##VIDEO ID:5Z7HW8sVMW0## we we call a meeting to order please stand for the [Music] pledge I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all he gone yeah he's G down in Nashville playing with a I think it was Troy dashner's 40th birthday or something like all right has there anybody anybody looked the agenda over is there any changes or addition I don't have any so move second all in favor hi right 4 Z consent agenda yes in the tonight's consent agenda you have the minutes from our last meeting August 12th and then you have the payments from a couple weeks ago and the payments for tonight as far as the payments uh there's a few for safe routes to school um but really for the most part is pretty routine no I don't know do you have anything to add I can because is all the stuff we been getting for that second deer fence oh there the L releases for that they have they have to put a second fence around the deer fence there's new state regulations so there has to be another fence 12 Ines from the first so thanks they've been buying those materials the last few weeks was that something we were doing through the park fund yep so that I know it's been discussed a lot in the last year so yep is it basically the same fence just 12 in away from the other fence it's a little shorter but yeah it's okay uh there was one check to the ti County highway department and for 11,350 is that uh to do with the trail or Street repair something safe routs safe routs okay yep because of the way the grant County was doing it all and we had to go back and forth with the county right I I just needed to handle on what it went for because we have multiple projects with the county here all right anything else under consent did you have I have [Music] none Ivan I have nothing make motion oh I make a motion we approved the consent agenda second all in favor I I 301 I'll abstain I wasn't at the last meeting public forum maybe it be a good time for you to stand up and introduce yourself how does that's out we'll throw you right on the spot oh man really the pool was this deep uh my name is Kyle luchin I've been in town for six seven years um apparently I'm the only one that threw their name in the ring for council member this year Well we appreciate you doing that yes thank you very much F was is you can't complain about it if you're not going to stand up and do something about it very good that's kind of where I'm at right now okay per perfect thank you for stepping up anyone else for public forum moving on notice and Communications um in your envelope you did receive the magazine from the league and then I also have in there that Dalton he gave us a thank you lton for the work he did out at Lake View Park so I put that in your packet as well in light of this uh conversation has anybody read their booklet their pamphlet we had a local celebrity oh uh with an article in there about the uh uh uh food truck y ordinance and the I thought it was well done well you thank you very much for contributing I thought it was a very nice resource for people if that are looking to put a a policy together I actually got a phone call late last week from a city council member up north saying I read the article can you give me more info so yep it was a very good article thank you and in light of that conversation we had the conversation maybe uh uh look at that policy when you do the fee structure this winter right thanks yep Council reports Sarah you want to start you got anything I don't have anything new okay J me yeah we uh the park board met uh two weeks ago yeah about that the pickle ball courts are are are moving forward I had one suggestion from an individual and they suggested the courts go north south and I don't know how there's how they signed they designed do you know correct north south all right cuz that would that would keep uh the Light from being in somebody's eyes and and yeah uh the basketball courts are in the Northwoods Edition is almost done and they'll be finishing that uh music in the park has been a phenomenal success we're hoping at the park board when they talked about it was hoping to expand it to maybe twice a month next year but that would be have to come through this um uh body uh and I think they're they've been collecting some pretty good funds and uh I think there'll be uh sufficient resources to enable us to pursue that uh it's a rout to school we had talked about this is something other than that face rout to school are almost completed and uh I had an individual or we had talked about uh possible uh crossing signs or crossing at the County Road 19 down there and I talked to De malter she is going to bring that to the county for discussion because that's their Road and then she was going to get back to us at at a later date so I pursued that on my own but I thought that we' discussed it enough that we were planning on going going to them at some she says we need to talk to the County engineer about it first and I actually emailed him today okay excellent anyway that's probably about all I have he emailed me I should say yeah Ian uh at Park Road uh we have two residents that are on the the board and they are thinking of retiring or giving up that that spot so we need to be looking for Replacements um they are set up as 5year terms and we're thinking of changing that to perhaps a 4year term and rotating and limitting it limiting it to two terms um we have a uh one of the non-resident board members has been on for 20 years and yes he would like off but every year it's the kind of thing with the rest of the boards in town where nobody else steps forward so that person just says okay I'll do it one more time that's kind of the problem with putting term limits on him as he may up with empty chairs yeah so we're going to be discussing that in the future uh Eda doesn't meet this month until after this meeting so I've got nothing to report there Utility Board met prior to this the new line worker started today oh you stole my thunder oh that was in your uh he get over it he started today oh they're looking at hydrant flushing mid October but they're trying to balance it out with whenever the new Transformer comes cuz that's