##VIDEO ID:BDFsZxNbAh8## those of us left it off I open up none meeting to the public and anyone everyone minutes questions comments minutes formally second all right all right so in your packets we have got five designs from Havoc Studios for our sea turtle sculpture and the way they kind of felt this would be best to work us would be to pick a design based on these five and then from that point um and have conversations on fabrication and the best material whether that be bronze casting fiberglass other stable materials and really kind of tailoring what the recommended turtle is where then we envision the best spot for that turtle and then deciding what the best fabrication method would be so it'll be kind of a multiphase step so today what we're looking for is um guidance consensus and everyone to kind of agement uh on one of these five or maybe it's two you guys really can't decide between five maybe there's two and then we actually have whatever recommendation comes from this committee today is on the C agenda for Monday night and so we would then it's pretty quick turnaround on this one but we would basically then immediately take this to the CRA Monday and get them to approve the tural and then we can start conversations regarding fabrication um so up on the screen and in your packet this is the first option um and the way this kind of was explained is this wave would be some type of structure with the sculpture and then it would be this Turtle of a fix on this wave second option would have these but 3D yes oh yeah absolutely yes yes that's a great Point yes these are all 3D um when they're actually done these are just the very preliminary 2D sketches of what they would be so this one you've got grasses and then the way this one looks is the turtle will almost be situated between these two grass and then there's some flowers on that one this one has two turtles and again thing thing this kind of got more of a coral look uh the fourth one is another turtle on a way that's a little bit different than the first one um he's a little more active looks like he's actively swimming and the last one was a unique one they threw in there and it was a turtle hatching and so you know again at this point we open it to discussion with you guys what you think and another thing to kind of keep in mind is this is the first in this installation you know I know it's taken a while to get to this point um but the goal with this project is not to just have one turtle and never have anything else the is to get the ball rolling and have maybe multiple maybe it's a turtle with the wave one time and then maybe six months later turtle hatching from an egg somewhere else and then maybe it's a shark somewhere else it's to bring all this ocean life into the city Taylor I guess this might be a better question to the artist but these renderings they look very like cartoony to me okay is that not I mean is that a representation of what we're going to be looking at in a final product or is there going to be more realism involved yeah so there'll be more realism involved I think once we get you understand what I'm saying I do um these were you know this was a little bit different because we didn't put this out to a call this was going directly to a local artist and so by doing that we're kind of not say at Liberty in a b but we're kind of at Liberty to what their process is because we're choosing to work with them so this was their processes step one was you know there was a small design fee and then they do these 2D renderings they give us multiple options and then from this option uh then we enter into an actual contract where we've agreed upon this concept and they develop those 3D kind of computerized image rendering where you can really see the dimension of the designs um but the turtles would be pretty so for the designs we paid 2500 25 um for their design they gave us these five and then the um art line is a number there's a budget for that but for this specific um we have not set an exact amount for this one Turtle because based on the materials we choose in the style everything that could it could go anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 depending on the material the size I want to be especially careful because are we going to use the same firm to do the firstt and then we may use to do a second and a third or would it be another whatever we decide this contract with him is only for this Turtle only for one and if go great and we want to use them and we pick one this time and you know three six months we want another do realize the scope of what they that they could be doing for design I think so because like and because what I'd like to do is make sure that when we move forward number one as Bob said these are incredibly cartoonish to make a decision okay in terms of you know what we're we're saying what you said is are going to be realistic and and these aren't realistic they're nice they're nice don't get me wrong but they're definitely not real it's more like an animated look to me I know but have to nobody get mad at me nobody get mad at me but I would like to see us more involved in in the actual size of things The Monuments look they did a really nice job on the work on The Monuments over here but shame on shame on me or who us or whatever but I would like to seen them bigger I impct IC and and and shame what we could have done what we could have done as a committee is we could have requested pH sculpture just phone or cardboard to be put in place for us to walk around and and shame on me for not bringing it up well you know um what I thought of Terry Fe am or anything but I mean they did they're beautiful but I would have like to see them the height of the black lamp post throughout the city the black lamp post I would like to see them that big and it would have been impressive I think conceptually it looked more Monumental to me in the concept and um it's small I