##VIDEO ID:Z6DPfAIfirE## here we go good evening you're attending a meeting of the board of adjustments for Jacksonville Beach all meetings are Quasi judicial in nature all decisions of the board will be based on competent substantial evidence including testimony provided this meeting any person who is not an applicant or agent that wishes to speak will need to fill out a speaker card located on the side table by the door and them into the clerk each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak in each CH please refrain from speaking from the audience and Applause or cheering will not be allowed please Silence Yourself can we get a roll call please John Mor here Owen Curley here je TR Jennifer Williams here Matt here Laura JY here okay next on our agenda is approval of minutes if you have chance the October 15th 2024 minutes is there a motion I move we approve those minutes second okay moov in second all in favor I opposed okay this been pass uh do we have any correspondence other than okay we have no old bus so we'll go right into the new bus you want to call pleas sure I call case number boa 24 1063 applicant Advanced awning and design LLC agent Jackie M Smith property address 800 shedar Avenue motion to consider sections 34- 344 e3b for Corner side yard setback of 0t and L of 10 ft minimum for proposed shade canopy attached to an existing institutional structure okay uh as a reminder M of the public who given uh 3 minutes to speak once we open the public hearing does any board member have any expart communication I've had none none none none okay and I've had none would the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you go yes it is please state your name and address um Martin priny s p r i n z I'm an agent for advanced rning and design and my address is 2155 corporate Square Boulevard sweet 100 Jacksonville Florida 32216 okay go ahead sir so what Advanced awning is going to be U we're proposing is to erect the shade canopy on the side of the Mission House facility as part of a project to reduce blight to make it aesthetically pleasing to people in the community and uh provide a safe environment for anybody that would use that shap canopy that's first and foremost and an issue was a Rison that we were going to be coming to the 10-ft setback on the property we want to bring it to the existing fence line which is actually 13 ft from the edge of the asphalt 11t from the edge of the Curve so we were little confusion on just to whether we were in that setback um area or not but if we are we would like to request a variance to bring the canopy out to the existing fence line of the property again we're trying to provide safety for anybody that uses that facility we're Ting a new picket vents it's going to be all powder coated in a color that would be pleasing to the community to reduce light Advanced sping was also part of the remodel of the beach ball facility we did a lot of the wooden aluminum look on the outside of it so we want to make it kind of flow with that as well just to make it have a really good curve appeal and a safety element for anybody that might use that facility okay does any board member have U any questions so my biggest concern when reading through the materials is the visibility um when people are driving you know and saw said that the awning was going to be held up with poles is that correct cuz then I saw something about fencing that was separated the tickets were 4 in apart or something yeah there's an existing uh fence that's there a regular normal fence would be replacing that with more of a picket style fence code only allows a maximum of 4 in facing between those pickets so we're kind of have to adhere to that that's why CH fences have such small openings due to code reasons ours would be actually 3 and 3/4 in with 1 in U there'll be 1 in pickets with 3 and 3/4 in spacing between each one of them we will also be placing a decorative Final on top of the post to kind of make it give it more of a you know cosmetic looking field to it so to your mind there's not going to be any issues with the visibility for drivers who are pulling up in no man' like I said we're going to be 13t from the actual asphalt roadway to the edge where the existing fence is we're essentially just replacing that fence where the fence posts are now it would be a lot wider we would be substituting those with 4in square aluminum post they would be a height of 9 6 in in the C will sit on that can we go to page 13 of the packet just so we can see it's it's a colored photo aerial view that shows the building had a blue pen drawing so here it looks like it's basically to the sidewalk that the awning can you tell me a little bit foot that you're speaking to between the edge of the that's being built you can go to the plot plan if you go back a fe there was the photo you were talking about keep going a little bit more well you can actually use that one where that blue hash marks is that's the existing patio that's out there right now covered with big brick papers 13 ft from that edge of that the red dash line is the an additional 13 ft to the roadway there is a brick C sidewalk that runs about a foot off the fence the length and then there's a bit of a grass easement between the sidewalk and the roadway but that fence line is actually 13 ft from the edge of the asphalt to that and the canop is going to the blue hash lines and we're