##VIDEO ID:DlmXebpuEFg## e e e e e e e e e e e United States ofice good evening and welcome the October 8th 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman Bry here Council Bernstein here councilman chis counc vice president Sergeant pres here as Clerk of this meeting publicly announc that comp with the provisions of the meeting act has advertised in by law on to our proclamations evening Council councilman R is going to read the um Library week please thank you council president you're welcome um this Brock information is from the township of Jackson whereas the friends of the library raise money that enables our library to move from good to Great providing the resources for additional programming much needed equipment support for children's summer reading and special events throughout the year and whereas the work of the friends highlights on an ongoing basis the fact that our library is the Cornerstone of the community providing opportunities for all to engage in the joy of lifelong learning and connect with the thoughts and ideas of others from ages past and present whereas the friend understand the critical importance of well-funded libraries and Advocate to ensure that our library gets the resources it needs to provide a wide variety of services to all ages including access to print and electronic materials along with expert uh assistance and research readers advisory and children's services and whereas the friend's gift of their time in commitment to the library sets an example for all in how volunteerism leads to positive Civic engagement in the betterment of her community and now therefore be result that I Mayor Michael Raina mayor of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey along with the Jackson Township Council hereby proclaims October 20th to 26 2024 as National friends of libraries week in the township of Jackson in urage everyone to join the friends of the library and thank them for all they do to make our library and community so much better is there someone here from thank you councilman [Applause] thank you is Jessica Fetti here hi Jessica your Proclamation up now I'm just going to begin whereas October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month let it be known that Jackson Township is pleased to recognize and observe October 13th 2024 as matistic breast cancer awareness day and hereby recognize the metavivor light up NBC National CH uh campaign and whereas there is a global light up NBC campaign on October 13th every year to illuminate over 117 landmarks in the metais colors teal green and pink throughout the world bringing awareness to disease and to honor the daily number of 117 lives lost to NBC the um the day will culminate in a V viral broadcast light up NBC Live to commemorate landmarks lightings around the country sharing inspiration stories by mattics breast cancer community and raise research funds and whereas the pink ribbon is well known for representing the fight against the early stage of breast cancer it is non-inclusive to stage four therefore the matistic breast cancer awareness tricolor ribbon includes teal green and pink the teal color portrays healing in spirituality green portrays the Triumph in spirits spring over winter life over death renewal hope and immortality and the thin pink overlay signifies that the cancer originated in the breast and whereas breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the world and second leading cause of cancer of death among women in the United States more than one in8 women and one in uh 833 men in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes in 2024 an estimated 33,500 Americans will be diagnosed with Invasion breast cancer and whereas matistic breast cancer occurs when the breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body including the bones lungs liver and brain and have has an average life expectancy of 2 to three years regardless of early detection approximately 30% of stage0 to3 breast cancers will um return as stage four an estimated 42780 Americans will die from breast cancer in 2024 equal to 117 women and Men per day with 98% due to mestic breast cancer and whereas the National Organization metavivor research and support funds uh critical stage 4 mestic breast cancer research educates the public about mestic breast cancer and the lack of funding for stage four treatment the aim to dramatically increase the current percentage of US breast cancer research dollars from under 5% to 30% for the already Metalized patient the national hashtag for this initiative on social media falls under hashm a Survivor and light up MBA and whereas matistic breast cancer affects all Races um and classes White Caucasian women see slightly higher incident rates um of breast cancer cancer the mortality rate for black women with breast cancer is 40% higher than Caucasian women and the breast cancer is in the leading cause of cancer among Hispanic women now therefore I Michael Raina mayor of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey along with the Jackson Township Council here duby encourage citizens to join the National efforts towards awareness of mestic breast cancer during October and illuminate landmarks in the colors of teal green and pink on October 13th if you could come up and receive your Proclamation [Applause] thank you madam clerk we will continue with opening comments from Township Council council president C yes okay all right so first um trunk Retreat Bartley Healthcare asked me just to announce October 11th from 4:30 to 6:30 they're going to have a uh trunk retreat so if anybody would like to attend um I also really want to get into as I do I want to give um our DPW uh supervisor Sean balinsky received an achievement for Jackson Township for having recycling rates over over 50% to came in Jackson Township came in at 54% which I believe it uh it's a very good thing for our town it helps us get more grants so congratulations uh the fire department wants to let everybody know on October 13th from 11:00 to 3:00 p.m. you can go and get your smoke alarms tested they're also going to have things for the kids bouncy house hay rides