e e e everything e e e than TR [Music] haven't seen you good evening everyone it is 6:00 according to Ione it's not the clock on the wall so we'll go ahead and get started we'll begin with our Opening Ceremonies with an invitation followed by Sleep to the delivered by councilman chansen please rise let us pray dear and gracious Heavenly Father we learn that we have no Authority until we submit to your Authority Lord we just ask you to guide us with common thinking give us strength and wisdom Lord I ask you that you look over our First Responders as they the Servants of of God and that they do not bear The Sword in vain and Lord we just ask you for these things in your son's name Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy andice for all this meeting is called to order M call council member gold here council member horns here council member Json here council member MAA here council member suon here council member Wagner here mayor hofman here moving on to approval of minutes I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on April 15th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion carries um announcements Council announcements Miss Golding uh want to mention I hope everybody attended the Beach's opening parade it was a great parade want to thank Allison and our Parks and Rec Department who put who put a lot of effort into making it a great parade as well as everybody who participated um also want to mention that uh there was a great presentation by the US Army Corps of Engineers and Kevin bodge about the Beach renourishment that's just started here in Jack Beach um it was uh the presentation was done last Wednesday it was a beaches watch presentation and you can go to beaches watch.com and see the video there very very good presentation I would highly recommend you check it out um also want to thank the mayor and the city manager for the letter that you sent to the governor regarding uh detailing the problems that we are having with with um guns gains and drugs at short-term rentals and just want to update that that Senate Bill 280 which is the short-term rental bill that is not a good bill has not made it to the governor's desk yet so there's still an opportunity for anyone who would be willing to send the governor an email and urge him to VI veto Senate Bill 280 um because it does not help communities like Jacksonville Beach do the problems that we're having with vacation Noels thank you thank you Miss Golding Mr horn um had a couple quick announcements I wanted to congratulate uh some the new members of the volunteer life Shing core they actually just got another class of recruits in winner 2024 five new lifeguards who are uh members of the community and looking to go out and volunteer to serve their Community very proud of them uh Liam Turner L Flint V penz Ryan lien and Marco Glo um really proud of their willingness to go out and continue to serve their Community um I also wanted to recognize some of our local servers uh the esa Allstar team which is coached by Jason Moz uh just recently came back from a the esa southeastern regional with M Beach um they did amazingly well they all qualified for the East Coast championships in Cape Hadis in September which again um you know kudos to them uh Jacksonville board Riders club just won the Florida Board Riders championship and they will be going out to California to compete the national board Riders championship in May um the esa team we've got uh aan Robertson Owen Anthony and Jay wire all 13 years old AA Earl Maggie Dempsey Ellie Walsh and L schroer 16 to 17 years old the this is the part that blew me away was Jackson Lane uh Everett wire and hendrik Shaw also competing in the Southeast regionals Al winning or eating very well in the Under 12 one of our young 9-year-olds beat everybody in the 12 and under group uh at the Southeast Regional is going on to the East Coast championship so I'm just super proud of these local Surfers and I figured if I give them some props up here maybe they'll let me catch a wave or two at this year oh and I also wanted to also mention that um it was a volunteer life St Court golf tournament recently well represented by the city of Jacksonville Beach city council um both myself my team and councelor Sutton's team won awards we don't have to go into specifics of what the awards were for but i' like the specific I think I think we did quite well congratulations we have a lot of announcements tonight and I'm sorry I did not see what order everyone turned on their lights so we're just going to go down the line Mr Masa uh yes good evening everyone um I do want to say opening of the beaches weekend was we had it once again I have three favorite times of the year Fourth of July my birthday and opening to the beaches weekend um I fell in love with the city my first experience with with with that weekend opening to the beaches and uh here I am uh that weekend we were busy I drove around the city I saw the sand castle uh competition there was a lot of good good uh good showing for it I'm glad it's back uh there was uh two fundraisers around the city that were well attended e bruan had one and pepe Salon who turned 50 celebrated 50 years by doing a fundraiser for TI nice which helps uh local women who are uh battling breast cancer so that was a fun time I drove on the city was beautiful was busy uh nothing crazy happened obviously congratulations to those new uh lifeguard volunteers uh nothing but kudos to them and to anyone who volunteers for any nonprofit organization uh I also want to highlight uh obviously we had some Airbnb issues a couple weekends ago um I sent an email to our c manager and he was very proactive to tell me that him and the mayor were already prepping or have sent a letter to the governor about those issues so that goes to tell you that we are being proactive with these airbnbs who are being who are being uh a problem to the city and through quality of life congrats to my colleagues on winning those tournaments I hope to hear the specifics later on and uh yeah thank you guys for coming thank you Mr MAA Mr Jansen yeah real quick uh it's unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the parade I had made a previous commitment to chaperone our Beach's Boy Scout Troop 282 to Cumberland Island so that was a fun adventure on Sunday I did make it to the San Castle contest which was nice to see that back and there's a lot of talent in Jacks Beach um some some really good castles that were built in that uh if you get a chance to look at quality cities magazine there's a nice article in there this month uh that kind of showcases all of our work hard work that we did and legislative act um active legisl days in Tallahasse and um my colleague is well represented in the magazine as as well as as myself so if you get a chance to check that out anyone else all right all most of the good ones have been covered but I will add um we had the along with the opening of the Beach's festivities um we brought back the sand castle contest which it sounds like it was very well received and I think this is one of the longest um parad not by length although there were some sizable gaps in there but by amount of participants which was really nice to see the weather was perfect and I think we'll continue to kind of regrow that event uh in the years going forward there was also a volleyball contest at skate ramp out on the beach and um a silent disco on Friday on the pier which is always a lot of fun um Miss Golding mentioned that we did have uh that the um Beach R nourishment has started um we had a press conference out on the beach last Monday and um that's kind of unique I think if you've been around here long enough you've probably been through a cycle or two of beach Tre nourishment but this one is completely federally funded um where normally there's um part from the county part from the federal government but because of the um damage short Coastline with the storms a couple of years ago um we were able to receive full full Federal funding on that note um h word season is just around the corner so it's a great time to um make sure that you and your household are prepared the city is pretty much in a constant state of preparation but we'll be um really working in Earnest in the next month or so with some of our U preparation exercises we have a countywide exercise um and the Jack's ready Fest will be held this Friday um at the prime osor Convention Center so that's something you interested in learning more about um just check out Jack's ready it's a great app encourage you to go ahead and take some time to download it I'll remember to silence our cell phones at this moment we have a busy agenda with a lot of folks um and then the uh we had the USS Washington George Washington is an aircraft carrier that was in Port uh last week early in the week I was able to go out to uh reception to welcome them to Jacksonville um they are just passing through uh but it was nice to see a carrier in the Basin it was um very nostalgic um they're on their way to yakusa Japan by way of a few ports in South America so they'll be doing some kind of public relations diplomatic relations as they go around to their home cour of yakusa Japan Friday we have the Moonlight movie um it will be The Little Mermaid I think it's the new Little Mermaid the live action is as live as you can get with mermaids um so come on out to the seawalk Pavilion for that event oh and then last week we had seawalk sessions with Madison Hughes it was a wonderful event the first Wednesday of the month the weather was beautiful um and the Talent was really incredible so um we've got a lot going on in Jacksonville Beach please stay tuned follow social media website and our really awesome newsletter for more about that okay moving on to Courtesy of the Florida visitors have a couple of cards that are not attached um mayor we did not do approve I'm sorry thank you no we did approve all minutes I mean the agenda yeah thank you I took my classes off and didn't put them back on um can I have a motion to approve the agenda I move that we approved the agenda second we have a motion and a second um Miss Golding any discussion all in favor signifi by saying I I any oppos motion carries okay so we did approval agenda announcements now ctany of the Florida visitors we'll start with Mr Gary P come on up give us your name and address and you will have three minutes to address the council council members mayor Hoffman Gary Payton now 725 B Circle Jack Beach just want to take a moment and express my uh my frustration with IQ fiber installation last week they came into our community ocean K 186 homes and absolutely destroy the neighborhood the uh we made the effort to have a preconstruction meeting with IQ talked about what needed to be done how we could help them be more efficient and work effectively through the community all of that was tossed out the window the day they arrived in the community we've had over four major waterline breaks due to their work effort washing out the uh underside of driveways numerous other waterline brakes we they lost their compaction missile under the middle of my driveway which uh they tried to undermine to see if they could get it back we've had more than 15% of the community without internet service for up to three days because of all the cutting of the lines that uh that they made there were also numerous sprinkler heads that were destroyed and sprinkler lines as they came through the community which they then said oh no that's not our problem that's your landscaper that did that it has taken a significant amount of City personnel to follow up on all of these issues at one point there were more than a dozen Public Works Personnel out there trying to take care of the problems that they created and on top of that the resources the number of trucks the materials and everything that had to be used were significant that didn't even include all of the Beach's energy folks that were also involved in this I surely hope that we're in looking at this and getting getting invoicing to them for all of the efforts from the public service side that have had to go into this that were back charging them for the uh screw-ups that they're basically creating out there it's um it's not only the uh it's not a something the taxpayers of this community ought to be paying for it's a private business and we ought to be able to be compensated for the screw-ups that they're creating out there uh AT&T and Comcast are back charging them for all of the efforts that they're having to do so I would hope that we as a community are able to do the same thing and recoup the dollars as well as get our Public Service employees back on the job doing the things for the taxpayers of this community thank you thank you Mr P Georgette deont good evening everyone GE 507 AV House Florida 322 um good evening it's been a long time of was teaching on Monday nights I've missed you all dearly classes are done another uh flock of osber I've left the nest and here I am again I'm speaking on behalf of um I guess UNS uh masters of public administration program May 5th through the 11th is national public service week and this is the week that we recognize all those who are working in the public sector every day day in day out um and often they go unrecognized so we want to make sure that all public work ERS yet noticed this week on Thursday night the UNF masters of public administration program and unf's Department of political science and public administration co-hosted an event um awarding our in inaugural uh Public Service excellence awards and those Awards went to Carla Miller the former ethics officer um Kyle Billy the former uh city audit Council auditor and Anna BR the former Council president and we gave for honorary public servant award Excellence to Nate Monro David Bine Mark woods and Chris Hong for their work and making sure that they kept the Jaa issue at in the Public's eye for over two years so um thank you to all the public workers out there I know you're not supposed to speak to them but thank you um we appreciate your service thank you Mr deont mael McQueen M McQueen 637 4th Avenue South Jacksonville Beach Florida I'm the daughter of the late Markman Matthew mcleen the first afroamerican elected City official of Jacksonville Peach 1991 to 1994 then appointed back to her seat Li transplant January 19 98 to December 1998 I bring you greetings from my family I want to give a great thank you to my UST mayor Miss Christina hofman to the council for being so kind for the month of February to make it an honorary legal holid in the city of Jacksonville Beach for my mom Margaret and Matthew McQueen for Black History Month for women history month for the council for being so gracious Place ass sign on the cor of Second Avenue South at sth Street where she placed her home as a single mother of four children after being a divorce where our home rest right now I come to give you greetings from the family and thank the city council for all that they have done to make my mom Memory live and stay alive to the citizens of Jacksonville Beach and for everyone in the surrounding areas who supported the cause to make the life of the legacy of Margaret and Matthew a legacy