>> Nicole this meeting to order. Please Marni. Would you call the roll. >> Council member of our correct council member Elizabeth Cohen here. Councilmember Ken Rosenthal. vice mayor Sharon Mahoney here and Mayor buddy Pender here we have a quorum. >> Alright, I've ask to lead us to firefighter there to lead us in the pledge. The buy United States of America and for which it stands. One nation God. Indivisible, liberty justice for all. Where is coach Amman in here. Still continuous a quick prayer. Tony, I know which on the spot, but. >> Clearly extemporaneous haha. What's value their father. Thank you so much for tonight and thank you for this board. And pray that you will. Let's member Council citizen of the village. We pre wisdom. for the perfect will be done in this community. And thank you for this community. Beautiful place to live your blessing of this meeting tonight in your precious name Amen. Amen, thank you, coach. >> Coach pastor what thinking. More coach right now. Right. K. Okay. we're going to move Council. requests for deletions or emergency additions. >> Anybody. Henry. >> Under the consent agenda. Some people discuss with tie for 5. 6, 7, like to move it from the consent agenda. So we we can have public comment for 4, 5, 6, 7, please. You may else. >> Vice mayor even know. Okay. Mark, anything. >> Okay. Mister staff would request tab. Why really into the purchase of that church property get moved to Thursday. We've been working diligently with attorneys for the church on the purchase and sale agreement. just like to couple minor things we need to iron language out for. But were confident that we should be. We should have it ready for Thursday. So if we if we can just move that to the Thursday meeting that would be great. Okay. Council. Are we okay with that. Okay. >> And worst. I hear says he's still here because I think he was here for okay. You you understand right. Okay. I thank you. All right. A or it. So there's no additions and deletions are going to move this to Thursday. >> With that said, we're going to move reports presentations and announcements. So to have one is the proclamation declaring May 19 through the 25th as emergency medical services. >> Chief. Do you have something with that. Okay. Well. >> Where it. Marni heap. Do we or do we have something were given to unaware that we were doing this. So I do not have a. Presentation copy, but you could read the present read read the proclamation from your Okay. All right. We want to do that. We can do Haha. Okay. EMS week proclamation to designate the week of May 19 through the 25th 2024 as emergency medical services were as emergency medical services is a vital public service and. >> Whereas the members of emergency medical service teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and whereas access to. Quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experienced sudden illness. We're injury and whereas emergency medical services has grown to fill a gap by providing important out of hospital care, including preventive medicine follow-up care and access telemedicine and whereas the emergency medical services system. Consist of first responders. Emergency medical technicians paramedics emergency medical dispatchers. Firefighters, police officers educators administrators, pre hospital nurses emergency nurses, emergency physicians trained members of the public and other out of hospital medical care providers and whereas the members of emergency medical service teams whether career or volunteer engage and thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life saving skills and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and complex minutes of emergency medical services providers by designating the emergency medical services week. Now, therefore I Joseph be pinned or 3. Mayor of are on a village of the islands in recognition of this event. Do hereby proclaim the week of May 19 through the 25th of 2024. And emergency medical services week, the 50 year anniversary of the MS. We seen. Is MS week honoring our past are forging are in forging our future. I encourage the community to observe this week. With appropriate program ceremonies and activities. Thank you guys. Would you guys like to come forward. Hate. >> Along with second and somebody's going. He said he only got to it to you. I so. Okay. >> We're going to we're moving on to tab, too. >> Which no, excuse me. I'm sorry. I do myself here. All right. So we've got that done. She fable. Okay. You're supposed to introduce the proclamation. But that's okay. How about Richard Clarke is Richard here. For Monroe County. One young men. >> Thank like that. and the toss-up. I'm Richard Clarke. I've spoken to unless all of you at one point or another. I was here not I'm not quite a year when we talked a little bit about big picture, what we're doing. I have I can do this anyway. You want. I I brought and liked. A very short par point. I can run through that kind of gives you the outcome of our Justin conditions Sunday or you guys can look at that on your own anytime you want and we can get right into the meat of our on-demand service reports entirely up to you. The people see it. Okay. Okay. Okay. '04. I going here. Okay. So we spent. $350,000 issues. The county to look at the entire County and what our system look like today. You really can't build anything unless you're really not working or not working. And so that's what we took a really good look at. And when I say really good, look, we. Thousands of hours, thousands of people enters what I want interviews surveys. The idea. Behind the effort was again, let's figure out how it's working. Why its work in who's riding why their writing? All of those things. We need all that and caracal data to understand. A system that works for the keys and so everybody I know says, hey, you're a lot like the roaring fork Valley which is Aspen, Colorado and then you I talked to guys out there and they see a 125 mile long, single Road in and they want to throw up. They do not a deal with that. With all with twentysomething bridges and you know, the so we have our own our own set of issues that are just because of the geography in which we live. I'm not going to read all this have thing we don't I don't read power 0, 0, 1, So really what we want to do is kind of take our performance measures, figure out how to right. What is a fleet look like. What is the right size fleet look like currently. Today. We are. We have basically exploded in growth. Post-covid we have an enormous. Social economic challenges. Most of it with housing for years. Housing affordability was the number one concern in the county when we do our biannual look at what's important to people and the past 2 years. That's flipped and now transit transportation figuring out how to get around is has become number one housing is still a very close second. But there are ways that we can bring those 2 things together from a transit perspective, which is the idea. So most people, you can see this. Some of this was news to me the most people using the system. Good to get to work. Not a surprise. What was a surprise was the number of people that pay cash for their ride. That's 70% is an unheard of number. That's a big number. And as you as you build, that's a challenge. We have to figure out so we we have a lot of unbanked folks that just simply have no other way to pay other than cash. So we have to work through that order to figure out how to the system. So are challenges are not that they're simple to solve, but they're simple. We have a little bit of a disconnect obviously. And marathon Key West is doing a lot of what Mara has done. They recognize that we need some things. And so you try. That's what you're supposed to do. Your special reach and try to make it better for your community. And so they're doing that with some on-demand service that they've tried. They're doing it with some rush hour service that they've tried. And and some of the works they may. They they're willing to Cannes to to try to make it work and change it needs to be changed. So. Our first and primary goal is to shorten this piece. This is the starting point for us. It's offering services. The first one ever off at the server offer us local service was I'm rana. >> First one to do it. And that's what we want to do. We want to mirror that. That's a service that just hasn't been offered throughout the keys and really needs to be. Plus it's how we get people to and from the commuter service when it's working, not when you have to wait 2 and a half hours for bus. But when it's working. >> When you see like plans locally, we we did what we're supposed to do we took a hard look, I I have to constantly coordinate with fdot and us dot, which is part of the plan mainly because overseas is a state Road. So if we want anything positive out of that. We have to work with fdot. Oh, by the way. Fdot is slated probably in the next 5 to 10 years. I'm going to say 2 to 2 and a half billion dollars worth of work in Monroe County. It's an unbelievable investment. They're putting in our County and I everywhere I go. I sing their praises. They are unbelievable partners for Monroe and really want to help us at all levels of transit and our road system in our infrastructure. Just as a plug for them. I think May is there public meeting for the 7 mile bridge pne and getting it started and then 2026 is going to be the switches in your backyard. The snake Creek PD and E will start. So they'll have that same public. But you should kind of be thinking now we have reconstituted says aside from all this. The transportation master planning group. And which is an elected from each municipality and one from the county. I staff it for everyone. We are trying we are rebuilding a list of priorities to present fdot. They've asked us to do that on an annual or biannual basis. The first 12 have all been looked at. I there's completely down by fdot predominantly by fdot some of them. I bore when I came here from the county perspective and others were simply that doesn't work, which is great. I mean, I know is an answer whether you like, you know, no as an answer. We can move So it's now time to reconstitute that. And I'm going to ask everyone will be a lot will be here in the community a lot as well. There is no bad idea, but we need to normal and then we will debate internally as a group pay. This is what's important to us. We will take that. Let's back to each municipality and county elected and you guys will decide. This is what's important to us and we will do the same and then we'll all get back together. Present a master fdot. At the process work. Great fdot loved it that we did it and they change their priorities as a result. We have a few operating scenarios. The big number is operating and that's down the road. We're starting turnkey system, which is what you guys have done with freebie. I have already applied for a grant from us dot for 30. Transit vans electric transit vans. That's what the administration is giving, whether you're for or against. That's the only thing there giving money towards they would they would be 5 zones throughout the keys that we would do that rada would be one of them. You see, these are the 5 zones. It's based entirely on need and population. So it's a numbers. completely numbers. Turban. And as we grow and build this. What it will do again is allow Key West to pull some of its buses that are doing the service. Now back on to our roads so that we can eliminate longer wait times. We've got a significant capital investment. Again, most of that. I always go to the state and the federal government to help us with the capital costs. They love capital dollars, its operating dollars that they prefer not to be on the hook for. We're going through it. We're applying for a lot of them. The latest Grant I'm working on now that the fdot an fta have very much encourage us to pursue isn't. Inter Island Ferry service. Not Miami into the Atlantic Ocean. But from. route of the marathon to Key West smaller Bayside. Making it up as we go. You know something Stop here. Stop Inc marathon at as city facility and then maybe qs bite. I'm probably wouldn't take you any longer than it would in a car. So be and every human on that. Perry is a human that's not on our road. So it's a home run for us. we're working on this every day state, local we're working on some other designations have got to see if we can do it. There are some ways where we can get the state. If we get the right designation where we can get a 100% funding from the state and to the fifty-fifty. But that requires some work a Deo office art. Our. But they come the. Diggs. Yes, them for the Commerce. Thank you. So. I say all that to say we're working its lightning pace for government work. You know, governor wasn't built for lightning pace. I learned long ago. Government is service based industry and the people that need our services the most are the people that can least afford to pay for the service. So it's just kinda where machine is built. We have recently. Finished an rfp process for micro transit. Eerily similar to what you guys have up here. We had 5 respondents the winning bid was unanimous. The number one was Second, 3rd flip-flop, but number one was unanimous across the top. Freebie. Just frankly put a better proposal together than everybody. So as I did talk to people prior to the rfp going out. You know, there's a really good chance that after we go through a process. We're in the same place. You guys are here. I understand. I wrote a very, very tight. Rfp on what my expectations are. And from a management perspective, it's going to fall to meet him to manage. We are. Going through our contract process now with our policy makers like you where they will approve our contract at our next meeting will help. I know what our goal is to start just like you and understand what works and doesn't work for stock Island, Key West. It's our dipping, our toe in just like you did. We're going to learn and it will move a little bit. I'm sure depending on what our needs are, which frankly going to be different. That's why we're doing on the man systems. They work really well. Enroll environments like this smaller populations worked really well with an on demand. To curb. I don't know that everybody understands the difference. It is not door-to-door like uber. We are tnc. It is also not free for us free for me would be really painful for Key West transit and frankly, as the transit director for the county. I don't believe in free. Hi pay something. So it will be $2. A person just like getting on a but a big bus, will just be smart. It's still a fabulous deal and it's safe. I wanted you guys to know where we were in our process. I expect us to my hope is, you know, early July. We'll be starting our service working hand-in-hand with qs transit. So we don't disrupt what they're working on. I know I've talked to are the group we have to deal with that fdot from a funding perspective. You the policy makers and I were out of the elected officials have a couple of things that you we have some pending deadlines. The number one deadline for as fdot sees it as your acceptance of the grant that you currently have. Their deadline is June 30. That's their deadline and fdot, trust me, I we all know. They're not they don't turn it around. In a day. You realistically need to and the next. week or so. Like you need to decide whether or not you want to do this. You have to decide or that's going to go away. And then that doesn't stop you from applying by the end of the week. For the next round of funding, but it does. The continuity is gone from an fdot perspective, they love. It's a three-year plan essentially it's not a 3 template, a three-year plan. And if you make it substantive change debut substantive changes hours of operation number of vehicles changing your geo-fencing, any of those things. Your 3 year clock resets. So. You've done a good job of positioning yourself to accept the grant you have today. And reapply as your 2 of this service as it again, as you've. Have you tweeted. But step one is you want to grant. You have and that's a policy decision that's not on us. And then step 2 again, a policy decision. Do you want staff to pursue the next round of funding. I can tell you we are pursuing the next round funding. If the long-term goal is. But upon it is to say, hey. We're not in the business of transit per se. We really need someone who is in the business of transit to take a good look and let's see how we build a partnership. Talk to rob a little bit about it. I think the right methodology and anything like that is you the elected officials need to say this is what we want to do. When I say this. I mean, we do a partnership that we want what we do. You instruct your village manager. This is what we want to do. And he and my County administrator. Get together. Obviously talk through a win told the new want is and then we go back to our policy makers. We got to our County Commission. Rob comes back to because you might not like the deal that we came up with sitting around the table. So. At any time on a decision like that when we're talking about nearing government entities together, having one of us. You know, we always want to help. And we're always here to help. But at the end of the day, you're the 5 people elected and so we staff members. City and county administrators take our marching orders from So. I leave it with that. I'm happy to answer any questions about process or what we think is going on that. Nice to see. But when I sing you spoken over the phone several times. But this is first time met person. >> Sound taller than I am. >> How with the understanding that that and more for us. To apply for the grant which will give additional years. There's 2 things that has to be considered. Number one. It's timely sense of the word. And it has to be into the dot by the end of. And we're for it to be in by the end June. We have to make your mind up by the 10th of June something very close to it because the paperwork is very involved. And if we apply for late presents a problem. Number 2, if we apply for the grant and get it. Is that money or those monies. Used by you as well. Or you're just on your own representing the whole County and those are different figure into what you want to do. 2 things. The first I would tell you my conversations with fdot is they would like your decision yesterday right on their process. Our application for the grant has no bearing on your application for the grant. At least today. I know fdot, you know, also likes communities working together. They just do they think a build a better system. So that's been their track record for quite a while. I've already offered help on any way, shape or fashion. I can your. Your team anyway. I can getting building the right Grant and making it look right. I will tell you that you know, as long as we. Do it properly. It's not a big document it's it's online now they don't even accept paper as long we fill it up properly as long as we meet the criteria they're going to give you your second and 3rd years of year. Of your service. >> No, you're proposing to use freebie, which I believe you're all about to use and stock on and he was correct. >> We put out an rfp and freebie was the selected entity. Yes. And if you are to take over service. County wide and hopefully you would like to improve and. Incorporate us as absolutely you are definitely one of the 5 for sure. Yes, I understand that. >> One of my major questions is who's going pay for. >> the county wide service. We've where were on the hook for the vehicles. We were the ones that we apply for the grant and we would spread that out throughout. We we'd have an you with every city in order to operate. And those cities. And we haven't gotten that far. I mean, it's just I will tell you the bus stop perspective. We would build own and maintain that was are always our thought. Bus system changes infrastructure, changes, rideshare changes. So I don't have an and a good hard answer on how it gets paid for. I will tell you. What normally happens is if there is not a county wide funding. Sir source, whatever that may be in North Florida. They have a gas tax that they use a penny because they got all their tolls taken They voters voted on it. So that's their funding mechanism for the entire County, including the 3 Beach cities. So. If it doesn't have dedicated funding source like that. You talk to each municipality and you say but can you do. How do you want to do Let's figure out a way to work together. We don't our job is to make it incredibly efficient and help everybody in the community and. If there is no other way. You have to talk to each municipality so other than that, I don't know of another way to fund If we ever too. >> your proposal. We would save a lot of money. would save a lot of money. That correct. I would imagine you save money. That's the whole idea of doing is you'd save money. >> Economies of scale minimally. Yeah. You guys. on. >> One U.S. it would be that complicated. One minute. is your proposal as to when you would like to begin, if you get our support. >> So. I haven't even begun my own service. So what I'd like to see is our service start. >> You make whatever decision you think is in the best chances of our rada with respect to the service you currently have. And allow the administrators and the Pa and our my County Commission to say, hey, if if we indeed you make that decision. How do we work together and build the best mousetrap for the long haul. If the U.S. dot says yes. Monroe County go do good. Here's your. Here's the money for your 30 vehicles. Then everything gets much easier. Now where County wide. You know, the county will manage obviously a 100% of that system. It becomes far more so those are 2 different things went very short term and longer term. us that elected body need to make those decisions. First I have to get. My sea legs under May we have to, you know, government doesn't move lightning pace. We would need direction from you internally and then I would need direction from my elected officials to I don't get to make. I don't get to arbitrarily make a decision like that. Those 5 elected people with. >> Jasper Mind bills you do you anticipate they using. And stark on and he was 5. yes, and cover that amount of. Approx mile marker. Well, first personally have 3, I believe appearing It's reasonable to assume that, you know, would be 3 for here as well. Just a guess, but it could be 3 again. The here's the. >> The nice thing is I we can pull all that data and figure out how many what the right number is somewhat that. That's what we're planning on doing. We did find some things in our testing conditions study like everybody assumes like there's this big surge really early in the morning. But in Key West, the surge is actually about 10. It's not early in the morning because that's when all the service industries flooding in all the bars and restaurants are opening and even in the hotels, that's where the surge So I'm just a little. And every locale is going to be different. Well, it's a little early to get down to the finer points 100%. I understand that as well. >> But that your hope I suspect. To gain the support from from the rest of the county. Oh, absolutely. That's what I'm on the traveling road show as we speak. >> The other. other thing again, we're ahead of the time. But. There are people. That $2 a ride. Is a problem. And you given any thought to subsidizing certain percentage. Income, low income people. even made him work economic for them if not free. $2 just the conversation. anybody thought >> most systems. >> free and reduced rides for seniors. people that are attending school. But there's normally a mechanism where there's something tangible you can tie to it. But there's there are lots and lots and lots unused elsewhere that it's used all over the country. Sure assessed by the situation. >> conclude. Okay. All right, Richard, I mean Council, we have anybody else would like to talk to Richard any questions. I just want to say thank you. I've talked to David Rice, commissioner Rice at length about this. And we really I think we're all excited about what you're doing and it makes really good sense for us to work together with you. We can stream mind this. You guys are on it. You have a great relationship with fdot. You know. So it only makes sense