okay everyone we're about to get started if we can find our seats silence our cell phones like I'm doing greatly appreciate it okay good afternoon everyone we are on the record today is Monday the 22nd day of April in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start the clock on my cell phone is showing 406 PM maybe have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley here council person priner council person Bano council person s will be absent council person Solomon's not here yet council person Gilmore is not here yet council person Dees here council person Rivera here and council president wman here we have six council members in attendance at 4:06 pm. on behalf of council president wman and members of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calend the year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday April 19th 2024 at 6:05 pm to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council in local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law before we move forward I'm going to Mark present council person Solomon and council person Gilmore at 4:07 PM for both of them so we now have eight council members in attendance at 4:07 PM council president I'm going to turn it over to you afternoon good afternoon president Waterman members of the council I have two items before you this evening resolution 24285 10-1 resolution will authorize the award of an open-end contract to Samuels Incorporated trading as Buy-Wise Auto Parts for parts and accessories for light duty trucks lightf vehicles on the New Jersey state contract for the DPW Automotive division total amount of the contract is $300,000 with a temporary encumbrance of $20,000 the period of his contract is April 11 2024 to December 31st 202 2024 and is funded through the DPW operating account director can you just repeat that item number for me again that is item 101 thank you sir the second one is 24306 item 1022 resolution will authorize the award of an open-end contract to W Campbell Supply Company for Heavy Duty Parts and Repairs as needed for city-owned vehicles through the New Jersey Co-op purchasing Alliance njcpa for DPW Automotive total amount of the contract is $300,000 with a temporary encumbrance of $5,000 funding for this matter is through the DPW operating account evening Council one one item to present before you this is item uh 10.13 this is resolution 24297 this is a resolution authorizing the renewal of a contract with and Company to provide voluntary supplemental benefits to active employees this is no cost to the city um the city is exercising its its rights for uh three additional one-year terms the term of the contract is April 1st 2024 to March 31st of 2025 and Company will Prov will be providing um additional voluntary benefits such as homeowners insurance uh auto insurance pet insurance identity theft and it's all through uh payroll deduction thank you afternoon council president council members L Cinda mclin uh appear before you today on two items that are listed on the agenda and one that um somehow did not make the list but is related to one of the two the first item is item 10 point excuse me I just had it item 10.16 which is a resolution authorizing an award of a contract to Mainline commercial pools which is a member under State contract that we um purchase bulk chlorine supplies for that is anticipated at the amount of $59,400 of the Year and that um chlorine Services uh is used at all three of our facilities um could also be used at barine Splash Pad although we are currently retrofitting barilan to hopefully work this year um and not require chlorine um the other item is item number 10.17 and there is an Associated resolution um so item 10.17 is a resolution rejecting the sole bid received by the city of Jersey City um for the provision and installation of a pool liner system at Pavonia Pool um that was a second round of public bidding so we are um with one resolution rejecting the sole bid received and a resolution that did not make the list but should have is a sister resolution to um accept a contract that was negotiated directly for the installation and provision of the pool liner at ponia yeah council president I apologize um we when we discussed having the items ready for the summer um the rejection and the acceptance were together and so I thought they posted together but it was just a rejection so if if it please with the council I'd like to re-update uh to include the award thank you thank you very much counc so before we have Laura come up um director so that the resolution is already in I Compass ready to go was it set for another meeting oh sorry at this juncture it might have the next meeting's date on it just because of the way it was but we've been looking at it all day and hopefully will be remedied if not while I'm standing here it's already been done hopefully yeah um Donna is pretty diligent in forwarding it to the next meeting but we'll make sure the date's correct okay very good thank you would it be helpful for the the title of it if you can email it to me direct that would be fantastic abolutely thankk you uh good afternoon council members I'm here for resolution number 24- 287 item 10.3 a resolution to cancel that 20223 real estate taxes on blog 15201 lat 53 due to a subdivision of lats the lat 53 was part of the major consolidation and subdivision of 15 lats where eight lats were Consolidated into the new lat 1.01 and L 53 should have been deleted from the tax list 2024 but uh was submitted from the delici so I'm here to request to cancel and refund that 2023 real estate taxes with allow 53 in the amount of $2,668 69 thank you good evening Council I'm here to present one resolution tonight