##VIDEO ID:bD3seLo1FxE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is me all right everybody Welcome to the September 9th 2024 Jackson Township planning board meeting uh in accordance with the open public meetings act this meeting uh has been adequately noticed in all the appropriate fors and places and therefore complies with of The opma Madam chairman thank you um we had the salute we have the public me a roll call please Mr brei here Mr Bernstein here Mr marzo here Mr heler here Mr Riker here Miss Rose Mr Tremor here Mr weart Mr wall Mr Wall's walking in I'll be in second thank you Mr Sullivan here Dr Campbell here I don't think we have an executive session do we Mr sh nope not at this time okay uh let's have a a roll call regarding payment of voucher for recording secretary we look for a motion please motion to uh pay the voucher second um let's see any engineering or planning matters gentlemen we need to do aoll oh I thought we I'm sorry have a roll call on this Mr brei Mr Burnstein yes Mr marzo yes Mr heler yes Mr rker yes Mr trammer yes Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan yes Dr cim yes thank you um we did no engineering problems no planning problems any legal matters not at this time and a report on the master plan yes thank you is it working no there is sorry um we met this evening um with our consultants and we are continuing our um review of the master plan elements right now we're focused on land use and climate change we'll continue with further updates as they occur thank you thank you I don't think we have any resolutions but we do have some changes to the uh uh schedule block 6501 lot 42.0 my address LLC carry from September 9th tonight to December 2nd with notice required I'll take a motion on that one so moved Sullivan second treamer all in favor I I that's good enough also just the applicant as aware is on that is that they are uh in the LLC they need to be represented so just formally for the record um they they don't have council at this time uh block 1 19501 Lot 21 Nal AAS LLC carry from September 23rd 2024 to December 16th with notice required we take a motion please so moved Sullivan second rker all in favor I blocks 2301 SL 4201 4301 Lots 1 2 2601 28 29 30 2.01 15 56 and 57 and one Jackson development company Jackson 21 carry from November 4th 2024 to January 6th for scheduling purposes only take a um motion on that please second Sullivan and let's have a roll call vote on that one it's big on that one yeah just that last one okay Mr Brey yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr marzo yes Mr heler yes Mr rker yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan yes Dr Campell yes uh any legal matters that need discussion not at this time any board matters for discussion all right uh block 19301 Lot 4 gr Town Estates 10year statutory projection period Mr Al Fury yep got it good evening Madam chair members of the board salvator alfery on behalf of the applicant um I've discussed this uh the correspondence I sent to the board with your attorney due to the size of the project and the volume of homes that are being built in this area um the applicant wanted to take advantage of the statutory protection Provisions within the statute um normally we would have a two-year statutory protection period and come back every year and ask for another year and another year up to five but due to the size of this project the statute authorizes the board to ex extend that period if we've requested a 10-year statutory protection period which simply means that the zoning can't change it doesn't change the approvals in any way um we' request that the board consider that um again because of the we do meet all the statutory criteria it's just the size of the project as such we think it's Justified and Mr alfair nothing has been cleared out there nor is there an intent to clear no nothing's been clear nothing to my well we we just recently have received approval we don't have any of the Outside Agency approvals we don't have resolution compliance so we're probably a year or two away from getting to the point where we have resolution compliance never mind clearing I just want to put on the record that there will be no disturbance of that area until we get through all these compliances I'll make sure that the client is aware of that that's fine thank you so much yes uh will'll accept a motion from the board on this topic please motion to approve rker second Trea and a roll call vote Please Mr brei Mr hey Mr Bernstein I was away for this last application so I'm going to obain Mr marzo yes Mr heler yes Mr rker yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan obstain since I was not at the meeting that approved this original application Dr Campbell yes thank you all right thank you Mr alfair I'm sure we'll see you before that 10 years is up yes sir I step out yes thank understood Mr rker is leaving the meeting all right weren't we doing this one with to oh all right uh block 12201 lot 16 and 18 Bennett Mills realy LLC M Jennings thank you good evening for the record I'm Donna Jennings from the law firm of Wen schoolman it's sir as the board is aware the applicant is here this evening uh seeking an amended site plan approval for Block 12201 lot 16 and 18 on the Township tax maps uh they previously had obtained preliminary and final site plan approval to construct and operate a daycare at the property via a resolution adopted by the board on November 20th 2023 the approved application did not include any variances this one does not as well the approved plans did not did include secondary site access along Johnson Lane which runs along the Eastern side of the property and intersects benis Mill Road as set forth in the testimony access to the property from Johnson Lane was to be by emergency vehicles only parents dropping off their children at the daycare would not be permitted to access the property via Johnson Lane an appeal of that approval was filed by the property owners of 342 Bennetts Mills Road directly across Johnson Lane L from the applicant's property their main objection was the proposed use of the Johnson Lane as an emergency access in response the applicant filed an application seeking amended preliminary and final site plan approval to revise its emergency vehicle access plan and remove secondary site access from Johnson Lane as a testimony will show emergency responders will still have the ability to reach the rear of the daycare building under the amended site plan we note that secondary site access for dayc carees is not a requirement under any New Jersey statute or Township ordinance no modifications are being proposed to the approved structure importantly the burrow of fire prevention District Number Four provided a letter dated July 23rd 2024 confirming that quote the amended emergency access road to the rear of the building located at 334 bennettville Road has been approved uh with me this evening is Mr McFarland who testified originally he'll offer some additional testimony and we are also in receipt of the board Engineers report dated August 9th 2024 I before I swing again uh let me just address the board real quick so this matter is in litigation and one of the reasons why uh we're we're back here tonight just to address the the board on the issue um is that when we did this one of the allegations that the that the uh plaintiff is making is that the way we the way that we did this and the way it was put together uh it it created a title issue um as to a segment of the property in in regards to this access point so um if the board was to approve this uh the application that Mrs Jennings is presenting to us uh it would help to mitigate that issue at a litigation level just so that everybody's on the same page here all right so can we may I just ask the engineer and the planner if they have anything to say on this topic um before we begin not too much Madam chair um everything's basically the the same it was approved um I could have easily forgetting the litigation from I could have easily treated this as a field change required by an outside agency and if the fire people approved it I'm good it's what we're looking for anything Mr Peters no nothing Madam chair great all right now we'll go ahead all right thank you do you swear or affirm the tell TR the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name and spell your last of the record because we have no idea who you are sure Graham McFarland ma f a r l a NE professional engineer professional planner previously qualified and testified uh before this board the board excepts the credentials nice to see you again sir thank you you too uh yes as as Miss Jennings indicated this application uh this amended application is simply to make a change to the emergency access Lane Anthony Anthony you just go to the next uh sheet for me we'll just go through the I think I submitted four plans in support of the application um you can see the amended the amended plan uh just shows the uh the emergency access will still be on the um east side of the uh of of of the building and it will allow the fire trucks or any Emergency Equipment to get to the right side of the building and to the uh to the play area behind the building that that will be paved Anthony just go