##VIDEO ID:NtJ75dl_eZc## here here [Music] here herec compion of the opene hi I just wanted to do open in statements real quick uh good evening everyone I wanted to take a moment to congratulate our very own Thunder U who finished their last season with a perfect 9-0 record this this is a tremendous accomplishment that hasn't been achieved in over 20 years on behalf of the Administration Council and the entire Jackson Community we are incredibly proud of you as one of your sponsors for the last two seasons I've had the privilege of watching your journey up close it is not just about the winds it's about how you've grown as a team how you encourage each other celebrate each other's victories and always show up with a heart and determination makes you truly special you are showing everyone what it means to work hard and work together and now as Jackson thunder 9 News with a 40 start to your fall season you continue to impress you're setting an example for your peers and I can't wait to see where this journey takes you to the coaches and parents thank you for supporting these young athletes every step of the way and to the players keep believing in yourself and each other you are capable of amazing things keep up the Fantastic work and you know that we're all behind you cheering on you every step of the way congratulations [Applause] on behalf of the mayor I'm going to read your Proclamation after I read the proclamation I'm going to ask you guys to come up I'll read everybody's name and then you come up and just line up now I understand that you guys are here for your Proclamation and not to hear Township stuff so I will not be disrespected and the council and the de as well understands that afterwards if you guys leave and go and do whatever you want to do but again congratulations and I'm going to read the proclamation whereas the Jackson little league 8U Allstar team has demonstrated exceptional talent and teamwork throughout the season and whereas their unwavering dedication and hard work has culminated in a outstanding achievement of winning not one but two championship titles for the first time in over 20 years setting a remarkable example of sportsmanship and Excellence as whereas their victory in securing the two championships titles is not just a win on the scoreboard but a Triumph of spirit and determination and whereas the members of the team have shown exceptional skills on the field as well as discipline and commitment off the field to the true Spirit of the Little League baseball and whereas the U All-Star team players included Aiden Barnett Lucia khis Noah zinc Nicholas husy toy Jordan zenox Tyler I'm just gonna say first names now doltan Edward D uh Dano I'm GNA say it wrong Corbin Carson along with coaches Todd Keith Ed and Jeff whereas their coaches family and supporters have played a crucial role in fostering an environment that encourages growth resilience and success and now therefore I Michael Rana mayor of the township of Jackson County of ocean of New Jersey along with the Jackson Township Council to hereby extend our warmest congratulations to the U Little League All-Star team and coaches on their outstanding season and well-deserved Victory and the earning the title of district 18 and section 3 championships finishing the season fourth all round in state of New Jersey congratulations thank you all right as I call your name I'm just going to call first names um you can come up and get your Proclamation Aiden congratulations congratulations there you go you gonna stay up here Lucia L Luca Luca luuka I'll never get it wrong again congratulations [Applause] Luca Noah congratulations Nicholas congratulations you help me the best Jordan congratulations Tyler congratulations Dalton congratulations Edward [Applause] congratulations Dono I'm saying it I'm sorry congratulations M um's next Corbin congratulations Carson [Applause] congratulations coach Todd oh congratulations and happy birthday coach Keith congratulations you're welcome coach Ed congratulations Coach Jeff congratulations that's congratulations if anybody wants to you guys want to line up and then take pictures of council can come down Pictou shot all right parents come on up if you want to take pictures I'm GNA take a quick picture I'm going to get out of the way all right all right hold your folders up let's see those faces let's see some big smiles you guys winners louder little louder yeah all right very good all right let me get out of the way there thank you smile smile smile story about the guy who said is it Hawaii or Hawaii two guys arguing this he said he goes well ask my friend and he goes he goes isation Hawaii or [Music] I'll tell [Applause] you see when you run when there's a single running yeah so also the other version is conservative ticket liberal ticket and ticket yeah little differentiated get I don't know I might been hiding not told what oh well I don't recog Jeff no I know thank you we're GNA Miss Moss will continue the meeting we'll continue with the meeting thank you we continue with the meeting with opening comments from Township Council council president Q okay so I'll give him two seconds two I didn't realize they were taking pictures though bye thank you so much congratulations congratulations okay so back to business Traffic Safety shocker that I'm going to talk about traffic safety so I just wanted to go over a report that I got from officer alasco from a last reading that was done on 95 to 911 um the next readings will be um they're currently at Patterson Road and Bryant Road just you know so I'll have them for the next meeting good afternoon um they did they what is this road sorry East Connecticut Concourse I was absolutely floored when I got East Connecticut Concourse in