##VIDEO ID:hNdT2Kwvoyo## all right uh with the board's permission I'm going to get started here meeting of the can control board of city of Jersey City held Monday February 29th at approximately 5:00 pm uh in accordance with the open public meetings act known as the Sunshine Bill adequate notice this meeting was provided by mail Andor facts to the Jersey Journal so it's my understanding that there are two members that need to be sworn in if you could be so kind as to stand up raise your right hand and let's continue with the oath of a office I state your name Britney bnny do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey uh and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state government EST the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties and that I will faithfully impartially and jly perform all of the duties of the Cannabis Control Board of the city of Jersey City of the Cannabis Control Board of the city of Jersey City according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thanks R I understand we're going to Triple your salary a roll call please fre free free times chairperson bunny here Vice shair canero here commissioner dubl here commissioner capz Kitz sorry I I have right here sorry all right you must be my age I guess that's what happens all right so this is I am here we didn't have a meeting in January so very quickly we are going to have a reorganization meeting so it's understanding at this point I would uh ask for nominations for chairperson the floor is now open I nominate Britney bunny is there a second I'll second any other nominations hearing none seeing none I'll close that and ask for a roll call chairperson Bunny yes Vice chair Canter rero I commissioner kaplowitz abstain commissioner Dublin I and commissioner Sloan is absent all right she she's going to come later she's coming later all right motion does carry I'll hand the meeting over to the chair okay um I make a motion to nominate Jose cantero as the vice chair I second any other nominations nominations are closed roll call commission chairperson bunny Hi Vice chair canero hi commissioner kaplowitz hi commissioner Sloan is absent and commissioner Dublin I okay and then um I would like to make a motion to nominate Ron mandelo as the Cannabis control board attorney second this is the part it always scares me roll call where's my envelope chair chairperson bunny Hi Vice chair canero hi commissioner kaplowitz hi commissioner Dublin I and commissioner Sloan is absent thank you very much appreciate it okay uh the CCB and its duties the Cannabis control board was created by the Jersey City municipal Council the CCB is a result of the council adopting an ordinance we are not the planning board or the zoning board those boards were created by legislation the Jersey City planning board or the zoning board will hear your application as to zoning and land use development issues according to Jersey City Ordinance 22-3 the CCB will consider the following factors in its determination to approve or deny your application one Community impact and Outreach input two the number of cannabis establishments within close proximity less than 1,000 ft to the applicant just because the Cannabis establishment is less than 1,000 fee from your application is not necessarily a negative factor each application must be evaluated on the totality of factors and the surrounding neighborhood three hiring practices employed by the applicant four residency of all applicants and owners five the applicant's commitment to diversity and inclusion best practices and six Safety and Security plans if the board approves the application the board will issue a preliminary resolution of support once the applicant obtains State approval the applicant must return to the CCB for final approval the CCB shall provide final written approval or rejection within 60 days an applicant could obtain preliminary approval from the CCB obtain State approval but be denied final CCB approval according to Jersey City Ordinance 21- 053 the CCB will ensure compliance with local rules and regulations governing cannabis um the city of Jersey City encourages and promotes participation of minorities women and disabled veteran owned cannabis businesses and by extension so shall the CCB the CCB shall require a class 5 cannabis retail business applicant to address concerns about the proximity of a proposed location to a substance abuse Treatment Center or daycare center all right with the board's permission I'd like to Call CCB 22-28 golden door dispensary uh this applicant is before the board on uh what would be considered a final uh resolution of approval please step up why don't you have a seat there you go Sony did you sign yours no sorry uh who's going to be uh testifying this evening okay you can have a seat please raise your right hand you square affirm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God all right please State please state your name spell your last name and uh give us your address business address or home address uh business is fine thank you Brett th Andro d a l SS a n d r o 638 nework AV Jersey City New Jersey 07306 all right welcome back it has been a long strange trip 2022 correct it has all right so have you've been able to successfully convert to an annual license we have and you have gotten all of the permits from the city there aren't any indications of any any problems or issues no any of the board members have any questions for this applicant um I do