going to be the red dash line is indicative we're going to be taking up all the existing chain that fs and replacing it with this new offit just to like I said to give it that cosmetic looking feel to appeal to the community can we scroll back to the aerial view are you saying that the 13 ft is to shedar Avenue I'm looking at 8th Street and that's where I'm thinking that it would be essentially the setback that we're we're addressing here way there was actual picture that was that had the A on it I believe keep going I should make sure that it has context of the the road View maybe that's not it yeah so go back to that one picture so from there you got shedar Avenue and then you've got I'm sorry 8th Street and you can see the Blue Line there on 8th Street that blue line and then just a little bit below that little you can see the sidewalk and then your grass East littleit grass walkway there that's what you're saying is 13 ft that grass and sidewalk is 13 ft that from the that's say you go from the the curve let's not talk let's go from the edge of the curve to that fence is 11 ft and then from that fence back to depending on where you measure the building it could be anywhere from 11 ft as much as like 14 or 15 ft back behind the fence to different parts of the building I think the shortest distance was like 11 ft 112 ft something like that so from the fence to the road and we'll use the curve for to add that to the roadway is 11 ft and we're not going to on that we're coming right to the so replacing the existing fence with the new picket fence and then the canop is going to be sitting on top of those now outside of the canopy will be normal fits Post 6 ft tall the rest of the way so around the canopy will be 9 ft tall the fence and underneath the canopy would still be 6 ft but those post would be about 9 9 ft 2 in something like that okay any further questions okay sir can you step back sure I will now open the public hearing do we have anys and no correspondence excuse me I I neglected to fill mine up I have here oh you mind taking up to if I may please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony about to give this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you on my name is alen winner I do and please see your address as well uh my professional address is 1015 Atlantic Boulevard site 154 Atlantic Beach Florida 32233 my name is Christopher Brown uh my address uh is 820 shatter Avenue jaon will be for will you both be speaking uh we I will probably be asking him questions to clarify uh I was uh I was impacted by the board's questions to the proponent here there does seem like there's some confusion uh Mr Brown tells me that based on what the conclusions will be he has no objection but if if um it's not clear what the project is is going to be he does and I can explain that okay that's fine uh just I would ask that you both submit speakers you Chris if you would go get one you don't have to go down just do it right after you're done okay thanks uh and Mr U uh for your benefit Mr Brown owns the property immediately to the west of U Mission House okay and he has been before the board before and I've been before the board before on his behalf uh uh and if I may uh go ahead sir um and I appreciate uh the proponent attempt to try to explain what they're going to do uh I Mr Brown has taken some photographs and I think the one I have in my hand is probably one of the better ones to demonstrate uh our concern uh the Mission House on the east side of the mission house there appears to be there is a sidewalk and depending on whether the awning goes over that sidewalk or not will be depending on whether or not we have an objection clearly if you have residents of the mission house uh under the awning uh on the sidewalk uh and in that area impeding 8th Street that would be a problem uh if I was uh responsible for the city of Jacksonville Beach and uh was partially responsible or fully responsible for the injury to a a mission house employ or employee or a a a a visitor um that would be a concern Mr Brown tells me the other day that a bus pulled up on 8th Street for services and was there for several hours well if that reduces 8 Street to one one lane uh and there's an awning on the other side of the lane that would be a problem so I think what we have to have and our concern basally and Mr Brown was candid when we were sitting back there if the awning does not impede on the sidewalk and still allows for the Ingress and eass that is normal and it has already been approved by the city of Jacksonville Beach in the state of Florida then fine we've got no objection but I think that has to be clarified by the proponent in this case we need to know how far out that is going to be and there because that's how far out the visitors to the mission house is going to be I would like to submit this picture as a evidence because it's not obvious to us U uh you know it doesn't really paint the picture as to where that that awning is going to be I don't know if the proponent has uh a better architectural uh picture drawing design whatever if they do I ask them to submit it so that if you're going to vote on an approval of that uh that you know what your voting approval on if I may yes please um Mr Mr Brown uh his uh business Ben trend has been in that location for 20 years um he is the closest neighbor to the mission house and he has over the