to the next sheet for me please the next sheet shows a little more clearly the circulation path of a uh of a fire vehicle uh that we submitted to the fire Bureau for review and we did get a letter dated July 23rd where they approved approved this plan and and just for um just for context the original application that we submitted had shown that there could possibly be secondary access um for emergeny vehicles from Johnson uh from Johnson Lane but the joining Property Owners objected to and that is really the the nature of of why we're here tonight that's what what drove this uh this amendment so we have have made these changes throughout the plan set Anthony just go to the next sheet for me real quick uh the next sheet is just a landscape plan where we had made some adjustments to you know to location of some of the Landscaping uh rearrangement of that space on the right side of the building just Just a Touch uh between the building and where the emergency emergency Lane is is going to be and of course eliminated the portion of the emergency Lane that that went up to the bend further down and a Johnson Lane further further to the north so that's really the uh the context of the application and really just because it's in litigation we felt it was appropriate to come back and make a formal application for the amended approval and just so the record's clear the building size Remains the Same correct and the number of parking spaces remain the same correct and the access on benit Mill Remains the Same correct thank you any questions from board members uh hearing none I'll open this to the public please anyone wishing to speak only on this testimony not on whether you like it you don't like it just on the testimony thank you your name and your address please my name is Mike selwin and I live at 45 Johnson Lane you swear I you swear affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right um so as Madam chairman has already uh indicated this there's no point in my going over the fact that uh I think that the entire project is bizarre in terms of where it is it's going to decrease home values any questions my question is has the has the new plans been approved by the fire department they had a letter I believe I heard the letter was put into testimony that did approve uh Miss Jennings Miss Jennings what do you that is correct there's a July 23rd 2024 letter from Fire District Number Four okay um thank you the way I'm understanding it the road is now going to parallel Johnson Lane is that well you want to direct your questions at uh Mr McFarland Mr McFarland to Mr McFarland please the question Mr McFarland is is the uh the new access for emergency vehicles is is going to parallel Johnson Lane it's going to be a separate Road next to Johnson Lane Anthony if you can go back to the circulation plan for me [Music] please next one next sheet please so you can see that the uh the path for the emergency vehicle is contained within the the driveway and parking area of the uh facility until it gets to you know to the end where the parking lot ends where a an emergency vehicle may have to get around to the back of the building Anthony Could you um uh go right in very close for that uh parking area and the that's it very good thank you maybe that'll help you sir see it a little better okay it looks like there's going to be a a space of some kind between the emergency access Lane and yes and there was quite a bit of foliage and uh trees that were yeah I saw the Landscaping plan but I just curious do we have some idea of the the width of that section that's going to parallel Johnson uh Road a lane you're asking about this yes that strip there what what is that width uh approximately I think it's about 25 ft okay thank you very much it's two it's it's available for two-way traffic and emergency if needed so yes 25 ft would be appropriate anyone else wishing to ask questions of Mr McFarland please not any discussion other than Mr rap 49 Johnson Lane Jackson New Jersey I swear that all the testimony I give hang on hang on let the attorney do what he I have to do it or else it doesn't qualify uh do you you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do right and your name and address for the record James rap rb49 Johnson Lane Jackson New Jersey for 40 years excellent thank you sir thank you I I know I have a question about the um the change in the maadam um I see that behind what what used to be Debbie's Farm there that hashed out area if you bring down the plan a little bit you see where the new Access Road the uh um I guess it's called emergency access road that loops around behind the one-story daycare building um no up further down toward the hash marked hash mark to the left down toward the street the way up the top screen top part there you go oh okay and what's the what's the question could you could you please tell me whether or not on the last plan the original plan before this amended one that we're talking about tonight whether or not that was Madam cuz I recall that it was not it was it was not we had uh on the original plan we did have uh some bituminous pavement behind the building just like this plan has back here MH but it we did enlarge it a little bit to accommodate the uh turning template turning radius of an emergency vehicle and the limit of that maadam is is that hashed out area so that will be uh only grasses and natural andine undisturbed what's cross-hatched up at the top would be would be grass that's intend would be grass it's intended to be a grass outdoor play area okay so basically the loop is the part that's Madam and you expanded it a bit to accommodate radius that's correct a turning Rus did you did you do any additional calculations for flooding water is a huge problem there correct we did you you made the retention Pond bigger uh we didn't have to make it any bigger it was an insignificant change okay I I assume you're going to be giving addition additional uh um testimony about uh about the uh septic system because I I reviewed the plans and I see that it seems to me like you're trying to uh um uh punch into the uh existing high pressure sewer line or water line that pass not sewer line water line service line we're we're not so so the um that issue was vetted out at the formal application for the entirety of the plan this application is simply for the removal of this condition so we're not going to be different on the original plan that's not shown on the original plan I I reviewed these as long as as long as they so what happens with with the septic system and everything like that as long as they can port with the state and federal guidelines for that that is a jurisdiction that takes over that we don't not just a septic I'm asking about I'm asking about their their application doesn't have anything to do with the septic system so so whatever whatever they have is worked out with the board engineer and also the Ocean County Board of Health and the Department of Health so so if you could ask the ask the applicant to reexpress what this plan tonight shows as far as waste disposal this is only about this access road everything else has been determined nothing changed from when I was here when you threw me out nothing has changed I reserve my right to public comment at the end thank you you got it you'll be back we we'll give another opportunity anyone else who would like to question the applicants uh expert seeing no excuse me ma'am oh yep thank you smooth the microphone there you go thank you all right do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes sir all right you have to speak into the microphone man yes I do thank you it's being recorded so we have to hear you thank your name uh and name for the address jinus R 49 Johnson Lan which is at the end of the dirt road excellent so I just would like to be clear to speak into the microphone ma'am it's being it's being recorded is it clear that there is going to be no use whatsoever of the dirt road of the of Johnson Lane the dirt road because from the letter that we got certified it was unclear it sounded like it could possibly be removing the gate at the end in front of our house is there any can you confirm that there's no action going to be taken on the removal of that gate and I'm sorry and that no traffic from this facility will be coming down Johnson Lane disturbing our peaceful neighborhood which this shouldn't be here to begin with but I want that to be clear because we're unclear if the dirt road used access to the site is only from Bennett Mills Road there's no driveway connecting to Johnson Lane and we are not proposing to do anything with the with the gate that divides the you know those two pieces of John of Johnson Lane another question I'm not sure if this is pertaining to but will there be will there be any notification any signage to the people that are going to be using this facility when they come here that they do not come down the other end of Johnson Lane to access this that it it's only accessed off of Bennett Mills Road because the GPS will take anybody looking for this facility from the back end in front of our house in front of his house in front of his house to try to get here [Music] again all I can say is that the site access is only from Ben Mills Road