it is 24-34 item 1020 uh this is a partnership to install Health kiosks kiosk singular we're going to start with one on the Plaza over at one Jackson Square it is a harm reduction kiosk that will provide fentanyl xining test strips Naran to address the opid crisis um as well as test my drink kits to identify illicit drugs in drinks uh we are trying to well we will be launching this on May 10th in conjunction with opioid Awareness Day the the cost to the program is 43,9 which is fully Grant funded yeah prob just excuse my um ignorance you just explain a little bit more about how the the different items in the uh you know kiosk are going to work and how people will access them sure so it's provided free of charge to Residents uh the company that we partnered with Long View technology Services they there's another element of the program where they continually stock the all the products in the kiosk and monitor it there's a data- driven approach too so we could see who's using what and the plan is for the in 2025 to roll this out uh W byward maybe multiple in each Ward uh need base again free of charge to the residents the cost is absorbed by the Grant and so just so and I just so I understand the products again so it's it's noran in correct and then you mentioned another one for determine if a drink has been spiked yes can you say more about what that is s right uh I don't know the exact name of the product there's several on the market um they'll let us know what they're going to be used when they implement it but it is just a check for the presence of elicit drugs and drinks and is there anything and those are the two was there a third or was it just the two yeah Fentanyl and xylin Fentanyl are we familiar with fentanyl a lot of drugs now being CAU with it uh death rate obviously through the roof xylazine is um you may have heard it by street named Tran Philadelphia is experiencing a major problem with that right now it's um extremely lethal it's a central nervous system depressant um which does pretty much immediately lead to death too street drugs are being cut with that and sorry I just understand so and what is what does the kios provide related to those uh it provides the actual test the actual test oh the test to see if test strips okay got it that's what I missed and it's a full walk you know walks you through the entire process especially with Narcan which is relatively easy to use but it does they did a product demo for us it's it makes it super simple for somebody who's never touched it oh sorry um know exactly how to administer an Aran and do a similar chios like this exists in other cities yeah um Atlanta well actually throughout Georgia but predominant Atlanta they have over 30 machines certain neighborhoods in DC and they'll be scaning that out uh Seattle Washington and uh they're looking to implement it in Delaware as well so in terms of New Jersey we'd be the first municipality with this okay thank so so Paul um with regards to the k what will be the hours of operation 247 so it be 247 they'll be able to just go in and is it like a ID requirement do they have to give any identification how does uh they do not there's demographic I cut you off sorry uh but there's demographic information um that they can provide or can't provide and the purpose is that is so we could see to make a decision further down the road to expand the partnership who's using it where they live you know age gender um location um and again it's not mandat that they enter but it's we're taking a data driven approach to this to determine needs based on this 8mon pilot program okay no I I think it's it's a great idea my only concern was I know a lot of people particularly in that area don't have IDs for various reasons and I don't want that to be a um a deter DET yes so that's what id is not necessary for any of these um for any of the products that will be distributed so that does circumvent that a bit but if they do have ID and choose to disclose any whatever information is proprietary to them um they are welcome to but again not required and my last question uh with regards to advertising how we advertiseing this uh there will be a press release uh we're going to be using City uh City social media platforms to get the word out there too and there is we're trying to carve out somebody from another Grant to do an advertising campaign to raise awareness of the machine right now really be just for the machine at uh one Jackson but as we do scale the program out the you know it's not going to be successful unless we raise awareness unless people know you know what it's there and like what we can use it for so the onus is really on us us being HHS to let people know that the machines are there and what's being provided I like it good idea PA question so um the Personnel that's given this information you know what are their qualifications that to explain you know you know the the product to the patient they're giving the products that are distributed they have a full U you know pamphlet like a mini pamphlet some of it's attached to the packaging so when they open it it unfolds and lets them know what it is how to administer it um and when to read say for example with the fentanyl islanding like what indicates a positive test I mean ideally we don't have a drug problem but there is so it's more I don't think in a situation like this the approach just to be reactive because then really the reaction is dealing with somebody who's dead right so this is more preventative so it's we kind of feel like not just in Jersey City but people taking a burying their head in the sand approach to it's not happening it's not as big as it thinks but it is so if these machines save one