##VIDEO ID:4n7rPyBtbZE## cover good evening everyone it's 6:00 so we will go ahead and get our Monday October 7th regular city council meeting started we'll begin with the uh invitation by to the flag by council member CH tonight I want to take a moment to recognize Matthews 15-year-old that was uh killed tragically in our community after the feter homec coming game last Friday so we're going to have a moment of silence and then I'll move into prayer after that good and gracious Heavenly Father we come to you tonight with heavy heavy hearts Lord I just ask you to put your arms around the Matthew's family the friends and the extended family of this young man give them the peace that transcends all understanding that you have and Lord I just ask you to lead them further in life and guide them as they move on Lord I ask you also to look over the those in the state that are getting impacted by yet another storm be with them provide them safe evacuation provide them safety and protect their property Lord I just ask you to also look over our First Responders as they have to get the Call of Duty to respond to all those that are suffering from the storm Lord I just appreciate all the things and blessings that you give us each and every day for it's in your name we pray amen flag of the United States of America and the repic for which it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all thank you this meeting is called to order call council member Golding here council member horn here council member Json here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor h here moving on to approval of minutes item a I move that we approve the minutes from the special city council meeting held on September 16th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor sign signify by saying I any opposed motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on September 16th 2024 second we have a motion on a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any oppos motion motion carries uh approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by say I any opposed what you didn't see up here is that a certain person was trying to be first on the light for announcements council member Mesa announcements uh yeah a couple announcements first um obviously H ly we just council member Dan Jansen uh mentioned the unfortunate uh victim of a unfortunate incident that happened on Friday 15-year-old Liam Matthews um it's a tragedy something that should never happened that same night there was another car wreck on the uh westbound on JTV by bford uh a friend of mine who I see as a brother he is a lieutenant with J he responded to that call um and it's a trag uh teenagers being Reckless um one of the hardest calls for him is to go to calls that our our children our kids are losing their lives regardless what it is um my hearts and prayer go goes out to to those families um and I think with with with what happen with the situations with kids on ebags and everything else I know we have a briefing coming up but parents you're watching this on YouTube or if you're a parent here yourself and you have a teenager please educate them on the road the rules of the road um I've encountered many individuals running stop signs on ebikes regular bicycles skateboards uh it's on a matter of time before it happens again so parents please educate your kids please educate and I think this is something I think I don't know our Police Department or our surrounding beaches I know they educate our kids in schools but I think more education and uh we just need to I think have some sort of enforcement if we witness if a cop witness someone R in a stop sign on an ebike I think it's more it's important not just to give them a ticket but educate them on what would happen if they don't uh follow the RO and second announcement something to feel good about uh those of you guys that know Ed M he put out a call for uh donations and many of us donated and it was such a wonderful sight to see multiple parking spots full of goods they were Tak in North Carolina and I think Ed is a great member of our community as a business owner and someone that has helped these communities um so big thank you to him and his crew Keith Faber Heather Faber Steve youa dan bu Brown Gordon gun Brian crof shanks crof Don burhart Paul Briggs Chris Sanchez L Tipton Ben Easton mayus toll Arthur Chelly himself uh and Cody dubbin uh bunch of the people that helped them to go up north um and I don't know what we can do but I would recommend maybe talking about Ed M receiving the W maker award and maybe if not a resolution we have an ed Mel day since he's doing a lot for the community and I think it's something good thank you guys you stole some of my thunder so thank you Mr M but that is uh in the works pending Mr mle I hope he's not watching right now because we are trying to surprise him [Music] Mr uh thank you mayor U just one just a couple things uh hats off to Dennis you and your group um there's a lot of debris that's left in the city from the last storm and um Dennis and the public works department have jumped in along with Waste Pro to um proactively try and finish getting that up off the street which it's going to need to be in the next 48 hours for sure uh before we get round two so thanks Dennis to you and your uh your crew they um they were out working really hard today um number of us were at FL Florida cities uh last week at the committee meetings uh supporting all five of the Committees I believe as well as staff there uh I'm on the intergovernmental relations mobility and Emergency Management it's Chang names it's hard to remember it's got a lot of a lot of words but um no no particular policy priorities for us as yet I think that'll become clear in November um and congratulations to Sandy um chairing her committee first time I'm not so sure but it may be the first time we've had uh one of our council members as chair of any of those committee so that uh that was great and um that's it I've got a couple other questions but I think Mr stopulos is going to bring something up shortly and I'll ask then Golding thank you mayor um just want to reiterate some of the things that my fellow council members have said um definitely public works I've had some calls about um the yard waste pickup and do appreciate um everything that our staff is doing pre hurricane and post hurricane and now in preparation of another hurricane so thank you to Public Works and to Waste Pro I also wanted um to throw out a special thanks to our Beaches Energy crew because um we we personally my husband and I only lost power for 2 hours as a result of Helen and and got power back rather quickly and unfortunately our neighbors to the north of us in Atlantic Beach H had several days that they were without power oh and you were one of them huh okay oh wow okay so but also um in addition to working hard to make sure that we um had our power restored we had several crew members go up to to South