##VIDEO ID:5gBkXFrscbU## uh turn your mics on we'll call the meeting to order at 7 o' please stand for the pledge 7:01 actually sorry to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li for uh we will start in with the Township Fire board meeting okay can we can everybody please introduce yourselves who are here tonight we can get your name in the minutes Gary Meer St marage Anderson Jason Mor City attorney Jamesville slam up I ask all boys from the songs of the park all right I and yman city council I Moss city council Jim m city council Sarah Johnson City Council all right good I think we're good um we will look at the minutes from February's meeting I'll move next [Applause] uh second all in [Applause] favor 2025 draft budget yeah attaches the draft budget that the city council has looked at a couple of times the final City budget will be adopted on December 9th so this is a copy for the Township Board to review like I said the council will adopt it on the 9th Mike do you Chief SEL do you have anything to add um not much of an increase and take out that loan P that's pretty much of the payments what 69,000 yeah everything this or St you think we can get by with this year is going to be a little got a lot of extra we got five new guys so extra turn on GE and everything I think we can get a lot of this budget or try to um I just talk to the vendor and if we need to we can use some of our next year you can pay some after the first of the year so for the turnout GE because we only bed for three sets and we had Rive I think we can I think we get a with this hopefully so that's why the turnout gear is so much higher than it has been expecting yes that was one of my questions thank you the class A uniforms are also on there and while GE all comes out of that same the turn of GE alone that's without helmets boots clovs and hoods ,000 just for and was bought Loops helmets hood that was like 30400 um did we get a grant for any of that this year um this current year we won't but after they complete their class next year we can qualify to get some of that back to the turn on that soon as we get it in the better because that fond noise gets 100% used up I think last year the limit the two sets of gear but they have to complete their rookie class and we have to have all stuff purchased and then we can turn it into reimbursement y we're turn in all five hopefully they go that don't think we're that any other questions on the budget uh just questions I have last year when uh when we were at this meeting uh the report that we got for the fund 24 for the fire fund uh showed 2022 actual 2023 adopted 2023 un audited and 2024 adopted um I'm not seeing an actual uh or uh I'm sorry I'm not seeing an un audited number for 2024 it looks like it's just a 50% through July 1st we have any better numbers on that well our audit report was sent to us after this is dated so I can I can update this and mail it to you you want me to do that you're looking for year to date 2024 correct yeah well you know in the past we were able to kind of gauge how things were going um last year when we looked at the UN audited for 2023 I raised the question of how accurate that was and how much that would change once it was audited uh as I recall the reply I got was that it's usually pretty close and then when I look back at the numbers it is it was just a handful of dollars different um so you know some of the some of the discussion that we have is about you know the proposed budgets that you're going to have for the upcoming year uh versus what the actual expenses were for the previous year and and then furthermore we had discussion about uh any leftover funds uh that are budgeted for and collected but not spent you know where did they go and as I recall last time correct me if I'm wrong uh Surplus money from that uh goes into the general fund um and the city takes care of their contractual obligations to the fire fund and so the question that we have as townships is you know we we we like to see that number that budgeted number for the coming year you know be as close as possible to actual expenses and and I think you guys did a good job with that um it it's you know everything is thrown out of whack by that pumper number there otherwise you know things look fairly good there but I don't really have any numbers to go by without you know an un audited toate and I think it's pertinent for tonight's discussion okay well I can update that 2024 column instead of you know date of July 1 I can we could do October 1 September 1 for sure I know yeah we could do that I could I could send them to you um on that uh you know we got some big ticket items coming in right the the turn on Year all stuff I've been kind of pin sa I know it's coming in [Music] yeah just let you know what some of the items were close to two budet members already and some of them are way under me trying to shuffle around and I know but I'm going have to do a little line ad make everything look the btel number to look right so do I understand correctly um the the city council is going to finalize the the draft budget for 2025 at your December meeting yes is there going to be any room for discussion and or alterations at that point well yeah until it's finally an um uh em motioned in yes we can we can we can't raise any any numbers we have but we can uh reduce numbers okay so that would be the time to have our our discussion we'll have more current numbers I think I I agree with with you I think it'd be nice to have that discussion at the December meeting perfect I notic there's a few uh items that are that are off here but not not significantly that it' be nice to have closer numbers in December I agree well and just with all due respect uh I believe the chief is doing a good job I think he's watching The Pennies as close as he can here and and we certainly appreciate that and we just don't want to see that budget get out of hand there um and I think you know why I guess one more