##VIDEO ID:iFMeABhB1NI## attachs are the minutes from our last meeting November 12th then you have the payables and the receivables um there's really nothing that sticks out as far as the payables go so everything's pretty much routine motion to approve second all in favor oral uh public forum anyone here for public forum tonight public forum notice and Communications yes you have a a magazine the monthly magazine from the league put that on the table here tonight Council reports I have none as of right now nothing from the Eda Park Road has started construction on the elevator the it's my understanding the Old elevator is almost out of there they're waiting for some parts before they can start reconstruction and uh in the meantime they've installed all the switch panels on each floor so they're making some progress this is a short work week for them there's only two or 3 days because of the holiday a few of the residents are complaining that the project is going to Take 6 weeks but those are also the same residents that didn't come to the information meetings it has to be done there's not a lot to can be done we've done everything we can to inform them and help them with things so y so anything from you Sarah um M col is sensus is down a little bit 26 residents um we're using a a new AI accounting um software that's saving Julie a whole lot of time so she doesn't have to be entering a whole lot of stuff so her time can be utilized doing a lot of other things now other than that down a little bit but they should recover so okay department heads we have the library here to visit with us tonight yes Kelly is here from the library she's going to give a little update on the happenings at the library hello my name is Kelly Kleen and I am the branch supervisor at the Jamesville Public Library here in town um I was invited here tonight to talk about some maintenance and needs of the building so I just want to start off and say I am not an expert on Building Maintenance at all my wheelhouse is running the Library making patrons happy so I was given um a building maintenance checklist and I would love someone to walk through the library um everywhere inside and outside the surrounding area and then we go through this together and create a building plan maintenance going forward so this includes exterior walls doors windows um lighting etc etc um so I can send an email if you'd like I've got two copies here whatever works for all of you um I kind of just wanted to go through um importance for right now instead of waiting for the checklist to be done um I don't believe that there are fire detectors in the library or carbon monoxide detectors so I would like that to be addressed rather soon I was just thinking about that the other day and I looked around there isn't any as far as I know so that is something that I would like taking care of rather soon um it's an old building so the furnace is old so I would like that taken care of um Clinton had emailed me about the water damage on the ceiling tiles being taken care of for next year's budget so that was something on my list so that is addressed as as well as the gutters are going to be taken care of next year so that is great to hear as well um some of the other things on my list would be discussed on the building checklist there's paint chipping throughout the Walls by the books and then in the entryway as well so as we do that walk through that is an example of what we would talk through um I had an I had a complaint the other day that there is no changing table in the bathroom and I understand that that is a small area um but that is something that needs to be addressed for mothers and fathers or guardians of yeah um then one of my last um issues is winter is coming so I would like to know is it my responsibility to take care of the sidewalk for snow removal what is the protocol for snow removal last year was my first winter and there wasn't a lot of snow so I don't really know the protocol for that General go I was just curious what they've done in the past I assume that oh Mike would you like to chime in on this one um I normally plowed it most of the time us went up to own with my tractor and have been doing it uh I know I talked about hiring it out to somebody or I don't City crew would they've got an extra personel if they have time to do it or whatever that's what happened in the past we can talk to the city crew is it something if there's absolutely no time are you willing to work with us again Mike I figured as much we always appreciate it no it's not your responsibility to shovel the sidewalk is the moral of the story we will figure it out okay sounds good um so yeah that is kind of um I've got a list but I feel that it's important to go through the building oneon-one with an IND individual before I just say the whole list I would just like to do a walk through M we would discuss more of my list so oh that's a great idea MH do we have any idea who we should send on the walk through you well that was my question should I go do we want Dan Murphy do it I have no problem doing it and I would do it as soon as this week y if if everyone's fine with me doing it I had do have a little construction background so I can probably figure it out I have a question for Clinton there is no line item set up for Library maintenance is there in the budget it's building repair and maintenance there's a line it just goes in general building repair and maintenance correct yep Ivan my retired councilman are you in there all day tomorrow or what's your schedu 1 to 8 1 to 