good evening everyone welcome to the June 3D regular city council meeting for the city of Jacksonville Beach will begin with an invocation followed by a slute to the flag delivered by council member Jansen please rise let us pray good and gracious heavenly father as I lift my brother and sister up in prayer we claim James 1:5 where one should ask for wisdom you will give it to them generously and without fault Lord we just ask you to bless us with wisdom and make decisions to your glory for our community Lord we just ask you that you look over our First Responders in our military as they go and preserve our peace for all this we ask in the matous name of Jesus Amen to flag of the United States of America and to the indivisible with liy and justice for all meeting is to order roll call council member Golding here council member horn here council member Json here Council membera here council member suton council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of minut I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on May 20th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion carries approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second a motion and second any discussion all in favor signify by say I any motion carries announcements Miss goldon thank you mayor um first of all I want to start off by saying that um I think a lot of you probably are aware of the fact that Memorial Day has become a really big day for our community and for our police department and just want to share some information with you our police chief um sent out some statistics today and um thought it would be important to let everybody know what our police department does for our community over the Memorial Day weekend they responded to 765 calls for service they made 15 arrests they um had five illegal gun cases and 182 traffic stops um you can follow the great work that they're doing by going to their social media Pages um which is city of Jackson Beach Police Department um some of the things that that really stood out to me is um our police departments having to deal a lot with guns and Drugs in our community and as we all know they're not guns and drugs that are being brought in by our residents but they're typically people who don't live here in Jack Beach and notably there was a 12-year-old that was arrested with a gun and a 17-year-old that was arrested with a gun and several others that I you know I put a list together that was shared on on our social media page and I just want to thank our Jack speach Police Department all all our officers and our volunteers and um you know everyone who's who supports the police department because they uh have to deal with a lot and I want to thank them for everything that they did over the Memorial Day Weekend uh also want to mention that uh I attended the Jack Beach uh our very first Country Fest I wasn't there for the whole time I would have liked to have been but um uh it was it seems like it was a great event when I was there the crowd was really starting to pick up and people were having a great time also want to mention that there is a town hall scheduled this Wednesday night at 700 p.m. at the beaches Branch library with Jacksonville council member Rory Diamond who will be uh providing an update on Jacksonville issues important to the beaches um and again that's Wednesday June 5th at 700 p.m. at the beaches Branch Library I want to to wish a happy belated birthday to our fellow council member Dan Jansen yeah May 31st right and then our absent council member I guess is he he his birthday is tomorrow so I guess he didn't want to risk the chance that we might sing happy birthday to him and last but not Le least I want to recognize my mother and my sister who my sister's visiting from out of town and they're here tonight and want to thank them for for being here thank you Miss Golding uh Mr suton is actually uh not trying to avoid us singing happy birthday to him but he is attending um the Fletcher graduation which is this evening um the he's attending in in my place so that I wouldn't have to miss two meetings in a row and as a Fletcher graduate who was more than happy to go uh and join the other um uh Beach's elected officials in representing uh the elected officials out here at the beach at that graduation it's an exciting night for the Fletcher graduates and then along that note and I'm I'm getting out of order but I wanted to publicly thank mayor Pro time Golding for um sing in for me quite a bit you were proing pretty hard for the past two weeks so that I was able to attend um the American flood Coalition Conference in Washington DC and I think one of the things was the USS Stark Memorial um and so uh you allowed me to be two places at once which was great and uh make sure the city was lower presented and I thinkk U Mr suton for doing that tonight Mr Jansen well this is the first you stole my thunder I I just wanted to Echo what the mayor said I I was able to attend the memorial cere the Memorial Day ceremony of Veterans Memorial Park or mayor protown building uh presented to to the group and um did a fabulous job it was a nice n very humbling uh and my some of my colleagues were able to attend so that was great and then also we got to enjoy the Country Country Fest yesterday um I look forward to that becoming something bigger and better maybe last until 10: p.m. instead of: p.m. um and the weather couldn't have been any more perfect for it we really had a good time it was orderly uh it was well handled um it was very enjoyable thank you Mr Janson Mr Mason good evening everyone uh before I get to the good good stuff I do want to P back on what my uh colleague Sandy golden said on the Poli Department over Memorial Day weekend but before I get to that there was a comment that was made and it was an insult to our chief and I took it personal for many reasons