for us to try to work this out together. And this is going to be cheaper for all of this and it's going to be more efficient. You know that from from my perspective, it's. >> The better system we build, the more confidence people have in the system, the more people that will write our system. That is that's always the goal. >> I like the idea the ferry just because they I'm I've never seen fdot and the FDA both kind of excited and about that prospect and told us we could actually use the numbers already from the Fort Myers, Marco Island Ferry as part of our effort, but just helps our funding. So it's good Can we just asked Robert to sort of summarize your next steps and what you're hearing from. >> Richard. Okay. There. Sure. >> I just want everyone on the council to be aware that I've been in contact with the Florida Department of Transportation, both with respect to the a grant award notification that they sent us in August of last year and the timing for getting that back to them as well as the potential to modify some of the terms and conditions of that original agreement was predicated on the idea that we would have cars running for longer periods of time than what we have now. Those conversations are ongoing fdot is accepting of our ability to get back to them with respect to that prior Grant award and not later than June. 12th. So that gets us past the June 11th meeting time to do some additional research and bring that back with the staff recommendation to Council and our June meeting and then it would be returned back to fdot the very next morning and they've indicated to me specifically that that timing would work for them. Additionally, when it comes to the grant application for this week. I want to have some continuing conversations with Monroe County as well fdot to make sure the opportunity to apply for another round of funding is not lost. But at the same time, I don't overcome it based the discussion that transpired last time leading to the grant application them trying to modify so that we continue to have access that funding so longer we really appreciate the county's efforts to have consensus or we all of us, all 5 of us on And I mean, this is a great thing. >> That, you know, coming together and figuring this out. >> I think the question is going to put this group is going to be. >> Well, while we're waiting on this because this is not going to happen within probably couple years on your end. >> Which one your whole lot terms perspective. >> I mean, best case scenario would be this time next year. That's I like of everything went absolutely perfectly. But the shorts shorter term discussions with fdot and others are. In front of you now. >> So the question we have is in the meantime, which, you know. we want to continue our freebie service. And pay for it or get a grant for. That's our question. Which I'm sure will be outlined next month. >> would ask. I think same question in a different Why are we waiting to accept a grant that is going to save us money right. >> I think the question is do we want to continue the service because that grant is a 3 year, 3 year grant. >> Well, the answer is a little more complex were not accepting the grant immediately because I have to try to modify the terms and conditions of that grant with fdot and last we are still talking about extending the hours and doing what was proposed under that initial Grant application. Not since that grant application was originally we did not proceed with the service modification plan. That was the foundation for that grant application. Therefore, to get to the point of accepting and I have to have a continuing conversation with fdot as Monroe County has highlighted. They are anxious partners to see. Micro transit last mile solutions. I think that's a good thing. Working in our favor in those conversations are playing out live as we speak. So between now and the point we need to get in June. I hope to have a very clear answer on this question and a recommendation to council that relates to acceptance of the grant that we're referring to. In the meantime, I'm going to be talking with the county and coming up with a grant application for this week. Actually, that makes sense for what we're presently doing and doesn't find is necessarily to something that I haven't received policy direction on yet to proceed with. So it's it's crunched a little bit by timelines that we've inherited to this point and a little bit of complexity because of what we propose last time and then did not really do. Although the surface itself has been maintained at the levels that was at when that grant applications are rejoicing minutes I'm trying to pave the way for success in both areas. Bring it back to Council in June for a confirmation the staff recommendation is is consistent with councils expectations and the community's needs. >> What you might not understand in. Richard, thank you for the hundreds of phone calls I've made to you and your input and what we've talked about. This man knows what he's doing. Clearly. And the one thing we did talk about was that we don't need 3 cars till midnight. So I'm thinking that's what you're talking about. The adjustment is that our service does not need to be as intense as grant was originally done. Is that correct. What I Yes. Okay. That's what I thought. I'm thinking that's probably what it was. So far as I'm concerned, I would let this gentleman take control of us get. On board with Monroe County because this is the wave of the future. We have to do what's best for the community save us money. He definitely we'll be right on top of that, rideshare like we haven't been and he'll watch every move to see what is best for. Everybody in the case, not just on rana. behind Million percent. >> I think that there's some consensus on that. But. The issue is how do we fund between now and when he's ready to be online, which is in the future. I mean, he's looking at. That's what? that's working on. Right. Right. But you will for seed with your And I just like life room for him. remember too is in okay. event time we. >> She changed horses in a sense of the word. We can all raise this apply for the grant. They don't if use their money or not. So that option is still open without consequence. >> And I just like to underscore as Mister Kirk highlighted that part of this involves the conversation between the county administrator myself and they need to gain a approval. Our our agreement from their County Commission with the proposal to kind really look at this holistically as a county wide operations. I think everyone's saying the same thing here. We're very conscious of the cost. We also want to maintain our access to grant funding to the maximum extent feasible. And yeah, I think partnerships make strong Grant application is their strength in numbers to question. Absolutely. And reduce costs opportunities from you know, synergistic effects. Richard, thank you so much your time. Thank you for everything you're doing. And I know. >> I've talked to the mayor, you know, and I mean everything you guys are are working on You know. Consistently what's another word only. Jimmy, you're just you're going for it. I we know we're going to see a good process a little bit. A lot from the feds will be off to the races. Okay. All right. Thanks for coming. Thank you. Okay. Okay. Rob, you're going to give us update on the baseball field update schools. >> I'm going invite Mister look here from Monroe County school district up to update us on the status of the school's plans when it comes to a developing a a perspective plan for renovating the field and what they're envisioning in terms of collaboration with the village of Island Marotta our village Council and gaining some public input engagement and shaping that concept that would then come back for approval to this village Council as well as the school Mister Thank you so much for taking time from your schedule. I understand you had another meeting at the school district. I'm glad that you are able to make it this evening and relate to us what your plans are. Thank Mister called the timing worked out. Amazingly. They just bang the gavel in the school board meeting here about 5 minutes ago. So the. >> The timing was awesome. Mister mayor last. Let me first start out by thanking you once again for giving us the opportunity to up and present to you so you can understand fully what it is school wants to do with regard to the founders project, the school board in the village of had a long history of collaboration and cooperation. we don't see any reason that that will continue into the future. As you may recall, I came and presented in front of this group back in December I provided an overview with what the coral shores program requested with regard to the improvements founders Park to the baseball field. After much discussion. It was the direction of the council at that time, one to hold a community town hall meeting and 2. To come back to you within updated renewed. A inter local agreement. on March 4th to this year's village staff facilitated the a town hall meeting here in this building that a couple of you were in attendance for and we're open to conducting a more of those. As many of those as you feel is appropriate moving into the future. 2 weeks the new village manager, Mister cool and superintendent extra deny a set down to a at his request to kind of bring him up to speed and what the high schools requesting with regard to. improvements at founders Park to the baseball field. And also to develop a plan moving forward to continue to see if we can move this project forward. It was a that meeting. It was decided come before you To bring that inter local agreement that you asked for. Last time I was here and that's kind of the soul focus for us tonight is just to move forward with the inter local agreement. If we If we can get across small hurdle. The next step would be to come back to you. with the the licensing agreement which would be referenced in this document. And a part of this document that would would detail. What the program would use the field for as well as a detail that scope of work. We talked about last time with regard to the improvements. This would be that next opportunity for us to talk about that School of work. If in fact we are able to move forward with the licensing agreement we would then return to the council with that contract that I brought you the last time we were here because that gets us across the goal line with regard to starting the design process. Remind you like told you last time there is no current plan. There is no current design that happens once we move forward with the contract. And my guess is within about. A week or so of approving that contract, we would assemble led a design team that would obviously. Involve representation from the school district in from the school, but also from village staff. And if so, desired even members of the community could part of that design team very early on in that process within a month or 2. We would then be able to come to you with a conceptual design of what this project would look like would come back to you multiple times after that after each phase the design receive input received direction, any guidance you with regard to what goes into that Park or doesn't go into that part. So. once we get through all of those steps. we would move forward with the project. But not until we get through all of those steps. Do we go anywhere on this project. We cannot move forward. Without this project every step being approved by both the school board and the village Council. It is our plan to continue to be as transparent is and co-operative is possible. Throughout the process. I look forward to continuing to work with Mister cool and take his guidance on how to with this Council because we want nothing more than a the success of this project not only for the coral shores athletic program. But for the citizens route I can take questions. Counseling. Questions. Mister call. We got anything else. >> No, Sir, not on this topic. Thank you. All right. Thank you very much, Mister mayor, thank you all for coming. Peter, do you want to talk to us about can now one 47. >> Good evening. Council Franks pull up Presentation. brief presentation. I'm going to show tonight. So as you may be aware, the village is planning on moving forward with a canal restoration project at Canal. One 47 that's the canal. And between Atlantic and La Sara lanes on lower matic Cumbie. And tonight I'm gonna aired is the topic of a proposed new special assessment that we are proposing to fund a certain component of this Canal restoration project without which I'll brief you on tonight. So just to remind you counsel why we're doing are the main reasons we're doing these can now restoration project says is because of our status. Then the area of critical state concern in 2000, 20 the governor and cabinet did. Create a new rule which implemented canal restoration work program and that is included within our comprehensive plan now and that work program does provide the framework and the accountability for completing these restoration projects. And we do have to report back annually every year to this date on our accomplishments with these work program tasks. So one of those tasks that we had to complete was too tablets the system to evaluate all the canals within the village, which there are 63 of and to rank those canals in terms of which can now with his most in need of restoration down, which can now was least the need of restoration and then to identify which type of restoration technology. I was most appropriate for each one of those canals. Those technologies are shown there. We did complete that task. We published a document. I was back in 2021 with all this Canal information that that is available on our website. So this is just a ranking list of the top 17 can now is on our list with most in need of restoration working our way down that's very small. There. What you can see the red triangle there that is can now one 47. Now we're talking about tonight. So that was ranked as canal most in need of restoration with that technology of the week. Gator or air or week curtain. organic removal backfilling with an estimated cost that was back in 2021 of about 2.3 million dollars. So this is an image of Canal. One 47 and why was it ranked highest on the list. Well, because it consistently had some of the poorest water quality readings and water quality and access of any County village. You can see from this image, the color, this water. This is common occurrence. Unfortunately within this can now. These 2 photos here were sent to me by residents along the canal. You can see that photo on the left. This can now does receive. high levels of the star Gaza in the summer and fall and sarcasm is present due to the geometry of the canal and its orientation to the ocean. Winstar guys unloads are heavy comes in a can out this Canal does not have good flow that sargassum is trapped in the back of the starts sinking and decomposing at least to those conditions. You can see there on the right that photo on the right. I did not alter this photo at all. Residents. And it's me just like this. They wrote in their the 0.8 are highlighted a red triangle and road in their clear. Clear blue ocean beyond shallow can now entry. So not only is this waterfowl looking, but it's also foul-smelling when it gets like this. I've visited this Canal numerous times that hydrogen sulfide side smile. That's emitting from the decomposing. Sorry, guys. just terrible. So it's not a great way for these. This community are the folks in this community to live. Also another one of the important criteria as we use for ranking canals is the homeowners willingness to participate in a canal restoration Project and their support for it and the support from this community here has been excellent. I've been working with them for years now to try to get a project and one implemented and they are they're very much in support of moving forward with this. So what we have planned a cow one 47. Well, we are planning on an organic removal first, which is removing that so layer that mark, that's accumulated at the bottom of the can now we're planning on a backfilling with the crushed limestone rock just like we did a canal. 1, 1, 6, That's the photo shown here. And we're also proposing air curtain at the mouth of the can now too reduce the amount of weed and sarcasm from coming into the can now we have security 2.5 million dollar grant to the D e p stewardship program to fund the full cost of this project from design through construction, including monitoring. So to talk more about the air current. That's where we're going with this assessment. So the grant funds everything up to the point of. Funding for the ongoing operation and maintenance of America system. This is the canal just to the south. One 47 this is the matter can be resort property on the right which does have an error occurred in place right now. The village actually maintains this. We installed it actually twice it was destroyed. is pretty simple equipment it's really some air compressors. You can see them on the right just air pumps Aires pressurize through those hoses. There's diffusers at the bottom of the can now. air bubbles come up and it's actually the bubbles that are preventing or limiting the amount of starred as another. We from getting into the canal. It is electric, though, right. So there are electrical service charges with this. And of course, there's parts of theirs routine maintenance and repairs. So that's what we're talking about here with this. This proposed assessment is funding these operation and maintenance costs. This is an image aerial view. The property appraiser's office showing the properties that are that we would be discussing here again, this is Atlantic and La Sara lanes. We do have a model for this because the county has done exactly what we're proposing here. They created a new taxing district where special assessment can now that operates and maintains an air occurred. So we're kind of basing our our models after them. So here's some cost is the first time I'm showing cars. We have a very good idea of the operation cost of this does because the village does have. We do maintain a number of these air curtains and because of the county project as well. So we're looking at about these are annual costs there in that box operation maintenance $16,000, maybe a little bit over. We would be working with a firm answer advisory. It's a consulting firm at the village uses for its assessments. We use them for our solid waste assessment and our storm water assessment. It's also the firm at the counties. So there would be a fee associated with that, which we would integrate into the assessment. There would be a statutory discount fee also associated with this answer very much recommend, including contingency costs. There's a tax collectors fee and they also recommend a village administration fee exactly what the county does. So we total that up are looking at about $22,500 annual cost for the residents to operate the system. We want to divide that somehow equally amongst the residents there are 18 parcels affected here and 22 lots meaning that for those parcels contained 2 lots. So if we divide that by 18 parcels, each property would be looking at $1250 per year. If we want to divide that by lots are assessed by lot the about a $1000 a year. So we're looking at say between a 1000. $1250 a year for each property owner for this assessment. Okay. Next steps for this. So staff will be holding a virtual meeting in 2 days with the with the residents. But this is not going to be a surprise. And then we've been discussing this with them. For 2 years now. But we what we haven't shown them yet is the estimated cost because we just. Kind of figure those out so wanted to present that to the council. First. So you guys were the first ones to hear about More than a surprise to you. So we will be doing that on Thursday. After that, we were going to handle this the same way the county handle that we're going ask you to vote. We will send them a certified mail letter asking them to vote whether they want to participate in this new assessment in this new tax. It's greater than 50% of the people come back and say yes, they support it. We want. They want us to move forward with it. Then move forward with it. If it's less than 50%. We want to do it. If in fact the residents to vote to move forward with it. There are a couple illegal steps that we have to take one of those that that is the published and run a notice of intent for 4 weeks on the proposed new assessment program and then Council. It will ultimately be up to you if you want to move forward with this. This there has to be a resolution that sully another legal. Step. We have to take to support or create new ad valorem assessment. So tonight we're not asking you to vote on this just wanted to point out this is going on. We do want to move forward with this. We do have a a proposal from that with that fee which would get integrated into the assessment. But we do need their assessment that think there's actually illegal reason to. We need to use a consulting firm. John has more about that. So that's it. Just want to update you on that. there's any concerns or questions at this time. I'd be happy to answer them. And any questions for pier. All right, Peter, good job All right. Thank you, Sir. All right. With that being said, we're going to open general public comments. So if you're here you're not speaking on a tab. >> You cannot. Morning. We have any takers. Sure. Do. >> We have first stop rolling more. >> Roland. More from lower matic come became. On behalf of myself and my numerous neighbors. On lower matic we were absolutely horrified. By the recent outrage is political. Witch hunt and the news last week. That by former Councilwoman Deb Gillis. Against one of our fame are finest ever councilman. Henry Rosenthal, the allegation contained outright lies. Regarding an alleged conflict of interest, giving terrible publicity and public censure reprimand. Deb Gillis herself should be censored. For her false accusations. And I would ask the court or Council to give Henry back his $2500. Assessed against him among other concessions. As a lawyer, I can tell your get your innocent until proven guilty. I was appalled at the fact that. Henry would have had to spend about $50,000 to fight. This outrageous allegation. Thank you. >> Thank you, Martin is next. ALANA Davis plantation key. First, I want to thank Mister coal for coming to the parks and rec meeting. It was a pleasure meeting. You. I you do seem to be a very thoughtful and intelligent person. And I pray that you maintain your positivity throughout these procedures. >> Since church issue has been tabled. Till Thursday can make a comment about that. >> You know, so we John, can we. >> I it's not on agenda. I really okay. >> Whether you're for or against it. I really want you to think about. Do we need to spend another 4 million dollars. While marauder residents money. To purchase another piece of property. I understand that maybe a library could go in there as Sharon has said in the past. But we already own the island silver and spice property. We could build a library there. It's more central to the location for all the citizens. Certainly has a huge population both North and South. What would really be the point of buying the church property. Is it to keep CVS from purchasing it and moving their location to be closer to Publix. Well, that's not really fair, is it, you know, to keep. And industry a commercial and ever from buying a property. Just because you may not want it. There. It's 4 million dollars of our money. And you all have been interested to be the stewards of our money. So please give that. Really serious thought. Thank you. Marni Hughes next, please. Next up is banking. That. intended for Mount I'd like first. Say how. Happy I am. That Island. Marotta was the point man. On the community transport. Scene with our are. Freebie deal that we've had going for a couple years. People have seen it work. And now the county's interested in it and going County wide with it. So I'm just very happy for the people on that. Staff on the diocese and in the community, the push to have this happened because we have become leaders in in community transport now. and we should