uh EMS Vehicles fire vehicles US Coast Guard helicopter um they're going to be putting out fires hot dogs and ice cream so love that October 13th again now let's get into the stuff that I always love to talk about oh they're also having it's going to be an open house so anybody it's open to everybody and it's on 465 North County Line Road okay so traffic we had we had a conversation um with our Traffic Safety our director our um a bunch of people and DPW went out and marked 50 streets we started with the zero to the 50 we did the corners um sergeant hemba had compiled a list of the worst streets that had the worst parking uh up to stop signs parking the wrong way all of those lovely things so what I'm going to do is there was four streets that came back when DPW went and there was cars marked to the to the stop sign and we not able to um even markh them went back I followed up those cars did get little they didn't get tickets they got warnings on them with the brochure of title 39 they went back those cards were removed and we were able to mark those sidewalks so now you will see a red marking um unfortunately Christian's not here but he did have all of the pictures for us and a thank you um so there thank you Anthony so we have the red marking so you see that marking I can go over the streets that I mean I could whiz through them really quick uh East Connecticut Vermont Avenue Woodland Ashford again these are going to be on the cor Corners uh Harmony Bryant Louisiana New Hampshire Louisiana and Brookwood Alaska Oregon Brookwood and Arizona Xavier Quincy Dartmouth Ru Ruckers um Drexel Dartmouth Bates Ashford Hartfield Fox deer Hartfield again Neil a lot of Hartfield um sunnywood uh metalwood Birch Drive West Commodore uh North let's see Birmingham Newcastle wind Mister CH uh uh Chelsea Winchester Cambridge Buckingham Cliffwood uh Hampshire Boulevard padelli uh nightsbridge there's a couple more if you want to know if your street I have no problem um if you email and ask I can hopefully get that information but we will continue to do streets that are having problems but you will see the marking so if you see that red marking you can't park before that okay that's title 39 title 39 before that you can't park the next phase will be 51 to 100 which is off of uh County Roads which will indicate if you need a permit to park there and you have to live within that the radius of that property next I just I'm going to speak really loud about this because it's absolutely I I called a resident that lived on the street and I apologized um on behalf of all of us for inconsiderateness in our driving that you were going on um Patterson Road okay it was Patterson Road is a 35 mph how it's 35 mile I'm going to I have a I'm going to be emailing the administrator because we do have an elementary school and a middle school on there the maximum speed was 95 miles an hour 95 miles an hour let that sink in we've had 72 now we have 95 miles an hour on Elementary in middle school it's absolutely made me sick I don't even drive on the parkway at 95 miles an hour so the that you this is insane and we I don't know how we have a 35 mph Road hopefully maybe our candino you can you can director candino you can assist with that 95 miles an hour we're getting complaints on this and they're yelling they're screaming I'm like oh we had a road 95 just let that sink in if you lived on that road with your children and your elementary school kids and your middle school kids that you want to walk to school okay on Patterson road and have cars going 95 miles an hour it's sickening okay then we're going to go to Bryant we had another complaint now this is all coming into traffic safety this is what's great about having the traffic safety email and again it's Traffic Safety at Jackson Township new jersey. net you can come and you can at least you're getting an answer there's seven people again I'm going to say it that's on that email and at least your voice is being heard I know that on Facebook people are like nobody hears me people do hear you and you know we they try there you know our division is now down to three people okay um that just remember that town is 101 miles uh mile per square miles thanks I'm sorry I just get very passionate about this because it's actually safety for you and your kids and everyone and we're down to three people in traffic safety and none on the weekends just let you know next one's Bryant we all know where Bryant Drive is Right 25 miles an hour people are going down that road 57 miles an hour I'll take that over 95 but 57 miles an hour in a neighborhood that you know used to have an elementary school over there I mean you have kids over there you have kids on bikes you have kids in the summer they want to go and play it's not fair I'm sorry I you know you hear these parents screams and yells and stuff like that but it's really really saddening when you have somebody going 95 miles an hour down the street um on a positive from the email that we have Traffic Safety a resident had um again reached out and said Hey listen you know we are are it's a Melissa Le Drive which I've done traffic reports on she said listen thank you it's getting better but people are still speeding down is there any way we used to we're 25 mph um straet we don't have any signage like there's not enough signage I know you can't get us illuminated ones but can you get us any signage forward that to um our DPW uh department and she sent that at Sunday at 10:59 p.m. by uh Monday at 111 a.m. um Mr balinsky had replied that it has been taken care of and told her that there was a sign on her street so that's a little bit of a positive and a negative in the other aspects but we are trying to work on it um and I just wanted you guys really have it sink in the speed that you guys are doing and how everybody everybody it's it's seven days a week okay it's it's everybody we just really need to be conscious of this and we really need to you know love our neighbors and and our our kids and the people playing it and you can't be driving 95 miles an hour on a school with Elementary in a middle school you should be ashamed of