couple I'm in the service industry hospitality industry those of you who don't know Chief used to do what I do before he joined the law enforcement career and that person really feels this way go to the academy ear a batch become the chief and walk in his shoes walk in their shoes and see how hard it is to be a cop in this Arrow right now um so that being said um we have we had a lot of police officers here on Monday these individuals some individuals that come here want to bring their uh the rhetoric to our beaches and destroy our quality of life which is very unfortunate and these thugs is what I'm going to call them because I grew up around thugs in California um these thugs come over here and want to destroy quality of life they want to hold us accountable they want officers accountable for their actions but when they commit these crimes there's no accountability they don't tell on each other they protect each other why I have no idea I wish I could give you that answer but they don't so these activists that are out there no justice no peace where are they run now when their people are getting shot not just here in Jack Beach but in town where are they why are they here protesting or do they only protest when an officer shoots someone else and it's their n narrative so with that being said cros to jvpd and to everyone that supports law enforcement and it's up to us to change the rhetoric that's going on keep our community Safe Keep du County safe now moving on to the good stuff uh I went to the country fast for like 30 minutes there was a good turnout luckily uh fortunately I couldn't stay longer had to go back to work but it was a good turnout no incidents saw you guys briefly from afar it was very fun so uh looking forward to the next one and happy delated birthday happy early birthday to Mr Greg and congratulations to all the Fletcher graduates and I hope they accomplish a lot of things in their lifetime that is all thank you Mr um yeah I won't beat the here but um I do want to thank the Jackson Beach Police Department for all their efforts uh if you follow their page their Facebook page there is an inordinate amount of firearms that are seized by the objectional police department um appropriately so I'm so thankful every single time I see one of those posts um you know the shooting that happened on Memorial Day again you know I I I can't say enough about our police department and I am so happy that they continue to make Jack Beach as safe as they can for all the citizens and as unpleasant and as unwelcoming as possible to anybody who wants to come here and cause problems um I will comment real quickly on the department uh um sorry du count Public Schools meeting on May 21st I want to thank all the elected officials who came not only from our beach from other beaches um it was a huge turnout um I laugh in the beginning when somebody said you know we'll be here all night if you don't be quiet I said all these moms they've got packed snacks they're they're good they they'll be here for hours that was not a threat to them um I was unimpressed with the answers that were given in regards to the reasons for the school closures um I was unimpressed with the person who said they'd been working in their capacity in regards to planning and the logistics of the schools for the last two decades or two decades plus um um went superintendent so I've been working with this person for the last 20 years and I said well that person should be fired because we're in this situation if you've been together for 20 years that we should not be in this situation um I want to express my continued support for all of the beach School CB and Pablo L Beach Elementary and say we will continue to fight and continue to keep uh continue to keep all of the schools open and because they're high performing Schools they're well supported they're well loved and they're great schools and they need to be in our community um the positive thing that I do want to say is I want to congratulate Jackson Bo Riders club who I think it was the 20th the 21st uh they competed in California number five in the nation so was some local bunch of local Surfers and they like National Club meet and I was uh very impressed and I was also very envious when I saw the videos of all the ways they got to Surf with just a few guys out so was kind of sad about that but I'm very happy for them thank you thank you Mr horn um along the school front the beaches Mayors um had a conference call or a zoom call with um School Board chair Willie as well as some key members of the school board staff to primarily discuss resuming the regular meetings that are uh dictated to be held um in interlocal agreement so it's a small step but there is um a good level I think of communication um involving Mutual respect but some some firm pressure so we'll keep you posted as that develops Mr Wagner thank you I'm sorry for having the wrong but I wanted to take a than a second and thank Jason and Travis from Parks and R we had an opportunity couple weeks ago to visit with the community leaders around the Harver Center as we there's only two buttons you get away um so had an opportunity a couple weeks ago uh to work with uh Jason and travison parks and wck as and the community leaders from the Carver Center area in JX Beach um as we look to create the new playground for uh that community of the future uh the city has been very uh great to work with and what we're doing is allowing the community leaders to help us pick the style the type of equipment the type of you know the type of development activities that uh the children in that area have to be able to use and uh and I really think it's turn going to turn out to be just a wonderful asset for for uh Jack speech and and just really want to express my appreciation for allowing the community to be so deeply involved in the process I'm sure that