I don't know if uh Rogers everyone we're about to get started if we can find our seats silence our cell phones like I'm doing now and if we can close the eye doors and back door I greatly appreciate it good afternoon everyone we are on the record today is Monday the fifth day of February in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4:04 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley council person priner here council person bajano God bless you pleas council person here night council person Solomon here council person Gilmore present council person Dees council person Rivera here and council president Waterman here we have all nine council members present at 4:04 pm on behalf of council president Woodman and members of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the sun shine law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and cuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition and its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday February 2nd 2024 at 6m to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president I'm going to turn it over to you we have St Peter college students here from government and Leadership Welcome to our Caucus meeting so our first um director will be director Shay good evening council president council members uh the department of Public Safety has three resolutions for your consideration this week uh the first one is item number 10.14 it's resolution 24- 069 it it is a resolution requesting you approve the nomination of Ryan Spain Esquire to an assistant municipal prosecutor vacancy we had one assistant resign uh we need to replace him so that we can keep the uh 100% courts functioning in the municipal courts and uh Jake uh has interviewed and approved this nomination thank next is the next item 10.15 resolution 24-70 it's a resolution requesting that you ratify an award of a contract to Safe Weare Incorporated for the purchase of 600 D drr Huntress that is a computer protection anti-hacking antivirus uh software and support system uh with for the 247 security operations center through US communities government purchasing Alliance on theia Partners so this is a uh government contract that'll come in uh Huntress again is an overlay over the entire public safeties computer systems it prevents viruses it prevents hacking it prevents takeovers like you've seen in hospitals and other government agencies uh we're switching from carbon black which was the one we previously used to this director baker has tested it it's a superior product that offers us 247 Live support and it's $155,000 cheaper okay and the final resolution is the next one 10.16 resolution 24- 071 this is a resolution um asking you to authorize us to go out for competitive Contracting to conduct Emergency Medical Response training for our firefighters first responder training uh we're going to be going out requesting contracts we need your permission to put that out CH yeah I have a question something else that's the last uh resolution yes director that last meeting but the meeting before and a meeting before I had asked your office to give me some information from an email that was sent to your office I have not heard anything about back this is getting to be insulting the information was requested now we're going on maybe a month and a half almost two months and I want the information yeah council person two things one I've responded to your office and asked please send it through the business administrator like all requests have to come to me so that they can instruct me to follow it that's been my the way we've done it for 11 years and secondly secondly I was on vacation as I think everyone knows for the last 10 days out of the country so I wouldn't have been able to get to it two months and first of all I don't think anybody in this Council has to go through any body because this is the deciding government body up here I I want an answer I asked for it I going to meet with John tomorrow I'm going to talk to him about it but I want an answer and I think some of the other PE Council people want the same answer they want to know what the heck is going on with certain things please you know director give us the information and I don't think I or anyone on this Council has to go through John or anybody sitting over there when we request something Al um also director regards to the um the RFP for the mental health uh program that we're trying to get off the ground um it's going to have to take a comprehensive approach and I know at one point Nikki Flora was coming to the meetings as a representative from the public safety department um I was just wondering um is is is we is are we going to have have another individual from your office in a capacity that um Nick was as we're trying to iron out the Kinks of this RFP um and do we have the commitment of your office to continue to work with us as it relates to training and just providing these necessary Services of of course councilman uh and I do not believe the chief has assigned Nikki's replacement yet but as soon as he does he'll take over his duties he or she whoever gets that job right thank you good evening president Waterman members of the council I have eight items before you this evening first one is uh 1017 24072 resolution will authorize the award of a contract to aeer Consulting Services LLC to provide four Motorola apx multiband radios for the Jersey City Fire Department total cost of the contract is $ 34,2 72 and it's funded through the 2021 UI Grant uh the second item is a 1020 uh resolution 24075 this authorized an award of a contract to datm filing systems for the purchase and delivery of weapon storage furniture for the Jersey City police training facility through the Educational Service Commission of New Jersey for