all right 6 o' on the iPhone welcome to the regular city council meeting FL City Jacksonville Beach Monday June 17th please rise for the invitation followed by the suit to the flag led by Mr J let us pray good and gracious heavenly father as I lift my brother and sister up in prayer we just want to thank you for pro providing us for those things that we didn't even realize we needed and Lord we also want to just thank you for the blanket of prot that you give us and often times we don't even realize we need that and Lord most of all we thank you for your love and your provision the provision of Public Safety by our First Responders and National Security by our military it's all these things we thank you for in the matchless name of Jesus we pray amen Al to flag of the United States of America and to repblic for which stands one nation God indivisible andice this meeting is called to order for full council member Bing here council member horn here council member Json here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of minutes item a I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on June 3rd 2024 second we have a motion n a second any discussion all in favor signify signify by saying I any oppos motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the city council briefing held on June 10th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any oppos motion carries approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second we have a motion to approve the agenda any discussion all favor signify with say I I any post motion carries announcements Miss gold thank you mayor first and foremost I want to let everyone know that Senate Bill 280 the short-term vacation rent bill has been sent to the governor today so the clock is ticking and probably within the next 24 to 48 hours the governor will either sign it or veto it I reached out to representative Michael and uh she contacted the governor's office urging the governor to veto the bill again and uh so hopefully he will do that um our lobbyist did send a stack of letters to the governor's office as well from other municipalities as well as our own um so anyway just want to thank representative Michael for all that she's done um in support of our community to urge the governor to veto the bill and you still have time if you haven't emailed the governor and urge him to veto Senate Bill 280 until he signs it or vetos it your voice still can have have an impact uh just want to mention that a lot of us were at the beach bolt opening and it was wonderful to see Beach bolt open again and it was it's a an amazing amazing place um I hope everybody takes opportunity to go out there and check it out also want to mention that we have juneth coming up this Wednesday June 19th from 5: to 8 p.m. at the Roa El Martin cultural heritage center um encourage you to go out to participate in that as well want to remind everyone that we have fireworks on July 4th because we don't have any City Council meetings between now and then and I wanted to let everyone know I looked at the tide chart and hi tide is at 8:00 p.m. that night fireworks are at 900 p.m. so I just want to mention that I have very significant concerns about our Dunes because we have a lot of problems right now with people getting in our Dunes so um I just want to put this out there that uh if there's anything that the city can do uh between now and July 4th to protect our Dunes I hope we will do that um then also I urge anyone who does come out to the beach for July 4th um to leave our beach clean dark and flat um because that's important for uh for our sea turtles still and speaking of sea turtles the B to sea turtle Patrol is hosting a beach cleanup July 5th the day after July 4th and that will be from 7 to 900 a.m. at the Beach Boulevard access and the 8th Avenue North access the beach SE Turtle Patrol will be providing bags and gloves and uh you just need to come out and help pick up the tracks that we know will be out on the beach after July 4th then also want to mention that beaches watches hosting um the annual police panel with our three Beach police Chiefs um all three Atlantic Beach Jack Beach and neun Beach Chiefs are participating and they will be discussing uh and that is sorry Wednesday July 10th at 7:00 at the beaches Branch Library it's always a timely meeting because it's after July 4th and it's a great opportunity for all three police departments to talk about July 4th how things went they'll also talk about Memorial Day um crime stats for each of our communities Staffing updates department needs things like that um again I I would encourage you to come out for that one as well it's that's a great opportunity to hear from our police Chiefs um and hear about what's going on in our community with regard to Public Safety and that is Wednesday July 10th 7 P.M beaches Branch Library thank you thank you missing Mr tson yes I have several things tonight as well um just got back from South Florida for the Florida Municipal loan Council and the Florida munal Investment Trust as the trustee and um here to report that the trust is doing very very well um in fact they voted to increase their capability of loaning up up to $300 million and so I think that the Sho Creek CDD is probably going to be looking at that that's the Universal Studios if anybody doesn't know it by the other name um also I attended the nominating committee as a new member there and we have four candidates for second vice president for the Florida League of cities and that selection will be made in the annual conference in August then to catch you up on the pension meeting I don't know if anybody was able to talk about our annual pension meeting but um we had our big meeting the annual one we have't quarterly but the annual big meeting was last couple weeks ago um happy to report that we beat 87% of all public Pension funds throughout the that state or Nation but uh either way it's really good um we also uh approved another alternative asset class though it's not funded right now um it's just another Avenue that if we want to invest in it's another Avenue for Investments or diversification of Investments should we need it I don't think we're going to be needing it anytime real soon but we have it there and then lastly but not leastly um if anybody's been watching the news on the DU volcanic Public School sales sir tax oversight committee the chair St down due to all the what he called Shenanigans happening with the the um U Master facilities plan the closing of schools and emerging of schools and that type of thing um he was concerned about some transparency issues that were happening there so in the last meeting which was a specialized meeting that that was put on the agenda uh that we selected a new chair which