life they're worth it well how do we deter someone from going in and cleaning out the kiosk and taking all of the equipment from it uh there is a product limit distribution but just per interaction um I can get back to you on that in terms of going back in again and going back in again uh but the company has launched this very successfully in other cities and municipality so they do have measures in place thank you that was my question similar to councilwoman de but along with that are we responsible for keeping the machines full or is the company going to keep up with the supply good question they monitor that it is Internet connected so they know what products are being moved and they have a team who comes in and replaces the products as they get low okay and they let us know what's moving as well too because maybe it's we change the product mix right now again just the one kiosk but as we have more machines by neighborhood maybe there's a product that's more in demand than others okay and do you know if there's a way for us I guess to um track the events like if somebody goes in and they actually get the Naran like are we able to link that back to an actual event that happened in that area so we can kind of have data no I I like I kind of wanted that myself but once that product leaves there's no I guess you could sort of tie it back to because it is still Healthcare it's like that gets a little bit proprietary because then people you know there was you know something in their presentation to us where people are going to feel well now that's they know who I am and that I operate in a circle where X Y or Z is needed good thank you very much hello Madame council president members of the city council I here with two items for you today resolution 24 -32 item 10.18 resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the town of Gutenberg and the City of Jersey City to pres to provide the town of Guttenberg with animal control and animal Sheltering this is for the year uh 2024 and it's a nominal annual fee of $11,000 based on uh the census I have a second item item 10.19 resolution 24-34 a resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the town of Hoboken and the City of Jersey City to provide the town of Hoboken with animal control and animal Sheltering for the year 2024 this is for $100,000 for the year so mik we didn't hear you how many dogs you think you're going to get from Hoboken we've been getting um very minimal we've we've been doing it as a courtesy and a public health concern uh we went into this um in 2024 anticipating providing the services for both those municipalities so when they found themselves without a provider for the year as a public health concern to be good neighbors we've been providing it we only have so far four dogs from Hoboken and two from Guttenberg look just take care of the animals no matter where they come from it doesn't matter they don't suffer um my my concerns are the same as they were earlier and that relates to capacity so Hoboken is looking to do a $100,000 contract Guttenberg is looking to do $111,000 contract um what is the expected amount of animals coming from each like from each municipality do we is there a threshold is there a number where we can't say we can't accept over this number well what what we do is we provide what's called a managed intake which means we always take stray animals that's required by state law you don't have to take owner surrendered animals you also don't have to take animals in evictions two things I prefer to do to be quite Frank um since our our priv an our prior Animal Control provider did not supply us with the documentation of what they were doing last year it's really speculation to be honest councilman um we have set up a couple of arrangements with off-site providers for caning uh K9 to Garden the Jersey City business can house 20 dogs for us if if need be um right now we have five there not out of necessity only out of getting them into a different environment and keeping them social but we really don't we didn't get access to last year's numbers from Liberty Humane so we're really not sure what we're going to get there other than it's been very slow based on what we've gotten so far this year okay um and and my next concern is are you are you sure that we're not going to have an instance where we need the cages that's allocated to us but they're occupied by someone else so my my my my ISS like we're not going to be overburdened with these with these contracts with these other municipalities as it relates to our animals need in the cages that's that's my primary concern that we're able to take an animals as need be I don't want to get a call and sayy councilman we've been calling for the last couple days now Liberty Humane they have no way to to house this dog or they have no way to house this cat so they don't anticipate obviously we we would have turned down the contract if we thought that was going to be a legitimate possibility but we have set up arrangements with other housing environments if we had to make room to be honest I don't I don't think that's going to be a thing so what we're doing is we're using the contracts we have with the other providers just for enrichment for the animals we have to keep them social to get them in a different environment to get them a little more human interaction than they've been getting with us but we have prepared for that possibility if it comes to that and which and what I understand the municipalities are not necessarily the same but what what's the rationale for the differentiation in prices in the contract that was negotiated by the health officer prior to my arrival but it's just based on um per capita I