happy about doing that but that was me one clean sweep I think it was $161,000 total and we need all those hundreds of thousands of dollars to make this budget work we got $25,000 in the budget and $27,000 I mean million dollars in deficit that's not the way you deal with the budget the gentleman that that in fact I mentioned it once before if you do it right you start with a zero balance and you work going up this man is absolutely right every budget that I've been involved with I said what do you what have you C and it was never a cut for anything didn't make any difference I understand these organizations coming to us but it's Christmas time every budget hearing for these organizations and they're right in asking there's no question about that but that I've set my piece I hope it carries through the rest of the evening so that's it I think we should make the decision now if you're going to budget and and and give them the money do it now and if you don't want to withhold it now and don't put it on the next group coming in here in a few weeks all right thank you Henry Rob mayor thank you I apologize for getting the uh the Quorum wrong or the the vote wrong there but in any case uh we will be presenting on the charitable giving results here momentarily before we get there just want to remind everybody we've had three budget workshops leading up to today we had them on August 21st 2nd and 3rd uh Council provided direction to return with a budget that hit a millage rate of 2.65 uh We've presented in our paperwork here a budget that does exactly that uh we were asked to develop or incorporate I should say a $3 million fund for uh property acquisition you'll see in the scenarios that we've presented that that has been addressed as well U some of the scenarios have lesser amounts of funding all the way down to zero I believe on that number but those are for Council review and consideration and so we'll have our finance director walk us through with an overview first of the budget then she'll get into the scenarios that we've prepared which illustrate for both Council and the community what's still in the budget and what was cut in order to achieve that particular um millage rate um before we get get to the budget presentation I'll invite Stephanie Rodriguez up and she'll go over the um the um charitable giving summary um and I'd also like to credit Stephanie and uh Lisa for their exceptional work in preparing uh the budget presentation and uh just the general format and content of what U councilman Rosenthal was commenting on a little while ago that was a team effort and everyone involved U both in finance and the manager's office that uh helped to make that happen I I have a great sense of appreciation for and our staff as well for you know putting in the time and effort to uh really think about their budget and and help us in a period that we're transitioning from an older way of doing budgeting to improved ways of doing it uh we haven't reached our destination yet we're still in transition to a better approach to Municipal budgeting uh but we've made significant strides nonetheless in a very short amount of time so um kudos to all of our staff the individuals who worked on this presentation and again all of our department heads are trying to row in the same direction on this topic and with that having been said Stephanie if you could cover the charitable contribution summary that would be great and then we'll lead uh right into lease after that where you can do your overview and presentation thank you sure hello Council um what you have in front of you is an aggregate summary of all the presentations you heard at the third budget workshop on August 23rd based on the um recommended award amount tiers that we established um those are the column that's second to your left or second to your right rather um is the award amount that we are recommending this is open to council discretion um I'd like to point to Keys aack um as there is a question as to whether or not funds per the resolution there is a question as to whether or not funds can be used for salaries directly and it has to be with written approval from Council um and we had a quorum that said that they do not wish to use those funds for salaries and since ah HEC has only requested those funds for salaries they would not be receiving any funding based on the recommendations that we have okay so what do we need to give you some guidance on that Stephanie yes on on any of the amounts so if you want to change any of the amounts that's an open conversation um the keys ah Haack I just wanted to highlight as I mentioned before because of that salary disclaimer um but all these are open to your all's um to make this process as open and transparent as possible so that uh prospective recipients of this funding would be aware of how we were structuring our approach to it this year uh we broke it out into the top 33% middle 33% and bottom 33% in the in the top 33% the maximum award that we circulated on our scoring sheets was going to be $10,000 and um if a particular entity that scored in the top one3 requested less than the amount that was appropriate for that category they would receive their requested amount not the the upper end limit so that's why you'll see for instance a 2500 uh allocation for Keys uh Children's Shelter in the top 33% because uh they requested to $2,500 then on down the line to the bottom where the maximum for the bottom 33% uh was $3,000 I believe and the middle was 5,000 so unless Council has uh given reconsideration to the formula that we use to come up with these staff recommendation would be to stick to the formula because that's U the Level Playing Field that we established from the beginning but again as Stephanie highlighted it's up to you ultimately to what we need to do with the aack because that's a dental van it goes for the kids that can't get you know can't afford Dental Care well with with with ahac um we had a majority of council members who indicated they did not want to pay for salaries only so if anyone who said that they don't want to pay for salaries only on that particular request changes their mind then that would change the result and ahck would uh qualify for $5,000 based on the uh structure funding structure that we established but we would need one person who said they did not want to fund them because it was 100% salaries to change their mind and authorize us uh as staff to proceed with with awarding that uh that category of funding I'll change my mind on that one go ahead Elizabeth yeah I'll change my mind on that me too very well then we have a majority that uh authorizes those funds to be used for Personnel Services only in which case Bill receive um, $5,000 yes sir you know I'm going to make another comment they came to me years ago Children's Shelter I did a show I hope I'm telling you right but I think if I'm not mistaken I raised $10,000 for the Children's Shelter because they came to me and needed the money I don't see any incentive with these people going out in the community and saying we need this or we need that I understand its public health and I understand all the things that you can V Envision but we're not here to Envision to give away and have tears this is a hard business everybody that's running for these seats they should know that this is damn hard to do this job how many times have you voted against your friends I have I'm not very happy about it but the law required me to do that so the children shter wants to come to me again and I'll do another show for them all you have to do is ask me but don't ask me here now I'm just so determined to speak that way this this is not a comfortable way for me to speak nobody here is comfortable about that I understand that but with the way I understand it what you just said Rob you said with with the Children's Shelter they they were in the top 33% but they only asked for 2500 so they're getting their 25 but they could have got 10,000 if they would have asked if they asked for more they would have got it because they were in the top 33% am I right is that how yes you're correct okay all right okay okay I just want to say one word compassion right compassion yeah okay so with Council Direction based on the change to Keys aack the total award changes from 62,000 to 67,000 all right okay thank you thank you Mr Rodriguez okay um all righty we good Rob with that yes sir we're onun to Lisa for her budget presentation thank you thank you good evening everyone Welcome to our first budget hearing regarding the tenative budget and proposed millage rate today's hearing will require that two resolutions be approved the millage rate for 2425 and the tenative budget for 2425 the millage rate scenario requested by council is at 2.65 please keep in mind that the roll back rate is 2.52 N7 we are showing two rates which include the requested Council millage of 2.65 and if approved by Council this represents a 4.76 increase perc increase to the roll back rate a 2.8 millage rate which is Middle Ground between the 10A of3 and the requested 2.65 if a approved by Council this represents a 10.69% increase to the roll back rate please keep in mind as we review the budget some of the key drivers for this year's budget in addition to the capital projects we will introduce our our safer Grant expired this year uh this included the salaries for six firefighters and as a result we're taking on the Personnel cost for these firefighters from here forward the CBA agreement has not been reached yet so this will affect our unassigned fund B balance once that's approved and then also there is a 5% Cola included for all Village employees and then in addition the council had requested a $3 million land acquisition fund for consideration so that will affect both discretionary funds and general fund dollars and then it also means that you know other needer projects will go on the back burner for this year so I just wanted you to keep those things in mind as we get started okay Lisa can I ask a question about that because I don't believe we voted on it I know we talked about it but I I don't believe that we voted to to put this on am I right or wrong I didn't vote for it I didn't vote for it which particular thing million land the $3 million for a land acquisition talk about that okay well you yeah that's what I'm saying Henry I don't I don't believe we it's crazy to start it up there so they pulled 15 a million5 million and a half from the general fund and they pulled 15 million5 out discretionary discretionary sales tax sir tax mhm I I thought I know we had a lively discussion about it but I thought the conclusion was a consensus that we would put it on there not for that amount of money I don't think that was what you wanted and I know you wanted it but to me that's ridiculous to start something up at so high that it affects everybody's Department it affects everything for why can't we start it at something a little more reason reasonable I mean well I I I I appreciate your point to that I I would say from my perspective it's reasonable be from my perspective because we have neglected to do something that we were obligated to do for many years which is to acquire environmentally sensitive lands and other kinds of lands and we have a lot of money that could be used for that so you could say we we're taking some money from prior years that was saved and adding it to from this budget so you're taking money because something wasn't done years ago we're going to take it all at once which to me is crazy I mean you're looking at what it affects I it affects a lot wind property 90 Acres man it's not like we're not to me I thought we're I call Barbara Powell with the state of Florida works with uh Meredith ivy with the Department of Commerce and she said man you guys got more green space you're acquiring more and and talked to her about this and I believe you talked to her as well Mark well I I would just remind us unless this is something that I dreamt about that didn't happen but when we had our conversation when I had my conversation with you all uh when we purchased the church property we discussed the idea that we have other property that is sitting idle in particular the Machado Lots four of them and the island silver and spice and I I wouldn't go so far as to say we had a firm agreement that we were going to sell those but we had a very clear discussion that we needed to do something either we do a project with those or we liquidate them because if we're not going to use them that's taxpayer money sitting idle and that's not right so to me I I was surprised we didn't have some suggestion about us selling something and then a projection of that as a as a an income a revenue source that would offset some of this and maybe some of that could go towards the 3 million that we're talking about here but you know if you look at how we purchased the church property you know that was not budgeted it came up fast and and and hot and fast but we found a way because we elevated that to a high priority and we have discussed on this Council for years uh both before the ladies joined and after that uh we have a you know we want to protect the environment we voted several times to do things that were environmentally like the Glenn property in particular and some others and then we've identified in our budget and in our comp plan that we have an obligation to acquire these things to retire development rights to protect the taxpayers from enormous expenses down the road if we get stuck is they going to keep going up in value so to me I have an issue Mark I'm not cutting you off but I just want to throw this in to to pay a piece of property what Elizabeth's talking about that property is two and a half million over uh appraise value okay I don't think the state this if the Florida forever they won't they're not they don't pay well I I don't want to discuss specifics about a property we may acquire a lot of negotiations are confidential but um I would say that just as a principle that um five years from now 10 years from now if we acquire that property I think that whatever the price may be above or below appraisal uh those who come behind us will thank us profusely for s such a beautiful valuable it's got multiple habitat types it's a turtle nesting Beach I mean it it it is a really unable yes well you say that but I I have seen good lawyers with enough money and power and pressure and the right connections can take a piece of unbuildable property and build on it you might recall a couple three years ago this was the most outrageous thing I've seen in land use in my whole life up by the University or up by the Zoo there was a huge piece of property I would say I'm going to use a rough number 250 Acres or so of of the the last vestage of rock Pineland Forest that that was in South Dade it part of the original Pineland that was there it was near the zoo it had been donated they found some quirk in the or something in the donation agreement there's a Walmart there today and it it has certain species on there that only exist in a rock Pineland environment they're not distinct but they're closer to it than they were before that so I I was I was shocked that that got through and there are things that can be done that can happen right here in our backyard you know it's getting more and more valuable to the properties here every day more desirable so I don't think it's a bad investment in the future uh I I appreciate you're not agreeing with that I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me that's fine but I I