question then with that uh umper loan payment of 69,00 that's accounting for the Lion's Share of the increase from the 2024 to the proposed 2025 are there how many more payments do you have left on that I mean is this going to be thing for the next five years I think four more yeah yeah and this budget does not [Music] include fut Tru so I don't I correct yes you're correct includ the fir truck loan ends the last payment is bif focals on July 2028 last payment so just bear with me for a moment to see if I can get my brain wrapped around this we're looking at a draft budget of 232 132 for 2025 and that's a little over $68,000 more than the adopted budget for 2024 and but I'm hearing you say that capital expenditures don't come out of the portion that the townships are responsible for no okay so what budget what are we working with then numbers wise so that the township can get their terms around what portion of where's the operating budget for the fire that's the part that we're responsible this is operating so are you saying that's going to be the operating budget that's yeah and there's a capital Improvement payment of for the pper truck there yes that correct me if I'm wrong contradicts what you just told me earlier on you on this one that we put aside X am every year that [Music] come so for police cars Public Works Vehicles fire trucks we have a separate fund that comes from the property taxes in Jamesville that goes into replacement funds for vehicles when we purchased this pumper we didn't have quite enough money in that fund so we loaned out some money and that that's what you see here tonight normally when we buy a truck or a squad car snowplow whatever it comes out of those Reserve funds if that makes sense but not anymore not this particular truck CU we purchas it probably about a year and a half before we had enough money to do it yep so so then in reality based on these numbers the 25% portion of the townships are contributing towards the operations of the fire department are going to be funding 25% of the capital Improvement in in the form of that bumper truck of that truck yes yep yep thank you mhm anything else on the budget uh run report let me open that up here do you want that mik I got it on the screen here we're actually down a little bit last year which is a great thing um not significantly but we are down near to dat um we're looking at about if we keep where we're going now about 200 runs for the year Aver out great last year we were at [Music] 236 exactly the number let me look and the percentages are keeping almost close to what they've been traditionally all along between the city and so I think that pretty close to contract go from the last 3 years is what the next threee contract is I think it's going to be very close to what it was last [Music] time leave with that uh next item levels of capital reserve fund and Ro fire fund September one yeah as of September one you have the the figures there which were in our capital reserve and our Royal fire fund as for September 1 the October one numbers they did both of those funds did increase a little bit you know due to interest basically in the last month so the capital reserve fund is a little over 67500 and the rural fire fund is is 18,650 so they both went up a little bit care Reserve fund gets funded on January one half and then July one the other half well July and this when the second half taxes come in first half and second half taxes is when that money goes into that fund Y how much how much City you transfering into what was the resolution last year that was some let me see isn't this sad I have the resolution numbers memorized so in 20 24 the fire capital reserve fund will get 150,000 so we get 75,000 more at the end of this year will be transferred into that fund so the 67 plus 75 anything else on the capital reserve funds is there any reason why we can't be tapping that capital reserve fund to help with pumper payments well it's up to you guys we we placed it in the budget this year so we could start making the payments because we obviously don't have 69,000 in the fund right now we have 67 you know so that's why we did that the way it was explained to me is uh uh we pretty much paid down the reserve funds that we had to purchase the new truck and we need to build them up at the same time were continuing paying on the new truck so that in 5 years we have Capital to pay for a second truck that it's you need to replace them periodically and we have to fund both the one we have in our barn and the next prospective purchase at the same time okay so then that leads me to my next question if we're building those monies into the capital reserve fund for future expenses like a new pumper truck Etc why did we have to borrow why wasn't the money there for this last purchase done I'm going to tell you inflation that uh what this new truck cost us was nowhere near what we had been setting aside we're expecting about a half a million and came in closer to million y just purchased or ordered a truck very almost twins earlier this year and 900,000 we we had to get a new we had to get a new CL Tru at township it hurt but we'll see if you know an extra 15,000 in a year and a half like where are these prices going virtually the same truck actually the rural fire district in Wasa just ordered new truck also and uh if we signed by the 1st of March it was 800 some thousand if we waited till the end of March it would have been over 900,000 so just within within a month it was going up that fast and they couldn't guarantee delivery and so forth so yeah I know that was a problem we had with the chassis on that truck too they couldn't finalize the price until the day it was essent so the city is then funding the capital reserve fund an average of What About 150,000 a year that's what it is now in the past it was not was I think yeah up quite a bit when my my head I appreciate the effort any other discussion on that item number five new pumper