##VIDEO ID:_vcFEXnggTo## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this meeting order and uh I've asked uh Jason our assistant fire chief to please lead us in the pledge oh I'm sorry Marney call the role I'm sorry my fault get going too quickly call the rooll please council member Mark Greg here council member Elizabeth jolen here council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney here and mayor buddy Pender here we have a all right now we can go on the pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay we're going to have a quick prayer here and we're going to then we're going to have public comment next all right Lord we thank you for this awesome day that you have made today let us rejoice and be glad in it and we thank you for the sunshine the rain just everything the environment and we just ask a blessing over all those that are here lead us and guide us and direct us and all that we do and we ask all these things in your name amen listen it's not like I don't like hearing your voice but I'm hearing it twice okay they're fixing hearing him echo my head scary hey Vince do we uh we got that under control okay okay with that being said um public comment is now open anybody Marne we have anybody's requested to speak yes we do uh first van Hayden head van Caden head followed by Sue Miller okay good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'm van Cadenhead uh we're here for a very important reason for the people of is moranda today and uh I hope you'll uh give us an opportunity to uh express our opinions as we go along in the next three days because there's some very intricate problems here and that can all be expressed in a three minute sound bite and uh I know that you all have worked very hard to get it to this point but it's a very complex budget and uh it's very important to the people of is marada and so uh when we go to fix the millage rate and uh I understand the trim notices have already come out to the people so that's is going to be a real Gasper for the most people so uh I really hope that uh you can give us an opportunity to express ourselves to you as we go along through this and I wish you luck it's a really tough job and I don't envy you at all in it but uh we're with you to win it so thank you suer lower metacumbe good luck this is a really tough thing that you have to do over the next 3 days and um I will just share how much frustration I've had um I I found the um budget agenda online Saturday spent most of the day Saturday all day Sunday and then found out that there were major revisions so today I found the revisions so I haven't had a chance to really digest the agenda that you got because I didn't get it until 11 or 11:30 this morning and that's a little frustrating to me we have to follow the rules as our um as members of the public we have to turn in things on time or we don't get to talk and all kinds of rules but apparently those rules only apply to the public because as I read your rules you have to have the agenda items well in advance so that we have an opportunity to study them and so I apologize that I haven't been able to study just as I sat down I looked at my trim notice that is online and my rental house on taxes with a three Ms from the village and whatever the millage rates are at the other taxing authorities um my rental house taxes went up $4,000 divide that by 12 and see how much it costs me for my tenants and and that's happening all over the place if you're lucky enough to have a homestead at home and and don't have to rent you don't see what it's costing the landlords and um and it's really your job to make things as a affordable in this town as we can possibly get them affordable housing affordability in general is one of the top priorities the other one traffic and uh and so you're sitting in the seats that have the vote and I hope that you'll remember to vote according to the needs of our community and the people here thank you thank you Marne we have anybody body else signed up to speak no we do not okay thank you with that being said public comment is now closed Mr Cole you're going to introduce the process to us yes sir thank you mayor uh first thing I'd like to mention is Comcast is experiencing some broadcast difficulties this evening we've been waiting on them all day to fix that uh they have not yet done so at least at the last I checked about five minutes ago but we are broadcas ing this meeting streaming it from the website on zoom and on YouTube If you visit the Isam marado website there's a banner up at the top that can take you straight to the YouTube stream where you can watch the meeting live or again you can also watch it on Zoom so the Comcast issue is beond our control we've been monitoring and trying to work through their tech support uh but they've not been successful in restoring the broadcast as of yet Perhaps it'll come up during the meeting so procedurally we're going to have three meetings uh for budget this year August 21st 2nd and 3rd uh we're generally going to follow the agenda that was published online um if we deviate from that we'll let everyone know of course uh we would hope that come the end of our meeting on the 23rd we will have you know received adequate direction to come back in time for the tenative budget with a an actual complete document that's scheduled for September 5th and the final budget would be scheduled for adoption on September 17th on September 10th we will not have any budget discussion because uh that date conflicts with a budget discussion at the county and we're prohibited for or at the school I forget which it is um but we're prohibited from having it on the same day as that other other governmental entity um I'd like to thank our department heads they put in a a great deal of effort into their budget presentations this year uh we've done things a little bit differently we have some new people in key positions so they first of all had to get up to speed with financial systems and process and procedures uh including both our our HR Director Jamie and Lisa our finance director um so when it comes to Preparing a budget and making sure that the information we're pulling out out of our financial systems is going to support public conversation and the board's important decisions that they have to make we wanted to make sure it was fully accurate and vetted before uh we publish those documents and distribute distributed them to council among other process improvements we're having department heads this year um present on their individual budgets as opposed to having let's say the finance director run through the budget beginning to end with a few questions of department heads afterwards we want the department heads to be able to emphasize the importance of the allocations they're requesting uh to take questions directly about those budget requests and to you know put up a a good defense for the ask and why we need it so if it comes to U having to eliminate anything from the budget at least we'll understand what we're eliminating and what we would not be getting as a result of making those reductions because of course that's an important thing to know when we're trying to bring the millage rate down is what are we not getting and what is the impact of that so our staff have given some thought to that and we'll be prepared to answer those kinds of questions as well uh should that uh ultimately be direction from Council that having been said I'll turn over the presentation to Lisa and she'll work through an overview of some of the financials and some of the trends that we see uh that are influencing the budget and then we'll work our way into each of the department ad presentations from there and I'll leave it up to the mayor to uh uh monitor or or manage uh requests for uh feedback or questions of Staff okay thank thank you sir Lisa you got the floor all righty good afternoon everyone I'd like to say Welcome to our budget workshops for 2425 uh to me this is a collaborative effort with both staff and Council and should be both a discussion as well as a question and answer session so that we can come to a conclusion about the budget and the military we know that these are taxpayer dollars and for the citizens and they should be spent with that in mind so we do understand that um and we do keep that in mind as we are working on the budget I also wanted to thank uh my staff uh as he already said we have worked tirelessly to get this done and they've done a great job um cie and Hattie are both here uh Mary and Michelle both helped out and Stephanie did a great job with presentation so just wanted to give a shout out to those people and also wanted to thank the village staff for working with me to complete their budgets um we do have an excellent group of directors they are uh ones you can really be proud of they're very knowledgeable and professional and they're looking out for the best interest of the village so I just wanted to give preface it with that yeah hey Lisa I I just want to say thank you because I know you guys have all been Marney you I hadti all you know Ally everybody's been working late working and Rob too yes absolutely yes thank thank you thank you appreciate that um what I'm going to do the first couple of tabs is um I kind of had to piggy back off but due to the short time that we have for um since I've been here I've only been here since June 3rd so just a little over two months to take on all of the information and it's a lot um you know just to get the lay of the land to meet everybody to understand their budgets to understand our spending habits and that kind of thing so uh you know keeping that in mind and then starting on the budget learning all of that so it's been a quite an undertaking but you know one it's very challenging um so basically what I wanted to start with was the um governmental accounting we have um as you probably do understand it we have um funds in governmental accounting and so we have the general fund which carries most of our uh departments um probably well over 80% and then we have have the other the we have the special Revenue funds and we have the Enterprise funds which act like a business type activity um so those are our funds and how they're they're we're required by Statue to have them that way and uh we also are required to do a budget so that's what we're here for today um and then our goal is to be you know reduce discretionary operating expenditures with an emphasis on maintaining an acceptable level of service for Village residents so just keep that in mind as you uh read through this and listen to the different um departmental budgets so they've done a great job getting prepared for you and so I hope you'll um appreciate what they've done uh let's see and then I did also give a u i just gave a little synopsis of the millage and to explain that maybe to the taxpayers if in case they didn't understand the process how the millage rat Set uh how much it can increase that kind of thing just that's kind of a little tidbit that they have on the uh trim website um so then we'll move on to um I need to be doing this don't I have two I forgot about my thing I told you I'd forget here we go all right um oh the next thing was yeah that's the governmental funds and the proprietary funds that's what I just talked about let me go next okay here is our um property tax percentage of total taxes by our taxing taxing entity so here's where your tax dollars um are split from the ISA marada Village of islands only 30.8% of your tax bill goes to us everything else goes to school district uh and all of those other categories that you see there okay so today what we'll show these are our militate scenarios that we've got for you and let me pull my slide up here so I can see that Just for information she's this Rook it's too too small to read right do you have it in your book that's why I have it up on my screen it's too small for me to read that's this is not there that's in their uh yeah their little spreadsheet that they just brought over the little slides there exactly so that should be number let me look and see what number that is hold on 1 two three four five you read it tab six tab six can you get to that one page six you got that page six on your uh the slide presentation I do thank you okay so can everybody read those so these are the two uh millage rates that we propose the first scenario is the 3.0 that we agreed on at the last meeting which is just the agreed upon maximum so that's as high as we can go that's not what we voted on that's just setting a maximum cealing limit uh so under that scenario um you'll see what the adopted rate was there's a comparison there of our adopted rate last year which was 2.79 N2 The Levy what that generated and then what the new uh new one generate and that's a $3.2 million increase um so and then on a on a the tax on a medium home the medium home value in Isam Rod is 1.3 million and the way that works is it will be let's see if I can see that that would the so that shows what the actual rate was 3655 92 and then it would go up to 39818 so it's a $262 increase on the total tax bill so that's how the 3.0 works and then the roll back scenario is 2.52 N7 and what that does we compare there to last year's adopted rate and that gives a 15.7 million which is last year's this one will bring it up to 15.9 which is only a $277 $277,000 increase which is really not going to give you a whole lot but um it's a barely an increase there so that also shows the uh impact on your tax bill it only ends up $361 decrease so that is an actual decrease so we want to kind of wind up hopefully somewhere in between those in the middle um as you can see that because the 277,000 is quite low but um I think once we show you everything that we've got all the Departments what they've got we'll we can agree on something in the middle um so any questions on that am I going too fast I y'all speak up Council trying to see this okay I know it is Tiny is it I that's why I had it on my screen okay the next uh let's see the next one is I've got some over here if anybody wants to borrow them okay uh the next thing is our key changes in budget at a glance so what we're showing here today is our total adopted budget for last year was 87 m6497 uh the general fund portion of that uh comprised of 36493 300 so pardon oh what did I say 36,43 300 and then on the total proposed budget for this year would be 84,85 43 uh and with the general fund budget being 42 million of that so as you can see there's a 3.2 year-over-year de increase uh last year this year it would be a 15.64% of cola raises that's you know that's what we'd like to speak of um and the trends in our neighboring communities um which is what we like to compare it to because we're not really the same as the rest of the state you know you kind of want to pair it Apples to Apples Marathon Key West uh Key Largo those kind of things and then um are major departmental changes well each department head will speak of the nature of theirs what's increased decreasing and what their Capital project requests are so a couple of those examples that we have in there in the budget the fire rescue is in need of a new engine it's 1.2 million parks and wreck is really in desperate need of a Pool Resurfacing there there's cracks and you know that kind of thing in there it's leaking quite quite bad so that that is a big undertaking they plan to take about three months time to do that but um we need to get that on the radar as well so those are some key things and then what I'll go into next is me pull that status of our pulled cash and debt so what we've got here is what our um bank and investment account balances are at 93023 you can see we had uh cash in our banks were $24 million uh and our truest our loan debt service account was 263,000 and then our Florida class last year Maria um put some money over in our Florida class which is a local government investment pool and we uh she decided to move 10 million there and it that was a wise decision because we're making really good interest on that 5.4 uh which is really good um so let's see so then that shows you the rates you'll see on the left column is that the balance is at 9:30 and then the balance is to date as of 6:30 um so that's a little bit you know dated but that's as close as we could get right now um so we have 34 million cash and then uh 10.8 as far as in in the investment pool so that sort of gives you a snapshot of what what we have in the bank what we have invested um we will be moving to some of that money we'll be uhu putting in a different type of investment I'm going to be speaking to a investment advisor in a couple weeks so we're we're going to work on that uh let's see the next is our debt Services fund and that's where we pay our debt we have um how is it four or five different let me go get our debt hang on just a second I got the page in here I don't have that page in here um anyway this is what we have for our debt service I think that's a slide that's coming later let me look here oh here it is this is what I wanted to show you this shows our U the bonds that we've got I got click to the right slide right here can you guys read that can you read it you can't [Music] read okay hang on so if we could go back to the other page people wanted to find that in their books that one there I think it the last page of tab three is that correct is that the one huh yeah you're right could you go ahead Lisa and repeat what it is you said about that oh about the debt about the debt or the cash and Investments right here okay this is the debt and what we're do well I didn't talk about that one yet I was going to move to this one just to show you the um let me show you the these are all of the bonds that we have and what I wanted to show you there is each one and when we the original principle that we had on each of those is listed and then what our maturity date is is listed and then what our balance remaining so the total outstanding principle is 53 million so I wanted you to see the breakdown of that you can look at that later if you want to but it just shows um you know how many bonds we've got four I believe up there and and some of them are maturing so keep this in mind for you know future um debt that we might want to take on as a result of you know some of the things we might want to build um some of those are maturing on in 2026 uh let's see who's taking yeah the first one is and it it will be maturing 121 2026 so that'll be something that we can consider um you know as far as if we wanted to have any more debt there um then I'll go back to the page that you were looking at this is the let me go back right here debt Services fund so this shows what are where we actually pay the bonds so the revenues actually the revenue we don't have revenues for The Debt Service fund we transfer from another fund to pay the debt and we do that as we pay it we so we keep this as a a a zero balance account where we just move it in there as we make the payments and we make one two interest payments a year and one principal per year so we move the money in there as it's needed and as we have to pay it so that's just kind of a snapshot of what we've done there uh gives the actuals for each one and then it gives the um the budget for next year and basically that's just that's our amortization schedule which you have that in your debth section of your book it will show you each of the schedules for each of those bonds so if you want to look there and see what our payments will be from you know we have that highlighted at the bottom what we're making for the year so that'll help you all righty yeah tab three shows you the if you'll look at tab three that does show your amortization schedules if you do want to look at those and that's highlighted at the bottom can you see that at the bottom it's the second page tab 3-2 see that so where it's highlighted down there that shows you where the payment is that gives you the principal and the interest that we're paying for that year and see as you see that first one we've only got one more one more year year and then it'll be paid in January I mean December 1st 2026 so each of those bonds there if you wanted to look at that you could see you know what's owed on those what we've paid on those and also it gives you the it's a very good snapshot of what that whole bond is about our interest rate on those everything's that you need to know on that okay any questions on that Council any questions okay uh let's see all right Jamie you're up it's time for Jamie Personnel clicker thing unless no you can help yourself Jamie I believe we're on Tab four Tab four yes so the first part is the full-time equivalence um which way am I clicking to the right yeah the right the right arrow there you go um the full-time equivalent so overall we're proposing three new full-time equivalent positions and each of the department leaders will come up and talk specifically about those additions to the full-time equivalents I did want to put even though the planning um and development services does not have a net increase I did want to um just highlight the fact that the planning and development services director at one of the uh Village Council meetings in in January January 22nd council meeting there was discussion by yall moving that out of there and um putting um in the assistant Village manager so that's why you'll see that moving out and then um Jennifer is going to talk about the need for a planner another planner in her Department any questions about that I know Council any questions for Jamie about that particular Department um you'll see in fire rescue Terry is going to talk about a new training position that he needs for his department so that's where one of the increases is you'll see in Parks and Recreation Maria is going to come and speak about adding another facility and Recreation um attendant for the park so that's an increase in hers and then the marina um they need another assistant doc master um to help with um schedules so for full-time equivalence we're proposing an increase of three can you hold it onee councilman Rosenthal has a question mhm every time you add a new employee is that fing a vacant position or is that something new these are new positions we're asking for and the need is each of the department heads will discuss the need and the impact to their budgets when we talk at the department level so it's increase in business it's um increase of business just numbers anybody can add up numbers so last year somebody added up the number why do we need somebody new to add up the numbers this year I I don't understand your question you want to add an extra employee three we're proposing three whatever the number is I'm just trying to justify the need for an extra employee and the department heads will speak to those needs so I think um when we get to each of those departments if you have specific questions for them that would be perfect I'll pass thank you okay thank you all right and so our benefit um providers the in increase this year is an 88.9% increase um in past years we've um budgeted at least 10% so 8.9 is the overall percentage for the increase um we because we are part if we we can Orient them to a page in the that's what I was going I'm so sorry that's what I was going to ask than you Rob I'm going to go back to the staff compensation I'm kind of jumping to okay it is going to be tab 4-17 sorry so you'll see you'll see the increase for um the benefits and insurances in the individual departments um when we go through the individual departments but overall for our employee benefit program um it is an 88.9% increase so that it it's it equates to about 154,000 for the year it sounds big but it's a $154,000 increase yeah the 8.9 sounds big but um and that again you'll see those numbers in the increase in the budgets for the individual departments um when we get to those any other questions about the insurance is no change in the um health benefits that we Health dental EnV Vision um benefits that we provide to our employees currently so there's no no change in the level of benefit that we're providing it's just a it's a premium increase questions any questions for Jamie on that one okay we can go back to staff compensation now if you want and you have any questions I wish just wasn't sure if you would have questions about it um tab 4-6 starts the staff compensation I do not have a slide on that so that is in your books and if you have any questions about any of those departments I'd be happy to try to answer or or when you get to the department heads you can ask those questions I I want to ask a question on the slide and in my book it's Tab four four at page 18 18 it it appears that um jumping ahead Mark oh are you coming to that now I was coming to I will hold my fire thank you excuse me if anybody has any individual questions about the staff salary okay all right so you said you're we're on Tab four page uh Dash I'm sorry d8 I couldn't I can't see that number very well it's little it's the first of the sheets that are folded over that's right sorry and it's really small it is really small it's hard to print it's hard to get everything in these books um need a pair of doctors bifocals here that when they're doing surgery we do we do since since we're now all we're all on the same page could you just go back to what you were saying about this page for 4-8 so the staff compensation is this is a breakdown of each of the positions that are budgeted the current salary any projected or um proposed increase and you'll see at the top that we did put the proposed increase of 5% and I will talk about the Cola in a minute but for calculation purposes and projections for the budget for personnel budget we just put in the 5% it can go lower it can be whatever the pleasure of the council is but um we just put 5% in there just to give you a number we have to have a number at the end of the day [Laughter] so so Jamie just quickly yes uh you have the individual breakout that begins on 4-8 correct and then I'm sorry if I'm jumping ahead but you and you you'll explain it 4-18 is kind of a summary a cola okay yeah yeah so I mean we can talk about that now Mark if you want to um the 4-18 is the the cola sheet that I put together um you'll see the Social Security increase what it was last year what it is this year um and that's at the top and then the CPI for what it was last year and there's two points of reference when the CPI comes out um it's March 30th of each year and then again in June of each year so you'll see a difference in those two numbers they typically aren't the same every year um in those two pinpoints of the year and you see it was higher last year and we did go with um a higher increase last year based on um the neighboring cities um who we compare ourselves to as well as the fact that the social security was higher and the CPI was higher last year so um an average of the 34 municipalities that we survey um the uh projected Cola was 3.6 um and then they there are cities municipalities that have a merit we do not have a merit um so ours is a straight Cola I guess you can combine it and consider Merit inside the cola but um we do not have a merit so a a large major majority of these cities that we are comparing ourselves to do have merits and I do have um a sheet I can bring back the next time I did not put it in your book but it is those 34 municipalities that I compared with and you'll see how many of them do have a merit system and the cost of living so J how do they relate to US size whatever so there's a few that I trigger in on obviously the ones that are here in the keys um and then like South Miami um Fort Lauderdale is one that we sometimes look at there's Longboat Key um I should just look at my sheet um Lee County uh obviously Monroe count all these counties here um we could look at Fort Meyers it's it's the size but it's also like the geographical location and where people we would be getting our candidates from someone's most likely to move here from Fort Meyers rather than Tallahassee so um I try to stay in Southern Florida in that area to look at that and then also the coastal communities and the cost of living around in those areas too so there's an a number of factors that go into which ones we pick but I do have the list and I will provide that in in before the budget hearing so that you have that information if you want to see it am I talking too fast if you'll explain to me the Merit system that you spoke of we do not the village does not have a merit system I understand but what is it that we don't have uh performance reviews okay go ahead and that is something that we should have uh with our prior HR director and with the transition we'll be talking about that between Jamie and I as well to bring back or bring forward rather uh a performance evaluation system where you do annual reviews with people uh you sit down and set goals and objectives you measure performance in relation to those types of criteria and you have a a routine annual uh discussion with employees at the end of the year and that feeds into uh the compensation plan so for instance Monroe County uh does have performance evaluations for their employees and they have a base I believe it was uh three around three and up to five 3.4 3.4 is where they ended right and so 3.4 and 1.6 to get you up to five they're probably targeting an average of somewhere around four or so 4.4 given the fact that some of the people will score at the lower end some will score at the higher end it's almost like a bell curb in some ways perhaps unless they're