[Music] [Applause] [Music] let you [Music] [Applause] there hold [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dan see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me think it's more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] theend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me makes [Music] [Applause] [Music] more wow welcome to the 2024 High School film challenge all right we're going to get right into it we went with the top 25 High School films and top four Middle School films so we're going to run a little bit longer so we're going to get right going right afterwards we're going to roll into Awards good luck everybody [Applause] [Music] I'm going to tell him tonight okay I got to go bye hi in Florida who cheated on her husband oh way I know what's wrong with you I have to tell you guys something I'm moving what yeah I move in 4 days 7 hours away but that's Tuesday why didn't you say something earlier I didn't really know how to tell you guys but what about our plans we have so much to do over the summer guys I still have 4 days that's still plenty of time to do stuff we can do it all before I leave let's not ruin it and make the most out of it I've got an idea let's Vlog it I have to do this way day one for watching what is this Hotel Transylvania oh there you are yay Kayla hi happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning I don't [Music] lose we're ding down ditching and then teep peeing and then egging because no one's going to know what me we're turn the lights off turn the lights off we have to do heads or tails who presses the doorbell for do ditch it's just my tails is I don't to where what [Music] Tails here we have [Music] eggs my mom good morning morning my beautiful beacons of [Music] light I leave in about an hour byebye TJ bye [Music] TJ I leave never see my friends again at me I'll see you again can't you just come over for a little while I I can't you know I'd love to but I've got to be up early tomorrow for track can't you just Skip One Meet tempting but this is a really big race isn't there anything I can do to convince you let's talk about it at your house [Music] DJ sir are you okay obvious that injury I'm sorry sir posttraumatic Amnesia recovery weeks or months away I told you jack I remember I remember you our parents the dog the house but I mean what if you don't there there are things you just don't know I mean this is affecting your life I mean what about pel who's that she and I'll get it oh God hello Jack TJ oh my God thank God you're okay [Music] um do I know you or did I know you uh what TJ are you oh this is one of those amishia jokes cuz you hit your head or something babe I don't think Now's the Time for jokes U Penelope there's something you probably weren't told about TJ's condition you see when he hit his head he got this thing called postraumatic this is so nice I love you I TJ TJ T I'm sorry I was thinking about something who are you again can I help you TJ come on you don't remember anything anything about me I I don't know I don't think so well what about that time in the park the picnic I love [Music] you Penelope tej our anniversary today I need your help there's a serial killer on those and we have reason to believe you know who it is what makes you say that they're smart don't figure out well his violence is so baroke so meticulous this yeah I know who it is who is he what's in it for me your life what kind of authority do you have not Authority connections we need to know who he is why would I just tell you that off the bat I'm not going to do your job for you I want you to figure this out tell me what does this say about the killer do you want the death sentence to go away yes or no does your wife know about Anna going to continue your stupid little accusations or you're going to be useful for once in your life better yet does Anna know about what's her namea you want to die listening to you talk I think I would much rather die then I can speed that up for you buddy sit down don't need to be so rough get back answers that way you're as good as you say you are figure it out you know what please bring it on anything will be more fun than this miserable piece of evidence well you're the genius right should be enough evidence for you well I thought it was obvious you're bluffing does it look like I'm bluffing doesn't that much of anything what happens to the death penalty huh you want it I can schedule it in an hour come on you know what maybe on that note on behalf of your wife or maybe I can take care of you right now you want me alone in this room you know you're already dead have one opportunity to actually use that brain of yours that you call Smart and get your life back or are you too stupid to even do that so One Last Time wor those idiot who's the [Music] killer let me your watch my watch you heard me [Applause] go [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm Morgan what's your name okay not much of a talker but uh we only have so much time together I mean you'll have to talk eventually and then she said to me I didn't know you had style until today which is so backhanded I mean can you believe that TJ what you don't like the name TJ speak now or forever hold your beef you know one of the times I'm going to say a joke and you're going to laugh and say good one TJ I know you can talk so quit acting like you can't I'm not leaving you alone until you say [Music] something oink oink [Music] quack okay s okay s move [Music] move Wayne come back [Music] what was I thinking a cow will never talk to me even if it could I'll just leave you alone TJ actually could you keep talking I'm not ready for the silence yet of course I could I could talk forever if you need me to it was my only chance and I missed it dud I really need to talk about something what's up I've been losing so much money the past weeks I need to pay rent I have a family at home if I don't do something about it I'm not going to have a room dude you have to stop it's bad it's bad dude think about your family how are you going to provide for them if you don't have any money like you're giving it all the way you're faing a dream that won't happen you should stop I can't one more no dude seriously no last one I'm doe whatever what I'm talking about dude I can't help someone I can't be helped see you later good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] hello DJ who are you I don't know my name I can tell you're in trouble do you want to play a game what kind of game be serious do you want to play a game show me the game the name of the game is do or die in this briefcase there's a singular coin and a check made out to your name for $100,000 for the sake of this game I'll be heads You'll Be Tails and I'll flip this coin three times every time it lands on heads I'll receive a point every time it lands on Tails you'll receive a point Whoever has the most points after three rounds wins if you win you receive this check for $100,000 if I win you die do you want to play a game I can't I can't do that think about your daughter you need the money I'm first throw I don't know if I want to do this I'm not doing this it's too late what's a point for me time for throw two tails looks like we're alls side up I have a daughter dude please you why why are you even doing this there's no point don't do it please please please I have a daughter it's your last chance no finally I got the courage to cover my feate I slowly lifted my hand revealing the coin's verdict I took a deep breath started walking down the left path my heart's still racing with anticipation and fear every creaking Branch every distant hour will hurt I'm the timekeeper I'm outside of what you call time but I take your time from you time is a gift you are using the coin of knowledge to see other dimensions TJ I normally don't do this but here's the coin of knowledge you're laughing you take this coin it's your last chance if I go you won't be in this building what is this thing well not very many people come here why want to go home the coin of knowledge ISJ [Music] as I continued my journey the graveyard seem to stretch on forever the Tombstones stay like silent Sentinels casting Eerie shadows in the Moonlight I couldn't help but imagine the stories behind each one the lives that once wor it was both haunting and [Applause] meas is everything okay is everything okay I found out Florence I know about you and Sam what are you talking about TJ don't lie to me Florence what the hell is your problem I saw the messages the pictures I swear TJ please it was only once it didn't mean anything how could you do this to me Florence for God's sakes we've known each other since middle school well maybe your boyfriend just doesn't like boring anymore you've been the same since high school he wanted something new something special not that boring teenage love you want to know what I'm done with this I don't need this Are you seriously trying to walk out on me right now you want know what I am and I'll pick up my stuff Monday too [Music] there's a piece of yo did you guys see the TJ's back by the way wait was he suspended yeah but he came back I mean I haven't seen him but apparently he's back I always really felt bad for him like no one really hung out with him he was always alone all the time oh yeah I think that's because like in elementary school we used to be really good friends but then in Middle School like sixth grade he stopped hanging out with us so like we just kind of split from there I've been hearing stories that he's been beating people up he's been putting things in people's lockers threatening everyone and also there's one more thing I have to tell you [Music] guys light I [Music] got your father the [Music] coins I'm sure it's nothing there just a drill there no one there it's lock where'd he go let's go let's go we outside we got to go we got to go we got to go that way that way there's time for that wait who's that who are you you should remember me especially you I meant Ruth La you do you remember what you did to me back then oh shoot yo who is that that's TJ thought he was going to be short that's besides the point it's time for me toget my reveng this guy thinks he's tough no no no bro you don't you don't know trust me trust me he is tough you can't you burn into a crisp left him out I'm the reason he's like this I need to give him one last chance but first take this move just one last chance can anyone fast [Music] [Applause] it dear Mom I found your AA coin Yesterday by accident I was going through your stuff which I know you used to hate but I wanted to find a Sentimental Keepsake something I could look back on in 20 years and say this it belonged to my mom I'll always miss you mom forever yours TJ I'm Anna wait really wait was I miss doing things like this with my mom so how do you know so much about my mom are you like an old friend of her or something I don't understand why my mom relapsed she was doing so well when she was sober it felt like we were best friends you see that tree over there that's what a parent is they live a whole life before they even meet you and then their memory lives on through you wow I really didn't think about it that way but you know it still doesn't change the fact that she's gone and it doesn't change the fact that she didn't reach out to me because I could have helped her when you're a parent all you want to do is protect your child even if that means protecting them from yourself this coin I thought it meant something to her to our family it does and so do you Anna Anna where did you go Anna dear Mom I forgave you a long time ago but today I finally forgave [Music] myself what is luck luck means success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions it's a phenomenon that has been labeled as a cause for many events throughout history and you either believe in it or you don't now what is bad luck well to put it simply TJ Colt and if I could go back and change the Google definition of luck it would be Quinn P but opposites ATT track then well this is a short film so obviously TJ and Quinn are friends yeah I don't know how I got this grade I literally guess on every single one what I was studying until 4: and I got an F TJ would fail lunch if he could yeah I don't know man you just been really unlucky this whole year luck isn't real I've just been unlucky no look I'll show you luck isn't real let's flip a coin on it all right what do you want to bet on it 10 bucks all right but we're using my looking Quinn found that quarter on the ground 7 minutes ago oh a quarter okay uh I picked Tails all right you got Z cash app uh double nothing you don't have a job to be betting I'm sticking with Tails all right I mean thanks so free money TJ I've been craving chib wait wait uh let's go again if I lose lose I'll give you my necklace insert compilation of TJ losing everything he owns uh right here my jacket uh my phone my favorite plant uh my tripod hey we need that to make the film my my best friend like I don't even know what to do with all this who even is this can you put me down now yeah I'll just see you later TJ wait give me one last chance like the prompt for the movie you my tripod youve nothing else to bet well there is one thing I bet my soul I will prove once and for all that luck doesn't exist this time I pick heads oh [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] no sense at all you're not making any sense it's not that you're not making any sense stop crying like a baby what's the plan dude okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry first part of the plan JJ you need a highly reflective jacket what jacket this jacket right here sies the feel how how do you do don't worry that jacket is specifically made to bounce off the lasers I'm just the last person I wore it though is still in the hospital cuz I don't want to die actually before we get into the next thing LS can you get us some drinks cuz you're pretty thirsty yeah about the guy in the hospital he's doing amazing he's doing great he's has two weeks left to live but it's that's amazing right okay so now that JJ has his gear orange juice can you get your gloves I don't know man they said that they fit bro but you know it doesn't fit man it's all right OJ it's all right now we're going to talk about the most crucial part of the plan the coin boy you tweaking there ain't no coin there yeah seriously what coin bro where's the coin where is the coin that was the most important part of the plan the coin allowed us to hack through the firewall and now without that coin the plan is useless the plan is just useless you're going to jail you're going to jail he's going to jail I can't go back to jail I can't the co where's the coin where's the coin oh my can you just stop being a baby really we're doing this what's up I can't go to jail I can't go to jail I [Music] can't we terrible last leader TJ you need to get your head straight let me help you with that oh you good are you [Music] good yeah OJ let's go oh you want fight ball what what all of this for a coin dude yo sorry I'm late are we [Music] fighting Yo TJ I've been waiting for this oh yeah all right guys I got the drink but I got a little thirsty on what happened drink wait wait wait what money we don't have anyy what money did you use what money the coin the coin that was on the table what the coin use the coin coin for the our last chance our last chance I can't go to jail what the [ __ ] [Applause] freezing our model doesn't think so but I think so we're trying to be optimistic around here it'll be the first time in a week that we get above the freezing Mark we're dry with increasing clouds tonight we start to issue some problems and we start to bring theme where are you going got a call from work ther's on the fridge TJ yeah lock the doors keep an eye on cameras okay [Music] [Music] [Music] numerous reports of strange entities have appear in please [Music] know I pulled you two in here P drank all the coffee I swear David not that it's been two whole years and yet you two have not caught the magic criminal TJ the trickster and I'm furious Captain this guy is hard to catch every time we've been close to him he disappears into a buff of smoke the first time I got within 5et of him I had to pull a bunch of handkerchiefs out my mouth it just kept going and going and going and going and going and going look I'm giving you two one last chance to catch this guy and if you don't catch him by tonight you're off the force get out of my office I don't want to lose my job to some guy who can s a lady in half hey don't worry we show up eventually just stay calm is that him that's that's him freeze you think you can get away from me that easy huh look I don't know why you guys want to catch me so bad oh please you know why 33 separate counts of pulling rabbits out of hats sound familiar can't say that it does pal it is you we have Pro that it's you calm down calm down ah please you can't prove anything oh really how about you do a trick for my partner all right magic Wow is not that the same coin that you used last time you were spotted [Music] uh what no dude where did he go what uh right there whoa whoa whoa wait let me try let me try uh we're locked [Music] in Captain Captain did you get him toally totally badges now curse you TJ the trick [Music] [Applause] star I'm so sorry listen listen listen accidents happening just try to be a little more cognizant of your surroundings in the future okay I just I didn't I know you weren't paying attention but you've been here for like 2 months and you haven't even gotten a tip what's going on you well I'm starting College in September and my mom's not really in position to pay for me right now so I'm going for me I get it kid we all have things right I need you to do better you got two weeks this is your last chance pull it together har this what I heard the ball say that this is your last chance so carry this