obviously going to take priority over to hydrant flushing other than that that's moving along we went through a bunch of long-term planning stuff kind of like the CIP for the city same type of thing for the Utility Board um touched on shook subdivision which you guys are well aware of and we don't have a final plat for yet but it's a fairly minimal work on the Utility side down there cuz there is already a a tub right behind Bridge water and I they just have to add one more or something so it sounded like it was pretty reasonable to add them nine homes in there as far as electric side of it good and that's about it on utility stuff of course we went through the draft Budget on the Water and Electric okay administrator report all right in the packet tonight is the August reconciliation from the bank you also have the cash balance report dated last Friday or I'm sorry August 31st uh the golf course comparisons are in there and like mayor Annie just said uh Alex henel did begin today as the new line worker so today was his first day uh tomorrow morning 10: a.m. I'm going to have the first visit from Homeland Security FEMA uh they're going to come down here and we're going to start working on the reporting for the storms for federal and state reimbursement we've done this a few times in the past so that the process is very very similar so I'll learn a little more tomorrow about it and then we'll get rolling on it um some of the categories that we get reimbursed for are due by the end of December then some other categories actually go into next year so now it's just a matter of kind of getting all the invoices getting everything wrapped up and how many how many items or how much are we talking about fora well I don't know the dollar amount but um well items are the driving range driving range and then we pumped for how many hours you know so the cost of all the the pumps expanded labor to be pumping over time yep the dumpsters we offered up yep dumpsters uh the electric utility made a couple repairs due to the storms so y thank you to Joel too for getting all the info together he was from the very first moment he was writing things down is what you guys were doing so that's good none of the private residents will be involved in not this not this one yeah no they have to file independently right MH um couple other things here October 14th is indigenous people's day Monday and Veterans Day is also Monday November 11th we are not allowed to conduct business during those two holidays so if it's okay with the city council can we just schedule those meetings to be the Tuesday instead of Monday are you okay with that we've done that in the past sure okay and speaking of that the October council meeting we will have the joint fireboard uh what we do is the townships come here a couple times a year so we'll be doing that in October and then also uh my annual performance review will be in October October 15 and the only other thing I guess I had in the report tonight is our next city council meeting will be September 23rd one item we're going to talk about there is we're going to look at the budget one last time because that is due to the county by the end of September the the preliminary budget and I also believe Ivan you have invited some folks are going to i' I've invited uh Ben and Gina to come and uh have a dialogue about Community Center um they would like to know what information you really need from us to move this thing forward are we going to do it or aren't we um you know community community center discussion yeah it'll be it'll be an interesting meeting I have some ideas I think everybody has a few ideas but it'll be an interesting Where Do We Go From Here are we going to follow through with it or not cuz I really don't know my I just don't know sounds like a very interesting discussion I look forward to that all right that is that it on your report that is all my report and Andy Andy's not here so we're going to be sitting here forever motion to approve administrator report second all in favor 4 Z Joseph pretty uh pretty straightforward um pretty standard operation as of L um good yep good as we were talking about earlier the deer fence out the lake um we have completed the fence for the in the north pen for the deer um we just got to kind of shuffle a couple animals around and that'll be complete um so I think total cost for the material materials came in right under $55,000 so that's kind of what I was aiming for so um and to kind of expand on the Park Board we are looking at replacing the benches on the bike path heading out to the lake um and I know there was some discussion on getting some Community involvement and getting like a sponsorship someone say sponsor a bench or something like that so I know that how many is there right now there's three um I'm probably looking to add a Fourth Kind of more towards Sportsman's uh Campground down there so um what are those benches $1,500 the ones I'm looking at are about 800 bucks oh it's it's similar to the ones that are put out on the golf course as recommend condition for similar individuals yep kind of more of the the composite uh I don't think metal really fits in this case so um I'm I'm going to recommend like a composite Style of course we'll fasten it cable it off or something so that doesn't get taken but um that's one of the things we were discussing and the pickle ball acoss the road they are coming this week to do some pre-surface treatments and start the surface um application so hopefully within a week that should be weather pending of course that should be getting close to finished how long do they need after they put that on there before it's I'm not even sure tell you the truth um but we have the Nets sitting in the shop and we're uh we're going to be ready to go so um when that is we might get a little use out of them yet this year right hopefully yeah yeah so big article in the Free Press what that 10 days ago like a two-page spread on it yeah very very well done sure on pickle ball yeah itself for and the popularity of the of the sport sure and I mean yeah if that's something that it it takes off you know look at expanding into some other Parks