yourself thank you and have a great night youant good evening uh I'd just like to say number one get out the vote it's imperative that you vote I'd hate to see you be the person that didn't go out and vote and then your candidate lost that's number one number two um there's a question Miss K again were any tickets given out um when they were checking those speeds when they were checking what do you mean in the ordinance miles hour no because it was this is a machines that are put out for seven days so they track them and then the data goes back to Traffic Safety and now that that report is sent to our Township engineer from our traffic safety and they were going to start looking at it um and and and obviously examining that road I did have a just I will bring that now that you brought that up I did call the two people that had um put the reports in because that's what I do I call followup and say Hey listen I just wanted to personally just let you know we did get your report I'll email it like promise but I just you know here it is and one of the the gentlemen actually had said you know is and I don't know if we to do and again this going to be an email to Administration is rubber um uh speed bumps everybody asks for Speed bumps I get speed bump requests that I forward out all the time um I don't know if that's a possible solution again that's going to be in the engineer hands um if somebody's doing 95 miles an hour and they don't know that a a speed bump was moved and you just have a sign and you're obviously you're not reading the speed sign and you're going 95 miles an hour you're going to end up in a ditch so I don't you know if that's like that's this that's the god honest truth you know it's 95 miles hour is just insane on road but okay thank you so I don't know of any tickets but thank you and have a good evening thank you Council belli thank you clerk Moss uh council president thank you for um sharing that uh the speeding and traffic information it really needs to stop in our town um public health and safety of our residents especially of course children um always needs to be uh protected the annual Wounded Warrior escort that mayor Raina hosts is this Saturday starting at 9:30 a.m. uh veterans start assembling at 9:00 a.m. it starts off in the police department parking lot in the Justice complex uh people can safely Park along West Veterans Highway uh between Jackson Drive and South stump Tavern Road to show um our support for our country's Heroes as they are escorted to the Wounded Warrior event at the Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club It's a Wonderful event for men and women who sacrifice so much for us and to defend our great country and to all in our town who observed and celebrated rashishana and who will with yam kapor starting this Friday October 11th enjoy have a good evening thank you Council m b Steve thank you Miss Moss um so first of all counc president I happened to I was taking a walk on um one day this week and I actually saw DPW out there making those lines so I wasn't able to take a picture myself but I was very excited and I took a walk around the block they were up to block number three already so they were moving very fast and I appreciate it thank you to DPW thank you for to the PD and I'm sure we'll continue to see more streets marked off my understanding that the streets that they started with were the streets that had the highest level of complaints and priority correct okay so I just wanted to make sure that was clear um secondly I also wanted to just also commend DPW and administration um I got an email about Valley Road which I right away forwarded to to Mr wall and to Mr balinsky and within 6 hours there was signage put out there also that town had um obviously hopefully signage is not necessary but that's a step in the right direction so we appreciate that um also I got a message an email about 152 minutes ago from U um one of the County Commissioners letting me know an update the South New Prospect um they did the initial stage um they're going to be doing the striping and finishing the widening Hopey hopefully by the end of October so that project is moving forward so we're very excited to see that um I also just wanted to take a moment and really thank Jackson EMS I see a representative here for for for staying on top of their game and making sure that we can continue to work together and keep the lights on in Jackson EMS thank you for your hard work have a good night thank you counil chis good evening everybody so uh to follow up on councilman burelli there is the Wounded Warrior parade it is a great event so if you know some veterans that are um in the area that can be participating that um parade has gotten a little smaller in recent years and it is a great event so I've been uh out there on the side of the road waving flags at them and participating since I've been on Council but it is a great event and I'd like to see more of our uh Heroes take part in that if you have the opportunity of course I always like to see our support the library week it's a good thing if you are not a member and you don't already have your card it's free bring your kids out there instill lifelong learning it's very important uh it's good to see everybody you know they watch their TV and their movies and all their little games but you're going to get so much more out of a book and they're not learning the things they used to learn in school so you really need to take it upon yourself to educate your children so that they understand our history and our great country so I certainly encourage you to take part in that two days ago they commemorated because it wasn't really a celebration the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Israel and um while that is still an ongoing situation I don't believe that situation would be occurring if we didn't have Carter 2.0 in office unfortunately we have terror that are still holding American citizens and due to the incompetence of this Administration who are currently asking for your support for more years and more incompetence our enemies do not fear us and their behavior whether they're