it just turned out but what I did think about and this is a question for you Taylor is what is our role in are we just to decide what what art is going to be put there and then we just walk away to me what I thought about especially with this one is that we need a project manager I I I in my mind I use the analogy of an architect and an owner a buyer for a house and then the Builder as the project manager the the architect is the artist the buyer is the taxpayer and we need someone during the process to make sure things are developing as expected like if if if the a woman says I didn't want a window there well they can get together and not put a window in the house at that particular point and I think I think Xavier if I'm not mistaken he he actually did say he would be very flexible and you know things of this nature and maybe that could have been done and that's my point going forward we we we we we need to I just know what Authority would we have to like Point those kinds of things out or is there a person who can actually use what we've conceived as you know a good good project and and see that to fruition as it's being I think we can I think to your point I think we can do it um I think we can do it a few more people as well comme and then they have the final final say but I think I think we've learned well it's also it's also we've done three projects two of them have been on walls we can see we know what size it's we know we knew that well for ero we said can you shift and be on the ocean side wall as well we made that within the kind of context of design development right this we didn't quite that was the hard part too you know to your point kind of talking project management and what the role is you know it's it's challenging and I think maybe it's just this is the first one of its kind but everything that was voted on approved moved forward C approved it is exactly what's out there the dimensions specs the height it's everything that was approved so I'm going I'm going to I'm going I'm say I was if you recall when I came back I voted for him as an artist but then I was in Africa when voted to move forward and when I came back I I I said okay what are we going to be doing I said well we're doing The Monuments I like really monuments know but that shame on me because I still could have said great well can we see some cardboard Moos I still I went by there a couple of times I wasn't able to during the early phases my wife and I were getting her mom out of her house and into a sister living and it was April and May we just but the two times I did go over there it was students of his that were doing the install and any questions I had to them were just like hey we're just doing what we're told to do but I would have I would like to have a conversation with Xavier at that point so there's there's that um yeah I think that's going to be something at least just some conversations that I've had even through this process and that process the I've learned the murals are going to be substantially different than sculptures in the fabrication design I've learned and actually I've had double conversations with other communities to do public art um when you get to the sculptured phase the artists typically that you're contracted with they're usually not the one that's going to put install um and I thought because I was asking is that and for whatever reason that's pretty common especially um ones that are affiliated with universities like he was University of Miami there University of North Florida uh they will do all of the designs pre fabrication all of the tile work all of the glazing everything in their home Studios and their University Studios and then they use it as an opportunity and whether it's apprentices or students or you know that's kind of the deal they bring them out and they the ones that actually do theall and that was a unique experience because of both the murals it was the artists themselves definely different so it was just um I definitely think sculpture is going forward there's a lot of things that staff has learned a lot of things obviously you guys have learned these these are a different animal than the murals murals are obviously you and Heather are amazing you your energy level your um we wouldn't do without no I mean it's just not even approaching anything in that regard because I think we have a good thing going we just to tweak it and make sure yes now now with what's there I'm not sure if Landscaping can sort of magnify without it getting lost so let me show magnified into a focal point where it you know can come you how do you try you this is at night oh see that I mean and now that we just got the lighting in and they're not done yet on the landscape the landscape is getting completed and then we'll have benches and some new things out there so it's um harder with this I've learned at least than the murals is because you know the murals they're relatively quick takes a couple of days and then once they really start getting to the end it's very obvious that they're finishing a project with this it's a little unique because it's you know The Monument's done but you couldn't landscape until they're done and then Landscaping it's not really the best time of year to landscape right now and so we're trying we've been trying to kind of time that so it's it's been challenging 2D versus 3D is a challenge and that's what weet that's what we were faced with in this so they decided not they decided just to light the inside and not the out so we have to be careful because and we didn't want to do anything where we so we did as much as we could do without tipping that scale to having to get additional approval and I will say thus far um we have been very pleased with the feedback we receiv from Council agency members public people people are really really happy with project good um they think it's incredible moving forward to's I think we need to be more