##VIDEO ID:Q05SulR2LX4## agency M yes Mr R witon here Mr D Mosley Mr Gary P here Mr David mcra here M Francis toosi Miss Megan all right first on the agenda is approval of minutes we did not have any submitted at the time that this agenda was published so we will have two sets at our next meeting all right courtes for the visitors we have any cards I do not have any cards no sir right old business we do not have anything um formal for old business I did want just let everyone know rather than uh ramble a list of meeting dates and events coming up at this meeting um I'm going to send you guys an email just a various Council briefings Council meetings future siary meetings and kind of just a big list of all the special events and everything for the next month month and a half um because we do have a lot going on i' also like to give kudos to the parks and art Department specifically to their event coordinator um she's been doing a phenomenal job programming things in Lan Plaza during the week and just last night she had a yoga session um that the city sponsored in the park right in front of seawat Pavilion they don't have the pictures to pull up but she sent pictures this morning they had I think over a 100 people there um and it is now a monthly event uh they still do the classic car show once a month now um so she's got a lot of different events um and it's it's been really great people out there in the evening so uh props to them all right new business I'm sorry I just just a couple quick questions um Taylor do we have anybody representing us at the meeting coming up um in the next this next week right yeah I am attending the conference um and I am speaking for two sessions one on grants and how you can utilize those and then one on Communications I've been working with the communications manager a lot lately on plugging in CRA related info into newsletters into videos and just making sure we're disseminating CRA information um and on the communications one I'm working with the CRA out of Fort Myers and on the pagant one I'm actually working with the CRA out of St Austine so I will be there all week where's it located good luck thank you um along those lines you have comment that doation to the C board about State statutes this yes December 16th so our whole December meeting will be training on working with the city attorney so we'll do kind of some high level Refreshers on Sunshine Law um communication and kind of best practices for C and statute and things like that and then also along those finds do we still have a meeting scheduled later this month with city council is a joint meeting we do not so we are still having a joint meeting with city council um unfortunately the end of the month when the um assistant to the city manager sent out it just was not feasible that we could get more than like one or two Council people at any given date um I guess this a really busy time year so we are planning right now for January to be the joint Workshop um I don't have a specific date but as soon as I do I will send it to the CRA to make sure we're all available as well um but right now we're shooting in January thank you m any else business all right new business facade Grant application yes so um in your packet um there are two facade grants one is for Mango and one is for um what we're calling ocean Crown um for those of you that saw that name and wondered what it was like I did when I first received application that is the salt uh building that is what they're calling it now um again staff has reviewed both of these and does recommend um approval I sent everyone an email earlier clarified a couple of things um Gary thank you for calling me earlier I appreciate your feedback sometimes we miss things on agendas that or on packets so I really do appreciate you catching those um but otherwise I'm happy to answer any questions you guys have and yeah any questions about the grants just one quick one and we may not know the answer but do we know what ocean Crown's intent is for the utilization of the space all we know is it's going to remain a restaurant thank you we had all that sole source information from the prior restaurant tour and I was kind of curious about the fact single article side of the same so Source um thank you no problem just as common I you know most all of my questions were answered by Theo that Taylor hasent out just a little while ago so I appreciate that thank you yeah of course okay I will entertain we doing this all as one approval um we can but if in the if someone does make a motion um I would ask that we make a motion to approve P Grant number one for mangoes and the amount of that amount and to also approve Grant number two in the amount just so we have that for the record okay please Mr chairman I'll make the motion that we approve um the excuse me the S gr applications um one for mango for the amount of $2,142 and then we also uh approved the Grant application for ocean Crown former salt um building for a total amount of $2,529 199 I'll pass and then can we take a call get a vot all right and since we're down one uh Mr Ron wton you will be voting today so I'll start with you hi Mr that mostly yes thank you Mr Gary P yes Mr David MCG yes Miss Megan Edwards yes VES you approve these motions all right so we're now down to Item B um so I will invite our CFO Miss Ashley do up to umef on this and then any questions you may have good afternoon Ash G CFO um before you today you have two resolutions um uh according to State statutes at the end of every fiscal year um tax increment funds uh each trust fund has to be appropriated to specific projects returned to the taxing authorities for use to pay down debt um in our particular case we don't have any debt um so we appropriate the balances to projects and so Item B is for the South NC which is resolution 20252 um and at this time we anticipate