and I'll help you keep your job so many customers so little time two months of working and haven't been tipped a time will I be fired am I locked in one last chance it's quite a pickle I'm in hold glass if you do good then you st down I can't do this still don't mess up you will see step by step you'll learn with me why did I create such a mess I'll work hard and do my best I've got to hold this glass hold this tray if I do good then I can stay take down the pick up the bill I won't stop until I get it right I get to stay I do it the right way TJ how are you I'm good it's so good to see you you're our favorite thank you this looks great of course have a great day thank you here's your drink sir I'll be right back with your order well thank you very much Hey kid keep the James [Music] thanks good morning PL today we will be talking about coolent bonds Co valent bonds of course are chemical bonds four minutes four minutes and school's out four minutes until she's gone forever we've been going to school together since first grade and I still haven't worked with the nerve at ask her out and now I only have two minutes two minutes and she's off to college in Indiana who moves to Indiana there's like nothing there on top of all that it's like a million miles away if I don't ask her out today I'll never get the [Music] chance Emma Emma oh hey TJ what's up hey so I was thinking I got these two tickets for crazy foolish love and I was wondering if you wanted to go oh my gosh yes yes a thousand times yes I've waited my whole life for this let's not waste this moment with words for you my dear TJ are you okay oh [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't think I'm ready to leave you yet but you're not leaving yet you have a whole month left I just I could go back and be a kid again well now's your last [Music] chance so how are you feeling about college I mean I'm pretty good I mean I'm sure I'm going to be homesick and all that I'm Miss Miss home but uh what about you not going to miss it at all I'm barely even excited for college I just I just want to get out of here I don't even have anyone keep me here in the first place I'm just sort of done you know like my mom's always like TJ why are you going all the way out to California I'm just like because there's nothing for me here [Music] [Applause] [Music] something hey everyone just wanted to let you know that we'll be starting in a minute or so thank you hey TJ I'm glad you were able to make it me too yeah um thanks for tell me about the auction you really saved my life that that coin's the perfect gift for my dad uh I'm sorry but I got to get this thing started but take a seat and have fun thank you we're going to get started now thanks for coming I had to Google to make this look realistic so bear with me okay I guess we can just look through this catalog I made sure to drill my mom to make sure I got all the details on the items how much for the dog how dare you Reginal is not for sale okay first thing on the list is this that [Music] hey I know we're aiming for the same item but I think it'd be really wise if you chose something else that coin's extremely rare and it shouldn't just be given away as a gift I've had my eye on that thing for years okay I mean it is a gift but it's from my dad he collects coins as hobby I'm not just going to let some guy doesn't understand the art of coin collection bit higher than me get that but this my last time celebrating my dad's birthday before I move out so I want to get him something really special so I'm sorry but I'm not going down without a fight oh we'll see about that sold on to the next item here is a 1901 us gold piece starting at $5 $10 $15 $20 I see you Ella and TJ keep the offers coming $30 [Music] $40 Last Chance going once going twice so to TJ congrats you know I'm kind of surprised you didn't fit any higher I'm surprised you spent so much money on something you don't care about if it makes my dad happy I'm I'm glad to spend a little more money than I anticipated well if it turns out that your dad doesn't want it or you know he already has one I'll gladly take it off of his hands [Music] [Applause] yeah where is it what are you talking talking about where's my coin what what coin this morning there were $10 and10 in my wallet now there's only $105 a nickel is missing who took it TJ how could you possibly know that's not concern you who's going to fess up no all right Bradley when I left class to go to the bathroom yesterday you stole my seat to go sit with Dylan and Charlie didn't you yeah there were plenty of other seats in the room you could have sat with us likely story C when I nodded at you in the hallway on Monday you refused to nod back I had my airpods in I wasn't paying attention all right OJ we'll see what the judge do what judge and David you're just really annoying and I want a reason be mad at you understandable what about Luka I literally heard him say to you I'm going to steal your nickel Luka I mean he is sneaky cunning and probably like stealing nickels but he would never do that he literally just said he hang on Cal are you really suggesting luuka could steal a nickel yeah because I hold I've stolen nichels from the president himself what the hell are you talking about about it wasn't even me driving the could have stolen the nickel know me ding the and now he's coming after me hey guys I found this ni all right I'm just going to who had a bunch of different choices you could have G with the red y I took off my shoes for a reason I was going to take off my sock pie now all right I'm going to ask one last time who took my coin TJ you're being ridiculous this is your last chance Last Chance what is that even [Music] mean is that my nickel TJ this isn't what it looks like oh you [Music] [Applause] [Music] many years ago in a Time way before me there was a generational war between both sides of the Mason family something about a book of magic whatever blah blah blah the men wanted to be the only ones to teach the future Generations the contents of the book but the women wanted equality you know how times were in a fit of rage the men placed a curse on all of the women of the future generations with bad luck you're late that's detention for the 30 second time this curse was later called the black C and I TJ and now the ninth generation and now I'm the ninth generation and the last chance to break the curse and save my bloodline I know it might seem like a lot of responsibility but my mom says I have to find some lady named Olga I don't really know she was all like need to save us we're all going to die like this is so serious blah blah blah she was being really dramatic honestly I was barely listening off to see Olga whoever that is [Music] what is this place hello TJ I've been expecting you what how I see you still have the curse how'd you know the door was unlocked you could have opened it uh okay anyway you're you've been ordered to help me yes of course all you have to do is find what what is it what do I need to find good luck that's all I needed this whole time just good luck yes of course all you need to find is the number seven a clover and a penny facing up um you're weird what seven Clover Clover now I just need a penny Wait you dropped your penny I guess I'm just curse forever [Applause] oh my God look at these nerds hi TJ I'm really happy that you decided to come see me I know you've been having a difficult time maybe making decisions or even figuring out what you want to do okay so I have something that has helped me and something small but I think it might help you if you actually you know believe this is my lucky charm I've had it since I was your age and I want you to have it now now and I hope that it can bring you some luck or you know something to help you make decisions oh my God this thank you so much I really needed this see you next week this coin am I going to do this so did you go talk to them how did it go yeah she gave me this stupid point what are you supposed to do with this I don't even know she said to keep it for the [Music] [Applause] [Applause] weekend who are you I'm from the coin what do you mean you're from the coin I'm here to Grant you one wish use it wisely so do you want to use your wish on that kid I don't know I just don't want to get picked on no more well this is your last chance you have to make your decision now you're right okay okay you go TJ are you going to go to the football game yeah do you want the apple he I'm here to buy two Ry tickets it's all right let me see if uh thank TJ let me see if we have any in the back yep we do let me go get it real quick okay um here's two and that's going to be a dollar each thank you here's your ID back and have a good day sir [Music] [Music] oh my God I just W the this is the best day of my life [Music] [Applause] we're dying to know what was it like working on the set of TJ's Pion extravaganza the better [Music] man from the first day I knew this is going to be a disaster he's definitely a big personality this is probably the worst thing I've ever shot no not because I didn't try no because the better man is my Bonafide Masterpiece I created fantastically look all you need to know about the production was how smoothly it went how professional it was and it was fun you're telling me none of you have changed to get the camera on this thing what are you supposed to do time this money come on y going to start acting like professionals some problems okay oh my God you guys have no professional etiquette what are you supposed to do film the whole thing handheld there may have been like one or two small mishaps but I would have given him something to tighten his tripod with 9 hours of work and this is my compensation yeah like 9 hours you probably spent like half of it on one shot CJ your muscles are so camera sleep action camera sleep action your muscles is so I've always wanted strong man we have 62 takes of it and he wanted me to touch his muscles he has none that poor girl I feel so bad years I can't even imagine okay you guys are ruining my vision all right and you're lucky to even be a part of my project anyway all right I've had enough of this this out here I'm done get this camera out of my face baby girl oh my God CJ from academic pre-calculus that's me so uh do you need anybody to study with yeah all right so we can uh get started uh oh my God CJ your muscles are [Music] so yeah I've always wanted always wanted a big strong man to study with yes my master [Applause] [Music] your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system hey it's TJ heard you're got to your dream School congrats I think you're supposed to be leaving today how exciting I'm supposed to be leaving today too but I'm not as excited I want to talk to you before I head off maybe hear your voice again I really miss you right now and does and I guess I just wanted to tell you that I can't see my future without you in it you were my best friend the love of my life the one person who made life worth living and it's been really hard to start a new life with your absence I I hate falling asleep just to wake up and realize we're not together anymore and I don't I don't know if this is stupid but most nights I just sit up and and hope and wait for you to come back I just wish you'd come back I'll really miss our random outings to get food or the last minute trips to the park even your parking lessons being around you and doing everything together was really the highlight of my day and I miss your bad cooking to be honest I'd always take the long way home just so I can spend a few more seconds in your presence my life completely changed was the moment we met if I had to do it all over again I would do it in a heartbeat every second with you was never a second wasted I'm just not ready to let that go I can't you were my everything my whole world I I can't move on I can't just start a new life without you so before I do though I was wondering if you'd ever consider giving us another shot one last chance to get it right call me back if you get a chance bye [Applause] [Music] B [Music] what [Applause] and I will be a song I think we're good thanks for coming wait but I didn't get that's okay thanks flow [Music] seed and then you check behind your ear we're good how bad that you feel B thank you we're good oh excuse me I'm I've been looking all over for you had' it go it went did you show them the coin trick they never get the coin trip oh shoot I I got to go okay wait you said you help me rehearse my show is tomorrow did I TJ I try my best to make it I love you bye I hate you you do this every time [Music] you you look look at this look at this I got to go back I got get out oh my God [Music] [Music] can you state for me my name is Tito Jackson and this is my call back audition for the role of nickel when Beauty fades in love's own eyes and all seems dull A Worn disguise is what we've ignored then finally enhanced when one must realize it was their last chance that was the best call back of my life you should have been there I should have been there I should have been there you should have been here what do you mean the show doesn't start for another hour the show ended an hour ago Sasha I'm so sorry I you're sorry you're sorry gosh I knew this is going to happen I keep beli you'll be there for things for me like I am for you we're over Tito Sasha wait please Sasha [Music] [Music] [Applause] TJ are you even listening to anything that I'm saying we're taking the final on Friday and if you don't pass you can't graduate yeah um Sorry Miss I'm just really I got a lot on my mind right now with graduation coming around the corner so listen you're one of my star students and I would really hate to see you not get to graduate oh yeah I understand [Music] hey what are you doing you know me man just writing some music love to write music you know that yeah I've been friends with this girl for like 10 years and I need to ask her out like right now because I'm never going to see her again because she's going to college like five hours away so I need to ask her out right now Bella I just I want to talk to you for a second is that fine uh yeah sure okay um I wrote this song and I just I really want you to hear it you know I had a dream that you were here and it was [Music] you I always that we were [Music] and even I know you you know I always suppos to be know it's hard but try and see we were never meant to be TJ we feel like family what I don't see you like that TJ you've always been more of a brother to [Music] me I know I waited long yeah I get you man what are you doing [Applause] [Music] sorry DJ where are you going no time to talk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Laughter] finally your total is [Music] 571 where where's my penny I've only had a little bit of luck are you going to buy no okay [Music] [Applause] you got any last words before I put one in between your eyes nuh-uh that's not the line dummy come on I'm improvising we're not here to improv we're here to deliver a sorted somber silic on the cyclical nature of a violence oh come on I thought we went wanted to win an award TJ tell me being ridiculous I thought it was pretty fun you think a lot of things are fine guys this is our last chance to get an award we graduating in two months we need this the judges want jokes not Soliloquy all right all right look I think we're all pretty he right you know but we have enough time to finish it you know we could just go back break for the weekend and then come back with new ideas agreed all right we can do that let's do that ah so we got any ideas well look I think we were on the right track the first time we just need to be more dramatic I think the judges would love that hey guys I got it let's see Peter Allen's Corin look at that gorgeous golden color the hel vetical font flawlessly etched into it oh myut this is just American Psycho eoan never told you about your father he told me enough he told me you killed him he told me you destroyed the family coin no o I am your father no cut this is just Star Wars no I mean these are funny but do you have anything that aren't just parodies parodies parodies and some more parodies I mean we put all this time effort and Trust into you to produce something that's good but you just gave us crappy D films why are you trying to make this a big joke why are you here why are you so pretentious oh okay all right yeah okay cuz it's me okay all right then you could get over yourself minut all right the first first film was perfect I don't understand why y'all keep arguing we had comedy we had drama it was beautiful like if we just got together and finished it I promise that the judges will love it can you just agree on that I mean you got it yeah that's fine yeah okay can we still do the coin thing or fine you got fast hands boy not faster than your [Music] [Applause] father look she already left for the station I messed it up I mean look it's gone there's no point in chasing after something that that might have never been at all all right fine I guess I'll flip a coin and if it's heads I'll go after her and if it's Tails that's it tails [Music] [Music] l l TJ what are you doing here I need to tell you something you cannot leave what do you mean I can't leave look I wasn't going to come I know you're leaving I don't have much time but you brought something into my life and it changed me forever and I can't let that go it's too late I'm sorry you should go [Music] [Music] TJ TJ wait I'm not coming back but before I go I know how much this meant to you okay heads I take it tells I don't take the sandwich [Music] [Applause] all right all right so great job everyone we had uh 87 89 89 films this year so the ones we showed here were only the top 25 but just because you wer in a top 25 doesn't mean your film wasn't good we had crazy entries this year um we're GNA get into Awards we have 19 Awards to give away today I'm Mr Noble by the