Parks and Rec could get through this stuff a lot easier if they didn't listen um and I'm so glad that their leadership uh insist that they really take the time to ensure that our citizens are Incorporated in these key processes so I really do app apprciate it so thank you thank you Mr Wagner think we've been busy sounds like thanks for the announcements everyone just to um add a few others on um June 1st marks the beginning of Hurrican season so please uh take some time to prepare uh your household and your loved ones for that I think we're in a tax are we in a tax free time right now as well for Hurricane related supplies so um go ahead and take care of that sooner than later um we also uh wanted to say um a kudos to Allison and Trevor and the Parks and Rec Department everybody involved in the Country Music Fest it was um very well done I had a lot of very positive feedback mainly because it was small it wasn't overloaded with vendors it was a good size crowd I liked that it wasn't too late it was still a school night after all a work night I guess school's out um but the the performers were just top-notch and that was um it was it was really fun it was was a great the weather couldn't have been better though so um we need to order up that weather every year um and this we have seawalk sessions this week which is a musical performance Out On LAN Plaza it's on Wednesday I forgot to look up the performer but I went last time it was excellent they bring a food truck out so um hopefully the weather will hold up she's had some bad luck with weather for those but um stop by bring your chair um grab a grab something from the food talk and enjoy the music out there I think that's it for me no other announcements on the board we will go to Courtesy of the Florida visitors starting with Mr Ken Marsh 10 Marsh 2011 Gale Avenue um I'm here to talk about the Memorial Day weekend shootings and AR rest um m m a month ago you guys voted ly against any crowd ordinance you said it wouldn't fix the problem you said good event promoters would get impacted and I said it then I say now no one solution is going to fix our violence problems the most assuredly Law changes will always have some negative impact on good people on April the 8th Chief Smith had a safety recommendation to you included many things but one was Paramount answer the question what do you want our downtown to be going on he says and I quote once that question is answered I believe we will have a clear path forward to create City policy which in turn will guide the police department with a clear enforcement strategy that was two months ago not one meeting has occurred to address this question fixing a violence problem is complex with complex Solutions but sitting on the sidelines creating bureaucratic delays is not going to fix the problem so I encourage and recommend the following first and foremost answer the chief's question not in a cursery response it needs insight and definition especially around areas like festivals holidays summer crowds Friday and Saturday nights and and of course what is it that you're trying to create downtown develop a collective mission statement for our downtown for all of this criteria create some policies and initiatives that support that create some metrics that you can identify improvements and then have that minimum quarterly reviews to determine if you're going in the right direction you guys say safety is important to you let's show it this isn't rocket scientist it's a proven formula for success in the chief's latest news to use he reports in The Last 5 Years 600 illegal guns have been confiscated talking safety is not about the media reports it is about potential for much worse I encourage you to do more and with a sense of urgency to help our fellow police our business Community our guests and our citizens you know I I sat and I listened to you guys commend the police department they absolutely need to be commended but my question to you is how what are we do to help them to create an environment that is more safe for them that's that's what your leadership is for so you guys need to be doing more let's not just keep saying hey more please let's uh let's just keep patting them on the back thank you Mr Marsh Cathy Hall Cathy 1639 6 Street South Jack Beach um I want to speak on two things here and I'll be I hopefully do this within my three minutes the first is paid parking as Ken just said we heard all of this from from Chief Smith on the eth um all for increasing paid parking I'm wa for it I'm wa for expanding it you know it needs to go to H my Park to the tennis area it needs to go to the beach accesses um it needs to go up and down First Street even Third Street um I just got back from Hilton Head um it cost me money to go on to harbort toown Island I mean it was a n bucks for a car to enter there and it's a neighborhood and they charge you just to enter their neighborhood so I think increasing parking here is a an increasing the cost of it um is one way to address who is coming in and who is staying out even though I know all these people are ubering and caring and everything else okay so that's one issue um well actually tied to that issue Mr M you had mentioned the the thing about employee parking in the downtown area where how are they going to do this we increase parking that was an issue and understand that but I thought why can't the employees downtown organized to have a sh which we have Beach buies that go back and forth and in the evenings which is your high time have them parked in public works which is usually empty or I don't really know who owns the property the property of Crossman police station that basically all the postal people park in that lot in back of the post office um that something could not be negotiated between all of that and um somehow worked out um so I'll take my 3 minutes there and