truck and service got it service February um been on a few calls uh now um everything seems to be working fine um we haven't had any uh issues from the manufacturer that I'm aware of so far that's good thing is that many moving components there's few ones in there but we haven't had any that I know um on that same note we did get a new brush truck that was still out 100% completed we got wait for one light but otherwise it's it's in service um that was purchased with the the rural fund which is remember is that's funded by building of the reserve uh R calls that's where that money collected goes that brush truck is primarily Ral truck where grass to but we do use it for traffic control stuff Highway all that that was I think total price that was 90,000 they done on that or that all paid off all and then we did purchase a this year a new fourwheeler um traded their old one in it was most four-wheelers have like a s wheel Transmission in them and every time we took it down to the slew in the in the shop this one's got I don't know much you can probably explain the transmission it's uh steel Drive steel drive transmission it doesn't have to D clutch like uh it's built for exactly what we feel we need that was purchased through dance money donations pancake breakfast that type stuff we paid for all that out of our F Al that was $36 yeah want put TRS on that was that will be that was that was the with the tracks is I think what that tracks yep we've opted right now to try it without the tracks you go y as a side by side yes question I have just as I recollect from previous meetings there's been some issue with collecting on those Billings for the rural fire calls Etc can we have some kind of an upd how we're coming with that is that still an ongoing problem I don't to be honest with you I don't know if I can show you that CU it has people's names on it I'm not sure if [Music] that's I tell you what I'll do um I will update that budget to have that that column not say July I'll send that to you and then I'll send you a report that doesn't have names and stuff on it about where the money is that makesense yeah you don't want to know who use want don't know if they're all caught up and then you're going to send that to all the townships correct yep okay very good am I right Mr attorney no names no names okay I think off the top of my head most of the bills have sent out I think 75% have been paid okay one think we have difficulty building there some of the car accidents when there from way outside of the area hard to down the that's you get a fire call you have a land owner there with some of the car accidents we end not collecting because of that it's the insurance companies that's hard to get the money out yeah they ask specific yes items now uh moving on to number six Township Fire contracts expir 1231 yeah attached in your packet is the current contract that we have in in like uh like Mr Alman said here they do expire on December 30 31 of this year three-year contracts I think Mike was alluding to this earlier we do go back the three-year history to develop that percentage and I Mike I think you're pretty darn accurate it's going to be really close to the 25% this year again so I would guess 25 26 for all yep I mean I ran the preliminary numbers as of today and it's 3070 not 2575 but all of the Year isn't over yet so the only I see section to we have any discussion on that any other business question finalized in December is that correct for the percentages for [Music] Rural City and quite honestly we'll have to make it as close as December as we can because obviously the year is not going to be over yet but we'll just have to we'll work with that have a projected SE per we get yeah we won't would have that is that already in December as the budget is adopted we'll have that number for you yep the date of that meeting is December 9 is that correct yep anything else I'll move to j a second all in favor all righte that meeting on December 9th is that here that is our annual budget meeting so that night we're looking at the entire budget 7 o' [Music] here okay when did we 7 7 73 yeah that's yep that's the night that keeps on going [Music] yeah thank you much thank you thank [Applause] [Music] you moving on the agenda oh I got to find my spot here just a second any additions or rections uh no I do not have any I've got one question whether we should add something to the agenda or not last uh meeting we had a a discussion about the uh SE fry school and I don't think it was a motion to not allow golf carts on the on the paths was it we're putting signs up by the school right now that says no motorized i' like to revisit that because I think that's uh nearsighted I believe that uh we should maybe readdress that and I'd like to have a discussion either this meeting next meeting at some point in time I don't think we motioned that as a policy correct I I have to look at the safe routes of school rules so let's do a next meeting yes if we can do that but I'd like like I wanted to bring that up and if we needed to be on the agenda I wanted it tonight but I think maybe a future agenda we should discuss that I'm not uh completely satisfied with what our discussion was so thank you so otherwise the agenda is fine we have a motion it is second all in favor I consent agenda okay consent agenda we have the minutes from our last meeting I do want to point out uh there was one misspelled word in the middle of minutes so we fix that um and then you have the receivables and you have the payables um Sarah Joe do you have any we had a few payables to point out do you want to do it or do you want me to do it in other words she told me I'd have to do it okay I can do that we did receive uh fire Aid money from the state so we sent that check to the Fire Relief Association because they're they're the group that gets that money that was a little over $36,000 which came from the state like I say um we we did pay for a couple homes in