##VIDEO ID:RuCP6u7-ejM## okay now it's time to start uh welcome to the October 21st regular meeting at the Jacksonville Beach city council begin with the invitation followed by a flute to the flag led by Mr Jansen please rise let us pray good and gracious heavenly father as as I lift my brother and sister up in prayer this evening I just ask you to help us live with purpose learn help us learn to live to serve others as it would please you Lord we just thank you for all the blessings you give us each and every day Lord I ask you to look over our First Responders and to look over those families that have tragically lost some loved ones in the past couple weeks Lord we just thank you for your son Jesus for it's in his name we pray amen amen Al to flag United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all meeting is called to order council member Golding here council member horn here council member Json here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval approval of minutes item a I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on October 7th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the city council briefing held on October 14th 2024 second we have a motion on a second any discussion Mr horn um there's one sorry I'm trying to get it come back up again I just lost apologize um hang on we get Wi-Fi here sorry talk to my city about that um Sor just one little thing so was the mayor that one no no I miss that uh no uh right on the end counc War about the red line version um I just wanted to noted that it was mentioned that it would be made available to all of us prior to passing with Council un available um for review prior to submitt are you proposing an amendment to you I would make an amendment that we would add in that it was stated that the updated Land Development code will be made available to review uh by all of the current Council and stakeholders prior to uh being asked to vote on set second leave a motion and a second any discussion on the proposed amendment all in favor signify by saying I I any oppos any other discussion on the original motion see none approval of minutes all in favor signify by saying I oppos motion carries approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second we have a motion and a second uh any discussion all in favor signifi by saying I post motion carries announcements oh I have to give it to Golding I'm sorry Misa Miss Golding it's not a competition if you want to go first to Camp it's a competition for me oh is it okay okay uh let's see just real quickly want to mention that today starts early voting of course which everybody knows but also Florida city government week and so I would just encourage you to watch our social media Pages um because the city is sharing a lot of really good information to help help everyone uh get a better understanding about what your local government does and I want to thank Jacob for doing that as well and um going back to early voting if anybody has not made up your minds who you want to vote for locally beaches watch did a candidate for last week and you can actually watch the video of that candidate Forum you can also learn more about uh the candidates positions on issues um there's a written questionnaire that the candidates completed and just go to beachwatch decom and uh hopefully that will help you uh learn a little bit more about the candidates so you can make an informed decision before you vote and please plan to vote and then uh last but not least uh the Jax Beach police department has an amazing halling party every year for the kiddos and this year it's going to be Saturday October 26th from 6:00 to 9:00 at our South Beach um Park Community Center uh there'll be games and lots of really cool demos that like the police department will have stuff out there so that the kids can actually see and touch some of the things that the police department you know equipment and that sort of thing and I think the fire the fire department will have fire trucks and um and then of course there'll be candy so uh en encourage you to take your kids out there it'll be a lot of fun Mr M yes good evening everyone uh two congratulations K to go out to uh first the swiming dive team from Fletcher high school they brought in uh first place uh St Stanton and wolson high school were tough competitors were both girls and boys teams but the local Beach pulled it out for six for a six consecutive year in girls and second consecutive year here and boys uh there was many first place second and third place so congratulations to our Fletcher D team and swim team and as a bang geek I know Fletcher marching B won an award for contest this this weekend so so uh zgeek yay congratulations to Fletcher thank you Mr Jansen I think we're going to hear something about Fletcher band Yes we are um so Fletcher my son's in Fletcher band so I um so Fletcher band had a competition this past weekend in Orange Park High School and they took away overall Grand champions for for their division 2A division so there's different divisions in the band competitions based on school size and the size of the band so overall Grand Champion so M Applause for them and their efforts in that and don't forget early voting and I will say that if you're wondering what we're doing to celebrate local government week this is it this is what a local government celebration looks like a great city council meeting with a room full of folks um I also want to add in addition to the police department's Halloween event we have changed seawalk sessions I'm watching Molly to nod along cuz I forgot to look it up again um and that's going to be on the 30th along with a trunk or treat right out here in Lan Plaza free and open for people to attend I there's only a food truck out there so come on down uh and enjoy trunk Retreat right here in the heart of Jacksonville Beach okay any other announcements moving on to Courtesy of the floor to visitors Lea Ley please correct me if I got that wrong come on up and you have three minutes start with your name and address and you'll have 3 minutes to address the councel good afternoon Council my name is lashard Lei I am an intergovernmental Congressional Affair specialist for FEMA uh so as of right now I am uh the IG specialist for your county for Jacksonville or Duvall rather Jacksonville Beach uh so as of October 11th Duval County was included in the uh Federal disaster declaration for Dr 4834 so this means that everyone who resides within uh Duvall County you guys are eligible to apply for a fem assistance it is non taxable income and doesn't affect any government assistance um and there's also no income requirement so just going of get that part out there uh so far you guys have 60 days or your counties rather have 60 days from the date of the Declaration to apply for assistance so that means that the deadline to apply is going to be December 11 2024 um so far there have been a couple of Disaster Recovery centers that have been opened in Indian River County Martin County and St Lucia County um but this is not to be confused you do not have to live in or be a resident of those counties to go to a DRC and apply for assistance um a DRC is a disaster recovery center so typically residents will go there um you don't need anything to go to the DRC to apply for assistance um but if and when you receive a call from a female that lets you know that a a home inspector will come out to look at the damages and view the damages um from there there may be more supplemental support and documentation that's required uh but so far there we have had a couple of Improvement since March of 2024 and I'll just let you guys know what is available so far with for This Disaster through uh individual assistance so there's serious needs assistance uh this is a onetime payment that usually covers those immediate needs so this will be like food clothes uh gas shelter there's also a transitional Sheltering assistance that's been made available um as well for those survivors who um are currently displaced from their homes there's also displacement assistance in addition to the transitional Sheltering assistance um also please know um if and when residents or survivors are contacted it may be a strange number but no one from female will ever uh request payment for any of our services uh even the the home inspectors so we always ask going to be aware of fraud be very alert of fraud fem will typically call you from different number so ifone they call just answer the phone give a very reliable contact information so we can with you and Operation Blue Roof has been activated for this particular disaster so they are going through counties and they are Distributing Tarts these are blue Tarts that go over the roofs of the houses and so there are three ways to apply for uh Disaster Assistance you can visit you can visit disaster assistant start girl and it's it's very the r sounds disaster assistance.gov uh you could call 1800 621 3362 and you could also download the feema app but um I am specifically the point of contact for the elected officials so if when you guys receive a citizen inquiries or let's just say someone complains about damages or assistance with their female cases and they decide I'm going to my city counsil my local officials left problem know you just refer them to me and I'll try to help them as much as possible U but if you morning y'all have time I'd love to SCH one onone like followup interviews meetings with all of you guys to sit down and talk and discuss the Dynamics of your districts thank you thank you Miss Ley um thankfully I don't think very many of our residents will need to Avail themselves of these services but it's nice to know that they're there um if and when we do meet them so thank you for coming out this evening uh lesie dle hi I'm leslee Dudley I live at 246 Cayman court in a small neighborhood in between 25th and 30th Avenue South called South Beach Village um I've lived in Jacksonville Beach for 23 years and I'm PR to say it's my home and I'm happy that you guys are here to help support and make our community what it is Stellar um over the years I've noticed some truck parking on Third Street and I've never really noticed it all that much until I want to say maybe after like 2020 maybe it was Co maybe I had nothing to do but look for trucks um but it has become quite an issue and quite an issue that I think is very serious um the Avalon Community which is located as we may know by Home Depot had trucks parking there and I did notice that some truck parking uh no truck parking paint lines were added there um