way this is Mr frone it's a beautiful jacket you have there Mr Noel thank you Mr fr do you have anything in the pocket I do I have the awards in the pocket Oh I thought you were going to pull out the uh oh the beef jke jerky yeah I'm okay yeah put that back in oh my God all right so category number one best Middle School film we had great participation from middle schools this year you saw a bunch of their films up here today so the award for best Middle School film and when we announce the award winner come on up guys take 30 seconds to thank whoever you'd like and then head back down we'll move on to the next one all right best Middle School film goes to the coin of wishes maginness Middle School [Music] [Music] conratulations guys he I'll pass microphone to you got it come um so I think we all would just like to thank um our teacher Miss bogs if if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have really we wouldn't have been able to even participate in this um she's all the way over there but thank you Miss BOS we're going to miss you s thank you we're not going to be here next year cuz you know we're going to high school but we're going to miss you oh yeah um last year we won as well so this is really cool ulations guys you go down right there yep all right congrats all right let's move on all right moving on to the next one congratulations best screenplay Mr fren you want to do the honors absolutely all right and the best screenplay goes to the black cat Franklin High School [Music] oh my gosh this is crazy guys um I just want to say thank you so much to Mr pinnix and PJ for allowing us to use our creative uh creative outlet and I also want to promote the avas happening on June 7th at Franklin High School this is the 20th annual Ava so if you would like to come out and have fun have fun Mr pinnick is retiring our lovely teacher so we just wanted to shout that out but thank you so much for this opportunity thank you congratulations guys got the trophy right yeah right down there it's [Music] perfect all right next up is best use of prop and the award goes to sold Howell High School we were not expecting this and we're really happy especially since this is all of our senior year we want to give a huge thank you to Mr nap for having us in our program and an extra special thank you to Mr Simon for letting us use his coin um I just want to specific spefically thank nap and the rest of the fpac actors who allowed us to use them in this film I had like 20 people over at my house it was the most I've ever had and um it was just so much fun working with everyone and I just want to say thank you to everyone who was involved with the production thank you if they award for cutest dog they would win that as well and I love I love their line in the film you guys probably heard it where they said uh forgive me or give me a second I had to Google to make make this look realistic or something like that um by the way this is live streaming at JTV live.org or go to YouTube and search for Jackson television um you guys can watch it back from home uh it's also live right now if you want to have anyone watch it uh next award is for best production design I think I did the last one so I think you're up okay best production design goes to fired Lacy high school [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I did not prepare a speech uh thank you so much to all the judges and everyone from WS um everyone was such a huge help during the production not just everyone standing up on the stage Ethan where are you you helped you you're in the audience still um but when when I say everyone in our program was there by by our side when we were writing and filming and editing and they all had their own projects to do some of them you saw some of them you didn't um so I just want to thank all of them and thank everyone here for watching and supporting our film thank you [Applause] all right moving on next is for best sound design all right and the award goes to mired Union City High School [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh so hi um thanks everybody and thanks to njhs for hosting this event this is one of my favorite events uh thanks to Union City High School without them our film wouldn't have been possible thanks to all the crew here uh I'm Jeffrey meraga I was the co- director of this film I also did the sound uh this is Saul I was the co-director and writer for the film and it was a lot of work writing for it because I'm not a creative person sup uh I got to do some acting it was pretty cool it was uh pretty fun and I liked it it was a good experience with these two guys and also guys here Adrian Seb and uh yeah it was pretty fun hey guys I edited um I'm the protagonist hi hello I'm so nervous right now I'm just want to thank Gonzalez bigo oo everyone I don't know hi hi I was production assistant uh move things broom congratulations guys congratulations nice job you can go down right there if you all right next award is best visual effects all right this school is not actually here today so we have a video to show but the winner is left out reroute Eastern Eastern Christian High School [Applause] I'm play their uh acceptance video that hopefully we have okay we'll play that later all right moving on best cinematography one of my favorite Awards this one goes to Ready or Not Rumson Fair Haven High School best [Applause] cinematography hi um thank you I'm so nervous I just want to thank my teacher and the judges thank you guys so much um Miss scrum back we wouldn't have been able to do this without you and sadly my friends can't be here because they're at prom right now so yeah thank you so much thank you congratulations congratulations all right next up is best actor boy that was a that was a tough category there were a lot of good actors yeah there were we actually after like the fourth round all the judges Whittle it down to like eight people so it was it was definitely in close all right the winner for best actor is and I forgive if I say this wrong uh Shiloh Scott from Thomas Jefferson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am Shiloh's representative s sadly Shiloh is at a singing competition so he couldn't make it today but we thank you very much and we accept in his place and they can't be trusted with the microphone so I'm saying thank you for them thanks a lot guys thank you all right moving on Best Actress okay this was another category that was tough to whittle down but uh the winner for best actress Avis Pina Memorial High School [Applause] oh thank you um this is really cool um thank you to uh all my teachers now thank you to all my teachers that I've had in the past for digital media thank you Madison for filming this I got to send her the link to the live because yeah she's gonna think this is cool um yeah I have nothing else to say this is awesome all right next up is best Direction the award for best Direction goes to fire directed by Jackson colon codlin [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey again um hey everyone um I still don't have a speech prepared um I forgot to thank CJ's diner for letting us film there uh so that that is all unless anyone else has anything to say maybe okay Jackson you did a great job thank you [Applause] I feel like we're playing Hot Potato here you go he was so close to saying something there he was it was really close all right next up is best editing oh all right best editing no computer is editing for you here people this one goes to the making of a better man editor Andre Paris [Applause] oh my gosh hey hey everybody glad y all enjoyed the Opus uh just want to do a few thank yous thank you so much to Mr nap for being the reason we create thank you so much to Mr churn our administrator the reason why we're able to be here today thank you to Doughboy Pizzeria uh for letting TJ film his dream date uh but yeah I'm gonna pass it off to Justin here oh uh I apologize I'd like to speak on behalf of our director who wishes they could have been here today I had an awesome time working with the actors in the Chrome this project I'd like to thank everyone we were worked with I'm proud to have worked with these like-minded [Applause] individuals uh one last thing uh I know we all enjoyed the film and everything but I want to get back to directing and I can't do that with the broken mink so maybe we get start like a GoFundMe you know to repair this real quick it's it's a little torn up uh but yeah thank you so much I actually own the exact same jacket so strange all right next up is fan favorite so this one we sent out to uh all of our graduates that went to film School uh and surveyed some people that submitted asking what their favorite was and that goes to Abracadabra Lacy high school [Applause] oh I oh I can't see this is great um hi everybody um I'm Jack I was the director this is my best friend Robbie uh that's Paige TJ trickster Micah Elliott we have more out there um thank you so much I want to thank the rest of WTS they are some of the most supportive people I've ever met even with my crazy ideas um I want to thank Mr merman and Mrs Fett they have been some of the best digital media teachers I've had um I also want to thank my parents cuz I am crazy and uh thank you for putting up with me uh Robbie you want to say anything thank you everybody I appreciate it and um I'm gonna miss this guy he's he's graduating but um thank Youk you congratulations good job guys all right so now we're moving on to the comedies and dramas we have third second and first place so starting off third place best comedy let's see third place best comedy lucky me Perth andoy high [Applause] school thank you thank you wow I can't see anybody in here um I want to say thank you to my teacher and Mentor Mr y uh big thank you to my actors and my crew right here Michelle and Aiden or uh Danny uh I came here last year as a junior and I submitted a film and I made it to top 20 but I didn't win anything so I made it a goal to win something this year so thank you very much took a lot of luck congratulations good job guys all right moving on second place best comedy goes to that's you buddy turn right that's your turn Heist Monroe Township High [Applause] School what's popping everybody all right all right so I'm going to keep this short uh I just want to take uh you know just saying uh just want to thank the rest of my crew and I want to thank Mr ladic for you know being with with us you know helping us along the way also want to thank Miss Miller she's also there to help us too I also want to take uh you know say thank to Josh for helping us with thatting thank you job congratulations all right on to first place best comedy okay and the winner cows don't talk Kings Way Regional High School [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you to our teacher Ritter um the cow he was the cow he spoke as the cow uh we were the first people from our school to ever do this contest two years ago and we won best screenplay but we never we didn't get our award yeah we're still we're still waiting for that but we won't be the last people from Kingsway so you'll see a lot more of Us coming not us but other people thank you all right now on what we on to drama moving on to drama third place best drama all right that's you buddy the word goes to Ready or Not Rumson Fair Haven High School I already spoke I want to thank the judges again and thank you all for being here and for the award it's very pretty thank you thank you see look they didn't get out of order in my pocket it I know that he was very worried that I stuck him in there I did all right moving on second place best drama second place goes to mired Union City High School [Applause] [Music] up [Music] I I I didn't expect to go first here I'm sorry um again hi uh I just I mean we already said everything we had to say I thank you again to same people thank you to Jeffrey and Saul I wouldn't be here they didn't ask me to be a protagonist uh I don't know if you guys have to say something uh no I just want to thank Union City again and thank you Mr Gonzalez for believing in us and yeah thank you all right congratulations guys all right Mr Noble looks like we're up to our first place drama yep first place drama drama drama this is you buddy there you go first place drama is the things I never said Memorial High School um just wanted to say thank you to miss sandon um this is the first time we've done something like this like this kind of genre so thank you thank you so much to miss andon for always inspiring us that's all I have to say thank you thank you thank you all right on to the final award we want to thank you guys again for coming today uh it was a great year we'll do it again next year announce the date uh probably the next couple of weeks and uh we hope to see you guys back out again uh if any of you guys didn't get a tour of the production truck and want to do that um if you don't have to rush right out of here it's parked right out of that back corner there we'll give you a tour show you a little bit about what we do with live event production all right Mr fr I'm going to give this one over to you best overall all right here we go best overall they're they're chatting in my ear to uh promote our ferronis that's online for Ron's 2024 wait I just realized do we have the video Matt for the thank you for effects yes no not saying you didn't didn't get placed in the computer okay no worries that Tech problems what are you gonna do all right our winner for best overall film goes to oh I'm sorry fired Lacy high school [Applause] that's the wrong video yeah thank you for the award i' just like to announce that because of this film we are turning it into a live performance and extending the musical and performing it at the lths short film festival on June [Music] 5th uh it was a crazy film to make I mean we for the song we wrote it on Monday scored it on Tuesday recorded it on Wednesday and then F filmed on Thursday so it was crazy I just want to thank all of you here the entire crew that came together and made this I want to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity they came to me and they were like do you want to help us make this do you want to sing it and I was like yes and I'm very happy that you guys gave me the opportunity because this has been an experience that I'm not going to ever for forget do you guys want to say anything else I also want to thank the entire I don't know I'm lost to with words thank you everyone thank you all right congratulations again to everyone we'll see you next year have a good day [Music] check check check check hey folks somebody left out we found the black sweatshirt in the aux gym where you guys are eating lunch black sweatshirt it's got deodorant in the pocket anybody I'll leave it here for you [Music] --------- [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] all [Music] right all right I know I told you five minutes five minutes ago but couple more minutes just waiting for another school well actually like five um um really quick if any of you guys wanted to do the cinematography Workshop I know some of you guys didn't select workshops in advance there's still 40 seats left in cinematography so it's up to you if you want to stay here with wonderful Sandy or go down to cinematography which is down to the end of the hall there's a lot of seats open there too so it's totally up to you guys where you want to be but uh hopefully couple more minutes we will get going yeah this this presentation will be about non-fiction film making whether a short film or a documentary okay okay yeah just so Sandy just Sandy is a documentary producer she works mostly non-fiction so if your interest is mostly fictional uh cinematography might be a better option for you she's going to talk about everything but that's kind of her Focus so just so you guys know all right a couple more minutes guys thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh supposed to just start or is somebody yeah your [Music] yeah good morning [Music] everyone good morning everyone I'm glad you all got here welcome to Jackson Liberty my name is Sandy LaVine and I'm very grateful to Jackson Liberty for asking me to come and speak with you today so I want you to know that I'm going to be speaking about non-fiction mostly television production and independent production both short films and long films and it's going to be a little bit about a lot of different topics kind of a Soup To Nuts of producing Onan band so I hope that stuff that you'll be interested in and I want to tell you that I went to Ruckers University can you guys all see the slides okay okay I went to Ruckers University and the reason I'm only going to talk for just a second about my background and then we'll get right into the nuts and bolts of producing the reason I bring this up is because I was very passionate about photography when I was in college and I thought I was going to be a a photographer but at that time we used these very very smelly harsh chemicals to develop the film and I didn't like the way the chemicals made me feel when you were down in the dark room over these big Vats of the poisonous chemicals and then I found a video camera and I could create images without having to do the developing in the dark room with the chemicals and that is how I was led into the video production world I also want to say about my experience at ruter which is a fabulous University perhaps some of you will end up going there you know at this point in your high school career way more than I knew when I got out of college and that's thanks to the fact that the television programs in high schools and in middle schools have advanced so far and you do so much and you're getting going to be graduating from high school with a much greater knowledge of television and video production and film making than anybody had graduating from college when I went and I also want to mention that I