##VIDEO ID:0IevfSlXmTs## good evening you're attending a session of the Jacksonville Beach Board of adjustments Board of adjustment meetings are Quasi judicial in nature all decisions of the board will be based on confidence substantial evidence including testimony provided this meeting any person who is not an applicant or agent that wishes to speak will need to fill out a speaker card located on the the door and turn them into the each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak CH please refra from speaking from the audience and Applause cheering will not be allowed please silence your phones we have a roll call please John Mor here Owen Curley here Jeff sh Jennifer Williams here Matt n here laury here okay next on our agenda is approval of the minutes for September 17 approve okay it's been moved second all in favor I oppose okay they've been approved is there any correspond okay all right we'll go right into Old business okay on so uh call the first I call 24191 request 3231 Fort and L of 10t minimum to allow the replacement and extension of an existing Deb in front of property 34 42 E3 C2 for a Westerly side yard of 7.2 ft and L of 10 ft minimum 34- 342 E3 C2 for a corner side yard of 7.1 and L of 10 ft minimum and 34- 342 E3 C3 for a rear yard of 1 foot in L of 30 ft minimum 34- 342 e3e to address the existing nonconformities to an existing multif family dwelling okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have export communication I've had none none I've none I've had none and I've had none the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you affirm that the testimony you're about to given this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so helping God yes please state your name and address Damon starky I'm at 113 Overlook Drive poner Beach Florida okay go ahead no this uh this variance is really uh pertaining to a client of mine who bought this property and uh all of these things were already currently in place and really all we're looking to do is just replace the front deck that is in grave dis repair and upon going through that process it basically brought up some of these uh I guess things were that were repeating on the setbacks or whatnot so we're just trying to remedy all those [Music] things yes sir I have are your work instructions or yes sir yeah Garland is also here too yeah okay there any questions for the uh the deck that's going to be replaced is it it's being put back in the same footprint or yes it is other questions seat thank you I have one email that we received from stepen reberry and received that September 3rd 2024 said I would like to object to the request to reduce set back on 211 South 8th Avenue we have two little land space as it is in is 131 Street South Apartment 127 okay uh iess I should have said I'll open the uh public hearing um we don't have any speaker cards speaker cards okay is there anyone in the audience who SP out speaker card that wishes to speak okay uh the to come forward and address the email you can you can come forward and address please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that testimon you're about to get this matter is a truth the whole truth and I can with the truth to help you yes please St your name and address Garland suan 1621 Belmont Avenue Florida 3227 yes uh which part would you like you to address uh it's up to you if you want to address theef email that say um I don't really have anything to address aside from that we're not changing the footprint of the actual deck uh the post are going to be holding up deck up and those will not be changed okay with that um I will now close the public and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion I move to open this for discussion oh I make a motion sorry to approve Thea 24149 based on the testimony and evidence provided the request has met all the standards for VAR as out6 move is there a second okay second any discussion I think the is clear that this is an existing footprint and it's just existing bring it up to a safety standard my kind of question you asked directly was that they're not changing the footprint of the deck page 24 the packet showed a six foot extension so I don't what we confir VAR for the exis fopr Bas we could uh we could condition it to the dimensions of the existing de we want to am that that was going to be my question it does show that it goes outside of the property line that's six feet so yeah there's a note there that's yeah my question is it possible for me to address this what you guys are discussing I'm sorry I don't mean to I don't want the hearing the public hearing is closed okay I'm sorry go ahead then sorry so okay so we could amend our motion somebody could amend the motion move to am motion to restrict the Deb to its current Dimensions I would like to move to amend the motion to approve 24149 to include stipulation that the approved variances are on matching current fo ofuure second okay uh it's been moved in second any discussion on that motion to amend okay so we'll go ahead and vote on uh amending the motion we have a roll call L John Mor yes Jennifer Williams yes mat yes yes oh yes okay so the motion is now amended uh so that it's a motion to approve U and uh conent upon replacement meeting the existing measurements of the the structure any questions on that any more [Music] discussion okay there's none can we have a roll call on that John Mor yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt M yes Laur yes oh currently yes uh your request for VAR has been approved with that okay call the next we call BOA 24-105 property address 515 nor fth Avenue motion to consider sections 34337 E1 C1 for nonconforming front yard setback of 16.3 Ft L of 20 ft minimum 34337 C3 for a non-conforming rear yard set back of 15.2 ft and L of 30t minimum 34337 e1b to address current non-conformities for no garage or carport in L of required garage or carport 34337 e1g for an accessory side yard set back of 0t and L of 5T minimum 34373 A1 for off street parking spaces of 16.3 Ft in depth and L of 17t minimum 34- 373d for a driveway side yard set back zero and L of 5T minimum and 34337 337 e1e for 