on April 10 mam CL please call the RO yes Mr David MC here Megan here Mr Gary Pay Here M Francis pki here M Christy Alin Mr th Mosley here Mr Ron wton all right what is first on our agenda and U Mr chair if I may um I gave you a couple of extra papers on the table and if I could I would like to just kind of go over those with you really quick if that's all right absolutely um so the lovely colorful flyer um that is our Friday meet the artist event I say are very lightly that is not a c City or art commit sponsored event that is the artist himself hosting this event um it will be at cup Joe 10 to 11 it will be in that side room that they recently expanded into this is not a formal event by any there will be no presentation no handouts this is simply because the artist is based out of Miami and he just wants an opportunity to shake hands meet people say hello and just kind of again talk face to face about what inspired him from the area to do this project um so it'll be different hour and then staff is going to be working with him um to go over to the site and just kind of again get a feel for things um and then we'll be talking a little bit about I think I mentioned at our last meeting he wants to Source the concrete and the tile things like that locally so staff will be meeting with him about that as well yes sir it's a good time to remind everyone that if you're there with other board members make sure not to discuss any board business just talk to just talk to the guy yes this is just about meeting the artist I will say to be safe because I prefer to air on the side of caution and not get myself in trouble this is noticed um it this a legally noticed that there will be multiple board members and multiple council members in the same location um I still would encourage what the chairman suggested um but just to cover ourselves the last thing we would want is somebody accidentally talking about a project and then the next thing you know we're on the front page of the paper so um but yes this is a the intent of this is to just meet the artist say hello and introduce yourselves the other thing in your packet um we're kind of just doing housekeeping around here and kind of going over some things internally policies one of the things when you're smor in I know some eics like that are reference when you're sworn in um what you have in front of you is the actual ordinance that adopted the code of ethics this applies to all council members and All City board members including Advisory board so even the art committee is held to this as well um I wanted to provide everyone with a copy of this just because we do have a lot of new people um we're kind of in a new season with the agency we've been really busy lately and I just want to remind everyone of what the code of ethics are so I encourage you in your free time just kind of read over that familiarize yourself with it if you have questions let me know um but I did meet with Administration and we've been handing those out to everyone so just kind of wanted to remind everyone that that exists um and then those were the two documents I have for you guys um in addition to your regular agenda any questions on any of those items from all right what's next so um on our items for discussion we have our city council C Workshop topics um these topics to have stem from conversations with uh the mayor the chair of the CRA Administration staff we've kind of been talking it's been a while since we've had a joint meeting actually a lot of you on the agency now probably haven't even had a joint meeting with Council so we realized we really kind of needed to get everyone in the same room we have a lot of things coming up this is a really great time because we are right in the middle of fy2 budget uh planning so this will be a really good time to host that meeting um the top that are listed in your memo that you received in your packet these are the topics that Council wants to sit down and discuss with the c now I want to be clear that does not mean that there aren't other projects and there aren't other important topics there are these are the ones that we want to focus on um I also typed up and you had in front of you just a quick bulleted Point sheet of just a couple of quick notes I mean I typed as much for you guys as I did myself to remind myself where all of these were as well um so the we kind of start with the P3 project um again that is public private partnership that is for the parking lot that is south of Lake Plaza this project is essentially directed by Council that lot is owned by the city um and the Florida statute requires that an architect uh develop formal design criteria prior to issuing that RFP um so that is where we at right now Jones Edmonds um as you guys all know were the ones who we have a continuing Services contract with and they are drafting that design criteria again that criteria is based off of the topics that we previously discussed I say this all the time but you know several months back um when I say design criteria I do not mean that it is the building has to be white the door has to be blue the flowers have to be orange purple that's not what we mean it has to meet certain requirements as far as having the different types of spaces that the city wants to see the parking the city wants to see maybe some nods to an architecture style um but we're not talking about specific design criteria we're not at that stage um landscaping and overall beautification was another topic um Parks and Recreation right now has been read Landscaping the area all yes sir should we open it up for discussion before moving on it's up to you um I can go through the one page list or we can stop now and go over each item it's whatever you guys prefer let me ask does anyone have any questions regarding the first I've got coms I don't know really to whom to address them sure um couple of ideas they may previously considered my presence here but you could make case that parking lot because of things inside or outside those boundaries and the city owns it anyway so the parking could be put somewhere else the um at 35t it's hard to get all that parking there and have a 14 15t ceiling in your commercial side for proper buildout um for commercial use you got to have a lot of vertical space to really get up there and do it right um but arguably the C if they CLE not sure that go with the city on could move it inside or outside of the existing C boundaries Park Park City employes on the first level on the south side which would give you a nice facade facing Lake Plaza itself with no ramps or parking or anything in the space um you could have a north side side similar what's on page 16 of the 2016 plan that the S consultant Prov us and one concept that was really pounded on when that plan was being developed and presented was passive observation if all those storefronts all those windows all those people looking out at lean Plaza in a lot of ways that's sharper than having a poor policeman or a patrol person circling around different blocks so there a big concept the time that particular plan was presented if you look on page 16 the SE that set back and looking at L Plaza would be attractive and it be height wise appropriate as opposed to was consider Tower overlay so I'm get as fast as I can a developer could create parking west of third to replace the eliminated spaces and put that in the deal of the city city of jackville beach could the park itself West to Third and swap it out the other thing is the spaces really need to be replaced I know we have an obligation to maintain parking in order to get Beach nourishment and other things but we've added a lot of parking lately and that's again a question back to our legal council do the spes need to be replaced would we want to replace the ones that we just kep the on with the city employees I mean I don't know I don't know who to ask um and the other thing is course there's an existing Park Lot on Second Street that was done dead level instead of garage I don't necessarily think putting a garage is a great idea that's another place par but the idea of moving it or not having to recreate it I think make gorgeous building there with street level facade and the shops and stores they open they CL right they can be refitted for different purposes and uses time so that's all had thank you very much but somehow somehow some of this needs to get into the conversation crer I may basic everything just past years this has been on Project that's been going on about seven years now I agree with you the faade makes sense I think we're at a stage where we're at where we have most of the stuff to where we actually could do something if I remember right we talked to pass the attorneys about the parking issue um and i% agree that parking could be elsewhere because we were advised that we had to have so many parking spaces in that space because of the way that the property was owned so I just it'd be nice it would be nice to have an overview of what all those discussion points were but everything you said there I was just smiling because we haveed like we've gone through two totally different proposals at this point two totally different proposals and here we are still not done because I didn't say