the Department of infrastructure and division of architecture what the amount of this contract is $1,733 cents this furniture is is pretty much the Armor's Furniture where they'll be coming in when they do the cleaning of the weapons examining of the weapons if they have to secure them it holds spare magazines has spare ammunition and things like that just how we have a level of security at the range um director excuse me I I forgot I do have a question with regards to 107 the U see Grant um you said the grant was from 21 2021 correct how how long do we have typically to spend funds in his Grant because I think on that resolution where we were sending funds back I believe I seen um us sending some money back from one of the U grants there's a three-year Grant period so for this grant it won't close out until of July of 2024 and then the Final close out goes through octob oober the reason we were giving funds back in those previous grants as I explained councilman was the fact that the majority of the time that was 18 and 19 was during the co event so it was a problems processing there was problems obtaining the goods and what happens is when the money goes back into the uasi it goes back to handle uh items and uh events for the entire region so we may not have benefited directly from the funding but we would benefit holistically as a money is spent across the Seven Counties in the two CI cities okay um 1021 24076 resolution will authorize the award of a contractor to warer Electric Supply Company through the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance njcpa uh buron County Co-op to supply lighting for the Jersey C escalation uh 1022 24 77 the resolution will authorize the award of a contract to Jay Fletcher Kramer and Sun for the purchase and delivery of steel roof support frames for the Jersey City deescalation pistol range facility through the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance njcpa Bergen Co-op total amount of this contract is $2,724 180 1023 24078 this resolution will authorize Award of a openend contract to FNS Tire Corporation for various tires for city-owned vehicles on the New Jersey state contract the total amount of this contract is $250,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $10,000 1024 24079 this resolution will authorize the award of a contract to appollonia trading as air break equipment for heavy duty parts and repair services under New Jersey state contract the new the total amount of this contract is $220,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $10,000 uh 1025 24080 resolution will authorize you Award of a contract to city auto and truck parts LLC DBA B Own auto parts for the purchase and delivery of parts and maintenance of heavy duty fleet vehicles as necessary total amount of the contract is $650,000 with a temporary in cumbrance of $30,000 and the last is 1026 24081 the resolution will authorize the renewal of an open-end contract with labardi Door Sales and Service Corporation to provide pay repairs and maintenance of overhead motorized doors at City facilities the renewal is for a one-year period effective February 1 2024 the total cost of the contract shall not exceed $55,850 thank you very much have a nice evening you Council I have two resolution the first item number is 10.9 this is a resolution uh rejecting a sole bid received by ulicom for stop loss insurance for employees and retirees this is 246 sorry it's 10.9 councilman 10 yes I'm sorry the any questions I'm sorry you a little were they our pre prior vendor for this yes and why are we rejecting their bid this time we just want to read advertise we can get more bids on a contract okay got it councilman there was a substantial uptick in their new quote so and it's usually just one respondent we like to go out twice to see if we can create a healthy uh um environment for competi okay thank you which leads me to my next item uh 10 uh 10.10 this is resolution 24- 065 this is a resolution authorizing the extension of a contract with ulo um to provide stop loss insurance for employees and retirees again this is why we read advertise for stop loss insurance thank you welcome thank you good afternoon council president council members Dr Lawrence Siran acting division director of Animal Care and Control I'm here to introduce resolution 24- 067 agenda item 1012 this is a resolution authorizing a shared service agreement with the town of Guttenberg puru pursu to the Uniform service shared Service Act it's consolidate City Jersey city services and to provide the town of Guttenberg with services for animal control and animal Sheltering just to make you aware that this is for animal Sheltering only uh Guttenberg has their own animal control services and this a m mutually beneficial agreement with Gutenberg uh Gutenberg is going to receive a state mandated requirement that they provide shelter Services Jersey City will provide that in addition Jersey City will will receive $111,000 annually to support our shelter operations uh Gutenberg is a smaller municipality in Jersey it has approximately 12,000 residents we expect a very low volume and it's not going to stress the capacity of the shelter in any way to date so far the month of January we have not received any animals at the shelter from Guttenberg questions yeah how many an how many animals are currently in the shelter uh you statistics for last month or as of this month as of this month or are your most recent statistics I I did bring some statistics with me just to make you aware of what we've done over the past 30 days the month of January uh the capacity so far we've neutered spade and neutered 86 animals uh approximately 37 dogs were uh in the shelter we had 30 cats in the shelter uh out of the 37 dogs 12 were surrenders um we do have um