think that thinking about this down the road in the light of I mean the average or the median house here is a, $300,000 I mean holy smokes that's a load of money and and people that live in a community like that have an expectation we're going to protect the environment so I'm sorry to ramble on but this is the time to do it and and that's my thoughts on it I I think it's worth it to our village to protect something that big that valuable and that that rare uh for the benefit of everyone and we can sell something to finance that something we're not using Henry Church oh um I think will we proceed at least my notes say you want three million I think you'll have it at the end if we propose The Proper Cuts in the proper places I will tell you you'll find the 3 million so to debate the situation right here and now is uh opening the door but got to do it soon got to do it soon but by the time this evening is over I think we'll find the 3 million and if you want to use it that way it's up to you okay if we have we have anybody have any further commente okay uh thank you um I I think that Henry's on to um something we might this this little issue about the $3 million might be prettyat sure there are a lot of other areas here that I think really warrant discussion and Analysis I mean um and and I hope we have time to do to to look at them um there's there's a lot of extra spending here that I'm wonder if it's necessary um so maybe we can revisit this um what I'm hearing I mean what I'm I'm not hearing you guys say is that you don't Val that I'm not hearing you say that you don't value the the um the opport to provide um protection to um Green Space in this town I I don't I can't imagine that you're saying that especially since you're up for re-election um but um but I I that's I think what I'm hearing you say is that this the cost is an issue um but I think we should Circle back to this after we go through more of this conversation if that's okay um I did I did also have a quick question because I wanted to make sure I heard you right Lisa that that what's changed in this budget and I just if you don't mind my repeating it it's the safer grant you that was the first thing I think you said the safer Grant covered six firemen we don't have that now we're taking on six new employees and like full-time employees so that's one of them that's correct you said that the collective bargaining agreement with the firemen is not been completed and we don't know when that's going to be completed so we have to think about that entire amount of money coming into our budget at some point or that the additional amount and then you did you mention the the staff Cola that is part of this which we haven't really discussed that either and and benefits and that sort of thing did you say anything else uh let's see I mean as far as the the bullets for what's changed just the $3 million land acquisition that was oh yeah well that's let me let me just go back to what you just said I have no problem buying greens space I'm all for green space but the issue is paying the the two and a half million over when we just like the Glenn wanted 3 million originally we ended up getting that we negotiated and we got it for 650 I think or 450 650 650 I mean there would obviously so that's what I'm saying okay if I'm not right I'm not hearing you say that you're against Green no I'm not I mean habitat I'm excited about that because rosette spoon BS breed there saltwater crocs breed there many other things that's habitat for those the wildlife okay I'm all for the Wildlife Corridor okay protecting the animals okay yeah so great so we can Circle back maybe let's just carry I are you all can we move forward all right all right so Lisa sorry we interrupted you a little bit there Rob um just a point of clarification I want to highlight that the workshops we had on August 21st 2nd and 3rd where 2.65 was provided as well as this discussion surrounding land acquisition fund those were not V those were just Council direction to prepare for the meeting today today is when the vote actually takes place on all of these items that are in the tenative agenda last time it was just please do this when you bring us the tentative agenda tonight is a vote on the tenative agenda which doesn't make it permanent either because while we need to vote on the tentative agenda tonight procedurally U that doesn't mean that that becomes the final in fact when we come back for the next budget hearing we can and probably will uh continue to have conversations and make changes so again purpose for tonight is get the tenative uh budget passed identify the millage rate and if those things change in between uh today and uh the day that we finally adopt the budget there's procedural requirements that uh that apply to each of those scenarios so ideally tened budget tonight we vote uh we make as many changes as Council deams necessary we come back and revisit have time to think in between our discussion tonight and Adoption of the final we can make additional changes at the final budget at which point you vote again and then that's the time at which it actually becomes the budget for uh 2425 I just want to make sure everyone was aware of that John go ahead yeah I was just going to remind there's two items that we'll vote on tonight the tenative millage and the tenative budget they're separate items uh so just wanted to make sure and they'll they need to be in that order tenative millage first and tenative budget and and everything Rob said was absolutely accurate so all right thank you John vice mayor I have a question Rob it's actually for you um so I'm looking at these proposed Mill rates and I'm seeing what was cut did you sit down with the department heads and work with them to decide what they wanted to cut and where they could see a cut could be made or was it made independently the way that we decided what we were cutting who's we we was staff that are responsible for preparing and advancing this budget which is the leadership group in the manager's office and the finance department the way our budget rolled out this year and we would do it differently in future years to provide additional time is we came out of the budget sessions on the 21st second and third uh began trying to create these scenarios in the first place that were responsive to 2.65 when it came to specific positions that we were cutting we adopted what is a a typical Municipal approach to to looking at Cuts so prioritizing Cuts what do you look at you look at cutting new things before you cut things that were already in the budget well my um excuse me but like our planning department is so short staffed why would we get rid of a a position that we desperately need well the position in the planning department uh was one that was uh transitioned to the manager's office as part of getting our assistant to the Village manager that was in coordination with Council when that maneuver was made apparently a prior point in history in the planning department they had uh a director and and something like an assistant director I don't know the titles I don't have them right here in front of me but the department has been operating without that person funded or present for quite some time what we would like to do with the planning department in terms of why we cut this one at this time was to one get the positions that are vacant filled right because if we have vacancies of course that's going to create a problem in getting the work done and secondarily if there are opportunities for performance enhancement with the individuals we have on staff we would want to know that any such issues as that are remedied before we can get a good read on how much more Staffing is needed um because to throw a new person at a a a vacancy is you know not solving the real problem and to add a person if we're working with existing Personnel to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the department um that also isn't the solution to that problem so what we're looking and asking our staff to do is to address those two key elements before we actually decide to add another person so we're thinking of that entire landscape as we're trying to meet council's Target of 2.65 um if we're at three it would be a different conversation because we wouldn't have any of these Cuts but you know as councilman rosenal had mentioned earlier it's a tough thing to do um and adding position that haven't been in a department for a while to bring them back is is a tough choice okay I understand that I'm just looking at a department that I know has been struggling for help and then I look at the deputy chief of training our fire department I would think that's a pretty important I I just want to make sure that these Cuts you worked hand inand with the department heads and that this is if they have a choice where they want to cut this is where it would be that's all because this is supposed to be a team and I want to make sure that it's function like a team well what happens in in part is before we even get to cutting we asked our department heads to make a written Arguments for the positions that they needed and any other changes to their budget so from a teamwork perspective uh it's incumbent upon them to make the strongest arguments they can in advance because we cautioned all of our department heads that as this budget process continue to mature that any of them that didn't have arguments presented that would withstand uh the need to be able to cut would likely end up hitting the cutting floor so that instruction was provided in advance to department heads when it came down to us actually having to make these decisions amidst all of the other work that goes into transitioning on a very short timeline from budget workshops to actual budgets um there's not a lot of time in there for us to sit down and have those conversations that I let the department heads know that was uh what was transpiring yes did anyone come back to me and say Rob instead of doing that I would prefer to do something else no um I did hear that you know um there's disappointment that they're not getting the position they wanted but no one came back with an alternative that said hey instead of doing that let's do this was there opportunity for that yes so if if one does not Avail him or herself of the opportunity to propose a alternate alternate scenario that saves the same amount of money um and they know the timeline that we're on it's very difficult to um have them uh Embrace cuts to a budget because no one wants to do that but was opportunity there for someone to say yes it was uh this is not a total surprise to anyone that has a cut because I made sure they were notified within the very tight timeline that we had to complete a a revision to what we presented back at the August workshops and to rebut the cuts other than simply saying well I'm going to argue against that well I'm going to argue against that it's not a very good way to get what you want in your budget it's wait a second I can save this money somewhere else and if I am a department head uh responsible professionally for my area of responsibility I'm going to offer that up if that alternative exists um so I I heard no such Solutions so moving forward we're going to have a entirely different timeline for next year's budget because in my view none of us had enough time to do a municipal budget the way that we should uh we we adhered to the the prior Finance director's schedule we had a transition in finance department leadership in the middle of that and nonetheless we started actually a little bit earlier than the process did last year but that's still not enough time I mean we should have literally been um at least two months ahead of where we were when we actually started so going into the 2526 budget and for those of you who will be sitting at that time you'll get to experience something different as will our staff um will we have a we'll have a different approach that gives a lot more time to each of these things and and the ability to sit down and have conversations and work through things in a little bit more of a a collaborative atmosphere where everyone feels like they've had adequate opportunity to influence the outcomes um but going between August 23rd and September 5th and completely redoing the budget and getting the presentations right and checking the numbers uh is an awful lot of work and when people are feeling concerned about Cuts it's incumbent upon those same people to advance recommendations that can help solve the problem even if I don't say mayor can you please tell me how else I might avoid this cut um I'm I'm hoping that they might take the initiative to speak up and say I can save this money somewhere else because I really need that person not I need that person and I'm going to come argue for that person it that it's a different conversation we need to have and that's part training and part timing and part just doing the the budget process a lot differently so that we can have those important conversations Elizabeth yeah I mean just just also I I'm I'm hearing you use this term cutting a budget but really I mean another way to look at this is that we're not funding it is that is that fair to say I mean it's not like for example with the Village Hall remodel it's not like we've started it and we decided wow we can't afford it we're going to stop remodeling we we it's not h i mean it's something someone would like to have funded and we're saying no we we don't want to fund that is that fair to say that's a different way there's different ways to say the same thing but the budget that we talked about in the workshops had these things included so when we say what are what are we changing we are reducing our we're eliminating our commitment to fund them or we're cutting them in so many words it's not like we yeah I think it's a so so with that along lines what Elizabeth said just tell me about the pool I mean any of these things that we're talking about that we cut like the pool is that costing us extra money we're not leaking water it's not a hazard or something that's all I'm saying if we're the the pool is a is a big thing and Elizabeth I know you swim every day right so on the pool uh what we were trying to accomplish there and and I believe Lisa highlighted it in a previous discussion about one of the fire apparatus that needs to be purchased is this construction isn't otherwise even planned to start until after the beginning of 2526 not 2 425 so what we were trying to do here with the million doll syncing fund was to say instead of waiting until the budget is being prepared for fiscal year 2526 and trying to find $2 million maybe it might be prudent to establish a syncing fund where we have a million dollars there we get that into the budget now and we kind of step up to it gradually between two fiscal years instead of budgeting nothing this year and then $2 million the next year and that eats away at other uh potential opportunity ities to get things done in that particular fiscal year plus uh this may also add to our investment pool so we can gain interest income on it while we're also uh smoothing any potential increase associated with fixing the pool so by deleting it we're not causing a delay in the construction we're just shifting uh the step that we need to take to get to $2 million when we actually seek the funding in fiscal year 2526 so it's a it's a sinking fund to reduce Financial impact during the budget after the one we're working on I wanted to ask about the sinking fund funds so if we have a