8 yes 2:00 tomorrow afternoon Ian I think I can do that 2:00 tomorrow afternoon we'll be there sounds great thank you very much for your time yeah thanks for coming here tonight appreciate it yes thank you K thank you old business number one is our bond and it seems administrative report oh yes that's administrative report how do I do that every week I don't know I I'll make it quick so we have our last Friday's cash balance report with the graphs there we have the yearly comparisons for the golf course I just want to let you know that the contract for the Police contract has been signed so all parties have a copy of that uh we do have well not yet it's going to be soon uh we are updating our website we're kind of doing a redesign with uh actually the company that we did have is no longer I guess they were bought out had a way of saying it so we're working with them on on our website so that should come up pretty soon then we also have this new app that is called gogov that can give information to people and it the nice thing about it is it can go right on their phone so we'll be doing that probably in the next month or so um Andy you want to talk about what we did Thursday uh we met with an intern actually that's from MSU and he's in the plan Planning and Zoning so he is going to be coming we were actually thinking after the first year but he may start sooner than that because he's available he will be here two days a week through May he's required to get about 300 hours before graduation MH so he will be here helping Clinton with the Planning and Zoning stuff and trying to to learn and take some of the pressure off our office staff for now so I don't know it's always exciting to have an intern so as intern is there a uh expense to the city yes we are commentating uh Planning and Zoning step one with around $26 an hour 300 hours $7,500 and it's in next year's budget it's about $7,500 depending right in there though y uh the only other thing I guess I have is it's the second last item Wasa County has learned of what their opioid settlement is going to be from the state so there's an informational meeting in a couple weeks Tuesday December 3D at the East Annex I believe it is um it's in the afternoon so I'm going to head over there they're going to begin discussions on what they plan to do with the money that they received bica county is going to get a little over a million dollars over the next spread out over the next 18 years I actually have a couple things on that too um I am actually not going to be around I did actually hand it to Steve I think that would be something very advantageous for Steve to attend even probably more so than a council member but I don't know if you can fit that in your schedule Steve or yeah I've met with Andrea already on it um so I do have a little bit of the background but I'm more willing to work I I looked it over for some reason while see Count's getting a lot in comparison to other counties that are bigger than we are I'm really not sure if there's how it was divided out I couldn't really find that on the website but right there is an article in the magazine here too talk about opioid settlement so yeah see I have one I have another thing on the administrative report we're been looking at the uh Golf Course comparisons for quite a few years now the budget's usually seem to line up pretty good I don't know that we need to continue on with that I would possibly like to look at uh a a monthly report from the streets and parks department on what they've been working on and what plans they have in their future that's something that's in the in the resident's eyesight and it stuff I get questioned on a lot and I don't necessarily have an answer for them as to what the plans are I feel it would be acceptable to take the paper away and not do the constant comparison of the golf course I mean the last several years four years now it's lined up pretty much exactly with budgets things seem to be going well we have a budget tonight on them which seems pretty good to me I don't know how the rest of the council feels about that we wouldn't have anybody from Public Works just uh we'll still have they will still be in the rotation sure but it would just be another burden on Clinton he would have to find out kind know what projects they've been working on and what projects are coming up that way we as a council stay informed and when we're asked about it we have a answer sure are you asking for the cost on the projects they're doing too no okay no that should be in their budgets more standard maintenance yep just yep y in the administrative report that's a good place any to put it especially if we take out that Golf Course comparison that do you need a motion I don't do we need action on this or just you pretty much just told me what to do so I got to do it [Music] okay do have everybody on the council in agreement with me on it that sounds good okay do you have anything else under your administrative report Clinton I have gone I'm just waiting for Andy Alman to make a motion motion to approve a ministrator report I'll second that all in favor hi all right now we can move to Old business number one which is a a bond issue and we have the professional here for that yes George is here tonight to go over the bond to sale that was completed earlier today um the resolution in your packet as I mentioned it doesn't have numbers and figures in there because all of the numbers and Figures were determined earlier today so I have the resolution up on the screen Andy if you want to stop by