##VIDEO ID:3mwegqv7gqs## good evening the meeting of the cab Control Board of the city of Jersey City held Monday July 22nd 2024 at approximately 518 at Fort Jackson Square in accordance with the open public meetings act known as the Sunshine Bill adequate notice meeting was provided by mail under fax to the Jersey Journal roll call please chairperson bunny here Vice chairperson canero here commissioner Kitz here absent is commissioner Marte Dublin just get right into it yep all right um we're going to get right into it the first application is for final approval pursuant to chapter section 84 d51 of the municipal code CCB 22-10 Euphoria nice to see you again have a seat please raise your hand your right hand do you square airm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall help you God yes can put your hand down please state your name spell your last name and give us your address bashim spahi B a s h k m SP P AI 17 Concord Street Jersey City New Jersey all right what would you like to tell the board um it's been a long process um a lot of approvals and stuff but uh do hard work and everything we're at this point so well hats off to you back to the board for any inquiries when do you plan to open uh within a few weeks motion to you don't want to ask about employees or anything go right ahead how many people have you hired uh eight employees and they're where are they from they're all from Jersey City are you a micro yes all right nothing changed right no ownership nothing um nothing in your security plan no we added extra cameras all right Jee if you want to make the motion go for it motion accept CCB 22-10 Euphoria llc at 138 Griffith Street is there a second second roll call chairperson Bunny I Vice chair canero I commissioner kit I motion carries best of luck congratulations thank you very much for this opportunity thank you all right license renewal pursuant to chapter section 8451 D of the municipal code uh and that's uh CCB 22-34 uh ripped dispensary dispensary previously Community Wellness Center of New Jersey uh who's going to be testifying all right please raise your right hand do you square airm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do put your hand down uh please state your name spell your last name give us your address Jonathan Bednar b d n a a rsh 94 Ridge Road Ramson New Jersey all right Mr Bach what would you like to tell the uh the board uh so we just wanted to give you a bit of an update on our business um having just celebrated our first year uh so thank you for the opportunity to appear here before you for this um we've had a solid first year at rips uh it's been very exciting from a financial perspective where our performance has been in line with uh the initial projection that we had made and submitted to the board last last year or year and a half ago and we're trending in the right direction in all the key metrics um we have seen interestingly a drop off in the U medical side of the business mostly because all the new Growers pretty much and all the new products are on the medical side I'm sorry are on the rec side and uh Med patients have already been cut by half overall in the whole state and just much more happening on the rec side so um that's just an interesting point to note um but most importantly I I think what's been really interesting for us is after having seen thousands of customers come through our door in this last year um see how it really has materialized into reflecting the amazing community that is Jersey City uh we you know all the demographics that of the people that walk through our doors are really mirror the diversity of of the city we'll talk about the employees in a second but um it is very rewarding on a day in and day about day in and day out basis to see that um you know and feel like we really are adding to the community that we're a part of just as a little tidbit that we found interesting we have as many customers that are in their 60s and above in terms of age as we do that are in their 20s just to give you an idea of the very broad set of of the people that that come through the doors so overall it's been you know having served so many people and and done it um you know effectively has been really rewarding part of the Year we're also very proud of the team that we've uh brought together uh we've met uh our goal goals in terms of hiring um we have 13 employees as of now uh 92% are minority 70% are from Hudson County uh 50% of the of the whole total is is from Jersey City or are from Jersey City and it's about evenly split between men and women um within the community uh you know we're very proud of the work we've been working in this community for many years and and continue to do so uh for any of you that may have been to to ripped and seen the store you know um we've we've really embraced the Arts and Music Community here um we have entire walls in the store that have been painted by local Jersey City artists um we've also encouraged the use of our facility for no cost community events um we've had uh a number of those six of those so far including uh live painting candle making hip-hop performances a job fair um most recently we were the first dispensary here in Jersey City to participate in the JC art Friday program we hosted um a very gifted local artist who's also a medical cannabis patient she named her exhibit the medicine and masterpieces and so we were proud to be a part of that program um we've also along the way we partnered with uh Michael Hoffman and and with an exp EXP Clinic um that was in downtown Jersey City back in November um we've been uh participated with Dr Jeter um at the diversity and inclusion office in the last job fair that uh that they ran here in Jersey City as well as when we did in our own store and we continue to work closely with our long-term Partners um Team