was asked to judge some of the entries into this film Challenge and I want to congratulate everybody in the room for the work that you put into the films that you made I saw some really great creativity I saw some camera moves that I actually couldn't figure out how they did them I saw some good editing some good acting and as somebody who's done this for so many years I know how much work goes into producing a a video even if it's only three minutes long so give yourselves a round of applause for the work you put in great job again I'm just going to spend a quick second on this after I got out of college I went to a place called Channel 8 which is a cable television station in Tom's river and I announced I was a college graduate and I said uh I'd love to get a job here working in news and they said I told them about what I had done and what I had studied and the person that was interviewing me said we'd like to offer you a job I said great how much does it pay and he said minimum wage and I said no I am a college graduate I will not work for minimum wage which at the time was probably around $2 and I left and I did other things for two or three years but I had the bug in me about wanting to create videos and films that wouldn't let me go so a couple years later I came back to that very same television station and talked to the very same manager and I got offered a job again for minimum wage and this time I took it and it was the best thing I ever did and I say this not because I want you to have to work for minimum wage once you have your college degree but this is an industry where often you're expected to pay your dues we're expected to get some experience under your belt before you're going to be paid well so if that happens to you when you're going to get your first jobs I'm sorry sorry it just it may be that way for you it was for me and here I am at Channel 8 learning how to shoot a camera and these were big Studio cameras and the cameras that we had that went out in the field at the time I don't know they were 50 or $60,000 cameras and so it was very very you needed a lot of training to be able to use the gear and it was just considered Elite really to have a job in TV production at that time because it wasn't ubiquitous like it is now where everybody has a camera everybody has a phone from Channel 8 I went on to a station called njn which is PBS public television and it was a good move for me because I went from a place where the the news program where I worked at Channel 8 it was only seen in Ocean County but when I went on to njn the show was seen all over the whole state of New Jersey in parts of New York in New York City um and the five surrounding states the state state surrounding New Jersey was seen in parts of all the states so that was a big move up in terms of the professionalism of the Productions and also the size of the audience and I worked for njn for 23 years um nine years doing news production exclusively as a reporter and a producer and I also learned a tremendous amount doing that that helped me through throughout my entire career and I um also did documentary Productions um I had a I hang on sec I um am very passionate about animals my father was a veterinarian my brother is a veterinarian so I got involved with a show called homeless tales and it was a show about adopting pets that were in shelters so a dog and cat would come on the show and viewers would see them and they would go to the shelters and adopt them this was before Pet Finder this was before every newspaper in in the world was featuring adoptable pets and to show you the power of the media when we first started doing the show if we featured a dog or a cat this the shelter got flooded with phone calls they always got home so that was fun and I also did again I did news for all the time I was there and I I did some documentary production and sort of my claim to fame if I have one in the in the world of uh video and television production and exciting shoots that I went on it was this one I went um to south Australia and I went diving with great white sharks so I'm going to talk to you a little bit more about that in a little while and right now in addition to doing all kinds of video projects both um independent projects and for television I just host I just launched rather my podcast the beginning of this month it's called still time for joy and it's about practical advice for weathering life storms and inspirational stories of resilience so I just started that May 7th and this is only May 16th right or 17th May 17th and my God I thought it was going to be like not too bad like not that much work it's a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun I just love interviewing people and so I thought this would be a a good way for me to get to interview people again I thought it was going to be super easy it's not but it's also something you all can definitely learn how to do if you want to and I I just again this is not a career development Workshop so I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this but I do want you to think a little bit about what your own interests are because in my opinion I don't think this is easy work I don't know it's fun sometimes it's fun often but I also think it takes a whole lot of effort and time to make good videos good films and I think it really helps if you sort of think about what types of film projects you like to work on because it helps if you love the subject matter when things get hard to keep you going so just a couple of things that you may be interested and there are also many many that are not up here that some of you are probably interested that are not on the list this is not an extensive list but one thing is news I know in probably all of the high schools or at least most of them you're probably doing some news stories and news anchoring and news production um certainly the landscape of television news has changed a lot but it's still on the air it's still something people tune into and there are still jobs in the area of television news feature stories that can mean a lot of different things this is my area of passion this is my cup of tea and I did lots and lots of feature story production when I worked at the PBS station and at Channel 8 meaning human interest stories U PE biographies about people any feature story to me can mean a lot of things that isn't really hard news so feature stories are your that that it's feature stories are your thing you should talk to me if you have any questions I'll be happy to help you marketing videos this is one of the ways that I make money in my business now and every single business out there pretty much let me dial that back a little many many many businesses are using videos to help them Market what they do whether they're little 15-second videos or whether they're five minute videos that explain what the business does why they do it why they're good at it why customers should choose them marketing videos are really important for for businesses and if you know the basics of doing a good news story or a good feature story you can change it up just a little bit and do really good marketing videos I just recently did a marketing video for a financial advisor and it was a lot of work but he told me yesterday that he's getting two new clients he has meetings with two new clients because of the videos now assuming that those clients sign on with him those deals those new clients will be worth tens of thousands of dollars for him so if you can find the right business marketing videos is a good way to make money down the road educational videos this is a very broad topic whether it's history are if anybody in the room is interested in history or science there are unlimited numbers of uh educational type videos you can do culture and I I was talking to a few of you earlier about what you're most interested and number of people said they were interested in doing music videos that would come under culture the arts dance painting there are lots of TV shows out there and shows online and art galleries they're all using videos about culture so if this is your thing there are opportunities sports that that needs no explanation whether you're working on live sports production or you're doing player profiles always opportunities for people interested in sports and what else I don't know whether anyone is brave enough in the room to raise their hand or just shout out what else is anybody interested in can anybody tell me something I don't have on my list yes music okay music could come under culture but I know a lot of you are really interested in music videos and that's awesome just for fun and also because certainly artists are always hiring people to produce films for them about their videos for their albums certainly that's a that's a great idea anybody else have one thing they want to mention yes social Med marke TI to instagam excellent that's a huge opportunity and you know Unlimited opportunity right there unlimited opportunity of course yes reviews interesting yes and they can live online they can also help Drive um customers to businesses and again and I want to emphasize I'm talking a lot about you know after you perhaps go to college some of you will go to college some of you won't but I'm talking a lot about job opportunities I know that's a little bit down the road but I'm only asking you to think a little bit bit about where your interests lie as you move forward with deciding what you're going to focus on okay and thank you for answering my question it's always fun when people are willing to participate I appreciate it okay here's what I'm going to cover today and I will try to be engaging and not boring in these topics I have four peas for Success passion preparation professionalism and perseverance these are all important and I could talk about each one of these in many many many different areas but I'm only going to focus on one particular area in each so passion the first and I'm going on and on about this story selection passion find your interest because to me this is the most important thing I can say to you today try to get yourself into doing production about something you actually care about and that you love and that has meaning for you and that you're interested in any of the above and the reason I think that's so important is because this is not easy work and you get to those days where you've spent six hours shooting something and when you get back there's something wrong with the video or there's something wrong with the audio has this ever happened to anyone in the room yes it has it's frustrating and if you don't kind of have have a real interest in the subject matter it it's it may be you may want to quit but if you're really passionate about the subject matter you might find the a way to keep going okay so let's dive a little bit into story selection I'm just going to pick a couple things that I'm passionate about I'm very passionate about stories that do good I'm passionate about stories that tell a story and maybe just if I'm really lucky Inspire one person two people 10 people a thousand people to help the world be a little bit of a better place and that may sound corny to some people but there is the possibility in creating really high quality media to move people to action in positive ways that's really what I'm passionate about so my sister happens to be an artist she's a very well-known artist in Arizona and she got this opportunity believe it or not to go to Africa and photograph wild animals on a safari and then come back to home in Arizona and paint those wild animals and then hold an art show where those paintings were sold and then all the money from the sale of the paintings was going to be donated to charity I heard about this plan and I said this is what I say to almost everything I hear well that would make a great video that would make a great video story selection again is is what we're talking about here there isn't a day that goes by that I don't meet someone or see something or learn something new and think that would make a great story that would make a great video the story ideas are all around you they can be right in your own family or your own Community or they can be in Africa so I said that would make a great story and the next thing I know someone offered to pay for me to travel to South Africa and to go on a safari if I would just create a video about it well what would you say yes I was like okay I'm ready when can I leave and I got the opportunity to go on Safari in South Africa so this is another one thing I want to bring up today is honing your skills in video production and film Mak when I say video production filmm I'm using them interchangeably so let's just get that out there if you hone your skills in the production of videos especially we're talking oneman band it can take you on Amazing opportunities again whether it's in New Jersey or whether it's on the other side of the world I got to go to South Africa and go on Safari and here's the kind of stuff that I got to see gigantic elephants and our little safari truck one day got got in the middle of like a herd of elephants it was actually rather scary lions okay close up to Lions what an opportunity rhinoceros these are actually pretty dangerous these are the ones you want to not get too close to so that was just a wonderful opportunity it was a thrill and I made a video about it and my sister's art show raised $80,000 for charity every single penny of the paintings that were sold went directly to charity so it was a great event and just so much fun for me so but you don't have to travel to Africa to find really compelling really engaging stories this happens to me my husband his name is Michael and unfortunately 25 years ago he came down with a rare neurological illness just for sake of ease I'll explain it as a brain injury which it was and he had devastating effects from it he was paralyzed for a short time he had lots of problems like the similarly to if you've had a severe stroke some of you may know someone who's had a severe stroke he was absolutely devastated he didn't work for eight years bad time some of you may think this is weird but hopefully we're in uh we have a common feeling about video and you won't think it's too weird I was in the hospital with him and they thought he might die for about 11 or 12 days and on the I think it was on the 12th day they said Mrs fairhurst which my name is LaVine but they called me his name and uh they said your husband's going to survive and I said Thank God oh my God thank God what is the next thing I said someone get me my video camera how many people think that's not weird please support me here okay good not weird no there were real reasons why I wanted to do that why I had that reaction the first is can you guys see all right am I blocking you are you okay all right um the first reason I wanted my video camera was I knew my husband wouldn't remember what happened to him and I knew he'd want to know later so I thought okay I'm going to tape some of this so he can see later what happened to him the second reason was I was in the hospital day and night for two months and a lot of times I was just sitting around so it gave me something to do and I was you know was very upsetting I'm not making light of this it was a horrific time but the third reason I wanted to start shooting was because I thought I know my husband's going to survive I know this is going to be a long recovery but I think that if I shoot it and I make a story out of it someday maybe it could help other people and so I did a story about my husband husband's recovery I shot on and off not all the time I shot on and off for 10 years because it really took that long until he was in pretty good shape again and I asked him many many many many times if he was okay with me doing it and he was and I put together a story and it's on YouTube and it has uh 26,000 views I think and the reason it's um important to me I knew I was the right thing to do the story because of the comments on YouTube because there are lots of people who watch it who have had a loved one who's had a brain injury and they say thank you so much for sharing your story thank you so much for for explaining what this is like I'm able to take your video and show it to my loved ones or my friends or my family and explain to them what it's been like to go through this so video can do a lot of good and this was one of the instances this is my favorite story of all time the smart Goose how can you make a good story out of a goose well I'm going to tell you very briefly about the story of the smart goose and then I'm going to show you the video it's only about four minutes long and it's my absolute favorite story I've ever done of all time and it's as close as I've ever come to having a viral a true a true viral video which to many people means you know 75 million views for me I'm happy it has about 580,000 views on YouTube it's it's good enough for me lots of likes and uh but the bottom line is it's just a very heartwarming very heartwarming story and it involved my dad who has since passed away but as I said he was a veterinarian and I he called me he called me one day and said knowing that I like to videotape everything Sandy you have to come over to my yard you won't believe what you see and I want to prepare you cuz there's some very disturbing video in here but I'm going to let you know ahead of time that everything turns out to be okay so don't don't get too upset at the video but he called me over to his yard and he said there's a goose in my yard that's been shot by a bow and arrow and the arrow is still in the goose and we want to try to help this bird but I think you probably want to come over and shoot some video of it while we're trying to help it and I said I'll be right there so my dad being a veterinarian this is a an x-ray that shows the arrow in the goose go one