not have any questions and would make a motion to approve I'll second roll call chairperson bunny Hi Vice chair Kent Terrero hi commissioner kaplowitz I congratulations commissioner Dublin I and commissioner Sloan is absent well congratulations best of luck congratulations that was the easiest process I've ever had to go through congratulations the first one thank you very much I really appreciate it we are very very excited to open up so thank you very much thank you thank you all right if I may with the board's uh permission a second application is CCB 23-7 the grass House Company you want to get rid of the uh Marist um I believe that one of the attorneys is double oh well that's is is there an attorney here for CCB 2377 Marist he's got the double duty okay but are they they're adjourning yes do you want to just adjourn first they can sit there while you're doing it just this is the good cause all right so please state your name for the record and uh we'll indicate that you are addressing CCB 2377 Maris New Jersey at Ford Jordan AV and there has been several adjournments for good cause and the board would like to Simply understand at this point what that good cause is there we go uh my apologies uh for also running in a little late oh you're fine I hate when that happens um long story short the client who I just kind of picked up on pinch heading for today um they're not from Jersey City they're trying to figure out how to best serve this city uh they had been involved with a couple different organizations from the onset they got the vibe they weren't exactly going to be the most beneficial to what they were trying to accomplish here they they uh ended up getting or retaining porio compliance services to help them navigate some of that back in January since then we've met with one of the local Council persons who has better been able to uh better direct us as to who we should be meeting with um as of today uh we are set to have anou actually no we got the mou with Hudson County Community College that had to go before their board uh so so that took some time that happened about a week ago and then to this Wednesday uh we're set to finalize another M with the local organization so so that certainly sounds like good cause to me I don't know if any of the members disagree with me but having said that is anyone going to entertain a motion to carry this application motion second uh all in favor any opposed hearing none seeing none that application will indeed be carried to the next meeting which is mayard I know you're looking over as I am 2th March March 25th all right just one statement make sure that they're not adjourning the next time oh if that happens just well if they need to adjourn just try to let us know two weeks before the meeting so that we can put someone else on the agenda understood and thank you okay or you definitely takeen off yeah well I have I'm recused from grass house anyway so okay gotcha thank you guys have a good night all right let the record reflect that the chairperson is indeed leaving the day is now the chair I'm also recusing myself from this application oh so I'm going to slip off all right so do you have a problem uh no as long as there is a no we we're okay yeah yeah we they will need two votes okay and even if can Sonia leave then too or do we need her she has to go too so you have to go too huh well so well it's all up to you Jeff wait she she'll stay for this one but after that is she okay to go yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so let's switch hatch now Jeff is easygoing so anyway in any event we are now switching hats and we're moving back to CCB 23-7 grass house uh company at 523 at tunley Avenue it's my understanding that this was adjourned so that you could simply speak to whatever uh resident groups may exist though I know you indicated to me that it's very difficult even find a resident group on ten Avenue I'm not from here I don't live here so the only resident group on ten Avenue is the homeless okay it all right um with that um go ahead what do we have yeah what would you like to tell the board you don't want to hear from me oh okay uh I'm sure that you were previously sworn but let's do it again please raise your right hand theore firm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truths help you got yes put your hand down please stay your name spell your last name and give us the address of the the location Michael Price p r i Michael Price p i and the establishment is located at 523 teny Avenue Jersey City 07307 what do you want to tell the board Mr Price about your efforts to discuss this with uh groups along tunley Avenue well I have been very active in the community and running around and I have uh some Witnesses here that can probably attest to my hard work and reaching the people of the community such as going neighborhood association meetings and different things and let's cut to the chase is there anybody here that represents an association more than two people okay Patrick does all right Patrick would you step up you want me to do this yeah go ahead okay good evening Patrick please raise your right hand do you square Fromm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God uh yes do I need mic you do yeah just turn it on on hello hello there you go please state your name spell your last name give us your address uh Patrick ambrosi a m b r o SSI uh 329 New York Avenue Jersey City New Jersey 07307 what anything what if anything would you