a positive way there's like no speeding no traffic um daily average and that's a that's a that's a pretty busy road I had thought there's only 590 six cars average daily going through there and the average 85 percentile speed is 31 miles an hour East on um Western and Eastern is 32 so I really didn't find that to be that that crazy and I don't think Traffic Safety did either I want to go into a meeting that I had today with Chief go Coons director candido sergeant hemba and councilman Bernstein and I just want to recap for transparency uh exactly what the meeting was about and what we had discussed and everything um Traffic Safety reports reviewing we reviewed Traffic Safety reports recent emails and reports from the past week with the initiative going with the initiative it actually went live and that's the traffic safety email on September 13th director candido noted about 30 to 40% reduction in traffic violations since the traffic safety email and Det was implemented which the detail was more officers on the road going to these areas and what was happening is you'll hear as the emails were coming in um Sergeant hemba was able to uh deploy officers directly to the spot and it seemed to be working again 30 to 40% less of incidents give or take um we had DPW was going to do markouts again moving on with the ordinance and with education a lot of people when we've gone to the bus stops they don't understand a resident actually said I don't bring a ruler to the bus stop you're th% accurate you do not need to bring bring a ruler to a bus stop so DPW um director candido given a blessing we're going to send about 30 to 40 pretty much Hot Topic spots where it's a lot of Education needs to go and where exactly the cars cannot park and have to stop parking too they're going to mark them you're going to see the chief had requested red paint so it kind of is in you know it go goes with the stop sign so in essence stop so that will kind of give somebody a visual of where they can and cannot park so hopefully that helps with a little visual because a lot of residents are saying I I don't know where 50 ft is I can understand that student bus safety we discussed plans to have school bus pickups on students on the same side of the road on the road where they live where the speed limits are 35 and or more this change was aimed to improve the safety for k to8 um grade children and looking to possibly implement this in September of 2025 again we've gotten a lot of complaints this is why the traffic safety email is very important um I'm on that and I do read it there's seven of us on there and a lot of things are like listen I don't want my 5-year-old Crossing across uh a county road that you know people are going around buses and this and that it's it's we hear you uh I reached out to certain a bunch of people and and everybody kind of is in we're working on that um so on a note when we're going after all of these traffic issues that we're having we have 13 officers that are eligible to retire in 2025 we need to hire we need to keep our staff in our Police Department we have to staff our Police Department with 13 people retiring that's going to leave a lot of gaps and we're going to go under even the 100 Mark that we're barely at right now um this is raising a lot of concerns uh plans that we discussed was to hire more class ones and class two and full-time officers class ones uh the business administrators already given us the approval on that class 2's we already have the administration U mayor's approval on that and then we're working on finding full-time officers and flipping the class twos to full-time I'm learning a lot in this and how it works but it is good financially for the town to have class ones in class twos and then the class twos can go and be flipped and then they can go into you know full benefit package so it works out meeting with the County engineer after looking at all the reports and reading them I called commissioner sede from uh the county and I said listen our town is growing we're having a lot of issues can you commit to me with our Traffic Safety or Administration anybody that wants to come to the meeting four meetings one a quarter with the engineer and with the commissioner and to help us with our traffic concerns he said absolutely I said commissioner I'm going to put this in an email after I meet with um the traffic safety and then we're going to get that on the calendar I want to meet by the end of this year and I want four dates that we could go we have 42 County Roads that's 42 roads that we have to go to the county for if we want to even put stripes on them if we want to do anything we have to get their approval so he is committed to that I put that into motion and we are are moving forward with that there is um an email again I'm again I just want to read an email that we got a recap on traffic safety um council president cun I wanted to provide you with an update for the traffic concerns with the township and what the traffic uh safety unit has done over the last few weeks to address some of the residents concerns from September 4th to September thir TW uh 20th I guess 13th I was a little wrong on that date the traffic safety unit increased the um dire oh no the the was implemented on the 13th but the extra detail started on the 4th increase is direct enforcement Patrols in certain areas and made numerous motor vehicle stops summon summonses and written warnings were issued for traffic violations to include both moving and parking violations the township and the traffic safety unit have been working together to implement an email on the township website for residents to document their traffic concerns and or complaints these emails have been getting sent to um