##VIDEO ID:V8hcbRCxGh0## and to the it stands indivisible andice for thank you good evening and welcome the September 10th meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman barelli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant pres and president C here as Clerk of the meeting I hereby publicly announc that in compliance with provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law and this evening we have Proclamation yes we do what's wrong you okay yes that's okay take your time you need any feat my apologies no worries president there's a a un Jackson little league okay so what we're going to do is I'm going to do uh a little bit of open opening comments just for the uh non new that's here we're going to leave the comments for the council just to celebrate the boys and then we'll do our meeting after we take no disrespect to you guys High tailing it out of here after all the boys get their proclamations we understand that you're here for a reason if you want to YouTube us later uh for Township stuff we more than happy that but otherwise we'll get you in and out as soon as we can um uh so good evening everyone I'd like to take the moment to extend a warm welcome to a very special group of young athletes who have made our community incredibly proud tonight we are honored to have you with us the nine new Allstars who have demonstrated remarkable Talent dedication and teamwork throughout their baseball season earlier this year this exceptional performance on the field is a true Testament to the hard work they've put in not only as individuals but as a team they've shown us what it means to strive for excellence and represent our community with pride on behalf of the mayor who is sorry that he couldn't be here Administration Council and the entire Community we celebrate your achievement and we look forward to seeing you with even more success in the in all the future congratulations nine You All Stars for an outstanding season that's not your Proclamation but just [Applause] congratulations does any other council members want to say anything you want me to just go into the proclamation good okay this is your Proclamation where as the Jackson 9u little league Allstar team has demonstrated exceptional skills sportsmanship and dedication throughout the season culminating in the remarkable victory in all the All-Star tournament for the first time in more than 20 years and whereas the coaches families and the community have provided unwavering encouragement and support contributing significantly to the team success and whereas the nine new All-Star team players include Lucia Landon Peter Gage Jason Chris Ryder Logan Danny Angelo Ben and Noah along with the coaches Matt Rich and Chris and whereas these players were against some tough competition but didn't discourage them at all Instead This lineup remained strong and dominated the field from the start to finish pulling together and playing as a Unstoppable force with the minds focus of a championship title they continuously outscored their opponents with the majority of the team members scoring runs in each game and whereas the success of the nine new Little League All-Star team not only uh brings Pride to their immediate Community but also serves as an inspiring example of hard work dedication in joy of the game now therefore I Michael Raina mayor of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey along with the Jackson Township council do hereby extend my warmest congratulations to the nine new Little League All-Star team and coaches on their outstanding season and their well-deserved victory in the All-Star tournament congratulations congrulations so [Applause] if the coaches could come up and assist me with giving out the proc relations to the boys so can the three coaches come up and I will uh you'll help me give out the proclamations and then after we'll take a picture with the council thank you man how are you good to see you I didn't know you didn't have time for [Music] this I missed a letter and so so first we have L do you want to do the names and I'll give them out if you're gonna yeah there you go luga [Applause] khis let you say next to me are they in any order they're all the same all right Angelo Salo Jackson [Applause] fuchi Noah zinc Ben Wilder Gage fiser [Applause] Landon [Applause] Ernst Danny olent Peter feroli Logan [Applause] Lombardi Chris [Applause] Galler last but certainly not least Ryder h [Applause] sure out L line can good job [Applause] angel thank you everyone that's why I like Theo whatever your chance you thank you congratulations bye everyone congratulations again congratulations have a good night have a great night yes yes repeat team right yeah we have uh ate you in two weeks have another one okay OB here she hasn't been here in a while huh hi ready ready good yeah we're going to begin the meeting now miss we'll continue with opening comments from Township Council council president C good evening everyone I have a um an email that I'd like to read from our uh supervisor of Department of Public Works Sean balinsky uh to good friends um and past d uh PW employees good afternoon I was hoping um consider consider um to the Seymour family on behalf of the DPW in the town Sandy Seymour was one of the original DBW employees he worked for Jackson Township for 43 years from 1972 to 2015 as a mechanic and a heavy equipment operator he will be greatly missed so my condolences to the family as well okay so the next business um I'm going to read into the record I want to go over like I do is traffic so I'm just going to go over some reports um officer Lasco is back from um his injury so I have a lot of traffic reports to read and it is really um it's alarming so if you could please pay attention I would appreciate it and if you have any questions you're more than happy to email me so this was for Robins Estates um coming east from cooksbridge road to Manhattan total Vehicles now again this is for a week um from June 20th to June 26th all right I believe school is out and then so going uh Eastern bound oneway 453 cars going Western 4,044 cars cars maximum speed 63 mil an hour uh going from Castle Avenue between July 4th and July 10th Eastern portion of uh cooksbridge road to Manhattan maximum speed 51 miles an hour total car is 774 Western maximum speed 54 miles total Vehicles 1755 going laurelon Avenue between July 20th and July 26th going Eastern total vehicle 600 93 maximum speed 43 miles hour Western total Vehicles 755 maximum speed 45 miles an hour Georgian Boulevard total Vehicles between uh August 6th and August 12th there's no school there's no Sports total vehicles 2,937 vehicles maximum speed 60 M an hour going Western total vehicles 8,16 6 6 maximum speed 70 M an hour again georan Boulevard next gold Weber this is between August 26 September 1st right before your children go to school total Vehicles start school I'm sorry 1864 Vehicles maximum seed 51 miles an hour Western total Vehicles 1462 maximum speed 72 miles an hour in