##VIDEO ID:ixBhum61MeM## [Music] we'll call the meeting to order at 7:00 please stand for the [Music] pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all well we are starting out tonight with a visit from Community Center committee so what Gina or Ben or somebody who started you're right out of the shoot all right if you would probably stand up here that way the Mike catches you a little better y all right well I think I know most of you but if you don't I'm Ben Sala and this is Gina Peterson and we're part of the community center committee here in town um so tonight we just wanted to come and visit with you guys and just kind of provide some updates on our progress um obviously in a small community there's a lot of people talking about different things and so we wanted you guys to hear the the facts and the truth and hear right from us so um a while back we partnered with isg and so we've created uh plans for this new community center that uh houses a whole bunch of different stuff Gina do we want to pass those out first sure okay so we'll pass out a print out here for you guys for your reference how many do you [Music] have thanks do you know did the paper get one did Mikey get one you can you can take mine too when we're done here don't worry y yeah so as you look at that uh again kind of initial first drawings there um but some things to note on that would be a library gymnasium space and then space for child care and Early Education we've also taken steps to create a nonprofit so we filed with the state created an LLC um and essentially the purpose of that is to to receive donations and it's a a tax incentive for people to provide funds for the community center um and it also opens up the door to many many more grants a lot of the grants that uh we've been looking to apply for do require that it's a you know a nonprofit so that's why we went ahead and created that um as far as our Partnerships go um we're working closely with the library system as well as the county Eda and we've had some recent developments with the school board as well and I'll let Gina kind of update you on that a little bit here so within the three main parts of community center that Ben touched on the library the indoor Recreation gym space and then the third one is the daycare um how we right now have proposed it this project is we understand very large and it is huge and the way we've tried to attack this is one step at a time um because none of us have ever done this before you guys have never done a project like this before and I think we're just trying to figure out you know piece by piece um the timeline kind of of how to move forward and one of the big question marks in this whole thing in my opinion on working is in a small town the one of the needs for this building is because of space and child care and the child care component um how we propose it to be is the building would be owned by the city but then the PE you got the city would not be operating a daycare okay so it would be filled with the tenant of a daycare um running that um we just being a mom within our school uh for example our like wraparound in programs and things like that they're running out of room within the school I know there's a waiting list right now for our preschool program and then daycare shortage in general so I met with the school board this summer and um I you know presented the community center concept to them and I kind of told them about their needs and the city's needs and in a small town I believe the school and Community are so integral and so we talked about what if you took the school's Community Ed program and moved it into this facility and since I don't know if you're familiar with how the schools Like Preschool and wraparound and Sack programs are set up but they're actually under the Community Ed program so for example a preschool teacher their paychecks come from the community aded they don't come from the school district so they would take that whole programming to the community center and I propose to them moving that there opening up space for them now we have a tenant for sure that's not going anywhere um within the city and it would be ran by our school who already has a successful program set up with a waiting list so they're like a perfect candidate to move in here so then they would be you know the tenant of the building paying their lease each month um to the city um and the school board did give me verbal commitment um to being that tenant in the building and they liked the idea and they also recognized the opportunity to do this and understood how it's a step in the right Direction and if you want to see the community girl how important that is right cuz if you don't have daycare and school options here they're going to go somewhere else um so they did give us verbal commitment um that day and saying that they would like to be in there but then their programming is three years old and up so up to school age and then they can take them all the way up to like I think it's like fourth or fifth grade but so that doesn't fulfill the need for the infancy part but I did present to them too I'm like well what if we had because for example I've talked with St Peter and there is set up with like I think three different daycares within their building and so they the school agreed like yeah that would be okay we would be open to somebody else running their daycare out of there that would then provide you know like infancy through um school age too so like within that same space and so then that daycare could use the indoor Recreation and the library so it all works together so I just wanted to update you that I did meet with Schoolboard they are familiar with the concept they agreed they would be on board which is a huge huge part of it um because I know that's a question mark like okay how are you going to always have that filled right well they would be filling that space um so that answers that part of it anything else then you want me to uh the school also agreed to the food program correct yes so they would provide whether that's out of their school kitchen or here they would you know be providing it through there and that any tenant would that's doing the daycare there that the city is just um a landlord about that that's all you're doing any other questions on that piece of it or update I did well I have tons of questions but I think it was to let you finish first and then