years watched the Mission House grow and grow we appreciate the problem U it's not Mr Brown's problem um and so when there is a a uh a history of expansion of the mission house and the parts next to it uh he obviously has some concerns he has to have people he has to have his driveway clear uh he has to have security uh at his uh facility he has other people's vehicles that stay at the V at the at the uh location at night some inside some some Vehicles inside when he can do that some outside and uh this does cause some concern he's had some problems in the past wouldn't be here CH do you want there go go as you said there is security issues U when you have an awning like that for homeless people shade is what they're looking for you're just going to increase the homeless in that area and regardless of what they tell you they don't cut the homeless off after 90 days they keep them there for years and years and years it's the same people coming over and over and over as security goes many people have been shot right there gunfire next door to me not a good thing you par you you given them variances before you gave them a parking variance which we opposed very stringently and it was based on the premise that they wouldn't be expanding services but they did expand Services as soon as the building was built the parking lot was then tagged with uh signs all around it saying parking is for staff only which created a much bigger problem so my issue is is it is this awning only going to go to where the existing fence is and if that's the case then I don't care but we heard that the man say just a few minutes ago that it was 13 ft and then we heard him say it was 11 ft and I'm concerned whether or not the awning comes over and past that line where the fence is as far as the EES or something I I want some better clarification if I could get it and I said if it doesn't go any further than the fence line I don't care thank you okay thank you uh any more speaker Parts okay uh then we'll invite the applicant back up to address uh if you care to address the uh the comments and dis yes anybody that would be using that facility would only be using it during the mission hous business it does have a security gate with a mer C gr from outside of that but to maybe clear up the confusion and I apologize if I if I didn't make that clear we are only coming to the existing fence line and I have a picture here and I don't know if I could yes that picture depicts there's probably about a fo 2ot distance from the fence to the first grass before the sidewalk then you have this four or 5ft sidewalk and then another piece of grass between it the awning will not protrude pass so we're basically replacing the existing fence with a new decorative picket fence and then the canop is going to stop at that line it will not overhang the sidewalk or impede even that grass area between the sidewalk and the fence we're only coming out 17 ft from one the building's furthest inset and like 12 feet from where the building JS out to that fence line and that's it we we don't want to alter anything else outside of that fence to impede any foot traffic vehicle traffic pedestrian traffic or anything any questions based on that is that bottom picture there you can see the grass between the sidewalk in that fence we're stopping at that fence the fence that's here in this picture um that's the fence that you're placing in the a is going to come to that fence it's going to stop right so the post that support the fence also support the edge of the canopy and it does not protr past that point so just just so I'm clear then you're not going to cover that little grassy area outside the not going to cover the sidewalk and you're not going to cover the Medan strip up to that's like I said way where the confusion came in depending on where you measure the roadway from the asphalt it's 13 ft if you go from the twoot gutter that's part of the roadway it's 11 ft from that edge to the fence so that 11 ft would stay untouched and be wi than this for the project okay any further questions I'll let you look at the okay no further questions uh uh you can Mo St back sir I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion Mr chairman I I apologize Mr chairman I didn't uh could I uh reut that last U area just briefly I'm sorry sir we just closed it uh we we allow members of the public to testify um and then uh he provided some additional information and we close our our public hearing well I want to address like because I think that the city of Jacksonville Beach sir all right I'll I'll please note my objection I make a motion to approve Thea 24-100 63 based on the standards for Varian is outlined in section 34286 of land development code second okay it's been moved in second any discussion what if we were to limit it to where is currently that when they do the build that's a part of it that's a reement ex Beyond can beyond the current I think the staff's notes St that it doesn't go beyond what is already in place I think it's already in the not looking for it but there are some concerns with the prop I make a motion to approve boa okay to amend boa 24-100 63 um to stipulate that the awning is uh the extension of the awning is limited to the current fence law okay so we mooving second uh so we're going to vote first any discussion on the [Music] amendment okay so we're going to vote first on the amendment