don't think it's been factored in different municipalities paying a different number based on population it's based on the census but it's a fair question because I think it's possible that certain municipalities based on the environment are going to have a different cost for us to provide the service and that's something we're going to review at the end of this year and Factor it in going forward if this is something we do this year and choose to continue to do next year mark doesn't matter where an animal comes from I think Amy and I both agree that take care of the animals no matter where they come from we don't want to see any animals suffer no nor do I and and I I don't think anyone in the health department ever felt that there was a member of the council that felt any different we're we're just asking reasonable questions based on the services for Jersey City residents before we expanded to anyone else e even when being asked hard questions no one questions that it's about we all want Animal Welfare we just want to make sure we have the services for our municipality first and it's a fair question can you just um address in your prior uh role in Bergen County you had shared and Cooperative services like these and when you saw these agreements you felt that they were fitting for our city yes it it's when I left Bergen County we were when I first got put into my position we were at 28 municipalities were Contracting with the county for animal control when I left we were at 52 and those those contracts allowed us to to access a lot more services for our residents what we're really hoping to get in place as soon as possible is a lowcost Spay and Neuter Clinic for the residents of Jersey City so a lot of what's happening in the city is we have a lot of people breeding animals on purpose we also have people breeding animals because they can't afford to fix their animals and it's gotten incredibly expensive if you look into that so we have already reached out for a couple veterinarians to provide our residents with lowc cost spay and neuter and we're hoping that these contracts are going to supply that without any more cost to the residents of Jersey City yes one one other question that sort of relates back to your comment about um utilizing homes in case there is Overflow in the shelter so you're talking about bringing back a fostering program yes we we're talking about bringing back a fostering program and a volunteer program it's not only better for the app animal but in the long run it lowers the cost for taxpayers and it's something very interactive that the public enjoys um the animals will all be properly vetted first so it's not going to be we're just sending animals out it's going to be the animals that we think are going to be safe in someone's home and a lot of our residents for whatever reason just don't have the ability to be pet owners necessarily but they would like to be weakend parents to a pet it's something I used very success in in my last role in Bergen and I would love to Institute it here and during during kitten season it allows for older animals to get adopted out I I'm a firm believer in the in the Foster program I I'll reach out to you offline about some of the more specific questions I have to that since it's not really specific to this yes ma'am thanks thank you good afternoon council president council members I have one ordinance agenda number 3.4 ordinance 2428 this is a an ordinance designating Reserve parking spaces various locations that were approved at the committee meeting on March 27th that's it thank you good evening council president members of council Mike banzel director of Transportation I have one item agenda number 3.5 ordinance 24-29 this is an ordinance um implementing uh changes to uh no turn on red uh minor changes to where parking is permitted and time limited parking for Mal Avenue associated with improvements that are safety improvements that are planned uh there later this spring this just uh regarding the previous conversation um think we need to hold a community meeting uh with respect to the traffic traffic configuration changes on our Marell so we can um Mar yes set up a community meeting just to make sure everyone's no problem councilman we could review the results of the demonstration project which is uh in place good afternoon Council and happy Earth Day uh so I'm here for one item resolution 24- 296 agenda 1012 uh this is to apply for and accept the Doe's Energy Efficiency conservation block grant program uh this grant will assist with the city implementing a rebate program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from residential dwellings through upgrading appliances this is a Federal Grant and it has $219,300 available for the city and no C uh City cash match thank you very much after council president council members for your consideration I have one item it is agenda number 10.7 resolution number 24- 291 it's a resolution ratifying an award of a contract with soft for House International cooperation for quasa software through the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance Bergen County Co-op for the Department of Finance Office of Management and budget any questions Danny what does the software do so the software pretty much it's um preparation for the annual um budget book that you guys normally get every year got it so it's the list of salaries and the line items and all those things well the total contract amount is 8,388 196 and it's for 12 months okay thank you good afternoon everyone I have three resolutions for you this afternoon the first one is resolution 24-2 99 that's agenda item number 10.15 and it's a resolution for the municipal Council to authorize