great solution the problem is is that those trucks have now migrated North upward to other homes within that area up to 25th Avenue South um these trucks are causing an obvious nuisance to us we've called repeatedly to the police to let them know of our um concern um mostly safety issues we don't know if the truckers are sleeping in there overnight we also don't know what's in the trucks um they do leave the trucks unattended um and if they're who knows what's inside and if they're not there it would be up to us so it is a safety concern um on top of that the noise they have generators that run at all hours of the night um because their trucks are so close I do have several pictures that I can furnish to you that show just how close these are to our homes it the sound of the trucks actually Shake our windows so that's what we go to sleep with um so the other thing too is the height of the trucks and the proximity to our homes they can virtually see into our homes again another safety issue um and then lastly but still important they negatively affect our home values um so I'm speaking on behalf of the South Beach village community specifically but I run along Third Street and I see all the homes from Jacksonville drive to 20 including our neighborhood that are also feeling this negative impact so I'm speaking on behalf of everybody and um I am aware that it is a um a state highight and I know that there are things that we can do locally and we might be fighting a little bit of you know um the toughness shall we say but I think as long as they've done the courtesy of painting those lines by Avalon it certainly would be a nice courtesy to extend to respect the homeowners of everyone else where those trucks have gone and there is plenty of other parking um that is more in a commercial Zone that if those trucks were to par there they wouldn't really be impacting um residents and I save time I have 15 seconds left thank you do you one the pictures you can uh give them to the city clerk and I will say we did just speak about this at our last briefing so the minutes are in this packet if you want to kind of get an update on where where we are with that because that that'll give you some insight into kind of what we're up against thank you thank you Miss edley Mr Kevin Brown and then Coach Brown thank you coach Uh Kevin Brown coach 1833 Kings Court so I've been trying to get in here for several meetings um I want to compliment y'all I know you don't get that a whole lot um the proactive that we did with the pipes um the dunes are in great shape they have planted uh over 300,000 SE um we're already starting to collect sand in the uh the the C that were uh there prior to that I measured last two days we've already collected like six and 8 Ines of sand on those Cress so um I just want to say thanks on behalf of all the people that volunteered with me um we were really excited those guys plantinum were even more excited um as they went down the beach they would say things like you are um are these pipes permanent and I said well we try to keep them maintenanced um because they felt a lot better about putting that valued plant in an area that they thought nobody would trample over because they told me horse stories about communities down south um so you guys did great you did great I appreciate it him um I know you got time of my texts but um I'm on that beach every day and I I will let you know what's going on the only thing I ask and we can be proactive again is I've worked with nepton beach and Atlantic Beach in doing some really good permanent signs uh you may have seen them they're aluminum um I finished that n beach today um Atlantic Beach has them in place they decided not to go with a lot of vope uh for reasons on theirs but there are signs every 50 ft from Atlantic Boulevard all the way to Han Park um we do need some signage you guys did a great effort with the paper but it's gone um but these we need to look into these um that that'll be around for a while and once again I'll be happy to uh get a crew together and we can put them out there so um once again thank you I always appreciate it when yall support um our little projects so um the dudes are looking good and we just got to survive some North Easter thank you appreciate it before you sit down not to put you on the spot but I know you can handle it do you want to provide a brief comment on your thoughts on tiger danams yes let's talk can I again another so here's my problem with the tiger dance and to me um I'm going to start with this we got to use some common sense now when those those accesses were originally put with sandins that was um me and Charlie on the Fone and and and I said we're going to get 20 ft so I did not know that you got fed $225,000 from the D but what I said to Charlie was May like do you want to you want millions of dollars of water on the first street or do you want to pay a $25,000 fine he goes we're paying the fine now since then these tiger Dan if that water had come up I'm out there all the time by no means have I said seen it but I've seen the tiger dams used around utilities and Ja uses those tiger dams for their pumping stations and I have also seen those used as booms in the Gulf during the old spill so I've been around that and seen it there was no way that those tiger dams were stopping any water that water is going to seat through or go underneath y'all that's why we don't have rocks anymore that's why we don't have sea wall because water finds a way so what I've done is put in a phone call the tray hatch which he hadn't returned it yet cuz I want to negotiate some common sense where if we are under an emergency like a hurricane I took a rod and I went back on the back side of the the accesses I went out about 20 ft and I was still hit in concrete so yeah we won't pull the sand off the beach we're going to get it from behind and we're going to stack it up so these are things we need to talk about season's almost over I don't think we're going to get anything anymore but we B that's fine I the water temps are dropping I feel good so I'll make that statement I feel okay I look at those water temps three times a week we need to start talking about it now we need to use some common sense that needs to be waved during an emergency because you battle nature with nature that's how you beat nature you battle nature with nature and then last thing I'm going to say is we've been living in it and on it for a long time we got to start learning how to live with it okay and um y'all need to look into that I'm not going to get it done I got no bite okay but a $25,000 f for protecting millions of dollars of residential and and and commercial property that makes no sense to me that just doesn't make sense so thank you for bringing it up I'm happy on that I thank you for I I knew you'd be able to fill that 3 minutes and probably and then some about this H dams we appreciate your feedback and all you do for our Coastline uh moving on to consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second all in favor signify say I I any post motion carries uh city manager new business item a chief good evening mayor council Jean Paul Smith um chief of police um mayor if you let me give me a little bit of latitude this um for a couple minutes this will also affect the the grant I'm briefing all on um this is the first chance I've had to uh um give you us our status over at the police department um current situation we have uh we're hiring four additional officers four more officers on November 4th that'll leave me only a total of four vacancies and we have two vies for those two and we hav't even posted next month test year for a physical ability test um I I anticipate it's getting all the way full um and getting everybody that training hopefully by Spring um this stands in um stock contrast to where I was uh where we were uh 6 months ago nearly 6 months ago um it's shocking uh the quality of applicants that have come in um uh two months ago compared to now we're actually getting candidates coming in and their experience and they're they're very good candidates we're being a little picky um that we always are but we're we're we're we're being even pick here now because we can afford to be you know we've always had a real strong culture and a real um a great Police Department fantastic department but um the pay of course it's wonderful it's the highest we're the highest paid north of Central Florida for now that's temporary as it is everywhere you know it's going to be a consistent struggle over the next few years I want to tell the council the symbolism the symbolism of of what occurred um more than one or two months ago is will last long past my time here and long after this Council leaves um I just reached my 30th Anniversary last Thursday and that not in 30 years have I uh experienced what I experienced in the last month as far as far as us working together as a as a as a community um the the symbolic nature of of what y'all are willing to do and the citizen support for us and um everything the equipment and the city leadership that was in place is really um unprecedented I've talked to the fop um reps and um they're not aware of anything occurring like this ever um in their tenure um as far as as a midc contract um adjustment and as far as after a critical incident and everybody was positive and everybody worked together um matter of fact the picture we all took up here not more than a couple months ago all of us together when it was the contract was approved was on the state fop U newsletter and uh both our fop reps and myself have received calls from all over saying how did y'all ask how did y'all do it um well it's kind of hard to explain because happen so organically and uh it really was a group effort and there really was no plan and we started on on St Patrick's Day the day after we just kind of went in One Direction and we all went together and I said in my report I provided y all the next week that if we stop and listen to each other we're all saying the same things whether it be the council citizens or or the union or the employees or the Command Staff or city leadership and we all kind of found that common ground work together and and really it's been y'all have done a wonderful job um just supporting us and it seems like a pretty popular decision not just on of my officers but also to the people who live and work in this community um so I I just want to kind of give you some feedback um you know it's the first time in a long time that I haven't had to wake up and um um check my emails to see who's leaving