Walker and Angela cares um on an ongoing basis so in a nutshell that's that's our story uh for the year it's been amazing and exciting and we look forward to uh many more years here in Jersey City and we're happy to answer any questions that you have have you had any complaints from either the CRC or law enforcement we have not okay back to the de how do you find the how you finding the suppliers The Growers in the state there's more and more coming online finally there's some product Innovation uh that we're seeing which is great and there's a lot of energy there's some that are local there's some that are coming from other places it's it's starting to be an interesting mix um which is great for us great for our our customers so um we're moving in the right direction as a state if there aren't any questions from the board I neglected to do I'm sorry did you have a question no oh um I neglected to do this for the last application any members of the public have any questions on the testimony that Mr bedar has provided thus far any comments from anyone hearing none seeing none back to the board for uh deliberation I I think ripped is another good operator I think they're doing what they said they would do so I make a motion to approve no second roll call chairperson Bunny I Vice chair cancelo I commissioner ktz you have a you do have a good facility thank you very much uh I vote I thank you all right congratulations best of luck thank you all right uh Ron is recused from the next one we'd like to Call CCB 22-30 1634 Funk LLC I feel like this can move rather quickly because I don't know if you guys saw but they basically submitted everything in writing prior to the meeting so no changes in ownership Jersey two Jersey city employees One Union City employee saw that yep um they're doing their community givebacks that they committed to so um does anyone have any questions does any member of the public have any questions motion to Second yeah good ahead chairperson bunny Hi Vice shair canero commissioner Kitz thank you for joining the business community and wish you all the luck best of luck have a good night guys see well okay Ron is Ron mandelo is Back For Better or For Worse right for better in my opinion um and now we're going to Call CCB 2479 the coupe jclc uh for their first review pursuant to chapter 84 of the municipal code Bo nice to see you again when you get situated please enter your appearance into the record well we'll get him started first okay uh Boh hook on uh porio br oh sorry no no no I was saying goodbye to coun sorry we don't we don't swear you in we swear at youz L uh good evening Boh hu uh porio bronberg and Newman on behalf of Mario Casta of Jersey City he's pursuing a class five retail license uh over on 306 Manhattan Avenue and I always say this thank you guys for being here volunteer Public Service nobody ever appreciates it uh bit a quick house that a little louder yeah right uh bit of quick housekeeping it's just Mario and I up here today because Mr Nelson Rivera a retired Jersey City police officer needed to attend to a family emergency uh he's like again he's the guy that really knows the ins and anoun the security plan um you know some of you might know Mr Costa okay that's he's a bit of a local Legend uh who hasn't eaten at the White Castle especially around 3:00 in the morning White Castle white man white matter I apologize white matter believe me no no free cheeseburgers for you yeah exactly who hasn't had a a bu good smash what can I say so I've never had a client in Jersey City with a street named after him yeah for her uh and I've never had a client who their one business is literally a Historic Landmark in the area a designated Historic Landmark with one of the best burgers in the country and whose other business is a beloved watering hole and whose other business has trained some of the world's finest prize Fighters and T they've taught tremendous life skills and lessons to countless Jersey City youth uh when I realized who was representing that's kind of giddy sky is pretty amazing it's not every day I get to meet and work with a person like him it's a real honor so thank you pleasure uh Mr Costa is all right please raise your oh sorry were you calling on him counselor or are you still doing your opening quick quick opening I just want to wrap this up want to put this all on the record apologize a lot here I promise you it's worth it Mr CA is a Portuguese immigrant came to Jersey City when he was about 11 in 1967 it's been home to him ever since he lives in the Heights close to the diner that he owns it's the American dream it's basically what it means to be a good citizen how he's behaved here he's the owner of the iconic white Mana 1n uh he's the owner of the ringside cocktail lounge and restaurant the owning of the owner of the ringside boxing gym onon leav uh and again it's way better than the one on hackin sack let's all just get that clear Ron I know that's a little personal to you and it's a little bit of slight so I know how I'm starting off there uh and it's Mario's tenacity and business acument that's enabled him to be a remarkably successful in uh businessman in Jersey City for over 44 plus years and one of the state's most fiercely competitive markets being the diner industry here and he's overcome let's see important racism he's seen the city's highest uh you know points and its greatest lows and locally he's known as The Godfather of Jersey City and sometime in his free time like I said he has managed to council more youth than I can count so with all that long wind did explanation and introduction he was smart enough not to go to law school as well he used the money to buy the thank you all right please raise your right hand do you square airm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truths help you God yes I put your