##VIDEO ID:oJc4PfoCP3o## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right here we go call this meeting to order please uh Marne would you call the roll please council member Mark Greg here council member Elizabeth Jolan council member Henry Rosenthal yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney here and mayor buddy Pender here we have a quorum and I've asked uh Chief Abel to uh lead us in the pledge and we had a great service yesterday 911 Service Chief thank you the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all righty let's have a quick prayer and we'll get rolling thank you for this awesome day that you have made today Lord and father we just thank you for we thought of all the families yesterday that were affected by that uh situation in 23 years ago and we just lift up all the different family members wherever they may be the children the grandchildren the wives or husbands and we just uh want to remember them and uh we just ask a blessing over this meeting today uh that we would do the best we can and we thank you again and we ask all this in your precious name amen amen okay how about any requests for deletions or emergency additions anybody have anything nope okay so we'll move on with that okay so Marne I guess we're going to open public comment we have anybody signed up for public comment yes van Cadenhead surprise surprise I'm van Cadenhead um this is a very important meeting because we've not done this uh revamp of the comp plan and the ldr since the Inception of the village and there's been minor tweaks along the way but uh it really needs to be looked at from from uh A to Z and gone through with a fine tooth comb and you know in its own time no rush but uh I really think that you should ask the people today um to complete their survey within a set set amount of time in other words I I hope you can have like 60 to 90 days to have a report back from them on what they see the problems are and what they see the fixes are so because that'll give us a whole lot more information to work with quicker I don't want this to I hope it doesn't drag out let's say for uh six months or a year you know let's try let's try to get the information and get it used you know in in use um as as quickly as possible and I wish everybody here the best and I wish all four of the the contestants in the contest here today the best and I hope the best team wins and because Isam marada has got to win we we we really need this badly because it's been such a long time so thank you very much I appreciate it thank you Mar anybody else yes Don Horton thank you mayor council Don Horton 47 scooner Bay Road I just want to thank y'all for starting this process and getting this underway it's long overdue and you've got some good competitors and U uh I I hope that we spend the time as much time as it takes for us to do this right so that we don't have to continue having people come in front of you and asking for zoning changes to correct in incorrect things that happened before I would prefer that we spend the the time to go property by property Street by Street and and and get this right it's it's exciting thing that we're about to go under and something that's long overdue that we need to do so I truly appreciate the work that y'all are going to do uh the future council is going to do and certainly the work that Jennifer is going to have in front of her because she's going to have her F hands full but uh I've Got Confidence in her to do this the right way too and all of her staff so thank you all very much thank you Mary any other p uh public comment no sir okay public comment is now closed okay so I guess Rob do we have any reports it says here what's that right there background regarding presentations proposals no I defer to Jennifer she can um provide some brief background before we invite our first presenter up thank you all right Jennifer thank you Council um so um as you may remember this um this evening we're going to hear from four um Consultants that submitted proposals for our comprehensive Plan update we had five um responses to the RFP one consultant chose not to present this evening so we're proceeding with the four that did choose to present um as you may remember um on April 9th the council gave direction for us to seek proposals from professional consultant services to update the comprehensive P plan we then issued that RFP on May 29th um and as I said we saw we received five proposals we there was a evaluation committee appointed by The Village manager who evaluated and ranked those five proposals we made a presentation to the Village Council in August 8th with our recommendation but at that meeting the council gave direction for us to schedule these presentations from all the proposers for Village Council consideration as I said four of the five proposals accepted that invitation to make the presentation and one proposer declined um so the Pres presenters tonight are able City East LLC Calvin jodano and Associates Inc Chen Moore Associates and Inspire placemaking Collective Incorporated they are all uh being sequestered at this time because we felt that that would be best um and the most um Level Playing Field for them all I'll bring them in one at a time in alphabetical order they have have PowerPoint presentations we told them that the maximum time for their presentation would be about 15 minutes and then that you would have an opportunity after their presentation to do a question and answer period with them um and then um they could stay in the room for presentations after theirs if they so chose um so if you don't have any additional questions at this time I can go ahead and get the first consultant or oh John does have one thing he wants to say I just wanted to remind everybody that um uh the Code of Silence is still in effect uh that doesn't apply to open open public meetings um but in um uh until there's an actual contract that's approved the cone of silence is in effect for this RFP thank you John so if nobody has any specific questions about the process I'm happy to go get able City East if you're all ready anybody have any questions I do John please am I following you on the co assignment go silence oh silence silence yes Sim's not here anymore I thought I thought he said sment and I'm just what the hell was he talking about the one guy on the trash thing that they they called and asked permission and they can't I'm just keeping it on your toes I I move you're pay ATT Henry let's change it to the code assignment from now on that got his attention all right I stand corrected thank you okay guys ready you were ready well we know you were listening just couldn't hear I thought it had something to do with magic or [Laughter] something able City East LLC and I do have a copy of the proposals here if anybody would like to see one I can pass it down can you pass that down please and there might be another is there another copy on the table two cop there are also two copies on the table if you all need one to okay here I'll go get another one hey Mark can you grab a couple I'll I'll give this to Henry one up to the podium yeah whenever you're ready just introduce yourselves and well hello my name is Jason King I principal and co-owner of uh AEL city east and I'm here with hello my name is Nuki I'm an environmental consultant well it's an honor to be here today um we have the PowerPoint presentation loaded it would seem and thank you for that and um what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through a quick presentation and then is there time for Q&A there is yes excellent great terrific well um thank you again for having us um my name is Jason King our office able City East is based in Miami um we're working with Street Plant collaborative nret partners and hly Wht group and uh I get to be the Project Director of a very talented multidisciplinary team our firm does everything planning can I ask one question before go ahead do you ever do anything with the uh Redevelopment Association or cras have you yes cras are a big client of ours yeah okay because you look a little from familiar that's why oh yeah yeah okay all right thank you yep sure yeah I think maybe even somewhere in this graphic that probably says uh community redevelopment agency or or uh Redevelopment agency because we do planning architecture Economic Development and Community engagement um and uh our firm works all over the country we work all over the world it's the idea of working just you know not very far from South Miami where our home and office is is is very exciting um if you go to planning School nowadays there's a good chance that you're reading about projects we've done or uh things we were a part of I wrote the chapter in Doug Forest sustainable urbanism book and were featured in uh Dan PR form based codes book I have two books that I'm the author of which are particularly pertinent to the Keys one is about climate planning and the other is about Equity planning H and again Nuki and I represent a much larger team we've got a team of Street designers and economists uh and Engineers environmental engineers and we've all worked together on many different projects um so I was trying to think of you know you really can't go wrong as far as I'm concerned with all the Consultants that you're going to be meeting with today they're all friends of ours we've worked with all of them and so n and I were trying to brainstorm on what makes our firm different what could we could bring to this project that that no other firm would bring and there's two things one is that we specialize in Island communities I grew up on a little peninsula in Bristol Rhode Island and every time and my father's a fisherman and we've always been working in these Island communities really quick I'm going to show you a couple the very first comprehensive plan I ever did was in the turow islands in Thailand in satum Province and I was much younger and my hair was long my wife is so happy I don't have long hair anymore but that was my very first exposure to urban planning and I would say my my second was probably working on the livable communic Keys project do any of you remember this yeah so Monro County took on creating its own comprehensive plan barely had any consultants and we worked on it ourselves at that time all Mara was just in some ways getting Going H I was a senior planner in Monroe County for two years I lived in tavanir for two years had my little boat um our family still comes down here all the time so my my boat is in uh Snake Creek Marina we go to Hog Heaven Too Much um one of the great achievements of that plan was the Taver historic district it was hard to create a historic district in a place that floods and sees uh big storms but it thank God we did it's a beautiful little bit of culture that we help to preserve in uh Jee lefit Louisiana we're working on a resiliency plan and other small community to protect them they came up with the idea of a ring Levy that would surround them it was very expensive solution but there's not many people in uh in Gan leit similar to Al marada and so what we helped them imagine was a way to retreat to the heart of town and um by focusing their resilience infrastructure efforts um they were able to get a $300 million 7t Levy which has helped protect that town time and time again this is Island planning but still you never turn your back on the water we embrace the water maybe a little lighter than previously maybe structures that that we can say goodbye to but we don't um we don't turn our back on the water we've been working in Alo Bay and Dolphin Island South of mobile and it looks like this and the econom is being devastated by one storm after another and the houses that used to rent out at very high essentially the whole economy was renting out these big houses is changing and our our what we needed to do is to design a town center a town center that was we'd say locally kind of keyy right small buildings but small building up high Al marada is going to be faced with this kind of issue and so the question is you know what kind of place do you create what's the place that endures what lasts and we worked closely with our economists it's not just a an illustrative plan it's also a plan based in economic reality like I said our firm does visioning but we also do Economic Development so we worked to figure out what was what the Gap was and what what what is missing uh we worked in North Beach um and that's an island Miami Beach is an island very different from Al marada but an island nonetheless and some of the big achievements that I count having worked there for so long is the lifting of streets or part of that effort the lifting of public spaces you know whenever they rebuild the parks they're higher than they used to be the pump stations and the streets that used to flood and no longer flood anymore you know a lot of people worked on the plan for Miami beach but we were a big part of it we're working right now in um Martha Vineyard in Edgar toown the plan the problem there is affordable housing Probably sounds familiar uh this is the fire station those are the firemen and what we've been trying to do is take Municipal land and build the housing that the workers who work those plants you know the firemen and the um and the water workers and the Wastewater people and we're building affordable housing that's also in keeping with the high architectural standard of egar town because if affordable housing is not beautiful and delightful uh then the community is against and so design matters that's something that we're really proponents of and at the same time in Edgar toown we're taking parking lots and you have parking lots on the water and and parking lots overlooking the water it's the land's too valuable and we're working to create turn those parking lots into great highquality public spaces what's different about our firm is that we're Architects and we're Landscape Architects first we're designers and we design at every scale your comprehensive plan is way up here we'll give you a a very competent and beautiful goals policies and action items but we can also do what what Florida we call a master plan and that's the design of streets public spaces and buildings that's what we do very very comfortably and we also think about the environment hello everyone to briefly reintroduce myself again my name is Nuki I'm a consultant I have a masters of Science and environmental techn technology and another degree in human geography I'm very excited to be here today I think Isa Mara truly represents a great intersection of these two fields that I'm so passionate about so here in the Florida Keys mangr Forest serve as a vital habitat for local ecosystems and fishing communities but they also serve as a great uh natural form of resilient infrastructure oops so though there have been smallscale volunteer-based efforts to restore mangroves there has yet to be a large L scale deliberate effort to do so so with the help of environmental permits we can build rock walls that then in turn help protect Mangrove seedlings that are in the process of growing and this in turn altogether serves as a buffer that absorbs the energy and forceful effects of rising sea levels and storms so here where we stand today on Founders Park surrounded by mangroves on a beach that needs replenishment and is at risk mangroves can serve as a vital tool to help protect against these threats in the future that's right so that kind of thing beautiful visualizations to communicate to the public there if I have some more time to present let's talk about the the process the other thing that makes us different from the other firms is that instead of periodic workshops what we do is we create the plan on site in person over a week-long uh charet is what it's called we take a room like this and we'd set up camp we'd bring our all our whole team 12 people and people could come in through the week and they would talk to us and stand over our shoulder and interact with us that's our public process it's we've got workshops too we've got uh adoption meetings but the shet is the thing that Nuki and I love about our work uh the shet is where we learn about what you've been working on strategic plans State plans Regional plans we advertise the charet we're liked and we're followed and we talk to the editors of the newspapers uh and um when we get the word out we have a big kickoff event that will involve a lot of people because this is all marada and this is like a super Comm committed Community um and uh and then we involve them we deputize them they become planners and the series of exercises they are uh giving us input that we put into the plan they get up and they talk about their projects or what they're interested in what the public produces isn't necessarily a work of art but we can translate that into uh into the plan we take those ideas that we get during the charet we uh give it to our economists and our transportation planners and our engineers and people like Nuki and we design we draw uh a future and that future is bounced off of the stakeholders and the decision makers uh and we keep proposing and disposing until we come up with a vision that everyone can agree to wherever we can we like to involve school kids because that's just fun uh we ride around with the community and we tour during that week um and then we with Street plans collaborative we yes so with Street plans collaborative we work together to design the streets with the goal of a complete Street with the safety of all in mind including cars cyclists and pedestrians so in the workshop in the initial days we start with the sketches of concept concept development and these sketches are then turned into finalized plans in this instance there are two to give the public options of how they would like to proceed and then at the end of the workshop there's an open house where all the plans are presented and everyone gives their feedback and thoughts all right so we're almost at the end we every time we do a presentation we use keypad polling it's always interactive at this point in the presentation we'd be asking people questions and they'd be voting in on at the end of the charette we ask is the plan on the right track and generally people are because they can see their ideas on the screen they're a part of the conversation they're in favor of the project we create a beautiful plan people like Nuki have a great eye for creating something that people want to have on their coffee table it's a exciting beautiful plan on a respector time I want to move to the Finish now our firm bid twice as much as every other firm and we are worth every dollar new is worth every dollar uh but um but we bid twice as much that than the than Al marada has what I'm proposing is uh is no reduction in services but a reduction in the price I've been coming to Alam marada for a long time I would love to donate the half that cost and to bring our fee down to what you have so that we could be I could continue it's been it's been you know 18 years since I've lived in the keys I would love to continue to be part of your story um now our firm was a little different because we proposed changes to the Land Development regulations we're very serious about that you can't just do a comprehensive plan and not change the Land Development regulations because it's a plan that will sit on the Shelf we want to do that you know no reduction in uh Services I want to write the ordinances the affordable housing ordinance the