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high school board reps so they share with us every board meeting every month the high school happens and I'm really looking forward today to hearing from both of them there's been a lot of exciting wonderful things happening in our high schools tonight we'll start with Jose from Liberty good evening superintendent Cornel B ucation members and guests it is my pleasure to be back here again to fill you in on the not biry events happening at Liberty this past mon count clubs took this month to really make a difference the class of 25 is hosting a fundraiser at PS in h this Thursday November 16th and had another one this past Friday at the Jackson Dino technology Student Association organized A Philip pretzel fundraiser last week the Jackson Liberty band is organizing a Flo Drive fundraiser this Saturday November 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the high school finally the National Art Society is having a go program fundraiser where students have the opportunity to send a c message to their friends or teachers but Liberty is also very excited to give back the internet club members participated in the Jackson Township fall C where they volunteered to clean the roads of our community and collected 25 bags of pollution as a result of their AR work moreover Tax Liberty demonstrated their support and love for their own by attending a charity event for a student's brother who was diagnosed with stage four cancer the event was a success and on behalf of Tax Liberty we wish you the best on your your need to recover as The Fall season comes to a close there are few individual athletes in the group that we would like to recognize for their standard performances Seth Ros and sah Harel of the Jack Liberty volleyball team were both named second team old short special shout out to our athletes of the month volleball players s Haro and gra walk of cross country additionally we have many athletes made all division Hors such as Phil hocky Jackie Cassel quenny mean l Jordana and chlo there are many students standing out for their amazing achievements specifically we would like to congratulate our students of the M am husman and queen L and our our staff member of the month is Jay Bas their contributions are vast and the Liberty Community is stronger because of all they do another organization that is making a difference at Liberty is a brand new Leadership Academy through this organization select students are trained to help the Freshman adapt to a new environment its members have been hosting meetings with the ninth graders where they talk about their experiences throughout High School play games and competitions and ultimately trying to form a close bond with them so they can have a safe place in school we are excited about its Effectiveness so so far and we are excited to build upon it as the year progresses another event that we are looking forward to hosting this year is challenge day this is W claim event where professionals come in and work with students to help break down boundaries and stereotypes to help create a more positive culture for our school we're thrilled to have this opportunity and know it will make a difference there's a lot happening academic well it is exud to have so many students enjoy the benefits of BU Trips Again there have been a few Rec and the students always return Inspire with perspective than they had before they left but the students do not always have to leave campus to have a memorable experience there was recently a gallery walk hosted by English classes to Showcase displays on the novel they were reading activas engaging and challenging students and experiments in many classrooms to Captivate their students attention the teachers are working hard to offer various methods of instruction and the benefits are obvious as you can see Liberty is staying very active the teams clubs students and staff are all working hard to make this days the best they can be we still have more to be excited about with some spectacular upcoming shows whom for the holidays we will help on Thursday November 30 at 6:30 p.m. we hope to see you all there there's so much to do and to be excited about as we enter this holiday season we look forward to celebrating with you at some of our events we appreciate all of the opportunities that we have and thank you for your support through them all have you get it thank you Jose for the very comprehensive report lots of things happening at Liberty now to hear some things that are happening at Memorial Jam will come to the podium good evening Mrs por Milly members of the central Administration staff and Board of Education members thank you for having me again tonight to speak on behalf of Jackson Memorial High School again many exciting events have occurred as we enter the change of seasons please allow me to present them to you shortly after our last Board of Education meeting we had Mrs kajo hosting assemblies for all grade levels on the school's goals towards quitting vaping and influencing students students to make good decisions the assemblies were very touching and honestly was a great eye opener for all the grades another topic that was discussed was the pause before you post M movement this encouraged students to think twice before posting or spreading anything online on November 2nd the National Honor Society induction was held here at the school where Maring students were rewarded for their effort and total DED dedication to their academic achievements Jackson Memorial High School is proud to present these students and continue to encourage them to achieve greater goals many students have been receiving their early acceptances from many colleges across the country the Marines and the Army have been visiting