was Lawrence Dennis who's on the school board district one and I was selected as the vice chair for that committee um I'm happy to take that role as I continue the fight to keep our local schools open the way they should be um and furthermore um the dubal County public schools has created a master facilities plan Community Focus Group and I was also selected to chair on that group as well representing um fler C GRE in San Pablo uh those meetings will be coming up in the next few months and as those happen I back to you as see what's going on with those meetings thank you Mr jamson thank you to for your service on those various committees and Boards his last city council announcement as a single man congratulations Fernando on your upcoming nuts congratulations to you and Helen you have the thank you mayor uh yeah this is the last one happy uh yeah next time I'll be married and happy um couple couple announcements um uh Beach B was open today uh we went or I went on Friday as well with some of my colleagues here they definitely invested a lot of money into this building it's very attentional to detail oriented uh if you haven't been I recommend you do go they have great specials throughout the day and night uh and just the lanes uh they're all named after our Avenues 6 Avenue North and they have 6 Avenue South so I think it's pretty cool so if you haven't been please do so uh the second thing um us folks to look out to be we know that the beaches are being renourished with the dunes um for the most part all of us we respect the dunes but uh there's a lot of people that are going on to the dudes and to P you back on what uh my colleague council member golden said uh with Fourth of July coming up and it being high tide um I do encourage if you see anyone politely educate or uh just let people know that the dunes are to be off limits and they are to be protected because they protect Coes that is it thank you Mr Mesa um I I will Echo um reach bow is open it is amazing people have stopped asking me when it's opening so that's a that's a great development in my day-to-day life um is the Navy Band coming on the 4th of July am I making that up maybe okay Jason looks confusing I think so may I'm not sure but I'll find out okay so we think the Navy Band may be coming which would be at the sew bilan we will make sure to announce that if it is in fact the case so um keep an eye out for that um the end of election qualifying was on Friday the 14th at noon so congratulations to John Wagner who was uh elected uh so two more years congratulations sir thank you for your service to our city and congratulated Fernando and I think that is it so we will move on to Courtesy of the floor this ERS starting with Barbara Bor come on up you will have three minutes if you start with your name and address to address the council Barbara Bower 604 13th Avenue South my husband and I retired here 14 years ago and we chose Jack speech because at the time it was still a not too built up Community it was a big tourist destination and it had a really small town feel to it it had inexpensive airfare back home for visiting which unfortunately no longer exists it had an inexpensive trolley that went up and down A1A for easy access to shopping and festivals so we wouldn't have the hassle of parking sadly that is also gone and there were lots of um available parking in the end zone during the week and even on weekends and holidays it was pretty easy to find parking on the side streets sadly that is gone what with all the new construction of homes with only one garages and construction Crews using entire parking lots for staging areas for one or two years at a time but more importantly the end zone of my street which is 13th Avenue South had a ramp rather than steps for the walk over and that was actually the deciding factor when we bought our house because even at that time I had trouble walking and I knew a ramp would be much easier for me and now that is gone too when the city built the new walk over you replaced for ramp with steps when it was first completed I called and asked why and I was told the old ramp was no longer ADA Compliant maybe maybe not I really don't know but nevertheless it was a ramp and I could access it um the steps uh were so steep on the ocean side coming up that uh I called complained about them cuz I never could even go up and down especially carrying chairs umbrellas and all that beach stuff and I know of two other people on my street who are elderly also that complained about the steepness of the steps um most of the people I saw going over our little section of the beach we not even using that walkway you built we always had a little access path to the right of the walkway and that's what most people were using once the steps were put up there um my daughter even brought me one of those Beach carts so we could load up all the stuff and get to the beach because I obviously couldn't cart it over the steps now that I lost the ramp um and it was much easier to do that than try to find parking and that went on for a while and then about 3 weeks ago we went out of town and when I came back we walked down to the beach with my little cart and there was a huge mountain of sand that was now covering the little path there not really the dunes because the dunes were always to the left so it's not the dunes and the path was never on the dunes um so I couldn't get up I couldn't get to the beach and then I noticed that whoever put the sand there they covered most of those steep steps that were on the ocean side there's only like six of them left so I don't know if that was just done on purpose or shotty workmanship but it was my understanding that that walkover cost over $108,000 and why you would build that with steep steps that nobody could use and then push a bunch of sand against it is just beyond me so I don't know what's going on with there um but anyway so since our Endzone had a ramp for accessibility and it no longer is accessible I would like the city to either replace the walkway with another ramp or put that little pathway back and uh just to be clear that pass has been there for 14 years so it was never interfering with the dunes and it was stood two Beach Remish Ms I don't know why they took it away at this point and I while I'm on the while I'm here I would all I requested this last year I would like to get our bicycle wraid back too because people are tying up the bicycles all over the pillars to this lovely walkover that hardly anybody uses thank you Z thank you James gor James G W Third Avenue South my topic was I basically call Third Avenue South the portal um on every day of shooting that has occurred in Jacksonville Beach you could see the turmoil on our street which is not represented by police or