##VIDEO ID:Vw2YuELZuNk## e some e [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] think that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] I call meeting to order please rise the flag flag of United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice this meeting is in compliance with the open public meeting law and has been duly advertised in the newspaper as an official meeting roll call Mrs Gardella present Mr McCarron Mrs barokas present Dr Osman present Mrs Rivera Mrs present Mr P present I need a motion for approval of the agenda with addendums motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I now turn the meeting over to miss Peril for her superintendent report thank you Mr palarian good evening everyone few things to share this evening uh but first as always I'd like to begin with our high school board rep reports so tonight I'd like to begin with Memorial and Colin Williams could you come to the podium please good evening Mrs Peril members of the central Administration staff and Board of Education members my name is Colin Williams and I'm the student council president at Jackson Laura high school thank you for invit thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight I'm excited to share what's been happening at our school as we end the first marketing period of the 2024 2025 school year last week was week of respect at jmhs as a school we stood up against bullying on Monday wearing one day day promoting bullying prevention where we weree blue and showed a two-minute video of stomping out bullying on Tuesday we wore sweats to sweat out bullying and on Wednesday no drama pajama day Thursday it was being upstander day wear lead apparel and finally on Friday we wore School SP spirit slass colors to promote a pro positive School climate the freshman and soptware classes were busy last Friday when they hosted a fall tailgate for the memorial football game against Donovan and a boy soccer game against Lawrence the students had fun playing cornhole games pump painting pizza and much more the event was well attended and Fun For All Mrs Peril and the student council met on Wednesday October 2nd to discuss the school plans for the school year Mrs pril explained the importance of Legacy tradition and providing leadership for younger students also she shared in our excitement in celebrating the 60th anniversary of jmhs we thank her for taking the time to come out and meet with the student council and listen to our feedback she asked for and received a multitude of suggestions on how to make our school a better and safer place for all students as homecoming approaches rapidly the school hallways look great each student council group decorates the respective hallways to excite students and promote school spirit the fall pep rally will take place this Friday October 18th for the entire student body outside in the football stadium each class will select eight boys and eight girls which can participate in a tug of war to see which class is the strongest the annual homecoming football game and senior night senior band night is this Friday against Brick Township at 6:30 all classes will be building banners and having a banner contest that will be judged at the football game also at the game the homecoming Court will be presented to celebrate our 60th anniversary the student council will decorate the Memorial cafeteria which will be used as a staging area to give tours of our school I lost my spot have your books available and several picture boards for fans to view before they enter the game current members of the student council will look forward to mingling with past alumni and trading stories about jmhs the homecoming dance will be on Saturday October 19th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. the homecoming dance will include a DJ delicious food and many other activities thank you to the ptsn for your incredible support and decorations we couldn't have done it without your help starting this week the student council will host fun fridays during common lunch this gives students the chance to collaborate with friends and make new friends in the auditorium there will be a showing of Halloween related movies The Wait room is open to students and a pingpong tournament will take place fall Sports season is coming to a close with each team putting in Max effort right up to the end all fall teams have had success and look forward to the end of the season tournament play and States finally next week kicks off red women week to start off freshman will have an assembly titled out of thin err what you need to know about Vapes this presentation is to bring awareness of the negative impacts vaping has on students our Jag paaw prevention Club will also host a substance trivia game in the hallways students can spend one of our substance wheels and answer trivia questions for prizes during common lunch A and B this activity will take place on Friday October 25th Tigger stola has also sponsored Rob Hala to present an anti- vaping presentation to our sophomore class on October 30th during third period not to mention we will also have therapy dogs coming to the building during common lunch on different days throughout October as well I want to express my gratitude to Mrs Peril and the board of education for your ongoing support and for allowing me to share this update tonight I look forward to providing more exciting news about Jackson MOA High School in next month's meeting thank you [Applause] thank you Colin and I'm really looking forward to attending the homecoming and the 60th anniversary uh celebration this Friday night it's going to be a lot of fun and weather's going to cooperate too so it should be wonderful okay let's move on to Liberty's report Katie is um busy at a game this evening so subbing in for Katie Eric yesi has graciously agreed to give the uh Liberty report this evening so come on up to the podium good evening superintendent permil Board of Education members and guests thank you for extending me this opportunity to speak on behalf of Jackson Liberty for those of you who don't know me I'm Eric yashi a senior at Jackson Liberty I'm honored to share with you a little B about what the students and staff have been up to since last month our sports teams are wrapping up their Seasons but have given us a great deal to remember our boys and girls soccer teams have been working hard on and off the field and recently had very successful car washes Delan spof also broke the Liberty School record for goals in a career when