okay everyone we're about to get started so if we can close the back door side doors as well I greatly appreciate it and most importantly silence our cell phones as I am doing okay good evening everyone we are on the record today is Tuesday the second day of January and the year 2024 happy New Year everyone happy New Year this is a reorganization meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 6 PM start and the clock on my cell phone is showing 6:03 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this meeting council person Ridley here council person Prince Zer here council person Bano here council person C here council person Solomon here council person Gilmore present council person Dees here council person Rivera here and council person Waterman we have nine council members in attendance at 6:03 PM can we kindly rise for a moment of silence please thank you on behalf of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the scheduled of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday December 29th 2023 at 12:30 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrative Corporation Council and local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law okay council members before we move on I just want to do a little bit of housekeeping of the rules so if a name a council member is nominated and another council member is nominated almost at the same time just like we do a first and a second I'm going to take the first nomination first and ask for a second if I don't get a second we'll move on to the next nomination if I do get a second we will proceed with the nomination and then proceed with the resolution if the nomination is approved so with that being said the sole purpose of this meeting is to appoint the council president and council president protemp so do I have motion a nomination we have motion by council person Riva to nominate Denise Ridley council person Denise Ridley as council president and that was seconded by council person thees okay on the motion to nominate council person Denise Ridley as council president council person Ridley this is are just the nominations right now Sean yes well of course I vote for myself so I council person Prince AR abstain council person Bano abstain council person SLE I stain council person Solomon stain council person Gilmore I'm confused so the the nomination can you explain it again sure so right now we have a motion to nominate council person Denise Ridley as council president if the nomination does not pass we will I will take another another motion on another nomination for different um council member so if it if it passes then we would move to vote on the resolution appointing council person Ridley as council president so right now we're voting the motion is to nominate Denise Ridley as council president then you vote then you could vote again you would have to vote again on the resolution to approve all I vote I council person Dees let's make sure our mics are on too council person Rivera hi council person wman so we have a vote of four Z five the motion fails because in order for the motion to be approved we need a majority of the members present we have all nine council members present we would need five votes for that to be approved so I will entertain another nomination at this point motion to nominate Joyce Waterman council president motion by council person CLE to nominate Joyce e wman as council president second seconded by council person prer on the motion to nominate Joyce e Wardman as council president council person Ridley I council person priner council person bajano I council person CLE I I didn't hear you I sorry sorry council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi council person Dees council person Rivera so before I give you my vote and uh something that just has to be said you know um in no way shape or form I don't want you know this this body to take this personal this is something that before I cast my vote and I'm going to vote I for Council for council president Waterman but there should not be going down this road you know we we had a conversation back in 2018 with councilwoman Denise Ridley myself and the council president we did say that we were going to pass over the council presidency after the second after the first term 2020 council president Waterman did tell me she needed another go around which it was good we did that um we've been in this Council for 11 years you know myself Joyce Waterman and Rich Bano are the only three of the original 2013 team I've I've spoken to a lot of you and we we we when we I spoke over the phone I told you guys that even though it might sound corny but we're a family up here so we need to make sure that once we're a family if if if we treat each other like family we need to honor the word that we tell each other as family it's severely important to do that I mean I just think I have to handle things here a little differently now uh now when people say good things about the council or myself I I now have to take that with a grain of salt there there is no opportunity for Daniel Rivera to be council president there is none but character is what you will be judged as a person so I just felt that I needed or I should have gotten a a chance at it and I could never get that at least now and that is unfortunate but I'm going to be the big person here and support my Council colleague because that's my sister we've been attached to the hip we met in 2011 and we've been attached to the hip since then but I just hope that moving forward this Council we could sit down and talk to one another and make sure that we have an understanding it's not healthy to agree with everything we do up here because you're going to have times