##VIDEO ID:CE1OIeeTGTY## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] call the meeting to order please rise to salute the flag I pledge Al ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for this meeting is in compliance with the open public meeting law and has been duly advertised in the newspaper as an official meeting roll call M gordel present Mr McCaron present Mrs barokas present Dr Osman here Mrs Rivera pres Mrs Cass present Mr P did wrong before we move to the approval of agenda I would like to note for board resolution Finance number 13 um the amount has been filled in at $188,500 ,500,000 excuse me I need a motion for approval of the agenda agenda with addendum motion second discussion roll call roll call roll call sorry Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baroz yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass oh okay I'm okay I now turn the meeting over to Mrs permil for her superintendence report thank you very much Miss Cass and good evening everyone um who's come out tonight and to our board members and administrative team so it's September it's hard to believe it's September and the start of the 2425 school year it is uh certainly been a very busy start for us to the school year I always look forward to September uh board meetings as it is a a new beginning with the anticipation of new new exciting learning opportunities and experiences for our students um and it is also the meeting in which we get to meet and hear from this year's High School Board reps so we're very excited um we miss them over the summer so it's nice we have some new reps this year with us uh so we'll begin with them as always uh from Liberty we have Katie urgle here with us she can just give away Katie uh and then from Memorial we have Colin Williams with us today and moving forward for the rest of the school year they will be at every board meeting to give um update of all the high school happenings throughout the year it's always um a pleasure to have them with us and to hear about the happenings so this evening we will start with Katie from Liberty if you could come to the podium hi for those who don't know me I'm Katie urle a senior at Jackson Liberty the captain of the Vault bball team and the president of our Kiwanis Club good evening superintendent P superintendent pilly Board of Education members and guests thank you for extending me this opportunity to speak on behalf of Jackson Liberty I'm honored to share with you a little bit about what the students and staff have been up to this school year although we have not been in for long there is already plenty to report as the country is fixated on the upcoming election our student government has been busy with our own and all four classes have followed to the National Honor Society and Leadership Academy have also begun their selection process and look to have determinations made by next month another big event happening in October is our homecoming dance the ptsn is hard at work with the student council to start preparations for the popular event they are determined to give students a night to remember and we are so grateful for their generosity and support they were one of many organizations present during another successful back to school night the grand hallway was filled with representatives from various teams clubs to Showcase all of our school all that our school has to offer the families enjoyed shop stopping by each table in between classes where they met their children's teachers the pals and Roc were there to help direct them and assist wherever was needed it was nice to see everyone come together with enthusiasm for the year to come our sports teams have started the season strong the football team had a big win over Hamilton West to kick off the school year it was exactly what we needed to keep the momentum going for all of our other teams the Red Zone was also there to cheer them on the whole way through the boys soccer team also tallied a win with senior Richard kek leading in goals and Roco malangone had an impressive 24 saves of the season so far the girl soccer team recently defeated New Egypt 5 to one where senior goalie Payton bloy had eight saves our field hockey team currently has a pair of wins and Junior deia Hassel has an impressive 42 saves the sports teams aren't the only ones bringing home the Liberty win our marching band and color guard placed first in their groups at the Manchester band competition with a score of 78.4 s they will look to continue their success with the show entitled colors of the mind this Saturday at Bricktown Brick Township High School other Performing Arts programs have been busy as well the atlet players in the Liberty choir have already begun rehearsals for the first semester show you're a good man Charlie Brown simultaneously the TV Production Studio is working hard on their popular show the fourth annual Spooktacular which is only about a month away money clubs and classes and teams have started fundraising already the class of 2025 held a paint a parking spot fundraiser where students showed their creative sides and brought their favorite designs to life and added personality to our parking lot additionally our lionet dance team recently wrapped up their annual mum fundraiser the class of 2026 is raffling off a basket of Liberty gear and the marching band is getting ready for their 11th annual vendor fair while our boy soccer team is planning a car wash for the 22nd of this month at station 55 finally September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the Lions basketball team is raising money for the worthy cause by placing jugs around the building where each grade level can donate all donations go towards oceans of love a nonprofit helping families of children with cancer at the end of the month if we reach our $5,000 goal Coach Connor will die his hair pink for October it is a tradition that is formed and we are so excited to continue with this year as you can see although it's still the first month of school it's been very busy there have already been successes and we took and we look to build upon them in the months to come thank you so much for your time today and I look forward to reporting back here next month with even more accomplishments until then have a great rest of your week wow Katy you sound like a proar like you've been doing that for for years that was fantastic report very informative lots of wonderful happenings already occurring at the high school