##VIDEO ID:hdfe43Ct-Rs## stes of America the for stands one nation indivisible with Li and Justice good evening and welcome the August 27th 2022 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman BR here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant pres and council president cun here as Clerk of this meeting hereby publicly announced that in compliance with provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we continue with opening comments from Township Council council president Keem thank you Miss Moss good evening everyone so I just want to go ahead and I have a lot of updates so I will go as quick as possible um I just want to go on the field H and the concession stand um if anybody want follows me on fake uh Facebook you can see a lot of posts of all every everyday activities these guys are doing amazing I just want to um give a little highlight to some sponsors that we've gotten in since the last time uh Brian Zangle gave $3,000 donation um Robert Shay the attorney 1500 Ryan Murphy 1500 County Line Auto 750 Carlos and uh Maria Teresa Martins which is a resident 1500 um Jackson moral football parents uh 500 judge uh Dan Shaheen 3,000 uh gold Millennium uh brokerage service 500 and RMS title 750 we're at approximately $222,000 and we have a couple more checks we're going to stop collecting uh this Friday so far we've had the volunteers good mowing uh Bill Materia has done all the construction brought all of his equipment am Plumbing has done Mark marada has done all of the plumbing work if you could see what they're doing over there it's absolutely amazing um v drywell v La Piccolo has also been doing a lot of the uh inside interior stuff and Ed Rogers ESR construction will be uh installing all of the partition they've been ordered and they'll be delivered next week um we also have one of Jackson alumni that's going to be painting uh some pictures and murals on the on the wall we're meeting him on Friday um the rest of the money this is about $10,000 Al together so we'll have about I don't know 10 to $12,000 left the rest of money will be given to Greg mlan which is the athletic director for both Memorial and Liberty Sports programs to purchase uniforms for the kids that are in need the most he knows the best for the sports teams so he's going to go through heard that track and Fields they've had the same uniforms for the last 12 years so um we've did everything we have epoxy going on to the floor we did everything we wanted to do with the field house but because we had so many volunteers um that actually brought in their own material we were able to save a lot of money and move forward next I just want to talk about a couple meetings that I had last week with director candido uh councilman Bernstein um and a whole bunch of people business administrator so first we had the uh business administrator I asked him to set up three meetings last Wednesday one for traffic uh safety meeting uh we reviewed the ordinances um which are on the big screen we're going to start talking about that that is the letter that sergeon uh um for our Traffic Safety had sent out regarding what is going on in everybody working together as you can see um it's I'm not gonna read I can read you the letter on Wednesday um August 21st the Jackson Township administrator Terrence wall council president Jennifer Lin Council Bernstein director candido Traffic Safety Sergeant Jeff hemba Department Public Works supervisor Sean bolinsky Township Engineers of tnm Abe uh KRA of lsta administrator uh Dan bansy all met at 10: a.m. at the Jackson town hall to discuss the 24-25 school bus uh routes the Traffic Unit is currently reviewing all the bus routes in the township to ensure that the local safe the local locations are safe and uh we will adjust accordingly our primary goal is to ensure the safety of the students in the residents of Jackson during this meeting the Board of Education LST agreed that if Jackson schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to inclement weather the busing will also adjust accordingly we want Jackson residents to know that everyone involved are working together to develop the best possible busing routs to minimize traffic delays we ask the residents to be patient during the first uh three weeks of the school year as we work out our initial challenges attached you can see the graphics which I've been pretty much every meeting going over the graphics of the does and don'ts of driving and the neighborhoods we are trying you can also see do you have the uh 44 streets that um are County Roads into municipality roads um these streets are the ones that are going to be affected with the ordinance that there's no stopping or standing which will allow uh kids to safely get well that's not the shets but they have been in the social media if anybody wants maybe we happy to give you uh a copy of them but we do have all the streets have been given lsta gave it out to all the private school uh parents and our superintendent gave it out to all the public school parents so that they are well aware of where they cannot park any of your cars within the uh County Roads or the municipal roads where bus stops will be going so that it will be enforced director candido will have his Patrol men and women out there to try to uh keep the streets safe and clean so we want to keep doing that we go over ordinances and that's pretty much all I have so I want to thank you everybody and have a great night thank you Council vice president Sergeant good