in the community I wanted to come last month because it was held on Easter weekend where we lost our dear friend the oldest person on Jacksonville Beach Eddie Lis OD on Easter and I was at the dinner when it happened so I could not make it on that Monday but I will not let this week this month this day passed without thanking you all and the other various speeches who Mayors and counsil people who came and supported the cause my heart is heavy but it's filled with so much joy May the memories of my mother Margaret and Matthew McQueen live forever with deep gratitude to the citizens in the city of Jacksonville Beach and around the world thank you to my city my great city thank you may Hoffman and my Council constituents Margaret McQueen was the councilwoman of C1 District 4 I say it right okay that was my mom and I thank you all and I thank everyone who participated in everything thank you thank you thank you thank you Miss McQueen that was our final uh courtesy of the floor to visitors we'll move on to uh consent agenda I would I move that we approve the consent agenda second we have a motion on a second all in favor we do roll call on all in favor signified by saying I any oppos motion carries um we have two proclamations to go through and we have visitors to receive one of them so I'm going to go to the other one first we were approached by our local um American Legion Post to recognize American Legion family day unfortunately we received the request too late to do it in advance of the family day and there they've lost a member of their um of the American Legion here locally so they're not able to be here tonight but I do want to read it and I would leave this with the clerk's office for them to come and pick up when they can whereas the founding fathers of the American Legion established their principles through the creation of the four pillars of the American Legion which are Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation National Security americanism and children and youth programs and whereas the national executive committee of the American Legion passed resolution 7 American Legion family day to be observed Ann annually on the last Saturday of April and whereas the American Legion through resolve urges all members of the American Legion the American Legion auxiliary the American Legion riters and the Sun of the American Legion known collectively as the American Legion family to open their post home doors to observe American Legion Family Day with an emphasis on be the one and whereas the goal is to educate the members of the community on their new initiative be the one to bring awareness to veteran suicide and destigmatize the courageous decision to seek mental health end whereas the American Legion family continues to remain steadfast in their commitment to these principles in meeting the ever expanding needs of their local local communities throughout the nation now therefore I Christine H Hoffman mayor of the city of Jacksonville Beach by virtue of the authority vested in me do hereby proclaimed the last Saturday of the month as month of April as American Legion Family Day thank you for that unprompted Applause the next uh Proclamation is with national safe voting week um whereas for over 100 million Americans voting continues to be a popular recreational activity from coast to coast and everywhere in between people are taking to the water and enjoying time together boating sailing paddling fishing and whereas safe boating begins with preparation the Coast Guard estimates that human error accounts for most voting accidents and that life jackets could prevent nearly 75% of voting fatalities and whereas through basic safety precautions carrying life-saving emergency distress and Communications equipment wearing life jackets attending safe boating courses participating in free boat safety checks and staying sober when navigating we can help ensure boter on America's Coastal Inland and offro water stay safe throughout the season and whereas National safe boating week is observed to bring attention to the important life-saving tips for recreational boter so that they can have a safer more fun experience out on the water throughout the year and whereas on average 650 people die each year in voting relating related accidents in the US 75% of those fatalities are caused by drownings whereas the vast majority of these accidents are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat equipment or Environ environmental factors and whereas a significant number of Voters who lose their lives by Drowning each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets I now therefore I Christine Hoffman mayor of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida by virtue of the authority invested in me doe hereby Proclaim May 18th through 24th 2024 as National safe voting meet and urge all of those who vote to practice safe voting habits and wear a life jacket at all times while voting and we have members of our local Coast Guard auxiliary flotilla who will receive the proclamation and we'll do a quick photo photo pop come on up she the UR [Applause] okay moving on agenda item C I think Mr stopus is going to give us an update on this item just a very brief update uh one of our council members has been invited or asked to sit on the Board of Trustees for the Florida Municipal Investment Trust that's council member Dan Jansen in order for that to occur the city council would need to ratify his appointment to that position so with that that item is on here for your consideration M thank you can we have a motion please I move that we authorize council member Dan Janson to represent the city of Jacksonville Beach On The Board of Trustees for the Florida Municipal Investment Trust fmt I'll suck that we have a motion and a second any discussion seeing Madam th council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner congratulate for yes yes motion carries thank you Mr Jansen for stepping up to serve and we have several of our uh board members or council members here serving in additional holes for the Florida league and uh we really appreciate uh next item uh item a under city manager new business which is energy Mr cely good evening Matt cely electrical engineering project supervisor BG's Energy Services this is pretty simple FD is adding two more crosswalks and this is just for us to allow to proceed with the project and then receive reimbursement for them upon completion of the project um ultimately they're effectively adding four new dusted armls or street lights for those two crosswalks thank you Mr cely and a motion I move that we approve a roadway elimination Services agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for State Road A1A from 7th Avenue North to 3rd Avenue South second we have motion and a second any discussion Madam CL call council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor H yes motion carries item Baker reer director Information Services uh we need to replace our interative voice response system my recommendation is that instead of having our ibr system here on premise that we would actually move it into the CL um this would give us a couple different things about 70% of our payments come in through this system it gives people an option to pay over the phone either credit card or check but it also gives us a redundant system should have primary means of taking money and not work or fail for a variety of reasons um we experienced that during the Cyber events and I think this just gives us a little more Insurance about um our ability to taking payments that answer any questions thank you any motion please I move that we approve an agreement with selectron to upgrade the ivr server second we have a motion in a second any questions or discussions Mr horn um any safety concerns you have with putting payment system out into the cloud anything that we need to be aware of or something we might see down the road we in some ways already have payment systems that are outside of our system here um so this is really no different than that I don't see an issue with this these guys do this all day long um they'll just be hosting the servers in their in their data center versus ours we've had Security check and discussion with them to make sure that their data center meets Standard Security best practices and we reviewed all of that so I have no concerns with that thank you Mr horn any other questions Madam for call council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member suton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes mayor hofman yes motion carries item C uh good evening mayor and councel Jameson Parker Beach eny Services uh substation supervisor as a collateral Duty I responsi for our transmission system projects um tonight we're going to request uh permission to move forward with making repairs to our transmission system in 2020 we had inspection done of all 47 ciruit miles for a transmission system the results of of that um inspection came back and identified things in the phase one phase two phase three approach based on criticality we had those results independently cooperated by the insurance consulting firm and they helped us set up we can plan to address the issues uh from there in late 21 we did a request for qualifications to have a design build um contract perform for someone to be awarded the opportunity to come in to engineering to identify um B materials Construction Services Etc That Was Then award to Burns andon tonight we are requesting commission to move forward with the project with amount to exceed guaranteed maximum price of $1.5 87 million with a 10% tendency for unseen issues there any questions I have Randy Kell from tonight thank you Mr perer and a motion I move that we approve a Construction Services agreement with Burns and McDonald for all in Engineering Services procurement of materials and construction for a design build contract for Transmission Service uh system improvements and repairs for an amount not to exceed $1,745 th000 as the contract guaranteed maximum price second we have a motion in a second any discussion or questions from Council hopefully with that how many hundreds of pages packet um we're all very well informed on this issue Madam CL roll call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Bing yes council member horn yes council member johnon yes mayor hofman yes motion carries what was it Mr 160 500 5 500 5 5 yes I did have a question on page 475 than you Mr carker thank you Mr ragner okay moving on to resolutions um Miss Nelson good evening Karen Nelson Deputy city manager resolution 2171 will serve to reclassify and or retitle several positions across City departments uh the first one is Information Services we are proposing to eliminate the network engineer position and add a second tier tech support special position that will um number one be a more efficient use of resources within the department that uh will will serve our growing and changing needs but also adding the tech support specialist to will provide a career path for so a person can move from a tech one to a Tech Two um if through qualified advancement the next one is in administration The Legal Assistant we are proposing to reclassify by one pay grade to account for the additional role that the legal assistant has assumed as Ada coordinator which is we are required by law to have an ADA coordinator on staff when we initially brought that role in to the city and developed the job description we didn't contemplate that that job that person would also serve as Ada coordinator so we feel the reclassification is appropriate to account for those additional duties and finally uh the administrative support positions that serve across several different city departments we are proposing to to change those job descriptions change those titles from an office assistant or an administrative assistant to a an operation support specialist and that again just better identifies the role that those individuals are playing right now across City departments we also are proposing to add a tier structure a two-tiered structure within those operation supports and specialist positions as well to allow the advancement so I'm here if you have any questions thank you Miss Nelson Madam cler will you read the resolution by title Please a resolution of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida amending its position classification and pay plan for managerial professional and administrative non-union positions providing for adoption of recital adoption of the plan repeal of Prior inconsistent resolutions severability and an effective date thank you and a motion please I move that we adopt resolution number 2171 d224 amending the pay and classification plan for managerial professional and administrative non-union positions second we have a motion and a second any discussion or questions from Council Mr sorry I'm that guy tonight um by Department you have administrative Beach energy par police number of employees I just I didn't see anything here about the actual number of employees that is is this per employee or per position position so so the pay pay and classification plan doesn't Define the number of authorized employees in each one of those positions you could buy that information in the budget document but the pay plan is merely to add the titles and and Slot them into the appropriate pay grade so and this is the impact for the remainder of the year so the administration this is roughly $9,000 pay r that position for all positions that's the total impact uh we have it broken out by department and then Broken Out by fund the total impact is 11,445 for the remainder of for the remainder of this fiscal year for all effective positions so we're doubling that okay right okay okay any other questions or comments mon call council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes mayor hofman yes motion carries Item B he got this one we got this one um this next item before you is basically to delegate authority to the director of Beach's Energy Services as you just approved back on City manager new business item a that was in agreement with the fdot to move forward with improvements on A1A it's not uncommon for us to get uh occasionally an agreement from the do they're looking for the signature Authority and we always have to schedule that to come back to council we're looking for that delegation of signatory authority but up to the same dollar threshold that exists with the city manager as of today which is a dollar amount of $25,000 and also allow the city manager to city manager to ratify any of the documents that are as well uh with that we have director putam here as well and if you have any questions we'll try to answer them thank you Mr stopus uh Madam cler will you read the resolution by title Please a resolution of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida designating the director of Beach's Energy Services as attorney in fact for Beach's Energy Services delegating signature authority to the director of Beach's Energy Services for roadway illumination Services agreements and other Project Specific documents to complete performance thereof with the Florida Department of Transportation fdot