the school as well to take interest of students wanting to serve their country many sports and clubs have participated in the clean communities act which assigns a road all across Jackson like different roads to different groups uh to pick up any litter and trash that are on the side of the road the annual Powderpuff games have just occurred this week on November 14th where the seniors beat the juniors in a competitive game that ended in a final score of 15- 14 this definitely created more tension between the seniors and juniors for the battle of the classes that is going to occur in March the fall clue play is about to make their debut after working hard these last few months there are a total of 75 students working and creating this production for many to enjoy on November 16th the 17th and the 18th winter sports are starting up within the next couple weeks with our boys and girls basketball boys and girls indoor track boys and girls bowling boys and girls wrestling and boys and girls swimming the boys wrestling team were given a new head coach who is planning to take them all the way back to win the State title the boys basketball team has a new junior varsity coach who plans to bring great success as well girls and boys bowling bowling are two time returning state champion teams and the girls wrestling team have earned the number one ranked team in New Jersey as well as fifth ranked in the country with Thanksgiving around the corner everyone including students and staff are all excited for holiday season to begin I would like to thank Mrs porm Milly the board of education for your continued support and thank you for allowing me here to speak tonight I wish us all a Happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to speaking with you all at our next Board of Education meeting in regards to Jackson morial high school thank [Applause] you thank you both for the extensive reports and just it's amazing the amount of activities availability um to our high school students in both of our high schools I was I had the pleasure of attending the National Honor Society at Liberty uh last week and uh Mr Vante attended it at Memorial it was uh they just always wonderful ceremonies and so impressive um the accomplishments of our students and the hard work and the perseverance that they show and demonstrate there's so many uh wonderful opportunities for our students here in our high schools exciting time for seniors right now exciting time for um our winter sports that are about to start so looking forward to hearing more and more and thank you both for the wonderful reports excuse me so moving on tonight um we have a short presentation by the board uh president and myself um Miss Richardson the business administrator this is her last meeting she is retiring after 25 years although she had a family emergency tonight uh she wanted to be with us but she needed to attend to her family uh we are still going to present the gift that the board um with their own personal money has purchased um and we want to say a few words uh to miss Richardson um and thank her for all of everything that she's done over the last 25 years so we're going to go to the podium good evening tonight's board meeting is Miss Richardson's last meeting as administrator and board of education secretary for Jackson schools Miss Richardson has been with the Jackson School District since November of 19 1998 when she was hired as the assistant business administrator she was promoted to the role of business administrator and board of education secretary in January of 2009 her retirement caps off 25 years of employment with the Jackson School District and 32 years in public education in addition to the Daily work as the district business administrator over the last 25 years Miss Richardson has seen many transitions throughout the district and has been an integral part of many initiatives under her care some of those initiatives include large scale solar project the district's esip Energy savings uh program project that earned the District 27 million worth of upgrades and energy saving improvements to our facilities Miss Richardson has also successfully overseen the building of the Liberty Transportation site and two D projects at the memorial Transportation site she has worked hard to save the district money in health care expenses and through grants such as the RO grant for facility upgrades and most recently the plumbing Grant and was a key member of the team that passed a special question to add school security officers to our elementary schools in 2018 during covid she worked tirelessly with the District administration team to ensure our district business operations and food departments were able to educate and nourish children even during a pandemic Miss Richardson the Jackson Board of Education would like to present you this in grave clock for appreciation for all the time you have Faithfully served the students of Jackson your fellow staff members and the Jackson Community for over 25 years Miss Richardson in appreciation of your years of dedication and service to the Jackson School District just just me and the clock we wish you all the best in your future endeavors congratulations on your retirement thank you congratulations M Richardson I'm going to continue with my superintendent's report I'd like to comment a little bit about the special question that was just on the ballot so November 7's vote obviously were disappointing the results of the election of the special question obviously the district was hoping for different results so that we could reduce class sizes and provide a smaller ratio of student to teachers and support service providers we do appreciate the 3,604 yes votes for the question but we also recognize that this was a community decision