they probably been previously discussed and consider but we need to make sure that they're currently being considered if appropriate well according to the proposal we have out there um it's up to the Architects to come up with the design to fit the parking garage you know you're concerned about the height level of the I guess I would assume that they have no concern un they because I think they have to part of this proposal replace every single spot but but let me ask throw one more thing when I met the mayor about with the business owners a couple weeks ago I asked uh I forget his tile sh was um if you had a parking there during that issue that happened would it have been you know easier to control he he said absolutely that's aoke having a parking Rod there instead of an open parking lot would actually have made pleasing that situation better according to so and the same thing we actually even commissioned a parking study because we've been trying to push the city council to let us move the parking to second we actually had second was parking garage was aov it was approved and disappeared um sorry I might be going against my my new policy anybody um that being said um we even though we went through hiring that study and we provided two different locations including the r parking lot space and trying to get that to where we could do it um we were told by the attorney two attorneys ago that based off some kind of code and some kind of thing that the way that it's it's label we had to have because I know the parking lot at theer is different than this parking has a contract at the city for but this one over here had some kind of requirement for not quite all the same parking spots but like 85% of it didn't we get an art an artist rendition of this at one point did I don't that might not have gotten that I hav okay because you know based on the design that we saw just a you know just thrown it out there I mean yeah it's beautiful we've got a promade everything's looking at the plaza it's OT of as you just mentioned are Incorporated in that initial it was very the reason that was never provided was very very unofficial correct thing it was just kind of like a the concept I hate to say a Google image search but essentially that and then kind of beefed up to sit on our lot so it was nothing that um it wasn't like something that was taken and approved by the agency and Council and this is exactly what it's going to be it was just um to thad's concerns you know is it going to be just this gray wall in the heart of our downtown and I think that image helped show that it was not going to be that so the RFP if I remember correctly was supposed to be we did the parking study we did the the downtown analis Mar analysis we could provide it with it we updated the annual what's coming up here thing and then we provided a hypothetical this is what it could look like hypothetically with all these parking spots required and then we had a big argument I say discussion about removing that would give us better um space for you know events big bigger event spaces and what have you and we just talking about different ideas as far as like you know um you know making residential or making it commercial we had all these discussions so that was rendering supposed to be with this and as RFP I remember it was supposed to hypothetically already be out there but you had got by statues right my statues this up so all those things 100% agree with you are very important I don't know I don't know the official rembrance of the official reason why we had to keep I like 85% of the park I just don't remember re I remember that waser you mentioned proposal RFP that's out there according to this bullet point the third bullet point here it's not been issued yet because Mis you said and then men stud I've never seen that was the so I think what we are referencing there was the big market analysis we did and then how having the potential for you know okay what our code says we have to have in the way of parking for a different type of commerciales so if it's retail it's one thing if it's commercial space it's one thing so that was all a component in that market they did for us Park not us that was city that did that there's two of them out there I guess the other one I'm not familiar with I just haven't seen anything in the way of a parking study you know one of the comments I would make is that before we even move forward there's a couple of items that really need to be addressed by the city and that has to do with paring over what do we want to do with parking in the down area we you know since I've been on the board which is now almost 5 years all I've heard us do is talk about it but nothing has ever moved forward either at this level or as the city council level as to really what are we going to do with parking downtown we just want to maintain what we have we want to create a parking deck do we want to minimize parking and create it somewhere else and you know requ par yeah I was say that that's where the whole idea of having to mix these garage stem from um and it all kind of started whenever we were doing the comprehensive plan and L development code updates because we do recognize and you know that's Heather's expertise far more than mine but that LDC compant update is going to be covering some of that um ultimately though the decisions to what happens with parking downtown you know this agen and staff can make recommendations um but at the end of the day it is a council decision on do we do away with parking do we change the requirements in the central business district but that is why the garage um mixed use Garage ended up where it did was because Council wanted to be able to keep some of that parking and by having these spaces vertically on this site we would be able then in theory to eliminate it and eliminate or lessen the requirements in other areas downtown and if I remember right like three years ago when they were going on PO for because they had to change we had recommended our talked about maybe changing the building requirements downtown to we not quite zero but zero but remove some of the parking light the parking it's basically handcuffs for the property right not only can you not go up 35 but you also have to have so much property it's very expensive to buy out parking very expensive so we had asked them to address that because they were redoing all their documents and we were unheld for that because if they could change the codes to we Builders build out more we would provide the parking for the city which F us on the Second Street um that's that's discussion we're on like we literally I think the reason why we're just staying at the same number of parking spots is because 95% of the time don't quote me on that we don't need to parking we have plenty of parking yeah but this city loves their events and I mean there's you know there's no 20 30 days of events there you need that parking or we can't have it so I think that's why we just blend it right down the middle just % of those people who are coming in do not park right here they're parking outside this area walking Bing they can't right now it's which is fine that's how which is what makes it a place is not having all that making people come here in a different way well one question is could we ruce the am people without suffering from Coral rment or other in other ways could it be reduced how about that question I mean I I a big believer in Central Parking and then letting more people be on foot and bike and all that stuff change it were right after years talking about it and the truth of the matter is we can make a suggestion but they have to change their CL what's going I think going to for a while and we are actively doing that right now and Council um was all on board with basically lowering the parking requirement downtown or making it completely zero which means that we would have to supplement parking so a new restaurant comes in that would otherwise be required to provide 100 spaces we're going to tell them you just have to provide three ada8 spaces we're going to give you the rest of the that's in an incentive to come downtown is we have public parking for you we reframe the discussion to our mission which is economic development and you don't change anything with parking but we're adding you know an entire block with of potential two stories of new businesses tenants that's fitting our mission without disrupting anything else so it's not that we have to disrupt you know we're not losing gain Target spots which keeping exactly the same but adding a lot more opportunities for you know then the question is could you move the parage boid I don't think we that's why we were doing that marketing whatever was supp to be we were talking about remember we were talking about making some streets one way so that we could funnel through the rits and we were it was suggested we buy that one property so we could so that we could have people go in and out a certain direction like we have all those tops but I mean it's it's um a very good point very important things to talk about we wanted to focus on R by now we wanted to be on the r parking lot but once again um I know Council but they the council I know that they wanted the