I'll wait for my second issue can I do that go ahead and start okay the second issue is the sign that we have sitting here on Beach and A1A okay back in December I got a hold with City manager's office and they came back and said oh that's you know it's it's breaking and I knew that that's it's been breaking for over a year um and that is actually in C's budget okay for one I don't think a sign like that can cost huge huge money okay um I'm not sure but I just don't today at Simon and St John's County that Community which basically thrives on H money has a wonderful sign telling you all the events that are going on that day uh news and announcements for the community um I would think that that sign getting it fixed could also play into the safety issue of basically reminding people that are here visiting and even residents here of things that are going on some of the rules don't drink and drrive uh no tolerance area you could you know basically write your little message of the day on it um I tell you and today I went into CRA okay which I really don't understand how CRA and planning in the council and how all of that works and the budget stuff I you know it's very frankly to me kind of eluded um but to get a hold of them is Mr M's number or email but the phone number goes directly to planning so I thought I would just address this here and you probably have a much more direct link to them than I um but I would like to see that done um and I think you know right now direct tax is putting us to shame with that with their sign so thank you thank you Miss Hall Bradley Lewis Bradley Lewis 18 Hopson Road um Mr M you summed it up there's a narrative going on and the narrative is a holiday weekend in Jack Beach and another shooting um I we all agree we support the police they're doing the best they can uh we mentioned statistics that come out where the number of officers were down was that included in those statistics are we any closer to having more than one and three officers missing um the same thing we do know that the problems are not coming from our city boundaries but rather our County boundaries so understanding that that's kind of taken it off the police officer and kind of put it on the people that control our boundaries what is the council doing to help them why have we not raised prices for parking why have we not looked at things to curve this I can to ask you a hard and tough question and it's for all of you to kind of debate I keep hearing unpermitted events are the reason for this I've heard it this time I heard it before unpermitted events at what point do unpermitted events equal an unsecured Beach we know they're coming they come every holiday we have to be ready for it if not we need to do something different to lower the number of people that are coming so again how many more times are we going to accept an unpermitted event has has allowed Jack's Beach to become a rock rock is place where people feel unsafe going out another question I have is you there's a lot of beaches around here I don't hear this from Atlantic Beach I don't hear from Neptune Beach I don't hear from St John's County I don't hear it from Fernandina what's exclusive about us what is allowing them to allowing people criminals to come here so freely and be criminals down here and and cause a problem those are questions for the council at this point we all support the police department we know that they're doing the best they can the question is what is the council doing to make Jacksonville Beach a safer place and as some of the previous speakers said please don't get it B down in litigation we're two for two on holiday weekends and shootings down all right let me tell you when your next unplanned event is going to come July 3rd July 4th and July 5th let's get ready for that unplanned event thank you thank you Mr Lewis that is it for speaker cards move on to the consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second we have a motion in a second Mr Horn uh make a motion request we remove item a from the agenda I don't think we need to do that as a motion I think we can okay just pull off okay so we have a motion to approve the consent agenda with item a removed um we have the second no it's not a motion he can just ask for it to okay so we have a motion in a second for the consent agenda to be approved with item a being removed and we will deal with item a as the first um new business item um all in favor signifi by saying I any post motion carries okay going to city manager new business we will uh top discuss item a number one we can have a motion on that one and when did you want to do the consent agenda item is is that now that's what I'm okay now sorry sorry um I move that we approve the First Amendment to the agreement between the city of Jacksonville Beach and the volunteer life saving Corps for ocean Rescue Services dated April 17th 2023 second we have a motion on a second on item one do we have any discussion Madam clerk roll call council member Golding yes council member War yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries number two I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to negotiate and execute any subsequent amendments to the agreement between the city of Jacksonville Beach and the volunteer life saving Corp for ocean Rescue Services that relate solely to the scope and level of VSC operations second we have a motion and a second and I'm sorry Mr stopus I probably should have deferred to you to do since it got pulled off the consent agenda I didn't have you cheed up do you want to give a staff update on this one before we deliberate yeah actually I'll just go over both of them really quickly um the original agreement that the city executed with the vlsc over a year ago calls that at the end of the season both parties sit down and review the operationality of uh of both parties over