sometime tomorrow and sign it yep can you put this one up think good evening mayor and councel okay which one uh the B summary fin y there we go and the second page Clint right there is it today um one back please there um good evening George ersson from Northland Securities we've uh as you may recall we work with the city on Public Finance matters when you need to borrow money um have projects that need financing uh we are generally in front of you and appreciate that uh as always and so this evening this is uh I'll go through a sales summary with you hit the high point points and then certainly have you know address any questions you may have um on on this page I'll just hit the summary this financing is for um the Pu it's it's the city issuing debt uh on behalf of the Pu uh it's it's to finance the purchase of a transformer and switch gear and and so it's I I think it's a nice um opportunity for the puc and City to work together it's it's a scenario where uh the equipment the switch gear and transformer fall under the category of equipment where they you you at the city can issue General obligation debt at a better interest rate um the Pu can issue what's called Revenue debt so they don't have the taxing Authority you have that so um so that's why this financing was ultimately uh requested uh many months ago and and we're fast forwarding to today where the bonds were sold so the bonds again for that purpose structured with a a 20-year financing term the I I will talk about uh the the bond rating so as part of the process you know we do this every time you have a street project as well we get your credit rating assigned so for your bond issue here we worked with standard and pors they're one of the two rating agency es that work with a lot of Minnesota municipalities the other is Moody's investor Service uh standard and pores has worked with the city for a number of years uh they affirmed the city's A+ rating so um your administrator and Andrea were were on the phone uh when we had the rating call they worked on prep prepping for that and providing information that was requested from the rating agency so that's that's always very beneficial hit some of the high points that were noted in the rating report um they note the city's history of stable operating performance and healthy fund balances on a percentage basis that you're you've got a policy in place uh to maintain a certain level of fund balance and you achieve that and and so you you annually have been achieving that for a number of years so that doesn't go in notice that that's a credit positive for the city and uh they do note that you know you're a smaller community that we've got some debt outstanding so those are there's always the positives that go with the negatives when the rating agencies get involved and so certainly the fund balance and and the the um the historical operating performances kind of outweigh if you will that you've got uh you know little bit more elevated debt on the books um it was noted in the report that um the next project Beyond this project is we're talking about a street project and potentially a little bit more financing at the Pu as well but um Clinton noted on the call that the next street project we're looking at trying to time it so that debt is falling off as we're bringing new debt on so it's as much as possible trying to limit the leving increase to the resident so so those are all important things that go into the rating um the better the credit rating the lower the interest rates can be and so and this has happened for the City previously as well on a street project that you have that underlying rating A+ assigned and then there's two agencies or two firms in in the US that provide bond insurance um and and so both of those firms bid on your bond uh they they say here's a premium so you're buying bond insurance is what it is and you pay a pre premium to get that and uh nearly all the time when you get your we get the premium we have to weigh does it economically make sense for you are you getting the benefit of lower interest rates to offs premium and so in this case yes it it it broadens the market for who can buy your debt because now you're issuing with a uh insured doublea rated rating and how the rating agencies um scoring system if you will works is non-rated single a double a AAA and so it moves you up from the a category up into the double a category so all in the efforts to try to drive your interest rate lower so that's uh that's a little bit behind uh the security that goes into your bond issues so so again your general obligation pledge with the ratings behind it as well so so the uh again 20-year Bond as as noted on the bottom of this page the true interest cost which is a blended rate over the 20-year term is right at 4% um so so that is a bond issue that's netting the city $2,500,000 again for Transformer costs and switch gear and a 20-year rate at 4% the as with City other City bonds there's a call date the call date is when you can prepay on a bond or refinance on a bond and generally speaking it's a it's a little bit shorter than halfway through the term so in this Bond a 20-year term the call date is December of 2032 so about eight years out that's when you have the opportunity to refinance for example if market conditions change and interest rates go lower uh you could refinance at that time what we do is monitor the city's debt and let you know if there's opportunities for that as you approach that date so once you reach that called it you still have about 72% of your principle