hand down please state your name spell your last name give us your address Mario Costa CA and live in 277 in Manhattan Avenue Jersey City your witness own the White Manor and the ringside lamps you're Witness Mario let's see why do you want to be in Jersey City this is a fun one I said why do you want to be in Jersey City with this business well all my life adult life from New Jersey City and I actually live right across the street from the Dina and uh I love Jersey City and uh I always my goal is to always make Jersey City look good or do good things for Georgia city and that's why I've been working in the White Manor since uh going to high school 1972 I started there a157 an hour and I worked through High School in Jersey City State College saved all the money to go to law school and then the owner Webster Bridges wanted to sell it I used that money and I bought the diner never expected to stay but that so far now it's some 40 some years and the bar across the street I didn't go to bars I don't drink I think that's why I'm still here I drink maybe a little wine when I eat the food but I never left my bar drunk in 40 some years and uh the reason why I bought it because the closed and uh the owner kept coming and asking me to buy the ball and I didn't want to buy the ball but one day I asked him how much do you want was a Polish part Juds he been there since 1910 and he said $15,000 and uh $500 rent cuz it was across the street I bought the bar and now it's and next to the bar used to be upstairs there was a gym open for the kids after school now it's on one of the my properties next to the barall where there's a boxing gym where Tyson Gotti lot of Champions train but mostly it's for the kids after school and when parents ring their kids whether they're 10 12 years old I tell them that they I don't want them to be Fighters they should just come to the gym to stay off the streets and learn how to protect themselves or do the exercise but they don't have to be Fighters you know and this is with the gym I have kids there that come one kid for five years never had an amateur fight or professional fight but he comes now he Rings his little brother and normally eight 10 kids every day and it's for free a couple times the city was going to help but I always pay for everything and it's for free how uh this is just a standard class five not a micro right correct you still have the pigeons upstairs yeah you still have the pigeons upstairs Tyson's pigeons oh yes we still yes we we well when cust his uh Mentor passed away and Camille W was his mom right but that adopted him it was cost and Camille IO and Camille passed away she was the last one 97 but I got real close to Camille and when they CAD passed away I think 95 a year before Mike became champion and uh when Camille passed away Mike asked me to go get the birds cuz they were going to get rid of everything so I got all the birds and I bought the original door from his Coupe that him and cus had since he was like 14 years old and some of the purchase some of the items from the coupe and made a coupe in Jersey City and it's called Tyson's Corner and we still racing the home imp pigeons out of ly Hurst uh home in club home in Pigeon Club H so that's where the name for the uh cannabis store came from yeah that's why it's the cop yeah very cool that was literally my next question for him so thank you for the leading question that was great yes why do you want to get in the Cannabis industry what inspired you to do so what inspired you to get into the Cannabis in I can't hear what inspired you to get into the Cannabis industry well the the Cannabis is it's like a personal story uh well it starts with Mike Mike smokes you know the Cannabis it sort of keeps him away from other drugs and cust model didn't like like most athletes they get injured and the doctors right away they give him oxy or peret and cuss always told him to stay away from sometimes those drugs is more dangerous than the other drugs sure so Mike the smoke the the the Cannabis has been helping him a lot is into trying to get into the oils different things they extract from Cannabis whether it's for kids with seizures adults people with alcohol Al uh alcoholism problem and it's been helping all these years staying away from drinking he he used to drink Hennessy he thought everybody wanted to fight him you know he thought like it was so Cann ofis sort of stays away and we had a personal friend you probably guys remember tar Jr which he committed SU side well his son comes to stay with the grandmother and in the summer he comes by me now I'm like his dad and I told him since she was eight you don't have to become a fighter like your dad was but he's he he's had like five amateur fights but his dad he had a problem they started getting with the opio cuz both his hands were broken and they took bone from his hip put in his in his hand to keep the the hand from breaking again and he got I guess they prescribed per ccoet and one day he told me that his breakfast was three perco setes and I think 15 years ago cuz his son is 15 if cannbis was legal or there was other things that they attract maybe he still would be here with us today you know and this is one of the reasons why I I want to get involved I got to ask the question will you be the local point of contact 47 if something were to happen with the business for the community to reach out to you yes um I live right across the street you know this is my residence and since 1979 will you be doing any future expungement clinics down the line will you be doing any future expungement clinics down the line helping people to fix their criminal records yes so I've been well not only with the boxing I think I I I've been given uh I go to Integrity House people with addiction in Sea caucus uh I've been doing that for like six years uh