many of the services provided with uh uh other rescue organizations regarding Animal Control we've actually had many complaints typically we have straight dog complaints we had 22 dogs 30 cat complaints 17 animal abandonments uh there's been um a couple dead animals actually removing of dead animals we've had bite cases for bite cases and we had one hoarding case with 37 cats removed and then just as a as a follow up to that I know one of the concerns is um if there should be a hoarding situation what is the plan for that if we have 60 animals in our shelter and they come at us with 50 cats many of these hoarding episodes don't happen overnight they it's accumulated over time so we we make our best effort to actually capture as many animals as we can we put them in cages we arrange to have a their in-house veterinarian or a or a vendor that we have that do spay and neutering Services uh we try to do that a few days before we capture the animals we bring them to the vet they get spayed and neutered we hold them as required by state law and we hold them up for adoption in other times when we have large amounts of animals like hoarding situations we try to actually contact a few rescue organizations to see if they can assist and many times they're glad to help us out and take 10 or 20 animals okay so so then if it were and I know this is a hypothetical but I guess my concern is over capacity at the shelter altogether but I do know that in some hoarding situations it will just be TNR trap neuter release so do you have somebody that would investigate or work with the municipality to see how many are actually adoptable and can come into the shelter R it depends on the animals themselves whether where the animals came from are they wild are they feral animals do do they have socialization so that they are adoptable so we try to work with uh other rescue organizations that can OB that can work with us um I I I just want to speak about just the capacity so how how many dogs and cats or animals in general are we able to hold that at the um location right now we have approximately 40 for uh 40 animals 40 dogs and for about 35 35 37 cats let me rephrase the question I to know the capacity what do we have the capacity to hold right now that's what I just stated we have more uh more kennels and more cages on our way we've ordered more they're on order so you don't know the exact number of the capacity it's about 40 for dogs about 40 for dogs now how many of the 40 are we going to allocate to Gutenberg uh as needed it depends on if they call us and they need the services for Sheltering only they have their own Animal Control P officer so he's on duty and he will Patrol the streets of of of Guttenberg but if need be that the animal is astray if the animal is um wandering around without an owner it's the animal control officer's job to actually obtain that animal and bring them into shelter Services well if I may Paul Bellen Boer the contract specifically is only for animal controls animals which are mandated by the state boarding situations uh do not fit under that those would be on an as available basis and also separately priced so they're not included in that $1,000 price my my concern Paul is that I'm just trying to see what would be the allocated number to them like we don't know wa we know how much they're paying us but we don't know how much space they're affording I'm just trying to make sense of this councilman there is there is no space dedicated to Guttenberg it's only when an animal is presented to us that that space is needed with a town of $112,000 or I'm sorry 12,000 residents um the uh we are responsible for stray and abandoned animals that's it we expect that number to be approximately one per month and thus far you know the number has been zero so that is that is that is um in line with the with the initial discussion that we had with the town of Guttenberg and we have no reason to believe that again it's based on the numbers of population Jersey City is much larger so we expect many more animals from Jersey City Guttenberg we expect a very low volume and to date that's proven true what well you can't take them now we don't have a contract with them right um we have we have range that they can call us and price it as needed but you're right we don't have a contract so we're not obligated in any way that's I'm just trying I don't I just don't understand why we can't like expectations and realizations are two different things I expect to make 200,000 the realization is I make 85,000 so I'm just saying we can't have an allocated member that says these these spaces must be designated for Jersey City Animal Care I I I just don't understand why I can't be specified in a contract can you help me understand that well I I can try councilman the entire capacity of the shelter is dedicated to Jersey City animals yeah if we contract with Guttenberg yeah we would make space available as needed we do understand how this business works and it's driven by population and need Guttenberg as a very small municipality will have a very small need uh that's what they report to us we have every reason to believe that we've looked at statistics from other towns and and we understand that to be the case well an assessment can we just say that will allocate five five cages to them would not do that because they don't need five cages they only need shelter capacity when an when an when they bring us an abandoned or stray animal and Our obligation then is to hold it for 7 days to locate an owner and then make it available for adoption that's that that's the that's the animal control and Sheltering business together but in this case we're only providing the Shel the temporary shelter I think I'll um speak with you we have a one-onone because I I don't