to not see an increase in their taxes as we head into next year's budget planning unfortunately we will again be operating in a cut model we will continue to review the ways that we can reduce expenses and also continue to Advocate as we have for the last six years for a more efficient state aid funding formula that addresses the needs of Jackson schools there will certainly be Cuts as we move forward however as always students are our number one priority and we will continue to work hard to preserve our programs services and co-curriculars in order to provide the students of Jackson with a strong well-rounded education thank you to our ptn for their continued support in funding important experiences for our students and to the Jackson Education Foundation who has already awarded grants to our teachers and for their donations and supporting our schools a great big thank you to all the District staff who continue to do more with less our staff continues to demonstrate their commitment to educating Jackson students and the future generation of citizens we'll continue to apply for available funding and grants in fact we have been awarded an additional grant that we applied for this was just awarded it's called The Accelerated learning Grant and I'm just going to ask Mr rante to say a few words to give an overview of that Grant Mr rante okay thanks M Peril uh we were notified November M 1st that the district received $36,000 in the what is called the high impact tutoring Grant I just want to start with a big thank you to two administrators Lisa kotch and Jennifer Torres as well as several other teachers who are really instrumental in in the district OB paining that Grant and just a very brief summary uh what that Grant does is it will provide small group tutoring to third and fourth graders at all six schools in the district that will take place either before school after school or during the wind support block uh that takes place during the school day um students will get 120 minutes per week working directly with our Jackson Elementary teachers um we'll be selecting our students Based on data based on on how they're performing and we'll run three three eight-week sessions the first one beginning right after Thanksgiving and running through the beginning of January uh we'll have a second session that will run in February and March and our third session will run from mid April through the beginning of June um students who still need additional support will remain in for each session and each session will give us an opportunity for new students that need support uh to be brought into the next group um students are as we speak kind of being notified um letters are going out from the schools they're selecting the students that will best be served by the program and we're excited to get it up and running right after the Thanksgiving break thank you Mr Vante also as an example of our grants um is on the agenda tonight when you look through the agenda you can see how planful we are in the ways that we use some of our title grants to continue to fund professional development for our staff um if we did not use these funds accordingly it would be very difficult to offer professional development to our staff you'll see on tonight's agenda there's lots of opportunities for professional development for mathematics uh multiple language learners for mental health and dealing with other strategies to help support our students both academically and socially emotionally so some other happenings as you know every month we provide some happenings behind me on the screen Miss Irwin gathers the information of just some of the small things that have been happening across the district there are many many other things this is a wonderful place for students so as mentioned earlier we have some school high school plays coming up we've got clue at Jackson Memorial elf at Jackson Liberty um over at Liberty is the home for the holidays is coming up uh that's always great fun as well want to say congratulations to the Liberty marching band for another group three state champ Championship win that's F fantastic muli has again run their run for vets program and bringing vets in to speak to our students and then also having their run an excellent opportunity for students to learn as well uh most recently uh switlick has begun to do morning announcements they are televised by student broadcasters it's quite exciting it's a fantastic and engaging way to build School community and student leadership the memorial marching band held a community cleanup and gave back to taking care of their community and I believe there was also a slide about them visiting switti elementary school as well that's just a small sampling of some of the wonderful things happening in each of our schools um I do want to point out since we do have somebody here tonight who is on the agenda for retirement Miss Cindy Sherman a long-standing security officer for us she's there in the back now I know we still have a few more months quite a few more months together but I just wanted to acknowledge and thank you for everything you have done for our students and our staff and I know there'll be lots of Tears um as you leave us um but you have made a tremendous impact so thank you for everything that you've done right so with that I'm closing my remarks for this evening and just wish everyone a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving thank you thank you Miss prilly at this time we will have standing committees that have met uh since the last board meeting report we only have one for this meeting it is buildings and grounds chairperson is Miss Rivera yes we met yesterday um the committee discussed the following Mr Bruno the director of buildings and grounds updated the