when the onetime services charged to be paid by the fdot to the city is less than $25,000 and authorizing the city manager to endorse any documentation required by the fdot that evidences The Authority granted herein providing for adoption of recital repeal of Prior inconsistent resolutions and counsel decisions ability in an effective date thank you madam Clerk and a motion please I move that we adopt resolution number 2176 d224 designating the director of Beach's Energy Services as attorney in fact for Beaches Energy Services delegating signature authority to the director of Beaches Energy Services for roadway elimination Services agreements and other Project Specific documents to complete performance thereof with the forwarded Department of Transportation fdot when the onetime service is charged to be paid by the fdot to the city is less than $25,000 and authorizing the city manager to endorse any documentation required by the fdot that evidences The Authority granted herein second we have a motion and a second Mr Mesa uh Mike just a question for clarification on the on on this matter it's only for $25,000 or less nothing major if you wanted to build a tunnel obviously it will come to us or right that's correct anything in excess of $25,000 would still be required to come in front of the city council this is only for those projects where the onetime receipt of uh funds to the city is less than 25,000 okay thank you just imagine the project proposal of fdot's tunnel in Jack be any other questions or comments from Council mam cler roll call Council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johansson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries moving on to ordinances uh do we have any updates from the planning department good evening mayor and Council Heather Ireland Planning and Development Department uh no updates on this particular item but if you have any questions on second reading I'll be happy to entertain them thank you madam cler will you read the ordinance by title an ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida vacating discontinuing abandoning abandoning and closing a certain 14t wide public alley running in a Northerly and S southerly direction through that certain property located in the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida known as block 8 Ocean Terrace Subdivision according to the book thereof recorded in plat book 10 page two of the current public records of dual County Florida providing for legislative findings repeal of conflicting ordinances separability scrier errors recording and non- codification and an effective date thank you this ordinance is before the council for a public hearing and consideration on its second reading I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 not have any speaker cards on this item that would anyone from the audience like to speak in favor of or in opposition to this ordinance seeing n the public hearing is closed can I have a motion please I move that we adopt ordinance number 2024-25 council member horn yes council member Jenson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries moving on to Item B all right good thanks for being heading me Mr POI go ahead CH city planner uh what you have before you is a resoning request for uh several properties located in the uh downtown commercial core they're located at 602 North 1 Street 135 129 and 123 North 5th Avenue um these properties consist of the existing bar mangoes um as well as three uh residential style properties some of them are used for multif family one of them is currently used for office and those exist to the West um of the existing mangoes um in 2014 the mangoes property went through a Rd resoning um and was the intended location for Surfer the bar I was not here at the time but obviously Surfer is located in a different spot now um but that uh Rd resoning was very restrictive both in what could be there and the site plan it has prevented mangoes from doing some of the um uh Redevelopment that they were hoping to do on the property which included uh upgrading the men's room and adding more out to seing areas um they've done as much as they can internally but part of this request is basically to free them of that previous restriction and allow them to expand the property um in addition to that the three properties to the West um are intended to be um fully redeveloped into a mixed use uh structure the structure would consist of some um retails office space on the first floor which are actually smaller than the second floor the second floor would be uh restaurant space without door seating the intent um is to allow better traffic flow throughout the project by limiting access on um First Street currently there's an In-N-Out driveway we would um end up with a one way in only so there would be no traffic exiting onto First Street which is promly a pedestrian oriented Street um in addition to that they intend to do um a valet system whereby they'll have a drop often pick up location basically underneath the second story of the building um the application is basically recommending that all the uses allowed in um the CBD currently would be uh permitted uses and would not require um the applicant to go back before the Planning Commission for additional conditional approvals um the obviously the Rd zoning would be um the only way they could go and change that in the future um in conjunction with that um there are a list of prohibited uses in CBD and they're looking to carry those forward as well so those are things that are not really compatible with the um downtown uh core commercial area the um application was reviewed by the um CRA coordinator and she found that the um Redevelopment plan was consist or the proposed application was consistent with the Redevelopment plan for the downtown cra additionally it was brought before the CRA board on April 22nd and the CRA approve recommended approval of the application that later that evening on the 22nd of April it went before the Planning Commission they also recommended approval we do have the applicant here and I'm happy to answer any questions thank you Mr Hy um Madam clerk will you read that ordinance by title in ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida establishing a Redevelopment District Rd zoning District within the city of jackon C Beach Florida as provided under chapter 34 of the code of ordinances of said City providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances cability and an effective date this ordinance to amend the Rd zoning regulations of property is before the council for public hearing and consideration on its first reading under the laws of the State of Florida and application to amend the zoning regulations or map governing a specific property or development site is handled as a clossy Judicial proceeding a quasi judicial proceeding means that the city council is now functioning in a manner similar to a court with the near and Council sitting as impartial decision makers hearing testimony and questioning presenters who are to provide substantial and competent evidence to support their side of the issue it is the duty of the council to arrive at sound decisions regarding the use of property within the city this includes receiving citizen input regarding the proposed use on the neighborhood especially where the input is fact based and not a simple expression of opinion it is the applicant's burden to demonstrate that their application is consistent with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan if the applicant is successful in showing consistency then it is up to the local government to produce confident substantial evidence of record that the application should be denied the council's decision on a zoning Amendment application is based on the criteria set forth in section 34-21 of the Land Development code each member of the council has been provided a copy of the criteria in addition the council has received a copy of the application the staff report and Planning Commission and community redevelopment agency recom recommendations on this Rd zoning Amendment request I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 1500 downtown uh you have received your expert staff report recommending approval in your local planning agency and the CRA have both heard these application this application and recommended approval so I'll just stand by your your expert analysis I will say I believe Mr SE who is the applicant owner developer is here and I believe he sent to each of you I hope you received an email with a like an animated aerial fly by proposed project I know I sent it to um your staff as well so we can provide that before the next meeting but it it's um an animated as I said um production that shows what the new building will look like so um otherwise we'll stand by for any questions thank you thank you um applicants we will now open the floor for testimony from the public if you want to be heard on this application and have filled out a speaker card please step up state your name and address before providing your comment which can include whether you are for or against application before closing the public hearing you can open up you can I'm not supposed to read that part you can open up the floor to comments from anyone who did not complete a speaker card we'll put that in parentheses next time uh we do have one speaker card so we will start with George Ed ge7 1642 got to do it quick cuz she hits the the thing before you get your um I'm not I'm not opposed to the application I think that it could be good I am concerned about a couple of the issues a couple of the pieces in the application um the for the content I'd like to see you all amend the application to remove the grandfathering in of mangoes so if it's closed for more than 6 months with which a bathroom and an extended debt shouldn't close it for more than 6 months um in the packet as it sits it would not lose its liquor license um by current code you lose your liquor you lose you you lose your grandfathering in if you are closed for more than 6 months and they're asking to not lose that grandfathering in so I'd ask you to remove that from the application the second piece that I would ask you to remove from the application is um the keep at least uh one of the conditional approvals for the uh Redevelopment Zone um and that one is number eight on page nine and that would be having to go for um an additional a conditional use for wanting to operate a bar in that area I understand about the bar licenses and all um from the plans that I've seen it looks as though mangoes will be a separate building from the other two my concern is that somehow they can be connected in the future and as we have seen with some establishments already in downtown Jack Beach you have bars sharing their liquor LIC es so more bars can open up in an adjac adjacent building so I'd like to find a way to make sure that that doesn't happen um so somehow keeping mangoes separate from the other developments um and then finally just a couple concerns with process both the CRA and the um Planning Commission heard this on the same day one earlier in the afternoon than the others it did not give the Planning Commission a chance to hear what the uh CRA said the CRA also um and it's noted in your packet the CRA had a condition they suggested a condition um on First Street making sure that the um the wording Mak sure that pedestrians and bicyclists can safely move in front of the property um so please note that condition just that the Planning Commission didn't know what the uh CRA had said so um just a couple suggestions and for confident substantial evidence I have been on the planning I was on the Planning Commission for about six years and former councel thank you thank you Miss deont would anyone else like to speak in favor of or in opposition to this proposal seeing none the public was closed would the applicant like to respond to uh any comments thank you for the opportunity to respond uh there was some discussion at the Planning Commission another member of the public spoke about the process issues uh your attorney your your councel went through all those on the record to clarify that the proper procedure was was followed so I just want to put that on the record again thank you thank you before requesting a motion on this ordinance beginning with myself each of the members is requested to indicate further record whether the member has had any expart Communications on the matter and if so disclose the names of persons and the substance of the communications regarding this application an exper a communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision which occurred outside of the public hearing process written expart day communications whether sent to one member or all members do not have to be disclosed on the record but must be made part of the record by sending or forwarding them to the city clerk um I'll begin I received several emails on uh this item from Mr David Smith as well as one email from on the applicant Mr gra say Mr s uh emails from Mr Smith Mr horn emails from Mr Smith emails from Mr Smith emails from Mr Smith emails from Mr Smith emails from Mr Smith and I had a conversation with wman Dugen asking him some questions for clarification regarding the project the application thank you before opening the floor for discussion or questions by the council please be reminded that our decision will be based on the criteria set forth in the Lan development code and the council is required to approve a clear statement of findings of fact stating the basis upon which such facts were determined and the decision was made I'm sorry the motion should have been right before that go ahead I move that we approve ordinance number 2024 4- 8213 on the first reading approving the resoning for property located at 602 North 1st Street and 135 129 and 123 North 5th Avenue to Redevelopment District Rd and schedule a second reading for May 20th 2024 second we have a motion in a second um cut and paste the statement that I read earlier into this moment uh we'll open the floor for discussion by council members Mr horn um some clarification in regards to the comment Mr had about the lier license is that that if it's closed for more than 6 months the license is proposed not not specifically follow so sure uh we have a distance requirement for bars between each bar and in downtown a majority of the loor licenses that tied to those bars are less than that 500 ft so in our code currently if you have a nonperforming use which is a use that's been there legally but no longer meets the requirements of the code um if that ceases for a 6-month period then it would lose its L Conformity which means at that point the bar would have to be 500 ft from the other establishments so in essence they don't lose their liquor license but they lose their ability to be where they are and they would have to move that license to another location where that would be 500 ft from other bars so they're basically asking to keep that as a non Conformity going forward and so what's out there so I mean I guess the concern is that I understand that maybe there's a concern about I'm assuming the bill time is longer than 6 