the course of the the summer and we look at making changes to improve the efficiency in the operations of of both agencies in terms of Life Safety resp response with that being said uh myself and Mr fatii from Parks and W met multiple times with Mr emry and Mr Rudolph of the vlsc and we came up with a list of things that we wanted to do to make improvements what we felt would be improvements to the operations uh as well as if you take a look at the detail uh some of the issues related to access of the station Etc uh so that was what you saw with number one under item a number two is to try and get out of the Loop of coming back to council every time we want to make a minor tweak to the agreement based on some operational detail the great example would be if you take a look at uh one of the Amendments that we made it was taking the submission of the Guard sheets from 7 Days down to 4 days um from our perspective on the operational side that's very minimal and it is directly related to operations but if we want to change that date going forward in the future from four to any other day we have to prepare it as an amendment go through our review process and BR bring it back in front of council for review and approval uh which is why one of the reasons I got with the city attorney to ask him if there was a way of creating some language whereby the operational issues I could speak on behalf of the city and work with the LSC to come up with uh those items that are mutually agreeable to both parties and execute off on without it coming back in front of council so with that uh David and I are here if you have any questions on the language that's contained in number to uh thank you Mr stopus I just want to say I was really um pleased to see some of the changes made in this um First Amendment some of the things that we had talked about when we were originally negotiating and I think it's a sign of um the collaborative work environment that we have between the two organizations so I'm I'm glad that there were some mutually agreeable things that weren't necessarily agreeable um this time last year so um I I look forward to that Tempo and that tenor to um continue I I do agree that uh delegating authority to the city manager allows simple things to be solved without a vote of the council without coming to us um I I don't know if there's larger things that may be coming up that um are of concern but I'll throw it to Mr horn at this point um yeah and again I I reviewed the the amendments to the agreement know I'm fine with those I just the way this is written it um I think the council number one has a duty to kind of keep a very close eye on this agreement it's uh you know um obviously where we were a few years ago and where we are now Leaps and Bounds um but and I guess the idea of being able to be nimble and adjust the certain things at certain times in in a way um but my concern here is say as this is stated just basically negotia execut the the Amendments if there is an impass then it's going to you know if there's a yes or a no on one yes on one side no on the other that's going to be enough um and I think that this I just I don't like the way this is worded that just if that makes sense I don't think that it is um it's worded in a way that would meet the needs we're looking at I think a little too rigid maybe and I don't have I started to write something down earlier but I kind of I mean I think we can Str now maybe discuss it in the future that would be my thoughts I don't feel that this is um um I mean I I I understand the concept I just don't I don't like the way it's really Mr Jansen I guess you kind of touched on the question I had was uh the very last sentence of of in the memo where it says the uh it is requested that the city council delegate authority to the city manager to negotiate and execute any subsequent amendments to the agreement that relate solely to the scope and level of the BLC operations as conf section four of the agreement any other amendments that go beyond the scope and level of operations would still come back so I guess I need a clarification on what that other that goes beyond the scope like if I may you know the original agreement entered into last year is about 15 pages long uh many Clauses if I went into all of them I'd be speaking for 20 minutes right now but that subsection 4 I that you just read a second ago relates to what Mr stopus spoke about about a couple minutes ago where uh an annual debriefing if you will where they're talking about little tweaks if you will to the agreement 4 days instead of seven days there might have been something in this one about uh stairwell use at at certain hours or access to the peg just try for efficiency try to allow those to happen quickly but still that's why that last sentence you just read is in there clarifying that anything else still has to come back to you all related to the rest of the contract operations Beyond those annual tweaks from the debriefing so that's what has attempted to be uh written in here is a way to allow this to go quickly on those minor annual meeting issues yet still retain Authority with the city council uh beyond that so the staff does not exceed that very limited St okay so one of the other concerns I have was uh I I do do I do like the position of where we're at with the blsc right now that we we've got back and chairs on the beach I think we're making great strides um though it was a tumultuous time through the thick of it I I'd like to see it's only a one-year contract that there was a little bit more transparency at least for the first year so that the public sees the relationship that we have with the blsc and that there's nothing that's being held back from Council the city manager or the blsc uh just an effort of transparency for I guess one year I had mentioned previously in in a meeting that we' uh I'd like