at Liberty and many more to come in the next month it's very exciting Colin we'd love to have you now at the podium to tell us about what's happening at Memorial good evening Mrs Peril members of the central Administration staff and Board of Education members for those of you who don't know me my name is Colin Williams and I'm the student council president at Jackson Memorial High School I am a varsity track and soccer athlete and I'm a part of the stem program I would like to thank I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak here tonight for the first time I'm honored to share exactly what has been happening here at Jackson moral high school as we've just started the year the school Year is off to a great start seniors began the Year by painting parking spots showcasing their artistic abilities although it's the students parking spot the parents also contributed a huge part this tradition continues and is a great way to bring the class together and kick off a new school year freshman orientation was on August 29th with the help of the Pal's program we gave incoming freshmen a full tour of the school allowing freshmen to get a glimpse of what's in store for them this year grade level meetings were held this last week for all students to set goals for a great school year homecoming is quickly approaching coming on October 18th we plan to sell take tickets as soon as possible so students have a lot of time to prepare we're excited to celebrate 60 years of tradition at jmhs with the 60th anniversary we plan to have two battle the classes for the special occasion 60th anniversary apparel is also available through the student council new senior perel is on the way with the demand set to new levels as the class of 20225 awaits for all grades except freshman AP classes are a huge priority for most students taking some myself I'm most excited for AP US History fall Sports is off to a great start the football team has a record of 21 boys and girls cross country girls tennis girls volleyball field hockey and the boys and girls soccer teams have a representing Jackson War high school as a player in the soccer team we're also off to a great start with a record of three two and two to congratulate athletes this year we are moving the fall prep rally back outside onto the football field I would like to thank Mrs Peril and the board of education for your continued support and for allowing me here to speak tonight I look forward to addressing you all next month with some more exciting news regarding the events here at Jackson Mo High [Applause] School wow Colin again just an incredible report so well done again like a pro that you've been doing this all along so impressive both both schools so many activities happening and we can't wait to hear more to come at the October meeting thank you for everything and for being here tonight I know you are both very active in your studies and your extracurricular so we appreciate your time so our opening for September was normal for the most part in regards to the normal things that we deal with um overall it was a smooth opening uh busy and we had some unexpected things that I'll get to in a moment but overall Transportation worked um relatively smoothly we had our normal bumps that we have in the beginning of the school year ironing out times and and such everything got worked through and I just want to say congratulations to our transportation team um the admin team there all of the support staff and our drivers who really are the smiling faces every day that our students see as their first experience walking into the schools in the morning um onto the buses uh they've done a great job and I appreciate all of the hard work that they've done um at the last moment um we were able to pull off some subscription late busing as you can recall late buses were cut from the budget um and we know that that is is difficult for us to adjust to because students use those buses to be able to participate in extracurriculars and fortunate enough at the very last moment we were able to pull um together some subscription busing Mr binsky organized that and we were able to quickly make some turnaround in that and we ended up having 160 students be able to take advantage of the subscription busing um so we we will continue to work through those that was our first trit and it was very quick we'll iron out any of the uh the hiccups there but we're happy to see that it is being used as a service in the district so the not so normal start to our school year that uh many of you the board obviously knows about we had to quickly pivot and move um many students from trailers back into the classrooms into the schools um and in some very tight spaces unfortunately we had some um issues at switlick Homan and Johnson in which we needed to um pivot quickly so at switlick um we had or originally um um had a teacher who had discovered some mold behind a bookshelf um which we needed to explore further our trailers are very old I think our community knows that um certainly our staff knows it and the board knows it and um they're they're old they're definitely checked on a routine basis this was not something that was visible on routine checks it was behind a bookshelf once moved it was seen and upon further exploration of opening walls and looking into it um there was a leak that was coming from the roof that was dripping down into the walls Behind the Walls where we wouldn't be able to see it um and there was some mold upon opening the wall further we immediately shut down that trailer also investigated to other surrounding ones close by and shut those down as well um immediately we then did an extensive check um Mr Bruno thank you and to the principes to who went trailer by trailer then to do visual checks moving furniture looking behind and there was nothing else seen visually as we said in our communication however out of safety and caution we said we really should explore these further you know if there was a leak behind two of our trailers and we could the walls and trailers and we could not see that we should perhaps investigate these further and felt that we should not have students and staff in them while we are investigating them further to make sure everybody is safe and sound so I do want to just uh take a few minutes to talk about about um thanking some people first of all and then I'll go into the next steps of of where we're going to move with this but we we had to relocate eight full classrooms