there's no other access proposed and there's no access to the site from Johnson Lane okay I can't comment on the use of GPS systems how about the traffic report it seems like because we live there it doesn't seem like there's enough High excuse me ma'am this is not a traffic expert this gentleman is only giving testimony on this road the entrances to the oh I'm sorry okay that's not the yes you understand thank you all righty then thank you thank you anyone else who would like to uh ask any questions of this expert witness seeing no one come forward I move to close the public cross examination second all right now we're all in favor I thank you then we're going to open it up to the public General comment and again we we got a it's a narrow issue I know it's we're not used to that because we're used to just the bigger broader applications with a lot of different issues but we just keep it narrow right I I'll do my best I mean your best I'm an American living in a town that is in undergoing a significant gentrification and I'll try my best to keep it as as less personal and focused as you can I got to this topic iic only thank you I James rise again once again in opposition to this project the traffic impact noise long and late hours of operation its multi-use aspect and the size and scope of the design are not consistent with a safe neighborhood the project um the project harms re uh residents destroying the neighborhood atmosphere we purchased and presently enjoy its close proximity to our right of way will surely result in multiple non-stop intrusions causing danger to the children whom we love and play right outside of our homes in addition the huge amount of both human and chemical waste being disposed of so close to our drinking Wells is unacceptable and it's an unacceptable design aspect the constantly changing use is expressed by the applicant during the approval process NE necessitates a new application process this project in its current form hardly represents its initial application considering the tax form contained in the package also states that it is likely to apply for a uh tax-free 501c3 which tells me it's probably not going to I gotop I got to stop you so we're here we're here with the fact that it was ini please ex stop please stop talking let me just address you all right and then we can have a constructive back and for okay go ahead okay all right so there's a significant amount of case law which dictates that I can't hear you I'm sorry there's a significant amount of case law that dictates that whenever you have a public comment period all right it has to be narrowly tailored to what's in front of the board so so what is the purpose of the application that that is being sought for either an approval or Denial in this situation it's simply just the the removal of the condition that we put on for the secondary access that's it so I I I know you got a lot to say but I'm just asking you we can't bring in all these different out outside circumstances and issues that are that are not relevant to this very narrowly tailored issue so if you have anything that you want to say just in general then that's your right okay as to this issue then go for it but if we we start bringing in tax status and and everything like that I got to stop you it's it's in the it's in the public record it's in your records and I referenced plans worried about that you can go online might worried we have finished this we have finished this application except for this very narrow subject of this road that's the only thing we can talk about tonight that's all the application is dealing with this evening we are not dealing with extraneous matters of the past this is a finished application all you can address tonight is that particular Road also we discussed miss m deoro also um alerted me to the fact that we're discussing um master plan issues may I comment no Pine on that no no why not because this is not a master plan hearing and this is not not a this is not a Township committee meeting where you can get up and discuss whatever you have on your mind this is a very narrow subject for a board that only is concerned with this application at this time and what is on that screen it's not generally discussing what's going on in Jackson that you can do at a Township committee meeting right right so pursuant to the municipal anuse law what happens is that whenever you you go for a planning board zoning board it has to be narrowly tailored to whatever is in front what whatever the relief is being sought before the board so for for instance you go to a Freeholder B uh meeting right you go to a Township council meeting there's that's kind of the platform for you to kind of talk about whatever you you want to because that that's the form that you can address it in in this situation it Municipal luse Law requires us to be narrowly tailored so that we can get through everything in an expedited fashion that's that that's the way the Appel and the Supreme Court division has has ruled on these issues I have to enforce it my job I understand Mr Shan uh and and and I think you I think you've heard enough of public testimony in opposition to the overall project to have come up with a different determination in the approval process and that's the problem is that we we have been heard I I was removed by the police when you made the final determination so I feel like I've I've been not represented sufficiently in this you can discuss these matters at a Township committee meeting this is simply not the venue right and just just to point out last time you thought you were having a heart attack so all honesty you thought we were doing you service but that's beside the point know Mr I've said I told you before I'm every I really I really please if you could just keep it just address it keep listen I believe me there is so much that could be said that isn't being said add of to respect for for our constitution so so what I like to tell you is that um I was told that the applicant was in the room I've yet to meet him okay and of course you don't want to hear about the the death threats and everything else you contact the Attorney General about that and I've I've implored you to do so in the past um most recently I did have the opportunity to meet one of the property managers for uh Mr Schwimmer outside of my house who denied who he was and why he was there but I will tell you um that this planning board needed to consider before approving this that this is an application in the middle of nowhere and we have we have regions in our Township that this is not a motion more suited to this development I understand it but I'm going to continue to pay my morgage now if you want to pay my you cannot address the original approval in the totality of it what I'm saying is that if you have I understand what you're saying but what you're saying is that we're issues I don't get screw with this road feel free to talk about it but just as to the removal of this condition okay you see that turning radius right there okay do you see the amount of traffic the proximity to my dirt road that's a concern you had an expert in here he's full of crap okay that's not a sufficient turning radius and I want to note that on this on this application although although your applicant screws it right over it they have combined the Lots without officially combining the lots and used the used the uh the lot 16 which is supposed to be designated by by the uh the the authorities having jurisdiction Department of Environmental Protection as not to be disturbed or not used and yet it was used in their calculation and shown on their plans they just like turned a line over here and delineated it when it's not actually part of it it's a separate lot why doesn't the board consider effort for preserv handles delineation lines but it's not combined and yet it's used in the calculations the D has jurisdiction over delineation lines if they think that somebody's violating it they send an agent to come out do an inspection to the site and you can get absolutely whacked up the side of the head with violations on that so that's out of our jurisdiction that's out of our purview we cannot deny or approve an application on but again that's going outside the scope of what we're here for tonight the revisions the revisions that I see on there are different from the original application I suggest the board take a closer look at it consider everything that was given in testimony and and take a step back back and I ask for the community that is moving into my community that they have a little heart and ask themselves if this is proper behavior thank you thank you sir thank you anyone else wishing to speak on this project all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affm to tell the truth the whole whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name and spell your last of the record Maier I live at 327 Frank Applegate Road SP pleas spell that for the record thank you sure b r u k i r it's a very short comment I just want to address um my neighbor over here I just want to say that I'm one of those people who moved in about a year ago I'm actually here supporting you and your side of it I just want you to know that for me and that's what I'm here to say