I'll sure one other you know thing and like I said this is not my decision but one thing we discussed with the school is because clearly you would need to have somebody managing the community center right and we I mentioned what if how we kind of the city works with the school on a school resource officer with like the Kare you know maybe you do something like that where Elson the community ed director is now the community center building director you know so then they have some investment from both parties you know operating on the same kind of schedule and that way if you were to schedule an event there goes through that person and it's ran through the community ad but that's all details so any other questions on this portion I'll let Ben finish so the other major component of this project um is going to be location and again there's a a lot of rumor swirling as to where it's going to go um but really that's that's a major stepping stone that we need to figure out um a a lot of the the grants that we would like to apply for do require that we have a location picked out first so Ivan has been kind of taking the lead on that part of things and has had a lot of good conversations with some land owners and Ivan if you want to fill them in on that and kind of the the hurdles we have to get over there a little bit of background information is Gina took the initiative and applied for a grant early up to St Paul and uh apparently we were chosen for a dog and pony show they brought in a few uh senators or whatever you want to call them and uh uh they they told us we had one hour to explain our project and at 15 minutes they stood up and says you don't have it you don't have the location you don't have the experience and you don't have the the mindset to run a project like this at this time and they said give up that's pretty much what I heard from it is you don't have it at this time uh but location they said was to be the first item you have to know where it's going to go if you want to receive fund so since then we've been working on at least visiting with some Property Owners around time Town um talking about different options or plans I did get into a discussion with one gentleman about the cost and I was not I was not at all happy with his offer um what I would like to see and I had a little visit with our attorney Jason Moran he thought it it's possible it could work is to go with a uh uh WR a first refusal offer to a landlord or to a um property owner and in that regard um we put some money down to lock in a contract and if over a g given period of time say 5 years somebody else comes up to that land owner and ask to buy that property we have the right to match that offer and we could purchase it that would lock us into a piece of property anyway so uh we're at the point where we need to do something with that if we're going [Music] forward you know I'm sure there's a lot of other questions going on here so yeah the the location itself is going to be a really critical aspect in in being able to Market this project and if we're going out and um you know looking to raise funds privately we need to know a location so therefore we can drop a you know more of a model to Market um you know we've discussed creating you know marketing flyers and and folders and whatnot but again location is is important that's kind of where we're where we're stuck as of right now um so more or less the the whole purpose you know again of us joining tonight is simply to provide updates make sure you guys aren't in the dark as far as our progress goes um you know we've got a really dedicated um Committee of people that that have stuck with this thing for a long time and have put in a lot of hours um to make it work and we're we're at a really critical phase and and more or less wanted to uh to see kind of where your guys's Minds were at and answer any questions um and kind of just make sure we've got a routine way of of updating you guys um throughout the year on our progress and and ultimately collaboration too so um that's kind of what we wanted to talk about and uh would just kind of like to open it up to to questions and and open discussion thank you well I really appreciate the committee and all the hard work they're putting in um obviously from my aspect especially this time of year we're always staring at budgets all the time we need to know more about costs you know I don't know if you're asking us to commit to anything or what exactly you want us to do next I don't think we're we're at the point of asking for a commitment financially but more or less consideration and and a willingness to collaborate with us along the way you know there's other than you know the right of first refusal on some property that would be the only financial commitment we'd be looking for short term um this project is a is a you know multi-year project we're in the very early phases and and the goal of the committee is to raise as much money privately in through grants as we can that's that's been our objective since day one so so as far as cost goes you know that's that's not something we're we're coming to you guys today to say hey we need a x amount of dollar commitment um but more or less to say Hey you know do we have the support of the county on on this project moving forward just keep cing along um what is the total I've What's the total estimated cost at this point 25 million so it should be listed in your packet there do you guys and believe me I'm not trying to be Mr Doom and Gloom up here I'm trying to be realistic do you guys see this project getting off the ground in five years or less with that kind of dollars you know you know so the the blueprint that isg Drew up was kind of our best case scenario right if if we if money wasn't a question that's what it would look like right as far as you know modifications to it I you know that's not something we discussed as the committee but you know to us with our efforts I think it is achievable I really do I think there's a lot of money out there in Grants and a lot of money from from private donors to make it work but yes it is it is going to take a long time that's there's no question about it is there any any thoughts at all I'm scaling this down to make it more quickly achievable I don't think anybody's opposed to that you know I I don't think that's the case um you know we're just a group of people who all kind of shared the same goal and dream