Carolina and help restore power there and now they're coming back here so that they can be prepared for Milton so we want to thank all your entire crew Allan for all that they have been doing and they will continue to be doing for us um thanks to Angie and everyone in the community who donated to make that um collection so huge and just want to mention that uh in addition to donations that were sent to North Carolina there were also donations sent to Florida to victims in Florida because we I don't know if anybody have SE has seen some of the photos or video but there was definitely a lot of Devastation in Florida which is um heartbreaking because now Milton is going to pack a second punch in some of the same areas um so my thoughts and prayers are with our neighbors on the west coast and um just want to let everybody know that there's a jack Beach candidate Forum that was scheduled the night that hit and had to be rescheduled to Wednesday and uh now it's looking like it's going to be done via Zoom instead so that it will be safe for everyone to participate um beaches watch is going to post the zoom link on their website and on Facebook and the video of The Forum will be posted after the Forum is over um a topic that's near dear to my heart is pet adoption and just want to let everyone know that there will be a whiskers and waves pet adoption event and Festival Saturday and Sunday October 19th and 20th at the seawalk Pavilion from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. there will be a lot of wonderful dogs I can tell you I know because our shelter has amazing dogs um that will be there uh the Jacksonville shelter Jacksonville Humane Society acps and County Animal Services um they're also looking for people who will take some dogs for this storm they call them thunder buddies and uh you can have a have a buddy come and stay with you it gets them out of the shelter and gives them a break from the shelter and gives the shelter staff a little more information about the dog when you take them back so um if you have the ability to Foster dog please do so if you can adopt please come out the 19th or the 20th and find a new furry friend there and uh I also want to Echo uh my deepest condolences to the Matthews family it's heartbreaking I cannot imagine what they are going through and I just urge everyone to stay safe as Milton passes through our community and um make sure that you prepare thank you Mr Jansen yeah I'll keep it short we go to the same thing as my colleagues I think all of our departments work right in unisense from law enforcement Public Works Beaches Energy all together and parks and R I know that everybody has a hand in these storms and just coming off of one and entering another one um I know it's a lot of work a lot of commitment I've been in that role before so thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you guys do um also it's looking like there's yet another storm foring in the Caribbean that's supposed to come across much further South Florida around the 17th maybe the week next week or week after that summer around it's for minut so we don't really know yet um to piggy back on uh my colleague Sutton's um point on the policy committees so I'm in the development co- compliance Redevelopment policy committee and it's looking like we're going to be focusing on the live local act and affordable housing right now that seems to be the vibe across the room uh similar to uh uh Mr Sutton's committee we haven't zeroed in on any one particular item it kind of looks like short-term vacation rentals might just cool down for a session because uh after the governor's U veto letter which was pretty scathing I don't think uh anybody wants to Champion that cause moving forward into this legislative season so I think that one's going to just sit idle for for a year we'll see though we don't know yet um and then lastly but not leastly I know me and my family are going to pack up in the morning and kind of move to a safe location so I would encourage anyone else out there that feels like you need to go to a safe location to do that secure all your items and and go in a direction that you feel would be a safe safe move um I'm hoping that I'll have internet connection for a forum but we'll see so thank you Mr Jansen Mr Wagner Dan I don't know you don't need any help but more I'm I'm actually it's on you I tried to help um we've we've covered a lot today so I I'll I'll limit my comments to stuff we haven't touched on yet and I want my wife and I want to express our appreciation to the city we had the opportunity last week to sit in our first session of the citizens information Academy it's a six week session that the city makes available for our residents to learn a lot more about the city and and also to get exposed to and interact with uh those leaders within our our our team uh a kind of a different level and we learned so much the it was a wonderful event Gabus was always a nice touch um but it it really was it was really fabulous and a lot of the historical references even as somebody was born and raised here it's still really really cool to hear some of the stories that you haven't heard yet and and see some of the pictures but it was I mean and a class great job to together I really do appreciate it and so uh this is my little commercial for everybody else if you if you haven't had the opportunity to go through it or if you know people that would really benefit from it um I highly highly recommend it thank you Molly the MU for coming inside joke U Mr horn um a lot of these topics have been touched on already the first thing I want to say is I'm not a superstitious but I wonder if we should have these candidate for we keep uh keep bringing the Hurricanes I'm just just throwing that out there um no um I I do want to say you know our community is a wonderful place everybody kind of banded together during Helen Helen however you want to call it um uh I appreciate everybody in the community reaching out helping people North who've got this other one coming the one thing I can say is everybody if you're listening if you're watching make sure you're you have your medications at your house make sure you have enough food for yourself water for your family vehicles um gas topped off be safe because these these storms are obviously unpredictable we saw that the last time um this one that is coming is massive hopefully it's going to slow down and tighten up a little bit but it's still going to be big you know our state's not that big and'll cross the whole thing and we're all going to experience the effect so um let's just make sure we reach out we love our neighbors take care of each other and um we'll get through Mr stopus thank you mayor councel I wanted to just give a quick update to the council to the community with regards to Hurricane Milton which is making its way towards the West Coast of Florida as you're aware over the weekend Governor danant has declared a state of emergency