thank you thank you sir anyone else who would like to speak on on this particular application seeing no one come forward I move to close the public testimony second all in favor I any board questions for this concerning this testimony I would make one comment that I know after all that we do this goes to other agencies and other agencies will be looking at this there are things we can we can discuss and we can determine uh some some things we cannot determine so our um attorney will be letting us know what we will be exactly voting on this evening all right so what we're going to be voting on this evening is the removal of the condition of having the secondary access point Miss Jennings if you want to sum it up I think you uh hit it there just simply put as a prior condition of the approval we were supposed to have secondary access against along Johnson Lane an appeal was filed the plaintiff does not want to see the fire access on Johnson Lane so we decided to come in and seek relief from that condition yes sir no there were not correct correct thank you good point any any comments from the board I'll see seek a uh motion I'd like to make a motion based on the applicant originally agreeing with us and trying to make things better with a sec applicant I give him credit for that and appreciate it and whether you're faced with and everything is still the same footprint except for that I make a motion to approve second second second looking for a second thank you Mr Tremor uh we'll have a roll call vote Please Mr Brey yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr marzo yes Mr heler yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan yes Dr Kim yes thank you thank you have a good night have a good night Mr alfair back so soon I didn't either welcome good evening again Madame chair members of board salvator Aly on behalf of the applicant Mr Aly you just you want to tell Mr alery he can start oh get the file all right good just getting the file fine hi thank you oh very nice thank you okayer I know right yeah Light reading all right Mr alfery yes uh thank you uh this is a application for sh at 1231 Aldridge Road there there was before the ordinance was revised by the town um uh to to establish the parameters by which shoes are permitted uses um this was pending before the zoning board there were a couple hearings once became a permitted use that application was withdrawn filed before this board so we're starting fresh with a new application before this planning board um I don't do you want to hear from your professionals before we start yes sir pleas please thank you gentlemen thank you madam chair on an application for pimary and final site plan uh for the conversion of existing residential dwelling into a house of worship um the pro projects the or the development is um compliant with um ordinance standards we do request some um um confirmation regarding a parking area a setback to the um to the RightWay um it's not indicated on the plan so the minimum is 15 ft make we just want to make sure that that some adhere to um there's not really any environmental issues um it doesn't require an environmental impact statement or we should have some testimony from the applicant regarding any comments which might have been received from the um from the environmental commission um some testimony regarding the um site utilization of proposed operations um it's on a county road so they'll have to um get approval from the U the County planning board um parking's compliant um that's all this time thank you Mr Peters thank you madam chair our office has a report dated August 27 of this year um this is now a conforming use in the zone um there are specific standards for this use uh Mr CLE touched on one of them that may not be compliant and that has to do with parking setback of 15 fet from a public street right of way and the screening adjacent to it with a hedro or closely grouped cluster of plantings um we'd ask that the applicant give clear and concise testimony with regards to that um while this is a new application and had previously been before the zoning Board of adjustment I want to remind the applicant and the public that we need to get a full record here so as we go through you may hear me because I also represent the zoning board go through and say that's a presumption that you got from before so I don't want you to think I'm being rude to either the applicant or the public but if we get to something where there's something that was discussed previously at the zoning Board hearing we're going to going to straighten it out to make sure that the record here at the planning board is complete that'll be a big help thank you um we're going to introduce our engineer first um request that he be sworn in please please raise your right hand do you swear affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name and spell your last of the record Eric Halpert h l p r t and Mr Halpert we're seeking to have you qualified um as a professional engineer in state of New Jersey you place your credentials on the record please an engineer and a planner or just an engineer we have no variance relief but um we'll put them both on you never know I'm a licensed professional engineer and planner in the state of New Jersey these plans were prepared under my supervision and I have provided testimony before this board before Madam chair welcome thank you thank you thank you so Mr the board accepts his credentials yes I am okay um let's refer first would this be A1 can you identify what it is please um the uh planning board is looking at uh the aerial exhibit it could be marked as exhibit A1 um could you zoom out just slightly Anthony just to get a bigger picture the uh property is located along Aldrich Road near at the intersection near the intersection of East Connecticut Concourse near the um Municipal boundary line of mmus um and the site is located um consists of lots two and three along with um an access easement that the applicant has on the township property of lot one um which we will show provides um a secondary access point to East Connecticut I'll just go through operations first fine thank you I spoke with the applicant and I have um knowledge of the operations of the place of worship and we submitted a written operation statement as well correct yes but go ahead please summarize the applicant um could you go to the uh the rendering the second page of this file and before you test that you want that yes just uh to have the rendering this is exhibit a A2 would be the color rendering of of the elevation and our architect's here he can discuss it a little more detail later go ahead I'm sorry the applicant is seeking to have uh approved a place of worship the um place of worship will contain a um an area of assembly for um for the prayers there will be a separate area also located within the existing dwelling for for a uh social hole the hours of operations are typically during the week services are held in the mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. they end between 7:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. there are services in the evening between 10:20 p.m. and 10:35 p.m. there may be services in the afternoon which would run from approximately 2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. on Saturdays prayer services are longer and there are more people that walk services are from approximately 8:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. there are also Services approximately 1 hour before Sunset to Sunset the use of the Social Hall will be limited to member only small events such as bris Bar Mitzvah and other smaller events lectures um there will be no wedding receptions in the Social Hall there is no cooking that will take place on the site there is a kitchen which will have which will be used for warming and food serving only in the basement there is a small portion of the addition which which will have a basement for a Mikvah that will provide Mikvah services for men in conjunction with morning services and it can accommodate approximately two to three people regarding I'm sorry could you repeat that again I'm there um as an accessory use there is a mikah in the basement of the addition and the of the architect is here we'll go in detail through the architect plan but there is Mikvah um in the basement meant for men and the use of that is in conjunction with the morning Services anticipated deliveries would be on Friday afternoon some food deliveries for a post for a kiddish a small um post Services event those deliveries would typically happen Friday afternoon and they would be a typical small box truck trash will be collected via private service a pro it would be anticipated that twice weekly trash removal will suffice for the place of worship and the trash um pickup will include both solid waste and recyclables there will be one um there will be one wallmounted light that will remain on at night um for security purposes maintenance of the site both of the storm water management system and the overall maintenance is the um is will be taken care of by the owner and there were two other comments within the operation statement Public Water and Sewer that will be provided the applicant has preliminary approval to connect