more please and here he is working on removing that Arrow this video Not only was shown on njn public television which is the TV station I work for that's seen in you know New Jersey and five surrounding states but also the Associated Press picked up on the story they heard about the story and and part of the reason this story got such play was cuz I called it the smart goose and the Associated Press put out a story on it that was seen around the world so this is my very favorite story involving my dad and at this point I'd like to present the smart Goose well have we got a wild goose story for you tonight it features a Canada Goose a species often disparaged over its great numbers and M messy droppings that seemingly arranged for its own Medical hair after being shot by a bow and arrow Sandy LaVine reports on an incredible journey where sy's own dad played a key role in the fate of a fine feathered friend it all started in February when people living along Kettle Creek in Ocean County began spotting this Canada Goose that was suffering from an illegal bow and arrow shot to the chest frantic calls for help began pouring in to local anal shelters the citizens were very concerned that the goose was obviously hurt and probably in distress for several weeks Animal Control Officers were frustrated during their repeated attempts to catch the goose with small Nets because even with two feet of the arrow shaft sticking straight out of his chest remarkably the injured bird could still fly one of the other things that it was heartbreaking he kept trying to get it out kept trying to pull it out and I can't imagine the pain that he must have felt for how long it was in there too a couple of weeks after the goose was first spotted he made a very smart decision he landed here on this waterfront property in Tom's River my father Dr Bernard LaVine lives here who just happens to be a veterinarian who was willing to try to help the smart Goose he came up to our lawn had no insurance he's a freeloader but smart to catch the elusive Goose state fish and wildlife technician Kim tennis brought a special net gun to my father's yard where the goose was waiting patiently for help to arrive I had a misfire and then I missed the bird and fortunately I was able to take a second shot and the second one went off flawlessly we uh we captured the bird we were able to cut the shaft down to a workable number and then turn it over to a veterinarian very good there you go the next stop Tom River Animal Hospital founded by my father in the 1950s where the bird was anesthetized and x-rayed revealing a razor sharp Broadhead Arrow not allowed for hunting geese and this very tough bird also had been shot three times with a pellet rifle three a small incision was made boy that's one hell of an arrow and the arrow was pulled out it was amazing it's amazing to see the the damage that the arrow had done where it had penetrated through the skin there was a lot of necrotic tissue for the best chance of a full recovery the goose was sent to the Raptor trust in Millington one of the top wildbird rehabilitation centers in the country here in the company of beloved Birds of Prey a much maligned Goose received medical treatment Fit For A King we believe that everything has a significance whether there are a lot of them or there a few of them the individual matters finally after 6 weeks of healing it was time for the bird's release back to the wild again whenever you're ready here we go very good it's a point moment for an Aven expert and a doctor who have devoted their lives to helping animals using their talents and resources to end suffering even among the less popular like the smart goose with the incredible will to survive it's a good feeling especially one that injured as bad as bad as this was it's touch and go it's very rewarding uh nice to see him out there frolicking in the water prining him himself and is enjoying life the way a goose should back in the wild Sandy LaVine njn news Millington we told you it would be wild thank you thank you thank you very much so uh the title of this presentation today is onean band and I want to Circle back to that because my role in producing this story was first figuring out that there was a story which I knew as soon as I went to my dad's yard I mean I knew we had to help that bird and I knew that it was going to make a great video but why I'm going to ask a question again I hope one person will be brave enough to to throw something out what do you think about the story makes it compelling and interesting and I think every it's hard to see well somebody with their hand right there I can't really see that far go ahead can somebody repeat what he what he said I can't hear because that the goose survived yes and they got help sure and part of what also makes it interesting is the variety of shoots now think about it we're talking onean band now first I hear hear about the story so I go to my dad's yard and I get the goose with the arrow then I go back to the my dad's yard to try to see that person catch it with a net gun then I went to the hospital to see the surgery done then I went up to the Raptor trust which is a two-hour drive from my house to see the bird getting rehab at the Raptor trust then I went up a fifth time to the another time to the Raptor trust to see the bird be released and there were probably a couple other shoots in there that I'm forgetting about so my passion for good storytelling good feature storytelling means trying to get whatever footage whatever photos whatever material you need to tell the story well and often times that means multiple shoots sometimes we don't have that luxury sometimes we're working on a project that you have two hours to shoot and it has to be done the same day but for a feature story like this where you can show progression over time you can show a problem people are working to solve the problem and then there's a resolution That's a classic formula for a story that people like to watch so but as far as the oneman band goes um it meant figuring out that there was a story shooting the story going over tons and tons of footage whittling it down to four minutes writing the story editing the story and that goes back to my days at Channel 8 when I first started because we learned every aspect of television and video production and I'm encouraging you all as you are studying in high school and if you go on to college or whatever you do after high school try to learn as much as you can about all different aspects of production and I know in a lot of your classes you're doing that you're having to learn about all different aspects you may have a strong preference for one and certainly you can devote a lot of time to honing that craft but if you know a little bit about a lot of ways to do all things that are involved from figuring out the story to delivering it online or to a newsroom or wherever or to a business wherever you're delivering that video that you'll have a lot of opportunities that's all I can say Okay so we're talking about preparation next and meaning pre-production preparation and pre-production I am very big on doing a lot of research and when you go to do an interview if you've done a lot of research on the person you're interviewing it's going to show if you have the time and you're doing a story where you're going to interview somebody if you can talk to them on the phone ahead of time I highly recommend it sometimes that's not possible because a lot of times when you're talking to them on the phone you're going to find something out that you didn't get through researching them online and it might be the best part of your story so do your research fact check please don't believe everything that you read online let's do a good job about factchecking before we put stuff out into the world I feel like as content creators we have a real obligation to try to be truthful and to try to be accurate because we're you know people believe what they see online people believe what they see on TV so it's really Our obligation to do a good job and do an ethical job and an honest job prepare questions ahead of time interviewing is one of my favorite Parts I don't know anybody else here like the interviewing anybody yeah some hands are going up I love doing the interviewing to me it comes very naturally but still to this day even in for my podcast I write out a list of questions I things are going well I may not even need to refer to them but there they are because you it's it's a terrible feeling when you've set up an appointment with somebody you've taken their valuable time you conclude your interview and you realize that one of the most important things you wanted to ask them about you forgot to ask them about so prepare your questions if you can scout your location do you guys ever do that do you go and check out where you're going to be shooting to see what the conditions are like again you can't always do that sometimes we're just sent you have to shoot and work with what you have I was working as a freelancer for one of the networks and it was an early morning show and they wanted to do something about the Freedom Tower in the in the early early morning and we they had us set up in Jersey City to shoot the Freedom Tower in the morning and I got there and I'm like the sun the sun's going to be coming up behind the tower this is not going to go well and it was horrific and if anybody had put any time and thought into what the sun was going to be doing at 5 or 6 in the morning they would have known that that was a bad idea so Scout your location if you can and finally under pre-production and preparation a gear checklist does anybody here use a checklist when they're packing their gear I can't see oh I see one hand two hands three hands Four Hands good 35 years plus I've been doing this I use a gear checklist before every single shoot I just just type it up or put it on your phone whatever you got to do how many many people or has anybody ever gotten to the shoot and you don't have an SD card if that's what you're shooting on I see Hands going up but the the the hair is standing up on the back of my neck thinking about it oh it's horrible batteries some people have gotten to shoots and they don't have their Batteries Not only are you wasting your own time you're wasting the time of the person you've set the shoot up with and it's just unprofessional so a checklist can really help to avoid void some of those problems this is I shoot with several different cameras this is the one of the cameras that I use um and this is some of the gear that I typically go out with on a shoot and my husband blessed his heart one day as a gift to me got me a cart if you're going out with a bunch of gear and you can afford a cart I highly recommend it it doesn't help you I'm again I'm trying to talk about onean ban stuff I shoot the majority of the stuff by myself so if I can um have a place that either is on the ground level or has an elevator I'm really happy to have my cart it doesn't help you when you're an old building or when there's stairs but carts are awesome the the the um the light kit I have alone is is very heavy but you know what before I go on to we can stay on this slide but I wanted to say this because this is so important and I hope that the teachers aren't mad at me for saying this I also sometimes just shoot stuff with my phone is that okay to say it's okay to say okay I'm all about learning your gear learning about lighting you know I take two or three lights with me everywhere I always use a tripod if I'm doing an interview this kind of basic stuff but if I'm somewhere and I decide this is a great story and all I have is my phone I'll shoot with my phone and I've done some cute little stories just shooting with my phone in in 45 minutes so don't don't worry if you don't have your own gear don't think that you can't create awesome stories because you can create them with your phone so um again about knowing video production and Soup To Nuts kind of oneman band stuff another great opportunity I had was to go to South Australia and dive with the great white sharks we were there for 10 days um this is a man named Stan Waterman he just recently passed away and he's a famous underwater filmmaker and this is a man named Rodney Fox on the left and he's known throughout the world in the shark Community go ahead to the next one please because he was attacked by a great white shark and he nearly died when he was much much younger but he has since come to um he he developed tremendous respect for the sharks and he takes filmmakers and scientists out on boats and we study and film the Sharks we went diving with sea lions on the way which is so awesome unfortunately though wherever the sea lions are there can also be white sharks okay because the sea lions are their prey this is one of the scariest things I ever did because it was kind of murky and there was kelp and I was like I hope there aren't any sharks around two months after I got back from my Expedition someone was killed doing this because there are sharks among the sea lions sometimes go ahead and there's uh fur seals in the foreground our ship we were on is in the background awesome experience I'm I'm buzzing through this fast because there's a reason I'm showing you the shark stuff go ahead so here the fur seals um they are born in this area off this island and the the blood and stuff that's in the water after they're born is attracts the sharks to the area and these are the cages we dove in now what do you think that opening is for anybody so you can get the camera out and not have any bars in front of your camera so the night before we went on our first dive they explained to us the opening is big enough for some of the smaller sharks to get in so you're going to need to really pay attention and if you see a shark trying to get in your cage you're going to need to push them out with your camera and that did happen and I'm sorry I'm standing over here and I'm completely ignoring this side of the room um go ahead and here are the cages that we were we were diving in we were floating at the at the surface um diving in these cages and this is a shot underwater it was just one of the most exhilarating things I've ever done in my life and the reason the reason I got and here's a shark right near your cage going after some tuna there's the sea lions again and and uh we I don't know if you can kill the sound just on the video for just a short thing go ahead and play it but the sound is not important but my point here is this is a once in a-lifetime opportunity to see something like this to see a shark that big just a few feet away what I'm getting at is you don't want to fly to south Australia you don't want to get on the ship and realize you don't have your batteries or you don't have your SD card because there's no way you can get help once in a lifetime opportunity if you want to do this whether it's for a hobby or whether you're doing it professionally you want to be prepared you want to have your batteries you want to have your gear you want to be ready okay what is the time 13 minutes okay okay then third out of the four Ps is professionalism production execution go cameras and lights placement okay I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty of the technical side of shooting and lighting there's obviously no time and there are other presenters who will speak more about that but all as come as far as coming from the perspective of oneman band because again i' I've done fulllength documentaries shooting 90% of the footage by myself and when I do an interview this won't be news to most of of you but I'll set up my camera on a tripod and I have a chair here and I'm going to I'm going to use you as the person I'm interviewing you can just stay where you are I'm interviewing your your name is Mrs sand Mrs sandon I'm interviewing Mrs sandon and so I have my tripod here and my camera and I'm sitting here and I have my viewfinder open my LCD viewfinder open so I can see it and I'm always watching to make sure that she hasn't moved out of the shot and that it's recording so I'll either sit next to it because in my the style that I'm shooting in which is documentary and news feature Story the person is looking off camera at the person who's interviewing them a lot of you will be shooting something completely different but if you happen to be shooting an interview where the person should be looking off camera set up the tripod put it on the person and then either Crouch down so the eye level with the lens or take a seat I usually don't sit because people are always moving and I want to really be able to quickly adjust my shots so I'm often just kind of crouching down and luckily people still do because you want people to forget the camera's there so people still will get more comfortable and forget the cameras there but you always need to be wearing those two hats of both interviewing that's the part that's not so great about Onan band is as the producer interviewer you really want to be concentrating on your F on your questions and listening but because you're shooting at the same time you need to be paying attention you don't want to get home and you weren't rolling that's no good oh that's horrible now when I do a documentary if I have the budget I will happily hire a camera person and a sound person to assist me but a lot of times especially the last three documentaries I produced I shot them all each one took two years to shoot so it's just not possible for me to pay somebody to do every single shoot that's why I do a lot of stuff one man banned okay external mics tripod again if I can hire a sound man to come with a boom or whatever perfect if I can't I'm not above using a lavalier mic for an interview and I don't care if you see it you know the again I hope the teachers aren't mad at me for saying that but the viewers at home or wherever online they