we should strive to remain there as the leader of Monroe County and other ways than that. Also like to congratulate the staff. Mister Cole. And in those of you on the dias who pushed for this after action report. Because the after action report is very thorough, very informational. Truth. And and every citizen a rather should read it before the next meeting and before this meeting, this this thing here was was a available online, lot of people didn't know what to look for where to look for it. So I would ask that anybody with a computer would download this to find out the status of our apparatus. Because it's very important thing. and being being happy with those I was not particularly happy with the the discussion of the one 0.7 million dollar Pavilion that decided that we're going to build. to my way think it is just a ridiculous. so I came up with the. An idea for the. The flag contest. We could have. We could have a clown. In a dunce cap sitting on the Jack a** on a purple background. With with village of idiots. Hi Limor Ana, under it because this is a waste of of increased incredible waste of money and time. That we're being asked to spend and in we want to sister city. Well, I think we should choose Twinsburg Ohio. I think we have a whole lot in common with Twinsburg, Ohio that we recognize and understand and the people in alum rock that you recognize and understand. with the with that being said. I would I would encourage the the staff to to keep on keeping on doing what they're doing and thank you very much. Have a nice evening. >> Learning use next. Next step is Deb Gillis. >> Good evening Council double dose of Iran to I wanted to speak shortly about Because it wasn't on that and area where we have public comment. I think it's important that you go ahead and accept the grant. We're. As Richard said, one to 2 years out. Maybe less. But in the meantime, we need to do something by accepting the you can you can change things as you're going Rob is working hard. Trying to catch up and figure out what we can do, what we can do. Even the existing terms that we turn then saves them. Money of the tune of $65,000. If I remember right over course of a year. Can can Richard save us more money by combining with them. Most likely. But in the meantime, we we has banned said we have been a leader and they've chosen. I'm kind of our program. They're going to modify But that's what we do as we go forward. So this this by accepting this grant grant one. It doesn't mean that you can't change grant to or grant 3 and work forward. It just starts saving you some money on what we have existing. I believe that if you talk to Jason from freebie. You could probably all to the contract and start charging the $2 now on not exactly in favor of that. But if that's what the program is going to be. yeah. I think you could probably do that starting sooner than later. And as for putting 3 cars on the road when we really don't need it. The original plan of that was a test program to find out where that traffic is and it would those figures would help Richard going forward. No, that Island. Marotta is different or not different. And that that 10 o'clock does holder know we really need that the 8 o'clock or we do have a lot of midnight traffic. We don't know that we've never had enough cars, even test them. And that's all I have to say about freebie at this point of time. I will I wasn't going to, but it will make a short comment about the ethics. Investigation. That was an investigation. I just took the facts forward. They investigated the the ethics board is the one that did those figures not me. The board is the one that found the facts and publish the facts. That wasn't me. I just said maybe they should look. >> Marni Hughes next. >> David holker. Okay. Mister Hoecker. Go ahead. You have 3 minutes. We can't hear you. >> That an affirmative. >> We can hear, you know, yes. great. >> Okay. Well, this is in regards to tab a With regards to 5 plan dedication permit allocations nightly sincere, thanks, Mister Hoecker. If this is if this for a specific tab. >> The common needs to happen at that time. This is just general public comment. That's not associated with any item on this agenda. >> You got the call back when we're on tab. 9 for public comment. All right. Thank you, Marni anybody else. I yes, Don Horton. >> Good evening, mayor and Council for the record, I'm Don Horton and 47 schooner Bay road from Iran. On March. First, Aqueduct authority held a public workshop on the upcoming pipeline installation on when the key many thanks to Judy H* for coordinating that meeting. There were several members of the public at the workshop, including a stakeholders business owners and people who just wanted to be informed on what to expect. The workshop was very informative and include a presentation from the project manager. He's a few brief comments from the job superintendent from the head of engineering from the f-k David hackworth. One interesting item that came out of the meeting was related to the blowouts in the leaks that we've been experience on the pipeline project manager mentioned several times that the pipeline had reached useful life and it was way past needing to be replaced. It was just old after hearing these comments during the presentation. I decide asked a question about the aging, the condition of the pipe. the past. You've been told several times that the pipe was blowing out or leaking because it had too much flow or too much pressure was being placed on the pipe and you are also told by some that they have had been given good information from people at the Aqueduct that the demands and placed on the pipe is the cause of the blowout. So as the project manager, if in fact the issue was due to too much demand on the pipe too much pressure in too much flow. The project manager deferred to the engineer for the Aqua answer the question and Mister hackworth answered in the negative. In fact, he said the pipe was designed for much higher pressure, much higher flow. Then what was being placed on the fight specifically said fight who simply an old pipe. That was constructed of a different kind of metal that was being used for the replacement fight and he said the engineers are the designers back the end of the opi didn't use a cathartic protection and didn't take into account the harsh salt environment that we encounter here in the keys. He is sure to saw that attending the meeting that. They're using a new or different steel and they're using cathartic protection and there, including that in a much better pipe and hoping that it will last much longer. So I mention this only once again to remind you that just because somebody has their own agenda. Yes, because somebody tells you something with a straight face and with authority. It certainly doesn't mean that there's merit to their comments are facts behind their comments. Perhaps we should trust, but verify, perhaps she should just consider the source. Because if you really want to know the truth using just have to ask the question. Thanks. >> Anybody else. As for All right. With that being said, public com. Mancini. >> Can. Paul doesn't like public speaking so I told him I take a hit for him most you guys may have seen it in the paper saying social media. 4 weeks ago about a half hour after this meeting concluded one of our deputies out doing his job was on a traffic stop and I got hit while doing a traffic stop by a drunk driver. He has received numerous He's doing well. He's in great spirits, but he has received as many units of blood is there's people in this room right now. So he's gone through a ton of surgeries. That being said, the sheriff's office has taken point and we're doing a blood drive Thursday right there on the frontage road between the chamber and the Q. A village admin building and it's from 12 until 6. If you've got armed with warm blood and we need it. So please come out and donate and I appreciate everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Chief. >> Alright money so nobody else right. That is correct. All right. With that being said, public comment is now closed. And Don, thank you for that You know, Aaron, Kotler is a project manager and he's a super-g. I mean, really good gun. All right. Mayor Council Communications. I think I guess you're up on this one. I just I want to I want to say one thing I did not know about this until this morning. Because my book was unchanged until I walked in there for my briefing. >> So I have talked to Mister quick about this. I can ask for this to be deferred. Tell June because it wasn't I didn't even I had no idea. Telling with the my briefing this morning about this. I don't know how the other Council feel about this. But. And I you know, I love for Jennifer. To give hurdle take on this, but Council summit. Leave it up to everybody If you want to chime if you want Mister Greg to go ahead and do it. >> I'm not gonna lie. I had I was a little bit. Triggered by like, oh, my God, we're reverting back to the old days where things came up that were surprised because it's. I don't know what you're talking about here. I want. I want die ask for a man trying to express to you that the way sort of. >> In our new and improved Council way. We we have all the information in front of us. It's laid out. We have cover sheets. It's there's communication. So I'm not so I feel comfortable coming in. Know what the heck we're talking about. I mean, you know. >> So was I I was a little. I'm a alarmed here. But. I mean, if you want to just do a lecture. I mean, okay. But I don't want to make any decisions. I don't want I don't because it's not I'm not prepared for that. And I do not like to sit up here without. >> Full information. >> That's but that's why I brought this up was a right now. What you're? Your presentation. Vice mayor Mahoney. >> It just got this tonight. On a little taken back that this looks like something that. Maybe Jennifer should be doing and not you. I'm sort of surprised actually. And I I like Elizabeth. I'm wondering what's what's behind this. Because they're usually is. I'm questioning why we've got this last minute and how fair this is to all of us. Can I speak. Orson, ask you, Arden. I said I've never stopped you from speaking. I had asked that we have an item. >> That I have place on the agenda. Reserved and it was my understanding that that be done that should be done by Thursday. That I don't recall the exact rule, but I thought I had it in before the deadline. >> There are rules of procedure. I believe indicate that council member can add an item to the agenda Thursday. >> So I thought it meant the deadline. Let's assume that I did rather than force it down your throat, so to speak. I hear your reluctance and your concern. I'd like to get your attention. I don't want push this on you until you have a full chance to look at it. What would you say if we push this to Thursday. It's a discussion item. We're not going to vote. >> right. I just need whatever the can you just give me more information do that I because I. We knew we were being receiving a set of data, but where do you want this to go. What's the story? What's the history of whatever it is that can do it. I mean, they are do it on Thursday. We matter so you know, I don't know how to do it in a nutshell without. >> His son y'all off some way. Sorry for my. Cabbie, Larry, but. >> Is this a suggestion about you. Is that what this basically I I don't have idea. I'm not going to ask you at the end to take any action. I want to present some data to you. I want to open your eyes to what we're doing. And then I would like us to have a discussion about where we want to go. Some things that's it. guy and do it now. >> Who can I just request for the future when we because I think we were doing pretty well on this that when we put items on the agenda because we all have our stuff. can we just request get a cover sheet with. With the intention. And and if if we background and history put it on there. We need help with that. We need to make sure that all of us have had ample time. >> Well, that's just what you're saying. Okay. And in market was nothing against you. But I brought it up with Mister quick at the end of our thing. And I said, hey, if if. >> You know, since I just got this right now. Not even 8 hours before the meeting. You know, because they renewed my book when I got in there, I it's OK, this so go. I mean, if if Council is okay with that. Henry's OK, churns. Okay would go ahead and >> But I I do not want us to make a decision based things where we don't have all the information we need. That is the exact point of why I want to talk to you tonight. That is exactly it. I I read our agenda. if there is a complaint that my request came late. That's on me. I accept that. I didn't have a lot of time to put it together. I just something just kind of and a light bulb went off moment, whatever you want to call it. So what I what I kind of came to me as we There was the church item that was going to come on for tonight. Now that's pushed to Thursday so that gives us a little breathing room. That's a positive thing. We're going talk about amending the allocation and that the past thing to add in the work force units that's related to what I want to talk about. We have a other real estate acquisitions that we've made and some that we're in the process of all speak about that in a moment. And then we have some it that the June But I've heard they're coming. Some applications for us to approve either for the past 4. I don't think it's really the Ministry relief and the ones that are There are several that involve that involve hammock property, you hammock fan. Thank you very much. I wanted us to kind of look at the at this in context. So just to give you a quick list of things. You may or may not know that we're currently negotiating to purchase the property that is straight across the street from where we're sitting straight across the highway. It's a I don't know if it's 10 acres of land are. 7 acres of land. 3 acres of water. But it's a total of 10 acre parcel. It butts up to plantation Lake estates community. It's a it's a big open peace. Lots of environmental benefits to buying that. It's been listed for sale. And I believe Peter has been working with the county on us trying to acquire that. Hopefully probably with some County funds or state funds through the county. So that's one transaction that's up on the table right now as we speak. Youve, they've been told about. I think you have about the other one that's about 6 million dollars. It's down below beacon Reef. Condominium. It's called the Beacon Leatherman tracked. It's got multiple habitats also around 6 Million. Hopefully with some County money to be shared there. We have the church property MS Davis spoke. I thought very. Appropriately and timely about the 4 million dollars that we're contemplating on spending for that. We have a budget season coming up. And I think it's important for us to think about spending money in the context of buzz budget. Not only what we have, but where would it go. We're going with that public works has been seeking a new location for their. Outfit, for their their their. They've outgrown. The back of the property here and that and I I love AJ. This isn't a criticism but that's an inappropriate use for a park that's not a industrial. This is not an industrial work site. We've also purchased 2 properties and we haven't done anything with them. We'll call them the Machado properties. The for that are across the road from Marlins store at mile marker, 88 or so and then Walgreens property. My concern there. My feeling my thought is you know, between those 2 properties. We probably spent close to 5 million dollars, not just an acquisition but demolition maintenance. Other costs holding cost. But we don't have a plan for what we're going to do with them. They've just been sitting there. The taxpayers. If I'm a taxpayer and I am. I'm thinking, well, you know, the government spent their money for this. What is the public purpose of that. They've been sitting there idle. If that money was in the bank. It would have been generating a return it for an investor, but it's not if we're not going to use it and we don't need it and we don't have a public purpose. Let's get rid of it. And if we do get rid of it. What are we going to do with the money. All that, all these things come together and a related thing for what's coming next. And that is the lack of permits from the past. We're out and I had asked the staff at the last minute to give me some I'm allowed to ask for information and I did that and I was curious about something because I look at this list. You have this list. This is the the past list that's on the Web site. I wanted to know how many of the properties on the list are at it. Valuation on the property. Appraiser's website. I know that's not an appraisal of the half a million dollars or more. Several of them. And many of them were for a million dollars or more. There was a few of those. I don't know that it was an exhaustive study Dan Burton, the staff with spending a whole lot of time on that. I asked them to also look at some other vacant land properties that we might. Be asked to acquire if we can't permit them for something. Only one side of Laura matic coming I think is just one side and there are several there that were over half a million and several over a million. Some even over 2 Million. And so I looked at that in light of what we have coming for our wards, for administrative relief and for the past. I looked at those properties. Most of them are dry lot properties. Aaron, an environmentally sensitive area that we would ordinarily want to protect. My logic. You can call me Sure you do. And it's fine with me. I'm proud of it. But my my way of looking at this is why would we give these valuable awards. The low value properties with high environmental sensitivity. When we have a list right in front of us of people who are go into it potentially make a claim against us for a much higher value properties that may or may not have environmental sensitivity. I've not done an exhaustive study. I'm just trying to get a conversation going and trying to get your attention. Here's the thing. >> We these people have been waiting for years for years. You're talking about people for 4 years. They did everything that the village told him to do. You got there the case they went out and bought lots and now you're going to move the goal post when they've already been told you are making the same argument I've been making for years. >> I have enormous sympathy for the folks that I mean, I I was a property rights advocate as a lawyer for many years. >> I would have represented people like this. I'm I'm conflicted, I'm conflicted because. I see that these people have done everything we've asked him to do. They fully complied with the law. If we give them these things. We need. If we can do that. But what do we do about everybody else. We don't have a plan. We've not never come up with a plan. Another thing when you just mentioned about the property there. >> The properties like Machado, Walgreens and stuff. The thing is every time we we and I had a discussion with with John quick in Jennifer and Mister called the day about that. We change just like the Phils been going on and But we change. We give we put so much on our staff and instead of being prioritizing 1, 2, 3, 4, Let's get that done and move on to the next one. But we can't even I'm embarrassed. I had 2 people call me about Mister Pender show me the dirt. We have the money. We have the crew we have. We do this for a structure. We do everything. I'd be embarrassed to call them to those developed that's it doubt they'll do everything on affordable housing. Okay. But how can I do that when we can't commit 2, we have. We do have the affordable permits. We haven't even tried. But I know in see, the thing is, is that it's we've got we've got to make some strong priorities here. What is what and do the right thing. All right. That's what I'm asking you to do and other thing is is is I understand we're looking to buy all this different property. But I had multiple phone calls. The same thing. You're taking this money off that the tax roll you're taking. You know your what are we going to do with it. You know, and to me there's so much federal money and other monies to buy properties, OK, you already know. I know somebody that's buying. Hundreds and thousands of acres. Okay. Well, you're right that there are those things and I'm super grateful that you're aware of them. >> I think we need to come together and express the political will to get it done. And if we I don't want to. It's like whac-a-mole. You know, we'll have an opportunity pops up and we either bangui take care of that. And then, you know, we did that with the with the Machado properties. We've done that with Walgreens property. We might do it. Woods to across the street. We we might even do this with the library. But we don't have a plan. And so I want to say something. Just one more thing. Now we plan to have a plan. How does that sound? We have it in our code that the land acquisition advisory committee was supposed to have done this. I think I put this and it's just in the stuff that you didn't get to read. But there is an action plan that they were required to do or still is required to do. I don't know what happened to them. By the way, we've we pretty much just silence them. But why can't we get them to help us it, you know, take on some of these environmental ones, put it in for them. What do they think? You know, why can't they help us out with this. That's at least one more source of assistance to get this done. Let me get this straight. >> You're asking now to the people who are supposed to be getting something to take it out from under him now, not shown. I know. You know, I like well, that shows what is that basically it? I'm asking us to see if that's the best decision for everybody of what they want to make on the 9th hour. I mean, think about it. and that 2 wrongs make a right now the one run keeps on trying doesn't make it right. Either built it. In meantime, how would you feel if we had to raise their taxes pay the Rand on this list. Let me ask you that. I am on the You're down the list. And by doing this, you might go up to look a lot of the a lot of people are not. Not at all is OK that's a personal attack and we don't want to go there Let me just tell you this is not fair and I'm not going for right now. If you want to look at this down the road. >> Because Elizabeth hates going out of order here so it's tough put this to me is like, let me throw the football down the field and see is going to catch it for. I'm going to get a load of hate mail and I'm making. >> I know there's people in the audience there. Thinking, man. This guy is out of his mind. But let me ask you just to look a little bit further down the road. We're staring it. What could be 50 or a 100 million dollars of liability to buy land doesn't it make sense to at least think about giving out these permits to the most valuable ones that we're going to have to buy the list and push everybody back to cares about list who can say Bush. They played the game. If the list caught fire following this cost us 50 grand. Are you willing to raise everyone's taxes to cover 50 million dollars and he set the rules. Guys. Here's the thing. >> Jennifer. >> Would you say would you can I ask you a question about this. Okay. Can you explain what you explain today when I was in the meeting with you with. >> What you're. I mean, I think you did a marvelous job with Mister Mister Koehler amazed that, you know how you explain that. Would you explain what just what vice-mayor and what March talking about here about this thing with either go lot dedication or or the the the the administrative really could you please you have the mic. >> I'll do. I'll do my best. is eloquent as I was the conference and I understand the need for a plan moving I wholeheartedly agree that that's something that we needed. Something we should have done. You know, years before we got to this point. But we are at this point and we have people that have applications in process that have already filed applications that are before you Thursday night this evening, whenever we have people who are on the past list. Inland indication that have been there for years that