like to tell us about this applicant sure so I was here um a couple of months ago um I think it may have been October or even November who do you represent sure um so I represent I'm the president of the Leonard G Park Conservancy which is a park group up in the Heights uh on Manhattan and Kenedy Avenue it's uh currently going through a a major renovation um uh as well as the Western Slope neighborhood association which is uh kind of the from from Kennedy up to Tunnell Avenue and and um Jeff is correct there are no uh residents on uh Tunnell Avenue but um you know the the way that I look at uh grass house and their location and any location on on on Tonia Avenue is that uh the Western Slope Community is uh the community that's mainly going to be impacted by uh the businesses there and also could very well be clients as well um you know um Michael and I have have spoken uh you know he's attended Community meetings with the Western Slope neighborhood association is going to help out at Laren Gordon Park um and um and he's even attended ARP meetings which are are actually pretty exciting meetings I think they're one of the most uh fun out of out of all in jerse city um but you know intended our Christmas events um and so you know I think going forward um you know we have a plan uh that's going to allow uh to make sure that you know he's still involved within the community whether it's the park group whether it's with uh senior citizens or whether it's neighborhood groups um you know in the Western Slope uh there's not that many groups and so you know you're touching all three um as well as um St John's which does uh food pantry and whatnot so you know uh I think Mike has kind of been through this process uh for some time now and uh I have also been with him on that uh you know we've we've given food to a senior population we've we've had a pumpkin patch uh events which um him and his mom helped donate uh candy you know so I'm very confident that Mike is going to be an amazing partner for the Heights community and for the organizations within the Western Slope thank you very much we appreciate your testimony any questions from the the board members hearing none seeing none anyone else that represents an organization in the audience represents an organization in the Ordinance do you need to hear anything else no the only requirement the only requirement that we had was that that he'd meet with Lisa neighborhood association and this is right up the block all right so uh back to us a motion either for or against the uh the applicant I make a motion to accept um excuse me um CCB 23-7 grass House Company at 523 Tunnell Avenue is there a second sure second roll call Vice share Cano no he couldn't recused accused commissioner klewitz yes commissioner Dublin yes motion carries congratulations best of luck thank you very much thank you thank you with the board's permission I will now call CC c b do you have to leave um Jose's coming back in now yes okay with board's permission I'd like to Call CCB 23- 76 Warrior uh weed and uh uh please be so kind as to take any uh Communications conversations outside we are still conducting a meeting you have to go have a nice night hello all right welcome counselor please enter your appearance into the record nice to see you again oh sorry let the record reflect that Sonia commissioner uh Sonia had to leave as well all right ahead Dublin's last name Dublin thank you yeah it's one of those nights no tell me about it no try again now it is all right uh Duncan Delano from emerged Law Group uh on behalf of warrior weed LLC um and I'll introduce uh Jamie Moran the uh principal and she can be sworn in here all right please raise your right hand the square firm the testimony about to give you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God you can put your hand down please state your name spell your last name give us your address Jamie Moran it's um the last name is Maran m o r an address 415 Mammoth Street Jersey City New Jersey 07302 school right so my understanding from the last meeting is that you simply needed to meet with some neighborhood groups and and a school or is it a school or univ school right it was a school school yeah it was the Brunswick school we were directed to reach out to them okay so otherwise they had all the uh testimony at the last meeting what's the status of that then um we did we reached out to the Brunswick school um they didn't call us back we we explained who we were they didn't call us back I then reached out to Eric uh from the village neighborhood association and he explained to me that we're not really we don't need to worry about the New Brunswick School we're like within um it's about it's actually 1,500 feet away from our site um and so we were actually a little confused at the request uh the last time after looking at it again um because it is so far away from the site but um but yeah it's it's about on Google Maps uh 1,584 ft from our site yeah uh but we did yeah I did reach out to um I think the woman's name was Joanne That was supposed to call me back and she never did I explained who I was and the woman on the phone asked me you know where was your location I explained it to her and she's like she was like oh okay and then she said that the woman would call me back and then she never called me back um and then I reached out to Eric you know of the neighborhood association and we were we were speaking about the dispensaries in the area and he said he