for a number of counties majority of them across the State of Florida Duvall County is included in that for the Declaration of emergency uh with regards to the actions that the city's taking at this point in time as was previously mentioned uh public works and our contractor Waste Pro are out and about trying to clean up all of the yard waste debris that is out there on the streets so that we don't have projectiles depending on the winds that we receive for the residents that are out there we would ask that if you have not put out yard waste do not put out anymore at this time it's going to take all we can do just to get what's out on the streets off the streets before the storm gets here with regards to what we are likely to experience uh for us we will have winds that are going to be very similar to what we saw with tropical storm force is what they're calling for but we could see gusts that get into the hurricane range uh with that being said the rainfall is really going to be the big one this time around low end around 4 in high end could be as high as 10 in so again our Public Works crew has been out checking our storm water infrastructure making sure that our pumps are working our generators are fueled up and ready to go uh but if you're driving around the community obviously there are areas that people know of where the the water collects don't try to go through standing water uh go around it look for Police Department to be putting out barricades if it gets too bad with regards to Beach's energy just a reminder for everyone in the community to be patient Beach's energy is calling back their Crews that were out on Mutual Aid in other states specifically South Carolina they should be coming back into our territory tomorrow in advance of the storm but please remember that when the winds get above a certain amount we do not put our crews out in danger we call them back in so if we have sustained winds that are going for 2 3 4 hours that's 2 3 or 4 hours that we will not be out trying to reestablish electrical connections bear with us as soon as the winds die down we will have crews out addressing those situations uh with regards to public meetings uh as you heard the candidate Forum was canceled for Wednesday night we have also canceled the CIA meeting for Wednesday night as well tropical storm force winds should be coming in Wednesday afternoon slash evening we don't want to have members of the community driving around the tropical storm winds if it's not necessary with regards to other cancellations around the area I'm sorry before I get into that uh storm surge we are expecting a storm surge of 3 to 5 ft in our area uh where that will be depending on the wind direction looks like it's going to be Coastal for the most part against our recently rebuilt Dune system but given that the dunes are 16 ft tall and we're talking 3 to 5T storm surge I will say no more and just knock on the wood this table the Lakeside gate uh has been open since the last storm Helen and speaking with our public works department and a code R was sent out earlier today the Lakeside gate will remain open through hurricane Milton and through a Paving project that's being done on the other side of the gate in Neptune Beach which has some Transportation impacts as well once those events have gone past then the city will look to reclose the gate at that point in time uh Duvall County public schools has cancelled schools for Wednesday Thursday and Friday uh there is also the possibility that shelters will be open up at some of those schools and the City of Jacksonville has indicated they will be closed on Wednesday Thursday and Friday we have not made final decisions on our hours for closures yet uh we are going to wait until tomorrow morning where we will have a weather briefing at 8:30 a.m. followed by another internal meeting at 9:00 and we will be making our decisions at that point in time and with that everybody please be safe for the next 72 hours Mr Sutton uh just a couple of comments and a question or two for Mr stopulos um yeah unfortunately it looks like we're probably going to get some fairly significant onshore winds from this and my recollection is we've been pretty lucky in the past and not had a whole bunch of rainfall before storms before and we're in anything but that case this time so unfortunately if you have large trees around your house uh please be extra careful and extra diligent there and uh because you know if we get hurricane force winds we're going to be losing some trees especially in the heavy canopy areas here on the West side of the beach um I did have a question Mr stopulos on the Lakeside gate or or Mr Baron the message that we sent out earlier today mentioned the project for Neptune Beach as well and I presume that that would be because King's Road would be impassable is that correct Dennis bar Public Works director um yes I received a call last week from the nepon beach police department um asking us if we would consider opening the gate because they are the part of their Paving project is going to be on Kings Road itself so because of the resurfacing and Milling it down and then ultimately putting it back they wanted to allow the people in that area to be able to have a second way out um of which I told him we already still had it open we were expecting to close it and reopen it this morning um with the impending weather we did not do that so the gate will be open at minimum until next Monday do they have an estimate on the timing of that they expected it to be done today tomorrow and we could close the gate on Wednesday that was the original plan before Milton was even a glimpse in their eye so I'm guessing they're still on track for their Paving project but I can't comment on whether they are or not I'll just be in communication with them at the end of the week so this wasn't like a weeks long thing it was it was only going to be open three days Monday through Wednesday was the intent for that project for that project yes perfect thank you and the just a comment here I don't know there's a whole lot we can do about it maybe there is this um there's a a property on South Third Street I think it used to be called Third Street Diner it's now called nothing it's yeah hillbilly wingshack I think is what it was but the sign there is at some degree maybe like 55° or something and and I know that's probably on private property but I think it poses a public risk and it probably would take us 5 minutes to touch that thing and knock it down instead of it potentially hitting somebody um cuz it will go down in this storm the uh the sign had and the property owner have been cited by our code enforcement and Building Division and the building official is aware of it and trying to make contact with the owner any other that was a lot guys um we have a lot to cover thank you um I don't have anything to add other than uh to include my sympathies to um to the young man's family his family does own a business