input of the citizens that's why they put it on the ballot so a lot of things that pushed back on the parking garage and the parking because they wanted to know would have to change the codes based off what people wanted for building in Downtown and adding some additional L on the other side of third so there was a lot of those things too but since the city basically said no we're sitting at 35 now they had to go back to the drawing board on giving better parking and I know that during a lot of our talks years ago um we had lots of residents complaining about people parking in their residential Zone not the downtown zone is creating um just creating a lot of havoc and theft and vandalism so they didn't want people are which is why they proposed to add an extra couple streets to the downtown and while we're doing the South and and adding so much more parking the South hous yeah I me all points of at what do we want to do kind back to the issue as all pedestrian walkway or oneway traffic there are several different concepts within theur Trail but somehow we maybe need to make a recomendation to city council city council needs to gratified that we're going in One Direction because that has an impact on the other things I think we stay focused and just talk about this lot because that when we start talking about all these other things we get distracted it is a part of everything but I think this P3 is actually going to be the driver for the stuff that goes around it iagree because if you do proper planning You' got to take into account all of these factors one one item and not address the other ones then you're not going to end up with the best possible project I think some of these other factors and all the planning that I've done in my career you've got to take into account they're all on the table we've all talked about at different points in time so it's not like it's a new item it's something out there so why not du tail it in and get the decisions that you need so that you can come up with the since I've been on this board from before I was chair I feel like we've operated on the don't let good become the enemy of perfect and if we're constantly searching for perfect we're never going to get anything done I mean we've got to find a good plan it's going to work and build that first if I may you know those are extremely valid points but I think what we're run into and just you know I just celebrated my threeyear anniversary in this position what I've seen in three years because we end up running in circles a lot on these topics um because we I mean hat we do just this and we just talk it and talk it and talk it and talk it and talk it and talk it and talk it and keep that going for three years and you know it is a great point that First Street Gary I have 100% agree with you is very critical however Council has made it abundantly clear now at several meetings they are not there yet that is not their priority with Urban trails and they will not making that decision right now so who's to say if that decision is made in a year a month or 10 years and it's like if we want to keep holding off and they're not ready to make that decision do we want to sit here for another 10 years point you know I was not aware of and that is the council was saying that they're not ready to make a decision in reference to that I I thought that were a little bit to my knowledge heathere jump in if I'm wrong correct but they're just and it's not that not for one reason or another not Pros or cons but their priorities right now are getting those few east to west connectors in place and kind of getting through those and those are planned out now I mean rcips we working on go through FY 28 29 actually so right now those are the plans and First Street is not for the frame of this we're we're trying to say to City C very interested in this building this is a priority for us yeah there are mechanisms in place with the city for the designers they won't get their certificate of they won't get approved to build that building by city council if the design goes against the greater picture I mean we're we're not in the design phase we're not we're not telling them what the design is there's a lot of mechanisms to stop a builder from building something that doesn't Mi with the city so we don't have to worry about so what is our main purpose right city council we're all on board we want we're we're trying to have a consensus of these are the things the board wants to push for and we need to ask them or make recommendations for changes that they and only they can make for us to make it happen and I think this is our hard one if we chose to but they've made it pretty clear over the years that that's not an option to your point Francis you know the changes um that that is an interesting and challenging topic right now once we get those design criteria from a certified architect at Jones Edmonds we can put this thing out the next day to go so there aren't necessarily the projects listed on this sheet well there are a lot of changes that could be made to make things cooler better prettier easier however you want to word it there is nothing that needs to happen to make any of this happen once we get whatever statutory requirement we are held to so once we have that design criteria and procurement approves package we're ready to roll we do not need anything additional from Council we get to look at the criteria probably but typically we don't I mean city council doesn't look at the whole 300 Page package um that's not something it's about two between two and 300 Pages just because of legal jargon um so no uh if you want to come by the office and sit down in Oran I am more than happy to do that but I don't % yes and that's usually I feel like when we went out for like the playground RFP and things like that we always provide you guys with a summary of hey these are the key takeaways but um we' never brought the full yes Mr Gore we will provide a summary again we've done it before let me make everyone aware of a little shift in the process here yeah when we originally started this program we were of the belief that we could issue it as the development agency assuming that we hadol that property but after the attorneys looked at it they said because the city owns it then we have to follow the state statute as it relates to public private Partnerships and p3s and that's a totally different program which has caused a delay in this in fact I will tell you that that P3 requirement since the city owns it is going to mean that the city is going to have to own the parking garage itself even though it will be developed by a private developer so it's going to be a complex real estate trans I'm going to get into it but the points I'm mentioning have already been discussed with the administration and everyone's on board so it is ready to go but that P3 statutory requirement means that there must be some general Point designed criteria prepared to be part of it which is what Jones Edmonds is doing now so we're waiting on it but let me also reassure you that in terms of private development interest and commitment it is still very much there we're going to get some good proposals which we will be able to examine for which you can make a decision and recommendation just because you're sorry just because you guys are deep in the leads of this can I ask a question we have been told multiple times by past city manager and the current city manager has not completely said yes or this same exact phrase but we were told that the city never wants to be landlords going have they're going to have to own the parking Rod but but the way we're structuring this now in terms of retail facing around we want the private developer own that hey so how are we going to have a private developer own something but yet we have to own like are they going to be two parts they own the retail we own the parking garage so they will not be integrated they will be integrated it's going to be a complex design process that's what I'm saying so there is no where paying them for rent and there is no them paying us rent based off this agreement apparently never going to be rent uh renters or leasers somebody's going to have to pay for the parking lot so yes those parking spaces are not going to be for free the city is going to own it the city will have to pay for B that parking absolutely but that would be part of the budget won't be to the company that's that's correct and to be clear that we are not red to the wheel even though it's a complex process this is done all the time all over the state we've even talked to other communities that have done this um so it's complex and it can be intimidating but it's been done and it can be done and we have a wonderful New City attorney who just started and God bless him he is got his work head out for him but he is wonderful and I have no doubt that he will be great in helping gu us through this process there's some good examples on how this has been done yep Downtown Jacksonville as well we can break stuff as relates to some of the parking facilities that have been constructed there so as a board we're pretty comfortable saying this is a top priority absolutely thank you everyone um this one Landscaping overall