certain amount that we've set aside for a hurricane response and it looks like that's going to go down a decrease some in this budget um if we have a syncing fund which the item we're trying to acquire build is in the future beyond the budget year let's say that next year when Year from today we have the sinking fund and then we get hit by a hurricane and we need more money than we have set aside could could we declare an emergency and then have those funds reallocated to the emergency fund because we have them they're just intended for a different purpose and then address the need for the hurricane and then deal with the pool some other way under emergency circumstances we can reallocate funding there's procedures that we'd have to adhere to to be able to do that but let's say just in the case of let's say a $1 million pool syncing fund uh if that money were there and we blew through all of our hurricane reserves and it was an emergency that we find money somewhere uh what we would begin doing at that point is we would look at the sinking fund first because it's not actually funding something immediately the next thing we would do would probably be looking at capital projects that haven't started yet but have Appropriations for them and we would put a pause on those Appropriations and suck the money out of there as well depending on how much we needed so um yeah in an emergency scenario your budget is fluid and your intent is to uh enhance and protect Public Safety and make sure that the activities that we need to have uh funded to get back online and and reduce the impacts of that of that weather event are number one priority capital projects syncing funds all the rest uh get get swept if needed to support that effort but that's also why we have such a large hurricane Reserve to hopefully avoid needing to do things right exactly we've had a very strong balance sheet for years but I see that changing somewhat so my question and I I don't see John jumping up saying no that's that's legally impossible so uh I I just wanted to know it's kind of like having a money in a back pocket instead of a front pocket and it's our money and it's we saved it we don't have to borrow it so that's thank you for that education appreciate it right can I ask one other question about the pool so why do I had this feeling that I got did did you all get the impression that this pool fix was like happening soon or or is it just me cuz I I go there was happening soon I me I thought it had a problem that was more urgent urgent need it's leaking it's got we're but were we wrong I mean there's a contract in place and a contractor is working on developing the specs and plans that we need to send out to bid and Maria if you're here if you want to step up and speak a little bit about what the status and the project timeline is for that by the way you all know she's a biotic woman now she has got a new knee but she's walking really good bionic yes more months hi everyone um the right now what we're planning on budgeting in the 2425 budget is um funding right now for well let me step back we have funding right now in the budget and we're working with our Engineers on the scope of work and the whole design and Engineering of resurfacing of the pool and then also with that project it's we're looking at um our locker room facility we're looking at upgrading the facilities and also along with that project is a lifeguard first aid station so um this fiscal year what the plan is is to keep continue working on the engineering plans the um also the scope of work and then putting it out to bid okay once we put it out to bid and then we'll know exactly what the funding looks like so there's steps to it um also the plan is it's what's in in this budget is uh having a leak detection service done once we do that then we'll actually know what the extent of the leaks are and if there's any problems with the plumbing so once that's complete then we'll even have more knowledge about really what needs to be done and we plan on doing that I'm actually working on that now so that will probably happen sometime October November so we'll have a little bit more knowledge about what needs to be done so it's it's it's a process and and if we find out anything in the engineering analysis that suggests that we need to decouple uh that pool project and do the pool lining for instance uh as a on an expedited basis we would come back to council and say Here's what we've learned and our Engineers recommending that we not you know couple these improvements together and Advance the pool by itself I was speaking with Maria earlier today and it sounds like you know to do the the work in the pool which includes not only the lining but some piping and pumps and other types of things uh they're projecting that the pool would be down for about 3 to four months so uh when that's tentatively scheduled would be in the fall of 2025 so October November December January um and that tentatively is when uh the engineer is projecting that we'd be looking to perform all of the work under this project but again uh we can pivot if we need to um based on uh the severity of of the impacts of of whatever they may find but uh as they've instructed us now in their planning uh the schedule that we've discussed is is where we're at I I wanted to just ask about leaks I I don't know if this was my imagination or not but I got the impression that it was leaking and that was significant ific in some way I don't know if we're running up a huge water bill or if there's something but how do you how are you aware how do you assess what's well how bad the leak is by um how often we're filling the pool obviously there's a lot of factors with that evaporation you know heat everything so um along with the leak detection at that point if there's any leaks that maybe we can fix now to stop some of the you know the the water you know then that's something that we can look into I don't know the extent that's part of the process so we're hoping maybe um that you know if it's nothing major that we can go ahead and fix those problems but is the leak problem at a crisis level where you know we're having to spend okay just kind of no it's through the that's what I wanted to know no it's not that to an extent that we need to do it right now all right thank you Maria we got it okay Council anybody else have anything for Maria okay all right thanks for bringing that up Elizabeth because I was I I thought there was some urgency yeah okay all right Lisa sorry we interrupt you again okay so we'll start with our first slide here what we're going to show you uh a couple things here is our updated Financial what's changed since the Workshops the first of all the hurricane Reserve beginning balance it decreased from 8271 146 to 763 557 that reflects our actual audited Financial so that's on Tab 25 if you want to look there uh also we we discussed the 40% um amount of using that 40% for the hurricane Reserve what did we want to use it for just annual operating expenses or did we want to include transfers and so we elected to exclude the transfers which drops it down just a little bit not a whole lot but um we really didn't want want to include the um the onetime expenditures so that's what that one is and then the fund balance reserve the beginning decreased from 15521 to 14034 and that was to account for the purchase of Island community church building which we just recently purchased in addition we had uh there was a grant that we received oh sorry transfer to the transportation fund increase from 700,000 to 1.68 5208 to match our prior transfers uh the landscape mitigation we rename that to the habitat restoration and conservation fund and that fund also increased from 7879 to 9379496024 uh so also we added a $6,000 for Server backups to Our IT department which is is a needed expense uh the next things uh let's see the stewardship act Grant we got that for the lower momay Culvert project it's 1.8 million it actually might be a little bit higher than that now Pete said and then the uh for the parks and wreck that TDC bricks and mortar Grant we put that in there that's $497,000 so for that Park that we're building that uh of the 597 497 is covered through the TDC Grant uh and also we added the FEMA hmgp grant for critical power to the three fire stations that's 375,000 that we expect to receive uh now what we did do on the fire Tru uh as I discussed with the chief we um that is a four-year buildout process for the firet TRU and I know that to be true because when I was at Nassau it was a threee and that's been a while ago uh and so the supply chain has not caught up yet for you know since Co really so the 4 year the fact that he's got to wait four years to get the fire Tru but you really have to plan ahead so he's done a great job with that um the expense of the truck will be 1.2 million and what he's advised is that we can I think we discussed this at the workshop but we we can pay for the truck in two years but it'll take four years to get it but we can we don't have to pay for it right now so we elected to delay that put aside 600,000 for the firet truck this year and then next year and we'll have the money to pay for it um and then also we also 70,000 reduced for Council chamber microphones we reallocated that to 2324 that was in the capital projects for next year but since that's kind of an emergency we bump that up because we do need to have the microphones here uh Vince can speak to that if you need to know anything else about that uh and then also we did uh exclude we took out the 500,000 for the safe room for fire that's another project that is not expected to be completed um so we just went ahead and elected to take that one out can I interrupt with a question yes with regard to the fir Tru matter um is there an advantage to having a two-year plan you know the twoyear two is it is it better to have two than four is there a savings on the price or something well we have to pay in two years we're required to pay the contract requires it yes okay and what what um the chief's done he's he's agreed he said they can get a contract to guarantee the pricing that will by the time we pay for it it still will be in effect so that we don't get a price increase so that's um we don't save anything but they they won't raise the price that's they won't raise the price right okay right thank you which I expect it would be Higher by next year I'm sure so the next two years okay um so now what we're going to do we'll go to the scenarios that we've got we've got six different scenarios it sounds like a lot but there's really just three and the only difference between each one is a mill rate of 2.65 which did what yall requested and we also put in a 2.8 just to show you what the difference is what you can get for your money if you go just a little bit higher so scenario one these are tabs 2.5 to 2.7 in your book if you want to look at that uh the the things that were included were the 3 million land acquisition fund and that's split between the general fund and the discretionary sales tax 5050 uh and then the also the full-time facility Recreation attendant for parks and wreck uh what she's doing there is taking two part-time positions and making a full-time uh as it's easier for her to have somebody that will be there as full-time with Benefits it's easier for her to fill that position so basically all we're adding is benefits for that position and we are cutting the two part-time positions uh the other thing for the cuts in that we've got um new positions for Village staff and this is with everything included all the benefits and everything all the taxes and that kind of thing the planner position would save 138,000 the deputy chief of training would save 1778 57 and the pool syncing fund would be a million so the Public Works building design would be 500,000 and the Village Hall remodel of 750,000 so those were the things we would cut uh and that's um just in scenario 1A with a millage rate of 2.65 um and so the way that affects our fund balances this is the next sheet that'll show our Target rates there on the left show what we want our unrestricted fund balance to be and that amount there is 3.8 between 3.8 and 5 million uh that's the minimum the gfoa standard is a minimum of 38 3.8 and that would not be met in this scenario uh we just don't want to get you know it's not a good idea to get your un unassigned fund balance that low uh it's just it's just not good practice uh then also the uh hurricane Reserve there uh the council policy recommendation was the 40% that's also not met that would only be at 33% and then uh for the discretionary sales sir tax what we've done in the past uh we need to keep some funding in there uh we don't really want to get that down to zero because you want to save money for the next year to have you know additional projects um while we do get about three it's I think it's 3.4 million for next year is our projection and uh while that is a lot of money you really don't that's not a whole lot to do lots of projects so it's good to have a little fund balance in there so the past practice we had between 1.8 to two million and in this scenario it does achieve that uh so that the middle column there is going to just show our projection for this year those are the three items there and then our scenario 1A will show you what balances we'll have at the end there that's uh the unrestricted fund Bal B of 3.1 the hurricane reserve of 7.5 which uh in addition that is what we had last year so it would be the same as last year's and then the discretionary sales Ser tax would be at $2 million balance which is good too that would be achieved okay so the next scenario we have there is scenario 1B and so the only difference here the on the left side and the right side everything's the same as the first one but the mil rate would be 2.8 yeah thank you Lisa just for a moment I want to ask Council would you prefer to discuss each of the scenarios as we go or would you like her to walk through all of them and then return to questions walk through them mall I walk through the mall very well just wanted to confirm thank you okay the next slide will be our let's see scenar I 2A okay yeah there we go uh the millage rate on that would be 2.65 and included in that are the $1 million for land acquisition uh so the way we did that there we included 1 million that would be out of discretionary sales sort tax in the other column we cut the 2 million out of it so instead of having 3 million we would have a 1 million that we would fund it uh then also the pool renovation we included a half a million there um for that sinking fund as well and then on the full-time faculty Recreation attendant that's also included as well um the cuts there would be the same the staff was the same and the pool renovation would be we bumped it down from a million to half a million so that cuts half a million there uh and then also the Public Works building design and the Village Hall remodel those two were cut as well so uh the effect on the fund balances there as you we did transfer a million from Hurricane response to unrestricted because it was up at $9 million as you'll see uh so we bumped that down to leave it uh give us an $8 million balance there um and also so the same thing on the target for the left column those are all the same as the last slides and then our projection for the middle uh the projections are the same but the scenario on the right would be you would have 4 million in unrestricted which does achieve your uh you know best practices um there for