##VIDEO ID:pJV0IxeFJPs## y can everybody stand for the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all thank good evening and welcome the November 12 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman Bella here councilman burn here Council Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant pres and council president here as Clerk of this meeting I hereby publicly announced that in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we move on to opening comments from Township Council council president K thank you so much Miss Moss hello everyone I hope everyone had a great Veteran Day thank you for had served this good um I'm going to go into a couple Traffic Safety reports so I'm going to start with uh Heathwood Avenue we had the the studies were done from November 1st to November 12th uh speed limits 25 miles an hour average speed limit 85% was 35 miles an hour uh maximum was 55 miles an hour total cars in a week was 3,185 that's an average of 265 cars going down of this is is again a I believe it's called AC that in Street um speed is not bad so we're happy considering some of the ones that we've heard next is going to be uh Birch Drive speed limit 25 average 85% is 33 um cars per week is 5,844 average cars are 4177 a week going down Birch Drive next one is West Connecticut Concourse start time both of these last ones were October 15th to October 28th speed limits 25 miles hour average is 33 total cars on a weekly basis is 10,063 cars going down this street in a week uh 78 a day I can tell you the maximum speed limit on here was 59 as well as the other street it's bad but the average being 33 and all three of these I'm really really happy for the residents I think hopefully I'm I'm an optimistic person that you guys are really realizing that you are speeding because I'm noticing as we're doing these every time I'm up here reading them the speed limits are coming down for the most part um we do have a lot of traffic and we again these reports just you know go to our Engineers so after I get these reports and I read them to you guys it goes to the engineers and then they take it to the next level um and I just wanted to go into real quick with the fire and smoke while we have it up on the screen so this is in place this was passed by the council so you can go on the website the township that's Christian over there he put it on the website when you have to go and you fire you have to apply if you're selling your home for a carbon and smoke detector there's no longer a continued certificate of occupancy you can go on the website you will also find all of the paperwork it's five pages of paperwork at all of your department heads we forwarded it the clerk's office forwarded it after it was approved if you don't know what district you're in there's a little like I don't know link on the bottom of the first page where you can click and you put in address and it'll tell you what district you're in fail to paperwork you can either email it to one of the um fire uh marshals on the top or you can call them they all will take checks or money orders some of them do take credit cards so again that is ready to go and uh it's started it's active uh you no longer will be going to the building department so please do not call the building department code enforcement any of them you will be calling your fire district if you are looking to uh sell home for a fire and smoke certificate that is all I have tonight thank you thank you Council vice president Sergeant good evening I'd like to congratulate all the um officials that ran for office in the United States um all the way down to municipal government I'd also like to remind all the people that ran for office that their signs are still everywhere so you're responsible for him please pick them up thank you have a good evening thank you councilman Bry uh thank you clerk Moss um first I was honored to join our veterans fellow residents and council members yesterday morning for a Veterans Day ceremony at the beautiful Veterans Memorial Park and garden thank you to all our military veterans who served or who are currently serving our great country God Bless America and God bless Jackson one of the most patriotic towns around also I'm grateful for the New Jersey forest fire service um our local firefighters including the cville Volunteer Fire Company and the jtp for keeping the South stump Tavern Road area residents and home safe from harm from the wildfire and working tirelessly to contain it and um I'm ecstatic and thankful about being reelected last week to the Jackson Township Council I'm looking forward to continuing the honor in serving our great town another four years and working hard for all residents also I'm very happy for our country regarding last week's election results please keep our leaders in your thoughts and prayers president-elect Trump vice president elect um fans as they go about assembling a new government in a new direction for America good seeing you all have a good evening thank you thank you councilman Bernstein thank you Miss Moss um also I just want to Echo the um when my running mate Mr belli just said thank you to all the residents who supported me and look forward to working for all of you hopefully over my next term um a couple of just housekeeping points I look forward to voting again on the rent Control Ordinance that councilman burelli before by the last meeting I'm happy to see this on the agenda for the second reading additionally I just want to add um recently the county started or continued the process of working at South New Prospect I know there's a lot of noise out there the project is not done um the way the county explained to me was that it takes 10 days after they do an initial striping for the the the pavement to be prepared to be able to do the the final coding together with the arrows and the signs um we look forward to seeing that and hopefully um being a in the addition to our to our roadway over there additionally I just want to thank personally commissioner sedi who's come down twice in the past three