the execution of a mortgage subordination agreement for 306 Bergen Avenue um the developer of this property made a request for about $1 million in funding from this from the city for this project um the project is currently already up it's 18 rental units and six of which are designated as affordable at 65% of Ami um the owner wants to convert their construction loan into a permanent loan that's why they're asking us to subordinate this mortgage um in the amount of $2,900 th000 um from CPC mortgage company and the federal Home Loan mortgage company also known as Freddy Mack um DCd has reviewed the appraisal report and determined that the value of the property supports the new loan and the city's mortgage and we've also reviewed the title commitment and determine that there's no other judgments or no other outstanding loans that would affect the property you you lost me D I'm trying to follow this closely um this is something new to me so they they this is the this is the completed project not the one that they're doing now correct this is the completed project okay and you said they wanted to to convert the construction loan and explain that part again so developers often get construction loans in order to do the work and once work is completed then they usually convert that into longer term permanent financing on the property so they'll refinanced out of the construction loan correct correct and go into a new permanent like a regular mortgage okay correct so they're going from a construction loan to the mortgage on the property okay so in order to do that when we give them funding from the city I execute all of our agreements by way of a mortgage so anytime someone wants to refinance or get some type of new mortgage on the property approv it requires us to get into a subordinate position because all new loans want to get in the first position so that's what they're requesting of us they need to get this loan from Freddy Mack they need us to move from first to second position okay I'm learning all right okay okay the next resolution I have is 10.14 it's resolution number 24- 298 and it's a resolution for the city to grant us to award program year 23 HUD entitlement funds and authorize the contracts for the 23 program year record you know just in terms of that timeline on this as a you know 23 we're obviously in April 24 can you just sort of walk us through the timeline on it um so overall I would say I feel like um in reference to my absence from the division and coming back and with a high level of Staff turnover and the requirement of training that needs to happen and you'll see um in reference to the next resolution that I'm going to bring up um in my review of how the city has proceeded with these things in the past a big component that we miss Miss we environmental reviews that are required for every type of project we do whether we're actually disturbing the ground or not that also includes a lot of the public service grants so that required training of all of our agencies to be able to get all of that information and complete all of those so that's what kicked our timeline a little bit further down than what we would have liked um i' just like also to bring to Attention our timeline is severely impacted by Congress so and and for example for this year right now in 24 Congress just approved that t HUD bill so I don't even have my allocation for my 24 year from HUD yet so um with the Congressional delay um our programmatic procedures and then my return to the office and subsequent training of all the new staff that is my honest interpretation of why this resolution is before you today and for the organizations are they able to be funded sort of immediately or how does the the them getting their funding from this grant work um Wednesday after this is approved we'll immediately go into Contracting which we expedite this process by doing it through DocuSign and then I'll immediately be able to start awarding funds okay and just in and just I'm sorry councilman just to remind you this works in a reimbursement Grant so all of these agencies have already expended These funds and then we will be reimbursing them and then for the public facilities it says that the 2.5 million is unallocated you know have we determined where we're intending to spend that money on um not wholly and that's why for our Reporting System it goes into an unallocated pot okay um the last resolution that I have for you is 10.5 and that's resolution number 24- 289 and it's a resolution uh requesting that the municipal Council authorize the designation of myself as the certifying officer for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act also known as NEPA and additionally 24 CFR part 58 of Federal Regulation afternoon council president and council members I have one item in front of you this evening it's agenda number 10.2 resolution 24286 it's a resolution providing local support for the number spot Incorporated to operate a class five retail cannabis business it will be located at 539 Martin Luther King Drive it was approved by the CCB on July 10th 2023 and the planning board on April 2nd 2024 we don't have any distance issues with this location rich marijana I will follow you an big article from a newspaper out west that was I just got okay H City West for it hello council president members of the council um I have one more resolution for the Department it's agenda number 10.21 resolution number 24-35 it's authorizing authorizing an agreement between the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the city for the ownership and maintenance of a fire sand pipe system this is in connection with the work that's going on on Route 1 and N um between St Paul's