here in Jacksonville Beach that is known probably to many of you um and hopefully you'll be able to uh support it when they get going again um and then just to reiterate to please be prepared for the storm um follow Jack's ready that's the best place for upto-date local information localized information um myself and members of our uh police Command Staff will be sending some time down at the EOC in Jacksonville to um get as much up-to-date information as we can um and to provide them with our information as well so that um when mayor Degan and other County officials are speaking on behalf of the county that they have the correct information um from us as far as what our plans are and I would like to note that while the beaches and energy director lives in ja ja territory the Jaa CEO lives in Beach's energy territory so um and also I think U Mr stopus misspoke when he said that the beaches watch Forum was canceled it has it is still on for the same day and time it's just a different um not in person it'll be uh via Zoom but that will be high impact storm time so keep an eye on your uh social media and emails on that one as well okay moving on courtesy of the floor to visitors our first uh speaker is Mr Thomas Harold Thomas if you want to come up and give us your name and address you will have three minutes to address the council absolutely uh first of all I just want to say thank you thank you for letting me speak uh Thomas harell 2796 colonies Drive I live uh at Republic and colonies right the Old Navy dump is behind me closer to the sanctuary and so the contractors that is part of RS what I see a lot is uh they constantly speaked and uh Dennis has done a great job Mr McDonald with public works I've talked to them I've talked to the police department actually this morning morning and the other day because they're going to 20 M hour road and they're going 40 to 50 m hour I know that they're under a contract to get another if they make their guideline they make $100,000 so they're speeding constantly they're back there like behind the Navy dump at 12:30 at night uh they broke the cable today um I just would like to reiterate the fact that there weren't a lot of kids in our neighborhood when I first lived there when I was first moved there 5 years ago and now we have like 30 children and I have 100 lb chocolate lab and if someone um hits my dog there's going to be hell to pay I mean it just I just I've been flicked off I've been told to mind my own business with the contractor so it's just one of those things that I just wanted to reiterate to the the council and bringing to your attention um I uh contacted Mr hor and to make sure that he was intuitive of of what we needed to you know he knew that I was coming to speak as well but it just it's it's impossible where they just like I've had to pressure wash my house twice because of the just the dust that keeps coming up and everything so it's one of those things where you just wanted to get everybody in the loop because it just um and and the police department everybody Jack Beach I love Jack Beach and uh I would say everybody has been very very helpful um for Mr McDonald for Public Works Dennis as well uh everybody has been just uh very responsive and and answered very questions it's just how much are we going to I mean it's a safety issue and that's what I just really wanted to kind of bring to your attention it's not um I'm not complaining to complain but I'm complaining if that makes sense you know so just one of the things I just want to say thank you and I appreciate uh the time to speak and uh everybody's been responsive I talked to Mr horn and he's been great so thank you so much and I really appreciate it thank you Mr Harold David Zuckerman uh good evening my name is David Zuckerman 1794 Ocean Drive South uh Jack Beach I've lived here since 1996 6 every morning 5 days a week Monday through Friday I jog 5 miles on our beautiful beaches between 16th Avenue South and 16th Avenue North usually between about 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning this past Friday I was about two blocks north of the pier when a woman threw a ball in the path where I was jogging now since I was looking down at the beach I did not see it till the last second I looked up just as a 50 plus PB black Labrador running to after the ball at full speed slammed into my leg and knocked me over and down onto the beach now the woman ran over and repeatedly apologized several others also came over to see if I was okay there was no argument but I did tell the woman about the dog ordinance and please ask her to keep her dog on a leash well she responded she never saw me and she thought it was okay to let her dog loose since every day she sees everyone else doing it yes it was an unintentional accident uh fortunately I was not injured but I'm 71 years old I could have broken an arm a leg or fractured my hip when I went down but one more thing to consider had that dog run into a young child or one of the many elderly citizens that walk our beach daily that person too could could have been seriously injured as I said I jog every morning and I can honestly say I cannot remember the last time I saw an animal control unit on the beach during these hours furthermore every day every morning north of the pier within several blocks there's at least two to three different groups of people throwing balls and frisbees with packs of dogs 2 3 four even five dogs every one of them off a leash every one of them running loose now these are not tourists it's the same group of people blatantly ignoring our laws every single day now I respect that enforcing a leash law is difficult but I'm here T night begging you start enforcing the law or ban dog or ban dogs from the beach entirely like I said I was not hurt when a large dog chasing a ball running loose at full speed on the beach ran into me and knocked me over but the next person may not be so fortunate ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for your time I sincerely appreciate it thank you thank you Mr Zuckerman Roger Whiting Roger wh 11:03 Second Avenue North Jack Beach Florida um about my favorite subject the project going on across the street from me in front of donzale Park I was here for all the meetings the applicant clearly stated buildings would not be above 35 ft that building that's sitting there is 39 ft deak I've worked instruction all my life I don't have to go over there and measure it I can count the height of the floor and the height of the TRU it's between 38 and 40 ft to the peak which is considerably more than 35 uh I don't know that there's a lot that can be done like to know how it past plan review though if it's 39 ft that doesn't make sense thank you thank you Mr Whiting uh Taylor Jensen I was told to put this in for the hey good evening sorry I'm not a public speaker I've spent 20 years working here for y'all for the citizens of Jacksonville Beach I work for Public Works I'd love to hear all