months maybe maybe so all this thank you what's being constructed is an a men's room on the north side of the building and then an additional um outdoor patio around the south and east side of the building I I would assume that would take less than six months but Mr St is here he can upine as well if you if you would like to hear from them I would say to your issue this this bar has been here for decades I think any other bars around it that have now made it less than 500 we came after they mangoes was there yeah I mean I think our goal is to to try and redevelop it downtown I'd like to see another restaurant there we already currently have a bar that um is I mean it's a good bar but I would like to see it updated I'd like to drink there um question 2014 it was rewn to Rd from what uh from Central business district okay again the intent was to make a very specific site plan for a new structure have been okay sure Mr Mesa question question pay you back in on council member cor on the so if we were to make an amendment to where if they if it if it prolongs longer than 6 months they will lose their grandfather cause right that means they will have to move the liquor license somewhere correct yes we definitely want to keep the licenses here instead of having to go somewhere near your neighborhood okay I'm thinking thank you Miss Golding uh and followup to this same discussion um so miss deont brought up a good point and I know that mangoes has been here a long time but what we're doing with this R resoning will put this we will allow this to be that that property to have a bar forever correct uh I mean they wouldn't lose their grandfathering if they closed for renovation or something like that so in essence you know they could be there forever well and if mangoes decided to go away somebody could still put another bar there provided they were able to get a license from one of the 14 that we have here yeah I mean it's conceivable I I I believe I talked to Mr dougen about this and I understand the purpose for their asking for this because because mango is non-conforming and they want to make it conforming but I have concerns about the fact that this makes this allows this property to have a bar forever and to Mr horn Horn's point I you know I I think we've all discussed that that we want to see our downtown um be a place that our residents want to go which means not everything should be a bar in the downtown area um I would be willing to make a motion that we um or make an amend but request an amendment that we remove the exception for the um distance requirement in item number eight of the application second we have a motion and a second to amend the item is there any discussion on the amendment Madam clerk roll call Mr horn I one second something before we I just want to look at this real quick yes you give me just what page is that on that just had it that's on page nine of the application of the narrative sorry correct I was just I just ran through it so clarification your amendment is that we remove this such that if they fail to is it that if they fail to build in 6 months is no not I'm sorry that's why I'm trying to get some clarification is the opposite this this is just removed they had put in the application that they wanted to exempt our code currently requires that bars be 500 ft from other bars and so they wanted to put in they have in here that that this this Pro this Rd resoning does not have to comply with that requirement with the distance requirement so it's exempting that distance requirement so I'm proposing that we remove the distance requirement so that still it's still nonconforming but if somebody decides to remove the property they would have to get they'd have to get permission to put a bar there but if the distance requirement isn't met they can't put a bar there okay thank do planning staff have any comments on this amendment um I haven't done the analysis but um it's possible that the other half of the property could be 500 ft away um so I don't know if this particular provision would prevent a bar from being there um the design and layout and location of the buildings is obviously controlled by the Rd so much like the situation they're in now if they did want to redevelop in a different manner they'd have to come back to you guys to ask for that um and just in response to the statement about them expanding uh currently the way the property is laid out in a site plan allows them to meet the parking requirements any additional square footage they add they have to account for so that's kind of a disincentive for them because they would have to buy their way out of that parking so I don't expect there to be any changes but again they have to before you for that Mr rner so I just wanted to going to do that at least once a meeting um so I just want to clarify so the is that basically the same thing as the elimination and I probably should this is is the the proposed modifications of the language basically the same thing as removing of the grandfather clause grandfather they sound the other new guy do that they they sound similar but I want to I want to defer to the planning staff who works with this every day I don't want to not have looked at this detail before I give a wrong answer and I of course can also research this prior to the second hearing as need but I think sorry I put you on the they deal with this code every day so I wanted to them at this point in time thank you and I could also come back more for few weeks from tonight um in essence removing this particular language from The Proposal would simply put them in the stat that they're in now in which case if they cease operation for months now they could do these repairs and expansions while tension being open some of it may not impact their business but uh and that 6 months is um specifically spelled out in the code so there are some things that wouldn't impact that but in essence without this provision they would just remain as they are as a nonconformity Mr mad I'm sorry Mr no that's what I was going to ask if the if the if the modification can be easily done within the six months then then I don't know what the value is of the change I mean there could be you know some sort of catastrophic damage to the building at some point or there could be a reason that they have to close for a period of time that exceeds 6 months a hurricane that may fall under a natural disaster but there could be a fire or something like that just trying to get supplies in in the current climate um Mr Mason I I just want to make sure I'm getting this correct and we are making the right decision um Lots at stake um if we were to vote for Council memb amendment of removing this cause that means if the owner was to ever sell the property and whoever buys it they wouldn't be grandfathered in as long as the business doesn't stay closed for 6 months so it's kind of a two answer um currently to have a bar downtown you have to have conditional use conditional uses aren't transferable um under this proposal it would be a permanent use so they wouldn't have that mechanism that they'd have to go through so if they sold the business in its entirety and the existing structure and liquor license and all that and maintained operation it wouldn't impact their non-conforming if for some reason that the business itself closed or they um you know the business was vacant for 6 months or something like that then yes they would potentially lose that nonconform status um the next question is so let's say they lose the non-conforming and let's say they wanted to rebuild the structure and move the door over away from I guess from the next location the next location is what lyes V Pizza I think so it have gas Marina is gas and Marina counted as or is it no okay all right okay any other comments on the amendment Madam cler roll call council member horn yes council member dson no council member MAA no council member suton yes council member Wagner no council member golden yes mayor Hoff no Amendment fails back to the original motion any questions or comments remaining from Council Miss gold um okay so the CRA recommended that the project use enhanced pedestrian elements on the First Street side of the property so I believe we should U make make a motion to amend um to amend the application to use enhanced pedestrian elements on the First Street side of the property are you making that motion or do you believe we should okay there a second did I hear a second second we have a motion and a second on Amendment any questions or comments Mr Mesa uh question for the applicant on in this amendment um obviously pedestrian bicycl are all over First Street I know mangles has ton of bicycle parking or uh spots uh what enhancements are they able to do if we were to make this amendment thank you very much for for this opportunity because when that was proposed at the CRA it was at the end of the discussion as somewhat of a kind of an afterthought there was no discussion around what that would entail there had been some extended discussion around a member of the C who had some serious concerns um mostly because she thought certain aspects of the plan had been adopted into your comprehensive plan which it had not been and when she learned that she kind of withdrew a lot of her concerns um but then at the end kind of push put that out there but but there was no discussion around standards for that substantial competent evidence as to what that why it's required under your CRA or what it might consist of so you know it's out there and I understand why it was brought up but it's completely um nebulous as to what that might be now I'm not saying my client is unwilling to do something but we we don't really that that's not much to go off of I mean I I like the amendment idea and I'm all about the enhancement of pedestrian and bicycle safety I I want to look more into this obviously this is the first reading is there a way I guess the client and maybe City can figure out what what is it that we're the enhancement is talking about I mean I think this is something to look at and and I I think if if we could either vote no on the amendment for now and then maybe bring it back up on the second reading because I do want to look into cuz I saw that on on the comment from the CRA so I want to look into that and make sure that at least we look into it and what is it that we're talking about what type of enhancement CH thank you we we'd be happy to work with the staff on that thank Mr Mr hor I agree that yes any kind of enhancements on first year great I think that that um amendment is far too vague to really give any guidance or for us to for for me to support just my thoughts Mr Janson yeah I'm just going to same I'd like to know what you know at least from the city's standpoint what what these enhancements would be so I think it needs to be more defined before we uh before we move move on that I would just like to say that I believe that that it was intended to be broad so that the uh property owner could would not be like boxed in that you have to do this or this or this but rather rather just to ask the property owner to make sure that they enhance provide enhanced you know pedestrian elements so could be bicycle racks could be you know other things but I mean I think it's because the intent is to support pedestrian activity and there is a lot of P pedestrian activity along First Street so my hope would be that that we leave it open we leave it broad so that the the owner could do whatever whatever they feel would be possible that they could do Mr horn um and as this is a benefit obviously I'm assume the applicants happy to do what they can for first Treet and that area and making it V friendly can you can you repeat the the the amendment again to me though for just so I can hear it again or do we need to adjust the amendment toar what your statement was again so the CRA asked that the project Ed enhanced pedestrian elements on the First Street side of property Mr Mason um M D um I agree um if you were the property owner what enhancements would you think of having there I'm all about the enhancement I just want to make sure we're doing the correct in here well like I said before it could be bicycle racks but I don't know there could be other things that they could do that would make it more pedestrian friendly seems like Mr Doug and I have a that thank you I appreciate it um so the plans have new bicycle racks and new landscaping that's already incorporated in the plans of what we're trying to do so I think perhaps between now and the next meeting we can specify that for you all and and writing as to what we're already planning to do it may be that that would suffice I mean again the CRA did not seem to under be familiar with that level of detail of the plans when when that discussion came up right at the end and there was no reference to some provision of the of the of the CRA plans like they didn't reference hey pursuant to this goal or policy or objective of the C plan please do more enhanced pedestrian activity they just kind of put that out there so we're happy to work with staff we're happy to provide specific detail to all of you between now and the next meeting this what we're already planning to do thank you and I'm appreciate the fact that bike racks are already there um I parked my bike at mango for the opening of the beaches parade last weekend um but when I think about pedestrian enhancements bike racks are bike rider enhancements not necessarily pedestrian enhancement so I think this needs a little a little more thought and um discussion Mr Wagner kind of very similar your honor to your comments uh the the concern I have by a big fan of making First Street safer making it a funner place I'm born and raised here I've been up and down that place more than I care to admit um the concern I have is putting something out there where somebody doesn't know when they're successful at our requirements to them and so I do I do really to kind of piggy back off counselor horn um maybe if we could set up a a process so that there's some time for folks to kind of think through what might be a nice solution because I really don't want to put somebody in a position where um we haven't provided the appropriate guidance and all they can do is they don't know what they've done is correct and so that's I just thank you thank you Mr Wagner uh no other lights on the board we will vote on the Second Amendment offered by m Golding regarding pedestrian enhancements M for a pro call council member jamson no council member MAA uh no council member Sutton yes council member Wagner no council member Golding yes council member horn no mayor Hoffman no Amendment fails back to the original motion Miss Golding okay this is another item that I spoke with Mr Dugen about um in the application there's discussion about ballet that will be used at on for this development and there was also mention about the adjacent public parking spaces to the property um I spoke with Mr dougen and he talked with the client and with his client because I feel that it's important that the valet not use the public parking spaces um because they're public parking spaces um so for that reason um I can let Mr dougen respond