she scored her 16th goal of the Season giving giving her 53 for her career the football team recently had an impressive 42 to0 win over Mammoth Regional we've had some other standout performances as well our field got field hockey goalie deia Hassel made her way into the record books after recording her 200th save not to be outdone our girls volleyball Leber alela Torres hit 200 dicks both accomplishments represent the hard work and dedication of these devoted athletes and we are so proud of them last meeting we mentioned the ambitious efforts of our Lions boys basketball team's fundraiser supporting oceans of love I'm thrilled to report that they surpassed their original goal raising over $1,500 as promised Coach Connor died his hair pink for the cause and will keep it that way for the entirety of October the team and many students presented the check to the nonprofit organization during our common lunch this past week and were moved by the generosity of our community speaking of making contributions Jackson Liberty is answering the call for other relief efforts as well as many of our southern states have been devastated by the recent hurricanes many jlhs staff members have been looking for ways to help Miss ster and Mr Noble have Tak taken the lead and organized a supply Drive they've collected canned goods fresh fruit and veggies cold weathered clothing tents hand warmers and camping gear Spruce Pine is almost completely cut off from Aid because of the road closures and many people are still living outside in that area some of them families with children Mr Noble and officer Cony will be piloting a flight down tonight to Spruce Pine North Carolina to personally deliver the supplies to those in need Mr Noble has promised to take some pictures to show the next board meeting although we are helping those across the country we are not forgetting about those close to home the class of 2025 recently partook in a roadside cleanup and our inter interact Club is preparing for their first Beach sweep of the year it's inspiring to see them make a difference other people who have stood out for their countless contributions so far this year are Tyler Moro and Ryan Idol congratulations to them both for being named our first two seniors of the month additionally we would like to recognize Delan spov and Donovan Lou ja for being September athletes of the month and Miss La for being Liberty's September Lion of the month there has been a lot to celebrate with our Performing Artist programs in full swing our marching band continues to build their legacy as they once again earn the judge's praise receiving the highest overall score in the recent competition jtv's fourth annual spook tackler was a huge hit showcasing many amazing performances from our students the at lip players accompanied by the Liberty choir are spending countless hours perfecting their upcoming show your good man Charlie Brown we are looking forward to packing the auditorium for those early December performances as a first Mark period is coming to a close we have many Spirit weeks to keep the energy heightened we recently had many students and staff participate in our week of respect as a supplemental activity to that Focus the Liberty Lighthouse Club also created a tree of respect that is being displayed in the main hall every leaf was contributed by the student body and has a different way of showing respects written on it it helps to Bright the hall in more ways than one we have many other huge events right around the corner that are keeping the hallways buzzing next week we will have our Battle of the classes competition followed by our fall pep rally homecoming game and dance our student council is f is hard at work with all the moving parts and working closely with the amazing ptsn to orchestrate the best experience for the students we are so fortunate to have such a generous and hardworking group of parents to assist the staff in executing this event we are confident this is going to be a memorable week to cap off The Fall season season as you can see Liberty is taking full advantage of the opportunities their teams clubs and classes have to offer the weather might be cooling down but things are just heating up around here I appreciate you providing me with this platform so I could share some of our highlights with you we can't wait to report back to you next month with even more happenings until then take care and have a great rest of your week great job Eric thank you we appreciate you speaking tonight filling Us in and all of the wonderful things happening and there is a lot of wonderful things happening in both of our high schools um and as uh both both High School reps mentioned tonight uh it is the end of the first marking period already at the high schools I mean it's hard to believe September went by very quickly and we're halfway already through October so the school year is definitely moving quickly October as both um High School reps also mentioned it marks anti-bullying and violence and vandalism Awareness Week uh and it also uh represents Red Ribbon Week within October and all of our schools you heard some of the activities and programs and awareness events that both the high schools have done but that's also across our district there's been a lot of things happening wearing blue to stand up to bullying being a hero dressed like your favorite superhero um reciting this uh stand up against bullying pledge morning announcements and lots of other activities and assemblies to help our students um um move forward in understanding how to be upstanders and how to um ensure that they are spreading the word of of positivity within our schools and healthy choices for their bodies so moving forward I did want to also uhu mention what both board reps uh mentioned as well that Dr godleski and I have been meeting with both middle school and high school student council uh committees and uh there's their executive boards and we've it's always a wonderful wonderful experience first of all just to meet with them and hear about all of the wonderful activities that they're starting to plan for their student for their peers um the initiatives they have planned and how they plan to further connect students and engage students in school and activities and their leadership roles and ways that they can have a positive effect on the rest of the students so it's truly a wonderful opportunity to hear um and work with them we always uh give them a little um initiative charge um to ask them to work on and uh expand upon