##VIDEO ID:B6fd_kbSRY8## ladies and gentlemen I'd like to call this order this is the city of Jacksonville Beach regular community redevelopment agency meeting for Monday September 23rd 2024 it is now 3:00 and U we will start wandering through our agenda um I think we need to first uh do our road call so absolutely and today Mr Ron witon you will be a voting member so we'll start with you Mr Ron witon I'm here mrad Mosley here Mr Gary PTO here Mr David mcra Miss Megan Edwards this Francis pki thank you um the next item on our agenda is the courtesy of the Flor to visitors I have not received any cards speciic that have not no sir I do not have any speaker cards so we'll move on to the next item on the agenda which is the approval of the previous uh meeting minutes there are two meeting minutes one for the uh joint board Workshop held on August 22nd and also the regular Redevelopment agency meeting minutes of August 26 2024 are there any comments corrections to those minutes n we approve okay is second um all those in favor U please say I I I oppose approve thank you we have on our agenda um an item of downtown C I'm not quite sure I don't I think that's just kind of our boiler plate agenda that was left there unless do you guys have anything you feel like you need to share we did not have anything for downtown C no no all right okay thank you we will move on I'll U open up old business on the agenda is there anything that any of the members have in reference to Old business at this time that they like bring for seeing none I'm going to move to the next item on the agenda we look at new business and we have two items specifically under new business the the first item a is the L Plaza scope and feay you want something you want to um I do maybe not so much even necessarily present but we can just kind of um discuss a little uh so again this section is what syi and Council agreed to move forward with several months back uh kind of Dipping our toes in the water if you will on that first portion of lean Plaza which is going to be the farthest West Third Plaza and this is what everyone was comfortable with the proposed to be attach is going to be for that scope of work and that is going to be essentially handling finishing the site plan out civil engineering all of our landscape architecture and irrigation our permitting our site permitting excuse me um helping to administer the bid process which is Big that's uh very help helpful for staff and the construction administration of this third project again which is very very helpful for us uh one thing I do want to point out is you'll see kind of in the red lined areas um it looks like at first glance it's more than that third and maybe technically it is but what that's going to Encompass is that entire third portion and then at that stage it just made sense to do the concrete and the papers down the perimeter um so everything would flow and everything would match and be the same and then we had talked about those uh farther Eastern corners of the L and Plaza section being go ahead and doing those because we decided rather than blank this section here and this section here rather than just having the concrete we were going to make these kind of resemble these Corners so it all flows um and then this section back here we wanted to kind of go ahead and knock this out so when the time comes to redo this we've already got a safe pedestrian walkway from the parking area from the lam side just straight through to the boardwalk so we can go ahead and have this done as well um you'll see a couple of different things are listed as maybe Phase 1 a or 1 B in this because after meeting um with the team internally it really made the most sense to tackle this back piece first uh for a number of reasons but one big one is our server statue uh they sit right here and in this proposed plan it's going to get relocated to where the serer is actually close to the Dooms into the ocean um so we wanted to go ahead and get this piece done back here go ahead and safely relocate that statue and be done and then tackle one be which would be the rest of this and not to trying to find some more off site to store and get damaged and anything like that we'll just get it done and move the server um I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss this and any any other things that I missed we've put an awful lot of discr of group and previous groups put an awful lot of effort and time into this started sometimes do a little too big I we scale back to something that works um I think we got input from people who probably originally did not respond to the reest saw what was going to happen any we are and I believe it's time to goad step forward going I would accept it more time conversation appr what you're saying did you have any comments no I agree all clear on we all fully understand what the scope of the work is it's everything I going to say outside the red are or guess describe basically this big grassy area is left off this big grassy section is left off and then the entire seawalk with the exception of this back piece is also left off and the Consultants understand that that that's the scope work they drew it this way yeah this was their idea and I want to make sure that that's we've got our arms around I notic know different phases and I assume Wasing to doesn't specifically about what the scope is and along those lines when I looked at their sheet on exclusions about exuding Structural Engineering aralan typ things but yet part of this work includes that stage that have to be provided also and so I would want to make that their proposal clearly def that right they understand that work has to be done yes they do yeah so this attached this image on the screen right now this is an attachment that stage right and so for the purpose of the plan documents so getting the bid package out that their