Robins Estates okay again we want to go into um murfield Road total Vehicles this is between June 13th and June 20th total Vehicles Eastern bound 2,363 Vehicles maximum speed 56 miles an hour want to get into Manhattan Street okay everybody knows where Manhattan Street hullman Elementary School right um total vehicles in one week between February 9th 2024 uh and February 15 2024 39,6 126 vehicles in one week okay that's Manhattan street so I just want to follow that up with um a little thing and we're talking about traffic a lot so that's just one neighborhood we need to look at this neighborhood we really need to help this neighborhood um I understand you know the the residents my brother lived on this neighborhood I've talked about a lot he lived on georan 40,000 it's actually more on on on Manhattan it's actually 40,000 in20 there's a couple other you know cars that I didn't include just because the report was updated to me and sent a different way but I think that this is something that we all need to be cautious of and aware of and and really all put in a valid effort to try to help the parking issues that we have the driving the speeding 72 miles an hour come on I'm sorry you can make a mistake and I could see maybe going to 45 and being like Oh you know it's I think it's 35 miles an hour um I'm sure director Cino can can uh let me know that but that there's no excuse for that there's kids in these neighborhoods there's a lot of kids and we need to keep them safe and this is something that I'm obviously very passionate about you're going to see that from the meeting this uh tonight there is three ordinances for some Hefty fines um for driving and traffic and I totally stand 210% behind them and uh I will hope that my Council will again with hearing what I just read you all should everybody should be behind the traffic and issues that we're having and being to your neighbors that again is going to be something that we're doing in the ordiance that's just so that everybody's aware of what a uh County Road is we have 42 County roads in Jackson Township 42 okay so all of these you know just so that everybody is awareness we're doing education we're getting around and we're talking about it um you can live on any road you want when you're going through a neighborhood going 72 miles an hour that is unacceptable unacceptable able behavior I'm sorry so I'm just that's all I have until the rest but thank you very much be safe thank you Council vice president Sergeant good evening um in all my years coming to these Council meetings I've never seen a group of kids run up to the front to get their W and I thought it was really nice to see the athletes run up forward that was that was pretty cool um Mr C I just have a couple questions regarding your comments uh officer alasco when he was out did he have a replacement he did not we were on a standstill but once he came back he was out for eight weeks um and as soon as he came back he you know uh went through all the reports and and progressed them for me and that's why they're all in one email and so with those reports were there any tickets given out uh no there's that I'm aware of there has been no tickets on the ordinance that are are going to be in front of you tonight the or tickets that I've heard that have been uh written were for title 39 which is when you got your driver's license you learn title 39 so that is a minimal ticket it's a standard ticket and that's something um I can say though with the uh business administrator here after hearing these reports and seeing this and being in many conversations with the business administrator um he did approve for class one officers which do not carry guns um they pretty much are like in Asbury and stuff like that where you have parking you know meter readers and ticket writers and stuff like that that you know if the director candido can find them which if anybody would like to be a class one we are hiring we also the mayor had also approved six class twos which we are looking for so if anybody is looking to be a class two but we really want to keep the uh the traffic safety going and with these four officers they would be able to be boots on the ground and they could do education and and you know obviously if you keep getting warning they're going to take get you but we really want education and they do not have guns so they literally are just going to be in neighborhoods and saying Hey listen you know your parked in front of the stop sign pass the stop sign by five feet FYI you're not allowed to be parked in front of a stop sign thank you m cun and thank you and have a good evening thank you councilman burelli uh thank you clerk Moss I second what council vice president sergeant said it was pretty cool to see the kids come up here to run up for their proclamations wish I had that much energy um also congratulations to them the Jackson little Le Champs um and hope they keep up the great work and I'm sure they will and their parents and coaches too and continue making our town proud and Jackson the mecca sports legends um I want to reiterate and I mentioned this at the last council meeting but just to remind people um and I want to thank the Jackson day planning committee for uh getting this together and I'm sure it's going to be a great event or annual Jackson day will be held in Johnson Park uh this Sunday September 15 from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. looks like we're going to have beautiful weather for it so I guess we won't need that rain date of September 22nd but it's there just in gazed but I don't think we will from what I'm seeing and um at this year's uh Jackson day again there will be food trucks uh entertainment kids rides many vendors so many exciting other exciting attractions and yes one-of a kind uh drone show also if you want to be a vendor or sponsor there's still time uh please let the Jackson uh Recreation Department know ASAP by calling their uh staff this week at 732 9281 1200 at extension 1255 if you're interested or reach out to our Township's Recreation director Anthony horda at aorta jackon wpj all one word.net I hope to see you all there at Jackson day let's make it another great one Jackson and also um I'm very glad to be a part of supporting some of the ordinances for first reading we heard council president speak about a lot of the traffic and speeding problems and um these are preventive measure measures that are on tonight's agenda these ordinance is addressing quality of life in our town so I'm uh happy to be a part of that and last but certainly not least tomorrow is the 23rd anniversary of the events of September 11th uh 2001 let's never forget the sense of security we lost in that tragic day and the incredible patriotism that came from it we'll always remember the people who perished on that horrific day on the four hijacked planes and in the buildings the workers visitors and Incredibly Brave firefighters and police officers and others who ran into the buildings to save people all