said that she probably didn't call you back because um you're not within the vicinity uh that they should be worried about so okay um anything from the board members no just public yeah I forgot the last one thank you U I'm going to open it up for public comment anyone wants a comment either for or against the application oh I have one of my clients here I'm sorry I have one of my clients here Irene Barnaby she's actually the vice president of the village Association oh okay please raise your right hand the square firm the testimony about to give you the truth the old truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do please state your name spell your last name give us your your address Irene bar it's not on hello no I don't think it's still on is that me there you go got to be a little closer that's all you got it Irene Barnaby the last name is b a r n a b y and I live at 206 fth Street in Jersey City New Jersey want to tell us about this applicant so I've been a client of Jamie Moran for about four years I use her other business uh Urban Dog and she has been an outstanding character I can vouch for her character she's been a very responsible business owner and I think she'll be a great lead and a great uh neighborhood addition all right thank you very much anyone else from the public hearing none seeing none we'll close that public portion anything you want to say Sir um no I think I think that covers it but happy to ask answer any questions I think the board members are good so either a motion for or against the application I'll make a motion for approval of this application I second roll call Vice chair canero hi commissioner kapit hi motion carries congratulations best of luck good luck thank you that was quick all right uh the next one is Maris which was carried correct um so finally that's a journ right yep it was carried yep uh the next one would be CCB 24-7 Blue Lagoon Farms I do believe that I spoke to your counselor and she said she was coming at 6 I told her the meeting was at 5: but but I did I did indicate to her there were several applications ahead of her and that uh indeed uh you know she might be safe if she showed up at at 6 o'clock but um I'm wrong uh so why don't why don't you come on up here and even though you do have an attorney uh I think you know the the uh board members that are here are very very interested uh in your in your business so uh why don't you have a seat and I'm going to swear you in please raise your right hand they swear from the testimony about to give me the TR the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God yes you can put your hand down please state your name spell your last name and give us your address my name is Eli Terry uh last name t r r y and what's your address 77 Forest a Jersey City New Jersey 07304 so Mr Terry do you have any objection to going forward without uh your uh attorney I can tell you that I believe that the board is very excited to finally get a second cultivator uh in Jersey City but uh would you like have some questions though I'm sorry I still have some question oh absolutely um but I I the question I asked is um do you want to go forward without your attorney or could we wait a second she said she will be here in five minutes oh five minutes okay I thought she was coming at 6 no I just called her to just advise you the same I think you should wait for your attorney right okay all right uh so we'll take a we'll take a few minute break five minute break Mr chairman all right okay we are uh back on the record and uh counselor please enter your appearance into the record yes good evening my name is Cheryl Murray pal Esquire nice to meet you thank you so much um we took the liberty of swearing your client in already and uh fantastic he had said you were five minutes out so the board decided to just take a a quick adjournment so uh the floor is uh is yours here what does what would you like to tell the board or is there testimony I did swear him in already Yes um thank you for accommodating uh my tardiness just picking up my son from school I appreciate it um I'm going to let Eli kind of share with you his vision and his plans for contributing to the community he has a huge focus on community reinvestment as he is a um Jersey City resident as am I so I'll let you go first and then I'll I'll go ahead and follow up Mr Terry you remain sworn what would you like to tell the board hey board how you doing um my name is Eli Terry I'm a legacy cultivator I'm an MBE applicant I'm a social Equity applicant as well I was born and raised in Jersey City I went to school here um grew up here for my whole life um I began in a legacy Market understanding how everything was going to go in cannabis just dibbling and dabbling then I begin to like reach out to I want to say in 2018 2017 I began to reach out to certain uh councilmen lawyers um realators to just get a little background this was around the time of the medical um license so I even wanted to get in and on on that um I was up in Connecticut and I was just trying to figure out how everything was going to go um I began hearing relativ saying yeah no don't don't deal with it is it's crazy but over time I just start to realize what I gained from those conversations were that first we needed to establish a brand to the CRC so they wouldn't understand us and get some type of touching or involvement with the plant so we begin soon growing and and developing a brand in a legacy Market um along that time