all you know heavily biased towards exceptional performers but in theory uh it would run across the spectrum of the range of potential increases as opposed to a set cost of living so we're talking about a monetary evaluation well it's it's a performance evaluation with monetary compensation for uh High high levels of performance than lower so there's a base that uh all employees would be eligible for and then to get above base you would have to have a rating that corresponds to whatever increment uh above and beyond that base so you would set a baseline that all employees get kind of like a cost of living adjustment and then a performance bonus based on how well that employee is performing within the organization based on the goals objectives that were established at the beginning of the year and discussed with the employee I'm very pleased to hear that because For the First Time the government is following a policy of the private sector right well I I think performance evaluations in many governmental entities have been around for a very very long time and in fact um I would say they characterize the vast majority of my 30-year career so it was unusual when I arrived here and found that there was not a performance valuation system so I had initial conversations with Miss inel before she transitioned to another opportunity and Jamie and I have shared a similar interest in re establishing that conversation and coming up with a plan that works for us locally and presenting it to council for approval I'll say thank you all right I I just want to ask or sort of state it seems to me what's good for the goose is good for the gander so maybe we could um impose this on members of The Village Council as well performance evaluation but I think that's going to happen in November anyway so just just food for thought that's all do you mean could you explain that further Mark oh I don't think I can do that here it's this is a family show I don't do you mean that that um the the council too should have some performance exactly that's a great idea and I think if it's below a certain level there's consequences I will point out that the last time that they did have a performance evaluation system was 2018 so it's there is one recognized in the employee policy so it's not a far stretch for us to implement something that we can bring back to council that would work for us but doesn't it as a general rule you tell me as a PR professional doesn't that provide incentives for staff to uh outperform their counterparts or peers if if done correctly yes yes okay so why was that taken away or what I don't I think it was at the pleasure of whichever Village manager was here at the time but I don't know because I wasn't here so I can only guesstimate in right I think that was a period of vacancy yeah I don't I can't I I can't answer that question I'm sorry okay so any other questions about so I did put 4% um originally in the staff compensation to get the number but we decided to put the 5% in there just as the high um and what staff would recommend is something in there but again it's at the pleasure of the council based on um based on the average that you see um I do not have marathon in Key West yet Marathon um is in the getting ready for their budget workshops and hearings so they were hesitant to give a number to me so um I'm optimistic I might get that before um the budget hearing but if I don't then these are kind of the numbers I have for yall right now do you think there could be a correlation between uh the amount of increase and our turnover rate in other words um at least here in the Upper Keys many of our staff don't live here and they travel a lot of them from Dade County or Miami Dade whatever they call it and um my concern would be that we have we would need to reflect that in our compensation so as to cost a little bit more to get them here and a little bit more to keep them here and and I I wouldn't want to be too cheap to so as to um increase the turnover rate and uh but I don't know you know you guys are into it every day we're on on the outside so to speak so we I would real likee when it when the time comes to talk to it about that if it's now fine but I I would want to make sure that we air on the side of up instead of down that's my personal view for later and one of the items that uh Rob and I have talked about is doing a village-wide compensation study that accounts for the cost of living here particularly and then um where are we as a baseline so maybe sometime next year prior to the next budget hearing um we would have that hope hopefully completed yeah just to clarify one uh Mike Mike thank you he I won't elaborate on thank you just to clarify uh situation with the manager since I wrote the original contract two years ago I think you kind of followed suit this year from what I had proposed the year before the salary for the the manager is 200 not 248 I added 48 for the housing so when you're doing Apples to Apples from Naples or whatever that salary is 200 the flexible point is the housing what's do in h in housing in Naples for example may not be the same number that we accommodate here so when you're doing a comparison you have to break it up the only reason you would put the two together is for taxes they're both taxable so I just want to make that item clear thank you thank you Henry anybody else have um Mark you were referring to a excuse me um a turnover rate I I don't know if that's is that included or you requesting maybe we could get a get some idea snapshot of that before we have that conversation um not necessarily but we could I I I just would say in my business experience um I found it to be um more affordable uh to pay a little bit more so as to reduce the reduction or the turnover rate because turnover is very expensive and even though you think you're paying more than you might feel comfortable with in the long run you come out ahead yeah I I wonder it would be nice to know what our turnover rate is maybe it's low maybe maybe what we do here is amazing and we have a I have no idea but that would be really interesting and valuable piece of information for me to have to address your your relevant point so I don't know if that's hard to do it's not hard to do I can add it before the next budget that' be great before like while we're in these conversations over the next work I can see if I can get it for tomorrow that would be great I think it's important to consider thank you J um anything else on stat I just want to point out that the 1% increase you'll see the net difference down at the bottom so so if you want to go up or down you can kind of see the impact um and that is that tab tab 4-18 has that net difference at the bottom Mark we're we're back to our we just got this brand new thing so we can follow along we can see oh you got full size goodness they're warm still that was great and then uh one last thing on the tab the tab 4-9 has the um increases over the years it has the history there so if you wanted to look um look back at what we did before and the other thing that I um need to note in there is um we are currently in collective bargaining uh negotiations so when you look at the staff tab for the fire rescue you'll see a 0% increase at the top when we calculated the um the dollars and that that's the reason why because we are in collective bargaining so as we move through budget discussions just keep that in mind because whatever we ultimately settle that agreement for the financial implications of it will add to whatever millage rate were add at that particular juncture and the multiplier is for every $630,000 it's on10th of a millage rate all right J anything else I don't think so I thank you for your time move on to tab five yes we are tab five okay this slide uh well let me go through this first and then I'll go over the what's in the book um what we've got here is the that's comparable to what's in the book um it's just a graphical representation of what's in the book to show you where are expend by Department in the general fund actually you know where they're the highest the lowest that kind of thing so that kind of gives you a chart there um any questions about that nope I I do I have a question is that um is this typical is this sort of breakout it is fire rescue usually your Public Works is pretty high well the fire rescue portion is pretty high if you if it's a city that has a fire department yes uh because also because you know that the expenditures for fire department are very expensive uh as we said earlier 1.2 million for a new engine and Terry can speak to that uh he was just telling me the other day that just several years ago you know fire trucks were half a million dollars so they've really increased and the other thing to consider is it takes a long time the supply chain is still very long uh and it takes three years now for a buildout for a firet truck so you kind have to really plan ahead which he does um but anyway that just shows you yeah that's typical these are typical uh just depending on the city the size and what you know some prefer to contract things out some have an internal you know Village attorneys some have internal um other things so it's kind of hard to compare but that fire rescue is usually a large part of a of a city's budget if they do have the fire department and they don't contract it out sure just briefly I wanted to call everyone's attention to the fact that the ones with the asterisk also have some funding that comes in from other sources this is strictly the general fund proportion of that Department's funding so for instance Public Works might be a little higher fire might even be a little bit higher um but in general at least when it comes to the general fund this is the picture uh where the majority of those tax revenues are spent that is [Music] question planning and development services I thought we limited that position all councilman Rosenthal this is at the department level rather than individual position so what you're seeing here is for the Department What proportion of the of the general fund budget the tax dollars go to each one of these departments we're not at the at the individual position level discussion yet um when the department has for that particular Department comes up and presents that would be the ideal time to talk about positions that are there being added taken away that I'll re do my question there is this department for planning and development services is that correct yes okay all right I'll fill in the blanks on my own thank you okay thank you all right Lisa all right let me put my right microphone back on um next slide I just wanted to briefly go through the uh projections that's in the book it does tell you what our beginning fund balance is it shows the revenues for this year of what we expect um the expenditures and then the overall um over or under which we expect to be you know under our revenues and then um what the ending fund balance is so can can you help me understand where we where you're tab five yes tab five in the book in the book is the presentation advancing also or no is the projections okay I would like to ask a question about a page in our tab five um this is a question regarding nomenclature of a fund in previous Council meetings I've made a big deal out of this landscape mitigation fund because I don't think it's a landscape fund or if it is it should be called something else so I think Mr Cole is aware of my interest here so could you could could we change that or clarify it or whatever we're going to do with it I was talking with staff and we're trying to come up with a different name for it so U it is more suggestive of habitat restoration and and that might even be the type of label we use for it it had a nice ring to it so so we'll we'll think of a a label and and get that changed we we get the concern about it saying Landscaping um and have given that consideration it's just not reflected here yet are we on all right okay anything else we still on Tab five or tab six now that was tab six okay that's yes could you could you say that again I'm sorry we got I got distracted we're going to tab okay we're on six six yes now we're on six here we go okay so what this um what this slide shows is the budget is are budgeted expenditures by Department this is also for the general fund so this is the other one was the revenue this is the expenditures so what we're uh what we're expending and so that you know again it kind of correlates to each department and Fire Rescue again is a large part of that so um that kind of gives you a graphical description of those expenditures excuse me so this is your projection right this is what you're saying you're going to increase it too in in SL in in is that what you're saying this is Stephanie do you know what this came from this is projected 2425 expenditures by department for our budget yes that's what we're budgeting for the nextos budget yes proposed okay any questions on that any questions for Lisa Noe okay and I the this uh the other items in um tab six I discussed earlier that shows our you know the two scenarios we have for the three Mills and the 2.5 297 um of course those are just you know a starting point and so if there's any other millage rates y'all want to see that's you know that's something to consider we can we can um put those in and just calculate those for you tomorrow if needed so just keep that in mind as we're going through the budget what you'd like to see and with the with keeping in mind as well what Rob stated earlier that for every tenth of a point on the millage rate that's $630,000 so even 210 would be over a million already that you're cutting so just that's kind of a starting point for you okay so be excuse me just playing with the millage numbers I didn't do the math but uh it's about a little less than 5.5 Ms between the roll back rate and what we uh the the the ceiling that we have right right right so just just rough math that's about um $3 million 3.2 something like that is that the spread we're talking about right from the 2.5 297 to yes 2.5 and change to three yes that was in the slide let me see if I can pull that slide back up yes was it in the beginning so that's our range of consideration go back up there I think that was it wasn't it right there yeah here you go this shows the rates again so yeah at the three Ms that's a $3.2 million increase and then at the roll back rate the 2.52 N7 is $277,000 increase so that's the variance there you're going from 200 almost 300,000 to 3.2 million so what okay does that make sense yes okay all right excuse me what is our current mate 2.7 7992 MH that's sort of in the middle MH okay yep let's see where we are 10 eight that's where I ended up yeah okay okay on to the revenues this is tab seven um we've got a graphical description here that shows where um our revenues come from the sources uh as you can see on the right the ADV valorum taxes are about 35% of our budget intergovernmental which covers grants that type of thing is 29% so we are Pete does a great job in getting our grants for and Mary they both do a great job with that uh charges for services is 21% that would be our mostly that is Parks and wreck uh you know they have swimming diving all kind of instruction over there there's a lot of classes that they have and they um summer camps all of that kind of thing is in there for uh charges for services and then the other just smaller areas just permit fees is only about 133% uh and that's about those are most of the big ones on our fines and forfeitures it says zero I understand Mr Quick just had a uh successful code enforcement enfor enforcement action or collection action is that right could you help us with that how how did we do how did you do let's say it was uh there was a some code finds that dated back to 2020 actually um and we were successful in Prosecuting them and recouping it was uh $66,000 66,000 ,500 um I'm not sure where they fit in in terms of how they um are calculated in the budget Revenue but uh it was happy to U bring in some revenue for the village I understood it was your office The Village attorney's office that was responsible for that that's correct yeah we we prosecuted it and we uh uh we did it um we were happy to bring money into the village any way we can so it would just makes sense to me to to view the expenditure for the village attorney's office in light of the revenue side if you want to call it that yeah I was going to address that when we get to our slide and I and but I do thank you for the Kudos council member Greg how much were your fees uh I don't have the exact but it was around 10,000 so we we brought in I guess it was I mean obviously we're not going to prosecute something where we're going to spend more than it it is to bring it in um 12% of the total yeah so but these again these were had been pending since 2020 so we we were happy to to bring this Revenue in uh that many years later well done thank thank you was your point that there we do have fines and forfeitures so why is it zero well I mean a couple point is that the other point more subtle than that to be blunt I was just trying to recognize uh Mr Quick's office there often complaints about the fees that the village attorney charges to serve us and we rare barely recognize the other side of the coin when it turns into Revenue I thought it was appropriate to do that now I definitely picked up on that but I also wondered is it just mean that there that's a negligible amount the fines and forfeitures well it I'll I'll let Lisa speak to that but my uh my general feeling of it is that you typically don't budget revenue for fines and forfeitures because they're not really guaranteed to come in and it it can be very hazardous to include that and and red your millage rate at the same time and then not realize the fines and forfeitures on the timeline that you thought so what happens with them to John's question is the revenue comes in and it falls ultimately to your fund balance either you know it's unrestricted fund balance and when you come to year end close out it helps you know meet needs that perhaps otherwise would have gone unfunded but it's not budgeted in advance it's looked at on the tail end well I mean you know when when we did the guy with the cheeky Hut I mean he ended up paying 75 over $775,000 there's been a couple of big ones and you know it's I guess maybe it's a collaborative effort between the council the staff and but the village attorney's office is the tip of the spear to make it turn the the words into dollars so we don't often recognize that and no they that's it we look at the fees but not the collections yep that's right okay Lisa okay uh the other two graphs on the side on the left side show the um our Revenue history for all funds what's been budgeted uh so you can see through the years as that's increased and then the one at the bottom shows our uh Revenue history by Source uh which is sort of the same as the right it just shows it graphically what we've got uh by Dollar some so any questions on that uh let's see Council any other questions for Lisa right here now okay so the next portion um let me look at the next here I don't think this is in the correct order uh jump tab 13 well we'll go ahead and talk about there's just a slide here about Capital funding uh and the reason this one here we wanted to talk about this before they started with budget we um this slide shows our um funding sources for Capital which it's not just adval that's just one portion of it uh we get local government discretionary sales tax and for the taxes that we have we get a that's one of the ones that gets estimated from uh EDR from the state uh so that number is uh estimated from them um and then we have a grant there a stewardship act Grant uh some legislative funding we get uh we get TDC money that that's um something that we get every year um and we ask for that in advance and it's um it's not always given but it's something that we do ask for because they have to divide that up as as my understanding for TDC money um we did get a some funding for the new um Park equipment for the playground equipment for the beach over here at Founders Park but um that's what they're doing it used to be from Mary what Mary told me they we used to get the TDC funding most of it just for Isa marada but now they're allowing nonprofits to come in so it kind of divides up the share of the money and we don't get as much so it used to be where we could get a lot of money and now it's you know kind of dwindled down um so that you don't want to and interest you don't you know interest can come and go high or low it's anybody's guess um and then we have some transfers from other funds like the general fund and the impact fee fund impact fees are those are another um uh what the building department brings in building and um planning for permits so uh anything in there and then loans the other thing we were just going to consider possibly a loan for the pool uh that's just something to consider and then our ADV valorum taxes there that's the um that's the other funding source so that total is 14 million but that's everything combined together and then that graphically is shown on the left any questions about that just quickly an approximate amount for a possible loan for the pool what are we talking about well we we did some uh we did look at you know what we've had for bonding I'm I'm not really sure if we did if we would do some type of commercial loan I don't know what other uh type of loans there was be I haven't investigated that yet but B based on our Rob and I were discussing the you know the bonds and how those payments worked um it would just depend on how many years are you going to finance it uh you know the interest rates now obviously are very high uh how much is the principal how much what principal amount of the loan what would we be talking about 2 million for the pool yeah it's not much um so yeah that'd be relatively small but um anyway we just put it in that pot just to see yeah just well compared to something you're going to build you know like a building $40 or $50 million you're talking about something small so anyway just um any other questions on that I don't think so hry you got a question not really okay I'll leave it alone thank you well it yeah it's expensive to to uh make a pool where it needs to be with all the cracks and and things that are inside of that pool and it's a you know it's a big pool it's huge and it gets a lot of use uh Maria will will tell you what um the usage is during the summer it's overwhelming so you know I think that's something that we do need to consider um uh having that done sooner rather than later we need to protect our investment how long it's been since that you know it's been redone you know but renew it yeah I mean well really that's what I was going to say I mean you know it's but it's it's been a great asset to the Village has it been redone the pool never been redone she said yeah that's the original finish there and and what about the maybe Maria you can come to the mic what about these colleges to come do we do they pay to come and when they train in the winter time here I'm sorry your question like do the colleges that come here and train yes they do pay they pay a training fee to come and train at the facility we typically have anywhere from 8 to 10 teams that come every year and actually even more than that throughout the whole year so probably about 133 14 okay and they do pay fees okay that's what I thought Henry and you're forming out the instructors yes yes and I'll be going over that in the presentation they're under our Professional Services and we have about um I think there's eight or nine of our contractors and they are all contractors they're not employees and they um they what we do is collect fees for all their programs and that's how they get paid so we receed 10% correct 90% that is correct yep hey Maria I'd also like to say to uh thank you because you know how many kids that have gone through the swim program here that had got major scholarships one I'm thinking about is Kay and marger Smith's daughter that you know swam that and her in her uh whatever class it was she won the alligator swim thing but she got a nice scholarship to California so there have been a lot of kids that have trained under John and we've had some really good successes here so that's an investment into the PE the the kids that grew up here oh yes and John olssen has been our coach since the beginning of the pool and they have many kids that come through the program from six years old all the way to 18y Old he he coached the mat Elizabeth does he still coach the Masters or not no no okay I didn't think I can go over all that unless you want right now I just have one quick question when it does come time to fix the pool given our seasonal nature what is the best time of year you know the lowest demand time of year is it and then would it take a month or two are we talking six months or well um we've kind of been discussing that with all the contractors with our swim coaches obviously the summer is the busiest time of the year MH we do have a break where it slows up a little bit bit from September to about December and then we get all our snowbirds in so we do pick up again but I think we feel that the best time would be right after summer MH and of course it will be closed we're looking at our Engineers are saying about four months so when the pool's closed would the full-time staff that are devoted to the pool be out of a job or what are we going to do about that our goal is to keep them here repurpose them well we'll make sure they stay busy okay cutting grass uh yeah we we've done that before through Co where we kep you thought you thought it through that's I oh yeah no we plan on keeping them because it's hard enough to find lifeguards now so Mar hold on one second one short question is the TDC helping with this funding uh I don't know that answer to that maybe Lisa can well we for next year they won't be doing that until the beginning of the year they'll be taking applications again for that um like I was saying on the for the playground we got almost half a million dollars but that was we were last on the list and we got what was left over but not to say that's a small amount it's good but that's just what I'm saying I don't know you don't know what what the pot of money is going to be next year and you don't know how many people are going to be requesting funds in the amount so that's really subjective that's it's really hard to guess domain two areas with the TDC one is bricks in order yeah should qualify for this I'm not sure about that one I'll have to check with we will we'll definitely look into that option oh yeah definitely look into the option we we got a pretty sizable amount of money for the dog part from TDC didn't yes we did it was I think two 250,000 I think it was that's that's allocated every year anyway okay yeah we have to um put in an application for that type of funding but if we can we definitely will Council any other questions for Maria while she's up there thank you Maria you're welcome sorry Lisa just no problem okay uh the next slide let's see what we have here okay we have the proposed Capital expenses by department so this graph is just showing you what the request are as far far as dollar amount break down by the department these are what the requests are um they vary from 3.1 million to 500,000 for code so you know it's again it's it's according to what you know like fire rescue has a high ticket item of 1.2 million so obviously that's going to be a big portion of theirs um but anyway that's the capital expenses and this is by Department over the last 5 years it just shows a comparison by Department um it's kind of a stacked bar graph to show you what um what the expenditures were for each department last five years so is the Lisa is the building is that just maintenance or maintenance and repairs or something no building would be our building department okay okay building department okay yeah okay it looks like we've gone from in the 20 21 year about 55 million to the projected one at it's over 13 million yeah holy smokes okay yeah Lisa just to confirm the ones for 2425 those are all new capital projects or the ones that were yeah that's all that's all of them brand new all new yes and well that includes all because it's 13 million so that's just the request out there that's not you know that's just what's proposed okay are we moving on to tab eight let's see yes let's go on to tab eight the next one will be we're going to start on the departmental [Music] um budgets and we'll start with the Village Council John would you like to go ahead I guess we can go well no council being Council the here I want see let look and see where we are you're right that's not on which tab tab eight tab eight Village council's Marney okay we're on Tab eight and that Village Council is Marney my apologies um John do we or do we I mean it it can be the will of counsel yeah I mean generally at workshops it's that you don't have individual items because we're trying to work through for you to to to make these business decisions obviously there's general public comment there's also going to be comment at the budget hearings but it's it's the will of the council but you know generally this is a workshop to work you for you guys to work through your decisions okay okay all right how does council feel because I I mean this normally we don't have we have it in the beginning and we don't on each tab during a workshop I'll say yes