##VIDEO ID:G8liY5YKNNw## good evening you're attending a session of the board of adjustments for the city of Jacksonville Beach the board of adjustments meetings are Quasi judicial in nature all decisions of the board will be based on confident substantial evidence including testimony provided this meeting any person who is not an applicant or agent that wishes to speak will need to fill out a speaker's card located at the side table by the door and into the clerk each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak on each item please refrain from speaking for the audience and Applause or cheing will not be allowed please silence your phones can we have a roll call or roll johnen Owen Curley here Jeff TR here Jennifer Williams here Matt me here Laura here okay next on our agenda is approval of minutes we don't have any minutes to approve so we're on the correspondence any correspondence no correspondence no old business we call First Case Case vaa 24-1 z51 applicant Stephanie kiss property address 211 south3 3 Avenue motion consider sections 34-33 6 E1 C2 for Corner side yard set back of 0t L of 10 ft minimum 3 4336 E1 9% lock car should move 35% maximum for proposed attached PR to address the current nonconforming to an existing sing Single family draw locate a property address 211 South 30 35th Avenue okay as a reminder each member the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any expart communication I've had none I've had none I've had none I've had none and I've had none would the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation what do we swear uh right up here please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to get in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth the help you g yes please state your name and address Stephanie K 2en South you speak into the microphone please my name is Stephanie kiss my address is 211 35th Avenue South than I'm Justin McCullers I am a contractor for this job uh impact enclosures okay go ahead there or uh this is my first time doing this but I'm uh appealing to you for uh a uh the ability to put a Pergola up on my property my backyard area is a um inconsistent typ of of shape and um so for that reason I'm looking to get this permit in order to put the pera up in a in a way that has a it's a bit closer to the fence than normally or to the property line than normal question this house was built in 2018 is that correct I read that's correct what is the current nonconforming a house that's only six years old understand that but is current nonconformities they had a prior variance of 45% it looks like they sitting at 49% that something I was curious question you approved for 45 when the house ass built came out 49 that's it's actually 51 asking right no they're asking 49 oh okay there okay sorry uh I think the question to you then is um you're currently at 51.2% black coverage and you're coming down to 49% correct I don't believe that to be the case okay is it your intention to remove um remove some of theer I think on the back side when I've gone over there we just did the math on it I'm not saying that it's 100% correct what I am saying though is that there was a little bit of inconsistencies with what I saw on the plot survey compared to what I saw in person there was an area in the back and I may be misremembering this cuz I look at a lot of plot surveys but I believe that there's one on the back of the house where it shows that there's a p walkway on the back side kind ofing and and things like that um what I mean by backside yeah and that's no longer there now it looks like it's just like crushed uh shells and stuff like that um so that's where we got the discrepancy on the lot coverage when we did the math ourselves um so it it could be a little bit more than that but that's what it appeared to me when we did the math and you just said that they don't have that Pap side on the back so when you did the ma what what block coverage did you come up with okay if I'm remembering cor but saying you're com you're okay with 49 you gra 49 you come back and finish it at 51 be another problem that's what we're trying to prevent I I'm fine with with that 49 we're not adding any anything extra to to where the coverage is we're just going over top of I mean exist far as water will go through it you know it's it's you know okay there any other questions you spoken into your neighbors yes my um next door neighbor behind my fence yes um and they're open align to it great thank you do you know the distance from the road that that e is to where the will be I can see that you're at the prop far off the road is it seems pretty that I'm just saying it seems pretty far I'm not giving guys an exact but in there there's a fence right there right so it'sin it's inside the fence um it doesn't I know that this is really subjective but visually it doesn't seem like it would be out of place it doesn't seem like it would encroach anything again I know you guys have these for a reason maybe you can see it up there it looks like it's um like where that that line right there sorry plot survey that line right is where fence goes along that area and then it would be that from there there I think there's a little bit like ditch between the far right border and the street is I'm bad at guesstimating but I'm going to guesstimate maybe or than I mean just looking at that looks if that up there I can't see it that right here in the center right there can you guys read that one on the very I guess it's the sidey from the pool to the back of the fence that number well if that says 10t from there it's got to be at least at least 10 but I would think more like 15 12 to 15 if that's 10 on okay any other questions okay men sir can you step back please okay I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards no okay is there anyone in the audience who is not fill out a speaker card that wishes to speak okay uh I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion a motion to DOA 24151 based on testimony and evidence provided the request is met all standards for variances outline in section 34286 Land Development code second moved and second it any discussion they spoke to neighbors I was a little concerned about the side yard even as the front of the house was kind of frozen but it's okay it's a small lot it's going to be 2940 squet at 49% which is still less than 3500 that be on a standard lot [Music] zero yeah I agre that as well I had a question about the lock coverage and it appears that 49% is the minimum lot coverage so comfort with that discuss okay uh can we have a roll Jeff TR yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt yes oh currently yes your request for a variance has been approved thank you can we call the next