Personnel assigned to the traffic safety unit where they are being documented once documented Patrol offices are made aware of it and asked to conduct direct enforcement details in these areas to um as call volumes permit our traffic safety unit currently consists of only three officers and one supervisor which will soon be decreased to just three officers most of these traffic concerned complaints are happening at the same time of the day but all um but on all different roadways throughout the township it is important for the traffic safety unit to be on all of these roadways at the same time we are doing our best with what the resources we have are available the volume of traffic to include the surge in buses with the township has increased significantly over the last few years and will continue to do so in enforcing future this has been an increase in pedestrian traffic along our local roadways to include large groups of children with their parents congregating at the bus stops buses have also been a large basis of complaints that the traffic safety unit has been receiving so we also have been enforcing traffic laws for all the buses when violations are observed I encourage all residents to keep sending their complaints via email to traffic safety unit which is traffic safety at Jackson WP new jersey. net New Jersey meeting NJ the way the issues are documented and hopefully we can address them in a timely manner I also encourage all residents to abide by the traffic laws so that all motorists and pedestrians can be safe in the township roadways please the speed limits uh say off your cell phones buckle up and remember to properly secure your children in the appropriate child restraint systems I didn't read this before but yes cell phones is a huge thing that we're seeing all over please say off your cell phones uh so that was a letter from your traffic traffic safety again now I'm going to just go into a different thing education let your voices be heard join the Ocean County Federation of Republican women for a rally I am a member of the Ocean County Federation of Republican women they are fighting for parental rights and school funding they're going to speak to the state legislators Educators and the experts on the issue they'll be there Wednesday October 6 6th um at 1 pm at 33 Washington in uh straet in Toms River this is for the whole of Ocean County that is dealing with any education cuts um I could go on but I don't I want to be respectful of everybody's time if anybody wants to know any positive or negative emails that I do have you can see me after the meeting and I'd be happy to we did get some positive feedback from residents saying thank you thank you thank you once these emails come in I am on it I am on there director candido the chief Captain Nelson uh Sergeant hemba officer Rafe and officer Bennet and myself when I'm on there I'm reading them so that as the council president I can go and I can take these and we can look at creating ordinance to keep the residents safe and then also what I do is I'll forward these order these uh messages if they pertain to DPW as it a resident said that she couldn't see out her street looking to the right I sent it to Sean at DPW within the same day I can tell you I have the email here is like wow wow wow there's actually a forum that works there's a human that responded to me and there's another human that updated me and now I can be safely and make it out of my street so that is what this is about and I hope that you know there's some positive and of course there's always going to be you know some negative but that's this forum is something that we can work on thank you all and have a great night thank you councilman barelli uh thank you clerk Moss uh thank you to council president C for that update and uh for your attention to this very important issue with the traffic problems issues in our town um as you heard from Council president uh the traffic issues in our town are being addressed and worked on along with the county um as we have many County Roads and will con continue to be worked on by this uh Council also of course congratulations to the U uh All-Star baseball team and their coaches um on their awesome season uh keep up the great work boys and coaches your energy is incredible and uh your perfect record secondly it was an incredible time uh joining thousands of residents and visitors as well at this year's Jackson day in Johnson Park where else can you see the release of white doves ending with the Drone show only in Jackson folks thank you to all involved and who attended and participated in the events of the day to make it a great success in closing starting January 5th 2025 the Jackson Library location in the Justice complex will be open from 1: to 5:00 p.m. every Sunday according to their press release with the new Sunday schedule the Ocean County Library branch in her town of Jackson hopes to accommodate students families and working professionals who might find it difficult to visit during weekday hours this is great news and thank you to the Ocean County Library commission for approving the additional hours for our Township's library on Sundays good seeing you all take care and a good evening thank you thank you councilman Bernstein um really I just want to Echo what m councilman berelli just said um thank you to all the residents and everyone who participated in Jackson day it was what I understand it was a record um a record event you had thousands of people there um thank you again to Mr wall and our business administration and um again to resident Ray Kona for really putting their all in I think everyone needs a couple days off before they start planning the next one but I think they're already working on the