looking at the bus stop or cameras if you had it you probably would have seen the people who had shot somebody because that is where they came from and it's where they go and make it clear the bus stop is part of it is part of it the free parking we have great crowds of people that come on the bus and the families that go directly up our street to the beach and leave but 20 30 juvenile kids between the ages of I don't know 14 I think they come by they're wearing ski masks walking up our street in the middle like on those days so they can't be identified it's I sent a picture of a very drunken group of people where a girl was laying in the middle of one of my neighbor's yards an hour before the last shooting to the mayor in an email I'm just showing you how bad Third Avenue South has become it it's I hate to say Charlie still they may charge for parking one out of every 30 days the kids show up in the morning and they clip their car sideways blocking three spots and then people show up in these big Vans with 15 kids per car and they all get out and one guy moves his car so they can all and they don't go to the Beach they make a hard left turn and head into where you're patrolling and dealing with the issues and the issues you've had to deal with and your police have been wonderful and during great days I have nothing bad to say about anything that's going on but if you don't give a little attention to what's where it's coming from and where they're going from they don't get off the bus at any other stops they know where there's no coverage where they can get off in large groups that don't have to pay for parking which is I hope you're moving moving the paid parking way past that Park up on Fifth Street because I don't care charge every day of the week but it's we have a beautiful town and 90% of the time it's a great place to live but on those days i' say Friday afternoons Saturday afternoons and Sunday in the summer in this time it's it is where it starts and where it ends thank you thank you Mr gor Kevin Brown Uh Kevin Brown 1833 Kings Court first of all I want to always thank y'all for the support that you give me with the things that I do in the community so I'm always grateful for that we had a $34 million project going on right now I'm on the beach every morning people are pounding those Dooms we got to be proactive that's all I'm asking tonight is that y'all get together we get with the um operations signs I understand we can't you know I think we could have I had a plan I had a plan nobody wanted to hear it okay and I think it would be working right now but it was tabled but I do think we need signage I understand if you can't put our PVC p out with rope on the beach side but you can put them on the west side I had some at my house I used them up to keep people from walking at on the south end I don't have any Supply left yet I'd be happy to show those guys how to do it we knocked that beach out after Ian in about 5 days so it can be done I did it with a bunch of kids it can be done but I'm telling youall right now people are walking over those Dunes it is so frustrating to see that every morning those things that protected us through several storms we have all but know we know that since Matthew I can't stress that enough how many times after Matthew we realized how important that was now they're going to start planting soon on the south end right now they have flipped they're coming back to Margaritaville when that's done they're going to flip it they're going to head north we could be doing some stuff on the south end y'all bought signs before I got people in put them out we put out over 500 signs in those Dunes I can do it tomorrow we need to be proactive on this or we're going to regret it the 4th of July is going we've been through this after Irma we've been through this people were in the Dunes pounding them on the 4th of July so let's learn from history let's learn from our mistakes I hope y'all can consult with somebody if y'all don't want to put the signs out I'll be happy to get my little army together and we can knock it out so I stress to y'all please let's be proactive on this thank you thank you coach moving on to the consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second we have a motion in second all favor signify say iOS consent agenda is approved moving on to city manager new business item a believe Mr fais will be giving us a staff that we Jason Fati Parks and Recreation um good evening mayor and Council before I begin I do want to confirm that the band will be here on the 4th uh from 8 to 84 so this uh item staff worked together with Congressman Rutherford's office to submit a Federal grant uh for the urban Trails project uh one the primary basis I would say for this application was uh safe accessibility to schools and then also another impetus was the connection to the east coast Greenway and as a result 18th Avenue North and parts of First Street uh North were the primary basis uh in this application the application was successful and we were awarded a grant uh to the tune of approximately $1.2 million uh it is a matching Grant and we will have 8 years to spend the funds I will let Council know that we've not started any design on any of these corridors uh or thoughts of construction they've been off the radar uh if Council approves this um Grant tonight setting this grant uh we will make a concerted effort to reach as many of the community as we can to get their involvement so we're asking council tonight to approve acceptance of this uh Grant application thank you Mr fatiz um before we go to public comment um since we will have the band on stage and I would assume a microphone that might be a good opportunity to make some reminder announcements since see what Pavilion will probably be be a lot of people that are not necessarily from the beaches to remind them to stay off the dunes right before the fireworks start okay we will go to uh our public comment cards before we entertain a motion on this item uh Kristen wend good evening Kristen Wendy 1888 7th Street North in Jacksonville Beach my husband and I um are here to support the proposed urban trail we live on segment 13 which runs between 7th Street North and 8th Street North there's a canal used to be a ditch now it's a fancy Canal um it runs directly behind our home we believe that this would be a benefit to our community um it would make our neighborhood more walkable right now our street 7eventh street does not have sidewalks on it routinely when we are out walking our dog we have to scoop her up out of the road because somebody comes around the corner on two wheels going quite fast um it would be safer for the kids walking to San Pablo Elementary in particular but also Fletcher middle school and then