the Northwood with that developers agreement with Scott MOS uh he was able to get a couple certificate of occupancies so he received that that money that was in the developers agreement and the only other item I was going to point out we're going to talk about here in a couple minutes but the Citywide annual cleanup bill came in a little over $7,000 so that's in tonight's payables as well motion to approve the agenda a second all in favor Sarah you did you second yes uh do we have anybody here to speak through public forum D go ahead I think this is probably the most appropriate time and I have to apologize for not being here more often but now that you're only meeting once a month I always have a library board meeting usually at the same time you're meeting but because you're on Tuesday I could come tonight so I'm going to insert myself for just a minute um and remind you that if you ever have questions um please contact me we want to be strong Partners to the city of Jamesville um I wanted to thank you for the safe routs to school I've been walking them they're awesome it's wonderful thank you so much um and I also wanted to let you know about um some big news that Wasa County got on Wednesday that does not affect directly the city of Jamesville but it does um it certainly is another Boon to our economy here um we were able to secure a round 10 Broadband Grant which will build on our our round nine win uh round nine we got uh $4.3 million from the state of Minnesota um round 10 brings on brings on another I think 1.1 million of State money um uh this will touch Alton uh New Richland and St Mary's Township and it'll build around the the round nine area um in the southwest part of the county the least served part of the county as far as Internet um and so they've been digging down there and putting in wires and they'll just continue on um all together the two projects together will um equal almost 7.5 million of broadband development in the county um should be done by the end of 2026 right now they're they're putting in main lines next year they'll be putting in to the residents on the part that they're putting in main lines in and be putting more main lines and then those two the residents for the second phase uh round 10 will go in in 26 um but that was big news and a big win for for the county as a whole and certainly helps with our Economic Development um I looked with interest on the on the um tentative plans you have for uh possible Community Center and um I can tell you from the library board the library board is very very excited about the possibilities of that um and that's what I got and as I said if you ever have questions or need contact for anything please don't hesitate thanks D I'd like to take just a second and and thank the county for o us to use the Eda director that you have uh she's attended several meetings with us and she is full of knowledge that I hope the Eda board and the community center can use she appears to be a good grant writer or a good resource for us so thank is really awesome and I'm and she's been doing a lot of work with our City's um Wasa waldor uh jeansville and um we want a full-fledged effort here to help us out grow so glad that she can serve the city and because when we when somebody wins here we all win here so thanks thank for the time ahead of your administrative report yeah that way they don't have to okay if they're interested in that so do well we'll do this notices in Comm oh anybody else for public forum I'm not sure if I'm on the agenda you are you are y okay all right thank you Public fors quot Notices and Communications yes uh you have the third quarter police report Chief Johnson is here if you have any questions these were this is the report um July through the end of September of this year [Applause] here good evening how's everything going good thanks for serving Chief thank you you're supposed to say not as busy as a second quarter by 90 195 um last year oh that is this yeah that's right this year we're down from second quarter we're up from last year yeah um see I got the memo I got to put these on I I noticed that it's blurry now I don't get that um yeah our numbers are down a little bit um I think it's just slowing since of summer is kind of left us and things are cooling off um our arrests are down um got a few accidents no DWI um and no calls handled by the county um on Sunday so I think it's B power for the course so anybody have any other questions Steve thank you sir thank you thank you Steve thank [Applause] you Council reports I well the uh we met the Personnel committee did and went over some things um at the October next meeting we'll yep look at those we'll bring them out next meeting I have nothing for the all for it I had uh uh no new reports I guess uh we visited jointly with the Ada last time um Park Road meets later this week with the uh contractors for the elevator looking at how they can stage their materials during construction that although I've been told all the loans paperwork has been signed and we're just waiting for delivery of the materials for December 9th start what's that is that sched for December 9th I don't have a date I haven't talked to anybody so but it's coming up yeah one de started in there entally 6 weeks to be done yeah course we have to deal with the residents of parkroad building while the elevator is being reconstructed if they need additional help getting groceries or shopping or whatever we work with volunteers from the community to cover it that's what we'll discussing on Wednesday Jim no Pete here tonight so he'll tell me you're going to make Pete do it huh yeah um he's better at it than me so we're going to skip the administrator report and we're going to bump heat up one notch perfect timing right Sarah that's right he's way better at it actually terara Sarah said I didn't have to talk tonight so I'm not sure what that's about again Pete matal um ministrator Whispering Creek through LSI Consulting