to this but I believe that the applicant would be willing to support that condition is that correct it if we were to make that condition yes we would to a condition that the valy could not utilize the public parking spaces F the purposes of their valet parking um yes then I make I'm I make a motion to amend the application to um prohibit the Valley from using the public parking spaces we have a motion andfor seconds uh any discussion from Council Madame clerk roll call on the third amendment council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner no council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes mayor Hoffman yes Amendment passes back to the original motion Miss Colton uh I believe everybody got Mr Smith's Communications and um one of the things that he brought up is that um currently our LDC requires that outdoor restaurants and bars um have buffering and um let's see it mentions that uh buffering must be provided around outdoor restaurant or bar areas when immediately adjacent to residential uses and he also provided us a definition from our own Land Development code and now Mr Smith's property is across the street um and adjacent land owner definition says means an owner of land sharing a boundary with another parcel of land for purposes of the LDC and intervening Road rideway easement or Canal shall not destroy the adjacency of the two Parcels um when I was going through the application I you know I'm s in his comments I'm sensitive to the fact that there are Residential Properties in the area um so I I think it would be important that that buffering be required for the outdoor restaurant and bar area of this development um that being said that is an exception I believe that's included in item number seven uh let's see which is yes 34-47 um anyway I would like I would like to make a a motion that we amend the application to um require the B to require the buffering as outlined in Our Land Development code we have a motion is there a second second we have a motion and a second any discussion on the fourth amendment requiring buffering Mr would you like to speak to thank you mayor yes ma'am so um Mr Smith is is not the entity um authorized or responsible for interpreting the Land Development code that's your expert staff uh and in their review of the project they did not comment that that toad provision is implicated here by our development nor did the CRA nor did the Planning Commission so those are your experts on on Land Development issues uh not Mr Smith so I would say that is there's no competent substantial evidence in the record warranting the application of that co- provision to the proposed plan because none of your staff none of your experts have said that that it's implicated thank you Mr re Miss golden Mr Poley or Miss Ireland could you could you respond to that please yes ma'am happy to um inter our interpretation of that subsection e and 3447 um is that it does not apply the intent of that part of the code which some of you may remember when we added that was property immediately adjacent and we put that in there on purpose meaning they share a property boundary which in this case they do not it's also not strictly a residential property it's mixed use residential commercial so we would not apply those standards in this case thank you Miss Ireland Miss Golding your light still on you have okay we will any other comments from Council on the fourth amendment regarding buffering Madam clerk roll call council member suon yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn no council member Json no council member MAA no uh May no Amendment fails back to the original Amendment I'm sorry the original item Miss golden all right I think this is the last one I promise um so going back to the original discussion about the bar um and my statement before about okay if some if something happens and they decide to sell the the building or whatever um um if you know the liquor license the liquor license is totally separate from the property so um my feeling is this that that that should not be that should not always be a bar just because our zoning says it can be a bar because right now it's nonconforming it can remain non-conforming and it continue and can continue to operate is non-conforming so I would suggest that we amend the application to make the bar lounge nightclub conditional you as opposed to permitted are you offering that as an amendment that's my amendment is there a second second we have a motion and a second any discussion on this amendment thank you thank you m may I appreciate I I did have a a discussion with council member Golding about this issue Al it was slightly different she proposed that the application be amended to stipulate that there may only be a single bar on the entire property because of some concern uh which I think is Battle concern that in addition to mangoes the other end could somehow be ultimately R developed into bar we are happy to agree to that condition that there only ever be one bar on the property that's subject of the Rd which is slightly different than what she's proposed but we're willing to agree to to the previous discussion that she had with that we had thank you thank you Miss goldon yeah I just want to clarify that um so you to the concerns that Miss deont raised which I also have because we have bars here that are sharing licenses and that sort of thing um I just feel that that it's important that if we make it conditional they can still operate as a bar it just means that if anything changes that they would have to get they'd have to get approval for a bar to be on that property so I just wanted to clarify that any other questions or Mr horn is is that is that possible for that to happen is that just like suddenly something just we're suddenly going to have be one big bar it'll stop if we approve this and it suddenly stops being a restaurant because I mean what we have there is one bar currently and if we're going to have one bar I mean I if if we have one bar and we're going to have one bar after this Redevelopment plus retail Plus Restaurant Plus things I know I just want to make sure that's not something that's can magically happen I don't think it is but I want to hear from no and I think there's two kind of control mechanisms in place one a full Standalone bar requires a quot license which there are limited number in the city and they all taken up so uh in that sense you can have a second bar unless there was some special Arrangement by being attached the design of the buildings is set by the site plan which is part of the Rd so for them to expand or come back at a later date to make that one giant bar they have to go back through Council so there's a control mechanism there as well um I think your worst case scenario would be they decided to come back and basically flip the two but there's nothing that they could do at this point to get another liquor license or expand the buildings to connect without coming back to you guys M Bing Mr posle but couldn't they if they were I mean cuz if they were to get a liquor license from somewhere else who knows where if we approve the application as it is written they could put another bar on the property somewhere because because there that exception for 500 500 ft is accepted and they don't have to get approval well we have a on the total number of quota licenses in the city so they're currently all take it up so but I'm just saying you lost the bar again they would have to um be 500 ft from each other no they wouldn't because this application is accepting that it's saying that that there can't be a bar I believe that that the 500t requirement is not required um number eight says that I would say if that's really the the concern your um best option would probably be to condition it to that specific structure or that specific entity or that there couldn't be two on the property at one time that's in addition we wouldn't need code for parking right right right now under the RV site plan that you're going to approve we meet code if we had another bar it would generate a higher parking demand and the plan would be out of compliance so thereally when it went in for a permanent approval it would be denied there isn't enough parking for another bar Mr rag a question for clarification so if in the scenario that we're discussing if it were to play out and there would be a second bar put into the onto that same uh space wouldn't that second bar though have the 500 ft requirement cuz it's not grandfather well currently yeah if the so so the scenario in which we're playing out can't happen because the second location would have the 500 ft I don't have the language in front of me from the um application um I I gathered from the way it's written it may not be clear that that would be the case it may remove that for both locations any other comments or questions um I understand what you're what you're going for I seems that there's a lot of unanswered questions on this one that maybe um we need to maybe to sometime in the next two weeks to drill down into if this amendment um does not pass um that we maybe take some time in the next couple of weeks to figure out what what this should look like to get the result that we want M Golding did you have another comment well so I I could amend my I could withdraw my Amendment correct sure can you youw under Robert's Rules of Order we just need to make sure there's no objection to that doesn't need a formal motion as long as there's no indication of objection and then of course you can make another motion if you want or however you want to proceed is that what you'd like to do at this time no I well because I want to hear from Miss Ireland first thank you Council M Golding um if I could just jump on in the way that I interpret thec if you look at our zoning uh code and most of the applications you'll see for rezonings it'll it'll list permitted uses as business establishments restaurants offices they're always plural in this application they've said a bar nightclub yada that the code says um so I I think what might make sense is kind of where you were going to condition it that there's only one bar on the property at any given time again I know the concern came up to connect them like we do have some bars connected but that's a state thing that they allow they have to be physically connected to be able to share that liquor license so unless they amend their site plan like Mr Papi said to change the configuration of the buildings to actually attach the existing mangoes to the new structure they plan to build I don't see any way that they would be able to do that Mr Mao I was just going to make a comment um the only reason I would vote no it's not because I'm against it is I just one more time for us to look into it like the other Amendment with The Pedestrian enhancment that's all Mr ragner oh sorry Miss goldon well my concern that I think seems to be missed is that what I what I said earlier is if they were to sell that parcel that mangoes is on um it and they don't sell the and they don't sell the liquor license with it it could still be a bar because of this because this application says so correct is that correct I'll take a St that thank you um so I'm not sure if they're selling mangoes they would would have no utility unless someone were buying it as a bar so they'd be selling the liquor license with the bar right and then the balance of the property is still governed by even though they're under separate they're under separate ownership now actually it's two separate ownership entities for the two halves your you have two applicants here um but the balance of the property is still going to be controlled by the written description and the site plan and they still have to meet code for parking we are happy to agree that there will only be one bar and that the remainder will be a 4cop legitimate restaurant alcohol license that should address the problem the concern okay then I'll withdraw my motion and make another motion that we amend it to um clarify that there is only one bar permitted in this Rd resoning and that's my motion there is a motion to amend is there a second second we have a motion and a second any discussion by Council see n m KK call can I clarify second that Mr suton yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson no counc member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner no mayor Hoffman yes motion carries back to the original item any other discussion from councel thank you all for the robust discussion we will be uh hearing this for our second reading in two weeks Madam or should it pass mam CL roll call council member horn yes council member M Jon yes Council membera yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries now I'll say we will hear this item again in two weeks okay moving on to item C comprehensive plan we have a report from staff yes Swit years of all my paperwork here okay good evening again mayor council hether Ireland landing and development director we have in front of you tonight the full draft of the 2050 comprehensive plan for your review and consideration um I believe all of you except councilman Wagner were able to attend our numerous workshops uh to discuss the update to the cop plan and the Land Development code we started in 2002 with multiple workshops for the community businesses Council and our board members we continu those workshops into 2023 and in January of 2024 you may remember we presented the draft to everybody we took comments at two workshops from our board members and from Council we also kept live the comment section of the project website so that Kinley horn our consultant could continue to collect uh comments from the community and residents and business owners and we are now at the point where we are ready to transmit it to the State of Florida a reviewing agencies for their consideration I don't want to go into a whole lot of details because I know we've talked about a lot of different topics on a lot of different occasions um I am going to turn it over to Blair and Mark with kimley horn to just talk about kind of where we are in the process and then we're happy to take any questions that you guys have CL KN and kimley horen we're finally here okay we're finally here so uh I just wanted to briefly update y'all um we're asking for the adoption I have a hard copy if you need it let me know um so where are we in the project timeline we're getting close we're towards the end in the green um um The Next Step we're going to if tonight goes forward the state will review and then um while all of that is happening we're working on the Land Development code we've been working on it for a long time um staff and kayn Horn have we are going to have weekly weekly calls to go over everything and all the changes and so we're going to be working on the Land Development code and we'll have workshops get for that and then I just wanted to quickly go I've got a lot of animations here quickly go through what we've what we've done so uh like Heather said we uh kicked off in 2022 so we've been doing this for a while uh we had many workshops uh we had citizens workshops we had uh board workshops we had business owner workshops uh workshops with city