who's coming coming and who's going and how short are we and how um how bad things are going to be over the next 6 months with the shortages that we've always endured no matter how good our Police Department was we've always I've always known it for the last 30 years we've always been short-handed um so it's going to be nice it's nice for once at least for the past six weeks i' I've very the wave I've enjoyed every second because in Jack Fe to get in tomorrow um that uh it's really been nice I can concentrate and focus on other looking to the Future and not this constant um plugging holes in in a dke or a dam trying to stop the flood um from coming this is the really first chance it's been appropriate for me to come up in front of you and give you this briefing um I know many of you have been asking and you've been keeping up with our progress and really is really is just a I had staff meeting today it's just wonderful the the future looks bright and and I I'm I'm very pleased very optimistic about it um um if everything goes a plan we'll be able to send a message like we did a few years back in March and April for the mem I sent you um we're going to concentrate on some other things this winter and then next spr we going to sit the tone for about two months for the next year coming up and you only know me I'm going to set T so um so the final opportunity to thank you City leadership um Mike and Karen and my fellow Department directors the elected officials and uh the citizens who supported us all all you all have supported us and I thank you for your trust in me and my department and my agency to um kind of uh walk step off cliff kind of blindfolded um you're going to give me all this money but we're going to do good things with it and we already have and of course thank you to the best staff in country that's my St so I just wanted to make that statement before we go any further um speaking now of the grant U this is something we didn't share too much of because we're unsure of how it's going to turn out so when y'all also gave me four additional positions um also let me back up we're starting to reced all our specialized units again um um so we actually have almost all the units at least 50% up to speed we anticipate that all be fully staffed by December um so speaking of that the four extra positions I got this year um we anticipate to fill those um here like I said before the first of the year and um we also put in for I call it a universal hiring Grant some of yall that have been around all call it comps Grant take you back to the Clinton 9 mid 9s year it used to be comps Grant uh I call it the universal hiring Grant it goes by different names we applied for um grants for four positions um Rick Scott and and um John ruford called me personally after um St Patrick's state says anything I can do for you I said no not right now but answer your phone in about four months so they did they called me back when from R from floor of the house and Rick Scott as soon as he left the Senate chambers and and they put in a good work for us with the with the doj and we got proof for the grant it's a three-year Grant it uh funds us about $40,000 a year program officer for 3 years toing a half million doll that goes back into our our budget for partial payment for those four officers so that's real good news and also the caveat is we have to keep those positions for 3 years after that or to be supplanted and we can supplant which we're not it's got to be an increase which it was and uh Commander ban and uh for some reason Molly volunteered to apply and Grant which I don't know she must have been feeling ill that day so knowing how those Universal High grants go you got justify hours and time and every day and every hour so she's in for it also Commander bam kind of walked her through it she's familiar with it so um the total is $500,000 over 3 years off for four officers it's reimbursable each time we submit about that for every quarter I believe it's reimbursable so I I come you with a little bit of good news and like I said I don't think Mike and I wanted to uh give you anything with this because they they were mutually exclusive Mike wanted to make sure that was um clear to everybody in this room that the Grant had nothing to do with this four positions one was not contingent upon the other and kudos to him for for doing that because he took a risk and we didn't announce it but it's been finalized and I just wanted to get a good news I take any questions at this point Thank You Chief can we motion I move that we accept the Department of Justice award for the community oriented policing services hiring program grant for $500,000 for additional funding for four new positions in the police department second we have a motion in a second Mr chansen uh first off um thank you for the kind Awards Chief uh number one but number two you you've earned it um your department does an amazing job um and the process is not as simple as people think you know especially when you're mid contract um it it takes a little bit of work on the city's behalf uh takes a little bit of work on the's behalf it takes a little bit of work on on everybody's behalf the council included and so uh I'm I'm excited coming from obviously my career and law enforcement that we were able to accomplish this and uh let's hope that we can keep this narrative going uh well into the future um thank you for everything Mr Mesa likewise Chief you Department have done you know very much with very little uh this community obviously has done very very very a lot with very little um The Narrative that has been going on for the past n 10 years with defund police has taken the PLL on many cities it's unfortunate and uh I know for a fact that it won't happen here as long as as we all live here and we support Leos we will have the Safe Community we will have progress so I encourage everyone to hold their negative thoughts on law enforcement if you have a bad experience don't hold that against everyone in the field uh that's not what resembles La enforcement you know they go into running into our bullets they go into cars in the water if they have to go in and save someone's life when the depart the fire department's not there so I think uh our law enforcement deserves more respect now more than ever especially when we have people that don't want to be officers not because they don't want to be it just because they're not respected sometimes by the community or the elected officials and here every single official here respects law enforcement and the community does so I'm very happy that we have this grant um and I will highly encourage and recommend staff to seek any GRS available that the department can qualify for especially if it's going to help offset this the cost for for the police department um and I'm always thinking ahead being proactive and I want you guys to have whatever you guys need especially to keep you guys safe and keep this community safe so thumbs up Miss golden just real quick I want to say thank you to Molly and to Commander Bingham and anybody else who is involved in this uh Grant process $500,000 is a lot of money that our taxpayers are not going to be paying and that's huge so thank you thank you all very much any other comments Madam cler roll call council member Goldie yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member wner yes M Hoffman yes motion carries you look like you're getting ready to try to leave are you trying to leave to okay a little scared of me this isun um you stole my thunder a little bit uh Chief mentioned that he is celebrating 30 years with the city of Jacksonville I know I know the cake you're going to hate this I know it's okay um so as a city manager city council form of government uh the city council only has two staff they're Seated on either side of me so recognizing staff is normally reserved to the city manager but he let me take this one and I think it's because he knows how much Chief Smith is going to hate it so ni nicely done Mr stopus so this is your life Chief Smith began his employment with the city of Jacksonville Beach in 1994 where were you all at that time he was a became a police officer with no prior law enforcement experience and he was assigned to control in 1995 he was selected for his first specialty position as a school resource officer don't tell anybody and leer middle school until 1997 and I can just imagine him haunting the halls with a bunch of middle schoolers cutting up and everything 1997 he picks up a supervisor position as a Corporal assigned to patrol midnight shift in 1999 he was promoted to Sergeant become sergeant and plank holder of the new program called the CRT Community response team in 2002 he was promoted to Lieutenant now called Commander he served in all three divisions Patrol detectives and services on a rotational basis twice in 2019 he was appointed chief of police after a nationwide after a nationwide s uh search um so basically this is a story of coming up through the ranks and becoming Chief and even in a national search that was very competitive with a lot of great applicants and candidates a few other accomplishments he implements implemented and designed a new program called the CRT Community Response Team the unit becomes adopted and added to the detective division full-time has a team of seven others and the unit is still active today called SIU special investigations unit he was a SWAT team member and SWAT team Commander for over 20 years he attended FDLE senior leadership program received a bachelor's and a master's degree while employed he is a certified criminal justice instructor incident team instructor uh in Emergency Management Aug instructor at the University of North Florida in the areas of drug unit Commander high-risk search warrant and swap Basic School attendance and completion of over a dozen Career Development classes and he oversaw dozens of Grants and Equipment purchases one of which you just heard about a few notable recent issues um helping get the city through the covid crisis remember when we closed the beaches let's not think about that Nationwide Staffing sort s shortages and civil unrest with local protests here at the beaches uh cyber event earlier this year and communication with our Fraternal Order of Police regarding pay raises restaffing and our current situation which you also heard an update on today um we're really proud to have uh Chief Smith's family as part of our family his lovely wife Gail John Paul who is a JSO Deputy Zachary who is a firefighter in Swani County and of course we cannot forget Duke