next mon so thank you for that again also I just want to Echo thank you to the County library system for opening up I know it was a process with the unions and they got it open for Sundays and hopefully our libraries will continue to be utilized by everyone have a great night thank you councilman Chisum good evening so yes again special congratulations to our U Allstars it's great we've been seeing this over the last I don't know how many decades but our youth sports in every area cheerleaders football baseball all do a great job and they represent Jackson well it's good to see them excelling hope they keep it up Jackson Day committee did a fantastic job as you've already heard it was a good event uh the layout was awesome we had lots and lots of vendors lots of food choices it was a good event so uh hopefully we'll continue to grow that as we uh go through the years if uh we go back to the Commissioners there for the roadside stuff hopefully when we have a couple of those meetings we can mention those sinking manhole covers that I mentioned last time in front of us and there is a monster little whoop-de-doo for anybody that's into like motorcycles they would know what the hell that is as you're cruising on down Cedar Swamp Road towards fish Road approaching Jackson Mills and just over the last two months that has gotten pretty uh dangerous it is sinking and is going to be a problem probably when we actually ever see rain again because it won't be hard for somebody doing when you can actually do the speed limit on that road uh somebody will be probably in a ditch it's pretty ferocious because it does throw your vehicle off the side so you may want to look into that those of you guys that are keeping track and we're always worried about what's happening in our kids uh situation here well tomorrow Trenton's trying to shove some more things down your kids throat you may see the Senate Bill s 3156 which is called honestly and simply enough the school-based Health Care Centers well what are these school-based Health Care Centers and what do they allow well they allow schools to take up some of their unoccupied space which again lots of schools do and you can have direct access and you can lease it out maybe that'll actually generate some funds maybe that sounds like a good idea however what they don't tell you is the rest of the details those uh healthc care centers are going to have access to your children and they will not have to notify you as the parent so kids as young as 16 and now 14 will have access to reproductive care you can figure out what that means and Behavioral Services drugs other things mentally they can just evaluate your children without you knowing about it so if you think that that's acceptable within your schools then I think we again can take it from there you may have heard uh our our beloved uh disgraced Senator Bobby Mendez Mr Gold Bars himself he was supposed to be sentenced next month but they decided to kick that down the road to January I'm not sure maybe maybe election interference isn't that the buzzword I mean what would it be bad for a Democrat being locked up for gold bars to be paraded around right before an election probably that's why it's secretly being pushed to January so it's not an embarrassment speaking of embarrassments where is Joe Biden where is the man have we seen him do we know where he is few months ago hey he was sharp as a bunch of taxs right that's what Cala told us sharp very sharp you should see him in the back room we all saw him eating ice cream on TV but in the back room he was really sharp so not only did she lie to you and now he's not fit to run so what's he doing is he not the leader of the Free World why do we not know where he is our enemies know where he is he's not doing anything so if he's not running the country Kamala is not running the country who is so what do we expect to see over the next couple months well Cala Harris obviously has already demonstrated she's not worthy of the Office of the President of the United States because she's lied to you and because she has not enacted the 25th Amendment to have the man removed which is where he should be and finally you may or may not know that there is a bill to push some digital currency why do we want digital currency well it sounds simple enough right sounds really easy really cool kids probably don't care because like everything's on your debit card or Mom and Dad's debit card depending right so what's going to happen there well maybe just maybe if I don't know say the government decides it wants to maybe restrict your rights and says well I'm just going to hold your bank account then how do you have access to your money well maybe it's not that maybe it's one of those people I don't know Iran Iraq North Korea I don't know Russia anybody else in the world that doesn't like us China so what happens when they release an EMP and you can't get your digital currency or what happens if just kids in California running Microsoft crash your computer or your phone because that's happened to me twice this year and when you're dead in the water okay fine it's really peaceful and nobody can call you and nobody can text you it's really annoying when you can't take your pictures but hey what if what if you kids I I'm just kind of curious what if you can't get into your Starbucks app oh my god do you have Benjamins in your pocket do you have actual fin notes okay you need cash so if the government restricts you and you can't have access to cash then what are you going to do when your phone dies and you can't access your bank account you can't access your Starbucks whatever it is that you use it for you can't get into concerts I go to concerts all the time we're saving the planet because