council staff we also had really kind of specific topic workshops that we really wanted to nail down last year year then we also had a second round of workshops after the first round of workshops so we've had plenty of workshops talking about all the changes and we're finally here so uh if you guys have any questions I'm here but really just wanted to go over we have a broad overview of all the changes that we made and remember this was not a complete rewrite this was an update so we were updating a lot of references making sure it made sense for the city of Jacksonville Beach and um you know some of the kind of normal things that you have like definitions for land uses we added all of that and so I'm not going to labor the point we've been here um I will say that um we did receive a couple emails from a citizen about the coastal High Hazard area and we had FEMA definition and we also had State statutes definition in the conf we made sure that we made that consistent new state statutes definition and then there was also some questions about the data for the coastal High Hazard area map and weed that data from the North Florida Regional Council and that's the same data that city of Jacksonville uses so I just wanted to point that out um and a lot of the things were we've talked about but since we last Saw yall um that that was kind of the major change and then I here for questions if you have any hold by stand by for question no you don't have to stand um Madam cler will you read the ordinance by title Please an ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida transmitting proposed amendments to the 2030 comprehensive plan and also transmitting a new map series and data and Analysis to the state of Florida's various agencies for review and comment providing for adoption of set amendments and adopting a 2050 comprehensive plan with visions intents and strategies upon receipt of said comments and completion of the state review process providing directions to the Planning and Development Department providing for purpose and intent providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances separability scrier errors and an effective date thank you this ordinance for the amendment to the text of the 2030 comprehensive plan is before the council for a public hearing and adoption on its first reading under the laws of the State of Florida an ordinance which changes the text of any element of the city's 2030 comprehensive plan is a quasi legislative proceeding a quasi legislative proceeding means that a governing body is acting in its rule making capacity it is the duty of the council to arrive at sound decisions regarding proposed changes to the text of the adopted 2030 comprehensive plan this includes receiving citizen input regarding any proposed text change the application has been reviewed by staff and the Planning Commission for consistency with other portions of the comprehensive plan the council may hear from all interested parties in the legislative determination of an amendment to the text of the city's 2030 comprehensive plan the council's decision on a con comprehensive plan amendment is based on the criteria set forth in section 34-12 of the Land Development code each member of the council has been provided a copy of the criteria I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 we have already heard from staff [Music] um I don't think I had any speaker cards on this one uh would anyone in the audience um like to speak in favor or against this uh proposal okay we'll close public hearing before requesting a motion on this ordinance beginning with myself each of the members is requested to indicate for the record both the names of persons and substance of any expar Communications regarding this application an expar communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision which recur occurred outside of the public hearing process I think the only person I heard from was Valerie Brit and I received several emails from her which I believe are on file with the city clerk Mr zon same emails from Valerie BR Mr hor same emails from Valerie Mr M samea em from Valerie Brit emails from Valerie Brit emails from valer BR emails from Valerie Brit thank you is there a motion on this ordinance I move that we approve ordinance number 2024-25 on the first reading to transmit the 2050 comprehensive plan to the state agencies for official review and schedule a second reading for a future date to be determined second we have a motion and a second before opening the floor for discussion or questions by the council please be reminded that our decision will be based on the criteria set forth in L development code staff's report the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the public input at all hearings any questions or comments from Council Mr Mas yes question I have a question page 12 on the language which is 1.2.6 strategy I'm with you okay um it's just more of a height limit concern um with the local act um I'm just trying to is there a potential of a developer coming in here and saying hey this is on your R use so the LI CL um and maybe the attorney can speak to that um it's very specific in the language about the height in the Lial black it's very and they just updated like I think last year at the end where the language says allowed the height allowed if I could also respond yet the original bill passed in the 2023 legislative session did have um geographical limitations on on the height so there are those limitations the 2024 Bill did pass a legislature and I apologize I don't know off the top of my head if the governor has signed it yet regardless it almost certainly would not be in effect as of today's date uh but um I'm not familiar with the further updates specifically in the 2024 legislation because it's not law yet but it's geographically limited the existing law so there there are limitations to to the height it's it's tied to other Heights radius I believe okay thank you and I can pull that more specifically for you and get with you before the second hearing Mr ragner yeah wanted to talk for a second and maybe put out a a a proposal for us to discuss um under on Section 10 starts on page 85 roughly page 87 um one of the things and this is the public school facility element component of the of the 25th Point um one of the things that I just personally feel in this section is that I I believe there's an opportunity just based on recent events for us to enter in some language that may provide us with a little more equal footing and how we interact with uh the city of Jacksonville I think right now there's a and by the I should have started with this fabulous work it's great work I really appreciate everything that a long time and and I'm sorry that please please please forgive me for that it really is but I I think just in L of the the recent activities kind of brings the light an opportunity for us to maybe put a little more teeth in here a little bit of maybe to kind of ensure that we're doing everything we can to preserve the quality of lives in our neighborhoods that surround our schools um and we all know that if uh if that's not something that we advance and kind of drive towards there's potential for um other folks with other agendas to interrupt that there's probably 100 places to insert it into this section something along those lines I I personally was looking at strategy PS 1.2.2 uh under a section two where it says coordinate the city's development Redevelopment objectives maybe we could tag on to the end of that you know uh uring that we preserve the quality of lives or the quality of our neighborhoods that surround um School District or the individual schools or something along those lines so um so we're just we're declaring that that is part of what's the bo list and it's part of what's important for our 2050 Vision y um we can by the way you guys know this much better than I do you have much greater expertise than I do on this so I'm not trying to you know if you have a better recommendation I'm I'm more than open to that but we really like to see us consider a change like that yeah for sure and that could be part of your motion is if that's what you choose are you making a motion to amend I am can you state the motion the the motion is to modify uh strategy PS section 1.2.2 section a section two to include after the words objectives uh coordinate with in the total sense of being coordinate with the city development Redevelopment objectives and ensure the preservation of surrounding neighborhoods consistent with our 2050 plan we have a motion in a second does that boing work for staff any discussion on the proposed amendment Miss B could you could you clarify for me because you said preserve the surrounding neighborhood so you're it's it's not focused on preserving the schools but you're I guess what is your what's your so my fear is is that the surrounding neighborhoods if we were to remove those that school infrastructure um would and we' brought a lot of feedback to this and a lot of concern around the value of the homes in those communities the attrac to live in those communities Etc so if we don't have that centralized Hub which we describe as the schools are in those communities and that's missing then what we anticipate is the the de surrounding large or dark School uh uh building in middle of the neighborhoods it's just it's doesn't support neighborhood so question for you guys I mean what what does that look like as far as like what would we what would we even be doing with that with that language I mean what would that guide us how would that guide us or how do you see that as guiding us stop is the way please before staff weighs in just taking a quick look at A1 is very specific to allowing for future expansions to accommodate future enrollment maybe there needs to be a very specific subelement uh which discusses city council consideration of support or recommending denial based on future proposed closures by DCPS so in other words you've got a bullet that's specific to expansion you should probably have a bullet that is specific to proposed closures by DCPS and the impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods that it affects that would be my suggestion is keep it as a discreet line I don't so would caution we don't um overstep because it is a school board um in our language correct I think it might be along the lines of U consider the impacts before Pro before either supporting or objecting to the closure of a school based on the impacts to surrounding development yeah okay got it so maybe that's Standalone under ey is maybe a new or I mean excuse me just just cuz they're closing doesn't mean we have to support that in any yes and I and we'll be clear that if we're talking about support Council supporting it or denying it not school board Mr Jansen yeah so um I'm huge proponent of keeping our local schools right where they're at I'm going to fight H for that however um to our city manager point just for the record the the district the school board the schooling District holds they trump our comprehensive plan when it comes to this type of language is that am I understand that correctly just yeah my understanding is that the DCPS will make final decisions this Council has no bearing on the decision they make other than from a political uh persuasion perspective so obviously if the city council speaks in unison that they think it's a bad idea that will be the that will be the recommendation that you're giving to them but the final decision relies with relies with DCPS okay thank you yeah so I do support that that language um uh something along those lines I'd like to see something before we go to a second reading that looks like um once again kind of piggyback and I said on the um duall County Public Schools sales Ser tax oversight committee and so if there's going to be language in there I'd like to see at least what it looks like before the next meeting which we have on the 22nd of May so um so there's going to be some accountability for the for the school board in that regard um but I understand also that that they kind of trump us in our comprehensive plan thank you can you speak to the process it once we approve tonight it goes to the state correct um yes this so in in for previous uh comp plan amendments we've done the transmitt Via resolution which is unusual most communities will do an ordinance the first reading is for transmitt goes to the state they do what they do and then it comes back second reading would be the adoption um we obviously fully support all of these propos osed changes I would prefer to have them as Standalone um strategies just so that they are instead of buried in something else I would prefer to have them stand alone because I just feel like they're stronger that way and I think we're looking at two separate things one preserving the neighbor neighborhood character surround surrounding neighborhood schools and then the one about Council being more involved so um you know no Blair and I are both taking notes on what that language would exactly look like but I think we both understand the intent that council is giving and I feel confident that we can craft something that you guys will be happy with that will you know reflect your concerns so but in terms of timing we would need to do that before we send it to the state yes we would have to basically put that in writing it would be part of this package that would then go to the state and then it would come back as part of the adoption ordinance um at second reading which is not we don't have that scheduled yet all depends on how long it takes to review how many comments they have if any if there's changes they want us to make so so hopefully it's not a super long process but there will be some lag between this hearing and and the second one unless you guys wanted to delay this for the next Council reading let us come up with some language if you if you are more comfortable seeing it before we send it that's fine with me um yeah we understand the intent so I feel confident confident we can craft something and send it we can let youall know what that is um but we we understand where the intent is going here so it's up to you guys obviously Miss I would prefer to see the language before we send it to the state to be honest with you so uh maybe we we move forward with Mr Wagner's Amendment but then I mean is that appropriate is that appropriate process and then we defer the the final decision to the next meeting yes the either way is fine the board wants to proceed you could vote on the amendment which would change the main motion and then choose to continue the now amended main motion to a subsequent meeting so but either way is fine that that that way does sound the cleaner way to do it but it's not the only way to do it okay thank you Mr Jansen I I I concur with council member Golding I think this is an important issue especially with the rise and concern that's coming down what appears to be coming down a pipe so I I too would like to at least get some eyes on this language before it's sent over to the state so I I support as our attorney said the cleanest way of getting that done there is still an amendment on the table so we need to