boa 24-17 applicant Robert Bachman property address 0 North 13th Street South motion to consider sections 34 sorry section 34337 E1 C3 for reard 20 ft L of 30 ft minimum 34337 E1 e for 45% lock coverage 35% maximum for construction new single family dwelling existing vacant lot of record describes as property address 0 13th Street okay um as a reminder each member of the public will be giv 3 minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exp communication none I've had none I've had none I've had none and I've had none will the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth off you God do please take your name and address my name is Robert bman address is 49 Oakwood Road Jacksonville Beach Florida 3225 thank you go ahead sir uh yes um my partner purchased these two lots that you see uh first one in question I think we're going to be reviewing both today the first one in question here is lot two uh block six and again what we are requesting is to allow us to encroach on that rear setback by excuse me an additional 10 ft and to uh raise the lot coverage allowance from 35% to 45% um to allow us for uh to build a model home that we have actually built about houses down on the same street okay any board members have any questions for the applicant no I see you put the patio in the back and you going stay with crushed stone so strips minimize that as well in the front and we've actually since we've applied for this we've adjusted that rear a little bit instead of doing a rear Crush stone patio we're going to remove that completely and we're going to take some of the um covered P area inside and turn into a rear patio it doesn't change the plot PL whatsoever um it'll fall within the it's to cover of the ey that'll fall within the condition space so we're deducting condition space to add a covered ly to the existing building pad to again we built these two down the road we have the Crush paos in the back and probably too much information they just didn't finish out properly we remove I was thank you foration Eva or something else yeah so we just took them out completely okay any other questions okay sir can step back I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker starts no we do not is there anyone in the audience who has not F out a speaker card that wishes to speak okay if not I will now close the public hearing bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion make a motion to approve boa4 070 testimony evidence provided request all stand forces outline 34286 line development code second any discussion think it's commendable thought about that question I we have a substandard lot not a huge I think they're doing their best to keep coverage down okay any other any other comments please Jeff TR yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt met yes Laura yes Owen curle yes okay sir your request for variance has been approved but you're not done yet the next case number bo8 24-1 Z71 applicant robertman property address 013 Street North SE motion consider section 343 3 37 E1 C3 for rear yard set back at 20 ft 30 ft Min 34337 e1e for 45% loot carue 35% maximum construction new simp DW existing vacant lot of record located property address 13th Street North okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing is any board member have any export communication I've had none I've had none I've had none and I had would the applicant please come forward to be in presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing with the truth to help you got I do please your name and address my name is Robert Bachman address is 49 Oakwood Road Jackson Beach Florida 3225 okay sure go ahead um exact same scenario this is the neighbor lot um this one so again if you could scroll up just a little bit more INF that you probably don't need the one more I'm sorry scroll up to the map view these Lots were actually originally part of Lot 23 that you see on S Pablo Circle this is actually all one lot at one point before we purchased it uh some of the neighbors did have some concerns over the drainage specifically lot 128 on the back side um Mr Rodney I don't believe he may he that um just to kind of address some of the neighbors concerns over drainage in that corner we are going to be installing an underground Culver if you could go back to the plot PL for this comp and I shouldn't call it cver it's more of a collection just a water collection box that'll be on the back corner of that property kind of where all three of those properties meet with a drainage pipe that runs to the front into the street just to alleviate some of the neighbors concerns that there has never been a house there and they think it's going to start causing water issues under their lot we've installed it on both sides of the other house just to again try to bring all the water from the back there back to the street okay does any board member have any questions for the applicant okay sir you can sit back I will now open public hearing do we have any speaker Parts no okay is there anyone in the audience who's not P out a speaker card that wishes to speak okay seeing none I'll now close the public hearing bring the item back to board for discussion is there a motion make a motion to approve bo8 24171 based on testimony evence Prov the all STS for Varian outl 34286 Land Development code okay second any discussion obviously we just address the same issue took the neighbor's comment into consideration yeah I think that's great great that's great okay uh if there's no more discussion do we have a call vote please Jennifer Williams yes Jeff TR yes Matt met yes Laura yes Owen yes okay your request for variance has been approved call BOA 24172 applicant robberto and Jud alado Al property address 462 464 1 Street South motion4 34 one C2 for side set back 7t 10t minimum 34340 E1 F 38% lock 35% maximum proposed attach elevator tower for multi family structure located at property address 462 464 okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exp communication I've had none I've had none none I've had none and I've had none would the applicant please come forward to be swor in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony about to G this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help God I do please state your name and address Judith alv 462 464 First Avenue First Street South will you all be speaking as well I will 462 464 Street South Jack Beach uh Ren 1466 Pine Aven Jacksonville Florida okay go ahead and uh uh whoever's going to speak please okay uh yeah the the variance is being requested to microphone record uh the variance will being requested to account for uh proposed elevator and stair Tower to create vertical accessibility to the second and third floors where uh