and and uh SE caucus road so the maintenance work after this is constructed will actually be done by the Jersey City mua they've already agreed to that but because we are the municipal agency it's required for us to be the ones who pass this resolution for the New Jersey do that's it okay all right now I'm G take it from the top item 3.1 city ordinance 24-25 is an ordinance expanding the boundaries of the historic downtown special improvement district to include sections of Maron Boulevard mmit Street Brunswick Street Forth Street and Newark Avenue item 3.2 city ordinance 24026 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 7 meter parking section 33248 B designation of parking spaces and section 33257 on street parking permit zones and article 7 permit parking section 33258 parking regulations in residential zones for parking regulation changes in the area between Marin Boulevard and Hudson River waterfall this this ordinance our office that I'm going to pass down to everybody uh memo and a PowerPoint outlining it um I I won't go into every detail but obviously happy to answer questions um but the very core basis is this neighborhood is basically the PowerHouse Arts District and a little bit into the Waterfront um but basically um that area there's a large should we yeah so there there's um a number of of what you know we call kind of commuter spaces in the neighborhood but you I think in the municipal cold they're called kind of Reserve spaces so any person can reserve them and they've been in the code for I think probably two decades and the idea you know back when the Waterfront was first developing and there weren't a lot of residential buildings there and they were just starting the Office Buildings was to sort of encourage you know commuters into Jersey City to purchase those and park on the street obviously the amount of development that that neighborhood has seen is just through the roof I mean there's probably no neighborhood in the east coast that's had that much growth in such a short period of time and that's created a ton of parking pressures um so what we're proposing doing is basically taking um a portion of the ones that were um reserved for these commuters and um turning them into some would be zone for parking which is the residential Zone in the neighborhood and then some would be metered parking um uh we and then there would still be about I believe 60 to 65 of the commuter spaces left so they wouldn't be 100% eliminated there would still exist um the basic idea from our perspectiv is we wanted to create some more spaces for the residents with the zones because they complaining they can't find spaces we wanted to help some of the local businesses out to create the metered spaces so they can turn around and then we wanted to for the commuters to say look at this point you know we have a bunch of parking garages in the neighborhood if you want to commute into the City and park you can go in the garages and not the the street spaces while still leaving a few Street spaces uh existing um we did analyze it and um it's we think it's going to be roughly Revenue neutral we'll lose some of the um parking meter Revenue I mean parking uh permit Revenue but we'll gain from both parking meter revenue and from people uh paying the tax to park in the per commercial Lots uh so we think it'll be about Revenue neutral and um you know if the council passes it I think the implementation date is in the fall because we know it'll take time to get you know all the um uh you know signs and everything set up so that's the summary the memo and the PowerPoint outlin it I'm happy to answer questions or go through it in more detail councilman are you going to include the memo and the PowerPoint uh attach it to the agenda yes I'm happy I'm happy to do that okay great if you can just email me that I'll make sure I get that done for you any questions on it okay item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 027 is an ordinance amending chapter 296 streets and sidewalks and public rights of way to clarify the duration of time that a dumpster may be legally placed in the right of way this is also in our office submitted um this there's um a constituent on Columbus and veric that a dumpster keeps getting placed on Columbus and he's reaching out to us for over a year about it and we've looked into the ordinance and the ordinance says is you can uh have a dumpster in the public rate of way for seven days and then he can renew it two more times for a total of 21 days but then it doesn't clarify that once you've exhausted the 21 days how long you have to wait to start the 21 days over again and so the you know office was interpreting it uh with sort of just a reasonable amount of time but we figured let's put an actual number on it uh so we said 180 days and we did share it with Mike and Jen and they concurred that and Doug kuchi and they concurred that was a reasonable amount of time so basically it just means if you have a dumpster in the right away you can do it for 21 days and then you have to wait 180 days for the next any questions okay hearing none 3.4 and five were touched on earlier on to our second readings item 4.1 city ordinance 24 d019 is an ordinance amending chapter 175 food handling establishments and chapter 242 peace and good order of the code of ordinances of the city of Jersey City to establish regulations for third party delivery companies and food delivery drivers councilman Solomon I believe we're going to have an amendment to this ordinance and I believe the amendment is not a a substantial change to the ordinance so would would be able to move forward is that correct no I think it's probably going to be substantial at this