to see a threeyear contracts I feel like those are more established cuz by the time you get set in a one-ear contract it's almost time for renewal at that point so um I mean I I don't know how the language would read uh City attorney but I I would like to see some type of and I don't know if it's just an update uh to the public from the city manager whenever even the minor tweaks are are made that it can be made mention at a meeting just for the sake of transparency for that first year Mr St yeah if there's this is not a deal breaker so if there's any conformation At All by the council with regards to number two I don't have a problem with it being pulled and we can defer it until next season when we do our additional debrief the only thing is the language that we've got in here is what we will run with for the year so if there's anything during the course of the Summer where uh you know vlsc and and the city agree that we need to make a tweak we'll wait until next season and we'll make that tweak as part of another Mass assembly if if that would make the council more comfortable but this by no means is a deal breaker with you've already approved uh A1 which is really the the Crux of what we were having here tonight but if you want to on A2 I don't have a problem with that that's for myself I would like to see something like that Mr waren I was going to say yeah I mean that seems reasonable I just it's the the way this is worded I think if it were a little bit more it just it needs some refining I don't know if we're going to fix that during the day is tonight um but yeah I you know it's June 3rd uh we're already into the season um you know we got June and July and then August kind of starts to slack off it get hot it want be so I think we can address this down the road that's we pull it you motion was made second so next so um so two things I would say um let's keep the motion and we can just just vote it down just to keep it clean it I me you can vote however you want but if you don't um agree with this um you can vote it down um perhaps in another year when we've got another you know one more year of this kind of renewed relationship under our belt will feel differently and we can look at perhaps a longer contract um or or and or um deferring to the city manager I do think that it is a streamlined approach and I do think that that's the city manager's J job is to manage our contracts and relation ships this is a a very unique relationship I understand that so I can see that we want to maybe pay another year of of very close attention to it um before we maybe let it let let it set sail a little more on its own Mr rer I just want sure I understood um hand again I actually got the right one to ask the question um so I want to make sure I understood so um and and and I I think we're probably going down on the right path is what kind what it sounds like a little bit here just based on the the importance and the focus we put on this relationship over this last year but what I thought i' heard you say is for those small tweaks they would have to wait a year if we didn't pass to but if we did then unilaterally they could be passed and implemented and so isn't there a third that says if those simple changes were brought before Council we can make those changes and they could be implemented is that a third dynamic as well that's a third Dynamic but what I don't want to be doing is coming back to council six times a year discussing tweaks and changes to the agreement that's not the intention the the intention the way the agreement was originally written is that we would do it once a year as part of the debrief at the end of season but I think there's an understanding that this is still somewhat fluid and as we identify issues rather than have to wait upwards of 30 days to go through our process of putting together the agenda memo and getting it back in front of you if there was a way of doing it administratively great but if again it's not a deal breaker if the council says you know let's go through one more cycle of this then these will be the changes for the remainder of this season come November December time frame again we'll sit down with blsc we'll see if we have any more tweaks that we want to make and sometime after the the first of the year or rolling into the spring we'll come back to council and say here are the changes that we're looking at for the outcoming seon I I just personally of the belief that there's two things that are important here that can coexist for the next 12 months and that's you know I believe that the council kind of wants to stay a little closer to this want to be a little bit more involved it's important uh many people at the roots of relationships with with volteer for so I believe that that can coexist and for a year we can also create I'm sure we'll all dedicate a few extra minutes a couple times a year if it'll help reduce some inefficiencies or some some tweaks you guys want to have so I wouldn't put a limit on on on the the team to not bring stuff forward if it's going to be beneficial between the city and in the volunteer course so it's not my only point I just don't think you should be nether or and I think you should feel comfortable if if we EP in this place going it makes sense it was specifically being proposed for efficiency on the city Side that's what was being proposed for City attorney n I just wanted to clarify because we've been talking about annual items that the actual contract is effective through December 1 2028 there is a clause in there that the parties will speak at least once a year but it's not an annual contract the current term goes for over four more years just wanted to clarify that for everyone thank you for that clarification Miss Golding just wanted to follow up on the some of the concerns that were raised I do agree this has been uh a very important