of making this happen and none of us have ever done it before right but that's why I think I'm so proud of the group is just sticking with it through years I would like to think the the idea of scaling it down at this time is quite Prett sure we haven't tried to collect dollar one for this thing right and until we do that I mean that's going to be our barometer on on where this thing go ultimately when you say scale Andy would you say taking the concept and somehow making it smaller or only doing like two of three concepts do you know what I'm saying um because we always say the big three is Library daycare and then the gym right you know in my opinion the gymnasiums they're going to be used by the school they're a school problem not a city problem that's my opinion maybe the school should put a referendum out and put put some money toward it just opinion any thoughts on that or where would they go again School problem m not that I have oppos to work with the school are there I mean there's been a lot of talk and most of it's talk and everybody knows it's a small town but even if we had to bond for half of this 12 to $15 million we would have to check with Northland but I don't even know that we could bond for that without destroying our bond rating which would in future you know take away from streets and utilities and everything else so we do need to keep the town running again I'm not trying to be pessimistic I'm trying to be realistic yeah yeah and I'm 100% happy that you guys are doing this and going going this far I just want to yeah on on my original visits to other community centers I think they all had a gymnasium and they all said it was book solid week nights and weekends that it's pretty tough to get a tournament or or your pickle ball games going or anything you can't just walk in it take a the times are B I know we talked about a hockey FL at one time just because you can make money on the ice but is very expensive addition to the project and and uh Jamesville does not have a hockey program in this community now could you RI the ice to mano I I know uh that ice sprink there in in the old chopo building was rented out the day they open the door for one year yeah I think you know it's it's easy in conversation about this particular topic to think about the dollars the total cost of the entire project there's no doubt about it right but I think we need to think on shorter term scales as far as where we're at right and and I think the what we're looking for most again short term is location right getting that locked in or some sort of agreement so then we can start pursuing the private funds right that I don't think anybody came in here or Committee in general had any any desire to come to you guys and say Hey you know we need1 million no I just I just want to be I want to be clear on where I stand on things even if you guys had grants and donations that that this building completely paid for I'm guessing complete guess but we're looking at a fair minimum quart million dollars to maintain this building a year and manage it which is going to fall ultimately on the tax base we would have to have Capital Improvement plans to keep the keep this building up I mean 10 years down the road it's going to need a $10 million roof yeah I mean you know there's just there's a lot of things to consider there is and I agree I want to make sure that everything is being considered totally and I think that's so valid and you know the one thing um I think of is so this discussion happen in like all the groups ofun 10 years ago like what does J need a commun M right so that's what we need and why do we need it well right now if you had a large Gathering where would you go I don't not in James though and as somebody who Lees the city I guess I would be concerned about that knowing that we're in a prime spot but we don't have anything to offer and if you want to grow but you have nothing to offer you know I guess so there's that part and I get now like the business side of it I understand and um I guess it's one of those things that I don't know the either like you know to maintain it and stuff but also like does this create now an opportunity for other things like now you create you have a spot out there now there's other lots that bring in more property taxes and you sell them from the city I mean any Lots that's been available at any project the city has done I don't know there's other things to go with it to um and I'm not sure but I guess I also think time so what if we don't do this then this is done no that's why I'm asking if there's any discussion or thoughts at all because there has been part of me going well something so much smaller seems so much easier for it seems very much more attainable so attainable yeah and then I'm kind of like what does that solve I don't know I I've had the same thoughts you know one of the first things that that put this down was our community center was going to have an exercise facility involved with it and then uh the Eda goes and gives a loan to an individual to start that business in town which is fine but it took away from our community center this last time we had a city council meeting we talked about repairing the library if you're doing that are we taking that out of the community center or are we investing those dollars twice I don't know the answer I guess it's just one those things of reactive versus proactive it might where you want to see JV and what we want to come from it who we want to attract what what footprint how much property would you need to attain what is the footprint for the structure and the parking facility or whatever you're going to have how many acres is that involved yeah ideally be minimum of about five acres oh you can get it on five say did you say you want you I thought it was closer to 20 I would say 20 I would I would say I would have thought 10 to 12 minimum but at at at current prices for for and it's it's probably going to be Farmland that's a small portion if we're worried about the land acquisition that's a small portion of the total so the land acquisition would be a very small portion yes and that's that's where we wanted this meeting to go it's more about the shortterm need smaller commitment financially one other question was what do you see as a possible income if you got everything you wanted here and you put in the daycare and you rent out the facilities and you have the the community