weeks to walk the roadway and making sure that it's being done correctly um engineer Mark jeny who came down on Friday at four o'clock again to see it and he met with some of the residents out there and got a really a good feel of what's going on out there so thank you additionally a a a big shout out and a thank you to our fire department and all the volunteers both locally and from surrounding towns that came to help um you guys did a phenomenal phenomenal job and we very much appreciate it thank you and have a great night thank you councilman Chism good evening I just got back from Baltimore and uh happen to have the great view of the harbor so it's kind of fitting I can actually quote Francis Scott Key in the fourth verse of our national anthem praise the power that hath made it and preserved us the nation thank God Donald Trump won and we are not stuck with the disaster that would have been forthcoming I would also like to uh congratulate my fellow councilman on their re-election and Mr Paul Mary on his congratulations also to the challengers they put up a heck of a fight considering it was up pill battle for them and for those of you that don't ever think your vote doesn't count it was close so if it's only 114 votes don't think your one vote doesn't count we always hear those discouraging things my vote doesn't count yes it does it absolutely matters so when you have the opportunity make your decisions and Avail yourself of your constitutional responsibility would like to thank Ken Bry and uh Charlie Gano for yesterday and uh holding our annual Veterans Day celebration it was very moving as usual and uh of course just thank you to all of those that have served in every Branch throughout all the years and helped to keep this nation free like to uh congratulate councilman former councilman Barry calero I don't know if anybody knows remembers Barry he actually had a book got released and you can find it on Amazon so there you go good news from a local person you may have seen uh our beloved Governor King Philip he's been kind of quiet for a while I've had no real reason to talk about him for almost like a month it's kind of surprising but after the election he couldn't help himself had to come out in bad mouth president Trump told us how he was going to fight to the death to preserve New Jersey's values I mean the guy's not even from New Jersey I'm not sure what his values are but immediately hearing that ice might be in the neighborhood he took state troopers over to where they thought they were going to be to stop them from enforcing federal laws I don't think that those are New Jersey values as a matter of fact since Donald Trump beat him by more than half a million votes pretty clear that our values are not the same as king Phillip and then finally I would like to again like our other council members have already discussed I'd like to be thankful for R 38924 that's on there tonight about the fire service so thank you to all of our Jacks and responders all of the uh first aid fire police or farest fire service all of the surrounding towns that sent their aid um as well that is my neighborhood so on behalf of my family my neighbors everybody else that's over there they preserved not only life but all of their properties as much as they could every structure so our heartfelt thanks go out to them for your hard work and dedication so um we're very thankful for that they are battling some other fires around the state including one up in North Jersey on the border of New York and unfortunately a poor 18-year-old Park Service member lost their life when a tree fell on them so our thoughts and prayers go out to them so with that I just say thank you all thank you for your service and God bless America thank you we move on to approve executive session meeting minutes of October 22nd 20124 I need a motion motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you consider ation ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is the second reading of ordinance 35-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of oan state of New Jersey amending chapter 344-9334 this ordinance was introduced on October 22nd 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing so moved second all in favor I miss Moss if I could I did receive an email I I sent it to you as well thank you for printing it out um from a resident that wanted me to read it she's under the weather in regards to this ordinance so I just I told her I would honor her wishes if so if that's okay I'm just going to read it into the record thank you good afternoon council president cun I was planning on attending tonight's meeting but feeling under the weather however I would like to express um to you and to the council that I am full favor of passing of the ordinance 35-24 I'm a past member of the Jackson rent level board and a past president of the New Jersey Mobile Home Association and current president of the Fountain Head Mobile Home Association I have lived at Fountain Head for over 23 years and have always believed that the seven-year wait for rent control to kick in was very excessive I want to thank you and the rest of the council for acting on this issue and I look forward to meeting with you and the rest of the council to address other Township issues affected by rent control and manufactured homes in the future thank you so much and that was from Sher Williams um um and I that's all thank you thank you that was Sharon Sher Sher yes [Music] Sher um Joseph Sullivan 31 Kathy Court here in Jackson also the executive director of the manufactured Homeowners Association of New Jersey uh vice president of the national manufactured homeowners association member of the manufactured housing consensus committee for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Jackson Township rent leveling board chairman I want to thank each and every one of you for your steadfast support for manufactured homeowners in this town I want to especially thank councilman burelli for uh bringing this to the council um it is a wonderful first step in in