Mark care fine yeah that's two yeah I don't mind either there's a lot in it looks like there's a lot in tab eight so are we having the what is the process for how you're going to walk through Tab 8 are we each department will address their budget and then we'll and then we'll discuss okay okay so do we want to have public comment in the beginning sure okay all right so we'll open public comment on this particular tab right now I don't on Tab since I've been here we've never did public comment in a budget Workshop that I know of I I just want to ask while we're waiting this one has a um um contingency factor I would say doesn't it because there is a ballot Amendment potential to increase the amount of the compensation am I correct and that did that stick or no yes yes there was an increase in Council compensation uh to take it up by $500 a month right correct if I remember correctly was it ,000 to 1500 so that' be a 30,000 swing is that right so there would be an adjustment depending on how the voters um although I can ask robber Lisa if that was factored in or not but Mary I'm preparing the Village Council budget did we account for that or is that an item that we wait for U the outcome well Lisa and I did talk about it um because there was the potential for that increase I don't recall whether it's been if the with it being a swing of $30,000 it would probably come out of unrestricted fund balance and that would not make a a meaningful impact if we had to implement it rather than budgeting for it and and approving at yourselves with a a vote from the electorate coming we would prefer not to budget it let the vote happen and we would have the ability to cover that should it be approved by the electorate would that be messaging that we should maybe not vote in favor of that or no that's a rhetorical question just a little fun all right Elizabeth go ahead can you talk about I don't know who to direct this to but can we just talk for a second about this process so we're going to be talking about each department but I would imagine that you're not we're not asked to make a decision about each department until we see the entire the entire picture right so this is just we're just listening right now discussion and asking any questions you may have along the way sure okay we okay public comment now I am okay all right come on Van and this is for all of Tab 8 what's that this is for all of Tab 8 okay yes uh tab tab eight8 has six departments being discussed I only want to discuss Marney do we have anybody else that has asked to B and Sue have signed up for this tab okay thank you Mr Greg for for bringing up the uh addition uh you guys are making $1,000 a month now for a $60,000 uh total for the council and if you're making $1,500 a month uh that's a considerable chump of change that uh should be considered in the in the budget budget you know I would like to see both uh options uh uh available for the public to look at and uh I appreciate you bringing that up and also on the village attorney Department I'm seeing here the attorney uh this year the budget was $630,000 500 and the proposed budget for next year is $755 500 which is an increase of $125,000 now if we were to put out an RFQ for an inhouse public attorney I think we could come sufficiently under $755,000 so uh if if the council is amenable to uh uh uh considering that when they when they put $755,000 into the budget for Weiss serota um an increase of15 $5,000 a year um I think that's an appreciable uh increase that that I don't really you know without without knowing how many cases we're going to get next year that needs outside litigation help um I think we're we're uh uh much better suited uh before we got rid of uh Ro Bryant he served here as as our in-house attorney for 10 years and I think think saved us a lot of money over those 10 years and since white seroa has been back CU they were our initial legal representation when the village was first uh Incorporated uh they weren't found they were found to be very expensive which is why we got Ro Bryan so I'm thinking that uh uh you should project ahead into the the next uh cycle $755,000 with an increase of$ 125,000 over what we have this year I just thought i' brought that up thank you much okay um uh Sue are you want to speak no all right so public comment is now closed um but I I'd like to say one thing that that van just brought up rier subbed out a lot of stuff that I don't know if when you're talking about rier salary compared to when we got into litigation on different things there was always attorneys being brought in several attorneys being brought in so I want the general public to understand it wasn't just Ro's salary that you look at that you look at whatever the litigation or whatever firm was hired for the litigation was in addition to Ro's uh salary okay as well as he got the F FRS money on whatever it was 32% okay of of the salary but go ahead Rob mayor just to expand on that ever so slightly when um Village Council does their presentation you'll see that there's a comparison of attorney's fees and that comparison takes into account uh fully loaded salaries it takes into account that there was an administrative support person it takes into account that we did sub out contract work to others so you should be seeing pretty close to an apples to Apple's comparison and we can talk about that a little bit when we get to that part of the presentation but I wanted to affirm that yes you're right there's other costs to consider he did have an assistant full-time assistant as well I I I can't resist the opportunity to weigh in as one who has done uh what the village attorney does for a living and that is a failure to recognize the quality of the work and I'm not saying anything bad about John's predecessor he did a fine job for us however he was not a member of a very large firm a large law firm with a very deep and a very broad background of experience and talent and different subdivisions of the law subsets of the law from taxes to to labor law to land use government stuff criminal law I mean everything and that is at our fingertips absolutely and and so if I think it is a gross mistake to Simply look at the numbers on the bottom of the line without giving some consideration to the quality of the services that we receive not to mention just the sheer convenience and you can call John and ask him any legal question Under the Sun and if he doesn't know it he'll have it for you usually in less than 24 hours sometimes less than an hour so I I get a little fired up when I hear people picking on the village attorney and you know he's not perfect they are not perfect none of them are I I was not but when you consider the quality please consider the quality of what we're getting this is a a sophisticated world out there there are hungry lawyers who want to take a shot at us John's firm has dealt with them and they deal with them every day and an in-house guy you know it used to be you know jack of all trades master of none and it doesn't work like that interesting that a lot of the insurance companies hire people from Weiss serota to defend us yeah I just came from a Flor League of Mayor board of directors meeting many talked to many mayors and you know what $250 an hour is I mean I heard some of the what their cities are paying per hour okay in the State of Florida and it's it's more than white seroa so that that is another side of the coin it is they charge a ridiculous low legal fee per hour and you know some of the litigation that is is at a higher rate because that's a different kind of work that's in the trenches that's you know that's that's a hazardous duty pay you might say they're in battle but what they do today to day it's probably a lost leader I don't know but it's ridiculously Fair Elizabeth are we are we um are we on this can you help me understand where we are in the agenda because it seems like we've jumped ahead I hijacked it you hijacked thank you oh you did okay so let's can we just get back on track so that we can get through speaking because that's what van brought up in public comment well usually we don't respond to public comment we just listen to it but anyway comment is closed if we want to comment on it we can I'm sorry I couldn't restrain myself I know thank you okay Henry go ahead anyway Ro was now a litigator do you consider yourself a litigator oh my God I I was for about 15 years I I I mean honestly as your day-to-day City attorney I cannot litigate there's just too much Village work but I have litigators obviously but I was for a long time I I'm a recovering litigator I'm not looking at you you understand just just a question let let me again say that the value of the legal advice that you get from someone who has spent so much time in the courtroom is very different than someone who sits behind the desk all the day and John has that he he is battl tested and he knows the other side when you walk in the courtroom door so I thank you for that uh So Lisa you can have it back and I I will just say I want to say John what some before we go to Lisa's the the the Glenn property okay what did they want for that I mean they they wanted big money for that three million and his firm worked with them and got it down to $650,000 for 90 Acres so what's that worth okay with somebody that okay so you know 350 um anyways Lisa go ahead no one is contesting the worth of John quick we are but we want to try to stay on our agenda so like we get this opportunity to give him accolades in the very near future I would just request that we carry on with our agenda okay that's okay we are carrying on we just when when something is challenged or said something about we have a right to have we have the facts that have happened here and we have incorrect facts that we are allowed to State okay I happen to be a fact person on everything and I think that that was Mark you know what thanks for bringing it up too okay all right Lisa go ahead okay we'll go we're going to start with uh Village Council so Marne has the floor I actually don't um do these numbers um but I am responsible for some of the expenditures the council is kind of a hodgepodge of different department being um responsible for different things so um you will see um let me get okay and their budget highlights here oh I'm so sorry oh there's excuse me there is no other slide okay so um on the general fund um yeah sure um yeah if you you've probably got more I'll go ahead and and take that one on for her um so the Village Council is um this gives that this graphical representation up here gives the um spending history of the council from 2021 through 2425 um so as you can see there most of the expenditures is uh probably in Professional Services and uh PR and advertising that's where most of the council expense is uh and in your binder it does show you the breakdown of each uh different Source there and what's spent on those sources so uh basically their uh budget will go [Music] from 49989 to 49770 it's actually going to decrease a little bit there uh and then the overall is 555 579 which is our projected for this year to 555 370 so obviously if we do if we did the raises as we as you were discussing if there's you know that could change it and make it a little bit higher but um right now we just are leaving those as is yes I think in summary The Village council's budget is about 11.74% year-over-year decrease when you look at what are the key drivers of that one of the things I'd like to highlight is uh we used to have uh social media and web services and and a firm that helped us with Communications Stephanie Rodriguez we brought her on board as the assistant to the Village manager and not only uh is she filling that V that that same role and position in combination with Frank and our av office they kind of uh work together to to meet those those public information and education campaign needs we're saving 7 $5,000 on the contractor we have our staff inside that $75,000 savings is part of what you're seeing in the 11.74% decrease I'd like to thank our staff for helping to uh address those needs in a a much better way in terms of our fiscal exposure for having the services completed because those Personnel that have eliminated the 75,000 from this budget also do a lot of other things um not just Communications but uh it work in the case of France uh helps help Des support uh we have Stephanie working on a variety of projects including helping to prepare the budget helping to prepare the presentations we have so we're getting a lot of value out of the employees and saving money at the same time on the on the net budget so um if there aren't any questions about specific items I think that pretty much covers council's budget in in whole if we do get an increase in Council salaries as as we mentioned earlier we'll we'll pull that out of reserves and it won't be be a problem to accommodate lie you had something you want to say I I do I do I just um you know we have the opportunity to revisit holiday lights and that's always a Hot Topic but I see that it's here I would just say that it does kind of pain me to spend that much money on holiday lights and I don't this does not need to go like big and long and maybe I you know I just would suggest that we roll it back because um it's just so much money I I would like to mention I would like to do that as well but I believe we stuck ourselves with a three-year contract threee I think yeah wasn't it three years do you guys know I'd have to look at the Christmas contract I'm not sure right off my head could we um since our manager doesn't know could we give do you have any interest in giving direction to to revisit that and if we can break it then break it py did say this will be the last year of that contract yeah that's right I think the penalty isn't worth the pain okay thanks let's move on up next is John our Village Council our our village attorney sorry I had one other question on that so is the travel and pum for Ev for all everybody in the whole village no no just Council $22,000 for us I didn't go anywhere who's been who's been going places oh he went to Tallahasse yeah oh that's right that was so fun that four of us because she stayed home all right so I'm next up or or I guess first up amongst uh non non Village Council um so as council member Greg uh mentioned before we were I'm happy to report that we were successful in uh recovering $66,500 in outstanding code fines that have been pending for almost 4 years um uh we we worked with the the then manager at the time about uh potentially going uh going after the this was for illegal vacation rentals uh potentially going after them to recoup them because I think there was there's the value is twofold one obviously is the funds that come into the Village um but two is there's a deterrent factor in terms of if you're going to be doing illegal vacation rentals the village is serious we are going to come after you we are going to uh come after you for the fines so uh you know we hear a lot of talk and and the council has discussed a lot about the issue of illegal vacation rentals so this was a a means of uh potential deterrence for that as well as to let other people who have outstanding code finds uh know that you know the village does expect to to be paid for those um so it was uh I think that there was a it was a good result all around um because it resulted in funds as well as uh some secondary benefits to the Village Village um that will hopefully be borne out in in the coming years uh the proposed budget uh for this year uh we put it at $750,000 because I would like to come in under budget my goal is always to come in under budget and the but the reality is is that we do have we know that there are going to be some legal expenses that we just can't get out of that are going to be coming up we have the collective bargaining agreement with the Union is coming to an end have we have to negotiate with the with the Union over the collective baring agreement and um you know those are expenses that we have no choice about there are a number of uh increased uh litigation matters that have come in over the last year um there were at one point there were open 15 litigation matters during the year I believe there's 10 that are currently open so um those some of them are covered by insurance which is great we're always happy for insurance to cover it because that means that the village isn't paying um at least out of its general fund but some of them are not and so we know that there are these um litigation matters that we're going to have to deal with and we're we have to defend them we I mean the village has to deal with that so um you know looking at what the budget was for last year and where we are um I felt it best to come in with a a larger number and an attempt to hopefully come under that but I want to be realistic with the council because um you know we do face a number of issues that that we have to defend against and that the village has no choice but to protect the interest of itself and the residents um of the village so I wanted to be realistic about it as well um this year we did come up we came in over budget I think that there are a number number of circumstances that resulted in that first and foremost is we were without a permanent manager for eight months we had we've this fiscal year we have had five different people sit in the manager role I am thankful we have a permanent manager now and and Rob and I have spoken about ways to ensure uh you know to be sensitive to the legal budget and to make sure that the village is protected while also being sensitive to the costs and and that's something that that he and I are committed to uh going forward uh but the reality is is you know when you have five different people sitting in the chair council member Greg you mentioned it earlier about Personnel turnover is expensive and we had those turnovers but the village has to keep moving forward there are contracts we have to uh comply with there are services that we need to provide for our residents and um you know there are people who when uh when you have that turnover there are there are people who are constants that are continuing moving that forward um uh and I've been lucky enough to be one of those constants at the village and uh and and I hope to be for for many years to come um the other was you know was you know I was appointed to the be the liaison with the Wastewater audit um so that was kind of an additional thing we weren't we weren't expecting uh we went through it and uh um but you know just little things here and there but I mean obviously the biggest thing I think that that really um contributes to the amount this year and projecting forward um you know has to do with the with the litigation and then and then the turnover with the uh with the manager uh during this last fiscal year uh hopefully um you know like I said my goal is always to come in um under um and if I can bring in revenues uh like I did this year to to make my um even though it's not accounted for in in the cost to the attorney um if I can you know limit the amount that uh you have to pay for the attorney through recovering revenues to get as close to being Revenue neutral as I can that's always my goal so uh I'm happy to answer any questions um I mean I know that the five of you know individually I've spoken to the five of you throughout the year and there are a number of things that um um uh you know that we have addressed throughout the year and I'm I'm happy to to answer any questions that that you all might have Council and do I have any questions I I I want to say a couple things and it may require a response but um I think it's very important for the I know we recognize this but for the public to understand that the the bottom line that you see on the expense uh for the village attorney is a direct result of what starts right at this table because it works very much like an airplane there's a pilot and there's a navigator we give instructions about where we want to go how far how high how fast and John is the pilot that takes us there we control the throttle do you want to go far and fast or you want to go slow and and short and so we control that and we put that in his hands and he gets the result so I think it's really important if you want to lower those fees then let's just settle every case that comes through the door and he won't have much work and that that amount will go down it'll be like a seesaw cuz it'll go up somewhere else probably a lot higher but I just think it's important to understand how that part of it works the other thing is no one has mentioned and it rarely gets mentioned is you know John is always playing he's he's he's prosecuted a case we got a $60,000 66,000 but no one gives value to the defensive side you know we get so many threats letters challenges the the one the greatest one that I've ever seen is we got this really y Challenge from Mr Glenn's claim and he has a very he had a very very very good lawyer who was an experienced um uh uh imminent domain lawyer where they go after the government for taking people's property and getting a lot of money for it that started out as a claim for $3 million it turned into a closing for6 and a half $650,000 magical you don't see that happen every day but no one gives credit to the lawyers that make that happen I see it I recognize it I'm thanking you again right now for doing that but there are so many other letters threat letters we're going to sue you we're going to do this we're going to do that they respond a lot of them just fade into the uh ether and we never hear from them again and we don't file lawsuits or we don't get involved and think of the money that's saved there so once again I'm telling you if you're going to want to put an in-house lawyer in here you got to Value the the I won't be here but think about the quality of what you get for what you pay and then I'll stop saying if you want to comment on that any other great victories you would like to now's your time you're you're you're in the spotlight please let us uh know those yeah and and I I won't get into specifics because there are um I don't want to invite them coming back but as council member Greg indicated and and you may not even have been aware but there we The Village does get demands uh on a fairly regular basis and we respond to those demands and there are a number that have not materialized and uh we are very happy with that um like I said I don't want to necessarily get into specifics because I don't want those people to start calling back Henry you got the floor that 250 an hour is that pertain to your cohorts and your company it does it's 250 for everyone um yep and if those of you are looking in I'm looking at the number that's like $60,000 a month that's what it is yeah roughly yes right yeah okay Elizabeth yeah thanks um Mark I appreciate your vigorous defense of our attorney and just you know I just to be clear this is not um this is not about John and his P this is not about personalities this is about the the the um Department of legal Affairs and and when I when I'm hearing you say it it's almost suggests that we either have a lawyer or we don't it's all or nothing and and I think that um no one is arguing that we need legal counsel that that is absolutely 100% And and lawyers do these things they defend they they they're proactive and and we are thankful for legal lawyers everywhere um some more than others not not you I mean you're not this is not about your person you and your personality um but but with that I I think there's some interesting conversation that we should be having with um at this time um one um white serota is has provided a lawyer as an interim so we have been acting under this interim basis right and I think that there's an opportunity here since we're having our budget to talk about how we can create a permanent sustainable um scenario and and I know that there is there is something between um uh an in-house attorney and what we currently have and I I wonder if we can um maybe even ask for some scenarios to be brought back perhaps Rob and John can talk about some options some alternatives to um to how we we might employ um uh the white soda additionally um I think it would be interesting to talk about scope of services uh John mentioned that um we we had lots of turnover a no manager and what and what I've sensed and we've discussed is that he's what I mean we've put a ton on his plate things that I have a feeling wouldn't have been his task had we had more um more um consistency in management but I think we've also as an organ as a council continued to ask him to get very involved in in jobs and tests that he he actually um shouldn't be really involved with I mean there are other people who can be doing these things and we're asking we are asking him at his high rate and I'm just going to not use your name so this is not about you at the we serota rate to do things that other staff can can do um so um and and I don't know again this might be something that we request come back in the next couple days maybe we talk about a scope of services so and we also have an opportunity to talk about bringing in other employees and staff and I think there might be some some analysis that that would be helpful as we think about what are we asking our legal department to do and I don't know if anyone has any comments on that I'd like to say just as an example with this medical director situation the other day we had to act fast okay there's no question about it and John got on the phone with Monroe County because we share the same with as Monroe County with their attorney and you know you got to have somebody that I mean and that and Rob I went and sit down with Rob and Rob said you know tell aass gave he was we were under the pressure but we they gave us till Tuesday when when all this happens so we can't you got to you know what I'm saying yeah I'm not in any way suggesting that the responsive we have a responsive attorney it is amazing but what I'm talking about is saying this is an opportunity to think about um how we um create get away from this interm scenario and create a sustainable relationship and and so what I would ask is um is is where I think there are a couple ways to to work through this and I don't maybe Rob you have some comments on how to move from an interterm scenario to um to something permanent I mean May and again I think a lot of people are looking at this bill which is you know close to a million dollars um and are as in our the the constituents are looking at that and saying wow that's that's pretty amazing do we need to put an RFP out to compare services like maybe this is the going rate and and it would be helpful to know that right maybe we create um an employment relationship where we put a cap on fees paid and after that there is I don't know negotiation and and again maybe you Rob has another some other ideas which you could speak to on on how it works in other environments this is not in any way saying that we don't need Legal Services that's not I understand let's give John a chance to speak because we're still on the tab yeah for first I want to address there's a couple things I'd like to address first I want to address the fees I mean councilwoman Jolan you said that it was close to million I mean the number says 764 764 so I want to be clear I mean that that's quite a Roundup from 764 to a million dollars so you know that's the number that we're talking about in terms of this interim versus permanent frankly the the setup that we have with all of our cities you can fire us whenever you want so we're effectively interim all the time um you know the we were brought in on an inter you know as the interim attorney I'm happy if the council would like I'm happy to bring back on September 10th a resolution that says you're you're the permanent attorney but again it's going to be the same setup it's going to be an employment agreement or not an employment agreement like you have with an employee where you know if you terminate them for anything less than cause you're going to have to pay them out x amount of dollars it's going to be our typical retainer agreement which is you know you can terminate us and you know we'll leave but we're happy to stay as long as we can and we hope to stay as long as we can but yes I um I if if the the moniker of uh interim versus permanent is an issue I I'm happy to bring back a resolution that says we are retaining him as the permanent Village attorney it won't change anything in terms of the work that needs to be done in terms of the work that we do and it won't change our retainer agreement but but we can change the moniker that that would be fine I'm not concerned about the moniker I'm just suggesting that it's fiscally responsible to take a look at um at at at these fees versus other other other other U firms and also compared to other towns of our size is this reasonable and and I think that some fiscal responsibility is important well it is but you have to deal with the legal issues that face you and the keys are in in a unique scenario being in an area of critical State concern there are extra layers of governmental oversight that you have to deal with there are extra steps that the village has to deal with uh on the legal aspect that you can't just pluck a city of similar size from Central Florida and say let's compare it with that City it just doesn't work that way because of where we are and the extra layers of of government oversight we have to deal with and the extra statutes that we have to deal with that