civil engineering team will handle that portion and then when it actually comes to the physical construction of this it'll be the contractor that is or whoever is selected to actually build this out so they will get the plans developed to a certain point through civil team and then anything beyond that will be with the contractor but thees for the engineer part of 185,000 for I they're not a part of this I think that when it comes to the structural component it's going to kind of depend on how we get these bid documents finalized and what the actual schematics of that look like and then that will be on the contractor yeah that um that's the intent of this was kind of laid out with the team um I don't know I'm not very comfortable probably yeah yeah the pavion structure PL yeah number three part C kind of like what we were saying the Pavilion structure plans and details will be excluding that structural and the structural engineering will be performed as an additional service once specific Pavilion design is confirmed so again getting through this with civil getting the layout done and then at a later whether it be the contractor which is kind of more the direction we were leaning or half that structural is all going to depend if at this stage they cannot do the structural engineering because we don't have the specs for that stage I me yeah just like with any scope there's always going to be something else um but when we talking internally that was something that we were thinking would likely Fall with our contractor when we selected but it could be something that have could do I mean it doesn't have to work that way the um one of the it talks about elri not being part ofices and justers with them about the electrical services that might be needed functions that occur on the plaza in the future yes and that is where number five under that phase 300 the lighting and electrical coordination um because Beach energy will ultimately be the ones who have to step in and get the final specs for the lighting um and they'll propose the wiring runs but the panel calculations will be done by be energy and that also will cover our um it Department as well because we want to have the wireless wi-fi and and they also put into this they'll coordinate with it as well com I assume you need our approval on this proposal yes so um what we would need would be a motion to move forward um a second and then we would take the vote um from everybody to move forward and then the plan um I believe I put this in the memo um this will essentially become effective October one so this will come out of our fy2 budget I'll the chair will entertain a motion to approve I'll thank you roll yes I will do a roll call U Mr Ron wington yes Mr Mosley yes Mr G P yes thank you that's it a I'm under new business and I'm moving on to Item B which is the resolution of 2043 yes all right um this one is going to have a couple of moving pieces um so bear with me but just to kind of Encompass how we got to this point there were several years between I me realistically between the mid early 2000s pre-2010 all the way up to realistically about 2021 where iterations of this plan were done or were modified and updated and rather than kind of scaling back um things were just left in the document so over a span of about to years document went from really 30 pages and then it became 40 and then it was 60 and it just kind of kept getting larger uh and when you really sat down to look at it number one it became really hard to pinpoint where projects fell and it became really hard for you know if we get records requests or questions or you know where is is in the plan um it was not simple to follow things were all over the place uh there were a couple of areas that were literally marked and called obsolete because they were no longer relevant or pertinent but yet they were still in the plan um couldn't figure so as we worked with our Consultants with the Southern Group uh we really got down and really took this down to the Bare Bones um and essentially started over and what we started over with is it made a concise um outline for the projects for basically the next 3 five years with estimated costs uh the reason you do that is because it is best practices to update your plan basically every 3 to five years uh so we anticipate over the next couple of years we'll have to revisit this and update several of these charts to make more sense to update costs add projects as uh we see fit and then also something that was new with this it has all the Strategic priorities from the city strategic plan which is basically our governing laws if you will those strategic priorities of the city are what all of our Redevelopment initiatives need to be based off of so that's kind of how this is organized um and then I do want to point out that it is not a pretty draft it is just a uh it all the cont would not change but when we if this is approved and when this goes to Council in October our Communications manager is working right now and I have this example to show you up the cover page and the table of contents it's not going to just look like a Word document it's going to be a very nicely done book colorful we're going to have Graphics imagery but this is just the be B content and the content if approved does not change um and then an example of timeline would really be if it's approved um today the updated plan we place an ad in the leader based off of FL State Statute and then we'll advertise that for so many days um for the statute and then the city council would hear this at their October 21st meeting inten atively approved which Falls very nicely within the start new year what better way to kick off a brand new plan um and I'm happy to answer any questions and I will pull up those images of the cover so you can kind of see what we're talking about so it will be again more of a book style um