I uh pick up donuts at the doughnut shop on T Avenue I give them like $40 every week and the donuts they throw in the garbage they put it in the bag for me and I bring them every night that I close snow rain if there's Donuts there I'll bring them to the Integrity House uh Mo Hair one of the nonprofit organizations for people that have cancer yeah yes I've been I've been with them they gave me an award last year so you know anything I can help I help make Jersey City look better last question I have for you cuz I of the board's time is valuable are you going to be hiring 100% Jersey City residents yes and my nephew also is the detective for 20 years he works at the nor North North uh precin on Central Avenue and both of them Eddie Eduardo and uh David graduated from St Peter's College David went to St Peters for like a year and a half yes all right anything else counselor questions is a building existing that you're renovating or you're building a new building on site the I own the building I don't have any mortgage anything I've been own it for a long time so it's it's so you're just going to use space within that right 3,000 square ft if I'm not mistaken it's big yeah any other questions from um mayor can you confirm that the Safety and Security plan was approved by jcpd hasn't come back yet so I I mean Mario is a great businessman and he does do a lot of things for the Jersey City community and I I I think that we would be doing a disservice to not approve his application because I do think he'll be a good operator and I think he has always done what's right for Jersey City I think he will always do what's right for Jersey City I know he does the toy drives he does the turkey drives I know if there's ever a family in need that he knows of you know he will help them with whatever it is they need he is definitely a Jersey City Legend he's a City resident I mean he's really what we are supposed to be looking for so I pending the approval of the security plan because we've done that with prior applicants pending approval of the security plan I make a motion to approve any any any members of the public have any questions uh this is questions for Mr costed you have questions anyone have any questions hearing none seeing none uh members of the public want make a statement you're limited to 3 minutes come on up Marty we're about to approve it so do you still want to go on the record yeah okay go ahead all right before we get started sir would you please raise your right hand do you swear firm use a microphone yeah there you go the square affirm the testimony about to keep the truth the hold truth and nothing but the truth to help you God yes you can put your hand down please state your name spell your last name give us your address Martin Budnick bud I in ick 246 Thomas Avenue ly Hurst New Jersey what would you like to say to the board Mr Budnick uh real quick I know Mr Casta for probably over 45 years uh when he was flipping hamburgers in the White Castle White Mana there you go see there's more of them really that's why I wanted to trouble and uh he's been a neighbor of mine business neighbor of mine uh I had a auto body shop on tunley Avenue for over 30 years he's a standup guy he's a good guy uh and uh I hope the board uh approves his application he's been uh he's been uh good to the community he's always there and uh on a personal note when I was uh sick with Co and I got out of the hospital after 5 days um Mario uh brought food to the house every day out to lur and it uh it got to the point where I had to tell him to stop so I I hope the board uh takes care of the the businessman that takes care of uh the people in Jerry city thank you Mr budy anyone else questions comments hearing none back to you madam chair uh I made a motion to approve pending the security plan and I I feel Jeff should go on Facebook live make a little mini movie called Jeff goes to White Mana as a as a public apology for calling a White Castle I spent many nights at the White Manor oh yeah anytime from Midnight to 4 in the morning yes all right there's a motion I'll second motion roll call chairperson bunny Hi Vice chairperson caner commissioner kaplowitz I wish you all the luck seriously you're a good candidate for cannabis thank you congratulations thank you guys have a good night all right uh is there anything else uh we have to memorialize the resolutions right we do 134 that was taken off right uh no the other side was taken off that was a miss all right so let's take uh ripped a dispensary is there a motion thank you is there a second all in favor I motion is approved we'll now take Euphoria any is there a second second all in favor I I that one is approved and finally the uh Coupe JC uh any discussion is there a motion motion motion second all in favor I I motion carries uh we can't memorialize 1634 Funk because you can't write the thing so I make a motion to uh I guess I'll ask the Law Department to write it but I I'll second the motion brne to ask the Law Department I I can send them a template yeah okay so we we approve it we just don't have it in writing okay so motion second all in favor right I I okay any open discussion yes I just have one quick question how does the board want to handle a change of address because we're getting quite a few of those do for applications that have already been approved by the board I we've made them come back in the past um I don't they have to come back but this is I guess the real the other part of that question is somewhat two-part is because there there's a change of address but it's during when we have have a moratorium on accepting applications well we have to have a hearing I mean basically you know well they were in before the moratorium technically so I feel like the moratorium doesn't there are no more they were here they were here before and now