for having at least 2 million that's three and a half or you're three and a half million uh the council policy for the hurricane Reserve is not met it would just be at 35.6% but it's pretty close and it's also more than last year which was 7.5 last year so that would be 8 million another half a million dollars and then uh let's see the minimum standard for gfoa is also achieved at 4.07 million uh which the minimum is 3.8 okay so on 2B the only difference there again it goes it changes the millage rate from 2.65 to 2.8 and then it also shows what's included and excluded um what's included is your land acquisition fund of a million your pool renovation and your full-time fa facility Recreation attendance so all of that's the same as the previous slide it's just your millage rate will be higher so what that does in affect on the next page it affects your fund balances there so if you'll see those on your right see they did increase the unrestricted goes up to 5 million uh the hurricane Reserve is still at the eight and then the um discretionary sales Ser taxes at 3 and. half million and that's a pretty healthy that's a pretty healthy balance I think to have um this did increase the tax levied by 9475 compared to scenario 2A and again it transfers the 1 million from the hurricane to the unrestricted fund balance okay and then the last scenario we have there is your uh millage rate of 265 so what that will do is that gives an inclusion of a million for the pool renovation syncing fund from discretionary sales tax um and then your also includes the full-time parks and recck attendant and that is for the gate so you know that's kind of a vitally important position there to take our take the money in as the people come through the park uh but then the cuts there would be um 4 A5 million we would cut the 3 million land acquisition we wouldn't fund that at all uh and then again cut the building designed for the public works and the Village Hall Remodel and as well as the other two staff positions and then finally the well on the fund balance outcomes there that just shows you what will have what your balances would be there you would have 4 million for your unrestricted uh 8 million for your hurricane reserve and 4 million on discretionary sales tax which that's that's a pretty healthy um fund anyway and then the last scenario we'll have here is the 2.8 mill rate so that's the only difference between the three and 3B is the millage rate there so it has the same inclusion for the pool and the full-time Recreation attendant and then the cuts are also the same um so those are the three well the six scenarios that we have the fund balance outcome on the next slide is we would have on that scenario we would have 5 million unrestricted and 8 million hurricane reserve and 4 million in discretionary sales CeX so we wanted to show you all those different outcomes that you would have at a 2.8 uh just so that you would know um you know what the differences are and what you can get you can get more things with a little bit higher um now did y'all want to go ahead and go ahead with the questions on that or would you like to see the mill rate scenario comparison well before we go forward I think we'll go to the mill rate scenarios if the council wants us to finish the presentation and the ask questions but before we get there I just want to restate something that's important to consider when you're looking at the fun balance numbers recall that we have a collective bargaining agreement that we have to still settle so keep in mind you know a number that might be subtracted from those fund balances because that's where we would in all likelihood look to close the gap once that contract is closed so that money would subtract from these numbers you're seeing um you know if we have other liabilities let's say we settle lawsuits or anything like that those aren't necessarily budgeted here because we're not not expecting them but if we had settlements that we needed to pay out those settlements would also uh deduct from these fund balance numbers in all likelihood um there's one issue for instance that involves uh and I don't have all the facts on this yet but since we're talking about the budget and the timing doesn't allow me to get to the end of this thread yet um I'll mention um we have uh one of our resorts in town has been getting double build for water because of a a unique Arrangement they have where we build them for water directly and they get buildt by fkaa so at some point fkaa figured out wait a second we have this account that we're not billing for it we should bill for it so they started billing not having talk to us about it and lo and behold this entity has been paying both fkaa and the village for some extended period of time and I want to validate the numbers on that before we really talk about it in Earnest but I will say it's substantial and it's probably in the $300 to $500,000 range so keep that in mind that's one of those kinds of liabilities that pops up out of nowhere um so there's a sound basis for why the gfoa guidance is a minimum of two months of operating expenses and they recommend actually more than that so take all of those factors into consideration because it's easy to look at those numbers and say wow I could just take the money from there and and fund this other thing or things instead but recognize uh there are these looming things in the background that pop up through the course of every year and and some of them we already know about staring us right in the face um know they're coming and and do the math to get down to where you're comfortable with those reserves recognizing that these are the ones we know uh there are also other things that could pop up that we don't know and that having been said I I just wanted to remind everyone about that important fact and Lisa if you want to continue that would be great hold on one second Lisa Henry had a question I just a question does the uh edus come in to play with what you just said no that's not no um that's not the edj was it water or was it waste water I forget well that's waste water yeah it's water it yes oh the subject property is a Wastewater issue no edus are Wastewater but the issue at the resort is drinking water portable water no it's okay I've got that wrong they were getting build twice AJ for Wastewater correct yeah there there was an adjustment made to their account and then they started receiving bills for Wastewater through FKA which they were not supposed to we Bill them directly because they have a flow meter on their Wastewater I guess I guess my question is are we up to speed for the usage because there are properties that have exceeded in in size and their adus are still the same no any time there's a property that goes through construction remodel Renovations things of that nature they're re-evaluated every property so you you can you can assure me that it's correct they do it legally if they come get a permit and do it legally yes then they these are commercial properties yes yes that's what I'm speaking to correct right yes and then they pay into their their system development fees for the uh increased capacity well there's no there's nobody there doing it the wrong way they increased their property and they increased their usage but they're still paying for the product that's incorrect okay yeah if they increase their usage they pay more money AJ kind of like postcard in after Hurricane Irma when they came in and remodeled and did all those permits you guys re-evaluated all their edus andever right absolutely yeah and and we we continuously monitor that okay all right you answer my question thank you before he leaves I I have one AJ I'm sorry I was trying AJ to know um I I'm sorry there's an item here uh half a million dollars for Public Works building design I must have been asleep or maybe it's after I left early the other night you guys talked about uh this that was was a joke um so are are we getting a new Public Works building did I miss something there that was the direction that we I know where working that that's there there's items in the budget for have you bought some property have we no that's that's to cover both so the property and I'm with you now on it for a year I thought we were getting something or had something and you were going to get a building there I wish yes yes okay thank you can you can we just so what was that 500,000 for is for land and building or no that that would be for um constru or not the construction but the design and and layout and everything planning of it yeah yeah and okay that's been removed yeah and it's a it's a storage building is that correct no this would be a public works facility a maintenance shop let me add a little bit of background to this one of the reasons that we removed it from the budget is because we don't have the site yet when AJ was first working on his budget we were uh seeking to identify a property that we could acquire and bring that back to council for consideration and since the timing for that is no longer looking like it's a fiscal year 2425 thing uh it doesn't make sense any longer to have the 500,000 for the building design without the site first so as we be continue conversations around land acquisition I don't want to lose sight of the fact that acquiring a property for public works has been a longstanding objective uh we're working with uh fkaa hopefully to gain access to a property they have um that would be on an interim basis but uh potentially if that works out and we continue to mature that conversation um that may be an alternative for a an actual site as well um but again just getting back to the question of the 500,000 uh that was uh AJ's estimate for design planning some portion of construction of a a building on site uh but with no site we do not believe it's appropriate to include that obviously in the 2425 I was getting excited I thought you had one and we got this problem solved and oh boy this is good news so just wishful thinking so so where is the request for the money to acquire a site I don't see that in this correct you don't see it because we don't yet have a site or a dollar amount and we are seeking to see if we have the the ability to potentially uh gain access to uh another uh fkaa site that would dramatically change those numbers so if in fact we came up with a site that we wanted to purchase it would come about in much the same way that the church purchased it we would say wow there's a site we would get Council Direction and consensus around pursuing that site negotiating for it and then we would look at these balances that we have here and say where would be the most appropriate place to try and draw funding from or we might recommend depending on what else is happening financially at that point that we might even consider uh conventional financing or something to that effect but with with those parameters unknown we didn't make numbers in because that could adversely impact our ability to do other things or increase the tax burden on residents um unnecessarily because we don't actually have a property that we're buying in 2425 so that that landscape would need to shift before we really try to get funding for something to purchase so isn't I mean that is the that is I if again I may have just heard what I wanted to hear but I thought we had the conversation about acquisition of a property for the public works and all of the investment that we've made in vehicles so that this stuff can be covered and that that's a bit of a priority but um I think the the reason we're having this conversation is so that we don't all of a sudden um come on a property and then have to scramble for the funds this is the point of the budget isn't it it's which is why we we're talking about land acquisition funds just in general and and so I appreciate that this is coming up again because I think it puts everyone and and and community members at you know I would say it alarms community members when we're like oh my gosh look at this property let's buy it well we never even budget it so I mean let's let's keep that in mind in this conversation I mean it's it's kind of a big deal I kind of and there's there's so much investment in the equipment that he's using that I mean would you know we we'd like to protect okay Lisa okay this chart shows our migrate scenario comparison so on the left side you'll see that the top line is last year's migrate of 2.7 992 in the resulting Levy then below that you'll see each scenario 1 a 1 B and so forth and the millage right next to that uh and what the resulting Levy would be so um it does it give increase the next column is the fourth column shows the increase and then the next column is just a percentage increase so and as well the next column is your assigned hurricane response balance and the unassigned fund balance and then the total ending fund balance so those that's just a comparison there for you to see what but uh the levy would be the increase from that's comparing 23 24 to this scenario to each of those scenarios for the difference and then uh the recognizing our assigned hurricane response Target is 9 million which is 40% of the annual recurring operating expenses keep in mind that last year it was 5.7 uh and so this year it would increase to 9 9 million if we kept the 40% so so that's just something to keep in mind uh unassigned F uh fund balance Target again is 3.8 to5 million that's the gfo recommended so you can see there uh just that first scenario 1A is the only one really that would uh keep us below that uh and then the ending fund balance uh reminder that includes everything a sign unassign and restricted General funds okay and then then we have a uh chart here that shows the tax implications on a median the annual tax on a median home there uh the top line again is last year's millage rate and then the other two rates that we've proposed tonight the 2.8 and then the 2.65 uh you'll notice that uh the 2.8 is only a dollar five increase annual that's an annual amount from 2324 it goes from 3655 92 to 3656 97 so it's that's the yearly increase which is only 9 cents a month so uh and then on the 265 which you requested was a you would get a decrease there of $194 a year uh $16 a month so that shows those two scenarios there and that's on a home that's got a median value of approximately 1.3 million that 1.3 yes yes it's listed up there underneath annual tax on median home is 13659 okay all right and uh that's all that we've got here so that concludes the presentation uh we'll go ahead and field any questions or discussions you want to have for that Council may have any questions uh do you guys want to increase the rate well to the thing is um you know we see here you know we all we all want things in here everybody wants to see things included so that's that's a a given and the only way to get more for more of us would be to increase the rate increasing the rate I'm just looking here you know the savings is going to be less than $200 for a house that's worth $1.3 million that's a drop in the bucket for somebody with a house of that value I mean I mean if we were to keep the rate the same as it was last year you know or or at least increase it to 2.8 I mean it would be a dollar 5 Cent increase for a year that's that's less than a pack of gum yeah elizab so I wonder did I before we actually drill down on the on the millage rate I wonder if we could kind of just the conversation over to any other questions about what we're already spending because what's been presented to us is Cuts in the proposed budget