specific we've learned valuable how would we approach um would love to be I'd volunteer to be in a position where um on the job sort of evaluations during an install of this magnitude um but I feel that maybe I don't have that Authority I think also by the time it's fabricated by the time they're install it's too late oh it's too late but I'm talking during installation no during during Fab so maybe it's something where you we have some agreement in place with the artist like I'm kind of just thinking through this let's say okay we go with Turtle number we're going Turtle number 10 I'm going to B for 10 does exist okay and then we say we like to see the 3D rendering that would be the next step on digitize computerized and then everyone gets comfortable with that that final agreement we work in there with the arst that a representative of this committee will have regularly scheduled visits at their Studio or at the wherever it is you know if somebody's willing to volunteer that time I don't and I'll check with legal but I can't imagine why there would be any issue with that that's the whole intent of this um so I think that's more than appropriate I mean you know we could share that responsibility I I have no problem I mean granted I'm retired and my time restraints are different than you know people who work and have jobs still but I think it's a necessary element I think it's great you know with the 3D work I think us requ because again going back to to theum if we had required or requested a card a mockup a mockup a mockup not a bad idea to theight to something physically out there that's tangible and yes that is not a wild request all especially for the we didn't do a large one um we did a small question but we did small small mockups and then we had all the dimensions the size and everything so you could size it out it's so just important we I agree man getting back to the house analogy when an architect draws up a plan he's got a door that swings out you know coming into a hallway or a bedroom and when you get into the reality of that situation you go wait a minute that's just not going to work let's put it a an ins swing on it and it's nothing that they can't deal with very easily um but that's the kind of mindset that I had in my comparisons were you know the artist should be more than flexible to make those kinds of adjustments on the fly but also maybe an idea you know with [Music] what what would we see yeah I don't know why but I had envisioned something more Monumental in that space because it's a pretty large space I just had like the light the Black Street lamps if you imagine that with the largest War theid of the black street L that would be like it would be budg for that I think that plays a role in it too I don't think we have the budget you think it would have made a great difference oh those are he stud to your point we could said we get this it's be out budget come this we could have play around that which we can point if we can getos scale that will help us a huge way so that's got from now on with any piece we do should be yeah with that require yeah agree and I like the idea of working into the contract as well especially like this these are local their studio is local very easy for people to you know pop in watch and see you know progress don't Reon reest not at all not at all so really point then you know just going off I know it's hard off of the 2D concepts are there one two are there any of these that really stick out are you really favor or on the opposite there any that you're just like absolutely not knowing where is this going to go do we know we are thinking kind of over near the lifu Guard Station somewhere at the end of that roundabout maybe kind of off side as you're entering towards the beach there's been there were talks about putting it in the median somewhere but I really was against that as was the Fire Marshall as was the police department because that's just you put this beautiful thing that people are going to want to step out and take photos with not put it in the middle of the Medan they're going to cross the road to get to it the best place I think is at a street end close to the beach it is turtle um and that lifeguard area pretty popular a lot of people we can up like these so we can illuminate it we can't light it so how they're defined how large are they thinking that's up to us and I will say that that's one thing they have said from the they're like these are just Concepts and we are not going to give you size material anything like that until we know kind of what direction you want to go in because size and material can take this like I say from project into six figures like that um when I met with them I told them we wanted something lifesized and not new to life life size like a full grown large turtle um and so that's kind of what we were working with when they were drawing these they were thinking of the turtle being the size of a fully adult grown loggerhead turtle so it would be pretty substantial I mean we're not talking about a 10 foot top big you know Turtle we could also we could go a little larger that to take a field to where this piece is going to go and then we can you know better understand what's going to fit there in in regard to its impressive size or it's diminutive size pretty big where this is going because really your backdrop is going to be sand so so just to be clear are these so are they going going to be like one dimension going be like cutouts are they are they are they going to have a oh yeah the final sculpture oh yeah they're going to be completely 3D totally dimensional exactly like that thank you yes what they mum is metal holding up vir they did that I'm pretty sure didn't have it do the museum not that yes that one right there who did our right this one but you're saying that is who did ours yes and that is the style that they were modeling they're trying to show us this is what yes