37% lot coverage and L 35% maximum for proposed deck and concrete driveway to an existing s single family dwelling okay so remember each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exportation done would the applicate please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony about the given this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so have you go yes please state your name and address Evelyn mu 1730 no 1710 L Lane Jacksonville Florida 32246 go ahead um I'm asking for this because the lot is extrem small it's less than 3500 Square ft and it right now it has no driveway at all it's just grass so I know that it seems like I'm using more land but this this this lot is just so incredibly tiny and it is older houses built in 1957 okay thank you have you talked to your neighbors I have talked to one is um never available the reaction they were they they had no objection to it anybody else have any questions okay may you can sit down U I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards okay no speaker cards no correspondents is there anyone in the audience who has not filled out a speaker card that wish to speak um okay I'll now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the it's it's on a different number but I have F out card well while you're waiting fill out a card if you want to but if your case hasn't called yet did you want to speak on this case no okay so I'll close the public hearing uh and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion I make a motion to approve boa 24-100 Z50 based on the testimony and evidence provided request has met all the standards for a variance is outlined in section 34286 of the Land Development code okay move in second and any discussion if you have aard not asking any discussion okay can we have a roll callot please Jennifer Williams yes John Mor yes Matt yes La yes yes your request for variance has been approved can we call the next um has been 241 okay so I called 24-10 0054 property address 0 South 7th Avenue 17635 motion to consider sections 34337 e13 for rear yard setback of 20.4 Ft in L of 30 ft minimum 34- 3371 3% lot coverage and L of 35% maximum for proposed new single family dwelling to a vacant lot located well where dat that address okay uh as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any export communication I've had I've had none and I've had none with the applicant please come for to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right do you swear or affirm that the testimony about to given this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you out do please state your name and address uh Chris fre 1822 Second Street um so we're looking for uh this is a non-conforming lot which we're requesting a uh 43% lot coverage and a 20.4 a re your setback and M of 30 uh just due to the size of lot and being substandard able to accomplish a new build on the property um which in with other ones we've seen including our primary was 43% coverage which we approve um there's a letter an email that was sent which will be read into the record but one of the concerns is uh storm water drainage into theighs could you address that um I mean we're going to do everything we need to do on the new construction the house me to the right is very comparable to what overall block coverage will be um we'll make sure we do everything we need to do regard drainage but it's a it's a vacant lot and has for a long time so I'm sure that's other questions what's the purpose of the rear yard set limitation you're requesting to not minimum because we have to do two what we're doing over there in order to get the right enough square footage in the house to make it work for us is we require that that additional rear set back because we're we're adhering to the 20 foot in the front keeping this the 15 on the sides and that just allows us to get the fo and uh you're going to put in parking strips not and then your is going we that's more I'd rather have the right house than the right well I think else okay sir you can have a seat thank I will now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards um my name is Gregory Scott and excuse me please raise your right hand do you swear orir the testimony about to give this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you please state your name and address Scott and my address is 63 3266 um receive your doce here um this particular property is in my son name William Scott we're building our new house we've been living in this house for last four or five years it's my grandfather's house he built it in [Music] 1950 and my wife and I bought it in 1985 got out of college this gentleman's property is a good way down three or four Lots but the house directly to my East they did the same thing and the challenges are they did the 20 foot off the fence with a covered porch that's fine and the dentist came in and she paved it all said put it in perspective I have a 75 by 100ft lock with a 34 by 30 structure two story my lock and I have river rock my lock coverage is 133% then they built a new house on Seventh with a pool they took the all the way back then a guy from California bought a house on the northwest Corn house put a Pur up a back I'm taking everybody's water the lady who caddy Corner this Miss Curry she's very old here in here her home was built before our home in the 40s and her bedroom buts up to the corner of this and the problem I've had with the house next to me she left she Airbnb it I barely enjoy my backyard anymore from all the no Airbnb any 3day weekend they could have five 10 15 people out there it's it really disrupts the neighborhood and I'm Pro build I'm mechanical engineer I understand G morning but when you buy a lot that's nonconforming before you buy it you should know what you're going to put on it if you're a developer engineer what have you so I don't want to see I probably have 40 ft between the back of my house and and my fence in my front yard to the road from my gate is almost 50 ft like I said 14% coverage taking everybody's water is getting old so y'all going have to draw lines somewhere he says there's a lot next door and there