we have a roll call vote on the amendment John Mor yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt yes Laura yes yes okay so now we're going to vote on U if it will is there any more discussion on the amended motion I I think the amendment clarifies um how far the a is out so I think it' be good to add it okay can we have a roll call vote on the amended motion please John Morland yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt met yes Laura tney yes Owen cley yes okay uh your request for variance has been approved uh with those conditions we call the next case please I call case number boa 24-100 64 applicant robertt Bruce owner and theres Kar property address 349 South Street motion to consider section 34-33 e1e for 48.2% loot coverage and L 35% maximum for proposed new single family dwelling okay as a reminder each member the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exp communication I've had none none none not none the applicant police will come forward to be sworn in and presentation do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you gu I do please take your name and address uh Robert Bruce 3330 Ocean Drive South Jacksonville Beach Florida okay sir go ahead um uh this property at 3406 1 Street has been near since the 50s um it's pre-existing non-conforming lot as most of them are in South jackon Beach uh the lot right now in the house on the lot right now has uh a little over 80% coverage it doesn't comply with any of the setbacks whatsoever uh I have a house designed that will comply with all of the setbacks that are in place these days and I'm requesting the 40 48.2% coverage so I can uh put in a nice paper driveway paper walkways at a small um uh sitting area in the back uh of this uh property okay there any questions I have a question so and I don't recall what page this is so maybe one of you can tell me but they they we were provided with this great little chart um showing what the current conditions are and what the proposed conditions are and I noticed that on the under the proposed it says 49.6 6% not 48% I I I realize I had presented a that summary earlier uh that had uh an additional uh paper area near the pool which was removed and that's why it's at 482 rather than what on that table okay so this is not accurate for that purpose and you're going to have some area to walk around the pool I mean is that in the part of the yes that's uh except for the sitting area it's going to be Turf back there there's going to be a pool spot back in that area very nice backyard any other questions okay sir set back uh do we have any uh speaker shks oh sorry I will now open public hearing do we have any speaker shks okay we have no correspondence I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the grp is there a motion I make a motion to approve boa 24-10 064 based on the standards for aan is outlined in section 34286 of land development code second a discussion it's clearly aniz lot it's about 30% under BL through the area the request is not an overreach it brings a lot closer to Conformity than it currently is and even with the requested coverage relative to a total uh standard lot it would only be 33.7% uh okay there's no more um discussion then uh can we have a please Jennifer Williams yes John Moren yes Matt n yes yes oh yes okay your request for variance has been approved thank you we call I call case number boa 24-100 65 applicant Kevin and Mercedes kch oh there is 612 South 15th Avenue motion to consider section 34337 e1e for 47.5% lot coverage L A 35% maximum for a proposed new addition to the front of an existing s single family dwelling okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any expar communication I've had none none I've had none I've had none and I've had none would the applicant please come forward to be scor in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you out please each state your name and address Mercedes CCH uh 612 15th Avenue South Kevin Andrew Kelch 6121 15th Avenue South I'm super nervous sorry okay um so we are looking to um do an addition to the front of our house uh that would extend it out roughly uh I want to say 10 ft or so um it's well within the setback uh but it's no more than an addition of about 320t of which about 155 of it is going to be actually air conditioned space we're looking to extend our kitchen and and increase the size of our garage um we've been in the house now for 10 years and um the garage is actually not really able to it's got our laundy room in it too so it doesn't really provide a lot of space to actually put a car in it uh and then with the uh potential of my mom moving in we wanted to create a little more space in the common areas um to be able to have you know us all be comfortable in the same house uh with that potential um I we've we've got like I said we're not looking to get a variance that goes to to change where the setback is um we actually did talk to our neighbors to make sure they were okay with you know what what we're doing uh we're really trying to stay within the character of the existing house we're not you know putting anything any bigger than what we're asking for um just want to create a little more living space as well as more garage space there anything else it is a nonperforming lot in the neighborhood and the other half there are other in the neighborhood that are actually closer to the ours is so