the um the shoreline protection or ordinance the working Waterfront ordinance if these ideas come up in that charet while we have everybody's attention and while we're working with you all let's see this through um so um so let's write ordinances let's make sure that the plan is just the beginning and not the end so I don't know if it's possible if you're able to even do it but what I'm saying is that I create I have my own firm and I'm able to do things that some other firms the bigger ones are not able to do I'm able to I've never filled out a time sheet I'm able to commit to the we say yes to the projects we totally believe in and I believe in all marada and want to be here um and we can figure out a way to make it work financially for everybody involved so I think it'd be helpful to go to Q&A if there's time uh Council anybody have any questions I'll just hi my name is Mark Greg um uh I agree with the first statement that you made that there's all of you guys are good all of the people in our presentations it's just different flavors of good so yeah at any rate um some folks in town I think I think there's kind of a a loose consensus that we are either at build out or very close to that so uh I would expect that your effort would be unlike say a new city or a developing City we we we would be a redeveloping city so can you give us any specific points of your ex or any information about your experience or your thoughts or plans about how you might address that specifically I really like I'm going to say it wrong nuk's experience with living shorelines and mangroves I grow mangroves at my house in a swimming pool the kitty pool I love them and so I'd love to see a lot of those in the shoreline but things of that nature that deal with climate change uh buildout and um affordable housing those those are big talking points here so any specific thoughts you have on that would be appreciated thank you sure specifically your community is about 7 square miles and within those S square miles you have 700 businesses think about that all of the restaurants all of the shops 700 businesses typically a community your size 7 square miles would have about 150 so you're packed so this isn't about new stuff this is about upgrades there is a lot in the keys that could be upgraded it could become more resilient it could also become uh a little more a little different um you're area of of a special State concern and and the rogo system is quite strict and you're a TDR program nevertheless I think we have to think of a way that we can uh improve strategic upgrades the keys should continue to grow up and not out the keys should continue to improve you have to you can't look like like you did in the 1970s what we're going to be looking to do is to find a way following all the rules that could bring uh new investment and and new options new choices new places to eat and new places to work uh to the keys so yeah absolutely built out but there's still it doesn't mean it's done there's still room to grow and there's there's a lot of room for improvement even in Alara which is the nicest part of the keys you know that there's room for improvement we have to we love to work with you on trying to figure out how okay Henry your experience I suspect that you have reviewed the comp plan that is now we we're practicing what brought to the light in that comp plan that needs attention yeah so you've got you've got a commitment to building affordable housing which you have not met right so um so that's not uncommon uh it's just a lot harder on in an island Community um it's a lot harder when there's not available land it's a lot harder when affordable housing has to be built uh where there currently commercial um I think what I'm afraid of with Al marado what I'm afraid of is on all the keys is that every all the workers are coming in on the buses in the morning and the traffic is getting worse and worse uh towns Islands fail if they can't learn to be self-sufficient the day that you're your town you know manager your your town planners you know your your Police Department the day that they're all commuting two hours to come down here is the day that you're at the brink of failure and I've seen it I've seen it in Nantucket you know I've seen it in the turto islands when I look at your comprehensive plan I think the big thing that we need to work on is affordable housing and I know everybody's been talking about that for long time our firm Are Architects we can design it we can draw it and and um that's the thing I would love to work on that's the unmet goal the very first when Al marada Incorporated when it started when it broke away from Monro County it said that they were going to be different and one of the things it was going to do is build its resident uh working population and build affordable housing and you've done a lot you've achieved amazing things there's some beautiful stuff going on uh but there's still there's still a lot of room I wrote a book called Equity planner and a large part of it is about affan communities like this island communities getting serious about affordable housing and doing it a way that people can all agree on so that's that's what I'd be the most excited to work on to be quite honest how much experience do you have in dealing with critical State concern right so um you know so you know working it with Monro County you know we met in Tallahassee we debated and we haggled the area of critical State concern to create the the tier system and um uh we came up against quite a few uh guard rails and boundaries um we understand that the areal that the area of critical State concern designation is important uh but um but it takes away local control and so what think one thing that we'd be looking to do is to uh to work with the state and satisfy all the requirements but still give more control back to the people of Al marada but have you experienced that particular situation elsewhere and have you dealt with it and how sure even in so when we created the historic district in tavanir you got to understand the state said you can't create a historic district here because it's going to keep all the buildings on the ground so that meant that all those great little Str structures at the bottom of kilargo were all going to be lost uh we were fought on the creation of that historic district uh by state Regulators well-meaning smart intelligent people but we managed to be to create a historic district a new historic district in the keys so that was that was an eye- openening experience that's the kind of thing okay go ahead um I I particularly uh am a advocate for affordable housing and in particular more particular accessory dwelling in units so I'd like to know if you've had some experience with that and uh do you see that as being um a viable part of the solution to affordable housing here that's right so that's where you that's where affordable housing starts that is the first step you take to creating affordable housing in my town South Miami affordable or adus accessory dilling units are not allowed I created a nonprofit organization dedicated to getting the town to create to you know to adopt an Adu ordinance I have not been successful yet but that's the level of commitment that I have is that in my own town you know I'm the one pushing for that we're going to do that there every town should adopt an Adu ordinance and I know it's controversial trees will have to come down at times you know uh hurricane evacuation times are affected I understand the disadvantages to adus but you're creating affordable housing and the and the the golden rule of planning I think is create housing build places for people to live you know so okay young man I got a question for okay adus that that's something there that I mean AARP that's Nationwide you know they recommend doing this this can everybody every all the states have throughout the United States have a problem but would you explain to me because affordable housing in the keys is really not affordable okay but Workforce housing okay that tell me the difference what you think your scenario is between affordable and Workforce because what we need in Alam marada is Workforce housing that say uh a couple that's uh could live in or a young married couple could live in to till they get started that you know and not have to buy you know I mean habitat has done a lot of great things here but you know when you talk about affordable some people here in Armada paying 300,000 what they consider affordable and more you know so give me your opinion or give me your your synopsis on between affordable and Workforce because we're look we're looking for Workforce housing here that that is Affordable for the people living there well mayor honestly you said everything I'm not sure how much I have to add to that you have to prioritize the workforce if you start to it habitat is good HUD programs are good but those that Federal money comes with strings and those strings do not allow a local preference what you need to do is build housing that can have that your planners can can you know can live at your your fire chief can can use to live that's right what you need is Workforce housing and those are going to be local programs and what you said about people coming in town even the sheriff and Key West they're they come all the way from Dade County yeah okay and and they have to let their cars go north I think you know because they get them back and forth the scary thing in an island Community is that night that there's a fire and only three fire Personnel show up because they can't drive two and a half miles to get to that fire that's terrifying the scary thing is if a water M breaks and those repair guys all live 3 hours away and and and you're going to lose 100 gallons of water a minute you know yeah absolutely towns fail if they can't if they do not have Workforce housing this is a very serious situ we don't want to see Al Mara fail everything you said completely agree with because I think Workforce housing is unique because it might not be as big as people think affordable but it is because of the creativity what I've seen going into Redevelopment conferences and I've visited these towns that have CRA that they've got a lot of money from and they've did great things Jack's Beach is one you know dun Eden is another one I mean there's right there in Tampa there's you know it's in alamada I would say is really nothing but Reed you know Redevelopment I mean there is room for growth but very smart growth okay green growth and and but but really the growth is in Redevelopment yeah that's right like like the businesses you were talking about could we can we come up with some kind of concept that we could put a Workforce housing on top of businesses that's right I mean Kathleen pasido said when she drives from Tallahassee coming to Key West she said I see all those units in Monroe County but we don't have all those businesses we could have Workforce housing you know on top of those and we could we could create something or when they build a new Marina or new hotel we we they have to create so many Workforce housings absolutely the the reason we have an affordable housing problem in this country is largely because we started building on story commercial structures with nothing above and I understand this there's reasons for that and the keys especially but we just have to undo that because that that's where affordable housing starts just like you said houses above the commercial so you have experience in being able in creativity okay yeah loads okay and and what I like is number one you said you come you've been coming here and you own a house here or you have a boat here I have a boat in the Snake Creek okay yeah or it just has a different name now yeah vice mayor or Elizabeth you guys have any questions um my questions are all stolen by these guys so I I think the biggest problem you guys are going to have here is um I have a building a commercial building in Alara and I'd love to put Workforce housing on top of it but good luck with the parking situation that is our number one problem I think um I would have I've already asked if I could put Workforce up there and it's like no because the commercial's taking that up so so that's going to be a big challenge I do love the mangroves and the rock walls I I'm 100% into that and that is something that is usually overlooked but it's so very important so kudos to you guys I'm good anything again you know we've got Architects on staff I would love to take your pro your property and to draw it the way you want to see it and to and to encounter that uh parking problem and try to figure out a way in which it could work we design at the level of the town but we also design at the level of the lot we have Architects we're capable of that and those Architects can then figure out what you know why the regulations are saying no and let's try to figure out a way yeah my only um thank thank you for coming in your presentation um I know one of the the requests was to um review the current comprehensive plan and then also the Land Development regulations and I I think you may have Ted Ted on that but could you just speak briefly on your area of expertise in that way I yeah yeah sure so the the RFP talked about you know create the comprehensive plan and then talk about discuss the changes that would be necessary to the Land Development regulations what we proposed is actually to write the new ordinances the changes that the comp plan sort of mandate or necessitate or suggest we want to write those ordinances staff is very busy uh we have experience writing ordinances um I write form based codes I write UniFi development code we're not just a comprehensive plan firm we're run that we're one that writes Land Development regulations and and and again I just don't feel like we're doing the job if we stop at the comp plan level it's very high up it's required and it's important but I want to I like the level in which change actually happens well and and I think to the to the the RFP speaks to that I think here when it says we're forming we're performing The Following project tasks conduct a full review of the current comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations including data analysis and an analysis and policy review so I think that is um something that we are requesting is that fair to say is it's not one is that fair to say no I don't that wasn't requested in the RFP they added that as an option okay so I'm looking at the RFP but which is I'm reading it from the RFP it says um because from what from what we've been provided so did I am I misreading it let me just double check it it says um the yes they conduct a full review but it's not to make any we didn't ask for any updates to the ldrs as part of this RFP but to to do a review and Analysis yes I'm sorry so just so that I'm clear when I when just as we're hearing the other um the other hearing everyone um there would be recommendations and then the actual language would be written by someone yes initially the thought was that um we would get recommendations from a consultant and then that staff would take those recommendations and make make those move those forward this consultant has offered to do those move those forward themselves on our behalf okay but I and I'm sorry I toine to just you know it clear in my head but what we're asking for maybe this is helpful for everyone here as well is reviewing the comprehensive plan and reviewing our ldrs and and saying this is what we want yes and then if we want someone to actually write that language this gentleman can do it but that that's a different story that we would ask someone else or maybe someone in house would write the language it's my understanding as part of their proposal they're proposing to do that for us so if you were to choose this consultant I believe that would be part of their proposal if another consultant were to be chosen I don't believe that other Consultants have put that as part of their proposal so it would depend on the consultant that you choose okay Rob you're going to be told that that those are two different projects the comp plan is a different project than Land Development regulation and Zoning reite how however we're asking for both of those to be reviewed and analyzed and I was very excited about that we'll do more than the review and the analysis we'll actually I know staff can do it but staff is busy and we're going to help we're going to pitch in we're going to help them to to draft that or we or we'll draft it ourselves I every project I do I do that otherwise I don't feel like we're really like I feel like we're stopping short did you have some further explanation I I was just going to add that it's a a value added proposal so it achieves the Baseline requirement that we established having recognized the linkage between um updating our comprehensive plan and wanting needing to make sure that our land use development regulations are updated so that we can achieve the goals that we aspire to in the updated comp plan so in effect U they'll be saving us both time and money and bringing in a team with expertise to perhaps make those uh those changes to the ordinances even better potentially uh than what they might have been and certainly at less cost to us ultimately um because we would have staff time involved we'd have legal counsel involved in drafting ordinances and researching them and so this element uh is is an attractive option to not only achieve again the minimum standard but exceed it okay Mark go ahead um one question I think is kind of a uh a really interesting one is time so uh the current plan that we have was was uh written actually in 1999 and approved finally uh in 20 01 and was called the 2020 plan so it's exceeded its useful Life by about four years so I'm just underscoring our need to get it done not to put any pressure on you of course but ju I wouldn't hold you to this but I would just like to ask if you could give us an expectation your best prediction about how long would it take you to get tooled up and ready to say have the first shet and then how long do you expect it would take for you to present us with first draft of a comp plan or would you do it in you know there are several different required elements under the comp plan you know future land use conservation would you do it in stages or do you know give give me an idea of an approach and then once we've uh achieved that goal then would you begin on the ldrs or would you kind of blend the ldr presentation simultaneous with the uh well you might not be able to do that till the whole thing's finished but just just kind of give me a a forecast of how you would foresee us getting to the line sure the our RFB response has a detailed um schedule and it goes to about 10 months to complete the whole project uh but but again you know um I would focus on this project this would be the most important project I'd be working on I get to work in the keys again um so we can move as fast as you're able to move we want a substantive you know we want a real discussion with the public but but we but I I'm I'm we can focus on this in a way that other firms are not able to I worked for a big company for 18 years I had 15 projects now I've got like three um so we can move pretty fast and I would actually do the discussion about the Land Development regulations concurrent at the same time you know what the issues are it's not going to take a comprehensive plan process to figure