where there's bumps in the roads council members don't talk to each other we have to fix that but you get a lot of out there and these counil people take it personal and we got to make sure that we fix that before we come to a live stage like this and go through this that we're going through I just hope it doesn't happen again I wish you know I I thank all my Council colleagues that were supporting me the ones that were not supporting me I thank you from the bottom of my heart but but there's not a comeback to what I'm saying here word is word bond is Bond at least in Jersey City that's what that's all about thank you council person wman there a lot I could say but I'll just council person I we didn't hear you I I could say motion to nominate council person e Wardman as council president is approved 90 on the resolution we vote appointing council member Joyce e wman as council president council person Ridley so let me start by um you know I thank councilman rera for you know taking the time to nominate me um I hope that well I know that the the Dynamics of the council have changed a little bit and it's difficult to say you know everything is is just business and not to have people's personal feelings mixed in things but I'm hoping that as a council we can all move forward and work together and keep the business the business um and that's just my uh I guess that's what I plan to do and that's what I'm hoping that my colleagues can do and we can move on from from this point and so uh with that I vote I council person priner I council person bajano I council person SLE I council person Solomon um I I'll just say briefly um I've always appreciated the council president's willingness to whenever I you know want to talk about something you doesn't agree always has an Open Door um and I also I think hope everyone on the council knows how much respect I have councilman Rivera has always been exactly the same any issue Open Door um and as I said councilman Ridley I think one day she'll make a great council president so with that I vote I thank you council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council person Waterman resolution 10.1 resolution 24-1 appointing council member joycey Wardman as council president is approved unanimously 90 congratulations okay now I'll be taking nominations for council president protemp motion to nominate Danny Rivera second so I have a motion oh that's for you just give me one second sorry to nominate council person Danny Daniel Rivera as council president protemp by council person Cay seconded by council person bajano uh Sean yes I do not accept the nomination okay I one motion for me we do we have to vote on it or no we still yeah I mean we're in the middle of a motion to um take the nomination I say we vote on it and if the council person doesn't want to accept it we can take another nomination if that's what he chooses to do I'll make a motion for Denise Ridley before we do that we're still in the middle of the motion of nominating council person Daniel mua as council president Pro Temp that was made by council person Cay seconded by council person bajano on the motion to nominate council person Daniel Riva as council president protemp council person Ridley no question if he doesn't want and we vote him in he has to take it he can refuse I'm going to vote for him I council person priner Hi council person buano this is to nominate council person SLE I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council person Dees council person Rivera oh no and council person council president wman motion to nominate council person Riva as council president protemp is approved 81 with council person Riva voting no council person Rivera you choose not to accept the nomination that's correct with that being said I'll take a mo to nominate another council member I was making that motion I can't hear mayor Prince we have a motion to nominate Denise council person Denise Ridley as council president protemp yes I second Denise Ridley so the motion was made by council person priner seconded by council person rer no or was it made by council person Dees counc council person Dees I'll second um and seconded by council person Riva on the motion to nominate Denise council person Denise Ridley as council president protemp council person Ridley I council person priner Hi council person Bano hi council person Cay I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council person Dees council person reera I council president Waterman motion carries 90 to nominate council person Dees as council president protemp no on resolution sorry what did I say Denise Ridley I'm telling you I'm getting mixed up just listening to everybody so motion carries 90 to nominate council person Denise Ridley as council president Pro Temp on resolution 10.2 resolution 24- 002 is a resolution appointing council member Denise Ridley as Council P president protemp on the resolution council person Ridley I council person Prince Ary I council person buano Hi council person SLE I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president wman resolution 24- 002 item 10.1 app appointing council person Denise Ridley as council president pro temp is approved unanimously 90 congratulations with that being said may I have a motion to adjourn motion motion at 6:22 PM motion made by council person Cay seconded by council person priner on the motion to adjourn council person Ridley council person priner council person bajano council person CLE hi council person Solomon council person Gilmore council person Gilmore council person Dees council person Rivera and council president wman motion to adjourn at 6:22 PM carries 90 we are out of here at 622 p.m. thank you so much for everyone present