to the public water and sewer and then in terms of signage only a building mounted sign is proposed not a freestanding sign yes that is what is [Music] proposed okay so let's get into the site plan which Anthony Anthony could you bring up the site plan may I ask one question on the operations there will be no rentals no rentals and that will be stipulated yes yes thank you yeah no banquet facilities no weddings no nothing like that no weddings the functions that were mentioned will be hosted by members only and no R of the congregant of the congregants no outside contracts or anything correct correct thank you what what's the number of members that it will hold the member the number of member families is approximately 60 and the architect will go through each room the um assembly room could hold approximately 197 people in the main base medish and um in the in the place of uh prayers and in the um Social Hall the number is slightly lower um it is approximately 122 people can be held in that room and there are 60 member families thank you and um which page of the site plan can you please um bring up the um third sheets of this file and this set could be marked as exhibit A3 this is the submitted site plan thank you could you uh um zoom in up just slightly the um first to discuss um just uh the roadway the um applicant is seeking to propose a place of worship with two entrances one along the county road along Aldrich Road and one through the easement that the applicant has Acquired and has been filed a in the within the township property the move movement along Aldrich Road is showing a full movement and there um it is showing a full movement the traffic expert will provide more testimony the plan has been submitted um to the county and we have received comments which um we will be able to address the access along East Connecticut Concourse is going to be a 24 ft wide driveway and there is I mentioned that will be corrected the access is going to be 24 ft wide the applicant is seeking to um install 57 parking spaces which with credit for the EV spaces will count as 59 parking spaces the plan show circulation with access along Aldrich Road and there is um secondary access along East Connecticut Concourse there was no driveway proposed no parking no driveway access proposed in front of the building because of a comment of the Fire official a grass paver area is proposed in order to provide emergency access along around all four sides of the building but before you get into further detail there were two questions that were raised by the board professionals that may or may not result in variance relief uh one was um we on the plans we only show I believe two handicapped spots but we're supposed to have three the applicant will revise the plans and provide three parking spots and then the setback question raised to the public right away with the Landscaping will the applicant comply with that provision the ordinance the applicant is not seeking variants relief the closest spot to the ride of way is at 15 ft at these areas that provide the access for the emergency vehicle and the applicant will revise the plans to provide the required screening of under 30in high Shrubbery along both sides of the um parking areas that have Frontage um that that provide Frontage to the sites would the applicant also be willing to move the EV parking spaces away from the building yes yes the applicant could U Move the EV spaces to the other across across the drive aisle perfect thank you so can you describe how stormw management generally will operate Anthony could you go to the uh next page the applicant is proposing a combination of surface um Basin and subsurface Basin to provide both the water quality and attenuation in the surface Basin and provide treatment and comply with the storm water rules with the added subsurface Basin there is an overflow connection to a county relocated catch Basin and this is as per the county in a preat meeting and this was submitted and the County accepts the relocation of the catch Basin with the widening of the curb return and the Overflow connection to the county catch Basin and the technical comments contained within the board professional reports relating to storm water management will be addressed satisfaction and they will be compliant with both the storm water management regulations and the township ordinance yes okay I'm sorry continue Anthony could you go back to the third page to the previous page to go through some of the comments and address some discrepancies the information there was a comment indicated in the board planners report regarding certain discrepancies between the site civil plan and the architect plan the footprint the outer footprint is 4392 square F feet is referring only to the footprint of the building and the main congregation seating area is there is a typo the site civil plan says 2592 and there is actually 2952 this is indicated on the architect plan that was a typo that does affect the parking calculation however there still is sufficient parking the number 2952 would result in a requirement for that assembly area of 30 36.9 parking spaces as opposed to what is indicated on the site plan of 33 because of the typo of 2592 and the correct number is 2952 which results for that assembly area requirement of 37 parking spaces going back to the parking spaces uh since you're moving the EVS across you could probably and I suggest putting the other handicap spot where the EVS would a bit the the e um correct the um the handicap spot will be located adjacent to the building okay and the EVS will be across from the EVS will be across okay and the applicant agrees part of a condition to comport with all parking requirements right yes yes excellent thank you and and so I guess so I'm just I'm clarifying for the record a uh um this typo a significant typo but um the applicant was overp parked and there is sufficient parking either way so it is 2952 for that assembly area that would result in 37 parking spaces and um can you describe well perhaps not maybe we'll make it simpler um lighting um there were comments in the professional reports about the site lighting again will you agree to address all those comments yes and how are the lighting how are the lights shielded and will they be on timers and when will they go on off the lights will be on timers they will go off as per the direction of the board a typical time they could go off at 11:00 p.m. if that is okay with the [Music] board um so again to go through the board planner comments and clarify the discrepancies it is 2952 for the main congregation seating area there is a revised the architect plan that was submitted resubmitted to the plan um changed the assembly area for the Social Hall slightly revised down and the numbers on the architect plan are the numbers that will govern for the floor areas so it is it is um sorry do you have any waivers you're requesting wers any waivers we are requesting we we are requesting waivers from providing 10 foot okay we can get to that I just wasn't sure you can keep on going so it is 2952 for the base for the main congregation seating area and 1824 for the social Banquet Hall those are the numbers for the parking calculation and again we are overp parked there was a um to clarify further there was a um resubmitted architect plan the original plan that I don't know if the board members saw but um just to clarify what the board members are looking at the original plan showed a more extensive basement and therefore there were exterior steps leading to the basement architect plans were revised there is a small basement area and there are no exterior steps and these exterior steps M chair I'm I'm going to jump back in and talk about revised plans and it doesn't this is the first time this board's seeing this application I don't know where we get to talk about reved I was going to wait for the architect however I'm concerned that there are no longer I was reading the plans and there are no external steps you've got a mikah down there if there's a uh an emergency how how are the people that are downstairs they're going to have to go through a building that might be on fire to get outside I I think that's a concern I was going to wait for the archit I will let the architect address that but you mentioned it so I what I my only I'm only mentioning so to clarify these architect steps these these exterior steps will not be part of resubmitted plans as part of resolution compliance because there is no section there is no basement in that area not that area correct but in another area there is an area here and there are interior steps that Prov exterior steps no exterior steps that's a concern but I'll hold that for the architect thank you um let's just now that we're talking about the revised plan so what what revised plans are we talking about do you have the dat of revision or um so we can be specific with with what we're the the plans that are the architect plans that the board has are dated 62122 with a revision date of 117 2024 and I'm sorry for the confusion we will not refer to revised plans we will we will just simply because we haven't seen them and we won't correct we're only working with what we have yes so therefore we will only refer to the