bringing Jackson Township um into the 21st century as they say when it comes to regulation of manufactured housing we as residents in manufactured housing truly appreciate your your hard work on this and we thank each and every one of you so thank you very much thank you so much sir oh good good evening everybody Paul nello 51 Thompson Bridge Road in Jackson uh Jackson resident since 1959 uh wanted to talk about the Roba Farms project um sir this is only on the ordinance pardon me this is only on the ordinance right now oh but once it's public you come on back up sorry that's okay thank you seeing no one come forward on this ordinance move to close public comment second all in favor I I this is third reading ordinance 35-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 344-9334 I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion uh second councilman barelli uh clerk Moss before I vote on this uh ordinance 35-24 um thank you to council president cun for um reading that letter into the record from Miss Williams I'm sorry she couldn't make the uh meeting tonight glad to hear that she is supportive of the ordinance and um hope to meet her eventually and want and hope she feels better um I'm glad we were able to get this uh ordinance change done quickly uh for current and future residents particularly in our Jackson's uh mobile home park communities and it's a prime example of local government being the closest to the the people most Grassroots and where you can see a lot get done um and get done quickly yes thank you thank you councilman Burnstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you there are no um ordinances for introduction this evening we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve motion second councilman gelli uh have to obain on vendor number NJ d04 R20 st76 and t34 yes to the rest of them there thank you thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum State on B18 M o1 njs o5 and R20 yes to all the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes thank you and council president C obain on RCS 02 yes to the rest thank you consent agenda I need a motion to approve the listed resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum well I will just comment very briefly um on the two resolutions again very happy to see 38924 the fire mitigation plan glad to see it on there also at 37824 is the RO of Farms Park improvements while it is not everything that IID hoped to see um on here I'm glad to see we're doing something and moving it along so yes for all of the above thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes thank you and council president ke yes I have a little thing that I'd like to read in regards to resolution love this project and expressed that to me in great length while I know um everything uh that they hoped is not going to be getting done but I'm pleased to see that the project is getting started and moving forward to a vote on it tonight thank you and yes to all the oh yes to everything sorry thank you we move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments motion to open second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once hi I'm Marlene novic I'm from the Roba Parks committee was about three years ago we were appointed and brought together because of the rich history and the special of the property of Roba farm and we brought together quite quickly working together a beautiful of what the county of the town the people asked and needed the main points were to be cultural historic and educational and we met all those needs so being the way it has H fell apart the last year we're not really sure what's left of what our plans are so could I ask you for Clarity on what exactly is going to be there ma'am I can send you the contract that is on that was just approved by the council I'll be sharing it with every committee tomorrow could you just tell me what it is so I that's why I came out tonight just so I could know that's it's that important to me that I came out to ask what everything that was in the meeting that we had in the last meeting so we de we weren't finished though because the the empathy you putting at Johnson Park so you we said that there was a possibility of things being rejigged and restructured on this Rover property and then that was discussion was never resolved we said that something about now there wasn't going to be any kind of a for lack of a better word Amphitheater style or performance or get together area because they don't want it then there was going to be a fishing area but then there were supposed to be trails that weren't going to be Trails because we can't go near the water when most other towns can we asked all these open-ended questions and we asked if you could provide some help in assisting with the meeting with the the mayor and the administrator being that we'd like to discuss it's that important to us and that important to the community and we haven't gotten anything as far as a committee back as answers three years we put into this and we were very loyal and dedicated and we would just like to know what is this could you provide us Clarity please as of right now in the proposal it's a $48,000 proposal that the Morgan engineering will be moving forward to getting walking paths uh benches uh a garden area everything that we had discussed I know that the committee had asked me to go back to Administration and ask for additional uh items to be added that has not been approved they did approve what I had proposed to the committee and I took the initiative to at least get something on the agenda to get something done otherwise we're just going to keep rolling around and it's going to be 2025 and we're going to go through this whole year and my commitment is not going to be fulfilled to you it may not be exactly what everyone wanted I've not been there for the three years and I've said that from the beginning um when I met with you guys and I I saw the passion and you know the love for the project I took an executive role and said I'm going to put something on there as long