out what the issues are and so let's start working on those Solutions immediately right from the very beginning if we've got everybody's attention we're calling them to the meetings let's not just do the comp plan let's also do the implementation one kind of detailed thing I I I don't want to hold your feet to the fire but uh let's assume for example we're able to give you a decision and an award by say October 1st just to pluck a number or a date out of the air um our population is it at its biggest uh from say January to Easter time or thereabouts so where you have these charettes it's my personal view maybe you would agree that the more the marrier so we would want to have the as many people here as possible to put provide as much input and data and commentary so do you foresee that you would be able to get spooled up and ready to rock and roll and get something a meeting organized and and presented by sometime after the shortly after the first of the year or would that be pushing things you approve us on October 1st I'll I'll be here October 2nd I mean uh this is our this would be our number one priority as fast as as fast as you're able to move as fast as you're able to schedule and get the room available and get people here yeah absolutely um first priority project I I I'm you can probably see I'm eager to to do this yeah we kind of got a hint to that yeah well you you're you're not a big firm because I found in my experience being in business for 40 years I went to I used some of the bigger firms it took longer to get my stuff done but when I found smaller firms that are like yourself it was like they gave me service I mean same day service on certain things so yeah absolutely call any of our clients that's so um so there's a team of 30 that I could bring in but our core is four and we're not taking on 15 projects like I used to have when I had a 100 person you know I was part of a 100 person firm um yes it is this like we say on the slide we're mid size we're responsive because we're PR principal involvement is a given the owner the company is going to be the one working on the stuff and so that means I'm not worried about you know going over budget or whatever I'm I'm worried about my reputation and doing a great job for Al Mara okay thank you any other questions Henry go ahead can I can I also just ask in the interest of time if we um respectfully wrap this one up and move on to the next one pretty soon in a minute yeah I mean we want to people there absolutely and it has been a pleasure Fair pressure you so much it was great being here I think Henry had another question I was just wants to ask another question how long have you been in business so uh uh I've been an urban planner for over 20 years uh able City The Firm that we work with uh has been in business for uh over 18 years um but the Miami office just opened up 6 months ago and that was me opening up the office so I could do the projects that I'm pass passate about so uh able City if you look up The Firm able City LLC it's over 16 years old is a short answer and you worked and you work with compliant from beginning to finish where please everywhere that we ever worked on a comprehensive plan including manur County so every one of our compans is different in that uh there's an appendix which has the uh the recommended ordinances the changes to the Land Development Reg regulations and so you see that in all of them so if I were to get in my car and drive north yeah where should I stop first that you worked on that that area well South Miami I've been working in South Miami for 20 years my is considerable is a long is a long way away or yes considerable he said so it's it's it's not Ocean Reef right it's not Key West it's us yeah and we're different South Miami is a town of 177,000 and we're a very close group um we got big issues you know the Metro Rail stops in South Miami we're trying to maintain Community character um if you go to Sunset Drive in Dorne Avenue that looks a lot different than it used to and that's been a that's the first project I I toured with Nuki to show her what I'm the most proud of so go to go to Dorne Avenue in uh in South Miami and see what you think thank you that's a great question okay Rob do you have any questions no mayor thank you Jennifer you have any questions or something else I was going to ask you and I I just kind of forgot about what you were I mean you're intriguing stuff because there's so many places that are Redevelopment I mean if that's all they are and that's basically you got to be creative and um but I like your enthusiasm and your Mangrove thing and stuff that you know all so but all right Mark anything else before we okay and you could go to work tomorrow basically please okay all right all right that you're that that's a very good answer that you gave him all right thank you very much for your time thank you thank you it's great being here the next group are you guys staying around you're allow you can stay here if you want you're allowed now to stay in the room I think uh right yeah I mean it's an open public meeting yeah we had just asked as a as a professor profal courtesy not to come in before you had presented so and to be honest I you know feel a little unfair if I I don't want to make my the people that you're going to interview are all friends of mine I don't want to feel like I'm doing anything that's not quite right I don't want to make them nervous uh so we'll hang out uh is it your intention to make the decision today or is it going to be no I I don't I don't believe so okay we haven't decided when we're going to decide okay all right so but uh we need to do it quickly we know that absolutely thank you again for your time today I will tell you I intend to make a decision this evening really yes I do and your comments will be part of the public if that's the case then absolutely we'll come back and we'll see you soon thank you commissioner I know how much okay don't need thank you need me no I don't think so I don't think so what these guys like City slers yeah it's Calvin G Orono and I have their proposal right here for you turn that down I just need to get I just need to get these ones back at the end of the night thank [Laughter] you are we waiting for the mayor to come back oh there we go oh no I just okay mayor are you ready yes we are are you ready good evening hi hi everybody uh mayor vice mayor council members and staff and and members of the public who are here um thank you so much first of all for giving us the time this afternoon uh we're very happy to be here uh my name is Sylvia Vargas and I'm a principal with calv Jano and Associates and on behalf of our team I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here to present to you this afternoon and also for the opportunity to perhaps come and help you with this very important Endeavor um I'm here accompanied by my colleagues Alex here Alex David uh who's the director of our Miami office and planner Antonio oelo uh as well as our partner Carla ibach who is going to be uh augmenting our team's capacity in the area of resilience and sustainability we have a lot more people behind us um we're the ones who decided to brave the traffic and coming down here we made very good time uh so we were very pleased to be able to hang out here for a little bit but um we'll talk about who else is uh on our team a little bit later it worked um just very quickly to let you know what we're going to talk about today our presentation agenda includes a brief overview of the reasons why we think we are the right team to assist the village with this very Endeavor um our understanding of the project charge as we um as we see it laid out in the RFP and everything that we know and we have learned um and how we intend to tackle this challenge if we are fortunate enough to be selected um and then obviously we'll open it for Q&A so our company just a little bit about it um was founded back in 1937 so very recently we celebrated 87 88 yeah 87 years um two years ago we were having a big celebration big milestone 85 years of existence um but um um we started as a family uh owned family run business has evolved over time grown quite a bit we have a lot of service lines that we offer uh to our um Municipal clients the vast majority of our clients I would say maybe 98% are public uh agencies local governments the vast majority of them too and we are not only multi-disciplinary but we are interdisciplinary this is how we work we don't we don't just go and do different things with the different uh um disciplines but we work together quite a bit so when we come for a project like this we have pretty much all the disciplines that we need in house and we only bring the people that can really uh bring particular special expertise like Carla uh who by the way is not just a consultant she's a partner that we work with a lot um to uh help us with um in 2018 we joined safebuilt as one of the members of the safebuilt family um and safebuilt is a national company uh that specializes in Municipal services so uh we now have in addition into our own capacity at CGA uh National reach and additional resources that can be brought to bear in situations that require it um focused a little bit on our planning practice um one of the things that is very valued by our company is um certified planners um what that means is that all of our senior staff is accredited by the American Institute of certified planners or aicp and I myself I'm a fellow of the um American Institute of certified planners which is um a particular honor that our profession confers uh I've been around quite a long time I guess and um they thought I made some important contributions to our profession so um that's uh a credential that I found have actually served me pretty well uh in the past few years and I'm very proud of it um but myself and most of our um senior professionals uh come from a background of public sector planning I myself started my career here in the Florida Keys many many many months ago and I had the opportunity to work here in Isam Morata actually right after your incorporation um and because we know how local government works from that side of the counter if you will we very well understand uh the pain points and the challenges that our communities uh face in a very very direct way um in addition as I mentioned we uh not only the company as a whole but within the planning practice have uh the great Fortune of counting on a full range of uh expert resources that have helped us build a very um impressive I would say record of uh successful planning processes that result in implementable plans um what we are known for is um you know we have a strong reputation for being very Nimble and for being extremely responsive um and our vast experience has given us a very uh intimate understanding of the statutory requirements you know we live in a state that has a lot of uh rules for how comprehensive plans have to be done and for the reviews that have to be done by the state and other agencies we not only know that system we navigated really well but we know the people in those agencies there are not just colleagues but their friends we can pick up the phone and call them and say hey you know what if we did this do you know what would happen you know how would you feel about that and we do we do we work very proactively with them we also um uh have the ability to work on multiple scales and I'm just going to say that these three items that just highlighted is primarily what we're known for uh our experience we are known for being problem solvers we are often The Firm that gets called to fix things that have gone wrong of things that other firms have done not so well perhaps we often get called to come in and fix things and um and we do that with a lot of integrity and a lot of commitment to our clients um I'm not going to go through every one of these projects but this is experience that we have that is relevant to this project all of the comprehensive plans that we have completed or are in the process of completing uh within the past five years I would say and the four that you see that are sort of highlighted in the lighter blue those are comprehensive plans that have been either adopted or have been transmitted just this month as a matter of fact in fact Alex these three guys behind me just came from one of our communities where the plan got adopted last night so uh just to give you a sense of the the vastness of our experience um and often we jump right into implementation we have either long long-term contracts with our clients where we are helping them from you know uh from subp To Nuts or they call us in to uh continue from the comprehensive plan to the Land Development code or the zoning code or ulc I know this is a important part of of of your assignment here uh and we have a lot of experience doing that uh two three of the um of the communities that I highlighted in my other slide we are starting our uh updates of the code um very shortly in addition to that we have experienced doing other kinds of projects that are implementing tools we have done annexation uh studies we have done uh activation projects for corridors and downtowns we're in work in the middle of doing that right now in a couple of our communities uh multimodal studies um um Vision plans uh downtowns I think I mentioned downtown so I'm going to move on um and I'm going to let Carla come and talk to to you about her own experience uh hello it's nice to meet you uh just a quick introduction from me I'm Carla ebach I'm an aicp and Lead green associate uh certified planner with more than 20 years of experience I also hold a position of leadership with the National American Planning Association as chair of the sustainable communities Division and so uh I work on uh climate leadership uh for the entire profession um and on this team what I would focus on is on the climate and Community resilience aspects of the project hand inand with Sylvia and the rest of the team to ensure that uh these overarching considerations would be addressed throughout the project throughout the elements as appropriate um and um you know we would work with the environmental sustainability plan of Isa marada as well as the is is marata matters plans as a strong basis for moving forward with even greater sustainability and resilience policy and I think I'll be speaking a bit more later but I have worked together with CGA on a number of recent projects to great effect we're a great team you know we even coordinated today yeah we did well um so I'll get back to some of my project experience in a minute all right so so okay uh I'm not going to spend too much time on our organization I've talked a little bit of how we're integrated internally and externally uh but we have a whole bunch of people that are going to be behind us to assist us but the four people that you're going to see more than anyone else when we work on this project is the four of us um we're look forward to spending time down here I can assure you that um just very quick about me as a project manager I've been again I didn't really want to say this but over 30 years of experience now and I started here in the Florida Keys as a development review planner for Monroe County uh I was three years um um here uh working um in that and moving to other positions including Parks and Recreation planner for the county and um and and I'll I'll talk a little bit about more of my local experience but you know like Carla I also am very active in the leadership of our profession I'm a I'm on the board of directors of the American Planning Association and as a leader uh there I have access to a lot of the resources nationally that uh bring us the ability to look at Best Practices that are being used in communities like yours for uh uh issues that may be similar to yours uh that we can experiment uh with and um and I I hope that that's something that we can bring to bear here and I mentioned our experience here uh Moro County um but then um I kept coming back back for other things you know I was part of the team that did the Monroe County uh the Florida Keys care and capacity study I worked for the state for a while on some of the the the Flyway the for Florida forever Sor sorry um uh program and um um at some point after the um the incorporation of alam Mora I got call I got a call to come and help set up the planning department and I at that point I was working on a lot of other stuff and I really didn't want to do it but um because I knew I knew rogo I knew the people at the county they tried to convince it to convince me and and I I ended up doing it for almost a year uh so I was coming here almost every day um for a long time and I'm I'm I'm very proud of having had a small part in helping you get on your way I would love the opportunity to come back and have a little bit of a homecoming so uh understanding of the assignment um you are at a really important moment in your trajectory as a community there are lots of things that are happening with the now what's called not well not Theo so much here but the the building permit allocation system you have to make decisions about that what that's going to look like in the future we understand that and uh you have an election coming that also can change the trajectory uh moving forward you have your residents who are sort of on on different camps about that question um and you have a comprehensive plan that has been updated not that long ago in fact because you're also a young Community your plan is not that old um so you have a little bit of a vision at the beginning of that plan we need to look at it not us but your community look at it with your community we serve as your facilitators to see whether that's valid for the future for the next 20 years or not so that's our next step and beyond that we know that some of the project goals as Carla mentioned is to work with a lot of the planning efforts that have been ongoing or are recent integrating them into your policy framework for decision- making for the future and bringing a very strong Foundation of fact data driven technical uh support um we'll talk about Community engagement in a moment but I'm going to pass it on to Carla to talk about our approach and concept to community resilience again uh I've worked with CGA on a number of recent projects um all of which allowed us to take a rather uh integrated approach to resilience um and that and what I mean by that is thinking about the uh the many dimensions of that economic environmental social fabric of the place one really good example is our recent work updating the comprehensive plan of North Miami where we were starting with a community that had Fairly fairly uh established sustainability and resilience uh policy but we took it to the next level we integrated uh really a systems thinking approach to the process of updating the plan looking at all the elements and how they policies relate to to each other um and what we ended up with is a Rob very robust action plan uh of just 50 uh important actions for the city um also I've worked on Riviera Beach's uh comprehensive Plan update and in particular did a very in-depth analysis of their conservation and Coastal management issues and just to point out um a couple uh additional relevant experiences and abilities that we bring to the project um uh code right uh I'm currently updating the sustainable development standards for the city of Pomo Beach uh targeted studies and research for the municipality uh my multiple