exactly thank you I'm glad you brought that fantastic yes so that you can see kind of how a design like that you you know the turtle is going to be realistic still Whimsical and fun but it's it's realistic falap this a little disappoin because didn't conat sculpture and that may be you know partly our fault you know when we met with them they said we're going to do a design and after we kind of know the direction you want to go then you can talk material based on atast know we're learning so this is I can tell you for sure I'm just saying's more down there yes it is y this is there this is there so if the museum is the one that they work that picture these images pretty much pretty much easier try to think like that these were Fant doph $1,000 I think it end up being actually 110 I found the original invoicing that was years ago and based on inflation that's probably about and I'm going be honest we don't have that budget for this we don't have anything close to that for our impress and then she then land Beach um had her do the the turtles and then she went intoon it did some I can tell you now Atlantic and Neptune have both also they're trying to give us the idea this blue that certainly helps that that certainly helps so I'm thinking that that's what these designs are supposed to represent I thought this was not very helpful no they weren't at all no that's something we're going to nail down with the artist I mean we kind of get where you're going with this but so are we saying that they need to come back now if we we pick a couple designs they need come back with something closer to this for example this started this image started as one of these drawings and they're installing this for a client right now you can see the the details I mean it's it's pretty I think I think like like likeor was saying egg let's try to eliminate some first that would be think we don't want EG why don't we just which ones how many people Pi I guess we go back and say how many people pick one how many people Pi here I'll I'll do this be super easy I'll just literally go through them how they're numbered and give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down they're phenomenal I mean I know they could have given us you [Music] know ter question is this is it going to make a difference with u you know the cost with two turtles instead of one um I mean I would assume so yeah just yes right um but at the same time depending on I think that's kind of why you know even though this isn't do they make them first stage I think this is important because whether we decide on something that has one turtle or two or has a shell which is obviously going to take a lot more material versus a singular piece of grass or Coral I think them knowing the direction we want to go is going to be critical for them to be able to kind of design this out because what they don't want to happen is we go through this design we get all these things done and then they come back to us and when they tell us you know if you're going to use this material which is best suited for the beaches and like was going to be well then we've just wasted their time in ours so I think this is you know still kind of a learning process for everyone but I think they really wanted to provide these to just really kind of get that Foundation of what direction we're even trying to take this in so then they can take those next steps and eventually get us to a product that's my understanding anyway so I mean I feel like they really just need to know what we would like to see and then I think they can kind of run with it from there I like one and three I mean the fact that three has two turtles is like more bang for the buck to me unless he makes them smaller I like you know but um no that's only reason only Reas didn't flowers the water that's all I that's just not too realistic to me I've never seen flowers around here was one one and three you're two and three or one and three one and so unanimously everybody like three I will tell you having seen that with the green and imagining what this be I like that a lot same here because I can't I I less like the idea of some W and then I mean I like because again because of that there's movement M and then where do you guys I know you know I do agree that was the first thing I thought about the flowers if the flowers are eliminated and it's singular turtle with the grasses um or you know or now yeah yeah I mean without the flowers they pretty close okay just one turtle versus two exactly but I mean the one looks really good if you can imagine I'm good that well I can't tell you that you guys are all unanimously also in line with everyone I called on staff there we go I called several people this they have good on one two 3 four five no conts just what he is like and almost every single person has that oh number three well if we can get the two turtles and they don't look too cluttered too jumbl and to crowed where you you're not sure that it's two turtles without getting up really close we want want I believe an impact from a distance which this you know has you can you can see what that is and sculpturally turtle in the mix would that confuse the issue I think sculpturally it'll add more anchor points to hold one against the other they will that scares me if you look at that how that is situated on top of that right and I'm even thinking storms I mean right there at that Dune two turtles which anchor well they can anchor to each other and this dance that they're they're performing and that's good for sculptures that's good for an artist so that with a size of lamp CL [Music] godilla I mean sure but it's going to be the only art project we for about two years so we're all good with that to6 yeah but anyway as yep so I'm hearing correctly then everyone is very comfortable with the number three with two turtles obviously pending cost but I will take this image to the CRA and kind of explain to in