this is actually an image from one of our murals and then you'll flip open to this table of contents and then all of our pages will kind of follow this so they again they'll be vibrant colorful We'll add more images um unfortunately this is as far as we were able to get with um making it pretty for the time being but as soon as it is finished we will update with the prettier version the resolution accompanying this is just because again St statute requires we adopt any plan updates and mends Via resolution and then the reason resolution 20226 is also attached to this is this is attached basically as an addendum to this plan uh that resolution we did not feel and neither did Administration that we need to change that you could add it as an addendum and that is what allows us to maintain our investments um and I am happy to answer questions clarifying anything um talk through it just let me know comments fromard yes um one congratulations on getting this done read the old accumulation this this one is easy for me to understand congrats on that secondly lays out very clearly what our current intentions are as far as spending the funds that we able to col regulations of function I think that's very important um so I think it's great to have it GL it's here the compation of still is so thanks again and um I'm sure it'll look even better when you get finished yeah um some of the numbers are quite shocking I mean $5 million a year for Ur tra milon see this is why we send these to you guys no that needs to be fixed that is 500 okay good that's the only that's the only that's the only wacko number I saw we don't quite have the budget for 5 million a year on Trails yeah it look like it added up to about 80 80% more anyway yes other than that all the numbers look just fine thank you good CCH thank you for the C I did not that any other comments r no comments at all just at any time we can simplify something for the public I'm all for it coming from the government it's much easier I thinkone staff board in the public to kind of digest I will say we received over the last couple of years we've had several members of the public actually approach us and you this plan is really complicated doesn't make sense where can I find this is this valid and no that section is actually not it's this section so we're hoping simplifying this will help everyone you may have answered the question with your presentation but I just want to confirm on page there's an item that talks about ofel I don't being assuming um so the map yes um and as part of that map it basically encompasses layouts for open spaces and streets that's a pretty broad um kind of umbrella if you will the building regulations and any information on residential dwelling units those again are things that we previously had in there um we have not included anything very tight regulatory for building regulations and residential dwelling because we really don't have anything um other than what the code would call for and so that's kind of where Heather and that side would step in uh and then as far as publicly funded capital projects and project cost um the implementation those that fall under those charts um and then kind of on that same topic the very next Senate talking about the uh beginning October 1 of 2024 this is something new on page seven and by December of 2025 and each December thereafter we have uh completely new requirements for our publishing and for our benchmarks and that document will basically every year become a part of the budget process and the reviewing of this document process and I think a lot of um tracking projects being able to clearly identify goals being able to clearly identify for example if there is a property available for redevelopment like let's say one of the C Lots or um the public private partnership lot or the grassy you know the vacant CRA lot those kind of things could be identified then as a part of these special district goals and objectives on that annual ruling basis so the identification a only if it becomes a CRA priority so those things that was that section is kind of something that was included and kind of the everything but the kitchen sink mentality where we want to afford ourselves the opportunity to be able to identify properties for redevelopment it's not something with the exception of maybe two Parcels right now that is on the Forefront on our objectives but it is something that can and likely will become something that is added to plan for example I have a sheet and we'll get to it after this somewhere in my large stack of papers uh at a council meeting um can't remember the date but council's talking about at a briefing uh the RIT parking lot and so having you know referencing that in the plan is important you decide that we want to expose that property or revelop that property then we have to be able to have somewhere the plan that says we have that flexibility to do so so it may not be super specific called out but it allows us flexibility to do that yes Jim well so it's only still a draft because it's not approved so the the resolution so this is we only refer to this as the draft because it hasn't been formally approved yet by the agency as far as staff and administration is concerned we're everyone's and um something I didn't touch on my apologies is a police department um our Administration our finance department our public works department and our Parks and Recreation Department have all reviewed this document um so any Department within the city that has you know any stake in what we do uh have all seen this so the resolution would be adopting this draft version and then that would get out of draft status into now this is the C's adopted plan and then we have to have it adopted um by city council at public hearing so with that understanding there any further thoughts or comments when we approve this now it is formal