their leadership capabilities and so that when we come back in we can hear about their their further plans and things that they have done so we'll be sure to report out after we go back and meet with them again other District information uh you'll hear tonight you'll hear the uh buildings and grounds committee report from the board that we did test eight of our trailers and Portables um we you know we had a company come in and the reports have returned air quality in the ones that we tested other than the ones that we had taken Offline that we had found the mold in the air quality was fine in those um trailers Andor Portables and if you remember the trailers are not on a foundation the Portables are so there's a you know distinct difference there uh they many of them did come back and indicate some moisture in the floor so there was a recommendation for some remediation obviously you have moisture you probably could have mold underneath those tiles um but I will say that this board has made a decision collectively to not put anybody back into those trailers or those Portables this year and moving forward we do plan on E either trying to sell the trailers and or discard of them um and try to remediate some of the Portables because they are in better shape that we could maybe in the future use for office space or storage um but it's time for those things to go they're very old so we will um continue to move forward and to transition there um you know we are not going to have trailers moving forward and we do need to do some planning for what does that mean in the future we um are beginning the strategic planning process it is beginning with the first committee meeting tomorrow night I do want the public to know and the board to know that we will report out after every meeting publicly at a board meeting to provide an update of the status of the committee and the work that they're doing and we will continue that through the process January we're aiming for as a Target to have a recommendation to the board of education for any changes tonight we also have um the Public Presentation of the academic state of our schools we have our assistant superintendent here Dr gesi and Mr rante who will be doing that presentation tonight um and sharing the results of our standardized test scores so I call them both to the podium watch your step watch your step okay good evening uh tonight is our annual state of the schools presentation we'll be sharing some relevant data points many of which represent achievement in a singular snapshot of time as we begin our first slide is the data picture of our shifting demographics in the Jackson School District you'll notice at the top the June 2024 enrollment uh but I also included the number of students enrolled in the district as of today which is 7,379 while there are many subgroups represented for transparency there's a few things that jump out on the slide that I would like to mention one of those is the large number of multilingual Learners in the district this number has grown significantly as well as a rise in the number of economically disadvantaged students that we serve in the Jackson School District lastly I'd like you to take note that the number of students that have been in the district less than a year has also grown significantly the growing transy of the our population is an instructional Challenge and all of these shifts require us to in turn shift our instructional practices to meet our current students needs then we want to shift into the state assessments that are required as a public school New Jersey we have number of Assessments that we are required uh to give our students the first one is the New Jersey student learning assessment uh we'll be sharing data on that today that is tested in English language arts in grades 3 to9 mathematics in grades 3 to n uh science in 58 and 11 there's also the New Jersey GPA it's the graduation proficiency assessment and that's required for juniors and when that's given and those results come in you also will see a Public Presentation another test is is not for all students but for students that have special needs in which the General State assessments are not academically appropriate those students would take the dlm which is the dynamic learning map and lastly our students who don't speak English as their first language and are not profi academically proficient yet in English uh take the access for L's tests and it's the score on that test that determines their inclusion in a multilingual program while the required State assessments measure one moment in time we as Educators understand the importance of formative assessment uh this is assessment that's ongoing and charts the growth and progress of our students throughout the year formative assessments also provide actionable data points that teachers can use to tailor instruction and meet the needs of their students to maximize learning and academic growth I won't go through all of these but as you could see in both uh English and language arts and in mathematics at the elementary school level there are a number of formative assessments that the students are readily involved in and even though it's the word assessment it just becomes part of their learning so it doesn't feel like a test like if they're on Exel they're working and it's adaptive and then at periodic time points in time they'll take a snapshot to see um the growth and again that's an Adaptive program there's screeners in here to determine if there's any issues in Reading with regard to dyslexia as well as a growth measure for foundational literacy growth and assessment uh we assess writing um I Exel is a program for language arts and Mathematics uh in mathematics we do a math fax fluency to assess students ability to accurately and quickly relate basic math facts which support their ability to do higher level math when they get to that point uh and again Link at benchmarks you'll see that a lot as in elementary middle and high school it's a digital platform that's standards based and really provides a lot of great data for the teachers to use when they group their students and when they are charting the growth in standards of their students and Benchmark testing in mathematics uh that is part of the curriculum resource that we have in place which is in Vision okay at the middle and High School level uh we also have the ISL snapshots and the link at benchmarks which I just explained uh in both Ela English language arts as well as mathematics uh with the high school