##VIDEO ID:FVXFsg-Uznc## evening I'd like to call the November 12th meeting of the city of Jacksonville Beach Planning Commission um may we have a roll call please David do here Maro moring here Nicholas Andrew Colleen white here Justin Lon here Justin Henderson here thank you and thank man um our first item is approval of the minutes of the September 9th 2024 meeting do we have any reest changes motion to approve IND by say I any post it passes thank you for your uh do we have any correspondents no correspondence do any of my federal Commissioners have to disclose any exart Communications to this agenda no see none do we have any old business no old business with that before we begin new business I'm just going to kind of describe very briefly how we run the meeting um the Planning Commission bases its decisions on competent substantial evidence incling testimony provided in this meeting any person who is not an applicant or agent we need to fill out a speaker card located on the side table by the door and turn into the CL um it is our practice that regardless of the type of issue we are asked to decide upon each of the public is given minutes to speak on each other um and we ask for decorum that folks not speak out applaud or or any of those things you know ased as possible every comfortable and we ask that everyone Sil so that Mr can we begin new bus PC 144 through the chair this is PC 1424 uh it is for property located at 333 1 Street North unit 110 is AAL use application for a restaurant uh without the receiving for a property located in the central business district the property is situated on the east side of First Street um on the Southeast corner of the intersection of third North in First Street the location has been home to several different restaurants over the years most recently was salt uh which I ned to um the applicant is now seeking conditional use approval to continue the outside seating uh along the boardwalk um partially covered by a existing structure uh in conjunction with a new restaurant that will be going in there um as proposed uh use in of a restaurant in the central business district um is pered but outside seating requires conditional use approval um this particular area of the city we um went to the state legislature and asked for a reduction in size for legitimate restaurants to get um uh approval for a full alcohol license so it um made it more feasible to do uh small restaurants as opposed to having to have 120 seats and um like 5,000 ft of space um so it better reflected what the opportunities are down [Music] um the uh property is adjacent to uh hotel to the South there is an existing bar to the north there's a large mixed use commercial residential structure to the West which is the Metropolitan and obviously the Atlantic Ocean to the east um the proposed use is not conflict with the standards of 34 345 D7 of the Jackson Beach Land Development code generally the central business district has intended to have more densely concentrated commercial centers um um and is also contained within the downtown investment Zone as well as the downtown C both the downtown investment Zone and the CRA are tended to encourage growth and Redevelopment in the CBD district the proposed use is substantially similar to both other uses within the CBD zoning and the previous use of a restaurant in that location um the use of the boardwalk uh is very specifically governed by uh a separate ordinance so the location and size of the outside seating is regulated separately but the actual use of that space is still regulated by the Planning Commission through the conditional use approval um they would have to obviously comply with all the LC standards as well as those in the boardwalk regulation um the surrounding area along North Street is part of the core commercial area of downtown adjacent to the beach it has been the goal of the city to promote Marine fill and Commercial development in this area including restaurants approval of this application will fulfill the intent of the downtown investment Zone as well as the C downtown plan so based on provided application and Analysis in the report the Planning and Development Department is recommending approval of this request thank you sir um would the applicant please come forward to sworn in and give any presentation thank you sir please raise your right hand and state your name and address Robert Sila 3584 Tri Court Jackson will be scor 32250 do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got I did Sir what would you like us to know that uh everything you said is um factual um this will be a restaurant not there's no DJs no bands it's not um I would I would expect to close at Monday through Thursday by 900 p.m. 10:00 on Friday Saturday maybe 9 or 10 on Sunday this is not a a rhino in any way shape or form I've got plent of around so I'm not worried about that I just think it's um it's a valuable asset to the city to try to get Mom and Dad and the 2.2 children back down to the beaches um and this will help fulfill that that need that we're missing it especially of a of a boardwalk restaurant or you know if you want to there's some other plans above it to do something a little bit nicer in the restaurant but I found that if I wanted to celebrate or if I wanted to mourn or I wanted to get married or have a birthday the only place I can do that right now is Jo Crab Shack Margaritaville and Castle Marina I guess they have some uh some tapis food but um we have no real restaurants that take up the goal of the gold that we have the white gold that we have out there to overlook the ocean so this will help start to fulfill that and uh we're just going to go up to where we where it was before and redo it all and in fact um this year where we've been we've already been hit with some funding by the CRA which I again and shame on me for not knowing but it was pretty simple process I would recommend anybody doing anything that's in the C then jump on that was pretty simple really really simple that's good to hear um do we have any questions for the what kind of restaurant is it it's going be a seafood restaurant um um I don't want to drop any names but it's it's a well-known family that's going to go in there right now I'm kind of hold back before we I'd like to get some more done on the build before we start having people knock down our doors but it's going to be a wellestablished seafood um I was thinking about doing not a fast casual but kind of a form of fast casual but I've been vetoed on that we're going to do a sit down seafood restaurant uh Boardwalk seating you know we get a lot of nice weather even in November December and January so we'll have those days that are good but it'll definitely Thrive from the February through September October time frame I like your company name that's that's that's one of our partners I kind of got scared of that when I saw the p didy p has a company and that's that's not who I am that's somebody else but Seafood bill is what it is not and we didn't realize that other questions for the just a reminder to use your microphones sorry um thank you sir thank you I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speakers cards no um is there anyone in the audience who has not fill out speaker speaker card who'd like to address us is there still an opportunity you can talk to us and then then fill out the card um seeing and hearing none I'm going to close the public hearing back to the board for discussion um do you have any questions of Staff sounds like it would fit well that was question you're right do you think it would fit well well we may want to have that discussion after we have a motion but um you know do we have any discussion any questions staff motion to approve second um we have a roll call please David dll yes colen white yes Justin Manon yes Justin Henderson yes Mario Morin yes s your item has been approved thank you okay PC 1524 here