deal with that but the amendment on the table specifically adds language to PS 1.2.2 which is not what we're talking about doing at this point we're can I withdraw that yes any objection to to Mr rag his amendment I move that we continue this meeting to the next city council meeting to give planning opportunity to make modifications as recommended or as requested for the PS the public school element can I ask you to hold off on making that motion oh sorry does anyone have any questions or concerns about the arrest that hear all the questions and comments we here another 30 I like where you're going we're almost done you're ready to go as you were saying it I'm like oh this is probably too soon so we were on the same page but I I changed the Mind Midway any other um questions or concerns from Council Mr Mesa it's a lot of material but you I'm glad we're doing this I know you guys are putting in a lot a lot of work so um it's a lot of material trying to go over and uh some it's very self explanatory but I do have a question and Heather I know you know how I feel about the uh edus so this questions on my questions on strategy fou 1.4.1 on page 14 uh it says unlocked with a single family residential home with a multif family Z zoning designation the city sh update LD seeds to allow accessory dwelling units Adu should be shall be subject to the conditions is specified on the LBC um on the LBC is it matching I mean we will it will we're going to work on that okay that's on my that's on my desk okay my concerns is you you see you've heard my concerns on it so I just want to make sure okay yeah we will have actually specific Adu language um the requirements and they have to meet those requirements before they're allowed to get have the Adu okay it's just a lot of stuff going on you will have chance to comment all those criteria okay I think I think yes I'm going wait until the other stuff on the OBC okay for this question okay any other questions and comments on this item M Golding I will turn to you for a motion if you could um specify that you're you would like to continue this item to a specific date time and place please I moved we continue this item to the city council meeting on May 22nd second it's not 20 20th 20th I'm sorry sorry okay we have a motion I heard four or five seconds can we have one second second we have a second from Mr Jansen any uh comments on this item on this amendment no this is a motion what time is it Madam th roll call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Json yes mayor hofman yes motion carries this might be a good time to mention that I will not be at the May 20th meeting I'm going to be representing the city at the American flood C conference so good luck with all this Vice May Golding this will be a good one for you to uh sit at the uh control board here um okay moving on to item [Music] D we'll go ahead and you give your report Fire Marshall sh Steve sh Jacksonville Beach Fire Marshall the State of Florida adopts the Florida fire prevention code it's a minimum code requirement for municipalities and counties to enforce every three years it's updated it's gone through his Rie cycle and it's updated cycle the new version the eth Edition is out and we are required to update it and enforce in our Cod code enforce it is the minimum and so in our life safety code chapter 10 we need to update the version there to the e8th Edition the major changes that has occurred in here um they go up and down every year bars restaurants assembly type properties they all have new any new ones will'll have to have fire sprinkler system with occupant loads of 100 and more the code is addressing lithium ion batteries or energy storage systems and those are stored inside of commercial structures and it also deals with the photo there are many other little changes in there but those are major changes inside the code thank you madam clerk will you read the ordinance by title Please an ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida amending city code of ordinances chapter 10 article 3 section 10- 3.03 codes adopted providing for adoption of recital and legislative findings repeal of conflicting ordinances severability scribers errors codification and an effective date thank you this ordinance is before the council for a public hearing and consideration on its first reading I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024 d821 15 I do not have any speaker cards on this item would any member of the public wish to address this item for or against seeing none that public hearing is closed May I have a motion I move that we approve ordinance number 2024-25 on the first reading amending chapter 10 Fire and Life Safety article 3 fire prevention and life safety section 10- 3.03 codes adopted and schedule second reading for May 20th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion by Council seeing none M for roll call council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes council member Mesa yes mayor hofman yes motion carries our final ordinance of the night yes uh mayor and Council as you'll recall at the April 8th Council briefing we discussed uh proposed Bell initiatives um and at that point we discovered that that one of the questions was what I would call compound um so I brought this language back to you and in the interest of time that um due to the deadline for the supervisor of elections to have the information prior to the November election I scheduled it for a first hearing uh without the benefit of having another briefing to to discuss it in depth but nonetheless I think everyone's on the same page here for for a valid discussion uh the updated b l langage included in exhibit one to the ordinance now has three proposed questions instead of two as I mentioned this is necessary to attempt to correct the existing conflicting language regarding what happens if a vacancy occurs in the office of the mayor that question now asks the voters to delete the conflicting language to make it clear that the mayor proem shall act as mayor in the event of a vacancy uh also of no of no language for question one I've revised but of course it's up for you all to decide um I've no of ownership if if you all want to change that language but that's the one that regards gender and pronoun references um we're a little bit Limited in that state law limits the ballot title to 15 words so there's not much we can convey in that title without with saying in compliance with the statute the ballot summary which is the um portion immediately above the lines to check yes or no does allow 75 words so more details provided there I'd be happy to ask answer any questions you all have about the proposed changes uh if we schedule this for a second hearing May 20th we will uh be able to meet the supervisor of elections deadline to get whatever this board decides to put on the ballot so with that I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you Mr megot um mam cler will you read the ordinance by title Please in ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida submitting to the electors of Jacksonville Beach proposed amendments to the Charter of the city of Jacksonville Beach providing ballot titles summaries and text for the proposed amendments providing directions to the city clerk providing for severability providing for an effective date for Approved amendments providing for an effective date for the ordinance this ordinance is before the council for a public Hearing in consideration on its first reading I will now open the Public Public hearing on ordinance number 20248 26 we do have several uh comment cards on this issue we'll start with Georgette deont hello again uh J 50716 avue South florida2 um I was on the council when we went through the charter review and we when we updated all of this um to begin with and there was there was discussion as to moving it from the from just to fill the to have it from just filling the position to up to the next general election to give the residents the choice to select who is going to be representing them the the goal shouldn't be to make it easier for whomever gets appointed sorry uh the goal should be to be able to provide the best voice for the people who live in Jacksonville Beach to decide who should be representing them so I would ask that you do not put the um the amendment on the ballot that asks to fill vacan appointees to vacancies Shall Serve for the uh the remainder of the term that it should remain Shall Serve until the next general election again it gives the people who votee the right to say who is going to be representing them in their interests thank you thank you Miss Dumont darl [Music] Shields my name is Daryl Shields 315 18th Street North Jacksonville Beach let me Begin by stating that I am in favor of keeping the current procedure for filling vacancies on the council section 23 of the City Charter provide specifies that an appointed council member can vote a vasy until the next election not for the remainder of the term the election council members better serve the citizens than one appointed for the rest of the term in several ways it gives the citizens a chance to know the council member and ask questions about his or her reason for running does he or she have an agenda that they wish to pursue and why is the candidate aware of the issues that the council is facing or will be facing in the near future the residents feel about the excuse and and how the residents feel about the issues aren't there competing views on the issue and what are they the election process is very important for the candidates to also hear from the citizens I have attended Council meetings for many years and remember several councils make proposals that the citizen we did not want or approve the election process with all the time requirements and just spring hard work can help to ensure that our leaders and the electorate are in sfe for this reasons I want our city leaders to be elected not appointed thank you thank you Mr Shields we have one card from Robin Malcolm who does not wish to speak by opposes ordinance e Bradley Lewis good evening Bradley Lewis 18 hson Road dille Beach Florida let's just take a second and think back it was about a year ago a year ago that the council put forward an item to vote on and the citizens defeated it by 82% 82% of the voters decided that what the council had come up with for a good idea was not what they wanted to see in their City those 82% disagreed with the council's ideas yet the council was elected to make decisions but it's clear voters that elected can disagree with the current council's decision that's why it's important to always give it to the voters to decide who's going to be in there as little as four counselors should not appoint the voice of the people for the short or let me restate as little as four counsel should only appoint the voice of the people for the shortest time possible I've heard this particular Council o Pine about the State of Florida interfering with its local home rule as a voter I take this is the same way please don't interfere with our choice to elect people to represents thank you thank you Mr Lewis Ronda McDonald Aranda sty McDonald 1122 Avenue North Jacksonville Beach 32250 I just have some quick comments I had the pleasure of being before you all earlier this year for said vacancy and congratulations Mr Wagner Council Magner you've been doing a wonderful job um the person who receives under the current situation that the council reviews applicants of residents who are willing to serve whoever receives that seat they immediately have an opportunity to serve without the word work of a campaign which is a a great benefit you get to step into the job and then you get to enter the next race if you choose to run again as an incumbent with a tiny bit maybe in this case of a tiny bit of a record a track record but it could be longer sometimes it could be almost two years the proposed change absolutely removes the Public's right to elect it elect its Representatives which we all know is a BAS underpinning of democracy so I hope that you will eliminate this and that we don't have to do the whole Charter Amendment thing and try to explain to people the subtleties of this I would love to not have to do another campaign and defe it at the ballot it's exhausting it exhausts the citizens who could be doing better things to build the city I also think that there is a tiny bit of a a Miss on something else that should be resolved and the mayor and I talked about this during the interview process um no one has determined whether or not term limits apply and so um I personally I would suggest if someone is kind enough to step into a vacancy that that it should just be weighed that that time that he filled until the next general election should not count against them as turn limits and then from then on whenever they are actually elected only those years count for treaments in our city but that isn't even addressed in this and to me that's a a very serious point also um I hope that you will say right now this is not ready for a ballot thank you thank you Bruce Waters wers I'm sorry if I that wrong thank you honorable mayor it's w it's dutch a little problematic but anyway good evening to this honorable body it's a pleasure to be here tonight thank you for your attention and hard work um this seems to disenfranchise the people who live here I'm sorry Ro father 126 12 Avenue South Jack Beach Florida been here a long time um I hope I think one gentleman kind of touched on the point I mean you guys have a lot of ideas and a lot of things you want to bring forward and maybe some times are not a great idea and I think this might be one of I respectfully request that you don't move forward on this thank you it's been a long time thank you that is it for uh public comment cards would anyone else in the audience like to speak in favor or against this ordinance okay we will close public hearing and request a motion I move that we approved ordinance number 2024 4- 8216 on the first reading submitting to the electors of the city of Jacksonville Beach proposed amendments to the city of Jacksonville Jacksonville Beach Charter and schedule a second reading for May 20th 2024 second we have a motion and a second discussion by Council Miss golden everybody knows how I feel about question number two so I just want to put my put this information out there for the discussion um first of all I want to point out the fact that this Council of seven currently has two appointed council members on it so we have two people who have not been elected by our voters never thought that that would happen but that's something that's something that has happened um you know I look back and I only know of one Council appointment prior to us having to deal with two appointments and that was when Pete middleman uh stepped down and and Dick Matthews I think was appointed to the seat so this doesn't happen a lot but when it does it's important and um I think my feeling as I've said over and over again is we is we should all want our council members to be elected by the voters um I don't support putting question to on the ballot as I mentioned in a briefing um I've done some research looked at other