several months ago. This Council said we're going to give you the first 5 of the key West allocations. And my opinion, in my professional opinion, those people should get to those permits and then we move forward with a plan and moving forward. That's when utilize the plan for any of future applications are permits. I think it's critical that we do that. But I don't think that the people in process right now. skews me should be penalized for that. So that's where I would recommend that we move forward. Very good. Okay. Thank you, Jennifer. Go ahead. Was >> I don't think that and maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think that what you're use. Actually let me back up. You just threw a bunch of things on the table. What concerns me about your bringing this forward is that. The it? We need. I think any conversation about planning for land use wood more easily from our planning department. And so if a request is. Planning Department it with your resources. Please bring this forward because we've been asking for plans and we haven't seen them and now we need to see them like immediately because there's some urgency attached to this. I didn't hear you say that these that the market rate. The market rate allocations that we already decided to get out. I didn't hear you say that we do want to give those out what I'm hearing you say is we're now in a new phase. We have a bunch of administrative relief allocations that we may The policy that he provided indicates we have this conversation up here. There is a way to manage administrative relief just because you're on the agenda, on the list for 4 years doesn't mean that you automatically receive an allocation is in Arco people. People understand this. We have options, but but the options should be coming from our planning Department week. And we know that. In fact, in my briefing we had this very same conversation and we all we all you all when I was in there said. >> Yes, we're going to discuss. Differing the quasi judicial hearings that we've got on Thursday because we're giving out administrative relief without a plan >> Now what I think is going to happen is that that promise that we all agreed upon is not going to happen. But I'd like before Thursday to strongly. Think about that. We're in a new phase and again, you know, Mark, I respect your. >> Your request to plan. And I would remind this Council that. For the last 2 years I have been asking for a plan. And finally we have a strategic plan and we are now under a new administration. So that's helpful. We have. And I think that speaks to this point that we've got a bunch of land that we own with no plans for Presumably. We're moving in that direction. We have an rfp out that's coming forward. I mean, your role, right. But we're the ones that are not insisting that we make PRI or make priority of figuring out how use this land. You brought up like 10 different subjects. You concerned about him. Nick, you're concerned about I think you I think you said you're concerned about Howard giving out administrative relief. you concerned about purchases. I mean, this is that there are a lot of things on this list right. >> You bull all boils down to money. So we have so much money to do the most amount of good for the most amount of people. If we take 5 allocations and we wipe out. 2 and a half million dollars worth of real estate that we would have to buy. That's one analysis. If we take the same 5 and we wipe out 5 million dollars worth of allocations or more by buying the more expensive ones. That's what I want us to talk about can we ask for that analysis and that presentation to come from our planning Department because that's where it should be coming. I don't know I mean. >> And why do we have to ask them when we know about it already because I don't think we all we all. And the community understand this and speak for myself took me a very long time until I mean, Mark, you're a special case in a good And I and I say that I'm not even kidding. You have been studying this for years. But the fact is you're right. We've got millions of dollars worth of lawsuits that we should be addressing We don't have enough allocation. See that. But but but we should be asking our planning department and consultants who work with them to give us the scenario so we can make an informed decision this conversation. In the meantime, we just keep barrel rolling forward making decisions and doing things like about that? Let's talk about that. No, absolute can I just just going one because, you know, we said we were going to just let Mark lecture not say anything but here we But but here's the thing. Are we want them all. And we made a decision at the whatever meeting that was to award the next 5 allocation. Their market rate. 10 allocations, fine. We give those that. But what we haven't done is insist. >> On. Plan for these administrative relief. If allegations that are left or the early out affordable housing allocations. They're like what is wrong with us. Why aren't we insisting that you figure out a way to deal with those equitably. Well, what really is history of the village in the past, main history. >> They've. >> Never. We've I don't believe there might have been some specific terms, but. They we've always giving out once the people have waited. I mean, myself, I got one. I waited because we always had market rate to get out as well. We had bank to draw from now. It's different now. Now we're in. And and this this story. >> Should be told by our trustworthy kind department and her kids but not a group of. >> I'm not a group of of community members who have opinions. I mean, we should be getting him. And this what I mean. Ask you question, how would you feel if you've spent. >> $400,000 buying a lot. You've been in the system for years, OK. And you turned in your application page $1500 application fee and there was nothing said that we change the rules. But when it comes time Thursday night to give these people their way wait hear me out it comes time to give them their administration really permit that they played by our rules. All right. And we're going to tell him no. >> Sumi. But here's the thing. Buddy. >> And if I could just borrow this paper right here. In this isn't the right paper. Sorry. So the admit it because you you let you 7 the system for 4 years. And Jennifer, maybe you can discuss this. Why don't you explain what that means after you've been in for 4 years. What what are you entitled to according to our code. This is not this in black and white. >> After 4 years of being on the pass last year eligible to apply for the history of relief. And you are correct that does not guarantee you. An allocation is solely at the council's discretion. But but let's be clear. >> The code says you can apply for administrative relief. We can purchase your property after you've been in for 4 years or we could do something other we eat and we make that decision. You are not guaranteed an allocation. That's right. That's right. But you didn't say that. You said you're allowed to apply your discretion and they're not guaranteed in administrative leave. Those words came out of my mouth. So so you're not guaranteed. And then there are 2 other components that are pretty important. Buddy. Important be. >> For the rest of the people who are going suffer from the lawsuits that are coming in from the people are going to sue us because there are no allocations left. 4 anyone else who's who's got a piece of vacant land. So so it's a bigger conversation that I would like to request. Our planning Department present to us. >> We've already asked them to do that. Why haven't they a good point. >> We just Jennifer Z has just been asked to do this. But we got We got him doing so many other things. And Mister Cole is here now managing not. know, we haven't, you know, on injured only right. And that's a good know. Here's here's the thing, though. That is a bit you you they follow the rule and they come in, we wait until the night instead of giving them a certified letter months year. Whatever telling and we've changed. The system haven't changed. OK system is vacant. 3 things can happen. We have not. going to specify what they are. >> Sure. I think I just said it. But if you want to repeat what I just said please go ahead. did. But I just wonder please. I would I would like the assistance. Thank you. Some number one grant the application. >> Grant the applicant, an allocation award for all or part of the allocation requested in the next 6 allocation period or extended pro rata over several succeeding allocation periods. Number to offer to purchase the property at its fair market value and number 3 suggest such other relief as may be necessary and appropriate 3 options, right. And just to make it really clear. We can't give an administrative relief. >> We can buy the property by it or something else. That's unspecified exactly we're going to go in and say >> All right. We're going to take your land by. So let's them one more just back up Christian 18 want the appraisal came back into 80. Okay. >> And he want to 4.50. So you know what? >> But we don't even have enough administrative relief allocations on us to give all of the people who are going to come up to 4 years because we don't have any allocations lot so at some point all those people who are in line with this is important for you to understand at some point all of those people right now who are on the list there. They all know there are no allocations for them. >> Hold on. Mister Cole. I'm sure he's going to try and get attention for a attorney. Quick to speak for a moment. >> Yeah. I mean, in terms but I guess just to follow up on that. Those are 3 options Council needs to do something. too. One of those 3 acts. Okay. I'm like like councilman Joe and said it can be an alternative. There's this catch all if you can come up with something else. If to follow up on and there have the it's my understanding that in the years past the council has used the. That catch to award additional points. Not that that necessarily doesn't can now since we don't have you know, we've limited the past allocations in terms of the discussion on any particular lot. Not necessarily one that's before you. But if there's a offer to purchase the property a fair market value. And if the. Applicant declines, what ends up happening is they just they stand to be passed they will continue moving forward on the the So that's that's can you speak to tend to the value their >> Lewis missed out the property with a value to the village. The value to to the village. >> Yeah. I mean, as long as they're on the be passed list. You know, they have an opportunity to develop I think that. >> it it limits, if any potential taking I'm sorry. What was that last part limits. If not I'm sorry. Could you explain that? >> What do you mean the whole say the whole thing. So what would do is limit on a second right here. Hold on one second take the plot. How about if we John, I think at this point I think I I think we need to defer this and put it on any agenda to talk about it because this is turning. We're going to be here all night. >> Going back and forth about this. Mark, are you about finished with I just had a couple of small comment Mark. I think way to solve it So so that stop that, I'll try wrap it up. >> You do in 5 minutes. Sure. I think I got what I was looking for, which was to get your attention and to get you thinking about where we're going. >> If we were to make an analogy that we're going to take a family vacation together. We would load up the car with the dog in the cooler in our family. It would Chickens in our chicken. Thank you, Henry. We don't want to leave those behind it would be like taking a family trip with an empty taken gas and not knowing where are we going to get the money to fill it up. We run out. That's what I feel like. That's exactly what this feels like. And I want to say an apology to Henry because he made me think about this. When we voted on what we're going to do with the remaining the allocations Henry advocated to stretching this out into the future. I did not see it that way. I and for different reasons it has come to me from, you know, just looking at this looking with the county was facing. I said we're not like the county. We do have to do it that way because I felt very strongly like you do and you do about these people who have waited. They played by the rules. They're hoping they're going to build their dream home and we are the gatekeepers for that. And I didn't want to be a gate keeper anymore. I wanted to kick the gates open in let it go. But if we do that. What if we have to wind up ultimately in a in an ultimate irony of having to raise their taxes in everyone's elsis taxes because we have to buy all these expensive properties that we could have wiped out with the permits that we're going to get out. That's the point that I'm making. What I'm not looking to screw anybody out of anything. In fact, we have to treat them fairly. That's in our code. That's in the state law and it's in the Constitution. If they don't get to build, they're going to get a nice check, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying before we move forward, let's make a smart move. Let's let's award and allocate smart. You know, you talk about smart development. That's too smart allocation and lets see on this list. Where's the value? Where's the big liability where's the exposure and how can we take those out of the way for the benefit of everybody that lives here and pays taxes and will ultimately be responsible to write those checks through their taxes. So I go back to Henry. Henry I was wrong if I could change my vote in. Do it your way. I would have done. I would do that. But you are right. And I'm sorry for my error on. That is your requests. If I think are So let's get clear on what you're asking what kind of timeframe because there is an emergency in my as I look at this. >> We're asking our. To bring back a solution for how to allocate. Affordable our our administrative relief as well as our early out affordable housing everything that we have that every every tool in our tool chest to fight against the potential of enormous mitt possibly 100 million dollars of liability should have been done by now. You just because we feel and I feel the same honor bound duty to order them to. But. >> Is it smart to do that. Yes, I understand what you're saying, but you've got to look at noon. How many permits have you got over the last few years and your family. >> I mean, come that I get phone calls about this. And you know what now these people been waiting and they're saying, Mark, how fair is that? It's not about fair. It's not about my family or your family. >> I mean, it's it's it's pretty offensive for you to do that. But it's OK to truth. What people are calling me. I can tell you right now in this room. >> That people that I played by the rules and I got them like everybody else. And I and I bear rolled forward just like everyone else. We need to stop lead on And I know I agree. There needs to be a system, but you are not going to take these people who've been waiting. >> Right there on the goal line and say. This property is worth more than your song to get the guy number. 23 our view. You guys can answer for that in November. That's all. yeah. >> made a minute this is all right. We need we need to stop this Why don't we talk about this when we calm down. I have it on the agenda was put it on the agenda. Some time and we can talk it through and will what we did. We got the conversation started that's the good news. this >> Is is timely. it's an emergency because minute the really it is week. It's complicated and we need to be able to do complicated thing. So we need to ask our planner to respond to this emergency and bring back a presentation in the at the next meeting Thursday in June and she has the ability to do that. She and as you can use consultant whoever she needs because it is a real issue and we need we need an explanation, not not from this group but from our administration. And so can we agree on green. I mean, a plant was a request for a plan. So we know what the consequences are. You just said they needed to come from our planner. Absolutely ABS. And I said that at the beginning that something, Mark, we're not. We have a staff. >> That we have dinner for. We have Daniel. We have all the components of first app that is that they do this for a living. And that's the thing that, you know, once I found out about this in some other, I guess attorney found out about in town started calling me and it should be coming from our planner. I understand we're on County where Council and you are I don't mean, you know, that is that's correct. And I maybe I see things differently because of my profession in career. But I feel that I would be it's like a dam is going to break and I keep my mouth shut. I see something about to happen and it's going to be a pretty big financial consequences. And we have an opportunity to at the very least mitigate that significantly. >> If not deflect it a little further. I asked let me say this last thing I you said 5 minutes a problem over and I apologize. But I asked rose for this. I asked a prior planners for this. I asked prior managers for this. We've had a revolving door of that for number of reasons. Political. That I won't get into. But now it's time for us to face them. Huge. It music is like musical chairs. And it's on us to figure it out. That's what we got. Put here for. It's hard. It's Sox we make people mad. I acknowledge that. But it's it's what we got to do. If not, we kick the can down the road and it's like driving when you're blind. Hope you don't hit a tree so recall and might you speak and we're closing this out. Go ahead, I just want to acknowledge that staff have clear that there's direction that we need a proposal brought back with a recommendation as to how we might. >> Handle some of these remaining allocations. I've talked with our planner. She believes that at latest, we can have something back to Council by August where that leaves you. That's latest with at least of course, is what the 2 that you have coming up on Thursday and that's really a decision for Council. Do you want to allow those to proceed based on this entire conversation. Or do you want to explore one of the 3 alternatives that attorney quick had reference, but minimally. I wanted to update you on the timeline. I mean, I think we can all agree on that. >> I would agree on that. But then the question is since since the quiet. Since the plan is coming back in August. It would be fair to differ that to cause additional not not the Cabrera issue. That is not. We're talking about. >> On quasi judicial work. We're asking to get out administrative relief. I think those people have been weighty. >> I think that we need to move on with him and we're talking to people that they Let's look at That's not fear the worst. But Thursday night is when they're giddy. They're supposed to be in Chris's already had can kick down the road. look, let's let's talk about why. And this you know, we're having a business meeting and these issues are important. We do not talk outside of these business meetings and it's important. >> We are at fault for not insisting on a plan earlier. Our fault that and I'm except the blame for bringing those was a usual people here to get out administrative relief when we don't actually have a plan for giving them out. But we have another plan for 25 years and us citizen. That's a little bit. But you can't make people remove the goal post when they're coming Thursday night and we're going have show we can. Can we do need to plan. We understand that. But you can't just say. >> Cameron >> takes that and that certainly understand then that on Thursday the question is what what of 3 options that are in our code that everyone signed up for. If they don't take one of the options they can stay on the B pass list. I mean, let's let's be let's understand the issues. >> All right. So so we we hear we're doing with that being said, we're going to move on to village attorney village manager Communications. Rob. >> Our next item gills with the lpa appointments is going to discuss that basically what we're looking at is how do you solve the problem of the staggered terms as well. As the question of Council liaison appointments to resident committees. Somebody if you could take the floor. >> So we checked with the lpa members who are sitting as it was mentioned recently. That may is the time to point. >> So all of all of committee members were appointed in September. 23. >> So I checked with the ones who are still sitting all of them are interested in continuing. So therefore we didn't open up to any new applications because we had no vacancies. So heard of ordinance that we adopted last year. Also include staggering terms. So since we have the lpa up for discussion right now. seemed like a good time implement staggered terms for at least the lpa. So for that we I have a list that I added to the agenda item. The folks who are on LP right now when they were initially appointed and mean nomination as they received from Council to be on the board. there were 2 rounds. I'm there are a few folks that got 3 year at 3 votes. 3 nominations in the first round result to get a 5 way tie. So then that. What they ended up with is what you'll see. Also on the list. So it's up to council to decide how to stagger these terms. Everyone I've spoken to is interested in continuing. So we could. You know, you can discuss that tonight. And in June we could bring back a resolution memorializing decision. Other things we had also besides the staggered terms, which we would have to do for the remaining boards. But this would be a good way for us get into the process. So to start with one and then the 7 years is just me. 6 could come at a later date. Council liaison without noted in the Arden said we haven't done that yet. So Robin, I have been speaking about what would be the best way move forward with this and it's probably not even appropriate for Council liaison to say that every meeting, I mean, you could we see it more of a collaborative role where you would be working with the chair to find out, you know what their initiatives are and you can let them. And I were Council's initiatives are so it could be of our objective relationship if implement the council is on. Also y'all would have to decide which way you would like to do that. ordinance says that the mayor points. But I'm I'm sure you would probably prefer to have a discussion about it. So we have committees listed here and you can make that decision. And if you would come up with something. We can also memorialize that it was a resolution in June. And the defense has questions. I'm happy but have I talked to you earlier this week about. >> The nominations because this is misleading like I told you it change that, OK, well, I don't to get the F so because it does look when the. >> To me, the people who get should get the 2 years should be the people who got the most votes the first time around. That would seem like a fair way to do it. >> And then. But when you win for the second vote you out at the first votes, but the second, but the people, some of the people got 4. We're done after the first countries that make sense. >> does not mean I can >> there were 3 folks who did >> enough nominations in the first round. >> To move forward and those folks were Carol cover culberson. Lori lawn to both had 4 nominations and James Ryan with 5 nominations. The other Mister Foley, the scale is Mister and Mister him in all received 3 votes in the first round of nominations and then after the second round ended up what what I initially pack it first went out. So it was updated after your decision. Your conversation with me, Sharon K. so now it's got. >> The full counting you agree with me. >> Sure. I just want to add one thing real quick to get on the right. Katie and cadence of having days alternating terms. You need a minimum of 3 people who are offered the opportunity to extend their service by one year. So coach from 2 to 3 for those 3 individuals. I did note in the summer that was just provided by Clark mcgrath reflecting a corrections that it just so happens that 3 of them got enough votes on the first round. So that may be a logical path that the council is entertaining. This idea to go 3. But you can also choose for incidentally. 