of students from trailers into um classrooms within buildings and then we also needed to relocate several small group instruction groups into uh the schools and some also some office spaces um and child study team offices so you as you can imagine that was um quite the task and took a lot of organizing quickly and a lot of um physical Manpower that went into relocating those uh those staff and those students um it was quite the task and I really do need to take a few minutes to thank so many people here the board first of all for your support when we called you about this and the plan um I'd like to thank uh the administrative team my central office team who worked endlessly late into the hours to make this happen um you know Mr binsky Mr rante Dr godleski Miss Irwin Miss Barber uh Mr Bruno just so many people who just jumped in to help here our building administrators Dr Raymond Mr son Mr Caris Mrs litra and Miss Shar who oversees the preschool program I want to just talk for a moment about our facility supervisors grounds custodians rock stars these people were rock stars for us uh we all came in on Saturday the team of people from that department were just hustling we were able to move and make all of those changes on a Saturday um it was a long Saturday for us but it was done um and then uh we had some people also come in Sunday just to to sort through some things so that classes could resume to the most of the the capacity on Monday with some exceptions with some preschool that started back on Tuesday uh it also took tremendous support flexibility and work from our teachers and our staff who understood that it needed to happen these were people who had just finished setting up their classrooms and we were asking them to now take them apart and put them back together in another space um and I just can't say enough about how um wonderful people were of course they were were upset we anybody would be upset but they were they understood why and they Rose to the occasion and did those things I want to thank the parents for understanding the need for the move the flexibility it was difficult for some of our preschool parents because they needed to change to the preschool Annex at Memorial which was a different time and then our transportation department who needed to now reroute those students again kudos to the transportation department this all happened in two days um we were able to get most of that into place so there wouldn't miss too much of a beat in our instructional time um for our our our students the uh I also want to just thank the admin team at Memorial um and understanding the flexibility that was needed at the annex and our security um who stepped up and volunteered their time for the preschool Annex to make sure that our students on Tuesday were able to get in safely they assessed the transportation plan for parent drop off and they're continually working with sure to tweak that to make that as smooth as possible so a lot of moving pieces it was a tremendous what everybody pulled off and I just want to say a public thank you to everybody um amazing what what everybody did uh we are keeping those three trailers obviously Offline that I mentioned in the beginning of this and we have brought in some uh testing company who have um come in this early this week to test some of our Portables and some of our trailers the Portables are different they are on a foundation of concrete a little bit more um sturdy maybe um could be more usable um for a longer period of time so we tested those first and a few trailers that we felt were also um possibly in better shape than some of the others we um we're hopeful the preliminary reports seem positive but we do not have any final reports back and when we do we will make sure we communicate those back for the meantime everybody is staying put where they are um because that's what's safe and that's what's sound and we need some consistency for our staff and our students and our parents right now but we do have in those schools I mentioned the media centers are all offline and the media specialist pushes into the class on a cart for lessons and those uh libraries media centers are now sectioned off for small group instruction Andor office space or child study team space for meetings um so there is a lot of um crunching into the schools but it is working and again kudos to everybody who is making that work for our students and we will keep everybody updated as we move forward in this process I also wanted to take a moment to uh again thank and talk about the Fieldhouse here at Memorial is just about complete um I want to thank Miss cun the Town Council president for facilitating that project and obtaining donations of time of equipment of services and of money I also appreciate everyone pulling together in this town I appreciate the Jackson Education Foundation for assisting with the donations of that money and managing all of that uh we will certainly benefit from this uh all of our sports teams will benefit from having that concession stand in Fieldhouse updated so I just wanted to publicly thank everybody involved in that it is definitely going to benefit the school Community for a long time to come we are this Saturday honoring Rosen hour uh from 1: to 3: please join us we've put a flyer out a few weeks ago or a month ago actually and continued to put it out there it's posted on our Facebook page and our district website uh we need to honor that school appropriately please come and join us it's Saturday it's A Walk to Remember uh you get to walk the hall where there's a collection of memories and photos that people have submitted we also have um a setup of some really incredibly old and new and just um many many photos of things that have happened and staff and students that are will be on display in the library along with a video of many things that have occurred over the years um we will have um some old yearbooks set up there as well we'll have a signing of um of a memory displayed that we were going to take a photo of an archive um and also join us for some fun activities for the the the children there'll be um an obstacle course a blowup obstacle course if the weather cooperates there'll be some food some other activities a ceremony at 2:00 to honor the school district we'll have some principls of that school speak uh we'll sing the roseen hour song um and really honor bless bless you thank you and really honor that school the way it deserves to be honored