approval of the overall plan itself and I just want to make sure that have all our questions answered and so Point um I believe we need to approve it I also know staff counil conf also I think this is the best we can doove KN people well I think that there are several opportunities here one being there's a public hearing on this prior to city council so there will be public input into the uh into the plan as well as the requirements that Taylor had just recently mentioned as what needs to be done by October 2024 December 2025 we' got opportunities to continue modify updated and if I may Mr chair um just to clarify public hearing um a public hearing and public Workshop are kind of two separate you know yes the public could comment on it but this will be just like Council does their meetings where uh this will be their agenda item they'll say okay we open up the public hearing for the Redevelopment plan adoption at the gab does anyone have any comments and then any public can comment at that time and then they would close the hearing um so really at that point if someone has comments absolutely but it will be something that's done as part of a regular council meeting it will be a special meeting for this thank you m anything else with that CH will entertain a motion for theal resol 20243 am is there a second there's a second you a roll call yes sir Mr Ron witon yes Mr Thad Mosley yes Mr Gary pel yes thank you thank you next on our agenda are the items for discussion and there are two items that we have one in particular is the safety Grant yes sir would like to take us through that app yes I sure would um so after um Chief Smith came and kind of discussed with us um the hesitancy and rightfully s on doing a safety grant program the way it was originally brought up um we had some internal conversations we kind of discussed about do we fund cameras um other measures to help to make our businesses safer maybe not necessarily funding um Staffing and policing needs but helping to make the infrastructure of that business a safer environment um we actually found through some connections with f the city of Orlando their Redevelopment agency has a program very similar to this that we were able to not have to fully recreate the wheel with we were able to really work with what Orlando has done the success they've had and uh I would like to point out a couple of things that uh this will also if approved um we will then take this back and draft the final versions that will be the formal documents on our letter head we will do S Grant I know Gary you were around when we did that and we did a onepage summary that had our logo on it that we passed out to the businesses at the business owners meetings and then we will also draft up the uh final application and then all three of those documents will come back to the agency um in October once the FY 25 budget has been approved and gone through and that would be approved at that time um this would be Again part of our 25 budget um our budget is to be very Frank it's pretty tight we have a lot of things we're fing and and our incentive line item right now has $300,000 for fi25 um we feel that we would be able to allocate you know maybe it's 50,000 out of that maybe 75,000 out of that to cover this because that line item is technically the incentive line item so this funding if approved would come from incentives so we do have budget available um again we went through the purpose um of what this is we kind of went through the grant structuring criteria theing details uh we had some conversations that we felt like basically up to $5,000 would be appropriate or 80% of the total cost whichever was less um everyone universally internally agreed on that and again this was all Ved through our police department and administration and our finance department as well and legal is going to review all the final draft documents before we bring them back um we kept the eligibility pretty simple they have to you know be within our boundaries and all the installments that's comp with the requirements of theity inclusive of any permits or anything necessary um identification scanners metal detection systems and cameras are all eligible expenses um and one big disclosure uh that we added at the police department's request is that any recipient of this grant must work with local law enforcement to secure and provide any and all footage captured of public spaces so if they're going to receive funds from the agency um from the city then should there be an incident if they have those funds they must cooperate with our law enforcement and that's going to be something again if you look at the application process I did put pre-application meeting in there um that was something new and we wanted to do that to make sure that anyone applying really understands um we we mean that disclosure um we're not just going to give you increment Revenue dollars to upgrade all these systems and then God forbid an incident happens and then you won't cooperate with our Police Department we have that pre meeting to really make sure they completely understand what they're applying for and signing up for um so I'm happy again to answer questions uh taking any feedback comments you know again this is still a draft and we plan to bring the final version back um at either the October November today 5,000 ma per institution got it um um I hate to think back over the years all the ten over 25 years in beside institions inside B smash with mugs bottles I don't see anything in here that would suggest that any films inside of the institions would be available to the police a lot of this doesn't happen on the street true our understanding was no and thing that would have to be discussed further and make sure is very clear in this application is these cameras are for exterior use um the plan was to have them outside facing Street sidewalks so