continuing on the green way that they are already using to get over to Fletcher High um it would be safer for not only the dog walkers but parents with strollers with kids or parents with strollers with kids and their dogs which we see lots of um and it will help in gender a sense of community when you see people routinely out on a trailer you say hi you smile you get to know one another a little bit um and we just think it would be good for the city so we encourage all of you to vote to um approve the acceptance of these funds thank you thank you Miss Wendy Bama Israel good evening and thank you all I'm B Israel I live on 8 188 Avenue Ro I've been a jack speech resident since around 1986 but I have recently felt a sharp intake in crime in my neighborhood and I do not feel safe I have some neighbors sitting back there to help me get my fence put back together as a six foot privacy fence that a dude reached his hand over because I have it locked I'm on the ring Network and all of the network is on people stealing petty theft so I'm not necessarily opposed to everything involved in the urban trail development but I'm definitely opposed to not fixing what we have right now and we have a big problem I feel like some money needs to be spent on the police department and boosting that up that Trifecta that happened with those three shootings our Police Department was outnumbered I figured in my head as a retired school teacher they were outnumbered by about six to one and that's why they kept happening over and over again when that person talked about the the uh people with the mask and stuff I can testify to people that come up and down our streets on a regular basis I've called the police department on several times the speeding is just enormously out of control it was enormously out of control over 15 years ago I had a study done by the police department we most recently just did another one we can't even walk from one side to the other the criminals wherever that track is going to be is going to place them even closer to a scope grab and steal and that is the problem that I have with it and the amount of money that's being spent on it that I feel like could be better spent in other ways like possibly a speed bump on 8th Avenue North my ring goes off every 3 minutes with the traffic back and forth when y all talk about July 4th it what is the plan for 8th Avenue North and the traffic on Jack Jack Beach and 8th Avenue Norm it's bumper to bumper most recently electronic bike I have a little fence up crumble in two different areas totally crumble $400 for me to fix it nobody cares it's not the neighborhood it used to be I feel like you aren't listening to us as the people who pay the property taxes down here and voted you into office that you're supposed to be good stewards of our money and I'd like for you to add some things to it that would help at least some certain areas other than an asphalt track have asthma and when I think about that asphalt track I'm not going to be able to breathe it is destroying like the other lady said the feel of our community is not what it used to be I've already tried to feel like maybe I should just move because if you're not going to care why should I stay why should I continue to keep being in the community and as a school teacher I'm God bless you for helping us out there because they need it too thank you Miss Israel your turn up thank you Bruce wers good evening my name is is Bruce wers I about 126 12th Avenue South it's a pleasure to address you all this honorable counsel and you are honorable mayor um I would like to thank Miss Golding for her efforts on S SP 280 which I think will make our community a lot safer crime and Bad actors are everywhere and I would like to thank Mr Jansen for his efforts on our schools as a current school teacher basically um I love our kids I like to see their generation be able to live here in a safe Community environment um as in regards the urban trail I think it's a wonderful concept for people to be able to get around on their bikes from any part of the beach to any other part but as you can see there are 11 East West Trails um this will add to congestion and possibly crime uh the bad who are in these airbnbs or come in on buses can access them and I think with Penman Road going on with Adventure Landing with Gonzalez Park Condos I think we could be better served to scale this back and uh use our resources for more pressing matters so I trust that you all will do the right thing for all of us thank you thank you Mr rers Robert Sherman good evening my name is Robert Sherman I live at 1103 15th Avenue North I've been for you um discussing my opposition to the urban Trails on two major points I was going to talk a little bit about opportunistic crime but um some of my neighbors here have already spoken to you about that there's over 50 years of scientific data that will prove that greater foot traffic means greater crime and even without an urban trail going down my street I've had people siphon gas out of my SUV destroy the locks on the doors of my Accord trying to get into it and have my dogs chase away somebody who's trying to break into my back gate fence the circle K2 blocks down my road has had two armed incidences just since the last time I talked to you where somebody pulled a weapon on somebody there I don't want more traffic in front of my house but let's talk about the other crisis that both the city of Jack and city of Jack Beach doesn't seem to be prepared for the heat it's all over the news I spoke to about it I gave you guys scientific data about it this is a crisis now not later uh we may be kind of insulated to because in Florida all the houses have AC and other cities are way ahead of us because a lot of their houses don't like Chicago there are things that can be done and also you talk about all the crime we're attracting the wrong people we're not the Riviera you know not that familyfriendly and I have friends who have families and little kids in town here they don't want to come out for 4th in July and park at my house 10 blocks down because it'll be 95 or higher and they have to walk all the way down to that beach in that humidity and heat if you want and also we're going to do this Grant and we're committing a half a million dollars a year in tax money to maintain it half a million dollar a year how about we build uh I don't know maybe a splash feature right in front here here by the auditorium where kids can get in the water or maybe cover the boardwalk some way to provide some shaded spaces and when we host but we talk about all these people yeah they're nuisance they're going to get on our Dunes they're also bringing a lot of money and help fund everything the city does and we have to be good hosts so you guys are