we won't print two stupid little tickets it's ridiculous ladies and gentlemen if you see digital currency beware it's extremely dangerous and you should never have the government tracking what you do with your money everyone have a good night God bless America thank you motion to approve executive session meeting minut of September 10th 2024 motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chism yes and council president Q yes thank you move on to consideration ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is the second reading of ordinance 28-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 33-3 of the township code to reduce the required number of points for calendar year 2020 to qualify for the length of service award program due to the covid-19 pandemic and resulting state of emergency this ordinance was introduced on September 10th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion open second all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the councel at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward I make a motion to close public session second all in favor I sir reading of ordinance 28-24 entitled in ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 33-3 of the township code to reduce the required number of points for calendar year 2020 to qualify for the length of Service Awards program due to the covid-19 pandemic and resulting state of emergency I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes and council president King yes this the second reading of ordinance 29-24 entitled in ordinance amending ordinance 24-23 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey thereby amending chapter chapter 103-4 5.1 of the township code to prohibit parking along a portion of Brewers Bridge Road this ordinance was introduced on September 10th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion second second all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward and make a motion to close public session second all in favor I this the third reading of ordinance 29-24 entitled in ordinance amending ordinance 24-23 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey thereby amending chapter 10345 one of the township code to prohibit parking along a portion of Brewers Bridge Road I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman brelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes and council president King yes second reading of ordinance 30-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending ordinance 0724 of the Township Code entitled trespassing on public property violations and penalties amending and supplementing section 40412 D6 this ordinance was introduced on September 10th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing move second all in favor I I if any member the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward and make a motion to close public session second again all in favor I this the third reading of ordinance 30-24 entitled in ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending ordinance 0724 of the Township Code entitled trespassing on public property violations and penalties amending and supplementing section 4126 I a motion to adopt on thir in final reading and advertise according to law so move second second councilman barelli yes councilman Bernstein so the safety of the of our town must always be our top priority so I very much appreciate council president cin and all of our professionals including public safety director Joe candido's hard work in creating this ordinance we all agree that safety is the most important thing in our town that being said I am concerned with some of the standards in this ordinance and I am looking forward to hopefully working with council president and my colleagues on amending it um with that being said safety comes first and I vote yes thank you councilman Chism yes and council president Q I'm going to um I'm going to vote Yes tonight but I am going to be open to possibly looking at I I the reason why the harsh um fines and penalties are on there is for the safety of the residents and the children and if we can see that a positive is moving forward I think that if you know um I think $55 you're still going to take that chance and park in that spot but I think $250 you're really going to think about it um obviously it does go to 90 days in prison nobody's looking to put anybody in jail I'm not you know trying to to do that but I did go for the the heavy heavy fines because I care about being able for you guys to be able to get out of your neighborhoods and get out of your home safe I am going to vote Yes but if everybody plays by the rules we we won't have to pay a fine that's my feeling you don't have to pay it if you don't break it so don't break the rules thank you thank you this is the second reading of ordinance 31-24 entitled an ordinance amending chapter 16-24 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey to delete permit parking on any County roadway this ordinance was introduced on September 10th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion second all in favor I I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clu for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public session second all in favor I I this third reading of ordinance 31-24 entitled an ordinance amending ordinance 16-24 of the township of Jackson County ofan state of New Jersey to delete permit parking on any County Road I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes and council president K yes thank you ordinances first reading council president are are there any comments regarding ordinance 32-24 thank you sir yes this ordinance if adopted would assist the Township in the efforts to control the