I don't know if I'm not asking the right question or I just don't know what a disconnect is but I'm not receiving concrete substantive answers you you're giving me a bunch of roundabouts and hypothetic hypotheticals and for the sake of of of time I just I guess it it may be appropriate for us to have a one-on-one happy to speak you know as any time that's needed through our director in the administration councilman you might think of this like Jersey City Medical Center they're located here uh but they don't allocate a specific number of beds to Jersey City or other municipalities they take patients as they arrive this is really the same kind of model and we expect Guttenberg to have very few animals over the course of the Year okay all right so Paul since we we do have a larger amount of animals and I think he said there's about 30 or 40 dogs right and about the same number of cats right now but we don't know what the capacity of the shelter is or we didn't answer that question animals come and go every day okay so if I guess if we get to a situation where we have I don't know what whatever the number is like 35 dogs or whatever and then we get two dogs from Guttenberg and we're at capacity but we have a need in Jersey City who fulfills that need at that point uh councilwoman um so the if we are at capacity then we then we add temporary C uh capacity in ways which are less than desirable we have temporary holding spaces that we can use normally we want the animals to be inside the facility in a professionally built uh kennel for dogs or cages for cats um the facility which was left to us had less equipment than we were expecting and had contracted with them for so we're busy adding that capacity and we will get back to you uh to the entire council with a current capacity capity number for dogs and cats plus our expected additions that which we're busy trying to um achieve right now are we still intending to move forward with the similar agreements for Hoboken and Bon so I I think it would be obviously up to the council but we have uh have talked with the city of Hoboken we know that they contracted with Liberty humane Society so we know that the facility can handle that capacity um we have had really no discussions with the city of Bayon um uh I know they're looking for another provider but we are not currently in that in that market for precisely the reason that we uh really need to get on our feet to make sure that we can serve Jersey City residents I think I think we've talked about this before and I appreciated you're willingness to answer my questions and and to have further conversations with members of the public I mean I think the concern at least for me is you know until we have the track record of hey we can we can you know serve all the Jersey City's needs and ensure our shelter is you know without getting much terminology but is is having adoption rates at the highest possible level um you know if we're taking on extra capacity the worry is that we're going to get overwhelmed and and we're going to have you know I think um you know too many animals and then that will lead to practices that we don't want to to have right whether it's uh um you know any any number of things so I think that's the concern about going forward me Gutenberg you know small number of animals but you could have situations where it's more and then there's other municipalities that may seek to contract with us after that yeah I think thank you councilman I think that in all cases we we take those concerns very seriously we have to run a professional well-managed and human facility and um and we really understand that the we're not going to go down that route unless we're sure we can do it okay next one second the second item is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to lease Servicing Center DBA government cap for five-year lease on two new Ford Transit cargo vans with uplifting through the through Source well Cooperative Department of Health and Human Services this is basically two vehicles uh two cargo vans as specially equipped for animal control right now we're working with two um two DPW vehicles that are approximately 10 years old uh they haven't been fitted properly for the uh animal control but we're working with them presently right now so the um I'll follow up yall not prepared to do this I follow I'll reach out to you Paul thank you Lawrence you reach out to Paul he said or um good afternoon council members I'm here for resolution 24- 57 item 10.02 the resolution awarding a contract to Adams reman haen and Associates ta civil Solutions to perform a digital tax maintenance the city of Jus City maintains a tax map digital format that was certified by the state of New Jersey Department of Treasury Division of Taxation the maintenance of the tax maps includes the assessment data synchronization um geographical locations zoning building and updating the property bandings after any black and light L designation has been change also they will be maintaining and transferring the data layers to Tyler um systems we have been working with civil solutions for the past 10 years the total contract amount is 165,166 overnight are you able to research it by block and lot um in Tyler now or yes whatever we have in the micro system is transferred to civil Solutions and civil solution transferred to Tyler any changes in the black or lad or any subdivisions that we have in the city okay this is a year contract yes thank you Laur thank you have a good night Vivan good afternoon Council I have um one resolution which is resolution 24- 56 item 10.1 which is the authorization of emergency or temporary Appropriations which is just to allow us to add grants to our current um budget and there are five grants well four grants that we are adding