I also included AP tests AP tests aren't formative assessments they're certainly summi of Assessments uh they are provided at the end of an AP class experience it's the students proficiency of rigorous college level content uh so we're also choosing to share share the AP scores with you this evening uh so here's all the different AP tests that were taken the First Column after the title of the test and that's the title of the course as well is the number of students that took the test and then in the next column the number of students that got a three or better so it scored from a a one to five and the three used to be the Benchmark of when colleges might consider giving you college credit for that course um that's really dependent upon the college but that was usually the cutoff points so a three or better is is a really hard score to attain the mean score for last year's test isn't available yet but for the year before it was a 2.96 so our students are doing quite well on these really rigorous tests and it's something to really point out 491 scores were three or better um really really impressive these are hard tests I've proctored them turn it over to Mr rante okay so as we get into the um the specific data from from the assessments um each student when they take their test they receive a score um between the numbers of one and five the score of one means child did not meet expectations a score of two meant they partially met a score of three means they are approaching and then the goal for passing would be a four meaning they met met expectations or a five being exceeded expectations um so this is a very broad uh summary of every grade level um for literacy and Math and how our district did what percent of students met that four or five Benchmark and as well as what the state averages are in the same uh you know the same exact tests every single child receives an individual score report or an ISR they are available for all parents if you have a child in grades three through nine that took one of these tests or grades 58 or 11 that took a science test the individual score reports are available in your Genesis port portal um those individual score reports contain a great deal of data that's not just simply a number um but highlights areas of strength areas of of weakness areas where your child did compare to peers uh you know throughout the state um we're going to be sending home um an an informational memo tomorrow just to let make sure parents are aware of that and and let them know how they can access that data in their Genesis portal um a student could possibly have three individual score reports if they took both a math and literacy and as well as a science test um these are our scores for our science that's given in grades 58 and 11 um for our district and and the state both on those areas as well and as Dr gar Dr gesi mentioned uh the dlm uh that is for our severe special need students where that state assessment is really not an appropriate measure of assessment for them uh it's an alternate a me measure of assessment that's given to those students in the areas of science math and literacy and that test is scored on a one through four range either emerging approaching at Target or Advanced and then you can see on the right hand column the percentage of our students that were uh either at Target or Advanced on the dlm in both Ela and math um science uh the way the state reporting works is if you don't have a statistically significant number of students um you actually should not be reporting publicly because uh the number is so small it would almost be easy to identify you know which kids scores they got because the the number is not uh a significant number we also um are when we receive our scores they're broken out in in many different areas um one of the areas they're broken out in is ethnicity data um and again any statistically relevant um groups as far as ethnicity data are reported here so for ELA Math and Science you'll see we're reporting the percentage of students um in the areas of Hispanic Asian African-American multi-race or white those are the five areas um that we received statistically significant data uh to see which percent of how the percent of students did on each grade level this is on the ELA our our English language arts test this would be our mathematics test the same information this presentation will be posted online as well and then you can see our science data for our five ethnic uh areas that are reported and then additional subgroup data that we have um again the statistically significant areas are multi language Learners that's the the blue bar you'll see there um economically disadvantaged um yellow represents our special ed and green represents our student who have a a 504 a 504 is a learning plan for um students who are identified based on some sort of educational need uh that they may have so you can see our areas for ELA uh percentage passing in those four areas and same information for mathematics you can see there and lastly again for science the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations our our goal with all of these scores obviously is uh you know we want to do the best that we can we want our students to do the best they can um so the next few slides we're going to kind of share with you how we're addressing some of um the needs that really our scores represent on things that we do need to address uh throughout the district so to begin with Ela is back to Dr godleski at our elementary and middle school levels we've adopted a new textbook series uh through hmh it's a a really really uh robust program that has lots of resources and uh this will provide for an opportunity for increased differentiation because the resources available will truly meet the needs of diverse Learners that are in front of our teachers today uh We've also updated the read 180 Program which is a reading Intervention Program and that again has been updated with a lot more resources a lot more opportunities for differentiation and data collection to meet students where they are to grow them uh we are engaging in a lot of professional development as part of our textbook adoption uh through both hmh and read 180 we've revised the curriculum to meet the new 2023 Ela learning standards so we have a a a new curriculum that have some shifts in it uh we will be um engaging in interventions for language arts in both a pushin and a pull out setting and we will continue to use ISL for data collection and differentiated instruction for