the conversation and then what this is intended to be just kind of the starting point and then get S approval Monday night to take this back to Havoc Studios and get them to start working on the 3D drawings and 3D renderings and start talking materials and get some estimates on cost to then have that hopefully our next meeting kind of talk through realistically depending on because they were saying too it can also be um a combination of products that can as one thing and the turtles are something different and it can really affect the they did corre looking yeah I'm pretty sure that's a Bas our I this in my desk somewhere but I think that's a fiberglass turtle and the kelp is metal that um wasn't that at the 6th Street and then it was moved to museum after they changed out Museum right here and it I believe it's somebody that was a part of their UNF program that did that one so they the studio themselves they oversee a ton of artists and they all work out at same studio and do the whole he's an instructor they're both instructor that whole sculpture garden down the southern uh what's your name that's here that lives at Jackson yeah that's who this Havoc Studios is her and Lance their stud so this is okay two okay is that super like size super size that one pretty B that's substantial I would like to see it substantial I like it um and while we're still this one I do want to bring this up because of that being the natural colors of a sea turtle I'll be honest it took me several months to try buy that before I noticed it because you just don't see it camouflage it's got grass got Greenery and it's not vibrant I think one of the reasons some of this may even look you know kind of cartoonish or animated was because they did want to play a little bit with the colors because something I told them in our meeting is if this is going to be up against dun ocean you know we want something really that's gonna pop so that's I think why you see a little bit more of these like brighter blues and brighter orang well in nature camouflage is key they want to blend nature right but but in art in the art world I totally agree with you an artist has the license to mess with color Jaguar color and that's not that's not a high at all that piece that piece is stunning that piece is I'm the ofte other as advised I mean I personally think it's a great idea and I think even if it's a once a month thing moving forward when we do sculptures and the fabrication process that somebody visits the studio in whatever it works really well especially once a month because I have a staff report that I give the C once a month in city council and so whatever whoever on the committee and whoever turn is whatever you know they have that visit they kind of get the information back to me pictures quick email and I can that's that's a necessity it really is I love that that was very intentional we made to add someity so we could because we knew as this we learned this was going to change and evolve and expand and evolve we would have to do different things just to you know as you learn all right well I will take number three to the C night and then I will follow up with you guys I'll send everyone an email Tuesday or Wednesday let you know the results of the c meeting where they stand on this and after hold stud the C us the green so we actually got the City attorney making that this is not trademark or copyrighted and that is something that I've learned recently a big difference between trademarks and copyright and so there's a whole thing but yes we are actively making sure we can do this and then if so this I believe this will come in play when we do Plaza I think this is a great you see one from this is from the olypics so I mean possible thatd in theory sure it's just going to come down to cost I mean that would and materials are getting more and more expensive by the day I'm with this right now onject La 28 La olypics La 28 so this concert after the Olympics and I just happen to be some I saw pulled it off the screen but it's kind of like the same thing the same thing as love and we can do some variation could just alter it somewhat you can but did you again I very quickly Googled it and there was a weird I'm probably going to M this there is a trademark right but it's it's very specific and yes it can be modified pretty before we take anything to any committee or coun we want the legal write up stamp of approval saying yep you're good that fall under what you're talking about because it's pretty much the it's you know so that one won't because it just says LA and it doesn't have yes but that one doesn't fall into the trademark infringement because it doesn't have love I did learn that if it has that word in it it there's like some weird that is also part of the trademark so it's interesting how they did this again I found this very surface level just Googling and then I was like this is above my head needs to be reviewed by some City attorney is looking into it yes and so we'll understand what we can and can do as far as the trademarking goes but you can do things it just I'm sure we can it's just very specific what you can and more specific what you cannot do right so right it should be probably can't do one just like just like that we probably can't do whyi these days people are patenting and trademarking some of the most ridiculous have have a nice day you can't you can't say that anymore or put it on print or a t-shirt can't sell you can't sell and that's one of the big reasons we want to be careful making sure what we do is because like our C logo is TR and everything that like if we were going to do a big sculpture that was you know love Jack spe or whatever it's something we would obviously want to use in marketing and branding and so we would then trademark whatever we do so that's why we've got to be really mindful of very you go how we do this well hopefully we'll be able Aion some version photograph