clients uh have hired me for a number of things one that may be maybe be more relevant to an island Community like this is a local sea seaw wall ordinance review that I did for the entire State of Florida and then finally also uh I worked uh with um another company on up ating the comp the comprehensive plan equivalent for the Turks and Kos which is called their National physical sustainable development plan and this is significant because of the you know the comparability of an island community and the issues that may be comparable here shared or uh overlap for example dealing with resilience to climate hazards um such as storms or heat um the vulnerability of all kinds of infrastructure in a place that is so tied to the water um the econom IC and cultural dependence that we have on our natural resources in such a community and uh the the challenge to maintain a community quality of life into the future so very quickly I'm going to piggyback on what Carla was talking about with regards to our approach that we have been exploring of systems thinking applied to comprehensive plan and we think that this is a community that can benefit from that um comp PR of plans often work in silos the elements are you know you have land use and you have transportation and even though planners intuitively know what the connections are between all of these things when you are in the work sometimes you forget because you're too much in the weeds and this approach has helped us to keep that sort of high level perspective while at the same time getting into the more detailed fine grain of each of the components of the system or systems for that matter and so it allows us to reframe the problems reframe the questions to ask in order to come up with new solutions to have good feedback loops that allow us to understand or at least explore the potential unintended consequence of decision making and this is something that we would really like to do here with all of you and I'm not going to get too much into the det into the details of our process unless you ask me to do so it's in our proposal but we have translated this approach and all of our experience into basically a four stage process that we would do over the period of about a year uh with uh you know one phase allowing us to do what we call mobilize for Success this is where we set our foundation for how we're going to do our public engagement how we're going to be interacting with all of you with your staff with yourselves um how we're going to collect our data what kind of data do we need what kind of data exists Etc and then go out and simultaneously take two tracks in the second phase which is doing the community assessment and the visioning at the same time so those things have to merge because one has to be feeding from the other and vice versa and the vision has to have some grounding in reality right and from that we'll go on to our next phase which is assembling the building blocks of the comprehensive plan uh creating a policy framework it is during this phase that we will begin to do this evaluation of your um of your Land Development code to see where those the gaps might end up being um we're not necessarily suggesting at this point that it will take the whole um uh code read redrafting uh we think that it's good to go through the policy framework creation first to see where we land and then go into the code writing but we will do that evaluation that will have a lot of recommendations during this stage uh and if the village chooses then we can help with the adoption process or not because my understanding is that at this point staff U believes that they will take that on uh just very quickly um our public engagement process is fully integrated into the planning process we don't consider it a separate phase we don't consider a separate element we're going through each step of the process with different kinds of activities where we will be interacting with the public as the most important part of planning friendly and what we try to do is be creative and be adaptable to the specific makeup of the community to specific needs to specific issues and try to make it fun and educational at all times we do a lot of sort of gaming of uh comprehensive plan Concepts to try and teach and to engage in a manner that is both uh compelling and entertaining and finally um I mentioned that it's about a year where we're going to be working so you can see how this is laid out approximately our public engagement Milestone uh points are laid out at the very bottom you can see that we have something going on at every stage uh but we think that obviously this is this was done back when we put our proposal together we kind of thought well maybe in October we'll be beginning if we are lucky to get the process maybe that's not going to happen but um but you know whenever we we we start it will be approximately a year and so with that I'm going to close and thank you for your patience uh just to reiterate how we think we can help you this project is fully in our wheelhouse because of our expertise in navigating the comprehensive planning process here in Florida our best experience working with small uh and particularly Coastal communities both doing projects like this or acting as the planners in those communities embedded in those communities Carla mentioned her um her Coastal and Island Experience I right now serve as essentially is the planning director in one Island community in Miami day County very different from yours North Bay Village it's a community that wants growth and they want density but they face a lot of the same challenges with uh sea level rise with uh traffic with a lot of these things that uh you know we're trying to address in a creative way uh from the resilience and sustainability uh perspective and uh finally you know I think that we can help you bring your vision into focus and to connect the dots of the different pieces of this process both from the community side from the technical side uh from the um uh elected official side and integrated into a strong and actionable agenda uh that helps to build the local capacity for implementation and I'm going to close with that and uh open it for questions and thank you very much thank you Council who wants to go first uh so I I was impressed with the number of South Florida cities and towns that you've worked with and I'm sure you're familiar with the the live local act that the legislature passed a couple years ago so I'd wonder if you could share with us any experience you've had in implementing uh affordable housing especially for the communities you've worked in under the live local act the new rules well I'm I'm going to let my colleague speak on this as well but um we're just starting to get some serious proposals in some of the communities that we work a lot of them have been prepared like the city of Miami was one of is one of our clients and they were the first like proactively aside from the County Miami day County to proactively prepare for it right they put in place uh their framework for addressing because they knew it was it was inevitable that they were coming but developers are starting to look at some of the other opportunities in this island community that I mentioned um there are a number of Redevelopment projects that are happening right now that have been approved already but we knew that there was a chance that somebody was going to try to flip them and that they could become live local so we have been uh preparing for that and sure enough I just got the first inquiry into the project um working very closely with the village attorney there uh we have been able to make a determination that where they are looking to do this project at an extremely high height uh that is not actually um we we were able to make the determination that the height that they want is actually not allowable because uh it's it's uh the one that they looked at was from a special approval and so it really doesn't apply it's not the base height that we allow and also that the zoning District where they want to do it is not a mixed use or industrial so we were able to sort of rebut that at the same time this is a community that has a strong uh Workforce housing program we have put it in place because they're getting all this real development and the community wanted to make sure sure that those who are trying to move there their employees also as well as people who already live there have a good supply of Workforce housing so uh CGA we actually help to craft that Workforce housing program and have been uh implementing it we have a housing expert on our team at Grand writing and program administrator who is working with the village right now administering a Workforce housing fund that has been um um um populated with money uh from development agreements with developers we have over um million and a half dollar right now in that fund that are being used to qualify applicants um um uh um local um residents who are looking to either go from renters to buyers or they have a situation where they um um they are having to move for some reason uh and also uh utility uh assistance down payment rental assistance so uh that's a program that we have in that Community going in parallel so we're using that as also as a way to try and deflect the interest from others that are going under the workforce uh I'm sorry the uh live local uh affordable housing uh we're we're starting to deal with that in some other of our communities uh I don't know Alex do you want yeah Alex can talk about good evening uh yes I'm actually working on two live local act Pro projects currently in two different cities one is a little more um I think would fit in here better it's three stories the other one's about 20 stories so um but they um actually change the plans to come back in under live local so I think that what I want to say is that every Community is going to be different and how they not only how they react to it but also how they deal with it right and that we are already in the trenches doing that kind of work but also many of our client communities have called on us to help them do the analysis of their zoning code to determine what the framework for addressing live local is going to be Henry did you I'll ask you a question because I have a friend that's the mayor in Sunny Isles and their thing with the local uh uh Lissa Shin but yeah she was our client okay she uh they have a big problem with li local because they can go in a neighborhood and buy a house and build a 70 stories tall so I don't know if that's just what you know Mark was talking but for some people it might be good but for others it might be right her little that little town is you know there's a lot of people in a a very small area they have Set uh they have set a very high bar uh for Li local to to provide uh into but I will say this not not to correct you but they cannot go and buy a house and put a 50 that's that's not really what that the live local Act is going to do uh right now it's limited to Industrial to uh commercial uh and live and um and the mixed use districts everything on the east on the west side of Collins Avenue in in Sunny house Beach that's what it is the the the the the um the east side no on the west on the West Side concerned about that when they were here yeah yeah uh so you know if if if that hasn't been done yet here that analysis needs to happen um that's something that we certainly can help with um we have done it proactively for a lot of the communities it's it's always better before somebody comes and says hey I'm interested in this you know um there are all kinds of challenges and that beyond that it's going to be very sort of nuanced in one of the other communities where I work um there's an interest in a project that just came in from an unsolicited proposal and the challenge is that it is County owned land and so we're inside a local government but this land doesn't belong to them it's not public it's not you know it's public for the county so how are we going to deal with it we're trying to collaborate with the county to make sure that we take care of that okay so in your yall's working with your relationship how is your relationship with fot I mean cuz we're you know we we're very narrow here so we have lots of issues with parking and all kinds of stuff so can you our relationship with all of the state agencies is actually really good okay um Florida commerce last year car last year last week it feels like forever last uh week Carla and I were at the planning conference in Tampa and we made a presentation on this uh North Miami comprehensive plan plan that we were just talking about and the the the Florida commerce representatives for our region both came to our session um but do is another um very uh commonly addressed agency in fact a couple of days ago we just had a a a conference call with the consultant to fdot for our district who's reviewing one of our comprehensive plans and he had some questions and we were able to sit down proactively before he wrote a letter saying oh I have comments and so so in fact I was just emailing with him just before I came in here because he asked me another question he has to send a letter to the state tomorrow and we want to the way that we operate is to try to get ahead of any problem by cooperating coordinating with them in a proactive manner we I'm I'm saying we but actually my colleague Alex who's been around for a long time almost as long as I have uh but more here more here in South Florida he knows everybody I tell you that so you have a relationship with speaker Perez the incoming speaker I'm sure no I do not no no but um we know we know all the all the um I think we know the right people to go to and if we don't we know somebody who will know okay okay it's not just state and local I mean it is local agencies I wanted to also expand on that any you know you obviously you're in Monroe County there's a lot of coordination with Monroe County we do work with district 6 which is our F do District sure and as we said every other state agency um we could pick up the phone call them and they actually call us back so that's what we would offer okay I I have been to a lot of those meetings like the pometto bay invited me to their Coastal resiliency another client of ours the mayor there I'm the interim planning director there now okay all right and Nick's their manager yes yes okay so anyways just for last quick question you guys seem super busy are you GNA have time for us well yes and I'm going to tell you why I was just actually it's funny because we all came in here like all our little consultant groups and we were like oh hi hi because we all know each other we were like joking about having happy hour over there while we waited um but um we we did not not yet um uh but um I was just telling one of my colleagues over there that I just so happen to be at a kind of U Tipping Point where many of my projects are sort of slowing down because I'm almost done and so I'm looking for my next challenge I'm looking for my next uh project that I'm going to you know look uh to apply this system thinking um and like I said we have a lot of um backup uh it's not just the four of us planners we have other planners that we can bring to there um and uh we are we are very agile in the way that we work so I I can commit to you that we have the time and I will make the time myself okay thank you Sharon no Henry I'm very comfortable with your past with the county and and I'm sure you're very um comfortable with Miss Miller and area six in the state and all that um are you all traveling together in the same car today we are today okay today we are I'm kind of interested in what you told your colleagues with your background with the county and with alamada etc etc and the trip well I have to confess that it was a little bit of a A Memory Lane kind of trip um I I come here as often as I can I live in South Miami so it's not too too long a trip for me but today I was like oh look I used to go there and I used to be here and I I told him turn here turn here I used to live at Mal marker 105 and I told them turn here bow and drive I lived at 29 bow and drive and we went over there and we looked at the house and Alex was like oh I think my sister was here not very long ago let's go to this other Street um I made them look at the county but is now the County Complex just a mile here from here that was my office um and I used to you know I worked there for a couple of years and then I moved to the marathon um headquarters of the County uh when I became the priceon recreation planner so I drove through essentially Isa Morata every single day back and forth um for me as a young planner it was both a dream job to be here as well as a little bit of a nightmare because it was very intense um and the county churned people out I'm sure I don't have to tell you that uh they churned them out like that I mean I was here one year and I already was like the most senior person in the staff but when I came back here for um after your incorporation um I felt really comfortable you know obviously it was very challenging we were just beginning it was chaos um and things I'm sure have evolved a lot you guys are a full-blown Community you have Founders Park my goodness this was just a seed when I was here and I didn't get to stay long enough to see it while I was working here uh and every time I come here I am amazed at what this Village has accomplished in such a short time the fact that you have your central sewer system that's unbelievable to me it's you know um so I am always very impressed with it's like the the little the little village that could right um and this is why the opportunity to help you with this comprehensive plan is really exciting to me because I see the next sort of the next generation of challenges that I know we can help you with so do you on occasion talk to Rebecca Rebecca Jetton yes I don't talk to her often enough but I I know where to find her and I know that she was down here um helping you evaluate your um your um your um Consultants I believe right so I watched the meeting she was part of the meeting yes yeah yeah re and I go a long way but then again I I go a long way now with a lot of people um yes mhm I'll say thank you please say hello to her I will yes Mark yes I I I have a a little story I'm sorry to be a Storyteller but it's relevant to the decision you'd make so um Isa marado voted to incorporate with the election in the fall of 1997 and what we voted on was a law that that incorporated us and the effective date of that was December 31st of 1997 that's our birthday right and so as soon as that happened uh the county refused to work on any projects in Isam marada because they were out y so if you had a pending building permit as I did I had three affordable housing permits that I was processing uh you were no longer able to get anything done because when you'd go to the building department and I think Don would remember this uh they would simply tell you go talk to the village and we would say well they don't even have an office yet and they would say well you should have thought about that when you voted and so it took several months for Isam Mara to get uh a phone number and a place to operate and to get some people here and so uh I had we had a situation where if you were in rogo uh you couldn't move forward and and you couldn't do anything and there's nobody here to talk to so everybody called that rogo limbo so I was in rogo limbo