questions Vivian would you [Music] um is it Vivian Kyle what's Kyle's not here is it Vivian that's gonna speak on the um I sent you a response to your um email Oh I thought you said that she was going to present today no the resolution is going to be on the next meeting okay all right okay all right thank you thank you thank you de you good afternoon members of the council members of the administration and our students from St Peters hi my name is Deja Anderson I'm the director of The Division of Community Development so I'm in charge of stewarding all of our federal dollars that come into the city I have two resolutions for you today the first one is resolution 24- 061 agenda item number 10.6 and I am requesting for the municipal Council to authorize the business administrator to execute the discharge of a mortgage encumbering the property located at 58.5 Oak Street um in November of 2013 the home owner executed a mortgage in favor of the city for the amount of 24,6 $3 made under the homeowner repair program um this indebtedness is a deferred payment no interest mortgage and at the end of the 10th year after signing the mortgage the mortgage shall be forgiven in its entirety questions next one okay the next item I have for you is resolution 24- 062 and that is agenda item 10.7 um this is a resolution requesting the mun ipal Council to award program year 2018 home investment partnership funds um as homeowner down payment assistance contract for the homeowner George sephron under our golden neighborhood home ownership program for the amount to be no greater than $140,000 um this homeowner has gone through our entire program he was selected in the lottery he has undergone HUD approved um home purchaser counseling program and is now at the point where he is going out on the market to look for a property that will qualify so we are requesting that you authorize him to go out and start searching for a home for our program he's they're not going to use the whole 140 right um it depends on the price of the property we have a formula where HUD allows us to provide up to and what we requested from HUD was $150,000 but BAS on our preliminary calculations of his income how much money he has of his own money to go towards down payment we would have a maximum that we would be allowed to provide this particular Homeowner of $140,000 is he the only one that um got through the lottery process or will there be more that come in front of the council there are more that will be coming in front of the council this is the first person that has met the credit score requirement um has completed the Hut approve approved counseling and has contracted with a real estate agent to assist them and to begin the search and it's this only for down payment assistance correct that is correct took so long I said personally um we have had some homeowners um that were concerned if we don't get this prior approval if they are to put offers on properties and then have to go to council and then request it at that time they will likely lose out on the properties thank you so much hello council president members of the council um I have four items today three of them are for the Department of infrastructure and one of them is on behalf of the Jersey City EDC um having to do with the uee uh grant program so I'll start with that one so this is item agenda number 10.8 resolution 24- 063 this is a resolution um authorizing the submission of an application to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority for um Westside Avenue street Escape improvements um so this application would essentially allow the city to make needed improvements along the Westside Avenue Corridor that specifically meet the uee criteria of aiding local businesses the local economy and job creation and as Westside Avenue becomes more and more of a commercial Corridor um these improvements would include things like the um planting of new trees installation of Street furniture and bike racks and lighting which would help support the businesses and the commercial activity that's happening on the corridor questions just just for just to get it on the record I know we've talked about this but this would be in tandem with the funding that eventually eight years later we're getting from the state to finish the streetscape on Westside Avenue correct so several years ago right yeah right um over five years ago the city submitted an application to the njtp a for local funding um to make Street safety and beautification improvements along the wests side AV Corridor the city was awarded those funds and we expected to start the project soon after however it has now been several years and we're being told that it will be upwards of five years more before we can even get authorization to begin the project and so um in the interest of advancing some of these improvements and supporting uh the activity that's happening on West Side Avenue but also making Street safety improvements this is a way for us to do some of those improvements but not to duplicate the efforts that that Grant would fund thank you thank you question off topic I just want to ask what's happening withl because I knew they had a grant to to do the um landscaping and everything out there for them also like do the frontage different this was back that's why oh through the U project yeah yeah you know I'm not aware of the status of that one the EDC would probably have a better idea of where that is in the process I know that was also through the U funding um and then the other three items I'll pass over to Mike and Jen to present good evening Council Mike Manzel director of Transportation Planning I'm here to speak about agenda item number 3.2 it's ordinance number 24-5 um and this is an ordinance to extend a lease a short-term lease for