of them Heroes we honor their memories today and always we honor the memories of our service men and women who have died since then to keep America safe and secure from another terrorist attack and please keep your thoughts and prayers um with the people who are still affected and impacted by the events of September 11 2001 very important let's support leaders whose policies will keep America safe and secure from another 9911 from happening good seeing you all have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein so really everyone um said everything that needs to be said I just want to point out again thank you to our business administrator and the entire Jackson Day committee for all the planning um in particular I want to take a moment and thank a resident who who serves on the committee Ray koner who really has been a force that you can't compare other people to he just doesn't stop and and volunteering his time for the town so we very much appreciate it and we continue to urge all residents to step up and to continue to Vol volunteer and I also want to take a moment and thank the council president for really putting the time and effort she probably puts in about 20 3 hours a day into some of these ordinances to make sure that they're factual make sure that they're that they're that the results are are going to the results of the ordinance will match the goals of the ordinance and I very much appreciate it thank you have a good night thank you councilman Chism hello and good evening congratulations to our 9u Jackson Little League All-Star team it's great we've had a lot of uh young kids over the last few years come before this Council and previous councils and we've recogn a lot of them we have a rich tradition of uh young Youth Sports and it's great to see that continue unfortunately we will not meet again before the 17th so I would like to remind you that Constitution Day is coming up and uh it does not get enough um I guess promotion it should it is the single greatest document written by human hands without the help of God although he probably did actually have his hand in that if you follow Divine Providence so teach that to your children because we are still a nation of law laws contrary to those running our government and how they violate that all the time speaking of which tomorrow is 911 as you've already heard and we all promised that we would never forget but have we that's really the question we need to remember we need to teach our children some of them hard to believe were not actually here they have no recollection of 911 where they were what they were doing what the weather was like the fact that there was silence in the skies there were no planes for days it was a awe inspiring and weird feeling for sure we also need to hold our politicians accountable tonight our vice president also known as the borders are her n her name and her media accomplices not a republican title she under her watch has allowed more than eight to 10 million people that we know of sneak into our country illegally many of them are on the terrorist watch list what have we done about that we said we would never forget we have terrorist that are in this country right now and we know some of them where they are what are we doing about it have we really not forgotten something is going to go off something will happen and then we'll all Shake our heads and look at each other and it'll be 911 all over again because we refus to learn from our past the most radical leftist candidate in all of American History to get a nomination from a major political party is going to ask you for a promotion tonight she is failed upwards in every single job she's ever had she has got no accomplishments of any any significance in any job she's ever held and yet she is without a single vote what happened to democracy where is that without a single vote she was nominated and is now going to be getting within 60 days a shot at the highest office in the entire world in June she was the drag on Biden and she was going to be jettison from that campaign now she's the greatest thing since sliced bread she says her values haven't changed well that's great because just in in an interview yesterday she said that she's in support of legalizing crack and fenol okay crack and fenol for possession of that we're not going to prosecute you so I'm just kind of curious in the face of the epidemic of drug overdoses we have seen since 2019 parents are you okay with that are you willing to vote for that individual I'm not and that's just one very I shouldn't s it small but one small slice of what she absolutely believes she wants to ban fracking she wants to not have a wall but now she wants a wall when we asked leftist radical Bernie Sanders hey is she changing her viewpoint is she actually not going to follow through on all these things to save the environment and and to put up this border wall and he said no she's being pragmatic truth comes out Bernie you can't he just can't stop that guy you know just listen what he says he admitted the truth she has to moderate she has to do what what she has to do to be elected she will lie and sheat and say whatever she wants because that's what she does that's what most Democrats in the upper echelon do it is not hyperboy to say that this is the most important election of your lifetime and elections do have consequences so you think it doesn't trickle down it doesn't affect Jackson well I got to tell you the rule of law does matter if we don't follow the laws and they don't follow him in Trenton they don't follow him in DC I've had two people over the last couple years why don't you make some more or here in Jackson why don't you write any and I said what's inconsistent with what I believe why because there's enough rules and laws on the books why don't we enforce the ones we have I can't tell you how many residents in the last four years have said why aren't we enforcing this why aren't we enforcing that okay I agree why aren't we it's a good question I can only give you a couple of answers and I can't really address them all from here but I will tell you that I'm not going to just promote a whole bunch of ordinances without having a reason to do it we're not going to enforce them I'll give you one little silly one right so I've driven around I don't know every day but here in the last week alone I found 25 people with Lawns to feet high do you want to live next to that we already have an ordinance on the books why aren't we enforcing that mow the lawn guys if you can't mow it yourself hey I don't know ask your neighbor call a lawn service do something nobody wants to live next to that garbage that is not being neighborly that is not the kind of community we want right I mean do you want to live next to that I don't you want to talk about other Jackson things sure hey we had some other cool stuff happen it's great to see West vets was recently paved at least part of it there's still a whole bunch on the other side of town that didn't get