committee with Jackson um projects the repair of the roof leaks repair of the parking lights repair of the ceilings the gym floor repairs the Jackson Memorial High School fuel Fuel Depot the tanks have been delivered and installed and we are estimated December 1st 2023 date for completion of projects Miss Richardson updated the community of the legal end of this project and spel Architects gave an informed presentation on the district's plan for a master plan thank you Mr ver you're welcome we also have ad hoc committees that meet as needed we had several meet uh since last board meeting so we'll report on those uh policy chairperson Miss Cass please report policy met on um October 30th in attendance was myself Mr Pinsky Mrs Gardella Mrs barois Mrs pmil and uh Mrs Sabo the policies um that were recommended for um revisions are as follows we have religion and schools which is um has to do with the US Department of Education guidance on constitutionality of prayer and religious expression in schools we had um policy 3161 Examination for cause which is when the district wants to um require a physical or psychiatric examination of an employee um we had policy 41 uh I'm sorry policy and regulation 3212 for attendance um that has to do with employee attendance policies and regulations in accordance with the new sick law we had the right of policy policy 3324 that protects the right of the school staff members by prohibiting audio or video recording of Staff members um and students and other staff members so that had to do with all um recording and things of that nature um we had the eligibility policy and regulation elil eligibility of res resident non-resident students and that has to do with um tuition for students out of state if parents move out of I'm sorry out of the district students move out of the district um we have policy and regulation 5116 which is education of the homeless children and youths um and that is the requirement that um the district must enroll for up to two school years students um who are made homeless or forced to move out um because of a natural disaster or terrorist attack so there's just some terminology that needs to be changed um and then there was um some revisions to the Food Services um abolished policies was the school nutrition programs and the outstanding uh Food Service Bill they're just actually it's the ab they're consolidating uh policy 8540 and 8550 so it'll have to do with the anti-hunger act and workingclass family um and then policies that we discussed were electronic communications between teaching staffs members and students inappropriate staff conduct for teaching and staff members and inappropriate staff conduct for non-teaching and staff members and that was the conclusion of the meeting we do not have a new scheduled meeting as of yet thank you Miss Cass uh while I have you you also the chairperson for scholarship would you like to report on that as well scholarship is actually having a meeting this evening I was unable to attend because I am here so um when I get the minutes from that I can report on that next time thank you state and County School Board representative chairperson Miss Rivera next County meeting is December 4th at brick pref um professional development center at 6 p.m. thank you I need a motion for approval of policy regulations first reading motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barock yes Dr Osmond yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of policy regulations abolished motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barois yes Dr osbond yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr promary yes I need a motion for approval of the minutes the Clos session meeting October 18 2023 the official board meeting October 18th 2023 business meeting motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr MCC Karen yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pomer yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr mcon yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr promary yes I need a motion for approval of treasurers and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Mrs yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osmond Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pal Mar yes before I motion to open public forum I would like to turn it over to our board attorney Mr zider he has an addition to uh add to our uh Personnel yes this will be personnel number 26 resolved that the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Andrew Fantasia effective immediately thank you I need a motion to open the public forum on agenda items only we will hold another public forum during this meeting for other questions this public forum will be for questions on agenda items only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard all right seeing no one come up I move forward for a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I I I need a motion to move Finance motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr mcaren yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osmond yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pal yes I need a motion to move facilities motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osmond Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr prary yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pom yes I need a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella now I'm I on personel I'm sorry what are we on I was supposed to abstain from something okay what do you abstain from I'm needed to abstain from programs um number 12 title tub sorry that's okay n14 sorry about that N4 yes sorry okay are we going on with students are we on students yes I need a motion sorry yes I'm sorry yes sorry for that I I had