is he by the same gentleman the problem is he's going to come up here in front of you in a year or two and we're going to be faced with the same thing and not all that water goes to the street my neighbor to the east Pauline who a dentist she has a basically aelan type roof on her por now water go straight to me fortunately my house is not that big I have 11t setback on the east side minutes I really object to it you got to start dra the line the impervious and the noise and what it creates when they're done with that they're going to pay the all back up with or without your knowledge it's just going to happen I got three inces that my okay any more speakers cards anyone in the audience who's not fed out a speaker card that wishes to speak okay this on Tuesday October 1st I am OPP post the allows of 20.4 Ft rear set back and of 30t minimum required set I the property 423 upper 8 Avenue South behind re number 17635 D100 I requested a setback variance when building my residence was told that there were would be no variance as there was no hardship I designed my building to accommodate the required setbacks putting a building within six steps of the property line fences approaching zero lot line standards which is not wanted in this area also there are no Street drains near on sth Avenue South nor Upper 8th Avenue South as much land as possible is needed to per storm water so it doesn't drain into neighbor yards V Steve okay would the applicate like to uh come back and address either the speaker or the email so we our very first property we bought for kids is on Fifth Street uh which I know they're doing a lot water work which is very close to this property so I know that's in the plans of already fixing all the water issues I mean we lived in that house for 10 years we know about it uh we're not asking for anything I mean I understand I understand the water is in these older homes I mean we bought one that was older that's our primer and we had to basically build new because it was so low that's just the situation on the older homes uh we're not asking for anything you know above and beyond but I've seen others get including oursel on our primary and this just allows bu the right house for for a family it's not an Airbnb it's nothing like that it's a family home uh not town houses or anything of that nature and I know with all the work on what we're going on literally as we speak is going to hopefully solve a lot of those issues in that exact are so that's really what I have to address on the water Issue app thank you uh I will now close the public hearing and bring the ad back to the board for discussion is there a motion I make a motion to approve Bo 24154 based on the testimony and evidence provided the request has met all the standards for variance as outlined in section 34286 of the Land Development code okay move in second any discussion yeah my primary concern is around the reard set iog perspective 700 fo is 100 so I'm not see reason than to be able to put a certain footprint on the L again that's that's not on our criteria to kind of consider what the desired use is it's kind of minimum use you do see lots in the area able to put a single family home in a 50 by 100 lot I live on the street um I I will say from flow perspective on this particular Road it is a hill so it does flow downhill and the older homes are catching that water there's been a lot of new build those new builds have to BU Cod build up that's not to say that's anything to do with this home I think that's the nature of the Beast to an extent but I can kind of appreciate the concerns within the community that if you have a standing home and there is more coverage a lot that's people yard the road homes areow [Music] road I will say that is an issue the street regardless of the work that's being done I'm aware really to address the water flow issues more in the specific area all that to be said I recognize it's an undersized lot of a specific condition of reard set 10 code doesn't I uh appreciate the applicants use of the lot trying to minimize coverage with the parking stps for the driveway and the gravel driveway part the grael walkway I would just address the member of the Public's comments about usage in the airb ands I know that's a concern in this community but we have a six criteria that we have to go through determining whether or not the gr VAR and US Nots I think that's Z that that not us so um unfortunately appreciate your comments and the applicants comments that I used we we just don't consider as far as future variance requests go that's speculative on our part and again we we can't really consider that part of our criteria whether not the future VAR request okay any other comments I I actually have a a question or comment for the board but so number two requirement is that the circumstances and conditions do not result from the actions they applicant so it's a make law and they would be building on it which you know um so they could change the building to comply with the current setbacks is that correct that's right yeah so uh that's that's exactly how you can read that I would say that the size of the lot sort of dictates you know it's it becomes difficult on what what you can build with an and do appear to me I know that they're taking 10t more in the backyard approximately allow to I don't see it as a an over trying to put house on St way I think the circumstance that we speaking hey any other discussion okay can we have a please Jennifer Williams yes John Morland yes Matt no La J yesing yes your request for VAR okay next is our planning department um the next meeting will be on October 15th and we have three reg ID and I guess the no no no the one I think might go on November because they still need design for us but yeah that's moves like top of it moves the reason why we had to re advertise it they put it on the corner lot the bigger part of the lot is considered the side like the smaller side of the lot is consider the front and catch the previous ve that that so make a change it PR much okay uh the floor to visitors anyone okay is there a motion to second okay move to Second all in favor iOS