the time Praises for public servants and or firefighters and I know many of them given scholarships out the right here at Fletcher high school over my days and that's why I'm here tonight because 10 years ago a group of employees here in submitted in the thing our pensions were stolen from us by all whoever I don't know the the union and I have it right here you know non-discrimination but yet now the city of Jacksonville Beach this policy adopted off the State of Florida policy discriminates against 18y old old s the very people protecting my student my sons at school maybe your son at school the very firefighters you are going to pull us out of this disaster the very people have been pulling dead dogs floating out of creeks or my fellow employees on that dead dog any less than me but yet as I showed in here 18-year-olds we don't even receive our money wow other officials management other people who are in charge are receiving boooo taxpayer dollars sorry I live at 632 Oak Street neton beach 1106 North 16th Street Jacksonville Beach born and raised four generations right here still alive I'm seriously concerned when I to see things that says the public interest and that y'all don't discriminate but in the info I should where I reive zero of my dollars after 20 years don't even receive my money I've put in there's a big problem I know that there's some pinion stuff coming up I ask you all to think about the 18-year-olds who yall do hire but y'all do not treat fairly because now they're doing it at the city of Jacksonville and they're going to continue to do it at the public employees and I feel as I'm the only person in this whole state who's trying to stand up because you're not not hiring us we're here working but we sure aren't family we sure are not treated fairly and I asked that because all I hear is Dei and fair pay for fair work in y's documents I hand it to you what about my nieces who live four blocks away when they get to come here and be a public servant at 18 or your son our sons grew up and went to kindergarten together that's all I got to say thank you thank you Mr Jensen moving on to consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second we have a motion and a second all in favor by say I any post motion carries uh first item under city manager business Mr petam I normally look to see who's already moving Alan put director of reaches energy um what we have before you today is a a motion for a what we call a comp plan our Capital um operations and maintenance plan um just for some information back in 2021 we did an operational business plan this is going to kind of grow on top of that so what we didn't do is do a deep dive into what the cost would be when can we do the projects in conjunction with other projects to make sense um rate we're also going to consider a rate design and and also just have this cons you know consultant come in and kind of say what we had planned in that original operational plan doesn't make sense based on their experience in the industry they um GDs Associates is work working with us through fmba they're the ones that helped us develop the scope they have an extensive industry experience in this area so what they'll do is they look at here's what our plan is does it make sense going forward how can we tweak it to make it best fit for us in the next 5 to 10 year outlook so what had before you is a as a plan $175 $75,000 sorry I say sold um 50,000 that would be for the rate design itself so what we're asking for is the plan itself in addition five different strategic rate um choices to make so what we would do at that point we bring those rate design options back to you for consideration we would discuss them and decide what's best for our customers so we had the recommend a motion 4 you thank you any motion please I move that we approve Beaches Energy Services 2025 Capital operational and maintenance plan and strategic rate design scope of services second we have a motion on a second Miss Golding Alan can you tell us how long it will take to do this and when we would have the information that this will so I knew you were going to ask that so actually um council person Golding um emailed me earlier today um I did not mention that in the plan um it's funny that you know this in in developing the comp plan we expected to have it done in 6 months and because of what the Cyber event and everything it took us over a year but we are looking at about a six-month time frame um and if we don't get any more hurricanes in the next few months yes that's about six months for to impl thank you any other questions or comments from Mr petam Madam for roll call council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member suton yes council member Wagner yes may H yes motion carries Item B uh good evening Council my name is Bill director of Information Services and this is um requesting additional funding for the ab in this room um just to kind of bring you up to speed if I have already um this is a project that's going to upgrade all of the audio equipment inst room the microphones in front of you it's going to add microphones to these tables here it's going to add screens up here actually some monitors that two will be facing the audience two will be facing the day it's going to add three cameras to the room if you look right now the only camera that puts this online is the security camera up there so we're going to do some improvements there two cameras will be facing the Dan and one will be there facing the podium uh the other big uh Improvement this is going to make is our audio on our live feed our live feed actually will change quite a bit so right now on our live feed the reason why it sounds so horrible is because this microphone up there is the only thing picking up audio um and so this project will bring you audio from all of our microphones into our live feed which will make drastic improvement um it'll also offer a split screen live feed so we can have video and the presentation like this presentation will be shown on the live stream all of that so this scope is adding a little bit there was some cost increase um just from the regular parts that were included in there since the original proposal and we added uh microphones up here so this is where I'm requesting um the increase in this project for happy to answer any questions thank you and a motion I move that we approve the expanded scope of services with this digital and additional funding for council chambers audiovisual equipment second we have a motion and a second I have a comment I've made my opinions on this known um we're just barreling into the 21st century so I'm excited about that um with I I don't love the idea of the microphones from the seated tables because I think it is nice when you guys get up and stand up for your presentations but I'll go along with it if that's um what everybody prefers but what will the C what will the cameras look at you said that one camera will be aimed to