and I just wonder if there's what I what I don't see and and maybe there is no um there's no trim to what we are already spending um I just wonder if that is a conversation that we need to have because what we're saying is what we're spending is absolutely fine the proposed budget is we want to spend more but I mean have we looked at how we're spending currently you know what I mean and and I I think I I think I've C I've described that accurately right yeah I think you're reasonably accurate if there are specific items that you would like staff to weigh in on with respect to any questions or you want to provide direction to staff when we come back for the final after we adopt what we have tonight either one of those scenarios works so um if we have specific spefic line item questions uh we can call the staff up and ask them to uh elaborate on why that's important for their current operations but philosophically uh the way you we look at existing expenses that are recurring expenses not like Capital items but recurring annual expenses is those support the service and level of services that we presently provide um and without Council direction to examine uh rolling back those services or level of service uh we typically don't look at trying to cut into the existing budget um is it possible yes it's possible um and if there again are specific things let's let's chat about them but from a a budget philosophy perspective that's why you you see what you have because generally to hit a Target we're going to look at things that are above and beyond what we're doing now simply because uh we're sensing and and if we're wrong Council can tell us that um that we want to maintain existing services and existing level of service um I hear you I hear you I just wonder if if there if there is waste in our budget I mean there's always waste right um and so I wonder if if the the budget that we're working that is certainly not a personal attack on any department or anyone like across you know let's just be clear on that but is that you know have we looked at that direction of Staff when they prepared their budget was to take a hard look at everything ask for what they need to deliver the services that are expected of them and present that to council um and furthermore the direction was if we have to take things on off the table to be clear both with Council and with the public about what is not being provided and what the implications of that are whether they are Service delivery or added cost cost sometimes if you take something away you're going to have to pay for it somewhere else um and take all of that into consideration and present a a responsible budget not a wish list but a responsible budget to do what they have to do on a daily basis and there's a lot of things that our staff are responsible for and there's including you know unanticipated things U whether it's they run the gamut so so it sounds like the answer is no I have a couple more questions can I go ahead or do anyone else want to come in on that okay thanks um so I had some questions I'm just what I'm what I'm hearing you say Rob is no we don't have waste we're going to you know move forward and that's fine I can accept that but I'm glad that it was asked um so I have a question about the Wastewater issue and it looks like and and maybe that just needs some explanation it looks like we're pulling $2 million from our general fund to to pay for the Wastewater like and that is where is it so can you help me understand that yeah the the Wastewater fund I believe that there's opportunity uh resting in that fund on a moving forward basis to take a look at the fees uh it was brought to my attention just recently actually that there was a Wastewater study done uh I think in 2021 or two it was 2022 and it had some recommendations in there about uh looking at Wastewater rates to make sure that that fund uh could sustain itself as an Enterprise fund what you're high what you're highlighting there Council woman jolen is exactly what that report was seeking to address and had we taken steps to be responsive to the recommendations in that report you would be seeing less general fund subsidy going into the Wastewater fund so having looked at that report uh this week amidst all the other things we're trying to do between August 23rd in the present um that is a a a priority that I've uh talked with our director about not waiting on once we get past our budget here we have to really dig into that and come up with a a sound recommendation that addresses Wastewater fees and helps that account get in structural balance and that would come back as a as a recommendation from staff most likely to uh adopt many of the the strategies that were listed in that report um it's impossible to do that on the time line we're on because we need time to do some solid analysis and back it up but I also don't want to wait too long going into 2425 before we come back to council with recommendations that you can either as a group uh accept or reject or modify um but we want to see that Revenue beginning to come in sooner than later if that's at all practical and feasible within the construct of of uh the the procedures we have to adhere to to change those rates can I so for example I mean I'm I'm trying to Fig I'm I'm trying to I would like to communicate in a way that you know a little bit better because what I just asked was is there are there places here that you haven't identified in the way we do business that would save us money and I heard I heard you say no but now I'm hearing you say that potent yes in a typical and so just let me ask is in most s cities would that Wastewater fund um be self- sustaining rather than being be um one that pulls from our general fund like mean there's that would have changed the answer to the question that I asked well I think the first question was is there waste and can we cut from our recurring expenses that's a different question from can we maintain the health of an Enterprise fund so as an Enterprise fund that fund should by definition generate revenues that are sufficient to support both operating and capital within that fund um so what you're looking at is a structural deficit in that fund and in order to fix it we don't really save money from the the general fund although there's a transfer that gets eliminated we're balancing that account by making sure that the revenues that are generated by the users are sufficient to cover the debt service that that account carries and the operating need needs that account carries so it's a question of revisiting the fee structure and again I I'll reiterate had this been done in 2022 when that report came out uh we would have a little bit of a different situation to look at today I think your staff that you have and I want to compliment everyone that's been involved in this have identified this as an issue and have a strategy to fix what we're inheriting we inherited a lot of different things coming into this budget cycle that we're finding as we're going along we're communicating those to council we're making uh strategic and and procedural adjustments to see that uh we don't continue to experience the same problems um but yeah I mean this is a case where uh we already did the work necessary to find out how we need to course correct only problem is once we found out we didn't take the steps and and what we want to do now is when we identify problems we want to take the steps necessary to solve them and and minimally we want to at least have the conversation and let Council have the opportunity to say yes or no uh or maybe not quite so fast let's stretch it out over five years instead of two or whatever the case may be but uh this this problem you're highlighting is real and uh and we're going to uh Circle back to council with a proposal that at least uh reflects a majority of the recommendations that that report that we paid for already and should have implemented but didn't uh would something real quick so on the Wastewater fund I just wanted you to know that we don't transfer money from the general fund it's transferred from the capital projects fund uh so we're not taking any general fund money and that's that's been the practice for the past couple years um so what we're saying here is that if we don't increase the fees if we don't make you know look at that study that RAF Tellis did and increase those fees is that that fund balance is dwindling it's 4.4 at the end of the this year it will be 2.2 at the end of next year so what we're saying is we do use a lot of money in Wastewater we do have a lot of repairs and that kind of thing infrastructure is costly uh so what what we're saying here is that if we don't increase the fees we are going to have to get U funds from somewhere else because it won't be available go ahead does that make sense I guess that's what I was bordering on a little earlier as far as the fee structure goes I mean this has been going on since uh 2018 if I'm not mistaken and we keep throwing $2 million a year at it every year and we're not solving the problem it's $2 million a year just to fix the problem the time has got to come where we solve the problem at $2 million a year enough is enough well what I'm saying is we're we are only transferring a million but it's not coming from the general fund it is coming from our Capital project projects fund which is where the discretionary taxes are so we have elected to do the million and it's been that for the past several years I believe but it could increase with you know you see how infrastructure is and how costly it is and uh it's very expensive to repair uh so we will we do need to seek other Alternatives as r as Rob was um forecasting we still have the leakage at 90 M marker 92 seems to me we had the leakage yesterday at M marker 9 as well and probably tomorrow as well on counsilman rosenal on the leakage at mile marker 92 uh there's a pending project for the mpk station to put inline pumps in and the inline pumps what they'll do is to moderate those fluctuations that are characterized as hammering in the line so when the pumps turn on and off it forces a flow of water up to mile marker 92 where there's a Bend IN the line that that curves across the road going to correct the Ben is that correct well no the first step is actually to stop that on andof effect that's associated with the hammering because it's that FL sudden flow of water that hits the turn like a hammer and busts it open that's causing this problem or at least is thought to be causing the problem so when we put in the inline pumps what will happen is they'll maintain constant pressure in the line so instead of starting and stopping the pressure will always be there the effluent will continue to flow north and if that investment does not uh prove to be effective in eliminating those breaks the next step would be to undertake a more intensive Capital project that would straighten that area out our Engineers however believe that simply maintaining constant pressure rather than the light switch on and off is what's needed we're in the middle of continuing to negotiate and have been negotiating with kyaro Wastewater treatment district for quite some time in an effort to implement this project but the engineers have some disagreements on whether that uh equipment can overwhelm the kargo wastewater treatment District facility and we've exchanged uh Communications with them as recently as this week on this very topic so we're trying to solve that so we can Implement our Improvement and stop hopefully those ruptures from continuing to occur on a on a periodic basis and there have been two in the LA since June U prior to that there was a bit more of a gap between the first one and the last one but two in in the last let's say two and a half months and the non-technical term I believe was used as bumping is that hammer hammering I think is what people call it hammering I saw bumping and something but it's all the same thing yeah same principle yeah AJ you got something you want to say yes excuse me uh it was in regard to the the million dollar transfer that's going over um that's been on a rear curing basis and to pay off the debt for the the original stor or Wastewater project which required all the paving of all the roads so it was determined that that Transportation mon funds that would normally just be a Paving project uh gets transferred over to make those payments so to help pay down the debt on the transportation side of the the project so if that makes sense I mean just to be I think I said before I ask these questions this is I'm looking for information I'm not making accusations I am not in any way like disparaging anyone I just um just have the questions so thank you for that explanation no problem that's why it's a consistent 1 million every year yeah um but I just wonder since I'm heyj come real quick just so we give us a little insight on on why this is it hammering or is it could is this was it in a different place because people understand that sometimes there's under underr streams that can take the bedding out you know and it gets there or it could be the hammering it could be many things but is this in the same exact place or is it yes it it was two pipes away uh from the last one okay uh but we do believe the hammering is the major cause of it uh which may cause the shifting or you know the stress on the pipe and they're splitting down the side or on the bottom of them okay okay but that pipe is being straightened out that angle that was up there there's no there's no angle in the pipe but there was no no no I mean the pipe does turn and go around certain areas but the pipe is is straight in that section that's not at 92 I take it because there is a section of the pipe it's not a right angle but it's correct stay along the shoulder it'll turn um kind of in the S turn it bends there and then straightens back out okay all right so I'm not completely wrong then yeah but it hasn't broken in the uh in the in the turns they've all been in the straight sections okay thanks AJ appreciate it okay Council no okay I've got I've got three more questions okay go ahead so since it sounds like there is some forward looking into this how the Wastewater fund is sustained is there a projection you can make for this coming year since I'm I think I'm hearing you say that this is something that will be worked on imminently to when when we come back next time to look with that change our numbers when we come back next time on September 17th no this is this is something that's going to be in fiscal year 2425 we've got to really get into the weeds of that report see exactly what we can do within the Wastewater fund come back to council with proposals and and then once we get a decision from Council we'd be able to project out how much revenue that particular scenario would would uh do so so for this budget no but um you've as stutely highlighted a problem that needs attention and we have a plan to attack it we just don't have time in this budget to implement what really should have been done some time back okay C buddy can I go ahead with my other two questions so can you help me with understand um I know we have this Marina fund um I did have a question about the 400,000 operating supplies I'm just curious what that is and maybe we could see that next time but also what it's an why why can't we um well the question really maybe I'm trying to let me phrase this in a way why why don't we have access to the profit that the marina is making and again like if this offends anybody it's just I'm