evening um I'd like to thank M cun uh directly I know there were a lot of volunteers involved in the uh High School Fieldhouse but I I think that Miss cun in particular has taken the time to uh really throw herself into this thing and just kudos to you for that thank you very much there thank you I appreciate it thank you also in regards to the uh the bus routes when I was on the school board often times uh the school administration would claim that they didn't have the money to pay bus drivers to um make dry runs before the school season would start or they would say that the bus drivers were not interested in in uh in doing the dry runs because they were still on vacation I would say that perhaps we could go back at the school bus drivers and the administration again to try to sum up the money and also get the school bus drivers to do dry runs more than once so that we have a much smoother opening for School District thank you have a good evening thank you councilman brelli thank you clerk Moss uh thank you to our Township's Administration for ordinance 26-24 that's on tonight's agenda glad to be supportive of funding to provide our police and Public Works departments the resources they need to do their jobs effectively for Jackson residents and advocating for needed improvements to our many roadways curbs and sidewalks also this year's annual Jackson day will be held in Johnson Park on September 15th from 12: to 8:00 p.m. um rain date is September 22nd but we're hoping we will not have to do a rain date at Jackson day there will be food trucks entertainment kids rides many vendors many things to do and yes one of a kind drone show that we're all looking forward to also if you want to be a vendor or sponsor please let the Jackson Recreation Department know as soon as possible by calling their staff at 732 9282 1200 at extension 1255 or reach out to Recreation director Anthony horda at aarda a o r ta at Jackson WP nj.net we hope to see you all there at Jackson day and let's make it another great one Jackson take care and have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein good evening also I want to Echo what my colleagues before said Thank you to council president cun um I know not a day goes by that I'm not getting another phone call another update pertaining to the Fieldhouse I know how much energy she's putting into it um so thank you council president um I also just wanted to update everyone that the road work along South New Prospect is moving along at a pretty good Pace I think the county is now going to be up to um the striping they they did they did do the widening from County Line Road until the quick check by uh Brewers bridge and bethle Church Road so they are going to be over the next couple weeks doing the actual striping and then hopefully opening that road to the three-way the three the three lane road um additionally I just wanted to update everyone um we had the opportunity myself and council president in joining with some of our members of our men and women in blue um in visiting one of the neighborhoods that reached out pertaining to some of the traffic safety issues that they were seeing in the neighborhood um the I know the police department is currently the pro they put that on their list of of neighborhoods to do active studies um and to hopefully figure out some solutions to that neighborhood additionally I do want to thank the Neighbors in that neighborhood in Hartfield for hosting us and I also want to um just really congratulate them for getting residents together and figuring out Solutions um we see that when we work together we are able to figure out solutions to some of our um safety concerns that was that was tremendous to see um I really just want to thank everyone for coming out and have a great night thank you Council chis uh real quick I have a question um was there an update on the Diamond Road um light traffic light that's supposed to be put in yes so I mentioned that I think by our last meeting which you were absent by um that the county um did update me that um they were working on some of the easement stuff from some of the neighborhoods and obtaining some of the property um they did promise that the light pieces are in order and they shouldn't be as backlog as some of the past ones were and they were hoping in about six months to be able to start some of the work thank on that note um I just wanted to also add that the heison and Harmony Road will be having a light we did get the letter from the county but I was going to let councilman Bernstein do it he really deals with the county but just so everybody knows there will be a light there thank you Council mm good evening so just for an update because I didn't read uh stuff I read it in the paper I'm just kind of curious the uh Fieldhouse how much money do we still need to complete that um we don't need any we've pretty much covered it's covered now through funds of um residents and businesses in town okay and volunteering really the volunteering is what really made it that's it that's one of the good things about this town and we've talked about that over the years since I've been here and before it's the volunteers and it's the spirit of the community and when you get all these people put together we have more than enough Talent more than enough funds and everybody would be willing to chip in and do things for the kids without a doubt so regardless of what King Philip and Beyond do with regarding taking away our funds we can get the stuff done so