beautification um I will give parts and Recreation uh credit as much as I can they have been absolutely wonderful they a great asset to us right now they are working around the Ritz parking lot now that we are in a good season um it desperately needed it and they are doing a phenomenal job I actually got an update from Trevor today uh they are working on that in 4th Avenue North and rather than just kind of continuing on as soon as that's done they will email me I will then email all of you for you guys just go out check it out give a thumbs up thumbs down whatever and then I will report that feedback back to them and then we will keep this moving they really got held up significantly when they got in the downtown those of you that have been on this board for a while know every single system with our irrigation was completely shocked uh we thought it was just the in the ground stuff and then when they got to the actual controllers all the controllers were shot and then we went through a time where everyone knows there were shipping delays we could not get things and when we finally got things and it was time to reprogram the controllers guess what we got hit with Cyber attack and we were down so it took them quite some time um so and they have been working non-stop with it though so big thanks to parks and W they are moving on that and doing a great job so far um any questions you have I'm happy to take them I can't promise I'll have a technical answer Landscaping is not my thing I have artificial plants on my front porch but I am happy to relay them to Trevor Who is the just a quick question I'm not what they're doing aten I don't know that I could on the fact that something happening there there certain islands that have the sand we there most recently the last few days we the over by the pilion they put back in red m I'm just curious as to why we're going in that direction when we've been talking about stand supposed to so I think the consensus that came from those meetings were to give the S the aggregate the different types of Mt and there were going to be three options that that's what's decided and that was what's in the minute so sorry my it was already decided we you guys didn't like the idea of the sand because how was it going to affect the drainage is how that came up and so we talked about that happy to provide you with minutes in the recording I trust youate at my office because I know how it affects with this so I my brain already doing that we put it in because we were match downtown so my brain we were already doing it and I assume what they did around the Pavilion was a stop Gap hey let's throw let's fresh this up to the spring in the last I remember um we were supposed to be voting on the three different options I don't remember I picking I guess my brain up done and I'm going to be honest I am not the pro I could be wrong you know how many names we have like my brain's much it could be that um but today point I think that's why they did the red mulch I do know this even when they were doing samples um red mulch to my knowledge was not one of them the mulch that we had decided as one of the sample BS was the black rubberized mulch the red to David's point was likely just too fresh that area up because I mean it look really bad um I do not think that will be one of the three choices but I am happy I will Tex TR right now and make sure so we're it's going to come back to us again to make a choice I don't know that it'll be formal I think it'll be whatever they do over there at Fourth is kind of what they're doing as the standard it's very similar to what they did in the south end because you guys seem to really like those medians and what was done yes and so I think the goal was so we didn't have to just keep delaying till we had a formal meeting was as soon as he's done how do you guys go check it out I say hey you know over the next five days let me know what you think and If Everyone likes it we move on that um so we're not delaying so I just add for those who were not in that meeting and memor again not trying to S your s your opinion or anything you go look at it but we did talk about how the mulch became a problem because it was messing up our drainage all other stuff because it floats we had talked about sand and how it actually becomes an issue as part of clean because you can't blow it off we had talked about the we had talked about the rubber mulch um and how that actually when the trees we talked about metales that were imprinted in ouros on but then you know that became like a whole big expense and possibly too hot and all these other things and hard to clean and then we talked about this wonderful compost theate that goes you know as generally it's for how it doesn't drain and what so when you go look just you know think about that and providing plants I do dis remember the plants around the border the it yeah you're right about that and the plants having those um the vegetation around the border to when we do have rain events and we do have wind events that aggregate it doesn't flow away as easy as mulch if you guys want to go look at it in real time my office is completely surrounded in it at this point or the the back driveway is and we had that big torrential rain out out of the bed and our beds are our beds are angled so like it's not like there a block it literally is an angled you know the big ugly building um second AC from theop second I'm sorry I have about that building I don't know how it that's okay um but I will continue as soon as I get the thumbs up that hey this is done it's clean it's how we want it to look please go take a look I'll you and please provide feedback and that we can just keep rolling because I do agree red mulch is not necessarily the be look when you see me outs of so when we talk is this an opportunity to bring up and something be unified on this because I don't want to be like a long um downtown vacation I already know what they're going well I'm assuming what they're going to say is how slow it's been you know's broken we got that punch list that we keep talking about and our ambassador downtown that some people in the past have said that you were supposed to do but that's not necessarily what you were hired to that whole conversation coming up not is this a good time for us to bring up a budget giving us St first I think we need to present supposedly when we I don't know Ved we said all right we're going to be able to hire a third party company we're going to start keeping Stacks is this the right opportunity to present those Stacks to them so we can say hey got we utilize parks's existing contract that they have with their Landscaping folks so the people that do our Landscaping downtown we are able to pay for it because it's above and beyond so anything an agency pays for has to be additional so I can get some numbers on frequencies how that's going how we can improve from Parks and R before our joint Workshop that would be awesome bring it up ab because I don't want to be like another discussion with city council and we say well we don't have the Manpower like that like we done theast three times I don't want to beg I want to um and I would like to and just I hate the I'm notuse devil but just kind of on the opposite end of that I will I do know parks and rack Public Works various departments um when you have these jobs that you're talking are 50 to $100,000 a year to some that's like oh well yeah that's to a lot of companies that do the kind of work we want done they are not interested because typically they don't have a lot of work out here and they're going to have to send an entire crew out here with their equipment however many days it is per month per week whatever and it's just not worth their time and their resources and I do know that that was a major major problem that Parks ran into a ton and public works even you know G the paper issues on First Street that youve brought up um we met with public works and we finally have somebody that's doing the work but it took them going through like four maybe even six contractors before they could find someone to do such a what they me a small job nobody wanted to come out and do the work um so that is something that we always I feel like now just kind of have to be mindful of that the cards are kind of stacked against us in that way um so if we have opportunities where we have these kind of smaller sidebar projects if it's something that we can kind of Link together several big things or we have a project and we can have an addendum or something added to it I think that would work a lot better because we're just not getting work I think it just made the case for the Ambassador what's the date of the joint Workshop we don't know okay I kept referred to like I'm sorry I should have let with that we do not know yet it will be in May it may be in of our May Workshop but we just waiting to we want as so we are going to add that we're going to be like Yay let's go3 and then we're say Landscaping great but here here's our data and we would like some more he if possible and I'll also sit down with pars beforehand and get them on the same make sure kind of our side staff wise we're kind of all on the same page as well and I'll provide all the