we's figuring out how what what the plants like what they don't like what strands people like what strands people don't like and how to promote Vigor through VPD and all of these other aspects of of growing quality cannabis we have you can see from the application we had tons of people who was just kind of astounded like you grew this this is all white ass cash is Fluffy is is different than what you're average averagely seeing and even in dispensaries so that stuff's been sitting on the shelf for a year yeah so and we plan to get everything out in THC I mean it doesn't match anything on the west coast at all speaking from experience and as we begin to to grow we bu we built relationships in California with breeders and establishing that brand getting certain clones and just getting a brand Vision not only in New Jersey with with the consumers that we had in the Legacy Market but also through Colorado Las Vegas where there's a lot of breeders and stuff like that began running gear and really truly understanding what it takes to get quality uh cannabis and like pushing a pedal to the metal um not sleeping about it it's a lot of UNS Sleepless days and then we further on we just keep going we start working with uh cannabis activists um understanding the market working with uh active businesses that were already in a medical um cannabis scene kind of getting a direction of where we should go um so then we just kind of understood that we need to be as Frugal as possible in this in this uh time because a lot of predators and stuff like that that go along in this business so we decided to write our own application kind of eliminate those cost and and just build off off there and just gain relationships here on and here out with all the people in New Jersey and then more then um during this application process right before um we begin working with like Leo Bridgewater or Jessica Gonzalez to further on and help social Equity BE Implement it in New Jersey so we helped vote S21 a21 and uh push that forward to councilmen to make sure that social Equity would be included um so I remember when Trenton passed it so so it was like great that we was able to be a part of that and gain and really develop the relationships with the people we needed to oh you're okay go ahead then um so then we were able to to gain all of that information and put it all on paper with the application and then we were awarded a license in 2022 um a conditional Li conditional license um and through the ups and downs of that what you may have seen with tons of applicants with property they get property they lose property and so we were in that kind of ordeal we had a property initially locked in uh the management changed within the company of the person we releasing to the their whole Vision changed so we begin searching and keep pursuing and pushing forward and we got another property locked in we got the the zoning cleared we got the JC cleared and we're just looking to get Municipal approval cleared as well um and then as far as Community impact we've we are the community we are from here you know we kind of embody that being a culture being Legacy being the foot soldiers that's touching the people that understand what the people want from this industry and they not like getting it as much because it's it's a very strenuous process it's not for the the faint of heart so everybody wants to get in so we just been like just pushing forward as much as possible so internally what we plan to do with starting first within our company being a catalyst of this community impact is we're going to do dollar for dooll uh donation matches with our employees so if you want to donate to any nonprofit you want to donate to any Charities Charities we will more than certainly match those donations within the company start inside first and then we can bridge that Gap outside of the company then we're going to do an expungement Clinic where we was going to help people who were convicted of marijuana expunge their license once the profits get gone we'd be having enough Revenue to help people get expunged out of um all of the stuff they get so so they could be able to prosper in life you know certain things may hold you back and then the last thing we want to do as far as a program is just Community engagement and education on a plant so first we want to uh just show the consumers awareness and then show the community awareness of the beneficials of cannabis it's a lot of negative St stigmas on cannabis so we want to show the community that there a lot of a lot more positives than it is negatives holistic health a lot of things that can can help with and then as far as the consumers showing them what quality cannabis is and what you're paying for understanding what the Strand is and not just made up names or not yeah there's a lot of misinformation out there and then lastly um we're going to be donating to the Walker Foundation um I went to his programs as a kid born and raised here he helped a lot of kids stay focused with sports and trying to make it out of the city so I would definitely just donating to them he just opened up a trade school so we're going to help donate to that as well um and just be an impact into the community we've been going to WF meetings um with the councilman Gilmore understanding their vision and they're not technically on cannabis at this moment but we're working with them because we understand the constraints of how everybody is going about this um ordeal