it's just really about people stepping up so I'm glad to see that that happened so you often hear a lot of things where the Democrats project their biases onto Republicans and you hear a lot of talk lately about democracy dying in the dark well first of all they get it wrong because they don't know that we're not a democracy right we are a constitutional republic so that's their first mistake but secondly even if you accept the premise that hey we are a democracy we don't want to be a democracy anyway but who's doing anything in the dark it is the Democrats without a doubt you had somebody who had less than 1% of the vote in the Democratic primary somehow the least qualified with the least amount of money and the least supporters ended up vice president now after lying to you for four years about the fitness of our current president and being complicit in that when she was about to be jettison by her own party because she was a drag on the competent Mr Biden in June suddenly she is the greatest things since slice bread in August how does that actually happen well it's projection it's lies this is what they do so what are we going to do about it are you going to take it I find that rather discouraging there's going to be maybe one debate that's all that's going to be the media is going to carry their water who's going to go out and actually ask these questions she has yet to have a real interview she has yet to produce an actual paper of her standings and after eight years of being against it today today less than 70 days before an election she's suddenly for the border wall so again you can just remake yourself as a chameleon she is the most radical left individual to ever run for the president of the United States to the left of du caucus to the left of everybody else you've ever wondered about so are you going to support that ladies and gentlemen right now we are at a choice and it's not about male or female black or white it is about actual americanism republicanism or socialism so what are you going to vote for and don't think that democracy is just going to die in the dark in Trenton or DC it can happen here I mean what are we doing here in Jackson there are other things I was rather disappointed that I actually read in the paper we had a meeting that I missed at 4:30 in the afternoon I did not get a call or a text or an invite to join and call which I guess I could have done so that was a little disappointing I am technically still on the council whether I chose to run again until until January I'm still a voting member and should have been called to at least have my opinion heard because I am still representing you until January so with that I tell you all to take this November the most serious election in your or any lifetime that you know since the Civil War take it seriously folks these people are not messing around good night thank you move on to consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is the second reading of ordinance 26-24 entitled Bond ordinance providing the various 2024 General Capital Improvement by and in the township of Jackson in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 6,6 442.50 therefore including contribution for the Township's Capital Improvement fund a capital Surplus allocation and a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation and authorizing the issuance of 3 million bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof this ordinance was introduced on August 15 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing so moved second all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once Elanor hannam Jackson New Jersey um as I went through this ordinance I noticed I have no problem with the police department and the allocation for Public Works um they definitely need these materials but my question is it is not broken down which roadways are going to get these improvements ments which neighborhoods are going to benefit from painting landscaping and aesthetic improvements or which neighborhoods are going to have um their aprons fixed uh so we have a 100 square mile town and about $3 million is going to go for improvements a million of which is uh Capital Surplus so my question is in 100 square miles which neighborhood is benefiting from this I'll have the engineer email you I'll get back to you on that well my problem with that is I contacted engineering I live on a road that was built 35 years ago I do not believe that the final layer was put down the F the road is breaking apart I have already called you have the weeds growing through through you can't even maintain how many me weeds are coming through the curb and the roadway um I did call on this sewer the drainage and they did fix one on Evergreen Drive but now all they do is come and clean the debris when the residents who live there don't get to cleaning the debris because the road is so bad and the engineering never got back so there is a very big disconnect with some of our departments I'll say getting back to its residence ma'am if you'd like to email me I'd be more than happy to forward to the department head and you will get an answer I I'll call him myself thank you very much but we're not going to get which roads are getting improved again if you email me I will get back to you council president yes abut very briefly the the roads are we had a $71,000 investment um about three years ago which most municipalities don't do oftentimes it's input from which is important from police fire first aid Public Works