abandoning our troops and allies in Afghanistan or our allies in Israel or our own citizens in Israel that needs to stop and basically re-electing Kamala Harris and Mr walls would be a terrible mistake if Mr Biden is so incompetent he's not able to run for office again he should be removed from office so I would call on Senator Cory Booker to do his job because he was one of the ones mouthing off about President Trump not being able to do his job why has he not invoked the 25th Amendment why is Mr Biden still in office is he still in office where is he honestly if he's out having ice cream every day that's great but you know what have him removed he's a danger to America and our allies people often complain all the time and rightfully so why do we have such lousy candidates for office at all levels and you really if you look at Biden and Harris I mean they're the most incompetent people that have ever sat in the white house so it doesn't really surprise you right but when only 20% of new jerseyans show up at an election and do their constitutional Duty as Citizens what do you expect who's going to show up who wants to do it who wants to take the abuse quite frankly we have lots of very competent professional men and women across America that would serve in school boards on Dees like this Across America they would serve in Congress they would serve anywhere they could because they want to see what's best for their town for their city for their state for their Nation but who needs the basically the BS right to put it as polite as you can who needs to be criticized who wants to have to go up and like maybe defend your wife or your own honor who wants to deal with with that nonsense that goes on behind the scenes who wants to have their children listen to their parents being slandered that's why good people refuse to run and do not get involved and of course we should be changing that and we should all because we should be ashamed I'm actually really kind of sad because I mean it's It's Not Unusual I've seen it for 50 years growing up here in Jackson there's always some kind of nonsense when it gets to be political season and you see stupid things in the paper we badmouth each other yeah you know attack the person's politics attack their their policies but why does it have to get personal it's ridiculous right and we play childish games and you've seen it on Facebook and you've seen it I've seen it actually in person so people stealing signs of their opponent really is that necessary is that necessary hiding other people's signs and putting your sign in front of that no I'm not accusing anybody here at the deas but I would have liked to have seen my uh fellow council members denounce the individuals that are their supporters that are doing that kind of crap listen there's no need for that you know these are your friends your neighbors eventually you have to work with them you have to live with them you can disagree with their policies but that's really that's the kind of childish behavior and infighting that just gets us nowhere we're all here to do a job if you think you're doing a better job than the other person criticize that person attack their policies not their character that's how you get better people in office that's how you're going to get rid of people like walls and Harris and all the clowns that are destroying this nation so if you like me like Jackson and you love New Jersey and you love America then you should go up there and do something about that so you see those Shenanigans you stop them God Bless America have a great night thank you a motion to approve executive session meeting minutes of September 24th 2024 motion second councilman burelli yes councilman ber yes Council yes Council vice president sergeant obain and council president K yes move on to consideration of ordinances public hearing and final consideration this is the second reading of ordinance 32-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey establishing and creating a self Insurance Fund with respect to health benefits in accordance with njsa 48 10-1 this ordinance was introduced on September 24th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion to open second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the counil at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward I make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I third reading of ordinance 2-4 entitled in ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey establishing and creating his self Insurance Fund with respect to health benefits in accordance with njsa 4A 10-1 I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading advertise according to law motion second councilman belli yes Council Bern yes Council yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president yes you ordinances first reading council president are there any comments regarding ordinance 33-4 yes the council has proposed an ordinance that aims to amend and supplement our Municipal Code specifically chapter 244 which pertains to land use and development regulations in the township of Jackson this amendment focuses on residential density standards within the highway commercial mixed use Zone also known as MC uh or sorry HCM the only change proposed in this ordinance is to R revise the maximum number of dwelling units permissible in this Zone to four units per usable acre as opposed to four units per gross acreage which would triple the allowable units this adjustment is designated to better align our residential development standards with the needs of our community while promoting responsible and smart growth in the areas designed for mixed use development thank you thank you ordinance 33-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the municipal code of the township of Jackson so as to amend chapter 244 intitled land use and development regulations so as to revise residential density standards in the highway commercial mix use Zone I need a motion to approve ordinance 33-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on October 22nd 2024 so moved second Council melli uh thank you clerk Moross I'm glad to