head and the libraries there what would be your annual budget revenue from that to offset management and and and uh maintenance that that hasn't been discussed yet we're talking about all the negative what is the positive cash flow that you would possibly contribute to this right do you have a number from St I haven't gotten one that would be an that would be an important element to have because we know or we got an idea what the back end what the cost of the project what the land would probably cost but we need to know what kind of money would offset would you make enough to offset the the management and operation and repair if you would then that's a an easier decision also but those positive numbers have to be identified too not just what it's going to cost us but how is that offset or is it even I think that's one thing that was lacking in our in the presentation so far yeah yeah and I mean we we haven't even as a committee gotten to that point right we're we're trying to take it one simple step at a time and identify some of the things that we need to actually start raising the money on our own um but you know again that that rental revenue from the gym space not only for activities for kids but then you think about why right you know a wedding rental these days is running north than $5,000 for facility so you've got that aspect of it so yeah I think you know again there's there's a lot of unknowns um but despite the unknowns our committee has continued to push forward with this and we're committed to it for the long term so I really do believe your cash flow would pay for management and a general maintenance maybe not long-term maintenance but you possibly could contribute to some of that too in the back of my mind just doing some what if I do believe that your that your income could offset the management and and general maintenance however then you've still got the principle and interest and blah blah blah but but without those numbers it's really difficult to say well yeah that's a great idea it it really isn't until we know some some more concrete numbers what's a land going to cost what what is your income that sort of thing but I think I in the in the past I believe the council have been very supportive of the concept and if we can find some way of assisting or being involved I do believe that at least this council is positive toward the project we still have to be conscious of like Andrew said what is the cost to the constituents of the community and not everyone is going to get a reward from it but I do believe it's a an important aspect of our future development as a bedroom community and that's what we are this could be our major industry in the community it provides that backbone for future girls too you know again the the shortage of spaces for child care in this community but a lot of other communities too it's it's a major problem and the library facility is Antiquated at best that we have y so another small concern I have with the daycare are we going to be able to find somebody that wants to lease from us and put a daycare in that wants to what that wants to lease the space from us and put a daycare in that a concern I have mhm I mean clearly anybody right now in town could be starting up in home dayc carees and we're not having very good luck even getting people to do that so it's a concern but I daycare child care is a huge concern right now yeah that's where the school would commit and I'm sure if we would you know put it even out that's where I kind like I always just think too what do you what go first you know what I mean like how like how the here some conversation right that's where it's always I think kind of the hard part with this because you could easily go to you know know a couple like that have already established Ina or whatever like you want to open another location in danille would you be open to that you know kind of thing so the community head piece is probably the first step right yeah that's what that's what I mean you know I thought it too but that's why I was pum for their commitment for that part and we we've felt too before we start pursuing that that individual or individuals to to run the other aspects of child care that we have a location kind of dialed in right that we have the backing of the council we felt that was a valid thing to have or pursuing business owners to say hey you know what do you think about running a daycare out of this future facility we've had the discussion about uh contacting commercial daycare centers people that actually do this for a living it's not contingent on one one person that lives in our community running the business somebody else coming in with a contract with the ability to set up and finance it themselves and pay the rent at the end of the month another question what would a WR write a refusal look like on a 800,000 or a million dollar land deal just so when this does come in front of us and I know I want to be prepared did any anybody have any ideas well if you're talking 20 acres and it cost 20 to $40,000 per acre which is realistic for a development property between 4 800,000 $400 $800,000 historically it's 5 to 10% would be would be a an option and that's what it would be you would be buying an option of right refusal but that's always negotiable with the two part ities it could be as low as 2% or 1% but ordinarily it's 5 to 10% for an option on property okay and that like that' be $40 to $80,000 which isn't a huge amount of money no I just want a number to my head for when it does come that's that's historically what what it's it's run okay so do we know where 15 or 20 acres are anywhere around here there's four different four different sites there's it's available MH okay it's part of it is trying to get it within the city limits so we don't have to start zoning and and restructuring what we have doing that again um is part of it so that kind of lends it the other thing is making sure we've got a good soil type a lot of the areas on the outside fringes of town or swamps and they're not going to hold the building so the the people that thought this was a good spot for Community were not anticipating a community of this size um we really like the on the south side of town on either side of Main Street so is Sean and then there's um keywords too which is kind of like behind Where You Are par behind KC and we like how it's accessible to Highway 14 the nice billboard for J