on these bonds outstanding which is about 1.8 million so so again we'll keep an eye on these bonds as we do with your other City bonds as well so the the date that you get the money is December 18th so you issue the debt tonight approval of that resolution that Clinton noted uh when I began um that locks in all the rates and terms so it locks in the principal amount locks in the interest rates Etc and then you receive the money on December 18th any questions mayor or [Music] Council so none of this will be levied levied money way we're correct looking at it well and and mayor can I address that question absolutely uh excellent question it is General obligation debt and so you've got um a revenue Source however behind it and so how the bond is written is that it would the expectation is that it's paid for by Levy and it can be your Levy can be reduced or cancelled with available revenues and so the expectation from the Pu side is that there's going to be electric revenues to reduce or cancel this Levy yep thank you for that question does anybody in the council have any questions about the project in general I'm fairly up to speed on it because I sit on the utility board but Andre is here tonight if you guys had any questions I I mean I've been told there's a Transformer and a switch going in but I've never been through the utilities uh building over there the generators or anything I couldn't tell you one piece of equipment from the other so it kind of leaves me out in the cold but do I need to know how to drive a truck in order to buy a fire truck no so I I'm comfortable with that my question tonight is the utility fees are to help pay the levy what percentage or amount will they be paying on it I mean are they going to be paying all of it or half of it the plan is all of it the plan is all of it do you want to address rate your rate adjustment so I guess to give you um a little bit more of a background of the project um to what Andy was saying is last year we went through a long-term study of what we should move forward with the future after the event that happened in 2022 with that being said we have some aging equipment with our switch gear um and so that's why we are looking at um getting a new switch gear in the same sense we just took possession of our new Transformer um last last week um that is sitting up at the power plant however within the last few weeks we've had some other developments um come to light and so we are going to be moving forward with um having a different site where we put a new substation with the Transformer and switch gear so it's going to improve reliability for the utility and also help us to plan for future growth down the road so this is kind of phase one we're going to have another phase in about two years here so yes um all of this debt will be paid for through the revenue fund 100% so any other questions we're having a small rate increase yep yep and that was projected um with our rate study so through um 2029 there will be um rate increases yes I motion we adopt resolution 2024 d36 I'll second all in favor I 40 thank you Andrea thank you George O business number two is the golf course budget yes let me pull that up we got Jacob are both here Clubhouse staff is here tonight to go over the budget um just want to generally state that even though we did have the storm earlier this summer you know there was a little down time at the course just because of that with all the rain we got but um the golf course itself has done very very well this year it's been very busy you have any answer some questions yeah yep kind of wrench back slow yes like Clinton was saying we did have that uh like 10day period where we weren't open where we probably lost a couple thousand dollar a day uh we lost the revenue from the driving range for the second half of the Season uh what was exciting was that we're still going to make revenue or maybe even pass our our Revenue numbers uh even with the fact that we lost that revenue from the golf course being closed for those days and we lost the revenue from the driver driving range and we had no golf carts for quite a while because uh we had to it was too wet to allow golf carts so yeah it was kind of exciting that that we still um we made our budget and kind of surpassed our our numbers even with that little snappo with the weather year to date our revenue is 4476 and it was projected at 465 uh yeah so we've got about $119,000 left in membership still coming in um we also had some sale of assets that we had sold this year to the tune of roughly 5 6,000 so I think we've got about 25 still coming in still coming in so we should like I said we should be pass that number uh which was uh exciting um what would be the revenue coming from fima uh Clint $18,000 is that is that correct um we spent a little over 10,000 to recede the driving range okay so as the theory is the Fe will be reimbursing us for that yep good question yeah and that's something that's going to be coming in uh you know next year so again that's another thing that's you know we're we're still on on Pace with our budget and we kind of got stuck with that $10,000 for the seed and the you know you know paying to get it the seed uh put in um that something that wasn't in the budget and we've still which is is a positive but if that female money was generated this year if it could come before the end of the year would change the way your budget L yeah absolutely m is there anything in the revenue anybody has a question on I Can Help U I have a question on other r&m um not questioning