want to hear the sound and they're not necessarily going to freak out if they see a if they see a mic sometimes you can hide it sometimes when you hide it it rubs and it gets scratchy but obviously what I'm saying is I have to say one thing I noticed about a lot of the films again I was blown away by some of the creativity and some of the some of the stories were so much fun to watch I want you to remember to pay as much attention to the sound as you do to the shooting the audio is 50% of production so please make sure you pay attention to the sound so if you're shooting onean band and you have a lavalier that works perfectly I shoot on a tripod when I do my interviews not everybody does but that's okay headphones oh my god oh after making sure you choose a great story to start with because to me that's the most important thing one of the other most important things is wear headphones God it sucks when you get back and there's no sound and we' have these arguments with camera people I went out with at njn you know they they were too cool to wear headphones it's it's okay wear headphones really you don't and even if you're recording sound you know oh I can hear that it's you know it's recording sound you wear your headphones and you hear when there's a terrible buzz in the audio if you're not wearing your head phones when you're recording sometimes you get back and there's a terrible buzz in the audio and it's not fun check your recording before you leave the scene you want to make sure you actually recorded something and writing I don't have time to go through a lot about writing but writing is one of my other favorite parts of it I will watch footage over and over and over and over again until the story reveals itself to me or a piece of the story reveals itself to me and that's what I start with writing about how many people in here like the writing part of it okay good I'm so glad to see that good hone your craft and writing and that you will go far in this business to me writing is kind it's torture actually it doesn't come believe it or not even after all this time it actually doesn't come easily to me necessarily but once it clicks once you find that sparkle once you figure out what part of the story you really want to focus on on it just makes the whole thing come together and finally editing again you you've studied this this craft with your teachers no time to get into the details of editing but that's another favorite part for me is the editing oh I love using a little Gat sound and mixing in the music and you know finding the Perfect Graphic to say what you want to say I will go to Great Lengths to get the file footage that really makes the story Sparkle or get the photographs that I need it can really add a lot to your to your videos again the oneman band hat as the producer as the shooter you're the writer you're the editor the whole responsibility falls on you so if it's great you get all the credit if something is missing it's unfortunately it's your responsibility if you're doing Soup To Nuts very quickly again I've been to South Australia and and in Africa as I mentioned to do stories I've been to Russia look at the story that happened right in our own backyard okay one of the one of a huge huge news story I I am sorry for anyone in the room whose family was impacted by this storm my own family was impacted by this storm an absolute nightmare but as soon as I heard that there was a hurricane that was about to hit Seaside Heights the day before it hit what did I do you go out and you start shooting go ahead and I put together a 1hour documentary called heartbreak and healing after Sandy and I shot for 2 years that sounds like a lot doesn't it I thought I was going to shoot for six months and be done with it because we will all be fine again well I'm sure you've all heard stories about what this period of time was like it wasn't fine after six months some people it wasn't fine after 10 years but I shot for about two years and I put together a documentary and and I'm probably more proud of this piece than I than any thing I've ever done okay and um I've got about two more minutes so I'm G to go on to the next thing I'm not going to show the video about superstorm Sandy because it's too long um I will show this really quick video that I did on the breel water tank be it's just footage you don't have to worry about the sound because anybody who might have heard me say marketing videos earlier and might have thought that that would be boring I did a story on the construction of a water tank and it was one of the most exciting shoots I'd ever been on it was terrifying I did hire a drone operator to get these shots I think they're gorgeous but anybody in the room and I can't even see your hands so you don't have to hold them up at this point but if anybody in the room is interested in Drone footage lots of opportunities for shooting commercially with drones and finally we're going to talk very quickly about perseverance which to me is about follow through this is what this is very important if you want to do well in this industry is don't stop till you have what you need okay if you're the producer because you're oneman band you want that file footage you want those file photos that'll make your story special say what you mean and mean what you say that this is something General George Patton said that means don't make promises you can't keep and if you make promises to some follow through it means if you tell somebody you're going to be there to interview them at 10:00 a.m. be there at quarter of okay next always aim for excellence and build trust and if you do these things you will build trust and that's a big part of being in this industry is your reputation and what go ahead I I did a documentary called South baseball and I did a second documentary called South football and there they're both shot here in Tom's river and I had the the honor of having each one of those Premier at Ocean County College and I'm saying this at this point not to brag but to ex to uh show how building trust matters my I've had three documentaries that were shown at Ocean County College which was a big honor but by the third documentary I didn't even have to they didn't even look at the film before they said yes we'd love to Premiere it and that's because I've built trust with them over the years so if you're professional if you do what you say you build trust and it'll take you far and finally wrapping up here again as far as don't stop till you get what you need the documentary I did on South football involved a game in 1969 and I was determined to find the film footage from that game and it took a literally a year to locate that film footage and we found it go ahead in the bottom of that trunk and it made all the difference in my film how can you do a documentary about a famous football game in 1969 without having footage of the game I agreed to do the documentary before I had the footage and then spent a year looking for it that was a little bit of a took a little bit of a risk there but it ended up paying off so um go ahead let me well we don't really have time to watch this clip so that's the four piece for Success passion preparation professionalism perseverance and um what I want to close with is asking you to think about what story are you uniquely qualified to tell because there's a story in your life whether it's something happening to you personally whether it's happening to a family member whether it's something going on in your school or in your community or in the World At Large that you really feeling a desire and a need and and even be feel compelled to tell that's the story that you want to work on so my final comment is to step outside your comfort zone that's where the magic happens this is me and the shark cage in South Australia time of my life I want to thank you very much for your attention today thank you for having me thank you thank you thank you Sandy all right guys time to transition if uh you're staying here uh you can stay here if you're moving on to the lecture hall for uh screenwriting you can exit now we're going to start very quickly you only have a 5 minute transition thank you baby I'm just trying to play cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good morning everybody oh a nice enthusiastic front row that's what I like to see fantastic to be here this morning my name is Dan zaro I am the chief meteorologist for New Jersey 101.5 and 13 other great radio stations here in the state of New Jersey before I launch into my talk I'm a meteorologist first I have to tell you that today will be mostly cloudy but mainly dry we'll see a high temperature around 70° but rain comes back into the picture for tomorrow hey all right thank you thank you thank you all right before I tell you what I'm going to talk about and the importance of the number three let me give you a little bit of my background so you can understand where I'm coming from again I am a meteorologist and it all started right here in beautiful Jackson New Jersey I went to Jackson Memorial High School and at a very young age I discovered that I loved the weather it was actually in middle school that I started doing weather reports for all my friends it was the coolest thing ever and through high school I did it as well I decided to uh make it my career at a very young age I went to Cornell University and uh I started my career in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma um I've worked in TV in Oklahoma in Elmyra New York and uh my crowning glory in the TV world at news12 New Jersey I was a meteorologist there for two and a half years and I'm coming up on my 10year anniversary at New Jersey 101.5 doing mainly radio doing a lot of digital work as well I do things that are outside the realm of of weather I I do a lot on um sales I've got clients that I have to manage there there's a lot more to me than just giving you a weather forecast and that comes back to the number three and the the title of my talk today is the rule of three a new way to think about content creation job searching and more this is actually my sth year presenting here at the high school film Challenge and workshops thanks so much to Mr Noble Mr frone for everybody having me back again um I'm kind of the catchall guy uh I like to talk about a lot of different things that are going to hit a lot of you high school students who may or may not necessarily be into the whole Film Production thing presumably most if not all of you were involved in the film challenge a few weeks ago I got to serve as a judge for the short films this year they were all of them were phenomenal and beyond anything I could do in this day and age so congratulations on that I can't wait to see actually walks away with the prize I I put in my votes but it was a very hard decision the last great short film that I did was actually in high school um my senior year I did an independent study I did a 22-minute film about why Jackson New Jersey needed a second high school because of overcrowding and population explosion and you're sitting in that high school that my video helped provide for I don't know why they haven't named this place after me just yet I guess I only had a little role in that whole project but uh that that's that's kind of where I stand in terms of film so that's why I talk about content creation because I do a lot of that on a daily basis whether it's weather or something else I talk about job searching because that's also something I have done a lot of in my life I think I've sent out a total of I think I'm up to 200 job applications over the course of my career it's just the way our business goes when you work in the media you have to apply to a lot of different places and hope that something comes through so I'm going to talk a lot about many different things and hopefully you can walk away with a couple of tidbits a couple different ways of thinking different ways of organizing your work or your life um and it all surrounds the number three this year uh and I'm going to tell you in a minute why I'm a little fascinated with the number three but I want to make it very clear that I'm not totally obsessed with the number three there's probably people in this world who are like oh three is my life man I this by the end of this presentation you're going to be sick of the number three because I have lots of examples and things I'm going to show you ways of thinking but it really is you know a magical number in the grand scheme of things can you think of things that come in trios and triplets in groups of three I thought of a couple just a couple here it's kind of weird to think about how many things or organized in groups of three in the world from rock paper scissors to the three Three Little Pigs to saying Beetlejuice three times three is uh kind of special in in our world in our language it it just feels right sometimes to do things in groups of three uh in fact some people have termed the number three the Transcendent function or tum quid or the golden mean I am not a philosopher I don't pretend to be one so we're not going to talk about this aspect of things in terms of why the number three is important but I you know it is and that's kind of where we're going from here uh this guy right here his name is Glenn Hurricane Schwarz anyone from South Jersey may know him as former meteorologist for nbc1 out of Philadelphia he was there for like three decades retired two years ago I had the honor of interning with uh hurricane back in my college days um it was a phenomenal internship in television weather I learned a lot of what I use every single day when I broadcast and forecast the weather and one of the things that Glenn taught me was the power of three when you're talking about a weather forecast when I create a weather forecast when anyone does you should be able to summarize that forecast that weather prediction in three bullet points that's what he told me you should have three weather headlines what are the three big takeaways that we want our audience to take away at the end of it and I just happened to find this screenshot of him and look how his information is organized he's got three sections on his little graphic behind it where when and what so I've used this a couple different ways throughout my career here's me back in my Oklahoma days about 50 pounds heavier with no facial hair and glasses but I promise that's me um using a three bullet point what to expect graphic for a particularly active weather day so I use the number three when I'm planning my forecast when I'm communicating that forecast all the time this is kind of the spark for this talk I'm like you know I'm doing this three bullet point thing every day how can I relate that to high school students who are interested perhaps in film or content creation or just organizing their life a little bit better so what we're going to do today we've talked about the amazing utility of the rule three I have a couple more generic examples to give you and then we'll dig into the content creation side and we'll wrap things up with some career skills that you can hopefully take to the bank uh some of you are probably seniors getting ready to move on to the real world or to college next year um some of you are freshmen just getting started in this whole High School thing you've got a few years before you have to think about this again if you can walk away with one or two nuggets one or two tidbits from my talk today I think it was successful all right let's start with this this Naturals threes some more trios and just to give you an example what we're talking about here and to to set the template so okay three stages of life right we've got adolescence middle age and your golden years you can kind of break up your entire life into three almost equal segments and that's that's how you live for 80 90 100 years whatever it may be very similar we have the stages of Taylor Swift We Go From hookup to breakup to writing a hit song right [Music] three so so I I don't even know where this came from I I felt I needed a touch of humor at this point in the presentation so here you go and it just it just really fits so the three stages of life the three stages of Taylor Swift uh something a little more serious how about survival the rule of Threes in survival anybody ever heard of that so you can go three minutes without air three days without water three weeks without food if you're yeah if you're stuck in the wilderness or on a life raft in the middle of the ocean you can theoretically survive for about that amount of time there's actually two more elements to this uh that that kind of completes the set it's 3 hours without shelter think of if you're out in the middle of a blizzard 3 hours and then you're going to have some real problems and then also 3 months without hope in terms of uh depression and and things like that so rule of three in survival here's a relaxation technique you can try using our rule of three if you just sit down think of yourself like in the middle of the woods somewhere nice and peaceful and just concentrate on three things you can see three things you can hear and then strategically move three bodies Parts maybe your your big toe you know wiggle your spleen and you know blink your eyes I I don't know I I'm not big into the yoga thing but apparently this is a thing a way to relax I guess I'm not great with relaxation I've got four kids at home so I don't do much of that relaxing thing but uh another rule of three I found hey how about the high school film challenge huh rule of three absolutely in play right you had your prompt last chance your character name TJ and prop the coin how long did your short film have to be ah 3 minutes yeah so we're going to come back to this thought later but think about how you might organize that thre minute film do you break it into thirds think about how you organized your week that you had to film