we we approved them presumably and now they've changed the address yes that's quite a rigoll with the CRC that is not a slam dunk so we should be reviewing that too should they go to CRC first well um hold on though I I have another question it's it's up to the board but this is this is even after the council approv some of right the council approved them the council no I feel like I don't know why anyone would want to open a Canabis in Jersey City at this point but it's not necessarily a new application it's an amendment but you guys may be very dissatisfied with this change in location especially if it's on Central a all right is that it's on Central Avenue no so how you want to go about it do you want them to return I they should have to well they have to come back to us I think that basically they should go through the same procedures of not not in the sense of um the the well actually they have to go through everything if it's a brand new location they're going to have to show uh the security plan to the police they're going to have have to like deal with well I I don't agree with you because if if the security plan hasn't changed and it's already been approved by the police I don't think it needs to be a brand new location how do you know what the building uh what exists in that building the location of the building everything aspect it's a brand new location I I one of my biggest concerns is really just the is it treated as a new application and if it is treated as a new application during this moratorium then we really should not be here hearing I don't think it's a new application I think it's an amendment to an existing application a serious Amendment that's a serious Amendment yeah it's a serious Amendment but it's not new it's not new but it's the same business it's the same wants to disagree with me this is how it it works the decid it it but you're going to have to deal with every aspect of the new location and they should be here testifying we just said they should come back okay nobody said they shouldn't you don't listen when we talk but we did say they should come back I still think it's a new application but that's right well if the board attorney is telling us it's not I trust his expertise so it's it's not a zoning issue it's the same business it's just they have relocated to somewhere else same business we're here to really evaluate the business so you got you have you have zoning and planning that take care of the actual physical you know location and the ordinances we want to know this location does it fit with you know within the parameters that we have decided to either or this board has decided to either approve or not approve a cannabis dispenser my concern is that what I still don't really understand is well and we didn't write the letter because we had a a resignation but my concern is that the ordinance isn't being amended and so my biggest concern still are these pins in the map and these businesses that still aren't open that are holding the pin but have probably no viability to ever open and still no funding cuz that I I mean how many have opened like 10 of the 70 like at some point this has to be rained in it's insane like I I feel that it's not fair to the people who are already open that we continue to sit here and give these people time to open I mean I don't want anyone to go out of business but I don't think businesses that aren't even in business yet and have done nothing to move their business forward should continue to hold these pins in the map so with that Al that's where we're at holding the the letter that we're waiting to the council we're holding these concerns we're holding it because we yeah Courtney resigned from the board I we could say that publicly now Courtney resigned so that is correct Courtney has resigned we thank her for her years yes we thank Courtney for her her years of service and may uh the new location is it near is it in an overcrowded uh section of the city is it near another location no we cannot talk about an application without the applicant being here yeah you know we don't want to get into that we wouldn't do that if we were on the planning board or zoning board I understand but again it's a new again I just don't think it's an existing application that we're just simply going to another location I think it has to go through the entire process I disagree because we already heard the application and we approved it is there anything in our Municipal ordinance that helps us to come up with a a some guidelines to this or no it's our ordinance the board's prog not in many ways at all okay I mean I it's a brand new it's it's a new location and everything about a new location involves how do you talk about Community input and all that other stuff but what but I if we bring them back we not address those points you can't ask that stuff you can ask whatever you want but it's well I don't want to he but we've done it before we've already done it so you guys go on and on and on about treating everybody fairly we've already had people who have changed their address who came back we treated it as an existing application with an amendment but the reality of it is the community impact they're all basically saying I'm going to go with this organization I'm going to do this I'm going to be a good neighbor the only reason it would factor in is if there's a very active neighborhood association because we've made all of the other applicants go back to the neighborhood association for Community input but otherwise to me it's an address change they should come back they should explain why they're changing their address but in most cases the hiring plan will be the same the community impact plan will be the same the security if you look at almost every single one of these plans the differences are either armed guard unarmed