as Administration approved it and they did and Council to at least get the project started and then once this project gets started we can always revisit we could always talk but let's get something done because otherwise months are going by and months are going by and we're sitting there and we're we're at meetings and you guys are getting nothing at at the end of the day I did ask for a bathroom I did ask for a stage I did ask for a as of right now that is not being approved so I could sit there and I can ask every month or I can get what I have an approval and run with it and get it on the agenda and that's what I decided to do as a chairperson your efforts are completely appreciated but the concept of us knowing so the the importance of the history of the property that's not acknowledged now the educational aspect that's just gone we have all of your AR effects we made they were all there I met with DPW IED I'm not I'm not saying you did anything wrong I'm just saying no one will even face us we're asking for the township to talk with us personally and the answers you get are what you're repeating to us which is they don't want it that's basically what you told us because that's the best knowledge you have but we don't understand why after it was okay for a while then it's they don't want it and we and it's a community wants it the community needs it it's was supposed to be a special place as it always was and now we're left going okay it's a fishing dock I mean as a committee would you feel sound that's not what our agenda was that's not what our Focus was that was not our primary cause and now we're just kind of being shoved backwards and being told what's going to happen here I your efforts are appreciated true but why can't we have any answers to like what was wrong with it or why why they know we we understand that you want the amphitheater at Johnson Park but we're also told that that would take longer it's on a landfill we were saying compromise we'll do smaller we'll do something but the history of the property is culture education dance song music and that's what we strived for I I appreciate your time ma'am I will I will I will speak with you again okay your time's up appreciate time I appreciate it hello I'm still Paul nello still live at 51 Thompson Bridge Road um I'm going to Echo her comments a little bit when we started this project three years ago the town was looking for uh committee members from education uh from outdoor recreation historical cultural um to preserve the flavor if you will of Roba forms and under Alex and Steve when we started out I think did great things I've never seen a committee of volunteers come together so well each me each meeting was attended probably by 90% of the members wouldn't you say Steve very well attended everybody was engaged um and you know beginning of this year things uh took a little different turn and and Jen I do appreciate what you have done for us but uh a there haven't been many meetings and I understand if there's nothing to meet about I I guess why the project stall but I think the biggest issue I have right now is is Terrence we we had asked for a meeting with you the committee asked for a meeting with you and we were told you would you wouldn't meet with us so can you say why that is the the administration hadn't been a part of the Roa committee from the beginning um the the work of the committee is very important it's an advisory committee the community has been exceptionally successful on one major major count that I think it's lost in the conversations this property was owned by Philadelphia I'm going to get back to your your your question or your point this was owned by Philadelphia hedge fund it was we had a contract to purchase the property I negotiated it so it's one of the first things we did here to preserve the 34 acre property and all the Russian Orthodox history and all the incredible history there is palpable uh with a building that was extremely dangerous with asbest and other related issues but itself was historic and the adjoining uh Church historic and and how that all dovetailed together over the years with the picnics and the festivals and all of these kinds of things um the one of the most critical things was securing a site that right now would be developed it would be lost for forever the history would be lost forever it would have been bulldozed and gone so the most important piece was done a number of years ago well I guess four four and a half years ago or so now which was um negotiating a contract then another developer tried to interfere with that agreement and then we had an eminent domain ordinance on the books ready for deployment because the council had made a represent at that time and the councils have changed over time a prior council president indicated that the one of the amphitheater over at Johnson Park years ago so the the directions have um I think in good good spirit and good faith have changed over time because this is not a new project but I think it's worth reminding everyone that the most critical aspect of this property is that it's yours you own it you know so if you're deploying a $48,000 contract albeit more more slowly than folks would like then um that may be you know source of frustration but I wouldn't get get too far a feel from the fact that this was slated for a developer to develop and through the through the I think the foret of the councils previously that didn't happen um things don't happen that quickly that's true there's not a refusal to meet uh we can set up a program and meet but the my inter my interactions have been through the council it's their committee Administration was not Seated on this committee um so the information we had requested right a meeting with you so you could discuss with us we a lot of very passionate people in there sure and you know I I think I I think we went down a rabbit hole when we started using the term Amphitheater we're not talking about something like in Australia we're talking about an area for seating it doesn't have to be hard seats it