plans in front of the board and the only clarification I will provide is that the exterior steps will not be um on revised plans pending any comments you have regarding the access for the mikah okay can we just confirm so the the architect plans that we should be looking at are the ones from August 12th of 2024 those are the ones that's when they were submitted yes yes that's what we have right here it comes again Mr Halper you just said that's when they were submitted the plans that were submitted have a date of August 12th 2024 are those the plans you're referring to yes I was looking at a previous yes those are the plans I am referring to yes thank you and they are in front of me 8 812 2024 so don't don't confuse us with with stuff that that we don't have yes that we're not going to decide upon yes let us work with what we have yeah 812 2024 so I just have a few more questions and then I think we could answer questions number one is there are comments in the reports relating to landscaping and there's also a CME report relating to Landscaping you're prepared to stipulate that you will address all of those comments the applicant is prepared to address the comments specifically to provide the screening required as per the new ordinance in front of the parking and then um you already discussed solid waste is is there a dumpster location that you could show the board there is a dumpster location located off of the drive a and that has sufficient access for a veeh a garbage truck to pick it up yes okay and then there are also many other technical comments contained within the board planner the board engineer report again you'll agree to address those comments yes there's nothing in those com reports that you are not prepared to address correct okay that's all we have and fire and traffic it be agreeing to all those conditions the fire yes and specifically the fire wanted four sides access and therefore we're providing the grass papers and do we have a letter from the fire department uh telling us all this yes thank you and may I also ask uh since Mr rker is not here that you have an entrance sign by both entrances just stating the address we we learned that with the last hearing we had we had not proposed them but we have no issue working with your professionals to put some form of entrance side at both driveway connections thank you so much we appreciate and just to clarify there's a fire report from the zoning board application we have not received one on this application but there's substantially similar plans and we would we're prepared to address the prior report and we're prepared to address the so we make that part of our no issue it'll be a condition of approval part condition of approval understood thank you Mr Halper nice as usual thank you any comments any questions from the board members mam chair I'll jump in while everyone's waiting Mr Halpert uh you and your client will agree to consolidate the Lots yes and in the statement of operations on the first page the um third paragraph we we we use different phrases and I usually blame attorneys for this but I don't think sa wrote this so say approximately 25 to 30 people attend each service during week the applicant expects that it could grow to 35 to 40 attendees typically only 15 to 20 congregants arrive by car those all mean the same thing right they're all the same yes so basically this the the the religious service generally is 35 the the plan is that with any luck grow it to 35 to 40 folks during normal Services outside of Saturday correct outside the Sabbath during the week you have 60 families 60 member families who will attend services on Saturday who will walk correct yes thank you for the clarification that's all I have Madam chair thank you Mr Cay um just real quick we um got the um the set pack or the parking setbacks that are right away that will comply yes yeah um and um the buffer 5 foot wide but no fencing fencing will be provided we defer to the board again your language is says buffer Endor fence and um we like and I know and is always nice that's what you ruled last time but well you know why we like and is because that way people can't cut through um make a shorter walk sometimes um and p and Pathways that you really don't want so we we have found that if we say a fence and a a buffer plantings then then you don't have people cutting through making paths understood a fence will be added to the plan that's all man chair thank you that sounds good thank you very much sir next witness um our architect oh he'd be good and welcome all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth and nothing but the truth all right yep you may have to turn it on yes I do and please state your name uh and spell it for the record AB gut G and you're a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey correct and you were qualified before this board previously yes and your office prepared the plans yes absolutely accept his credentials Madam chair accept welcome again thank you thank you so you want to do you want us to go to A2 first the colored elevation or do you not need that always nice to start your question at the beginning I'd rather start with the FL plans okay four Anthony have four plans four plans it's the architectural plan it should be the next exhibit A3 no that is A3 the engineering plan oh that's the engineering plan yeah I'm looking at the architectural it would not be in that package right Ellie you different it's a different attachment architectural yeah that's good and let's let's mark this as A4 can can you is this just an architectural set prepared by your office correct and it's that August date that we referred to previously AUST yes August 12th okay so that would be a start with A3 sheet A3 sheet A3 good this is not this is the old set that's the zoning set I think that's the zoning board set because we have a totally different set of plans here we don't have all that it looks like the exhibit submitted doesn't match the plan that was submitted no sir all right but you I think it actually says zoning I'm talk you have this you you have the set in front of you though I assume right okay it's very different than what's up there yes I understand I would you like to take a 15minute break that's fine I just talk about it you have it well because because anyone else who's here can't can't see what we see we can give it to Anthony now yeah give give us we'll take 10 minutes everyone thank you thank you no more than 10 minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and there's a f is there a fireproof door between the main section and the exit all the doors leading to this to this firewell will be our our our fire rated doors and with with self closer and panic doors all right and also to point out this building will be sprinklered and there's an area of Refuge in the staircase downstairs so you just have to get to that stairwell and you're safe for nice two hours all right thank you thank you what's the fire rating on the doors one or two hours or has just one hour needs 1 hour is there sprinkl in the staircase too there is there is yeah there is a sprinkler in the staircase yes I'm just saying for clarification so people get it thank you thank you okay so either way the house of worship consists of 2,952 foot based medish the main entrance is facing alth over here this is the main entrance leading into the vesu then straight ahead into the base medish to the right of us builds a sink area bathroom and coat closet coat room to the left is the rabbi study little a little coffee area which leads you to the library and to the multi-purpose room over here there's another entrance straight from the street over here which leads you to the multi-purpose room and warming kitchen and more bathrooms if we could go to the next sheet thank you Anthony so this is the mezzanine over here again fire rated staircase less than 50 occupants and we have some bathrooms and again a little coat area and the main base Mish is a double height space and this Library overlooks the base Mish the IBC square footage on the first floor is 2,890 sare Ft for the existing house the addition is 4,216 Ft which is a total of 7,16 sare ft on the ground floor the medine floor is 1,312 Ft the basement portion is 889 Square ft the existing house ceiling height is 9 ft the additional ceiling height in addition first floor is 10 ft on the first and eight on the second and is 9 ft ceiling high in the basement base Manish as mentioned is double height space which was totaling 19 and 6 in of ceiling height the total height of the building is 26 ft 4 in measured till the mean roof height the exterior material will be primarily a light vinyl siding and there will be accent walls that are black engineered polymar and the same treatment will be given in between the windows the roof will be a regular slope roof which is matching the style of the attached residence and to blend into the prevalent houses in that residential area there will be rooftop units that will be hidden from public view in the Shelf belt into the roof which is in rear with the addition and would the roof be able to accommodate solar panels if if it's financially feasible yes it would thank you Mr Aly I'm a quick study and I think that's all we have right