issue to the community in transparent is very important um I would just like to ask that whenever you do the when the city does the debriefing with the VSC perhaps that could be an item that's placed on a briefing agenda so that we can get an update at that point um I think that would be helpful because that would provide some of the transparency I think that people would like to see plus you know I had several questions that I asked you via email about why some of the changes were being made or you know the impact of the changes that sort of thing and so that's something that could be um brought out in the public that would probably be good you know to have so I would just add that I'd like to see that we have a briefing after you do the debriefing with the blsc thank you you were about to get called out I caught you out of the corner we start a lean uh okay so I don't see any other lights we have a motion to delegate authority to the city manager to negotiate and execute subsequent amendments to the agreement um so a vote Yes is to support delegation a vote no is to not support delegation Madam for call council member horn no council member Johnson no council member MAA no council member Wagner no council member golden no mayor Hoffman no motion fails uh moving on to the agenda as regularly scheduled item a be Synergy even when H superintendent we're going talk about the approval truck 254 the new Laine truck the current truck we have is old alien failing and rushing du to be replaced thank you Mr hes any questions or comments from Council the truck you guys are getting um what's the ETA on has a two-year delivery time so we're trying to get it it's supposed to be delivered in 2025 with getting a late starter it's going to probably be delivered later last quarter of 2025 so we're trying to get on order now speed up the lead time process okay thank you Mr horn now I guess my question is is you mentioned it's in bad shape is it going to make it it'll make it for a few more years you know we got about another two years out we start to have costing repairs on it leaky cylinders different like that was my concerns if we if if we've got 6 months that I don't know where we're going to be in between that inum you know it's two years to get the vehicle we've got six months on the truck we should okay yeah we got two more years that's why we're trying to get only in early okay thank you Mr stopus yeah just for the the benefit of council um anytime we bring a vehicle back in front of you if it's something where there's been a catastrophic failure or it's not meeting its end of life we will let you know in this case this is a vehicle that's nearing its end of life but understanding the delay times that we're seeing in delivery we want to put that order in a little bit earlier to make sure that we get it before it's scheduled to be off of our roles I don't see any any other lights on the board Madam CL call um we have not we don't have a motion kidding uh not a practice and can I have a motion on the second please I move that we approve the advanced purchase of vehicle 254 included in the fiscal year 2024 to 2028 Capital Improvement plan for Beach's Energy Services second we have a motion and a second any discussion M thir call council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Wagner yes and I'd like to ride in it gotcha council member Golding yes council member horn R yes gra it how about that oh yeah yes and I did get to ride in one right out right out here but I think it was taller than 50 ft that was a 105 105 can we drive it by my house Mr Hughes feel free to adore Mr horn thank you very much item Item B Mr Baron May and Council Dennis Baron Public Works director uh bringing before you the item that I discussed at the last regular meeting two weeks ago which is to uh provide an additional slip lining area to cover the area where the emergency repair is being made um the item is expected to be under 400,000 um from our uh engineering estimates so and we've got a piggyback with Jaa contract be able to move forward so just asking your approval uh to add that to our slip mining project thank you Mr Baron and a motion uh Miss gold I move that we approve additional sanitary sewer pipelining for area around emergency repair for an amount not to exceed $400,000 second we have a motion and second Miss just a quick question Dennis can you clarify on that map is everything in pink that says it's HDPE that's all going to be slip lined yes ma'am um the the emergency repair that's going on right now is is is the one block that's the black and yellow striped and then the actual five pink dots that are on there are Point repairs to be made um that'll actually be excavation work and then they'll go through and rean everything and then reine everything that's in the pink area so yes ma'am so and we know that all the other all the other streets are not hdp then correct correct correct this was installed as part of the only thing we can figure was this was installed as part of a special project and I think it was uh 1981 if I remember right we're not exactly sure of how we ended up with this pipe nobody was aware that we even had this pipe in our system so um now that we had a failure twice within two years uh we we Tred to you know address it so that we don't have to dig it all up and replace it all uh so that's what the slip lining will do actually create a new pipe inside of the existing old pipe as its casing so that they will get another 40 to 50 years or more out of that piping without having to excavate okay thank you any other questions from Council Madam C call Council number MAA yes council member Wagner yes council member Goldie yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries thank you Mr May and motion for I move we second we have a motion in a second all in favor signifi by say iOS meeting ised