looking for information um the marina and correct me if I'm wrong Lisa operates as an Enterprise fund and so just like Wastewater the revenues that are generated by the marina are supposed to support the marina and its operations and it does but there's an overage and I wonder if why we can't why the village which basically supports that can't use those use that money how much how much is the fund balance in the marina at the end of this year it's uh projected to be 1.6 million so with 1.6 million sitting in the in the marina fund um we would have to have a discussion with the marina to say okay what's coming up in the next five years right and and plan for that one of the issues you and I discussed offline was multi-year Capital planning right um right now we don't have multi-year Capital planning so it's very difficult to say that 1.6 million at the end of 201 324 is free and available or some portion of it is free and available to transfer elsewhere without having a A View to what their multi-year Capital plan needs are it does seem to me on the surface to be a a a a a number that's sizable right but I'd have to understand fully what the longer term plans are to be able to determine how much of it might be available with The Village's discretion to transfer somewhere else so the answer is yes you can take money from Enterprise funds and transfer it out just like we transfer money in uh but you would want to know in doing that that you're not jeopardizing the health of that particular Enterprise fund and that typically is informed by long range Capital planning that we don't presently do does that I'm sorry I was going to I don't want to interrupt go ahead it sounds like it sort of threatens the status quo of how we have always done business but I'm just assuming that um well I I have no idea how one I guess this Council would give direction to to either do some fiveyear planning or or look at using um having access to some of that money since it's a village Enterprise there's there's no reluctance or or Direction needed from Council to do five-year Capital planning because we've already said we're going to start doing that uh that's a a a minimum standard when it comes to budgeting and and frankly when I arrived here I was surprised that we didn't have multi-year Capital planning and I think maybe some of our staff uh are not accustomed to multi-year Capital planning so we're going to work together as a team to prepare them to actually um begin thinking and preparing for budgets uh in a way that incorporates multi-year Capital planning so they we should have an eye out you know three to five years so when we have an Enterprise fund that's failing we know we have to fix it somehow when we have an Enterprise fund that's overperforming then we know that we may have opportunity to do other things with it but without understanding the landscape of their upcoming uh needs then it's a a not quite a dice roll but it's it's a stab in the dark so one of the things I can do with this particular account is is talk with the marina people between this this meeting and our next one and say hey um tell me about your needs over the next 5 years and and kind of impromptu open that conversation with them and and see really where we stand and and how much their budget expenditures actually fluctuate over time so that would require a backwards look to say okay they've budgeted this and you know they they've come in at this number or that number um and then with that information I could get a much better response than what I can hear live in the moment uh there than uh the idea for next year's budget was to do exactly what we're talking about so that we can make more uh informed decisions that don't Place Enterprise funds at risk but at the same time uh capitalize on on the availability of such funds if it's appropriate to do it Mark yes thank you um I'm very interested in I was aware of that balance and um and I respect your your CAU I shouldn't say caution your wisdom of uh not invading that fund without having some idea of what the upcoming needs are um however here it comes uh I think and I don't know everything about the marina however we have replaced the dock Masters facility very recently with a brand new hundred and something, building we have rebuilt the docks uh and as we speak the jetty Breakwater facility is being rebuilt redone with with um Grant funds so I don't think the water is going to break uh out there so that seems to be in good shape I'm making a joke but I don't think we need to do any dredging or anything there surely there's other things that break and you know you have fuel pumps and everything but it would seem to me that that's a source of funds there that there may be an opportunity to put that money to work elsewhere for the taxpayers because if it's sitting there idle and it is it is it is an investment and that's a return on the taxpayer investment so I'm very much interested in not abusing that but seeing if that gives us a little more latitude and providing additional services that we all would like to do I would like to make a comment about that um I'd like to do some further research from gfoa in regards to transferring from the Enterprise fund um I did do I just checked here that said when you're to determining if a transfer from an Enterprise fund is legal a unit should consider any eark any ear marks on the for example if the money can only be used to support the Enterprise activity it may not be loaned or appropriated to another fund for a different purpose however money can be transferred to the general fund to cover reimbursements for services provided to the Enterprise that were financed in the general fund so I think we have to be cautious on using that money I'll be glad to do some further research on that to see what the uh what's allowable and what's not and then as if it should turn out that we are able to reallocate those funds um one of the another option that I would have thrown on the table is we're in the middle of doing a Park's master plan and the marina is part of the park and in theory you know if there is a better argument because it's part of the park maybe there's an opportunity to help fund any recommendations that come out of that if uh legally speaking we're able to do that well the park certainly supports the marina I mean you can't get to it by land without going through the park so so so that's you know another reason perhaps even if you know we were authorized at this point let's say in September 17th to try to uh reappropriate any of those funds uh it it's entirely possible that uh s leaving them where they're at may allow us at a later Point once we're doing the parks master plan to say wait a second we actually do have some funding if it's permissible to transfer um to support implementation of of those recommendations whereas otherwise we'd be looking to appropriate you know fund balance or we'd be deferring to a subsequent budget cycle and I would just leave this conversation with the question that um it's been some time I don't know if it's been 10 years or three years or two months but it's been well some sometime that um I don't know when the last increase we had for the rates over there in the marina and I know they vary but um from what I hear on the street and other private marinas we are we're low so maybe it's a time to take a look at that and see if we can come in balance with what other private facilities are charging they're going up in the whole state of Florida yeah everything's going up look at what you get I mean this is a magnificent facility and we're giving it away there's a waiting line to get in yeah yeah it's an interesting conversation to have because it really I mean it because we're so tied into that property it could be an interesting and creative solution to fund you know some of these projects that like like land acquisition you know I mean it's just an interesting conversation I appreciate you're being open to exploring that but could we also just see where that $ 400,000 like a list of that operating Supply I'm just curious what what's going on for it's num tab 63 would you guys be interested in just seeing that it's $400,000 of operating supplies for the marina I'm just curious sure it's not a lot of work to produce it yeah okay yes we we'll return with that at the September 17 meeting thank you are anybody else are we getting ready to vote or are we going to have some sorry I have one more this I I mean so we um as I recall from last budget season we had this lengthy conversation about Cola and I know that we are my question oh go for it same thing you're R it's just so it looks like we I mean we um it looks like it's at 5% they they put forward a minimum you know 20 counties similar size and it looks like the average is three and a half and I guess um last year the cola was like 9% or something we had a big discussion about it I remember that yeah disc was it a CO response so I just think we should have that conversation I know that um well anyway I think that we should have that conv ation yes I I'd like to add one thing real quick I think some of those comparisons where they had threes actually had uh additional increments that were awarded based on performance and I think the the counties um actually does have that as well so one thing to keep in mind is they had like a a base cost of living adjustment plus they had um an additional again increment based on performance evaluations which we're don't have here in Isam marada yet but we're heading in that direction and I would also highlight that um while the uh the the cost of living increase that was published was like 3.46 or something like that I don't recall the exact number um for the metropolitan area around Miami keep in mind that covers everywhere from you know Homestead to Miami to Miami Beach whatever all falls in that MSA and we happen to be probably in one of the more expensive areas of that MSA so that in part supported the recommendation for fives is one we we can't add an increment for performance valuations because we don't have it and two uh despite the broader msa's uh cost of living index uh we're probably in the higher end if you imagine in a bell curve amongst all the different places and how much cost of living changes or what it cost to live we're probably on the the higher end of that Spectrum with that number that gets published somewhere I imagine it's like a median uh of of all of the different things that they pick up in that region so that's the backdrop but how do how would we I mean it's not something I follow how would we know that maybe could we ask for that a broader analysis to come back at the next meeting so we understand I think this was included in here for us to refer to yes wonder if we could do we need more information more time what which page are you on there 114 okay 114 he rob why we're doing that Henry had talked you know mentioned to me about public comment so Marne is there anybody else that wanted public comment at this point we're going to have specific public comment on each of the resolutions uh when we get to those and we read them um so there will be there will be two more opportunities for public comment specific to the uh proposed millage as well as the um tenative budget just so you guys are aware all right thank you John Marty do we have anybody else that wanted to speak on on not the tabs that John because we're they they will have an opportunity to speak on those tabs I wanted to ask a cola question go ahead um Rob there's one employee that was not included in the cola increases is there a reason for that a contractual reason yes whatever increase is awarded by um Council for our staff is not applicable to the Village manager uh I am prohibited from getting by contract a salary increase so I have no horse in the in other words um I gain no benefit by whatever the uh increase is because my salary is fixed for the first 18 months of my tenure here in Isa marada that's right so I'm not eligible for an increase that's correct because I wrote it that seems unfair I did it a year or so ago and they used what I used two years ago well I I'm not questioning the the skill of negotiating it just seems you know prices are going up cost of living is going up everybody shares it Rob's worked pretty hard to get through this project shows good promise for the Future Would we not want to include the manager there we can override our own contract we have the uh freedom to do that wow do but we have we figured out what that that number is I think it's five grand there's it 10 what the cola is oh it's 5% so the question that I I the question is are we all fine with that I remember mean if if this is the if we're trying to base that on something then I think that it's it's tab 114 that this is provided to us as a reference and it looks like the average Cola is 3.6 so I'm just and we don't have anything else to base that on so can we either have more information or so that we know that our cost of living is x amount higher so I mean this is go ahead um I was just going to say it's it would be excruciatingly difficult to try and Peg you know cost of living increased differences within the MSA because the statistics aren't reported that way well I'm I'm I'm saying anecdotally that makes sense if you're looking at a metropolitan statistical area there are geographies that are quite different and would experience U and I think we've all experienced it traveling from one place to another uh things cost more in one part of the metropolitan area than they do other so that was anecdotal but looking at the facts that we have in front of us on 114 um I I notice you're focusing on the cola and that's what we're talking about here is a cola but the reality of what's presented on that page is a little bit more than that because we also have Merit increases where they have performance uh programs in place uh the maximum Merit increase on this sheet is 3.4 one but uh what that means is you're actually adding the two together um to come up with what employees in these other places are eligible for so the list goes from I think a minimum of looks like 3.5 total no maybe three is the lowest but in this whole list U there's some as high as 8.6 8.5 so on and so forth uh in terms of what people are eligible for based on performance and and we're not arguing for that precisely don't know how is that difficult Implement I mean is that it seems I no it it it's not it is a little bit challenging to implement especially when you have some some uh collective bargaining elements so it would if we were to Target non-union employees for a performance Improvement proog not performance Improvement a performance program um then uh we could speak with our department heads prepare uh a program what it looks like how it operates make sure that they're all part of that discussion before we Advance it back to council then get it implemented um so is it hard well it takes a lot of effort is it common place in most Municipal organizations yes um on my arrival here that's another item that I've talked with both our prior HR Director about and our current one so it's it's something that I want to see matured and take place within the next calendar year but we don't have it now and I'd hate to penalize our employees by giving them you know the lowest possible Cola when they're performing at levels that you know I'm sure would would Merit higher levels of increases in other communities and perhaps even other communities with less cost of living than what we have here so that that in a