property at 70 eige Avenue um that is owned by the New Jersey school Development Authority um we were here before Council in September to adopt an ordinance for a six-month lease for that property at no cost to the city for in in order to park the Via Vehicles the Via Jersey City vehicles um the school Development Authority is not moving forward with any construction in the next 6 months so they offered to allow us to extend the temporary lease another six months um so the original lease is set to expire March 12th of 2024 and this extra 6 months would extend that lease to September 12th of 2024 Mike what is via's plan as it relates to finding their own parking um we're working with viia on that on uh locating a permanent home for that for the parking of the vehicles um this extra six months would allow some more time for us to to solidify that final location that's what they said the first time and it was supposed to be temporarily now we're here back again right that's what what's their plan councilman when we first contracted with via four years ago this isn't something that we included in the contract terms when we go um after this final renewal that we'll have for the remaining fifth year of the contract when we put the project back out to RFP that will be the time that we can bacon language into the RFP saying whoever we contract with whether it's a via again or another vendor they are responsible for securing their own location to park the vehicles however because we started this as a pilot um back in 2020 this wasn't something that we required them to do and so they've been good partners they're they're you know seeking space and we're working with them on it but I don't think there's anything in our contract with them that we can use to um require that they do it and and when is they contract up so we are up for the fifth and final renewal which will be in front of the council at your next meeting um and that will be through February of next year before the contract ends we would initiate the RFP and put it back out so that there's no Gap in service so probably I would say six to eight months from now we'll start drafting that RFP and putting language into there to release it and try to get vendors for February of next year and onwards yeah I just I just really hope I agree with you by the way they they really should be tighten that up yes um and if via can clean up the lot that would really be helpful to the community um they typically keep it clean but we get in trouble when it rain and the wind blows a lot from the storm the garbage cans because they have regular garbage cans starts to spill out and it pushes the debris and the garbage o all over the lot okay we'll we'll relay that to them and we'll work with DPW to help with waste collection too good afternoon council members uh Jennifer Wong director of traffic engineering I'm here to present ordinance 24006 this is item oh I don't have the item oh 3.3 um this is for the parking regulations on Elm Street it's a short dead end off of the boulevard just north of 139 um this is just to formalize the existing entree parking there um entree parking on the North side is parallel and then angled parking on the South Side okay next one is resolution 2482 agenda item 10 10.27 um this is for the renewal of a contract with Gen electric for the maintenance and repair of all the traffic signals throughout the city we're using our first option to renew I just want to record to reflect that we like traffic signal on MLK too we we're concerned about our safety up that way to sure we're we're actually looking into um applying for a grant through jtpa um and we're looking to um do waren analyses for several intersections on MLK thank you and can I ask you a question on the being a we discussing traffic signals The Pedestrian Crossing where shoppr right is can can we add because we have a whole boatload of seniors that you know go that area can we add the maximum because I think right now it's at I'm not sure it's 202s it takes them that long to get to that stop abolutely add the max I'd greatly appreciate that I I'll definitely um take a look into the timing there and update it thank you Cynthia uh good afternoon uh council president and fellow councilman my name is Cynthia Vasquez division director for injury prevention at the health department I'm here to present resolution 24068 uh item number 10.13 a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to accept a gift from the office of Senator Sandra Balden Cunningham for the division of injury prevention thank you okay I'm here for 3.1 and 10.18 we'll do 3.1 first uh this is for the PowerHouse Arts District let me give you some background um there is a school that currently exists in the PowerHouse Arts dist known as the Waldo School um they uh began as a daycare and expanded um over time uh to a middle school the issue is um daycare is permitted but once you get past daycare now you have a different use and the use is school education whatever you want to call it um the expansion happened now they're trying to basically course correct um we've been working with them to do that um but the educational use U that we're going to be adding as a permitted use to the powerhouse house Arts District wouldn't apply just to them this isn't the use would apply to wherever an educational wherever it could be anywhere because it's a permitted use blanket across the plan uh just so there's some clarity and I know there's confusion right so the state land use law says wherever you have a commercial District you have to allow child care so it gets different of course when it when you start getting past daycare which let's just say for now is kindergarten when you get to higher education now there is a difference when I'm talking about University