English language arts at the high school level uh we have have added I EXL to grade n uh to collect data and support differentiation uh we implemented over the summer a New Jersey GPA skills class it's also in the schedule to support students who need to pass the NJ GPA and to support them in the standards in which they were not proficient uh we have provided and will continue to provide targeted professional development for the Improvement of writing teachers are participating in the TCNJ professional development series at the high school level we're piloting the HM H and savis textbook Series in English uh We've implemented teacher coaches at both high schools to support new curriculum and technology and further improve instruction uh We've implemented a new Ela curriculum again implementing the new 2023 standards and we have Incorporated linkit benchmarks as mandatory uh formative assessments to collect data and use this data for instructional planning and in the area of elementary and middle school math um one of the the big things we have on the elementary level is our win program so every day the students are broken up into wi which represents what I need and uh we're able during that time to really address specific needs of students in in academic areas for both math and literacy um in the middle school we have a math lab program implemented so students that are again identified as at risk or in need um are able to get an additional math class during the day um and during that math class uh we are able to pre-teach um skills for the upcoming lessons so they get exposed to it they get some practice with the with the information and then when they get to math class it's it's it's a little bit easier for them to keep up and and learn new material um through our title Grant funds we've been able to provide some multil language um support programs after school and one of the biggest things for middle school right now is we're adopting our new math series it's Ed gems um that really is enhancing the curriculum that we have um just this past Monday during our professional day uh we had a presenter from Ed gems as well as our supervisor Lisa cotch working with all the math teachers from both mcalli and gets uh to really focus on strong program implementation and strong uh curriculum development uh to make sure that program is successful uh in its first year and as uh We've mentioned men earlier EXL will be continue to be used because it does give us a great deal of uh data to help with differentiated instruction on the high school level again I EXL um we also this year have begun a NJ GPA class uh that is the required assessment that Juniors need to pass to graduate and juniors who did not pass that test last year we have an additional class this year as seniors that they're able to take that really focuses on the math skills that they need to not only pass the test uh but really be prepared to exit exit high school and be prepared for either college courses or career or whatever level uh they'll be uh attaining math skills in um we also will be doing a new math series on the high school level this year our Envision savis uh program and we have also through a grant some targeted um support teachers for identified students um again after school programs uh different events like that that can really help our targeted students uh through either supports during school day or after the school day in the area of science um we're doing a lot of cross- level articulation between High School to middle school as well as Middle School to Elementary um we're really focusing on the science curriculum that we have in place um really focusing on a Hands-On uh approach to science learning versus simply a textbook wrot memorization learning uh the njsla questions really do align to that and we're using them on a on a regular basis in the classrooms as well um and we're also been reviewing um scheduling and brainstorming ways to incorporate science uh you know with all the mandates that we do have uh some sometimes certain subjects don't get the time allotted in the day that they really need for students to be successful um so we're brainstorming ways that we can kind of integrate science into our literacy program into our math program have some cross level articulation there uh to enhance our time and instruction with science and social studies so overall you know the scores are definitely not at a level that that that you know we would like to see them at um you know after several years of severe budget cuts and constantly eliminating intervention positions teaching positions support positions uh cutting after school programs cutting things like that at a time when we have an extremely changing diverse uh population in the town it was it's really a perfect storm of of challenges that do present our staff um so I I do commend our staff tremendously for the work they do every day with the students um it it's not an easy task uh you know to do what they do on a daily basis and I know this as I said the scores aren't where we want but I do commend the teachers for working very hard to try and improve them on an everyday basis if any board members have questions for Dr godleski and myself just like a sum of whatl constitutes so the question was um a summary of whatl constitutes on a given day so ISL is a it's an individualized program where as the students work and answer questions it adapts to the skills that they know so if there's a specific skill and and they're getting things right in that skill it'll it'll ask them questions maybe in other skilles or more advanced questions than that if they're struggling in a specific area it may drop the level down and ask them some easier questions to try and build that skill U but the biggest thing withl is it does provide for the teachers individual data reports for every student so they can see how their students are progressing in in whatever areas that they're working on you know during in that class time any other questions okay I don't see any other questions thank you both for the very informative presentation there's a lot of work being done right now you appreciate it so I did want to just comment about um one thing that was said in the presentation the we had a professional development day and inservice day on Monday for our staff and it was a full day of professional growth and presenters and teachers uh learning and I would had the opportunity to sit in on the literacy presentation um and training for the new resources and so