frankly somebody from Central Florida wouldn't have any idea about and you could get yourself in very real trouble if you don't have if you're not in compliance with those laws the the the the I'm not sure about the the structure that you're you're proposing where there is a cap on fees and then there's some sort of negotiation after the fact I mean the issue you have with that is what if you can't come to an agreement who's doing your legal work I mean so when the issue that comes up about the medical director like like on Friday last Friday that if you if you've reached this and you don't have an issue you're calling me I mean I don't have a contract with you at that point because you've capped out you don't have a medical director you're in violation of state law what are you going to do instead we were able to turn around Rob and I were on the phone for however many hours on Friday for and we got it turned around within 8 to 9 hours got it all dealt no no issues bow tied moved on and then because I have my Bullpen behind me all of the other work that needed to be done for the village got done while we were sidetracked on this one large issue we've had other issues like that that have come up um frankly recently in terms with use of property of uh some issues dealing with environmental aspects of um uh related to fkaa we were able to again Robin I sat down we devoted most of a day and a half to two days to that but the the additional work continued moving on and I think you lose that if you go if you if you're talking about moving to an in-house or if you're talking about limiting I mean your I mean your legal is your legal you have to deal with it whether it's me or somebody else you've got to do it and whether it's in-house or whether it's out outside you've got to deal with it and if you're your in-house person can't handle it and and in those scenarios or in the litigation scenarios he or she wouldn't be able to you're going to have to pay somebody for it and honestly 250 an hour I'm not aware of any other cities that we have that are that low all of our other cities have a three have a three in front of it and in terms of private clients with litigation with the land use Mark with the Glen property I'm sure that they were charging $800 to $1,000 an hour I know what I would charge my P private clients for that it is not2 $50 an hour it's not even close to that so you're getting the professionals that that do and can represent private clients at a significantly discounted rate next week there were questions about takings cases you have your bass Workshop coming up bass Workshop number two I have a partner all she does is taking all she that's what she does that is what she does all day every day yeah God bless her for it she loves it God bless her for it she coming down for that and she is going to be here to talk about that to answer any questions but that's a level of expertise that you just don't have find very often and is only available amongst a select few within the state so those people are at your disposal and again at the 250 an hour rate so I'm I'm happy to be called permanent if you'd like we're good Elizabeth go ahead you had something else I think the last my my last question which was then directed to John was to ask Rob for some reflection on how to potentially um um help us think through how to be fiscally responsible as we look at a very large bill here um as as a as as an organization so I don't know if you have comments on that I I imagine you might okay so Rob for let me let me say something here wait wait wait that's a question I I I want the answer to that question this is a workshop that we're trying to get through are we we do are we going to have put this on the agenda for for the next council meeting discussion and I want the answer to that question okay are we okay with that do we he wants an answer she okay go ahead Rob excuse me Elizabeth I you know what you were just looking at me and about John we had to give John an opportunity to speak and I know you maybe didn't that wasn't the answer you wanted to hear but go ahead Rob just looking for an answer to my question for this discussion okay but we are on the village attorney tab excuse me thank you go ahead Rob sure uh well John and I have talked a few different times about how we can try to reduce the amount of attorneys fees that were paying uh sometimes I'll say hey John you know you really don't need to do that and he'll say you know uh Rob I didn't even charge you the hourly rate for that so I'm looking for an opportunity to save money and in fact in that particular instance most recently it was exactly that where I said you know next time let me do that so we don't have to pay the hourly rate so we're working back and forth sometimes he's doing things that he's not charging is for sometimes there may be an opportunity for me to do something or any of our other staff and John will let me know that that opportunity exists and we can reduce fees that way um I think Elizabeth may be referring to a conversation John and I had at one point about whether we might have an arrangement where there's a a set retainer for General Municipal law and then hourly rates for Specialties after that I think John may have gone back to his partners and that's a very difficult thing for them to try and figure out and not lose money on right um I've seen it in other places um it's a it can be a complex uh agreement to to establish and then to Monitor and there's risk involved in it so uh to the extent that John and his firm are not comfortable with that kind of arrangement and I suspect they're probably not because we didn't talk more about that afterwards I think the council is pretty much you know in in a point where you decide do you like the robust services that we're getting from we soda um is the level of of pay that we're we're putting into that contract um you know worth worth the bang for the buck in other words they're one shielding us from lawsuits they're two they're recovering funding three uh they do have a deep bench four they are very accessible so there's a lot of things that work in their favor and I think I've heard all of that from Council and I've heard John speak to it himself um so bottom line you know if I were looking at ways to save money it's he and I working together uh is it conceivable that if there were a a base retainer for General Municipal services that it could save money it could it may not it depends on what else is not included and that in and of itself getting to that point of what's included in general Municipal law versus not uh would would take some time and effort to even you know play that out and and even once we did we wouldn't be guaranteed to uh save money per se uh it might make billing easier for us all but you know apart from billing I can't say that doing that would would save money in our legal fee so um much much of that said there's there's really not a clear path to saving money on legal fees per se there's an alternative model and you know if if council is interested in rfps you can do that kind of thing but uh that would be a direction of a majority of council to to pursue that option um and uh I think in general U we've been served well by John and his team and the performance that we've observed has uh been commendable in in many areas including you know the diversity of of expertise that they have available to us on short notice I'd like to hopefully put a bow on this at the end I would like to see a resolution for you to be your firm to be our permanent uh Law Firm to represent us as Village Council and we can have that discussion on the dice I I don't want us to make that decision here unless all five of us want to do it I would but it's it's a good it's a good conversation to have you know and I think John and his firm deserve a consideration for that because they've been here since whenever Ro left Faithfully beyond the Call of Duty I mean there's no one that's complained about the quality of the service and and if you really want to save money just stop giving them the work it's all in our control you don't need to negotiate a retainer agreement you just look at an issue and say we don't want to spend any money on that John make it go away and they he'll do it we'll write the check and it goes away but if you want him to get in the ring and and Duke it out and and put on a a good front for us and represent our best interest and save us that's what they do that's what they're good at and that's why they're as successful as they are I think we're nuts to change but if that's what you want to do I think we should talk about it so everyone can become as comfortable and as as supportive as I feel yeah I mean that I I I appreciate the last part of it because you are very comfortable with your knowledge and I think certainly I want more information and and I love I love the the the offering that you make which is yeah we we all should be as comfortable and what does that look like what are those steps that we take I I mean I'm not sure what the fear is in putting out an RFP what else is out there just so that we can compare and so maybe some you know who who knows what we come up with and and and that would if that would move us into a place to say wow we've made um we've made uh a a decision based on all of all of the information but we don't we really don't have that and and and I'm a little like when someone is so vigorous about their defense it's like what am I missing here I mean that's kind of where I'm at like what's the problem with doing with bringing more information to the table or even or even I mean even potentially having a scope of services that would require if we put an RFP out that we write down write out what is it that we're expecting this person to this this entity this firm to do I mean again we need day that can change Elizabeth we don't know I'm saying I'm saying generally yeah I'm saying like like our lawyer doesn't do our planning work our lawyer doesn't do our um you know our coordination of of X Y and Z our lawyer does our legal work something written I think the list could be tell the lawyer what not to do because they do everything and they're willing to do it and they do it without batting an eye and as uh they were saying but both uh John and and Rob I I personally have had experience where they spent a lot of time with me John in particular and we never get a bill for that yeah I mean you know I I guess I'm my one of my um one of the thing I'm very puzzled by this defensiveness about looking at all of our options I mean and and and and that's strange that that is unusual look at them fine it's not unusual when when you're you're coming after me and you're coming after my job that that that's not unusual I I would expect anybody to defend themselves for the hard work and the hard hours that I have put not asking for you I'm asking as an entity to be fiscally responsible and look at our options has and you know what no it is me I mean you can save for all you want that it's not personal but you're taking this personally it is not it is it is that we are hiring a law firm that's charging $755,000 and why thank you for using the correct number this time I appreciate itome and and what what the one person here who spoken up and said he's very comfortable with this employment Arrangement has all of the information he needs I don't I don't and I'm sitting here on the Das as a as a equal member I don't know if Henry has all the information and perhaps when we bring that forward maybe we will say you know what you're right this is not personal and I'm I'm sorry that you're taking it that way I'm not sure what more information I can provide you without disclosing you can't it's a it's not for you because you are currently employed for us it's it's an RFP what else is out there what is how does this compare how do your services compare that's what I'm requesting it's not like hiring a plumber this is a relationship it's not just a service with a bill okay he's building on that over time he gets to know us I'm sure there there's Mutual affection I mean we care about him and his family he cares about us and ours I mean it's it's it's it's an all-in situation if this group doesn't want to to go down the PK of fiscal responsibility that's fine we we you know we can maybe bring it up later well I can just tell you this and I've told John about this I just came from the florid League of Mayors board of directors and we had a dinner with probably 70 Mayors okay and I had many mayors come to me and said we would love to hire Weiss soda I me want a phone with one of them okay great great um but because you know I mean there I everywhere I go I hear oh Weiss Thro is your even at the wildlife quar or any of these things man they they are covered okay so anyways um I think we need to move on can you two talk privately and and maybe instead of letting us just go crazy here or me go crazy AB I don't think she means it personal I I don't think so but I think I think you're curious you want to know more you know if I was going to hire a fishing guide I would want to know more from you cuz I don't know anything about that but I did I was a lawyer for 20 years and I see what he does and he's very good at it and I don't want to lose him um the analogy to fishing guides is actually not a good one this is because because a profession we don't we aren't doing here is employing that firm individually we're doing it for the town and when the town is is looking at this bill and looking at the services and looking at at how this town functions there are a lot of questions I just don't understand why we wouldn't just for the sake of transparency which I'm again it's okay if you're not on that plane that's all right um but in my world let's have the conversation let's explore our options so we're all comfortable with that and U move forward and okay so my question is Elizabeth you just said a couple things I I thought the voters put us here they voted Us in to represent them okay that's the way I feel okay and we try to do the best we can and give the best representation to the residents of alam marada and you know I think the case what Mark is saying is sometimes you pay for what you get right we could have suits that we don't win and could cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars understand how the law worksbody I understand the RO I just don't think you understand what a good lawyer is until you've had a bad one when you get your a s kicked in court and you get a huge bill and you got nothing for it it's disingenuous to think that we shouldn't have a conversation that there's only one lawyer in town I mean that's just ridiculous and I can't accept that so I didn't mean to say that you're ridiculous it's just the concept there's there's only one lawyer in town that that's that's that's just really unreasonable let's move on from here John you have anything else you want to throw in no I say you guys need to budget whether it's me or somebody else you do need to budget for the village attorney's office um and your village attorney will do as much or as little as you ask of of him or her and uh but but so for purposes of of this exercise uh I would urge you to to budget and to to budget um responsibly for it before we leave can we have the resolution at one of the next meetings no that that is that is shoehorning something strange in that this and and what what Mr we won't stop stop stop move on but Elizabeth see what I find interesting you just want hand it over I'm in I'll take one excuse me you wanted the floor you wanted to ask Rob a question mark just brought up something else each council is allowed to ask something and say something but all of a sudden we're going to it's okay for you to take the time but when he ask something and we we can't do it we got to be in tune here with each other be a team that's what I'm saying come on it's not what good for the goose is good for the gander here all right let's go uh Lisa would you you can we move on here next step is the village manager hi everyone so on the village manager's budget you'll see going from 232 24 to 2425 we're effectively flat uh the marginal increase of about 5% is uh directly related to the uh salary increases that were proposed uh at the 5% uh cost of Oblivion adjustment at the maximum uh point for all of our staff um for 23 24 you can see we're running a little bit below budget and that's principally due to vacancies I'm glad to say that we don't have any more vacancies at present we're fully staffed we have a new Finance director who has hit the ground running she's been wonderful and a great fit um we have our new HR director and Jamie has also hit the ground running I'm really impressed with her capabilities as an HR professional for that we had that gem hiding down in the uh planning department and we're able to move her straight upstairs uh so she's been a great help and has provided outstanding insights from an analytical perspective as well as from a policy perspective uh working with people she's fabulous as well so thank you to both of you Lisa and Jamie for being the latest additions in our U department and and really helping the team to excel um we've also done a few things this year uh we had some Environmental Conservation and restoration projects that Pete has been responsible for he's done an exceptional job getting those implemented and and moving forward uh We've launched and combination with the planning department the comprehensive Plan update and a park master plan uh initiated with uh our friends in the Parks and recck Department Maria's been really good at getting that off the ground and and we're just getting started with that so we're really looking forward to some findings um other than that our Personnel Trends as you can see uh we're up to five and and that has us uh fully staffed so our spending history I've already covered that for the most part uh we're we're below budget for this year like John we like to budget and stay within our budget we're uh working with each of our department heads of course to see that uh we request the funding that we actually need for each particular fiscal year and then managing that budget to see that we fall at the end of the fiscal year uh within uh the amount that we specified uh if that is uh feas and if not we'll have assignable causes that we' talk about in future sessions as to why that doesn't happen but uh in terms of our department you know it's consistently uh at or below budget and I'd like to invite pet up to come up and talk about some of the capital projects and the outstanding work that he is doing to help uh protect and Advance our local environment thank you Rob and good evening Council so just a few items from environmental resources as the environmental resources manager is within The Village manager Department even though some of the environmental projects are found within different uh or funded through different departments but just to look at some our our Canal restoration work some of the highlights we did from this current fiscal year and looking to projections for this coming fiscal year so we did we were awarded $3.1 million in grant funding for Canal restoration during 23 24 uh with that funding we were able to complete two Canal restoration projects this year uh that was an infilt ation well on Plantation key and our first back filling Canal back filling job on Plantation key as well that's what that photo is there both were very successful projects we did initiate two Canal restoration projects this current fiscal year that was uh another infiltration well on Plantation key and then a a canal backfilling job on Lower mumi as well uh we did initiate continue to and hopefully will continue into the future of conducting bimonthly or every other month water quality monitoring of all within all 63 of our canals which has been super helpful uh really uh imperative for our evaluation of our Canal restoration work uh so we do hope to to keep that funding in the budget for next year that has been proposed uh the Florida Keys water quality improvement program that's what that acronym stands for f quip right there some really exciting news uh from that program this year was that a new authorization of $100 million was authorized by Congress this year that fqu fqu program that's a ferally funded program that's uh carried out through the Army Corps of Engineers so that's where that funding is coming from that so that $100 million that is split between the municipalities of the keys am Andro County but the village would receive probably somewhere between 17 to $20 million of that and that would be allow or the use of that would be for Canal restoration along with storm water projects and Wastewater so that's pretty exciting news so looking into next fiscal year we hope to complete uh the projects within Canal 132 that's the infiltration well and the canal back filling job uh both of those are ready to go and we absolutely should be finishing those next year uh the canal is 150 151 155 157 those are all on Lower matumbi that's our Culvert project we've been trying to get towards construction for almost 3 years now we've been in permit and we finally have permits in place we're um sealing up or firming up our funding for that and we should be we should have a number of those CTS in place next fiscal year uh we have identified two projects to start next fiscal year that those are both backfilling projects as well one on lower mumbi and one on uh Plantation key we hope to apply for at least $4 million in grant funding for Canal restoration work next year we've already applied for $2 million so this likely may even be more than four4 million it could be up to to $5 million with the potential sources we now have and some more news with that F equip program we do hope to complete an amendment that's a PPA stands for project partnership agreement that's our agreement with the Army Corps we're looking to amend that agreement to allow for Canal restoration work it currently it only allows for uh Wastewater work so it would also allow for storm water projects too so that that Amendment would change the agreement to allow for Canal restoration and storm water projects and that would be an additional $7 million for for those types of projects for next year we did budget $2.9 three million for Canal restoration work and that will all be Grant funded okay next slide so just an update on our Breakwater project uh again that we've been permitting for almost jeez three to almost four years so the project did start construction started uh exactly 3 weeks ago they're making excellent progress on it uh by next week they tell me they're going to be about 50% done that photo was taken uh just last week so almost certainly uh next fiscal year we will we will have this project completed nearly all of that funding 1.9 million dollar which is Grant funded will be accounted for next fiscal year okay next slide so some of the developments at our conservation properties uh some of the highlights from this year we did complete the Basin Improvement project at the green turtle hammock Nature Preserve as you can see in that photo there that was Shoreline stabilization through rip wrap uh new dockage and bulk heading we did install the new kayak launch fully wheelchair accessible and that this will tie into our new uh Pavilion as well that was Grant funded through a TDC Grant uh we did start the Pavilion project as well this year at the green turtle hammock uh those are the costs incurred this year and that is Grant funded for the DP and also parks and recck impact fee funded we did also complete the design the permitting and contractor procurement for the a gazebo project at Plantation tropical preserve as well this year okay next slide so looking into next year we hope to have the Pavilion project done at Green Turtle there's a photo there from just last week they're making excellent progress as well you can see the foundation is fully done and the first four pilings are done um this project will absolutely be done this coming fiscal year as well there's the remaining cost with that $866,000 again that work is being funded through a d Grant and also the Parks and Recreation impact fee we are potentially going to uh construct a new Dock at the green turtle hammock as well for an estimated cost of $40,000 that's that that is needed as well at the plantation tropical preserve we do expect to complete that gazebo project the contractor have just executed the agreement uh yesterday so that project will be done this coming fiscal year as well $109,000 has been budgeted for that in the Parks and Rec with Park rection impact fee and then finally initiation of a new project South Winds Park gazebo project we hope to uh receive grant funding from that from the T TDC it's estimated to be about $100,000 so with the completion of these three projects at these three parks that would complete the obligations the village is under at these three conservation properties for all the management requirements uh within the management plan that are written up for these properties that's good news next slide just finally just like to highlight our native tree plantings that were done last fiscal year we completed 12 projects it was uh 786 plants a number of different properties throughout the village the expenses for that were $3,829 projected for 20 2425 a little higher than that that's because 60% of that would be the Landscaping project on and restoration project on Wiley key that's going to be a big project that coming back in after the transmission main project Peter where's that money coming from so as the the council has identified we have now unless Lisa and finance department can tell me otherwise we are that's going to be funded out of the general fund uh public works department as had been requested okay okay last slide and finally just wanted to bring this up to the council we would very much like to continue our quarterly maintenance and treatment of invasive plants at the conservation properties are really all the village properties uh there are never going to be the issue with invasive plants is never going to end they come up in every property if we don't stay on top of it these properties will be overrun with invasives it's a very uh I think a very effective in uh uh financially U worthwhile project at $225,000 last year the costs are projected to be a little higher next year that's just because of the increasing cost of the labor and the work and what's needed and because we have more properties now so something to keep in mind as we continue to acquire land we're going to need to stay on top of the invasive plant management okay that's it thank you pet Peter are there any uh D or state grants available for invasive plant removal there is one it's it's FWC Grant and I've gotten it in the past um it was not worth it in my opinion uh it's it's a small amount of money um we could we could try to get it every year but for the amount of effort and time it is and the the funding available I don't think it's worth it this is a this is a great cost and I take your word for it okay I just saw the the yeah that's a good question just saw the promo in the python chat that ended in the last day or two and somebody got 10 grand for catching I don't know how many pythons so maybe if we had a contest to get rid of uh unwanted plants and give out I don't know watermelons or something I'm just making a silly joke but thank you what about the Department of Agriculture Wilton Simpson's office with some of the things they do because they work hand inand with a wildlife quarter but I don't know okay don't let me look let me call somebody in just to let the council know too the village of alamada is very involved with the Florida Keys invasive exotic task force uh it's a task force made up of all the government agencies involved with managing lands and plants and animals and then all of the local municipalities and Monroe County and I am very uh very diligently attend all the meetings keep up to every all potential grant opportunities as far as I know and I've ever heard that that FWC Grant is the only one okay but okay if anything else comes up I'll I'll certainly look into it get you in touch with the right agency okay thank you thank you Peter sure okay are there any questions from Council regarding the village manager's budget at this point I do have a question what is Life Scan Jamie those are the those are the annual physicals for our firefighters thanks it's required all right Marty if you'd like to take the floor thank you sure so with the village Clerk's Department um we're kind of the administrative Hub of the village so we don't have any capital projects so to speak um but what we do um have is Professional Services and software subscription uh since I got here in 2022 I saw a lot of opportunities to improve um transparency and Public Access so um we looked at different um softwares that could do that and that's where we came up with Civic clerk which is our agenda management software um we do have that as well as um some others we have just Foya and mun code um our budget highlights you know in addition to are my statutory uh clerical duties there are certain other things that I'm required to do which are the election coordinator qualifying officer ethics coordinator records management liaison officer for the State uh public records coordinator and administrative support to the Village Council and our budget reflects the cost that support these programs and statutory duties um I'm