they may be a fixed to A Private Structure but they're not shooting inside of the building uh legal is still going to have to kind of do some homework on that for us if it is something we are allowed to do we are allowed to fund having these cameras inside of a business and they're eligible expenditures uh and we are again allowed to make them hand over the footage uh if something happens then we would do it I missed the part where the camera was only going to be aimed on public property yes so heard the chief very strongly talk about that so he origin part of about that is it there I just didn't see it sound to me like they could be inside the private property to some degree was kind of up in air right now the intent is that they will not be inside the building they could be affixed to private property but on the exterior the reason they're not in this is because we're still trying to figure out the legality well I would suggest that whatever we approv today approves be Tak pictures of public and and leaves the interior question open because it's a really good question yeah and so we won't need any approval today this was just more for feedback and comments and again once we have that final version and we have all the legality of it then that very final package will come back to you guys thank you that's a big deal inside or outside absolutely legations of pictures inside of bars question who serving through how much question of this question of that it's a whole another bag of stuff to be quite Frank even if it is something we're allows do it may not be something that we even want to put ourselves in a position to deal with it may need to be something simple as exterior cameras and the metal detection um and um ID scanners and you keep it to things that would be at the entrances and outside and we the inside alone we're just back I mean I will say chief of police and then Commander Crumley we know we've had several conversations and several meetings and what we are presenting today um they approved the word document version and then it also went to them in our Civic clerk platform and they had to approve everything again including the memo so what you are seeing has been embeded and approved by the police department just understanding we're still waiting to figure out the exact specifics with the cameras but other than that everything in this is has been embedded and approved by P yeah one of I I think I miss but the the total amount you're saying that we're authorizing $300,000 toal am no that Inc line item covers faade Grant and then we're saying that we would take a portion of those funds whatever we determined to be suitable and then allocate those to this program um the beauty of that is if we let say out the gate said okay we're going to plan for fy2 we'll do 50,000 if it's $5,000 can cover a minimum of 10 of these I think that more than covers what we would need to in our first year um if by some chance that wasn't enough it's a very easy um you know budget it's not even a modification it's just you know moving the funds they're all under one item we just say we'd like to allocate another 25,000 because they're all coming from that incentive line item it's pretty easy to do okay the other question was you applications to sheet between start date and end date internal discussion about how long that that get folks to yeah I mean I think we would like to see it done like get the side grants done where it's it's on a rolling basis and as long as funds are available we'll take applications and then once the funding runs out for that year um if the agency chooses not to allocate additional funding then that's it for that fisal year until the next thank you yeahor I guess my first reaction was when I saw 5,000 the max I thought that that was very lied I don't know how we ar at that number take a look at that equipment what it cost just equ Al very quickly get above $5,000 so I'm wondering if there's it makes sense for us to go back and take a look at a little closer and see if maybe $10,000 more sense than 5,000 yeah I mean we absolutely can um we you know it's it's always kind of that delicate balance of imp menting these improvements versus completely 100% doing it and we were looking at the types of systems that the businesses typically have you know obviously our Police Department's cameras that are going to be mounted on their the poles in our downtown are going to be substantially different than what a bar downtown is going to have um and and they should be you know it's not realistic to think we can put that high quality of cameras in front of every bar just um but we can definitely look at increasing that amount I think it's alls would that a little closer see if that really makes sense the other question I just have is if we do move forward with this what happens if there's a bus that goes out of business what happens with the equipment then is that it would convey with the building sorry the if it was things you know if it was cameras installed and fix to the building um those would convey with the building if it were things that are like ID standards and metal detection you know that's where these Grant programs kind of get gray um can you force them to turn them back over probably um is yeah something we could certainly look at okay those are the only comments I anything else do you need anything else from um I do not I will take our feedback and we will finalize this and get a final version to you guys very soon um I do want to add that the chairman did make an app point to reach out before this meeting to let me know that he fully supported um and this program good and support of this so he did want me to add that thank you yeah with that I'm going to move to the last item on our agenda which is the SE tur concept recommendation from the yes yes so this um has been something that been working on for