the family dog I'm sorry Drake Drake who who gave me uh so although I'm your second favorite mayor the first being N brown if you ever see her she loves to hear that so even though I'm your second favorite mayor you will always be my chief and I want to thank you and congratulate you for 30 years thank you mayor C pres you're right I absolutely hate this thank you for everything and thank you for your support and so a couple years left so we'll see you thank you got make a certificate you know there's a gripping Grand photo off them oh go someday I'll be your favorite [Music] thanks Mike halfway through that that I remember he has a gun and pH Fernando okay moving on okay Mr Baron now you well I thank you for letting me follow that uh Mary Council Denis Baron Public Works director I'm here with my first item uh which has four parts but it is uh the project the CR project for America Drive improvements going from um basically Republic down to Jacksonville drive this ties into uh the work that we had just completed on Jacksonville drive this is the second phase finally phase of this particular project because the CRA boundary is at Republic so this project will get us outside of the CRA uh this is a drainage roadway sidewalks um Improvement Street Improvement um that's going to be going through there basically concentrating mainly on drainage and attaching the drainage that we put in the Jacksonville Drive uh to be able to collect up additional drainage in this area and move on through that system that we put in on Jacksonville drive and so we did this through the normal local uh procurement policy um and everything I'm here for any other questions you may have above and beyond thank you Mr Baron we'll have a motion on the first first part I move that we award B number 23 24-14 to pett coach Schmidt civil Contractors Inc for construction um of the America Avenue drainage project for an amount not to exceed $1,598 th000 900 or I mean realistically you're probably talking right after the first of the year before it actually gets construction going uh depends on how quick they can get uh anything they have to order in and then how long it takes for that and I believe it said in the documentation that it's expected to take 6 months yes that's the timeline for it okay um who's going to be responsible for communicating with the residents during this project so we work together with Petty coach Schmid they'll have to do Flyers um to not ify people of what's going on in that particular area there will be um some traffic diversions obviously this is a feeder down to Jack Drive which a lot of people use to get to JTB so depending on you know what work's going on and where they have to do we may have to divert traffic back down aola down the southeast Parkway temporarily um but not you know shouldn't be anything too you know um too horrible and I do know like I said Pedic code has to clear all of their Communications to the public through us so um anything they're posting we end up putting on our website as well I I just asked these questions because some of us who are on the council back in when 11th Avenue South I think was being done and there was a lot of um a lot of angst and issues with Petty coach Schmidt and the experiences that some of the residents had I I'm hoping that we will not have the same experience with this since this is I mean this is obviously very residential project right so um I hope that that anything can be done to make sure that commun that the communication is very good with the residents um the only other thing I wanted to ask about and I'm I'm assuming maybe I can ask it in this for this motion but in the um scope of services there was a me there is mention about um HPS holding monthly progress meetings if required during the course of the project are are we going to require monthly Pro progress meetings so normally those progress meetings um because of the bid being uh not to exceed if we don't have any concerns and everything seems to be going well we don't hold those meetings because there's no new information because we're having good communication um similar to pedico working down town right now you know we're getting decent communication with them we're solving problems as as they come up we're addressing problems earlier so we're hoping not to have to have it a meeting every single month but monthly is pretty routine depending on what work may be done so sometimes we have to call in weekly meetings depending on what might be happening sometimes we do monthly it just depends on what we see out of the contractor and what kind of information we're getting back okay when I read that it concerned me a little bit so I wanted to make sure that we're that we're going to have meetings it's it's a caveat we put in there simply because sometimes we have these meetings and we have five Engineers that are building us upwards of $200 an hour show up at my office and an hour later they all leave and it just cost us $1,000 and I have zero new information at the end of the meeting so it doesn't seem like it's a good uh cost benefit for us to do especially when we can do some of these via telephone calls and not have to necessarily meet all on site or all in my office to be able to to have that conversation so we Tred do that depending on the job and then how much interference or how much construction's going on so thank you I appreciate the explanation Mr hor can you pull up the the picture from picture okay just way the way I looked at that and initially when it popped up it looked like we were doing something on Sanctuary but it Sanctuary Boulevard as it curved back that way but this is only on America cuz I couldn't find it in the documents correct it is it is on America or on the right away of America so America has houses along the east side and the west side is actually um the wooded area that's between um America and Sanctuary so they are going to be putting I think they're putting some drainage on that west side of the road as well and then on top of the drainage there's going to be a sidewalk on the west side of the road correct uh sidewalk on both sides of the road there's a 5ot sidewalk on one side the way I read this I'm not engineer on the other side I'd have to check on that one and get back to you cuz I don't recall that from the plan I agree with me so I can't um and I just yeah I agree with Council woman Golding in that there's been as we've moved into the election season um one of the things that both the incumbents and the candidates are hearing is that the citizens want more communication I we can even if we we went around as council members every person in the neighborhood once a day um somebody want it twice a day and knocked on their doors you know we can always do better so I just want to make sure that we do the best we can in informing them and then also making sure we hold this um uh contractor accountable and making sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing on time you know and getting we're getting the citizens are getting what they deserve as far as service and the expenditure of their tax dolls yes sir Mr Janson I was just going to piggy back on basically with Council horn said that with with having everything in place communication wise maybe we can even attit toe take two Tuesdays I just mentioned when the timing is right sounds sounds fair as long as I can find somebody that wants to be on camera I'm not a big camera fan sometimes that a struggle needs to do I'm sure I can I just rather have somebody else Mr um sorry Council cover this a little bit but I would like to understand the sidewalk component cuz that isn't a really heavily foot trafficked area I don't think that there's there's no sidewalk on the West Side correctly no and um and there's a lot of foot traffic in the road um and then North or west of that those sidewalks are in kind of rough shape as we've talked about previously so um you know if that's not in scope maybe we can think about making either this project is subse Project you know getting that place thank you I know I know you any other comments on item one mam cour call council member horn yes council member Janson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries item two I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute any contract as a result of this good award second we have a motion and a second any discussion or questions Madam clerk roll call council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries do you have anything to add on the uh construction Administration and inspection other than just the construction Administration is is being done by Hansen which was the original design engineer for this project and they also did all of the Jacksonville Drive project previously so uh confident in what they're doing and what they know what they're doing down there so um the second part of that is the construction inside for that thank you we motion I move that we award an agreement for construction Administration and construction inspection services to Hansen engineering for an amount not to exceed $483 74 second we have a motion on a second a discussion M CL roll call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Json yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries if you guys can turn off your mics when you're not using them we're getting some feedback item four I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute any contract as a result of this award second read motion and a second any discussion Madam CL call council member suton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Jon yes council member MAA yes mayor hofton yes motion carries moving on to C home station our second item I have for you for your cons cation May Council Dennis bar Public Works director still um this is for bid number 23 24-3 so this involves two separate areas so it's actually the central uh what we call the central P Pump Station Basin which is between 12th and 13th Avenue South and then the South Pump Station which is down on the other side of Marsh Landing Parkway uh these two basins are are R2 City primarily used storm water out um storm water pump stations uh have exceeded their uh life um actually barely running at this point in time so the the fact that we're through a storm season almost through a storm season um is really good uh we are limping by until we can get this project completed but this project is part of the original downtown 3C project 3 so this is a continuation of the the downtown project primarily because the downtown the water that we collect on the