sure you all know this uh Staffing is myself and Stephanie con she is my Deputy she's been here longer than me and she's very efficient um you know we get her done um and our spending from last year click here um we have a 4.36 year-over-year increase um and some of that what you're seeing now is those specific softwares that we are have implemented to um increase our transparency and to kind of um make the process a little more easy for everyone um with Civic clerk that standardizes agenda creation and it allows for a cohesive workflow process to create our meeting materials so it's a hosted public portal that combines the video and the documentation um during the meetings here I'm adding time stamps to try to put chapters in so it's easy for folks to find information on certain things when they're looking into um into that when I got here uh you had to request um any documentation that uh was with um agenda agendas they they would take them down after the meeting and if you wanted anything you had to specifically request it so Civic clerk you know it gives all of the staff opportunity to create a standard um agenda and meeting materials are easily available um you know and there's no plan to take them down or anything like that uh if anything you know we just try to add more to it as we go along um another thing that we've implemented implemented in the past year was um just Foya so that is a public records request software that we implemented to um increase the public access to archived requests because sometimes we will get repeat requests and you know rather than folks have to ask us for it if we are creating an archive which we are at this point um now there's hundreds of different uh responses to um public records requests that are just housed in just Boya so it makes it easier for people to look up um it's easier for people to track what's going on with their public records request um we have lean searches and public records requests go through this software but you can go along and put your number in of your request and see where it's at you know so it's it's really something that we've done to try to just increase um access to the records that we have and you know a long-term goal is to get it as much out there as we can I mean we want you know resolutions readily available ordinances all that kind of thing um also with ordinances we are um munic code is another product that we use it's tattify our ordinances and for past years um we would have a supplement created a by munico they'd send it to us it takes a long time um so we are now using uh self-publishing software which allows us to put it up you know right after ordinances are adopted you know we can go in um and it standardizes the costs is one of the things that's really nice about it because you know if you're um adopting ordinances it's hard to know in advance how many or ordinances you're going to have in a particular year and there is a cost to codify all of them so with the self publishing software it gives us the ability to do that inhouse and makes that one standard cost so that you know it's not $110,000 one year and $2,000 the next you know you you know what you're budgeting for um so those are the highlights of what we've got going on in the clerk's office um does anyone have any questions for us Council any questions for Marty Marne I want say the docy sign you were bring you bringing us out I mean a lot of these cities have the M of course the munic code and all I mean they're very sophisticated that you can go online and get whatever they CR those that are has the the Florida Redevelopment uh Association they have the CRA you can go see their whole everything on their C and you know so uh the northeast Florida Regional planning Comm I I was impressed when I went to that meeting in January when I was up there in Flagler County so but these things the docy sign has really made it that doesn't matter where you are if she can send it to all of us or any of us and gets it taken care yeah that's a good product for getting signatures like right away when you know you're out of town or I'm out of town or John's out of town and those signatures are required yeah Ary I did want to ask a question yes um I I'm also impressed with the the Step Up you've made since you've come aboard to bring us into the modern cyber world or whatever that stuff is called I'll never understand it but I know it works better and it's it's more efficient one thing I did notice that I don't believe is attributable in to you in any way is that it used to be that we could go back we could go online and we could go back in time on the website and see agendas and actual videos of Council meetings but if I recall we had an issue with public uh with um u a ADA compliance and so is could you just kind of help me understand why it is that we can only go so far back is it that is that the the threshold problem we can't comply with Ada on the older stuff well it's not so much that as that the cost for migration yeah um was sizable and at a certain point we had to decide you know how many years back we wanted to have those materials um all that being said um I know it had a request for a meeting from 2016 they do have that information so we still have that it's just we haven't added it to there's fin I was wondering if maybe since it may be difficult to have the actual video uh in compliance would it be possible to at least have on the website some sort of a I would call it an index so that if someone is looking looking for something they can continue to go back and they can see I don't know table of contents I don't know what what it is that but to give them a clue as to where to look you know they know oh I heard it was passed in 2016 well then you go to 2016 you look at all the agendas bang you find it it's a little needle in the hay stack like but if it's there then you put in a call or email to Vince or to you and next thing you know you get a thumb drive or whatever you do and I don't even know what a thumb drive is but is it like this I don't know that's something we could look into actually putting on our YouTube channel so we could put more history on there um Frank and I we're going to look into that later this year um we haven't looked into it but we've thought about it so I'm just suggesting there's a lot of curious people and I'm one of them I like to look at that old stuff I've did it for years before I sat here and I tried to do it while sitting here and when you get older it's more frustrating so just something that would give the public a little bit of a window into the past and then they could ask for the full video later on ideally I'd love to do that okay you know that that's the goal well if you need money for it this would be the time to ask yeah we'll have to look into how much money that would cost I'm not sure okay but we'll look into it okay thank you on our radar I think Mark when we first got elected in 20 I don't think we could go I had I thought we had to watch the whole video but whatever Marne did to where now you can just go click on whatever part you can go find what tab that was and click on that one thing you're not sitting there watching well but I know that we have these old videos in fact the planning staff told me one time they went back and they saw a video when I was on the council 20 years ago and they remarked how good-looking I was and how much hair I had how much lighter in weight I was I would like the public to be able to see all that what what did they want from you uh I think it was at budget time so draw your own conclusions but uh anyway I just think there's a there is a a curiosity there maybe if we just nibbled away at a year or two at a time as you go forth Maybe that would be the way forward I don't know I like the idea yes thank you we'll work on it yeah thank you for what you've done Marne it's uh been great are we ready to move on we are uh and the next section is mine for finance and administration so our budget is pretty much the um we don't have any Personnel requests for next year we have a staff of five and uh they do a great job um the only things the changes that we're going to have let's see probably will be in our this is going to be in section tabs 87 if you want to look there uh the increases we're going to have will be our workers compensation has increased by 16% this year um and then let's see and the other things the only other things that we're requesting uh an increase on uh our travel and pum which um from what Hattie told me they didn't travel a whole lot in the past however um my I have the cgfo certification the certified government finance officer and so as a result of that I have to have 80 hours every two years of cpes so that's going to require me to go to some conferences probably two a year um and so that's traveling and then Hattie and Callie's um she's relatively new she's been here a year but she there she came from the tax world so she's very wanting to uh get involved in learning more about government finance and the conferences that we have the fgfoa are excellent for that type of thing uh it's along with a networking opportunity um we learn about the new gasby standards that are coming out which we do have to keep up with the new Florida Statutes anything changing in the statutes the auditor general is there you know speaking to that um and it's just a great opportunity for us to um learn new things so and stay up to date on everything uh so I do strongly recommend that uh that we would allow them to go as well um and then the only other thing let's see what we had here I think that b covers our increases the only increases we have like insurance we can't there's nothing we can do about the increase on that our uh general liability Auto and property those are also increasing and so you know that that's basically what our increases are because we pay those invoices out of Finance so um let's see what else that's basically what our changes will be for the next year questions about that ours is a pretty simple budget next let's see next is it good evening Council mayor Finance okay the IT department has been staying pretty steadfast we're under budget this year we've been staying under budget every year but uh some issues came up especially with crowd strike that have let us look at the data that we have that is one of our biggest assets and our increase that we're asking for is about 9% to help protect that data so that's kind of what this year's budget is all about is protecting our data and this will be spread out over three years so it's it's a three-year contract uh Personnel wise we're pretty much staying the same wrong way so there's what our actual budget has been for this year versus what we spent and oh there we are so data security I mean I put headlines at the top of some of these slides es of cities that have been hit in the past few years because local governments are targets because of budgetary expenses so we have to actually protect ourselves even better than other entities um but this is just a quick thing of various things this is where the increases are in capital projects nanic runs all of our server infrastructure it runs the entire sorry microphone it runs the entire Village basically and replacing nanic is easy enough but if we lose the data we can't replace that so in other words if hackers get into our system and encrypt all our backups everywhere we keep them we're done so we have we follow all the rules with saber insurance but we even go a step further our current cluster is replicated uh to a cloud so if we had the hurricane we could continue running in the cloud that service we pay $79,000 for three 3 years ago over 3 years but they're sunsetting it and now to put the same service in is like 180,000 a year so that's a huge increase so our idea is to buy another cluster because we're going have to replace our Hardware in a couple years anyway and take our current cluster and put it a collocation so we're doing the same thing but not paying as much money over time it's actually a savings if we continue this protection the other way we're looking at is we we back up locally to what's called a Nas they have new technology now it's called a storage array and that protects the data by encrypting it and locking it down so the only way it could change is if Ramon and myself called them and said we need to get into it uh it's expensive it's but we think it's necessary I mean we've looked at it so uh that's the highlights of the big stuff the other thing is the council m mics we're having all kinds of issues with the audio equipment in the back so I have a quote now for somewhere under 70 uh but we're looking into that CU this equipment's going to go eventually we're not going to be able to have a meeting so that that's going to be a necessary expense um last time we updated this thing was what seven years ago eight years ago the last time we updated this mic was 7 years ago so I think it's uh we got a h of a uh you know lifestyle on it yeah and I know in the slides you can see there there's some just reasons to have it I'm not going to go through all of them I mean if you have questions you can ask for both storage arrays and backup clusters uh travel on the only reason we're doing this we don't want to put too much information out there because everything we have is critical so if you guys want to have a closed door with us we'll be more than happy to help it uh explain it but we can't really be saying names and stuff like that especially on open mics and stuff I know you guys um travel and training we're going to increase we have four people in our department now um that's another important part of protecting the data again that's a huge asset The Village has that nobody really thinks about on a daily basis and the operating supplies we're going to replace some outdate at workstations uh a switch at Public Works and the DU and subscriptions that's a renewal for our current service contract on our current cluster that's running all the servers now the request you saw in public or in uh capital is for a new cluster so we replicate it and there's another thing that um we're going to move um our CSP it's our cloud service provider so we have it right now on gold that we're going to bring it inhouse um that's what we're shooting for right now at the moment so in the long run it will be a cost save just an upfront cost any questions any questions counil for it if you guys have any questions and you want to do it uh behind closed doors we more happy to mine isn't really so much a question as it is an observation I think our it team is on target with protecting our data has a lot of value out there in the criminal cyberspace world and the exposure we have is not insignificant I worked for a previous employer where we did have just a very minor cyber intrusion person using their cell phone uh was prompted to enter a password they entered it and the uh cyber Criminal on the other side stole some contact information and sent out some messages and did you know just crazy nonthreatening not thievery but nonetheless uh revealed that they had compromised that device so we had to go through our cyber insurance carrier we had to hire a cyber uh forensics expert to go through and look at the device dissect it apart exactly what these people had access to what they did with it we had to then turn around and and pay for identity theft for each of the people whose data was compromised fortunately in that scenario it was limited to the person's immediate family for whatever reason for the most part but for such a small intrusion you know cyber criminal didn't encrypt anything didn't steal anything just sent messages out saying hey we got your your phone and and hacked it um we had to pay $30,000 and in expense and and it was for something very very minor the types of things that these guys are talking about that are happening in other communities are infinitely more complex than that kind of intrusion and also have infinitely greater exposure so uh the Investments that they're advocating for we we should pay close attention to yeah and as saber if we were if we were encrypted our current data center in Village Hall would become a crime scene we would not be able to restore to it we would have to restore store somewhere else so that's something else to think about this kind of helps us with all that I I don't understand all this stuff except if we don't get the best stuff we can get the crooks will so I'm all in thank you thank you thank you guys okay Lisa all right we're done with tab eight on to tab nine right uh we're going to go to our planning department and the clickers um let me ask a question uh vice mayor just asked how far are we going to go this afternoon what do we want to yeah well no you you had the question so you said let's ask oh VI mayor Mahoney I think it's up to you guys we'll put you back on the hot seat but we were thinking in general somewhere in that 6 to 7:30 range depending on the uh council's level level of comfort if there's a natural break where you think we should kind of end it and come back tomorrow uh staff are flexible but uh that was the General plan it was more of a question where we're going to do the whole thing tonight that's you don't ask you can't [Music] receive that's fine John it's same as with tab8 it's it's your call I mean it's not not the norm but it's council's call I I would say for time sake we don't we don't have we don't do we move on I'm fine with it I'm okay with it I I think it's not that we we should move on this is we've never done them in the past and now we're but okay if you guys there's a consensus go for it well you know they showed up so three minutes for that I I think that's fair okay I appreciate the three minutes and I only want to talk about uh two of the uh Five Points here in the tab nine uh the first one being uh The Code Compliance Department uh has failed uh remarkably failed as far as vacation rentals goes and uh this this uh is I I agree with Mr Greg about uh tying the hands of the legal department if you guys won't follow up with enforcement and and enforce the fact that uh vacation rentals are supposed to be limited to 331 medallions issued by you and for which the the uh the general fund receives $331,000 or whatever I think that it's actually increased now but um we have hundreds of illegal vacation rentals in this town that are making life miserable for the people in the neighborhoods and because uh if you want to put in more people as far as inspectors of Code Compliance and you want to get some and and we pay a a large fee for a a company that uh registers uh for Airbnb and and checks the internet and sees who's advertising on what addresses and checks it against whether or not they have a medallion and we've we've gotten uh very little uh back from the legal department as far as uh uh convictions of these people that are are uh scoff laws and have been doing it for years and it's a million dollar uh or more a year uh uh free under the under the table for these uh L uh property owners who are illegally using their homes and their second home homes for for uh vacation rentals and I think the The Code Compliance department has failed not because that they're they're at fault but because they don't have enough people they don't have enough teeth in the in the enforcement process toh give something that uh that Mr Quick and Weiss sodic can follow up on because we could be getting all kinds of uh fines and forfeitures uh off of this vacation rental catastrophe that's been going on and on and on if we would just uh you know pay attention to ensuring that the that the laws that we have in place are enforced and I give the give the legal department something to work with because if you give them something to work with I'm certain they could turn up a lot of fines and forfeitures and uh I was going to say something about planning and services but I think I've used up pretty close to three minutes and I just say I really uh wish we hadn't fired Dan gizio thank you Marne anybody else uh for a public comment let me double check Zoom here quickly what's that let me double check Zoom just quickly no no hands raised all comment is now closed good afternoon Council thank you Jennifer Brian planning director for the village of is Rada thank you for having me this evening I'm here to talk about the Planning Development Services budget than you Jennifer thank you and then I will go into the code Department budget and I'm happy to address Mr K van Caden head's comments I have some numbers that might help address some of those issues um so we'll start with the Planning Development Services budget um this year um you know we are requesting a couple of increases and I'll explain those um the biggest increase we're requesting this year is for uh just over $200,000 for our comprehensive Plan update that obviously you know is a request of the council um the reason the request is so high is because we have yet to pick the consultant and I wanted to budget it at a higher number so that we knew what uh that we had enough in case the consultant came in High um once we pick the consultant obviously we'll only spend whatever the consultant is is picked at so that's where we're at um based on the amounts we received in the proposals it's likely we will not need the full amount for that um any additional expenses in um the Planning Development Services budget this year to cover uh additional training travel and licenses for the two new employees that were added to my department last year that includes the review engineer and the sustainability and resiliency coordinator that the the council requested that we we hire which we have hired and she's been doing some great work but you know she has made some great contacts but wants to continue to go to some trainings and some education there's a lot of stuff out there on sustainability and resiliency and it's really good for her to meet her counterparts in other parts of the state so we're looking to do that as far as the review engineer he is a licensed PE and he does need to maintain those credentials so we do need to make sure that he gets his cus and does all that as well um so those are the additional expenses that we're looking for um we're also under uh Professional Service looking to budget for $50,000 feasibility study for Breakwater project um I don't know if Peter wants to come up and speak a little bit about that under our uh vulnerab vulnerability assessment that we just completed one of the projects was a Breakwater project for the co the shoreline in Island Mara and based on Peter's and Alyssa our sustainability coordinator's recommendation that was the project that they wanted to move forward in this coming year it's a $50,000 feasibility study so I've budgeted for that as well so if you have specific questions about the project I'd ask Peter to answer those because I'm not versed on the project but the request is coming out of my budget and then the probably the biggest request I guess you could argue is the request for an additional planner in my budget this year uh as Jamie had mentioned it's not an additional FTE um and I can explain that the um we had the development services director positioned in my budget uh last year uh the council wanted to continue to keep that position in the budget however in January when the council was considering hiring an assistant Village manager and um The Village attorney asked where we were going to get the funding from the council suggested that that funding be taken from the unused FTE in my department which was that position so that position is unfunded in my department so it's effectively not a position so what I'm asking to do is to convert that to a entry-level planner position in my estimation based on the amount of work in my department the large projects we have moving forward what I really need is somebody boots on the ground doing reviews doing inspections helping with the workshops that we've been pretty successful I think in holding so I think that's what I really need in the department right now is somebody to help with that not sure if you're aware but we had a resignation in the department last week so we're short another planner in the department this week so we are operating pretty short staff we still haven't filled back filed J's vacancy so we are pretty thin in the planning department and you know all hands on deck pretty much would help at this point so those are my requests um I don't know if anybody um I sorry I didn't move these forward but um so that these again it's a critical time in planning for Island marada so any help with the reviews and the public Outreach and the comp of Plan update would be what I'm looking for at this point so I'm happy to answer questions on the planning Department's budget and then we can move into code all right Council any questions for Jennifer no I got one go ahead I don't know if this is part of your uh uh deal or not but I understand of the five applicants that made uh request for employment with the bud on both the comprehensive plan that four have applied four of the five have applied to through their us inviting them to come before us so we had five uh proposals received when we brought the recommendation before the council you had asked to interview all five the day after that meeting um the Mary sweny and finance department sent out a invitation to all five of those companies we've heard back I believe from four that they have accepted that invitation one has not responded would you give me the name of the one uh cordino group has not responded thank you welcome okay I reckon we can move on then okay thank you so in regards to the Code Compliance Department we are not request well we are requesting some uh increases uh again in training and travel this year um and that is due to uh its minor increases and due to we are fully staffed again you may remember recall at the beginning of the year we lost two code officers and we were operating on a staff of one for over over a month this year which was a little difficult for the department but we were able to staff it up and we are back uh fully staffed with three code officers again um we are lucky that one of them had prior experience in both Miami day County and Monroe County so um that's great um but one has um no code experience so he needs to take all of his Florida Association of Code Enforcement uh trainings and certifications and get those um he's starting those you know upcoming and so we need to budget for those trainings as well so we are working on those um requests we were asking for those requests so that he can do that however the overall budget request um with personnel and everything is less than it was last year and just to address some of that I've heard over the last you know couple weeks that you know code doesn't do their job and code isn't handling you know vacation rentals appropriately um so I asked um you know for some reporting so I could present some numbers to you um from May 2015 to August 24 because that is our reporting period in the system that we use uh under vacation rentals alone just vacation rentals they had 790 cocases that were opened and closed as compliant in the fiscal year uh 2223 or yeah 2223 or whatever last year was was that 23 24 23 24 I'm sorry they had 83 code cases open and closed as compliant and year to date this fiscal year with and remember with one code officer for a month and a half they had 53 cases opened and compliant so they are doing what they're supposed to be doing we have a program rental Escape they look at it every single day they reach out to people they get people to close their cases it's I think people assume that we can just go in and knock on doors and walk into people's houses and address the situation Code Compliance is very specific on how they can handle these situations and our code officers are doing an amazing job and I would you know like to just say that I appreciate everything that they do and I think these numbers speak fors I'd also like to say that in last fiscal year all code violations total they opened and closed 346 cases and to date they've opened and closed 342 cases so I mean that's quite a bit of work for a department of three people so so Jennifer I have a question because I I went to the Decker technology booth that that's where we get rental Scapes from yes sir and you know that that was never in the county until 21 we were the first one to come online and so I said how I asked him to talk with Dustin and see how come because I said hey we should get something because I had the mayor Key West call I had Sam steel call me Key Colony the county all these so I I mentioned I said hey you just tell we never got our little rebate you know because we were the first one to come but does this this is still working very well right rental Escape yes it works very well mhm yep okay all right yeah so any questions about the code budget any any other any questions for Jennifer okay nope not about the code but I did want to hear about Peter's um project uh for the mitigation or um Breakwater excuse me if it's a living Shoreline or whatever sure so we did complete the vulnerability analysis this past which we took us over a year to complete it identified a number of projects resiliency sustainability projects one of the first projects on that list was a shoreline stabilization and living Shoreline feature in two identified areas that being the area offshore of or along seots no yes seots Beach where the highway is very close to the ocean there and then