coming by and um those would be like the two that we really like our location has there been any discussion with the utilities as to whether they can handle this that was a question have you had any discussion with them which I already know the answer to but I just I had it's something that should be discussed with the utilities especially we're do it longterm planning with utility stuff right now it is something that that should be in front of the Utility Board what's that did you say you already asked them I no I already know that you have not gain to us but I think you should I see what you think yeah I think yeah and you can talk to Andrew anytime and get on the agenda they meet the F the second Monday okay of every month before Council okay but it should be something that should go to the Utility Board what would like the Tipping Point be the pro say you guys start fundraising and you got money coming in and like once the money is coming in does that mean that it's it's going see that's what I'm talking about that's you know where that go yeah and people can commit sure you know so that's a lot of that they would commit to it if the proc it sound like it right a check is yeah and how I understand yes you can pledge pledge yes so two questions for the council first off how frequently would you like us to be updating you on our progress I would say anytime you have something worthy of updating us with and it could be as simple as just letting Clinton know and he can put it in his administrative report which gets to us every month if you guys don't want to come in here every month and do this if you have an update give it to him and he'll get it to us through the city council meetings he has an administrative report of stuff from the month long that he gets to us it looks like this so that's something that could always be handled that way I know you guys don't want to run in here every time you right get one new thing on your agenda but you can certainly just drop a note to Clinton and he can get it to us that way sure um secondly you know what what shortterm goals would you have for us what what items would you like to know obviously we talked about you know operating cost and talk about revenues um and speaking with the utilities committee as well is there anything else that you guys would like to see us do short term I think you're doing everything right it's just it's a big project and it's going to take a lot I'm not saying that you can't do it I'm certainly not I know there are entities within the uh area Compu Finance uh uh Taylor Corp uh Crystal Valley uh there are entities that contribute to Community Development in the region not necessarily just where they're located uh have you reached out to these entities to see if they would be interested in in uh granting us and maybe a long-term like a fiveyear grant uh Grant so many dollars every year I'm curious if that and I if not I think that would be a a good Avenue for the committee to pursue yeah so the answer is no we have not reached out to them yet uh a lot of those names you just mentioned are on our radar as far as who to reach out to um but we as a committee have felt that again in order to do that having that location dialed in a blueprint a model and some marketing information to approach them with you know obviously helps our chances of obtaining funds and now one reason the 513 nonprofit places like Taylor um you go to a buy and you have to be a nonprofit they can't he do lot so it's like okay so let's back up now let's go do this you know so you kind of run into some Ro blocks and then you go do that so and I'm those the same time I mean that was you see in this summer you know getting that established and those are simply three examples and I'm sure there are in the region that are available the Eda board has is working with uh the Wasa County Eva director and uh she is very good at writing grants um she's informed us that Wasa county is pushing to increase the number of daycare spots within the county it doesn't matter which Community they're in so there's possibility to latch on to them a little bit and get a push what else do you guys have any money in your 501 in your nonprofit right now no I okay because I mean even to do just these tiny little things I know it takes money yeah would you like to contribute nobody's asking Ian think what's that I think it was I was just wondering I mean even like you're saying just L literature to take to people yep that you want to I mean everything cost money I I agree I think it'll be it'll be even if you don't have the land n down you don't have the final concept at least a pamphlet or some kind of literature that can be given to prospective investors perspective could even list possible sites contributors and and just an idea of what your project is your goals uh where what your time frame is that you like to complete there's a a quite a f little bit quite a bit of information without being specific that you could disseminate two prospective clients will'll call them I think that would be one of the priorities I'd like to see in the next 3 or four months is to come up with some kind of a document or brochure or something to be able to disseminate I don't know if you can come up with the printing help me they could do that for you at all or not but yeah I don't know any little uh no I would agree Jim but I have a question for you say I came to you and I said this is what we're doing and here's what we're thinking and I been need maybe where it would go okay now if I came back into you and I said this is what we're thinking this is what we're doing and this is where it's going to go and our city is committed to this does that not seem so much more like it's actually happening like legit you can picture it versus I guess that's where I feel like this next Land part is huge there's even been places where you if you apply to say for a grant or a you know donation whatever you want to call it they'll say you have to have they'll give you a a grant for um a new build let's say and you have to put in the address of where this is going because they can't give dollar to something that's not committed to an actual physical location so that's where I think to hang up I read the possible sit but I feel like we've already at that's possible sit does that make sense I feel like the next one is actually having a site you can't you have nothing to stand on otherwise if