Municipal Charters and in looking at the communities around us um I didn't find any Community that's immediately um that's near us that that appoints somebody for the remainder of the term Neptune Beach Atlantic Beach bernardina beach St Augustine St Augustine Beach Flagler Beach Orange Park um Jacksonville actually they require a special election if there's a vacancy so they take it straight to the voters as soon as they can um and there's other cities that do that as well so I I just believe that that this is not the right direction for us to go in and I will be making a motion to remove it but I'm willing to allow further discussion before I make a motion I think we technically have three right because Mr horn won without opposition I was I'm unelected elect official I mean technically um Mr War speaking of goad yeah thank you very much I actually did go through the election cycle but I will point out that not even my wife or my kids voted for me so V I ran on post um my my thoughts about this are yes I am a huge proponent of allowing citizens to make their choice I can see both sides of this in that in this election cycle we have all the district seats or yeah we have all the district seats the mayor's seat thege oh sorry sorry sorry not the district the at large seats the mayor seat and a district seat coming up so conceptually come November myself and council person golden could be the senior members on this days that's scary I'm joking that's you know one of the things with keeping some of that institutional knowledge around for a period of time that that is something that kind of strikes in my heart but then the other end of that coin is if one of these council members was to turn around tonight and resign and say that's it can't had enough and we do not have or we push that the idea is for a it's only going to be through elections do we need to have a special election which then costs the citizens money because again you know the idea is that wait minut the council is going to appoint somebody somebody might not want the person being appointed so yeah I mean this pendulum can swing both directions um I'm I'm I can see both sides of the coin I I can just I can see both sides of the co um are we we're commenting on all aspects of this amendment currently okay um the only other thing I sent these comments to this is on um back on um the references the I the only thing I mentioned I said this today when we uh we were asked for um when this originally came out and there was comment in regards to um our opinion I would so um hang on um we took out the presumably due to for wording did that not did that not make it in there David or was that just for us when we sent that as an email what I sent you previously page if I may what what you sent me hasn't been added but it's cly something discos amendments um oh yeah so yeah so the second paragraph on page one I I would recommend removing presumably due to the poor wording of explanation I just I I think that's a um I think that statement is unnecessary uh for the purposes of this Ballot or for of this ordinance um and on page four in regards to the actual um wording where it says eliminate all gender pronoun references so again specifically I kind of nered out here but we just you remove gender references because technically Council man or Council woman is actually a noun I mean would you I would just remove the word pronoun and just reduce it to gender preference gender references uh the idea and of course the concept of pronoun discussion in certain areas this time was probably part of the problem that got us in trouble last time that the fact that there were 16 different uh uh things that we people voting on is went so those are my only thoughts there um and uh throw that out there those are my my observations thank you can you hold tight on those as possible amendments after we get through this first round of discussion Mr Wagner thank you so by the way thank you all for the comment dang it thank you all for your comments um we really appreciate everybody coming and being prepared you know I I also personally very strongly believe in the right to protective o right and so that that is very important and it's part of this process um and so taking that and understanding that and the whole in the way that it impacts the whole continuity of how we manage the city is very important um my second cter point and I I feel I need to point this out cuz people kept acting like this impacts me this in no way impacts me I I am running for office I we're going to vote on this when we vote for everybody else so this this there's nothing no benefit or gain to the own this um but going forward if we don't change it there will be winners and losers um right now there are different appointed Council people are being treated differently so what we need to do is create a fair and consistent way that all people are treated right that really should be part of our government does is make sure people are treated uh equal and Fa or consistent and fair and then um the lastly the piece I'll bring up for consideration is and this is new to me and and for those probably for everybody out there except for Georgette um this is this is a very different type of role for people and the amount of institutional knowledge it's required to be successful um I I'll tell you in in my short four months I have so much respect and admiration for everybody else sits up here and the institutional knowledge that they have and and so making sure that we have a consistent and balanced with a an equal amount of new blood and an equal amount of institutional knowledge so that we really get a solid and fair representation because as you see we don't all agree on every topic but everybody's bringing different backgrounds of knowledge so wherever we end up on this it needs to make sure it's consistent with that and I would also want us to consider the continuity between the second and the third so there's no boundaries on replacing of the mayor as well in the way it's written so in theory we could say that a council uh counselor could not replace another counselor except for until the next election but the vice mayor could so um whatever we do on one of these we need to do on both to make sure that they are consistent just going to put that out there as we think through these thank you Mr Wagner Mr Mason uh just to piggy back on Mr Wagner and Mr Horn uh I'll start up with the gender Mr Madam may I know it's a joke um um I agree so I will if Mr War makes an amendment to removing the pronoun I will support it um it's just the the world we live in nowadays so now moving on to question number two and question number three um the uh I've been pondering a lot of on question number two since it was brought up because I'm a big proponent of people should be doing the speaking doing the voting um if we remove question number two which we should do question number three as well what's the difference between a council member having to run for office right off the bat but then the May the the pro mayor BR in has to fill in the remainder of the seat so if we have God forbid something happens to the mayor and God forbid something happens to another colleague we appoint the council member they have to run for reelection again which would be in two years but the mayor prot temp gets to stay in office for the remainder of the year so I think in order to be fair we should both uh uh I guess we could say this amendment or later after everyone is we discuss this Mr Jansen my Approach is from a higher level 35,000 ft I I if you want to go back and and dissect uh all the nuances of this particular uh Charter reference talking about the vacancies go back and listen to The Briefing where we kind of talk about all the issues there at hand not just a couple that brought up tonight so for me when you have something that that could be construed or or seen as controversial what do you do you send it to the voters and if they overwhelmingly deny it then that's what they do that's their right just like the example he gave with the height if it's 82% don't want this and then never will vote that's that's what we give the people they have the right to vote so we have to put that out there for them that's my position on it it's not our decision it's your decision Miss golden uh few things have been brought up that I wanted to address um the comment about five seats being on the ballot and how that could potentially change the council well that's the voter's choice if the voters want to change the council that's their that's their option to do that um the vice mayor Phil the vacancy I I initially thought the same thing that you guys did but here's here's the difference the vice mayor is not somebody that was appointed the vice mayor was elected and so the vice mayor is an elected person that would just be filling the seat so it's a little different I think than than appointing someone who was not elected by the the public by the voters um and then I would also say that um you know I haven't had anybody come to me and say this is something that needs to change so I'm not sure why this needs to be brought to the voters I think that what we have in the charter it's been in the charter for a long time and it's how we've been doing it for a long time it's just that this happens to be the one year where we've had two or or the one term where we've had two appointments so I I just don't I do not support changing this I don't think it needs to be changed nobody's asking for it to be changed other than some people on the council maybe think it needs to change Mr hor I was just going to comment uh not a clarification the only reason I brought up the five members is because of the fact that we do have off cycle elections so that we do not have a full turnover of the council if we did this every four years and we had seven new people we would have a significant struggle so that's the only reason I I I mentioned that that's why I brought that up Mr Jansen uh you may mention that the vice mayor is an elected official well if we chose Mr Wagner to be the vice mayor then he wasn't elected by the people so in this case it it it does seem that way that the vice mayor is an elected person but the vice mayor is chosen by the Das and Council so I don't know that theory that that theory fits um I forget your other comment made that's it I I'll comment on uh nobody the 16 amendments that we had on the last P most of them none of us asked us to change no one noticed that it only said he in the mayor section and that joke never gets old thank you um Mr MAA so I think that the where you know our our job is we have to look at the charter from kind of both sides from from the the operation of the city and the continuity of the leadership as well as um to the citizens but we're the ones that are dissecting it and going through it and and making the determinations of what we want to send to the voters for their consideration so so nobody asked us to do the two that failed are you know the voter said I can send the sheriff to go pick up council members so you know there's there's opportunities here um for for the voter consideration and and decision on this but that are not necessarily prompted by by the voters themselves and that's why we did that comprehensive turn to review um Miss golden so I would like to make a motion to uh amend this ordinance by removing question number two second we we have a motion and a second to remove question two from the ordinance is there any discussion on the amendment to remove question two Madame th roll call council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member jansson no council member MAA no council member Sutton yes council member Wagner no mayor Hoffman yes Amendment passes question two will be removed Mr Mesa I would like to make a motion remove question number three we have a motion to amend we have a second seeing none Amendment fails back to the original question is there any discussion on the remaining yes Mr horn I would like to make a motion that we remove on page one paragraph two the words at the end of that paragraph presumably due to poor wording of explanation and then on P Mr horn just a moment the City attorney has a point point of just legal order okay that language is only on the agenda cover sheet it's not part of the ordinance when I do another cover sheet for the next meeting I'll exclude that language it as okay nothing to do with the ordinance so I see exactly what you're saying now okay I doesn't need Council action I think it's an excellent idea how remove it then my amended uh request would be to remove the words on page what page is this four of 13 I was just remove the word in the explanation in between gender and references the word pronoun as well as in the ballot proposal the word um pronoun and and we can switch through gender and then in the paragraph below remove the word pronoun I just leave those as gender references as some of the words we're looking at may not be actual pronouns sorry my my mom was English teacher and there are differences between c words so that's my Amendment Mr horn I'm going to ask you just to restate that as concisely as possible in the form of I move to amend sorry about that no that's okay I move to amend uh question one section A to remove pronoun between gender and references section B to remove pronoun and insert gender in its place and the paragraph Below in section B to remove gender in or sorry to remove pron in between gender and refer second we have a motion and a second any discussion on this proposed amendment Madam clerk roll call council member jansson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn is the first for me yes may Hoffman yes well don't forget you tried to amend the memo first so I try it you got there um no I actually think that was a really good um a good point because we do have councilman councilwoman throughout the the charter remaining as well so hopefully we will get this one through this time um that the amendment uh passes Miss Golding back to the original question I was just going to add I looked through the charter and I think I saw a lot of heims but I don't think I saw any she hers did anybody yeah I have an issue that point well taken thank you Miss Golding had been 30 years since we did a comprehensive review of this Charter so uh any other comments Madam cler roll call council member amaza yes council member Sutton yes Council member Wagner yes council member baling yes council member horn yes council member Json yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries that was a doy everyone thank you all for your patience I think we had every department head here except for public work I don't know how he got oh our chief of police was not here either he was allround up council members citizens that could do it Miss Golding animation can I ask a question so will the numbers be changed for these it'll be question one and two now since question two was removed or will it be one and three still it'll be one and two it has motion second onv sign say I any opposed I didn't think so meeting is turn have a good night more rules to put on I can't I can't believe I R your sister your and like e