for about 10 months and so ultimately The Village got a place to to function and it used to be the dry cleaner down there uh where I don't even know what it isoss from South State now yes yes they've torn so many things down I don't know what even it's there now and uh so there was these crappy little offices and and uh at any rate uh Sylvia was our very first planning director she was number one she was here on day one when we opened up and I remember going into her office and and pleading and and there was a line of people and you know you cried I cried probably too uh we we may have wound up at holiday aisle at the uh Tiki Bar to drown those sorrows but at any rate uh you were part of our early history in our I was very proud of that I mean um I do remember that phone call when I was told there's a pile this high of rogo applications and we need somebody to come and help us do it and you know people at the county and I actually you know I just like I knew I could work with Dawn and and all the other people there and uh so yeah we came down we we created forms we created systems we got through the backlog and and then you know I wrote down I wrote the job description for your next uh planning director and and I said okay this is seat you hire somebody and I'm out well you got us started and you got us off to a very good start thank you thank you I'm glad you remember it that way I I I think that's uh relevant to what we're doing here today now on a personal level it's interesting for me to look across the room and see our very first planning director and our most recent planning director and I'm I'm at the end of my term I'm going to be out in November and uh sunset on my political career but I feel like uh speaking to you and and and the others you know we're I'm going to leave things in very good hands going forward but it does make me feel very old to me too you know9 years say how long ago that was but just to kind of end with with a little personal anecdote relating to that when I got the call it was 1998 you guys had been Incorporated for a little bit and I started coming here I think around March maybe I had just gotten married and sometimes I was so tired that my husband had to drive me down here and drop me off and then come and pick me up at the end of the day um because you know I had I was like I'm only going to work there two days a week because I had other things going on and it ended up being two days here and two days over there it was so intense that sometimes I would fall asleep you know I I was afraid of actually having an accident driving you know on us one so my husband also remembers those days pretty funly well you know you you had a lot of anxious people angry people excited people a stack of work an incredible workload and no one to turn to for help and you handled that all well and you you handed it off I think Cheryl Bower was your successor right and uh got us started and we this place came along not so long after that so uh it's nice to see you here at the end when we met first at the beginning and uh hope we see you more so thank you me too thank you so much I really appreciate uh the opportunity any other questions before we the rest I don't I reckon not all right thank you so much for thank you we appreciate it all right I'll get it I'll get a copy of it we fixed for anybody need a bathroom break I'll take another cookie here let me ask tell Jennifer here hold on let me I I'll give that hey can can we get a copy of this ourself is it we have they they are onl we don't have um I can probably make copies if you want you want just that one specific okay Chen Morris and X all right I don't think I don't think we know this I don't think we know this lady never seen her before have you you work with Chen Mo eron am oh you are okay you know I'm trying to think of the guy's name that worked for the aqueduct with chin Moore Manny um oh man I'll think of you in a minute reward oh how you doing I'm good to I'm trying I'm very good friends with a guy that used to work with in for the aqueduct they they did a lot of work for the aqueduct hey thank you thank you thank you hello okay okay ready you have the floor thank you so much good afternoon everyone I am Nila zakaras director of planning for chenore and Associates Mr mayor council members we are thrilled to be here with this opportunity to present I thought that was amazing that the council decided to move forward with the presentation let me just uh you have seen the proposal the RFP this presentation will focus on three key points how is our team assisting your village to reach its Community goals what is our approach and why we are the best team to prepare your comprehensive plan and uh with me today I also would like to introduce uh a Didi she's you know her she's a l use attorney and a if planner we are going to assist the village to uh to reach your community goals because and the most important thing we understand how your commitment to uh enhancing the uh the life of the residents the quality of life of your resident supporting your business Community Pro protecting the natural environment and providing resiliency and flooding strategies also we are going to assist you to reach out your community goals because we understand the the the key issues of the area of critical estate concern our team has worked for many years in in the keys and specifically in Isa Morada we also understand how critical is the hurricane evacuation planning the bpas and specifically affordable housing we understand affordable housing is one of the most important issues throughout uh Isa Morada the keys and Florida and mainly our key element is that we are proposing a robust citizen forum and public engagement program that that program will be based on your village will be based on your input and the needs of the village please so one of the biggest things about growth Management in Monroe County and the keys overall is knowing the community you have a very unique growth management system with State oversight um so we don't have a tremendous learning curve here I've been doing work in the keys since 2010 I currently have projects in every jurisdiction in the keys including the the village of Isa marada um and we have recently completed your vulnerability assessment and your CRS watershed management plan so we have access to a tremendous amount of data already about your infrastructure and what some of your priorities are with regard to adaptation and resiliency overall currently we are on the team conducting the storm water Master Plan update and the Municipal Road elevation project um the Municipal Road elevation project is teamed with all of the jurisdictions within the keys right now our experience in the keys is current it's not 10 years ago it's not just with one jurisdiction um in the county um we we know that you know there are issues that have evolved between the county and the jurisdiction specifically for Isa marada and we would be working to that end um we will deliver a plan that's based on these up-to-date planning efforts and we will already have a head start on them because we have that data collection um so again I've started with projects in the county in 2010 and the previous Island marada matters plan from 2015 to 2016 I actually authored that first sustainability plan for the Village um so when you look at these teams the approach to updating a comprehensive plan is not rocket science everybody's going to pretty much have the same approach they're going to collect the data um there's going to be a citizen engagement component of it they will update the data and Analysis develop the goals objectives and policies go through the review and approval process transmittal to the state and address any comments along the way so that's not going to be rocket science where we are differentiating ourselves is that we already do have a head start on that data collection um and the the data and Analysis that will support the goals objectives and policies and we're familiar with a lot of the efforts that you already have ongoing the other thing is communication communication is really key we will work on a a meeting strategy with you and with your team that makes sense for you whether it's weekly or bi-weekly um meetings I do want to hit that data collection piece really hard because we have uh collected already all of your infrastructure data about your storm water system your capital projects um Nilsa leads the rest of the elements of the the comprehensive plan in terms of demographics um other related efforts and updating the data and Analysis and then we would use that existing project data that we we already have um so we feel that that is going to give us an edge because that data has already been collected for use in in the project to ensure a successful comprehensive Plan update is Paramount to have the community input the uh your comprehensive plan will be base on on the vision and shared values of the community and we our team is proposing a robust citizen forum and public engagement process to um trigger the public participation we are offering to Brand This initiative and when I say branding and refering we are going to prepare a poster we are going to prepare a survey that survey will be on a QR code that people can answer through their phone and I really would like U I would like to show you this poster was for a for a master plan and look at here we Pro we included the QR codes where people can answer the survey and this can be done uh in this case this community ask us on three language uh English Creole and Spanish so and that's what I said said that is critical that we work with all of you we work with your uh staff to H to Define to determine what kind of robust Community participation so also as part of this process it was the same project we prepare business cards so whenever we are with the public we'll provide this business card with the QR code so they can answer the survey you know um and uh also as the slide shows we are proposing to have interviews oneon-one with Community groups chared public meetings with a stakeholder kiosk I really um put a lot of emphasis on kiosk Kos is where if the village is having an event Four of July or a Green Market we will go there with a little tent and a little table and we will engage with the public we will provide these cards where they can submit the the servey they can answer the question we will engage with the community where they are and then also uh if anybody needs a bilingual survey so and definitely we uh we trust and a strong social media and online presence the step three as Erin mentioned this is a very logic step we are going to review each of your existing comprehensive plan elements I have more than 25 years of experience I have done many uh comprehensive plans and in fact I brought two H documents that I will pass around because I believe that is important for you to see how is the final product will look and then uh one of the things that Aran and I are proposing is a new resiliency element and we believe is we are the only team proposing a new new element is an optional element if if the council would like to proceed with that and again the step four is once we prepare all of these we we will have a draft and by working closely with the staff we will provide the draft we will look for comments we will update those documents and then uh we will have workshops with all of you with the LPA board or with any other act any other board also have you see these photos we understand what are the challenges that uh this Village have finally when we are ready to transmit to the state we have years of experience and we truly know the Florida statues we will accompany this process to the final adoption if there are comments from the state we will accompany that and provide any answer that the state might need I believe this is one of the most important slides why why we are the best team to provide you the comp successful comprehensive plan as you noticed we have years of experience and we are proficient in the keys and specifically with Isa Morada and then also we have proven track record or successful plan in the RFP you ask to provide references we provided references and we also uh have documents here to show you the how um how much do we we know about it and look at this or chart we have here Engineers we have environmentalists we have mainly our amazing partnership with aing Didi and uh with regard to this I wanted just to have highlight some of the team members I am again I'm Nilsa I have a bachelor degree in architecture and a master degree as a full bright scholar from Iowa State University my master degree is in community and Regional planning and I have more than 25 years of planning and comprehensive plan experience also as part of the team is Mr O Leon he's a principal planner he's an proficient in anything related with citiz and forum and in Florida statues Susan D braski she's a civil engineer and her expertise is in utility drainage and roadway projects and Mr Ben L he's also a director of transportation and his input and credential will be critical for the development of the transportation element please um once again um Erin from uh Del Beach but I'm down here working in the key quite often um I'm a certified land planner and uh my undergrad degree is Marine Science and I'm also an attorney um and we have worked on several comprehensive plan projects together so um nson and I were pretty complimentary with each other I just wanted to also mention who are we we are a part of Chen Morin associate is a company that has been created 19 86 we are currently more than 150 full-time employees and has a Engineers Landscape Architects Water Resource Engineers Environmental Specialist obviously a planning uh Division and then um as I mentioned and I will pass around the the plans we have prepared many comprehensive plan successful one and uh our partnership with uh aing d so this isn't um Nilsa calling me and knocking on my door saying hey do you want to go after this project together we've never really worked together before let's let's see what works um nilson and I recently completed the city of daa Beach's comprehensive plan it was a full rewrite of the comp plan it was a pretty complicated jurisdiction they had a lot of issues they had Coastal issues um they had a tremendous amount of um growth that was occurring around the Daniel Point project um we also recently completed just uh this Monday a storm water Assessment program for the town of Lantana um and we wrote a firstof its kind ordinance that created an assessment program for both storm water projects and title flooding projects um I think that ordinance is going to end up being a model for funding strategies when we're starting to deal with some of these title flooding projects um I've written comprehensive plan language for the county I wrote their energy and climate element of their comp plan I just recently finished uh the parall of flood amendments in the coastal element for Key Colony Beach about to start on Leighton um and I'm working on other comprehensive plan and code language to implement the roads elevation program for the county um to look at design standards and level of service particularly uh with regard to storm water management I've written two successful grants for um the village of Isa Mara already for the vulnerability assessment and the watershed management plan we submitted two others by uh September 1st that were multi-jurisdictional in nature um for adaptation planning um so far I've secured about 60 million for projects within the greater Monroe County area and I think that is important to note because part of what you do in your comp plan update right now knowing that the funding climate is relying on a lot of grant funding from state and federal entities is you want to be able to issue spot and have certain goals objectives and policies within your comp plan that can potentially set you up for some of these granting opportunities um so because of all of these efforts we really feel like we kind of have a a head start um and I can tell you kind of viewing the uh comprehensive plan in the code as an opportunity for funding strategies really does um result in benefits to the local community the docum the final document that you will receive will be graphically driven and easy read format in fact I'm passing around those documents that you can see that they they were organized in a sense in a way that the public will be uh is a go-to document rather than just being on a shelf collecting dust so uh it will provide an effective implementation serves as a road map for aligning future Village initiatives and projects it will be written in simplified straightforward policy language and also it will be free of conflict in a policy language your comprehensive plan needs to be your goto document it should be it should not be unattainable it should be approachable easy to read and that the reason the document that you have in front of you going around passing around uh you will see that we even use color coded so it will be easy to find Which element would you like to uh to read we believe this table summarize why we are the best company to to work with the you and to provide you a successful comprehensive plan we are the best qualified team we have expertise and experience working in Isa Morada and in the keys our project approach and Community participation are Paramount we know that a successful comp plan must be based on the community input also we have the resources personnel and availability to deliver the plan as requested in the RFP in 12 months our professional fee is 150,000 and again uh we provideed references other clients that we work with they are part of the RFB go thank you so much for the opportunity to present and we are here to answer any question Council anybody have any questions I do have a quick question so would would it be you two primarily leading the the engagement with the community yes yes myself and also as presented other ER other person of the team the community engagement will have different activities different events so but mainly will be uh aing myself and also a principal planner oia Leon which I show his photo no no was a good presentation around the little cars I love these cars and people when we are around on the Kos they just they take the car they scan on their phone and they ask to survey yeah so I have a question did the one you just did for da Beach did you deal with AJ the I mean AJ's the mayor of Da Beach correct the um the for was already adopted and transmitted to the state and actually uh last week was uh the State issue the notice in compliance I know he's I know who he is personally very well because he sits on a board with me so um anyways he came here when we did our veterans thing he came down for that yeah very young guy and they also have young yeah during anti-Semitism conference we visited they have the Holocaust Museum there so it's a it's a very very neat Place uh C has been working in Dan for many years we also provide engineering Service uh Jennifer Smith she is the engineer from CMA that works with the public works department okay I I don't have any questions you guys have any questions no I mean we I've known Aaron for a long time okay I think we're uh Rob Cole you have any questions Mr Cole I do not thank you mayor about Jennifer no we're good Mr Quick okay all right thank you so much for your OPP and Erin it's always good to see you thank