feack to park as well make sure we're so when you the bud the thing that you know I guess I'm starting to get much more sensitive to is the fact that you that we have available for the downtown somewhat limited we pretty much us everything so if we try to bring a a person on board to do this you know where does the funding come from does It ultimately need to come from another program in order to accomplish that specific item and you know which one are we willing to give up a little bit to uh to accomplish that you know I just see that as as a challenge for us all how we want how we want to do that is yeah before you answer that Jim when the P3 building goes in where does does that part of the Tiff funding does that property tax now that they're paying property tax for that building does that come tax tax be [Music] extra she justed spring hasn't H yet but that's going to be a big own by developer that will be taxed and that will be a part of the trust fund we talking about IM the road before you start to see ofits and so you know how are we going to pay for an ambassador so Lu for you guys that's the fun that I haveing all those numbers um I have been Heather no working probably several weeks straight now um I would be lying to you if I didn't say I had to shuffle money from other programs I mean I have um I basically created two to three versions of the budget and one is where pretty much everything stays the same to be honest that one's not very good and it does not provide us an opportunity to do a lot uh one of the budgets I've kind of moved money around I've looked at where we're at over the last several fiscal years with our programming and where I think we can make some um sacrifices and I've been able to pull out um a few hundred, total kind of got just sitting off to the side almost right now it's above her so I think it can be done I think there's going to have to be sacrifice and compromise so I just want everyone to go into budget season knowing that no it be good obviously we'll go through this budgeting cycle coming up here next week yeah so staff has we have our first sit down week after next and that is with city manager Finance um and then kind of all of the key players that element in our budget so okay Public Works Parks you know whatever um after that meeting I'll have a really good grasp on which one of my three iterations are going to work best I really think it's going to be kind of that middle of the row where we're going to have to make some sacrifices in some funding areas to cover others um but I don't think the sacrifices are going to be so great but we're going to lose the ability to do the things we want to do um so I I I think we can make some things work we're just going to have to compromise thank you to wrap up Landscaping so we can present during our joint meeting yes sir see what we can do yes sir and as soon as I know that for and Brit Park Lot are done I'll let you guys know we can go check it out all right next one uh this one fingers crossed should be an easy one Grant and potential incentives um I will say the Fant program has been very successful uh I have actually now finally been able to cash out on some of those grants they've been inspected reimbursed gotten building permits officially done um I'm super pleased working with business owners um I want to give you know Kasa Marina hotel props on the record they I mean were like textbook with what program I mean they did great um they got all new doors and windows that are historic like the building they all their inspections everything went smoothly um got all their information in our system we were able to cut their check this week and it's they were one of our recipients of the $100,000 so thank you you guys for that thank you to the businesses for applying this has been wonderful um in regards to our joint meeting we're saying we want to just keep this going yeah absolutely um something to consider you know and it's vague with our grant R right now how it's written and that was a little bit intentional how far do we want this to go you know right now we're really what I've seen has been you know paint doors windows which is great I mean those are needs and they do beautify the downtown what I'm hearing kind of now is well we need a new dumpster enclosure and that's not something you guys think about really expensive and this grant cover that um and that is something required so that's not just something like oh we think this is cool like they have to have that I think you we already talked something that was being done docent wise because the regulations and stuff that to go we just didn't do a one for two match we just did a one for one match one for one and it was and they were able to do it more like we did some wording we did um but like enclosures how those are required things you know do we want to go as far as to offer incentives you know when it comes to people parking lot do we want to expand it to go the other direction and do we want to start allowing for murals and bicycle racks and things like that you know we' talked about all these things we've kind of gone back into I I mean I think right now where it sits the program really good so in my opinion I guess we can go around the table this think the nicer things are the more money is going to come down to the area um the nicer things are uh and and and we're using their tax money to make the area their area nicer it's not like we're taking money from people you know this is their tax money uh and we're helping them make the area nicer which should attract more Capital to the area and then make even more funds available so anybody else want to go down I I think the program is a good one it's a way of jump starting some small things that as you start the Small Things it starts other things happening and I think you've even seen that because you know Cina did some things but um rits across the streets excuse me mang across the street start a fa they didn't ask for a grant they just went out and started and and so I think it helps to make some improvements by some small investments in our I think it's the best money that we can spend doing that and I'm going to side that track just for a second going back to Landscaping okay the uh four point Shar that I just want this afternoon and they put gravel down in their planter beds that is a composite like AG type and it's going to I believe it's going to be a base and they're going to sort of the around the perimeter um they were one of the ones that were sied at the S Grant and then Parks and Recreation that was one of the two that you guys said will warned it contingent upon Parks approving what they want to do that it's consistent and so Parks and Recreation reviewed their landscape plans and gave the green light well it's you know obviously quite a bit different than what we're going to be doing in the Planters down through there so it's just it's just gone down I saw that a little while ago and I was really surprised seeing you look like 57 St is what it like to me May a different I'd like to see expand I think we were smart to put in the closes in there so people can't use it so as long as we keep those Clauses in there to keep uh building owners and business owners from abusing it then I think it's it's a pretty dang good and I'll also make sure before that going kind report of how many have been awarded what the dollar amounts are what they're for and then the ones that I have before and after photos of completion I'll have those for thee anything else on public yep so um again this will kind of fall more under just like updating the public art committee was new public art at all here was never done public artart well we had done the uh dolphin and the boy statue that wasn't even really a public art project per se was kind of a was beautiful but it was a kind of one one time project um as well as the surfer statue which was a donation so the mayor did bring the UNF sculture Gard true to she wasn't mayor right but even still those you know aren't City funded projects um C funded I should say so as you know we've done two mural our sculptures awarded we're getting ready to start on that um I know before I talked about that c life in the city project we're doing the turtle we finalize the design contract with Havoc Studios which is the local Studio who actually does the UNF sculpture garden um so that contract I literally just got it green light from the city attorney so we'll get Council to approve that and then we to start working with havoc on creating that turtle um and then the our committee at their next meeting they from their last me gave them some homework of bring from some ideas on bringing more temporary art installations that's a big thing we're seeing in a lot of busy booming cities in Florida we're seeing a lot of the temporary art installations that are activating otherwise dead spaces during slower times of year um and bringing people to the area when you really don't have anything else going on so that was one of their kind of homework assignments let's you bring some of those ideas to us and then some be figger what are our goals in fy2 so I'll bring those back to you guys and obiously I will have that meeting we have those topics