it's not being I the front of the house itself is actually going as far as what you see from the Curve will very changed very little from from what's there now we want to stay within the same roof line profile just just want to move things out a little bit so we get a little more space when you say that you talk to neighbors got one neighbor two neighbors no we we've got we got letters from three of them um yeah I would have gotten more but unfortunately the other people were out of town any other questions okay can you folks step back list I now open the public hearing do we have any speaker STS yes no correspondence I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back board for discussion is there a motion I make a motion to approve boa 24-100 65 based on the standards for variances outlined in section 34286 of the Land Development code second okay it's been moved in second it any discussion I think it's clear it's uniz lot uh ask is not an overreach if it was a standard size lot this would be relative coverage of 39.6 as the applican indicated maintaining a very similar profile of the home very minimal adjustment so considering the size of the lot being substandard and also support the neighbors if you look in the attached documents there's multiple letters from Neighbors substantiating familiarity with the plan proposed and comfort that it's not on their surrounding also okay anybody else okay can we have a roll call list Jennifer Williams yes John Mor yes Matt M yes La yes oh Carly yes your request for variance has been approved thank you so much thank you very much case number boa 24-100 66 applicant Jason and Stephanie Huntley property address 3940 quana Boulevard motion to consider sections 34- 336 e1e for 48.82 lot coverage and do a 35% maximum 34- 336 E1 C2 for a southern side yard setback of 9.1 ft and a northern side yard setback of 9.8 ft in L of 10 ft minimum to address existing non-conformities for the construction of a new pool and paper patio to an existing single family dwelling okay as a reminder each member of the public will'll be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exp party communication I've had none none none I've had none and I've had none with the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the whole truth and nothing but the TRU sell of you God I do please state your name and address uh Jason Huntley 394 little you can move that up if you'd like you okay goad sir yeah um so just from the application you obviously have a nonconforming lot just trying to build a modest pool in our backyard um and I think we're adhering to all the setbacks in terms of the of the papers and everything just trying to to get a modest pool in our backyard I think it's only 16 by 18 ft two sides of it are um coping only we're going to do some Turf in those areas you know to to kind of um complement it and not do too much Hardscape and um but that's just that's about it uh have you discussed this with your uh neighbors yeah so I think actually my neighbor to the right used to be on board um Chase his last name right now but um but yeah so almost every everyone I touch has a pool you know what I mean and and they all seem to be fine with it so any questions just want to confirm the existing sidey yard setbacks that are being requested to be approved here as a variance are from the fence or from excuse me not the fence the property line to the edge of the residential structure so the 9.1 is actually to the edge of the home there's not other structures outside of the home that are resulting in that sidey setback requirement is that correct no and I even I I I submitted the the variance you know that's not me I bought the house disting home and that's was was built you know and I think it's trying to maybe bring it to you know get on record I guess so but yeah that's just from the house to the prop l so or the existing house yes thank if there's no further questions sir you can step back I now open the public hearing do we have any speaker starts is there anyone in the audience who's not filled out a speaker card that wishes to speak never get if not I'll now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion I make a motion to approve boa 24-100 66 based on the evidence provided this uh application meets all the standards outline in section 34286 in the land of okay so we move to the second any discussion I think it's clearly an undersized lot uh nearly 35% lower than what would be a standard lot in this location it's uh addressing the sidey setbacks that exist in the home as it's the structure so no uh issue with the applicant creating that that constraint uh good to have that landed in the cod in a way that we can have evidence of and uh the request for coverage does not appear to be an overreach it was a standard lot coverage would only be 31.6% so I think clearly substandard lot put the applicant in this position okay any other comments discussion okay can we have a roll call vote please Jennifer Williams yes johnen yes Matt yes yes Owen curle yes okay your request for variance has been approved thank youate uh next is our planning department report um next meeting is November 19 and we have six cases not that be easy two of them is like new builds anyways okay yeah pretty easy uh courtesy the floor to visitors anyone El okay is there a motion to jerk okay been moov all in favor I okay good job right