originally moved it but she had to go back to programs we had y I need a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr primary yes I need a motion to move personel motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella two and yes on everything else okay Mr McCarron yes Mrs baracus yes Dr Osmond yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pal Mar yes I need a motion to open public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard motion all right seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I we'll now turn to board comments starting with Miss Gardella that sorry about that before um I just wanted to say that today I had the pleasure of working with three actually Four Jackson three current students and one postgraduate one from Liberty and two from Memorial at a Ocean County vocational women's and Automotive Network working event and I just wanted to highlight that for people in town because I feel vocational school is a really big component of um the educational system that we don't always get to hear about so since I was able to participate I wanted to share that um additionally I wanted to just kind of piggy back on what the superintendent said regarding the vote you know I just hope that we can have some more Community involvement there's um you know a big need for our community to be a little more involved than they are currently and and what's happening in our schools so hopefully from the know of this vote uh the public chatter and the fact that we will be revisiting the budget and there will be more complaints coming from community members that you know we have some more participation here and we can move forward in a positive direction we have awesome students here great staff and um we're going to continue to do great things thank you all for coming out tonight I just wanted to give it a shout out to our girls gymnastics team who had an amazing season this season they had a tough start but they got going and they did a great job so I just wanted to tell them that we're all very proud of them I hope everybody has a nice Thanksgiving thank you just wanted to take time to thank the residents of Jackson uh who took the time out to vote uh I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve here on the board um just wanted to thank Miss Richardson again for all her years of service to Jackson schools and wish you the best of luck in your retirement and wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving thank you um I just wanted to uh congratulate Mr McCarron and Mrs Rivera on winning their seats for the Board of Education I look forward to working with you in the next coming years um I first wanted to congratulate our Liberty lion band on becoming the 2023 New Jersey state champions um I'm also looking forward to seeing everyone at the clue play these next couple of days so if you see me around please come over and introduce yourselves I'm sure it'll be a wonderful event um for those of you that have seen the article in the new jersey.com Jackson Memorial High School was ranked number 10 amongst the 50 best New Jersey public high schools for Sports in 2023 I think that's pretty impressive I too want to congratulate our gymnastics team who are The Undefeated division Champions with an 11 zero record congratulation girls and they came in second in the South sectionals um um I also wanted to congratulate our division one or our athletes on their Signing Day um who are continuing who are going to be continuing to play at the uh division one and division two level uh some of those schools include uh lyola Ruckers the University of New Haven and my son Drew who will be attending the University of Alabama in Huntsville and I'm looking forward to seeing many more athletes in our schools at the signing after the new year so congrat ulations to everyone and uh I'm wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving thank you have a good night I wanted I want to thank everyone for attending and watching live stream [Music] um I wish I'm wishing Mrs Richardson and all others on their retirement and thank you to the community for reelecting Brian and I and have a wonderful Thanksgiving thank you um I want to welcome back Taran Tara and Brian uh very happy you guys were elected look forward to working with you for the year want to thank everyone for coming out tonight and the students I always appreciate their um their their writeups about the schools I think it's great I think it gives us all some great information of what's going on in addition to Mrs porm mil's report as well because again we do have some great programs and great things going on so congratulations to the gymnastics team as well and the Liberty band um as state champion I think both are wonderful um I want to congratulate Mrs Richardson on her retirement we uh wish you the best and thank you for your years of service um and other than that I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and take care I like to St by congratulating Miss Rivera and Mr McCarron on your electoral win I look forward in continuing our service together for all of Jackson Miss Richardson congratulations on a lifetime of dedication to to the Jackson School District District good luck and enjoy retirement and to everyone else here tonight and who may be live streaming Happy Thanksgiving be safe and be well I need a motion to adjourn motion by acclamation I hello I'm Hunter fost I'm at Jackson Memorial High School and we just gave a master class for uh the incredible clue which they are performing here at the school and it's going to be November 16th 17th and 18th come check it out you're not going to be disappointed these actors are great you're going to have a lot of fun it's really funny come see [Applause] [Music] clue