3 is the minimum number. >> Let me ask you question, Mister Cole, should If we take Sheryl lawry in James and give them the 2 year. Everybody else wants to stay. But have we opened it up to the general public in case other people want to apply. I mean, how does that work. Council But you have any suggestions. What vice mayor is talking about. Such a mess. I don't know what to do. The head miss croll just real The appointments that were made for the lpa were in September of last year. So really there are no open public positions. >> That are available right now. So the solution that was put on the table rather than advertising publicly because we had no openings was simply to extend a 3 or 4 members for additional year. So instead of 2. They actually had 3 years and then we would have that alternating system set up to where the other 4 on 2 years of their two-year terms would 2 years from the date of appointment. We would advertise for 4 new members at that point. And the other 3 that you would be this evening are not this evening but providing direction to staff to come back with a resolution for the June meeting. Those 3 would stick on one more year and then we we have the satisfied, the ordinance with respect to alternating terms. So the first chance for new blood coming on to that. committee would be after the two-year terms of the existing members expire. Okay. We all. morning. You have that. >> I believe so. If you could. There's your cold, you can you get with Marty. Then like you point, a vice mayor and there. And just to confirm that the 3 people who received enough votes on the first honor ones that we wish to. >> A great resolution extended by one year and the other 4 will remain with their original two-year terms and you'll get a resolution at the June meeting allows that to happen. >> We still making our appointments the council. >> You know, we've that's the next part of the same item. Here is the next thing is the liaison appointments that are at the mayor's discretion with whatever discussion you guys wish to have on that topic. >> Yeah. live the air. We voted on and we voted who But you they've already been a point. You know. >> I've taken people off we change the policy. Remember, Sharon brought up a new idea about how to handle the Palm that committees. And now they they apply and then we choose from the applications. So. That's what we're doing. much a sus system. I've used. worked. >> That's not that's not the question that we're discussing but the question we are now discussing is whether council members. >> We're going to be attached to any of these committees to make them more. Productive. Do we want That was part of Sharon's suggestion to review the committee's and we haven't followed through on that. So that's what we're talking about right now. >> I think it would make sense for the council members to express their interest in which one so that the mayor, when he's making the appointments under the ordinance can make a appointments accordingly to what you all are interested in. Is it here. Well, that's what the that's what ordinance But I think that makes I 10 well by zoom I attended the parks and rec committee the other day and someone made a good comment. >> Which was. And he's a new member to that committee is kind was what are we just a paper Tiger like what? What we've been doing here. We're not they have. >> They felt at least this particular gentleman. >> That well spoken. >> Suggested that they have no direction from the council and there and we're not utilizing them to their full extent. So just passing that on. >> What are we locally each give what committees we want to be attached to. And if overlay, Russell >> yeah. So that that discussion obviously would take place Thursday and the public meeting because that's when you all can can communicate with each other and then from there you want do it right now and get on with it to not revisit it. >> I mean, it doesn't matter to me what Committee on them. >> think it will come weeks since time factor tonight. Elizabeth, what are we going 8. 7.35 All right. So can we move on. You want to move on to the consent agenda. I think Henry Henry wants to pull 4, 5, 6, 7, >> okay. So 3 would be the only one that Your word. that's just the So of a re my little okay. With the consent agenda. consent, portion agenda. These items are routine nature and council members have review these items Vance and sought the advice of staff as they felt necessary. >> They'll be one vote on the consent items which today is your you are accurate is top 3. The other ones have been from the consent agenda. >> If anyone else, why would like to pull any other items from consent here. She should. States are now. >> Anybody else to go and there's nothing else All right. Because I'm Henry has got 4, 5, 6, and 7 o K. Okay. So let's open public comment, then, you know, for this, we have to a public comment Marni anybody signed up for Excuse I do have someone who has signed up for tab 6, but we can talk about that. We get there, OK. And there are no attendees alright. So with that being I hear a motion. >> Public comments motion move to approve tap 3. All right. Marty, we have a motion and second, we call the roll, please vice mayor sure Mahoney. Yes. Councilmember Mark Greg. Yes. >> Council member Elizabeth Cohen. Council member Henry Rosenthal. And Mayor buddy Pender. Yes, motion passes 5, 0, >> Okay. So we're on the tab for. >> time for is a resolution of the village Council of llorona village violence, Florida approving the final rankings are recommendations of the rfp, 24 dash o 8 evaluation Committee for selection of a contractor for the plantation. Tropical preserve project. Author as a village manager and village attorney to negotiate an agreement for the request of services. residents managed execute the agreement authorizing those managed to expend budget funds and approving an affected date program providing an effective date. >> Cases. And for Peter. >> Yes. So as John stated, this is a resolution which would approve the recommendation of the evaluation committee that met to review these proposals for this plantation tropical preserve zebo project. There are 2 proposals. The value it. A valuation committee did meet and we the committee is recommending CBT construction to be the contractor to. I construct this project for the village. So this resolution also allows this staff to begin negotiations with the contractor. So we're not I would not necessarily approving a cost right now. But if we move forward this, we will begin discussions with. Icbc on what we'd like to do in a cost proposal either. Can I the question how much we have grant money for this. We do not. It was. So this project originally was identified for the parks and Recreation impact fee. We've been discussing project for years this project has been approved by the council every step of the way. It went throughout an extremely thorough community outreach process more so than any other project I've been involved in. I came from the community, this project was actually school groups that started this that I requested some type of coverage structure at this part for how much they're utilizing it in being out in the sun and exposed. So parks and Recreation impact is always been identified as the funding source for this. Council. Any questions for Peter. Reports >> As far as water fountain goes the way revive work fountains and all our parks. >> Some of them. Yes, not all of them. Some of them. >> And this one was I thought $18,000. Is that right. I got a number here. >> So that cost incorporated not just the water found that was involved, the plumbing as well. >> I still. Process. We're sure. So. >> The estimates that the contractor provided, you know, the valuation committee staff are in a position too. We're in a position to discuss that, to question why something cost. What Trevor into a Cone of silence know after if this got approved, then You could question what these costs weren't Rice backing out. >> I know that because I got cools reference some parent Lee, those people that called me or not. And those seats right now. So that's the reason not question. I my question was. My own property were spending. A million 7, I think bow. >> And now we're 140 some $1000 less I can't imagine I just can't. I'm I'm not against your Don't misunderstand me. But I'm here to spend the money. proper way. And we're spending money for things that. How do we benefit by it. I was a public benefit by. I can answer those questions might get these phone calls to spend that kind of money. I really just a come budget. Time. Look for ways to cut funding. It's never happened. At the end. The budget. How much money we had to been from last year. question of what I mean. Well, I mean, I'll as 2 million dollars. No to 2 Million. with my to the general fund. We're going to spend it. And we're going ever again this coming year. Depending on them. The folks here. And I I I just look at these expenses use that just it just bothered me. I can't believe it's been this kind of One way piggyback what you want with the other project for a. Million 7. I don't know. you. Maybe complicates the matter. >> I just understood councilman. It's not what I want. Also just want to know And again, this is an impact fee. It's exactly what this fee is intended for. >> so these types this water found that Henry system ice like is that one of the ones in the parking. Put your battle up there and and filling up is it's yes, also the dog feeling ball. That's what came out of the community meetings we had. I mean, if that's something we wanted to remove from the scope. Absolutely. We could. And the spec sheet for that water found does did come out to $16,000 that that was just for the water found. That Just tell you with that that found inspect that has. But again, we certainly don't have to include that. So I appreciate your fiscal Henry. I think that that you certainly. >> Are a good steward of our finances. I would note that. Pete we have discussed this multiple kit, multiple occasions. It has come back. been in the works for a very, very long time. This is not the equivalent of the project that's happening green turtle him. doesn't. That is different different totally different animal and part of part of the service that we provide is is recreate the recreational space that that can be used by the community and the. >> I someone smarter than I am. Ken can probably talk speaks to the value that recreational space brings to the community just from speaking to is the same mindset. >> It's just. Goes through this counsel. And this city. I look at things that as if they remind personally truthfully. When I spend this kind of funny in this kind of money for whatever it is. >> I know I I can help carry on to my mind said. When I make decisions the people of this town. And that's that's was based So. right or wrong. That's just Nothing against fear for sure. This has lot of times I bring up stuff that I don't totally agree with, but I get the phone calls. So bringing up to satisfy phone calls from Cole. But the water to phone that you get to >> You're more can I That's my mindset. >> else have anything you want to ask I do. Peter, I stepped out. I think I miss something. If we were to approve this tonight. We're not approving the contract. For the contractor to perform this and do this. We're just approving the ranking. Is that correct understanding? >> Yes, and the ability to staff to begin the negotiations with the contractor. So correct. And then later we'll get a contract to approve. So this is not the end of the wire act. Yeah, we would bring The contract with the cross back. And so in that interim I would be interested if this is an appropriate suggestion. I notice that and I don't know if I got all right. But the gazebo itself, the show materials all costs associated with purchase and acquisition management of client. Specify keep busy bow. 41,000 to 50. I would imagine there's some labor on top of that and some other bells and whistles. I notice that the sides of this see beau is 22 by 18. Does that sound about right. Not that okay. Okay. Let's even better. So the yes. Thank you so the this by unscanned a square footage basis. That's pretty state. My my question to you would could we put in a Miccosukee Tiki hut. To function the same way and the reason I ask you that is because my neighbor put one in and I spoke with the contractor. Who does that. And he advised that they charge $25 a square foot. So a 400 foot zebo would cost just under $10,000. And that wasn't all installed price. And if it functions the same, it's not the same. I know that and it will require replacement at the thatch periodically. I think 7 years or something. But its aesthetic Lee very pleasing and fitting into the landscape. Many people like them in there native to our area. So is that something that the council would be interested in. What about scorpions getting in their mark. I haven't seen a scorpion in my house in 20 and in 10 years. They started spraying something to kill them all. So I don't know. I can't speak to scorpions wasps. But I guess they could get in anything. If you worry about scorpions and maybe we can treat it. I don't know. I'm throwing an idea out trying to save a few bucks in. If that works. Great. Otherwise. Nobody else got anything. >> We public comment on this one. I I so Martin, us Open public comment. >> I don't have anyone signed up for this particular item. And let me double check. No answers on zoom. I >> I'll be glad to add another there ever get 4 or 5 in there. >> use the same argument use with a one 0.7 million dollars zebo. >> The Seminoles do a wonderful job of of building something that fits into the landscape. They do it for a lot less money. Then. And 1.7 million dollars. I agree with Mister Greg. You would be more. Intrinsically pleasing to have a the Seminoles do it. And have something that fits in with the the environment. they're used all over the village. And I think we should pick up on the fact one of the reasons they're so popular is because they work. And we can save a whole lot of money by listen to what Mister Gregg said. We can save even more money if they listen to me and Sharon Mahoney about the 1.7 million dollars. There were fiction to spend on this incredibly ridiculous stupid. thing that we don't need. You know, that's that's where you cut money out of the budget. When you start using your brain. Thank Expand. >> Mister mayor I just remind the public and everyone that if you intend to speak on item. You need to turn in the comment cards before the item is called under our So just a reminder to the public. If you intend to speak on anyone that have been pulled more than from the consent agenda or otherwise, please make sure comment cards or into to the clerk prior to it being caught. >> Thank you, Mister Clinton reminding us Council. Any further discussion or do I hear a motion or do we want to what Mister Greg just talked about. Have Peter look into. Because Suu Kyi year. Seminole GPA. >> Yeah, I'm going die. You I move to approve with. Pete's recommendation for how to move forward on. busy vow. >> I do. I hear second. >> You mean taking or did you need because gazebo slash potential Tiki including the concept of the year. He can look at that >> But, yeah. you second. I'll second. >> Okay. So we have a motion and second call the roll, please. >> Remember those. But Jo Lynn. Councilmember, Mark. Correct. Yes, council member Henry Rosenthal. Mayor Sherman honey. And Mayor buddy Pender. Yes, motion passes 5, 0. Okay. So Council >> we move from now what I know we've got to do 5, 6, 7, But can we move the. >> Baseball field up because I know coach rich are still here and go ahead and bring this up tab acts. Are you guys OK with that. If I asked permission with Mister quick. He said yes, we could because these were polled. So can we do OK. All right. So that's moved to >> Texas, a resolution a village Council by llamada village violence. Florida, approving an inner local agreement with the school board of Monroe County, Florida regarding the provision of enhance recreation facilities and opportunities. But in the village authorizing village manager execute the inner local agreement providing for implementation corrections and an effective date. you see him trying to find that on here. But with tab is that Marnie. We meet at white have. That's OK, I got it. I got it. OK, Rob. >> Yes, I just wanted clarify per the council and members of the public that this inter local agreement does not authorize the renovation of the baseball field. It's intended to its reestablish. The arrangement that has been longstanding with respect to the baseball routine use of that field and complex and provide mechanisms for us to set the annual use plan for the field as well as deal with any, you know, construction related things that may occur on a baseball field over the course of years of routine use. Importantly, the renovation itself. And Mister left spoke to Council the public earlier. It's going to be the subject of a baseball license agreement which comes later and that document will memorialize the outcome of the public process whereby they discuss the concept for renovation and an associated operating plan. So persons that are really interested things like Astro turf work or the speaker b**** or whatever the case may be protecting the trees. All of that is germane to the baseball license. But again, there's a public process leading up to that. Right now. We're just looking to gain authorization for historic used to that property renovation plan attached to that. >> that being said, we want to open public Are you have speakers. >> We have Gillis. Followed by Tony Hammond, Richard Russell. Thank you. >> All right. Who would like to okay. silent Miranda excuse >> so I would urge you to approve the we did this years ago. I only think I was on Council. Then when we did it the first time. But. >> We did it because the kids need a place to play baseball. If you move the baseball field up to the high school year, you're going to lose to other sports it doesn't make any sense at all. We have we have kids that are in that baseball program that are getting scholarships. This college because how good they are. We have a good program here. We have been known for. Assisting our kids. Think about what we do with the Rotary and everything. This is this is part of that. Now the other half of the agreement we can talk about how much they should improve. But we need to allow the high school to use this piece of property for this baseball field. Who's next morning, a county. >> Tony. 2, 4, 6, dentistry plantation key. I can tell you firsthand obviously just finishing up the season that we don't have an option. I've looked and walk the grounds, of course there's there's no place but a ball field in if if we don't have a ball field here. We don't have baseball. It's a simple we signed to college kids this year. They signed commitment letters. The kids are having so much fun after we lost our district game on Friday. They did a pickup game on their coaches. Just the entire team got together and played another game Friday afternoon. Just just because are enjoying baseball so much. We haven't seen that in a while and I just want to encourage you because it is an outlet is absolutely necessary for cycle is a great group of kids. You know, when you look around at that kids in our communities. These are kids that we can be proud of. keeping involved in sports is absolutely critical. The mentorship that takes place the opportunities we have is just phenomenal with them. So I just encourage you. Police continue this agreement. I don't see that there really is an option. If you want to see baseball moving forward. This is is the option we have. Let me just kill real quick. So one recently said what they want to lock the field. That is absolutely false. I suggested that during the gigantic nautical market that we put locks on the big Gates so that people couldn't pull or trailers in and turn their boat around and tear the outfield up. That's where that locking the field came from one day one time. That is pure. So take that off the table. That's not the case. Our goal is to have the field and wanted to be used in a proper way as much as you possibly can. The other. Thank you. Consider is we take the responsibility for the feel off of the villages hands for 5 months of the year. It's a 7, 5, split. We maintain it. We pay the bills. We do all that. We we used to the group from girls or to come down to get the feels ready and maintaining put the weed killer down to all the things that they have to do. So it's definitely a good deal for the village. So thanks. Thanks, Tony. Who's next Monday. But Russell. >> Another I know you will find this shocking, but I want to appeal to you as well to support the local agreement. And if if you're just supposed this with the initial one from 2000. You'll find that the language is largely repurpose go to the to the point made. This is a preliminary step or 2 preseason anything relative to renovations and so forth. I know there's some controversy about That's not this. And as Tony alluded to. I can tell you when we we moved of baseball. Feel, but our baseball program down here. As athletic director and head baseball coach was a highly motivated individual trying to find a way to keep it there. And the bottom line was to have If we're going to have a track. We're at a tennis program. Something had to give. And proposal made and the joint agreement with the village for the school board was that we would relocate here and where. Yeah, so I would ask for that It's really it can the inner local agreement that. The school board as a landlord has with the village relative to fire station. 20 of the monument. The library a part control partial. So what 19 dash 10 dash 93 and that too was renewed without with that kind of couple of complications. I think it's renewed through 2050 or so something relevant to that. certainly appreciate that consideration. I think the thank you, rich. >> The van is an ax. That's correct. Is that the last know we have a collar on zoom as well. >> Then came Alamo. Put me in coach. I don't smoke. I I was one of the ones that fought for this baseball field here when they're building a new call shores. And I've been very happy that the the Hurricanes get to play here. I think it's been a wonderful thing in and Tony and Richard both got my full support on on continuing us until we get to in a. Contract form with the with the school board about continuing on the refurbishment thereof. But I want to bring this up because I heard a lot one of the reasons that they want to put Astro turf in. They wanted to do all up. Grade. He's because it feels and such lousy shape. Well, Tony says that they're going to be in charge of the field for 5 months and we're going to be in charge of feel for 7 months. Now somehow long and those 20 years since that agreement was made. Somebody flub the dub. Somebody did not keep up. They're into the maintenance. I want to make sure that that field is not dangerous, that there's no roxon Depressions and probably. I want to make sure it's of quality field for. Everybody to play on not just cool shores but the community softball teams and the Lady softball and everybody else that uses that field. In the 7 months that it belongs to the the the public. So so please, when you when sign this agreement, this local agreement a continuation thereof. I hope that the maintenance of the field is is a a. Delineated. Clearly. And and that the the final outcome is that the field is in pristine shape 12 months of the year. I don't care. Who does it. But somebody didn't do it in the last 20 years, which is why we've gotten to this. point where people come up. So it's just in such terrible shape. Well, it's in terrible shape because nobody paid attention. So I want to pay attention. Thank you. Thank you, Dan. >> You know, we have another coaching room back there in the corner that works first I've seen AJ out there on the football field. Many times during football season. Rally and those guys so AJ just thanks for you know what you do for made me think has looking back which you do during football season to help. You know, the coaches, the coral shores. who's next morning. >> We have a collar on zoom at the last for numbers of 0, 5, 4, 1, Go ahead. You've got 3 minutes to speak. >> Hi, this is Alina Davis plantation key. I have some questions about the document it cell. On number 3, we talk about opportunities to the citizens of and visitors to the village and 2 public school students of Monroe County. Let's remember founders Park belongs to the residents of the village and the taxpayers of the village by The public school students of the county is again mentioned on number 4. On number 5 duration of the agreement. 