addressed and you know that's just a war zone over there but why is it with Engineers that we pay and budgets that were passed why why are there still manhole covers that are inches low that are going to basically throw somebody's alignment out of whack it's gonna throw somebody into the gutter it's G to cause an accident somebody's gonna get run over on a bike like the poor hockey player right I mean what's what what does it really take to fix that don't we have engineers in place don't we have people I mean we paid for this get it fixed it's not done right in the private sector you would be like hey man you have a hole in my driveway that I just paid for I'm not paying you until you fix it so I have some other questions since I only have a few times left to ask in 2019 a council voted to purchase land a council approved removal of a building forming a committee design of plans for some reason this year I know the reason political patronage doesn't matter which side it's on we switched horses in the middle of a race after several starts and stops our new engineer promised to have plans plan is to have stuff information we've canceled meeting after meeting there's been MISD deliverables after yet another meeting was canceled I got an email that Administration has cancelled a lot of the plans with no explanation to council or the committee that we passed that the committee that we are a part of as a sitting member of that committee and of the council that ordinance stated we were going to have this committee we're going to do things I know it's not we're not canceling some of these plans because of financial constraints because we have money that I helped to support and get into our open space fund that money is sitting there in our open space fund to make these parks it can't be because we're pursuing other land because I haven't heard anything for months about new land New Opportunities new purchases I haven't heard anything we haven't bought anything new so I would just like to see if somebody in administration or on the council can tell me why we are cancelling some of the plans and myself and the committee were not brought in on that because I know that we did not have any kind of private special meetings as was laughably laughably brought to the de is here several times that maybe we violated the Sunshine Law and I know that did not happen right they're not here tonight so please I I will just rest and uh thank you for your time councilman I would love to answer your questions in regards to Roa Farms so um being the chair and the vice chair sitting next to me we at when we had the roll call and we obviously changed um a couple of the committee members we had added you as you know a courtesy um so the reason why the meeting was happening and what was going on is because there was stuff that was promises that was never delivered during a campaign that none of us were on so that there was a campaign ran on Roa Farms of all these promises that was going to happen it was never approved by the administration and if you have an email that states that different I would love you free to send it to me because I have none I've met with the engineers the new engineers and we actually signed a proposal for $448,000 for Roa farms and Roa Farms actually will be having will be growing it has installed in walking paths in around the site as well as along the water where uh feasible under the authority of the uh flood Hazard area permit rule number 22 and freshw wet Wetlands General permits number 1717a I've been on the meetings with the D I've been to the meetings I've hosted the meetings I'm not going to have a meeting to sit in a room and not have anything to go over we were waiting for a proposal to get went to Administration the administration rapidly approved it it doesn't happen overnight so I just want you to get before there's throwing under the bus let's get it accurate because I have the paperwork right here secondly we're going to install native vegetation throughout the Disturbed portions of the site you guys ripped a building down I don't know where that happened or when that happened it had nothing to do with me but it wasn't it was something that actually ruined your project and allowed you to not move forward and the engineer has said that multiple multiple times he uh what was it the uh Ampitheater there's you're not putting an Amphitheater there I'm sorry guys it's not happening it's not set for it there is a horrible Road you have Freehold Road you have a busy road you can't have you're not getting 133 spaces in there we looked at it you have no other space that's 34s of the area there's no other room to put anything I understand because I looked at the plants so it it's a matter of knowing what you're looking at everybody wants to have a a form and everybody Drew Something Beautiful it was beautiful it's just not practical the amphitheater is supposed to go at Johnson Park as Administration has been saying so the second thing it's going to be installing of some parking area for visitors to the park parking areas walking paths Etc total less than 10,890 ft to avoid storm water improvements there's certain things that you just can't do on that property and I'm sorry that it's not resonating with anybody and it's it's not what you want to hear but this is the facts we had an engineer we have a proposal we're moving forward the installation of boat kayaks launching subject to the flood Hazard area and permit rule number 18 conditions in freshwater wetlands General permit 17A and 17 we're going to do this we want to do this councilman Bern and myself we're on the meeting with the D we stopped our we hopped on with the engineers and we were there so I don't you know accusations please stop construction of one fixed dock subject to the flood Hazard again General permit number 13 freshwater wetlands permit number 17 and 17A we are working on this we are trying to do as much as we can and yes actually as funny as it said it was going to be a special meeting because I'm not going to be able to attend the 926 meeting so I'm going to let everybody know that on the record it is my birthday I will not be there so I'm going to have a special meeting and if anybody cannot attend they can call in just like we did when we had a special council meeting but if you want this is what's going to be said so I think that you're all informed thank you okay so to clarify that is actually only partially true because yes I've also met with the D and I've also met with other people because yes I've actually been dealing with that and I talked to both engineers and we met on site and from the horse's mouth our Engineers our new Engineers not to mention the other ones we've thrown under the bus that developed the plan said we can build the amphitheater we can build the Pavilion we can build the museum all of those are currently not on this list and when it was brought up that maybe we would consider this and go over to Johnson Park Johnson Park has not had