you can I make a pit stop sure sure you guys need help getting some of that stuff out of here okay do we need to take a break for two minutes five minutes or something okay got one more huh I think Jennifer went to get him she was good friends with a friend of ours John Hinson who was a he was the head of the EPA for southeast United States he was the head of the golf cleanup BP Horizon so wonderful we are when they're ready good evening even good evening so again good evening and thank you for having us here tonight we appreciate the opportunity to come talk with you my name is Jared Beck I the project manager with Inspire and I'm joined today by Pat teski who is our comprehensive plan leader as well as by Christina Miller who is a planner she's an architect she's also an urban designer as well as by Jessica Hayes who is one of our GIS leads and works with us on a range of projects from our vas to our comprehensive plans so as I said we're really happy to be here and we're also very happy that you are undertaking this very important process for your community and updating your comprehensive plan we recognize that as a smaller Community you may not be as impacted by some of the accelerated population growth that many jurisdictions in Florida are but you are impacted by many other things including the 3 plus million tours that pass through your community I'm so excited talking I'm not even clicking uh by the the three plus million tours that pass through your community and while that does have positive economic impact it does also take a toll on your infrastructure as well as create those potential concerns or hazards when you do have the times that you need to be evacuating also as an area of critical State concern we all recognize being South Florida folks that the increase in intensity and frequency of storm events the impact that we'll have on our quality of lives on our communities our economy and our infrastructure is also going to continue it is because of those reasons that a comprehensive plan and starting a new one or an update be a very clear policy-driven long range document that is Meaningful for each community that clearly articulates the community Visions the wants and is one that is succinct it is actionable and it is user friendly for all now there are other reasons why you are doing this update you know among those being that there are recent State changes to the um legislation related to comprehensive plans things like your 10 and 20 year Horizon as well as updating your DNA which is overdue uh you've also recently completed over the last couple of years some really important meaningful planning documents and tools more recently your VA we also recognize that uh in addition to that and incorporating these studies the plans the documents into meaningful ways that do have that longer term impact in your community there is that value in having a very community-driven process that Community Vision and embrace it in a way and developing it in a way that is Meaningful not just for you all as the policy makers for staff but as well as for your community to see and understand be a part of and support um with that what I'd like to do as I've given that maybe long introduction is have Pat speak a little bit more about the experience that Inspire has and why we want to do this for you so the three pictures that you see on the screen are the Core group that would be working on this uh or leading this effort now behind us you can see the whole team the inspired team so we have a lot of other people that will be working on this project now Inspire is pretty new um the company was created about a year and a half ago but it was a spin-off from another company but in reality this group has been in business for 24 years and I have been with it for 24 years throughout that time we have worked on mainly public sector projects when we spawn out from the previous company it was amazing because we didn't even have the perception of having conflict of conflicts of interest because we just don't do the the private side now in those 24 years we have worked on many comprehensive planning projects and you can see on the slide we have done 63 so far comprehensive planning projects and I'm going to show you in this slide just a sample of the latest ones that we have completed or that are working on and um the ones that are still bright on your screen are all Coastal communities so that's basically what we have worked um in the past five years now um having worked in other places having done comprehensive plans is only one part of the equation right because we're not going to bring a cookie cutter comprehensive plan to you we need to be aware know be familiar with the local issues so just to give an idea of what we have seen what we know about the community climate change and resiliency yeah everybody's dealing with that but here in a marada multiply that exponentially because you're exposed a lot more than many of the other communities we have issues with housing and the bass system you're limited on how many building permits you can issue per year people want to live here but there are certain restrictions that we have to have in place why because we want to protect the people and the environment there has to be environmental stewardship to preserve the The Village um Jared talked a little bit about transportation all the other compents that we have worked on we have a whole network dealing with the county collectors the state roadways here we know you have US1 that's your life and you know of the community that's how you get in how you get out and in emergencies that's the only way you can get out so that's something that we have to be aware of um and the whole thing is creating a sustainable environment people live here they love it here they want to stay here but they want to be safe and they want to be able to have a high quality of life and the most important thing is preserving that uniqueness of the Barrier Island so the other thing in terms of experience having done this in many other communities we always know there are studies that have been done so we know you went through the vulnerab vulnerability assessment already we don't need to dig into that what we need to do is take all those past studies all those reports that have been written check the recommendations what are they telling us that we need to do what needs to go into the comprehensive plan sort them out and put them where they need to be so I'm going to pass it back to Jared to talk a little bit about public engagement excellent Pat had mentioned within the last couple of years Inspire spun off of another uh practice and there were a couple reasons specific to that one of them is that as we've mentioned we're planners Landscape Architects you know there's a real focus on doing amazing quality planning work that's meaningful to the communities we serve most of us have been in staff's position before we understand what it is in both sides the second part of that is that while everyone will talk about Community engagement we are absolutely passionate about it and do it in a way that we feel is particularly meaningful in communities now there's a lot that could be done um and a lot that could cover in a lot less or a lot more time than what we have today but just a couple of them and I'm going to speak one to the technology side which we all expect is um project websites that are branded to your community branded to the projects you know we have tried various platforms over the years engagement HQ and metroquest and really digging in into the way that we could do the best that there is bring the best that there is to the communities so we've settled the last couple years and been really excited with a program called social pinpoint there are aspects and elements of it that provide the regular updates and information that you would expect on a a a social platform or the website as an information portal but also things like hosting your data putting your studies recording videos and having the information and content that folks can view we do believe in making an interactive process regardless of where people are we understand the communities and the seasonality at times that can occur or those that just don't have the ability to participate uh in person so things like interactive maps that allow people to go in and pinpoint their hotpots or critical areas or thoughts or ideas but doing it in a way that also allows the other residents or the other participants to be able to see those to comment on them and not only does it give an easy platform for people to be involved or share their input but it exposes people to the other views and thoughts and ideas of what your community is sharing and then doing things like ideal walls we love to post specific topic contents Transportation environmental housing it's another mechanism for the community to start having dialogue and have that exposure to what other people think as well as have the ability to add in other thoughts that's just one of the tools that we use in terms of the digital engagement I've been doing this for 20 2 years and I think that there's nothing that replaces that public person or that in-person interaction so we really do place an emphasis on that and whether it's more conventional workshops or Roundtable discussions to attending Community festivals or sports events we put a great deal of effort in going into the places where we have the opportunity to have those conversations um we like to program a wide variety of activities we do like to include things that are educational components so people understand what a comprehensive plan is why we're doing doing it how this impacts your community what that longer term impact is to things like Roundtable discussions all the way to Lego building blocks so people understand what the the form looks like of an environment or Plinko games for example in this one is uh to entertain and get get kids involved and excited this just again one of the samples of some of the inperson types of of activities we do but we also want to again make sure that you all whether it is the policy makers the elected official staff really have a role in helping be sure that people are engaged so you know among the many different tools that we do are create things like business cards with QR codes that you all can pass out and take along with you to leave behind so that anyone can just with the click of their phone be up to date on what is occurring with a project how they can get involved participate in things like surveys do all of the online mapping and the inputs which the reason we use the programs we do is because they're so user friendly on any device um one of the other things with this and and that we think is really important as we go through the process is that communication be exceptional in the way that we do it that everything be perfectly transparent to your community so there are no questions and again a reason why we use some of the platforms we do is the export and data analysis is so clear and it's user friendly and it's easy for anyone to be able to see really at any time we do incidentally have at the end of our PowerPoint during the Q&A if you'd like to see a couple samples of what these sites sites can look like so with that I'll ask Pat to speak about after this what does it start to look like in a plan so because we have worked so many years on comprehensive plan we have seen the evolution I date back to the 80s when the growth management law came into effect and we started preparing these massive convoluted complicated U comprehensive plans and we have seen the Evolution how we have become more creative how we want these documents to be used by staff by the policy makers by the community so I'm going to talk about you know what we do to um to make them more user friendly and actionable so this is just one example of a vision plan that we prepare for Pasco County in preparation of their comprehensive plan you can see from the document that is very user friendly it's very easy to read the information we all know that the attention span has diminished to a very small uh very short time so with these Graphics we get people's attention so we like our documents to be modern concise and engaging um we have an amazing uh Team uh working on GIS and J leads that team and GIS is awesome it's not just to prepare maps all the analytics that come with it all the you know identifying Trends identifying challenges and coming up with Solutions so we have a robust team helping with that and then from there we go to our graphic um designers team and that's something that not every planning firm has one of these they have elevated our products to an inimaginable level when we started they will take this GIS maps and put them in the reports in a way that people can really understand what it is that we're talking about when it comes to gops the goals and objectives and policies uh in the old days it was like a competition let's see who can make the gops the longest and uh what we have done in the past probably 10 years is trim trim trim streamline organized by topics you know put lay it out on the page in a way that it's easier to understand the example on the left is green Co Springs is the future land use element is your goals and objectives and policies when you talk about future land use categories it should not just be the yellow or the red that you see on a two-dimensional map it should be three-dimensional what is that going to look like you know for the common citizen to understand the document on the right it's to show the process so in Pasco County we worked with the community on developing all these goals and objectives and policies so with them we didn't want to talk about gops it was more like what are the issues what what strategies would you use to address the environment or to address housing so we work with the community on drafting these goals objectives and policies and then we have the capacity to do handouts and you know uh things that can help the community understand the process a little bit better something that we started doing um about five years ago I think um it's developing these goals and objectives and policies kind of like in an action plan format so you list all the policies and next to it you will say like this is a short-term policy or this is an ongoing thing that you have to do uh we also talk about like who would be responsible for that implementation is it the Planning Commission is it the city commission is it the the citizens is it an agency is it the state you know who who who gets involved and then the last colum it's was our way to let the community know that that policy is implementing those portions of the vision that they worked on so hard is this related to the environment is it related to infrastructure is it related to utilities so people start understanding all these words what they really mean we included a picture of the schedule we're not going to go through it but we have it there in case you have any questions and we can go back to it sure so and in closing for the presentation couple comments on why we feel like we are good fit for Isam one is the breadth of work Pat had shared with you earlier that our team has completed 63 comprehensive plans uh I don't think there's another firm in Florida that's done that much and it's not just the number but it's the exposure to the types of communities the issues the nuances that are faced with that and how we integrate these in meaningful ways Within in the work that we do so that you have again that tool that is very meaningful and purposeful for your community the second is the approach uh everyone will talk about Community engagement I hope I enlightened you a bit on our view and having a very community-driven process I would say also that we many of us have been in staff's position we understand the importance from that practical implementation standpoint of what these comprehensive me plans mean how they T di dial into the other plans and the work that we have to do as a city so we understand really the the approach in doing this in a way that does have that meaningful input and then the last is is the actionable plans it is showing that Community your community that everything that they've brought forward all of those things that we've talked about are getting put into that meaningful document and that they're in a way that your community can understand them and see them as a tool again it's it's not just for residents but anyone that does come to to look at your community uh businesses perspective folks uh it is something that's meaningful so we're really excited to be here tonight we appreciate the opportunity to share a little bit more about Inspire and we'll be glad to uh answer any questions or further discussion Council any questions go ahead Mark I have two qu very good presentation by the way and impressive staff um two questions one and I'm going to say them both and then let you answer both have you done much work in an area a municipality or county of an area of critical state concern and I already forgot the second one maybe you should answer that and I'll it'll probably come back it's been a long day yes we have and um the city of mascot is uh in near Orlando we did work for them area of critical State concern we're doing work in Miami dat um some of the re Redevelopment work uh Northport I think it's also within a uh area critical State concern so so yeah we have had to to deal with this very specifics from the legisl in terms of what you need to address okay Mark I remembered my second question go ahead and forgive me I didn't review the RFP carefully if I did I don't remember that either but um does your proposal include uh of course the comp plan but also the Land Development regulations or is that something extra and if so can you speak about that a little bit it was it's just a comprehensive plan and one item that I want to just clarify since you asked a question um one of the um addendums that was issued it stated that staff would take the pl through adoption so we put that as an optional element we would be glad to include that you know we typically take it through adoption and state comments and and all that but that's why we put it as optional because we didn't know if staff wanted to do that but it is very common to have contracts where we do the comprehensive plan and immediately going into the Land Development regulations we just finished I have a hearing next Thursday with pound Bay we did the vision the comprehensive plan and went straight into the Land Development regulations also for Suter County comp plan immedia because typically what what you have is once you adopt your comprehensive plan you have 12 months to adopt your regulations to make them consistent with the comprehensive plan thank you yeah okay so I have a question for you you I noticed when you had your thing up there saying where you had worked okay I saw St John's County saw Flagler County I saw green Co Springs that's in Clay County do you guys work with the northeast Florida Regional Commission Planning Commission what the companies out of Miami but are are you the physical team that worked up there we have done work cuz that's a very dense area right now with Shan's Bridge coming in you know the new bridge they're putting in yes we um it was 2020 when we started doing work with the city of uh green Co Springs so their first task was to do their comprehensive plan okay and we completed