and Engineering would have an ongoing list over time but we had an independent uh review of all the roadways in town and we essentially just go down the list so the office um the there's a list of streets which obvious I did see the list I'm sorry I did see the list of what was done no I'm saying with a few more moments or whether it's in the morning or what have you uh I could get the the pending list but the list is including but not limited to as you can imagine but it goes down it goes straight straight down through a study it's not a uh this isn't an MCI friends and family list I think it's a fair question of what streets and what have you but we have that data but it's based on a rigorous mapped scoring of all of the streets in Jackson Township that was funded uh funded for that purpose because it's a large municipality and uh but it was scored based on the quality of the street the age of it and uh the degradation or uh the need for the Improvement yes una aware that I believe Evergreen Drive is on the list okay I didn't know you're aware of it so you're aware Evergreen Court okay is not all right so if there's an individual Street issue with a very large municipality we could look at that tomorrow but I'm just letting the folks that are watching or listening know that there is an investment of tax dollars in scoring the streets individually with an objective third-party third party vendors eye and talent and that is a a study that it's a public document as well and we work off of that with also additional input from police and the other departments Public Works the folks that are us utilizing those roadways particularly fire and the apparatus that is traveling throughout uh and also consumer input also taxpayer input uh when we get receive a call just our process we reach out to engineering go look at the street go see what the issue is see what we can do for example dirt streets to what extent is that something that we do or don't do um and then it's on available funding year-to Year we're fairly aggressive on on trying to catch up uh with the roadway systems because many streets do do need repair I'm just sharing with the public who's listening we have an objective taxpayer funed scoring system that went through every street in town and that's what we've been working off of for the last approximately three years if that's helpful to you thank you sir thank you ma'am well he was talking so he used my time um so they definitely addressed all the streets in the western section of Jackson and the Northwestern section of thank you I'm sorry what was that I know she was talking over and violating my first M we don't do Western northern eastern Southern it's the entire municipality scoring each Street on its on its on the quality of that roadway okay I beg to differ because the ones that were done didn't need it as badly as some of the ones that I've driven through in the past few weeks appreciate your thank you ma'am seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I this third reading of ordinance 26-24 entitled Bond ordinance providing the various 2024 General Capital Improvements by and in the township of Jackson in the county of oan state of New Jersey appropriated 6, 6442 50 thereof including contribution from the Township's Capital Improvement fund a capital Surplus allocation and a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation and authorizing the issuance of 3 million bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof I need a motion to adopt on the third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president I just want to make a comment pertaining to a couple ordinances that have already been passed and along with this one pertaining to as we have the uh director cand here um actually enforcing them I know that's been a lot of concerns for residents um and pertaining to we're creating these ordinances and when are they going to be enforced so ordinance 1624 I don't know if Christian has it but the parking pass has been created for that that one was a past one we have the current one which I am going to vote Yes on but you will be seeing some signage on these roads we do have our DPW is ordering the signs you're going to see no parking no standing a current ordinance that is already in place um um the you'll see the penalties are pretty strict um so if anybody has any questions or or would like more information you can contact our Traffic Safety but you will start seeing uh the signs out on the road we are ordering them so we are uh going to be enforcing this stuff so I vote yes thank you thank thank you this the second reading of ordinance 27-24 entitled an ordinance at the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing section 103 -61 of the Township Code of the township Jackson entitled parking stopping and standing prohibited at all times and to further amend schedule 1A chapter 103-4 5.1 this ordinance was introduced on August 15 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward I make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I I third reading of ordinance third reading of ordinance 27-24 entitled ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing section 103-1 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson entitled parking stopping and standing prohibited at at all times and to further amend schedule 1A 10345 point1 I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman brelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum not sure how it took so