downtown project where we're doing actually ultimately ends up coming through here uh to be able to be disposed of out through the uh inter Coastal so again we we bid this and we ended up uh PBM being the lower lowest bidder of the two both pump stations are similar however there's quite a bit more additional work on the Central Pump Station Central Basin Pump Station having to do with the um the r screen and how it's going to react to be able to collect garbage and stuff compared to what we have now which is not very good so that's why there's additional cost in that one compared to the other one otherwise the two pump stations are almost identical and this one does not have a a a a construction admin or CI Services uh we review the money we had left from available from our design work we have enough money available to be able to cover that with just being able to add an additional task by a change order through their original award that you've already made so we don't need to have that side on this piece thank you Mr Baron and a motion on item one I move that we award bid number 23 24-13 Central and South Basin Pump Station improvements to PBM Constructor Constructors for an amount not to exceed $3,494 590 second we have a motion on a second Mr horn um you referenced the the previous bid I guess I thought we had already um approved a bunch of work on the which one is the central that's the one in the middle yeah the central um sorry make sure Central so I thought we just approved a bunch of probably close to million dollar for work on this area did we not or is that something different it must be it must have been the design work that you're thinking of which would have been for the design of the central Basin and the South Basin there's also some design work that went out with that same package that in involves um cleaning out that Central Basin to get it back to permitted capacity that's not part of this work that will be a subsequent good that we have coming in um at a later time we don't we didn't want to have somebody trying to clean out all the desilting that Central Canal at the same time they're trying to rebuild the pump station so we felt better about getting the pump stations in cuz we had failures and then we're going to come back with another award here pretty quick I'm hoping to get it out on the street pretty quick to be able to clean out that Central Basin and get it back to perent capacity again and again my apologize I Mis misunderstood you but you referenced you said you guys already have approved something we're going to attack on to this previously approved it was the design work for project okay okay okay my my so then my next questions are um so we approve this it gets done these Miracles occur and it somehow happens don't anything but engineering but how long will this last um so so unfortunately we have had a uh a situation in Jackson Beach where we installed storm water structures and we we build these wonderful devices to be able to move storm water and then everybody walks away and forgets about them and we've not been really good on maintenance so that's why we're having a lot of more lot more storm water failures than what we've had before um so we've now got those included as part of our routine maintenance stuff that's being going on before me coming here we weren't necessarily doing a good job of the maintenance for storm water stations we were building them rained it went away everybody cheered and it was all fine nobody wanted to bother to look to say well are these pumps having issues problems are we losing capacity are they wearing down or do we need to be replacing any of them so we're finding quite a bit of those that we're expecting that have been put in the ground and let sit for 20 years and not had any maintenance done to them so you know in essence what what will this last it should last 20 years especially with the uh increased amount of bar screening that we're going to be able to capture that keeps the junk from ultimately ending up inside the pumps and damage in the pumps so I hope to hope to do it at least that long so the life expects 20 years how when were these last up ones that were not maintained I don't have that information handy um I have to look it up and get back to you on that one okay I would just hope that we would again nobody here would go out and buy a fancy new Mercedes-Benz and not change the oil in it and this is not we're not buying the mercedesbenz taxpayers are so I just want to make sure yeah we need to make sure we're doing exactly what you're saying is taking care of the things that we're spending all our money on thank you Mr jansson uh for the benefit of our citizens so yeah we're doing improvements here um what is the cost difference between just a full-on replacement versus the improvements or are we talking about just replacing the entire pump so these these pumps will all be brand new pumps and motors and everything will all be brand new and then the additional enhancements uh like I said on the central Basin will involve the bar screening and clap capturing that uh in advance as well as being able to get those up it's hard to explain but if you're in the bottom of that and you're raking the the garbage and stuff that collects and you put it in buckets and then you got to climb the hill to get back to the top uh it's not the easiest thing to do in the world especially on a really tricky uh ladder that's not even really good at all so anyway we're we're making some improvements to be able to get our people down to the storm storm water level uh they'll also be on the central Basin and on the South Basin I think we're actually increasing that that Weir height that's at the top of the Weir um so this will actually um even reduce the amount of backflow we have currently coming across from the inter Coastal when we experience the king Tides or the super high tides this will get it down to one or hopefully one or two events a year at the most that water will actually be back feeding into our system from the inter Coastal so there's a couple of different improvements going on part of it's just the pump Replacements but and then some enhancements that we're making to it but those wears are I would love to increase them 5 ft so that way the water never comes back at us but um unfortunately we uh uh we have to rely on the Water Management District as well as the to decide to final how much we can go and what makes sense so we they try to keep us at the minimum we can do to keep from having that coming back and assuring that so assuring that that doesn't happen thank you sir Mr Mason um same as Mr Bill um I'm curious as to how long we've had this Pond for cues as to how long it it's been with us uh out of curiosity too I don't know you weren't you weren't the director yet but I can't remember if if Chris was are are elected yet but I can recall that the Basin in that area was redone do you recall so so we did have to replace um a pipe that was crossing that Canal so we did actually pump and bypass around it to do that as part of the 12th Street project that that we did but that was a completely unrelated um project of moving sewer across underneath that Canal than so I remember on the south end of the actual long retention Pond between 9th and 4th I think it is I know that wall was at it I was just trying to figure out when it was if you're I know they did some enhancements on the all the way East End then that was part of phase two of the downtown Improvement project that was also their lay down yard for peny Coach Schmid when they did that first amount that was going on when I first got here 5 years ago I think that carried a year and a half Beyond me getting here and then they get finished with that one and then now like I said now they're started on phase four and five downtown so part of that enhancements on the very East End do even include uh some of the parks and rec stuff um that got added down on that East End was all after we got the contractor out of that area and then they made improvements through that are itself good I just chge thank you any other questions Madam cler BR council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Jansen yes council member Mesa yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes item two I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute any contract as a result of this bid award second we have a motion and a second any discussion Madam CLK roll call council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member amesa yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes yes motion carries thank you thank you Mr Baron I do not see you Taylor Ms other you got this one Ireland good evening mayor and Council have Ireland Planning and Development uh Miss mobs is at the F conference this week uh learning and teaching she is actually moderating one session and she's the um instructor or presenter for two sessions so hopefully she'll have a report Outback to you guys when she returns of this item uh staff is requesting approval to contract with half for lean Plaza Engineering Services as you recall we had several public meetings on this item our first design uh that we presented to the community council and the CRA I think mayor Hoffman you Ed the words we overshot the design a little bit so while we didn't completely go back to the drawing board we did sit down with the plans uh for several hours with half and several meetings to address all the concerns we heard from the community the event promoters Council and the CRA uh we also met individually with three of our event promoters um to discuss what their needs concerns issues and questions are those meetings went went really well I would like to thank them I know some of some of them are here I'd like to thank them for taking out time to meet with us and give us their feedback it was really um helpful for us to move forward so what we're asking for now is to move forward with this second design which is up on your screen and just to give a little bit of uh more detail than I can't read that I don't know about y I can't even read this one um but basically all the circles the numbered circles are in red are items that are going to wait or be uh part of phase two of this project so that would be basically the lawn areas both the LA and Plaza and the sewalk Pavilion part of the lawn uh those are areas that are not going to be touched unless absolutely necessary at this time we feel that that will allow some of the events to continue while we focus on the perimeter of this plan we heard from Council in