the trust fund having 13 m791 157 as the end of the fiscal year now this number might change a little bit because we're still going through our fiscal en Clos Pro uh process but we don't estimate that it's going to change that much much so of that $13.7 million the exhibit kind of walks through where those funds are appropriated um and the way that this is organized is it starts um on the columns what we appropriated last year any new Appropriations issued by the agency any expenditures in the year and any projects adjustments to get to the ending balance of what we want to appropriate for this year um and the majority of the fun B is going to be appropriated for fiscal 2025 projects um and some on in 26 and 27 um additional thing that I want to call out is um some work that is about to be um awarded in the next council meeting we have a bid award for the America Avenue work and that required um a little bit of extra funding and so you see the new appropriation so in order to award this in it in its totality um the project value for the south is 1,670 260 and um the Public Works director Mr Baron is here to talk about details about that project but it's been in the plan for several years and then the other project that's going to be awarded by council is to rebuild and replace the South Basin Pump Station um and that is uh going to be awarded in the amount of $994,000 the details of it so we thought we would consolidate the resolutions for this and do the Appropriations that are going to go to Council next week as well as the year in fund balance since we have the monies on hand we feel like it's most appropriate to just go ahead and appropriate them as part of this um resolution and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about the south Act could you just walk through the um column of project adjustments for these and just um help me understand what caused the adjustments just to make sure I'm on the same page sure um okay so the first one that has an adjustment is the passive park at Jacksonville Drive um that was a carry forward from last year and some work was performed this year and there's 900,000 in the 2025 CIP for the passive Park so we adjusted the the carry forward down to match what's in the CIP plan and the second item is the South Beach parking meeting and Landscaping um this project has been ongoing um and is just about complete and so their balance was adjusted down to reflect only the remaining encumbrance to the vendor for doing the work for this particular section of work um and then further down on the page it's the construction of the ocean par uh Terrace drainage improvements that project is actually complete and so we released the contingency of that project back into fund balance that's the remaining dollars that were removed back into general f so when we awarded the work we awarded a 10% contingency on that and they did not need the full contingency value so that money is returning back into the trust fund that be reappropriated okay um and then further down on the page it's the Marsh Landing Isabella Boulevard from jackon drive to oila Avenue um that is a section of the work that's going to be awarded on on the 21st of October so the million dollars was released to match what's awarded on this section so I thought it would be clearer to reappropriate and a couple lines down to the 2.1 million for the remainder of this project that exists in the 2025 CIP plan we increased that project to 2.1 or increased that project by 2 . million for a total of 7.6 million that exist in the 25 to 20 29 CIP plan so the projects that are still in the Capital Improvements plan for through 29 not all of those projects are funded at this point they'll be pulled in as funds are available and so forth and U we've got to use the year endend funds to cover cover our yeah I I think we're kind of in a unique position of being um holding these funds in hand already for three Year look forward um so I think we're in a good position because we anticipate you know tax revenues in the outcoming years so we're able in the South and to do a substantial amount of look forward um for funding of the projects versus kind of on a year-to-year basis which is a little bit different which was what we'll see coming up in the downtown so I would say the Southend um fund balance is extremely healthy and puts us in a position to look about 3 years forward in capital improv projects the U the one thing that um makes it just challenging particularly for me is as I try to compare the descriptions for the work against the CIP and the cash full sumers I can't track them you ni somehow it was just a number you know this is I them to and I can track them but you it's hard because the descriptions keep changing slightly yeah and I don't know if I'm following the same item as I'm tracking it through several different documents and I think I understand what you're saying and I apologize for that I think um our CIP plans have been evolving um and we had some nomenclature like phase four stage one part two um and Public Works has been doing a really good job of trying to kind of change the language and kind of Define it by the the geographical boundaries so we're in that transition to that and I tried to do some call backs and description like item one on the F fiscal 23 to 27 CIP of where this name came from because some projects had four parts to it um and Public Works maybe tackled part three first and it wasn't one to four in linear order it was one to forign things that needed to be done and so we had some of that shifting um so I kind of feel your pain on that um and we're working to kind of get better with the the labeling and the CP plan I appreciate that and it's just an observation that just makes it I don't know maybe I'm the only one on no that's why I have to leave little notes for myself too so I know exactly