also a section of the stor line on upper mumbi in the vicinity of The Islander and um so the proposed project would be submerged breakwaters and Shoreline stabilization as a means to reduce flooding now this is a flooding reduction project and that's where we're going to get funding you know there's no way we do these projects without without Grant funds and right now it's about flood reduction so that would be for the cost would be for the design feasibility in the beginning design stages for that first potential project this may be going off in the weeds a little bit no pun intended but on the the seots beach uh you and I had spoken years ago regarding the turtle nesting that used to be there is now concrete and how that used to have uh a beach or a Sandy area that protruded out into what is now probably 100 to 150 ft of water and we talked about the Army Corps may have had some kind of plan to help us restore that is does this mitigation or I keep saying mitigation this whatever you call it underwater structure could that lead to a deposit of sand on the shore naturally through currents or whatever that might restore what we used to have it could absolutely add to some some sand migration and stabilization in that regard um there almost certainly will never be the beach that used to exist there if the highway remains where it is now the the a beach needs to migrate our SE our seas are rising there's nowhere for that beach to migrate there's never going to be a beach there uh we could dump as much as we want there it's all going to be gone uh just from currents storms sea level rise and it's going to end up where's it going to end up in the canals and in people's backyards and if you know if we people have proposed dumping you know a beach restoration project there it's all going to wash away and that's where it's going to end up and that's going to be our responsibility to clean up but naturally yes some sand could could build in and deposit there because of this we saw some things I think Jennifer was there uh and and uh um Elizabeth and you when we went to the climate Summit last year I I seem to recall I don't know where it was in Florida but they built a structure offshore looked to me to be like a rip wrap structure and maybe some mangroves either were planted or recruited naturally and then behind that it kind of became almost like a lagoon an open Lagoon on each end and then it kind of sort of filled itself in and then next thing you know you got a you know land above water at at a high tide and it was pretty good so if if that's part of the design I would love to see that I'm sure we'd love to see their Turtle nesting come back so thank you for doing that sure so the the 50,000 is for a study but what is a submerged break water like what what is that so that as part of this project that will be that would be part of this project to come up with the design for that to show us some alternatives for that structure so that's written into the proposal we don't actually know what like it's a we don't we don't know what it is yet what not exactly I mean we have some idea I mean but just in general is it like you actually put cement down underneath there would be some type of structures in the water yes so there there are engineered structures for break Waters like this there's a numerous companies out there that sell product like this there's numerous companies that are promoted by environmental agencies so that's what this feasibility study would do is to look at those uh potential options and and come up with the best there's companies that are doing this right now and actually getting remarkable absolutely we saw one didn't you talk to the gentleman at the climate Summit AT we have their contact information these young guys been GS they've got this stuff that they're designing it's unbelievable what it does and it just costs the money to get it done but I can't be more excited about the Next Generation coming along and putting this into place and getting it to work and refining it some of it looked like the little Jacks that I don't know I'm kind of old but you used to play jacks remember that game those little things like kind of like a star and you throw them and you count them and you have okay well it was a game and back when the dinosaurs roam the Earth and and I played it and but they have these little structures and they fit together and then they have some block things and these interlocking things and you put them in the water and stuff starts to grow on it you know and and the next thing you know there's animals come back plants come back water clears up I mean it's pretty cool but we own there used to be land there that the village has a deed to but now it's submerged and I saw that in my lifetime disappear that's pretty sad so I hope you get to put it back it would be nice to see it come back before my time is up thank you thank you thank you Peter so I think I have one more um uh affordable the affordable housing fund um I guess not really a budget but um so this is the fund that the affordable housing in Lua fees go into that we charge for development in the village um and and we uh right now the only expense that has come out of this in recent time has been the first-time home buyer loans uh this past year we've completed one first-time home buyer loan and we're in the process of working with another one that should be completed by the end of the fiscal year so this fiscal year we're anticipating two completed loans they're $10,000 a piece so that would be 20,000 um out of this fiscal year um I think we're asking we're budgeting 40,000 for next year but until people come in and ask we don't really know how much um how many of them we'd be getting so it's sort of a you know a shot in the dark I guess um and then the rest of the money can be used for the creation or maintenance of affordable housing in the village I know the affordable housing committee has some ideas on on what they would like the village to do with that money and I know that they've talked about that in some of their meetings um I'm sure that you know they would be willing to share those ideas with you um and we can move that some of that forward at some point I know that the Village Council has reserved some allocations of our affordable housing allocations for Village use so that could be another potential use for this fund so Council have any questions anybody okay okay all right oh Lisa I think are you doing this one building wellit I want to have one question okay go ahead Henry in reference to your staff yes sir I seen an increase the numbers I have are of 225,000 is that correct um don't think so but I I'll look you mean from from last year's budget was 868 700 and this year's budget a54 600 so that's a decrease so I'm not sure what you're looking at if you're looking at projected yeah I'm getting yeah I'm getting an increase of 225 because I I believe you're looking at what's projected to be spent and I think that's because we were short staff for a while we didn't spend some of the money that was budgeted um so yeah will we increase from what was spent this year yes because we had budgeted for the money but it wasn't spent because we were short staffed okay okay okay who's next uh good evening Sheila Den Court uh Chief Building official um just a quick overview of the building department as I'm sure you're aware the building department is a special fund that is funded by the collection of permit fees um we do not get any funding from the general fund it's uh strictly through collection of permit fees uh our expenses this year are basically our ordinary uh expenses to operate the department uh we have one Capital project sort of capital outlay which is a carryover from 2324 which is a replacement vehicle uh the uh some a couple budget highlight highlights is that um I'm currently working on updating the fee schedule uh to make it a lot simpler and and more streamlined where it'll just be a matter of you know one calculation instead of 10 or 15 that we do right now um and it will also cover all of our costs provide us a little bit of money in our reserves which is outlined in the Florida statute uh also um we'll be getting another $180,000 um from Grant for the watershed management plan which will go back into our fund balance there it goes um as you can see we we actually had a very small decrease from uh budgeted expenses from 23 24 to 2425 that's a really about it we did have a um last end in 23 24 we did budget 100 grand for uh the review of the permit fees but I've just I've been doing that in-house so I removed that from our budget so that might have been a little bit of the decrease in the expenditures councel anybody have any questions for Sheila yes Sheila you and I discussed a new automobile at some point and uh you like me had an interest in an electric car because we want to be Forward Thinking at the village and early adopters and all that but we also have to be fiscally responsible so I was wondering if you're interest in that is still there and if so have you found anything I mean how much how much do I didn't see it but how much do you have for a car budget I have budgeted 60,000 wow um I have sounds like Tesla territory to me I I would love a cyber truck you serious don't know that I can't do that at $60,000 I don't think I could afford a cyber truck they started at 40 but I think Elon got a little I think so I have I have looked into it a little bit um into some of maybe the Hybrid models as opposed to the um full electric and I'm still on board with that um I just this over this past year I didn't have a whole lot of chance to uh to delve into that we did have a shortage of Staff which is um we did uh add a staff member uh this year we did hire one of our open positions um so that's helping a lot for me to move forward with things like the review of the permit fees and such okay well I I hope that you find an electric one I would just say I this is something I look at virtually every day and the market is moving more and more towards electric vehicles and at some point gasoline vehicles or diesel vehicles are going to be Obsolete and that that's going to be a sharp Cliff when that happens so I don't want us to get stuck with a expensive gas truck that suddenly or car that suddenly has a the bottom fall out of the market on that so what do you think any any other fellow cyber nuts like me I just am curious I mean I love that you that you want a cyber truck and I'm just wondering when is it when do you think is a good time to ask for that if it's not now a replacement vehicle or a specific one yeah um well basically when the the the current vehicles have pretty much met their life span so that's when we would replace the vehicles but aren't you asking for one you're asking for a replacement the you're budgeting 60,000 for a vehicle a replacement vehicle so we have a vehicle that's already um getting close to the end of its life span so it's basically a replacement vehicle I mean I'm just sort of saying like if why wouldn't you ask for what you want now is there are you waiting for some other time to just ask for what you want no this was just La last year I had already had it budgeted and it came across that Mark had mentioned the uh electrical electric vehicles um the only issue there is we would have to install some type of um charging stations you know here 700 bucks I have one at my house yeah I mean I'm just saying like what why would we is there some better future time that we're waiting for like this is a I mean this is a good time as any I mean right like I'm not like unless you're thinking I don't know I don't know why you wouldn't just ask for it now well if you look at the lifetime cost overall cost of the vehicle um electric is actually cheaper than gas because you don't have to never you never have a day in the shop and you never have to change the oil and all that stuff no I think we're saying the same thing like what are we waiting for on this the co-op has already have has had them for a couple years the electric company Taver so I mean you know there's uh the Miami Dade school system they they've got like 90 some I know the money came from the Volkswagen thing but 95 electric buses so since since there's no significant operating cost and maintenance feature with an electric vehicle would it be would I think that we would be better off if we would bump up the 60 to say 75 and then that would be offset by lack of time in the shop and gas and oil changes and all that stuff and it has a longer lifespan as well so I'm just thinking forward not everybody is as enthusiastic about it as me and I understand that but I think we have the chance to be a leader sure and and send a message to the community we're thinking about the environment and the future of the planet and all that good stuff what's the range Sheila on on what you're looking at if or what you had looked at well on the on the Cyber trucks I think the ranges are anywhere from like 300 to 320 I believe um I did recent ly um rent a hybrid vehicle which I was pretty impressed with that would even be has an F-150 he lives in Miami Beach and he drives back and forth and he loves it so is it the new Ford yeah totally electric the one that's yeah you never hear him coming he sneaks up behind me and blows the horn he thinks you can run a 220 welder out of the back that's right that's right like a rolling generator well C could we could we ask Sheila to come back with a cost comparison or something like that yeah yes I can okay also and to your point maybe that's a bigger question for our entire fleet maybe you know to to look into maybe replacing some of the vehicles um with electric vehicles and of course things like your fire apparatus and maybe some of the Public Works trucks may not be um as feasible as maybe things like code enforcement cars building cars things like that yeah Ian I mean I I think you're right it's a good direction I I would just like to affirm that yes when we have opportunity within our Fleet to replace Vehicles one of the things we should be doing is looking at EVS as an alternative I just kind of checked the Cyber Tru pricing and it's up over $100,000 for one from Tesla so we could probably look at some other kinds of vehicles besides cyber trucks that still meet our needs but our EVs and and are very excellent Vehicles nonetheless but uh I think it's an excellent idea to out with them in fact Dodge or Ram whatever they're called has a unique one that has both the gasoline generator motor and a battery pack in a range of 600 miles and it's incredible and you can run a welder off the back of it so is what is that pardon which what what vehicle is that that's a Dodge Ram 2024 or five whatever Mark they tow about 12,700 lb they tow like a freight train so is that something that that well we all think well at least some people think it's a good idea is it's something we need to put into a like a policy or something because I know like if if it's just sort of a conversation and nothing happens and then Sheila will never get her truck I I wanted us to examine electric vehicles as a possible replacement when any of we we retire anything out of our Fleet but I did talk to AJ about it and you know certain things it's just not ready for prime time you know they have big heavy trucks they have to pull trailers they have to be prepared in a hurricane so in a service vehicle like that not so much but code enforcement zipping around town less than 50 mil a day absolutely the question the question was really does it need to be in a form of a policy well let the manager addressed that I I don't think we need a policy we we are all on board with doing that uh we could write a policy that says it and make it you know a little bit more formal and and I don't think there's an issue with that but I can assure you that when we have opportunities to replace vehicles uh we want to make sure that we are considering uh the needs for the vehicle and and suitable electric vehicle uh purchases for those needs just that everybody you know changes staff changes the I you know so I I like the idea of a policy so John with any maybe any of these other cities that you guys represent in dat or Broward or wherever that have fleets of electric cars I mean I know fpnl I go to their auction and up in uh we're as in Palm Beach and they have a lot whether it's Prius or whatever they have a lot of they they buy fleets of electric cars yeah absolutely and uh you know for like as council member Greg mentioned there there are certain some things that works for and some things that it's not quite there yet um so there's a number of cities in fact a lot of cities are are are moving to the electric vehicle route um I think for purposes of the budget um it would be important to you know while there's you know if if you know Robin the council wants to create a policy I think you know that that's a good suggestion but in terms of the budget I think it is also important that you make sure that that you budget for it um at the level that you need to you would need to to actually effectuate that policy too so we can deal with the budget stuff now and uh and we can deal with the policy at a at an action meeting so there's a topic for you to put on the agenda next time hey any other questions for Sheila anything else Sheila nope no that's it okay thank you okay so Lisa next all right we're done with tab nine we're on to Tab 10 630 and first up will be law enforcement that will be Captain quenta you what [Applause] good evening everyone are you switching the slides for me oh there you go yay excellent all right let Set does anyone have any questions for [Laughter] me like it anybody got any questions for the C ladies gentlemen anyone do you want an electric car that's a good question yeah do you want an electric car well we want cars that will take us to and from places uh safely right now our Fleet I think it's a pretty solid uh we are we're expecting some new vehicles I know that my vehicle is about to be cycled out that would be really up to our fleet manager to decide what's in the best interest of our uh communities our members and what would would be best suited for everyone to utilize well we we I have asked the sheriff every year when he comes to make his presentation and talk to us and unfortunately for me it falls under the category of not ready for prime time because you have a 12-h hour shifts or eight I don't know what it is but it's just not quite there and we need reliability we need when our we need to go we need our vehicles we can't just necessarily stop let's charge the vehicle we it's just not not um feasible I understand mhm it's coming though okay any other questions Henry no no no other questions L's said excellent have a great evening thank you very much everyone thank you wait tough one to follow Terry good luck popcorn chief come on Yo evening mayor council fire rescue do you have any questions nice try it's it's worth a try I mean stab in the dark all right fine here we go all right so fire rescue budget 2425 um the top left corner in the green box that's your spending history you'll see that slide again that's uh the next slide so we'll skip over that we'll go to the red box which is our budget highlights um the one thing that U Miss jimie did discuss is our training position is uh we're proposing to transition that position from an on call spot that it's been for the last few years to an actual full-time position as as we continue to have the increase in needs in both fire and EMS training and and recertifications and all that good stuff it's just not feasible for us to have it in a part-time position anymore um there's so many hours that are needed to be tracked so many certific ations that are needed to be obtained that it's uh not fair on us or or staff or that on call person for it to be an on call position so that's one position that's the FTE that you'll see proposed that that Jamie was talking about otherwise um the Strategic purchases for the fewer or for the future that's the ladder truck and yes it's been mentioned quite a few times I'm asking for a million too we are not going to spend that money for four years we're not going to see the truck if I start the bid proc process I SP Speck it out and it gets approved we're not going to see it for 44 months but I need you guys to say it's okay to spend that money or allocate those funds so that I can make that purchase and put my name on the list and then in two and a half three years they'll start the build and then it'll take them another 16 months to actually build the truck and for us to take delivery so um I may not even still be the chief and we take delivery of that truck and most of you won't be sitting in those chairs when that truck actually arrives so I have to plan for the future planning for the future is I need to budget now for something that we won't actually take delivery of for 44 months or better so yes it's a large expenditure but we have to plan strategically moving forward that's one of them all right um overtime Henry you're absolutely right I do have a lot of overtime uh one way that we can combat the overtime is to increase my Staffing or my Manning but not increase my minimum Staffing levels so creating float positions while I maintain the same Staffing levels as a minimum but having float positions available to cover those positions keep in mind in the fire service every full-time position basically takes 1.3 persons to cover it between working 2448 SI vacations training requirements and all that good stuff so my normal Staffing for what I have I should have about 15 and a half person on each day I don't I have 12 so that means overtime to fill those positions unfort personally other departments if somebody calls in sick they don't have that person for the day we don't have that luxury to do that we have to have minimum Staffing requirements so that the apparatus can roll out and we can maintain safety for our crew and be able to effectively do what is required of us on a regular basis um contract implications that's already been expressed as well a couple of times tonight that's still an unknown we'll discuss that tomorrow dur in executive session kind of get a feel for where you guys are at as a policy group and then we'll go back and finish those negotiations out that'll also change my Staffing number or not my Staffing number but uh my salary expenses that is the top line if you'll notice in the fire rescue budget it actually went down this year it's not going to go down we just don't know what that number is once we get policy direction from you guys go back and do some uh collective bargaining then uh we'll be able to come back at you guys later with a hard number so that we know what that number is and then uh it's been mentioned if few times as well the safer Grant uh the funding for that is ending those six people have been employed by the fire rescue and by the village for the last three years uh the funding for that is ending so we will be absorbing the cost or I hope that you guys will as a policy decision absorb the cost to bring those employees on if you look in the bottom blue box of the Personnel Trends our number is actually holding heavy the reason we've got that small uptick in one is because I had a person that was out on a worker's comp claim for over a year and in order to save the overtime of back filling that position I actually picked up a person cuz I honestly didn't think he was going to make it back full-time for us um but he did he rallied he he met maximum clearance and he's back working on shift now so for one person one shift we actually run one person heavy right now um and it doesn't actually affect anything because there's pretty much always one or two people out almost every shift and that's just saving me on overtime at the moment um proposed capital projects again bottom blue box I already mentioned the new engine getting ordered uh four years ago we took delivery of engine 20 you guys have all seen it um it's the one that's got the big American flag on the side and it changes out for breast cancer awareness it's got pink down the side um for Autism Awareness for March it's got the puzzle pieces and all that good stuff it's an amazing rolling billboard and awareness that truck for years ago was $535,000 those exact same specs is what I talked to the manufactur on that truck is a million two now and I won't get it for 44 months from deliv from order date so it more than doubled in cost and it's four years for me to get delivered so that is the projecting long-term strategic planning that I'm supposed to do that's it now uh whether we Finance it now or whether we budget it now or you just give me the go and in four years we figure out the funding that's for Lisa and the manager to hash out um and it's a polic policy decision on you guys hey Terry I did have a quick question on that um from my um experience if you purchase it up front you get a big discount there there is a possibility of 4 to 10% savings if we pay for it up front Okay so there is that savings but again you're you're out that money waiting for 44 months or better for it to arrive but they will allow you to pay later right absolutely and that's typically what we've done because the savings hasn't been there at the time the weight verse benefit but they lock in the price for you as well okay once we sign the contract the price is locked for until we take delivery same exact truck from 535 to a million 2 and four years time frame duration of covid it's ridiculous um so our cm is our comprehensive emergency management plan we need to get that updated uh I'm actually a year behind on that but being uh emergency manager Department of me um it's a little bit tough to do everything else in life and also get that updated plus it's a lot of legal Le and a lot of FEMA speak and I don't speak FEMA I speak it really well but I don't speak the legal side of it so um that needs to get updated I've got some proposals it's about $67,000 I believe is is the ballpark pricing obviously that'll go out to RFP and stuff but I'm making you guys aware that's a capital purchase that I hope to get done next year as well um fuel tanks at station 20 that fuel tank is 26 years old it's starting to get a leak on the outer Hull so it's just a matter of time before the inner hle gets a leak so need to replace that and that also feeds all of our trucks for the department but it also feeds our backup generator at station 20 rescue Jacks are just for extrication station remodel the kitchen is 20 years old it just needs some love um contacted some contractors and some kitchen folks price of doing some remodels and uh new cabinet stuff of that nature that's in the the budget as well asphalt resurfacing is also uh got some storm water tied to it so everything from us one rolls down US1 rolls down from caribbe rolls right into the front yard of station 20 and sometimes into the bay and because of 87,000 lb trucks in and out the bay for 20 years we've got little rivers and valleys out front want to try to Mill it flat push the water down and actually put it into a water Reserve our uh on uh staff engineer has helped me design it and all that good stuff he said we can absolutely make it happen pricing for that's about $77,000 for the infiltration ditch across the front resurfacing milling and and re uh asphalting so that's in there would love to get that done and then Al back station 20 is the storage facility that we're trying to propose 30X 60 concrete critical facility rated to 200 and elevated to 500e flood so that we can store spare equipment and our generators that we are getting through an hmgp Grant the grants we actually have three of them in our stations AJ has the other three at his Wastewater facilities and He is building the duplicate so they're going to be twin buildings one's going to be behind station 20 the other one is proposed behind key Heights Building to uh to house AJ's three generators which are for his six Wastewater stations and the three generators for us are for ours obviously if I don't need them and AJ needs a fourth or A fifth or even a sixth they're his to utilize or any of our other Village facilities so that's this slide in a nutshell any questions so far Council any questions Henry without the ladder truck what have you been doing in the past are there any calls for that ladder truck have there been we I sorry I misquoted and said lad it's an engine we're replacing the the engine that's at station 19 we have our ladder truck oh I saw it yes we have our ladder it's beautiful yes okay and how often do we use it not that often few times a year um but when you need it you need it lad ground ladders only get me to 35 ft that'll get me to 75 what did we do 50 years ago for instance I mean I was here you you jumped on a tarp and hoped you hit the bullseye okay I hear you I've been to those old museums I saw it I wouldn't do it I mean with the volunteer situation that we had years ago we we had a ladder truck then we had a bigger truck then than we do now okay I just bring me up to date that's all no worries when I started granted 30 plus years ago we had a a 75 ft E1 latter 54 so we we've had it for a while here um prior to that the buildings weren't that tall construction wouldn't allow for it at least down here anyway chica was the tallest building in alamada then until the mid '70s when they tried to legalize gambling and then everybody started building their six and seven story concrete so that seagull futur all that good stuff the tallest building was in kargo well