um so I hope to see many people on Saturday that would be very nice uh some other updates I just want to mention that the um the Jackson Liberty band took first place at Manchester High School in a competition um that's exciting our bands are up and running and I'm sure going to be very successful this year one of my favorite things I used to be in a marching band um is to watch them perform it's amazing uh the Jackson day was a huge success here in the community and uh the memorial band played there Roc presented colors and if you have a chance check out the live stream uh drone show I actually checked it out last night that was pretty neat um and then uh as I mentioned we have the Rosen hour Walk to Remember coming up so as I mentioned at the beginning of my superintendence report busy busy start to the school year you heard the high school reps lots of things good things happening definitely some unexpected things for us in the beginning of the school year but overall a very positive start um and it has been a good start to the year and we look forward to seeing more of The Smiling Faces we've been seeing as we we enter the buildings the positive energy we have going and the uh engaging in learning and extracurriculars that we'll have throughout the year so looking forward to a really good successful school year that concludes my superintendent's report thank you um next we will go move on to standing committee reports first we have building and grounds um chairperson Mr McCarron yes uh Capital Improvement projects districtwide at Memorial the generator electricians installed a new battery and installed a new starter also at Memorial uh New univan Motors replaced in room 6 626 and 523 uh Memorial new compressor installed in the it room and 104 and 115 switlick trailer 10 new HVAC thermostat switlick trailer 8 new HVAC blower motor switlick Portable 2 install the hva split system hullman installed new power supply board for fire alarm system Liberty had a new motor installed for concession Stan freezer uh the gets water tank project is completed and hman ele school gym equipment delivery date tenative tentatively scheduled for September 27th uh this year thank you next we have curriculum and instruction chair person M uh Dr Osman okay sorry I have to use my phone because I printed this out and left it in my printer all right um the curriculum and instruction committee met on September 16th to receive an update on the Mental Health Grants awarded to the district by the New Jersey Department of Ed Dr Taylor and Mr Palumbo provided an overview of the school-based mental health Grant which is I'll refer to that as spbm and the depression screening Grant so just for a quick overview both grants are five-year initiatives the district is in year two of the sbmh Grant and year one of the depression screening Grant I'll call that DS the grants aim to address the state's lack of school-based mental health professionals and support students with social and emotional challenges using a multi-tiered system of imple implementation so some of the highlights for this grant um for the sbmh grant we were able to have an intern program where 12 interns were selected um and they were placed across nine schools these interns are working to become School psychologists social workers and school counselors um the grants also allows for or funds training for up to 30 staff and interns in crisis preparedness we um through the grant adopted a second step curriculum this curriculum is implemented in five elementary schools all School libraries now will receive Mental Health Resources and you the grant also allows for um various trainings to take place so so far um some of the trainings that were completed are prepared two-day crisis training uh behavior intervention plans and implicit bias training these have already been conducted and there are a few others as well so for the future plans for the fbmh grant the intern program is going to continue the district will launch the linkit platform and provide related training for the for linkit additional training of 20 staff members and 10 interns will receive prepared crisis training uh there will be uh curriculum expansion meaning that materials in curricula will be expanded at the participating schools and we have adopted a college readiness program and the program will continue for grades 9 through 12 uh the district is actively seeking highly qualified interns Partnerships with universities such as Georgian Court and Mammoth University help attract strong candidates and the universities also support the initiative through shared content so they're helping out with the college readiness programs uh let's see and then these two this grant allows for two screening processes to fulfill the requirement of the grant so the first screening is for a social emotional Universal screening this screening is part of the multi-tiered system of support following the social emotional framework and it is administrated um elect electronically there is also a depression screener if students show a need based on the social emotional screening they will complete a depression screener this screener is available for middle and high school students and is overseen by part-time licensed mental health clinicians the screenings will only be done for students whose parents opt in and complete a permission form if you don't complete the form you didn't opt opt in communication will go out in October to parents about the opt-in social emotional screener and Jackson Memorial High School does not qualify for the screening process currently as it's based on the title one status so goals for the screening is to identify and support students with social and emotional challenges through a multi-tiered system of support uh this the screening will help increase the capacity of current staff to address some of the mental health and behavioral needs of our students and it expands our ability to Focus Counseling groups at all grade levels it also will increase the diversity of school-based mental health professionals to support multilanguage Learners and their families so I think I covered it all Dr Taylor okay got a thumbs up so that it was a you know it was a pretty comprehensive meeting and Dr Taylor did a wonderful job explaining how the grants you know came about how it's being used and what we're doing with in the future with this grant so thank you thank you um ad hoc committees meet as needed um we have the state and