the podium but what about when the staff is speaking will they be picked up on that camera or what's that management going to be most likely when staff are speaking the cameras will still be pointed at the dance we don't have cameras that are going to move that are voice activated moving yet um that can be the next level that we go to but this camera there will be fixed on the podium okay so when you give your presentation you're sitting in front of a microphone the people watching from home won't be able to see you correct that's the way it's is right now okay I I don't like that I think that it's better for people to be able to see the person who is presenting so I can understand when we have meetings where you guys have a lot of papers and reference things you have to reference but I think for the right so I I you know just in response to that my thoughts original immediate thoughts are these will be used for other meetings as well there are many other meetings that happen in this room um that will require tables up here um and the microphones could be used for those meetings as well if we decide that we don't want them here for Council meetings for staff purposes okay Mr stos and just a quick comment on that one of the things that staff has had has identified over the last several meetings is that when we have someone such as Mr rer making a presentation and an anary question comes in that requires another member of staff to come up I think we've had two or three staff members all huddled around the podium which isn't a good look and everyone's fighting to lean into the microphone this would allow Miss Nelson or Mr Baron to make an additional comment in support of presenter without having to swap out people at the podium on a regular basis during an item but the main presentation should still be from the podium I'm sorry I didn't see whose lights came on first I'm just going to work my way to I'm just give Mr horn because he's coming in late Mr Mason um more of comment um I'm glad we're updating the our audio visual stuff um being part of the league and you know you get to talk to other Commissioners council members and it's it's every City's different but sometimes I am uh in in shock when I hear when it's a smaller municipality and have a better audio visual than us when we have a bigger budget so I'm just glad we're doing this so all Mr Jansen so is there an opportunity to have like a split screen yeah there will be yes okay so you would be able to see the presenter and the You' be able to see the presenter and the presentation not multiple cameras at one time one camera and the presentation gotcha okay um of course I I would like to see some kind of U Supply Power USBC something up there on the Das if we ever had to charge an item this not part of the ab scope but I think that there's something to work for that as well but not part of the scope all Miss Golding um I tend to agree with the mayor that I I don't really like the camera just seeing the podium is there not some way that the camera could show more the entirety of the room so you're not just seeing who's at the podium there's definitely zooming capabilities to a degree for this specific camera that's going to be sitting there so I I don't I I don't think it'll be focused solely on here I think the scope will be be wider than just this person right here I don't think it'll include the whole room but I think it'll be wider than this here probably cover over half the table that's up here just from the angle that the camera's going to be there and what's what's the expected timeline for getting this done if well we get this signed I can turn around to the contractor tomorrow he will put us on this list our goal is to have this done in December when there's some downtime in this room it take about two weeks to get this done okay thank you and let me just add in there when we kind of saw the first concept of this or started discussing this it was very technical moving you know cameras that followed and my concern that on that one was maintenance and then management we we don't really even have the space or the desire to have a full-time it person managing our meetings like some other cities definitely do and they need that so that's not my intent my intent would be to have just a a functional system that provides as much information to those who aren't physically present in the room as we can as we can get Mr h i just uh wanted to ask so as it says here so there's going to be three uh upgrading the existing camera to three room cameras so one here one they'll be on a wall facing the days okay so I thought it was just one faing days okay that'll be two um okay I do agree with the mayor in that if we are in a situation like this if there isn't I kind of get the idea you don't want to have five people standing around the de and if there is if it's you were to turn at at the de were to turn and say is this you know five or 10 somebody on the other side be able to grab the microphone and say 10 okay fine but if it's going to be they're going to have a discussion like I am now and they're going to go on and on not really going on and on but you know like that that's the part where I would think that citizens deserve have them stand up on at the podium and speak where they can be seen and I I do agree with the mayor on that thank you Mr ragner so I know we talked about this before and I know this question came up I just couldn't remember the answer is the new technology going to um include the ability to bring in people like via a zoom call or remote call if we have members that are unable to attend in a way that would kind of work a lot better than we yeah we will have remote capability via Microsoft teams and Central perfect like I just couldn't remember how how we left it and and then this may be an unfair question if it is you can throw the flag okay um do do we know rough do you have any idea on roughly the difference in cost of the more flexible camera like the one that would move with as people were talking yeah not off the top of my head it it requires a different um so there's a technology that runs on the cameras there's also a technology that's going to run on a computer over there requires a pretty significant different there um that does follow and tracking and all that the cameras are I don't want to say number off stop I think they're twice as much I don't know that for sure I have to research and find out go back and look at pre I just wanted a little insight like if it was you know $100 more I could see the point but it was definitely not that thank and again I think the issue with that is management maintenance so it's not necessarily the hard cost of the of the hardware but if it's something that's broken all the time or that we don't know how to use use it does not matter what camera we we will definitely be adding some tax to city clerk and her role in this meeting um and to add more would definitely be more complex for