impressed with the materials the availability for teachers to be able to use data immediately to make instructional decisions to really take individual students from where they're at and provide them the appropriate instruction based on their level um it will be so much easier for teachers to be able to look at data quickly and make those instructional decisions and have a plethora of resources at their fingertips to use while they do that um individualized or small group instruction for the students so it is going to be I think a big game Cher for our teachers um and we've we've needed this for a while as we've talked before about this that there we had to put some curriculum adoptions and resources off due to our budget and we we made it a priority for this year to make sure that those things happened and so um thank you both for leading those charges in professional development our supervisors and for our teachers for all the hard work they're going to be putting in uh we do have some room some great room for improvement on these standardized assessments please remember there are one measure in one time during the year for students the formative assessments that we have in place and you saw the plethora of them really uh really give you a better well-rounded picture of students our students go on to be very successful you saw the AP scores we have lots of successful students here but we will continue to work on improving these scores as well so just a few more things I just wanted to point out that were mentioned and you you um well the board has isn't able to see them but there has been some pictures floating behind you um and Eric mentioned it in the Liberty reports so the donations for people suffering from the losses of the hurricanes and Liberty and their incredible um efforts to collect needed items and the fact that we had two we had uh Mr Noble who is a pilot um and officer K fly those supplies today to North Carolina um and deliver them right to people in need um is amazing and I can't wait to hear about the trip and the amount of lives that they have been able to affect positively with their 20,000 pounds of food and other donations so an incredible effort there we've had um wonderful successful band competitions um again at both of our high schools already um always impressed at what our um band can do and our incredible students and instructors uh again we've had an a student have an incredible opportunity to be selected at a national level to participate in um a nationwide group um that happens to us frequently I did want to point out also um on September 21st we did have our fell A Farewell to Rosen hour um I know I've said it before I just want to thank all of the people who participated in planning that incredible if you if you can see the photo um Mr it was up there um the amount of people that came um just to reminisce uh remember the wonderful things and experiences they've had was very touching um the picture really demonstrates if you can see the number of people there um and that what you don't see there is the hall in the school there were people standing outside the doors outside there were people standing as well we probably had about 500 people um overall it was a beautiful day it was bittersweet um definitely Bittersweet but um it was it was extra special I will say to also have the Rosenau family present um you know the principal Miss Rosenau her daughter was there and her grandchildren um they spoke and they um also accepted the plaque that hung in the um the main main area there it was a Bittersweet moment but um I do want to thank everybody who participated and who attended so with that I do conclude my superintendent's report thank you Miss Peril at this time we will have our standing committee's report and we have buildings and ground and chairperson is Mr McCarron please report buildings and grounds committee approval of the for the sale of Rosen hour property uh review the trailer portable report conducted by the environmental contractor assessment and proposed remediation work of the trailers and proposed board resolution authorizing the sale of surplus trailers uh updates on projects by Mr Bruno the Holman HVAC gym rooftop unit replacement uh we were just waiting for contractors to secure a start update uh jmhs pickle ball courts and rebound wall uh was being looked at in uh renovation paid for by local Recreation Improvement Grant Elementary playground installations uh we went over capital projects for 2425 uh projects to be considered using $2.5 million infrastructure money from the state uh gets water project which will cost $800,000 hman HVAC Liberty rooftop units uh paving at jmhs Old Transportation building radios and repeaters for Crawford Johnson switlick fire system and Johnson handicap ramp uh some of the capital Improvement projects that were completed districtwide were gets installed two new check valves an expansion tank for City water conversion from previous well system gets installed new electric outlets for kitchen equipment received from rosenhauer administration building had a new water bottle Filling Station installed Memorial a 3-in plumbing pipe leak repaired above the ceiling at the memorial Fine Arts and Crawford Rodriguez repaired water float for the chiller cooling tower our next meeting will be on November 4th thank you Mr mccameron and while I have you um you're also the chairperson for the enrollment study committee would you please report yes enrollment uh committee met on September 25th uh present was myself Mrs brokas Mrs Gardella Miss Peril Mr binsky Mr rante Dr goodes and Miss Irwin uh we met to discuss the Strategic redistricting and restructuring of the school district we reviewed the building capacities and enrollment we discussed the challenges our district faces with reduced state aid and inflation we went over the increased needs of students with mental health academic and MLL discussed the Aging facilities discuss the Aging facilities and keeping up with facilities with our financial ch challenges we went over the decrease in enrollment from K through 12 discussed the increase in preschool enrollment we started a timeline for strategic planning and restructuring of the district we did referendum planning to occur simultaneously reviewing architect assessments of our facilities uh developed a committee structure and we discuss draft survey questions provided edits where needed we're going to have a full committee meeting which is set for tomorrow night October 17th Mr McCarron we