it do you break it into thirds planning production and post-production a lot of avenues here to think about the number three again it just works so well in life it's kind of a starting point for organizing ourselves let's dig into content creation and we're going to talk about a whole different a whole variety of of ways we can think about this and ways the number three can help you um and we start with the five paragraph model essay now some schools don't teach the five paragraph model essay my son's school does something completely different now um but you know a generic school essay generally has five paragraphs right you have your introduction and then you have three body paragraphs and then you have your conclusion right the three parts of any good paper any good essay are going to have these three elements and when we think about any kind of content creating something of any length that someone else is going to consume it is probably going to have these three elements an introduction a body and a conclusion so let's apply that to storytelling right if we're telling a story whether it's a movie whether it's a documentary like Sandy was just talking about here or uh whether it's a three-minute short film whether it's a a paper or an article you are probably going to have a beginning a middle and an end are three parts and I am going to steal an analogy that I saw Mr David landow he's our other speaker down in the lecture hall maybe you saw him in the first part he gave this example at this this seminar a few years ago and I have to steal it because it is perfect The Wizard of Oz Classic Cinema hopefully everybody has seen it at some point right from 1939 uh the movie is an hour and 43 minutes long what happens if we break that movie into thirds can you guess think about the movie what do you think happens at exactly onethird of the way 34 minutes or so into the movie what's happening we are transitioning from the beginning to the middle 34 minutes in they are starting to sing Follow The Yellow Brick Road they have set up the movie in exactly the first third of the film and now they're heading into their Journey Down The Yellow Brick Road how about the last third where do you think that ends up so now we're like a little more than an hour into the film they're going in to meet the wizard we're heading into that last third of the film it's almost perfect they're going in and we find out how they have to resolve this story The Journey Down the El brick road is over and they're heading into the conclusion it's almost a perfect uh example of a beginning a middle and an end to the story and that's why it feels so complete because we have all three of those elements and they're almost exactly equidistant in time so thank you to David for mentioning that a few years ago I think it works perfect in this context all right writing an article and I do a lot of this I have my weather blog on our website on our app uh in a good year I will get about 9 million page views on my content so I like to think I'm a little successful in what I write I write about 500 articles a year half of those are weather related the other half are something else um and sometimes when you're getting ready to write something whether it's an article or anything you can suffer from two problems you either get writer's block where you have no idea where to start or you're going to just download so much information that your article turns into 2,000 or 2500 words just so you're in the right ballpark 500 to 1,000 words is where I like to end up a 2500w article is good in some instances where it's something really comprehensive but it can be really hard for your average person to really digest and understand all that so we can of course Implement our power of three the rule of three come up with three points as your starting point literally write them down um when I start writing an article whether it's my daily weather forecast or anything else I open up a Google doc I start with my three big headers and I start from there and it's just my starting point um for when I'm stuck which is pretty much on a daily basis of how to organize my content My article that I'm writing presentation same thing um you saw my presentation today is kind of broken up into three parts the introduction content creation and job searching um if you're stuck again you know you might want to First come up with the headline of your talk and this is a graphic organizer that I found that kind of shows how this would work come up with three key messages and then three points for each message again using that rule of three is it a hard fast rule absolutely not but it gives you a starting point in creating what you have to create rather than just a blank slate let's talk about speeches this that and the other thing President Barack Obama was a master at the rule of three he was a great orator um and in his acceptance speech after the New Hampshire Primary in January 2008 um his speech was only a few minutes long he had 12 instances of triples you know this this and this Democrats Republicans and independents from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina we need to take care of nuclear weapons and climate change and terrorism it was just his use whoever his speech writer was of course was using this device to its full effect 12 times in that speech and using these triplets can help you in your writing too it just feels natural we love the number three okay making a radio commercial this is something that I do all the time the three parts of a standard 30 or 60c commercial or any kind of persuasion first you need a hook then you need to show the value and then you need a call to action so think about this I've got a client coming on to my radio station they want me to write and record a commercial we call it a spot in the uh in the industry a 60-second commercial for their business so I sit down again blank slate in front of me and these are the three things that I want to incorporate I need something to catch my listeners attention I need to actually put forth the advertisers message what they do and then finish with a call to action I want them to actually buy this service or go on a website or however we're tracking metrics that's important too and I want to give you an example of a commercial that I just uh that just finished running in April of 2024 um my oldest client is Wills laserion out of Princeton uh they do lasic they do laser eye correction and the way this works in the radio industry is when you get a client and you personally endorse them they either pay you for that privilege or they get you free product I got free lasic because I agreed to talk about these guys on the radio pretty good deal by the way lasic is awesome I'm going on nine years and I'm still seeing better than 2020 after wearing glasses for so long uh so I want to read you it's a 60-second commercial but it incorporates these three pieces first I'm going to hook you in with with you know something attention grabbing some story some element then we're going to talk about the value of this particular company and then the call to action so here you go a live performance of a danzero commercial hey it's chief meteorologist Dan zaro you know the other day my wife Amy and I were looking through some old photos with the kids pictures from the before times when we both wore glasses and our kids hardly recognized us we say it all the time having our lasic procedures done at Wills laser vision at Princeton was one of the best decisions we've ever made not only because of how we look but also because our vision is still perfect without staring through dirty scratched up fogged up lenses Wills layer Vision at Princeton is the same doctors you know and trust from the Princeton Eye Group Dr Michael Wong Dr Reynolds Dr majack Dr LW Dr Epstein Dr jao and Dr salar their lasic procedure literally takes just a few minutes it's painless it's accurate and it's blade-free state-of-the-art technology and skilled hands guiding you to Crystal Clear Vision start your lasic Journey today by scheduling aom mentary consultation with wills laservision at Princeton call 609 92492 or visit Wills laservision docomo if you all could go on their website and schedule lasic and tell them you heard about it from me that would be phenomenal because you know we like to throw business their way that's that's my job is to to promote their business and persuade people and these are the three steps we've got the hook the value the call to action we're going to see these three steps again in a little while so just kind of file that in the back of your brain for now photography photography has a lot of Threes uh when it comes down to it the one that I pulled here specifically is content concept and composition the three C's of taking a good photo what you're shooting why you're shooting it and how's it going to look uh there's also the exposure triangle that you might be be familiar with uh shutter speed ISO and aperture the three things that kind of dictate how a shot looks and there's also the rule of thirds which is uh shown on the right side here where you take your image you take your shot and you basically turn it into a tictac toe board and the goal here is to put your action on one of the lines and specifically one of the intersection it makes for a more interesting photo rather than just taking photos of everything front and center especially you're looking for a more artsy look uh something a little more dramatic you line it up with your rule of thirds and uh and it's more interesting of a photo so content creation lends very well to photography when you're planning out these things what you're going to take a picture of or or even take a video of design which is not necessarily my strong suit but again in doing the research for this talk and thinking about it a little bit I found a couple different resources where when you think about graphic design uh there's a lot of Threes in play here so here's three examples of a business card each one has slight differences in terms of the placement the font size and you know you're looking for a maximum of three elements a maximum of three fonts and a maximum of three colors I think this is kind of a loose guideline um and you have to eyeball these kinds of things because uh there's a lot of variation there's a lot of flexibility depending on what you're trying to create um in this case I think the conclusion was the top business card is the best because you have one two three specific elements you have one two three specific fonts and you actually have two colors the black text and then the red plus that gives it a little bit of a pop the other ones things spread apart a little bit more it just gets a little harder on the eyes again it's not design is not necessarily my my strong suit but um I think this is interesting to think about as as another creative outlet and creative use of our rule of three so that's content creation let's move on to some career skills some things you can take to the bank and as I said I have applied for tons of jobs at all stages of my career both early when I'm looking for that first job um and recently I'm a big believer that you should always be looking to see what's out there and it's not just for me I'm also looking for colleagues and mentores you know I've I've got people that are reaching out hey if you hear something let me know so I'm always kind of looking at the market and and trying to coach people so that's where I come from in terms of the advice that I'm going to give you um if you sat in my talk last year some of the advice I'm going to give you here is pretty familiar so you feel free to take a nap if you were here last year um because you have already memorized it obviously let's start with the resume okay critical piece to getting a job critical piece to getting into college too by the way and I am going to agree strongly if you were in sy's talk in here in the first session where she she told you that the experience that you get is far more important than your education and I absolutely agree with that the three elements of your resume experience first then education then the other stuff um I always thought this was ludicrous that you put your experience ahead of your education and to an extent this depends on your field you know if you're going into Academia if you have a PhD for instance your education is pretty important so that's going to take Paramount importance and probably be at the top of your resume but for something that's practical for something in the creative arts realm even meteorologist what you've done what you've accomplished where you've been is far more important than your education uh this is actually the front page of one version of my website my education is in the leftand bar there kind of hidden in the middle that's how not unimportant but how um less important it is than the experience which is in the the big white section there in terms of other stuff I think it's important when you have a resume to show a little bit of personality to not just include education and experience but I mean I have professional affiliations memberships that I'm involved in I have volunteer experience um usually I'll include a couple other things like I enjoy trips to Disney World with my family going to see Broadway musicals and wine just to give a potential hiree a potential interviewer some little tidbit and it actually worked a couple years ago I was interviewing for a position with someone who was very involved in the Cub Scouts I'm a cub scout leader for my son's pack and we had a grand conversation about how great scouting is it was a nice in and a nice connection that I had so don't be afraid of showing a little bit of person ity you don't want to go crazy you don't want to be using like rainbow paper for your your resume unless it's appropriate for some reason as a meteorologist I have used Cloud stationer for my resume I'm not proud of it but it happened we went there um you still want it to be professional both in look and in content but don't be afraid of including some other stuff on there little tidbit that an interviewer might uh might glean on to couple more resume tips this is another version of my resume that I use for specific purposes and you want to keep it simple look how much white space there is the sentences are short and easy to read you don't want it to be too dense and too complicated that someone's just going to put you in the no pile immediately unfortunately it does happen you want to ditch the objective statement uh I think this is a general Trend um when resumés are taught sometimes they tell you at the very top you need to have a sentence to say what you're looking for I'm looking for a role in and broadcast meteorology so I can lend my skills in TV and forecasting to a great organization it's a waste of space they know why you're applying for the job because you want that job that objective statement it might fit a little bit better in uh in a cover letter perhaps but be strategic with every section of your resume you are selling yourself right whatever goes at the top of your resume that's your hook you want somebody to keep on reading use a a section I call summary of qualifications just a couple quick bullet points about what I'm good at um these are both hard skills in terms of forecasting and doing the weather but also soft skills in terms of uh being passionate and having time management you know four quick lines at the top that's the way I start mine there are other options don't think you're locked into a specific resume forec uh format your resume is yours and you can do whatever you want with it the last thing I'll mention is to be mindful of keywords this is why I have a second version of my resume that I actually use more often for applications when you submit a job application or probably a college application these days you submit it online it gets uploaded and that system is going to pour over your resume and it's going to give you a score it's going to look at the job description and it is going to decide is your resume a good fit for this job it's the way of the World some companies some hiring managers will take that score very seriously some won't look at it at all but you should be mindful that your resumé hits some important points from the job description I'm not saying you need to have a completely different resume for every job you apply to but you might want to tweak some things you might want to have a section where it talks about what kind of software you're skilled at whether it be Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro uh whether it's um you know are you good at a web design can you code in python or C are you Adept in app development um a section where you can kind of change things up not to lie but to better suit a job that you're you're applying for and that you're very interested in keywords are really important in the day and age and you know with with the growth of AI um it's not that hard to do I mean you could plug your a job description and a resume into chat GPT and say what are some things I can change what are some keywords I could add and get some suggestions I mean chat GPT will spit out a whole cover letter for you if you want I think there's some ethical issues with just copying and pasting what a computer says but that can be a very helpful tool as again you're staring at a blank page what do I do all right three goals of a cover letter do you need a cover letter first of all and the answer is definitely maybe um this is going to vary greatly depending on the application some job descriptions will tell you yes you absolutely need a cover letter and it needs to include this and when that's the case then absolutely you need one uh I kind of go back and forth on it sometimes I'll write one sometimes I won't if you do write one there's three goals that you should consider