what you're saying it's just something it even gets tougher when you start looking at the uh the downtown areas because the descriptions bu quite a bit from one docum to another yeah thank you we have a question should we go ahead and vote I'll entertain a motion for 202 Mr chairman I'll make the motion to adopt resolution number 20252 um the um Capital Improvement budget uh reappropriations for the Southland tax increment um Mr wton yes Mr F Mosley yes Mr Gary pay yes Mr David MCG yes M Megan Edwards yes all right by your vote you have adopted that resolution on Toc so item C is the appropriation for the downtown trust fund um at the end of FAL we are anticipating a fund balance of 3,358 1918 um we had very strong investment performance this year um that gave us some headwinds into what we could look forward to um for those that were on the board last year you remember that last year was a complete look backward all the money that was in the trust F fund was completely appropriated to projects that had already been awarded and so this year we're in kind of a little a little bit more advantageous position that we had uh the ability to kind of look forward so again if you look at the exhibit um what I tried to highlight for you on this exhibit is um the opportunities in Orange where we could do Appropriations for items that exist in the 2025 Budget on the 25 to 29 CIP plan this also put us in the position of setting the entire budget for the um Le and Plaza master plan when we adopt the original budget if you remember Taylor talked about how it split it into two parts 2 million in one year and 2 million in the next year because that's where our cash flows at the time we're projecting and so at this time we're able to appropriate the entire project um at the year end and then we're also able to set aside $100,000 for the P3 project getting legal services and Consulting Services as we move through that and that was not included in the original budget um I also want to call your attention to uh the item being awarded on the 21st for the central Basin Pump Station and again director Baron is here to speak a little bit about that if you have any questions but we had to appropriate an additional $1 177,178 to meet the bid amount plus the contingency for this project so we shifted that around to fund that um and I'm available to answer any questions you might have on the downtown any questions right all right thank you ENT a motion Mr chairman I'll make a motion that we approve resolution 20251 um to amend the fiscal year 2024 downtown Community rment Capital Improvements budget and to appropriate downtown tax incurment trust funds for cap Improvement projects all right all right Mr Ron Wedington yes Mr Thad Mosley yes Mr Gary payel yes Mr David mcra yes Miss Megan yes VES items for discussion um again we didn't have anything formal um but I did want to just really quick uh let everyone know that we had this meeting today we had the 28th blocked off for a meeting as well um we got a couple of meetings internally to discuss some things especially now being in fy2 and looking at maybe Expediting a couple of projects um I will reach out to you guys probably tomorrow or Friday but we may hold a special call meeting on the 28th um so just everyone kind of make note of that that we may end up still having a meeting if so it would likely be kind of a one item special called quick meeting um but if for some reason you're not able to be here you know that doesn't work schedule just email me and let me know and I'll keep a note of it that um you're able to attend any else yeah just one just one item I know that part of the discussion that we were to have on the 28 was the discussion about the paving in the downtown area along those lines since Mr Baron is here this afternoon I just like to make a comment that uh sounds like we're going to be a little bit more delayed in that discuss but there's some areas where there seems to be some failure starting to occur again around the storm water inlets down there um particularly in front of um Spring Hill suet area and then maybe something that you really want to keep an eye on because that those papers are really sinking and depressing considerably around a couple of the storm rain inlets that yeah yeah you got good eyes man um two things uh for Taylor I understood we're going to have something to comment or vote on regarding sidewalk seating up to six North I haven't seen that or did I just miss it um so it won't necessarily be a vote but it will be a resolution so we will have to take a roll call and so we'll have to make a motion to pass it um what that will be is support to for St to Council for continuing and expanding That Sidewalk dining program uh when it was originated the CRA helped staff to draft and originate that but because it was a program Council has to put it in place and Implement so next month on our November agenda um there's a resolution support thank you very much I'm just kind of waiting for it um it's a super fine idea and I've got some comments on the way those roads were before the car parking was carved back into the RightWay significantly area and there not that much parking so i' have some thoughts on that if you want to fix it up so a couple places to and the other thing is I got the impression sitting through the entire city council Workshop that they're not too keen on talking about per AR at this time that doesn't mean we can't take a look at some of the suggested designs and at least put forward an opinion about what we think might look best either side single side you know I'm not talking about details I'm just talking about structure sure I sure got a thought on structure okay given the Arc of the pier so sure anytime you want to bring that up we can talk about it here perhaps okay absolutely all right we're joined right thank you everyone