that one and yeah we had to address the the transportation changes and challenges that were coming with that then after that they hired us to do a downtown master plan for them and then after that they hired us to do a form based code for the downtown and it has been one of those relationships where it was not a continuing Services agreement where you can just call the consultant and they keep doing the work every single time it was a request for proposals and they selected us request so okay how long ago in St John's County that one is actively going going on right now that is going on right now what about Flagler Flagler is also going on right now and Jess can tell us exactly where we are with each one of them because she has been working on those two okay you guys are out of the out of the Miami office are working they're hiring you no we're we're U the headquarters are in Orlando so I am in the Orlando office Christina and Jared are in the Miami office we also have offices in Tampa and um North Carolina and Boston and Atlanta okay all right I didn't okay cool all right thank you because that area is like I said it's I mean there's so many creative things going on at that I was at the regional Planning Commission meeting in January up there and it was I mean the stuff they were doing up there it's phenomenal the the CRA which I mean they're their the Redevelopment projects are just I heard of one today that got approv actually the the feds are going to do a thing on the St John's River they're going to pay for this to be done it's called a blueway you know where you can go canoeing and kaying and stuff but I was going to mention we have actually worked on the um CRA uh for the city of St Augustine okay all right awesome okay go ahead Elizabeth could you just exp I'm a little confused by the the the longevity of your group but then also I think you just said you were you've been in business for a year or so could you help me understand that I'll tell you the story because I've lived through the whole thing so I started uh working with this company that used used to be called Land Design Innovations this was in the year 2000 and the company was one year old we grew up to 12 people in 2011 we were acquired by a engineering firm from Tennessee and we grew up to 110 people 2015 snme from North Carolina soils and materials engineering acquired us we grew up to like 1100 people and we worked from 2015 until 2022 in that capacity and uh the company decided to reorganize and it was just not going to work for the planning and landscap Landscape architecture groups because we had people all over the place and all of a sudden they were going to have bosses that were engineers not really planners so at that point our boss George Kramer decided to create inspir Place making and we acquired the planning and Landscape architecture groups from snme so snme does not have any planning or landscape architecture anymore we kind of came out with all the clients the projects so I have been working for example for the city of Melbourne for 10 years no 20 years 20 years and we every seven years when you have to update your comprehensive plan they come to us it's like hey time for another update we do the update for them so that's why it's weird because if anybody ask me how long have you been with ins Spire 24 years because I have not changed jobs same client same project same work but it's just that that's the nature of the business business you know you get acquired by these bigger companies but um we decided to just get out of that and just be planning landscape landscape architecture and Urban Design anybody else have any questions so hey are you helping St Augustine with a parking problem we we have suffered that when we oh man that's that place is very hard to park in St Augustine it is it is Henry go ahead I had to throw that in when you said that I'm very good friends with the mayor of St Augustine Beach okay just an offhand question you know we have a major problem with cars on the road I won't hold you to it but what solution would you have for that just offand seriously yeah one thing that uh we looked into when um we were preparing when we were preparing for for this interview yes one thing that I asked Jess I said can you please check with fdot to see what context classification they have for this roadway because in the past we have always talked about arterials collectors and it's just about moving cars right but fdot started changing their tune and started talking about the context because an arterial can go through many different types of environment right they go through the rural area they go through the edge of town they go through the middle of town like for example we worked on a project in cliston cliston is right on 27 27 goes right through town and it's the heaviest truck traffic that you can imagine and what we were working and we worked with fdot at the time was like we understand the trucks need to go through here we understand that you know you have to move the traffic but at the same time you're going through a downtown so what can we do to make sure everybody slows down because it doesn't matter what you put on the signs people are not going to respect the signs so how can you design the road in a way that is going to reflect the fact that you're going through a community and not just zooming through a community so the context classification that um FD has for for US1 is um Urban so basically what they want to see is a commitment from the community that if you want your community to look at certain weight they may work with you on the speed of the road um you know we're not going to change the number of lanes we're not going to change you know the fact that you have so many cars going through it but there are minor changes that they can make in terms of ensuring that people slow down as they go through the community and they know that you're going through a special place okay I don't want to to labor the subject if it's just something happen to yes and and we always try to think about that is more like how do the locals feel about the road and if I ask you one more question okay and you I don't expect you to name names or companies or anything else but on occasion you have not gotten the job right not not done a job yes when you make application for what we're looking for okay you don't always get the job that's true right and what contributed you think that you didn't get that job um I can speak of one recent one and I'm not going to name many names I'm not asking you to do that but U the company that got the job had done work in the community okay so the selection Community uh selection committee felt more comfortable working with somebody who had already been there right now it has pros and cons and that's how they decided to do it that's fine other times we have been beaten by uh like Nationwide companies that seem very appealing to the selection committee it's like who they have done work in California and the Northeast and whatever if that's what they want that's that's fine and going along with that same course of action how often have you been here Etc ET physically physically sure out of all four of you just all four of you throw if you've been the keys throw it in I'll say this I've worked for and I realize it's different I've worked for Key West for years I continue to work with them so I'm down once a month if not more I'll share that Christina why don't you give give um I live parttime in kilargo actually so I'm not that far away and I go to Island home for to get plants and okay stuff like that that's really good I think that you know I would say that you know this is this is a part of our general area home I mean the the south Florida home okay so so what about time wise Sharon that's okay I want Oh Oh I thought you um TimeWise if we were to pick how soon could you get going on this uh it depends on how fast the paperwork can be processed uh you know once we have a notice to proceed we'll call staff and schedule a kickoff meeting and get going do you have a rough idea how long it would take you from the moment you gave us the go ahead depends on when they're available we call if we get the paper tomorrow we'll call them the next day say when are you available and if they tell us next Monday we're ready to start on Monday okay all right does the staff y'all have any Rob Jennifer I I just want to know where your office is in Boston I'm from M from Boston so we have a a planner who went to Harvard and he was in North Carolina when we hired him and he started working from North Carolina and after a while he said I would really like to go to Boston and George Kramer our president he's the type of guy who says awesome we're going to have an office in Boston so he's opening an office in Boston and we just had an interview with Boston yesterday with the city well I think uh if there's no other questions I Just Want to Thank You for Your Enthusiasm young man you came in with it and your whole team just okay and you have a part-time house in kilargo so yeah uhhuh local yeah so anyways thank you so much for your time okay now what now what is we don't have anything else on here so is it a time to adjourn I would I would like to discuss when we're going to make a decision yes so I have on your sorry didn't interrupt I just wanted to let you know I had put already on your October I believe it's 12th agenda a resolution um for consideration um because I was under the impression when we had the discussion about this meeting the council was admin they didn't want to make a decision this evening that he wanted some time to think about it so that's why we didn't bring the resolution this evening um but obviously it's your decision however you want to do it but I have we have prepared a resolution for the O NE your next October land use meeting okay I wouldn't like to make a comment um I I would um I know that often if if you go away from something like this and then revisit it later the the details sort of get fuzzy I would be very happy to have a quick conversation about how we felt about each and even I'm happy to make a decision tonight I mean I think everyone we've heard on from a lot of different people that there's some real similarities these are highly qualified groups I I think even Jennifer you mentioned that that it's a pretty even group it's not like um so how do you feel about that I I think the longer we wait more stale and forgetful like me that things can become but more importantly this is something that we should have done a long time ago stretching that I mean if we have to wait till the 12th that's exactly a month from today and I I don't know that it's Justified to wait that long and if you might you might not feel comfortable tonight but maybe maybe we could tag this on to our meeting on the 17th I I'd like to hear some comment but I I'm pretty close I think I might could pull the trigger tonight personally I don't know how much more you need to know and if you do where would you go find it yeah I agree Henry it's it's we heard it and to delay it Sharon how do you feel I'm not I'm I'm in favor of getting it done this evening I'm agreeing with everyone okay you know but um I I think one thing to note is that if uh you look at how the selection committee scored they did lean towards somebody and uh actually the last group that was just here Inspire they uh had I think two uh the highest vote and then I think uh the other ones each had like one or something but just so if that weighs in on anybody I don't know if it does or not but we do have selection committees for a reason I didn't bring my I don't have I borrow them from Elizabeth so so you can pass those down take a quick buddy um while you were out we were saying that um we were kind of in in agreement that if we could have a conversation make a decision tonight then we can we can move it along waiting until the next meeting we thinking might just make us forget the details here if I may make a comment on the selection committee that's what promoted me to have the interview of these four applicants the selection committee only chose two and my position was why not all four because you never know until you hear from wait I'm lost what do you mean the selection committee only the selection committee from the from the um staff I was at the meeting well there's three or four there's three that have all have votes there's not just two there's I think he was saying see the selection committee chosen by the by the staff yeah came up with two contenders not four I know that but but but I'm just saying there's three that got votes so that's all we ranked we ranked all five we ranked all five we and we did not choose to interview any so we didn't choose two three or four we we ranked all five I just counted the number of votes and we came we we made a recommendation of one oh well whatever but reason I suggested and I appreciate everybody going along with me that we invite four applicants which we have and it's up to us on the four it's um well I'm only here for a few more weeks I guess I'll make a few mistakes but I I just feel it's our decision not the selection committee and we certainly have enough background between us and what we've heard here this evening to make a com a a good decision that's all I can tell you great do anybody want to share what you like liked or didn't like I mean what I'm asking for is I I have some thoughts in my mind but I haven't locked in on any one yet I have a couple that are good couple that are also good but I like a couple better than the others but I could be influenced how about that hey tell us who you like I like the first two and um I like the first two but I there's different things about them first of all the J Jason I believe was the gentleman's name Jason King the the most passionate one I believe and you can't buy that and so I liked his approach he had been in the keys before worked in the keys before lived on Islands before uh had a good historic thing in Taver yeah and he and he worked for the county so he he would he knows us I like that I also liked Calvin Gardino as I you heard me say I have known Sylvia Vargus so I knew her back then I wouldn't say I've known her for 26 years but um worked with her then and then I know we've our village has worked with that firm some they're a bigger firm have more resources Jason's firm is smaller and more Nimble so there's advantages to both of those and I'm I'm conflicted I just I I I I need more input the other two are good I I don't fault them at all um the the the third one with uh Aaron you know it's a different setup where you have an assembly of Partners as opposed to a big company so there's pros and cons to that and then the last one is newer and is headquartered in Orlando and when I asked the question about working in an area of critical State concern I didn't hear anything in the keys so you can't there's a learning curve to working here and there's a learning curve to not just the keys but the any kind of an area of critical State concern so th those are um things that influenced me so you can kind of see I like the first two the second two also excellent but had different approaches and different uh setups so those are my thoughts and I sure would like to hear yours can I can I say one thing and I'm sorry to interrupt um just about the because I know there was a discussion with the the first uh able City East about the uh price um and a uh concession that they were uh potentially willing to make I would just say in terms of your analysis the council's analysis and ultimate selection uh it should be based on uh the to totality of what they submitted and if you do end up choosing them as the most qualified firm then yes we could negotiate with them as we can with with anybody when it's not a strictly price-based bid I left out one other really important concern and that was each one had a slightly different answer to the question of what about the ldrs and I'm sorry to tell you stories but I worked with John's firm I don't think John was there then um back in the early days when we did the first comprehensive plan and and the ldrs and the comp plan were kind of done back to back or or well side by side you really can't have ldrs until you have a comp plan because one follows from the other but they were they were done and kind of ready to go almost simultaneously the idea of presenting us and and getting paid and finishing a comp plan and then kind of just leaving the documents on the table for someone to pick up and then kind of what did they say and what does this mean I I like the consistency of the same team taking it from the Finish from the start all the way to the finish of the ldrs and the first guy said he could do that I think this the Gardino said they could do that as well I don't know if there what's included in the price or not that's a secondary question but that that to me is a now that I'm speaking about it that's a very very important thing and then the timeline some of them are stretching this out to a year or more just for the comp plan right I don't think we can wait that long maybe y'all do it's okay if you do but we need to get on the horse here and get going well Mark I I'll take I'll I'll speak my piece I like the first one and I like the fourth one that that's me because both of them came in they had great enthusiasm and let me tell you something you think we're being overbuilt here or we're being built out St Augustine Flagler County St John's County St John's County is the fastest growing county in the United States right now um okay there couldn't be a more dense area right now up there that these people are working on to handle that situation they're in Flagler right now they just said St John's Clay Clay County where Green Cove Springs is that's where Shan's Bridge the 400 million that bridge they're putting the new Shan's bridge going to empty out right there okay even platka is going to blow up you know putam County I I I know those areas I lived in Klay County when I was a little boy I know a little bit about it and uh it is exploding that whole area is but what I'm saying is if you don't have somebody that knows what they're doing in an area like that like we are how dense how mean how how things are for for whether you know knowing about infrastructure knowing about traffic knowing about everything you know they got that that that's true my my that lady that was just there 24 years they did 53 comp plans I mean I I will say that lady with 63 63 so I just liked other ones a little bit better not a lot better but because of their South Florida experience they they they know you know they're the year now the the second one number two that you're talking about Sylvia they said they're going to it's going to take at least a year I I agree I agree so the those are the those are the things let's hear from the ladies please you know one of the things that um I I um well actually on the last one that you lik I really like their graphic presentation they're clearly very very in tune with yeah however they all they did say they're doing the comprehensive plan and and that's it and it I too kind of go I mean there's no question that you got to do both both together continuity the other thing that I liked about Calvin Gardino is that they were they made me feel comfortable that they could pick up the phone and talk to any agency at at any time they could you ask that question I think about fdot and they're like yeah we can