number one it's kind of that what I mentioned with the the personality part of your resume you want to establish a connection why in the world are you applying to this company to this job you should you should make it clear that it's not just because it's available but because you have some special skills to offer and it would be a perfect fit uh the cover letter is your opportunity to go beyond the resume uh to talk about those soft skills that may not have a spot for a bullet point on your actual resume or to elaborate on your most important experiences and how you know this project that you recently did applies to the position that you're applying for and then also show you can write clearly and concisely and this is extremely important if you're applying for a job that has writing in it if you're applying for some sort of content creation writing job if you have spelling errors typos grammatical errors in your cover letter you're going in the trash can it it's just it's not your best look and it's not going to be in the company's best interest to uh to look at you any further so cover letter hit or miss some jobs that you may apply for also require a portfolio or demo reel in my case broadcast meteorologist either TV or radio uh the people who are hiring those positions want to see a sample of what I can do and the bottom here is actually a screenshot of one of my past demo reels um back in college this was the days of uh VHS demo reels where I had to edit it from VCR to vcr and pie I'm not that old but that's just the way of the world a couple years ago and then you'd have to pay tons of money to send off the actual tape luckily it's all online and digital now when you're putting together any kind of portfolio any Showcase of your work you need to start with the best stuff something that's really going to impress you want to start with a bang in my case I start with severe thunderstorm coverage because that's my specialty it's dramatic it's something interesting and I'll show a couple rap rapid fire shots of that before we get into the meat of it you know this is what I can really do this is me doing the weather this is a Full Compilation of your films maybe you include an entire short film that you did maybe you include you know that documentary if it's an art portfolio maybe several similar things that go along the category that you like to to draw or or uh or work in and then I like to end with something special in my case uh this is something like a special report that I did on a certain storm or um maybe another severe weather clip depending on the job that I'm applying to the the way you format this is very important and that relates to the top graph right here along the bottom axis this is the time in the video so we start at the beginning of the video and we start at the end of the video and this is some average of YouTube videos I don't have the source on this but uh of which videos and what each represents but this is the beginning the middle and end of videos and this is how much of the audience is still watching so look what happens after the first 30 seconds we've lost half our audience in many cases they're just done watching and that's the case with job descriptions job applications you know these hiring managers they may have in some cases hundreds of these things to go through Unfortunately they can only afford 30 seconds on each one to decide if they go deeper and then things kind of level off until the very end and usually you'll have credits or something at the end when people stop watching that's that last little dip in the curve but that first 30 seconds that first page that first document that is the most important you need to put your best foot forward start with a bang start with your absolute best stuff all right let's say you got you made it to the interview stage congratulations you are probably nervous as hell heck sorry high school students um interviewing can be very intimidating um it can even be downright scary I remember my first uh in-person interview for a professional meteorology job it was in Salsbury Maryland for a TV station there it took me 7even hours to drive there from college in the pouring rain all morning long and then I got there and I did the interview and it went fine the chief meteorologist really liked me we showed me some stuff and then I got to the news director and he just had a just had a sour face the whole time and the end of that first interview something I will never forget the last question that he asked I did not have an answer for it and that's when I lost that job he asked me what I do besides the weather what do I do for fun besides being a meteorologist and I froze and I said I don't know but here's where I'm coming from I was a college senior at the time so all I did was work school work and extracurriculars I didn't have hobbies at the time I didn't know what my life would be like after I graduated a couple weeks after that um I should have given a better answer I wasn't expecting that question um but that's like my biggest interview fail of all time as I wasn't quite adequately prepared for that so let me leave you with that tip is that you should prepare that an answer to that question in case somebody asks you what do you like to do for fun what do you do outside of work it's a good idea to have like three bullet points maybe to uh to throw in as an answer to that question some other interview things you want to there's kind of three parts to the interview which comes back to the rule of three here uh the first section is talking about who are you you know the person will have your resume and your application hopefully the interviewer has read it ahead of time but the beginning of the interview is really just a getting to know you kind of thing we'll come back to that in a second and then they're going to ask you some pointed questions this is the the meat of the interview right are you the right fit for the position do you have the skills do you have the experience will you fit right with the company culture the third part of the interview is just as important especially if this is a face to-face interaction where they brought you in to their space and they are clearly interested in you you need to grill them a little bit and make sure the company or the school is a right fit for you you need you know at the end of every interview they'll probably throw out is there anything you want to ask of me and I would hope that you have some questions I would hope you've have some smart questions after you're doing after you've done some research on this company you know some valid questions to ask would be um what are your benefits like you know going beyond the salary things like paid time off in health insurance to grown-ups in the real world that's very important um you might ask things about uh the company culture what uh what are the work hours like what's the schedule are there work from home opportunities or is can it be hybrid what would my office look like etc etc you know what's the the the travel compensation there's a lot of things that fit in there you have to prepare for it because that's going to come up in every interview the hardest question that you get in every interview might be the first one which is the whole tell me a little bit about yourself how would you answer that question right now if if if you were sitting in a job interview you're dream job this guy is sitting across from you well tell me a little bit about yourself well I'm a senior in high school and I like film and that's about it I guess this is the this is the easiest thing to prepare before your interview and the three elements you need to remember when answering tell me about yourself talk about who you are you don't have to say your name they know that already what you can do so focus on what you can do for their company for their position whatever and then a little bit about why you're here that's the perfect crafted answer to this question and I shouldn't even call it that because you know there's there's no perfect answer here you want to keep it short you want to keep it deliberate and pointed and you want to have it prepared that's that's really the important part because every single interview is going to start with some variation of tell me a little bit about yourself you should have that ready to go that's similar to an elevator pitch have you heard of an elevator pitch uh the the theory behind this is okay let's say you're on the 20th floor of a building and the CEO of the company walks into the elevator and you've got a minute before that elevator reaches the ground floor where you have his undivided attention to pitch something maybe it's an idea an innovation a product maybe it's to pitch yourself as a potential um employee or maybe deserving of a promotion or a raise obviously the exact situation there where you're in an elevator isn't going to happen but sometimes you have 30 seconds to impress somebody how do you do that well you start with a hook and then you give some value and then you end with a call to action sound familiar that was the radio commercial that we did earlier this whole idea of persuasion is very important not just in creating content but in living your life we're persuading people to have a certain opinion to take certain action all the time so you know if you're selling a product let's say you have a a a short film that you're trying to shop out there you want to think of the best way to hook somebody in the value that you can provide and the call to action maybe that call to action is can we set up a meeting can I uh can I send you a copy can I send you the script uh can we talk further set up a time can I get your email address three elements magic of number three to keep in mind when you have that opportunity when opportunity knocks you you need to be ready hook value call to action this is my least favorite one of the entire presentation but it's important for you to know that this stupid thing exists the compliment sandwich anyone heard of the compliment sandwich my former boss was a huge fan of the compliment sandwich she was fired in December so no more compliment sandwiches for me um I guess it's a way of coaching employees and there's a way it can be done right uh the way this works is uh let's pretend that that you were naughty at work you did something bad you underperformed something needs correction so you get called into their manager's office and they offer you the compliment sandwich they start with something good you've been working so hard lately you did great on this project you should be very proud of yourself however you stick the bad thing in the middle but hey keep working hard because I look forward to your work on this coming up the compliment sandwich it's evil but I guess it works sometimes it's a rule of three right it's three steps to it just I mentioned this because it's really helpful to know when you're getting compliment sandwiched I use that as a verb um because you know how to react to it I guess and you just kind of take the sandwich and eat it and walk away and say okay it's it's just a very mild way of being counseled or or corrected on something that needs fixing at least you get to talk about the bread which is the good stuff okay now we're going to kind of transition we're not talking about the realm of job searching any for let's talk about your life and I'm sure you guys are probably very busy people right high school can be a very busy time between what you're learning in school and homework extracurricular activities hopefully some sort of social life those of you who are old enough probably are getting into having a job which is a whole another responsibility so you don't have much time for other stuff your life is pretty regimented right now or at least during the school day it's regimented um hopefully you have some goals looking forward and when you think about goals of course our rule of three here shortterm medium-term and long-term goals short-term goals could be what do you want to accomplish today I'll show you an example of that in a second me medium range could be what do you want to do by the end of this week or the end of this month and a long-term goal is going to be looking way down into the distance you know what do you want to do for college what do you want to do for a job where do you want to be at age 30 some people plan these things out you need to be ready with contingencies and backup plans for when those plans and those goals fall through but it's good to have goals it's good to sit down and specifically set them you know you could set hey let's say three things in each of these categories that you want to accomplish and it's going to make you more organized person this is the kind of advice that people pay thousands of dollars for a career coach to help them with I'm giving it to you for free you know being deliberate being strategic planning out your life is a really good thing even at your age let's talk about daily goal setting when I wake up in the morning I I have almost an hour commute on my ride to to work I live up in Union County uh our studios are down by Trenton me and Route One we are very well acquainted in the early morning hours I go to work at 2: in the morning by the way so nice straight shot I've got a nice time to think and one of the things I do on my daily commute is set my daily goals and how many goals do I set three of course so my goals for today first I'm going to kick butt giving my high school film challenge Workshop hey I can almost check that one off we got some approval uh not on the list but after this I'm looking forward to some pizza who's excited for pizza yeah uh my number two on the list here is catching up with uh with old friends and family you know I've been doing this for a couple years I'm back in my hometown here so I love seeing um the the teachers and students I got to go talk to Mr Katona the band director we like talking about Disney World among other things so um that's kind of a nice element of my day too and then the third thing I hope to accomplish tonight I'm making spaghetti for the kids and then playing Roblox with them too you know I fig I figured that would resonate well not something that I often have time for but it it is important as you're setting you know I'm I'm so DieHard about all these professional things right about how to get a job how to teach a job but the personal aspect of your life is really important too I've got four boys at home three of whom play Roblox on a regular basis they are so excited that Daddy's going to play with them tonight I can't wait to see what kind of stupid stuff they're going to make me do on the iPad tonight it's going to be amazing but great great end to the week coming up so there's my daily plan your daily plan I mean here in high school you you may think about okay I've got this project coming up that I want to work on um I want to do really well in this activity I've got a sporting event today that's where my focus is going to be I want to eat a really healthy breakfast or a really big dinner maybe that's your plan when you wake up in the morning you have a little bit of town time think about the three things you want to accomplish again this is advice that professionals take like high level execs this is how they plan your day you're getting it for free nice and easy all right I always like to end my Talks by talking about careers in broadcast media and there's a very important reason for that the FCC requires me to talk about careers in broadcast media so my station can get credit for my talk today so here's the thing about careers in broadcast media they're awesome um very few of you are probably considering a job in radio or television specifically okay the world is online these days right but it is worth noting that radio stations and TV stations are still thriving there are still a place for them in our world I mean my my company towns score media owns I think 280 something radio stations in the country third biggest radio group in America and we've transitioned our revenue from solely uh radio to more on the digital side so it's not just a TV station or a radio station there's this digital Enterprise too so it could be a great way for you to get experience whether that's in on air journalism or opinionated content whether it's editing video or audio whether it's writing whether it's management there's a lot to offer truly in broadcast media I made a great career out of it I still enjoy what I do every day when there's a big storm and I have to sleep on the floor of the radio station not so much but okay maybe it's a consideration for you maybe not I can check the box on my FCC report and we've talked about careers and broadcast media so thank you for sitting through that you guys are great you guys really just want pizza though don't you let's let's wrap things up here just to recap what we've talked about right the the conclusion three is a magic number I promise I'm not obsessed with it but hopefully I've made the case that it can fit into a lot of areas of your life and as long as you're trying to stay organized and as long as you're being strategic both in professional and personal life I think you're going to find some ways to use that triplet power the number three uh to help you through it so again hopefully I've given you some helpful tidbits to today I was going to play a video of the count singing about the number three but I figured that was a little much so I I decided to leave it out because then I'd have to deal with audio and everything else but uh anyway there you go my email address is at the bottom also um the URL there danz.com sl3 uh uh written out that'll get you to a copy of this presentation in case you want to look at notes Etc thank you so much guys pizza's in the exiler gym enjoy the rest of your day thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music]