have no additional committee reports for this month I need a motion for approval of the minutes the Clos session meeting September 18th 2024 the official board meeting September 18th 2024 business meeting motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs River yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of treasures and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Ms Gardella yes Mr McCaren yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes mrle Mar yes I need a motion to open public forum on agenda items only we will hold another Forum during this meeting for other questions this public forum will be for questions on the agenda only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of three minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard I just say on I just have a quick question is the presentation on the um assessment data part of the agenda or okay yes all right um I'm Christine McGinley and uh I have a couple questions so um you noted thatl read 180 and hmh are how we're moving forward um I have some concerns particularly with read0 there's quite a bit of documentation out there that would state that that is not the optimum type of program for students uh there are people who would say it has them on the computers too much and yes data collection's great but I think what we might be suffering a little bit here in Jackson is that our kids are on the Chromebooks too much that they need more direct instruction they need more uh small group one-on-one with the teacher rather than going on to the Chromebook to once again practice be it literacy or math um the hmh uh the new program that was taken on for literacy did we not have an HM program prior to this new Adoption like the literacy uh publisher was it not we'll answer we can answer all those questions as soon as you're done with your time yeah answer ask all your questions we'll do it all okay all right um so that's some of my concern that we've been using L we've been using re80 um I thought we had uh hmh type literacy program prior so my concern is the data is pretty abysmal in my opinion um and I get the demographics but it's unsettling to think we're moving forward with the same stuff even though the companies allege that they're better but they're still the same companies and so that's a concern also the committee um that you said's meeting tomorrow are any uh parents or Community invited to that or is are those closed meetings still they're closed that's another question um and then my last question uh I noticed that Dr Taylor's retiring ing mid year uh it said her retirement date is January um have there been any interviews for people to replace her and I think that's it thank you thank you for all the questions um M Peril would you like to respond yep yep and then um I might ask yep for um Mr ratton and Dr veski to join me in some of these responses so I just want to make sure I get them all okay so first um the research on read 180 um and the materials that we're using so read 180 is revised and in the program uh there is a combination of instructional support that is or instructional practices that are um direct instruction to students and then there are some technology pieces of it there's a combination and we work very hard to make sure that our students are not on technology too much we also believe instruction is key um those material have all been revised and there is as much as there is research against it there's also a lot of research for it so I think it's like um a lot of other things there is pros and cons um and we try to work through those issues but there is a lot of success that we see with that program as well and we monitor the data frequently um in regards to the materials that we've selected um we we have used readers and Writers Workshop um and Lucy Caulkins prior so we did not use the hmh series um which is why we're moving um right so I think you understand that um but before I move on to your other questions I just wanted to see if there was anything you wanted to add to that Mr rante or Dr gesi you you've answered the question pretty well um the one thing I will add though is you know we did have some read 1880 training as well on Monday and one of the things that now that we have hmh here there's a lot of things once our teachers get this year to really get a strong handle on the program there's a lot of other components like science and social studies curricul like some of the things we're using reway 84 that can really en envelop into the into our hmh program so after this year we'll be looking at a lot of those things to move into possibly for future years as well in regards to the strategic planning committee meeting those are closed meetings but we do have representation of parents on that um from every building so we will continue to after every meeting report out everything that's been discussed at those meetings and make that completely transparent um and then in regards to Dr Taylor we just received her retirement letter so we will be posting after tonight's meeting and begin that process for a search and um obviously it's it's unfortunate um we say congratulations to Dr Taylor of course um but obviously big shoes to fill I think those were all the questions so thank you thank you m pril and Mr ranti any additional agenda only questions seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I I need a motion to move the official meeting schedule motion second discussion roll call M Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr triple muray yes yes I need a motion to move Finance motion discussion roll call Mrs cordella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I need a motion to move facilities motion second roll call oh I'm sorry discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pom yes a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaren yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes mrle yes I need a motion to move Personnel motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella abstain from 19a yes to everything else Mr McCarron yes Mrs brokus yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pay yes I need a motion to open the public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of three minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard hello again Christine McGinley I would like to know how uh parents were selected to participate on these committees because I personally would like to be on that committee the one about uh the student enrollment and