20 years. What D a the agreement on the design cannot be reached. It's certainly a possibility. I don't think it's going to happen. But it's a possibility. I'm just being Devil's advocate here to make sure that we at the village protect ourselves. The school board has tons of money and lots of plans. But in the end. We. The village own founders Park. Numbers 8. The village and school board delegate authority to the village manager or designee. School board has been discussing this plan with the village. Yeah. 2 years we found out. And village Council and the citizens of Island Marotta new. Not thing about it. How did that happen? How did that happen? Number 11, the agency license. The village and school board will need to enter into separate baseball license agreement for the use of the recreational facility before signing any agreement shouldn't all the information required be known. You don't sign a contract with the contractor to build your how to 4 a million dollars and then tell him that it's going to be 7 1000 square feet and Theresa story right. So we need to have these details fleshed out. Again. Number 12 talks about executed by the village manager. The village Council needs to be that. And to so that we the public have input. Number 13 building and building services billings for maintenance related costs shall be sent to the village by the school board. Do we have any idea how much that will be. Number 14 tangible title to tangible property upon termination of agreement. The village shall pay the school board an amount equal to the adjusted value of the recreational facility. Who decides on that value. >> you know, can we wrap it up, please. Yes, Sir. Acceptance of get. >> They are empowered to except for the benefit either or both of them gifts grants assistance sponsored class. The devil is in the details. I believe that Needs to be adjusted. Favor. The village a bit right now. I see it favoring the school board a bit more and it needs to be fair. Thank you. >> Thank you. Marni other public comment. A public comment is now close counsel any further discussion or do I hear a motion. >> I have a number of questions for John. Okay. Go ahead. >> I know we have tracked we played phone tag and I we just weren't able to connect >> you >> this this original if I'm not mistaken and maybe you can. Tell me whether I'm remembering this correctly, the original contract look similar to this. But it also had list of what was of the improvements that we're going to be made. I think that do you recall saying that there was there was a list of like, you know, just 10 different things and so I think that was actually part of the original sort >> blow up around how we were going to move forward with this whole conversation. >> And so when I read this contract. I think I think that there's some confusion of about. I'm about about what it's actually doing right. Because we took off that list of things because apparently we're going to talk about those later. We're going to decide later. What this. Improvement is going to be so, you know, the so I could just run through a couple quick questions. The purpose number 3, the purpose of the great of the is. Relative to the provision of enhance recreational facilities. So so it strikes me that this really is discussing the of the property as opposed to simply the use. I wonder if we could get some clarity on that. Are we talking about. Is this. And those are 2 different things so that what I thought this was for is for the use of the space right. This to me say this term enhance the provision of enhanced recreation facilities is suggesting. The build right. The enhancement that improvements. So. I'm not sure how we want to through this. But I would hope we could clarify that. >> Mansour earn our way to actually well have 8 points with that. >> It seems destined to go one at a time. Honored him or whatever, whatever is easiest. You know, when those track and that's why so whats the question with regard to enhanced. >> Because as we move through my other >> maybe maybe will become clear mean that this is a use agreement. If I'm not mistaken is not an agreement for anyone to build because as we get down in here, there are references to acquisition, but no specifications acquisition of materials, but no specification of who's going to build once the stuff is acquired. So. >> That the entire the entire contract. Implies that we're acquiring materials to build. But then there are holes about. How. >> I think without doubt talks about the school district acquiring materials to build and it talks about how that that's going to be done at their cost. No cost to the village. That will be done through a separate agreement that the school district has with whomever they acquired from. But the acquisition of materials is not a cost that's formed by the village. That's spelled out, I think in. 7 where it talks about acquisition of materials equipment such Sarah shell be the responsibility of and paid for by the school board. So we talked about that specifically. That is something that is borne by the school board, not borne by the by the village. Okay. So so. >> Let's just come back to that. Herman Hansen. Number 7, it references acquisition of materials. But it doesn't specify. I'm going to building and I would think that we would want to clarify that because the smaller school board is buying over. Enhancements. Who's going to be responsible for building and. >> He said they're going to have a design team and then they're going to pick in ob. He'll be working with Rob Cole and John on this whole thing as far as a license. And it says the recreational facility located at the baseball field and the acquisition of materials equipment pictures, metering devices and related item shall be the responsibility of and paid for by the school board that the acquisition of the materials. But and the recreational facility at founders Park. That's the beginning part of that sentence. A recreational facility. Located in the baseball field and the acquisition of materials etc shell be the responsibility of and paid for by the school board. >> So there is no recreational facility located at the baseball field site shown That's what we're going to There's one currently there and then if they. >> Look to construct a new one that, yeah, that will be part of the baseball field licensing room. But there is currently a baseball field. There. >> So so is it would be helpful clarify the difference because it as we continue through the contract, you're using the term recreational facility and also recreational area. So what I and and for the for the ease of everyone reading this because I think a lot of eyes will be on it. Are you suggesting that? The recreational area and recreational facility are interchangeable terms know the recreational facility is the actual structure. Eli term is used. >> There are dugouts There are fences. There is a backstop. There is a a a there are bases their base paths. I mean, that is the recreational facility, the recreational facility does not take up the entire footprint of the area, though. So there is an area with a recreational facility inside. There's there's currently recreational facility there. We all know that the school district would like to build a new recreational facility. There and ultimately that is something that would have to come back before the the village and the district to to approve anything a license agreement. >> So so everyone is clear that the recreational facility that you're referring to in this in this contract is what's there right now. We're not talking about a new one. >> Any new one would have to be dealt with the licensing agreement. The baseball license agreement. >> Okay. >> let's and then you're referring to in 11, the license agreement. But then we're going use agreement out, just wonder if it would be helpful to move this forward to define these terms for people who are reading this contract and for anyone who's who's bound by the contract because you can get 2 things that they are defined used agreement is defined up in paragraph. 8. >> Recreational use agreement that and the reason why that's delegated to the manager. That is the schedule. So you have a schedule that the that the baseball team gets. You >> they're going to be playing, you know, Key West there will be whomever that's the schedule of that comes out on on, you know. February 3rd, they play whoever and if there's a rain out, it has to be rescheduled. And so the reason why delegates a manager. So we do have to come before you all on a special meeting to deal with the rain out or if there's a playoffs and they they advance. You know, we don't have to come back before you all to to schedule the home games. with Biden when you're saying the on 11 the village and school board only to enter into a separate baseball license agreement of the proposed renovation. Okay. And operation. >> Of the recreational facility. The operation is something different than use. >> I mean, so I mean, that language is included in your requests. The proposed renovation operation. But yes. So if there's a. Yes when you have a new facility, we will have to deal with because there may be new components to that. So that would require the operation. I don't. There's been talk I you know, I want to put words out there in the public. But if there's if there's new components to the facility. They're not. That would have to be dealt with in the in the baseball licensing agreement that they will be on who operate those. New components that that could could exist. There may be There may be some. But, you know, we need to so. There's no need to clarify the difference between the operation and the use recreational facility. People anybody normally just reading it would understand the difference between operation and use of the facility. >> And just just trying to get because it's unclear to me and you know. >> Well, I think that the definitions will be defined in the agreements themselves. So they are each one is a separate agreement. There's a separate usag remit that I'm the manager a manager or designee will approve annually and that will specify exactly the schedule that goes into that. And then the licensing agreement will be defined by the terms of the licensing agreement. >> schedule. Okay. So lets them number help me the last part of that paragraph. I you know, I'm to religious school would agree that has to the recreational facility site and in consultation with the principal, the parties will develop a mutually acceptable use agreement. Providing for the facility schedule. Executed by the village manager and superintendent. So presumably that that saying that we can use whatever that the citizens can use that building in. In the use agreement. Is that clear agreement will designate when business use whatever structures built. Okay. >> question. So under billion services maintenance related costs will become clear once. >> We understand what's going to be built there. >> Yeah. Do that will depend upon, you know who who's using so when the school district using it. I mean that that will be borne by them when we're using it will be borne by but it since we don't have the schedule right now. We don't know the exactly the pro >> occasion. So the. >> So the baseball agreement that your work. We don't have in front of us is going to describe what kuz maintaining that the route for structural repair or of the building does are going to see that in the baseball. A green license agreement. As opposed to paying for, you know, water and lights. It doesn't. I'm I didn't see that. You know, if there's. You know, he's cleaning bathrooms whose. That's not been this agreement. You know, that's not in this agreement. This is more like an umbrella agreement. >> But we'll see that. And this baseball license agreement which is not in front of us. I believe so, yes. I think it's good idea. >> So. >> Okay. That's great. >> Thank you. anything any questions. Hear a motion. I know this The beginning. Some things. It's going to take a long time. I could happen. for sure. And there will be many, many questions. So some. And some very important. The first thing I say is initial agreement of 20 years. 2.10, your options written 40 years. And the only way they get where we get on. The 2 year. ration of. Getting another contract. Accounts. Carries scares me a little bit. We're talking 40 years. And rest of all your questions to me here. Held by the wayside. We're talking about 40 years. If your questions. That's a long time. >> I I would say think of this as a two-year with the two-year termination clause because you could sign Today, but not to mid-state side of state. You turn around and terminated the next day. But obviously with the two-year provision have to give 2 years. Yeah, yeah. And in part of that is, you know, part of that is for the village to so that we can you know, if it's going to be terminated that we can absorb the cost. We can absorb everything and then part of it obviously for the district so that they can both ways. Yeah. This nationally. >> We're talking about for years. >> Yeah, nobody terminates and it it would automatically renewing continue on for 40, right. That's a long time. I'm Carol. Get hurt. That's a long time. >> And already been over 20 years. I think news, John. It's already. Yeah. 5 years. >> But a conditions of the city and and. I don't know. >> You've been there long I've been here long enough. lot of conditions and the people look at things have changed over 20 years. We've been here excess of 50 years. For years. A long time. that's all I'm saying. We not not want to have baseball in in my and say. >> this situation. don't know, maybe 10 years with the couple 10 your options or something like that. I don't know. 4 years is a long contract for anything. That's my feeling. Moderation or Just repurpose. >> He's 20 years. I've got a copy over here and also the baseball agreement. And it's it's it's, as I mentioned before, it is consistent with what local green is down the station 20. >> And the the, you know, public park. And so we're. >> There's a was like every other contract you are you guys want to get out of was 2 years to get out. So shout. 40 Israeli 2 years as as Mister quick stated. And for frankly before we simply don't have plan B. There may may be a time where it becomes convenient both entities get together and say, hey, or we found a partial over here that we can work with actually. Sure. And I talked about that. That's entirely possible. You know, but it isn't like isn't to that. And we had to have a continuance over baseball program. We get Theater systems all throughout this community start with 5 year-olds. And if there's nothing to play for when you get a high score ago. I don't have to go into that. I think we are all can agree. But 2 point that there is there is great cause. It's 2 years too, from notes. According to this, it was a it was honestly. It's repurpose. What was there. We are really in the 3rd year that first extension. But inexplicably nobody has a signed contract of school board and nobody from the ruins has won. And yet we all have pictures. A lot of us were there. lot of us were there for the groundbreaking. So we know that both entities agreed to this contract. I think we can safely assume that everybody was on board one when they broke ground because it was both both the village representative and the school board representative. So they agreed to >> Mary was saying I want to say as long as the community will have the ability to discuss the look at everything as long as we can continue to talk make changes as they come up and that this is not this is just the first step. And there's a lot long way to go here. And as long as the school board realize is that the people in this town have are just as important as children who are playing baseball. That's all I'm looking for. So I moved to approve this as being the first step. And as long as we can keep the communication going and input from everybody. I think we need to move forward with still very much of our and to your point. >> This is the inner local agreement that we're talking about. This was a pre-existing one. This is the baseball ices agreement. So it's much more comprehensive much more detail about that. Why do we have sorry. This is. >> This is one from 2000, I'm talking with the overnight and the muddy the water. But we've got a motion on the floor. Mister we have tents to go here. Second. >> Thanks, Thank you. All right. So we have morning. We have a motion and second, you call the roll. Please. >> Vice mayor sure Mahoney. Yes, MR. Craig. S remember Elizabeth jolon. councilmember Ken Rosenthal and Mayor buddy penned. Yes, motion passes 5, 0, So John, could you just send us that baseball license agreement. >> Yeah. I mean, it's not it's not done. I mean, we're still drafting its what you mean. What Mister Russell was referring to was the one from. 2000, one or whatever it will be, it will come back before you all. You will see it all. And we went when is that going around. >> I just want to add that the baseball license agreement, it would be a little bit premature speculate because it also is going to be the product of a public engagement process that informs we do rooms and conditions of it. So if we look at it with, you know, if I would not reflect the public process that needs to take place before we get there. That's I think it's just a little bit stage. Not right. put it that way. Yeah. >> Okay. So let's move on to tab. 5, which events. >> 5 is a resolution of those Council violent out of those rounds. Florida approving the final rankings are recommendations. The rfp 24 deaths here for evaluation Committee for selection of a contractor for the surveillance camera system project authorizing village manager military negotiate an agreement for the request of services authorizing managed execute the agreement approving a budget amendment authorizing village manager expend budget funds and providing an effective date. >> Good evening, Council. Mayor, this project started with replacing current video system in our lobbies in the parking lot of do it all. I got request from the park. The marina. And public works to get that corner over there. And no matter what happens with public works. Those cameras will move or they might stay on the pool. So I just want to make that clear, too. There's some issues that have been happening in the park here and there last night. Some kuz knocking the point jumped in the somebody there was also a theft, I think down at the marina. Okay. You know, there's been things going on here. We have a license plate reader now at the front gate so we can see who's coming in, at least, but we need video surveillance to okay. village halls been lacking for the past almost year, year and a half think work, but not really. So that's what. Got us to where we're at today. If you have any now. So many questions for events. >> If not, can we open public comment. We have any public comment Marni. >> I let me double check on zoom. I don't believe so. So Make a motion. >> The steps proposal only he pulled it commute. I thought maybe might have a reason why uphold it. No. >> it from causing just Okay. So I didn't know if you had something specific public comment that I hear. Okay. Correct. Okay. Alright. So Henri made a motion. Do I hear a second. We've got a motion and second minute call the roll. Please. >> Remember 100 Rosenthal. Yes, a member of our Craig. Yes, council member Elizabeth jolon. >> Vice mayor share Mahoney. Yes, and their buddy Pender. Yes, thank you. Council 5. You're welcome. So Martin take a break now. Okay. Can we take a guys for. 5 to 7 minutes. I >> order. I've been told is even longer 7 minutes to get up here and get going. ♪ >> I have something to Okay. Go ahead. Vice during the break. I had several tax from some. Wonderful people in this community who greatly care. So I took the time to talk to our manager, Rob in our lawyer, John. they are going to make the changes that were suggested about the council having more say however, should I word that you guys jump in there. I mean, I want if you want to do that, it would be a motion to reconsider. >> With specific spent. So what what you're looking for a night that I can go through. I went through the agreement to identify where it would be and what it would be. Is that baseball field? I'm sorry. This is tab Is that in the locations where it talks about the manager or designee in certain it you you you all you may want that to be Council and not the manager. Or designee. So I went through the agreement there are 3 paragraphs that talk about the manager or designee, the first one is paragraph 8 and that is the use agreement that's the we talked about, which is the schedule. For. >> You know, when the high school uses the field. If there's any modifications I said for rain out playoffs. That is that's one area where it talks about the manager or designee so that that would not come back before Council. The other is section 12, which is access to the recreational areas. And that also is is tied to the use agreement. So the same thing, it's talk about the manager does need use agreement. The only other place that it talks about. I'm the manager or designee is actually for notices. If there's notices that are have to be sent for purposes of you know, any communication or invoices whatever it might need to be that get sent it to talk about the manager. Everything else comes back to the council. So anything if it's going modify the field. If there's going to be, you know, construction issues, all of that has drafted is going to have to come back before the council. So the the so there's really only 2 items that that go that go to the manager. So. Unos will be what you would be talking about if you want those to go to the council or not, although at least for notices. I recommend that you specify specific person. Okay. Megan, I understand. I just want to make sure that the people know that this is their part just as much as it is going to be for coral shores and that. >> I want to take all other considerations into what we do. And so I would like to and it's not stepping on your toes. You. just so we feel like we function as a group. So thank you. All right. Okay. Vice mayor, you finish, because I >> OK, so we're going to move on to tab 6. >> 10, 6 is a resolution. The village Council violent a village about Florida approving the ranking of the rfp 24 dash 0, 6 evaluation Committee for design and installation of an inclusive playground for founders Park Beach authorize a village manager ability turning treatment and providing an affected date. All right. Maria. >> Hello, mayor vice mayor and Council. >> This item is here you It item that we. >> This year. And it was seemed to be a pretty important not only for the council here but for our residents. We have big request to upgrade. Our facility that we have right now and that's our playground. the staff decided to move forward with this item since it was a budgeted item and that's it is in front of you tonight. So we. Went out for an rfp. To contractors received 5 different contractors put in bids. At that point in time there was evaluation committee. The evaluation committee reviewed all those are of peas and we rank them. Clay Moore was the highest ranked. This provided 3 different proposals. All of those those companies provided different designs. We'd love their designs. All 3 designs had concepts a mall. They are related around the ocean nature I was just really kind of. Imagination that we would want for founders Park. So that's why we rank them the highest. We also have a relationship with this company put in the inclusive playground and library Park. So and they also installed the playground that we have now. So we do have a really good working relationship with them. So basically what this? Agenda item isn't funny. You now is just approving the ranking of the company's OK, the design plan is not set yet. We will have to bring that back to you with actual design we have on the thought behind that is also including residents. 