I'm jumping there now because it is treated differently within the land use law higher education doesn't get the same kind of um benefit that school or education does right once you get to University it's something different the municipal land use law recognizes schools or education uses as inherently beneficial and there's been cases that I said you can't really treat public and private any differently now there's uh there is a there's some there's there's an actual citation that says if a private institution is accredited by the NJ dooe um you have to treat them exactly the same just so you know the state does not require accreditation for public and or n uh private and or nonprofit schools um I don't believe the Waldo is accredited so I can't hang my hat or hang a hat on any kind of Statute with the ml so this blanket use would allow for Education use um anywhere within the plan and again so we're clear not University um and daycare or Child Care is something that's already permitted questions so it can we have like a stri a term of like what's what's considered educational use um so is it education as a refers to strictly schooling is it education as it refers to trading programs um yeah if we can just have like some differentiating markers what with regards to just because education is is very it's very it's an educational experience for these students being here you know engaging us watching us conduct City business [Laughter] yeah so yeah I would you can say school I don't know if you don't feel comfortable with educational use because you feel like it's way too broad of a stroke the rest like for example other places um within our development ordinance we use the word school um and we have a definition in the Land Development ordinance for school that does narrow it down uh basically to primary and secondary um education so we that's totally an easy fix if that's something you're more comfortable with any anyone I would just I let's look at that definition before Wednesday I mean we can share with everybody and and and review the difference between the two yes sir yeah um Tanya if we could um since we're talking about education we've passed um revision of the R1 zoning I don't know a couple meetings ago um but it seems as though regular citizens are not the beneficiaries of this this new Zone and change because they're not educated they don't understand how it work this has been at least to three people to call my office um to just try to get understanding um so I was wondering if it was possible if we can have like some type of quick did you know type of video or something like that because the changing of the R1 changed the game in so many aspects as it relates to what you can do it also changed the game as it relates to how much your property value is worth now so people who's going to sell the house who was previously in R1 Zone was in a one family and the developers who have the wherewithal who have the resources to know that now that same one family can now be a three Family Y and they pray on people not having the intelligence or the knowledge of so if we can just do something just to combat them at at the very least they'll know the proper value for their property absolutely and I apologize I know when we um put it into uh law we said that we would do that we've been working on an FAQ and it's been completely my fault for letting it fall off the radar but you are 1,00% correct okay thank you sir one and the other one is a resolution to allow the planning board to study um for what I wrote in there was long-term care facility within the Exchange Place North plant this is specific to the floors above where the Whole Foods is um we've been approached by kastler rehab um in order to put a use there so uh medical use is a permitted use but overnight medical use is not a permitted use in fact the definition for medical says you can't have any overnight no inpatient only outpatient um so this is a I think the planning board to study what does that look like in this plan um to actually Define this use so um Kesler did represent to us that they are typically defined as a hospital in the other places they are such as West Orange we do have a hospital definition um but I don't know if that's necessarily the proper use uh or term for what this is and it might be something that looks a little bit more like long-term care facility because the um impact the intensity of a hospital maybe versus something like Kesler is certainly different when you think about ambulances coming in and out people coming in and out um so this is really just the resolution to authorize a planning board to study that specifically over the whole food area that yeah I don't know if it's every floor I think it's the it was at least a couple floors I think it would just yeah so what it would allow so that that block is actually a district a subdistrict within the plan so the resolution says for the subdistrict just you know off the top of my head that seems like a a good approach um can you connect um me with the applicant I can just make sure they speak to the local community and and start that conversation as this idea moves forward yes 100% 100% question thank you Tanya okay thanks you could take it from the top okay all right council members items 3.1 through 3.3 were touched on earlier we're going to move on right to our second reading ordinances which is the only one item 4.1 city ordinance 24-3 it's an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section intersection with Westside Avenue and pavon Avenue as a multi-way stop controlled intersection and we have public speaking request we are now at 59 and it's growing on to our petitions and Communications any questions or comments on items 6.1 through 6.24 hearing none office