going to have to provide cooling stations and water or people are going to fall out I was at a Jacksonville Jaguars game last September where temperatures on the field were 120 degrees and 36 people got evacuated for heat exhaustion this is our future this is not an a burn this is the new normal last year 2023 saw temperatures that were unprecedented as did 2022 and 2021 but 23 was a spike a noticeable Spike you can Google it it's all over there several scientific studies it's going to just get hotter and we are unprepared we're tearing down trees to build an urban trail are you crazy we need to plant more trees and the fact is they need to be 5T or above to provide any shade we can't wait for saplings to grow we may not be able to provide enough fresh water for it we're very lucky we have the inter Coastal the St John's in the ocean we have a chance to lead by example and combat you know Urban heat Islands there are grants there are funds even the FLC is involved you guys are involved with the league they're involved with combating this too we got spared those monsoons down in South Florida they'll eventually creep North because they have been over the years if you look at the rainfall patterns but us right here we haven't got a drop for 2 weeks you know plants that I bought and put in my plant that said Hey in your region full sun they're dying from the Sun even if I give them more water they're getting burnt up this is our new future we need the plan for that if we want to have Urban spaces for parks for people to play out in the sun in the daytime we better provide shade and water and we need to not make these Trails out of asphalt period you know they just going to absorb Sun all day and radiate it out all night not to mention you know being a highway for stranger dangers to walk down our street and steal stuff I've had a bike stolen off my my not even my front lawn was behind two cars in my carport I mean Mr sh yeah I do I do see times but let's let's apply some common sense all right this is a don't Lookout situation yes I'm so proud that we are taking care of the ocean in the dunes and the sand and the beaches it's not Rising level is not our only crisis we have a livability crisis and we're not going to attract new residents when we have high homeowners insurance deflating property value and a livability crisis thank you thank you Mr shman Ken Marsh oh yes ma'am thank you Kev Marsh 2027 Gil Avenue um so we're talking about the grant funding for the urban trails and I think specifically really we're talking about a couple of segments here grant funding about 1.2 million the handout that I've given you is part of page 47 of the urban Trails master plan which you were granted this funding from that master plan this recommendation says that we take the residential segments north and south of downtown and make them one way while closing the downtown as pedestrian that is in our Urban master plan that was submitted for our grant funding so the way I see it we're you're going to be voting on the grant funding but you're also going to be voting on the one ways on First Street and closing of the downtown or you're going to be getting money for something that hasn't been developed yet uh I know Jason talked about well we need to design it well that's true but there's a certain par in the urban trails that says it's One Way north of downtown and one way south of downtown and a Clos downtown you you all have not had any discussion on that even though it's been brought up over many years many years so not only have we not had discussions none of the residents along this route know anything about this so I think it's really important that you guys have this discussion tonight as you go talk about this grant funding money um I am a proponent of the urban Trails but as I've said in many meetings I don't understand I ride my bike about 8 to 10,000 miles a year I've been all over the United States what's developed up there doesn't make a lot of sense from the East West sections the north south Corridor is where we have a problem moving whether it's cars or it's people or it's bikes One South is the superhighway of Runners and bikers and why we're not using that as a priority I don't know but as you talk about segment 1A which is part of the grand funding tonight you got to ask the question and that's what I'm asking tonight is what is it going to connect to you have the yellow on going along the ocean and then you have one b and one C you guys got to ask the question what is it going to connect to and you have not had that discussion so I'm encouraging two things one is somebody up here say how's it going to connect and two look at it from an entire segment a north south segment okay not don't don't get approve it and then say okay it's a it's a street to Nowhere that doesn't make any sense so um again look at it as a segment uh and of course North South we also have South Beach Parkway and Penman we've got a part of Penman but we don't know where it's going to go from there but I can tell you as a cyclist I can go east west almost all over this town on the roads without any problem any safe issues so I just ask you to just kind of reconsider what're what we're doing here make it a loot around the city that's how a bicyclist would do it how a runner would do it so anyway thanks thank you Mr Marsh that is the end of public comment on this issue we can have a motion I move that we accept the economic development initiative Community Project funding Grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for the urban Trails project second we have a motion and a second discussion by Council Miss Golding Mr FZ um so some of the statements that were made you know I I know that you said that we we haven't done any design at this point and and I understand that but um concerns about tearing down trees to build the urban trail um what you know is there anything you can yeah I our position is any tree that's taken down will be replaced by another tree so there's there's absolutely no uh plan to remove Tres to accommodate the trail without putting them back and this so this is what was submitted for the grant um Mr Marsh mentioned something about the master plan was submitted for the for the grant does that does that like tie us to making the downtown one way no I don't know if I understood Mr Marsh correctly but I can tell you we did not submit the master plan uh with this application so what we're tied to specifically on this grant really is um 18th Avenue North that section and a section of First Street we included uh that Corridor 2A as a north south connected to the school if we did our community outreach and came back and said there's a better alternative we can submit that back to the Department of um HUD what