decisions about what's going forward I have um some pertinent information I think that would be uh worthwhile and pursuing um the town where I grew up West Orange had two high schools years ago had to merge into one because of changing demographics and lowering uh lower enrollment interestingly that same district um in the earlier 2000s had to put forth a plan because of really rapid and Incredibly High elll numbers so I think tapping into districts who have had to go this path or traveled this path uh would be really worthwhile rather than maybe necessarily recreating A Wheel where other districts have already gone through things like this but I'm keenly interested in participating in something like this um and I would like to know how parents were selected thanks would you like to respond sure hi Miss McKinley so we did um first of all we did send a survey out too and I know you and I exchanged about the survey um so that people could have input even though they could not be part of a committee and there was some text boxes there um listen I wish I could have as many people who are interested to be part of that committee um but it's very difficult to move there's currently 42 members of the committee um and they were selected by um asking for recommendations from our school administration of people who parents they would recommend for the committee um and with that we included some PTM presidents we've included some other um parents who would you know expressed interest I wish I could add everybody who's in interested but unfortunately that would make a very large committee and we wouldn't get the work done that we need to do you have our commitment for full transparency of everything that is going to be discussed at those committee meetings will be also reported publicly at the board meetings and if there is anybody who has additional input that want to make sure that we have it we welcome that um you certainly can send that information to us and as I said to you in my reply to you um that was last week we are doing research um and we are looking at other models we'll do research that will be part of the study that we do and the information that we share um to help make some decisions that perhaps need to be made for the district so I appreciate you saying that that is important to look at other models um and other districts thank you thank you Miss prilly are there any additional questions see no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I we will now have board comments starting with Mr McCarron just wanted to thank M permil and Mr binsky for bringing us around and making time to give us towards of the schools it was good to see the uh changes in the schools with everybody uh pull being pulled out of trailers and seeing it firsthand uh it was great to see the student engagement in the schools too uh so I just wanted to thank you for that thank you thank you everybody for coming out have a good night tonight I want to thank everyone for attending and viewing us live stream um thank you Mr Noble and officer coni for going to North Carolina to help those in need congratulations Dr Taylor on your retirement as and everyone else and everyone have a safe evening I just want to speak to my fellow board members um regarding something that I'm hoping we can hear about next month which is in regards to the policy committee and and um I really just believe that uh implementing or starting to develop a fundraising policy is important in our district um especially for athletics and activities um so I'll be excited to hear about that maybe next month and I wanted to always thank the volunteer teacher the teachers who volunteer for our clubs and activities throughout elementary school and high school there was I couldn't count but I mean three pages of volunteer teachers so that's pretty amazing and I want to thank everybody for that and additionally um I guess I'll call him Dr Raymond Senor who uh donated two pages worth of security equipment to our our schools and it's really impressive and it's great to be part of a community like this hi everyone um I had the opportunity on Saturday night to attend the the band um competition at Liberty and I just have to say it was was amazing I was able to see both of our bands so I was I raced myself over there I didn't want to miss one minute of it um I just enjoy thoroughly enjoy listening to them if you have not gone to see them then you really the holidays are coming up and we have lots of concerts so it's it's worth the trip to our schools to see them you know I'm a big fan of uh many of our clubs but I'm definitely a big fan of our arts and especially our band so uh thank you for the invite and I thoroughly enjoyed myself um and thank you to everyone for coming out tonight and for those that are watching online enjoy your night um I just want to thank everybody as well um I want to Echo the sentiments of everyone else it's tough when you go last because you're just repeating everything but I too went on some of the school tours and um it it is always enjoyable to be in them see our buildings um and see the kids um so that's that's always a lot of fun and then um obviously Dr Dr Raymond Senor as you so finally named him um that is amazing and it is great to be a part of this community and our volunteers are wonderful and the hurricane relief as well so um everyone have a great night thank you for coming out so I I want to also mention I I got to travel some schools and I want to thank Miss pril and uh Mr binsky for uh for having that and allowing that to happen it was wonderful I want to report that morale was high in the classrooms both with students and the teachers uh students were thriving it was is high energy uh and I really want to just take a second and thank the teachers and the administrators and the staff that go in every day and they give 100% regardless of the budget cuts regardless of the trailers being closed in the middle of the beginning of the school year uh our teachers and our staff they bounce back so quickly that our students don't even realize it and it's because of their hard work behind the scenes you see us up here every month but it's them behind the scenes that really make it happen every single day so I just want to thank you all and uh continue to do what you do because you're what make you're what makes Jackson in our school district so great so thank you um and thank you all for coming out and have a wonderful evening I need a motion to adjourn motion by acclamation I [Music] [Music]