the CRA to not only kind of shrink things a little bit uh condense our active area or space if you will to the to the Western most third of the lake and Plaza side since this area is somewhat unusable for the festivals anyway um again we appreciate meeting with the event promoters to talk about how this might impact deck the chairs spring in the blues uh October Fest just to name a few we know we have many wonderful events and I'm so sorry this is the first year I had to miss sprain the blues and I apologize in 22 years I was I was very excited um anyway I'm here to answer questions all the details on the scope are in in your handout from half we do have a representative here from half if you have questions that I am unable to answer thank you I a motion I move that we approve an agreement with half for lean Plaza Engineering Services second we have a motion and a second is there any discussion seeing none Madam CL R call council member horn yes council member Janson yes council member mea yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes question carries Mr Scott good evening Council DUS Scott P benefits administrator uh today I'm requesting the council approve RFP number uh 08-23-18 current medical insurance provider and the single respondent to the RFP um in addition to sorry in addition to Florida Blue the RFP was sent out to the other three largest medical insurance providers but they declined to uh provide a proposal Flor Blue's uh proposal of a 0% increase is within the city's budget projections uh the city had the option of signing the final 2-year extension of our contract with Florida blue but uh decided to submit an RFP um this was due to um at the time the failing contract negotiations with Florida blue and Baptist Health Bap to South is the largest uh single provider of care to the city of dexal beach employees and so it's very important to Administration that we have a health insurance provider that included Baptist Health as being in network um after our RFP closed Florida blue and Baptist Health came to an agreement um that allows um Baptist HS to remain in network which we were all very excited about um there are a couple Noble items from the RFP that I would like to mention uh one is that Flo of blue has quoted us a 0% increase in premiums for current plan offerings for 2025 and second is the FL blue has uh guaranteed the city a minimum pro- share um return of $250,000 for 2025 Alone um City Administration in tends to use these funds to buy down any future cost increase um to keep premiums as low as possible for employees um future premium increases could be um substantial with this new contract with that and not knowing what exists in that um the city has used um these prare funds for several years to help reduce the cost allowing employees to not see an increase in their HMO premiums in 5 years which I think is a great um recruiting tool I'm also requesting that you delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsquent renewals through the maximum contract period of six total years uh consisting of of uh 3 2year agreements uh the main driver for this request is timing I have uh provided a slide up there that uh shows the health insurance renewal timeline uh we receive our quote from uh Florida Blue for the next year in late August we will bring the U bring it to Council in September after it's approved we create an open R materials and our broker loads their system with rates and any changes um for that year um our broker has advised us that that takes at least 3 weeks to complete especially if there's any major changes during a given year um in late October early November we do open enrollment for the employees where they start verifying and implementing the changes uh for the January 1st effective date uh for the city's purchasing guidelines the RFP process takes approximately 12 20 days um if I were to bring the renewal to council it will say next September and the council were to deny the renewal that would not leave enough time for uh the RFP process and to complete the rest of the tasks that would need to be completed for health insurance to be effective on January 1st um also believe that uh Council can take some comfort knowing that our broker negotiates on our behalf to keep our rates as low as possible and has our best interest in mind uh in the past five years the City's health insurance premium increases have been primarily due to plan improvements and like I said the employees haven't soaked up any of that that the city has um taken that that burden on I'm here to answer any of your questions and also have with me today two representatives from of interest um our insurance broker Cy Ron and west thank you Dustin and before we have a motion Mr senon uh thanks and I'm uh Happy along I'm sure along with everybody else in Northeast Florida uh that we got the contract with Baptist uh completed and um good news for uh hopefully years and years to come and um I agree with you Dustin the entress is certainly uh best in a best-in class broker here in Northeast Florida that we um value as well as a partner with them at Florida Blue given my uh leadership position at Florida Blue I will recuse myself on this item thank you Mr Sutton Mr City I just wanted to add that Mr Sutton the state statute does not prohibit you from discussing this in any way so even though you're not going to vote if there's any board discussion feel free to take part in it thank you add a motion on item one please I move that we award RFP number 08- 2324 for group medical and prescription Insurance to Florida Blue second we have a motion in a second any discussion Madam CL roll call council member Jon yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton does he have to sayain no okay um council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries item two I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent renewals through the maximum contract period second we have a motion and a second any discussion mad cler roll call council member amaza yes council member Sutton council member Wagner yes council member M Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes m h yes motion carries Mr cely city council Matthew cely electrical engineering project electrical engineering project supervisor for Beach's Energy Services and tonight I'm here to discuss something we haven't discussed here in nearly 20 years street light rates or if with your permission would' like to call them outdoor uh Outdoor Services outdoor lighting services so recently um due to the excessively difficulty getting on the parts we have and increasing costs of our existing lights that you're familiar with the high pressure of sodium the Amber ones and the mercury vapor up and down First Street um the time is right to move to LED and to convert our system to LED at the same time we're making that happen um they come the LEDs are significantly more energy efficient but they tend to cost more up front than our other ones if you think about it when an LED fails you have to replace that entire fixture in the old days we just change the call and so at the same time it seems like the right time to kind of bring out our lighting program and update it and uh so one of the major changes we're recommending for your approval is to no longer offer that upfront threeyear rate so normally if you request a light from Beach's Energy Services will offer you to recover those Capital costs in the first 3 years and then you pay them after threee rate um we're not going to we're recommending to just pay that up front so if you think about it that fixed cost to recover those Capital costs was established in 2005 those costs have increased significantly since then and uh so we think to fairly accurately And Timely recover those Capital cost to protect our rers the best way to do that is to charge them up front if you're requesting new lights for all work to be encompassed at that time for the the current prices um the the second part of that then is going to be that after after so your normal rate once we did the way we derive this rate and I'm going to try to summarize weeks months over a year of kind of research other talking to other utilities how they're doing it and um no no two utilities doing this the same way and we have this massive Excel workbook that kind of calculates all these different formulas but with LEDs the nice thing about them they've been out there for a while and so we actually have some pretty good data so what we're able to do for the different kind of categories so if you if you're familiar with the old rates we had like a W Colonial just very specific we kind of just made that more generic like standard posttop historic posttop things like that and what we did is is we took that data and said okay comes with a 10e warranty on the LED now so that kind of takes that burden off our rate payers and and those running those lights so we can figure that in and we would take the future cost and basically say okay how long is this light expected to last we have money in the budget to convert our entire system to LED in the next 10 years so that allowed us to take a 10-year window and say okay whatever that future 10e window is let's just calculate that future average replacement cost of those fixtures divided by the number of months and then we basically protected our rate payers so that's how we're recovering that cost when we see those rates for those different lights is it's just looking at that expected future date we'll put that in our mapping system so we know when it's coming due we can budget accordingly for knowing what's du to be replaced in that next year um again we kind of change that philosophy to an outdoor liting service um instead of just sort of street light rates um the nice thing about LEDs is we can the the existing lights just kind of throw um if you're used to the security light or the Barnyard light that's kind of what we call those round lights that you see up and down the streets these LEDs we're going with the street kind of I'm not going to get all the details believe me I've never looked at lights as much as I have for the last year everywhere I'm going but um they're pretty neat because you can actually tailor the glass around each led to to disperse the light so what we're going to do is take that light that was round so we'll just stretch it out along the road and the sidewalk and so I think we'll have a much better application of lighting in our residential neighborhoods um we are staying with the warmer colors like 273,000 it seems like a majority of the research shows 