again as always thank you guys for having hired us and worked with us for be 24 years in December hard as that is to believe but thank you very much usually when I come here I kind of talk in some generalities I was going to zero in on a couple things more tonight I talk to Mike Santo earlier our board chair of the nursing home board and people were really excited at the nursing home today because the new five star ratings came out recently and we're a five- star nursing home again we usually bounce back between four and five stars in today's world a lot of it comes down to our staffing if we have to use a lot of pool staff then we might might slip down to four we had a good summer we've had some people come back we've hired a few people so our staffing is actually not too bad right now and that's what got us up into the festar and that five star report you hear people talk about it a lot it's made up of how you doing your health department survey um again what your Staffing looks like there's a bunch of quality measures that government maintains and that all factors into it one of the ones we've done really really well on the last few years is our health department surveys we call it a survey and inspections in other word every 9 to 15 months the health department shows up un announced to do an inspection of our building currently federally you get about seven deficiencies a survey Minnesota we're averaging about six so over the last two years I would have expected 12 deficiencies and we only had three we had one this year which was actually an error on cms's part every quarter we have to upload all of our wage data to Medicare and they crunch it well they said we didn't have nurses in the building in like half a dozen days and we always have nurses in the building so when I went to the CMS website and printed out the report it said we had nurses in the building every single day but the health department said we see them told us you don't so we're giving you the deficiency even though cms's own data said we did but I wasn't going to fight that one because if you ever get zero deficiencies then they send the federal inspectors in and it's even worse so I said low Ling fruit we'll take this one we'll move on so the other measure that I look at closely is the quality measure and there's a federal and a state quality measure I pay a little more attention in the state one but right now there's about 350 nursing homes homes in Minnesota and on the quality measures we're 45th best so well into the top 10% so getting back to what I say every time we have an amazing staff they do a great job we have a lot of longtime employees and as I said if I ever try to cut a corner they would chop me off of the ankles so I heard a couple people yelling in the hallways we're five star we're five star today so that's how I knew we were five star because they were kind of celebrating it so the other thing I was just going to touch on quickly is if you've talk to anybody who's been in a nursing home in the last few years they'll tell you how expensive it's gotten and it truly has I went back and double checked in 2000 since 2014 to where we are the start of this year we've more than doubled the daily charge to be in a nursing home which is kind of crazy when you think of it's about a 99% a year inflation for us the thing most people don't realize is we don't set our own rates that's all done by the state every year we have to file a big cost report we actually used to do it ourselves and it got so comp complicated we have uh our audit firm does it for us and then DHS takes that crunches the numbers and that determines our interim rates then about 10 months after that they audit us and that's our final rate so it's pretty much all inflation driven it's not that many years ago that we were paying our nursing assistance 10 11 bucks an hour now they're making about 20 our nurses a good a really spectacular nursing wage used to be 30 bucks an hour now if I won't pay him 40 I'm not competitive nursing assistance May uh directors of nursing $50 an hour and more I we oversee a number of other buildings and administrators that used to make 60 Grand a year we having to pay double that it's just insane what's happened and it all happened since Co ever since then our business has just kind of gone crazy so I wish I could say I see the cost increases stopping but I really don't because as long as the wage pressures are there we're going to see our our rates continue to go up so I didn't mean to take up too much of your time just a couple quick things again the thing to leave you with is you have an incredible Nursing Home in this town not it's not just me saying it any metric you look at supports what I say so the community should be very proud we've had stability we've had Mike on the board for a good chunk of my tenure and was his dad before him so so it's just that the consistency we've been able to maintain with 40 30 40e employees people on our board who've been there forever it's it's just a the star of any of the nursing homes I oversee so you should be very proud and speaking of pumper trucks the nursing home loan US money one year for a pumper truck back in the early days y yep and I remember but that only cost you 100 Grand I know what right yeah it was we own is just over 100,000 I think got you a brand new great truck that's what a million bucks now yeah pretty close wow nuts did uh the nursing shortage created by Mayo in Mano did that affect you at all no you know we haven't when you talk actual professional nurses LPN and RNs we've been okay we really haven't had issues our issues are in the nursing assessment side anything else repeat again thank you for work thanks for 24 years I appreciate it thanks Pete thank I think I said this one other time 24 more that would be [Music] interesting uh we're going to move all logus up spot two thank you I'll make this very short um just wanted to get a final overview of the 2024 