could be a place graded properly so people can bring lawn seats have a platform up there but it's not a a big issue but it means a lot to the people who were on this committee also we talked about a cultural building doesn't have to be anything fancy and and if you if you did it right you can run a concession out of there there's people who want to rent Kayaks you could have a little bait and tackle store the town could get a little Revenue in from that you know well you know what happens sometimes things are Lost in Translation so why don't we coordinate I don't know when the next time the folks are meeting but we can interact and see if we can perhaps kick have a kickoff meeting with the uh can I can I intervene right now can I just intervene we are moving forward with getting your proposal done if there's anything extra that you guys meet with the administration we'll put that on but I do not want to stop this we have approved this we've got been waiting for three years so if you guys want to do we can do the bait and tackle I agree with it we can we can continue but let's get let's get something on the books because what happens is this is what happens is we sit here and everybody and we go and we start asking for more and we look in other directions and we say can we do this and we have all these Amazing Ideas and it's great but then we start from day from the beginning because right now if I would have not intervened and we would have said okay the Roa committee is going to meet with the administration then we're not going to start with getting the proposal done with Morgan engineering and getting this project off the ground so let's get the project off the ground let's also meet the bait and tackle is great everything is great that you're saying I do agree but I want to make sure that everybody agrees that we need to move forward and get a proposal signed to Morgan engineering and let them start doing their work so that in Spring we can plant flowers we can get those those um the benches out there we can get the gravel we could sit there he's in the back of the room right now he's hearing everything you guys have been saying as he's been hearing in the meetings but I do not want to stop this project anymore and and we can talk to the administration let's get more we got this let's at least take what we have and build on it that's all I I'm trying to say I don't want to I'm not just be clear I agree with you this resolution 100% should be passed I just don't want to have a false inference that there's a refusal to meet the gentleman from Morgan engineering is here I'm sure he would love to speak with you after the meeting and you can almost have an informal kickoff tonight so totally agree thank you okay good I just wanted to make sure I didn't want to I don't want to start again if I can get a word in now i' appreciate it um first you said we're asking for more we're not asking for more we're trying to get what we initially started with go ahead with the proposal there's things out there called change orders and I'm sure we can initiate a change order but I think this is something that's important to the town will be a great asset and I don't think it's going to be a lot of money so I think a lot was lost in in Translation Terence and let's sit down let's get that meeting informal kickoff meeting it's nice to do but it's not going to work let's let's have a formal sit down sometime okay okay thank you sir thank you seeing oh hello my name is Nat at Trina I live at three Sut Court in Jackson New Jersey and I represent our small community of five panelists here and two more letters from two more families who could not come tonight for three years we having unresolved issues with uh one of our neighbors and uh we came here to address officially address that situation because with respect to everyone we would love to resolve that issues of excessive noise late at night huge Gatherings and huge um um things going on outside inside so we all involved in that and also illegal parking reckless driving and it's happened at night and um we have families here who can address how we all got affected and uh you can check police records it was many phone calls uh code enforcement also because we have some issues with sightings and garbage outside please we came here asking for help and please tell us what should be done from our end and how you could help us to resolve that issue because it's public safety and we cannot enjoy our life in this beautiful small community and we've been addressing directly to that couple who lives there but unfortunately nothing was done and now with three years later it became even worse more louder more aggressive excessive noise many parks it says no parking on the cak but many cars are coming especially late at night 2:00 in the morning three :00 in the morning we have neighbors who needs to wake up 5:00 in the morning and go to work we need help so Ma I I I met you a little earlier and I saw that you spoken with officer Ballard and I appreciate that for coming um unfortunately our traffic safety director is on vacation but I will give you my card after if you could just wait when the meetings over and I'll come over and speak with all of your residents and we will uh you'll send me an email and we'll we'll get get that concern to the proper Department as well as Administration so I thank you for coming tonight and again if that's something I'm I I wish you would have came come sooner um but we are glad that you're here and we will try to address whatever we can yeah thank you so much and we would love to come back with updates as well from you we need to work that together on that I appreciate without you we cannot do anythingk and we will be so thankful for your consideration helping our beautiful neighbors and our community absolutely thank you thank you so very much I'll see wait for me I'll be down in a minute thank you thank you thank you so [Music] much hey good evening my name is Ken Christensen first I want to thank all my neighbors for being here tonight to discuss