an Amphitheater and it might be a different style and a different stage and we've discussed that as well however Johnson Park was not capped properly because there was no D so we don't have the permits so are we going to wait another 10 years before we get permission from D to build an Amphitheater so we're going to hold this project hostage for the future possible maybe hope and dream that we're going to have an Amphitheater at Johnson Park I mean again these are all things to be discussed but none of these facts were brought forward at a meeting the meeting was cancelled the engineer didn't say anything President and Vice President chair co-chair did not reach out to me nobody said hey we're going to scrap all of these projects that we've been working on for years the administration when I've met and again I don't want to throw people under the bus but we did have conversations about this including all of these very topics so the topics have changed and I have not been given a reason as to no we're actually scrapping this so somebody made a decision it was not informing the rest of the committee or the council member also on the committee so I'm just looking as to who made the decision and why because your engineer is telling me different things we can do these things Mr wall would you like to answer Mr uh councilman chisms I could speak to the amphitheater issue and the amphitheater item was planned for Johnson Park so as far as some of the the um how this has been navigated over the course of a few years this has taken I think too long I think that's fair um whoops excuse me as far as some of the D interaction and what you can do and what you can't do uh I think there there various opinions on that uh Engineers will generally do whatever they're paid in told to do ultimately unless it's it's not consistent with the rules and regulations um you did have a change in professionals you did have a layout you did have a change in uh the folks who were looking at it I think you had some couple cancellations I'm not on the committee but I know you had you know some changes that went on there but the one item I'm familiar with that I shared after a meeting here and spoke to you about was regarding this the amphitheater issue it is true Johnson par years ago I don't know which decade but it wasn't closed appropriately we've gotten proposals to look at having uh um soil borings and different things of that nature that's an expensive Endeavor uh so you have a number of things that spike your costs unfortunately based on prior action or in action years ago that predates all the folks on the on the on the um on the de but there are a set of items that are deliverables that are in the the newest proposal um when there are meetings I've encouraged uh the Morgan engineering the fell o Brian or his designity to be there like facilitating the meeting when there was there was a gap in the communications to meet on site to meet you because you were uh you were chairing I believe there's a scheduling issue so you shared a few of the meetings to facilitate those discussions so I can't speak to what those discussions are the one item I'm familiar with is the amphitheater structure um not being situated at Roa that's the piece that I'm I'm personally familiar with and that was designated for Johnson whether that is feasible ultimately uh at that location maybe a fair point but we need to get it delineated and get that done to do that so and ultimately many of these items they they're elevated to the governing body which is a day here Administration partnering with those things and we'll Endeavor to keep on get it getting it to a conclusion the the wonderful thing is that the community owns a 34 acre property uh you know on the water and um that building was taken to I will tell you uh that building had significant saf issue the folks are familiar with it know it it does have a lot of very very interesting history in that area um but it's exceptionally dangerous I've been in it it also had quite a bit of asbestos that had to be Abad and so to the extent that you had a footprint and didn't have a footprint and and how that changed the floor area ratio or some of those other planning items not withstanding that you had tremendous amounts of break-in damage attractive nuisance and asbest that uh render that property one that really needed to be taken down I would almost say regardless I understand the FL a issue issue and that type of land use issue but that that became a historic but very dangerous site that needed to no longer be there so that did happen um and we can analyze what the professionals because the professionals guided us the the entire way uh people can judge their advice judge the advice that they gave the governing body and the actions that were taken for that and and judge that one way or the other um but from from a life safety standpoint that structure uh was exceptionally dangerous and it also had asbestos in it which was uh had to be Abad as well I don't know if that's helpful but that's just no absolutely that was 100% we were all behind that everybody agreed at this Council and the previous Council that needed to go went through the bid process it came down the engineers told us that our footprint would not be a problem my concern is really what's happened since August I mean it's been bad enough that it's been going on since January but when I met on site in August these plans as designed with the buildings with the thing would not cost us anymore would not incur anymore there was a timeline there was a deadline there were certain permits that were needed it would have to be done in phases however each and every one of those structures and building not included in this proposal that was received this week a month late and after the meeting that was canceled again when they told us we'd be ready for that meeting the reality is he told me and sat there and said yeah we can build this we can build the museum we can build the amphitheater yes it's not going to be the same way it was designed on the paperwork it will not have permanent SE seats it'll be a shell you can bring in your own chairs lawn chairs whatever all of those things were flexible there was no indication when I met them in August me him because my The Proposal I got was on August 29th which you got a new proposal on August 29th correct okay so that was like the day after the meeting we were supposed to have it was when we met actually it was July my mistake that's why July when we met it was going to be ready because we canceled the July meeting it was going to be ready prior to that August meeting yes it was not canceled the meeting and then we got the proposal a day or two after that and it does not include any change in the plans and all of those structures are not on there that's the point so the engineer said that structures could be there so I want to know where they went that's I think that's a fantastic question for the engineer to articulate an answer to because