costs with respect to its insurance premiums for employee health benefits thank you thank you ordinance 32-24 entitled in ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey establishing and creating a self-insurance fund with respect to health benefits in accordance with njsa 4A col 10-1 I need a motion to approve ordinance 32-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on October 8th 2024 motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman chis yes and Council president C yes thank you we move on to bills and claims and need a motion to approve or hold motion to accept second councilman burelli um abstain on ey e01 NJ D13 NJ s04 and R t04 yes to the rest on there thank you councilman Bernstein yes all councilman Chisum abstain on coom for 44 M o1 and R4 yes to all the restk you and council president Q obstain on RCS 02 yes to the rest thank you thank you we move on to consent agenda I need a motion to approve the list of resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes and council president Keem yes thank you we move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so moved second all in favor I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once evening all good evening Eric Jones 722 heis Road Jackson I'm glad you brought up the thing about uh police work and such I don't know if you're watching the news and seeing what's happening in Philadelphia right this minute or somewhere maybe last night perhaps about all these cars that uh um they act like they're firecrackers going down the road you know what I'm talking about race cars like this load the ground anybody no okay yeah but anyway I have several of them come past my house 11:00 at night 11:30 at night 2 in the morning bang bang bang bang that's all they do is backfire intentionally okay I have a neighbor I spoke to him I said you know you're not a really good good neighbor because you do this right in front of your neighbor's house why I don't understand it now I don't want it to happen that they're going to come out and um drove and and and terrorize the police because the police in Philly were cracking down on these people doing this stuff okay now I don't know what Jackson's going to do about this but to me my house is 26 feet off a County Road that's from me to you that's the front of my house okay I don't you guys talk about speeds and everything on certain roads sit on County Road heis you get people doing 70 miles hour guaranteed I even said to the to the police department one time I said I will pay gladly pay an officer's salary for one day to sit on my street they said you can't do that I'm like excuse me I can't pay to pay an officer's salary for one day to crack down on heis and Road ever since the county straightened that stretch of highway out people go faster now I don't know if anybody remembers how the bend was a little more drastic not so flowing because they used they had like uh seven accidents on the bend that's why they tried to straighten it but anyway that's my issue with that uh with the police department now just get it it just gets to me that uh nobody seems to do anything about it if I hear these cars I see these cars I even sent pictures in of license plates and stuff and still the same cars are doing the same thing just sit out here in front of the high school when they all let out you will get at least a dozen or to doing what I'm saying the police department's right there the school is right here they come right out out of the school bang bang bang right racing down the road it's like you don't nobody hears this stuff I don't I just don't get it my quality of life has gone downhill because nobody does anything in this town it it's just getting ridiculous and I'm sure I'm not the only one but I'm probably well well maybe there's a couple other people that are uh closer to the road than I am because you know my house is 1935 so obviously it's close to the road because that's the way it was back in the in the days people were closer to the road but anyway if somebody could do something about that the backfiring the cracking because I know we have a uh a no jake break law in this in this town technically what they're doing is technically uh holding their Engine Back causing it to backfire which is Jake breaking so the police officers should be writing them for jake braking in their car because that's what they're doing they're retarding their engine to pop it you know but uh if somebody could do something about that I'd appreciate that you're a traffic die right but uh the speed on that road like I said 70 miles an hour these people go sometimes my windows Shake that's how close I am to the road because these cars come down and they just make make the noise of it and just for no no apparent reason other than to be annoying I was a once you know but I respected my neighbors at least but that's all I got to say about that anyway thank you very much thank you sir and your address will be sent to Traffic Safety again an issue like that I we ask that traffic that you email Traffic Safety at Jackson Township New Jersey I understand I'm I'm you're asking for a solution I'm saying I'm giving you one thank you sir Pardon Me Miss uh Madam president Mr Jones yeah I was actually there when a girl took out one of those polls I know the curve you're talking about I was working up the street and she was doing about 70 miles hour when she snapped that sucker in half and took out all the power and everybody went freaking out and yeah it was a long time ago but yeah I remember that so director Cino not to put you on the spot but is there another rule are you aware of like another thing that uh we could hold people accountable for Jake breaking Etc I mean I mean obviously motor