but I'm just saying Al maradas but anyway in ke Oro and the third floor was designated for gambling Bron in those years I I wasn't here then I was I might not even have been born yet I'm not sure probably weren't okay thank you yes sir okay all right so next slide again was the top left that you guys saw before um that's historic spending over and then proposed as we are as you see this the last blue column there I am squeaking under my budget woohoo go Terry that's a first all right and then we're proposed yes there's additional spending that is a bunch of the capital that's factored in there as well and again that's a policy decision on you guys whether we allocate that million two now million two later but at some point I respectfully request that we stay ahead of the curve and we order the truck um but again that's your call not mine and then uh here's where the fund starts can you get that to play all right quick two-minute video you guys watch the video and I'm just going to talk cuz we're fire rescue and that's what I do all right so again super proud of our staff and all the amazing things that we do in our community with our few people that we have on staff and a whole lot of heart Personnel is myself my number two assistant chief Jason Lyman Miss Debbie my fire inspector my Logistics officer three captains six lieutenants 17 paramedics 11 EMTs four on call personnel and about 15 really dedicated volunteers hopefully soon a new training Chief State certifications obtained by our staff this year three Fire officer ones five Hazmat techs 160 hours each uh three fire inspectors three fire inspector twos three fire instructors one safety officer has been obtained and three live fire training instructors we've had 784 hours of training conducted by our staff outside of Monroe County we've had 640 hours of training conducted inside Monroe County but not in the village 560 hours of boat training at no cost thank you Coast Guard Station alamada in-house in alamada fire rescue we've had 9 , 798 hours of training conducted by our staff combined that's 11,782 hours of training conducted this year by my staff that I just mentioned all right 1,640 calls to service with an average response time of 4 minutes 19 seconds that's about 6 minutes less than the national average fire prevention has done 177 Life Safety Plan reviews 386 inspections including year vacation rentals 81 Fire and Life Safety inspections we have had 23 fire and EMS watches we've done fireworks permits and multiple filming permits and standbys for filming permits we've had 46 records requests fulfilled we've hosted 14 CPR first aid and AED training classes they're open to the public throughout the county we've conducted training for every football and baseball and lacrosse coach in the Upper Keys we've trained all the staff of TVM all their teachers all of their AIDS and now we're working on their students as well we've hosted for her hurricane re-entry classes for our residents so post natural disaster they can come back early help themselves help them neighbors and hopefully be better prepared we've hosted Advanced Life Support classes we've hosted lowf frequency high-risk pediatric process classes active shooter and hostile environment classes and I've taught four different classes for the Emergency Management within the county for em training oftentimes teaching their own staff we hosted the 911 ceremony the Veterans Day ceremony hallow Halloween give away the glow sticks keep the kids safe the Santa ride we've assisted in the Memorial Day ceremony Labor Day celebration participate in art Under The Oaks the giant nautical Market PKS Color Run Seafood Festival the art show island fest Bay Jam sevenmile run swim across America Gold Star Event National Night Out Fourth of July swim for alligator Wounded Warrior trunk Retreat ocean Fest Mariners run moose Bacon Fest one of my favorite half marathon 10K 5K runs times about four Holiday Fest again the Santa ride cuz it's awesome it's worth mentioning twice Toys for Tots and reading to the kids at St James and at the library Safety Week for during for fire week in October at PKS TVM in St James Outreach to the youth with uh our MCSO partners in crime in the back and fire Day Camp here at Founders Park with our parks and wreck folks and we of course are at every home football game with coral Shores and one of our favorites the Special Olympics we have three volunteers currently that are enrolled in the shots program in uh in uh Marathon we have five of our current employees that are EMTs enrolled in paramedic school today is their first day so the next 12 14 months is going to be a real pain for them we have the afg grant for equipment that's been completed the safer Grant is wrapping up as you guys are aware we have multiple hmgp grants one for station generators and upgrades 2,000g fuel tank at Station 21 we have a safe room and flood proofing for station 20 we also have a flood proofing grant for 19 and 21 they're entering into phase one we had a seizure and forfeiture Grant from Monroe County Sheriff's Office have a Florida Department of Health life saving equipment grant that we've procured and received training from we have tactical combat medic training that we received that goes back to the active shooter stuff and uh the last two years if you add it up we have collected and uh or have promised to us over $3 million in Grants so we get some Roi on on what we do station 20 building we've already discussed that that's in motion that's out to RFP as we speak so is our medical director too soon she's not here all right so so's our medical director all right we have the purchase for rescue 21 that was ordered in the fall of 22 it is finally here it is in service it's at Station 21 it's beautiful please come by and check it out we're getting $190,000 back through State Appropriations through uh representative Mooney's office the purchase of the 2025 Ford F250 that was ordered in the fall of 22 finally arrived and it is now in service as well it's at Station 21 um let's see the engine I already talked about that I've got to order it now but we won't see it for four years we have an ISO that was conducted this year giving us a rating of two out of 10 with one being the being the best and we rock start that Chief lineman's going to go over that more cost recovery efforts for fire inspections 520 $6,000 cost recovery for EMS calls 27 $257,000 and believe it or not fire rescue still does not have a Dalmation you guys think we all wash trucks and pet our dog and we don't have a dog we wash a heck of a lot of trucks all right so call volumes by call type lots of pretty colors lots of uh smaller wedges in the pie breaks down basically 1640 calls 69% of those calls are ems calls so those are us going out Humpty Dumpty and helping people um obviously our our uh medical calls more serious calls are unfortunately in the winter months when our older population is here our trauma calls increase during the summer when the younger population is here hold my beer watch this and our dive emergencies increase over the summer months um 31% are our fire calls our smoke calls our public assist our water emergencies our mvas and our fire alarms so that's what that pretty pie chart right there breaks down and represents and then this is ISO I'm going to have Chief Lyman step up because he has spent six or nine months of his life um dealing with all the number crunching and everything that goes along with that so he's going to go and start explaining this for me hey hey chief before you come both you guys come I I just want to say one thing that probably hasn't been mentioned but I want to comment on you guys going down and spraying when the when they had problems trenching by the theat of the sea I had people call me and say thank you they saw all of fire trucks there pumping water to help those guys out and protect our dolphin right okay so you got I mean I was out of town and they called me and said we just want to thank we've never work with anybody better in alada than you guys going down there and doing what you did so thank you yeah no worries that that was a curator called me at quarter to 11 and she's like Terry and I'm like what's going on thinking 's burning or somebody's real hurt she's like they're making dust Terry and the Dolphins are getting sick you got to help me I'm like give me 20 minutes I'll have a truck there so we showed up and we hung out for a few hours and hopefully we we helped mitigate Chief linan thank you uh yeah we are a full service agency um so we can sit here and tell you how great your department is and show you cool pictures uh thank you Eduardo for that together on a short notice um or we can show you how we measure up ISO or Insurance Services organization is an independent thirdparty group that grades every Fire Department in the country the data and ratings that they issue are what sets the fire department insurance rates for the designated fire protection area they call these surveys but in reality it's an in-depth inspection of every facet of a department equipment records Personnel training infrastructure and witness Evolutions by the inspector the inspector can ask us to perform any task and we have to get to work on the spot our most recent survey took place in Fall of 2023 the results of which were effective on the 1 of this month the inspections take place about every five year and this is the third that I have been tasked with leading it usually takes 6 months to prepare all of the data and documents leading up to the site inspection however it is the ongoing capability of the department that is being evaluated so the work being measured never stops this cycle saw some revision in the scoring scale and an added emphasis on having a fully staffed ladder truck respond on all first alarm assignments while we do have the equipment we do not yet have the Staffing dedicated solely to responding on that truck it is currently part of a second alarm assignment despite that deduction we have achieved an ISO rating of two of the 37,7 fire departments in the United States only 2570 have a ranking of one or two that puts us in the top 6.81% of departments Nationwide on the screen and on the sheets I handed out you will see a breakdown of our score some of these items are within our control some are in the hands of our partners you will note the Lines within the graph that indicate our peers the state and national average and then our score the peer group our neighbors is represented by the solid line the Statewide average is the small dotted line and the national average is the dashed line the top bar Community risk reduction refers to our codes our inspection program our inspection frequency and programs such as our partnership with Broward sheriff's office for our juvenile fire cter program thank God we've never had to employ that agreement the next bar is the water score this is the infrastructure that's in the ground that is present or not the frequency it is maintained and our performance of consistent flow testing much of this score is out of our hands except for our ability to deliver a required fire flow Beyond a th000 feet from a hydrant and our routine testing procedures the next bar is 100% on us as a village this is a direct measure of our department and our ability to perform what is expected of us and constitutes the bulk of the overall rating it breaks down into engine company equipment Reserve Pumpers pump capacity ladder company equipment Reserve ladder deployment analysis Personnel training and operational considerations we scored the maximum points in every category except for Reserve Pumpers deployment and Personnel Reserve Pumpers is self-explanatory we don't have one so we lose a half a point there are areas that we can influence and where we consistently have room for improvement in our deployment and Personnel I quote deployment is the examination of the distribution of engine and and Ladder or service stations locations within 1.5 for engine 1.5 miles for engine companies and 2.5 miles for ladder or service companies due to the linear nature of our service area end quote due to the linear nature of our service area the solution to the deployment issue is more fire stations positioned closer together but that's not likely to happen and not even we would recommend undertaking that expense I quote for personnel the credit for company Personnel reviews the average number of existing firefighters and Company officers available to respond to a reported first alarm structure fire in the respon area end quote Personnel is a policy decision adding or eliminating staff is up to you any reduction in Staffing would have a detrimental effect on the score and in turn the insurance rates of our residents and businesses an increase in Staffing would boost our score in one of the few areas that we can still show Improvement NFPA standard says that there should be four on an engine four on a ladder and two on an EMS unit currently we run two on an engine and two on EMS unit that's it we recognize that we are not likely to ever reach those Staffing levels and acknowledge that it's difficult to justify some may be inclined to think that our call volume does not warrant those numbers but guess what it only takes one call to change your life forever Fire Burns at the same temperature in alamada as it does in Miami all the other hazards are present as well albeit in smaller volume and we address them with a fraction of the people except for trains our train blew away in 1935 now for me personally during my time riding the trucks instead of riding a desk I had two exposures which is where a patient's blood or fluid gets onto a pathway into my body the effects of that are months of prophylactic medicine and the inability to do anything with your wife for that 6-month period uh in addition I've had three walk workers comp injuries resulting in two surgeries PTSD and a battle with job related cancer to say the risks are lower here in Alam marada because we want fewer calls is simply uninformed the notion that these men and women should not be paid the same as Mainland firefighters is upsetting the final bar on your chart is the emergency Communication Center the ECC in monor county is run by the sheriff and is clearly in good hands we continue to work together on an improvements in technology and efficiency to get the calls processed and get us out the door as quickly as possible in summary this Village is getting what it pays for and then some while the fire department may be a significant portion of the overall Village tax burden we are certain you will find similar or greater tax ratios within our peer groups that we were directly measured against we think our results are something we can be proud of as a village and with your guidance we will continue to move the bar upward improving that score and continuing to provide you with as services that alada deserves thank you thank you Jason now where I come back and ask any questions any question I have a quick question the um Jason the first thing you said was something about thank God we have never had to initiate that employment agreement it maybe something with fire CER program it's an agreement we have with Broward sheriff's office it's basically anou that we established and maintain and it's part of the uh the community risk reduction portion of the survey well okay what what are you why are you can you tell tell me more about that I don't understand why you what tell me more I don't understand what you're saying why you say thank God we never had to initiate that is that well obviously if we encounter a youth a troubled youth that is starting fires we need to address that so this program brings in professionals to deal with that directly okay it's out of our hand I mean it's not out of our hands but it's out of our purview it's not something we're appropriately trained for they are okay got it thanks I've never I'm just unfamiliar with that and um and then I just love the list that you gave Terry about all the stuff that you show up at it's it's great I mean that thanks that's really nice for you to I mean that is a long list and um uh yeah it's great thanks thank you I want to say just say something that I appreciate you guys greatly and I know the community does and I got to know you from the Julian Garcia fundraiser you're a wonderful person you give to this community and I think this community owes you guys a ton of thanks we have some of the best people that we could hope for and I thank you both very much we do we have amazing staff we absolutely do anybody else well I can say that man my heart goes out to you guys because I know what just one shower curtain Brea in the gases from that or stuff that you just talked about Jason can be in your lungs for over 7 years and can cause cancer so people don't realize oh fir we don't have any fires here but listen when you go in a building and there's bullets going off or some two of my cousins are City Firefighters that Jason knows from New York City okay and they worked in 911 all right guys we don't have a clue it doesn't matter whether it's Al Florida or New York man that when they go in a building to save lives they're they're putting their own lives at risk so I my hat goes off to you guys I know we do have a a spectacular Department here and and they're well trained they're they're just very I mean their personalities all of them Chief are like I mean it's they care and and that's a resemblance of you and and the leadership in this town thank you all right thank you thank you and thank you assistant chief Jason okay wow that all right next up is Parks and Rick well thank you for having me here tonight and um my presentation is hopefully will not be too long well this way back this way oh other way great um this is our first slide um I'm going to kind of go briefly through this because I have a presentation that kind of follows up on all this so this I'll kind of go briefly through it um basically the spend the spending history um for the last two years uh well overall for the last for the last several years uh the increase has been 12.2% and um that from what I see over the last many years has been most of our capital projects that we do here at the park our general maintenance and upkeep of all the facilities go up every year our services expand every year we expand on our services our special events our programs everything we do here at the park and personnel and that also at the at the at that um bottom over there when it says Personnel Trends um the last two years we did uh last year we asked for a full-time maintenance worker and this year we are putting into request for a facility Recreation attendant so that's why the increases last year's increase we did go up so the highlights of this coming budget 2425 real quickly as I just mentioned is um we are requesting a full-time facility Recreation attendant also an increase in our Professional Services account for consultant and Engineering Services for all our projects that we have going on an increase to our special events account and also our Capital outlay requests they include for the pool maintenance equipment and new recreation software for our office also I will be covering in more detail the proposed capital projects um they are solar lighting fixture replacement project Ada inclusive Beach playground pickall complex resurfacing repairs project a basketball court resurfacing project Pool Resurfacing and Locker run renovation project I just uh touched space on uh the expenditures um earlier um from this year I we do have some of the projects that I will go over are um are moving that were budgeted last year but they will be uh moved forward to this year and that is the solar light project and the playground uh project is one of them and also uh Personnel vacancies our uh lifeguards or Recreation coordination coordinator position has been empty and a lot of our part-time positions so um that's where we're at with that so basically um this is kind of what we do here Founders Park Founders Park is the gem of Isa marada the Department's function is to en enhance the quality of life for our residents by providing saf and attractive attractive parks recreation and activities our goal is to provide the highest quality Recreation services to our residents and visitors so in brief um this is what we do here uh at the park we provide amenities programs and special events and these are just some highlights of our staff some of our events that we do uh include um uh beats on the bay or great Aquatic Facility or egg hunt that we do so it kind of highlights everything we do here on a yearly basis the next slide is our organizational chart as you can see the um we're pretty large Department we um do a lot here uh it's broken down into um basically three different categories um Aquatics Recreation and maintenance our aquatic staff uh we have a certified pool operator her name is Anna our senior lifeguard position is open right now it's vacant our lifeguard two is thamos uh we have a one lifeguard one position that is we actually we have a a second lifeguard 2 position that is vacant so right now we have two vacant lifeguard full-time lifeguard positions that are open that we really are trying to fill right now also under our aquatic section we have our contractional services instructors that we talked about earlier they include Aquatics our master's program coach our youth swim PR program learn to swim coach our Aquatics uh fitness instructor springboard diving synchronized swimming and free diving program that's all under our our pool and then also in our Recreation side we have tennis pick ball and fitness so um that is nine contractual service instructors that are under our direction as well and they provide all our recreational programs and swim programs again they are contractual they are not employes and um as we mentioned earlier that they um it's a 9010 split so we bring in Revenue by all their programs that they offer okay under um the recreation side of things uh obviously everybody knows Annie great staff great person does an awesome job here she does so much we uh couldn't do what we do here without her then he goes down to um office coordinator Alicia and just hired our Recreation Pro program coordinator that's Jane we have our facility Recreation attendant there's two of them and that's Anna and Dawn um Brock is our facility attendant security person he does a great job with keeping the park safe and enforcing the rules um we are we are asking for another um full-time recreation facility attendant that I'll get into as well and we do have part-time attendance that help us um also right now we still have a Arts and Cultural coordinator position that's part-time that is vacant that has been vacant for over a year um and we've been trying to interview and accept applications for that and then in the summer we we offer a great summer Recreation camp and our seasonal camp and Camp counselors we usually hire about 12 of them so that increases our number of Staff through the summer and then we go to our maintenance staff and the maintenance guy is it's a small crew we have a uh maintenance Chief and then one two three four five other facility workers they do everything in the park it's for over 40 acres and they take care of everything in the park and also the marina they do help out at the marina so um again that's our staff and uh very proud of them do a great job here we offer a lot of programs and they're great people and provide a great service okay um keep talking about this Personnel person that we would like to hire and basically this is a person that is you know hands on boots on the ground type person um their duties and as as all the other like Recreation attendant duties they collect Park fees they do general maintenance in the park supervision of the of the park um customer service to our residents and visitors they work in the office they work at the at the gate um and programming um all all these positions here at the parks department we all we all work weekends holidays um and you know late hours when it comes to U all our events and the reason why we're asking for this full-time position is we do have part-time positions open but we cannot fill them and it's a problem that we're finding in the last year year and a half is filling these part-time roles um we just can't find people to apply for them so we figure if we can take away two of the part-time positions and offer one full-time position that I think it'll be more of incentive for people to um apply for it because of all the benefits that are included with the full-time position it's more desirable position because of uh of of the insurance and you know the the other things that come with it so um that's why we're asking for this uh full-time uh facility attendant if you approve this position then we will cut back on our part-time hours so we'll adjust those hours so basically you know we're kind of taken from our part-time hours and putting it into our the fulltime so uh I think we can cover that within the budget that we have um and impact again um it's just trying to keep our facilities going here providing the best service we can and it takes people it takes staff to do that and if we don't have the staff to you know greet people at the gate or greet people at the in the office then we can't do our jobs and um as it shows if we don't have the lifeguards like we don't have at the pool right now we you know it affects our services and um that's just the big part of it so so um as I mentioned before Professional Services this is a big account um that we have here uh this year uh we are asking for an increase of 450 ,000 and this is because of all the projects that we are doing here at the park the master plan Consulting Services uh we just got an agre with them Miller leg and we're working going to be working on our master plan so um and that's in the works right now we also we we did put in the budget for after the master plan if we if the village uh Council decide to move forward with any of their suggestions or things that they want to do new Renovations new projects we did uh put in 50,000 um for engineering cost um just in case and um also we mentioned earlier was the The Pool Resurfacing and renovation project we do have a consultant for that rjs design and Consultants working on the scope of work and um all the details of that we should probably have something real close next month to be able to present and um be able to continue um so that we can share all the designs and what we're doing there um The Leak Detection services for the pool that's again with the Pool Resurfacing project we need to get professionals to come in there and um you know let us know where all the leaks are and um and check check out all the equipment and that'll help with the scope of work what really needs to be done um our police security details in there this is the first year that we are putting in for Professional Services because uh this year that we did have uh police help us on the weekends and course our um our policies on the beach and throughout the park they did a great job helping us um so and also for our events we do hire uh officers for our events so that's why the police security detail is in there this this budget um also under the Professional Services is our contractual services that I talked about before the syro swim dive tennis pick ball F Fitness all that is underneath there so basically um it's a $450,000 increase from last year but those are the reasons why uh special events uh this year we are requesting a increase of um 35,000 um for our special events and mainly uh it's due to increased expenses supplies production the band The DJ all our services police rentals all the equipment that we R rent and what we do do here for all our events these are our proposed events um for this year um a lot of it is kind of what we did last year uh with our beats on the bay series we have six shows from November to April our village uh parade float we always participate in the chamber uh Holiday Fest uh par parade and we always win so we do do a good job with that so um our Springfest uh egg hunt event July 4th celebration we collaborate with uh the Rotary Club on that and uh our teen special events last year we only able to do one this year we hope to do more and they include our outdoor movies pool parties Etc um again if we do not have for some reason we don't approve the the extra funding then we will you know try to work with what we have you know maybe downside some of the events um you know just work around it so those are the things that we're requesting from you all okay capital projects um a capital project obviously we have a lot going on here at Founders Park we've been having a lot going on for the last several years our the park is going on 23 years old so that means updating updating the facilities that we have so um capital projects this is our list um solar lighting fixture replacement project we budgeted 350,000 for this year we have not uh been able to finish that project yet they are look it's scheduled to be completed the end of September beginning of October so we are just carrying over the funds from last year the Founders Park Ada inclusive Beach playground um $600,000 uh last year we budgeted about 550 um again we didn't do that project yet uh so that's why we're carrying over to this coming year and we just was awarded TDC funding for this project for 497 771 so majority of it's going to be covered under TDC funding and we also want to wait