this issue I've lived in Jackson now for five years I brought my home on sud Court s was a c toac was a nice residential area low traffic all the homes were well m maintained in the last two years there's been excessive road traffic mostly on weekends and again this is one of the things that I wanted to get away from moving to that area overnight parking cars on the roadway on both sides and parked in opposite directions unacceptable speed and that I found very concerning course par in W like like I said cars parked towards the curb unusual angles which is not acceptable there are cars from out of state parked there the entire weekend till Sunday one time there was a car that was parked in the driveway next door to me he pulled out across the lawn onto my lawn out my driveway because he could not get out I found that totally unacceptable yes I did speak to the owners that time it didn't seem overly concerned about it but I will tell you this as a homeowner I will never let that happen again I will definitely call the police next time I find I find that they violate Town ordinance there is noise after 10 o'clock loud music which deserves my home my neighbor's Homes at times there is noise before 10 o'clock on the excessive side the police have been called they use that word too they found it excessive now again this has been going on for two to three years this has all occurred in the last couple of weeks last month so the homeowner should know by now that this is not acceptable and there are some rules to follow I believe they disrespect the police at one time they did not come answer the door another time there were many cars in the home the owner would not come and speak to the police officer I don't know how this could be allow allowed to happen and go so unnoticed and undone by this community and by this body it's not new it has occurred several times okay if you were to go to the police department and do a search on their database you would find the number of responses to our area as far as the home itself two years ago the garage doors were moved they got a permit to create uh additional living space so two garage doors so it's now all bay windows what disturbs me about this is that the fact that after almost two years the outside of the home has not been finished the sliding is missing there's barewood showing I didn't buy my home in this neighborhood to see that on a daily basis from what I've been told if it's an open permit and it's renewed this could go on forever I think the community needs to look at that how does this end again I mentioned two things quality of life and life safety issue cars parking in a CES act it's a no parking Zone there are towns there are signs there police officers respond they do use their discretion and given summonses I think the time has come where if they respond and the car is illegally parked they need the issue a summons there should not be any discussion about it so I thank you for your your time and I do hope there is some resolution to this in the future thank you thank you sir I just want to let you know we did take notes and if you could also wait I did take notes if you could also wait for me I'm I'm going to speak with you after the meeting thank you sir good evening Donnie Adelman will appoint Drive Jackson uh a couple of things everybody from the council who came out to the Veterans Day who was able to make it thank you uh Council bernsteen councilman burelli it's nice to see a couple of people that I voted for one so congratulations um really just a couple of things I'm gonna reach out to you Mr wall you were nice enough to meet me at the Justice complex a couple weeks ago now and you saw what the pro at least what I believe my problem to be all right and I do thank you for coming out there and now I just need to sit down and talk with you and discuss the outcoming you know the outcome of that uh my main issue that I have tonight and I asked this the last time I believe that I was told somebody would get back to me by email I'd like to know the process for changes being made to access accessibility and so forth over at the Justice complex and uh who authorized the most recent changes were basically cutting off access to the uh eastern most baseball field and that complete lawn as as well as a memorial over there I believe was Police director candido who I'd also like to know what his actual uh Duties are because I believe Police director candido based upon his interactions with me still believes he's a law enforcement officer rather than a police administrator I guess would be a proper term for it and it's caused a great deal of problems they retaliated against me after I sent out that email to the board um whether I sent it out to him whether I sent out to him directly because I got the right email or somebody on the board forwarded it to him the message was sent and was received and the response was also sent loud and clear I'm going to take that up with uh inside the municipal court but I'd like to know the process for doing that because he clear they clearly understood what my problem was and why I was allowed access to there initially to film and do my investigation on the officers but they responded in such a overwhelming manner as far as I know without process without reason and as it is right now I was already fighting to try and have that opened up completely and have no animosity no uh no gray areas about it that chief chief sh drive and that driveway should be open to pedestrians if you're not able to take that uh driveway ju again just for pedestrians we don't want anybody coming in there randomly driving in there you know just to go from there to like say CVS or to Pizza Joint across the place it's an it's 6 t0 of a mile out of the way if you got to go all the way around and then back to where you would come out on the parking lot which is needless when I sit there and I see in the afternoon you got 60 70 kids coming down there and it's not just me there was another person there with a camera that they didn't like their activities going