nutshell is the argument for 5% and to the extent that council is not in agreement with that we'll take whatever direction is provided and I'm sorry to speak for so long on that you're fine I think the confusion for Elizabeth is the same as myself because as Mark likes to say we're the new ones here and um I think last year during the budget it was presented to us three five 7 n or just and it was a major discussion and now it's sort of just this is what it is this year so maybe that's what the struggling part is that I also was sort of surprised it wasn't brought to us too but I don't know if that's the way it should be the way we're changing it I see her confusion because it was sort of uh we did such a big thing last year and this year there was nothing so I in in in my 30 years of Municipal experience we've never come to council with a budget that had you know ranges all over the place because our job as professional staff is to make a recommendation if we can and then to support that recommendation so uh if I had gone a different path and gave like a a range of different increases that would be to me kind of the same experience you're having where it's counter in inuitive so um not having known that's how we did it last time um I might have given that some second thought this time because I wouldn't want to you know make Council feel uncomfortable having the conversation but um the the intent was simply to kind of lay out how we got to where we're at and then Council can still say you know we'd rather do this number or that number but it's it's back to this question we've heard from Council from time to time why doesn't staff come to us as a with a recommendation when they're the professionals that do this work we're and and so so we're trying to we're trying to be responsive to that need right and and not throw just throw things at you and and say it's up to you guys to decide we're we're trying to stop we're trying to stop doing that we're trying to stop throwing decisions at Council without giving you you know the background and this represents an effort to give you the background give you a staff recommendation and let you respond uh in a way that you feel that you need to as as as good scho stewards and people concerned about your employees and their compensation so um so I think we' made a pretty good case for what we want to do um and we're open to council Direction that's different all right Jamie did you have something you want to say I do um I do I just I didn't include um from the workshop um in your current package because at the workshop we I showed you a 4% increase and a 5% increase and there was no discussion as to not doing a five so I didn't include this in your packet this time but the cola the actual Cola or the CPI and then the Social Security together those two things are what was included in your packet for the workshop so I would hopefully you still have those I'm not sure if you do if you don't if you don't I can give it to you offline but um basically the average um for just the cost of living um was 3.41 but we don't have Merit as um Rob said so staff is recommending 5% but I also put 4% in there and the difference is about $70,000 so 4% if you wanted to go with 4% the impact to the wages and salaries would be about $70,000 versus the 5% so thank you and I can add more information if you guys need it I can send it to you offline all right thank you so Marney let's let let's let somebody else want to speak you got a couple people let let's let them speak uh and then we'll we'll move on okay we have um Deb Gillis and Don Horton who's coming first Deb gave me hers first uh Deb Gillis H marada there sorry it's back on um the on the the payroll since that's the last thing you talked about so I'll talk about it first um whether you go 4% or 5% or 4 and a half% or whatever that's that's your decision but I would have like to see something as a placeholder put in for you guys concerning the uh Union bargaining figure you have zero dollars in there right now they will at least match whatever you do with staff so if you give staff a 5% increase the Union's going to get 5% you're going to you know you're going to get that I mean you could have gone with last year whether I think that was 3% maybe not I forget three 3.5 but they got seven well yeah but you could have gone with what staff got last year was 3.5 and then at least you have some basis and and because where's that money going to come from it's going to come out of the general fund I think I don't know don't don't it's not come back and forth I'm not trying to do that um Wastewater um by raising the rates it's it's like raising the taxes you you raise the the fees to the the residents and therefore the tenants um um and it it used to be that the figures that we were charging was supporting the bill now whether it's because we have more repairs and more upgrades that we're doing to the system that it's not paying for itself anymore um I do know that when we put the Wastewater system together we did roll the the uh Paving into that project uh because it was part of the project and so therefore we've been doing that transfer a fund all these years to help pay for that that came out of the general fund It Anyway the the transfer made sense to do it because it was part of the Wastewater project um when you when you raise the the Wastewater rates and I was one that we said we understand that someday we're going to have to do this but we should hold them as long as we can it's kind of like on taxes you need to hold it as long as you can before you raise that bill because it directly affects everybody [Music] um I think two years ago it it was paying for itself I'm not sure about that but uh the marina fund the extra money in the marina fund uh someday you're going to have to replace repair fix the existing docks we spent a ton of money to do that and we funded it out of the general account me I have a couple more minutes we spent a couple uh lots of money out of the general account to get that done because we knew eventually we'd have a A1 facility that we could make money off of maybe it's time that maybe we can figure out how to transfer that money back but you need to plan your five-year projects and and not steal that money from them if because one of these days they're going to have to replace the docks again and that was a lot of money yeah let's try and one more one more item I know um the when you when you change the millage rate um you you always talk about the homeowners but when you talk about the homeowners you have to remember that the renters take the blunt of that too if you lower the millage to do the home owners right most of your renters are or most of your homeowners that are renting are not going to lower their landlord as a landlord they're not going to lower that so just keep that in mind is that you're doing right by the homeowners by lowering that but how many of our citizens are renters versus homeowners thank you all right Don come on thank you mayor and councel and thanks for this bite at the Apple I'm sorry but as so much discussion has gone on tonight there's so many random thoughts that that come just the same as happens to you um a million dollars in the marina fund is nothing when it comes to Marine work Marine work is the most expensive work that you can do in Alam and a million dollars is nothing um I I've built million-dollar docks um and and people you know freak out over it but it's the cost of marine construction uh maybe it's too late to think outside the box uh but but anybody actually sat down and talked about discussing with kilargo Wastewater and seeing if we could revise our contract and have them uh maintain our system uh let's listen to their Engineers uh since it's their system we've got us pump to them it's their system we should listen to their their Engineers we've listened to our engineers in the past and that's why we have the problems that we have these folks want us to be up and running and working right and pumping to them it's like Jill said we're their best customer and we're still kicking and screaming um we've got to send it to them and they should have a system that we should have a system and they should have a system that's ours that we trust so I see no reason why we couldn't sit down and renegotiate with them um has anyone discussed if we could lower the costs maybe have private partner U Partners private Public Partnerships subcon out Contracting out our rideway and our Mowing and our trimming instead of continuing to buy more F 250s or or 2500 Chevys or or 20 trucks parked in the back here they're beautiful trucks I love them they I I'm a truck guy but we just don't need to keep collecting trucks and then we keep collecting trucks and we keep collecting chippers and we keep collecting Pumpers and now we've got to start finding property and Mark I know you want to acquire property but I I agree with Sharon why why jump in with a $3 million with land acquisition I don't understand why we were so giddy buying the Machado property and now we're talking about selling it holy smokes it sounds like you know a little bait and switch on the public I think it's a little disingenuous if not a lot to make it sound like we just AR you know we're acquiring property or we're not acquiring property and then on the other hand you say well we've acquired it now let's sell it you know um you can't have it both ways and I guess my last random thought is you know 5% is really not getting your your staff ahead so uh if you're going to make Cuts make Cuts somewhere logic don't cut it on your staff thanks thank you Don all right public comments closed Council have any pardon me mayor we have a hand up on Zoom that I didn't see okay okay it's Mr wishme okay Mr wishme go ahead yes thank you very much Joe wishm Plantation key you know I hear a lot of talk about the millage but I just want to remind you that at the 2.65 rate that's still a 4.5% increase over the roll back and I keep hearing about well we need to get more money but I didn't hear people talking about what about the upgrade of $729 million to the taxable values that should also be adding a lot into that budget as well as far as Wastewater goes you know I I haven't looked into it as much but I remember there was a lot of storefronts that we were complaining about that were still way down on the edus and some of them became breweries or distilleries and I know that uh when we brought that up before it was supposed to be Wade trim who was supposed to be checking and making sure that we were all up to Snuff so I would I would hope that somebody is checking to make sure that these places that are increasing are paying their fair share thank you very much Marney anybody else let me take one more look here thank you no public comments closed Henry go ahead I just want to make one comment uh as far as dealing with ke Argo and the Wastewater I had some conversations some time ago and it kind of fell by the wayside but I just want to make sure that our manager picked up where I left off and he is talking to them right now as what you what you had suggested so it's uh I just want to make a comment that he is doing it um I wish him all the best but it's going to be a difficult situation because they really don't want to do it I don't think you know but it's uh he's pursuing it and I congratulate you on picking up the ball where I probably left off so thank you thank you all right all right we ready can we move on here are we ready to move on guys we need to so Lisa at this point we need to go the millage rate needs to be determined for right I think so uh John did you want to read the resolutions yep yeah one that has to go first is the millage rate okay um that's tab one in your book uh it's the resolution of the Village Council of isar Village of violence Florida amending resolution number 24764 adopting a tentative millage rate for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2024 through September 30th 2025 pursuant to section 2.65 Florida Statutes and providing for an effective date just as a reminder the um what's listed in there um is for our taxing entity which is obviously is mar Village of violence is a uh uh tentative millage rate from the last discussion which was 2.65 um the roll back rate is 2.59 2.52 N7 uh so that would be a uh 4.76% increase above the roll back rate okay may want to start some conversation and just as Rob pointed out I wanted me to remind you if you want to adopt a again this is 10 not the final but if you want to adopt a different millage rate now would be the time obviously to do that um there's some stuff under the statute Lisa and I would need to recalculate and make some announcements what I like similar to what I did now about percentage above or below the roll back rate um but we we can do that uh we're prepared to do that okay but it's tenative until the 17th yes nothing is final until the 17th right so where we at we're right now Lisa where we did the 265 is that where we went with that's what you recommended at the last at the workshop right the workshop yes that's what I thought so the question is do you want to deliver the same amount of services or more than last year or do you want to save money for the taxpayers and charge Less in taxes you cannot have both so that's I think I'm restating the obvious so if you want to continue when I say you we want to continue delivering the services we're in a service business the millage rate as shown here should go up if not you can leave it there and the cuts will stay in effect anybody else want to talk any further discussion Henry I don't think Services is the issue I know where you're going and I can appreciate that but there's so many fact factors in the services that has to be controlled as well I mean I came here in my head prepared to to cut we're still $2 million in the hole and I don't see anybody cutting anything we've been here for several hours I mean overtime for example ex Le I'm not going to go into it specifically unless you asked me to but that's always put in the budget and I've always said if you if you put it in the budget they're going to use it to me it's backwards Elizabeth we have we have we have extra personnel with the fire department for three years we didn't have to pay for them now we got to pay for them do we need him I don't know I know there's a um Terry well yeah Terry but um you're trying to follow some procedures that don't really need to be here as to the number of employees and the number of people on the trucks and all that kind of stuff I know what you're trying to do but I don't think it's necessary that's just me so I mean I'm prepared to talk about cutting something along the line here right this is the time this is the time well well right right now we're on just right now we're on the millage rate yes I'm sorry I mean obviously the millage rate will dictate how much you have in the in the budget but the the cuts will come at the next resolution for the for the tenative budget they have to be done separately into the public hearing Mark mentioned services so that's the reason I went in that direction you correct my apology go ahead Elizabeth no you got the floor you're suggesting that this is not the time to talk about cutting cutting services I'm not suggesting that today is not the time I'm just suggesting there are two items under the statute that we are required to consider separately and in a very specific order the tenative mill rate has to come first the tenative budget comes second the obviously ly discussion