architect and my clients are intending to um create for home and uh the the stair Tower is just barely over the um setback lines and does increase the lot coverage by 2% over the um stated minim maximums and as I understand the lot is a nonform la is this there case inside the El Tower as well it goes around elevator itself but the tower itself is closed going to be overhangs at the front that are going to change the footprint of the property there are overhangs that are part of the uh addition because it's sort of no overhangs now so each um roof has a slight overhang okay that was calculated into the additional area I don't know it's relevant is this remaining multi family yes I was trying toig parking I guess parking cover I just don't really identify the plan do you know if anyone has spoken to any of the neighbors uh there's only one neighbor I guess technically the and there's a condo across an alley that that we don't we wouldn't obscure anything with there would be no meaningful change to their view there's an Airbnb a park p o to the right side that there's no neighbors there at all okay thank you okay any other questions I see parking sorry I get the right slot thank you other questions um okay can you folks please step back okay I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker starts not is there anyone in the audience who not put without a speaker C that wishes to speak okay seeing none I'll close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion make motion to approve Bo 24172 based on testimony and evidence provided the request the standard forance is outline at 34286 L development code okay we move in second any discussion 30% yeah yeah I agree uh nonconforming lot and then you have just Absolut I think they took consideration everything else they want to do in the house and plan as well y okay any other discussion okay uh can we have a roll call vote please Jennifer Williams yes Jeff TR yes Matt Mets yes Laura T yes Owen Carly yes your request for variance has been approved case number b2410 74 applicant Robert Hancock property address 1306 North 18th Avenue motion consider 34373 for driveway set back at 3T 5T minimum propos proposed driveway to existing single family development located property address 1306 18 T North okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any expart day communication I've had I've none I've had none and I've had none would the applicate please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you out I do please your name address my voice is kind of gone so it's a Robert handcut 1306 18th North Jack page okay sir go ahead um I'm just requesting additional twoot property line to uh build the driveway it is again IDE standard size lot and I have a tree on the opposite side I can't really go that way unless you guys let me down a big O tree not asking you to do that have you talked to your neighbors um I have and uh actually every every joining property has a zero lot coverage driveway in my on my street are you widening the existing driveway I I am widening the existing driveway right now it's only 8T it's within the the walls of a onear garage so it's Tire to tire from the grass to Grass sure and two teenage daughters don't like it's like take up my yard in the neighbor's yard parking any other questions okay sir can you step back please I'll now open the public in do we have any speaker cards no not okay is there anyone in the audience who has not yet filled out a speaker card that wishes to speak okay seeing none I'll now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion a motion to approve EA 24174 based on testimony evidence provided the request is me all the standards forance is outline at 34286 second M second any discussion reasonable I'm glad came to us to do the dve proper and said just Dro Pap which we see y request now just wait I'll going send your result letter tomorrow and then I'm come with the result letter and then thank you sir okay can we have a roll call vote please Jeff TR yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt yes La yes ow yes request for Vari has been approve sir I'll email it and I also send you a visible copy of the letter all you need to do is bring the letter in and then I'll get next case Bo 24175 applicant James kinin property address 1649 6 Avenue motion consider sections 34 336 E1 C1 for front yard set back of 20 ft L of 25t for a covered front porch for extended entry for an existing single family Jo located property TR 1649 North 6 Avenue okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exart vation I've had none I've had none I've had none I've had none and I've had none the appli forward to be sworn in and give their presentation will be speaking as do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I do please state your name and address James kensin 1649 6th Avenue North Jacksonville Beach Florida I'm Paul Ashley the contractor holding the current um per and 469 19th Street North Beach okay sir go ahead so we're asking for 20 in basically from what is existing right now um the way the landing steps are there to the front entrance door I have a 20in step at the top that I'll have to see noral groceries and unlock the door blah blah blah and we're trying to get it covered now whereas in the past it wasn't just due to rain and slipping I've got two younger kids on handicap with old motorcycle injury so it's walking's not my greatest feet there um that's what we're asking for uh you talk to your neighbors about this one yes the other one's an Airbnb and can't ever catch them what did the neighbor who's actually there said no issues whatsoever I me he's over 60 60% coverage on is okay any questions for the applicant okay sir can you step back please okay I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards no we do not is there anyone in the audience who has not F out a speaker card that wishes to speak seeing none I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back to board for discussion is there a motion if motion approve 24175 based on testimony and evidence provided the request all stand for variances outline 34 286 devel Cod second any discussion we have a nonconforming lot very reasonable request not L very Minal any other discussion okay can we have roll call V please yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt met yes Laura yes Owen Curley yes your request for VAR is better thank okay next on our list is the uh planning department report um next meeting December 17th and we have four items okay all right and then next is the courtesy of the Florida visitors anyone any could include our law enforcement officials okay all right seeing none is there a motion to motion second okay move second all in [Music] favor thank you guys