guard they're basically the same it's cameras it's whatever consultant they hired I don't want to make it any harder for these businesses than it's already been for them I don't want to hold anybody up but I also think that we're just in a very bad holding pattern until the ordinance is amended and we deal with these people who are holding pins in the map well I again I think that if they change an address I don't have a problem saying it is a pre-existing application but I think they should go through all the same procedures that everybody else did when they went to a location they should go out to the community group before they come here they should re ask them reemphasize people who they've decided to like donate it could be a part like there's no neighborhood association for Mario where Mario is located there's literally you don't even know where the location is when they come here you can ask them any question that you want to ask them as a remember that is your right well again but if it's on the highway I got no problem with that but I've seen you included very much so denying people to come back three four times until they went to the community organization I just said that I did that I said that would be the only reason they would have to go back out to the community I don't think they should come here until they actually sit down and we don't know the address we don't they know the address and even if we don't know the address it could be very related to them that they should interact with the community if they've already been in front of the board I would imagine they know that anyone who's sat through any of these meetings knows what the board's expectations I don't take anything for granted that everybody knows everything I think that should be restated that they go out there so we don't waste our time at a meeting that oh you didn't go to the neighbor group is there anybody from theor neighborhood you talk to well you know so can we include that when we then that's it's in our right to deny the application like it's incumbent on these applicants to do the work to get the license it's not our job to handhold them every step of the process Maynard and Maria and their office do an excellent job they do a lot of work it's an insane amount of work and I don't I I don't like directing them to do more it it we're saying on the record if you're applying to this board you should be going to the community groups you should be doing your own due diligence it is not our job to tell somebody how to get the board to vote the way they want the board to vote yeah but you're wasting the board's time in the community's time to come here and say well we weren't talked to well speaking of City resources and this would be the board's prerogative although I I do believe it is an amendment to the application do we impose uh new fees we do okay yeah I think well that's that's based on the ordinance though that's now once once the board has heard the application then we assume that's what it's paid for it's an application fee so if you're reapplying we do charge a second application fee y that makes sense and I'm not sure that's addressed in the ordinance but that makes a lot of sense all right um we have done that in the past for other applications can can I we just for a minute speak go back to the letter um am I now authorized to send this letter speaking about ordinance amendments and how we would like there to be a sort of a ticking clock on yes but I want the letter to go to the city clerk so it is sent to the entire city council because it is the biggest thing that is unfair to this board is that the ordinance has not been amended it's we come here and we do this work and it's all volunteer-based and we're getting no support on amending this ordinance but it's not fair to the applicants it's not fair to the board it's not fair to Maynard and Maria and their office it needs to be amended it just does butt I'll circulate it uh to everybody and see what your input is you can just reply to me individually and I'm happy to change it and then get a mar is saying no reply all yes well that's why I I I put people in the BCC so that it's there is no reply all gotcha because it automatically takes it off yeah I'm still going to do it just to irritate you I I don't know why this is like comical or adults but okay I'm guessing that's is there any other business we want to address uh no I do think the letter should still address additional board members or alternates because as you can see yeah that was one of the points one of us couldn't make it tonight we would not have had a quorum and that's not fair to mayard and Maria and the applicants either and we usually find out at the very last minute and then that's not fair to people who have paid to have experts here so I feel like we should have alternates or the Board needs to be expanded but I am just some guidelines on hey you have three excuse absences four ex yeah no the absences there has to be a reason and it it can't just be and after a certain number there should be some sort of remedy to deal with the situation because in the past it was excessive and we all make it our business to be here so also make it their business to be here and and and that's why I had thought perhaps that that section might be deleted from the letter but understand you still would like some guidance with respect to attendance yeah I think if it happened in the past I I'm not you know I don't foresee it not happening in the future so I think if we set some guidelines in place now everybody you know every board member that comes up in the future has some sort of guidelines to we're essentially going back to the original game plan on the letter okay right that's what I needed okay any other business no motion to end second all in favor I any opposed all right