that position Mr War sorry counc Wagner comments just brought up something else run me through say we passed this we passed everything and tonight was the first meeting we're all live everything's up and running I'm at home what is what is it going to look like so we have we can have split screen options where I can see here and there corre in the absence of the split screen then we have three screens because we've got two cameras pointed up here we would have this one so so this is where some manual work is going to have to be done there's going to be have to be some we call them scenes we great scenes and it depends on who's talking CU we have to do some manual moving of the cameras okay okay thank you miss m sorry for the revisit but Mr horn made me think of something as well um so of Atlantic Beach has um their their AV system is set up so that the agenda you can click on you see the agenda in part of their the the meeting video that you're looking at you can click on the agenda and it will take you to that section of the meeting and go straight to that is that anything that's going to be possible with what we're doing or we're just going to be straight video and we just have to advance our way through it to find that point in the video where the agenda item occurs I can answer that that's that's actually a separate um thing having to do with our agenda management system so it be a separate um module that we would have to purchase in order to have that and it it would tie in to the system we just do not have that module in this time okay thank you for the newer members um of the council just um wanted to ask Mr stopus to let you guys know where the funding for this is coming from yeah uh just as a for those that were here and remember uh we had a settlement agreement with SLG which is which was the owner of a billboard here in Jacksonville Beach and the 150,000 that was the original base funding came from a portion of that settlement money um the balance was put into the general fund Reserve and this additional funding that we're looking for of the 12,652 would basically be pulled from the general fund to pay for that it would still be coming from that all some thank you Miss B Mr stopus if we if we wanted to add this feature that the city clerk mentions that Atlantic Beach has um how would we go about that is that something we would have to discuss in a briefing the city Council would discuss or what yeah if there was a direction from Council that that's way you wanted to go we could certainly um do some research and find out what the cost and the time frame would be to imple implement that module my suggestion would be let's get these improvements in first see how it works and then if there are additional things that you would like to do on top of that Council can give us some feedback after the first few months of use and we can make some tweaks going forward okay thank you anyk Mr re no more questions on the board Madam CL roll call council member horn yes council member jansson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries item C Mr Baron um mayor and Council Dennis Baron Public Works director um I'm here to ask for additional funding uh for the repair replacement of the sanitary sewer manhole and piping in the area uh 22nd Street North and 9th Avenue North uh this is part of a project that uh we began in March of this year um we we've approved you you all approved a an original proposal for right at just a little over a million dollars with contingency for making a repair um that is now changed in the subsurface condition of the area have changed that have required us to have to do additional work that we were not expecting to have to do so what I have in front of you is an approval uh requesting a total of $79,700 to be added to that original request uh to make the repairs in that area not sure if do we have a Graphic Cherry at all or not think the only one we have is the one in the pack okay and a motion please I move that we approve additional funding to repair replace the sanitary sewer manhole and piping in the area of 22nd Street North for an amount not to exceed $79,700 second we have a motion at a second Mr s Dennis this seems like the project that won't go away exactly um was there something else that we approved in addition to the original scope like for the slip lining or something yeah that was another project for $400,000 if I remember right of slip lining to be done in the areas surrounding this particular um pipe collapse um that project is still not been completed yet we're waiting on getting this work completed before we bring the slip liner into slip line that area so the uh what did you mention the subsurface conditions or whatever exactly what correct the the existing manhole where we were supposed to be begin our project and head south um upon excavation they what they discovered was that manhole is 20 ft deep and it has shifted the bottom has shifted to the South so it's called it's caused the pipe from the north to actually disconnect from the manhole as well as squish together the pipe on the south which is what was which is became worse since we started this project so now they have to completely take the top 12 ft off of that manhole um decommission it in place go straight across it and then put a new manhole in position to be able to uh be straight like it's supposed to be a 20 ft deep the biggest issue we have up here of course it's very close to the marsh that 20 ft um a significant amount of water has to be dealt with in excavation as well as the tidle influence brings additional water into the trenches so this has been a project that's been going on way too long um unfortunately the the the surface you know our subsurface has changed and we have to change the project to be able to finish completing what we're doing um so that's what we've got probably exacerbated by the raining water and exact and the title water and the way the original construction was done from my in the bottom of it they didn't put any uh moisture barrier walls in the gravel so what you created is a underground river directly beneath our um all of our sewer lines that are there so as they got disconnected and the sewage drains and you start having issues everything started moving around you know at 20 ft deep which is what's caused everything that's been on the surface any estimate as to additional time that this is going to add to the the actual change order the 60 days is what they said would be required they have not stopped working they've been working on other stuff while we're waiting on this particular approval uh to get completed they've been actually doing some other things that were required as part of that original project so uh they're definitely waiting on this approval to begin the the final stages of of the completed repair thank you Mr horn um you kind of mentioned the shift I guess so it was the shift occurred because of the is that the only reason that this