vehicles uh directly with regards to the wait one second director Canda would you come up to the microphone so that way you could properly answer the question instead of yelling from your seat Well I was kind of like let anyone hear the question first but that's fine yeah I just figured you know again I don't want to put you on the spot but um I know a lot of those rules come out of Trenton and DMV and I don't know if there is there something that we in Jackson could directly do or is this something that has to go at a higher level and fight the state in DMV so to answer your question Jake breaking is strictly involved in tractor trailers when they use their brakes air brakes in a specific manner that then retards the motor Mr Jones is talking about people that are actually doing specific work to their exhaust system which is technically not illegal um it may violate a noise ordinance but good luck on trying to enforce that because we got to be present when it happens the biggest problem is you know again six cops on the road to cover 100 square miles to try and catch everything it's it's impossible so I empathize with your with your problem um but as far as the noise goes Jake breaking does not apply in this case thank you sir thank you good evening uh Jim sluy a sixr Field Drive I'm not going to discuss parking tonight believe it or not I'm gonna focus on something else um the last few months I've been attending both the planning board and the zoning board meetings um and a couple of things have come up and when I make a comment to anyone on the board they always say well we can't do that that has to go to the Town Council so here I am before you guys to find out if there is something that we should be looking at the other day was on I guess it was last week on the zoning board there was an application for a twostory office building uh that was 9,000 square ft was not putting an elevator in okay they say the law says they don't have to have it because it's under 10,000 square feet my question to the board was well how does that not violate the Ada of discrimination against handicapped people that want to work for the company that's going to be on that second floor and I got to look and says oh yeah that makes sense but if it's written that way is there something that even though it's at the state level written that way is there something that Jackson can say wait a second we want to go above and beyond that to protect our not our citizens the people that come to work in this community uh same thing same situation same building no no fire sprinklers there's going to be 50 people potentially in that building they're you know they're out by the outlets which is not very you know there there's no sewer and water I believe the outlets have their own uh fire suppression system um so what is it that we can do from that standpoint and again I go back to this town you know as bad as the police department is and as far as having the number of people organ the fire departments are falling into the same category they just don't have enough people so anything that we can I don't want to say Force but convince the builders that are building these commercial buildings to to help the fire department by putting in these safety measures so that they might have a chance of saving these buildings Andor people that we should be looking at it I know we did a lot on the the parking and I will tell you this as someone that's complained a lot about the parking since since the walk the drive-throughs have happened I've noticed it's probably cleaned up 90 I'll say 95% of the problem there's there's still those people that just refused to to cooperate so I'm not going to get on you I think I'm just gonna say thank you for putting that on the record that it is I I I can tell you I used to on a Saturday morning I used to look up my street and it looked like the street going away from my house was a one way literally there was no car park coming this way now everyone seems to be Park the right way so I will give kudos for for give credit where credit is absolutely but I I I really hope that you can look at these issues that I'm talking about because you know it just it's I struggle with know first of all I struggle with how does the Ada say you know you can't discriminate based on you know a disability but then it's then it we don't require elevators in a two-story building so kind of they they kind of at odds with themselves so there's anything that we can kind of look at and consider I'd appreciate thank you thank you sir um council president the doctrine of exemption unfortunately prevents a municipality from legislating in a field where the federal or state government already has so if the federal or state government establishes what the minimum standards are um a local municipality is not allowed to then enter the field and change those minimum requirements as we are a creature of the state and they were bigger than we are basically um the legislation would have to come at the state level um there have been talk about fire sprinklers and commercial buildings and increasing that requirement um the Builder Lobby and many others fight it tooth and nail and until there's uh 41 votes in the assembly and 21 in the Senate um and a governor will sign it it's just not going to happen as far as the Ada clearly regulated by the federal government the township can't interfere in that and if they say that's not required then it's not required thank you sir imagine that all the stuff I rail about about the feds in the state like it matters there it is seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public session second all in favor I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I have a good night good night