he could also speak to uh the the uh the time deficits that you've indicated earlier really I'm not with that firm they would need to articulate and defend what their process is and and and and and account for that so we can have you can go to the next meeting I can I'll miss it I won't call a special one and and you could attend and take that with whenever it's gonna be that's fine I was goingon to do an earlier one but it's up to you it's your you let me know now so it's on the record would you like me to have an earlier one and if you're okay councilman Bern councilman JIS can come with me absolutely okay because we can't all be there so if if it's okay with you I'd like to have it a week earlier and then if anybody can't come they can call in and anybody residents if if you know anybody that wants to be there to call in they can call in or they can come okay that's okay works for me six o'clock on Thursday or something like that which Thursday this Thursday I no no no next Thursday last th no I'll I'll let you know I'll let you know okay all right so that's agreed upon to good thank you sir thank you motion to approve executive session meeting minutes of August 27th 2024 motion second councilman burelli second yes yes councilman Bern yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you ordinance's first reading council president cun are there any comments regard regarding ordinance 28-24 yes thank you so much like to read this ordinance amends the points required for the qualification for the program for the calendar year of 2020 only due to the covid-19 pandemic which resulted in the Township's first and uh first aid responders having limited ability to I'm sorry sir can I help you sir sir you you can't come up to the DAT I'm sorry I I know sir but you can't come up to the days thank you sir um the pandemic uh resulting in the Township's first and responders limited ability to train conduct meetings and drills the required points for or of 200 shall be 65 points for all of the years the requirements of 100 points shall remain in full force and effect this is from 2020 thank you thanks ordinance 28-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 33-3 of the township code to reduce the required number of points for calendar year 2020 to qualify for the length of Service Awards program due to the covid-19 pandemic resulting state of emergency I need a motion to approve ordinance 28-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on September 24th 2024 so move to Second councilman Burell yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you council president cun are there in comments regarding ordinance 29-24 yes so the changes to this ordinance you're going to see um in regard and in section four um any person violating um this provision would be a fine up to $250 and imprisonment not to exceed 90 days second offense would be $500 per day or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days so you're going to see this consistently throughout all ordinances um just to you know if you don't want to pay a fine don't violate the ordinance and don't park where you're not supposed to thank you thank you ordinance 29-24 entitled an ordinance amending ordinance 24-23 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey thereby amending chapter 10345 point1 of the township code to prohibit parking along a portion of Brewers Bridge Road I need a motion to approve ordinance 29- 24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing held on September 24th 20124 so moved second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you council president cun are there any comments regarding ordinance 30-24 again my comments in regards to the section that's been added chapter 412- 6 is again for the first fine it's going to be $250 per day or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both um at the discretion of the Court the second one is going to be $500 again imprisonment not to exceed 90 days with both the discretion of the Court thank you thank you oh wait and sorry this one is also in uh your vehicle could be towed if it's continued to be there ordinance 30-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending ordinance 0 7-24 of the Township Code entitled trespassing on public property violations and penalties amending and supplementing section 412 D6 I need a motion to approve ordinance 30-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on September 24th 2024 motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes Council Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you council president C are there any comments regarding ordinance 31-24 yes for clarity and um to Residents so that you know if you live off of a county road if this is applicable to you the county roads are up on the screen there's 42 of them so if you see a road that goes into your neighborhood that's on there that you're adjacent to your road then this uh ordinance would be applicable to you it's been introduced multiple times the change that I um we've we are adding now is again in section two it is the same or section three I apologize the things I've been reading for the first offense it's a $250 per day fine along with 90 days up to 90 days imprisonment second one is $500 and again the third is going to be um they will be able to to away your car this is a parking permit we've already gotten multiple emails um this morning I think Christian went live this morning and there thank you Christian you're the best if so that email there traffic safety at Jackson Township new jersey. net I just want to say thank you to uh everybody that was in the room that collaborated to get this email up and running which is the business administrator director candido office or Sergeant hemba um Captain Nelson uh councilman Burnstein myself uh we and then after we left that meeting and this is something that came of it I talk talked about at the last council meeting so if you have any traffic concerns you can email Traffic Safety at Jackson Township New Jersey and it's going to go out to our uh traffic safety Bureau and it's going to be dispatched and they're going to go ahead and be able to see it you can always continue to send them to me and I'll for them there but now you have a direct contact so therefore instead of calling them and getting a voicemail that I've heard sometimes could be full this allows it to go out to many Avenues which will allow your concerns to be met through our traffic safety and then again what happens with the traffic safety if they start hearing a lot of complaints about an area they come to the council and we meet as uh the leaz on to the police and we try to get things done um I just also wanted to just read something um that I got before I came to the council meeting from my 11-year-old niece that just turned 11 um she has a cell phone so she was on the bus so obviously I've talked many times about the passion of this is because I was at the bus stops last year and I watched all the um the things