long to actually get this right because we had this passed a couple years ago and I can't tell you how many accidents I've almost seen outside of the Wawa in that section with people parking there so thank God yes thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes thank you and council president ke and just to add to that uh councilman yes we the traffic safety had sent it to me and originally it was not on both sides and I had looked at it and I had made a suggestion to the director in traffic safety I said the people that are on the left side are just going to literally take the cars and go to the other side and this and that so they did agree and we did make it on both sides signage will be out and it will be uh enforced so thank you thank you yes thank you we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold the bills and claims motion second councilman Bry uh abstain on vendor numbers d l01 e01 uh NJ s04 R t04 and tr12 yes to the rest on there councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum obain on B18 and R4 yes to the rest Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C obstain on RSC 02 yes to the rest move on to consent agenda I need a motion to approve the listed resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum abstain on R 30524 yes to the rest Council vice president Sergeant abstain to R and r305 d24 yes to the arrest thank you council president C yes thank you we move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments motion second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minut minut and may only speak once hello R AI Mahmud 486 metalwood Road I have a question about heisen road that is a County Road isn't it can someone explain to me the parking laws and regulations for parking on County roads on the shoulders are you talking about pertaining to the ordinance you can't if you see it's up on the screen and that goes in from any County Road into a municipal road so as you can see that is the diagram which so no parking it's just just within 50 ft of to the right and the left so it says no stopping standing and then within 100 feet coming into a Municipal Road it's going to be it's permitted parking 51 feet to 100 we're just processing which I was talking about the parking pass that you get if you live within that adjacent to that spot okay so just so I understand clearly um if you live on that road there's no parking within 50 ft to the intersections is that right no parking standing or anything yes okay so between those 50 feet spaces there is a house on heis road that has had at least five accidents right now and there's a lot of traffic and I think the 50 Feet obstructs traffic from coming out of communities private communities where we can't see and that's a really busy road absolutely so I think the 50 ft isn't even enough so it's actually 100 coming in so the county road so when we when we created this ordinance it actually got rejected by the county and we had to change it and we had to update this is it was introduced three times it started out with uh 10-24 so this came from a bunch of us working together collectively it started with last year with the bus stops so that no you the kids would be saved people could see and you're going right and left if you have any area that you feel that is not abiding by the this rules and regulations if you could email me and I will forward it to director candino and we will be sending out the traffic safety out there and we will be enforcing we now can write tickets we weren't able to do it we had to you create the ordinance it goes to the municipal clerk she sends it to the state and then the state puts it in their e tickets that's how long the process I started this in March so if if anybody is seeing somebody not abiding by these rules we we are now ready we were just not able to kind of we didn't have the E tickets in the in the officer patrolman and women uh uh Vehicles so now we so they can still park on the shoulders within 100 feet well no if you're within you can't park within a stop sign anyway that's title 39 but if it's 51 to 100 feet you have to go to Traffic Safety we've we showed at the last meaning the application um I can get that to you and you have to fill out an application it's you have to give your driver's license your registration your insurance to make sure these reg these vehicles are registered um and they you you'll get a little ticket it's right there thank you Christian so fill out you fill out that form and then the uh Traffic Safety will mail you you get two permits per house and you have to live there so me I can't go and fill out a permit to park in front of your house you have to be within there and it's within you get two per household within the 100 feet okay so if there's for example three houses across from my community on heisen so only those residents that live there correct can park on the shoulder if they get a per parking permit they have to live there it could be a renter it could be they have to see if it says own or rent so that we make sure so that we see make sure that everybody's abiding by the rules and they'll get um that's the parking permit that you'll see we're going to change it every year it's going to go into the police database so when they're driving by they'll be able to see to make sure it's in the window they can also check because a lot of things that's going on is we have unregistered vehicles that are just abandoned on the streets this is we also pass the towing ordinance