stage yes um I can I have a copy for everyone to review so basically uh for the C you just take want pass it down what um we'll do just because that shows you the ordinance but we we'll basically send a memo out tonight with the ordinance summarizing it and then if it's okay with the clerk and I'll check in with everybody to see if they're comfortable with the changes or if you want more time um we're happy to to keep working on it or if you if folks like the changes we're happy to you know make the Amendments but if it would if if we were to amend it would be substantial so um so you want to remend it where it it is substantial which would then create it to be a first reading ordinance we would have to reintroduce it on Wednesday okay I think we can we can prep for that if that's if if everyone tomorrow when I speak you can either do it that way or you can create a new ordinance and defeat this one and that one that's your preferred method right Sean it is it's cleanest way to do it I'm I'm happy to do it that way okay and unfortunately be added as a late item but it's very explanatory that we're defeating this one to add a new one because it's a substantial change okay we'll do that as long as the council agrees that's okay very good all right next item 4.2 city ordinance 24- 020 is an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of section of the Hudson River walkway known as block 14502 Lot 4 formerly known as block 8 lot 5 from the Jersey City Redevelopment agency next item 4.3 city ordinance 24- 021 is an ordinance granting an easement to the Linhurst Board of Education affecting real property owned by the city of Jersey City known as block 233 Lots 11 as shown on the official tax map of the township of Linhurst next item 4.4 city ordinance 24- 022 is an ordinance authorizing an amendment to certain dedication agreement among 126-142 Morgan Street urban renewal LLC 134 Bas Street LLC and the City of Jersey City dated May 29 28 2019 for certain land and Improvement located within the PowerHouse Arch District Redevelopment area and provos Street between Bas Street and Morgan Street next 4.5 city ordinance 24- 023 is an ordinance creating chapter 276 lithium iron batteries prohibiting the sale of and use second use of lithium iron batteries creating a lithium iron battery business registry and charging regulations for lithum Li iron batteries and supplementing chapter 160 fees and charges establishing a fee for the inspection of sellers of lithium iron batteries and powered Mobility Dei device businesses and last but not least item 4.6 city ordinance 24- 024 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 8 permit parking amending section 332-5800 lot lots to establish public parking for McGinley Square commercial District next we have our public request for a hearing at this point we have 50 speakers next our petitions and Communications any questions or comments on items 6.1 through 6.30 hearing none any questions or comments on the office communication 7.1 through 7.3 there are no reported directors we have our claims and on to our resolutions items 10.1 through 10.3 will touched on earlier 10.4 resolution 24-28 is a resolution of the Jersey City municipal Council calling on New Jersey state legislature to enact legislation to adopt truly Democratic ballots for all elections in our state hey Sean real quick um 10.8 is a duplicate of 10.4 so we want to withdraw that right and we'll do that and I'll just uh well actually I will not be at the meeting I'll be at the municipal Clerk's conference so my Deputy John henan will be here and we'll ask the business administrator just to verify that we're withdrawing 10.8 because it is a duplicate of 10.4 okay item 10.5 was touched on early item 10.6 this is one of mine uh resolution 24-290 is a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey Jers City authorizing the award of a contract to Hudson County Community Enterprises the digitized the minute books of the municipal Council from January 1961 to April 1988 and all minutes and resolutions and ordinances adopted by the municipal Council from May 1988 until December of 2019 council members this is a continuation of a contract that we have with Hudson County Community Enterprises uh they already digitize the earlier uh minute books of our municipality so this is just a continuation and when we're all said and done when this contract is up and all the work is done we're going to be proud to say that Jersey City is going to be able to have minutes resolutions and ordinances dating back from the early 18 well the late 1800s all the way to present so I think will be one of the first municipalities in the state to have something like that on our website all right enough for bragging um next item 10.7 was touched on earlier 10.8 will be withdrawn item 10.9 City I'm sorry 10.9 City resolution 24- 293 is a resolution in commemoration with the 84th anniversary of the ctin forest Massacre item 10.10 resolution 24- 294 is a resolution recognizing sorry about that April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month item 10.11 resolution 24- 295 is a resolution recognizing Bishop Ralphie Brower for his outstanding Community involvements items 10.12 through 10.22 were touched on earlier if I don't have anything else may I have a motion to adjourn at 4:55 p.m. motion made by council person Rivera may have a second second by council person priner on the motion to adjourn at 4:55 pm all council members present by acclamation please say I please say I don't be all enthused all right we're out of here at 4:55 p.m. thank you so much everybody present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great rest of day night and stay safe