be supporting ordinance 33-24 on tonight's agenda the ordinance reinforces our commitment as Jackson residents elected representatives on this Council to stop and protect their town from overdevelopment and high density housing that will keep our town a suburban community development in our town is a big issue and concern we continually hear from many residents on we'll continue to address it on the council I always say we can't totally stop for prohibit development but we can limit and rain in too much of it reducing the density by zoning ordinance and buying available and valuable land for open space preservation with this ordinance we're taking action and getting ahead of it preventing approximately 800 possibly more housing units from being built between Adventure Crossing and great adventure and Jackson which would detrimentally impact the traffic issues already occurring in that area of her town with this ordinance we're limiting the impact the Jackson residents who live in the area and the people who frequent that area of her town by Adventure Crossing and great adventure so our goal in the council will continue to be protect Jackson's unique environment and abundant resources as best as possible thank you yes thank you Council B yes councilman chis yes Council vice president Sergeant m c um I have a question um yes councilman I president I I don't know if I should ask you or I should ask as the uh tatri attorney um I guess my question is I I've done my due diligence on this and and I I'm my only question that I have is is this something that we should refer to the master plan committee or is it something that is typically done within the council I'm going to move forward with it at Council and not wait for the master plan okay thank you sir I thank you answer is yes thank you council president Cube yes I'm sorry just that council president C are there any comments regarding ordinance 34-24 yes one second so this or orance is the from the fire department it's it's actual original ordinance we're adding this is the final step we have to uh adopt their ordinance in order for the fire department to conclude taking over the continued certificate of occupancies for the township so it will be out of our building department and it will be with districts one two four well two three and four whatever District you live in thank you thank you ordinance 34-24 entitled an ordinance amending chapter 204 of the TC code with respect to resid itial smoke fire and carbon monoxide inspections I need a motion to approve ordinance 34-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on October 22nd 2024 motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion to approve second councilman burelli um have to abstain on vendor numbers d01 st01 sta 20 sta 28 and sta 76 just to the rest on there thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum abstain on BR 18 yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes thank you council president Q yes thank you we move on to consent agenda council president I believe there was an ordinance uh resolution that was added um resolution 351-4247 yes Madam clerk so just to give everybody a little bit of update on this so this is for our EMS our first aid our First Responders to keep them up and running um they were running into a little bit of a problem we've met with them uh through the business administrator and our chief at the EMS through communication in the last couple months uh open lines of communication between EMS EMS is are looking to uh go into the fire department and run out of that department this is just the carry them because I believe that we all want to be safe and be able to have our emergency services in Jackson if you didn't know I can tell you it's not a state law that we have them it's not mandated we don't want to lose them Administration felt that they didn't want to lose them for the residents of Jackson for you to feel safe and to have that service available we are making the accommodations and uh the business administrator was nice enough to work with them and get everything done thank you council president need a motion for the consent agenda for all resolutions as listed motion second councilman burelli uh clerk Moss first let me add that I'm glad to be part of voting on some of these resolutions tonight which give Police Department Public Works Department and EMS Emergency Management s uh Services the tools and resources they need uh to help them do their jobs and keep her Town safe and secure for residents and running efficiently yes thank you councilman berste so again I just want to Echo what I said earlier but again thank you to the council president thank you to Mr wall and to the mayor for working so hard with with EMS to get to where we are so they can continue to operate I vote Yes on everything thank you councilman Chism I need to abstain on resolution 33524 but yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant abstaining an r345 d24 yes to everything else thank you council president I just want to add um this was you know I I speak to the council members before every meeting and we go over the agenda and the EMS was something that you know councilman Chism did bring to my attention and I did call the administrator we worked on it called EMS we really I think have you know grown and work really really well together up here and it's good I'm on right it's good to see everybody come together and that we are able to work with our departments and save our EMS and have them on board and work with the fire department and work of everybody and also I just want to bring up if we have pictures of 348 which is the playgrounds uh the jungle gym that we're doing 100 94,000 in improvements I know that um DPW had said some so this is yet another Park that administration's doing and we're bringing uh to Jackson Township this is Jackson jungle just want to go and show where you know this is all good stuff that's happening work very hard Administration works very hard with DPW and they have I've seen them out there going because I'm constantly all around town but having meetings out there and going and bringing