we're asking council tonight is approval to go ahead and enter into an agreement with HUD but what is tied to that agreement are those two corridors specifically okay so 18th Avenue North and First Street are tied to the grant yes okay and whatever it will be asphalt concrete whatever that will be determined as we go forward with the community process and design and all with that yes ideally that Council would approve this and then we would a series of community meetings to get the input we can provide that then to the Design Consultants for them to come up with an ideal plan okay I I will say because I live on 18th Avenue North and it's a very heavily trafficked road because of the schools and um I I'm concerned all the time about kids trying to get to and from the schools and I have a sidewalk in front of my house and I'm very grateful that I do for that reason because um like Miss Wendy said um because she lives close to the school too we see families with strollers and dogs and kids and everything trying to get to and from the schools so I definitely I think it's really important that we focus on 18th and on First Street as well so I thank you for that Mr horns um um all right um are these so all these areas are we going and replacing current side walks or are we we're putting in a trail in areas because again so you said this is 18th North and then First Street there but then as I look at this other portion says um 1 A2 A6 of 13 which is it says on the grand totals for the the cpf so 1 a 2 a 6 and 13 so we're going so that's not that doesn't that counts all the way down to that's past spe Bard 12 South I believe 2A begins okay so by so we're doing all of that with this we yes we we can but again miss we to answer your question we don't know if this is going to be concrete or it's going to be a natural trail that will all come when we start the design process and again that's all hopefully going to happen with substantial Community inut okay so conceptually there could be actual removal of concrete and replacement with an actual trail with some kind of a surface that is a able to use by people and long lasting don't think the longevity of anything is going to be as solid as concrete but at the same time it doesn't add to our you know the concrete problems that we have already exactly Mr one I think the direction that the Consultants got was what council put take a holistic rather than a on size foit old approach and I I I will say that I think 18th is a good option because if you look at it you've got as long as we do it on the of the of the the school you know as long as you're not going to you know or if you are taking up and I'm trying to see I'm was trying to pull this back up the g l Stu down that road um see if there's actual uh sidewalks there and I there are we need to use what there you mentioned the trees um if we take a tree down we're going to replace it how do we repl how do we replace of oak tree that's been there for 50 years for 60 years um I I would hope that we would work around that tree I know that you know on 15th ad North there are several large Oaks that when talking with a design consultant they figured a way around them so obviously you know uh things of that nature we would try to accommodate rather than remove and replace but hope and hope and action are two separate things understood um and again obviously everybody in the room here says they don't want any of these large trees coming down I I fully agree um you know we need as many of the trees um sorry I wrote some other things um if we again so so this is all tied here so if we accept this we accept this Grant and down the road for whatever reason either Bea Community input something happens changes we can't are we this is the only thing that we can do with this and if if something happens and we s we can't come to an agreement you know we as the council and the city and the citizens we say NOP we've just decided that this is not a good plan and we're not going to do it for whatever reason then what happens to that money do we have to give it back can we use it somewhere else well we we would only use what we would match so if we spent 200,000 they would reimburse us for the 200,000 so say we do a bunch of planning we get you know and we spent $200,000 and whatever but we decide okay I mean again I conceptually as I look at this I'm I'm very receptive we're not I'm not up here for me we're not up here for us we're up here for the citizens and if the citizens don't like what is we're offering then we need to look at what we're offering um if oh sorry my okay so there's a sidewalk on yeah I thought there was a sidewalk on the side of of um of the school yeah s Pao okay so we could maybe address that maybe make that nicer so thank you sir is there one on that side sorry we're just over here doing okay oh there is one on the opposite side of the street as well that's what I couldn't I knew there was one on the other side so um mron if I can just make sure you understood my my last answer that if we don't spend the 1.2 million we forfeit the amount that we were grunted does that make sense yeah yeah no no that that I I understand that now cuz I wasn't sure if we could pivot somewhere that's why I was trying to figure out and if we and it's specifically for this we can't use it it goes away and okay um again conceptually I know there's a lot of consternation from the public regarding the urban Trails again I think the idea of at least if nothing comes out of this and we just do we can't come to an agreement on anything but the on side of 18th in front of the school where we make it a more accessible area or we do some areas here some smaller areas that come from much smaller option than what we've outlined here and it becomes a $500,000 Grant and we return the rest of it so be it um I want to make sure that we are doing what is number one right for the beach number two right for the citizens and not trying to force something down people's throats but at the same time and I'm just talking out loud sorry going for a couple days we had a lot of time to think about these things um I think I'm okay with accepting a grant me personally I'm okay with accepting a grant understanding that the next step is then going to the community and looking at that and I only other thing I want to say is I would make sure that this has been brought several times that people have said we need to take care of the um the sidewalks and I don't know if that's you or public works or the current sidewalks in a lot of the areas of the beach but that's also something that we need to be addressing as well because I think we have a lot of areas that we can fix thank you sorry thank you Mr horn Mr Jansen yes so as the Jacksonville Beach representative