you can't even put in community center initiative change Minnesota and they're going to say where again that's where I think a conversation with the Utility Board is necessary okay okay that's where I think that's the answer we want to hear you know now what M that was the exact reason for this conversation to get the from you guys on some of this stuff help us progress I applaud your efforts absolutely the team effort some people see as as Don coyote I see you as Columbus sailing into a new adventure I think that's I think that's the difference some people do see you jousting at windmills but I see an Explorer going into a new territory trying to open up new avenues for this community and the people involved so just don't don't put your ship on water cuz the building won't last on water thank you very much and Columbus wasn't the first one to hear either he was not all right father Brennan he was he was the one that sailed from Ireland well we appreciate the kind words and the in question I guess I would say keep doing what you're doing and keep updating us and we'll do everything we can do excellent yeah thank you that is a question Clinton maybe the next time you talk to George see where we stand if we did have to bond y if it's even an option for us to do yeah I me that's just a conversation he can have with George he talks to him frequently anyways oury to get on her utility agenda yes yeah that be the best yep that would be the best she sets the agenda so like I say there will be want on the what is it the 14th yeah she we're doing it the 15th I think 15th because of the holiday we thanks well thank you very much thank you guys thank you good night we're just going to wait two minutes here for C someone B I'm not sure where he went but I assume he'll be right back he didn't say nothing so pressing emergency next okay I assume he'll be right back to use the facility you know what I'm talking about right yes I don't think that's the point here but [Music] no do we have any changes or additions to the agenda I do not okay to approve second all in favor I consent agenda yes you have a copy of the minutes from the last council meeting with the new date on the bottom of that page that s Joe gave you and then we have the uh receivables and the payables [Applause] [Music] a motion we approve the agenda second all in favor same very good 401 public forum anyone wish to speak through public forum tonight you know I just have a question about the safety routes you know the one that arene would you would you mind now wait when they listen to the video they can hear you Arlene okay so you asked your question and then sing us on I just have a question about the safety route to school which is by my home and I'm just wondering who's going to plow the snow for that who's responsible our streets department CityVille yes okay I was wondering if it was going to be the school or who had to take care of that no it's a city's responsibility okay are you finding that there's a lot more to take care of or not really was that really the only addition that was done for the the addition and actually yeah I mean there's not that much I don't Joe was not one bit concerned about it throughout this entire project so right therefore I'm not okay that's it wonderful thank you anyone else want to speak to public forum moving on notice the communications uh you have a magazine from the league of League of cities is on your table here tonight well does anybody have any Council reports for us anybody met since we met met at 5:30 uh just reviewed the projects that we did this year and we're very pleased with the uh results of the songs in the park uh the plan for next year is to double the uh amount of performances uh with if we can find funding and and I would think there are plenty of performers we reviewed the safe routes the talked about all of the things and then for next month we set our agenda to discuss uh plans for next year I know the budget hasn't been finalized but we'd like to just get an idea of our plan for next year so I have one thing about the songs um that falls every every uh month on the same night as uh hot summer nights and well really and a lot of people say really good but we should try and move it we move it to the second but I know the third Thursday is when okay Waterville does their car show and and that's very very thank you I didn't realize that I don't think there' be an issue moving it yeah I don't Clinton could you put that on the uh on note for next year for y that might be the second third Thursday I'm not going to be ailable but that's only one person so the second Thursday of every month yep Elders oh we'll do it the first Thursday we doesn't have to be done on a Thursday we'll work great we'll figure it out we'll figure it out I think so too I have nothing I was gone I didn't make we did not because of Mr Santos's surgery so okay Quinton administrator report okay attached in your packet tonight's the administrator report you have the cash balance dated last Friday uh saer out to school I was just going to tell you that we did receive another invoice today and that invoice shows that the project is 97% complete so we're getting we're getting closer and closer to the end of that uh comprehensive plan Updates this is just kind of something for you to read over the the Planning Commission is updating our a plan uh we plan to have some public meetings openhouse type settings probably early winter or maybe January type and we we hope to have this comensis plan in place here early spring uh Citywide cleanup was well I guess two Saturdays ago now I'm correct uh I think it went pretty well I didn't didn't hear any uh negatives on it uh the Eda is going to hold host a social event on Wednesday October 2nd at the clubhouse that goes from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. your invite is in your packet uh Cemetery maintenance agreement expires at the end of October so we will be looking to put bids out probably in the paper and things like that similar to what we did last time I'll be working with Joe zy on that how long of an agreement is that is that two-year deal is that what we do or three I want to three I can't remember three yeah uh we do have some meetings coming up this fall but fall on a Tuesday because of holidays so I I marked those down here in my report uh the only other thing I guess I have is for Andy and Andy could we set possibly set