well before we go into our next Workshop um so really at that meeting it'll just be again providing an update to Council on how the art committee is working what we've done so far and then what our goals M fy2 this isn't a question I went to Miami this week and TOS anybody there yet no walls an old downtown area art on everything every telephone pole every sidewalk every wall every business had its own mural could and the place was just packed with people block block s block it was really cool anybody get to go down there great art example kind of a gritty crun area also supery and they they've got this whatever these Windwood walls became organically started but now they're charging to go and see the ACT wall and just lots of art museums now that started to grow also and um we'll also talk about the having some type of a local Arts Festival where we have you know several muralist painting murals same time I think we referenced that mon Arts Festival that I've been to um several places to do that where they'll pick a Saturday and Sunday they'll kind of have a paint off it would be a great time to paint on public restom facades local artists do the work have a little summary on that plan what we want to see there um as well as just some ideas you know we're seeing a lot of really neque ways to make otherwise boring spaces more creative like one thing that we're seeing across the state are crosswalks people are painting these really unique neurals on crosswalks and in some areas of downtown where it's hard to see the crosswalks well okay now you have this massive neon you know C showing you like all right I'm going to cross here uh we're seeing a lot of storm drains being painted they're really ugly normal they're having schools come in and different programs come in so there's a lot of really unique ways to activate spaces that are otherwise just there and just kind of serving a utilitarian purpose and we can activate those so we'll provide some updates on that to you guys and to council as well yes sir one back to the scure recently they were trying to auction off some of the pieces that were in that and the question would be is there of interest on the part of the city to purchase and maybe put in a more permanent location as a possibility so that you know we're promoting local artists things to that extent just just a thought I mean I don't know how the art committee feels about that yeah I'm happy to um bring that up and that's something we even talked about before um unfortunately the last time it happened it was like it came someone came to us I'm not going say was elected official the mayor came to us like two days before the and said hey they're auctioning this awesome piece and we're like great we don't have a meeting so we can't do anything about it we would love to buy it um but because it's an option we get into like a little bit of a weird area there but that's something again we now have a City attorney again so I very happy to go have some conversations and see how we can because the mayor had that same idea um and I think that could be a really I totally agree I have another Gary um idea that i' like to just bring up with we have the ability tell our Comm what we're interested in like tell us um one of his ideas that still has stuck with me is that trash alley like on First Street but first and second and it's over there by and surf surf the trash can alley we had talk about maybe I know that you said we couldn't attach to the buildings because they're private buildings and I know we had this but I think that we could make that an interactive fun little Alleyway if we're try to people ability to bring up so I would encourage everyone since we're not in a formal meeting and we can't technically vote if you have an idea like that and you want to email it to me I can take it to the art commit their meeting is in like two weeks so I am really happy please email me that so I can take it to them and then I can just kind of add to their brainstorming Y and that holds true for any ideas if you email to her so people who wer here just you know we're really not focusing on the P Parking art right now because it get destroyed have for sorry on the public art installation all right moving on downtown um I apologize for a lack of bullets this is not my expertise and I'm always very cautious with how I speak to this because this is just not my area of expertise I completely leave that to the police department I did forward you guys Chief Smith's very lengthy summary um I encourage anyone to kind of turn to that if there are specific downtown safety questions you have again I'm always happy to take the question um I am just very cautious on how much I speak to that topic um I don't want to speak I know there are a lot of ideas being thrown around a lot of stuff we're being brainstorming again we're we're in a very good time for brainstorming because we are planning for next year's budget which is great um any I've spoken to the mayor and I said as a c will fund whatever is needed I've talked to police there's they say we give them everything so this is if they if they ask for it I'm fairly certain this board's going to fund it so it's in their report yeah when you go into the report you start to read through the recommendations and some of the action items and so for it does tou on certain items in the downtown district other things I think there are some items the question is are there some of these items that we should part of the C because I think they are things that we could sure I mean and I will say too um police department is very good and I mean they can speak to this pretty much anytime you guys need anything and asked for it agency and Council even have always and I'm assuming in the recommendations says move permanent move additional people permanent to the C we already have that funding they're just not people it's already that the conclusion last two needs to be read about three times he says basically we need to decide what we want and we can do it and that gets around all the C very by his standards that's statement read it the way I read say okay you guys de you pick amongst these things we mentioned our 12 pages to see how we can affect going where you want to go that's key I totally agree with you we' always provid asked occasion asked Chief directly whether or not they needed anything else response the time but as I went through the reported certain that we may want to address with him or get some further in as whether or not there something we could help one of the things that shows up in the report that surprised me a little bit is you know reference to making all the down C are up and operational and then you know holding seamons accountable for their current contractual obligations surprises me a little bit because you know we funed those and I thought everything was up and operational but when I read do you want to jump in on that neither do I it's more information to make that we can all feel comfortable that we're doing everything that we in our power to yeah and I think um funding of you know in a lot of ways make sure I say this very tactfully funding those cameras and supporting that initiative was doing what we can do you know I am not responsible for the contract with semons um this agency is not responsible for that contract that is a PD contract and then as far as not even necessarily PD but that goes even deeper into our is department and that is their you know essentially responsibility to maintain the functionality of those contracts and I completely understand your stance on that a lot of that kind of Falls outside of our scope um so I would say you know Applause the agency for agreeing and funding that project and that really is where the responsibility at least from the specific agency that's kind of where that responsibility ended we funded it we funded the maintenance that maintenance is now forever line item in our budget and that's really what we what our job is to do you know um what PD and it is have to do them with seens kind of Falls outside of our scope I will say when I talk to him it's been a while now basically they're just having a hiring issue to fill off the spots right so we can't really do anything about that we've already provided spots here just not full that's no one's fault here or even the police that's just that's just the environment that we're in and they have the technology room or the I forgot what they call whatever the room is with all TVs and stuff and they do have people on that but it's just a matter of staing I think more as well as whoever is in charge of that so we would never know if things are are not working as needed and we just have to provide and I think we've done that so him saying away I'll tell you I just want you guys to have the support to do what you need and that's pretty much the answer and he the environment and the current um hiring situation to agency does a great job supporting their initiatives so on this one I'm a forever optimist so when he wrote that look where we were 20 years ago look at where we are now yeah how much better it is it's not going to be perfect but you know that's uh to me that's encouragement I do have a followup question from past discussions