yeah that's it and and the rendering that was marked at the beginning um as A1 is the color rendering that your office prepared correct all right that's all we have of the architect Madam chair and there will be at no time anyone living on the premises correct thank you we have several of these now so I'm I'm getting Savvy on uh what can happen this used to be but we changed that correct thank you that will be stipulated too any questions from the board M de Maro um could you talk about the lighting that's going to be I know um it sounded like they were going to have um a time where they would turn the lights off by like 11:00 p.m. um but one light is going to be on all night is that the The Proposal just on the outside just for safety right I think it's a wall a wall light didn't I hear that it was a wall light we a wall light for security and safety purposes on the outside or the inside on the outside which wall would it be located on it would be near the the one near the entrance okay make a motion sensor I guess is that a motion a motion sensor would be uh the applicant would prefer not to have that would create difficulties on the Sabbath all is that it could be on a timer well if you go back to the rendering there are two lightss are the is the light that's going to be on is it going to be on the the resident side or is it going to be on um the new building side the new building side facing alrich facing alri okay so from the I can see why Mr Moro says that because when we're looking at this rendering there's one light over the um smaller section and then there are one two three four five six seven eight wall lights um on the exterior what's staying on right those those lights are going off a night that's that's just accent lighting that's accent lighting and it will go off at 11 yes and the one light that's over the doorway that's the one that's staying on on the far left the one on the far left would be the one to stay on only for security purposes if the board does not want yeah that's that's that's fine it's just I didn't know which lights we weren't sure which one because we can only see the nine of them and then I'm just curious the color is it is it like a yellowish color or is it going to be did you say I think it's going to be whitish that's just that's just the light reflecting yeah okay thank you any other questions from the board the professionals Mr Peters Mr CLE okay Scott Kennel is our last witness oh Mr kennel long time no see do we know this guy yeah J I think welcome back is there anybody else that does this there's a few people the two of you other we see yeah John Ray is the other do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth nothing but the truth yes I do all right Scott Kennel K Neel with McDon and Ray Associates located on 1431 Lakewood Road Manasquan and you're a traffic expert that has been qualified before this board previously I assume is that correct that is correct as well as the zoning board thank you madam chair it's acceptable thank you we'll accept your credentials okay Scott you want do you need an exhibit up uh we'll probably eventually need the site plan which I think was A3 yes but as far as uh I've been involved in this app this project for a number of years uh when it was in the zoning board and uh as a result of the new application updated traffic counts are conducted in February 2024 we were dealing with 2022 traffic counts previously and as far as the peak hours of analysis we focused on uh the statement of operations where we talked about services around 7 to 7:15 and then for the potential um ability to have services in mid-afternoon around from 2: to 2:15 so with that uh the traffic counts indicated that there's approximately 1100 Vehicles two-way on Aldridge Road during the morning I'll call sight peak hour and then in the afternoon there approximately 920 Vehicles statement of operations indicated that they would expect a maximum number of attendees ear the services to be 40 we assumed that all 40 would enter and exit the same time so that results in 80 trips when we looked at the am analysis and PM analysis uh without any credit for ride sharing or anything of that nature and with that uh we then expanded existing volumes to 2034 consistent with the Ocean County planning board protocol and determine that the site driveway out to Aldridge Road as a full movement driveway would operate a level service C uh meaning that there' be the delays be approximately 18 to 20 seconds per vehicle and that the left turn inbound movement would operate a level service a with delays of less than 10 seconds as far as the Connecticut Concourse access since that's a very low volume roadway which is basically serving the residential neighborhood that was determined at operate at level service a for both exiting movements as well as the left term movement into the site Mr Kel are there any roadway improvements being done on this site at this site only improvements would be what takes place along the site Frontage as required by Ocean County and obviously on uh Connecticut Concourse were providing this curb line this opening and the intent of that at driveway is basically a majority of the congregants live in the neighborhood to the South so it provides them a more convenient means to enter and exit the site without having to go on Aldridge Road uh so th that's basically a limit of improvements subject to if uh Ocean County during their final review requires more on Aldridge road but uh we haven't got there yet all right and um I don't know if it's you whom I should be asking uh sidewalks on the entire there are sidewalks along the entire Frontage making sure Frontage and side correct whether there's some existing and then others proposed but we'll have Frontage along the entire sidewalks along the entire Frontage on both roadways on both roadways thank you yes and just briefly on the site plan it was discussed that we're providing 57 parking spaces which exceeds the municipal requirements I think the last number is with the adjustment in the in the study hall would be be 52 the the hall would be 52 spaces required providing 57 and this the site's been designed to accommodate the larger wheel-based vehicles that have served the site whether it's refuse Andor emergency vehicles uh and that basically concludes my testimony on this application um I heard testimony before about the statement of operations that there were going to be the there's the ability to have up to 197 people in the in the in the building um I don't know at what point that would happen and how would that impact based on my experience that larger attendance occurs on the Sabbath when uh families are patronizing the the hall and the facility so it it's it's it's typically a Saturday operation s Saturday activity where we have people walking so there's cars are not driven so again it's not an issue with um adequacy of parking uh I mean I'll defer to the applicant but my understanding and have worked on many of these those large attendance events occur on the Sabbath when people are not driving they are walking well I I can't speak for when a bot Mitzvah occurs or um we would have to accept the applicant's statement of operations with regards to when Peak usage occurs and if it occurs on the Sabbath in the Jewish faith there's no use of Motor Vehicles if it happens on a Sunday well that might be a different story I that has to do with their pre presentation and their fact testimony to you as it relates to the required parking under our ordinance I would remind the board that they meet our new design standards for houses of worship on its face um so question yeah I have a couple last so to both either Mr kennel or Mr Halpert um sheet three of 16 of the site plan appears to show waldridge Road currently about 15 and A2 foot wide and it looks like you're proposing it to 17 ft um and then providing sidewalk behind the new curb does that sound about right um the plan show 17 this was as per a preat meeting the plans were submitted to the county the county is requesting 20 feet okay my con my concern here is several fold the first is along Aldridge Road as a professional I'd strongly recommend that there be no parking along Aldridge Road a it's a County Road B there's a significant amount of grade change heading east out of Jackson towards how from Connecticut Concourse up to the top of the hill granted credit to the applicant the Aldridge Road access is sort of at the top of the hill but the problem is is as you're traveling East from Jackson into Howell you've got a 10- foot rise so you're not going to see a car coming across the top anyone who's lived here more than five years Mr bressy knows that we don't drive 40 miles an hour on Aldridge Road right this is very true I travel that road almost every day my concern is that even if the county doesn't say so I think this this board should say we don't want any parking on Aldridge road now can we we can make that recommendation to the township and to Dy noted the township or to the county directly duly noted and I think um anyone who's watching the council meetings knows that's definitely a priority looking at the county road so we'll definitely pass it along Mr Peters so we'll make that a condition of approval thank