the dollars or the project but the tagline behind it says JGA projects and I have always had a problem with who manages the or or who's in control of the go board out out there who's in control of the what who's in who's control who's in control out there of the JGA well not just of JGA but is it the city's Golf Course or is it J's golf course because it seems to me at times where they're picking out certain projects that need to be done donate it and get the work done and then come and ask for our permission afterwards and I'm not comfortable with that Arrangement yeah so when JGA has their fundraisers and whatnot you know they will donate money to you the city council and then we would use that for the different projects that we're working on so that's a line item expense in there because um if work is needed to get done you know we do have to pay it and we we just put it in other so we know all of the the jegga items for that year that's the only thing that goes in that line item it in my mind it comes on which is coming first is the project getting done or are we is you know is JGA paying prepaying for the project or funding us without our approval to do it you like we take them as donations after the project done usually they have it has been known to come in after yes yes and that's my complaint I guess the only thing I have on that is I mean jagga is donating the money and if they want to specifically say where it goes I don't have a big problem with it we take donations for the parks in town and stuff where people say I want it for this if if they would would come to the council and say we've got the money we want to do this I have no problem giving him permission to do it but I hate to see him go ahead and just would there be a dollar amount Ivan that you'd be comfortable with for example like say anything up to a certain dollar amount you know I guess I hadn't thought that far into it sure but yeah I see what you're saying for sure but again you know you know J is has always got the best interest of the facility in mind I I understand that I'm not arguing that point it's just uh it doesn't always appear proper etiquette the way it's being done sure so that's something we can certainly talk about and if if if the council and the mayor was comfortable with anything up to X number dollars um that they see needed an improvements we'll do and then anything over X number of dollars we need to have somebody come to a meeting and tell us tell them what we have in mind to use the money for you know if that yeah makes people more comfortable I don't see J having any problem with that at all no okay well clearly we probably don't have any projects now for the next few months so that's something we can put on the IR C for is there any line items anything Revenue wise or expenditure wise undergrounds or clubhouse that we can answer um again we're pretty excited about the membership numbers um last couple years have been uh you know over 350 3 years in R that's pretty exciting um and I know the last time you were here we asked you to look into more uh tournaments or weekend events fundraiser type things other than just uh normal days did you book additional events so you're talking about like things that are like using the facility for things that are outside golf related like we've done tourn I think what's that tournaments you're talking about tournaments yeah tournaments they they can be tournaments yeah just some additional tournaments to make sure that we're using we're getting people from outside of town to come in and use the course absolutely yeah um and just so we kind of understand you know when we had tournaments in the past getting getting tournaments on a Saturday or Sunday was a was a huge huge thing okay cuz the facility wasn't necessarily always full so getting an event on a Saturday or Sunday was a was a huge thing now that the facility is getting so much bigger and so much more people coming in if we just have a normal day where it's booked sun up to sun down with tea times it's just as effective as filling it with the tournament so booking those tournaments like in the past aren't as such a giant you know what I mean they're they're not uh an additional fundraiser better than just a busy day and the other thing that we have to watch for too now that we have over 350 members is when we're booking those events and now my members can't play on Saturday or can't play on Sunday because we have this event that can that causes bitterness amongst members too so there's kind of a fine line that we're that we have to watch between um keeping the facility as busy as possible without uh offending patrons as well so but I I think one of the things we mentioned before was uh corporate events during the week where those are yeah that's just that's a hard thing to book I mean we certainly we always that's the goal obviously if we could get people booking tournaments on Mondays and Tuesdays in the down times on Monday Tuesday Mornings um but in our workingclass community those are just hard to get I mean they're just that's a hard tourament to book and now people have to take off work um one thing we even been trying to do more often is is get nine hole tournaments and you know I know that the fire department has uh has gone to that just because it's hard to get people to you know want to take a full day off you know so yeah we we're still ideally I would love to be trying to get tournaments on off days um but yeah anytime we can get a new event we're always excited to book a new event some