this to the residents and the children um in activities to the town so I I vote Yes on everything and again it's been you know great working with everybody and it's fun so thank you thank you we move on to the public comments on any to topic I need a motion to open the public portion of this meeting for all comments so moved second I all in favor I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once evening everyone Donnie adaman Willow Point Drive I sent everybody on this board on this day as an email the other day and in retaliation for it that corrupt so right there serve language Ser I promise you that's it thank you um sent four police officers to my home to issue multiple citations you have police force that is not well doing their job they personal vehicles exhibit M multiple motor vehicle violations in regards to front windshields their window being tinted their front side windows being tinted no front license plate expired or missing inspection stickers these were not being replaced plus they also have the clear license plate covers over their cars over their license plates so that they don't have to pay tolls photo enforcement of radar if they're traveling in an area that has photo enforcement of radar or red light cameras before I came in I made note of who up on this day is driving around in a vehicle that meets such standards as well and rest assured because no one stopped the police from retaliation that I'm going to have to go in as a citizen and file complaints against whoever's on this board for well not driving a legal vehicle front window ense you know you know you got a nice 30 $4,000 uh pay bump the other a few months ago it's kind of disheartening Mr President uh as council president that you don't feel like you should pay tolls it's kind of really bad that you don't feel that you should pay tolls because that's the only reason you have those filters on your car now while I'd like to ask a few questions when we have Jackson day I know that you make a special ordinance I'm not really sure what you call it yeah I you know I'm right because I'm going to go after Officer De Jesus all right Police director candido who likes to violate my rights cuz he does understand you can address us okay absolutely um I know that you guys make certain Al certain regulations to have Jackson day to have the beer and wine Garden do you also allow when you make that exemption do you also exempt smoking from the park on that day sir I'm going to write down your questions and I'm going to get back to okay so that's we don't know all right I'd also if you can when you get back to me let me know what day it is that you had you know this resolution so way I can go back and look at the recording see what day it was next chief sha drive over by the Justice complex that is that do not meet the Ada and it confuses the police officers into violating First Amendment rights and they're not really smart and I think that this town has had enough you know dealings with federal court but they did they just earn a few more because what the hell the cops don't care they're not paying for it this time they are because they were warned and their qualified immunity went bye-bye all right but Chief sh Drive must be opened in its entirety to pedestrians and clarified with the police department so that another citizen or myself when I go back there tomorrow doesn't have it fear arrest or fear arrest or fear that they're going to be Ed because the police don't understand the law you had four officers at my house excuse me six officers at my house the other night for 53 minutes waiting for me while I was in shop right to deliver a ticket and then try and litigate why it is that the police are above paying for tolls and running red light cameras speed enforcement through photo radar the window tents all right I've had off I've had the DP Police director candido lie to me tell me that those the cars I'm talking about are not officers vehicles and then he also goes on to tell me on film by the way which there is one of the questions I ask how do I get that film entered on to the record he tells me that the Jackson Police Department regularly takes impounded cars and use them for undercover investigatory purposes or to use as personal vehicles to go back and forth to their Duty what is that that's theft we have cops stealing we have Town Council Members stealing we have police civilian employees stealing it is stupidest lowest form of public corruption but it is theft and it is corruption and there will be charges filed because no when I sent that thing out this guy came went in on Monday and ordered cops that were not there cops that did not witness these violations which they are legally required to witness because they weren't in the station when this all went down they didn't they went and he ordered them to go look at the video and say okay we saw it write him the ticket and let's go send officers there 53 minutes six officers sitting there for for a ticket with taned Mount to leash law which this guy doesn't understand because I asked the council thank you sir unfortunately your time's up I will see you at the next meeting I I would just I'm going to speak but your time is up going to let you know that the email that you were referring to nobody got it I got it director candido did not get it because you had the email address wrong you had Township you did not have nj.net so therefore he did not get your email in regards to um my what did you say my my parking whatever your vehicle oh yeah my vehicle so my easy pass is in my car it's a little one because I don't want the one that's on the front so I think that you that's the only thing why do you have the license plate cover your answering your question all right I'll tell you what it doesn't matter why you have it it's illegal thank you sir have a great night welcome I wish you well thank you okay good good evening my name is jeppie Paul Mar I am a Jackson resident I would like to thank the Jackson Township Council for implementing measures to curb overdevelopment the road infrastructure The Adventure Crossing cannot sustain the addition of