that now we can tow these vehicles the fines are Hefty they're $2 $50 to $500 90day imprisonment and something else I have it all but we are making it very very I'm going through everything and making it Stern so that your roads are safer so the officers when they come out and there's a car park there or if I have a picture or a video of a car parked there yes that shouldn't be yes the officer can issue a violation I don't I can't answer on your picture I know that that's very hard but if you send it to me I will send it to Traffic Safety or you can email them yourself and they will send somebody out there now our Manpower and traffic safety is very very small so I had a meeting with the Chief of Police director candido Captain Nelson myself and the business administrator last week on Wednesday at uh 12 o'clock and went over the issues that we're having that we don't have enough manpower on the streets to help keep the residents safe and they're having problems with the traffic and the parking so we are trying to uh address it that's why we went to Hartfield on last Wednesday at 5 o'clock with the police officers councilman Bernstein and myself and we just tried to have open communication and I can say that you know it is it was I'm not saying it's an education process but now we're past education now it's enforcement okay okay I just ask you to look out for heis and road I you have my word I will look out for heis and road I will send an email tomorrow ma'am thank you Elanor Hanam Jackson New Jersey so um candido you can start tomorrow with West Connecticut Concourse because as you're making the left into it off of Al Road ma'am that's director candido there's a whole slew of um cars there so um you can start there um the question is about the Surplus is there any more surplus of the Jackson taxpayer dollars that can be utilized I'll look into that ma'am and I'll get back to you okay because right now we have hundreds if not a few thousand students that do not have after school busing and if there is a surplus I think our children deserve after school busing because it is dire most parents are working and they can't get their kids home it's not like it's a five mile radius or an environment where I teach but I do know firstand what it does for children to participate in the school environment ironment in activities in sports and when they cannot they're isolated at home it leads to other things so this Township really should look at what they have and if they can work with our schools to provide extra Surplus funding for after school for the high schools and the middle schools my other um comment is over the past few few weeks I have been walking so many so many neighborhoods countless neighborhoods I have heard the same comment from every single resident I spoke with but then I came across other comments that has to do with rental properties Jackson Township went from maybe 400 rental homes in 2016 400 now we have thousands and what's happening is some of the landlords in Jackson Township are monetizing that investment so what they're doing is they're putting in four and five families in a house and those families have scheduled times to use the kitchen so each family is actually renting a bedroom it is not just one place it's not just just two places it's a lot and this municipality has turned a blind eye and you are enabling and helping these landlords violate the law and there is a state statute Mr mccuan I'm sure he knows it of the square footage of the amount of people who are allowed to live in a home especially when it comes to a bedroom so I am asking this Council to write an ordinance with severe penalties against landlords who are illegally using these rental units and actually increasing more distress on our schools so now you have five families you say each family has two kids so now you have 10 kids one property tax what do you think going on there's a lot of looking the other way in this town and enough is enough I know the litigation with Mr medy because I helped bring that on because I made that call because this town looked the other way how many other Farm Assessments in this town do we have where there's a commercial business and it's not used as a farm how many because I I have some numbers it's time you wake up and start enforcing our laws and our codes and start forcing our code enforcement and our officers to do their job and don't tell them to look the other way thank you thank you [Applause] ma'am good evening greetings to the city council president and to the council persons I am Letta Brown Reverend Letta Brown and I reside in Cherry Hill New Jersey I've been assigned to serve as pastor of St James St Thomas a Church on Whitesville Road 285 I've been there since May so I just wanted to stop by and give you greetings and also to say because I wrote a little note to myself that I'm deeply honored to serve this Vibrant Community and look forward to collaborating with local leaders like yourselves to promote Unity compassion and progress in our town as a pastor I believe in the power of Community Partnerships and Collective action to address the challenges we face and Foster a spirit of love and kindness among Ong all residents I'm eager to learn more about the needs and aspirations of our town and how I can contribute to its flourishing so I look forward to working with each of you and getting to know you better I thought I would meet you probably at the um Jackson night out but it was cancelled so I look forward to