for tourist res just was driving by the day before yesterday there were people still outside taking pictures what the Gonzalez Park what is happening at Gonzalez man that's amazing do you know I mean I mean that's outside the distri so I have to doely now they to the field finish sidewalk clean up great people more [Music] exclusive Money Talks gotes on that wow the problem one all isine they're going to be using gonz Park as a parking the problem is they 40 owners because right over here we have blue water and there's much more density there and the parking has a garage and one person owns it everyone is not their own owner what's going to happen over there in a few years one the next door neighbors are all Co-op that's the problem won't they just be bought apartment yeah and nothing gets done when a roof needs to be repaired or yeah anyway yes sorry I brought sry example that's the problem I was curious I was here [Music] that discuss have to run and I'm not going to I need I need if you need to continue I'm not going to force a vot this is the next on our agenda the turtle um is it going to have a concurrently with the peer thing or is that yes this is a side thing the turtle is its own thing this will be down the Lifeguard stuff and then the next thing is this is pure inway artwork um again we drafted a draft kind of call um we're kind of trying to again leave it pretty broad because we've had a lot of luck leaving it kind of up to the artist you know some artists say oh you have to give me parameters and some submit beautiful amazing works of art and so kind of left it a little bit broad um we did meet with the fire marshal and police department to understand you know being on the boardwalk there obviously certain requirements it has to it's going to be ar have to be so high and so wise get emergency vehicles under it um there's different types of parameters but really the was the vision um for the design and we did say it should be eye-catching and vibrant resonating people of all ages and it should capture the essence of the beach light which City Mission um and reflect the surrounding Coastal environment so it was left pretty broad uh and you know we were we put that it was open to an archway we're open to two pieces blanking either side of the pier uh we still haven't gotten final direction from city council and if they're open to an arch or not we just unfortunately hav we were scheduled on a briefing and then we got bumped to the next briefing so we still aren't sure but I did just want to bring this draft to show you guys kind of where we're at on this and as soon as we get direction from city council if they're comfortable with us putting it out that we're open to an archway then we would be able to in theory issue this call leave it open for 45 60 days something like that we put so that's the other thing um we've used Cafe in the past it's been fine it's been great uh there are other platforms similar to Cafe that we I've just learned fromers people that do this um and so we're exploring some other platforms but it would be something similar to what we did with call for entry where you you know we would enter something we would leave it open for x amount of days or realistically month and a half uh people would have certain requirements where you have to submit so again it doesn't fill my inbox up with just half done submissions the nice thing about those platforms is it won't even let you submit until You' put everything in that you have to so we would like online platform again for so can you use more than one platform I don't think I I think yeah it gets a little complicated then because even if so for our our aspect we have to look at okay someone ref requests that's which happens all the time we need to make sure all of our ducts are in a row and everything is very black and white and if we start mixing platforms I just worry you know if like let's say platform a requires this and platform B doesn't and it's just one itty bitty different then somebody claim like oh well I didn't have to submit this they did and so I think it's best um so when you get the okay um we will then know a deadline okay great Y what I was just going to skip ahead when is this uh mural event like looking to happen possible also to be determined when we have we're talking about public art had a council briefing in October that was the soon as we were on the briefing we've been pretty slam through budget season thank you um but we're bringing this up to them and this as well we think this obviously should be something in the fall winter probably more winter here because our fall it's not really fall and we want it to be something where it's a nice weekend and people want to be out and about and I'm sorry if it's storming and pouring raining or it's 95 de I'm not walking around to look at paintings all week I mean some people will but uh so we thinking February February the first year the restroom I mean we would do the call long before just so we you know you start planing it right after Christmas or something you know I would like to see this honestly I would like to see us have this out on the street this is a bit of an aggressive timeline but yeah I really christas exactly I want to before the holiday this is going to go through the same process well no not as complicated because this is going to be something where I don't think this needs to be issued via Cafe platform for this local mural event because we're not seeking outside and Cafe only lets you narrow it down so much I think uh I've been working actually with our Communications manager I should have told him to come down here and explain this because I'm forgive my explanation but he has a new voting software a new system where they can and they can use all kinds of different information to put out and so we've actually kind of been talking about putting together some type of package to go on all of our social media