quite a while uh this derived from a survey we put out to the public we actually received a large amount of votes when we did the survey compared to what we normally would see sometimes we would see about 80 responses and be happy and I think this one we received gosh it was either right at 500 or over 500 which again for City surveys was quite a bit uh this public unanimously voted for sea turtles to be the inaugural sculptor in the sea life of the city project and we then worked with Havoc Studios which is u local artists Lance vickory and um jeny Hager who also to UNF sculpture garden and they're both very local and I've been here for a while and they've done that sculpture garden and they are absolutely wonderful and their work is beautiful and they submitted uh five design options and again I want to preface you know some people look at this and be shocked this is the design it's intended to be 2D it's intended to be viewed in 2D if this design gets approved and we move forward we then go back to Havoc Studios they then work up a 3D um image of us that we can kind of look around and play with and look at but this is intended just to be the 2D version and this is the design that the committee unanimously agreed um these kelp would be a fix to the ground the kelp would be likely some type of bronze cast bronze that would then be coated uh to be the color reflected and then there are several materials that Turtles can be made of they've seen them done bronze they've also done fiberglassing on budget and design and style we go with uh they will either be probably bronze or fiberglass or some combination with Turtles um but this is the design that our committee is putting forward from the I've seen like for real pretty close pretty close maybe not two stack quite that tight in the same vicinity on the same type of vegetation and if you've noticed um the sculpture outside the museum right here it is a large kelp type seaweed and it does have a turtle on it um we use that as an example we were kind of talking about viewing this from 2D to 3D so even when you drive by the museum next look up next to the museum and you'll see a turtle here it was actually done as part of that UNF Sculpture Garden Project several years several years ago that the museum then bid on at auction and moved over there um but I think it gives a really good idea of taking something this style from 2D to a big large 3D Turtle do we have any idea where this is going to be located so right now we are thinking it's going to go somewhere near where the life Ard station is right there at that Beach Boulevard ending roundabout somewhere we're going to work with the artist to figure out where the safest location would be um for install and going to kind based on budget materials style size and then figure out where we can put it but we wanted this to be somewhere near the sand uh it seemed to make sense to have this in a high visibility area as well and that's a pretty busy uh kind of dead end right there at Beach Boulevard there was a time and I don't remember where the suggestion came from it honestly could have been staff who knows um there were talks of wanting to put something in a medium and then we quickly were like yeah that's not going to be safe to put a large sculpture that you would want people to out photos with in a median because inevitably someone's going to get hit by a vehicle trying to look at this so we then had to kind of get creative on high visibility areas but that would also be safe for people to want to walk up and touch it and see it but I will say if someone and I told Art committee this I've even told people internally this if you're riding around downtown and you see an area and something just clicks that wow this would work we are still open there has not been one definitive finalized location for this yet so if something else seems better let us know if we ever get Avenue North straightened out straightened out that straightened out yeah that there is a very large installation playing for there that will probably come to you guys November let's just get fix up yeah working on that one too I would I would I would never circumvent the authority of the public advisory Comm I would would say I would we're very thankful for our art Committee just like we are for the C committee they've been wonderful in helping us kind of look at things through a new lens that you know maybe we wouldn't look at things a certain way um they've been great with that but at this stage if the agency is um appr this you know we can take a vat make sure everyone's on board with moving forward with this uh we will then also show city council but then we'll start working with the artists to develop that final rendering so we can really see and then talk about size we definitely want this to be life siiz um you know we don't necessarily need a 12ft ginormous Turtle that's a little intimidating and maybe obnoxious but we also don't want it to be itty bitty either so we would like these to be full grown size loggerhead turtles um something that's realistic still very bright and vibrant um and once we figure out the exact size and specs then we'll be able to get numbers and get the exact cost for this based on the different materials that we could use and so we'll work up a couple of different options of materials as well would you please ask to look at usum pass that on thank you okay yep so the our committee is funded for fy2 and this project will come out of the fy2 Y no further comments that was the last item on our agenda Mr chairman can we get the board to formally approve yes if we can it doesn't necess a motion but you know if all could signify by saying I that that would be plenty thank you are there any other items that the board would like to bring up at this point in time if not I'm going to move to adjourn this meeting we areour great meeting off