a Personnel committee meeting up I have to sneeze and I don't want to sneeze in this don't sneeze at me why might I have a question about the safe RS uh was striping all the those crosswalks part of the contract St for work or is that I don't think it was I'd have to look I'd have to check I had a question on safe routs do do we do any type of hold back on that like we do on Street projects retainage for to make sure that um completed properly I don't know if it was part of this with the Federal Grant and everything I'm not sure but the county ran the county did the project yes so they might have have stuff on their end yeah in that reard has alen Street been completely ped for is that no it's not there's hold back on there okay as far as Personnel committee uh doua I don't know I would love to see it 7th 8th 9th 10th of October anywhere in there's that work La anything for you there um yeah whenever you're available I can make it work October of October yeah I was just I would like to have a committee meet before the next council meeting all right we can we can do that yeah okay on the city W cleanup there was no idea on how much was picked up for the cost we don't have the bill yet we have have the invoice okay we will work on something and Michael I'll I'll get that announcement to you uh that is all I have for the administrator report motion to approve second second all in favor Jacob you're out I am thank you for being patient yeah no problem um I'll address the clubhouse stuff first all in all we're feeling like we're in pretty good shape um revenues are down approximately 23,000 um however our expenditures are down 16,000 or so um worse by about $6,700 compared to this time last year um considering the spring we're had we had we're feeling pretty good about those numbers actually um you know we missed several League nights and several special events um several senior events with all the flooding this spring so um it's kind of to be expected for us um still a pretty large amount of people that have not paid their membership dues yet um to the amount of $221,000 um forecast is looking good so we should be able to finish the season as we normally would um we'll stay open as late as we possibly can we're usually one of the last ones to close up and um yeah as far as the grounds goes still recovering from the flooding this spring um we've replanted the driving range and the first Fairway uh September third should have been perfect timing um unfortunately it hasn't seen much rain since then um you know the the parts that are irrigated are looking really good but the majority of it unfortunately is not irrigated um I'm still hopeful that we'll get some rain and it it'll still grow but we'll just have to play it by ear um and then just looking at a few projects to try to sneak in yet this fall um we're going to start to tackle some of the ash trees we've got quite a few of them I I think it's a a good idea to start taking them down now um before they're all the problem all at once um we're in discussions with jagga um as far as rebuilding one or two of our gazebo our our storm shelters out there um at this point they're they're beyond repair they really just need to be redone um rebuilt um with the help of Jim here actually we're going to till up a few a few areas out there that have been beat up with cart traffic over the last few years um you know last year with with the G kind of all seon um with all the cart traffic beat up a few spots so we'll try to get that repaired and outside of that it's it's business as usual any any questions for me yeah I I have one how did we get to 21,000 of unpaid membership dues I think that's pretty common uh for this time of year um there's a payment plan go on payment plans so we're still waiting on that third payment um It's Not Unusual I have a question that's more for Clinton but it relates to this so what is approximate seed cost for what you receded the the seed was approximately 8,000 and then we spent approximately 2,000 for to get it planted that is the question for you fima can we buy more --------- ##VIDEO ID:X2-iShoImV8## I mean because if we submit everything to feem we get our $10,000 back for seed and we got to redo this all next year then that's just $10,000 come right out of the budget mhm I've had the same thought you have to have the work completed by a certain date to get the money okay I don't know if we if we're allowed to wait till next May for example then maybe worth looking into yep okay yep well we'll follow up on that any other questions for Jake I should be a special circumstance because it's kind of a growing thing right but my question is if FEA going to consider that two different things they paid for it once the drought isn't a FEMA problem so I don't know just something I was thinking about cuz I know seed is expensive yeah yes it was well we can look into it I know we're going to talk about some stuff tonight yet actually so that it thank you Jacob that's all I got for you bud' thanks okay all business number one yes attached is the preliminary general fund budget we have tonight's tax levy resolution which I will certify with the county I do have some good news though for you um as you're reading through your packet you'll see that the preliminary Levy has an 18% increase from last year uh late last week I was not here but I I did get some information some emails and whatnot but uh I was able to take some expenses out of the budget earlier today so it's we're looking at like a 16% increase now instead of 18 uh keep in mind that on December 9th we have to announce tonight that on December 9th we will adopt our budget um we we can be lower than 16 that that's the last that's the last of it we just cannot be higher increase so we can't be higher so right now we're looking at 16% we have a couple couple months here to work on some line items and and whatnot so any questions that you have what would 10% be if we yeah 1% is $15,000 roughly so 10% is $150,000 that that good then okay thank you y um I did I'm trying to find my notes now uh last week when I was up at those meetings we all wrote down what the average Levy increase was with all the 16 or 18 different cities that that were there and I I think it was 12% was the average increase for this year yeah for those that were at the meeting that was last year's average preliminary increase or that's what people are figuring this that's what they're