the songs in the park um what it look like possibilities for next year that kind of thing I'm not going to go through all the numbers that I have I'm just going to hand these out um would take too long to go through the numbers I'm just going to hand these and you for do what you want um just a couple things it went incredibly smooth the people everybody I worked with was so easy to work with it was incredible I want to make sure I say thank you to the people who took care of the park they just did a phenomenal job The Lawns were molded everything was clean just want to say thank you for that um yeah we had two events postponed for inclement weather but we easily moved them up week no problems uh one band cancelled due to illness we were able to find one within 10 minutes so very simple very easy that kind of thing um want to say thank you to the city council for your support I really appreciate it my wife and I had a great time doing it we really did we had a lot of fun and by all the accounts it was s a success um 100% positive comments everybody seemed to really enjoy it so that being said I just want to say thank you um and also pending the approval of the city council I'd like to look into uh going ahead with it next year again um I've learned a few things this year um um you with in Grants and that kind of thing on the back page there is a potential budget um again everything's tentative because I'm working through the grants um but from what I know on the back that should be pretty close to a realistic budget and even if the grants or the sponsorships don't come in as expected um it it's it can be worked around if you're interested in doing it again next year I would I would really enjoy doing it so that's kind of what I got so can I give you this this is these are all the receipts that we receed from donations and then every check re for the performances and all that yeah okay yeah I think I have a copy I made copies of everything also okay so um yeah so oh and the balance is exactly what I have so that's always a plus so I dou Che real quick I'm like yep that's right yeah so but no it went well I think sponsorships will probably go up this year um you know when it's brand new and I walk into say into a business and say hi would you mind giving me money they look at me kind of funny um but this year I think they know more what it's about so I think sponsorships would be better I found out more about grants that we're able to get that kind of thing um so I'm looking just again I want to make this brief but um the the tenative idea is to have more next year um there that which will mean you know obviously more musicians it would also mean more food trucks and this is the only the only thing is to have a variety we might have to bring in some from out of town we kept everything within Jamesville this year um but I want you to know the priority will always be the Jamesville businesses um like I said just for variety we're trying to work through some things talking about how we can have a a little more variety but still we don't want to compete with the food trucks as much as possible because they're the only ones that have any kind of investment in it you know the bands get paid regardless but the food trucks have an investment in the food so we want to make sure they're able to to make money on it that's the only um the only ones who make a profit on this so we're trying to figure that out and all the details promotion that kind of thing um making it better so so that's kind of what I got the only other thing I'd like to to highlight is the very last paragraph on the first page is what to me is the most important thing um I won't read it all but I just put that on there to me that's the most important part of it so anyway um that's all I got yeah P again pending approval from the city council I can start going ahead with it um whenever that approval may be given so thank you I heard a lot of great things about it and I did attend a few of them uh a couple things that I have had people ask is the --------- ##VIDEO ID:y8S-82xlKtg## mention that because we started looking at that because someone mentioned also that there's there's kids baseball games and there always something I was going to say and if you start looking at it every night there's something absolutely so we kind of just and actually um this year I'm kind of looking at it with the exception of around Heyday in that time of doing it every two weeks um so you know there will be some in there but yeah we we actually looked at that because of that and the ball games and every night there's something going on so it's really hard to work around but I see you sprinkled in some others too so I mean yeah yeah yeah we're we're looking at every again with the exception of hey days and around that time we're kind of looking at every two weeks so and I I think that's more than realistic to be able to do um I've talked to to Jim as a matter of fact about in different things and so people really seem to like it um the sponsor were great um the you know the bands were great the food tracks were I mean it was so easy it was unbelievable I just set it up and just kind of sat back and watch so so yeah again pending approval um at some point from the city council I would go ahead with next year and again I probably by January I know about the grant so I know more about details but one way or the other I'm pretty sure I could work it out to do it even if we don't the grants don't come in like I expect fact so can we make that decision now we don't have to wait to make a a motion to proceed with songs in the park for next year correct and he will do research and bring information forward I would move that the council support songs in the park for uh the summer of 2025 I'll second okay yeah and and by oh I'm sorry all in favor hi hi hi hi sorry didn't mean to interrupt um I I was going to say December but it sounds like December is a busy meeting so we'll say