on and there's no reason for it if the police weren't breaking the law and doing their various motor vehicle infractions there'd be nothing to see it would just be a nice place to walk around but when you see something that's obviously going on on their personal vehicles not on the police vehicles it's a concern when they decide you know everybody talks about transparency here but the police department refuses to have any I had asked to meet with Chief Coons about it he refuses to meet with me uh I don't think uh Police director candido would be the appropriate person to meet with but certainly the police chief who oversees everything would be I understand Mr wall has a certain portion that I dealt with him on the outside but realistically something came from inside in response to my email before the and on top of the issues I had before I sent that out to you and again I just need to know what the process was for that because go there one day I'm allowed access the next day they contacted the Jackson Sign Guy and they had about 20 signs made and they made it very apparent that they don't want anybody there which is a whole separate issue because constitutionally I don't believe that's allowed but to have such an over to have a dramatic overreaction is silly so if somebody could let me know how that all works and how that all went down uh as far as those signs and what it would be in the future if they decide that they want to criminalize more activity in the Justice complex and in the Park area all right as it is right now they issued citations before they had clear signage up saying that it's illegal all right when I was sitting there and I was smoking a cigarette I didn't know that you couldn't do it over there at the Justice complex the officer and uh uh Police director candido told me I can't smoke I put it out and I put it in the garbage no big deal later on I get a ticket for it saying I should know that about a week later there's a giant sign now you could Clearly say that you had I'm sorry sir thank you have a great night sorry Deb Jones heison Road first I'd like to congratulate the people that ran and got in um whether it was my choice or not but I hope that if nothing else comes from the election that those of you who are on realize that there's a lot of Jackson people that need to be represented and I I personally don't feel represented anymore by this board my second thing I understand that social media is social media but when you sit on a board that represents our entire Township it's very disheartening when someone says something about a 300% raise and you go back at them and say get your fact straight it was 340% raise I stood in front of you guys the day you approved it and I shared that I was very disappointed with I work hard for a living I don't get that kind of raise whether you disagree or agree it's not something you represent our town you can't go on what you call Facebook or Fakebook or whatever you want to call it and say things like that because you might be going back at someone who said something to you but all eyes are seeing it my eyes saw it that's very disappointing I hope that we maybe act a little more mature when we're on social media because I've heard it said here fake book fake book if it's that fake stay off of it thank you ma'am have a good night seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment just want to add something to the Roa comment so didn't bring it up earlier but out of the blue yesterday we should be pretty proud because apparently we are kind of known in the Roa area and a woman is writing a book from Massachusetts about Roa and its musicians and she was looking for people so I have forwarded that to the committee today if anybody else happens to live in the Roa area and has any information on some of these musicians who would like to speak with this woman who's writing the book something for Jackson to be proud of I would say please come and see me or email me and I will put you in contact with her and just the comments that were made a little bit earlier I just want take a little bit of umbrage with I don't want it to be I mean I don't want to be mischievous here but at the same time if I heard it correct it was said that the administration was not represented it was a council committee and that is true it was a council committee however in all the years that this committee has been there until really tonight it was never brought up that Administration wanted to have a seat at the table and all were welcome at any time so I will tell you that I twice very specifically did speak with the mayor and talked about the plans for Roa he was in agreement at the time and told me if there were any questions any issues they should be just brought to Terren because he speaks for me during the day and he will relay any information to me and if there's any problems we'll talk so again there were no secrets so I don't want it to seem like there was he said she said there was there was never any secrets nothing was done in the dark and Terrence and I met numerous occasions in his office after Roa meetings so I just want to be very clear that this was this was not something that was done that should have been done without one hand talking to the other we there there were discussions so wherever the uh Wheels came off we'll leave it at that for now but hopefully these discussions will be reopen committee you heard from Mr wall that he's going to speak with you and I hope that that will continue and obviously I'm still in here and I will be on your side as we move forward and even if I'm on that side of the microphone I'm hoping see this park come to fruition so I'm I'm still with you so with that uh I will second your motion sir thank you all in favor I second session discussion about ofation just like motion from Council to authorize the settlement in accordance discussion motion second favor call councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes have a great night now I will make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you 2 225