doing at their City Halls tonight like around 18 you said about 12 about 12 so we're above them yeah substantially okay where the heck so tonight's resolution will set that preliminary budget Levy tax levy and also announced that Monday December 9th is our we will adopt our budget motion to approve resolution 2024 29 and the new one is in your folder y with the new numbers all in favor Andy almond was a second he was louder first he was louder than what did you say something we said that both said the same thing he's louder I hear him better Le to speak up if you want some credit down there it might be louder but I don't know if he's smarter but whatever oh business number two recovery scoping yes uh speaking of FEMA the we did meet with the FEMA staff and the state staff here uh I guess it was last week we have until November 9 to get our report done uh we just got another invoice today for some stuff so you know the invoices are still coming in uh the program is set that the federal government will reimburse 75% of storm cost then the state picks up the other 25% that's similar to other storm events disasters that we've had in the past so I just wanted to update you that we're working on that we collecting invoices um Jacob and Joe zy are and some utilities are kind of the main the main areas um yeah it's it's they seem to be pretty happy with the discussion we had with them they said it seems like you pretty much got your ducks in a row so it's not the first go around so we've done this before we have any road issues from that from the flooding or from the rain not really not okay I was curious I know right yeah that's possible yeah that's what we've found over there that no so like like the seeding out the golf course would we have been better off hiring a contractor to do that because if we could get it paid for and then the seed doesn't come in we can hold the contract viable for SE in Spring I would guess most contractors would have something in there with rain I would assume but that's definitely that's what they did over there is they contracted most of it CU they felt that it was easier to show a buil from contractor to FEA than versus our hours yeah spent but that's just I guess well that's good to know and hopefully we don't have another disaster but we may have mhm where were you on this three months ago oh we haven't even started cleaning up SI park yet oh really really weeds are that's all in field it's all [Music] silver you saying you held the contractor liable for the well that's what they that's what they do want that's what they're going to end up doing and like all a lot of our stuff that got washed out they had a contractor come in and fix it so then all they have to do is Anda the you know the bid and all that and then you hold contract Li order done afterwards we the ourselves sure well that's definitely something to keep in I like your thought process sir right% would you you guys have to have your stuff in by November 9th I know FEA was there you might be be in a different County too maybe you might have maybe it have different timelines yeah see yeah part of it would be depend on the extent of damage like sibl County lour County they had more extensive damage I would guess they might have a little longer deadline because uh if you got a thousand houses in a community or in a County that are damaged can you get contracted to complete that right in the time frame that we are set we have small damage but I'm wondering if the extent of damage wouldn't give them a longer time frame to complete it to yeah I don't it would make sense but it's the government doesn't have to make sense anything else on that that's all I have number three Enterprise fund yeah this is just kind of a reminder to you you know that now that the preliminary general fund Levy is done we spend October November looking at the different uh utility budgets so at our upcoming City Council meetings we'll still be looking at budgets that's all I had for number three and new business number one some small funds to transfer yeah there's a couple um small funds that don't have a lot of activity in it that the auditor suggest we put into the general fund 101 the money is still there it's just put into that category it would be the community garden fund and the disc golf fund so the money will remain it'll just be in the general fund instead of their own identified funds so this resolution so if I decided to spend funds for the garden next year I wouldn't know how many dollars are available correct well it whatever we transfer in right now is available it's in the packet tonight okay it's five bucks however there's money that has to go out in the fall because people make down payments and if they don't clean up that's far fitted so that has significant activity all every year I know it's not a large amount of money but uh it has significant activity in the spring and the fall so I'm not sure that that's I'm curious I I I'm not sure that I like the idea of it being taken away that's just my perspective because I'm involved with it it isn't necessarily being taken away it just being transferred to another fund ultimately the community yard now is part of something we're doing if it needs money the money is just going to come out of the general fund yeah and and it's such a small amount that's that's the background of my question is we still will deal with it we're still dealing with community garden it's just get filtered out of the general fund yep thanks you're not going to be here I believe I answered that correctly well I would anticipate that I get off the board I don't see anyone that is interested in taking over that task Oh no you're still doing that so I would guess that I will be designated by the council to do the Community Gardens and it will be forl in the first for maybe even longer than thaty are you interested in I can't thank you for your honesty so anyway that was my I would guess that I'm probably going to be the the guy so all right thanks I'd be happy to work with you if that re and what was that be happy to work with you if that is what required I well it's probably not required but it's always appreciated thank you Kyle Kyle right yep motion to approve resolution 202 2430 I'll second that hey all in favor I motion toour get one here J yes sure I'll I'll second I haven't been on it tonight all in favor I 808 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