a thousand homes I unequivocally support efforts to limit overdevelopment I would also like to thank the Jackson Police Department for everything they do uh each and every day to keep us safe especially their Traffic Safety divisions their tireless work uh and efforts do not go unnoticed so thank you I'm sorry can I'm I don't know I'm feeling the recording of a private citizen in this meeting is inappropriate I think that that should is that sir you're I've just been advised by the attorney you are allowed to record you just have to let us know ahead of time so if you would like to record in here at the following meeting I'm going to advise to the attorney okay you're out of order sir sir you're out of order thank you thank you sir I thank you that's it you're out thank you sir I appreciate that sorry gentlemen I um my name is Paul Rivier I live on 10009 West Commodore all right I'm here to bring to your attention uh a 6: a.m. to 6: p.m. industrial excavation and a 4,000 squ ft maintenance fulfill facility that is being proposed for7 West commoner Boulevard this is right next to my house I just spent several hundred thousands of dollars to build a house in an Highway commercial R3 area I relied on the zoning R3 and HZ zoning I could I would have never built that house if I knew that a 6: a.m. 6 p.m. industrial excavation and maintenance facility could be located there the property was approved as a shopping center about 10 11 years ago and it was sold uh without development AV A Partners the applicant purchased the property and for reasons unknown to me a Partners was confident that it could put a 6 a.m. 6 PM industrial construction yard with a uh maintenance facility and a fueling facility there some of need the equipment these construction yards have uh which are all industrial are track excavators wheeled Earth movers dump trucks Milling machines back hoses uh and uh fueling tanks these industrial sites cause noise pollution air pollution vibration dust pollution and toxic liquids leaking into the soil the site is located right as you right south of the uh Jackson Outlet uh entrance on 571 that's a main entrance into Jackson people from all over will get an impression of what Jackson's all about if they see an industrial site plopped in the middle of an R3 Highway commercial area there uh and an industrial site us is required to have transition zones and and buffering this application has none generally it's going to be an ugly facility in the middle of an R3 commercial area also the road this this uh plan adjoins is only 30 ft wide and the engineer making the application has admitted that it takes 40 to 50 ft for A50 to 60t rig to make a right hand turn off the site this is I have personally witnessed uh a Partners remove heavy equipment from the site and even when the the rig started at a 45 degree angle not a 90 it had to cross the road and almost hit the barrier I I personally witnessed that and I I don't think this uh this application plan has been review has been reviewed by the public safety officer okay I feel like I've been overly the reason I'm bringing this to you because you guys you this council is in charge of the zoning board you're the ones who appoint the zoning board members I feel like I've been overly restricted in presenting to my case of the zoning board especially when I'm trying to say Hey listen you see that driveway it's a right angle driveway and a 50 or 60 rigged truck can't even make it on a 30 foot Road and I was basically shut down there's no reason for the zoning board to approve this if it is approved it will be a permanent isore for Jackson Township and people and the people of Jackson Township will have to look at it every day as they come in and out of town like I want to remind you that this is an existing R3 you can't see the homes because there's a there's like a a 30 foot uh buffer between the road and the homes so you can't see them on of woods but they're there and they're only like maybe 500 ft from where the maintenance uh garage is going to be I don't think most of the people even though about this I'm sorry sir your time okay thank you thank you have a great night get home safe I can we let Mr pal Mar did you want to finish you're good okay sorry sir Elanor Hanam Jackson New Jersey um I just want to note about um breast cancer awareness month I did lose my mother to metastatic cancer at the age of 24 and on another note related to this the driving uh approximately two weeks ago my granddaughter was riding her bike my other two granddaughters were on the front lawn playing and she almost got hit and killed by a car that decided to speed into the court in where she live in which she lives only for this out of town driver to hurry up and drop off someone to that house so it is um really a major con concerned because that driver didn't even make acknowledgement that this child had to jump off her bike to the side to avoid being killed disappointing but what I'd like to really note is the fact that there seems to be some serious transparency issues within this Administration I Oprah request all the time right now I am waiting on Oprah request that the person who was to fulfill it has not responded so another 7-Day uh extension the second one doesn't exist and that was for a strip mining operation in which I personally observed the third was openly denied and that one is really concerning that open request was done on August 27th it was to get the letter from the Pineland commission when it related to ordinance 3023 to see if the Pineland commission had a a knowledged and accepted ordinance 20 uh 3023 from last December I waited a month it was stalled every single every seven days until it was finally denied last week by the attorney what was not disclosed was I had already spoken to the Pineland commission and I op request it from them on September 5th and I received it two days later so again I don't know what's being hidden by this Administration that the people do not that you don't want the people to know but we do have other ways to get our information and denying such things is a Lie the denial statute that was given went