probably seeing you at Jackson uh coming up the event on Sunday uh September 15 but again it's nice meeting each of you and thank you for allowing me to speak thank you ma'am thank you for coming uh good evening uh Jay such 195 Brookfield Drive uh I am president of cooksbridge so obviously the parking situation over there is going to greatly impact the residents of my community um I just want to be able to report back we had a board meeting last night I brought this up over if you look over on cooksbridge some of the residents themselves made some makeshift parking yeah that's not going to be allowed anymore so and and that's what I figured so I want to let them know because everybody from that's parking across from Wawa is just going to go and you're G to have 12 cars they shouldn't it's it's not it's I hear you okay and and the initial and and I'm I'm not arguing I'm in agreement it's it's been a situation we have bylaws in our community that prohibit commercial vehicles I've been attacked for it these law has been written far before I even lived in this town um it should have been a one-way Street to be quite honest with how became a two originally that was that's how the infrastructure was and I suggested that and you guys as Council people understand the second one person disagrees and I'm the bad guy I going on three years as president there so um I've tried everything to try to help people with parking over in where the Walk and Roll over there there is a parking lot over there that is pretty much empty 247 there's never uh I told the community that I will speak to the landlord maybe I can negotiate parking for these people inside the but that's not going to be on me that's going to be up to the guy who owns the parking um I mean when they bought in there they knew commercial vehicles were not allowed so you get you get you get told that Clos it 100% there's I mean the bylaws were they're absolutely given to everyone before they uh so I just want to be able to report back and let them know listen you know you're going to have to find parking elsewhere uh one last thing uh one of our homeowners and happened to be my wife was attacked by a feral cat and my dog this happened two days ago I've had Animal Rescue out trying to capture we have feral cats I've tried to Force within the community umth million times you cannot feed these animals the problem with our fines is we could find them but to actually enforce the fine it's it's more headache than it's actually worth because then from there we have to turn it over to try to do a lean it it gets crazy what I'm asking is and I spoke with the mayor this afternoon he said he'll look into it is there an ordinance within the town prohibiting feeding feral animals that possibly you guys can enforce upon I'll look into it and get back to you yeah that I mean just because I mean it's become a public safety issue I've had last night at our board meeting 10 different homeowners said they were attacked by cats and it my life my wife is legitimately cut open from her knee down from a cat that just came out of nowhere and attacked her you have my card if you want to send me an email I'll send it sure yeah you sir that's pretty much it thanks thank you seeing no one come oh hold on one second um director candido public safety director Jackson Township um to address the rental situation just so we're clear anytime my officers find a house in the condition that Miss hannam has brought up we have gone to code enforcement we have worked with them I personally have seen three or four houses shut down in those conditions that she's calling so my officers are not turning a blind eye so we're clear they're doing their job thank you thank you sir seeing oh one more resident one quick thing if I could Carlos Martins 406 Cain um Mr wall U first of all I appreciate the uh budget update you gave some time back you gave us a nice synopsis of the budget is there any anything in place where kind of um you know half a year out what how we doing to budget how you know are revenues coming in and what we're spending money on and all that kind of stuff it's a great question internally yes we go through that we have department head meetings typically every month and you look at what's what's budgeted what's expended what's encumbered and expended right um uh but I take the the input uh in regards to having more of a public tracking I think that's a a good concept I don't think it's typical but I think it's a very interesting way to say how are we doing at various stages during the year right coming from the corporate world you know every quarter we uh release earnings so something like that budget is once you know I think it's a fair question counc president share uh budgeting is a year round process right so I have regular reports run or and make sure that the Departments they're they're and they're very very very good with tracking what their numbers are and uh typically if if there's an under over during the November you can do it's called budget transfers yes in the event that there are unanticipated expenses or other types of things you could you can shift according to uh uh the rules and regulations but I I think the tracking uh take that under advisement thank you for that I'd offer my services to prepare your PowerPoint if you wish thank you sir have a good evening seeing no one else come forward make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I have a great night motion to close motion no motion close all in favor I I