4,000 isn't the desired rout although you ask one person they're going to say warm and the next person is going to say that 4,000 and somebody else will say 5,000 so but majority shows they like the warmer lights the soft light is being more welcoming inviting comfortable things like that and so we'll go with that consistent lighting throughout the city so with that um ashy is available for any other questions yeah so we've been working on this a lot lately and it's just been yeah we're ready to puty B so for sure thank you Mr cely can we uh Madam Kirk will you read the resolution by title a resolution of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida adopting a schedule for rates sizes and styles for outdoor lighting Services provided by Beach's Energy Services providing for adoption of recitals repeal of Prior inconsistent resolutions and Council decisions severability and an effective date and a motion I move that we adopt resolution number 2174 d224 adopting outdoor lighting Service rates for Beach's energy Energy Services second we have a motion in a second Mr Mesa just a quick question so have you have you have you driven down State Road 16 like going toward St Augustin if you get off 195 yes all right so you know that stretch there's like white lights LED lights and there are these purple ones we are avoiding those yes so there was a manufactur defect yes and um we have been very selected in the manufacturer we're choosing and uh so right now we're sticking with Cooper we are getting some other lights to test but we are boing the blue light was not intentional it was actually coating that put on there that failed and so by um just by itself an LED is blue that's actually what they use and they put coatings on it to make it more yellow white whatever so it wasn't intention they their intention like like to get these purple lights no I asked myself it was 95 I 95 down by I4 where I first saw him a while back and U I'm like wait I thought blue light was bad so all of a sudden everybody's going purple said no that's not intentional okay so the lights we'll get will be they'll actually be the 2700 Kelvin which is the soft white and the 3,000 Kelvin color temperature so if you go to Home Depot you'll be able to figure that out pretty quickly that's some warmer lights all right thank you good question you were wanting purple lights were you I was thinking of Prince but or Fletcher I mean on hey I'm open if you want your city council J I cannot wait to go to Home Depot and see what what light is my favorite I'll let you know U Mr uh J just quick question so the replacement of the lights is it on upon failure or is just going you to take it on chunks at a time or how's that work as of so we have money budgeted starting next Festival year to actually Target replacement so entire areas like Ms for example you know entire service territory that we'll start doing batches of and we'll identify starting next fiscal year this year it'll be as a fail or if it makes sense where it's like there's going to be three in a row or something we'll just go and change the additional one as it makes sense but it won't be wholesale till starting next year and then we have money budgeted for 5 years to complete the entire system thank you Mr ragner thank you and I hit my button pretty excited was that all you had to say that was it okay so um so as you go through the the the process of identifying areas to repl and replacing the lights that are there is there going to be any additional assessment done on um what whether there's needed lights that aren't there right now so maybe William Street outside seab breze things like that that's a that's a great question so so um the one thing about when we selected this like one of the reasons we really like Cooper is they provide an app called light architect and you're welcome to go out there on the web and look up Cooper light architect and it will actually let us finally kind of a simple design with their lights so yes we in fact we're doing some lighting on Jacksonville Drive where we had to take all the poles out we're converting underground and that's exactly what we did we kind of plotted on there to look and see if there's any inconsistent met with Public Works to say you know would it make sense to add a poll here they agre so we are trying to look at that now and actually you know just what makes sense instead of just maybe an intersection and is start call around here so we do have that opportunity now that is super so hope hopefully we do it yes and then in areas like do a see Woods where there's clearly the looks like the developers put in the lights they're very different than lights every will those be replaced or cuz they're very like small they don't light up much so or or how does if an HOA an HOA can approach us at any time and request for us to kind of work out they'll they'll give us a conduit the infrastructure and we'll put in the lights I don't know if they own those or if they do well so there's no AC in that I just happen to know about that neighborh I Happ to live there there is no activ there's no activate way so is it public work it's it's Jackson Mo Beach this might be a level of specific specificity and replace things that are old right now we're targeting the oldest ones so um if you know like the ones around here the historicals those tend to last a really really long time they'll last 20 30 years no problem sometimes longer if they're in the shade the the standard ones kind of the fiberglass is very generic looking ones 3 to 5 years but we've upped our standard on those so we we should get a lot more out of that um so we tend to look at where they're really fading and compromised physically and we're going to Target those first to replace so inadequate lighting um that's something we'd have to work on with then if that's what you're talking like it's just not more it's kind of both but that just that example but there are many many other examples right now most of the H reached out to us they they don't hesitate and tell us like these lights look like junk and you know please come and so that's kind of we working with right now thank Mr Jansen another great topic for take two Tuesdays Mr um no I just want to ask this is we can't we're not replacing bulbs obviously we're going from bulb LEDs so are we replacing just pictures on the top we actually replacing holes is are they compatible is there a way to they are compatible with our existing so um we have found existing ones you know that actually you can get different types of attachments and all that so we've worked to develop what what's going to work for our system so basically just a fixture of the top but it is a fixture yes so there's no more CH working if it fails you take it off and put a new one on reconnect it and you're done okay scolding um Matt thank you for your amazing explanation of all the things that you're obviously you've put a lot of time into it but um going back to the explanation about the lights and uh how I guess how they'll be able to be more like in the neighborhoods more horizontal along the streets and the sidewalks does that mean that you know these the shades or whatever that we would see that were sprayed black because the light you know because the neighbors were complaining about the lights bothering them we won't have that issue anymore exactly so you're not going to have that light if you actually look at it it does stop that backl you don't have the light kind of just shining in the house and again they call those security lights because it just it was supposed to shine everywhere on the barn doors or Barnard lights we call them so now it's actually like it's called taiu U taiu which is roadway Urban so it's kind of that roadway and then just back behind the pole a little bit which would be the sidewalk so that's the intend stops kind of just behind the sidewalk and we won't have that spray paint Shields anymore so so do we know that that that ultimately we won't have any residents calling and saying something needs to be done about the light coming sh you're going from an orange light to a 2700 so um chances are you will get some people noticing it but we do also have that real low profile Shield that if we have to it's called a house side Shield we can just bolt it up there it's real low profile and and uh take any additional backlighting out if okay in certain situations perfect thank you any other additions to this robust discussion seeing none Madam clerk roll call council member suon yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member yes council member Johansson yes Council membera yes mayor hofman yes motion carries thank you Mr cely moving on to Item B Mr f a resolution good evening mayor and Council Jason petiti Parks and Recreation this item we are asking Council to approve B resolution a revised special events policy uh if you recall we met a couple of times of the last few months and we agreed that there were some revisions necessary to the policy specifically to help us better administer and manage the policy um if you adopt it tonight we're asking that it become effective November 1st of this year and on have for any questions thank you and before we read the resolution we have one speaker card Mr Alex Costas if you'd like to come up and address the council you three minut good evening mayor and city council hope you're all having a great evening and I guess we're the last I um I had a chance to review the uh special events policy and there's one section that I do not agree with and just wanted to share you my share my thoughts with you and my perspectives on it and it has to do with uh chapter five general policies item H uh ticket sales and I'll quote the item uh no special event will be considered that requires paid admission paid priority eating is allowed only in the seawalk Pavilion as long and as at least 1 half or 50% of the seawalk Pavilion lawn is open and free to the general public lean Plaza must remain free and open to the public um I asked the city council and the city government to reconsider this Rule and allow special event ticketed sales at seawalk IND long and Lan Plaza for the following reasons uh the event producer would be less dependent on alcohol sales to make the event financially viable that is one source of income is alcohol sales sponsorships and there other uh uh other aspects but alcohol sales tend to be a predominant uh source of income for any producer uh less alcohol consumption increases Public Safety the revenue generated by a ticketed event will allow the event producer to