or if we have have room elsewhere too so um there is also articles in the pre press that man was having trouble getting the uh the sealant on the courts to stick yeah they put on a they they put on a almost like a track surfacing we're just going to paint seal but they were putting down a a multi-use textured thing well this is a two-part acrylic yeah two layer acrylic so it'll be something similar to the coating hopefully hopefully it stands up yeah is there any type of warranty with it there is it's like a 3 to 5 year on concrete that's a little longer than that on black top but I didn't really want to go the black top route so um but yeah it's like a 3 to 5 year is it like a tennis court kind of what's that is it like a tennis court kind of texture similar y yep yep so the on the street side of things the you may have noticed the the chip seal is finally swept up I know that's kind of got delayed we had to switch a few things around with the safe R to school doing teal Street and they just butchered teal Street all up in that process and I had that scheduled to do chip seal uh so we shifted a few things around we did Grove Street and part of Nelson instead um but that was the delay why it didn't get swept up right away but now it's all it got taken care of on Friday um so we're we're good there and then we recently sold our 2004 F350 on minbid and we sold for a price of $3,025 then after fees of course um we put 12 just over $112,000 back in the street Reserve that's a pretty nice that more than you thought you'd get I actually thought I'd bring just a little more but you did but please it absolutely y so not it might be why did you use it you want to use it bu a new pickup every week oh yeah but that's basically it for uh we're just kind of moving forward kind of switching hopefully start working on some trees coming up here a lot of trimming to do low hanging branches and such um of course street sweeping and everything that goes with that so what about stump grinder Joe yep did we get that we sure did okay yep I knew we were you were going to order one for yep and I've been kind of experimenting with it out at the out at the park out at the lake so is that one that goes on the skid is that what it does skid loader yep skid loader mounted yep yep works really well good but the number of trees we're going to have to take out in the next 20 years it's going to to be yeah and I got a lot of stumps out there right now that need addressing too so y I have to go on record for complimenting Joel I had an individual come uh forward with a uh a complaint or a concern here and the very next day Joe's crew took care of it I thought I have to compliment you openly on on on a meeting for that thank you very much thank you you really want to compliment him wait till the end of the meeting well then then we're going to be spending money right he did a very nice job f thank you Joel all right Joel we've uh uh changed some uh employees or got some new employees and like normally happens are you still trying to work with the power company side of it as part of your crew are you still have that working relation that was there it's a little less uh I'll I'll admit um just trying to let them kind of we got young guys in the utility really need to learn the utility stuff just trying to let they we still help out if they need yeah yeah there's an outage we were there on the outage you know running equipment back and forth materials um absolutely um that what's that the storms storms yeah so that that mentality is still in place absolutely and you someon snowl unless it's like last year yeah right okay yes still very much in place yeah all right we are one of the very very few cities that do that no does that mhm see you soon see you soon all business number one yes uh first item under old business we need to name the election judges for November 5th's general election resolution number 26 is in your packet L of pens mother p a thank okay I would move okay so second all in favor I I yep thank you to the to the people are going to do it new business number two goo equipment certificate yes at our last meeting and at the recent work session uh we talked about the idea here where the power plant is looking to make some improvements uh specifically Transformer and what we're doing tonight is we are adopting a resolution and this is a little a little different than the normal bonds we take out this is for equipment it's not the street and utility project so since it's an equipment Bond we need to adopt tonight's resolution and then we have to put it in the newspaper and we have to wait for any comments comment period and if we don't have any comments then at a future city council meeting we'll actually adopt a resolution with after we open bids and everything for the project so it's estimated at 2.5 million we have not opened up the bids yet and I want to reiterate as well as we talked about earlier The Debt Service pay payments will be made from the electricity bill Revenue not from not from taxes so tonight's resolution approves that and then Michael I will get it to you tomorrow morning move to approve resolution 24-27 second all in favor Y what momento uh we don't specify who we're going to borrow this money from correct when we go out into the market looking for the bond it'll be done at that point okay I just wanted to clarify that yep I'm ready okay all in favor I I for uh old business number three uh rescue plan money yeah if you remember um beginning in 2020 uh we did receive a little over 24 $6,000 in federal money for the rescue plan and we have until the end of this year to spend it all and now that a very large majority of safe routs to school is done uh we have pretty much used up the rescue plan fund so what I'll do is Let's Wait a meeting or two um and then I'll get a report out to you and then I'll be reporting to the feds of course I think that's maybe April that report is do but just so you know we basically spent that rescue plan money as intended as we talked about so I'll have a report for you sound good y perfect new business number one we have a couple of donations yes a donation from Allan starky to the police