of the millage rate is going to dictate what you can and cannot fund for your budget but in terms of going through the budget and actually cutting things out that's the second item that we have today under the next resolution I I don't know how we can understand what we need to get our migrate at if we don't have a conversation about what we want to cut I'm hearing you say you want to cut things I I I don't know how we John saying we got we got to set the tenative millage rate first before we go to the next item Rob go ahead um I would just add and and John correct me if I go astray here um but the scenarios we presented provide at least some guidance on the millit rate right because we showed what you get and what you don't get at 2.65 in a couple of scenarios and at 2.8 in a couple of scenarios so we know when we go up where that money was going and we know if we stick at 2.65 what wasn't being provided so in just trying to get to the statutory requirement that we talked to mate first if you're thinking you might find more room um by cutting something uh that you know we discussed earlier perhaps then maybe you would gravitate towards 265 thinking well staff told us I was going to lose these things but I think I can actually find the money somewhere else um that's a gamble if you go to 2.8 that gives you more Headroom and we' have to reread the whole thing about the millit rate if you decided to change the millit rate but we also laid out what that scenario looks like and and what it does to our fund balances keeping in mind we have as one of our public speakers mentioned and as we've talked about here some other things happening in the background and I'll say it again so it doesn't get lost in the conversation we've got a CBA agreement that we know will settle when that settles it's going to come out of the fund balances that are reflected in these scenarios we have some liabilities out there we talked about the the uh the resort and we know that's out there um we have other things that are are percolating of a similar nature so it's it's um taking all that into consideration and finding the number that you're comfortable with and then we adopt that come back for a a second discussion in effect at the final budget and that's when you can make additional adjustments based on what we learned between now and then um and it's unfortunate this statute specifies it in this order um I'm not sure of the why of it but it does so we have to kind of walk through it as were mandated and and again as council member Rosenthal pointed out nothing's final until the 17th so this discussion all of this is tentative um and nothing is final till the 17th subject obviously to certain voting requirements as it relates to the uh millage rate all right so are there any other slides you would like to see again um you know like the millage rate scenarios would you like to see the comparison on that would that help you I don't think so I mean okay I don't personally does anybody else all right do I hear somebody you want to start something off somewhere do you want to open a public comment for this uh specific item okay let's have public comment if anybody wants to speak does Marty have any public comment um I don't have anything specifically asking for this okay all right so P public comment is saw now closed all right and I originally proposed the number of 2.65 and I'm going to stick with that just for the sake of the formality of the meeting and then we can move on and rough it up later or we can rough it up now for in in response to mark uh what services are in Jeopardy by any millage rate just tell me just well the everything in the book I mean all the stuff you saw in R were cutting so you know the qu the quality and the and the amount and the quantity of services o across the board that we deliver to the public will be compromised by the reductions in the budget it's just a natural seesaw just name one for me just one well I I'm going to have to look because I can't remember them all but I mean all right you saw the here this while they thinking about that Elizabeth you want to say anything or vice mayor the the idea is that you know I think John mentioned the term Headroom if we if we increased it tonight to give ourselves a little bit more time it's a lot easier to bring it down than it is well like I'm trying to do right now to to bring it up that's why I was suggesting number pardon me say a number your number I mean 2.8 okay you didn't say that okay I'll second it yeah and that's as he said this is not final you're not going to get in trouble for raising rates in the newspaper well I don't I can't speak for the newspaper ation I move that we adopt the millage rate of 2.8 well yeah well that's it you seconded you got well it was kind of implied I'd say but uh my motion would be to to to adjust it from 2.65 up to 2.8 certainly with the expectation we're going to fine-tune it more between now and the 17th well let's weigh in on how everybody feels let's weigh in on how she you want to ask us go ahead I got another comment to uh our our Council discussion we got a motion in second okay fine uh John how many V votes are required to pass 2.8 or 2.78 um at 2 .8 ultimately would require four fifths vote four fifths yeah at the final budget um it would ultimately require four of the five of you yes tonight about tonight tonight it you could move forward with a majority um It's the final the final one that requires four fifth vote for that that number you want to say something and it at at the two did you ask about the the other number the 2.65 no I didn't you didn't okay but just to be clear 2.78 and 8 is 4 fths 2.78 or 2.8 either one would require 4 fths yes 4 fths yes is there anything there that needs a majority anything up to 2.67 36 could be done with a simple majority of the council okay but there's nothing with a five votes for majority majority if you go equal to or above 29411 would require a unanimous vote of the council thank you and and when when I say unanimous that means all five of you voting so if somebody is absent it doesn't mean four out of four it would require five affirmative votes you answer my question thank you all right go ahead vice mayor you want to say something you were going to say something no I agree with Henry two 265 sorry and I have ways we can cut stuff so that'll come next what do you want I'm torn man I'm torn I think you know 265 is I think we need to maybe bring it to 2.8 at least but just kind of let's so so Marne Let's uh call the rooll please we have a motion in a second okay council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan Council member Henry rosenal no vice mayor Sharon Mahoney no and mayor buddy Pender oh my goodness uh I'm going to say yes he that motion passes three to two so for a tentative millage rate of 2.800 that would uh and I have to State this under statute um that would be a 10.69% increase above the roll back rate just something that required to be announced by the statute just so we make sure Lisa that this we this can be changed if at the on the 17th we can come out with our final number right yes okay okay all right the next is um the last resolution is a resolution of the Village Council of isar Village of violence Florida providing for an uh adoption of the tenative budget of the village for the fiscal year 2024 to 2025 commencing on October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 authorizing expenditure of funds established by the budget providing for budgetary control providing for personnel authorization providing for gifts and grants providing for amendments providing for encumbrances providing for issuance of checks providing for post audit providing for severability and providing an effective date okay are we CH question are we choosing one of these scenarios that youve put forth is that what we're looking for are we going on the 2.8 you can do that or you can um you all can make changes as as you see fit but but yes it's it's within your discretion to choose one of the scenarios or something else and this this too is not final cor AB correct yes this is a tenative budget nothing will be final until the 17th so in the interest of time since we're going to come back and have this conversation I I would just move to adopt scenario 1B it's a millage rate of 2.8 and it it it includes um sorry this is confusing to find if you can find it scenario 1B hold on it's all the way in the back is it again I think that we're going to I'll second two it's totally this is this is really like an yeah this is just in the interest of time cuz I got to make phone call it's just negotiating we're not final this is you can try to your land next next month I just feel like you guys are just wasting time we're just postponing it but whatever do whatever you want if you guys want to dig into this you just take a break so I can make a phone call sure or or let's just take the vote and we'll dig in it' be over in five minutes wait a second I'd like to be it for me to be over in five minutes but I don't agree with the three million for land so why am I'm not going to say yes so we're just like postponing everything I don't understand to me it's like a waste of time myself let me ask a question should we have another meeting just doing line item I mean not really line item line item line item talking about the whole budget yes ho well wow I mean is that reasonable I understand both of their concerns where there is areas we can cut like overtime holiday lights I know you're not going to like that but we could lower it some and that money could go to maybe something important like a planner or a deputy chief of training something that to me seems to be important so if we just took $500,000 in the land acquisition we'd have enough money to get another planner and a deputy fire chief but the okay I'm just saying there's ways we can move money around I don't think we need all the overtime and I don't you're sort of like Henry did say you're like it's you're going to use it if it's in your if it's there come on it's like a cake in your refrigerator you're going eat it if it's there so Henry or Henry and Sharon are you saying at our next meeting you want the staff to come back with additional ideas for where to cut because it's not I mean for us to go line item that's kind of crazy because we don't we don't work here I mean what do we know um but but if what if you're saying you know come back with more ideas for cuts then I'm sure they could accommodate us maybe I I mean they yeah sure I mean I mean I'm looking to cut I mean maybe they'll cut like I don't know these nice markers that we get you know well I can't I I can't approve anything until we bounce that budget it has to be balanced well why don't you Henry and if anybody else is interested in doing it maybe make a list or you write down what you want to see cut and turn it in and that way they could sort of combin it all so we don't go line by line and end up killing each other well you know I understand time is essential but the most important time truthfully thanks to the the mayor here is the public what they've got to say I've said that all along I know you want to cut the meetings down or whatever there was there was a one time that we were a part of that wanted to cut down public comment to 30 minutes didn't happened what didn't pass you guys weren't a part of it but I'm rambling on I'm I'm getting off the subject and I'm starting to sound like you lady and I can't do that thank you choice we either got to vote on it we're going to take a break and come back to it but we got to have public comment cuz it is a tab so we have to open open public comment up buy she made a motion and I seconded the motion okay all right well we got to have public comment before we can so can we uh Marne we have anybody for public comment no one has signed up specifically for this we have folks who asked to talk about the budget okay but nobody for this tab no one has signed up for public comment is now closed okay I'm confused okay uh so in other words you want to pass what is it 2B or 1B or somebody B right right away no no it's so so the this is and trust me I this is in the interest of time procedurally as I understand it from our staff we have to pass something tonight According to some big rule that we have yeah I I understand that but I just feel like we're I'm going to say yes to something that I know I'm going to say no to so to me sort of goofy but that's okay fine that's fine it really is okay you guys do what you want to do we can come back and Henry can advocate for no overtime and and and his suggestion of having a a meeting between now and then I mean if we really want to dig further into this we could do that but this is completely tentative it was just fun to be here for three hours okay guys I mean you made a motion we we've already had public comment you guys there's a motion in a second you repeat the motion who I was just saying just to to council member rosenthal's point about the budget line items at the next budget hearing the second budget hearing you can make adjustments to the budget as you all see fit okay all right so the the could we so who made the motion a minute I didn't I made the motion and it was scenario 1B I think okay and Mark second it right all right so tell Henry what your motion was Henry to take all this it was to approve scenario 1B which she presented on the slide maybe Mark you could show that to him 3 million for land and it's a it's a two it it coincides with the 2.8 millage rate that we just passed um and it has a description which we can change I mean it it's it's upon you to come back with your you know what you want to change bring it let's let's lay it out next time I would hope we all have changes not just me I I just brought up a lot of stuff tonight that was painful to you but maybe you could bring some next time so are we going to go ahead and vote on this well isn't there there's a 2B at 28 that that only has a million it was a motion to adopt the scenario 1B because she wants three million I don't so that's why 2B would be better but that's so Marne let's do this let's go ahead and call the role all right got a motion and second council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Mark Greg yes council member Henry Rosenthal no vice mayor Sharon Mahoney nope and mayor buddy Pender no okay that motion failed should we take a recess I got to make a phone call or okay so you know what we can make a motion real quick somebody want to make a motion on 2B 2B I move to pass 2B okay adopt 2B all is there a second I don't even know I have to get to 2B just hang on there Zippy what's that it doesn't matter we're going going to change it anyway I I I I second it you okay so there's a motion in a second on 2B which um let me get to two R pretending huh this is there it is two let me get right here 2B 2B yep okay all right Marney would you call the rooll please Henry you see it I see it okay Sharon you see that there's no that's not 3 million okay all right um Marney call the role please council member Mark Greg yes council member Elizabeth Jolan yes council member Henry Rosenthal no vice mayor Sharon Mahoney yes and mayor buddy Pender yes motion passes four to one I got a vote no okay I still love all right so is that there's no we have no count mayor council Communications uh Village attorney there's nothing so with that being said is there injour Rob do you want to say something first no sir I'm good thank you all right do I hear somebody I moved all right I don't even for