that were just not safe for children so my niece uh sent me Payton um I heard you talking to Mom about parking my bus couldn't get through the neighborhood today and had to take a different way home because the way people were parking I just wanted to let you know this is a 10-year-old 11-year-old child that also recognizes the problems in her neighborhood that she's reaching out to her aunt and there's a picture of her in her book bag on her bus with the cars lined up all over in the neighborhoods we're we're just trying to grow together and we're just trying to be courteous of our neighbors love your neighbors you know you can't park in front of stop signs allow the buses to come through she couldn't get home because her couldn't get through her neighborhood so this is something we don't want any of these children to feel I get parent I get calls from moms on Point Circle which I told them I said I'm going to call lsta I'm G to ask them again they need to get that those kids off of that that off South New Prospect they the neighborhood's a circular neighborhood you can go in you can the buses go in there anyway just pick the kids up at the neighborhood and down a little bit because there's no parking when that neighborhood was was developed there's no parking anywhere no stopping no standing no parking for 200 ft so we are hearing the concerns we're addressing it and I just wanted to read that to you so maybe put a little bit of a motion that we have up here when we're creating these ordinances and we are thinking about the residents and the children of the neighborhood thank you thank you ordinance 31-24 entitled an ordinance amending ordinance 16-24 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey to delete permit parking on any County roadway I need a motion to approve ordinance 31 -24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on September 24th 2024 so moved second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president K yes thank you we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion second councilman belli um have to abstain on vendor number rut4 as 01 and st76 yes to the rest on there thank you councilman Bernstein yes thank you councilman Chisum abstain on rut4 yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes thank you and council president C uh abstain from RCS 02 yes to the arest thank you we move on to the consent agenda for this evening council president yes so we are adding so with Jackson day and all of the wonderful things that we're doing we forgot to put the resolution to allow Jackson day to to continue so the Jackson Day committee apologizes but we had to do a resolution um to allow um the you know our vendor our Jackson U PBA to um they have a garden tent so we had to get that on all of their proper permits were uh obtained they sent the PBA president sent me a copy of it and we um we're going to add that it's resolution 31424 my deepest apologies for uh getting it on the agenda it just got sent to me today it was an honest mistake that we missed but we all want Jackson day to move forward um can you just maybe brief give everybody a brief on what's happening at Jackson day just so that we have it sure so this this is uh this is not your typical Jackson day this is Jackson day capital letters and um Jackson day is really unique it's a time to celebrate a community that has a tremendous history if folks that that have lived here and grew up here know they goes way back European ERS arrived in 1700s there was Cranberry Bogs forestry the town was formed in 1844 after President Andrew Jackson rural farming Community you have the pine Barons in history of RA railroads and growth back in the 19th century and so now you have a rural and a suburban area you have features such as Six Flags and so many different things going on Jackson day is about celebrating a fantastic community and you've had this over the years so folks may remember Jackson day but I just wanted to briefly identify a few of the different things I want to Echo the concern of the uh scratch that the the the comments of the council earlier this evening about Jackson day and I do want to thank the Jackson Day committee and also in in in very much in particular the the volunteers and fire and police and first aid in public works it takes a huge team of folks especially the day of to make sure it's a wonderful fantastic event and here are some of the the items that are really worth noting that you may may not have heard of Jackson days in the past so some of the items here and the list has been changing a little bit so I'm trying to I'll try to capture most of the items as I understand them of course we have the opening it's around 12 o'clock uh Jackson Memorial band will be here first band at one o'clock there'll be signups for the cornhole tournaments that'll be going on that should be great a Boy Scout run hot air balloon photos then there will be a cornhole tournament around two o'clock there will be a stunt show we have motorcycle stunt show a steel ball motorcycle stunt show if and I have a couple versions of so modifies a little bit it may not be 100 100% on here there's a burn demo from from the folks in the our our our fire teams that are critical to this health and safety of the public that's always fantastic there's a state police helicopter landing a handicap dance show also an Apache helicopter landing for the folks that may have a interest in the military it's going to be right here at Jackson day you're going to have also a hot air balloon and something that we're doing in the evening Jackson Day committee you normally had fireworks you you're familiar with having fireworks over time one of the items that's really cutting edge that is you're going to see more and more and more but you're seeing it here I don't know if it's first but it's close to First in this area is a drone show you're G to have approximately 200 drones that are going to go up at the same time it's going to be showing displays and various various aspects that are going to try to touch on first of all this great country that we're in United States of America and you're going to see this fantastic drone show which will also have an element of intrigue but also safety too because we're not setting up the fire lines and the other different aspects and sometimes dogs don't quite like those banging noises come at the fireworks towards the end of the show so it's something unique and special to Jackson and I think it's going to be a signature event and I just I appreciate you allowing me to share some of the the items because it's all this and more it's Jackson day in a big way and we hope everyone can have an opportunity to come out and and enjoy celebrating your town thank you very much thank you Mr wall thank you I need a motion to approve the listed resolutions under consent agenda so moved second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you we move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so moved second all in