the chair this is PC 1524 there's also a conditionally used application this is for a property located at 700 Beach Boulevard the request is a conditional use application for a drinking establishment and outdoor bar seating for a proposed location in the C2 commercial zoning District pursuit to section 34 343 D1 and 34343 D14 of the Jacksonville Beach Land Development code subject property is situated on the south side of Beach Boulevard near the intersection of 7th Street South The Establishment was previously uh approved for an outdoor restaurant seating associated with a shaved ice business under the name baham bucks the applicant is now seeking conditional use approval to also operate a drinking establishment serving beer and wine and will include outside bar seating not to exceed 25% of the gross sare footage of the new proposed building uh prior to approval of the outdoor restaurant seating um prior the approval for the after restaurant seating um was associated with the existing Sonic drive-through structure um this will be a new structure located separately from that property on the same lot um the uses will share the parking um and the current and previously approved designs include code required minimum parking Jason uses include a commercial strip center to the West a retail gasing station to the east a commercial building contractor and Warehouse facility to the South across shedar and a multi family structure to the north across Beach Boulevard the proposed does not conflict with the standards set forth in Land Development code uh which permits drinking establishments with outdoor seating in C2 provided that the proposed use is not create a nuisance and is generally in keeping with the uses in the surrounding area the proposed new structure has uh changed in design since the first conditional use was approved originally it was a um second structure basically a covered seating area with roll down doors now they're proposing to actually make it a a formal bar um which will includ restrooms and a large cooler and Taps um the property is currently under construction um but is on hold because the change in the structure includes all the plumbing and piping for Ser of alcohol so they need to make sure that they can do it before they start building the building um the surrounding area is you know intense commercial and light industrial across shedar um the multi family structure which there only potential uh conflicting use is obviously cross be so several you know Lanes of traffic away I don't uh staff doesn't think it'll have an impact on on that property um you're pretty much adjacent to the bowling alley and a number of other heavy commercial uses on the southide there um so uh based on the application analysis we're recommending approval and just to kind of clarify uh this is um me um I can see so uh this is the former Sonic building that they renovated that'll be the The shap Ice facility um this is Beach Boulevard here and it's kind of like inverted so this is the proposed building which again was shown on the original site plan for the the whole approval back a year or two ago um the footprint substantially similar it's just the internal layout's going to be different obviously the use will be different so this will be the f area for the parking parking for the outdoor seating the code requires it to have a fence if they're serving alcohol so it will be fence I think they provided concept of what the fence would look like but and then um for the original design um there will be a space for um a food truck to basically Park um and serve food on site but uh that's not considered formally a restaurant so although they have food it's not technically a restaurant um except for shaped ice which I don't think really counts as a proper food um but in essence the the concept substantially similar other than the serving of alcohol but I think um they've taken all the necessary steps to uh provide a use that'll be uh compatible with the surrounding area in proper scale so we're recommending approval thank you Mr would the applicant please come forward to spor in and give any presentation please raise your right hand and state your name an address Matthew elizabeth3 dville Florida 3 do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God it is thank you what would you like us to know um I just this is my wife we have two other daughters as well that go to school here in Jacksonville Beach um Christian did a great job on kind of what we're trying to do here just wanted to point out I have a point here that'll help okay so with the um basically trying to create a small courtyard in between so families can hang out with mom and dad we'll have you know some TVs out there for games just create a space a family type space even though it's just it's going to be beer and wine but we'll have the shade of ice company too but the plans aren't sure we'll have as trip out there for like putting greens um our you know cornhole more family oriented atmosphere just kind of like the other gentleman said today um to bring more families to the beach and although it is a beer and wine bar we plan on closing during the week by 10: and then on the weekends by 11: so it won't be an all nighter and maybe some bike access to have some bike uh want to get some bike traffic there yeah they actually show here it's kind of hard to see it's very small and kind of cover in that area and make it tropical and try to as possible can't get much yeah right I think it's a big improvement from what we've looked at for the last 10 years I did like I like the questions for the very none thank you very much I'll now open hearing anybody any want to address US andone CL the public hearing um and I'm sorry I should have asked for speaker cards but given that I didn't see EXC do we have any questions for staff Christian just real quick um there something am open with 10 or 1130 what if that did change in the future that wouldn't come back right like hours of operation that how that um there are some limits to have the the ability to operate later than what code allows I think is handled through the police department it's been a while since I've looked at it but um no generally it wouldn't come back to you guys but I'm not sure that they could even get um an extended hour permit those may only be downtown but I haven't looked at that section the Cod long time so I apologize I don't know the top of my head any other questions for St discussion have approve you have a roll call please Callen white yes Justin lurman yes David D yes Justin Henderson yes Mar yes congratulations you approve you're good thanks for going through the process thank you so much apprciate it okay planning department report please um so the the big thing I want to talk about is that we're um literally I just came from a a workshop with you um well brief with Council we kind of went over the last bit of items for the Land Development code that were kind of in question so uh over the next uh month and a half two months depending on how quickly it goes um we will have a a draft from the consultant and then that will come to you guys for uh review and recommendation to counsel so uh as soon as we have a draft we will get it to you well in advance obviously um but uh we'll you know when we'll have that scheduled but um obviously when you get the draft if you have any questions or you want to come and sit down with us me me or Heather whoever um and go over some of those things highly encouraged it's a complicated document there are a lot of changes that we're making um some of them are just relocations and combining of things some of them are structural changes that are substantial so um like I said we'll get you the draft well in advaned so you guys have time to look over and then if you want a schedule meeting to come in and talk to us one please do it's encourag any further discussion hearing then we're adjourned