County school board's representative chairperson Mrs Rivera yes the next County meeting will be September 25th at 6 o'clock it will be a hybrid at Claren hotel and S server thank you thank you I need a motion for approval of policy and regulation so no which one it said no report oh I'm s I'm sorry uh we have an advocacy report chairperson Mrs Gardella good evening everybody um Allison Tara and myself met with assemblyman ziki on September 6th um we discussed uh the current status of the school funding legislation um he pretty much told us that he felt that s is not going to be re Rewritten in the next year however at this time there are some legislators interested in working on tweaking some of the language of the current bill um some ideas that were floated around from assembly man Alex was including funding all the districts to adequacy and then utilizing the additional leftover funds to those to those districts that require it also creating a minimum per pupil amount that the state spends and a maximum per pupil amount that the amount spends um to each district and and we also discussed the current legislative stakeholders and our goal is to schedule meetings with those individuals forthcoming um and then obviously to maintain communication with assembly menoi he's a awesome supporter of Jackson Township thank you now I need a motion for approval of policy and regulation second reading motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr M Aon yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion for approval of the minutes motion second the Clos session meeting August 21st 2024 the official board meeting August 21st 2024 business meeting the official board meeting August 28 2024 Personnel business meeting discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman so I was not here for that meeting should I okay I did not attend that meeting so can't hear you I'm hello okay no I wasn't here for that meeting so I'm abstaining from that Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs cordella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion for approval of the treasurers and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Ms gella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to open the public forum on agenda items only we will hold another public forum during this meeting for other questions this public forum will be for questions on the agenda only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard um seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor motion to move Finance motion second discussion roll call M gordel yes Mr McCaron yes M brokas yes Dr osor yes Ms Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to move facilities motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr mcaren yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes M Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to move Personnel motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella abstain item 26a yes everything else Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes I need a motion to open the public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to speak speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I uh we will start with board comments we will start down at that end thank you just want to wish everybody a uh great school year uh as parents we send their kids off to school and uh we don't see the behind the scenes and I just wanted to uh say how appreciative I am for everybody in their hard work getting this school year started I know there was some curve balls thrown and I know you guys all did a great job so thank you thanks for everybody for coming out for those of you who couldn't come out hopefully you're watching this online wishing everybody a good school year and I agree with Brian nice job everyone I want to thank everyone for coming at and viewing us on live stream stream I want to thank you for everyone coming together to open the school year um and also everyone hope to see everyone at Rosen hour on Saturday at 1M and everyone have a magnificent night thank you for everybody coming out um I want to thank everybody who put their time energy efforts and funds into the Fieldhouse and the concession stand I think it's going to be bring a lot of um opportunity to our student athletes and clubs and I always like to highlight that you know we didn't really have a discussion on the Personnel but there are some great teachers who and admin who work for Grants with Perkins and work-based learning and that's just exciting for our students here in Jackson and thank you for that and to everybody else have a great evening thank you uh thank you for those that came out tonight and those watching online uh it's always nice to see a great start to the school year um no phone calls is always a good thing um I just want to also Echo uh Megan's sentiments regarding everyone that took the time and and contributed to the opening of the field hous and concession stand Rome wasn't built in a day and yet we managed to build it in a day maybe a little less than a week um and I also want to also uh Echo the sentiments of Brian uh if it wasn't for our Administration and everyone all the all of our staff in our school district um you know it wouldn't be you know it takes a village so thank you and uh thanks for coming out I want to say thank you to everyone for coming and to our high school reps um for your first uh are they are they here they're here for your first um speeches of the of the year we look forward to listening to you guys as the season goes as the year goes on and hearing more about the great things that are going on um it's always exciting to hear those reports I think because you guys are out in it um again uh you know everyone um please come out on Saturday for Rosen hour um I think it'll be a great thing and the Fieldhouse as well um it was nice to see the community come together and of course our administration because uh they are working very hard behind the scenes and we've had a lot of curveballs this year and I think they're handling it with dignity and Grace so thank you have a great year I need a motion to adjourn motion by acclamation oh second second motion to adjourn uh motion second by acclamation I good job it didn't say second that's why I'm the other um hey Rosen hour road runners I'm so proud proud of you show your true colors sing out thank you and I will be looking out for you cuz I hear you guys really are [Music] great e