on the national league of cities I've been following the um national east coast Greenway uh I don't know if you're aware of that and what that entails uh but basically it's it's in trail that runs from Maine all the way to the floor to keys and there's a map on their website that kind of shows where it's been developed and where it has hasn't been where it's been approve and where it hasn't and right now it hasn't touched uh Northeast Florida quite frankly but but it does exist and it probably sometime in trajectory the future we touch our city in one shape fashion or form so incorporating our own urban trail into the East Coast Greenway might be something that be beneficial to us also when it comes to fighting for our local schools um I think it helps make an argument that if I'm improving uh a means of of access to our schools for our children through an urban trail I mean I think it strengthens our argument amongst some many other things uh so those are some things I'm concerned about also some things that we have talked about in the past uh when it comes to the urbit trails uh a gentleman was talking about he and no shade but I know that we've talked about for the edification of our community of small pocket parks and water stations along the way and shade stops and access not just to the beach but also to other Parks whether it be Gonzales whether it be Sunshine park or any of our smaller Parks so I think the benefit goes just beyond getting from the west side of the city to the ocean um trael really improves pedestrian access without having to drive your car from the west side of the city to the east side of the city so uh just keep in mind about the East coose Green because that eventually is going to come in touch our city I think yeah we have been in talks with them and we do understand the parameters that will allow it to be called part of the greenway uh system so we'll make sure if we get to construction of that that it's constructed to their standards sure and as as a representative I can always reach out through the nation in the cities and gather up any information that that might be helpful thank you thank you Mr Janson Mr Mesa uh Mr ba um on 18th hour north on the North End which is touches schools um there's a sidewalk and there's the grassy area and some of it is dirt uh during the Fletcher games and sometimes parent conference um both sides are are are people are parking now if the trail was to get built here I'm assuming some of that Port will be removed or every would be removed correct well I can't really speak to that at this stage Mr M all of that will be considered within the conceptual design uh along with the community input we will feed that information to the Consultants see what they come back with and you know develop the ultimate plan from there my my concern is just uh the unintended consequences that we and we've seen it I've seen it before even before I was in Council there was good things that were being P but unfortunately there was circumstances that weren't foreseeing so I just like to think ahead and make sure that if there's something being something good being done there's not unintended consequences and on First on First Street you I was reading it was from C Cate to 7th Avenue North correct okay okay that's all I have thank you Mr MAA Mr Wagner thank you very much for the time I know it's difficult to be on the hot seat this long so I really do appreciate it and know we all do and I also want to thank everybody who showed up to speak about the urban Trails it's a it's a topic that you know elicits a lot of emotion um good good not so great all those things have to be considered they're important um what I was hoping we might be able to take a minute and do is because I know not everybody here had a chance to experience the council briefing where we discuss some of the pros and cons of of the urban Trails we were discussing and thinking about it for [Applause] f um and and a couple a couple of things that I walked away from that Council briefing and and I appreciate everybody letting me call into it CU I was off on my day job across the country um but we had talked about the fact that um based on the feedback we've been getting that we're going back to the Consultants are helping us with this and have have challenge them to to hear that feedback and rethink and reimagine some of these things whether it's the type of Trail or where the trail should be Etc and I believe that several members of of the council also shared um like uh Dan just did around uh a strong belief that a park and School Safety Center strategy important and probably one that just candidly most of us more of us would use and it would it would benefit our community better so I was hoping you might take a minute and kind of share with the with with us kind of how while this isn't planned yet how that'll dovetail in and fit with an overall vision for uh the request have the Consultants go back and kind of look at everything a little bit and that that's kind of really the the the approach and plan is I I'll take a step I hope I understand what what you're asking but I I think the key thing we want to share with everybody is is there it's not a done deal necessarily and we we were hearing feedback we're going to get more feedback and it has a real opportunity to absolutely I I'll restate that if Council approves this tonight the next step would be then to set up some Community meetings so we can get the input we will make a considered effort to reach as many people as possible the last time we had that we hung door knockers we think that's probably the most effective method of course we will use other methods social media and whatnot but we do want this to be a um Community involved um project that and and you know we've heard that there is negative sentiment we can understand that people don't want to you know lose the Privacy that they have in their backyard or front yard but we believe that over watching that they it's more favorable um to do this than than not to do it but let's do it in a way that you know we satisfi the M the many yeah thank you I just wanted to you know first to reinforce it with folks cuz it's easy to get caught up in some of the the details but I think strategically we are looking at just to create a vision to benefit as many people as we can based on the fact we've gotten a lot of feedback that's exactly how thank you thank you thank you Mr ragner Miss Bing just one quick followup um as the council person who lives closest to um the 18th Avenue North segment that you're talking about um that would be funded by this grant I also wanted to add that so 13 um actually goes north of 18th Avenue to Seagate and right now that's being used by people all the time um kids and