by by January I'll have pretty much all the details ironed out and know what's going on so thank you very much before you go on beh of excuse me personal thank you very much thank you I appreciate that thank you you report can I have one oh okay thanks never mind cancel here oh I I should just really quick mention if you got any questions please call me or email me I put it at the top my phone number kind of got cut off but I think the city has we got your number I was going to say somebody's got I think you can get it so by all means feel free to call me or email me or stop me on the street or whatever the case may be so thank you administrative report thanks again Paul thank you yeah thank you yeah a few items here for you we can kind of quickly go through for tonight's packet you have the reconciliation from the bank from September 30th you also have the cash balance report you have the comparisons for the golf course and I was just going to point out one quick item there was an accidental typo put in I think it was last month's cash it showed that the expenses were way way high but it it didn't that report you have was going to be a little inaccurate so if you want to copy this I can give it to you later on also attached is the third quarter payroll report for the city and then also next meeting we will be approving if we do receive bids will be approving Cemetery maintenance agreement the current one we have now is over at the end of this month and they're generally a three-year contract so we'll look at bids on October 28th I mention earlier tonight Citywide cleanup this this year a few weeks back was a little over $7,000 last year it was 5100 the year before that was 3100 uh do we want to keep budgeting for this that tends to go up every year is that something we want to keep doing we obviously have now until December 9th's council meeting you know to to talk about the budget but that just something to keep in mind if if you're looking to you know save on a line I know maybe that's one one thing we look at was the amount of trash picked up higher than the year before or about the same or don't you know not off the top of my head yeah I'm not sure did we budget for it this year remember that number I think it was like five it wasn't seven it was seven cuz we had talked about um doing the the CB side that would signicant war in this particular year that Saturday was an absolute fabulous beautiful morning so that probably bought more out you know just because the weather was so nice so just something to keep in mind I would like to see it continued but I think we need to uh check for alternative suppliers for that a different Refuge company or something yeah but that other one JP that blue ljp ljp ljp see what they would we have a dumpster place in town oh yeah I mean I mean not my backyard it's something to consider it's a consideration have some dumpsters there and just have the dumpsters there the people got to throw it in the dumpsters themselves I mean right that's a good ideaa it's a good thought I good thinking Ian it happens not even your bedtime that's CLE in an accident okay uh a couple other things here quickly for you uh the Eda did have their second social event uh Wednesday October second couple Wes ago there were not a lot of people in attendance but it was homecoming week and I guarantee you there was a lot of people busy with homecoming uh then the only other thing I really have for you is the board and commission vacancies we're going to put that advertisement out soon so we will be looking for appointments at our December meeting and last but not least uh we have one more date to change for City Council meetings we will not meet on Veterans Day the 2nd Monday of November we'll meet on Tuesday the 12th instead in regard to your boards and commissions there was a comment in there about perm and I guess I was unclear that a councilman is eligible to receive the perum for attending these board meeting they are not they are according to this I was informed that we were not it's it's it says the pum shall be paid for the meeting other than the regularly scheduled meetings by the city council for any member of the city council or any member of any board or commission yeah quite honestly we haven't had a person to fill out a pum form for 12 years or more yeah it's in our city code that's why we announce it we're eligible for it Y and other regular board members you know residents citizens yeah yeah I I just wanted to make it aware to everyone that we are eligible do we want to change that at some point next time you change your city code we'll take the sentence out it's in the city code right now so it is you know that officially makes it available yep that is all I have for reports Mr Mayor Mr Mayor PRM that's your H motion yeah motion to approve the administrative report second all in favor all all right uh next new business item number one sir Jo Vulcan remov from training period yes uh the Personnel committee did meet last week and this is one of the items we did talk about uh we Sarah's through her probation or learning period right now so in order to become a regular employee according to her Personnel policy the city council needs to make a motion to take her off that status and to consider her a regular full-time employee so I would ask you to do that because she's doing super vanan cabulous so move second all in favor hi Last Chance Sarah thank you Sarah thank you very much uh item number two on new business accept donation golf course that didn't take as long as your review weird um The Golf Association has made another contribution to the golf course uh it was to pay for top dressing sand at the course this summer it's for $3,188 39 resolution number number 31 has that stated a motion to adopt resolution 2024 D31 I'll second that all in favor I I I um at this at this time we will uh close the open meeting and for the for the administrator performance review at good know bark 806