so yeah we're just going to just be working with them and lastly we uh scheduled a meeting with the uh junan Jones and the canal Crossing to introduce oursel to the community and let everybody know firsthand who we are what we represent we tried to get in a meeting this month but it kind of pushed away we went to the meeting in January to understand what the community wants and needs what were going on a lot of parking issues uh people had uh stop signs the speed bumps they may wanted so we want to help contribute to that as well we don't have it all in percents but we want to contribute to that and just help out the community we're going to be on 77 fars and and this is where a lot of these people live not necessarily we have these residents but this is where they live so you want to accommodate them in the best way we could how many employees you going to have we're going you're starting up starting up we're going to have one to nine employees we're going to have three um full-time employees and everybody else is going to be uh part-time just coming in for hours and your business plan was probably the most detailed and honest business plan that I've seen here since you know thank you hearing applications seriously you really did your homework um talk to me about uh your growing are you are you just going to do flower or you going to wa to do uh Edibles or Oils so once we finish processing this cultivation like LIC we will look into doing a manufacturing license as well because they're like they work in sync with each other and we have enough room in the in the building 7200 sare ft in total so we have more than enough room to kind of put a room dedicated to Edibles pre-rolls and expand our our Market yeah hopefully you'll have your potency a lot more in line with the West Coast than yeah we plan to give everybody an experience when you try our product the quality just the is a whole experience entourage is not just I'm just here to get high you're going to be creative you're going to be wanting more you're going to be wantan to being involved and we're going to do popups as well with dispensaries informing customers branding showing them just about how we foot on the floor with the consumers so they actually know who's growing this where it's coming from and it's coming actually from your city so talk a little bit about uh your legacy growing uh and experimenting and and creating these strains a lot of the stuff out there is BS I mean they come up with names that have no relationship to anything yeah so we we work firsthand with the the Breeders getting seeds everything is quality we're not just running some seeds that my uncle gave me and said yeah this was the best back in the day um no we out to be male yeah and pollinate the whole room so now we working directly with um breeders getting the best of the best and we actually work firsthand with a lot lot of people in a legacy Market to understand what they actually want and not just what we want you know because it's certain strands that they want that they I might not like but they might love so you want to have that balance and you know just variety for them right interesting uh yeah uh I will say though um going out on the west coast far cheaper than out here yes yes that's the mecca so it's a lot of people that go back there and see that happening here at some point in the future and how would you know uh how would you deal with that so basically in my vision I would think that the east coast is going to be for us by us so it's going to be a lot of uh West Coast Brands that's going to try to come and flood the market but the consumers are going to come based on the people that they have seen in the Cannabis market for years and the people that they um came up listening to whether the culture the music and and all of that sort of thing rather than this is the culture this is the East Coast this is how how we're going to do cannabis so it's definitely going to be uh for us by us I I would say that do I think the price is going to go up and down yes this the Cannabis Market if you don't know prices go really up and then it can go really down so yeah it's it's a pricey Market but well us quality we kind of looking for a high priced and but we're going to start off low but just to show people the exclusivity with certain strands may be a lot more than this strand but we're going to consume will have all consumers from all ranks of high quality cannabis and we're going to do deals and stuff like that as well just to welcome in the people and and and start to have this cannabis of Glo Farms you mind if I chime in a little bit as well I I have some responses as well I I love um Eli's responses so I'll just um introduce you to myself I'm a cannabis agricultural dietary supplement trade and psychedelics attorney I've been practicing cannabis law for eight years and I've legalized in 10 states um born in New York but most of my cannabis career I was in Florida that against you yeah but don't hold it I live in Jersey City now and Eli's one of the reasons why I moved to Jersey City is his love of of Jersey City and him showing me um you know a few places along the way and and the Redevelopment um but I I did want to say with regards to Eli's plan you know his focus is around um want a safe and quality product and he expressed that um he understands the plant he understands its plant medicine uh even though we're we're in an adult use Market we don't use the medical term but