shifted is that the original construction was I mean what was probably the standard back then but I can't really speak as to what caused it all I can do is point out the things that we've discovered is actually we've discovered in the process of excavation and making this repair so we've discovered extreme amounts of non-title controlled water um so the area is extremely wet um at some point in time things moved whatever happened happened that caused that I can't tell you exactly what might have caused that this the first time I've ever had to deal with a you know the bottom of a manhole 20t deep actually moving the top didn't move the bottom moved which is what caused the problem so I I I i' hate to to really try to make claim exactly what caused the problem all I know is this is what we found now that we've got it open and this is the only answer that we've got back to be able to to to fix it and the only the only reason I asked that question is I'm just you know um I guess look at this this is another large amount of money out of the Citizen's pocket um and I want to make sure that you know that nobody comes back here in 20 years and says oh the lot has moved again or something's moved again and obviously I think that our that the construction methods are probably a little bit better now than they were when this started um the original uh the original amount was 1,77 one sorry $177,000 correct and then we did you said 400,000 more for what was the other thing we that was additional slip lining surrounding the area where we had discovered the same pipe that was failing um to actually go in and actually do a slip lining to create a new pipe inside of the old pipe so that that failure doesn't continue to happen or happen in other places and then this is now another with contingency 719,000 we're about $2.2 million here what portion of the original estimates the original two PRI minus this were earmarked for what would have been a repair of this had we not found the original one where is that money does that make sense we we we had money that was going to fix this problem we were going to fix we were going to fix this area fix this manhole but then you got down there and found another issue you said oh wait we have to export of this we have to abandon it we to move something else so how much money was allocated to that and where does that fall into this does that make sense it it does um so the original starting point was the south side of this manhole so with this whole entire manhole shifting and now having to be rebuilt the entire process of rebuilding that manhole was not included as well as having to make any adjustments to the pipe that was coming into that manhole from the north um because it was we camed it all and when we camed it originally in May everything was good on that particular side so we thought we were good to go to start there and move South so there's not any work that's not being done as part of the original million dollars they just moved some things around cuz they they're going to be adding I believe two or possibly three other mantles in the area to be able to bypass around to be able to complete this work as well so there's some other work that they're having to do that's where the the cost is kind of Comm in this cost is actually the same exact line item cost as the previous two manholes that were included in the million dollars so it's not like they're uh overcharging us because we're in the middle of an emergency they actually line item the same exact cost for this new manhold as they did for the rehab of the old man okay cuz that will going be my next question in that obviously this can't go out to bid because we're in the middle of this so we're just this is I guess the estimate that we have to work with we can either do it or we can't and we're startu with what we've got so okay thank you Dennis can you talk about the scope that was included with the original 1,77 th000 I believe there were five point repairs that were going to take place with that correct there were so this particular system because it's 20 ft deep in places um there are a lot of what what we call drop drop leg manholes so the pipe will come in at 5 ft and it's coming into but just before it gets the manhole then it drops straight down and goes all the way down to the bottom of the manhole um you don't want to create a pyramid inside of the manhole you don't want to have it build up with anything that's dropping for that significant amount of space so the original 1 million also included five particular Point repairs on five manholes where that drop leg has separated at uh we we thought that was because of the pipe we still believe it's because of the of the pipe construction and the way it was actually put together um they've actually made several of those repairs already while they're waiting on this approval to get completed any other questions or comments Madam clerk roll call council member jnon yes council member m yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries we started with dogs for ending with dogs Mr not calling you a dog your topic is about dogs just thank you mayor and Council Jason fati's Parks and Recreation so what we pass in Council to approve here with this item is an extension on the um membership term for members at the dog park um as many of you know the um the access control system to the park has been down as a result mainly of the uh cyber event that happened earlier this year uh since that time we've not been able to provide our members with a secure facility that they've become accustomed to um happy to report though that uh we do have a solution to that it's somewhat similar to the older system um our is department and uh our vendor work very diligently to come up with a solution uh we do uh have a activation date scheduled for Thursday October 10th realizing it may be impacted by uh the pending hurricane so what we're proposing in order to provide some kind of good work and recompense for the inconvenience that our members uh endured during that time is to uh extend their membership for a 12-month period to begin on the activation date whenever that may be and again this would only be uh for eligible members whom we Define as those that had an active membership at any time while the control system was down that's all I thank you Mr fa and a motion please I move that we approve a one-time extension of membership to do to pause dog park for eligible members second we have a motion in a second any questions or comments going to be very welcome news um among the P Park Community many of which are here on this deis and maybe when we get the uh Council chamber squared away with audio visual we can put some puppy key in the dog park cuz that would Madam CL R call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes mayor Hof yes motion carries motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn second all in favor signif by say I any [Music] oppos urance this