2 for input from the parks and Recreation advisory or getting from them on the actual design. There are some items that are related to this. We putin application for TDC funding. So there is application that With TDC right in June. They will be looking at that application and hopefully we will be awarded that. Okay. We have a very good. Yeah. Reputation, also a very good track record of obtaining TDC funding for projects like this so that is a positive and like I said, I think we'll know more in June and I know there's also things on the table to when it comes to founders Park. The master overall master plan and all that. So there's a lot of things in the works. But. We feel that we can move forward with this because again, this only the ranking to us that we can negotiate with this company. Talk to them about our plans and what we would like to do in the future. Otherwise we cannot move forward with anything and we'll have to go out to so that is some that we could do is just hold off and wait. because that's up to you cancel to decide that. hopefully explained everything pretty good. Well, and if you have any questions, I just want to jump in here and say that when I very first got on Council. >> Some of my friends came into town and I don't know if they thought I'd be like standing in the middle of the field or whatever. But they came here looking for me and their daughter has a is handicapped and one of the first things I asked for when the gun Council's wise in our playground 88 compliant. So I am thrilled that you took the initiative. You guys went out and did it. And I know we're talking about a master plan for the park, but I don't see where the playground could go anywhere. It's such a great location for children. It's near the beach. It's near the nature. So I want to give you your kudos for taking the ball and running with it because I didn't know if anybody hurt me when I said that. So thank you. Thank you heaven. I'm Maria. I tend to support your this motion tonight. But I just wanted to ask a question. >> That you are where we have rfp out for. And I don't know what we call it overhaul of the entire founders Park design can do you foresee. I mean, we're going to go forward with this tonight to keep it rolling. Do you foresee the actual design and construction of this planning element. Dovetailing with what we're going to be doing. You know, if we have enough time for the vote. Our the overall Park plan to include what you're doing or not. That is the plan. So your next meeting in June. >> We will be bringing to the counsel, the ranking of the proposals that came in for the master plan. So we had. I think it was for for companies that putting proposals for the master So we rank them and we'll be coming back to you with that in June. So once you know, Council decides on what company that you'd like to go forward, which then obviously that the manager too start negotiations with with that company. It sounds like they're kind of going almost parallel yeah, that's the plan in questions. Thank could. Could I just going do you want to say something. >> I was just going to highlight Maria and I were chatting and she had a wonderful idea and that the timing for these will in terms of negotiating contracts with both the master plan company and the playground company come together to the extent where we can rely on at least in part the master plan from and their professionalism to help make sure that what we're doing on the park playground equipment dubbed helps with their process even if they have to kind of reach Eckert exactly what they're going to do first. But they will dovetail and Maria was indicating to me that that was the plan and so can I just understand very clearly in a in a different language >> that we're proving this. >> But the design will be. >> stalled until. We understand through the park renovation where it's going to go. It is that is that are we clear on that. >> I think what we're trying to do is to one get permission from Council to begin negotiating with this vendor when we have that authority, then will reach out to that vendor and let them know, look, we have a master plan that's also going to be pressing through contract award and tried to see if we can blend those 2 schedules together such that. If there is any perspective change in location which many people have weighed in on saying they don't really think that's going to happen. But you have a professional master planner that would have the depth and breadth of experience to give us their professional perspective on that question, too, potentially early on in that process. So are plan would negotiate with both. Let playground equipment company know that we have coming on the heels of their contract award or thereabouts. The master plan company coming on. And as soon as we get authority to begin negotiating with the master plan. Entity. We will have a very early conversation with them and get their professional temperature about how and when we can move forward with the inclusive playground. If they say don't touch it, that will have a conversation about don't touch it and we'll try to negotiate with the playground company saying, OK, can you guys hang on long enough based on what we're hearing from the master plan to to make that fit in a in a coherent way. So it's a it's conversation we don't know the answer to yet, but we are committed to at least trying to merge those 2 together. if if the cards come down that we have to, you know, stall and then, you know, what, we'll have that conversation. If on the other hand and we're more optimistic on this hand. Those 2 things can move forward at a. An expedited basis for that. The playground we'd like to try and do that. But that's not to say we will. >> That was an interesting the long answer for when hoping was a yes. We're going to wait as someone who has I bet. 7 more years of my entire life at that playground then and any of you have. feel I feel very passionate about this particular space. I'm thrilled that we're moving forward on the ABA component. I'm intimately familiar with that entire what I was you. I will set us where that playground. And and I think that they're in case you're not hearing from. The stakeholders who use that that I think there is actually. A very strong reason to think about. Moving that from where it is into the corner, possibly so that you could actually have a game of you. I mean, anyone going on. So I appreciate that. We're that the whole. bunch of women with children would be happy to see those 2 conversations happen in a robust manner with like a very close scrutiny I. Could go on. But I think you get the point. So thank you thinking about the rfp and then the park moving forward together. So summary and only thing I have, I take my 2 and a half year old grandson. There. >> And I take my 6 and a half year old to the park in Key West. The only thing that I think we really need to think about is that I've seen some other mothers that are there with their kids. Is that sometimes the way the sun is in Key West. It's a problem. So there needs to be a sale that keeps because when it gets hot in these kids got shorts on it will burn. It can I mean, I don't I can even hold my hand on it. One day. So I just would like to make sure that that's in consideration page is a component yeah. Oh, yeah. The slides, especially that there's there. There. She aided The sun doesn't barrel on it. We can put solar panels over. I'm joking. But hey, you never You >> But anyways. I think it's great. There are a lot of people that it used that and use the one near public Beach all around parking. >> Yeah. And the TDC when we if we see the funding for that. We cannot start the project October anyway. So you still looking at standing that time. So there is I think think we're going to have time to be able to do everything. That's the Murray. >> I'm glad to hear there's a plan. About to happen. Did you have the opportunity to check with county. Because be put equipment that library. We are presently putting I quit my and Harry Harrisburg. >> Well, the library Park is our part really have AJ charging that probably put that who We want to on I know that put the libraries or County situation really with. That's OK, so yes. beautiful and they a great job sound used 40 quitman the carriers part. He's pretty or not. And they also put in new equipment at key Largo community Park. And that's gorgeous as well. So just want mention a lot of ideas. When you visit other parks. >> All made on other questions for Murray. Are we finished. All right. Thank you, Maria. Thank you. Public comment Marni public comment. >> Yes. Give I just urge you to to pass it. And in get it in place as soon as possible. The TDC grant would be a factor in that it you can't use that money until October, maybe November. I forget. If you think about your overall Park plan. It's going to take a while because vote that overall plan will come back to you for approval. Think about that. I'm sorry I hate to put but there there is the possibility and I don't know why you couldn't that the equipment could be relocated if the new overall plan. Highly suggested that it be moved. >> Thank you any other public comment Marni. Okay. Public comment is now closed. Do I hear a motion to approve yes, motion hear second. Second. >> All right, Marty, we have a motion a second when you call the roll, please. >> a member of our Greg. Yes, councilmember Henry Rosenthal. councilmember Elizabeth Dole and Vice mayor sure Mahoney. Yes, and everybody penned yes, motion passes 5, 0, So we're moving on tab 7. >> 10, 7 is a resolution. A village Council accountability violence. Florida ratifying increasing not authorize purchases from of Che Nugent and Associates The end of fiscal year 2023 2024 authorizing manager expend budget funds providing for an effective date. >> AJ. >> Good evening. I'm yes, this is increase our. Budgeted funds for FJ Nugent from the 122,000. That is currently approved. We have approached out and are very close to it. And it's increasing another 50,272 1000 to make to make way for the rest of the fiscal year. The reason for the increase. We had a unforeseen last month. We had a couple force main breaks. And then which caused the couple of the ground homes to burnout and those parts and everything for the repairs of those. One of those we will be seeking funds for reimbursement. From the utility contractor that broke the line. So those funds will be re. Receive their recovered. The other incident and we had was duplex station the casing of the for the tank had cracked and had a lot of I and I coming in. So we will try to patch it and make repairs to a temporarily. But ultimately had to completely replace to put itself. >> You're putting up Ali came back and they're right. Correct. I I was in a fire ice. She said it was a fiberglass tank. Yeah. Council. Any questions for AJ. AJ, thank you. All right. I'm martie public comment for this. >> I don't believe so. Let me double so. >> Okay. Public comments now close. Then Council. As for the public comment. No public comment so close that so do I hear a motion from anybody on this. All Rights Act All right. motion a second. We call the roll, please. >> Remember, correct. Yes. Remember the Jonas council member Henry Rosenthal Vice mayor Sharon honey. Yes, and Mayor Eddie Pender. yes, motion passes 5, 0, >> So we're on to tab 8. Is that correct? Yes, we've is a resolution of the village Council violent out of violence. Florida amending the 2024 total amount of non-residential floor area and residential dwelling in its quarterly allocations and the distribution of allocations between categories of the building permit allocation system for 2024 in providing for an effective date. >> Thank you Council evening. Jennifer devoe and planning director. I'm here this for your amended. 2024 building permit allocation system quarterly distribution schedule. Section 30 dash 4.74 of the code of ordinances requires that you establish the total amount of non-residential Floria residential dwelling units that may be available for the next annual building permit allocation system allocations. The cases for that year and the distribution its allocation between the categories. You may recall in November of 2023 the council voted to establish the total amount of non-residential Floria and affordable residential drilling units made available for 2024 the village Council subsequently adopted the comprehensive plan amendment establishing additional non residential floor area additional market rate allocations and the criteria and allocations schedule for the 300 workforce early evacuation affordable housing units. Which require an amendment which required an amendment to the adopt. Did 2024 distribution schedule which is in front of you this evening. The attached resolution proposes the distribution schedule as follows. The amount of non-residential floor area available for allocation in 2024 is 20,261 square feet. Which is 13,091 square feet rolled over from 2023 plus an additional 7,170 square feet from the comprehensive plan amendment adopted in 2024. proposed schedule allows the square footage to roll over from quarter to quarter. There are 2 affordable housing allocations available for distribution in 2024 rolled over from 2023, the proposed distribution schedule allows those were to continue to roll over from quarter to quarter. There are 30 workforce, affordable overly evacuation House housing units allocations available from the comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed distribution schedule allows the allocations to roll over from quarter to quarter. And there are 10 market rate residential allocations available from the comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed distribution schedule allows for 5 allocations land that occasion and 2 allocations without indication available for Ward in quarter. 2 and their allocations available for quarter. 3 and allocations available for quarter. 4. At this time staff recommends adoption of resolution. >> Council. questions. The I just not sure if I heard this correctly. >> 4 the market rate on quarter one. We've already given out to is that is that when we have Mike market rate. We haven't given out any we didn't have any to give out market rate. So how and started just kid tonight. in section 5 quarter 2 of the 5 market rate for land dedication to without that's 7. But we have 10 that's correct and will give out. >> I believe it's to next year and won the following year. That was what the comp plan amendment outlined. >> inconsistent with this. It is consistent it is it is. >> We had indicated we give out 5 with land dedication and 2 without land education in 2024 to without limitation in 2025 one without indication 2026. >> Is that. How can we have 10 for this year. We don't have 10 for this year, but it's paragraph for section 4 say. >> I said there are 10 of total available from the comprehensive plan K. The proposed schedule allows for 5, 2 this year. Which is 7. The remainder residential applications for 24 is 10 market rate. >> And where you reading from what made section 4. Looking at the resolution. Okay. It says the remainder of residential allocations for 2024 is 10 market rate. Is that correct? No, I'm sorry. That's a typo. I was reading from something out first page with that. That's what I was waiting for. all started. >> So that's that's a 7. >> K. Now. The math works. >> 6 sheen should see some evidence that team. >> I want to say something else. Unlike the dynamite again. Consistent with my remarks that I made earlier tonight without the intention of becoming incendiary again. I think we would be better served we would do a better job for the public. If we were to postpone allocations from 2024 to 2025 in 2026. Adjust or. Correct section 4 from 7 to 0 section 5 to 0 for market rate. Let me give you a lighter. Know. going to make a motion to approve with those changes. >> We We see if there's a if there is reminder that we need to open this up for public comment. I've got about public comment. >> I have make that motion wait to do that until after public comment because I was going say fair lot because it was no lack of the second and there is a lack of a second. So. >> Motion dies. Okay. Public comment is now open. >> Okay. We several folks would like to speak hair. Deb Gillis. All right. gonna Martinez and Somebody told us >> DEP go asylum or out I answered one of my own so. >> Them in >> section on the market rate. The. Seth report. It says for 5 I would just urge you to at least pass the do the 5 for the people that have been waiting forever. >> If you want to have a discussion on a long-term of. Everything else. With the exception of one another. The area and slow that down so that you have what I call a master plan of how you want to distribute, though. That's one thing but not not those 5. Those 5 need to move ahead. We have put those people off over and over and over and over. So those need to move ahead. Everything else you can do. What you want with the exception of. Which is not in this administrative review. you have to, I believe on Thursday nights. It is not right to pull that out from underneath those 2. Now the remainder which I think leaves. 33 year. I don't I don't remember how many we got left. If you want to put out a notice that we're going to change the rules. That's fine, but not on the to the debt at the table. This is just not very fair. They've put in their money. They put in their time. I just believe that they need to. Make sure that those 2 move forward only because. They weren't given any other notice. We did this one other time with market rates. We came to the table that night and said oh, no, no, we're not putting out tonight might exactly fair. That's not right in the only other thing I can say along the same lines is that. It's in here in not in here, all the same time to make sure that we don't and dedication. Abilities still on a moratorium that we have actually. >> Taken that off the table. Because I think that was the intent was to take it off the table. But we put a moratorium on because we could do that. Quicker actually eliminating them. And maybe it's just done through acceptance. But it's tied to this. This allocation stuff. Thank you. >> Marni Hughes next, please. Good evening, everybody. Time. Harris won 10 plantation shores Boulevard. >> Have a near I represent a couple people that are impacted by this distribution schedule. The fur started the land dedication 5. Also some of the folks that are due affordable housing allocations. There are lots of of implications too. Not adopting the schedule tonight. The land dedication folks should be back in front of you in July to Cora closes to last a in June. So if you don't adopt this scheduled and that throws your entire 2nd quarter off. It also may impact, but he Collins who was here last month and 4 doubles are coming. Also out of the distribution schedule. So there are unintended consequences for not implementing your distribution schedule, which is essentially implementing a comprehensive plan that you've already we've already had these discussions and you've already agreed in. It's just part of the process in order to move forward with your first allocation in. July. So with that, I know there are other people that want to speak to this. And I thank you for your time. >> Thanks to these next Marni. >> Donna Cabrera. Donna Cumberland dedication. I just wanted to sincerely thank council members and staff for what I feel like was just a you Mark. I know we're not supposed to take it personal, but it feels like it. We've been going through this. It's so emotional. My heart is beating now. Always I wind up crying up here. We've been through multiple. Mayors staff. And I feel like we're finally tonight we were ready to celebrate be at the finish line. And I just want to sincerely thank you for. Doing the right thing. For us. >> Thank you, Donna. Who's next? >> Louise Martin S. >> Give good evening, everybody. My name is Luis Martinez. 400 palm drive rada me and my family are ones of the land that occasion. I think it's very important that you guys. Get through with this and we don't keep getting pushed back because me myself. I gave up a property that was in be passed to be able to build with my father so I can live here with my kids. So this is very rough and me giving up a property that was already in the past has learned that occasion. And every time that I think we're almost there. We get dumped we get pushed back. So I would really urge that we get. Forward with this place. Thank you guys. >> who's next. Marni. Again for the record on Horton them. 47 schooner Bay Road. You know, since 1992, we filed the role of the rules and since incorporation. We follow the rules. Folks have been sitting in pens and needles hoping a bubble themselves up to the top feel like they're about to get the shaft. That shift is coming from one person, mostly. And those who have been promised the permits like to Cabrera the other folks in spoke and those that haven't actually buddy Collins who's been promised a permit. Promised reservations promised to be able to affordable housing uses community need. So I'm just asking you please stop governing by crisis maintain consistency and adopt the distributions. Kate, thank you. Thank you, Don. Who's next, Marni. >> I'm on zoom. We Mister hawkers back. Go ahead. Mister Hoecker got 3 minutes. >> OK. Just checking can hear you. Can you hear me OK. >> Yes. Fantastic. So I had a totally discussion prepared earlier. It much in line Donna's. Thank you very much for doing the right thing. >> Now, I just want to talk to the about the previous conversation that we had about changing now that we're you know, kind of at the finish line moving the so warning too. What would be just the most expensive lot is. Not only preposterous, it's just downright offensive but toward the most expensive lot. So we save a buck or 2 here and there maybe is just ridiculous, especially when we voted unanimously to go ahead and do what is on the proposal right now. Second thought. Assigning value to lot. Keep in mind that everyone we're talking about here with the land dedication. Putin to lot not just one. So double the value. If you're thinking you're only going to get sued for one. You're going to get sued for too because now the other lot utterly useless to. It's going to happen either way. You've got know how many 70 people on the list. 70 people are going to the village for loss of use. And you're trying to save. I don't know what it might be a few $100,000 mean you're talking about a 50 million dollar lawsuit. I would imagine. last common here. We've had 3 or 4 years. Talk about and think about and consider exactly what Mark brought up earlier. It's just it's the first time thinking about it. That's a little bit ridiculous because the rest of villages been talking about it literally years. So I find it a little bit odd. The timing of this comes up out of the blue right now. Without real apparent reason. Hey, let's hit the brakes again. Move the goal post. Go back on doing what we said we're going to do and unanimously voted to do just a couple of months ago. And, you know, Henry is a great champion. He said a few months ago. It doesn't like changing the rules. And here we are just changing the rules. We've always done exactly what it says me ordinances. We've always done exactly what we're supposed to do. We kept getting pushed the sideline for no good reason, no one's ever been able to explain to me why that happened. And here we are on the finish line and all of a sudden the finish line moves again, I think it's preposterous. That's my $0.2 worth of my 3 minutes. Thank you very much. Marni anybody else. So that's it. I'm sorry >> And Katie been watching this circus as long as he was going on. I have to side with the people who don't want them moved the goalpost we made promises. We made stipulations. They've done everything they were supposed to do and the time has come to do the right thing. let's get this done with tonight. So enough to mess with it anymore. And let's get let's get some building going on that these people have been waiting for for years. And if paid big money as far property to the village. it's just unconscionable to think about going back at this point. Thank you very much. Marni anybody else. >> Mister a. >> Public comment is now closed. All right. We have a we have a motion on the floor doing here. Second or not. All right. That would with a for lack of a second that motion fails hear anything different. >> It's want to make a comment or 2 regarding some of the statements made at the podium. I think that Gillis said it would be unfair. We're all saying that. It's unfair to move the goal post at the last minute. I totally agree with you. It is very unfair and I'm suggesting being unfair. So I want that to be clear. Donna said that it done a very said that it seems like I'm sabotaging her. I agree that it seems that way. If I were her seat, I said I'd say the same thing. That's not what I'm trying to do. That's not at all. It's very difficult to sit here and. Promote an unpopular position. And I think, you know me well enough that I normally don't do things like that. I hope that you would understand that for me did to try to do that to offer it to suggest it. I should have a pretty good reason. And the reason is I've sat here for 20 years off and on. I've seen. The pass slowly glide down where it's at now. And we're at the end and suddenly the picture becomes clear. The speaker that was on the phone. You know, said, you know, why do we need to do this at the last minute. Well, the last minute looks like we're going to wreck. You know, it's true that the lot dedication people are putting to lots up in place of one. It's fantastic. I think they're wonderful to do that. I'm on their side. But I'm also on the side of everybody that lives here. And I see from my standpoint having been in court a time or 2. The possibility of us paying out a lot of money. We have a chance here to to mitigate that somewhat. If you follow my suggestion. Those 5 people are going to be very angry and they will be treated unfairly and there is a remedy for that and it's a payment. So we have a choice. We can we can pay them. You can buy their property or compensate them in some way for that. And then that will allow us to use our resources more effectively, more efficiently. 