he understands the plant to the level that it has different reactions from different people it impacts people in a different way and he wants to have that variety which stems from the biodiversity that he's going to have in his cultivation uh facility he's been pheno hunting for Jersey for years um it is no accident when you look at the product mix that he is uh carefully curated for his community it's based on years and years of research and understanding the plant and growing and um making uh what people might call mistakes but really hunting for that perfection in a product mix which he has now and he's happy to bring to Market in the legal Market he has uh proactively pursued mentors in the space including myself I came to meet him through another group that was uh mentoring him they were on the legal side of things so he was trying to make his transition very early in preparation for this moment so a quality safe product um also a focus on security um his location is phenomenal with regards to being able to safeguard the product minimize diversion risk and that is how he went about the process of selecting um a product a location for him to cultivate and um when it comes to compliance he's committed to all of the CRC regulations as well as the regulations of Jersey City um he has studied them um he has um proactively uh through my introduction reached out to proana which is a uh compliance software um that is um well known and they have Sops developed and we actually negotiated through the Justice Foundation it's a nonprofit that I I run I was their former Co now I'm on the board um we work with Legacy operators transitioning Legacy to Legal so we work coun this stuff is very interesting but you are testifying my apologies so I'll go back yeah he was doing fantastic and so were you yes um but most of what you're saying is testimony uh which we don't typically take from attorneys but in any yeah um yeah so I just wanted to highlight the a few points and I'll be brief I wanted to talk about the quality safe prior prop um product which I think is let him do that okay tell us about the quality safe product before you go there growing wise are you going to do uh traditional uh dirt uh or Hydroponics or a combination so we're going to do Hydroponics to start um we all been doing uh reverse uh dwc for years um the actual systems that I started with I actually built them out with being a cultivated you kind of got to be the Jack of all trades so I had to get the plumbing right I had to get the the air pressures and the and and the buckets right I had to get the lights and you got to kind of uh just Be Frugal with your money when you're cultivating because you have to take risk with lights but you might might have to build out your system so the number one thing that gets stolen lightss not in your weed they want your lights yeah Ste all your equipment so we're going to be doing using Uh current culture systems um they're a very Advanced uh deep water culture system so we're going to gra graduate from our de do it yourself systems to actual um company uh current coaches and we're going to use our formulas with the the nutrients and everything and what we use best to get the best product so big hit on the nutrients I saw how much you spending a month yeah and with the and you use less nutrients when you useing rdwc because the plants are actually in the water so we're able to bring the ppms really high and really low and cuz it's all water so yeah any other questions from board members um I do I actually just want to make sure the Safety and Security plan was approved by jcpd not yet well you know I I know that we can do an approval based upon we can do that we haven't done that as a practice it's been adjourned but I think in this instance given the fact that demand is through the roof and and Supply is way down below our feet uh we'd like if if the board is so inclined the board The Other Board member that's here is um goad an agreement with a conditional approval based on the safety security plan being approved by jcpd I would move forward I think we're in a different ball game with when it comes to cultivation and there's a lot of lead time for the equipment right and then growing and you know everything else and I also think that um his application I mean it was the most realistic in in regards to you know what it's going to mean to get it started and move forward so uh I have no problem dealing with a conditional approval based upon the police department y any questions for this applicant any questions for this applicant no I yeah what part of Jersey City did you grow up I grew up on the hill um Eastern Parkway W street Armstrong all my family lived in all of those areas carry Woods as well too so all right I'll open it up to the public anybody say anything my mother graduated from the application all right welcome please grab the mic and then I'm going to square you in please raise your right hand the square affirm the testimony about to give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do please state your name spell your last name give us your address my name is Robin midle initial T last name m muu n and my address is 24 wage Street here in Jersey City I have lived here all my life what would you like to tell the board I would like to tell the board this is my nephew Eli um he comes from a long line of business owners I've been in business 25 years I have a flower shop right here in Jersey City we always try