with this and maybe it's not the right time definitely not something we want to bring up to City Council in our meeting with them but so may not be appropriate to bring it up but he did say that we don't want to be um hard super hard on the homeless or misplaced right because we end up being uh no rest zone or something like that and we can't really do anything about certain agencies that bring them here PE Comm is that what I remember like we we aren't like saying hey we want you to do hardcore no I don't know that I am the appropriate one to speak to that I feel like that's what we talked about because of the rules and I think the City attorney State of Florida has tried to tell us what to do in that right now I believe that's what he was address the the brand new the brand new law where we have to supply of space and water and Facilities so we can ship it's imp a private business yeah I don't know where that stands the appropriate one into law it goes into effect October one but you're not going to be um individual entities will not be held accountable until January so they're giving time for cities and communities to implement months well you know now that's moving so they expect you to keep moving now and every internally that needs to is very much aware the police department is very much that's something we're going to be talking about for this my only question is even though we're lawy we're his Jackson Beach the Jackson Beach issue that's like we don't have to wor about in our I'm always again you know that's very cautious to speak on that topic I don't like talking about what's up what's not what's running what's not um but I do know that everything that was supposed to be done has been completed um and they mighten I just and that maintenance line item is a line item in our budget so we will be continuing to maintain there is a little bit left um in this school year in the way of installation costs and I think that was just kind of a couple of last minute things that that project is ongoing and been working on should be op as far as I know is our hiring issue because we're not paying enough all Union contracts and stuff we have no way we don't have that we're not able to do that we just do extra for this area what we able to do for C is I mean pretty great not every Community have luxury that's why I'm cautious on what I say because I don't want to miss any else on safety all right last one pure parking lots one uh so as you all know this has been very very ongoing um costs are you know we're kind of working on pricing out individual line items um job order Contracting seems to not always be the easiest way to do things but that's out of my hand um instead of now just leaving the fence off area fence off we are in our busiest season so we have been working with Beaches Energy Public Works and Parks and Recreation uh by a miracle I did find out that the one of three so fdp only has three types of overhead lights that we are allowed to put there and somehow we actually have one of those lights in our store room over at omm uh so that makes things a whole lot easier to get those lights back up uh we are going to work again to get two lights back up that we need for safety reasons um fixed where the papers were damaged get some papers back down restrike that area get it cleaned up landscaped and get that section just reopened before summer season uh the overall comprehensive project we will plan to start essentially probably honestly when fy2 starts in October because that will then be once our really really really nice hot warm weather has slowed down it just does not practical or responsible to now say okay here we are in busy season we're going to rip up 100 parking spaces I mean that that's crazy um sorry for lack of better terms so right now our main priority is getting that fcon area open cleaned functional so we can add those spaces back out that drop off going back and then go back to that overall comprehensive project once the summer season has completed what kind of time table are I mean that's being aggressive but I mean you can ask Heather I literally like June sted someone down in the hallway one day to get answers like I'm being pretty aggressive on getting this pushed forward um really and truly our biggest holdup is going to be getting that electrical fixed so we can get those lights back up because as you all know this isn't as simple as plugging into an electrical outlet it does take a little more work than that to get those lights in but because we do have the fixtures that are FD approved that makes it a whole lot easier um and then just trying to figure out how we can match those papers if you've been over there that area is really beat up we obviously do not have those exact identical papers anymore what happened to them is beyond me I have no clue where they went so right now I literally was over there the other day after I got a copy from the new Starbucks I walked in there and I was just literally looking at the types of papers that we have on those pallets trying to figure out how we can match them up and if we can't match them up how can we do a design where it at least looks kind of organic and like it was intentional and it doesn't just like with a big patch um so awesome done before our meeting and that meeting is sometime in May so listen if I got to I'll go put some overalls on lay some papers I me we'll do what we got to do I'll be calling you guys to help but um is this a good time to maybe have the discussion about we purposely avoided putting up biking um devices and because we were we were tearing Artu just basically avoid that area if your art committee is talking about temporary art is it a good way to throw temporary art piece in there for the next year possibly or um is it a good idea to do we have I guess ref do we have any extra biking racks that came from our last purchasing that we could decorative but the plain ones yes yes can we just throw them over there and put them in the Dirt Pile that are over there so people can park and not them against the boardwalk or throw them in the Doom that would be fabulous do it yes um on that note great Segway thank you for talking about the biks uh if anyone has noticed we have 25 Benes downtown now uh you may not notice because the intent there was put to be very discreet very organic and you guys did a great job of that they blend in very very well they look phenomenal um so the stone things between the sharks that there I you know again we had to be um creative we didn't want something that was going to unfortunately for a lack of better phing here that was going to encour longterm snoozing so we went with that smaller triangular I call them sharks teeth they're just like a small triangle I did go out and personally test all of them I could not now so you're welcome I tried um they're comfortable I noticed people U we've C some in a really cool location so a lot of people drop off you know at the lifeguard station area we put in the S right there kind of by where our bike RS are I went out the other day and our Communications manager got some pictures people were sitting on them you know putting stuff in their beach bags kids were sitting there somebody was time to bike up so it was really cool to see things that we put there intentionally actually being utilized in the way that we intended for them to be um so yeah they're all throughout downtown we've got several on the boardwalk so that was really cool because those have been gone forever now we've got some at kind of the steps that are right by the restrooms we've got some between the shark biks we figed you know tie your bike up sit down get your stuff together whatever um we've got some over kind of by the cake parking lot because you know a lot of people park there so we tried to kind of utilize areas where people would be either parking or waiting for something where it makes sense um so we've got those ordered we have realized that um a lot of people like the ones on the boardwalk so I thought having 25 was having extra and we ended up using all of them because we realized how functional they were on the boardwalk and we have money left over this year up some for the board um but that will come back to you guys so don't worry not just going to go randomly go to Lo and buy some I promise um but yeah so we're really happy to see those so now we've got bike racks trash cans our new benches in so got the B we have somewhere to sit throw your trash and TI your bike up so good job yeah how much I don't think we have enough um lighting has been a challenge for a number of reasons one being our proximity to our lovely sea turtles um the other being Fe something that we have since discovered as you guys know when Heather took over and her role and I came on board there were several plans that were sitting on shelves that no one was aware of in that time something that we have now discovered in the last few years is we had a plan and we as an agency had ideas Beaches Energy their fault they also had been creating plans and ideas and planning for their 5year cips and had no clue that these plans existed and then the same for public works when they were creating their cips with infrastructure projects they had