attract and pay for higher quality entertainment I mean right now it's not to say that the quality that we're getting has been bad but we can also trct um other acts that you might get downtown or down in St Augustine uh the event producer the city of Jacksonville Beach and the TDC the tourist development board can track where attendees are coming from to deter economic impact of the event so if you're ticketing it you're going to have data on each attendee and especially when it comes to uh Waring grants for uh two event producers and one up for attracting tourists we would know them by ZIP code where these uh attendees are coming from uh knowing beforehand the number of attendees will help with crowd control uh the police department and event producer will know how many people are attending and plan accordingly in there will be improved communication with attendees uh producers can send event related information directly to attendees via email or via text message and this could include schedule weather or traffic updates the event producer can also send postevent surveys to attendees to understand participants reactions learnings suggestions for improvement and help us determine Roi and and this is data then that can go back to the TDC as well as to the city government to say okay look did we get what we expected out of this event um other cities in Florida allow ticket events at public parks including Tampa St Petersburg uh Fort laderdale and Miami day County those are some of those uh communities in in Florida uh before adopting this policy I would like to the city council should consider the following uh you know benchmarking what other cities are doing understand the pros and cons of ticketed events as well as considered a local event in 2025 to test the pros and cons of ticketing so it's do a pilot so those are my thoughts and uh I know this is a process that has been going on for a while and I know we keep updating and I'm hoping as you consider future events in 2025 that you take these these recommendations into consideration thank you thank you Mr Costas Madam perk will you read the resolution by please sorry the resolution of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida adopting a revised special event policy providing for adoption of recitals repeal of Prior inconsistent resolutions and policies and providing an effective date and a motion please I move that we adopt resolution number 2182 d224 adopting the revised special events policy see second we have a motion and a second uh questions and discussion Mr horn um I would just say I'm happy to see that we've been able to adjust some things address some of the concerns in the community um I know this is probably not going to be the final there's different people that have different opinions um about you know how we should address this but I'm happy to see a lot of the things that are in here I'm happy to see the reduction uh in some of the events not but I'm anti Festival I just I think it taxes our city services it taxes our Police Department it puts a lot of stress on the community and um I think we're going to keep working towards this and as we finally figure out where we want downtown to be and again that's been another overarching commentary that I've heard during this um campaign season we and from Chief Jean Paul and for some of the citizens we as a collective body and this is just a commentary to everybody up on the dayas we need decide what we want the downtown to look like and then we're going to keep working that direction so um I'm happy to see this and I just want to say thank you for do this Mr suton uh a couple of different items here um help me remember Jason our discussions around um ticketed events and the concerns around that I know there were concerns from the community as far as charging for for event because that's our public space and um we should have access to it and then there were some concerns I believe as it related to the combination of a ticketed event and increase in alcohol but that's an interesting um comment that Mr cus made is you know with the regard to decrease in alcohol potentially with the ticket ENT uh but I remember there being the concern with there there being an increase in alcohol with that so I just can't remember and anybody else that can refresh my memory up here well as I recall the council did ask us to look into a pilot program and we did we we developed an RFP uh for one single ticket of EV event but we withheld that when um the plans for the LA and Plaza redesign kind of you know didn't get us where we wanted to be so we not knowing a certain date kind of held us back but in talking with the mayor I understand that you'd like us to move ahead with that so we will brush that off and put that out there and obviously uh talk with uh event producers like Mr crosses to get some input from them and and put that forward as a pilot program and that we would aim to do sometime in fiscal 2025 thanks my second question is to um you Mr Mett um I brought up on March 18th after what happened the day before you know my interest and the need I thought to um tighten up our special event policy is it related to um gatherings in the central business district or on the beach proper adjacent to the central business district do you think Mr Mett that this um advances Us in any way toward that you know I I met with staff on a few different occasions last few months to work on this so I want to just say I'm not an expert on the best methods but from speaking with them I think we are working towards that goal I think this does improve things I just don't want to say this is perfect cuz that's not my area of expertise but I think we are working towards that goal and I think this will and proove it I'm just not sure how valid my opinion is but that is my opinion that we're getting there thank you I think it is a step toward that um if we look at this as a work in progress so miss Golding I just I want to ask for a clarification because in the special events policy it states that Festival hours are restricted to Fridays 5:00 p.m. till 10 p.m. Saturdays 12: until 10 p.m. Sundays 12: until 8:00 p.m. and I know we had October Fest just this past weekend and that Festival was 12:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. Friday and Saturday so does that mean that this policy will then require that a festival like that would be would have to have their hours from 5:00 p.m. to 10 um no I I don't believe we changed the hour of the festival Miss Golding so I'd have to look into I believe October F should have been uh 5:00 p.m. to um 10 p.m. on Friday so I look into that I don't believe that they should have opened doors at noon on Friday the website I I was looking at their website and it and it I was pretty sure it said 12:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. both days so I don't know maybe I misunderstood but yeah as far as I know they were they were still sitting up and had not opened doors until 5 PM on Friday okay thank you Mr ragner um so I I wanted to kind of piggy back off uh councelor Sutton's comments um I also believe that this is taking us a big step in the right direction not perfect but but really getting us there and the piece that I wanted to share so the folks to kind of connect the dots is is some of the events that we had around St Patty's Day there were some concerns around our ability to to manage a non permitted event and and so what this policy or what this these changes do is they they provide our our police force and the City team uh better tools and definitions with which to help manage the situations that are on permitted and just by that activity alone I I think we've made great strides uh again we don't know how close to perfect we're going to get we're going to continue to work at it but I really do want to thank uh you and your team the process for a long all to contribute um to to have our voices heard and I really do appreciate because I really do think uh all of all the important work this is the other part of the really important work we did related to what uh the police chief shared earlier in the session so thank you very much and and thank you Mr wner we do appreciate the feedback that we received from you guys in going through this process thank you Mr Mesa uh yes uh just to clarify to miss council member golden uh yeah they they didn't open until 5:00 p.m. um yeah they were still set up so um I think if they would have started at 12 I think City's manager office is right there I think you would have Tak no no M at all so uh now the the question that I have is on what chapter is this uh chapter five letter T on smoking is prohibited at special events uh the question I have are we going to make sure we add the other stuff that might be realized here I'm not sure what stuff you referring to Mr no um chapter 5 uh letter T smoking is prohibited at special events okay obviously I know what smoking means I think it's both but are is there going to be any more clarification if I think that might be a premature question to ask can can I there may be an opportunity to Define smoking at some point I think is really what we're talking about so just don't I understand pretty much I I'm just thinking of it um I want to anybody else I just want to thank you and your team for the work and the council for their CER in this discussion um I think it's pretty well known that I do support um dipping our toe in the pool of ticketed events for all the reasons that you uh very eloquently expressed so I do think that this is something we should give it a try and see how it goes I think there are plenty of benefits that we can be realized I don't ever see us going to exclusively ticketed events but I think we can um see what that might look like for our community um one thing I did ask um Mr stfas to ensure happens is that when if when this is approved that we have a face to face with our event promoters that we are our you know usual suspects that are there every year um to go through this with them and not just email it to them but actually go through answer questions they may see things that we haven't seen yet um and and really make sure that they understand the implementation of this of this new policy so I would appreciate that being a face to-face meeting versus just an email um especially as they're starting to plan their 2025 events um see no other lights on the board Madam CLK roll call council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries is there a motion to adjourn I move we adjourn signify by any post turn have a good night