channels to send out through all of our newsletter um obviously send it to the local cultural Council to Arbus to all of our local arts groups um follow the same guidelines that Cafe would make people submit so the guidelines would always stay the same but this I feel like we can do in house um because we are only trying to find somebody from here from Cafe from all the applicants I've received over the last year getting applicants I have a ton I probably 30 local artists that are more than capable of doing this that I can make sure when we send this blast out that it goes to all the local artist the elected officials can send it out maybe one or two artists that would run it and get a different artist for each bathroom or somebody like supervis that's our plan we want to have you know so ultimately we have three bathrooms so our goal with this is to have three artists teams whatever it is each would have a bathroom um and one of the unique things that we're doing here is we want to get the submissions back and actually have this group narrowed down anywhere from 5 to 10 finalist not you know just based off of their portfolio but based off of exactly what they say they're going to paint so whatever their designers have this group Nar five to 10 and then something we've never done we would then like to take those however say seven right take those seven designs do not attach any names to them don't attach any information just the design and then we actually plan to put out a public survey and so that is the platform that our Communications manager recently subscribed to and they help to build a database of local uh they it's it's fascinating how they do this it's like cell phone P they know exactly where people are and they use all sorts of different platforms where people have subscribed to and they're able to build this database to send out it's called flash v um but we would basically then want to put this out for seven days 10 days to the general public um out hey we have this survey we want to hear from you I know our newsletter that our Communications manager sends out has several thousand subscribers our social media has several thousand followers um you know we would put flyers of QR codes all up and down Beach's energy all up and down planning department so Taylor because I had s artist that asked me about the next M project and what would they do they just uh give them my email and just tell them to send me an email and say that when we ready to put the call out to local artists they want to be included and it's that simple um you know this will be a little bit less complicated than Cafe just because we're trying to only get those local ones but I've talked to Administration I've talked to Communications team and do feel like we can handle it in house and we feel like we can put the survey out to local people once we have the Sumit agree and then the way we'll do it is the top three you know whether there's five to pick from or 10 the top three favorite of the community those are the three artists um and you know really we really wanted to keep it fair keep it um public driven people local artists and so we're decided okay we'll take this a step further not only are these going to be just local we're letting you decide what's going there there'll be more connectivity with the artists the public will be like connected yep and it will be you know just local folks who vote you have to put on that platform you got to put your address your ZIP code you know and it's all verifiable data um and yeah and we'll have the local public vot and those top that's the winners that's how you know it's not oh this committee or this was very even playing field very benign no names attached to the design wi open just what the public decided they like the best and you know it and it was something we kind of tossed around internally a lot and something everyone's have to come to terms with you know is the committee or or we may not like something that gets selected but this is something we're doing for local talent and to have a in have STP I think maybe early March might even be fine I think it's enough it's you know it was just something we don't want to do it in didn't Ernesto deal with February November Christian Stanley one that did the building he we were too late on him he was late spring and he did run into some weather issues he his wasn't as bad as Ernesto's he I think it was maybe late April early May and it there was some rain and there were some days where it was just blazing hot was um these facilities there no shade around these I think bring your T that's what they did over here to do this last month I honly everyone's comfortable I will uh update everyone once we talk to Council on the on you know where they're at and then probably at our next meeting bring forward the final draft version of this called artist with the timeline what we're thinking for you guys to approve and then we can get that issued and then now that everyone's on board with this local artist mural event um same thing I will go work with Communications get a draft of that survey going figure out how exactly we want to issue the call itself and what exactly we're going to require where they need to send it and to get that for the do um I think yeah thank you see you later um I just I think being this again is going to be such a massive project both literally and figuratively deal going toally be huge I think we I think they would want to open it up and if we're told something otherwise you know we'll give both options obviously when we talk to council but I anticipate opening it back up pretty broad would be the preferred I like that I mean we're getting better we've got I think we've got our heads in the right place going forward with yeah big project I'm in the big projects arti andf great idea we we got that one pretty cool idea do something we can do something I have Vice chair will have toj USAir