um till after our Capital um I'm sorry after our uh the planning uh overall planning for the park to see if um if that's going to change at all when it comes to location I am requesting now for pickle ball complex resurfacing project basically this is just maintenance um right now um it just includes the the existing facilities the surface repairs replacing the L chain link fence and repainting of the quartz and lines um basically it's maintenance um the facility right now is about 4 and a half years old there's cracking going on Fading um ju uh just uh just needs a touchup and that's U what I'm requesting for and then the basketball court resurfacing project same thing uh reaches uh it's about seven years old so again it's uh fading cracking and needs repair and I'd like to upgrade the goals with that and resurface the pass the basketball court lines and the pickle ball court lines and I know that's probably part question may be is why are we going to do that with this um Park planning that's going on and maybe some of these facilities may be moved but this again this is more of a maintenance project it's like keeping up our facilities our buildings need to be painted if you have maintenance with the pool this is just what needs to be done after a period of time if we don't spend that money and uh we from what I see you know when it comes to projects here everything takes longer than what we think so any type of new projects that are probably going to happen could be anywhere from two to three years so not to do anything to these facilities I I don't think we'll be proven it just I think I think we would get a lot of complaints in the future about the way they look and um another is the Pool Resurfacing renovation project that we talked about earlier and this includes resurfacing the pool uh renovations to the locker room the pump room additional space for our um in like an enclosed space for our lifeguards break area and first aid so um and that's uh estimated at 2 million so these are our major capital projects that um we request to be funded for this coming year and uh Capital outlay as in uh this this is equipment to keep for the park uh the ultraviolet we're looking at um changing our coronating system at our Splash Pad it's U we'd like to upgrade it to ultraviolet disin inection system for the splash pad it's basically upgrading the filter system and that's um any new facilities that are going in with splash pads uh the Department of Health is um requiring this so this is U something that we want to do to upgrade our um facility that we have now uh the Parks and Recreation software for our office it's basically a software that will help our um all our operations when it comes into the office Reg registration uh payment for all our programs um anything do outside in the park when it comes to our uh Tiki Hut the tiki rentals and so forth organizing of all our programs that we do the fields so it would help us get more organized and um for our maintenance crew are they're requesting a carry all Club Car um this is a utility cart not a vehicle the car um it's uh for maintenance operations um for the pool we always uh replace two heat pumps every year it's just a cycle that we do to keep to to keep our Heating and cooler system up and running um and then also a basic a manual vacuum for our pool because um that's something that we just do as well just keep up with our maintenance and that's it for me um so if you have any questions or concerns I know I kind of went through it fast I'm sorry but okay all right thank you have a short public comment I think John can we have a short public comment no the mayor has uh has advised now this yeah there's not um there's no action being taken on this so Lisa from the marina will be speaking next one I'm going to make this short and sweet um not that I'm not having a great time but um so we are not really asking our Mar budget is pretty easy we're not really asking for a lot um I am asking for an extra person uh we are much busier than we have been in the past and working 10 sevens I can't have two people here if I have anybody off you know it's hard to schedule everybody off without working a lot of overtime so I am asking for an extra person and then you know my projects are really nothing major I'm working with it to get new Wi-Fi for the marina and um the pey Hut that down is down there just needs to be re uh renovated nothing new just redoing what we have and that's pretty much what I got I mean I don't know how to work this thing but and we're done um you know as you can see the marina stays way under budget um you know we do what we can we don't take any money out of the general fund so an extra person would not come from the general fund it would come out of the taxpayers money the marinina would pay for that themselves that's question great job last but not least yes all right good evening um so with Public Works uh we have a a few budgets we uh I think it's five total that we operate under Public Works and Wastewater uh we'll go through the first one is just our general public works um we're not asking for any increases or anything um special of that nature um most of what we'll have and all of these uh budgets are going to be proposed capital projects uh and Equipment purchases so with uh we'll be looking at replacing two mowers um some attachments for our skid steer milling and a stump grinder uh we'll be looking at doing maintenance um for Village Hall uh it's still on the original paint job and uh the ceiling of it so it'll be sand blasting painting uh maintenance fixing any cracks or anything of that nature um also on here um because we've been discussing it for quite a few years is uh requests for purchasing of land for Public Works to have a maintenance shop and then also the engineering um to to kind of determine size of facilities and what's required with that um another project with Village Hall will be um renovating the second floor um they're in need of additional office space um for there and then also uh in adding a public restroom so Village Hall currently doesn't have a public restroom so we'll be looking at trying to um put an addition on kind of on the first floor uh we have a kind of a preliminary spot picked out for that but to allow to have a public restroom at Village Hall um and then the last one I have here is also uh additional funding for landscaping along with our public RightWay and our conservation properties um if you look at our spending history uh with the FY 2223 and the 2324 you'll notice that there's like a big jump down um and that drop is because we had started shifting money around um for the transportation fund so a good majority of what publ does or Public Works does is related to Transportation our roadways and our maintenance um so as we get to that one you'll see an increase as well our next fund that we have is our Solid Waste fund uh this is uh contracted out and I know we've discussed uh the slight increase that um Island disposal who provides our service will be uh conducting uh the next one we have is our storm water fund um there'll be no changes in requested in this budget um but just to give an update um this actually our next council meeting um we'll be bringing back our um agreement for the storm water management master plan um which will be looking into all of our storm water requirements um and making recommended changes is for projects um funding sources and things of that nature so this time next year we'll be looking at um requesting and doing projects for the future uh our next fund is our transportation fund um again if you look at the the spending chart on it you'll see an increase and jump there um and that's more or less just outlined the portion of public works' UH responsibilities that pertaining to Transportation the funding source for that is our gas tax that has has earmarked for transportation related only and our last one would be our Wastewater Utility Fund you know what thank you I forgot to uh swap through them um but our Wastewater Utility Fund um we're not uh requesting any of additional and personnel as well there um we're actually um looking at hiring and filling two positions that are empty currently um and hopefully we'll be fully staffed here again for that uh proposed capital projects that we have for Wastewater um is the addition of security cameras and um our badge entrance at our uh Wastewater pump stations um kind of the the sister building to Terri's our storage building for our generator will be located at our uh middle Plantation key Pump Station um the hardening of the pump stations which is an hmgp Grant fund is um those three generators were're in the middle of that they've actually started uh this week or yeah this week they started the uh the 1 of the six with the installation of the mts's the manual transfer switch for those generators um and that's a grant funded project as well um the the last two uh projects are long ongoing project is to update our transfer station to the inline booster Pump Station and we've been working with kyaro on that and we're coming to the I think the final agreement with them and looking forward to moving forward with that project um and that's all I have for you guys unless you guys have questions any questions for AJ just one you mentioned early on that you need some land for a facility ideally if the budget fairies were to come in the middle of the night and sprinkle money dust over your uh proposed budget how much land would you need and where would it ideally be located in the village um size-wise uh everything that I've looked at comparable and available space uh would at the very bare minimum would have to be 1 and a half acres um which doesn't leave a lot of space or a lot of areas uh and that that would house uh a public works facility maintenance shop um and and everything else for our equipment materials um ideally it would be in the the Northern Area and Plantation key area um that is the majority of our residential population and a lot of the area that we maintain is very heavy in that area uh we do also maintain and kind of have a a southern area like a remote station that we maintain for all the all the outside of Founders Park we maintain all the other Parks uh and right away and that so that would be the ideal location so are you saying you need two places it well we currently operator out of green turtle hammock for our southern area and it's been mentioned that to to try to find a a a small much smaller just a more remote um size property for that for them to be able to operate out of there and and the reasoning for that is to prevent bringing equipment and trailering back and forth from lower mat to Plantation key or if you need something a lot of it's a lot of back and forth ideally where would that be that small it would probably be in the upper mat area okay just curious putting it under my hat H we go ahead well my old question where are we and negotiations either one if you can address it with ke Argo in reference to waste water it's a continuing conversation councilman Rosenthal I mean the first thing we're trying to do with kargo waste water is to uh negotiate uh resolution to some technological or some technology improvements that we have to have some infrastructure work uh there's a discussion that's happening around some booster pumps and masser and kargo upgrading their site and whether what we're doing uh can be done in conjunction with what they're already planning or they need to modify their plans so that conversation is taking place first we're trying to make sure that the infrastructure improvements are being coordinated that what we're doing is acceptable to them and would not cost them additional money in terms of upgrading their facility once we get past that um and I anticipate we're on the precipice of that we'll continue to pursue the question of whether there is uh a potential uh ability to absorb our operations into theirs or some kind of solution to where um AJ's uh staffing needs are met by way of of either contract or some other relationship with kargo where they would assume responsibility those those conversations are very preliminary uh we we have a lot to to do in that area to before it can come to fruition okay um you know we keep we keep fixing things with a lot of dollars is there any kind of a maintenance program that you can in I don't think you have one 100% have one yeah we 100% have one you don't have one no we do 100% we do have a maintenance program you do have a maintenance program yes we have a preventative maintenance program our guys that's the majority of the work they perform is a preventative maintenance okay well I just want to no we're not a reactive it's the pre the preventative maintenance has has caused a lot of the uh repair and maintenance to go way down uh from when we first took it over when when it was an outside contracted they were more of a reactive um and did a lot less preventative maintenance and the expenses were much greater okay well it's good to hear thank you AJ I'll say that because I've seen him go around and check the the breathers or check you know take the lid off the thing or they put those little valves on there now it shows the pressure and everything so yeah absolutely anyways any other questions for AJ AJ what what when you just said property I mean I thought you'd probably want two or three acres some something that you have room that you could expand or two acres would be the ideal but as a minimum absolute minimum I think an acre and a half would be it would be tight um there wouldn't be that room for any growth or anything of that nature but I think that would uh would meet our requirements today all right Mr Cole you have anything you want to say no I'm good thank you yeah all right okay all right I think we're good public comment sir John I'd like to hear from the from the four Council people besides you buddy I'm running this meeting yeah you're running it into the ground excuse me excuse me be careful van it's the same it's not not required it's not something normally done at a workshop you know there's no no decisions are going to be made today obviously as a workshop I'm fine with it I defer to the disc disc of the mayor okay with okay go ahead van but from now on I want to say something before you start we approve we have an agenda right here public comment was the third item okay all right if we're going to do it we need to follow if we're following our agenda that's the only place that I see public comment and if we approve this agenda when we start our meeting then I think we need to follow our agenda okay we can't we keep we made things we changed things with public comment we can't at the at the whim of somebody raising their hand or something want public comment we either stick to the rules and regulations and follow them all right or we're going to be changing stuff all the time and that's how we get into problems go ahead Van Well I wish you to remember that with Brad about Sunset Beach because we wouldn't had a problem there either but that's neither here nor there okay Wastewater is what I want to address and uh the expenses exceed revenue budgeted last year by a million $124,000 this year the budget shows expenditures of $3 million more than the revenue and that's with transferring a million dollars from the capital fund um we don't have the money to keep up with uh karo's uh requirements for us and I I sincerely hope that uh we can get some kind of a agreement with kargo that benefits Isa marada because uh I warned about this before we ever put any pipes in the ground from lower momy to kyaro that this is going to happen and now we're we're three million more than the revenue we have allotted for this project thank you very much Mr Mayor I just wanted to to follow up on on the discussion about public comment or not during Workshops the the primary purpose of a workshop is is for you five is so that you can get the information you can talk to each other you can take the Deep dive you can ask the the um uh qu the questions of staff that that you you need to in order to make the business of of the village I mean this these are very important decisions that the five of you are going to be making over the next uh two weeks or so when we set the the budget so you know that that's the reason for workshops being a little bit different than than your action meetings um because it's it's really for you all to get the information to make your decisions and then when we have the decisions there's obviously public comment available there and then the public can can reach out to you at any point between now and then they I they your email addresses are on the website um you know there's obviously ample opportunity to uh to contact you all okay well John the reason I said that because I'm I go by the agenda that's given to me by put together by staff knowing our rules and regulations every one of us Council people know okay we put a moratorium we voted on a moratorium on different things are we just going to change a moratorium like we're going to change a public comment procedure are we going to change this or change that if we don't start having some uniti here some some being unified and following our rules and procedures you know it it we're all over the place okay we agreed on what we passed that they have to have the thing turned in well here it is the third item is public comment and then we're we're all of a sudden we're we're changing things as we go how can we continue doing this but we we talk about you know the trees Mark or we talk about this Elizabeth wants to talk about that but but why are we change we change certain things but we don't change other things and Mark I appreciate that you said it came back because I'm just following an agenda but the public com the people want to get mad at me okay and then we say okay from now on I want to follow the agenda the rules of the order here of of running the meeting according to our agenda I I think it's only fair to of us and John just explained it that this is for us this workshop for the residents too but it's for us to ask question questions and public comment was at the beginning of the meeting not every tab thank you uh anybody else have anything they want to comment about about this any I will the basis of this government is founded on the people and what they have to say I can tell you I've changed my mind on several times in the last four years for listening to public comments something I didn't know that that was brought up to me and I said damn that guy is or lady has a has something to say these people left their house got in their car drove here and they can't say anything now I'm I'm trying to I agree with you don't misunderstand Mead but I do feel that public comment should should be taken throughout these meetings Henry it is there's public comment right here in our I understand listen I tell you who made the the agenda did you no I didn't make it staff makes it I didn't well and it's public comment and you know what we have rules we we put them moratorium on things so people so so people come in here and come up to the mic and say hey I've been waiting three years you got a moratorium but I want mine because you know we we can't we either follow the rules and regulations or procedures okay or we don't so St so staff put it there and that's that's the rule that's what no that's not we agreed on this our predecessors that this is the protocol that we've been following it's it's within the discretion of the mayor sometimes there's exceptional cases I I I think it's well it is a workshop this is for us we have to conduct the business but you know you have to give a little something to someone who sits through this it's not this is not edge of your seat you know kind of Academy award-winning stuff so you know I I have some sympathy for that Mark I you know how many times I've let people speak at public comment and I've taken Flack from other people calling me and saying hey you you let so and so talk but you don't let me talk or you don't whatever go ahead elizab um right I don't actually see an agenda for tomorrow night so are we going to be receiving an agenda because if it's just Council discussion that could really go south I would like I would love an agenda we don't need these we're done well I mean this is obvious well like tomorrow we're coming in we have no agenda for tomorrow and I I I do not I would really request that it not just be a wide open discussion because it'll be that might be loads of fun I'm pretty sure it won't be load fun can we talk about something because I just asked Lisa I didn't know what we're doing Friday but Friday is the 501c3 is coming to do presentations I I didn't know that a vice mayor said she didn't know that no idea is it it is yeah he where's the sorry where's the info can we have the info sorry that sounded so rude so so if we is there anything I'd like to that we we agreed on that this is not it's a surprise to right no no no I do did you know that was happening I I I remember it now that we're talking about it but I I forgotten it we didn't decide we don't know who so Mr Cole can we if we finish or Lisa you can chime in on this too if if what do we have tomorrow if we finished this today what is tomorrow besides our executive session at 6 this will be the discussion for the millage r or whatever else you want to discuss about what projects you want to agree to or okay it's up to council so the idea originally with this agenda was that we were going to work through each of the steps in the agenda so far and there would be a break at some point and we would have picked up on the next department presentation tomorrow right so instead where we are today as we've gone through all of them uh not thinking we were going to go through them that quickly uh leaving our time tomorrow for a discussion of of the military and where do we want to go with that and and what does that mean for these various departmental presentations if we're not going to be at three um what are we doing we're we're heading towards another Target potentially but uh we'll have to hear from Council get you give you opportunity to provide more feedback ask more questions if you feel you need to I think we also still have the capital part here that we haven't gone over yet so if we were ending now uh then we would pick up with capital tomorrow first thing because that's the agenda that we had was just to continue through this and then that leads us to council discussion and and that's where we really start discussing the millage rate and um you know if there's additional questions that you think of now that you've heard the staff presentations and might have a little bit of an opportunity to absorb some of the information maybe you'll think of questions that you'll bring back tomorrow and we can uh go through those as well ultimately it's a milit rate discussion that we're looking for so that we can take the next step and prepare a budget with that uh Council Direction okay all right so so with that being said then how do we have a a list of the 50 and c3s that are already signed up to come on Friday do we know how many I think there's 14 14 Stephanie you have the list is it 14 well wait a second we also this is this is I don't remember any of this maybe I'm in la la land or something but um we had devised a scoring system system I'd like to refresh on that and I'd like to look at the Charities I mean this is sort of I feel it's coming out of left field I didn't know anything well we're not going to vote on it it's a workshop no not Friday I'm talking about the Charities coming Friday not tomorrow Friday yeah yeah okay well you know we finished early I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on what we've learned today tonight and then tomorrow we're talking two different things but no no but but that leaves opportunity for what you want to do no you're missing the whole thing the the applications the applications for funding support yes they are being distributed to council uh staff did develop a scoring sheet for council members to score each of the respective presentations that was sent out to council by way of email we asked for feedback we asked for confirmation that everyone was on board with that and that's a while back that's not like in this week or last week it's it's dating back because what we heard in terms of feedback from the last time these presentation took place was that it was rather chaotic and people didn't understand what they were supposed to do how they were supposed to do it so the process that we outlined for Council and distributed was that we were going to schedule them to come and uh provide presentations to council about the request uh there was a scoring sheet that was produced that we distributed a template of also and we'll have those available on Friday for Council to score the respective uh presentations and uh after that prior to the uh prior to the presentation of the tenative budget we will have taken those scores and assign them according to the protocol that we distributed to council to make it more of a structured and clear process for the applicants is this the same one we've had before is this you guys came up with a new scoring thing okay I'm guilty I didn't look at it so Sharon turn your okay okay Mike Mike um is this what we've done before the old one or you guys came up with a new scoring thing let me just how about this evening we'll distribute it again and take a look at it and see lost whether it is what you're thinking it is or it's something else um we were of the impression that there wasn't a a scoring mechanism last time based on the feedback we received from applicants and people who had expressed confusion about how uh the decisions were made so the effort was made on staff's side to improve that process and make it uh to where the applicants coming understood that they're applying that they're doing a presentation and that uh Council would then um score those presentations and allocations would be awarded accordingly so we do we have a Time structure and in Elizabeth Elizabeth's got a question but a time how how many minutes do each 50 and C3 have Lisa do we know is it five minutes yes five minutes yes five minutes minutes not to exceed 10 Elizabeth so presumably they would have filled out an application and and then also I'm thinking that they filled out um a report as to what they accomplished with the money that they received last year the the agenda for that it's for day three it's all online um the applications are on there as well if y'all wanted to review those so I'm sure that no one is reading those because nobody here gets theirs online and I didn't actually know that that was the agenda so um I mean we want don't you want that prior to the meeting helpful yeah could we get those yes okay I I don't think Henry and Buddy know that they're because they're talking so so look just to be what what she just Lisa just said is that on Friday 14 people are coming to make a presentation and they're going to sometime between now and Friday you got to find the time they're going to create they're going to print out the reports from these groups of they got money last year last year and and what they did to to spend that money and an a reapplication for new funds and there's going to be a scoring sheet which I mean I would think we' get these tomorrow I kind of got a busy and then we are going to hear their presentation and score when at that night no you guys can score as you go but we'll collect them and process them after the meeting it's not done live in the moment and tomorrow or Fridays is is noticed as a workshop so there won't be any decisions that can be made it's it's just a workshop no h Henry had a question cuz he he was confused a little bit he just was asking about he thought it was the five uh the comp plan thing and I just explained to him that it wasn't that's different I thought it h I gotta say Henry I thought that's anyway okay so actually then back to that other question of I would really like an agenda tomorrow so that we don't have to have the confusion about public comment and we have some flow of this meeting otherwise we're all just going to I I anticipate it being very messy we will spiral into chaos yes we will yes and then you will have to bring me a white napkin so that listen this thing came in really handy tonight it did and I think we should all be issued one yes I actually I wouldn't mind one tomorrow so can we had a great meeting tonight I think uh is there anything else that we need to discuss yes can we have an agenda would you like an agenda yes sure sure well we have an agenda first of all but we can update it and create a new one because again what was happening here is we were not contemplating that this would have gone all the way through to the end today in fact uh all of us thought there would be more questions and time taken on each department so we went through so fast that we got to the end of the agenda so we can produce another one uh that will contain additional information and and we're happy to do that okay can we make sure we do have a time for public comment on there Mr Cole as well okay absolutely yes all right thank you Lisa thank all you staff for your department heads and everything for your time for staying here this long and and Van for staying here this long and Jerry and you know the deputy you know everybody that's here it's a it's a team effort so um anyways thank you if there's nothing else do I hear an adjournment here okay e e