2 offset what we know is liability for those who are at the bottom of the list are further down the list and those who haven't joined the list. That's what I'm trying to do. I'll say on camera. I apologize that this comes at the last minute and you feel like you're being. Sabotage. That's not what I'm trying to do. It is not personal in any way. I don't know you well enough good or bad to have a personal. Feeling for you that with other than your nice people. And you know that spoken word on on the phone. Same everyone else here. He's been in that it's not personal. I just want us to look at this from a not personal perspective. What we're facing. We have a bigger problem. I'm suggesting one way we can start to address, trying to solve that. So. I don't have anything else to I have something else to say. I appreciate your thoughts, but I moved to approve this wholeheartedly. And right now. >> So, you know, here second? So Marty, we've got a motion a second to prove what junior for. Read is that correct, John. How Jennifer said. >> With that with the modification that was requested one is that it's evidence that section 4 to change it to reflect 77 I I so. >> see make sure I want to go group people that we approved its last meeting. And I would like them to be approved with this follow my lead. Yes, I will OK all right. So Marni, we have a motion and we have a second. >> Would you call the roll, please. >> Vice mayor sure Mahoney. Yes, council member Elizabeth Dole and yes, councilmember Mark Craig. Councilmember, Rosenthal. And Mayor buddy Pender. Yes, motion passes for one. >> Okay. We're going move on to tab. 9. >> is a resolution. village Council of Iraq on the mobile device. Florida accepting the donation of a fire boat for my llamada firefighters. Evelyn Association. The proving a donation agreement in connection with the acceptance. The fireboat authorize a village managed execute the donation agreement providing for the finance director to make the appropriate changes to the village financial statements to reflect the acceptance of the asset providing for the fire chief to establish a Marine based emergency response program and providing for an affected date. >> Good evening. Council again. This is a not the first time you've heard this. This a gap that we've identified in our ability to respond out on the water due to some change of a paradigm shift with the assets with the Coast Guard and also with some funding with fwc. They're just not as plentiful as they used to be before. So with that for the past, probably 6 years I've been trying to chase down options to bring aboard. A boat to facilitate helping out a Marine calls. I'm having no luck chasing I did unfortunately have the pleasure of meeting. Mister June Smith was made aware of her her fight to bring a Marine emergency response team. Program into Monroe County. I also had the luxury of meeting and having a few meetings all the water resources on the fire chiefs throughout the county and through the West Coast where them are program is actually started in very well in in the door, stunned. Doing really well met rep mellow. Mellow is the district House rep for that area for Collier County and Charlotte and my belief Lee. So she actually took it upon herself. The last session to go forward to chase this at one of the meetings where we were trying to coordinate on how to bring this program. A board. I was made aware of a vessel that was taken out of service from North Collier. It being late in the budget cycle. I knew I didn't have it in the budget, then bring it the last meeting before the adoption was not the appropriate time. So I chased other avenues to secure the asset knowing that if I followed proper channels waiting in rfp and all that good stuff. We lost our ability to change that asset. So a lot of firefighters Benevolent Association chase down the boat force. It is actually sitting at the marina as we speak. We've done some training with the Coast Guard as we speak now currently ocean Reef has a vessel and Key West has a vessel. They are in process of getting a second vessel marathon has retired sheriff's office Nestle, but it does not have the ability to carry patients spider-man the back and it does not have fire pump capability. There is a county wide effort to actually move forward for the county to pick up a voting marathon to pick up an actual fire boat key Largo, EMS and fire dip couple and that will be coming back to you later in July. This is the actual dedication of the 2006 20. That's back there and the establishment of a murky program. We're going to use that vessel as a stopgap until we get a new vessel through the appropriations Melo rep Mooney fought so hard for us through session this year. that's about it. I mean, everything else is in the council communication. The budget impact we've estimated again going between. What I from ocean from Key West. And then polling about 5 or 6 other departments that have like vessels program on the West Coast. Again. There's Collier County alone. I believe early County alone. There's 32 different vessels. 32 different departments. Some of them are jetski some of my little single tiller Zodiac Can't compare what we're putting on the water to those why to those. I reached out to the departments that have like vessels like staffing stuff of that nature figured out what their impacts were kind of average them all out so that between staffing maintenance fuel new equipment that we need to procure loose equipment insurance and all feel expenses and everything. The total annual is less than about 50 grand a year is what we've estimated that again going off of what we know from other departments that are already doing it. We already have 14 staff members that are currently trained. The concept is not to bring additional personnel on as stands now, when the assets are available, we go to where the fwc or Coast Guard boat is our crew jumps on their boat. We respond to calls. Unfortunately that ability to jump on the Coast Guard boat or fwc vessel is a fleeting hope lately. We had a call a month and a half ago as an hour and 10 minutes to get a boat to a vessel. I could have thrown a 3 ounce lead and hit from the docks off Lorelei. It's just not acceptable. One week we can stop that gap. We can close that gap and help our community. So we have 14 members that are already trained up commiserate with the Coast Guard and all the good stuff. We've taken the National, of course. We're not proposing full additional staffing. We're going to utilize the staff that is on duty now. So we're not creating new positions. I think that's enough babbling on my part. So I'm here if you have any questions. >> many questions for the Chi. I no questions for you. So can we open public comment Marni any public comment for this. >> We have no one signed up hands raised zoom. Raise your hand and. And that city. >> I would just urge of vote on this. This is plus plus win, win. We've were a waterfront community. We need this and the price is right and the research has been done by the chief. And he assures me we have plan in place for a $300,000 grant for a new vote. But that's long way down the road. So this is a stop gap measure, but it's a measure that's with a good vote. And he's already told you all the ramifications of the the research is done. So 5. thank you. >> Marni no other public comment. We do have a hand raised on zoom at the moment from district. 82. District 82. Go ahead. >> Hi. Good evening. This is representative Lauren Melo. thank you all so much for taking the opportunity to listen to chief able. I also want to thank many of you for coming up and seeing me and my district office in Tallahassee. And I just wanted to take a moment. To let you know that I am very supportive what's chief able is proposing. Thank you. >> Thank you. It's really that's it. We don't have any more questions for chief. Do I hear a motion to approve. So moved. Okay. are second. >> All right, Marty, we have a motion and second, we call the roll, please. >> remember Rosenthal. >> We did our already asked that. But nobody said anything. Okay. >> Yeah, I feel like you have that just I still have lots of unanswered questions here. I'm very concerned about this figure of $50,000. And I. >> I just find it hard to believe that that will be the cost operating this program. And you know, and I never vote against Firestone ever like I can't wait to vote for your new track coming down way. But. It sounds to me like we're initiating this like we're the leaders here in creating this program and what I would like to see is some real fleshing out of what this brand new program looks like in the county with our with our fellow fire stations. And I just don't see it. And maybe it's not here and maybe that's already in place like we all know that they're going to be boats up and down this Island chain. I mean, he we just listen to Richard Clarke tell us it's impossible to run a transit system and, you know, 112 miles. And I I just wish I had more information here and I do not want to be the person to not vote for this, but. I also. I I just wish there were more information here. >> So the summer program is nothing Not recreating the simply be in the spearhead of the tip to my great. What already is tried and true in other departments in counties throughout Florida. I'm moving it to Monroe County because the gaps been identified. not recreating the wheel and I've got letters of support County wide of got letters of support to a state and federal level. I've got 30 letters. You didn't see because I didn't want to inundate your inbox or the back of this agenda item with or letters of support for a stake in the point in trying to run forward and bring this reason you're seeing at first for me is because I got a boat sitting 300 yards from me as we stand. They don't. They're waiting on the appropriations and they have to order the boat. So I am ahead of the curve. Luckily and I'm proud be that person again, leading the charge for for Monroe County. But I'm not recreating the wheel. And again, I've I've the numbers I've pulled. This is a pilot program for all around and kind of for the county as a whole. The numbers that I provided you is what the averages of like. I said, 5 or 6 other departments that are already doing it. So. >> So in a in this in this pilot program, and these questions come from questions that I've had from other people. So presumably we're running a pilot program and then we'll assess and see if it's financially. You know, fiscally responsible. And then we can say, you know what, it didn't work or it works. Yes. So how to work? Well, I mean, let's just. >> It will work me. >> I do. But I want to kind of have this out on out in the space so that we can talk about. So that I can have a good conversation with the number of people who said like Wait a minute, how how is this going to house is going to flush out. So is that fair to say that. That this pilot stage is is a pilot. So we're going to see how it goes. And so if we see in. >> I guess it's you know, whatever 6 months or 7 months that this isn't this isn't working and we wouldn't move this forward is that how that works? >> We'll have to vet out of that time. But I'm not worried about it. Like I stated that it's going to work. It's going to be a good thing for our community. We're going to help other departments in this County. Bring this forward >> I trust that you believe that. But what I'm what I'm. I could just leave it at that. I trust that you believe that there's a letter from Monaco's car. >> That. so there's a letter >> representative Mooney deepest gratitude for representative Melo. >> You know what I'm looking for is those letters from other fire departments that say we are actively initiating a program so that when there's on the water emergency at the long he bridge. Then. Then we have this interconnected system so that so that that person can be attended to, right. Because if. Because that's what makes sense in this in this Island chain. Right. so are those letters that I'm not seeing their letters and your agenda packet from key Largo EMS ocean Reef. >> Work Association, marathon. Fire, rescue and Monroe County fire rescue as well. Keep in mind, they're not up to where we're at yet they still have to wait for the appropriations in order the boat. So when they get to that point, we're all going to share information with the appropriations coming on boats, specs and all that. Keep in mind what works for ocean Reef will work for CA Joe. >> The demographics in the water just different down there. So they'll need a different vote for their response down there. So we're we're looking at multiple options for for boats and specifications that will fit the demographics of that area then they'll be begging me to go over what John quick and his company is already reviewed to make sure their sound stop so that we can move forward make this happen. >> So what I think is lizabeth dismissing a sort of what I what was also missing a noun hearing. You talk. I did not know that you have spent time with other. Organizations who do this on the water as well. And so that's probably what guessing. She's missing because I was wondering, do we work with key Largo. Do we work with those reefs. You guys like the boat you have is not capable of going up Flat. I know that. So do they have a boat that can can we work together. That's what I think. I'm looking for that. You have done. The research the time spent with municipalities in our area that I'm doing this as well. It we can build sort of like the transit with Richard is build a better system. Once we all get on board is that basically direct of coordinated with every department down here of also when I had that em training on the West Coast. >> On the way back from there. I stopped by 3 other departments on the West Coast to tours of their boats went out with them. You know of pick their brains of talk to multiple chiefs. I'm like, hey, what works, what doesn't? Because if they screwed up, I'm going to learn from their mess up. I'm not going to do it again here. So you know what works, what doesn't if it doesn't work, I'm not going to try it. He didn't you. There's a chief became nears vote do either Collier. >> Early County from Fort Myers is the chief of useppa Island. So his entire department works off of 2 books. It that's the Kevin Anderson for Fort Myers. They got multiple boats over there. What you're talking about Sir. Okay. I so we've got we've got a motion and we've got a second learning. Would you call the roll, please. >> Councilmember Mark Craig. Yes. Council member Henry Rosenthal. council member Elizabeth Vice mayor sure Mahoney us and Mayor buddy and yes, motion passes 5, 0, >> Thank you. Mayor. Council June. We got there. Thank you. G. >> Okay. So let's see. Here we are on tap >> Actually, there's there's a motion before tapped and it's not a tab. requests from from the clerk motion to amend the November village Council meeting schedule to hold the regular village Council meeting on November 19th 2024 and the land-use Council meeting on November 21st 2024. >> All right. Let me You know what I did look at my thing. I was just going off And If I could just ask your why got pulled right. >> That's correct. you guys previously move that to the Thursday meeting. >> is the effect of this motion to allow the county new Council that will be seated after the election to have some time to be. I committed to their new Senate. I mean, their new Yeah. I was going to turn over the money. But the intent was to have turn over mine without. >> Yes, the intent is to have the new Council be able to take their seats after the election is certified. So we will be doing our Council orientation at some point between election day and that first meeting. >> So what is election day tight election day is Tuesday. November 5th. >> The election is certified 10 days later the Friday, the November 15th at about 4.30 after the supervisor of elections is have 10 days to get in any additional overseas ballots and tabulate them. It's my recollection that. >> The new Council officially takes over the moment they are sworn in. Is that I off base there. It can't get sworn in until when December John, our charter says no, no. That's the December one is is the election of the mayor. So they can get sworn in once election results are certified. >> And then our charter when it talks about the election, the mayor, the vice-mayor effectively puts it into December because it says it's the first Tuesday, the first regular meeting after the 4th Tuesday of November, something like that. I just want to know for those who are not running for re-election. >> When they might be off-duty. What day it would be effective. This would would make October unless there are special Council meetings in between that were added the effect of this would make the October regular Council meetings. >> Your last meetings that there's anyone who's not running. >> Unlike early releases that we're talking about. >> Correct, although you would still not be able to talk to each other about village business because you would technically still be on the council until your successor That's what I thought. Thank you. So. >> Public have anybody signed up for public comment. Marni for No, but let me check zoom. No, we do. All right. So with that public comment is now closed Council. Any further. Any discussion. There's no further discussion. Do I hear a motion. They are second. All right. Marni, we have a motion and second, could you call the roll, please. >> Councilmember Mark, right. Yes, please. Council member Rosenthal. Council member Elizabeth Dolan, vice mayor sure Mahoney. Yes, and their buddy Pender. Yes, motion passes 5, thank you. >> Okay. Now we're on the tab. Yeah. November 19th and 21st. >> November. November and the 21st. Okay. chief. You're back again. So quit is John need to read the resolution. I was on a resolution, just a motion, but it's a motion request for authorization. >> For manager enter into a letter of intent for the purchase of a 2025 Freightliner and 2 plus a cab and chassis. >> So again, as as John just signing a letter of intent with ETR emergency technical rescues. That's who we procure are rescues from. We operate out of 3 stations here. proper lower. Matt. We typically have a reserve trucking case. One of the trucks goes down for maintenance or do breakage. For whatever reason we're currently in our reserve truck and our frontline truck for here in plantation. Key is actually dead. It is got some serious motor talking to our mechanic and talking to some diesel mechanics up the road. The repair bill for maybe fixes starting at 30 could top out as high as 70. That's not the fiscally responsible thing to do. So we're taking that truck out of service. What we're going to do is order a chassis. That's the letter of intent that you guys see in front of you. The reason we need that with the weird timing is because if we get the letter of intent before the 15th, then we can put our order in and have it built in the first 3 months of calendar year, 25. Once we get the chassis and built from Freightliner. We will flatbed are broke down rescue up to Sanford, which is where the Tr is. They will pull the box off of the back of the broke down a trashy drop it on the new truck. Give it a Polish escort new paint job updated and all that good stuff. We save about a year, year and a half on bill time. And we also save about $200,000. I would love to do this all the time. Typically we're utilizing all of our rescues at all the time. Unfortunately, this one is broke. So it gives us this unfortunate option to try to utilize this cost savings and time savings ability. That being said, we currently do not have a backup reserve truck. So I have a verbal agreement with the chief of key Largo and with the chief a marathon. So something goes down for a long term. More than more than a few hours for maintenance or an oil change or something that I can borrow one of their trucks. So if you happen to see marathon black and green or a key Largo. White fire truck running lights and sirens in the village. It might be because one of my trucks, unfortunately has gone down Pull that favor with another chief throughout the county. So. >> Who chief, I just have a crazy question. But can you, you know, like. can write garbage trucks are taken specialty trucks. Is there anything in the field. If we had an emergency that we could rent something for 6 months or not really. >> Not really what what they would be a truck that they purchase from another department it they bought a new one. So they traded one in or something of that nature. They don't really like to do the whole rental plan. It's a pain. With all the the licensing with Department of Health and all that for the shoeless licensing and all that good stuff. It's it's all right. That's more more loopholes that you really want to jump through getting out of box. So I trust me. I thought of that. And I thought of buying >> One off the Internet. Find find a rescue. But then I'm like I'm wasting money. One. I can Rob Peter to pay Paul steal something from key Largo for the day or a marathon. So. Council, any other questions? Are needed are already asked for public comment. >> I did not. But we don't have any. Okay. >> Alright public comment is on our clothes. Do I hear a motion All right. We've got a motion a second. All the role, please Marni. I'm sorry, was listening to chief who who made the Henri made a councilman Greg second, thank you. >> Hey, councilmember, Hunter Rosenthal. Councilmember Mark Craig. Yes, council member Elizabeth jolon. Yes, vice mayor sure Mahoney and Mayor buddy under yes. Motion passes 5, thank you. >> We welcome chief mayor and Council just Marin comes just as a reminder, there's only one item that's being continued to Thursday. That's tab. Why I will be Thursday May 9th at 05:30PM here at founders Park community center at 8700 overseas highway. >> Okay. So if we have not anything further is let's go home. Okay. You can. Yeah. All right. meeting adjourned and hot. And are you want go home.