Communications any questions or comments on items 7.1 through 7.2 there are no reported directors we have our claims and on to our resolutions item 10.1 and 10.2 we touched on earlier item 10.3 City resolution 24- 058 is a resolution of need in support of 177-195 Grand Street development yeah just you just speak on what what this is yeah uh councilman um 103 1019 and 1028 Are all uh resolutions that um when applicants go to get um hmfa uh mortgage um financing um and there is a need or a requirement for affordable housing that um they do present it to the governing body and the governing body agrees that there is a need for affordable housing in those areas um so this would be the Grand Street in there 60 I believe Studio well 60 total but there' be Studio one two and three family um and then the other two there's 1019 is same as well different developer and 1028 is for senior housing and for the for the Grand Street one do you know what type of uh what what applications they're filing for what uh you know kind of incentive programs I definitely you back um some information I know there was early conversation about Aspire but um I'll definitely confirm before Wednesday great thanks he next is item 10.4 City resolution 24- 059 is a resolution recognizing the Jersey City Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey troop 51013 next item F 10.5 resolution 24- 060 is a resolution requesting that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Grant an additional extension of time for public comment and input regarding diversifi global Graphics Title Five operating permit and if facts warrant conduct further fact finding and response to the applicant for the permit items 10.6 through 10.28 we all touched on earlier and items 10.29 through 10.32 can I turn over to our first assistant Corporation Council BRD sure thank you Sean Sean we're going to be um requesting that 10:31 be pulled um that was inadvertently uploaded um and then as to 10:29 10:30 and uh 10:32 we did provide um confidential settlement memos to the council last week you should have gotten them late Wednesday or early Thursday if anybody has any questions can ask me offline yeah I I I didn't receive um that Britney um I I just know with regards to 10.32 without getting to specifics um I think this warrants a Clos session um right yes to um to further discuss this sure just for 10:32 yeah all of them we should have a close session oh yeah I mean since we if if we're there I guess it's only what two more uh yeah 32 the most but I mean I guess time it wouldn't care if we're there to discuss them so just so we can tell Sean is it on all three items yes 29 30 32 so council members if you're requesting a close session on those items you're are you looking I guess you're not looking to vote on them on Wednesday so because we're going to have to pass a resolution in order to go into closed session so so council president that would be a late item for close session and then the administration would withdraw the settlements until we have the close session it works thank you Mr ba that helps me too and we're GNA need a date for it do you want to do it um on the same day is the council meeting earlier how we normally do 22nd at 5: or as long as the council is good with that I'm fine with that the council president wants yeah we can't hear you sure the 22nd at 5:00 pm how we normally do it yes so the Clos session will be downstairs in the walkus room yes yes okay we're going to add that as a late item and withdraw the settlement resolutions all right with that being said John Sean I have one more thing um just John with regards to um because I heard several directors speak to the fact that we should reach out to you to engage them um I don't know if it's policy I know we haven't been doing well at least I haven't been doing it um so if you can just give give me some clarity on how does that you know dialogue work yeah it it was just for for two reasons a um when we kind of centralize all the information you guys could hold me accountable if you're not getting the information and um certain directors are more respondent than others so when it comes through me created a log of everything that's outstanding and I keep following up with them myself to kind of avoid the LED work from you guys and um as I get information even if it's peacemeal I'll provide it versus them waiting to have a comprehensive report so so just sort of record reflect it's a preferential line of communication there nothing in our code that speak to we have to consult the ba to and we can't um might be in the F rack we have to get back to you on that but I I believe it is ba I think it is in the forner act that you have to communicate through the ba because the ba is a director of all Department directors yeah and I'm happy to have the conversation I've already spoken to a few council members on something like a dayto day of uh you know um I don't want to use specific uh department for an example but if we know there's a crossing guard not on a corner and it's a safety issue we can we can approach the the director okay but for something more formal like a report stuff like that we just ask that we centralize it okay thank you John and Sean John you smarter than I thought man I'm really feeling proud that I voted second motion to adjourn at 5 02m I didn't hear who made the mo uh councilman Rivera council person Rivera and the second was made by council person Cay all council members present in favor of the motion to adjourn at 50:2 PM by acclamation please say I hi we are out of here at 5:02 p.m thank you so much everyone present and everyone watching at home remember Teamworks makes the DreamWork have a great night stay safe and thank you very much for St Peters for joining us have a great night everybody