department for $50 and also to the fire department for $50 so you have the resolution of front of you tonight that accepts those donations any strings attached no just just out of the goodness of the yep good for them he did this earlier six seven months ago remember that yeah y yep I make a motion to approve second all in favor I I four new business number two Joe's back up tonight we're going to look at a the street and Sewer budget from Joe yeah hold on a second I got to that to you okay so attached would be the upside down budget um the street department is on one page and then the park Department budget is top half of that second page I just want to point out real quickly if you look at the street department budget it's actually a little less than last year's budget and the same can be said for the parks department that also went down a little bit and thanks to Joel for doing that obviously Joel is here if you have any questions or Joel do you want to start rolling or how do we yeah I mean just kind of looking a general overview um salary and wages a little bump there just picking up the other half of the the third full-timer um for the year um otherwise pretty straightforward vehicle gas we took down a little bit we split that cost between the sewer and the 101 so we kind of looked at that decided that could get dropped Quarry materials we keep seeing that line item go down um again with that CIP we keep kicking the kicking the snot out of most of the roads so um requiring less out of that line um and also kind of along with that we're going to and with the CIP once we get that um we're getting pretty caught up with the road surfaces so we're going to we're going to try and and focus in on some of these Alleyways too and then maybe try to get a lot of them paved um and fixed up I continue onward just working down the line not like I said not a lot of changes trees tree removal line we're going to bump that a little bit just with anticipation of the the ash bore uh and the expected damage lot of ash trees in town um electricity went up um just mainly due for the because the street department pays for the street lighting um all the street lights go further down uh miscellaneous line 43100 430 we're going to I know I brought it up once before um to the council but we're going to re relook at uh purchasing some kind of Utility side by side vehicle for for maintenance and spraying and and maintenance of the of the parks and streets split that cost between uh streets and parks half and half and then the kind of the big ticket item the road maintenance that's our CIP um we went went from 200,000 down to 150,000 just because we are starting to get kind of caught up in that area um so then I actually rolled that 50,000 over into the reserve and that's going to kind of Finance our hopefully pending Council approv our payload another payloader purchase so what's your PPE line item that you'd like to add uh did you I didn't have a chance to talk to Amber he had a vault to have home okay I just wanted it more clear say uh a line item added in just say uh PPE just for like rain gear uh rubber boats stuff that kind of Falls outside of our uniform allowance okay um safety gear you know glasses hard hats uh chainsaw protection equipment just stuff like that so and I don't you must not have got that plugged in there yet so that's understandable yep so you're looking at adding the second payloader or replacing the one you have adding another one just with the age of our road grader our dump truck situation um we think it's feasible more feasible we looked at an option of say getting a dump truck it's not really as mobile for our needs um especially with like bores and other contractors around who have Oodles of dump trucks um whereas a payloader we use a lot um and so that's with like I said with the age of our greater uh continuous maintenance not looking to get rid of the grer um maybe use it a little bit less use it a little bit less um because you wouldn't talking to a couple RDO and Cat they wouldn't give you hardly anything trade in value so they suggested just keep it um you know we'll do the alleys we'll do our gravel work you know and and stuff like that with it still um but that was the reasoning why we were looking for a payloader versus versus a grer versus a dump truck you know so smaller than the one you have or equal equal yeah about the same the same attachment so you wouldn't have to buy quite as many attachments you need a couple of snow buckets obviously y it'll come with a bucket and then in included in the in the bid package that I'm going to be putting together would be the a plow as well yep similar to the one we got with the four-way wings and so yep that covers streets any questions on street department Parks again salary saw a little bump there because that is a percentage of the of the third fulltime um otherwise it's pretty standard um I know the park board was looking at rolling in a little more funding into the Reserve versus um running it through the line item and the budget so um I know we had looked at that that's another reason why that it dropped from 825 down to 725 um we're going to bump the transfer to the reserve and then run the the 101 fund a little lower and again the half of the UTV um vehicle will come out of the park budget proposed y we had talked about uh creating uh taking the playground equipment out of the miscellaneous and putting it somewhere else that we haven't accomplished that that would be in the reserve Reserve yep that's what we're talking about correct excellent all right I wanted to make sure that we were we were yeah kind of pulling it out of the 101 Parks budget which we're looking at here and moving it right into the reserve through a trans a separate transfer it be carried to multiple years that they wanted to save up for it be yep corre that that was exactly what with par talked about yep correct thank you yep other that's it pretty straightforward um any questions concerns comments as long as you're here and our next uh our next item here maybe I'd like some input from you on to is a library budget that's constantly talk and controversy around that if