to take care of the community his mother is in business his brother so we always my nephew at Christmas time gives out toys and stuff we always try to stay in our community and work for my community and listening to my nephew here today I am so proud of his proposal and what he's doing and I got a better understanding on tonight so um he would be he he's grower so he would be the best in the community thank you thank you very much anyone else from the community all right the short guy all right please raise your right hand the square affirm the testimony about to give you the truth old truth and nothing but the truth shop you got yes so help me I'm the tall guy for the record Jerry Walker uh 373 commun PA Avenue nice to see you again yeah absolutely I'm just here on behalf of Eli I I just when he you know Eli he's also a St Anthony Fri so we going to put that on the record till he play football St Anthony he was on that great team uh that almost won the whole thing but uh besides that when he first came to me with this idea you know I knew it was like a risky idea so I was drilling on myself like asking him questions Etc and he knew everything he does he knew everything so I was very shocked and pleased uh that he didn't know it to the point where because it's Risky Business the cultivation I mean you could get one little micro bug and your whole crop is gone so it's definitely a big risk uh with big risk do come with big rewards so we we we we in full supp supporter Eli uh and whatever he need from me from my perspective that I'm going be help him uh doing way and I actually have a vocational school like right around the corner from his facility so uh we're going to make sure his security and everything we going to have eyes on the neighborhood eyes you know how that go the neighborhood eyes so we going to we we in full support of him and I I encourage the board to definitely take this in consideration because he's a good guy and he deserve it and he can come to your school and start teaching folks how to grow that's right because they make a lot of money yes they do yes they do they do they do that's the truth that's the truth all right anyone else from anyone else yeah would you raise your right hand you s firm the testimony about the give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall be God yes please state your name spell your last name give us your address uh my name is Anthony Brown I'm at 281 Chapel Avenue uh Jersey City New Jersey what would you like to tell the board Anthony um I would like to tell um I'm a former I'm an educator and um Eli was once my student student so um to see what he is doing and just how knowledgeable of he he was of this business he was just that knowledgeable in school and I'm not even shocked of how he has all this stuff and um I uh fully support him in any way I also the educational director for masterp and Snoop Dogg um I'm right here in Jersey City I work with them hands in hands and I definitely know him going for forward if you would have him they would definitely back him 100% thank you very much anyone else hearing none seeing none we'll close that public portion and now counselor forgive me now you can tell us anything you want if you want thank you listen pardon my enthusiasm you know sometimes you get a client that is very much one in a million uh with their commitment to Excellence and Eli happens to be that client I wanted to make sure that you know we um demonstrated those things that I knew would be important to the city which would be important to me as a resident and that is the safe and quality product that is the compliance uh that is having a good security plan um so we reduce harm to property and harm to to individuals um Community impact which is should be his middle name because he's always looking at how he can impact his community and how he can Inspire others to follow in his example um and then finally community reinvestment and making sure that these cannabis canis funds flow directly into the community so um those were my five points that I wanted to kind of highlight from his testimony um and again with my reference to the pro U proana software it's really not everyone knows that there's software to help you be compliant and have they automate the Sops and things for you so I just wanted to let you know that he's already ahead of the curve because he's proactively looked for this these tools recognizing what the challenges are of transitioning thank you for that you're so welcome back back to the board for discussion I just want to move on with a motion yeah I'll do that um I'd like to make a motion to approve ccb2 2478 glue Lagoon farms at 77 Forest Street second all right roll call Vice shair canero I commissioner Kitz I think you're going to do a great job so do I apprciate I think you're really really you're top and I look forward to when you open up yeah I have some quality cannabis for you some craft stuff motion Mo motion carries congratulations you can see the board's very excited to have you here I wish you the best of luck thank you appri we want you to expand sooner rather than later yes all right thank you I don't believe there's a that's it that's it thank you all right thank you gentlemen motion motion to end the meeting Jerry okay you I know yeah we blew through bunch of them I should go home and have dinner we really blew through everything here see what happens when we only have two members I guess I don't know one two three I don't