examples of new events this year um something that we just had um like Tater days was a new one we used to just have uh that was a new one um southern Minnesota hockey um yeah again we're always trying to trying to get new events we got that one was a Sunday event cuz that's a that's a new one usually all the events are on Saturdays and that's kind of our busiest day so but yeah that's that's a good point Ian I know we did talk about that and we're still always trying to to book new events thank you Scott bet uh when is the membership drive this year membership Drive is the 18th to the 21st that's going to be Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday the week before Christmas um perfect yep another thing on our website that's going to be new that you can do this year is you can you can buy gift certificates right from our website so before you'd have to come you know during the week of the membership Drive come out to the golf course buy a gift certificate there now you can do that online that'll be nice for people don't have to to leave the comfort of their home to to do that so that'll be anything else I can answer while I'm up here equipment repair line is about doubled up what you budgeted I assume that's into the driving range I'm sorry which one the equipment repair line item 65 is budgeted you've already spent 112 I assume that is in part with the flooding Jacob ask Clinton that came out [Music] of specifically the not sure uh we coded that to other Professional Services okay most of it went there okay well I just see that I just see that last year our actual was over 11 we budgeted 65 we're already over 11 this year but we only budgeted eight for next year as that number enough doesn't look like it to me we had hoped that um some of those costs would go down with the replacement of couple machines um we just just finally sold those um you know that that really wasn't the issue this year um like I said the pump house just unpredictable equipment repairs um I guess I'm hoping to reduce that why we didn't okay well I just see all of your numbers are very close other than that one is way off that just caught my attention that's all I mean that's so hard to predict you know yep that and what is the increase in miscellaneous rents a number 430 oh it's a clubhouse Clubhouse line item 430 yeah that that dollar amount can you help with number we got yeah I couldn't tell you off the top of my head I mean I have to look at the software those are the other two that I saw that weren't close to what was budgeted I'll get back y that's fine yeah yeah when you come in tomorrow we can look up yeah I just those are there two that are quite a bit different than what was budgeted so I was wondering like a standard thing was like the same every year you know was 631 actual jumping to 3500 yeah with, on I see your point yes okay yeah we we'll look it up tomorrow in the accounting software very good any other questions for Scott and Jacob nope we will adopt this budget at our next council meeting when we do all the other departments yep thank you guys thank you Jacob thank you Scott old business number number three cell Central drug TR task force joint Powers agreement yeah last year maybe 14 months ago or so uh the city council approved the joint Powers agreement and we just we basically do this every year or so uh there's 14 different jurisdictions that are part of this Health Central Investigation Unit um yeah just kind of a formality we do every year I don't that anything else Steve it's uh the budget is I think identical to last year I don't think it's changed any our our our cost of it I remember seeing it in the budget so do you want action on this or yes please motion to approve second all in favor for all right thank you Steve new business number one San sewer rates yeah periodically what we do with our different utility departments is we like to uh review the funds look at the budgets look at the plans coming forward into the future uh we determined that this year would be a good time to make a rather small increase in the sewer rate monthly monthly rates rather than doing like one big jump every eight or n or 10 years it's probably a little more wise to do a smaller jump every couple years um the last sewer rate increase we had was in June of 2017 and this rate increase a typical average residential home would see a little over $4 a month is an increase in their sanitary sewer rate and what we need to do is Adopt a resolution that that identifies those rate changes motion to approve so 4-37 Ian seconded y all in favor I 4 Z new business number two Road Three sorry uh Wasa County received a grant to make some repairs and some improvements to the markings of certain County Rural roads um part of this grant includes South Main Street which is actually a County Road up to Front Street by the post office there so I have this diagram in your packet you can tell there's a few different locations on South Main where they will put different railroad crossing signals and directional flow you know like turn turn arrows and things like that uh the County engineer asked that in order to get this stuff done in city limits that the city council adopt a resolution accepting the plans that Jim ker put together for the project this is a project for next year yeah I'm honestly not sure when Jim plans on doing it but I mean it's it's a county yeah it's their Road runs through our town yeah I I understand y I'll make a motion to accept the resolution second all in favor 4 Z motion toour second all in favor right