anybody else who lives in the neighborhood who want to get from 18th to Seagate and it's nice and wide and I think it'd be a real shame if we don't do something to put in a path there at least a safe path for people to get from 18th to Seagate so I'm really glad to see that that's part of it because ultimately it does provide a way for the kids at Fletcher to get you know to get across to 18th and vice versa um again safety it's a safety thing there and convenience too um and I would just reiterate from what I've heard you say the funding we get will be based on what we decide to do and if we choose to not do some segments then then and we don't spend any money to do those segments then we won't get grant funding matching grant funding to do those segments correct correct okay and then I would just say that as far as Community involvement goes it's really important that we do everything we can to make sure that we we are not just reaching out to people who are right there along the trail but people in the area because it's there are people in the area who will either you know we think would benefit from the trail and we would like to know how you know have their involvement as well yes just while we're on that topic I was going to add um if we could make sure to include the school administrators but more importantly then that probably the PT and they're quite well organized right now unfortunately um but but they're the ones that are really going to be using it and are really going to know um the impact on on that whole school kind of complex area so I think they'll be I think they'll be excited to hear about it but I think their uh feedback and input would be valuable Mr suon um thanks Jason for pushing this through and getting it because I think it's great and I would um certainly be in favor of uh us moving forward I think um the area around San Pao and Fletcher is key as uh Miss Golding has said and I'm in favor of the trail in general especially under the premise that you know the routing and the surf and you know getting rid of trees or not all those sorts of things are flexible um and I and I think everybody for the most part feels the same way so um I think it uh I think it's a no-brainer that we take it especially given all the criteria that you've laid out that if we don't use it then we'll we'll just lose it and that's fine too thank you thank you Mr Mr Mesa revisit revisit uh yes just revisit um uh council member Mr Warren brought up on the sidewalks and I think we should do take a look at it on the sidewalks I know I WR my bike on Wednesdays all over the beach it's my meat time it's my my decompression time uh to reflect on everything and I like to ride all over the beach and some sidewalks do need some some TLC and for safety purposes as well uh that's it thank you all the it's like a Christmas tree right here all the lights came on U Mr horn I want say everybody who came here tonight thank you for being involved thank you for you know make sure it's tell your neighbors tell your friends everybody come out send us emails I read every single one of them I try and respond um hav been able to but please stay involved and if we're not doing something right let us know I know you guys are doing it so I appreciate you Mr ston uh I just wanted mention I forgot to there the comments that Mr Marsh made I think are valid and I would encourage all of us to um continue to um think about um First Street as it relates to the uh urban trail and what we want that to be and how we from a safety and um the whole downtown area what we want that to look like and how what we envision there because you know um you know pedestrian walkability and usability and the flow of traffic and all of that I think will be key for that to be successful and uh thank you Mr Marsh for bringing that up thank you Mr s anybody else um I will sounds like we all have a lot of the same um thoughts and feelings on this matter so I just wanted to Echo the congratulations on getting this um Federal grant it is our money those are our tax dollars at work so it's nice when we can pull them back uh into our community and put them to work on a project like this that I think we careful planning a lot of community input is going to be uh a win-win especially for those that are really uh heavily utilizing that area um seeing no other comments Madam CL roll call council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Jansen yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh moving on to the ordinance um Miss Ireland do you want to de your staff report good evening mayor and Council Heather Ireland Planning and Development Department uh this request uh ordinance 20 um sorry 8217 is for the abandonment of an easement that runs East West um address is 901 7th Avenue South as you can see on the map that's in your packets the abandonment of the easement would be from the manhole which is the Red Dot kind of in the center there uh to the east so there are no utilities in this easement uh there have not been for some time and the property owner wants to just kind of clean up their deed and clean up the survey so they're requesting easement abandonment because it is no longer needed and I'll have to answer any questions you might have thank you Miss Ireland M cler will you read the ordinance by title Please an ordinance of the city of Jackson Beach Florida vacating discontinuing abandoning and closing the Eastern 100 10 2 ft of a certain 12T wide easement running in an easterly and Westerly direction through that certain property located in the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida known as block 70 Oceanside Park Subdivision according to the plat book thereof recorded in plat book 8 page 13 of the current public records of Duval County Florida providing for legislative findings repeal of conflicting ordinances separability scribers errors recording and non- quatification in an effective date thank you madam clerk this ordinance is before the council for a public hearing and consideration on its first reading I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 um thank Miss Ireland and staff for their report and I'm available for questions thank you Mr Gibbs uh would anyone else like to speak in favor or in opposition to this ordinance seeing none hearing is closed May I have a motion I move that we approve ordinance number 2024-25 by 102t long easement running in an East West direction through block 70 of the Oceanside Park plat and schedule a second reading for July 15th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion or questions by Council seeing none M for a call councelor yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries can I have a motion to I move we all favor signif by I opposed meeting ised