you have any ideas on what we could do as far as do we need to be putting more money in for the the building and repair I mean they're constantly in need of stuff up there I know the windows are are a big area of concern um but then again how H how tight are your hands if you're working with a a historic building I guess I'm not exactly sure right you know we have received grant funding over the years for a lot of the library repairs since it is on the historic register you know I think we can do any repairs that that are needed the historic registry they will they claim to penalize you if you do something outside of their but the penalty is nothing there is no there is no no penalty when if you research it and look up the data they they say you cannot do anything to that building outside of their recommendations however there are no penalties there are multiple communities in the state of Minnesota that altered their building significantly and I don't think there's an issue so that could be looked at and I I do think we I have to agree with Andrew that we should be looking at upgrading that building as well as we can or at least putting some more money aside for it if it's yeah cuz I mean uh to jump in if you just look at say uh the HVAC system I know I think there's a newer condenser unit outside but I think that furnace in that building is old and if you're looking at replacing furnaces and air conditioners it's what you have in this budget here is nowhere is nowhere near where you need it to be right um and and then yeah you th start throwing in some window repair and other just maintenance uh I guess I'm not sure what condition the roof is in but um just the windows could easily be3 $40,000 right the furnace loan is going to be probably 10 10 right right right so I don't know if that's something uh I guess I don't know whose jurisdiction does that Fallen who who can get these numbers I mean who can get some quotes I don't yeah it's a general fund yeah it's general fund I'm just asking you cuz you're the one that's around right yeah um but yeah initial look it's it's pretty light if you had any major um incidences up there like like we said the furnace goes down it's substantial what were your thoughts Andy well my my immediate thought is just to put more money into the building and repair line and see we're at at the end of the year I know you know we're looking right now at close to a 20% for preliminary obviously that'll change by the end of the year but I'd like to see some more money and I don't know whatever line that is 401 41 yep I wrote that in here joted that note down right now 401 we got a 2500 I would like to see it closer to 10,000 no not that we def you know we don't have to earmark a exact thing we're going to do with it but I think we need to have the funds available for it with the condition of that building and it's been brought to to my attention by residents of some stuff that they'd like to see differently in there I just noticed we don't have a lot in there for it so and there is no at least to my knowledge no say reserve fund or anything for that Library no no that's one I was wondering if uh if we're going to put money we're not sure if we're going to spend it or not could we create a library Reserve fund Reserve for the library I don't know look at that yeah I'm not is there any reason we can't put it in there and if we don't spend it just roll it it'll go in it'll go into the general fund General we could always spend it out of general fund at another time right mhm well I'd like to see it thrown in there for now and like I said this is preliminary stuff we obviously going to have to F tune it before the end of the year but is one thing I think that probably needs a little attention in town argue with that I because Library uh the library system may be able to contribute some to it um they aren't responsible for the building I know that but there are funds it's possible out there for different things right so something else we may want to look for look at going forward and that this actually has been discussed with this Council as well as myself but maybe we need to get better about inviting the library in here like we have Joe in here to once or twice a year update us maybe that would help I mean she probably gets more input from other people than even we do so I think they meet Monday nights okay because Di has mentioned that in the past that I can't can't get to the council me have a library board okay y well something we might want to just keep on our radar M I know several times over the last few years I've been down about a couple things up there and I don't know if it's in the budget this year or not I'd say let's put it in there and look as we start fine tuning things so you want to add to it 10 to it right now or I was going to add 75 to it right now and take it up to 10 I wrote it down so I'll put it for the meeting 23rd when we finalize it we can look at that and see if we have some meetings in October there on Tuesdays if they have a meeting in Monday maybe they can come to A Tuesday meeting yeah possibly mhm throw the invitation out there to him it's good point that was the only budget thing I had tonight Joe's budget again looks it looks great was great last year Joe makes it pretty easy on us so and just to kind of go back to the library I think once we get our CIP um back 2027 is that right Clinton is that sound right Second Street yeah yes 2027 so as far as some some of the accessibility issues there'll be new sidewalk um on West Second Street in front of the library so that would dress that up a little bit at not entrance into the building per se but um new water service you know new sewer service up to the RightWay and stuff like that so just something to be on the radar too I'm not sure if they have concerns about that it's more about about the structure itself and there's tons of conversation around the community center a library in there and I we don't really know where we're at with any of it I just want to keep keep the library under people right are sure all right okay with that is there any other motions second all in favor who second hi did thanks Joe