lighting components um so right now it really is kind of working together to sort of match up all of our plans and making one nice large cohesive plan because at the time there were a lot of function in silos if you will um we've all kind of decided that having that more modern it doesn't make sense to have like what do mayor called these Charles Dickens like fixtures um we not a historic downtown we are in Beach Town um Beaches Energy has installed a couple of new lights in the southern part of downtown on a trial basis they've got a couple of new polls out um and you know they were measuring the photometrics to make sure that it did what it was supposed to do um unfortunately that's just an ongoing project we have money still and as we're working on CP for 25 and 26 to continue bees energy and thought we put that into the we did it just it's one of those things that's just taking a lot more time than we would ideally like so it'll be one of those line items that will be carried over at one time we also approved certain they came in with options are they still going op yeah those more modern I hate the word futuristic it makes it sound like we like the jet but that more futuristic unique looking light that wasn't so historic yeah yep I'm sorry that's not a better upd just taken quite a bit of time unfortunately is there any issue that we other than these that we need to discuss I do want to note uh lean Plaza was a biggie and we were supposed to discuss that at the briefing Monday night we got kicked off of that briefing they didn't want to talk to I'm just kidding uh they had other items and unfortunately we only have until 7:30 at those briefings because of Planning Commission or 7 o' excuse me so we have a hard stop and there just was not going to be enough time so we have not yet sat down and Ted with City Council on that I know we got your guys' feedback we got your comments um we've met internally like I said we've met with fire marshal police Public Works pars we've kind of done all of our homework inside as well um so that'll be the last step we'll be sitting down with city council is that not going to be discussed in the joint it will yes we were just hoping to be able to discuss at that briefing um but since we did not we this will still be up the joint meeting um but I just want to let you guys know that unfortunately that did not happen that day I guess we should let everyone know where that was we we thought we were ready to go and it just got car from under I felt so oh you know what you was that meeting you might have that was what it was so we had a pretty I feel like everyone was on the same page um I will send you the notes I'm sorry yeah I want make sure I send this to you I apologize that I didn't I just completely forgot the mayored she was concerned that are we not going big enough I'm like well we went big the first time well yeah now now we scaled it back I like it I told her I was like look we all really liked it um and she was like all right I'll I'll take a look at it again I I think it's because I came out here for obviously springing in the Blues it was awesome the week before that I went to go eat at umaka and there wasn't a single person out in that Plaza whatsoever so and that's a beautiful Saturday afternoon so we need to make this place something that on a Saturday afternoon with beautiful weather there's people there I would love to hear those notes yeah to the agency I will give everyone credit everyone really came to consensus everybody agreed we'll get him don't worry did is we kind of swung the opposite way supposedly at one time we listened to the community and designed something Community really wanted then the vendors got involved now now we've swung back the other way to accommodate all the vendors at the direction of council and unfortunately I think the meeting that you held was one only venders and I really think the community should have been involved a little the community was at the same time at theable to come up with the ideas and the concepts that would work for them to make that an active space because if we just make it for vendors it's not going to be an activeace comms just tell me because when I left it city council said we only have one third of that one part so we eventually happened is so we took basically where the server statue is right now corre from north to south all the way back towards City Hall all of that is going to have those you know that little elevation change the ground level statues for kids that's the3 seating all around the edges additional shade and then the um permanent smaller stage area uh as well as a roof covering over that stage we'll have some lighting safety lighting that'll be kind of the more activated element and then instead of having a bunch of Pathways going off it has one uh 10 potentially 12 depending on how wide we can get it straight down the middle to the seawalk side then instead of having the four tiers we scal it back and it's flat within two tiers with just about a foot elevation chains between the two so that the highest point in the back of the tear is only three feet which PD appreciates because then they're not trying to fight to look over anything um and then those tiers are 20 ft wide so we can still have 10t tents and then still have plenty of room for ad accessibility regular accessibility um up the center of those are 10 foot wide ramps that gradually go up again so you can access it no matter you know how you need to access um we upgraded the AV Equipment uh all of the electrical the Ballers you know we're trying to hide where people plug in so we don't have people out there randomly charging their phones which is technically a safety hazard that we deal with now um and then additional Wi-Fi in the area and we did away with the water feature I say did the water feature go away or interactive got away and how about the direct path West that's that state well because let me get my dire so on the south portion of that going all the way from second all the way straight to the boardwalk so you can bypass it completely yes that still stays that that's critical so you have that direct and then you have the three theart direct there planters that are there for blocking off that street for events um and since meting I not Shar these yet um there's there's a I mean I can put one but in the corners there's like a turtle yeah right in the corners of the stage there stuff but nothing right I we touch that and to again our events coordinators credit you know she's programmed those acoustic concerts monthly now several smaller events and having that flatter larger grassier space that was the other thing get something um right in front of that stage area we had had some kind of paved areas and at our meeting we had talked about just kind of rounding out the grassy Turf space because people do come and sit and watch those concerts and then for things like springing the blues who have a second stage in a lot of our other festivals um so people can sit uh overall I mean I think it's it's not what we started with but it's not a complete 180 it still achieves some more activation than we're currently getting I'll add to that since I wasn't part of the meeting um the only thing I would add to that is that we have this retirement community like right here and having stuff activated for them to walk a few blocks to enjoy that park that's why I've been mentioning you know interactive tables or some kind of place where they can comfortably sit in shade and have some ambient noise of some sort that's why I kept pushing for those things so maybe it's an afterthought since I mean I don't want to stop anything but maybe after we can those things as a board so that we can draw that Community out to utilize their neighborhood saw remember if the state starts to get used more often I'd like to see permanent um picnic tables around like that Oak Park in St Augustine yeah because if if there's going to be enough people using it then let's put a buch and my gut tells me I can be very WR once we get through you know this redesign this construction phase I think this will become something that maybe every other year every year who knows we realize okay well let's add this element because we realize this works really well and we want to expand on this and okay hey this element is great but it's going to call for the support of having additional tables or whatever I think this will be an ongoing project I don't think it's going to be a One-Stop shop where we do construction we build it out and then we call it quits I think it's going to be kind of a continuous thing that we see throughout several years kind I think exactly toet is really what's going to have to happen because we've only got we've got $4 million that we've allocated for at this point my guess is probably of that number I'll be honest I do not know yet as soon as I do I'll let you know but we'll we'll find out that we're going to have to tailor to is unless we're willing to take the F from somewhere else and three or four five more years now we're going to have a lot more from these new buildings so have pH 20 years from now we're going to see Francis out there playing chess I do not have anything else thank you everybody