pick up the phone we know who these people are Rebeca and oh I didn't I think I went to I was out when some I don't know I was surprised with Danny Perez but that that was pretty important considering the the the many agencies that we do have to deal with in very um sticky ways I I I liked the first guy too I liked his enthusiasm and his but I also felt like he was kind of a oneman show and while I liked his passion um I I I and I I feel like he would you know like sleep under the bridge if he needed to um not sure if I like that or not but I I um I felt a little more confident with this Calvin Gardino group because of their deep fingers in so many pockets and they've done a lot in South Florida I think the group with Aron Dei I mean she's a rock star she's amazing but I don't think that's a good fit for us that the Aaron Dei group she is awesome but I don't think that that Mo Chen Moore thank you I I I didn't hear hear enough so they've done all these storm water plans and resiliency things that's good technical stuff but but that data is readily available I mean we paid for it it's public record any of those other guys can get that we need somebody that can has a vision I mean it's almost like being an artist or a savant I should go okay if you ask me to go I'm going to go let's go I move that we accept wa we didn't everybody didn't finish talking Sheron didn't get to talk I I just asked her and she said no I just just tell us what you like and then we'll go back and make a motion I like well he he hasn't said a word I like Jord do know okay just a reminder we'll have to have public comment if we're taking action to on this John I mean me personally I don't I don't know if I want to take action tonight I'd like to at least think about this over the weekend we're going to meet on Tuesday if if I don't know if John if we'd be allowed to take a vote on Tuesday but I think we ought at least trying to make this big decision right now when some of us got a digest I don't agree with that I I think we we can wait until Tuesday and we can take a vote then we can come in here if we need to ask questions or anything that's just my personal opinion so I'm only one of five you were outside tonight no when you were outside I would ask I wouldn't ask more questions my point my point was when we the four of us were here we said we should talk and maybe make a decision or at least get closer tonight no Henry said he was going to make a decision well well not I don't agree with that do you think well my question is what do you expect to find out what what answers the were done not you the answers you know what I want to do yes I I want to really look at them a little harder the two groups that I like and and if I need Jennifer to ask some questions or Mr Cole to ask questions I I want to I want to ask some more questions all right all right that's you that's me yeah I'm prepared this evening I mean I know chin Moore very well I worked with him with the aqueduct they're a very good firm but they're not they weren't what what I would think is for what we need here okay what do you want to do I what about Sharon's opinion I'll move it right now if I can get a second who are your preferences who do you like one and two I just have one preference Gan Dino grandino yes that's it for me I um liked one and two as well I did like the first guy and I don't think he's going to sleep under a bridge but I think I think uh you know sometimes like this number two jardino the one you liked Henry sometimes when you're too big you're too big and sometimes when you're only a smaller thing you sometimes tend to do a more thorough better job that's just my opinion and I know people out there had their experience with jedino and and you know you can read it on their faces when you say something but uh um I like the first two and I'm sort of like on the fence and I don't know if I could pick one of the two tonight uh I like the first guy I think anybody who wants something is hungry is going to do a good job and I know when I started my business I was delivering flowers at midnight now it's like 3:00 and I'm out of here but uh you know when you're hungry you'll you do extra I think and then when when you're just a number sometimes you're just a number so how do you know that person fits the bill with what you just said what person who are the one you favor I don't favor anybody I just said well who's the hungriest then that's oh well definitely the first guy okay that's what I'm saying so what do you mean how does he fit the bill how I ask you you question how does he fit your bill that's all I think I think he's uh done a lot of good work I think he's eager I think he's small enough that get the extra attention that we need but then again you go to the bigger group and they have jedino they have experience but that does to me Henry you know just because some group is Big doesn't mean they're better that's all I'm suggesting my my vote is pred I know on that okay so where do what do you guys want to do I personally don't want to I don't want to vote on this tonight because I think I we need to I've heard them and we need to digest it we need to seriously this is a big decision what I need to digest is a dinner I'm going to have so I don't think that we can have this decision on the budget hearing night is that right John we would have to set it as a separate meeting we could do it on the same day but we would have an an absolute hard stop time we this could not bleed into the budget hearing the but we don't have enough time to notice it right um I think our code says 72 hours um so I think I think we could okay just barely yeah I thank you but I still I'm totally I I I personally don't know what more I'm going to need to know I feel like I we I'd like to wrap it up tonight right make a motion well you know um I would move to go with the gordino group because what concerns me about whatever that guy's name the passionate one Jason Jason thank you is is is I I I didn't I just didn't see the depth so when something happens to him then you know what happens to our big exciting like this is a super exciting meeting this is I'm I'm I'm excited about like what we're going to do in our town and um I and I want the depth um that's and and they've done every city in South Florida this group and um so I would move to go with that jedino group I'll second it now you're putting me on the spot I'm not ready yet well let's let's take a consensus who can we who who's willing to wait well no we do have a motion in a second we have to we have to uh vote on it but before you do you do need to take public comment oh should we take let open public comment then I know why am I listening anybody for public comment of course what do you what do you think we'll get in line then uh I'd like to ask uh the mayor what he discussed outside the cone of silence when he left the meeting no you know what van I don't have to I I don't have to discuss I went and got the cards and gave each council person a card okay well if that's what you did that's fine and and I I I also wanted to appreciate the fact that you guys did uh uh allow four presentations to be heard by the public so the public that's watching this meeting and will watch the replays of this meeting um have an idea of the talent array that was available to us and uh you know my own personal opinion I'm going to keep until you guys have made your decision but I'm I I appreciate uh the intense U concentration that you put into listening to all these uh presentations and I think the people of Isa marada appreciate the fact that they were allowed to participate in in uh they all have their choices now too so you know how your choice uh Falls up against their choice is going to be an interesting thing to watch but but clearly all the people that presented tonight were very very talented and uh we we could do a whole lot worse and uh our our our ldrs and comp plan need to be done at the same time so I would take that in consideration when you consider the the people that presented tonight thank you thank you Deb Deb Gillis I I'm on your page buddy but that's the way I process information is that I would be fine with Tuesday uh the 17th is that Tuesday whatever the next meeting is um uh but to just give you a little bit of time to absorb what you heard uh you know I know you were taking notes or paying attention or go back and watch the tape even and say wait a minute what did they say about this just to make sure that you're clear um I missed the first presentation I did like the second presentation over the other two the best um even though you reminded me I forgot it started at 4:30 so I I would suggest that you wait till Tuesday not to draw it out um it is a thing that you you need to get started as soon as possible but a few days is good I agree Don come on thank you Don Horton 47 scooner Bay Road um I I don't disagree with waiting uh until Tuesday I wouldn't go any further than that um I got to tell you that one of the things I did I I love the passion of number one uh I have worked personally for many years with syvia Vargas very smart very talented lady and and obviously the lead for Calvin gadano in this uh in this instance um one of the things that impressed me about number one though was was and the reason why I wanted to go out and talk to them for a minute was um uh was his passion on affordable housing was his passion on on traffic and parking when those are two major issues that we have now he's obviously done his homework a little bit listen to what we've had discussions about um but I had told him when we were out there that that I was impressed with those those two things and um uh and told him that I had actually written a parking code a while back for the uh for the village and explained to him that I was the previous building official for Isam marada and Mark knows that parking and traffic is one of my passions I've I've I've studied it I've read books I've loaned my books out to people people uh about the the high cost of free parking and parking uh and one of the comments that he said to me was I I can't believe that they took a code that you had written uh in conjunction with Rebecca Jaton uh who had just left the state so she knew our code very well as well uh and they just threw it in the round file um that they should have listened to their building official because there's no one else that reviews more site plans parking plans and uh those kind of things as the building official as he's going through the plan review I was very impressed with that so I don't have a problem with you guys holding off till Tuesday but truly Calvin G andon is extremely talented but number one impressed me a lot so thank you okay thanks thank you Don hey Don thank you by the way for getting me a card from them thank you okay uh for number one for Jason we do have Mr mme also on Zoom who'd like to speak okay go ahead okay key in making your decision I will tell you that yes I was also impressed with number one not only by the enthusiasm that he had but also by the amount of public response that he was going to have how many meetings he was going to have he was going to keep the public well involved at every step so that we could all feel like we have a part in redoing this comp plan and he's really the only one that really stressed that he was going to spend a lot of time on the ldrs as well so I think you get more bang for your buck having somebody who has that laid out from the beginning and you know that he's going to work on both of them at the same time so I hope you keep those into consideration when you make your decision thank you thank you okay Council I uh can we agree to wait till Tuesday I would like to wait till Tuesday I know how you guys feel and you're ready to vote now but I'm truly on that little fence and if I'm outvoted I'm outvoted but I'm just saying you know all the question you know I I I I I um I respect your your conc con er um I I'm fine if we want to wait I just personally I don't I mean you know how long ago this was on the agenda and I waited through all those applications like months ago but um it's it's up to the council I would really prefer just to move on get moving but I can respect your concerns I personally have no I I do not think this is an easy decision and I think it's an important one um and it's an extremely important issue I have taken it very seriously I I certainly have um I would say you know one other comment on our passionate friend whatever his name is Jason it concerns me that he was willing to cut his price that is a very Troublesome um feature in in a business proposal I'm that like sets off alarm bells for me it doesn't for me because I've done it I've done it when I he was going to cut the price and double the work that is even more alarming to me I don't I I don't feel comfortable with that but nonetheless that is not the qu just going to throw out there but Elizabeth you got to realize something I've I've been there I know what you're talking about I've been on a job at Bach Chica and I I had 38% profit in it but because I was a small single owner uh proprietor okay they didn't think I could do the job even though I did a lot of work there and they went with a bid that was probably if I would have bid what that person did I would have made 70% profit but a smaller company doesn't have the overhead as some of these bigger companies have so they don't you know they're just they're able to come in on a better profit margin so but I learned my lesson down there because I bid a very good price I've had these guys come in and tell me Encore was another one oh you're smoking low guns price and I said well I'm almost a 50% if you want me to double for a project on Duck Key with the Florida Keys Aqueduct so sometimes you know what it it is when you're a small company and you know how to go in and get it done but people think because your price is so low that scares them okay but I I personally think I guys what do you I mean I'm I can wait till Tuesday but I would prefer just to get it done tonight do you guys have an opinion I would like to get it done tonight I'm being my judgment is not my judgment is not predicated on the price I don't really care how much it is as long as we oh my goodness of course not this this what we're doing here this evening evening I'm not going to worry about the price this is a major major major well and that's why we should take the and the price if you're going to worry about price we we've had the materials for weeks guys go ahead then of course I I I'm not I'm I think we should wait I think this is a 20 years ago when we did our comp plan it's been over 20 years ago and we're going to make a decision right now after hearing these people I I personally I want the public to know I don't I am not taking part of this I don't I think we should wait until Tuesday that's my opinion I'm only one of five so I think something this long that we've waited for a couple more days is not going to matter but I'm only one of five so I want the public to understand that okay well can't you the guys just wait till two say what other question please there's a motion on the floor let's just I it's nothing nothing personal I'm just let's move it on you know and I I have to point this out that I'm well that that some of these people are going to be gone so this is a very important decision for me because I'm still here and so that's sort of why I wanted some more time but whatever I do have a comment on that no you're not going to leave town but you're not going to be sitting up here making decisions anyhow you guys just do what you want I'm going to talk just as much I know you will Henry I've known you my whole life I know you I'm sure you're going to be throwing stuff too but you do what you want just procedurally I wanted to since there's talk about different things I just wanted to procedurally there's I there's three options one proceed with the motion obviously and we can have a vote however it turns out it turns out okay um two uh there's uh could be a motion to postpone to a Time certain or three um if there was a withdrawal of the motion I guess would be the third option but I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware because we've kind of talked about different things but I wanted to make sure you're all aware of uh what the procedure would be okay just I I would just comment that since I've made the motion that um you know I am not running for the I will not be here in 3 months but I'm still taking this role very seriously and making decisions with the intention that it is the best decision moving forward and we're not done doing business just because we have an election in November and I'm I'm acting in that way so I just want to go ahead and call it just let's move it on so nor am I and I think did you second it and nor and and nor are you yes there was a second by um council member Rosen yes okay so is that what we're going to do so can we call the can we call the vote please wait a minute Henry I'm I'm I'm not are you what's your opinion until Tuesday or you want to vote listen this is just like the the thing we did with the manager and I'm not saying that in any way but we we have an indecision um issue and this has waited a long time if we do this tonight we can call them tomorrow and say get to work and I mean we're all pretty close the vice mayor that was one of her two top choices so I don't feel like we're going too far outside the white lines on on what she would choose and um but but how Mark you as long as you've been here too you want to make a decision and not a de a huge decision okay about which direction our village is going to go what we're going to do all of us I I don't understand it how we we can sit here tonight and make a decision after hearing these people give so much information that you can make an intelligent decision right now on that group I I'll tell you how buddy I've read we had this information for months I read this two months ago in preparation for a meeting I that's I heard them I digested that with the information I've I've I've read this stuff twice already he Marne uh we have a motion in a second go ahead and call the RO Marney okay council member Elizabeth jolen yes council member Henry rosenal yes council member Mark Greg yes vice mayor Sharon Mahoney well I'm going to say that I like number one but I'm going to vote Yes just because he's good too or they're good too so yes and mayor Bud tender no okay that motion passes 4 to one we will uh prepare a resolution um selecting um Calvin gardano uh as the uh um with with regard to RFP 24-10 at a not to exceed price of of what their price bid was which I'm looking at was $151,600 and that will authorize the manager to um initiate negotiations with them um and then a contract will ultimately um assuming it's successful will ultimately be brought back for the council's approval I have a question inter this could something could have been negotiating with with this guy Jason who we all I think really like to but uh Henry said he hasn't he's not worried about the money that's right I'm would that would that be coming back on Tuesday then or would that are we asking for that to come back on Tuesday no you don't need the resolution will be prepared and it'll be signed so yeah like it's already yeah that yeah so that'll be done and then the what what will eventually come back is the contract for approval uh I'm I move for adjournment okay let's uh we're adjourn e for