directly to a statute with a list of definitions not the specific statute that was required when we go down the road to other transparency issues fair share housing I'm very pretty well versed with fair share housing I went toe-to-toe with them when I fought the Jackson Park project I find it very interesting and peculiar that we are fast-tracking the master plan and in conjunction we're hiring CME to hurry up and Fast Track our accommodation or whatever our requirements are without the state actually giving us our numbers so instead it appears that negotiations are being made behind closed doors behind the backs of the residents to accommodate developers because what most don't know is once that contract is written they're actually writing that piece of property into it there is no fighting so I'm highly aware of this um this situation so when we go down the road of uh transparency I believe that the residents have the right to know what is going on here we have the right to know where we are with this master plan and the reason why it's being fast-tracked because in my conversation with the Pinelands commission Jackson was told in January actually January 16th to be exact that they did not meet the requirements of the comprehensive plan and they G they have given you adequate time to fix and rewrite ordinances to fix the 3024 ordinance so what appears to me is that we're f fast-tracking a master plan for the Pinelands region where you're going to make the fix so that the residents don't find out that you're really screwed up to begin with because these issues that are in here I hire Michelle Donado she went through it she gave me her observation in what she found and then she gave me the questions those questions were put on the Record December 13th 2023 and you still approved it so I'd like to know why you're fast tracking everything and hiding it from the people have a great night thank you thank you you too Jim selia um I Heard tonight from multiple members here how you're happy about the traffic changes that are happening and the ordinance to reduce the construction that's going on my comments tonight are going to be the construction that has happened okay and what do I mean by that is this town has never put the infrastructure that has been needed for some of the buildings that we've put up for instance and this is last week being Russia Shana driving along heisen road to watch 50 carriages cross over heis road to get to where they were going for their celebration in the middle of the road where there's no crosswalk there's nothing along Ty Road where cars are flying down that road you're you we allow this thing to be built and not put the proper controls in place there's another one that's been approved on also on heis road that they can't put a crosswalk in because it's only a two an intersection has two roads or two corners and they can't cross you know they can't build put a crosswalk to cross over but that's where a lot of the people are going to be be coming from so we need to figure out in this town how we're going to not only reduce things but also keep people safe on what we are currently building thank you thank you sir see veto Cardell developer Adventure Crossings partner taxpayer millions of dollars to the town of Jackson not once that I have the decency to have somebody pick up the phone and ask me a question about what is going on and what you're doing since August not once did anyone really believe all the rumors that ADV Venture was closing down that we were going to not do a MS Center not only are we going to do an MS Center but we're building a school and bought more property on the other side of Six Flags so that we could put more commercial on our project not once did somebody have the respect and the decency to just ask a question if I want to put a sign up I have to get a permit if you want to put a sign up for a political event you put it on my lawn if I have to build a building I have to ask you permission and then you grant it or no Grant it but if you want to change a rule you just do it I think we did that to the American Indians how'd that work out you just can't decide to change a piece of property Zone because you believe it's politically going to hurt your agenda I I am building a project to help people all over the world I've already built in this town I've already received awards for the buildings that I put in this town I employ people in this town and I live next door tell me what we've done wrong for you to come in and just change our Zone on a piece of property that we own no I'm not building 3,000 homes all we're going to build is what we were approv for no I'm not dropping the MS Center it's going to be bigger and better no we're not removing the commercial we have more than what we originally got approv for so are you basing all of this on rumors and don't have the respect and the decency to just call up pick up the phone and ask everything that you are aligning yourself up with is to destroy commercial rable on a road that doesn't have schools or children on it was the vision of the mayor and I many years ago to make 537 a beautiful coridor with a company called Six Flags Great Adventure have some decency and respect for the American way we lost men and women in other countries for the right to do the right thing and look at what you're doing you're coming in as the government and changing the zone of a piece of proper because it's going to hurt your political career snap out of it we're building the greatest project in this town we're going to employ thousands of people and we're not going to hurt anybody but you will you will destroy a rable and hurt all those small businesses that are going to go out of business because they don't have a residential component to buy think about it think about what you're doing you're absolutely 150% not in the right here because you don't know the facts pick up the phone and call us give us the decency and the respect that we deserve As Americans this is no third world country out here thank you sir seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public all in favor I second all in favor I