favor I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at their microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once council president if I may um yes sir I can suggest that the administration and the council do not speak while people are at the microphone talking about whatever agenda they need to speak about um this way they can get their full five minutes without being interrupted by someone like me with all these ideas of things that I could say that would just only interrupt you so we're not going to interrupt you we're gonna allow you to speak and you get your full five minutes thank you absolutely sir thank you so much wow thank you because that was one of the things I was gonna actually talk about uh Donnie Adelman 206 will appoint couple of things let's start with the nice stuff happy birthday or soon to be happy birthday um and I don't know I was kind of paying attention at the thing I don't know if you said your niece or your daughter that wrote that text to you but that was a very insightful 10-year-old as far as the traffic and the parking um couple other things Mr wall the hot air balloon is that going to be like for people to take rides you know it if it I I'm not clear we're gonna write down all the questions and then answer it at the end just because to keep it consistency as the council um couple other things uh I guess just to keep you updated I've started a campaign for the recall of Mr Mayor Mr our mayor Mr Raina um I'm about 95 or so percent of the way to the signatures needed I was wondering any chance I can get uh the council members to sign that petition to have him recalled all right I guess that's number one um number two I guess it would be I have the question to see if anything's come with the engineer as as far as the Ocean County engineering department in regards to the sidewalks on Commodore Jackson Mills and that double intersection there um I tried reaching out to Mark and he said reach out to the township so I guess here I am reaching out to the township and with that I guess that's pretty much it for today thank you sir Mr wall I would have to connect with the engineers which I can do and call you okay give you an update tomorrow just need to I need the engineers to speak to that awes so it's accurate and not so much for me I guess maybe for my nephew you have any idea what time they're doing that Apache Landon uh bear with me one second it's not oh 5:30 5:30 see you all on Sunday thank you sir have a good night hello jie Paul Mary I'm a Jackson resident I just wanted to thank the mayor the council especially council president cun every Jackson small business and Resident that contributed not just financially but with time and skills to the renovations of the memorial Fieldhouse as well as the concession stand it was something that was needed for a long time unfortunately with the seven years of S2 Cuts we were not able to do that through the budget but the town came together and I think this just shows that when a Town wants to accomplish something and come together the boundaries are Limitless so I'm really grateful I want to say thank you to everyone and have a great night thank you [Music] sir Elanor Hanam Jackson New Jersey so um I would like to thank Mr Chisum for bringing up the issues with developing the Roa uh property um as a lifelong resident of this Township and one Who Bore witness to the history the rich history of Roba Farms because I lived on the lake it was across the street from me um when it comes to the Ampitheater and when it comes to the development of that property as a member of the Roba Farms committee we became very very very much a tight-knit group that design was done specifically to ensure that we maintained the history of robot Farms so clearly as I am listening to this dictatorship making decisions without regard for the people but because it's your want because that roadway yes it was traveled that roadway if you know the history of Roba Farms you knew that there were hundreds and hundreds of people porting at that Pavilion I watched it so it is not anything new um the amphitheater was designed and put there specifically to ensure and embrace the history of the Russian people of those parties of that music that I bore witness to every single W every single weekend in the summertime and it was once we had this amp theater idea all of a sudden others took that idea and decided that they wanted it on uh Johnson Park for the record Johnson Park is the original dump of Jackson Township that was never capped off how do I know this I lived here when it was here and then we put our Pop Warner kids on it until the state came in and shut that down so this is the history of Jackson [Applause] as I have been witnessing over the past probably a year and a half there is a clear agenda in this town a clear agenda to completely eradicate our history Roba farms and what is being done here is a prime example of that and it's very sad and if you did really truly appreciate and want to maintain the history for the people and for our children in this town you would make sure that the defunct environmental commission who hadn't maybe they had a meeting last month but hadn't met in over a year and a half that just proves how much worth our environment and our nature is to this Council the historical commission who is defunct is also not doesn't seem to be you know on anybody's uh concern here but this is a great example and I will of completely eradicating history and a history that you don't seem to care about and I will and I cannot end without noting I don't want to say lies but I will say inaccuracies Twisted truths stretched narratives to ensure that the agenda is biased in one way it is very very clear um and how do I know this what is said what is done people need to see these ordinances that are being written approved and then all of a sudden oops we made a big mistake and now we have to fix it and I have seen that from January until today today was another example of that it is clear perhaps you're you're not getting appropriate Council when it comes to all aspects of ordinances and the due diligence as to the accuracy and whether or not they are accepted by our state commissions which I know have not been but we will keep on giving the facade that they are and you want you're very persuasive but I see through all these lies because I do have the evidence I do call the state I do talk to people from these commissions your time is up thank you so much ma'am your time is up thank you just interrupted me before the Bell do you not realize that you are violating my first Amendment rate every single time you interrupt because I did look up the case law got a problem have a great night ma'am see seeing no one else come for and make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I oh sorry motion second all in favor I I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I good night good night I thought it was I thought it was the opposite way I thought it was negative