you the applicant agrees to put signs up saying no parking anything to that extend yeah as if the county requires good my last concern is is probably Up For Debate um our recommendation would be the Aldridge Road access be right in and right out only um there's no need in our opinion to add a new left turn in or left turnout on Aldridge Road 400 feet away at Connecticut Concourse and Aldridge road is a full intersection with advanced warning signs crossw walks striping it's been there for 60 years I still have that same concern that although the applicant did put the access point at the top of a ridge I guess I'll Mr kennel do you guys do a site line analysis to see if there's adequate I looked at the the vertical profile and where the driveways proposed we have sight distance of approximately 450 ft which meet the requirements there may need to be it appears to be vegetation uh just east of our site and other lot that's within the rway that would have to be cleared and and would be discussed with the county to provide the proper sight lines so from that perspective you we have adequate sight lines it may require some uh clearing of vegetation it appears to be within the RightWay on the adjoining lot to the east to accomplish that but that's that'll be discussion with the county and obviously if the board is concerned with that we can bring that to the county as well and and what would be the downside of having um a oneway access and egress having right in right out to a that would mean more traffic onto Connecticut uh Concourse at a for and then be directed towards a four-way intersection uh it just means additional turning movements at an intersection versus for example of someone is coming from the east from Route 9 they if they can't make a direct left into the site then they're required to go through that intersection which has other vehicles turning so it's it's an increase of traffic at that location in lie of uh allowing them to turn into the site before the intersection uh that's really the consequence if you restrict it to right and right out then it means more traffic at The concut Concourse and Aldridge Road intersection um Scott just for the record you didn't submit the traffic report or the information that you've testified to tonight to the planning board have you that's that's correct um you indicated that at most you thought there were 40 congregants 80 trips what would you guess the trip distribution is from the East East from the East we had approximately 25% so minimum 10 vehicle trips in each in the morning in the afternoon correct so I don't think putting 10 more trips down at an intersection that's been there for 60 odd years is any less safe than putting a brand new one in and introducing left turns in and left turns out it's okay just I'm familiar with the area I think most of the board members are I don't think there's a design standards that says theirs is bad and mine's better I think it just might be a consideration of what's less worse the applicants willing to concede to the right and right out yes okay that's all I have Madam chair thank you good I think that's a good safety suggestion yes just one caveat if the county imposes something different then it's their road so we must bow to the county we agree that we will tell the county that the town wants right in right out only and hopefully they'll agree with you and Mr Peters that makes sense sense to you right and right out if the county says yes okay makes sense to me question sorry Mr um I think there was a testimony that it could be up to 60 member families so would any of that change what you just said based on what the applicants provided me they right today they have generally 25 to 30 attendees ear the services they wouldn't expect the number of attendees for the week weekday services to be more than 40 but even if it increased to 50 uh the analysis 60 then now or 60 I don't see where that would have a measurable change to the adjoining roadways and and Connecticut Conquest is not going to be impacted o only for a few feet really it's only a few feet so it's not like because I know that road very well as well it's a a community Road narrow small Lots um I don't think the impact there will be serious it's just those few feet to get access and eess so better better idea understood thank you any other comments from the board from professionals that concludes our presentation Madam chair and uh therefore we'll uh open it to the public if anyone has anything to ask of these three uh professionals please come forward want to waste all right do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do right please state your name and spell you last for the record Jim selia s um use the microphone please Mr s thank you hold it s i l e CC h a uh Mr Peters actually hit a lot of the questions I was planning on so thank you for all of that my only additional comments is question of applicant it is a question well there's going to be on Saturdays they're all going to be walking to this what guarantees can you have that everyone is going to use the the crosswalk on Aldrich my guess is they're coming from inside the community not necessarily there's a lot of homes on other side of of count what we were told um in prepping for tonight is that primarily all of the congregants live on that side of Aldrich is it possible that others will but we can't control what people do other than put signage up I mean hopefully there's there's is there a crosswalk there's a crosswalk at the intersection the intersection right but I'm just saying if they come out we can't make them just for again safety for it's not necessary to say that because you're cross-examining here you're not testify you're not testifying that's thank you any any other questions any anyone else would like to come up and speak about this application and ask questions of the professionals go ahead second solivan all in favor I I all right now anyone having any comments about this project feel free to come forward and make your comments seeing no one come forward I move to close the public statement part of the Tes second all in favor I I thank you would you like to Su for only that um I think having addressed all the comments in the board reports and then the comments we received this evening U variance free application we request that the board Grant the approval subject to all the condition I that we've stipulated to all right sorry um were you going to ask for design waivers yeah Ellie we mentioned One Design waiver from providing um we generally we're providing 10- foot wide islands that island is um approximately 8 ft wide and that would be a design waiver we don't want to lose the parking we still will be able to provide Landscaping within the island but it doesn't conform fully with the ordinance requirements Madam chair yes sir um mostly for my edification um I'm still having a trouble getting my hands wrapped around the the mid but in how that that works um it might seem silly but a men's VI m versus why a men's versus the women's so the um uh this is a the applicant um would be picking either one or the other or they could have both in different locations obviously it would be either a the men's mikah and the women's Mikvah would need to be separate the applicant is uh choosing to provide a men's Mikvah which is used by men prior in conjunction with the morning services that only men attend the women don't attend morning Services during the week so it makes sense to provide a men's Mikvah uh women's Mikvah um there is a previously approved application for a larger women's Mikvah and this is purely the applicant did not feel the need to provide a women's Mikvah but they are used at two different times the men's Mikvah is used in the morning and the women's mikah is used at night and the applicant chose not to provide a uh women's mikah because of the uh recently approved mikah application fair enough um I think the prior application also had Provisions for um utensils dish wear is does this include that this does not in this is meant only for the men to use the mikah there is no other section for a utensil mikah no and and the last question how is the Mikvah drained how often is it drained where does it drain to the um Mikvah that that would be similar to the previous um a Mikvah generally is filtered it is not needed to be drained too often approximately once a year is when it would be drained into the uh uh Storm Into the sewer system storm sewer or the San the sanitary sewer system the sanitary system I'll have a discussion with the MUA but that's all thank you motion i' like to make a motion s you should get all your applicants like this clients that can testify clearly and explain willing to listen and listen to recommendations and work along with us thank you I think that there being a complying application all the things that your applicant has uh said they would do and work along without professionals I make a motion to approve second heler Mr Brey yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr marzo yes Mr heler yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan yes Dr Campbell yes congratulations thank you thank you good night can I make motion to close or motion to close second I have a good night everyone